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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  May 20, 2024 5:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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she, the haven of a poet on a spree, near the table opposite, you are sitting half-turned, all in a ray of night light, it just happened, suddenly, when the words fell from her lips, her head was spinning, oh, what. woman, what a woman, like this for me, ah, what a woman, what a woman, like this for me.
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hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live for 60 minutes, and most importantly, we start, of course, with breaking news. five days of mourning have been declared in iran, the funeral of iranian president ibrahim rasi and the head of the foreign ministry amirian. open during the parliamentary meeting, the authorities of the islamic republic stated that the tragedy would not cause disruptions in work. the duties of the president of iran until the elections will be performed by the vice president of the country, mahammad mahber. putin had a telephone conversation with him today and expressed deep condolences. in connection with the death of reisi, stated
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that he knew him well and valued him as a reliable partner. moscow and tehran emphasized their mutual desire to further strengthen ties. what happened to iran's air force one is not known for certain. images from the crash site were published by the isna agency. the american bel 212 helicopter, produced back in the nineties, literally burned to the ground. what is known about the death of the iranian president up to this minute, see. as you can see, i am now standing exactly in the place where the helicopter carrying iranian president ibrahim resi and his delegation crashed. as you can see, the wreckage of the helicopter is scattered around the area. the search for rescue measures began immediately after the incident. the first images from the helicopter crash site.
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the engine of the crashed helicopter carrying the iranian president is located right here, you can see the details of this helicopter on your screens. these shots show a rescuer on a stretcher in the fog.
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as a result of the helicopter crash have been established and there is no need to conduct a dna test. he added that the imam of tabriz was alive within an hour of the plane crash and even made a phone call. iran's deputy interior minister stressed that all the bodies were fully identifiable and had not been sent for dna testing. the death of president risi is officially confirmed by iranian vice president mansouri along with reisi foreign minister hassein amir abdalakhyan and the governor are killed. eastern
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azerbaijan malek rahmati is the same imam of tabriz who remained alive for some time, muhammad ali al shahem. these are the last shots from that same helicopter, the head of the islamic republic, a few hours before the disaster, in the window, mountain peaks covered with snow, eight people on board, including the head of the presidential security risi, general of the islamic revolutionary guard corps mousavi, two pilots, one technical worker.
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the disaster occurred 600 km from tehran, near the city of julfa. raisi was returning from azerbaijan, where, together with president aliyev, he participated in the opening of a dam on the border arak river. after the official events, this is the very last photo before departure, the head of the icelandic republic boards an american-made bel-212 helicopter. about 30 minutes later the aircraft. falls in the iranian province of east azerbaijan. in total, three helicopters were in the air raid, the other two arrived safely at their destination.
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drone sent to turkey identified heat source, the footage shows a night landscape and a dark spot on the hillside. when rescuers eventually reached the wreckage on foot, they discovered that the helicopter carrying iran's president and
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foreign minister had been completely burned. initially it was reported that the flight was carried out on a soviet mi-171 helicopter. the car counts. one of the most reliable in the world. afterwards it became known that the iranian president made his last flight on an american bel-212 helicopter. machines of this type were purchased on the secondary market 20 years ago. cruising speed 190 km/h, flight range - 440 km, maximum flight altitude - 5,300 m. cabin capacity 6 passengers and two crew members in iran. after the first reports of the tragedy, residents came out en masse. outside to pray for their president. ibrahim roisi was 63 years old and became iran's president in 2021 with more than 60% of the vote. in the same year, he was included in the list of
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the most influential people in the world according to time magazine. previously serving as the supreme judge and prosecutor general of iran, he has the honorary title of seyid. that is is a descendant of the prophet muhammad, which allows him to become the spiritual leader of iran. we assure the loyal, respected and noble people that we will continue to tread the glorious path of serving the people, inspired by the tireless soul of raisi, the protector of the servant of the people and the faithful friend of the supreme leader. with god's help and the support of the great people , not the slightest gap will be created in the governance of the country. since 2019, it has been under sanctions from the united states and the european union. during the islamic revolution, risi was active anti-monarchist, advocated the overthrow of the pro-western shah pahlavi, and even according to unconfirmed reports. participated in the storming of the american embassy in tehran, married,
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wife, doctor of philosophy, two daughters. in january 2022, risi made his first visit to russia and held talks with vladimir putin for the last time. telephone conversations between the leaders took place a month ago. the hegemony of the west is facilitated by the hegemony of the dollar , and in order to create a new...
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the first vice-president of the country will act as president of the islamic republic muhammad mahber, special advisor will organize.
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according to him, the united states, despite the ruling of the international court, banned the supply of spare parts for the presidential helicopter, the same american bel-212, this caused engine wear and crashed the aircraft. all versions will be considered, including possible ones. put and electronic impact on the helicopter. the white house has already stated that they see no signs of foreign interference in the helicopter crash story. at the same time, washington is still even did not express condolences over the tragedy in iran. the american and german media are already building their own versions of what happened. the new york times writes that the disaster occurred at a sensitive moment amid the possibility of global conflict in the near future. east publications note that the crash occurred just days after
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senior american iranian officials held talks to de- escalate. the death of the iranian president could cause unpredictable developments in the region. ricey was considered the most likely successor and belonged to the conservative part of the iranian elite, focused on close cooperation between russia and china. well , let’s record that in one week, it so happened, coincidentally, there was an attempt on the life of slovak prime minister fitso, an unsuccessful attempt on the life of serbian president vucic, an attempt at a new coup in turkey and now the death of the president of iran. all these countries are friendly to russia, pakistani journalist shahryar kan has already linked racey with the assassination attempt on robert fitts. wrote about the resistance of both politicians to the west, ukraine, and also israel.
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western media are cynically expecting a civil war and a coup in iran. at the same time, westerners admit that as long as ayetallah khaminii himself is alive, no incidents will change his policy. according to the financial times, it was iran's spiritual leader who made the personal decision about the recent massive strike.
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an unprecedented response to suspicions that israel struck the iranian consulate in syria, killing seven iranian soldiers. during russia's presidency, iran has increased pressure over its nuclear program, violating an international deal and accusing the us of withdrawing from it, and the european states are that they did not achieve the goals of the deal. iran also supplied drone technology to russia, fueling the conflict in ukraine by allowing russia to shoot far beyond its borders.
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just a week ago there were parliamentary elections in iran, there are people in iran, they are posting and celebrating, they are applauding, clinking drinks, celebrating his death on social media. it is also important to understand the difference between president raci and his predecessors in foreign policy, for example, former president rouhani had a completely different understanding of foreign policy, he wanted to reconcile with the west, with raisi we did not see any signs of this. i think the reaction to raisi's death is mixed. we see this in iran. there were celebrations on the streets of tehran, but apparently people fear reprisals. many people mocked his death, but equally there are many supporters of the regime. this is a huge structure, people are paid salaries, they are sent to shrines for religious prayers. i think the most interesting thing we saw was the appearance of the supreme leader on television, to calm the people, vows and
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warn that there will be no unrest in the country. real power in iran belongs to the supreme leader. in many respects.
