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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  May 20, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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in a few hertz the silence doesn’t even breathe, we are leaving defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts and to the depths of our souls, hello, this is our program, bronze shots of the battle and a wounded fighter,
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raping you, barely alive, your greatest brow , lord, the lord rain this farewell video spread all over the internet, konstantin golovin, with the call sign lawyer, recorded directly on the battlefield. seriously wounded, exhausted, already ready to give up his life, he read the lines of igor tolkova. "you will accept your interrupted camp, but you still feel a mission, you will light up your dependent enemies, my unfortunate great russia." well, this is scary. it’s a difficult video, i can’t watch it, among the thousands of people who saw these footage was irina kornilova, she didn’t know konstantin, but his words and courage amazed her so much that she found the lawyer on social networks, wrote him a touching letter, it just came from the soul, i ’ve never written such letters to anyone, it’s like, i don’t know, i was hooked by this man, konstantin answered, communication began, charismatically.
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the cheerful fighter quickly won irina’s heart. the first meeting took place in the hospital, and since then they have never parted. i met the ukp straight away and kissed him right away. she was shocked, she didn’t understand that stormtroopers were always a yes, no options. i proposed to her on the same day, she said: yes, that’s it. this editorial recording gave konstantin a fateful acquaintance, and also inspired hundreds of people across the country.
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the area is called razor, we call it that, there is a gorge there, a ravine, along the ravine, we pushed the germans, we pushed them one and a half kilometers, this is like a good success, the military people there are called germans, well, in my unit they call them germans, and in general, in principle, well, people who really fight see the enemy facing face, but we talk through the burrows with them, so they seem to treat us with respect, we are fulfilling our duty. they are fulfilling their duty, that is, i have no complaints about the ordinary soldier, i have huge complaints, as it were, about the regime, of course there are generally, let’s say, not very mentally healthy people, that is, did i understand you correctly, there is a certain respect for the people who are on the other side directly on the line of contact, you know, that’s the last extreme rush i was in, we couldn’t take the last pancake, the dugout, because that a t-80 tank came out, well, we simply have nothing. they would have worked it off like that
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, i was already wounded, the wok flew into my legs, i had already fallen, my fighter also seemed to have been wounded in the shoulder, one soldier was lying shell-shocked, shooting back, working on the uav. here we were in the ticker, yes, we stood on the lookout, shells flew towards us and did not explode, boys, when the sappers began to work with them, inside they found notes that said, boys, we help as much as we can, you saw these notes yourself, yes, i saw these notes myself, and to whom did you record this message on the phone? well, i seem
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to have four children left from my first marriage, here are two sons and two daughters, it was very important for me to somehow convey to them that i was not disappointed, that no matter how well i’m doing everything right, you will probably have this now. .. question: why namely igor tolkova? i’ll anticipate your question, i just didn’t serve in the army and i don’t know army songs, well, i practically don’t know when i had to crawl out of there, i crawled out for a very long time, but a total of 6 hours, i sang very loudly three or four times dim of the russian federation, because it is invigorating, and apparently against this background, when everything seemed to be obvious that this was the end, igor tolkov came to mind, a wonderful poem by a wonderful author about love. russia, did you say goodbye to life? definitely yes, well, because at that moment everything else that cluster munitions worked on us, that is, in general, this is something with something, cluster munitions, fp drones, this is all a very scary story, but on that day , december 14, we saw new
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cluster munitions for the first time , these are these black boxes, they have a smaller volume of territories that they can hit, but at the same time they can... somehow hit some kind of armored vehicles, that is, they have a much larger impact, just like this like ammunition, then because of it we let's lose the phantom seryoga, he will save my life , in fact, this fighter, right there in the front, but the weapon jams right next to me, and he is right above my head, the reset should have gone, everything would have buried us there, but he managed to beat me, handsome , we had already retreated, we were given an order, our guys were already coming in, support, and we were already rolling back, because we were all wounded, i already used the third one on myself, because well, it didn’t work, nothing helped, so at least i could, as it were, continue to command and could, as it were, work, get out of there, they used these cluster
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munitions and we will lose the phantoms, now it’s even worse, utah, i want to say, now they were there when there was snow, that is, you need to understand that there is a zero, from this zero we took. some kind of support, on this support we seem to be holding a position, as if we are working, we need to bring a bull there, we need to bring it there, as if to take out the wounded, we need to bring food there, elementary, water, they throw cassettes, and there’s a rocket in the air explodes, dots the entire field, in this every cassette, in this each projectile has a gyroscope, attack aircraft enter, we enter either at night or in gray conditions, we have a movement interval of 7-15 m. we enter in any case, that is, either yours , as it were, who is in front, who is behind, or you, by chance stepped on some branch, this gyroscope went off, just under your feet 50 m explodes instantly, in such conditions now it’s like in tleshcheevka in other hot spots of the northern military district,
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guys, attack aircraft are fighting, you need to understand this, returning to the phone , what did you count on, did you think that someone would find him this phone, and every fighter, even if now he is missing, who lies in the beginning of the battle, will be pulled out, this will end someday, and i was sure, on my phone, as if on the back side it was written, if 200 or 300 , turn the page, well, if you were filming, there was contact information written there, where to give the phone number, naturally it would have been transferred sooner or later, so i was sure of it, well, as if i didn’t even have any doubts, we did this work we’ve been doing this for a very long time, and i acted accordingly based on of your experience. kostya, now you are a mighty warrior. fearless, who were you before svo? i worked as a lawyer? no, i haven’t worked as a lawyer for a long time, my first higher education is in law, i worked as a regional director of enterprises in the chelebinsk kurgan region of the republic of bashkartastan, before that i was also engaged in entrepreneurial activities and teaching activities.
