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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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was on board the helicopter of the president of iran , raisi has been identified, a genetic examination will not be carried out, the otsni agency reports. all eight passengers of the american bl-212 helicopter died in a crash in the highlands of east azerbaijan province at an altitude of 2,500 m. watch the news right now, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet all viewers maria sittal, hello, five days of mourning in connection with the death of president risi, on air news about the situation in the country, about versions of the plane crash and options for inheriting power in iran. a series of explosions near lugansk.
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the ukrainian armed forces hit the anniversary site with french scalp missiles. military correspondent eduard punigov from the south donetsk direction. this acacia works in one of the most dangerous areas. and today is 2 years since the liberation of mariupol from the national battalions of foreign mercenaries. the development of the ilbrus resort, an it park in nalchik and other investment projects in kabardi in balkaria were discussed. for a meeting in the kremlin , pay additional attention to the condition kindergartens, schools, in kaliningrad another house was commissioned for baltic fleet officers, 120 apartments, renovations have been done, move in and live. so, five days of mourning have been declared in iran in connection with the death of the head of state, with condolences.
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relations that have reached the level of strategic partnership. the funeral of the iranian president, foreign minister and other iranian officials who died in a helicopter crash will be held tomorrow in tabriz. alexander belipov will continue the topic. this is the first footage from the crash site of iranian president ibrahim's helicopter. roisi. the search and rescue operation continued all night, but it was only at dawn that rescuers were able to establish the exact location of the helicopter. judging by this footage , the aircraft crashed onto a steep slope and caught fire. it can be seen that the body of the helicopter was completely burned out. among the officials on board, in addition to the iranian president, was the country's foreign minister, the governor of the iranian province of east azerbaijan, imam tabriz. according to preliminary data, none of those on the helicopter survived. this was reported by the local news agency irna. with
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referring to the leaders of the iranian red crescent society. when we located the crashed presidential helicopter, there was no sign of any living passengers. later , another iranian news agency, mehr, also published a message about the death of president ibrahim raisi, and iranian vice president mahsen mansouri posted the following post on his social network page. to allah we belong and to him we will return. these pictures were taken the day before just a few hours before the incident.
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it is known that on this trip raisi traveled in a helicopter of the american bell brand. there are several of these in the iranian government air squad. two aircraft reached their destination safely, but the third, on which the leader of the islamic republic was located, as iranian media reported, made an emergency hard landing in a remote mountainous area. contact with him was lost. the first footage taken by search and rescue teams in the area of ​​a possible helicopter landing, he says.
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so far there are much more than answers. government this morning, iran gathered for an emergency meeting, on the empty chair of president resi, a black mourning bandage, next to a portrait of the deceased head of state. according to the constitution, first vice president muhammad mahber temporarily assumed the powers of the country's leader, together with the head of parliament and the head of the judiciary, they are organizing a temporary council that is to hold presidential elections within 50 days; nationwide mourning has been declared in iran. the tragedy that occurred certainly became a huge shock for the entire islamic republic, especially now at a difficult time for the entire region, when the middle east is engulfed in a series of conflicts and confrontations. iran, and the country will continue to follow the path
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of the islamic revolution, both in internal affairs and in the international arena. sherbakov and aleftina sorokina. news: middle east. above one of the main shrines.
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the national flag on the building of the embassy of the islamic republic in moscow is flown at half-mast. white and red roses are left near the diplomatic mission in the morning. in memory of iranian president ibrahim roisi and the head of the iranian foreign ministry, hasein amir abdalahi ahian. funeral wreaths are brought to the iranian embassy in belarus. china expresses deep sorrow over the death of iran's leadership. the condolences were joined by the king of jordan and imerkatar, the presidents of syria,
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it is developing little by little and the it park is developing in cash, and we have breakthrough projects that have been approved by the government of the russian federation, this is the development of a resort in the elbrus vtrc, today it is planned to invest 14 budget funds in 2426 .5 billion rubles, all this money goes to infrastructure decisions, namely the expansion of the ski area, need, of course, additional attention.