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according to iran's basic position, based on three principles formed over the past few decades, this will not change. iran's three key principles are that israel must be replaced by palestine, that the united states must be driven out of the middle east, and that the american world order must be overthrown, and iran must make alliances with whoever it wants. supports, be it maduro or many others. so they don't expect these three core principles of iran to change. now to the front, urgent news comes from the southern group of troops; the village of belogorovka, west of lesechansky, has been completely liberated. in this area, the enemy lost over 300 mercenary fighters per day. the critical position of the yari in these frames is a strike on the positions of ukrainian militants
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with tos-1 apeg thermobaric shells. in reserve, german propagandist julian röbki reports that the situation for the ukrainian militants in the city are catastrophic, there is an advance of the russian army in the direction of leptsov
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in the area of ​​​​the village of zeleny. the village is located just between leptsy and volchansk, in izium, this is also the kharkov region, the command post of the long-suffering third assault brigade, the same azov brigade, was struck today. the fact that their command post was moved along... closer to the kharkov direction is very indicative, there is panic in the general staff in the ssu, they are trying to make every possible effort and resources to stop the russian breakthrough. chief of the pentagon at a meeting in the ramstein format, literally a couple of minutes ago, he said that the coming weeks and months will be decisive. this is a direct quote, saying that right now is the moment of the main challenge. however, austin did not specify. moment of challenge for whom, for the usa, for ukraine and in general, what does this mean that at the front, look,
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under the command in ryazan, the commander of the assault detachment of the 272nd regiment, we...
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only one or two wounded. drones, as well as glide bombs, strike regularly here. kiril and ivan were wounded in the very first battle for volchansk. yesterday they left
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hospitals. they are back to fight on the front lines tomorrow. they accompany us to the trenches in defensive positions, a few kilometers from volchansk. artillery is green. suddenly the soldiers start running. an armored vehicle arriving from the front was hit by a drone.
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realities of war, and also added that these same countries do not take responsibility for the deaths of their citizens on ukrainian territory, this is also a direct quote, well , that is, our military can destroy western instructors, and this will not lead to increased the very fifth article of the nato charter and will not cause any war between russia and the west. in general, the europeans do not spare their soldiers, just as the ukrainians do not spare them. and in paris they are calling not to spare missiles for attacks on russian territory. deputy of the democratic movement party. chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the french national assembly jean-louis bourlaun believes that paris should follow the example of london and washington, that is, allow ukraine to strike russian territory with french weapons. another madman
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british defense minister shep. he demands that berlin give kiev long -range taurus missiles and also allow them to launch strikes on crimea. in an interview with sky news, sheps boasted that great britain was the first country to allow its weapons to be used to attack our peninsula. former general sect nato rasmuson also demands that all restrictions on the use of american weapons for attacks on russian territory by the mulkiev be lifted. can't win a war with his hands tied behind his back. former cia chief petraeus is of the same opinion. however, in fact ukrainian militants are already using weapons from the united states to attack our country. according to the ministry of defense, today at about 13:00 an american khar anti-radar missile was shot down by air defense systems over the belgorod region. statement.
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obviously, they don’t want this here. do you think it would be worth doing this? i think that if attacks are carried out directly from russian territory, then these bases are a legitimate target if missiles are launched from them or supplies are carried out for the army. i think it's time because russia provoked the escalation of this war. this concerns what you said about the attack on the second russian city of kharkov, which is not on the front line. we have to
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take it off. all prohibitions, all restrictions, including on the use of weapons from the united states. you cannot win the war if ukrainians have their hands tied behind their backs. this is impossible. and when the russians use missile launchers located on russian territory, obviously the ukrainians should be allowed to hit russia and hit with whatever weapons they have. i think we should tell putin that in addition to supplying all the weapons ukrainians need to attack russia, we must offer kiev to become a member of nato. we need ukraine as a springboard against aggressive russia.
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and made a decision comparable to the decision of the british americans, in the name of which we deny the ukrainians the right to respond blow to blow, the right to legitimate self-defense excludes the inviolability of the territory of the aggressor, so we are not talking about direct intervention in the theater of military operations, but
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more modestly about the lifting of an unjustified taboo in favor of a sovereign ukraine, faced with with russia's increased aggressiveness, only changes in the balance of power and the newfound asymmetry of strategic positions can convince putin to put an end to it. but which does not allow its use in crimea, which is part of ukraine, still transferred the missiles to kiev. in ukraine, the law on total mobilization came into force. now all men, from 18 to 60, as well as women, doctors must register for military
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service. subpoenas will begin to be sent by mail and will be considered served. military commissars, police, and border guards in case of absence. documents from the military registration and enlistment office will be delivered to people by tck receivers by force, in essence, people will be kidnapped, which generally happened before, but now it will be considered absolutely legal, here is footage from different ukrainian cities after may 18, the streets, please note, were abruptly lowered, men no on the streets, all ukrainian boys are sitting at home. well , that is, the bet on total propaganda did not work and no one wants to voluntarily die for zelensky, and of course , how can we not remember the series that became prophetic, the servant the road where zelensky predicted these very
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streets ran around the city shouting: people, where are you? at the same time, ukrainian military commissars are looking for fresh meat 24x7. in these frames of the cherkasy region of a city council meeting... the military commissar was invited to a meeting to get acquainted, and in honor of the acquaintance, he offered to visit them at their workplace and handed out an agenda to everyone present: none of the 26 people served, had no intention of serving, from lvov, in uzhgorod and kiev they write how local guys flock together in flocks of 10-20 people just to go to shop. and this is footage from an odessa bus, representatives. the shopping center, according to eyewitnesses, sprayed pepper spray on public transport and forcibly took the guy away; the first armed clashes with the shopping center began in odessa, but the main propagandist of the zelensky regime, natalka masiychuk, her son in
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europe, and not at the front, does not notice anything about this , and says that those who are afraid of mobilization are traitors and alarmists, recalls that during the second world war...
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who should report to the territorial recruitment center? all men from 18 to 60 years old
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must update their data, we are talking in particular about those who were limitedly suitable and unsuitable, 2 months to update the data. if a person does not update their details, they may be fined. if a conscript does not appear after a military medical commission, then he may be put on the wanted list and even imprisoned for a period of 3 to 5 years.
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may 18, 24 is the day of mobilization, not a single man, not a single one, in general it is empty, now, so you understand, it’s 13:00, there are no men at all, well, friends, good morning, the eighteenth, everything is empty, there are no people, there is no one, people,
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it’s normal to tell you honestly, but honestly, but this is just cruel, just cruel, people, ukrainians, someone didn’t leave, come out, people, huge people, who didn’t leave the country,
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people, come out, well, the main thing is not in practice, only in words, ukraine’s european ally, president macron, who threatened to send his soldiers to odessa, is now forced to deal with problems in his own state, as they say, if you want to change the world. macron has scheduled a meeting of the emergency national security defense council for today due to the catastrophic situations.
