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tv   Svet v okne  RUSSIA1  May 20, 2024 10:20pm-11:31pm MSK

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let her fly wherever she wants, thank you, you said everything very well, are you tired? “neli and i studied together at the institute, when you are young, everything makes you happy, you love everyone, and then adult life comes, a long, adult life. neli was my best friend, she turned out to be the only one, you are yours...”
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“first date , i walked in her shoes, i didn’t have mine, oh, she was there, she was amazing, she was ready to share everything, when i remember her, i’m always 17 years old, blessed memory
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, you said that grandma nelya loves. to hammer everything under the carpet, what did you mean, i said, skaver, well, figuratively, what do you think, if she had some kind of secret, what would she want, to take it with her to the grave, or so that’s all.. . what a secret, i ’m purely hypothetically, it’s just death, it can’t be avoided, i want to write a will, what responsible young people we have, i don’t even know where my gas receipts are, often i’ll figure it out, yeah. , you will donate everything to charity, we know you, i love you, bah!
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do you think this is decent? sasha, i'm not very good understands, drive up to the dealer right on... and the ladies' room is down the stairs to the left, yes, thank you, little darling. i wanted
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to tell you something, you know, you were right, it’s not just about the graduation party, i felt bad, yes, everything is bad for me now, you know, it feels like you’re not living your own life, so i thought, maybe it’s time, mom called, you... “grandma nali saved you with her death, i thought so too, damn it, i also have something to tell you, now, as you said, okay, my best friend, in general, is ready to share everything , what there zashe, well, now i understand what you meant, to borrow a husband from a friend, but what really, why should good things go to waste?" "borya, natasha and i
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have been together for many years, neli didn’t know about us, for many years, and me. to a friend, yes, she’s her best friend, she slept with her husband, oh my god, what a plan, stash, please, today is such a day, oh, just don’t turn on this holiness of yours when it doesn’t concern you, dad, heart , get the hell away from me, dad, well, karina
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has nothing to do with it, because it doesn’t concern you, children, go away, it doesn’t matter, well , i would have said that right away, then calm down, please, i beg you, uh-huh, uh-huh, please, of course, i understood everything, yeah, look at them, look, they’re standing there, so, come on, let’s go , everything was fine for you, or maybe your mother didn’t satisfy you, what the heck?
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well, friend, i won’t give you to them. goal, you’re a pro, my psychologist advised me, therapy, he says, it’s like that, yeah,
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yours, use it, well then catch it. let's go,
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mom, here. i told you he’s here, mom, where did you go, we almost went crazy, why don’t you answer my calls, how did you get there, in a personal taxi, and what are you doing, i’m flying to india, very interesting, right now, no, not right now, but i’ll do one more very important thing, monsie. no, well , there are no contraindications on my part, let it go away, send me a photo report, mom, how do you imagine this, you ’ve never been abroad, how can you even go there alone, this is a pilgrimage, mom, a pilgrimage is when to holy places, and i’m in memory of anelli, mom, in memory
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of anelli you can just put a candle in temple, i will erect it in india, please think about it, but personally i am against it. i won’t let a suite in a five-star hotel go to waste, of course, whatever you want, uh-huh, good night, good night. so, yes, a whole life and one small piece of paper, well, i have a bedroom there, it’s... like a boudoir, listen, the stairs are crazy to walk on, look, a sea of ​​fruits, i don’t even
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know what it’s called, this is the zone rest, you know, here, look, there’s a bathroom, it’s of course shared, but very spacious, there i have all sorts of ointments, shampoos, washing gels, in general, towards the end trips. there will be half a suitcase, baht, better tell me what excursions you have planned, today i’m going to this, what’s its name, cool, oh, by the way, i even have it on the wall, i demand a photo report, of course, if you have a photo report, you didn’t get burned there, yes, i have nuclear sunscreen, what are you talking about, okay, that’s it, thank you, bye, bye, kisses. so, well,
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friend, let's go to your tachmahal, my dears, you are all so different, i really want this difference to be the strength of our family, and not a reason for quarrels, wow, you actually have two cups, i won’t allow it. deceive my daughter, that's it not at all the way you think, i was set up by irina razanova, it’s your competitors, we need to find out who exactly, in case they don’t limit themselves to blackmail, anastasia vedenskaya, you all knew everything about this, i don’t want to see you all, anatoly lobotsky, one very important person for me has disappeared, life teaches you nothing, they were silent about vasya, and now about... you continue to lie about your mother, adult daughters, the premiere, on saturday on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection snop product of stellar group.