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listen, what’s the story with the olympic flame that you carried in 1914? i won the russian young entrepreneur of the year 2013 competition in the successful start category. they called me from the olympic committee, they seemed to say that konstantin, how do you feel about carrying the torch, the olympic torch, a sense of shame, a sense of understanding of the historical moment and a sense of responsibility for your country, for your children, shame for what? when it started, i took the position of the weak, i didn’t think about what was happening in the donbass since 2014, somehow it didn’t particularly bother me, i kind of minded my own business, so i was on... he was sort of with his life , beautiful life, here, then this happened, and i tried
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to understand the other side, how big russia is at war with small ukraine, what happened, i tried to talk with the ukrainians, that the guys are like slavs and so on, it’s like i have a first wife by blood there is a lot of ukrainian blood, i have a best friend, like andryukha, he’s ukrainian, like, i never had any problems at all, that is, i didn’t have any bias, and what did they tell you, what did they answer, they said that... we will come to you in the urals and we will to slaughter your family, that is , aggression immediately began, severe aggression immediately began, and for 2 months i tried to talk to these people in a normal way, and the whole conversation ended about what, guys, please explain to me if you you are defending the integrity of your state, then what does the urals have to do with it, it is located 2,500 km from you, this is one thing, and secondly, what does it have to do with my daughter alice, who was 6 years old at the time, she took part, as it were, why do you want to kill her? in fact, it’s kind of like we have to pay tribute to the ukrainians, they did absolutely everything
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for me to go to the northern military district, because my inner self seemed to be on fire, that is, if you want to come to me in the urals to kill my family, well, guys, how to fight in we won’t be on our land for sure, in general, you understand that good must come with fists, sometimes yes, there’s such a story, the fact that i’ve already seen enough of these, now it’s my nineteenth month since i took up the ribbon, already... i was walking, and i saw such things there, like how schools were burned, how they shot at hospitals where there were civilians, and much more that i won’t say on air, you never had the desire to talk again, but with the other side, and how did your family make your decision to go on your own? my ex-wife olesya knew my character very well, that it was as if i could not be stopped, and especially since i was very absorbed in this issue, she asked me not to leave her and not to leave, but that’s my duty.
