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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  May 20, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic lakshery collection bodrum. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. happy you, galina fedorovna, children, grandchildren. are you alone? one. you are an amazing woman. nice to hear. mark yakolich, you are also a very interesting person. fell in love. us and what should we do? we move away, she chooses, wow, decide with whom? one is good, the other is worthy, which of the two? adult daughters, premiere, on saturday on rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk. you are with us, yes, when
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my soldiers come running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, then we have there was hunger, here comes grandma, she is hungry, but she brings this bitch to the hospital, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i we decided that we needed to take the guys in... i came across such people who cared and supported me with a word. hello, dear soldier, and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing. from monday to thursday on rtr.
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sash, i'm coming in, sasha, everything is fine with you, sash, sash, what are you doing, sash, sasha, sash, god, why are you scaring me so much? “where are you from here, how
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did you get in? and karina gave me the keys, you don’t answer calls, naturally i was worried, are you drunk or something, no, i i took a soothing drink of alcohol, and how are you feeling in general, fine, normal, yulia told me about zhenya, sasha?” i myself am in shock, i just can’t wrap my head around it, well, how could he hide it for so many years i don’t know, maybe he didn’t want to destroy the family, you defend him, why am i defending, i’m just trying to understand, if he didn’t want to destroy the family, he would have told me the truth when i turned 18, that’s it, sasha, sasha, he i took your mother, don’t you understand? what if
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she knew all this and lived with it for so many years? no, i don’t think so, what are you saying, no, they wanted to name me eugene too, in honor of my great-grandfather? on the paternal side, but for some reason he chose to name his other son with this name, from his beloved woman, quietly, quietly, quietly, well, calm down, well , everything is fine, everything will be fine, thank you, thank you, you, you me.. . i probably didn’t understand correctly, sasha, no, no, i just thought that you yourself, you looked at me like that, and you are unpleasant that i am with him, please stop, that is, you want to say that you have. nothing to do with me at all, but what about this one? the monastery, this renovation, these touches, glances, that’s what it was, it was elementary sympathy, sasha, you know why, because
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you lost your mother, oh just that, yes, don’t lie to yourself, you’re still not getting out of here, please let me through. sash, they are waiting for me, who is waiting for you? i have a man, his name is pavel, he is the owner of the restaurant where the funeral was held, do you remember? what i didn’t say before, before, how do you even imagine, do you remember how bad you felt that day, i understand, thank you,
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sashka, really, well, you understand? this it was not the best moment for any explanations, okay, okay, i’ll get through it somehow, you and where they are waiting for you, hello, good evening, i’m already leaving, dogs, there ’s pilaf in the kitchen for you, he’s been cooking for half a day, thank you, i am not hungry.
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we are forced to inform you that you have been removed from the waiting list for a kidney transplant, let's go, dear, hello, where are you going? that's what you're doing, come on, run, run, my dear, come on, oh, let's go for a walk, this is what, what,
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so that's why the canary islands, it's not about me, yes, you're like my grandmother, see india die, no in you, i wanted to be with you, make up for lost time, catch up before you die, don’t you dare say that, you won’t die, i barely pulled one father from the other world, you can’t do this to me, karish, well, read what ’s written here, i have to inform you about exceptions... you are off the waiting list for a kidney transplant due to this, this is a death sentence, we will find another clinic, i am a doctor, i have many friends among doctors, i am tired of looking, i just need to come to terms with it, accept everything as it is,
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especially such a parting gift from fate, no, no, dad, dad, it would be like you did me you call me dad, ad infinitum, pash, oh, sorry. well, it’s an hour, well, really, i, i already wanted to leave, what happened, the phone is unreachable, everything is fine, the phone died, well, i’m sorry, i couldn’t even warn you, let’s go for half a session, we’ll make it in time, but maybe we don’t need it anymore, well, another time we’ll go, let’s go to your house, you can also watch a movie there, really, listen, i wanted to offer it to you, it’s just that you just lost your mind, the car is there, let’s go, that’s it, no, well, i’m sorry, everything ’s fine,
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nen, i understand that you are punishing me like this, but at least tell me. that everything is okay with you, i’m worried i’ll listen to the message already. hello, hello, sasha, valentina egorovna, have you seen him recently? i don’t remember exactly, but yes, a long time ago. and what happened? gone. well, i have a key to this apartment, just in case. the hostess told me to bring it? yes.