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borbon searsman, a product of stellor group. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh. the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal destination. in the heart of the city, vodka
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veda - a product of the stellar group, discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures exciting entertainment, welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. the main character played the role that made him a superstar.
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and close people, they all fall into this abyss, in the chaliapin series, you managed to convey this stubbornness in a good sense, which rachmaninov had, because he defends the composer, when you defend the idea and theme in which god lives , then you are , of course, a thousand times larger, so that’s it i wanted to convey that every hero has this kind of light, you are trying... to save the spark of light that the evil winds are trying to blow out. lev zulkarnaev in a white studio, author's program to daria zlatopolskaya on friday on rtr. he doesn't take it again. well, write
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to him, he wrote, he doesn’t even read. it’s all my fault, i shouldn’t have come to the funeral, you were right, but i don’t think so, why should i make excuses to anyone, well , because it’s hard for everyone now, it’s hard for me too, and neli and i weren’t happy , but we lived a whole life, but everyone thinks that now you i breathed a sigh of relief, it’s not like that, you won’t believe it, it’s really like that, my soul is like a stone. i have a chance to start over, what should i do, ask everyone for permission, i don’t intend to do it. alexander borisovich, i submitted a yums in st. petersburg regarding the conference. yes i remember. well, i checked the date, your vacation, and, as far as i
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understand, it seems to be a honeymoon. register me for the conference. and, of course, they changed for me. plans, i’ll go, okay, no need to call me, no need to apologize either, i’m not going to apologize, but i need you for business, and you’re not the only one, i want everyone to come, who’s everyone, the whole family, i... i ask everyone,
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not too much, a very beautiful bouquet, i like it. but there is no feeling that we are trying to make an impression through what we are trying to do, isn’t that why you started all this, i started this for the sake of your career, a photo shoot, an interview will remind the audience about you, and such a house, such a woman, isn’t it not an indicator that life is a success, but success, even its appearance, attracts new success, so i’m sure that after this interviews, you will be bombarded with offers, you must...
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it’s delicious to you, very tasty, the main secret is in the right tomatoes, not these plastic ones from the store, you eat, eat, there ’s still more waiting for you, no, thank you, yes, you invited me today to my friends’ dacha, there will be the best pilaf i ’ve ever eaten, so he said, pilaf, i’m sure it’s just his rice porridge with meat, here’s my pilaf. then i will definitely try it someday, but now i need to leave room in my stomach, i warned you what will happen there a lot, oh, david, david, listen, i’m already jealous, really, i thought we ’d go somewhere on your day off, huh? it won’t work, i still need to go to my grandfather’s office. listen, let’s go on vacation to the canary islands,
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the maldives, well, can i spend at least a week with my daughter, one week alone. yes, of course, with pleasure, i’ve never been to the canary islands, well, to the maldives either, great, you tell me, yes, grandpa, of course, i’ll come, come on, i’ll go away for a while, can you cope without me? of course, mom is a little late, card or cash? please, sir, are you okay? and why you ask? do you remember our agreement? beyond the border? of course i remember, but... even a colleague, i would ask what’s the matter. yes, and i think if it can’t be filmed and posted online, you’re not interested in it. sorry, nothing,
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i found something when i was sorting through my grandmother's photos. here. what is this? i don't know, it looks like a suicide note. that's what i think. what is this? my brother? come on, wait, wasn't it an accident ? i thought so too, but what do you think, should i tell everyone? in no case, if grandma hid the note, it means... on her that was a good reason, nevertheless, it didn’t destroy it, well, that’s good, yeah, i’m already