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well, because when a fighter goes behind the ribbon , it’s like he ends up in a very hot spot there communication, we were in a tight spot, for more than two months there seemed to be fierce fighting, that is, it was like november, december, january of the twenty-second, twenty-third year, there was no communication, it remained since four ... in any case, when the relationship is falling apart, as if the responsibility lies 50/50,
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so i don’t withdraw my 50%, i have an excellent relationship with olesya, as if i have no questions at all, she has no questions, she is happily building her new relationship, she has young man, it’s like i have a wife, that is, you’re like a real hooligan guy didn’t sit alone for a long time arranged their personal life, that ’s right, more details please... my phone was completely broken after this fight and i had to fix it, i was afraid of losing information, i still had this piece screen and i quickly uploaded everything, and the phone went away, i actually forgot about it, and then it turns out that you have about 1000 subscribers, and millions of views, in general, you’re like, well, a star, a star, and before that there were four subscribers, there were children in total, there are about 1000 subscribers, but how does this relate to your personal life? the presenters are from... another tv channel related to you, sergei sergeevich kornoukhov, a huge thank you to him, in his program he showed
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this section of this video, as it were, then i found out that i was lying in a hospital in krasnoznamensk, i think i was already lying then, so he contacted me, invited me, as it were, to go on air, we talked to him, and irina, my current wife, she looked, then she saw me, and she it became kind of interesting, what kind of person is this, taking into account the fact that, well, i she was always a fairly open person. for 4 days i studied my backstory, so to speak , i prepared thoroughly, yes, she wrote a letter to me based on these emotions, and she was the only girl who didn’t try to talk about herself... that’s what amazed me, because that i myself am a professional salesman, i know how it would be, i taught sales, and what words did she write to you, how to reach a man’s heart, so that the man understands that these are the words she wrote to me, approximately as you said, utah now, exactly as to reach out, how to become a fighting friend, how
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to lend a shoulder next to you, well, something like that, i didn’t sort out quotes or abstracts, but it’s very similar. mouth, as they say, we want to hear the story, hello, hello irina, hello, and what did you write, in general, why did you write, i liked it, well , i liked it, yes, this is a must, well, firstly, because i’m in the mood a person like kostya, a patriot, this whole story that is happening now is reflected very painfully in my soul, that’s why i i also follow all the news, my heart aches for all our fighters, and i also watch all the channels that kostya spoke about, so i saw this video, a difficult video, like probably every woman and girl in our country, at first i cried and my heart ached ,
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then there was a link to the page, i went, read, looked. and indeed , for several days in a row, just a person sunk into my soul to some extent and did not let go, i watched, read and studied, and the more you fall through the news feed, you read more and more, i understand what it is mine, that a person is the same as me, tuned in on the same wavelength, we are looking in the same direction, and of course, when i decided to write this letter, i still decided, i didn’t write right away, i... i understood perfectly well what kostya’s status was, that is , if kostya had been married, i would not have written to him, and how quickly he answered you, and as soon as he read it, he immediately answered, stormtroopers always yes, there’s no option here, what you had your first meeting, it was saturday, this is a closed city, this is sunday, no, it was saturday, dear, yes, it’s better not argue, saturday doesn’t argue with shutter workers,
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you have to make passes in order to get into krasnoznamensk, as it were, and so on, and here it’s huge. how they work, what they do, it’s a miracle in the grand scheme of things, that is, i read the letter, i immediately called, talked, then said, let’s go on a video call, we talked via video call, i said, okay, okay, whatever , we agreed in advance that we would see each other in a week, i woke up in the morning, i realized that i couldn’t wait a week, i agreed to get a pass for her, she arrived, from that moment, when she arrived, before i proposed, 3 hours passed, without water, i even met my parents during these 3 hours, i even asked their permission, i asked my dad’s permission, my dad and mother said yes, i, well, well it was unexpected, of course, for me, but pleasant, but pleasant, yes very unexpected, but pleasant three hours, wow,
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the wedding was, dmitry was supposed to take place on the 24th, but... then we realized what was going on fasting, yeah, that’s what you can’t do during fasting, it’s like we’re communicating, father sergei is here there is one from verkhneuralsk, he helps the military a lot, father sergei says, like kostya, well , he kind of explained the situation to me, but irina’s parents will have a golden wedding this year, do you want to combine, yes 0808 2024, it’s beautiful, beautiful, only me now that irina pushed her in the leg, does not say the date. well, i said, chatterbox, a godsend for a spy, god bless you with happiness, advice and love, thank you, thank you, dim, let's see what was happening in the hospital, i thought that i had ended up in a sect, lovers of semolina porridge, this is lunch, dinner, breakfast, semolina porridge, i say, my jaw is working, i can chew,
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you can live, i say yes, when you have millet porridge. this guy here is already a well-fed cat, there are tubes sticking out like this, there’s a splinter in my leg, there’s a splinter in my knee, it’s not pleasant, but we’ll survive, this is mine, this is a fragment, these are all small fragments they sit in my thigh, i don’t know how many fragments there are in me, what a beautiful leg i have, what a beautiful leg. the man actually works very realistically and this is a really ordinary hospital, before i had time to finish drawing me discharged today. i’m shocked by your editors, where did you get such materials from in this whole matter, well, we were also preparing,