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as reinforcements for local security forces, but street fighting continues and seems to be only gaining momentum. france lost control over most of the island, as well as the only airport in the la tantuta archipelago, which is located in the city of nouma, the capital of caledonia, until may 23, the new caledonian airline aikalin canceled the series. this is stated in a statement on its website. what is the reason for such merciless rage, and the protests themselves, and how last week’s peaceful demonstration against the change autonomy constitution has developed into a real civil war. the answer lies in
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the colonial policy of france and the infringement of the rights of the konak people, that is, the infringement of the rights of the local indigenous people. for several decades, the kanaks have been dreaming of gaining independence, referendums were held several times, which each time ended in nothing, the island still remains a french colony, and now, in order to finally deprive the konak people of self-determination, paris has decided to change the constitution and give people the right to vote, who have lived in new caledonia for more than 10 years. indigenous. residents are afraid that if all the europeans who came to the island over the last 20, at least years, get a vote, then the kanakas themselves will find themselves in an overwhelming minority, and this situation will not allow new caledonia to secede from france, and this
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will be very beneficial, primarily from the french metropolis itself, which is mined on nickel island, precisely for this reason. columns of smoke rise into the sky from destroyed buildings and violent clashes are seen in the streets. between protesters and law enforcement forces.
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very quickly, 40 cars were set on fire in 4 hours. having lived in new caledonia for 52 years, sasha boallo found it hard to survive. i just don’t understand why this was done, i’m certainly not the only one, more than 200 businesses were destroyed, but i can’t understand it. the feeling of devastation reigns throughout the island,
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and the kanaks also share it. like cars, gendarme transport and an armed french contingent. ready to strike back in case of attack, many obstacles have to be overcome manually, here they there are 60 km to go, on the way there are many obstacles blocking the path in front of six hundred gendarmes and special forces units called upon to restore security. with the help of this reinforcement , the authorities intend to restore order, especially on such major routes as this highway, which connects nouméa with the north of the country, in particular with the international airport. the special forces take over. initiative, and the state provides us with more and more resources, so we are going to return the lost territories and quickly restore the rule of law in the new caledonia. it has not been working for a week, ships have been anchored here for days, trucks, refrigerators have been abandoned, located between the city center and the hospital, the autonomous port is located just
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a few kilometers from the site of the conflict , smoke from fires is visible in the distance. as of yesterday , the ships that were used to unload containers began to be returned, and we don’t know how long this will last. in these photographs, customs officers guard containers of food and medicine to be delivered to the center.
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mining craft is traditional for here is a piece of stone containing nickel from new caledonia, it has a very long history here, we live almost in the middle of the mines and almost constantly see similar landscapes. the well-known lithium batteries are present everywhere, in your kitchen, in the operating room. at
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the moment, nickel is mined here by a french company, but it has been experiencing financial difficulties for a long time. it seems to me that, regardless of the system, a holy place is never empty; if this place becomes vacant, someone will immediately take it. nickel is imported, refined and processed at this vniomei plant. this precious resource provides 10% of new caledonia's gdp. thus, the plant is the main employer of the archipelago. supporters of independence believe that the plant is able to become the main source of income for the archipelago in the event of its secession from france. for months, the island's government has been negotiating with local authorities over a massive financial injection into the plant. over the past few days, discussions with...
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look lost in space again, gave a military salute to the air, and then forgot the name of the co-chair of his campaign headquarters. this time it all happened in patlanti, joey behaved strangely while welcoming graduates of the men's art college. look, biden is trying to read his crib sheets before his speech, then he drops them on the floor, fumbles for a long time and
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takes out a black folder, looks at the folder like a ram at the gate, although the crib sheets are under the folder. basically, biden couldn't find them. i still couldn’t remember the name of the college where he spoke, at the end for some reason he said: no i'm going home today, what? joey was disgraced when talking about the coronavirus, saying that the pandemic occurred during the period of his work as vice president, although in fact it was not obama who was in the white house at that time, but biden’s rival trump. donald himself , a little over a month before the expected debate, demanded that his opponent be tested for drugs. trump said he didn’t want old joe to show up to the debate high, saying he had no money... and is confidently ahead of
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biden in all key states, the new york times tells us. share of supporters republicans rose 11 points in 1660 to reach 47%. at the same time, only 40% sympathize with the democrats, compared to minus 6% in 1916. against this background , former governor of agaya john kasinge said today that democrats may refuse to nominate biden for the presidential election and look for a new one who is more adequate. let's give a warm welcome to the forty-sixth president of georgia democrats, come with me to the usa. president biden spoke at
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a campaign event in atlanta in front of 100 people in a small room.
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everyone that he's supposedly pro-black, but he's not, he hasn't helped anyone, and i don't like that he's sending weapons to israel when people need help here. i'll probably be the only black person to say this, but i want trump back. honestly, i like trump, a lot happened under him, all sorts of news, hype in the media, so i don’t mind him returning. let's remember how biden treats black
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americans. let's say that his attitude is ambiguous and he...
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if we had such a coach, he would be suitable to biden a few years ago told him: “go away.” but we don’t have a person who could tell him this, but it is possible that at some point they will decide to intervene and release the entire bench. i wonder who the new pitcher will be? polls say i'm ahead of biden by 2%. how is this possible, he can neither walk nor speak, cannot leave the stage, cannot connect two sentences.
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cocaine, it's his house, his son does cocaine, so i wouldn't be surprised if joe indulges in it too from time to time, let's be realists, everyone who watches joe biden sees that... he has the lights on in the windows and no one is home, so he needs some kind of stimulant so he can debate with a guy like donald trump. so, breaking news, white house, i don’t fully understand how exactly and under what circumstances they have already managed to conduct their own investigation, but the white house declares that washington does not see any external reasons for the helicopter crash, i remind you that the motorcade moved solemnly. iran
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on board crashed in the mountains. the white house doesn't see external reasons for this tragedy. at the same time, iran's ambassador to russia, jalali, has just announced that consideration. did not end and did not even begin until any of the versions about the cause of the helicopter crash were confirmed, iran is grateful to putin and russian colleagues for their efforts in helping to find the crashed helicopter funeral. tomorrow, right now, a funeral rally has begun in tehran. we are transferred to tehran via direct communication with my colleague abbas juma. hello, welcome to you. yes. greetings, greetings, glad to see to hear. news of course terrible, how does tehran behave, how does it react, what is happening in the capital of iran now? i
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am in tehran, well, somewhere a few kilometers from valeasr square, where mass mourning is taking place, i am not there, because there is no internet there, i believe it was specially turned off there, now on your screens are the footage that i took. literally 15-20 minutes ago, there were a lot of people, there was no panic, there was no fuss, yes, there was grief, there were tears, there was mourning, a man whom many perceived as a father, as a relative, as a very a loved one, but nevertheless, uh, panic, fear for the future in the political sense of the word, there is no and cannot be, everyone is confident in the steadfastness... of the supreme leader, everyone is confident in the stability of the islamic republic, political stability, economic stability, so no fear, no grief, i showed you
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the newspapers today, 5-6 hours have passed, i can say the same thing, no panic, no unrest, measuredly, now it’s rush hour, people are all heading to mourning. who speaks the language, yes, unfortunately, i speak persian much worse than arabic, even worse than russian, but, as far as i know, the bodies will be delivered to
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tabriz tomorrow morning, from there they will be delivered to the holy city of qom for shiite muslims, as far as i know, they have been identified, so, you started with the fact that the americans conducted some kind of investigation there, this is not serious. because today there are no serious statements, any harsh statements from anyone at the official level, which indicates that the investigations of the iranian special services - rescuers and so on it goes on, the iranians themselves are not yet ready to name the official version, they haven’t figured it out themselves, and they couldn’t, listen, they’ve been looking for the helicopter for almost a day, well, it’s going to take... some time for the reasons to be established this catastrophe, so everything that the western propaganda media are saying now, everything that the israelis and other ill-wishers are saying, well, it’s not serious, it’s just funny, it
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’s more of a formality, well, just to say right away, but we have nothing to do with it , we don’t even have to look in our direction, no, in their direction they will look, now the version of the assassination attempt, as far as i know, is not official, i will emphasize the information, according to me, i rely on my connections, what people i trust are now telling me, this version is being considered, it is being considered very , very seriously, so just literally a couple...