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completely dried up, they cared so much about it. well, that's all, that's all,
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yes, grandfather, there is not a telephone conversation, grandfather, there used to be a grandfather, what i was guilty of, the jury retired to deliberate, yeah, clear, well there. can you tell me when they will return? sure, so how about we talk? can you come to the dacha today? to the dacha, to my dacha? well, we don’t have another one. i'm intrigued, but will an afternoon suit you? deal. tomorrow, our silence lasted for 13 years and did not make any of us happy. i needed everything, sasha. to tell, everything secret becomes clear, and the later, the worse, but i’m glad that everything came
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out, that’s it, well, since we started talking, i’ll say, the light in the window, continuation, we’ll watch tomorrow on rtr, kalinon belek - a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. rixa with premium si. family fun starts here, with every detail designed for your
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enjoyment. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixos premium seagate. rixas premium segate. you have previously declared five days of mourning in connection with death. ibrahim rysi: the helicopter of the president of the iranian republic crashed the night before, none of the passengers, among whom was also the minister of foreign affairs, survived. vladimir putin sent a telegram of condolences to the supreme leader of iran oleh menai, and also spoke by phone with mohad mahber, who will serve as acting president until new elections are
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scheduled for june 28. during the conversation, the parties emphasized their mutual desire to further strengthen relations. shake up iran, some stuff happened yesterday all day, causing, of course, a feeling of colossal surprise and hatred, but here ’s how to relate to these dotchenazichen schwein, who allow themselves this kind of message, this is the ex-editor-in-chief of the newspaper bilt,
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julian reichald, but a nazi cannot be an ex, he is always nazi, this is what he wrote about the death of the iranian president.
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although you don’t like historical experience, this is what you agreed on, what an absolute mankurt scholz, what a strange imperial logic that a neighboring country cannot be democratic, because it will interfere politics in his country, what kind of strange fantasy is it to perceive as a threat if the community of democracy in the neighborhood unites, but these are thoughts. russian president, this is what i want to say: my greatest desire is to deprive the heads of state and government of history textbooks, otherwise they leaf through these textbooks and think about what previously belonged to their countries, if based on this we make a decision on waging war, then where will we slide , dear friends? we must ensure peace and
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security without wars, that's what we must do to guide the creation of an architecture for peace and security in europe. but this does not mean that we should leave those attacked in the lurch, therefore it is correct that germany has now become the largest sponsor of ukraine in europe. we are talking not only about development assistance, about financial support, but about assistance for the defense of the country. we provided 28 million euros. some have already been installed, we will still install others. this is the largest in europe.
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well, it’s logical then, well, why then open and read what happened, especially since democracy - this is when the people make a decision, the people have made a decision, they don’t want to be with the nazi zelensky, who is absolutely illegitimate, what does nazi scholz care about what’s happening in ukraine, why are you meddling in the affairs of other countries, by the way, why is there still no selesia free, but why is bavaria suffering, why? no, well, such a serious question, where is the gdr, where did the gdr go? so the textbooks and histories were thrown out and fell apart, because this is exactly what the next estonian one is calling for.
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there were more small states, then it is not so bad if a big power becomes much less, stupid, and i understand correctly that then america needs to break up into many small states and lose its last colonial war, stupid, and i understand correctly that scotland will finally be free, the welsh brothers will walk freely. london, fool, i understand correctly that spain will finally remove its tentacle and catalonia will start eating paella, according to the recipe
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that she likes, where did they find such fools in such a small country estonia, it would seem so difficult to find one, they found , isolated in their ranks, nurtured and placed on the throne, listen, estonians. you have many worthy people, in the history of the soviet union there were so many wise leaders with estonian roots, how have you degraded to such an extent, have you completely lost all self-respect, and if we talk like this very seriously, i will of course forgive you, i maybe i don’t understand something well, but i don’t believe in accidents at all, i don’t believe in accidents at all. i can’t understand why, out of three helicopters flying in the same weather conditions, the one most important crashed, i
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i don’t understand at all why an old american one was used instead of a beautiful russian helicopter, i absolutely don’t understand all the information hype that was there to distract attention, i don’t understand how this is possible, an attempt to overthrow the leader of turkey. an attempt on the life of the leader of serbia, an attempt on the life of orban, as i understand it, yes, yes, there is also something there, why is this all going exclusively against
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leaders who have a reasonable feeling for their people, based on what they they want to pursue an anti-russian policy, they are not all pro-russian politicians, they are national politicians, and you want to say that this is all accidental, no?