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konstantin, tell me what it means to be a stormtrooper, can anyone become one, the homeland will tell you how you will become one, these are the qualities, in one word it’s not you say, this is life, that is, it’s different, it’s simply incomprehensible to a civilian, but it ’s also like... now i’m very worried about my boys from my department, that is, with all my heart i kind of have them they are in hospitals for the second time once, these guys don’t give in to the back, well, that is , i can’t explain, it’s some certain spirit, some kind of attitude, because new guys come, they communicate as if with old people, figuratively speaking, who are no longer alone the roll-up has gone, what is the roll-up? well, this is exactly what you call it? assault yes, here we call it a charge, we are going into a charge, there is an exchange of this experience and so on and so on, you know, like the first assault, it’s not so scary,
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the second one is really scary, it’s like the second parachute jump, then you already know what can await you, but you develop adrenaline, they give you commands, well, in general, military people, i think , will understand me without any problems, that the one who served, he clearly would get used to following orders. and so on, teams, different matter, different chemistry, but in principle, of course, anyone who loves their homeland can become an attack aircraft. i would like to ask the same question to your friend, sergei grekov, who will now come into the studio. sergey, please come in. hello, colleague konstantin sergey grekov. hello, sergey. but you think that an attack aircraft should have some special qualities. or anyone can become one, the situation there is a little different. there it was said that you will order, but many of the guys are ideological in these ranks, well, it’s like it started with them and the name of this school, let’s say, was founded, i just
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want you to explain to our tv viewers what an attack aircraft is, who it is and what kind of he does the job, why is it called the dirtiest job, why is it the biggest risk to life, i wouldn’t do it, let's say it's all about stormtroopers; infantry in general isn't particularly related to frequency. you have to dig a little in the ground, and maybe a lot, those who want to live dig deeper, they also go on assaults, it’s just that stormtroopers have a focused task - these are surges, assaults, and the infantry still combines all this with ordinary life in the trenches, yes ordinary guys, by and large, well, fearless, in fact, this is the leading edge, you are the very first, not all are heroes, those who are in the rear are heroes, you never know what from a person actually expect, later in the program, who they will meet.
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well, mom, well, in our family this is not possible, it’s difficult to leave your own doorstep, it doesn’t fit, you’ve been calling all morning, pasha, i just want to make sure that we’re okay, and you, you’re free, you’re okay, as long as the light is on window, today on rtr. tired of boring waffles and ugly toast? forget about it, because with the new power excel woffle star you 'll discover a new world of belgian waffles and your kids will be begging you
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sternly, can i tell you, well, who is he, a man, well, introduce him to the man, i love him, you know, it’s just for me.
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earlier in the program on december 14, 2023, konstantin golovin left a message on his phone for his family. he thought he would not survive the battle. i received a shrapnel wound. i understood perfectly well what kostya’s status was, tell me how you met konstantin, well, he’s a very serious person , he didn’t evoke much sympathy in me, i didn’t like it from the very beginning, well , i wasn’t used to it being dark, i’m telling you why as it is, he
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arrived a little later, we were already going out on missions at that time, when he arrived, i wasn’t always in the bootalya, well, i recommended, we say a new person has appeared there, he was naturally assigned to the headquarters, those who sit in the headquarters, i don’t... that i don’t like them, but i have a special attitude towards them, they’re just not stormy rivers, well, at that time he was at headquarters, we didn’t really communicate, you didn’t really like him, is it really just because he were you assigned to headquarters, or was there something else? yes, he walked with his nose in the air, i didn’t have, say, an internal desire to get to know this person, that’s all, you can’t change a person, yes, but here i am asking a question, i think this is sergei’s personal perception, but he’s interesting, he’s bright , maybe this alarmed you at first, even pushed you away, apparently, no, pushed you, i just understand that the person, but a little not my temperament, but communication with him would not work out for me, but it worked out , and the ways, lord, are inscrutable, we were brought together later unpleasant situation, we probably we won’t voice it, it was essentially unpleasant
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for both me and him, but it led to such a denominator that a human relationship appeared between us, already personal communication, he immediately lit up, let’s say, with the ability to work, and what do you now see in him and that you... then he expresses his opinion, and does not keep it in his pocket, even if you do not agree with him, and with this opinion, i’m just like that, let’s say, interaction is acceptable. sergey, a little about you, how you ended up in the northern military district, let’s say, there was a background already before the northern military district service, that is,
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you had combat experience, yes, you had combat experience, but here, well, it’s time to defend your homeland, to be honest, it wasn’t the military registration and enlistment office that came running , they summoned me on a summons, i came to the military commissar, he said, bro, you understand, it’s necessary, i say , well, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, but what kind of experience did you have before i served in the border troops, was called up in 1992, then the army, let’s say, was of a slightly different order, to be honest, i liked it more, there’s more people were charged, in the engraving troops there is always, let’s say, the preparation is very specific, we have our own course the training was completed, the chief of staff came, organized a training session, and said: guys, the situation is difficult in tajikistan, the volunteer is a step forward, but almost all of us got through, not the only ones there. i was, that’s it, board, dushanbe, took off my felt boots, put on my sneakers for the mountains, that is, when you got to the northern military district, you were very well acquainted with what the regulations are, military discipline and so on, so on, of course, and now you listen, yes, yes, we haven’t seen anyone happy for a long time, i was on vacation last october
