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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 20, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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a ready-made solution, the bright life photo façade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. when contamination occurs, just rinse it with water, beautifully, quickly, conveniently and easily. call to order a universal photo façade for the bright life fence at a special price, from only 9.95. just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. so, in volchansk , assault groups drove the enemy out of the northern part of the city. ukrainian militants were thrown back across the volchye river and on its southern shore, the russian army has already created a bridgehead for a further offensive. thanks for watching, bye. on the russia channel, it’s time
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for the main news of the day, big news is on the air, igor kozhevin is in the studio, hello! there was no chance of salvation. see, here are the parts of the helicopter. a country in mourning, iran confirmed the death of its president and achieved the high title of martyr on the path of serving the people. his last shots. his political testament. the west that is now facing. with a crisis of identity and functionality , he sees the world as a forest, himself as a beautiful garden. world reaction about what's next. tensions are so high that we need to reduce them. and the nervous response from world markets about what’s going on with oil and gold. the liberated belogorovka provides operational space for further actions. evgeniy podubny, about our progress in the kharkov direction. pavel prokopenko. about the terrible truth of avdiivka
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, graves in the courtyards of residential buildings, signs of avdiivka , trump explained why you cannot vote for biden. our president is a low iq man and he has to deal with chairman xi with putin. biden explained why he is afraid of trump's victory. guys, trump is not seeking to lead america, he is seeking revenge. most of america is now against biden. his situation continues to deteriorate.
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condolences to the supreme leader of the islamic republic, ali khaminiya, and spoke by phone with the acting president of iran, mahammad mahber, noting russia’s invaluable personal contribution to the development of friendly relations between moscow and tehran. the main version for iranian news agencies remains that the helicopter was malfunctioning. bel-212. 6 years ago it already crashed in iran last year off the coast of the emirates, the day before. issued alarms due to
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a disabled or missing transmission system. local media emphasize that the dead iranian pilots were experienced air force lieutenant colonels. questions, rather, to the aircraft fleet, which is outdated due to sanctions. maintenance problems and lack of spare parts have led to numerous fatal accidents . in 1981, the c-130 hercules crashed. the most outstanding commanders died. iran-iraq war in 2005 plane crash the commander of the ground forces, akhmat kazimi, and a number of other guard commanders were killed. about the weather conditions in which the investigation into the disaster begins and what assistance moscow has already sent to tehran. alexander khristenko. as soon as the rescuers reached the place where the helicopter crashed, due to the nature of the destruction, they immediately realized that there were no survivors. the journalists who were allowed to the scene of the emergency could not hide it. you see, here are the parts of the helicopter, in this
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place it fell apart, here is the engine, you see scattered parts of the crashed helicopter, everything is on your screens, rain, strong wind, fog. and then descended to the mist mountains. in such conditions , the search and rescue operation continued for more than 12 hours. dozens of units were involved, including special forces of the army and the islamic revolutionary guard corps, totaling about 2,000 people. after tehran’s appeal, immediately, by decision of vladimir putin , two special il-76 aircraft with equipment and specialists from the ministry of emergency situations, trained to carry out the most difficult tasks at high altitude, flew from zhukovsky to iranian tabriz. we would like to express our gratitude.
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serving the people. in total , nine people died as a result of the helicopter crash, along with the president was the minister of foreign affairs, hassein amir abdalahian, the governor of the province of raisi achieved the high rank of martyr on the way , and other officials. reisi's helicopter was discovered at an altitude of 2.5 km in the forested mountains in the north-west of the country, between the cities of varzakan and julfa. the iranian delegation was returning from an official event on the border with azerbaijan. the leaders of the countries ibrahim raisi and ilham aliyev met there to to inaugurate the hydroelectric complexes at the khudoferinskaya hydroelectric station, located on the border araks river. this is a demonstration of our cooperative and close relationship. there are many examples of cooperation with you.
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there are light clouds in the sky, the sun is shining, but obviously, by the end of the ceremony the weather began to quickly deteriorate. raisi often used helicopters, including the russian mi-171, but this time he flew an american one. 212. here are shots from the interior of that same helicopter a few hours before the crash. bel 212 - developed back in the sixties. board iranian president was made in the nineties in the usa. at first it was assigned to the iranian army, then it was repainted and used for civilian purposes and for transporting top officials. capable of carrying up to 14 people and reaching a cruising speed of 190 km/h. it is known that high altitude conditions require special skill from helicopter pilots. and during a storm, to navigate by...