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people are sitting in cafes and restaurants, yes, of course, now the cafes and restaurants are half empty, if not empty, because now at the moment everyone is at the funeral procession, but nevertheless life goes on, what role did mr. reisi, is it true that he was being prepared for the role of supreme leader, they say so, this is a very common opinion, again based on the experience, political experience of the current rahbar, the current supreme leader, who at one time... also served as president,
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after which means he was chosen as the supreme leader, they said about reisi this way: this man with an incredibly rich history, with colossal experience, judicial experience, spiritual experience, he is a seyyed, he is a descendant of the prophet, as evidenced by the black color of his turban, he has in principle, all the qualities that rakhbar must have, this... and experience, this and knowledge, this and, therefore, work in those places that, well, are actually necessary, yes, in order to become a person of this level, but unfortunately, it happened what happened, i repeat once again, the personnel reserve in iran is extremely rich, whether we are talking about the president or we are talking about the supreme leader, there are no irreplaceable people, it cannot be said that it is impossible to find a person for some position, but yes indeed. this will be difficult to do,
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because, again, according to unofficial data, but so they say, the flights were prepared, they were prepared for a long time, what iranian television looks like right now, what the central television channels are like, we can capture the picture, but it’s clear, not just with translation, how people are prepared, what is being explained to them, it’s clear, for sure that no one is irreplaceable, but nevertheless all the top management. yes, this is a big tragedy, this is a big loss, it ’s impossible to say that the country will survive this easily, but it also cannot be said that there is no plan for this, but there is a plan, the plan is spelled out in the constitution, who will do what, how the government will be organized in the country, you can hear me, yes, you can hear me, you can hear me, please continue, yes. yes, yes, who will
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do what, how the top leaders will act now, all this is written down in principle, there is an action plan, now an anti-crisis commission of this kind is actually being assembled, people who will solve operational problems, whether they concern the investigation, the incident or further so on. say political, further political structure, there are 50 days for elections, for preparations for...
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immersed in this process, they understand how difficult it is to be in this country, especially at such a moment, so this opportunity is truly unique for us. thank you very much, keep us informed, and of course we look forward to hearing from you. a message has just arrived from new york that the un security council honored the memory of the deceased president of iran, lynx, and the minister of foreign affairs with a minute of silence. abdalakhian, footage on your screens of all the other passengers who were in the helicopter, helicopter crashed, it was initially reported the day before. about a hard landing, then it became known that everything was very complicated, the search continued all night, this morning they found a helicopter burnt on the island, however, all the dead had already been found, taken and identified to the burial place. ask! well, olga,
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today is the day when the whole world can sum up the activities of two very different presidents, very... different national leaders. ibrahim raisi died tragically, and i think that all reasonable people on earth share the sorrow of the iranian people. ibrahim raisi is a shining example of consistent service to his people, his homeland. while still a very young man, he took part in the islamic revolution. and i must say that i never changed my views, my beliefs. he survived along with all the people. and he contributed a lot to iran’s exit from this blockade. iran became a member of the most influential economic organization in the world today, brix. iran
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has become one of the centers of the emerging multipolar world. i just don’t want to immediately slip into conspiracy theories, but it all looks extremely suspicious. all supporters of russia. so, if suddenly the opponents of russia suddenly began to die in the world, who stand in this is really the case and moreover, let’s say to the head of state, i think that the united states of america would also quickly come to the version that it was not without the russian, and there would have been a howl from the first minute, but here yes, and i think they didn’t need much either. time to draw our conclusions, however, i think we will share soon of the peranian people, and ibrahim raisi undoubtedly deserved the highest marks, but today, although he is still alive,
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the political death of another president is taking place, the last hours of mr. zelensky’s five-year term are expiring, and at midnight the carriage turns. service to his people, then zelensky is the clearest example of a consistent betrayal of everything with which he went to the elections and what he promised. president zelensky promised peace to his people. he said: i will achieve peace
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with russia, and i will ensure that there will be peace within the country, normal, unified, equal coexistence of russian ukrainians will be ensured. it was he who rejected the implementation of the minsk agreements, provoked a war , plunged the country into chaos and unprecedented russophobia. at the beginning of his reign, president zelensky said during the election campaign: “i will make ukraine a prosperous country where ukrainians will come from all over the world.” what do we see today? ukraine has plunged into a demographic catastrophe, which can no longer be overcome, cannot be overcome. ukraine the state fell into economic catastrophe, millions of people left the country, mr. zelensky said that he would make ukrainians travel abroad, they would be constantly in europe, they would live a european life, what we see today, the border is locked, and
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they are trying to push ukrainian men back by force to ukraine, where this border will be closed for them forever, your task is to fight with russia forever, this is your future. mister! zelensky promised that ukraine under him will be a democratic state, he is a servant of the people, power will belong to people, as a result, there are no elections for either the president or the verkhovna rada, 11 political parties are banned, including parliamentary ones, all television channels are united into a single censored television marathon, extrajudicial murders of political opponents are carried out, you will remember the murder of kiva. a deputy, by the way, of the verkhovna rada, whose entire guilt was that he said what the ukrainian leadership did not like, did not fight, but said this, he was killed.