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, let’s see a story about your family, seryozha, such a lover of picking mushrooms, always he’ll go and pick it up, our job is to wash it and preserve it, this year we collected it without him, he’s small, he’s still quite in my arms, here they are, here are the three tomboys, here’s sergei the elder, this is zhenya, and this is kolya and his cousin , they did such miracles, a brother is a brother, a brother is always the best, sympathetic, good-natured, if you consider him as a friend, he probably is, as usotsky said, there are no friends until you are 13, he will stand up and help at any time, sergei got married late , already. over 30, we were waiting for a girl, now they are giving birth to alina, these are from the maternity hospital discharged, the bag is so small, children, they are our happiness, the last time i saw my dad was this fall, he came on vacation,
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the first year, of course, i cried constantly, and then it just turned into anticipation, that is, i know that dad will come, everything will be fine, i’m waiting. i didn’t know that he was going to ukraine, i didn’t know anything, i’m a patriot to the core, this is my corner, where i pray for all the guys, so that everyone will come... lord, i ask you, protect all our soldiers, leave them all alive, help them, why didn’t you tell mom about that well, i didn’t want to upset, to be honest, you told someone about this, bro knew, he’s older, younger, younger, of course, younger, and that he, how he reacted, he said, i probably need to be with you, i i say, you’re being reasonable, we won’t have any men left at all. moreover, he has two small children, so i say, let’s avoid
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this situation, if it really becomes unbearable, then, in fact, you said everything correctly, but what did mom say when she found out, how did she find out about it, there what he says is that everything is already accepted in fact, konstantin i filmed a lot, yes, yes, let's see what you filmed there with these, come on, call sign lawyer, volunteer, registered battalion southern ural, in general i'm a builder, i have four children, and i could not be here... what to do, but when my homeland called, i ended up here, we were with our comrades, we were hiding from a tank that had already fired at us, well, it fired 10 shells, probably, yes, no, in general we shot well, too, i won’t show the whole deployment , forgive me, safety comes first, this is our bathhouse, wash, wash, let me show you my pretty face, here’s my dugout, there’s even my machine gun, oops, lawyer, i still
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have videos about cats, they’re attacking me here in full, they took it into account that military cats love cats so much, but in , look at the love, mom, if you do this video now, i’ll be able to upload it, but i’m off on a combat assignment, here’s a video for you with one layout. what did you see, what’s great with you, you see, i’m alive and well, you both returned from the northern military district, tell us about the attitude of people towards you here, here in a peaceful civil life, that’s when they find out that you’re from there, what they tell you, how they treat you, well, let’s put it this way, except for my loved ones, few people know about it, i dress in civilian clothes, i don’t really advertise it, kostya, your situation is a little different , you are already a famous person, you have millions of views, how do you feel now, what kind
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of attitude do you face? the father commanders gave the attack aircraft the task of supplying certain products to carry out combat missions. for this task, a telegram channel was created, the call sign is lawyer, on which i would become to communicate with people. immediately 13,000 subscribers came, now there are 9,500 left. these people help with purchases free of charge every day. who helps, if i start
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listing now, well, the list will be very long, that is, wait, you are now doing humanitarian work together, no, that’s not to say that together, but we are interacting in this regard, i would just like to tell this story, this it was just about flint then, we were just driving, say, on a task in a ural car, the driver stopped us, there is such a section and starobelsk is not... unlucky there, well, something always happens to cars, stopped, so and so, guys, where are you going, there, there, there, will you take humanitarian aid, from what, why, you don’t know us, we you we don’t know, we just don’t understand why such kindness, he explained the situation, that he was supposed to deliver the cargo, but it didn’t work out, and he just didn’t want to come back loaded, these were the guys from belgorod, they just loaded the car full, that’s all, they say, please use it, accept it from your heart, well... to be honest , i was a little confused then, but it was
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very nice. kostya, we have a story about a person who was very seriously influenced by your posts. let's get a look. i had never written poetry before, but at some point my whole family saw a video on the internet where kostya said goodbye to life on the battlefield. i was so inspired, the lines appeared by themselves, i really wanted to write down this poem myself. but i couldn’t, because my tears were flowing, my voice was trembling, so i asked the children, gathering their willpower, he began to read pranzit natalkov, he carried out the order. and then the country saw a hero, when we sent the video to konstantin, he immediately responded, at that moment he was in the hospital, kirill and elizabeth, and of course the author of the poem, mother, thank you very much, it was very pleasant, in fact, very sincere . we are very glad that our