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on the national airwaves everything is dedicated to ibrahim roysia, people cannot hold back their tears. prayers are heard in mosques in memory of the deceased president. ibrahim reisiya was 63 years old from family of a clergyman, studied with
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the famous aetol in the country, in his youth took an active part in the islamic revolution of 79, advocated the overthrow of the pro-western shah pihlivi and even, according to unconfirmed reports, participated in the assault. embassy in tehran, made a career in the field of law, served as prosecutor general, was known in the country as a tough anti-western politician, of an extreme conservative bent, with such a program he won the presidential elections in august twenty-first. risi made his first visit after taking office to moscow, despite the height of the coronavirus pandemic. and we are in constant contact. but of course, neither video conferences nor telephone conversations can replace at least this, he still.
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for iran to become a full member of the sco. we have been opposing the americans for more than 40 years and we will never stop the progress and development of our country because of. the next day, the president of the islamic republic spoke in the state duma, and contacts between the leaders of russia and iran became regular. moscow and tehran agreed to develop a north-south transport corridor, to cooperate in the caspian sea, in bushehr, russian specialists are building the second and third stage of the nuclear power plant. trade turnover increased by tens of percent. and, of course, together the countries resist illegal sanctions. and the hypocrisy of the west.
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to the nuclear deal, but said his foreign policy would put national interests above all else. iran is a member of the sco, since january 1 of this year, a full member of brix. the last time putin and raisi met was in december in moscow. today the flag is flying over the iranian embassy in moscow. people carry flowers in memory of president ibrahim raisi. the country's ambassador thanked the russians for their solidarity. at today's government meeting in iran, reisia's empty chair was surrounded by mourning ribbon. perform temporarily. his duties, according to article 131 of the iranian constitution, will be the first vice president, sixty-eight-year-old
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mahammad mahber. he is known as a like-minded person of resi, already in the morning he gathered military leaders for an extraordinary meeting, a sign that everything is stable in iran and under his leadership continuity will be ensured course, and it could hardly have been otherwise, due to the peculiarities of the country’s political structure. iran is a theocracy, the supreme leader of the country is aetallah ali khameni, he makes sure that any law or decree complies with the norm.
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according to the law, a presidential candidate must be of iranian origin, belong to the official religion of the country, the requirements also include age from 40 to 75 years, management experience of 4 years, no criminal record, possession of at least a master of science degree, the decision on the admission of candidates to the elections is made by advice guards, a body consisting of 12 people, six of whom... india, syria, iraq, pakistan and lebanon declared mourning as a sign of solidarity with the lost president of iran; the prc foreign ministry accompanied condolences to tehran with words about the loss of a close friend. well, contrasting against this background was the demarche of the head of the defense committee of the german bundestag, strack
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zimmerman, published by the european union #rosoridarnost, she called it pathetic and called not to help tehran even cartographically. french and british media are trying to convince readers of fragility the vulnerability of an orphaned iran, without recalling that tehran was dealing with a more difficult crisis 43 years ago when terrorists killed. president and chief justice. the future of the islamic republic through the eyes of the world media in the material of dmitry melnikov. from condolences to curses, the death of the iranian president has illuminated the increased multipolarity of the modern world, while the iranian authorities are looking for answers to the question of what happened, tehran's allies and opponents differ in their reactions to the tragedy. un security council announces a minute of silence in memory of the president of russia and other disaster victims. the second key question is what happens next, and here all eyes
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are on israel. the death of the iranian president against the backdrop of the middle east conflict has given rise to fears and suspicions. tel aviv is holding a pause, but the further scenario of the historical confrontation largely depends on it now. the long shadow war between iran and israel went into the open last month, accompanied by mutual strikes. to faraket, while the israeli official said told reuters that israel was not involved in the crash. it wasn’t us,” said the official, who requested anonymity. at the same time , radical israeli politicians. they do not hide their satisfaction; a member of the ultra-conservative party, noam avi moaz, publicly rejoices at the death of the iranian president. less than a month ago, he threatened that if israel attacked, nothing would be left of him, and now he is a speck of dust in history. the middle east understands that iran’s policy in connection with the death of racey will not change significantly; they will not change their
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positions and israel, says the leader of the israeli opposition, avigdor lieberman. it doesn't matter to us, that's it. will not affect israel's attitude towards iran. iran's policy is determined by supreme leader ayatallah ali khaminii. however, there is no doubt that the president was a cruel man. we won't shed a tear. the reaction of the official west to the plane crash in iran is chaotic. the head of the european council, charles michel, dared to express condolences only on social networks. the eu expresses its sincere condolences to connections with the death of president raisi and foreign minister abdalahian, as well as. other members of their delegation and crew in a helicopter crash. our thoughts go out to the families. the reaction in europe to these words is immediate, not on my behalf - says far-right dutch politician geert wilders criticizes a european official for expressing solidarity with iran; in germany, even in this situation, they do not stop looking for the russian trace. the welt publication discusses the prospects