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the negotiations will further contribute to putin's conviction that the significant strengthening of relations and strategic interaction between moscow and beijing has taken place. sergei lavrov also spoke today about the results of vladimir putin’s state visit to china at a meeting with chinese foreign minister wa.
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make appropriate instructions to our employees. now new data from the ministry of defense on the progress of the special operation in the lugansk republic has liberated another settlement, this the village of belogorovka in the severo-donetsk region. in addition, units of the southern group of forces were able to occupy more advantageous positions in other sectors. the tactical situation was improved by the fighters of the western group. the crews of the rszzo grad precisely hit the gathering of militants. as a result, an entire enemy squad was eliminated. hail can strike at a distance of up to 20 km. while covering an area the size of several football fields.
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our acacias are hitting the strongholds of the kiev formations, and the fire is being adjusted using drones. how does a self-propelled one work? installation, the soldiers showed it to our military correspondent eduard punigov. a clear sky without clouds is least suitable for artillerymen. in such weather, the activity of ukrainian reconnaissance drones is noticeably higher, but even in such conditions. combat work does not stop; an artillery crew from the akatsiya installation from buryatia is moving to the position. the crew of the combat vehicle is now mainly on duty in the vicinity of the village of staromaiskoe. this acacia works in one of the most dangerous areas on the border of the dpr and zaporozhye. there are a lot of kamikaze drones here, so the calculations are trying act as quickly as possible, fire a series of shots and immediately return to cover. the calculation is constant. you need to move quickly, because the entire line of combat contact is visible to the enemy.
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the acacia self-propelled artillery mount can be at a distance of up to 20 km. the crews try to get as close as possible to the line of combat contact in order to hit, among other things , targets that are hidden deep behind enemy lines. the artillerymen's task is to monitor the front line and suppress any activity. enemy. acacias work in conjunction with aerial reconnaissance. each shot is aimed and adjusted from the uav, due to which the fire is effective. the destruction of enemy targets increases many times over. what are the current challenges facing your body? defeat ground targets, manpower, all on command. strong points, mortar crews. acacias support the advance of the infantry, which is systematically pushing the ukrainian armed forces out of fortified areas. were there any arrivals using this vehicle? yes, they were, kaze flew here with drones, it turns out he flew through the commander’s hatch, and its breech. it was torn apart, there are still traces where the shaped charge
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burned through it, the breech was restored, the car was restored to work. our drones also constantly monitor the enemy’s movements, and equipment is immediately sent to the place of a possible breakthrough. the task of the russian military is to push the enemy away from the dpr as much as possible, so that cities and towns are out of reach of the ukrainian armed forces’ artillery. eduard poniagov, alexander botkin, lead. donetsk direction. support for small medium-sized businesses remains a priority state, the head of government spoke about this today at a meeting with his deputies. mikhail mishutin emphasized that special attention should be paid to entrepreneurs in new russian regions. another topic was the development of shipping along the northern sea route, in particular, the construction of ships of the highest ice class. new ones , of course, need a big one to ensure safe round-the-clock traffic in northern latitudes. operating arctic fleet, and to increase the construction of such vessels we are preparing for
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launching a new modern production facility, one of these sites is the oneshsky plant in petrozavodsk, where, on instructions from the president , the creation of the first digital verfi is underway. the baltic shipyard continues to build a series of nuclear-powered icebreakers, maybe 60 mw. three nuclear-powered icebreakers, arctic, siberia and ural, are already in operation. in the sea of ​​the arctic ocean, the next icebreaker yakutia is planned to be delivered at the end of this year. and the theme of floods. in yakutia, a state of emergency was introduced today in three districts and several dozen villages in the disaster zone. to temporary accommodation centers 500 people were evacuated. at the regional airports of zeryanka and srednekolymsk, the runways are flooded, so polar airlines are organizing connecting flights. volunteer employees of the ministry of emergency situations help local residents in any way they can, delivering
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food and drinking water, strengthening protective embankments and rescuing abandoned animals. you are watching the news, here are the topics further in the program: the village of yubileiny near lugansk was shelled, five people were injured, housewarming in kaliningrad, another house was commissioned for baltic fleet officers, and today is 2 years since liberation of mariupol from neo-nazi mercenaries, about this. not only in just a few minutes, i will gather the whole family and officially introduce you. light in the window. premiere. today on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is nothing
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to think about. when you are calm and complete. completely turned off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh. the world's first swissotel operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will remain in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. hotel titanic deluxe golf belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and
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enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here... the room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic delux, golf bellet, the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. get caught, rivka, big revalika. well, in general, i chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count fats, carbohydrates? this is where my question begins. can tasty foods be healthy? i try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can useful things be pleasant, fantastic, can scientific ones be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes again, every person in
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any region of russia can... your diet is not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts your spirits, that’s for sure. food formula, on sunday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between man and woman. i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism.