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agents and bookmakers, that is, those who accept bets, well, you must admit, in a warring country,
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bookmakers must be left in the rear, because who else will accept bets, how long will kharkov last, logical, logical, this is the result of the choice that, unfortunately, the ukrainian people made, here are two for you example of people, the man about whom they correctly said today accepted martyrdom... we do not know what was the cause of this catastrophe, unlike the american leaders, we will wait for an official investigation, but in any case , the man died at his post, defending the national interests of his country, and this one who is still alive and well, who betrayed all his voters with all his election promises. ask. brigadier general ali abdallahi, deputy chief
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of the general staff of the iranian armed forces, has been appointed head of the commission to investigate the circumstances and identify the causes of the crash of the presidential helicopter. it is important to note that american bl-212 helicopters have been operated by the presidential detachment in iran since the time of president ahmadi nizhad. therefore this. well old enough machine, it is important to note that under the conditions of sanctions in which iran is located, these machines did not receive certified technical maintenance and certified spare parts, so their maintenance and technical supply of spare parts were carried out, well, according to various kinds of gray schemes, this is important to note, now as for circumstances of the disaster itself, those versions that will obviously be considered, the first is to...
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so influence the vulnerabilities of the aircraft used by the first person, in this case the second person iran, because the first person is the supreme leader, the president is the head of the executive branch, that is, external electronic influence, or activation of a program bookmark, does the united states of america have the technical capabilities for this? i’ll say right away that i’m not blaming anyone, in this case i’m considering a purely theoretical model of how one can influence a helicopter. in order to, in general, in difficult thunderstorms and severe weather conditions,
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lead to the fact that this catastrophe could happen, of course. does it represent the president of iran, who died, is he an enemy of the united states of america, yes, this is evidenced by all the external concepts that have been adopted by several administrations, starting with trump and the current president, is it in the practice of the american intelligence services to kill unwanted political leaders, more than enough , starting with fidel castre, who... was successfully able to avoid several dozen assassination attempts during his life, and ending with the successful, unfortunately, assassination attempts that were carried out by the hands of the special services the united states of america as part of covert operations, so here, when the iranian side considers all the circumstances, external electronic influence from either an american
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satellite, or an american unmanned aerial vehicle, or ... all the necessary assistance in the investigation of this tragic aviation incident is another matter , whether tehran will accept this or not , whether it will agree or not, this is a matter for the iranian authorities, but this is the practice, the manufacturer of the national helicopter either plane that crashed, always
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offers its services to the authorities of the country where this tragedy occurred to help in the investigation... entered into the investigation, let's go back, light in the window, in previous episodes, so many years have passed, we must continue to live, in the bogdanov family everyone has become strangers to each other, i still haven’t come to my senses after the death of my son, of the
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two of us, he has always been an angel, it’s good for you to take a break from me, like... light in the window. continuation. we are watching today on rtr. tired of boring waffles and ugly toast? forget about it, because with the new power excel woffle star you will discover a new world of belgian
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cheese toast, french toast or hearty beef waffles? forget about the mountains of dishes left under. after preparing a meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert, power xl is simply the pleasure of waffles for the whole family, call and get your unique power xl waffle star for yours. perfect waffles and more, waffle iron msrp is 79.95, but you will get your original power xl woffle star at an unbeatable price of only 59.95. your savings will be 20 euros, but that's not all. if you place an order right now, then as a gift, you will receive an ingenious booklet with power xl recipes from the famous chef. but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using
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bold in a white tuxedo, and i’m starting, here mark anatolyevich zakharov goes to the group, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, am a hunter of women, i like it attack. dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, but how much more is there to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i’m giving up everything, with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home, with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr. he is the culprit of the accident, the person was hurt, he will be judged, you want to ruin a child’s life, i warned him, do you need anything,
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yes, health, a nurse for the director of the plant, this is so cool, everyone leave, i don’t want to see anyone, i understand that he has no simple character, yes, i want to try to sit down, you promised to help me, it seems to me that he is a completely different person, morgue, listen, can you make sure he doesn’t yell, but i suggest getting rid of him, how to get rid of him, kill him or what? he was abandoned like a dog on the street, that’s how long it takes, i’ll work with him for as long as i can, i want to be with you always, sunday, on rtr, this. the crashed helicopter in 212 president iransi did not send distress signals; the emergency data transmission system was missing or turned off. new
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details of the plane crash were just announced by the turkish minister of transport. the iranian tv channel irip reports that a special commission is already working at the scene of the accident, which was sent there by the chief of the general staff of the islamic republic. iranian state news agency irna. funeral, what is known at this moment about the disaster, look, as you can see, i am now standing exactly in the place where the helicopter on board, which carried iranian president ibrahim reisi and his delegation, crashed, as you can see, the wreckage of the helicopter is scattered across district, search and rescue measures began immediately after the incident. the first footage from the helicopter crash site. the bodies of the victims have already been taken towards the city of tabriz for
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a funeral ceremony. the president of iran was on board a crashed helicopter , you can see the details of this helicopter on your screens, in these shots a rescuer in the fog is carrying people out on a stretcher, with a red blanket on top. rescuers find the helicopter only in the morning; the first signal is transmitted by a turkish uav, which records flash of heat. later, it becomes known that the helicopter is on fire at this moment, it is impossible to reach it by air, rescuers begin moving on all-terrain vehicles. it took 12 hours to find the head of the muslim republic, the car allegedly loses
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control due to... test. he added that the imam of tabriz was alive within an hour of the plane crash and even made a phone call. iran's deputy interior minister stressed that all the bodies were fully identifiable and had not been sent for dna testing. death president raisi is officially confirmed by iranian vice president mansouri. along with reisi , foreign minister hassein amir abdalakhyan, the governor of east azerbaijan malik rakhmati and the very imam of tabriz
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who die die. islamic revolution mousavi, two pilots one technical worker. the disaster occurred
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600 km from tehran, near the city of julfa. raisi was returning from azerbaijan, where, together with president aliyev, he participated in the opening of a dam on the border arak river. after official events, this is the most the last photo before departure is the head of the icelandic.
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was heading to the tibrist oil refinery due to bad weather conditions. 73 rescue teams, including the ksir special forces, were involved in the search for the presidential helicopter. immediately after the crash , there was fog at the site, after which it began to snow and rain, accompanied by even stronger winds. air searches were suspended and rescue efforts were carried out with ground services. a drone sent to turkey identified a heat source, the footage shows a night landscape and a dark spot on the slope hill. when rescuers eventually reached the wreckage on foot, they discovered that the helicopter carrying iran's president and foreign minister had been completely burned.
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it was initially reported that reise was flying on a soviet mi-171 helicopter, a machine considered one of the most reliable in the world. afterwards it became known that the iranian president completed his last flight on an american bel-212 helicopter. machines of this type were purchased on the secondary market 20 years ago. cruising speed - 190 km/h, flight range - 440 km, maximum flight altitude - 5,300 m. cabin capacity - six passengers and two crew members in iran. after the first reports of the tragedy, residents took to the streets en masse to pray for their president. ibrahim ruisi was 63 years old, he became the president of iran in 2021 with more than 60% of the votes, in the same year he was included in the list of the 100 most influential people in the world according to
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time magazine. previously, he held the positions of supreme judge and prosecutor general of iran, has the honorary title of seyid, that is, he is a descendant of the prophet muhammad, which allows him to become spiritual. leader of iran. we assure the loyal, respected and noble people that we will continue to tread the glorious path of serving the people, inspired by the tireless soul of resi, the protector of the servant of the people and the faithful friend of the supreme leader. with god's help and the support of the great people , not the slightest gap will be created in the governance of the country. he has been under sanctions since 2019. european union during the years of the islamic revolution, raisi was an active anti-monarchist, advocated the overthrow of the pro-western shah of pohlavi, even unconfirmed information, participated in the storming of the american embassy in tehran, married, wife, doctor of philosophy, two daughters.