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for further cooperation between iran and russia against the backdrop of the conflict in ukraine and... hezbollah and hamas are the supreme leader, president and foreign minister. and of course, the whole world is closely monitoring the reaction of the united states, where iran is called one of
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the main opponents of the west, a participant in the so- called axis of evil. we don't want to be. part of this is that if this accident is the result of wind, fog and a risky helicopter flight, tensions are so high that we need to reduce them, there will be rumors about how it happened, and the united states should not be seen making unnecessary statements. american the media are reporting that the death of the iranian president occurred against the backdrop of secret negotiations that washington was conducting with tehran; whether they will be continued is still a big question. the helicopter crash of iranian president raisi comes at a delicate moment for... people's relations , just days after senior us iranian officials held proxy talks to try to defuse the threat of wider conflict in the middle east. official tehran about external has not yet spoken about intervention in the plane crash, but recalls that it was us sanctions that led to the lack of spare parts for
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helicopters in the islamic republic. the white house says it is closely monitoring the situation with the plane crash from the very first minutes. in iran, while racey did not see any signs of external interference in the story of the helicopter crash, all accusations of washington’s involvement in the death of the iranian president are called ridiculous here, although it is the united states, along with israel , that are the main beneficiaries of this iranian tragedy. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. traders in commodity markets reacted to the news of the death of the iranian president. we'll talk more about this with our columnist on... good evening, what's going on with oil quotes? igor, good evening, oil prices are rising, the brand price exceeds $84 per barrel. wti reached 80. iran is a major player in the global oil market. in recent years, the country has been able to achieve the volume of oil production and exports that was before imposition of us sanctions. every time there is some
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tension involving iran, it pushes up oil and gas prices. it is precisely because of fears that suddenly the current conflict will reach the point of blocking the strait of armuda. iran exports more than 1 million barrels per day, these are decent volumes, but the truth is that everything it sells is exported exclusively to china. china has the opportunity to ignore american sanctions, while before the sanctions iran shipped a lot to europe. iran participates in the opec plus community, but at the same time it is not subject to restrictions. quotas, but today the cost of gold has also increased, yes, prices have updated their historical maximum, the cost of gold futures in the morning exceeded $2,454 per ounce.
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a new maximum has already been set, basically in fear of a further aggravation of the situation in the middle east. in addition, other factors such as the expectation of a fed rate cut and a weakening dollar also affect the price of gold. by evening, the price of gold decreased slightly. experts do not rule out that this trend may continue. iran is not a country that would produce a lot, by the way, its statistics on gold, on production, are closed, it is not very big and... a consumer, rather they use gold in such barter calculations, bypassing the dollar, but this is not the same player, which, if we take it purely in terms of gold, can affect the world
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price or something else, another thing is that the news of death itself does not add stability, which has not been in the middle east for a long time, but we have joint infrastructure projects, last week... an agreement was signed on joint construction of a section of the railway, which will connect the land parts of the international transport corridor, north-south, it is expected that the line will be built in 2027-28, the country is quite stable in terms of economic obligations, which are always fulfilled, and the vector of development of the country is quite a long period, iran always adheres to it, so the risks here... changes in the timing of the project from the point of view of political circumstances, i think, are extremely, extremely low. the total cost of the project is estimated at
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1.600 million euros. thank you, it was my colleague nailila askerzade. the number of victims during today's shelling of the luhansk suburbs has increased to 12 people. one of the scalp missiles, the french version of stormshed, was intercepted by air defense. a series of explosions still occurred in the village of yubileiny. the blows were aimed at the elderly. three victims were sent for treatment, seven more people were wounded in the city of vasilyevko in zaporozhye, and in makeyevka , five were hospitalized after the shelling. also during the day , air defense crews shot down a dozen drones and several rockets in the sky over the belgorod and kursk regions. well, now to the situation directly on the front line. russian units. the southern group of troops liberated the village of belogorovka in the lugansk people's republic, it is located west of severo-donetsk and lisichansk and opens the direction to slavyansk and kramatorsk in
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the neighboring donetsk people's republic. at the same time, just to the north, our fighters improved their positions and took new positions near the settlements of chervono-debrovo and kuzmino. during the counter-battery fight , two british howitzers were hit and four ammunition depots were destroyed. in the kharkov region, parts of it. the groups continued to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defenses near the settlements of glubokaya, volchansk and staritsa. as a result of the fighting, the kiev formations lost up to 380 mercenary fighters in just one day. on the northern outskirts, our attack aircraft of the 272nd regiment have already stretched the russian tricalor. soon this flag will hang in the very center of volchansk, yakaspii, the report is completed. on the eastern polish rassamak armored personnel carriers arrived immediately on the outskirts of volchansk. fell under the gun of the lancets. previously, they were seen in the kupinsky direction; the enemy continues to gather more and more of its reserves. units of the central group, which are fighting in the donetsk