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we need a voter who doesn’t read history, and we won’t read it either, yes, we need a country of morons, which will be ruled by morons, yes, which will be ruled by smart people, who, of course, will not sit in germany, because there are no bad people in the country. smart morons will not live, they will live somewhere on a yacht there, by the way i think that not necessarily in london or the united states. yacht for smart people who pull the strings, or some big cruise ship, this is quite comfortable, but it’s scary, the leader of germany, we all remember the phrase that the franco-prussian war was won by a prussian teacher, he speaks publicly, this is
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he, sorry. it’s starting to enter a completely new phase, you already know, so in a year and a half or two years, and anna lena berbuk will be an intellectual, believe me, but there was already one intellectual, but her name was greta tumberg, and that’s fine, people hawala, sorry me, and more how, by the way, it will also be stolen, because after a while she will again end up in
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this stupid european one. everything will be fine again, but as for the fact that germany delivered a lot of things to ukraine there, well , they delivered a lot, i saw it on poklonnaya hill, it’s standing, it’s standing normally, it will still stand, so of course the carcass still needs to be delivered, of course it’s still necessary , i’m afraid to choose more of a site, yes, to have all this, there are a lot of interesting things there. but in reality, this is still a very dangerous story, because nazism is in general, it’s very scary, nazism is like an ideology in the hands of madmen, it’s scary and unpredictable, i’ll tell you this, this world, which was called globalization, late globalization,
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where everyone was invited to this... civilized world, yes, it was sewn on a very living thread, these threads begin to diverge right before our eyes, this is quite a dangerous process, because we don’t even know how it is, how they will diverge, because these madmen think that they will dismember, only they, but dismember.
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“we live under ourselves in no one’s country, it was of course about russia, about the soviet russia of that time, it was probably not fair in everything, that’s what they live under themselves, not feeling their countries, their continents and certainly not understanding the changes, this fact, but i would like to relate to one, with one, in my opinion, very deep thought, which is on the program
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and the further it goes, the less it will be, because the economies of these countries are decrepit, the economies of these countries are moving, but what is called this. such for communalist schemes, by the way, i i think the first will be, of course, a country that will switch to such a localized economy, it will of course be germany, the second will be italy, it will be their classical traditions, but i’ll tell you this, i’ll bet, won’t this west fall apart if it’s not pushed? there are no forces within that are capable of sovereignizing national states, here are the alarming people who are sovereignizing the port of hamburg, yes, the ports of southern france in italy,
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there are such, they will soon appear at the level of national states, if someone appears, they will immediately shoot him there or what kind of compromising evidence, in order for the process of sovereignization of the west to begin, it is absolutely necessary to push this, otherwise this west will be pulled into the funnel of russophobia into the funnel of a great european war, the last thing i will say is that information has appeared that the french foreign legion is conducting a very large recruitment campaign russian...
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yes, north ossetia is ours, and south ossetia may well conclude an independent agreement. the syrian comrades can allocate how many fighters are needed, which are simple. this must be done, by the way, in the most brutal way
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and by the way, so that there are no illusions, now there is a hunt for the french at the front, that is, just a hunt, just like the fool said that western instructors are already teaching, and maria vladimirna, if she is so brave, tell me in what form and how they return, don’t you want to show off the coffins, because as state duma deputy pyotr tolstoy said, we will kill you all. everyone who comes to us with a sword, as i already said, is not pyotr tolstoy. well, first of all, i still want to express my condolences to the iranian people in connection with the tragedy that occurred, i had to be in iran, i am familiar with the iranians, and i treat them with respect, although of course they are such difficult negotiators, yes, but a deep ancient culture, so to speak, civilization, in fact, yes, so first of all turn of condolences to iran, who could benefit from this, well, we... i don’t know, there are platitudes here, so it makes no
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sense to say, but of course, this could be beneficial primarily to the americans, it could be beneficial to the israelis, it could be beneficial to the allies americans, yes, how will it be there, let the iranian country investigate, that’s what happened there, while they say it’s a technical malfunction, let them investigate to the end, and i’ll really understand why a technical malfunction is a surname, first name , patronymic, well, yes, why it happened that way, why this malfunction, why there in the other direction, and i think that they will sort it out, but... undoubtedly all this looks extremely suspicious, i completely agree with you, it all looks extremely suspicious, it’s too much, so to speak, it was out of place, and indeed i i think that personal terror is the strong point of the western anglo-american intelligence services , first of all, and in general some thoughts, some kind of i don’t know pink snot from the late eighties that, well, they’re not like that, they’re not like that they will do it, it’s not about anything at all, for them it’s their strong point, and in general i’m sure that, by the way, they would kill all the absolutely objectionable leaders. if they could reach, absolutely everyone, yes, that is, the only question there
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is that they can reach or cannot reach, but this is the right moment, inappropriate, yes, therefore - it is quite possible that this wave, so to speak, of assassinations, that is, on leaders who disagree with the west, is not accidental, it will continue, what i wanted to say about iran, i am absolutely sure that the tragedy that has occurred will not be able to radically change either the foreign policy or the domestic policy. whatever it is about iran, so that all sorts of spiteful critics, so to speak, there in europe or in america do not write about this, and here i will draw attention to one such feature, i’ll say right away that i don’t want us to live like in iran, as it were, because iran is iran, russia is russia, but nevertheless, for example, there is a fairly regional form of government in iran, which ensures stability, by the way for decades, including in a situation of very severe pressure from sanctions, that is , in fact, the country is led by a council of spiritual leaders, so to speak.