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in january 2022, risi made his first visit to russia, held negotiations with vladimir putin; the last time, telephone conversations between the leaders took place a month ago. the hegemony of the west is facilitated by the hegemony of the dollar ; in order to create a new economic system, it is necessary to remove this element of hegemony in world practice. some people say the only way out of ours is the only problem is to smile at america or some european countries. i've said this many times and i'll say it again, we don't wait for their smile and don't put it on. democracy is a code name for robbery, war and domination. our people in west asia have touched western democracy with their flesh and skin. the west, now facing a crisis of identity and functionality, sees the world as a forest, itself as
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a beautiful garden. they are the superpowers of the past, and we are the future. in this photo, risi's empty chair in the iranian government meeting room, framed with mourning ribbon, perform duties. that the freedom arch in kiev, which was previously called the arch of friendship of peoples, and was later excluded from the list of monuments, does not need to be dismantled, for this it is enough to redefine it meaningfully,
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or more precisely, make the arch of friendship an lgbt symbol. all that remains is to rename the streets in kiev in honor of genders; in the west there are already 70 of them, so there is a lot of work to be done. the dutch embassy in ukraine distinguished itself; the dutch department decided to raise it above its building lgbt flag the process was solemnly observed by militants of the armed forces of ukraine from the brigade of black cossacks, they invited the armed forces members to remember what they are fighting for, all this happens on the eve of the so -called month of pride. in june, the west will honor the pervert of all bridges, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender people and the list goes on, the list is huge. the usa is also preparing its people. cbs news published a report dedicated to the day when same-sex marriages began to be registered in america for the first time; the moment is called a turning point in us history. another one. the turning point happened on nbc
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news, where they showed a trailer for a series called queer planet. the artistic creation must convince those left behind that it is okay to be a pervert. like lions have same-sex sex, hippos are transgender, fish change gender, and in general nature does not have a binary system, it’s random. sex is normal, but nbc news propagandists do not answer the question at what point the moral guidelines of wild animals became the norm for humans. look, there are more than 11 million people on our planet species of living beings.
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a series about lgbtq animals
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called queer planet will premiere on june 6th. go on a trip around the world. explore the rich variety of animal orientations, from flamingos to pansexual primates, gender-bending fish, clownfish, to heterosexual fungi and everything in between . in this documentary, you will see unusual creatures, witness an amazing diversity of behavior , and meet scientists who question traditional ideas about which is natural when it comes to sex and gender, the show's synopsis says. i don't know about you, but i wanted to know more about these two gay lions and what they were really up to. well, that's all. i think it's time to go kill the bull. because i think that's exactly what this series wants to convey. this is an alternative structure that is promoted and implemented by the american media. naturally, there is an attack on the traditional theory that there are only two sexes: male and female. i have a couple of questions,
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the first one is about clown fish and what the hosts of the program say is that these creatures change gender, so are you clown fish or people or clown fish? second question, when they say that animals engage in homosexual sex, it is worth noting that there are not many animals in this world that practice exclusively homosexuality or exclusively homosexual sex. this happens extremely rarely among animals. yes, some individuals engage in homosexual mating, but they also do it with members of the other sex. they they do this in order to reproduce and continue the offspring of their species. this is exactly what happens among animals. maybe i will surprise someone now, but reproductive function is the main category for the survival of any species. and in the animal world there are still two sexes - male and female. but let's leave these questions aside. why do people at nbc accept rams' moral traits as a role model. this surprised me the most, and yes, i think
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it's true, here's a new alternative to their propaganda: when there is a biblical vision how a man should look and how a woman should look, they offer you a second way: let's follow in the footsteps of clown fish, or let's take an example from lions, i just want to say how often animals, but how often in the animal world sex happens according to mutual consent, it’s just that in my opinion it’s impossible to compare a person according to the categories of the animal world, why do you equate people with animals and it’s strange how they still don’t treat people like animals? so, americans take the moral guidelines of the rams as a basis. remember: former us president trump accused the white house of political persecution in the release of the criminal court hearing his trial on charges of forgery. trump allegedly went to her to pay for the silence of the porn actress storm daniels, whom... he again allegedly had an intimate relationship.
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donald himself denies everything. today he expressed his dissatisfaction to reporters, instead of engaging in the election campaign full-time. forced to sit in the courtroom, traditionally trump attacked his competitor, following the words that johnny iq, donald has already directly called the current president of america a mentally ill person, high relations. a good term is selective blaming, and that's what i'll use. all this is coming from the white house, coming from the department of justice and the white house, look who is sitting in the round room, this is an attack by biden, who is mentally ill, he is not fit to be the president of this country, this is an attack on his political opponent, that's what this is what it is.