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people's republic, destroyed two marder armored vehicles made in germany, one american bradley, one self-propelled gun and one howitzer made in the usa. and the fighters of the vostok group of forces supported the fighting at staromaisky and urozhainy. these are shots from under the flint with a brazilian camera a mercenary who came to fight for the kiev regime, but was destroyed. in the kharkov region, the russian army continues to push the enemy away from the state border, now the military correspondent evgeniy poddubny is going live, i welcome you, and we are waiting for the latest data on the situation from you. yes, igor, hello, indeed, our fighters continue to push the enemy into the depths of the kharkov region in order to form a sanitary sanitary zone that will not allow the militants
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of the kiev regime to... units are trying to knock out the militants of the kiev regime from these cities, the enemy has again transferred additional reserves over the past few days in order to try to slow down the advance of units of the russian army, according to our data, the kiev regime has already been able to redeploy more than 37 battalions to the kharkov region, and these are battalions who were not only in the process of restoring the battle.
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abilities, but also some of the units were transferred from other key sections of the line of combat contact, now the enemy introduces into battle the most modern western weapons systems that the kiev regime has at its disposal, first of all, this is artillery, a multiple launch rocket system, aviation operates in the skies of the kharkov region, the kiev regime uses high-precision bombs of french and... american production, ours air defense crews destroy such bombs every day in order to protect the advancing units of the russian army, as well as to prevent these bombs from hitting civilians objects. the kiev regime did not evacuate the population of settlements that are located in the zone of active hostilities, so now russian army soldiers are paying increased attention to this and are
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evacuating civilians. who found themselves in the zone of heavy fighting. igor, yes, thank you, evgeniy, military correspondent evgeniy poddubny spoke about the situation on the front line in the kharkov region. the authorities of kabardino balkaria managed to double the gross regional product in 5 years, thanks to which social issues in the republic are now solved at their own expense. the head of the region, kozbek kokov, reported this to vladimir putin today. new projects bring additional income. housing construction plans are measured. already millions of square meters, tens of billions of rubles are being invested in agriculture and tourism. report by olga armyakova. the region, where the highest point of the country in all of europe, has been visited by almost 400,000 people since the beginning of the year alone, a record increase in tourist traffic in 4 months by a quarter, the ski resorts of kabardi in balkaria are becoming all-season. i watched you have this brooks zone developing
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little by little and... the it park is developing, yes, vladimir vladimirovich, we have breakthrough projects, this is the development of a resort in the elbrus vtrc, today it is planned to invest 14.5 budget funds for 24-26 billion rubles, all this money goes to infrastructure solutions, namely the expansion of the ski area, modern hotel complexes with 500 beds are being built, by 2030 there will be eight new cable cars, all with private money. 39 billion rubles. investors are attracted by the free economic zone. 10% annually the agro-industrial complex of the republic is growing, the largest project is a greenhouse complex in the chegem region. here berries and vegetables are grown year-round, including for export. by the end of the year, the first stage of an industrial it park will be opened on the basis of the main university of the republic of kabardino- balkarian state university. today they are preparing guys who
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work well in... programming, they need the necessary infrastructure, here we want to support them, this is in terms of investment, in general, twenty dollars have been invested in fixed capital in the third year, about 68 billion or 108% compared to the same period last year, a good result, good, in 5 years the gross regional product has doubled, 320 billion is expected at the end of the year, at the same time tax revenues are growing. with municipalities it will be 24.8 25 billion, all this allows us to solve social issues, we need, of course , to pay additional attention to the condition of kindergartens, schools, timely repairs of buildings, we need to carry out new construction, clinics and dispensaries. the focus is on the modernization of primary care, plans construction of four more hospitals and
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eighteen outpatient clinics. the largest clinic in vnalchik with 500 visits per day is preparing to open. after a major overhaul, the children's republican hospital became operational. the most important thing for the healthcare system. the industry's challenges must meet the goals stated in the new may decree, including contributing to the growth of the well-being of russian families. there are all possibilities for this, the head of state noted. despite the sanctions, strong volatility in
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global and regional energy markets, domestic technology is developing steadily, new export directions are opening, and what is fundamentally important is a priority for us. reliably fully meets growing internal needs. the russian economy is growing, needs are increasing and they are provided with electricity. in january-april , gas production in russia amounted to 246 billion 400 million cubic meters, which is almost 8% more than in the same period last year. quite stable indicators in the oil industry industry. for example, at first. which is slightly 1.8% less than for the same period last year, but we proceed from the fact that we have agreements under opec plus, and this is