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i was so worried that he once told me that, lord, why did i take this picture? vera alentova, her life with vladimir minshov. it was surprising for everyone when we got married, it was just some kind of shock, because more different people cannot be imagined. and without him. when he got sick with covid, he didn’t want to go to the hospital, but he got worse, the next day... they arrived and since i got sick 2 days later, they took me away. to another hospital, but i was released the day before the funeral, i don’t remember everything well, but i can only tell you that for me he didn’t leave, we are still together, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, you watch the news, we continue release,
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immediate news of the last minutes, vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with the acting head of the executive branch of iran, mohammed mahber. the russian leader expressed deep condolences to the leaders and people of iran in connection with the death of president ibrahim risi and other government officials. according to the kremlin press service, vladimir putin and mohammat mahber emphasized their commitment to further strengthening russian-iranian cooperation. a series of powerful explosions near lugansk. the ukrainian armed forces today hit civilians in the village of yubileiny; they again hit exclusively residential areas and apartment buildings. by this moment it is known.
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according to eyewitnesses, about four explosions were heard in the area of ​​the lugansk suburb of the yubileiny village, as stated by the head of the lpr leonid pasechnik, the attack was carried out using nato weapons on a peaceful part of the village. to attack, ukrainian militants used scalp missiles, a french equivalent. at the moment, five victims are known, and they are receiving all the necessary medical care. as a result of the shelling , an apartment building caught fire. now rescuers are fighting the fire, dozens of other buildings have been cut by shrapnel, and the windows in the buildings have been broken by the blast wave. civil infrastructure facilities were also damaged. they are working on site rescuers, investigators of the ministry of internal affairs, as well as medical workers. and employees of the lugansk city administration, on behalf of the head.
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at the positions of the militants from a distance of about 30 km, the enemy was attacked by geocinth crews. on the right bank of the dnieper, artillery destroyed american-made three -seven howitzers and a field ammunition depot. the defensive structures of the ukrainian armed forces control also hit the malka self-propelled artillery crews of the southern group of forces. today is the second anniversary of liberation. mariupol from ukrainian neo-nazis, especially for this significant date: in the history of the city, united russia organized a solemn event. on leninsky komsomol square, young
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guard activists unfurled a two-hundred-meter victory banner and honored the memory of the heroes of the great patriotic war. young guard members and residents of mariupol laid flowers at the azovstalets monument. another house was commissioned in kaliningrad for officers of the baltic fleet. it has more than 130 apartments and all of them have already been renovated and are completely ready to move into. the new residents just have to arrange the furniture. the house was built using the most advanced technologies and using modern materials. marina naumova attended the ceremony. a new five-story building on artillery street, a service building, but for many new residents this is their first own apartment. and before that there was a hostel and rented housing. thank you! the keys are presented to swordsmen, warrant officers, and officers by the commander of the baltic fleet, vladimir vorobyov. after the ceremony, military personnel with their wives and children
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enter their new apartments for the first time. happiness, because yours is already yours, already a washing machine, a refrigerator, a bed. everything has already been taken care of. there is all the necessary infrastructure, shops, parking lots, playgrounds and schools. daniel's novels are planning to... move today, in a month another joyful event is expected in their family, the first thing they do is decide where to put the crib, we are happy, yes, very happy, everything was done on time, one of the priorities of the ministry of defense the housing issue remains to be resolved; today , not only in the west of the country, but in siberia , officers and warrant officers received the keys to new apartments, 100 families of irkutsk military personnel the garrison are moving to a new house, the house turned out to be warm, that is, here... so to speak, the northern region is still considered, and the building here stood there, no freezing, no leaks, there were no complaints about this, everything was done using modern