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out of the habit of it, why, sleep with the windows wide open, and why? well, because i always adjusted to my husband, i forgot about myself, sasha just often caught a cold, so he always battened down the windows at night, yeah, well, after the divorce, and after the divorce i continued to sleep with the windows closed, because it became a habit, and well we keep changing our habits, well, yes, well then i’ll be your fairy, right? yes, come on, ask me for whatever you want, everything except mine signature omelette for breakfast, that’s it, yes, well, well, well, well, why do this, now i want an omelette, no, it’s impossible to make an omelette, excuse me,
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why, because now it’s impossible, please, no, no, no, so are you a fairy or not, but i’m a fairy, i’ll do it now, thank you, “mom, he still can’t come from you, it’s the third day of pressure, you knew that our parents, well, okay, that’s their business,
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anyway i’m glad to see you, how did you end up here, your father put you here, boris nikolaevich asked me, but yes, you lawyer, definitely, probably alexander borisovich, evgeniy viktorovich, they are already waiting for you there, yes, yes." let's go, hello, hello everyone, i apologize for disturbing your plans, but i have important news for you, and who is this, you you don’t remember him, uncle zhenya, natasha. girls, then you’ll crawl, yes, our family is going through a difficult time, nelly’s death reminded me that i’m not eternal, stop it, you still
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have your whole life ahead of you, that’s why i called you, i really do. i want to live the rest of my life as expected, i want to retire, that is, how move away, the company was the heart, its engine, but without it i can’t cope, and i don’t want to devote the rest of my life to business, there are more interesting things to do. yes, there is, but i can’t just give up almost my entire life with my grandmother, so i want to ask you once again, sasha, are you still not ready to take over the company? you know why you’re asking, that it was a formality, so i want to ask you to take over the management of the company, why are you like in a lesson, hiding your eyes, i want.
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to manage the company, i ask you to love and novikov evgeniy viktorovich, sash, you know that this was not my idea, this is why you brought us all together. “can i ask, grandpa, in addition to your son, you have three more grandchildren, are you really so unsure of any of us, i’m not talking about myself, about my entrepreneurial abilities, we already understood everything, but someone can, i don’t “don’t look at me, i’m a worse businesswoman than you are a businessman, but musya, she’s our
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business sausage, why not?” " death goes to all of you in equal shares, then he’s not a stranger, he’s my son.
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sasha, have a drink. i told you that everything should have been wrong, zash, wait, listen, it wasn’t
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news itself, i had no idea that father, father? do you remember how in childhood we argued about who could swim to the buoys faster, then you lost to me 10 strokes, i forgive you the remaining nine, the tachvahal mausalia is recognized as one of the main wonders of the world, it amazes with its beauty and amazing history, a very beautiful and sad legend. "that's how your friend wanted to see you i shook it off, it turns out that we are in cash, according to lidi shavjakhan loved his wife with an old look when she was trading at the bazaar. mumtaz was very beautiful and smart, she became the emperor's supreme wife and best friend, their happy marriage lasted 17 years, they had 14 children, during the birth of the four hundredth child, mumtaz swore, the indian
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ruler ordered the memory of his beautiful beloved. well, maybe you can kiss me? the plot is worthy of a novel. she, he and his muse. anton, you have
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talent, but it’s so easy to lose inspiration. i i'll leave when you finish the novel. “i can’t live without you, i heard here, you’re getting married as you planned, from a clean slate on friday at rtr, allow yourself a first-class relaxation next. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we here
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for you. rum, kastra, a product of the stellar group. welcome to rix villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service, fine cuisine, will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish suits & villas the vacation you 've been dreaming about. whiskey mancacher. product of stellar group titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy
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delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice. for an unforgettable holiday, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, you are a nanny, like you could they bring a stranger into the house, well, firstly, not a stranger, my husband, can you , my son, kostya, sets an example for your son, he is always immersed in his phone, you just need to choose the right book, what a strange place for a date, i immediately said on the site that i was looking for a serious relationship, where are the stories of a big country, the premiere is on friday on rtr, how tired i am of your nervous teachings, i