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children have such a hero, when mom called uncle kostya and gave the phone to us, he was very kind. and cheerful, and he advised me to read the book two captains, he said that it was interesting, important, necessary book, of course, we want to support uncle kostya and his soldiers there, we came to this art school to invite the children to draw pictures for the soldiers, they were happy to share their pictures, their favorite ones, we draw pictures so that the soldiers get better, not we thought about the bad, we thought only about the good, i... painted these flowers for the soldier, i think that when he sees her, he will remember his children, his family, and his soul will be warm. i also want to send this painting to the hospital, it’s very big here, a beautiful mountain, a forest, they will remember their
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native lands, where they will return after the victory. i wish you good health and a speedy return home. kostya, did you end up meeting valeria? in person, no, no, we didn’t see each other, we talked by telegram, there was a story, but i drink tea from a mug of serpukhov every day, well, it seems to us that the time has come for us to meet you in person in person, what do you think, unexpectedly, frankly speaking, valeria, kirill and lisa, please come in, my dear, hello, children, hello, hello, hello, i’ll get up, of course, hello , yes, come on, hello, maybe he won’t be jealous, this is an icon for you, hello, hello, handsome, here, or something
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, well, let it be so, otherwise i’m used to walking multi-calm, oh , another, my dears, thank you very much, i’m embarrassed, i’m embarrassed, shake your hand. this is me, and this is for your cat, samantha, oh, thank you very much, look, samantha, thank you very much, valeria, kirill and lisa, hello, hello, hello, lisa, looks like uncle kostya, alive to that same fighter, that’s how you imagined him, yes, you consider konstantin a hero, yes, why, well, because he protects us, protects our homeland, because... he helps other people and protects our homeland. valeria, what impressed you so much in that video? what he, when he thought, was that he was already dying, he began to read talkov's poems. yes, under bullets. i was very impressed. i accidentally saw this video on
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the internet, then i started looking for information whether he was alive or not. when i saw that i was alive, i was very inspired. just straight... wrote with this is the first time i’ve written this poem, i’ve never written it before, and what is this first experience of writing for you, what is it like? i just felt everything at that moment, everything that konstantin said on the battlefield, and somehow it just came to me without any subtext, what you put into this poem, what emotions, what feelings, empathy, gratitude , i couldn’t read the joy that he was alive. read it, i showed them the video, konstantin, they saw it, the video from the hospital, they also saw it, later in the program, who is in the rear helps to bring our victory closer, we must make our drones protected from enemy weapons, this already takes a lot of time and money. who do you
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think is singing... is it a big musical premiere ? you fidget, worry, think, and you know which one of them is here, think, decide, say, listen, who doesn’t sing, but... catch me if you can, strike me, on friday on rtr. there is not enough pressure in the garden hose, tired of endlessly cleaning everything with your own hands? introducing hammer smith's hydroblast,
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a fast, simple, ultra-convenient pressure washer gun that's cordless, rechargeable, and completely revolutionary. wash your car, motorcycle or bike, wash your house, garden paths, driveway and more. hydrablast uses the same technology as the game. wet professional washers and condense it to accommodate this small but highly efficient copper a 150 w motor creates an incredible pressure of 50 bar. the powerful lithium battery is enough for any task. the hammer smith hydroblast is extremely lightweight, extremely comfortable and extremely versatile. the scope of its application is almost unlimited. where would you get your water from? hydroblast will turn it into... a high pressure jet. a bucket of water is all you need and you are ready to go. or simply connect it to a garden hose and
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the hydroblast will instantly increase water pressure up to ten times. no matter what kind of water you use, the nanofilter cleans and filters it. hammersmith hydroblast is high performance pressure cleaning without compromise. and only today call and order the revolutionary hammer smith hydrablas. with its highly efficient 150w motor, powerful lithium battery, five meter high pressure hose and high quality nano filter, all this will be available to you for an incredible 59,905, and if you order now, you will receive a free shampoo container and a special spray nozzle for larger coverage area, all this is absolutely free, but hurry up. cleaning floors is a tedious and dirty process that turns into torture for you, your back and
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hands, forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not able to clean the most inaccessible places, all this is in the past, now you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and... with the all- new livington dipper swiper electric broom. the dipper sweeper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head. even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, a durable angled brush located at the front. penetrates into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when the cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned with just
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one touch of a button, it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tiles or laminate, the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design you can easily get under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach, only today a unique, ingenious... cordless electric vacuum cleaner with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches, the limington dipper sweeper can be yours for just 89.95, but if you call to order now, you'll get incredible discount of 20 euros. and you can get the livington dipper swipper for an incredible 6995. but hurry up, offer. strictly limited. well, maybe you can kiss me? the plot
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is worthy of a novel. she, he, and his muse. anton, you have talent, but it’s so easy to lose inspiration. i'll leave when you finish the novel. i can’t live without you, i heard that you were planning to get married, from scratch, on friday on rtr, oh, what a woman, what a woman, i like this... the author of popular pop hits tatyana nazarova said that because of a quarrel with her neighbors she faces a real prison sentence, but all the charges are fabricated and she