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tural, please, for now it’s on western screens, i’m growing so much in my head every second the thought of sadomi and other de. the rest of the world is trying to somehow isolate itself from what is happening there and solve really pressing problems, of which there are many, this is war, this is food security, this is the construction of a new financial system, this is, of course, first of all, the preservation of spiritual and moral , cultural values, in fact, it is these leaders who are now being attacked, and sometimes attempts are made on them. by the way, you don’t have to be somewhere in asia to become a target or target attackers, the example of the sfits is a clear demonstration of this, there are a lot of different cases, on may 7 they said that there was allegedly an assassination attempt on the crown prince of saudi arabia, the saudis then manipulated this
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story, but at the same time a lot of questions remain open, yesterday, by the way , they said that king salman ibn saud, 8 8 years old , fell ill with pneumonia of the lungs, we also wish him good health, yesterday a plane disappeared, sorry, a helicopter, crashed, yes, oh again, a lot of accidents, yes for a short period of time, but at the same time you need to understand that the story that is now unfolding before our eyes in iran is not something special for this state; in the eighty-first year he was already dying. iranian president, then no crisis occurred, the iranian political system in this sense is stress-resistant, this has been proven for many years and is being proven almost every day, there are candidates who can worthily take this place after the upcoming snap elections,
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the only thing that everyone is talking about that will happen, i will probably say about something that definitely won’t happen, but that was assumed by many who are involved. what iran and the region agreed on was that the system that was envisaged or assumed, where resi could potentially become rahbar, the supreme spiritual leader, the foreign minister, now former amer hussein abdallahian, could take over the post of, in fact, the president islamic republic, deceased leader of friday prayers tabriz muhammad ali. hashim can become chairman of the council of experts, this one of the main supervisory bodies of the entire country, which monitors the legality of the actions of the authorities, that is, such an audit commission, it also deals with the choice of who will be, strictly speaking, the supreme
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spiritual leader, and now, of course, the question, in my opinion, is not who will become president, and how will it happen in the future before... a possible again, the first two numbers, unfortunately, a successor, who can become his successor, but yesterday they died, these are raisi and ale hashim, there are still options, now many they remembered the second son of ali khaminiya, about moshtaba khameinyi, but he is not a classic, in the iranian sense, politician, he is still a spiritual figure, by the way, he actively supported him for many years in a row. the former president of iran, ahmedi nizhad, against whom a criminal case was later opened for embezzlement, misappropriation of funds, and this, of course, hit the positions of moshtabe, homini, there are other options, but they are also considered as such a foul of last hope, conditionally speaking,
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this is the chairman of the majlis of iran mohammed bagher ghalibav, but this is a man from the xir, the islamic revolutionary guard corps, which we have been observing for... the last 2 years, these are iranian conservatives who are still trying to somehow limit the influence of the xir, who imagines himself from the revolutionary guard corps. a state within a state, as it seemed to many there, while ghalibav, a man who at one time was the commander of the air force, the iranian police, the mayor of tehran, that is, an impressive track record, a man who serves his homeland for most of his life, is currently third face formally, but in the country, now after rahbar, the vice president, himself being the chairman of parliament, and there is another option, which is talked about very little and little... known, this is ghulam hussein mahsinejai, this is the head of the judiciary of iran, the judiciary decides a lot in iran,
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a lot of issues, manages a large number of spheres, social life, economic life, political life, well, almost all spheres of social life are permeated, including by the influence of the judicial system, as well as the excir, and the clergy, well, actually... speaking of what will happen to our relations if a new cabinet is formed, just now i read the news, it was announced that there will be elections on june 28, i am of the opinion that there will be no negative this does not represent a change for us, the course has been set, moreover, our relations with iran are now at their peak in the entire history of russian-iranian relations, absolutely the entire history, they will only develop, the very course of those events. which we are now seeing at the global level, here in including what was now shown on the screens, it simply forces us, the iranians, and
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the chinese, and other sensible nations, peoples and states to join our efforts so that something similar does not happen in our home, it’s true, good, on in the west , olga, iranian presidents are always divided into two categories, some whether this really is true or not is another question, but the americans and the british believe that this is so. some they considered a reformer, for example, muhammad khatami and the one who preceded the current deceased president rouhani, and the current deceased president raisi and, accordingly , ahmadenijad, they considered hawks, unconstructive leaders, and what ’s interesting is that as soon as a reformist president came, as they said, the west immediately increased pressure on him, pay attention, all the military.. . threats to bomb iran always followed when a president came, on the contrary, aimed at compromise
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and dialogue, no paradox, because the americans hoped to force the reformer president to some kind of deal that would be beneficial to them, that is, as soon as they see any slightest weakness, they immediately begin to press as hard as possible, and twice they, in a sense, succeeded in their time... someone who is ready to conduct a dialogue with the west and go to some extent then concessions in order to then increase pressure on iran, that is, now the attention
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of the americans, the british, especially, as experts on the east, is focused on whoever comes to power, and if it is a softer, more liberal person, they will immediately create a military crisis around iran, but about the animal world, the comparison was perfect remarkable, let me remind you, 100 years ago... changes the future, we do not betray our memory and do not renounce our words, we are responsible for every word: evening with vladimir
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solovyov, today on rtr. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suts & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine... with 1 km of clean sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable. rixas premium magavish udess and villas - the vacation you've been dreaming of. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikha. riksas rodomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy
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themed rooms. a large children's town in the region and an unforgettable vacation. rixsas radomis charmel-sheikh. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden
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beach and azure waves. lio reоrts, we are here for you, i thought, i thought, i realized that i'm not i’m ready to break anything in my life, dad, he left me, oh well, i don’t have a swimsuit, are you watching? can i hug you, well, who is he, man, well , introduce him to the man, i love him, you know, it’s just my stupid girl, but some kind of love, he will leave you at the first opportunity, as soon as he
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gets tired of you, i beg you, please, stop, don’t touch me. i'm at peace, what are you doing, and little girl, hug me, please, feel me, can i hug you, on saturday on rtr, cherish the goal, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room, absolutely without any glamor, creating three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are in sight turn into projects, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant
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maniac, real ones will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes. stone flowers, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let us in my home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, i will gather the whole family and introduce you officially, i switched over somehow. light in the window. premiere. today on rtr. for me, the film moscow does not believe, in many ways this is my destiny. i was not at all eager to play this role. it wasn't the script that captivated me. volodya is a man who goes his own way, it’s always hard for him. this wasn't even
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criticism, it was bullying. i was so worried that he said something. i don’t remember everything well, but i can only tell you that for me he didn’t leave, we are still together, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday. on rtr. so, president putin dismissed yuri sodovenko from his post as deputy minister of defense, head of the apparatus, ministry and new deputy minister;
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oleg savelyev, who had served as auditor of the accounts chamber since 1919, was appointed by presidential decree. under the leadership of the new minister of defense. austin said that the security of the world depends on the survival of ukraine, because putin’s victory
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will supposedly make this world even more cruel and chaotic. with such a strange motivation the us secretary of defense promised what he called a steady flow of weapons from the us. ladies and gentlemen, the coming weeks and months will be pivotal and we will continue to act with determination. the survival and success of ukraine is central to ensuring the security of ukraine, the security of europe, global security and the security of the united states. if putin wins, he will conclude that he can try to invade and conquer his sovereign neighbors, which will put europe under putin's shadow, make the world more violent and chaotic. therefore, ukraine’s struggle for freedom and...
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and he understands deeper than i or any of the experts why he did this, it’s unlikely that you are in this program there, or we will all understand the answers to these questions, this is probably reasonable, means, but i would still like to return - to the agenda that you set, including the rainbow one, here i am already, we have already shared, here i come to you to learn many things on the program, i’m not an adult, i i’m almost a child, you know, i’ve lived so many years and i don’t know.
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with the fact that your personal data is there in come to the clinic or somewhere else, and here, you know, they put completely different values ​​on the same level, i’ll return to iran, but from a completely different point of view, i don’t either, i’ve already heard enough of everything there, it means a missile was fired or a bomb they put it there, i don’t really agree with this, because i don’t think so, most likely it’s a really old helicopter, well , it’s strange that they flew on it, but well, but that’s for me now. another, i want
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to know from this iran, there, by the way, a week ago a different conclusion was drawn, i’m more or less fine just parliamentary elections have passed, all branches of government are very balanced, very independent of each other, like many people, many people think that this is a country where only the mullahs rule, everything they said, everything must be fulfilled, no, not it’s not at all like that, by the way, the late president fought for women’s rights, he became famous for this. that, according to local canons, he was considered a liberal figure, well, there are a lot of them there, and one businessman there is a billionaire, i remember he was president, that’s not the point, eliminating it one president is not...