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’m trying, i want it to be better, before your arrival, it was excellent, to be honest, adult daughters, premiere, saturday on rtr, thank you for waiting, my grandfather reassured me, although i had to reassure my dad, he had already left. right away, well, how does it feel to have an uncle? tough, right? well, in our family this is not possible. in general, i wanted to show everyone, because i think everyone should
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know, but everything didn’t go according to plan. what is this? i found it when i was looking for a photo of my grandmother. i checked the handwriting and the mountains, it turns out that the woman... hid this note from everyone all her life, she didn’t hide it, she just kept it, put it away, you knew, no, about the note, about suicide , yes, we knew. so here. it’s impossible, and they’ve already left it like that, but here , watch out, don’t watch out for a typical suicide, stop,
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why don’t you see his mother here, hush, hush, come, sulya, corin, bring something flammable. how could he, why, why? about the suckers, we knew who we were, all of us,
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karina’s parents, that is, everyone except me, great, sorry, you were little, everyone protected you, but you’re no longer little, say thank you that you didn’t see all this, you know what it was like for us, it’s with me forever now, but the worst thing is that i was in it guilty. i thought he was just abandoning me according to plan, but he wrote out the entire essay for me, egor, i don’t know this topic, but what is yours, the cruel world in ostrovsky’s dramaturgy. “take the thunderstorm, i didn’t read it, well
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then it’s chaos, help me out, i’m about to ruin everything, can i please have a couple more pieces of paper, i’ll ruin mine”? thank you, i almost died of fear, i thought they would detect me, but you sorted it all out, my brother, thank you. well, let's have a blast today, but no, i
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'll go to my grandfather's dacha, i'll study for the next exam, but you're a nerd, why do you need to get ready, you already know everything, damn it, egor, for some time they left a hut on brodaki for a party, for the last time i suggest, stay, cool girls will come. well, as you know, make sure that your head doesn’t explode from knowledge, but fuck off, refrigerator, if only i knew what was on his mind, the note says, i can’t do this anymore, it seems to me that it’s not just that that yegor failed his essays, do you think there was something else, we can find out right now, don’t. he has no time for that now, he’ll just send us away,
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then show me where it happened, that, stop protecting me, okay, let's go, let's go, hold it, 190, i think i forgot my wallet at home, yes. and the translation and the phone died, okay, go ahead, take it this way, thank you. an attraction of invisible generosity, you should be more careful with them, next time he will bring a whole class, but it doesn’t matter, you will burn out like that, or have you already given up on your idea? do you know why i started this whole business? so as to increase the audience of subscribers, yeah, but only now
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i understand that musya is somehow more important to me all these subscribers and businesses, i even decided... to change, oh, it took you a long time to figure out, this is where she is now, well, you know our situation, that’s not the point, i just suddenly became boring for her, tell me , you probably know that during pregnancy some kind of mechanisms should come into play, like seeing a nest, that’s all there, well, it’s true, they say that in women, their brains even decrease in size. are you serious now? yes, did you really think that she would become stupid? - no, but i just didn’t think that my desire become different, they'll piss her off, you know what your daughter's favorite word is now, what, banal, banal, uh-huh, and corny - it
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doesn't mean bad, well, i won't be gone for... long, uh-huh, just like that i introduced our uncle? yes, the company is just an excuse to tell everyone that he has an illegitimate child, no, i don’t judge, i just feel sorry for my dad, he answers me, writes, i’m fine, i’m worried, he has... a sick heart, karin, no worry, just, give him a little time, let him digest it all, it’s a shame for grandma, she’s been with this natasha all her life i was friends, you know what, we won’t go to the dacha, and
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i certainly don’t have time for pilaf, it’s probably best to go back. home, well, no, i know where you want to go now, nin, maybe stop hiding from me, let’s talk.