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is not guilty of anything, what secrets are hidden in the past of the neighbors who... accuse her, our investigation. malakhov, today on rtr. earlier in the program, konstantin golovin miraculously survived a terrible battle. we had already retreated, we were given an order, our guys were already coming in, support, and we were already rolling back, because we were all wounded. it was then that a stormtrooper with the call sign lawyer recorded a video through which he introduced me. with with irina, man, well sunk into my soul to some extent, yes, it didn’t let go, i watched, read and studied, the famous video inspired not only irina, when she saw that she was alive, she was very inspired, so she just wrote this poem straight away the first time, well well, the surprise continues, we now want to invite another person to the studio, you know him, konstantin, but you’ve never seen him, come on, i’m
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happy to, grigory kryukov, please come in. grisha, i’m very glad, a fan of the koop, thank you, hello, stout, hello, you’re working with me, engineer, instructor vbpla operator training, grigory kryukov, hello, grigory, hello, you have never met, we have never seen each other, but we talk a lot, exchange how your communication began, and my commander said that we have flyers, but we don’t.
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the defensive sword of modern warfare of the 21st century began to be made by the rebs, in fact, this is just that small piece of technical developments that we show and broadcast on the air, because grisha is actually like kulibin and the guys who work with him in team, they all seem to be kulibins, they come up with such interesting things, but it’s simply impossible to show them, like, well, secret information, in a word, why would we kind of tell the enemy, you’d better ask him, because let’s ask gregory. what do you do, how did it start for you, where? it started from the beginning, i have a lot of colleagues there, i started providing assistance as best i could, then i realized that there was a real lack of technical assistance, i decided to dive into all these issues in 2 years per person, who held the drone in his hands for the first time, i reached the person who can assemble them , that is, i just do this from morning to night, i study there endlessly,
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let's see a story about how you actually do this? the working tools are here, the drones are here, it’s all assembled as in military operations, everything is fine, here the conditions are spartan, home production of drones was not difficult to create, you just sit and do it, in the evenings you don’t sleep, don’t eat, do your work, the main help, thanks to whom all this is going, these are ordinary people with their he gives us the money, and we use it for it, a bunch of different video transmitters, receivers, antennas, a complete set. what do you need, just sit and assemble, you need the conveyor to work, so that the boys always have drones, i went to understand what the guys need, now the fighters have already gotten the hang of it, even going into an assault with the cover of fpv drones, these will be personalized drones, call sign lawyer , oak, chelyabinsk, nix, taxi driver, that’s all that’s ready, these drones didn’t exist in nature, what we do, that is, we invent it ourselves, ourselves we design, we learned how to make our own
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antennas, make our own frequencies, make our own transmitters. so the smart girl got up, assembled the drone, it needs to fly off, because you can’t send unfinished products to fraud, it’s not afraid of snow, it’s not afraid of water, because we prepare them all at once, everything is specially insulated with varnish, that’s it, that ’s how the flight happens, the inspection process , i am an instructor in drones, here we are undergoing training, learning how to assemble them, studying. set up, learn to control them, don’t fly away like a child’s game, every microscopic movement needs to be controlled, needs to be regulated, that’s why we train our fighters for hours on simulators, more than one hundred drones have already been assembled here, from what we have, from what we have, it’s molded, but it works effectively, we install a tail like this, from a grenade for an under-barrel with a grenade it turns into aerial ammunition, that is, into
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an aerial bomb, this thing will carry six. grenade, i am a tractor driver by training, i just wanted to be an example that a problem can be solved without having any means, if there is a will, then nothing at all is impossible. very high dynamics of combat operations , incredibly everything can change in a day thanks to drones, that is, there is a big offensive there with... grigory, this is a consumable item, yes, it is a completely expendable item, they are just ammunition deliverers, well, that is, they don’t fly themselves, now we are reaching a level
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to teach them to fly on their own, but it is possible, yes, everything, in general, everything is possible, the question is simply a matter of resources, and who are you by profession in general, please tell me, i in general, i’m an entrepreneur, i’ve just been sitting with a soldering iron for 15 years, repairing all sorts of equipment. when mobilization began, i decided to improve my knowledge of military training, i just wanted to quickly leave for the northern military district, well, we gathered there in a group, so the sons of the fatherland organized training for everyone free of charge, but i came there once, twice or three times, then i see what happened - everything is the same as before, there are no technical means, but i decided to implement it so that people could be trained right away and they would go there already prepared, well, i’ve decided so far, but i haven’t been able to resolve it back. i decided to finish it to the end, but what is your labor productivity, how much per month? well, in a month, it’s hard to say, it takes from one and a half to 2 hours to produce one drone, well, i work, that is, i have to work a day at work, because
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i need to feed my family with something, and then i do this at night, where- then from 9 to 3:4 in the morning i collect a dozen drones there, well, drones are easy to collect; the scheme has already been worked out, it gets more and more complicated, we must make our drones protected from turnip means.