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about another times, now such people have been eliminated and taken responsibility, remember? this is the american method, to eliminate their own opponents, maybe i’m not a supporter in this situation, well, it’s too, too difficult, but suddenly the americans were the first to say that he fell on his own and there were no external influences, which is also strange to this mine , strange, but the americans love it, but suddenly , you know, the slaughterhouse bathed over there, remember in 1914. they immediately said, russia
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shot down, and let's impose sanctions, everyone ran, they have there are a lot of strange things, they have strange things, so you show lgbt people also strange things, from a protestant country that has always been super religious in this sense, they suddenly turned into this, but i would draw another parallel, i’m somehow in your i don’t remember in the nineteenth year or some year, when our russian president went to the hospital, remember, the hospital on the commune, of course with covid, i told you then, and you... showed all this, to the president, but in a suit, i said, why are you happy, kostya, yes, that you rejoice, you must take care of the president, we don’t know what’s there at all, i later went to the hospital, i remember the first, one of the first , it means we don’t know what the infection is, that you ’re glad that the president went, that he what does it mean to go to war, the president must sit in a bunker and lead the country, these cases of conflict with the president of iran for us, for... society, especially there for
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the special services, for various, therefore, officials, must once again say, that's when i told you, and you look at me there, i say, that's it press secretary, peskov was just here, but the press secretary had to go first and say nowhere, i won’t let the president in, it’s impossible, really the whole world didn’t understand then what was happening, where we were, and the president in our country, in first of all, this is a mountain...
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good dividends within the country, after all , the usa is structured in such a way that they are primarily about the internal agenda, about migration, he talked about this and that, but here he said: i will come within one day, remember, i will solve this problem, for example, in ukraine. it was a position that attracted attention to him, who said, yes, it’s interesting, but how, and what, and what, then he suddenly took biden’s side, and even more to the right, probably, although for any reasonable politician who listens to him, that in particular, it is clear that two serious politicians, like our chinese, did not meet to tell each other a joke, of course, they first of all talked about, listen, well, well, i would say, i’m just saying. i understand them, i listen to them, i see, but what else should we do, because it all started, trump started against china, the first one, because the first sanctions began, uh, arms deliveries under trump also began to ukraine, which means now this all continues against russia,
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the two presidents are telling each other what we should do, that’s right, there’s raisi, you gave an example , when he said, you want us to smile at you, he says, from the rostrum of the united nations you won’t get it and we don’t need your smiles, of course, our presidents also understand this, of course, they gathered in beijing for a different purpose, not only for in order to resolve some operational issues related to this or that sanctions, including secondary ones, but first of all the global issues of this agenda, this is exactly the hang-up, what should we do so that these bastards get rid of us with their lgbt, with their own, that is, claims related to... with certain military actions, that means, in taiwan, in crimea, of course, they spoke in the financial sphere, about how we can establish trade among ourselves without becoming attached to america, i say this specifically, remembering this
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tragic death, because so much is tied to these leaders, the leaders of our two countries are the largest in the world, and one of the largest...
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concluded an agreement, the parliaments of these countries entered into an agreement with new caledonia, they concluded an agreement, another, on cooperation , and these immediately stopped, i keep saying, if you want, we want to step on the interests of the west, pinch their tail, we must really do this, really do what we did even here in caledonia, for example , there was an explosion, they made it 2 days ago explosion, we are silent about this in nivada. about which even in japan they squealed there , sacrificing today, i must comment, we said that we will also prepare, so we will monitor nuclear tests, we will be back in minutes of advertising, well, i
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’m already out of the habit of this, then i’ll be your fairy , come on, ask me for the premiere. “you ’re not getting out of here, sasha, they’re waiting for me, who ’s waiting for you? i have men, where are you going, pasha or sasha, it’s not funny, mom, well, in our family that’s not possible, it’s hard to leave your own doorstep, it doesn’t fit , you've been calling all morning, pasha, i just want to make sure he’s okay, and you, you ol, you’re okay as long as it’s on.” light in the window. today on rtr. food prices are getting more expensive all the time, and we still let food go to waste. how many times this has happened
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to you. you are going to prepare a meal, you go to loaf the bread and find that it is either not fresh or moldy. we know how to help you save money. just look at this bread and you can’t tell that it is already 2 weeks old. it's as if you just brought it from the store yesterday. could this be? introducing brad smart from. tapper vr is a simple, convenient way to keep your baked goods fresh, soft and ready to serve. bret smart's innovative condens control membrane lid with micro-fine precision venting is designed to regulate air humidity levels inside the container to create the perfect atmosphere and keep your bread fresher longer. so instead of spoiling and molding, your bread stays soft, fresh and delicious. bye. you won't be ready to eat it. bret smart large enough to hold several
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, you are an amazing woman, nice to hear,
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mark yakovich, also a very interesting person, we fell in love, and what should we do, we move away, she chooses, wow, decide with whom, one is good, the other is worthy, who of the two of them, adult daughters, the premiere, on saturday on rtr, i said, i want a white cat, they come up, oh you’re good, he loves... made a whole series of inadequate statements, said that russia wants to make life in
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ukraine unbearable, to create a migration crisis in the eu. she emphasized that all russian people... i heard a lot about this, the defeat of russia is not bad, because there can be real changes in society, there are many different nations that are now part of russia, if...
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and, as i said president, in soviet times it was worse, more, but nevertheless, nevertheless, this is a reason to engage in a more efficient distribution of these resources, as for external audit, well, let’s also honestly say that if 11 trillion rubles a year passes through your department, i will remind you that expenditures under the national defense item this year should be approximately 11 trillion, well , you must agree that an external audit, well, maybe...
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will be a serious challenge for the iranian state and a test of strength, i also think that iran will pass this test, but we we understand perfectly well that there will certainly be attempts to destabilize the situation, using the elections as a formal reason, especially since for the united states, after all, iran is a special story; let me remind you that the 1979 revolution of the united states, well, in the literal sense overslept. this is still one of the most shameful pages for american foreign policy expertise; a huge number of political science books have been written on the topic: how did they even allow something to happen that they did not predict? they didn’t correctly assess the risks, and how did this happen, so of course , the united states has been constantly
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returning to the topic of iran since 1979 and will continue to return, let me remind you that, in fact, yes, they have already said in this studio that... after all, iran is a special form, theocracy, and the president there is rather the head, not rather, but the head of the executive branch, that is, the prime minister, as in many countries, but we remember that the creator of the iranian state was itala hamini, he changed only once in 1989, and just saitalla khaminii came to replace him, he 85 years, this state will undergo transit, so this is also a certain stress, from a point of view.
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this is the way to fight energy poverty, and we must implement this together, and by the way, please note that lately iran has been announcing a lot of trade projects, just recently india was leased the only port on the indian ocean, we are also very active we participate in transport corridors, for advertising, yes, well, accordingly, we will return. a big musical premiere, but i have a question, please tell me how much it will be singing, how many non-singing, virtuoso singing. or virtuoso facial expressions, i can’t imagine at all, this could be your trick and deception, you are capable of anything, a master of vocals or a master
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