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just go to the cinema, that’s your desire, well, not just a movie about love, just don’t laugh, no, i didn’t even think, i just thought you’d want something big there, fly in a hot air balloon or to paris, or to paris, no, to be honest, i dreamed of it for a long time, when... we were little, we endlessly went to cartoons, with sasha we only watched festival films, because we are philologists, you know, so that for the last screening, for the last row, so for me, i really like your plan, especially not expensive, well, what else is something heartbreaking, you’ll have popfood, i need napkins, yes, yes, thank you, well, bye, see you in the evening, here
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yes... 3 years old, he already knew how to read, tatyk, i ask you, why? korisha is wondering, you made the tea as quickly as you could, so long as you don’t get to the photo at 14, and what happened at 14, the tea will get cold. david, what, what? you put it on the table that you can only drink instant coffee from these cups. it’s wonderful here, yes, it’s so nice here, i knew where
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to take you, thank you, yeah, like my grandmother, it means your grandmother also has very... good taste, say hello to her from me. tatyk, grandma karina recently died, oh my girl, come here, i’ve been here so many times, we never said that it happened right here. yes. “we even stopped using this entrance, don’t you
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remember anything at all, some scraps, hello, musya, dad, you’re late, they’ve already quietly taken you home, and where ’s mom, she’s at home, and the city is with denis, and not..." take me to a cafe as soon as i return from the camp, well, they forgot, dad, that you ’re wet, no one really talked to me about it, because it was taboo, we knew it was suicide, but we were told that everyone thought it was an accident and that it was... for yegor’s sake, did you discuss this with karina? no, they didn’t discuss it, how should i put it, i was
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mostly self-companying, uh-huh, this is terribly exhausting, i need to talk to her, darling, don’t you understand at all what we went through, with what difficulty we survived all this? are you sure you survived? yeah, catch me if you can, our show is a real musical detective story, hurry to see, but don’t rush to believe everything you see on friday on rtr.
11:10 pm
oldbar cognac is a product of the stellar group. welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmelsheikh. pixos radomis sharmelsheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life in a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed ones. rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable vacation. rixsas radomis sharmel sheikh.
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сnop gin is a product of the stellar group. borbon searsmann, a product of stellor group. i was building a dacha, the foreman told me so, we won’t let you down, we didn’t let you down, we didn’t let you down, we did n’t let you down with gas, we didn’t let you down with water supply, it will be there soon,
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it will be up soon, the roof was powdered, the pipes were varnished. for nails, normal cosmetic repairs, let's do it again, parade of humor, premiere on saturday on rtr, his grandmother i planted it, it’s growing, she’s even able to make jam, albeit a few tiny jars, but it’s terrible. i’m so sorry that i don’t understand armenian at all, but oh well, we have it in our family.
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such a tradition, if a man brings a girl to the oldest woman in the family, it means that he expects her approval, i completely forgot about that, but it seems that you have been approved as my bride, this does not oblige you to anything, but so what. .. "i would like you to be my girlfriend, excuse me, please, yes, right now, okay, yes, come on, come on, uh-huh, so my sister really asks me
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to meet her, uh-huh, you know, i have a friend, if i need to get out of somewhere, i write him a message, he will call me back with some urgent matter, i didn’t write her a message , to be honest, i really don’t want to leave here, whether it’s yes or no, it’s yes. huh, oh, nelya,
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this is your vaunted one. india, not only does your stomach burn after eating them, but it’s almost 200° outside. yes, according to your tachamahal, on foot, oh, no, my dear, i won’t have enough health to drive you all over india. come in, no spicy, yes, yes, madam, no spicy, spashib, have a nice day, madam, tak.
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bon appetit, vera vladimirovna, do not drink tap water. where are you going, they’ve been here for a long time, i don’t know what to talk to them about, they’ve already drunk three cups of coffee, denis, why are you hanging out, yul, i think i’m out of shape, maybe you’re alone, you it's also useful to light up,
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seriously, do you know that i should have brought them here? i know, but i can’t, no, you can, don’t act like a wimp, sometimes such a moment appears in life. when needed regroup, understand what is most important to you, and what makes you, so to speak, rush, when the moment comes when all the heights are taken and you want something new, right? you know, it seems to me that it’s such a purely male characteristic to challenge oneself, you see, my wife knows about me better than i do, but i don’t understand anything about myself. “dear, it seems to me that you are exaggerating, and i never understood, to be honest, denis, what you mean, it seems to me that your career
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says just the opposite, isn’t it, you are wonderful graduated from the faculty of journalism, you immediately began a rapid rise to television, rapid, yes, something gave me acceleration in life, the death of my brother." denis wants to say, i myself know what i want to say, my brother and i were twins, only he he was always the first to everyone, everyone loved him, they admired him, when he died, i, out of stupidity or weakness, decided to replace him, well, to understand what it’s like when people are proud of you, let’s take a break, and you know how i entered moscow state university . ? no, thanks to the essay i wrote for the exam me, my brother, creative people tend to reflect, fantasize, and this is not a fantasy, it’s true, this is the first time i’m talking about
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this out loud, so studying at the institute is the merit of only my brother, dear, you yourself graduated from moscow state university, dear, i don’t i know that it found you, yes...