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well, let's try to say three times, scoop, scoop and that's it, that's it, and andrei, that andryukha is here, come in, children, you are my good ones, hello, hello, hello, hello, great, i understand that these are two of your four children, yes, these are... my eldest children, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, more than a year, like that, for about a long time, kostya, they grew up, yes, they grew up, they matured, wiser, the whole universe passed during this time, well, where will the second year
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end, it will be soon, this is the way, be kind, children, be proud of your father, of course, we’re proud, you know, what he does, yes, what he does, well, at the moment he’s doing volunteer work, sofa, when did you first see that same video? which has received millions of views, how did you feel? i cried, i came to my close friends, i sat with them, cried together, andrey, it seems to me that i was the very first to know about this, i immediately told my mother, my mother was very worried, he said, god forbid they kill tears, well, everything worked out, the most important thing is that at the moment you saw this video, you knew that dad is he alive, thank god, or has there been no information yet? at that moment, as i understood, he didn’t have much of a connection, we were there, guessing , for about three hours, probably, that is, you were in absolute ignorance, but how did you know that dad was alive? well, the video came out, handsome, dad
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was born wearing a shirt, he’s always so lucky. konstantin, what are your plans for the future, will you return to isva, well, it doesn’t depend on me, it depends on the fathers, on chance , and so on and so forth, so there’s nothing from me at all. do you have any desires? no desire people who write to me, they all say that bone, as if there is only work here, there is such a shortage of people with such experience as you, what kind of people are you?
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where does so much optimism come from, how do you even cultivate this in yourself, support it, yes, i just know who i’m dealing with, so, but when there is seryoga, who now modestly speaks, and by and large the broadcast is ending now, we take away the walkie-talkies and we go to do work, and seryoga leaves for bakhmut to work, when there is grisha, who , by and large, does not sleep at night, collects and what struck me now is because grisha is very impudent, he said that i am an entrepreneur, he is so powerful. like a person, now i look at him and he, well , that is, for me he is very modest, because i know what a cool guy he is in general, when there are children, so i look at them now , by and large, well, i’m happy, because that my son is engaged in greco-roman wrestling, he seems to be performing there, he is healthy, he is bigger than me, his wonderful trainers said that if he works hard, as he works hard now in the hall, this is the future olympic champion, we’ll see, we’ll wait for success, i hope, i saw sophia. in general,
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well, that is, she’s like a modern, fashionable girl, she’s studying, she’s now finishing her second year of medical science, but she decided to retrain herself in international relations, well, basically, she’s like my daughter, she’s the norm for her, these are all the people who are here sitting now in the audience, these are people who seem to know how to work very well, to work for the good of their fatherland, this is what inspires, this gives hope that when there are people like this, everything will be fine and we will win. this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you, oh, how good, yeah, i’m already out of the habit of this, well then i’ll be your fairy, come on, ask me whatever the prime minister wants, you won’t get out of here. sash, they are waiting for me, who
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is waiting for you? i have men, where do i go? pasha, sasha, it’s funny, well, in our family this is not possible, it’s difficult to leave your own doorstep, it doesn’t fit, you’ve been calling all morning, i just want to make sure, that he's okay, and you're okay, as long as the light is on in the window, today. the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello, vladimir putin, after the death of president risi, spoke on the phone with the vice president of iran. the country is in five days
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of mourning. the bodies of the victims have already been delivered to tabriz. iran raised a black flag over the mausoleum of imam riza. plane crash in iran on the front pages of the world media.


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