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a voluntary reduction. in novosibirsk, the very first thunderstorm in may turned into a natural disaster. streets, sweeping away everything in its path, and the scale can be judged by the footage taken in one of the courtyards, where part of the parking lot was washed away, but it is still collapsing, don’t come close, take the car away, this is it, it will go away now, in the lowlands giant puddles hid the cars were almost up to the roof, and some drivers tried to save their floating vehicles; the situation was complicated by a squally wind that shook the roofs and poorly secured ones. the same water, but already large, hit the panama region of yakutia in the morning. a state of emergency has been introduced in the republic. almost 500 residential buildings in sixteen settlements remain sunk there. some
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residents were evacuated and placed in temporary accommodation centers. now rescuers and volunteers are strengthening dams and removing livestock and domestic animals. even the herd was caught in the trap horses. the cause of the severe flood was ice jams in the lena riverbed; the river current was so strong that even a hovercraft had difficulty maneuvering among the blocks. thanks to government support, 35 russian enterprises began producing equipment necessary for the construction of new tankers, container ships and icebreakers. about what 's in the country. the speech was made at today's meeting of prime minister mishustin and his deputies. another topic was social projects for the regions. reportage
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alexey petrov. one of the main topics at the meeting is support for small medium-sized businesses in new regions. an additional 3.750 million rubles are allocated from the federal budget. the funds will also be used to help local people. it’s important, i would ask you personally to also monitor the progress of the work so that it is completed on time, we promised this to the people, and so that they can, of course, then receive high-quality, including high-tech, medical care. among the priority tasks is the development of
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the northern sea route. under sanctions the corridor will allow exporting products to friendly countries. the arctic fleet must expand to build new ships and is preparing to launch modern production. one of these sites is the anezh shipyard in... the arctic, siberia and the urals are already working on the vacuatorium of the arctic ocean, the next icebreaker yakutia, we plan to deliver at the end of this year, and of course the most powerful icebreaker russia, which should also be built approximately by the thirtieth year, it is very important to complete this work as... as quickly as possible, i mean establishing our own production of all necessary
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equipment, units, key components, and achieving technological independence in this area. the zvezda complex in primorye has already handed over to customers five afromax-type oil tankers; such giants have never been built in russia before; contracts have been signed for another 26 large-capacity vessels; in total, by 2037, 92 ice-class cargo ships are to be built, these are container ships, dry cargo ships, and tankers. the tasks are large-scale, the united shipbuilding company, together with vtb bank, it is considering the possibility of building another high-tech shipyard; the final decision on where exactly will be made at the end of the year. alexey petrov, sofia melnichenko and vitaly marchenko. news. technological independence, but already in the field of photonics, was discussed at a retreat that prime minister mishustin held in sorov. this area of ​​science is being replaced by electronics and the task of the state is now to provide conditions. for complete localization of production processes, from
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the production of special materials to the assembly of finished products products. report by dmitry kaystra. it was no coincidence that prime minister mishustin decided to hold a conversation about the country’s technological security in sorov, the cradle of russian nuclear technology in the place where important discoveries are made that determine the scientific and technological development of the state. these include unmanned aerial systems, medicine, artificial intelligence, space technology. technology, means of production, automation equipment and many, many other areas, which will allow us to develop science at an accelerated pace, and technology, and the technology that is based on it. photonics is one of the key scientific fields, centered on the study of the properties of light. the photonics market is one of the most promising in the world. its volume reaches 10 billion dollars. transport, space, artificial intelligence. the demand for photonics programs is only growing. in recent years , the government has supported a number of research in
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the field of both photonic and laser technologies, including the production of a line of solid-state lasers, optical fiber systems for telecommunications, which was launched last year project to develop technology for the design and manufacture of photonic integrated circuits. and this is an example of how advanced scientific fields can develop. and we have prepared a program for the thirtieth year of 90% russian. from imports of electronic components,
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including ensuring space instrumentation. already today , our x-ray telescope is operating at the orbital station. after the well-known actions of unfriendly states, this is actually the only x-ray telescope operating in the roscosmos system. we have begun development of a project to create x-ray celestial navigation, a kind of space jeep for an autonomous one. a solution in the interests of determining the position of spacecraft both in low-earth orbit and in the deep scale of the solar system. the achievements of russian photonics were shown to mishustina at the rosatom exhibition, among the exhibits was a laser for cataract surgery. ophthalmological cataract surgery complex. prime minister mishustin set the task of localizing the entire technological production chain in order to be competitive in the domestic market and export their technologies. among the top ten world leaders in photonics production.