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urban planning technologies , in kaliningrad, military builders are building three more multi-apartment residential buildings, designed for 550 apartments, their occupancy will begin this year. marina naumova, evgenia bekish, alexander naumov, svetlana selivanova, conduct kaliningrad-irkutsk. the story of the miraculous rescue in primorye. volunteers found a living ninety-two-year-old pensioner. she spent two days in the forest. an elderly woman went for a walk and got lost. independent searches for relatives did not bring results. they contacted the police and volunteers, and soon the victim was found. almost the entire time she lay on the ground, exhausted. before the ambulance arrived, volunteers talked to her so that the pensioner would not lose consciousness. the victim was examined by doctors; there was a threat to life. no, today on our tv channel the denouement of the multi-part melodrama is light in the window, don't miss the latest episodes immediately after
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the evening news. at the center of this exciting story is the bogdanov family, love and betrayal, irreparable losses and bonds that cannot be broken, all this in the final episodes, which have already been watched by ekaterina frolova. i was little when yegor died. i don't remember much. but at the psychology department , i realized that his death still haunts us all. a series of mysterious and dangerous events haunts the bogdanov family. each of them is trying to improve their lives and find lost happiness, but fate again sends them tests. that’s why she didn’t tell me anything about the illness, she didn’t want to be disappointed in me for the last time, but i just felt sorry for you. another loss reveals new secrets that turn into a loud scandal and threaten to completely destroy the family. well, how does it feel to have an uncle? tough, right? well, in our family this is not possible. now the past is intertwined with the present more than ever, and in order to move on, each of
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them will have to plunge again.
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this outcome is already this week, watch on the russia tv channel. ekaterina fralova and olga sukharukova. news. the federal part of the broadcast is now complete. ahead we have regional news. and now novosibirs and daria kudryashova join us. daria, hello, sowing in your region is going on day and night. tell me, how effective is sef in headlights? good afternoon, maria. it helps to navigate the fields. the glanas navigator theme guides the equipment with an accuracy of up to 5 cm, the combine will not pass through the same place twice, the program will not allow reseeding, it will give a signal and turn off the seeder, they can see satellites and any obstacles about them also signal, such a reliable assistant in sowing, one of the keys to a rich harvest. today, wheat, peas, oats, rapeseed, flax and buckwheat are sown in the region. farmers cover more than 80 thousand hectares per day. daria, thank you, good
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news to you, and here we are. we are transported to tyva, urankys kaigunmai is on air there today. hello, your shearers are getting down to business, has the sheep shearing season started? hello maria, shepherds plan to shear approximately hundreds of thousands of sheep. over the winter the ram has grown, in a new form, it is easier for animals to bring the upcoming summer heat. relatives and friends help during the haircut process. shepherds usually complete their haircuts at the beginning of summer. the wool will be recycled. agricultural cooperatives, there are more and more of them in the republic; for tuva , wool products are a centuries-old tradition, there are many directions and styles and even more masters of this craft, because in tuva there is always a sales market. thank you, colleagues, have a good broadcast, and we will continue with the residents of moscow and the moscow region.
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new blue markings have appeared on dozens of moscow streets, indicating toll zones. parking, why did the road services decide to change the color of these lines? the children's clinic on kostromskaya street is being reconstructed according to the new moscow standard, when will they start accepting patients there? the season of fighting hogweed has begun in the moscow region; 24 people affected by this dangerous weed must be treated. what methods are used for this? bright sun, no rain in the forecast, today is the warmest day in the capital since the beginning of the year.


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