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that after thirty you can become successful . wait, so do you really think that the player who said that i want to play myself, i would make an excellent coach, but it’s very important not to confuse childhood dreams with plans for life, yes, perhaps this will be my plan, i i want to become a coach of a children’s football team, it doesn’t matter, even if it’s a yard worker, maybe even coffee,
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no, well, can you imagine, it’s just a jungle, all this is on the territory of the hotel, but this ? how you need to be stunned by everything, and this is what kind of plant this is, it looks like horseradish, only it’s the size, there will be stones on my plot , look, everything is clean, no weeds, thank you, i’m trying, yeah, hello, i’m making a video for my granddaughter , it's your job? yes, i’m a gardener, it’s just a jungle here, this is how you can grow all this, it’s just it’s growing, i’m just taking care of it, but tell me, can i
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plant a twig from that bush, i ’d plant it on my plot, it won’t grow like this, in russia the climate is unsuitable, it’s tropical. the plants won’t survive, but what’s so, it’s clear that i’m from russia, and lord, yes, and you’re so good from...
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bazu, vera, you come in, i’ll be very glad to see you, thank you, it’s very nice that it’s not as hot here as it is outside, you realize that you failed the interview, now they’ll just cut off phrases from there and you’ll turn out to be an impostor, what kind of nonsense was this about going to university, so that's all it was. and tell me, you, it’s all because of that story with your grandfather, but you were upset that he gave the company to the left guy, that no, i completely forgot to think about it, then why, that’s why you were talking about this nonsense, what a yard team, why do i immediately start thinking nonsense, i’m seriously thinking about coaching, that’s all?
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olga georgievna, hello! thank you for your quick response, you can’t tell everything over the phone, and honestly, if i hadn’t left the house, i would have simply killed him. what's happened? everything is fine? well, i understand, the death of my grandmother, the dismissal, we quarreled, i don’t understand how everything happened, i can understand what? such
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a midlife crisis, but he’s just burying himself alive, i say, i really don’t understand anything, at an important interview that i arranged for him, your son said that he wants to become a football coach, but he actually played football, he plays well , are you serious, you also think this is normal, i don’t, denis has already ruined his career enough, this is a statement, okay, let’s face it, but he’s just afraid to admit that it’s all because of today’s meeting with boris nikolaevich , and what? you're on at this meeting, grandfather transferred the company into the wrong hands, i mean, well, evgeny, half- brother alexander borisovich, what other brother, yul? i saw this note because i found it, what? i was the first to discover yegor, we
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had our first exam then, everyone was euphoric, do you remember vanya, we met? yes, egor, right now.
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the best in the city, after it all the blues will go away, uh-huh, uh-huh, i went to the station, vanya saw me off, and i was late for the train, the next one was in an hour, egor? egor, i have something for you, i i'll kill you if you sleep there.
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i know that this is my fault, and this feeling of helplessness is now with me forever. began to get to the bottom of the reason for opening the wound, grandfather managed to make it look like an accident, grandfather, i thought it was grandmother neli, no, no, he did everything, but it was as if we were paralyzed, which means that if someone
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knows something, then this is grandfather, uh-huh, uh-huh, we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve... complete victory, for this we go on air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, they say, you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but... you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastal one, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax ,
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anex, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, a hotel for unforgettable experiences, rixsas sharmelsheikh, for adults 18 plus, here you will find entertainment throughout the day, year-round performances of the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharma sheikh is not just a vacation, it’s a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. rom castro is a product of the stellar group. discover standing. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to the world of timeless
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elegance and...


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