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dmitry kaestra, yulia brileva, host. the volga region today celebrates the day of one of the most beautiful rivers in the world. its basin occupies about a third of the european territory of our country and extends from the valdai central russian uplands in the west to the urals in the east. you can only take in the largest water artery from the height of near-earth orbit and especially for the holiday, our cosmonaut oleg artemyev published. tourism now requires not only development, but attention to its unique ecosystem. report by ruslan bikbulatov. a journey of 3,500 km in 100 days with one oar sobboard from the voldai upland to the caspian sea. there is beauty there, it’s simply fabulous. the same
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route, from the source to the mouth, but not by water, by air, by paraglider with a camera. a procession with unique landscapes, over a cascade of reservoirs, the zhiguli mountains covered with protected forest, steppe dunes, and spit islands. volga is really mother, because this is a reflection of the russian soul, this is our russian character. volga generously shares her gifts, but now she herself needs help. iron, cadmium, chromium, zinc, an analysis is being carried out: where do the heavy metals come from in the juicy water? these are industrial enterprises. in sixteen regions new ones are being built and modernized. old treatment plants, for example, in somar, 600 thousand cubic meters of water every day, before returning to the volga, go through a dozen stages of purification, ultraviolet radiation, like this microorganisms. this is what we leave to our generations and what goes downstream to the same saratov region. this area in the village of rozhdestvena is poisoned
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by distillery waste. the production waste was not disposed of, but was dumped into the ground for decades; over 40 hectares of soil were poisoned. hazardous substances along... and the volga along with groundwater, from here to the river bank, no more than a kilometer. tons of toxic soil are transported to the hangars by truck. they use a composting method using bacteria, that eat pathogenic microorganisms. after 21 days, this land will be suitable for agriculture. thermophilic bacteria in dry form, they speed up this composting process, speed it up much more. under the protection of the national project and the volga, the akhtuba floodplain, green aasi, among. we have improved the throughput and filled with life-giving moisture those areas where the water did not reach well, and in some places it did not reach at all. the bottom of the volga in different areas is cleared from the rear, deepened by dredgers, the underwater world is replenished with red book entries.
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inhabitants. ruslan bikbulatov, daniil yakimov, news! the wealthy will pay more, and the state will spend the income received on financing. economics of national projects, primarily those related to family support. this is the essence of the tax changes that the ministry of finance is planning; the head of the department, anton syulanov, shared his ideas today at a meeting of the expert council in the state duma. report by olga meshcheryakova. all those who make decisions, officials and entrepreneurs, recognizable and not so well known. here is the head of a very small district murom, vladimir region, on the contrary, is the general director of the country's largest online store. the head of the tax service is at the window in the guest room, his task now is to listen to all sides, the chairman of the duma budget committee opens the council. not only experts in the tax field have gathered here today, but also those who represent taxpayers and budget recipients. it is very
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important to hear all opinions, to take into account all arguments, it is very important that... for this entire discussion to be open to the public. the minister of finance reports: tax changes are a response to a request that has been formed in society for a long time. the tax system needs to be fairer. we are still finalizing the parameters for changing personal income tax for different income categories. it is important that, within the framework of a fair tax system, the proposal for progressions does not affect the majority of citizens and concerns only those with high incomes. at the same time, it is necessary that the benefits from tax changes go to families with children, that is, those categories of our citizens who need government support. for in solving national problems, economic and social, it is important to take into account the interests of citizens, business and the state, and this is not only about redistributing the tax
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burden. for example, the so-called wealth tax, earnings over 5 million rubles made it possible to create the circle of good foundation, which helps children with serious illnesses. the other most important thing is the economy. it needs an incentive to grow. the money will be used for the construction of housing, roads, the development of science, high technology, pharmaceuticals, and the most important
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systemically important industries. even the largest successful business is ready to integrate into a new, fairer tax system, which will provide additional support for socially responsible people. those enterprises that have a fairly large debt load and do not pay dividends. but they continue to implement large investment projects, these projects will already bring additional tax revenues in 3-5 years, increase the gross domestic product and will allow us to maintain our place in the world market. we believe that this measure will allow market participants to low turnover, effectively compete with large businesses. for small businesses , tax and administrative conditions should be kept as simple as possible to ensure that the costs of entering the market do not become prohibitively time consuming. and the tax burden should.
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vladimir putin, in a telegram to the chairman of the people's republic of china , expressed gratitude for the warm, welcoming welcome to sidinpin following his visit to beijing. the text is posted on the kremlin website. putin
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emphasized that the trip left him with a bright impression, and the negotiations should help strengthen the comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction between our two countries. russian foreign minister lavrov and chinese foreign minister wang spoke today about the special nature of the trusting and deep relations between moscow and beijing. on the sidelines of the meeting of the heads of foreign affairs of the member countries of the shanghai cooperation organization. report by robert frantsov. protocol photography is only called a formal greeting from sergei lavrov and his chinese colleague wang. and before bilateral negotiations, rather a meeting of old friends. the last time we saw each other was quite recently. we are actually meeting just a few days after president putin’s visit to china.
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defend international justice. lavrov expressed gratitude to the chinese side for its balanced position on resolving the ukrainian crisis, and also welcomed chairman xinzenping’s proposal to organize a peace conference on ukraine , subject to equal participation of russia and ukraine. after negotiations with van-i sergei lavrov talked for 2 hours with his kazakh colleague murat nortleu. in the presence of the media , they signed a protocol on the opening of new consular branches on both sides of the border in uralsk and astrakhan. the progressive development and rich agenda of bilateral relations were noted during the meeting of sergei lavrov with
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the president of kazakhstan kasymzhemart takaev. trade between our countries is developing successfully, it has reached record numbers, one might say, although of course this is not the ceiling of 27 billion dollars, i think that investment cooperation is also active develops. russian federation, today we noted the focus of you, president putin , on implementing projects that will make the lives of our citizens more comfortable. tomorrow a broad format meeting will be held in astana, the heads of foreign affairs of the sco countries will discuss global and regional security, the new economic reality and the main issue - the training of leaders of the association countries already in july here in kazakhstan.
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trump cannot be elected because he will take revenge, biden pressures voters into pity. on the day of the inauguration of the new president of taiwan, china imposed sanctions against american companies. replacing e with ё in your passport threatens to cancel your vacation, can anything be done about this? oh, how good, yeah, i’m already out of the habit of this. well, go ahead, ask me for whatever you want, premiere, you’re not getting out of here, sasha, they’re waiting for me, who’s waiting for you, i have men , where are you going, pasha or sasha, it’s not funny, mom, well, it’s not like that in our family perhaps it’s difficult to leave your native threshold, it’s not suitable if you call in the morning, pasha, i just want to make sure
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that he's okay, and you? tolya, you're fine as long as the light is on in the window, today on rtr. treat yourself to first class.
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stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. a hotel for unforgettable experiences. rixas sharmashaya is only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable numbers. rixos sharma sheikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. discover
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a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection, exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic, luxury collection bodrum. and he is the culprit of the accident, the person suffered, he will be judged, you you want to ruin a child’s life, i warned him, you need him for something, yes, health, a nurse for the director of the plant, that’s so cool, leave everyone, i don’t want to see anyone, as i understand it, he doesn’t have a simple character at all, yes , i want to try to sit up, you
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promised to help me, it seems to me, in my heart... he is a completely different person, morgue, listen, you can make sure that he doesn’t yell, but i suggest getting rid of him, how to get rid of him, kill him or something abandoned like a dog on the street, that’s how long it takes, i’ll work with him for as long as i can, i want to be with you always, sunday, on rtr. whoever renounces the past cancels the future, we do not betray our memory and do not renounce our words, we are responsible for every word. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. on the air.
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we continue production. the investigative committee opened several criminal cases regarding new crimes by ukrainian militants against residents of the dpr, belgorod and kherson regions. he is still in ovdeevka, which was released in february. unmarked graves. the investigation will be based on testimony from local residents who survived the occupation of kiev forces. report by military correspondent pavel prokopenko. a truck with the identification mark 200 is driving around avdeevka. stop in almost every yard. graves in the courtyards of residential buildings, a sign of avdiivka, ukrainian soldiers did not allow the bodies of the dead to be taken to the cemetery, only in this area, there are three such burials. heavy shots, bodies in... bags are often simply wrapped in blankets, crosses with signs are installed on shallow graves, but there are also nameless ones. majority people who buried their relatives here turn away from the camera; they survived under
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the fire of the ukrainian armed forces, but could not save their loved ones. during the battles for the city, when the road to the cemetery was cut off, graves grew under the windows of residential buildings. the cemetery is mined, closed, everything is blocked off, well, that is, it’s better not to go there. for the sake of their own safety, another grave is in the private sector, among the mine warning signs, here in residential buildings soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine equipped firing points, just behind my house there was machine gun, explosions, explosions, they did this to those who objected, the conversation was short, in front of alexander’s eyes they beat his pregnant daughter-in-law, there were two of them, then they sent a third one, a young one, well, that’s what i was talking about... what are you talking about? are you doing, against whom for what? why are you crying? for these works. gunshot wound is the leading cause of death, forensic experts say. we can judge the range of the shot and the weapon from
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which the shot was fired. often snipers and snipers shot at civilians. soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, being in avdeevka, used civilians as human shields, a favorite technique of the neo-nazis of the kiev regime. we tried on the street. don’t show yourself, just like that, my husband, because it’s scary, they are with weapons, they will kill everything, they shot all the time, yes, we were hiding in the basements, of course, there was no opportunity to leave, all the facts collected in ovdeevka will become the basis of criminal cases, in the city has a lot of evidence of war crimes of the kiev regime, news, merits to advanced management experience, and the goal of the project is to prepare our fighters for
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further work in government agencies and state-owned companies, report by ainur valiakhmetov. i receive letters from odessa. in a ceremonial jacket with a book in his hands, he would not be immediately recognizable. vladislav golovin, call sign struna, took part in the liberation of mariupol. struna commanded groups of special forces of the marine corps, a very young guy today, golovin, turned 27, already a hero of russia, his wound did not allow him to further carry out tasks on the battlefield. now vladislav is a teacher at the ryazan company school. it's much harder for me to sit still and communication with cadets, training, education with schoolchildren. it brings much more impact than doing just one thing. a talented commander, talented in everything, golovin was one of the first to be selected for a team of military personnel for training under the new presidential program. this project to
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train highly qualified leaders from among the participants of the svo, its launch was announced by vladimir putin during his address to the federal assembly. true heroes and patriots are sometimes quite modest and reserved in life. they don't boast about their successes. they do not utter loud slogans, but at turning points in history, it is precisely such people who come to the fore, take responsibility, veterans of a special military operation, as well as soldier officers who are now fighting in active units, will be able to apply to participate in the first training stream special personnel program, let's call it the time of heroes. this time has come for 83 heroes, so many were selected for the first stream, here are those who are right now in the dugouts of the trenches, and veterans of the northern military district, one of them, alexei kondratiev, a reserve officer, had already been the head of tambov and
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a senator, and volunteered for the northern military district. the contingent of people who came at the call of their hearts at the most difficult moments, and are worthy of working in the civil field as a... managers at different levels. more than 40,000 applications were submitted to the competition, the selection was impartial, management experience was assessed, military merits were looked at, everyone was tested, they wrote. even on the front line in the dugouts, in the end the best of the best passed through, the program will be enough long-term, about 2 years, long modules, teachers in this program will be heads of large corporations, members of the russian government, military personnel will be trained on the basis of the presidential academy, this team is already called the new elite of the country, after educational courses the road to work is open for them. in government bodies and state-owned companies,
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but the selection does not end there; the launch of the second stream of the presidential program will soon begin. ainur valakhmetov, olga alenkina, vladimir nikolaev, lead. the london supreme court today made an important decision in favor of wikileaks founder and whistleblower of american corruption and spies, julian asandge. he was allowed to file a new appeal to challenge extradition to the united states, where he faces charges on eighteen counts. and up to 175 years in prison, so while sansh remains in london belmarsh prison, asansh’s legal history has already been very long, today it could have been put to rest, but the british judges took into account the argument that in the usa he might face the death penalty, but what what happens next? arguments that asansh is not an american may not be covered by the freedom of speech amendment influenced the british court.
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his lawyers are looking for new leads; his wife appealed to her emotions on camera today, calling on the head of the white house, biden, to drop all charges against the journalist. it's time to end this farce, the court should let him go.
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trump in texas demands biden be tested for drugs and calls him as lethargic as a kite. the republican leader chose the state not by chance, in hurricane-damaged houston there is still no electricity, but biden is in no hurry to go there, as he was last year to hawaii destroyed by the eruption, but voters are in a hurry; according to a recent poll, 22% of biden’s supporters are ready to go over to trump. bogdanov. in pursuit of the elusive african-american voters, joe biden rushes on the jet thrust of all four engines of his boeing. a mini tour of black america. first stop atlanta. at the ramp is a party activist of the georgia democrats. everything is as chosen. the participants in the photo shoot showed genuine enthusiasm. a ordinary voters somehow had no time for biden. his motorcade was moving.


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