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such examples, but today it seems like such a rather unique form, i will repeat once again so that i am not misunderstood, as if yes, i don’t think that we need to take an example from this, but it is interesting because it ensures, in such situations, the stability of the state system, you know, because the death of the president, as it were, is really an extremely, extremely serious test for of any state, this system provides them with stability, and this is interesting, i mean, again, so to speak, we need such a big... major historical creativity, i’m not
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hinting at anyone right now, nothing to say here not i’m pushing through, but in fact you need to understand that the political systems within which we and most countries of the world live, we did not invent this, this is not our invention, in my opinion, they are very often used to interfere in internal affairs, they are often used as a way of manipulating reality, as a way, so to speak, of punishing pressure; everything else, these systems have their advantages, but... they also have their obvious disadvantages, especially in a situation where the collective west, it is still collective, yes, in one, so to speak, snout is trying to rule this world and set its own rules, i think that there is something to think about for... the future, i am sure of this, by the way, regarding the modern west, we are all really surprised, who controls it there, or morons , either freaks, or both, including these people, the result of the development of modern western mass culture, multiplied by this very so-called democracy, and
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what did you want from democracy, what would it isolate, so to speak, from this mass some giants of thought, that she will identify some deep philosophers, sages... she’s not talking about that at all, she ’s never talking about that at all, it’s about the issue of democracy, so to speak, she’s talking about something else, she’s talking about flirting with the masses and about the manipulation of these masses, and here it is precisely the morons and freaks - these are the most suitable people, these are the most suitable people for the implementation of certain, so to speak, plans and so on, multiplied by mass culture, an attack on the level of education, they - that means produces the kind of person who reacts to you know, how they poked an amoeba there, it’s with this very needle, it once crawled in that direction, and then they poked it, it crawled in this direction, for whom his simplest whole perception of life comes down to the simplest reflexes, he doesn’t want to think about anything , he doesn’t want to penetrate into any meanings, he is, so to speak, hawking, people are hawking, people are hawking the picture, which means that people are hawking slogans, there are these same ones, as it were, and headlines and all that stuff, that is, what i mean, what i mean is that
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in fact, modern western democracy, which , multiplied by their own mass culture, can maybe once had some advantages, i don’t know, but it’s debatable, open a big scientific debate. on this matter, but in reality, if we don’t even move a little away from the current situation, so to speak, it leads to degradation, it is inevitable, its internal logic is the degradation of a specific person, political systems and culture as such, again, look at this , that here is a picture that amazed everyone, the eurovision final, i think they talked about it, but nevertheless listen, eurovision is not just like that, eurovision is a political manifesto and... this means a competition that sets the trends of the entire european community, the fact that they choose just such freaks, outspoken ones, satanists there, that means homosexuals, and so on, so on , this is a political message, this is what they say, they are culture, this is how you should live, this is how you should be, this is how you should be
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like them, you should be like them, it’s not just for yourself, so to speak, gathered there, relatively speaking, in a nightclub there to sing , so to speak, yes something like that, yes, it is political manifesto. this is the face, this is the spiritual content of those who today in the political, so to speak, space represent these very leaders that you, vladimir, are talking about, and whom we periodically discuss here, this is internal darkness multiplied by absolutely lack of culture , in spite of these reflexes, below the belt mostly sometimes, this is precisely the product of modern western democracy, is it possible to further develop in this direction, like everyone else, i think... no, because the whole world raped by the anglo-saxon and european model of democracy, raped, even by those who absolutely cannot fit it into their heads, no, here you go, give this, this and this, so that you can have this, this and this, this is the separation of powers, these are the parliaments, so to speak, these are the elections and so on, so on, so on, by the way, in iran there are elections, and by the way there is even a political
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struggle, and sometimes quite tough, so to speak, right up to, so to speak, mutual murder, so therefore, there will also be its own undoubted intrigue, but nevertheless, nevertheless in... here the other day again in the same city of kiev , so to speak, with the nose of the church that stood next to the church, which means equal-to-the-apostles vladimir and olga, which stood next to the place where it once stood tithe church, destiny church, yes, it is dedicated to the mother of god, this is the destiny church, which is it, why is this church important? he says it’s important, it’s important because it was the main christian temple before the construction of sofia, yes in kiev, yes, that’s why it was important, the first one was destroyed by the baty, the second was really rebuilt, so to speak, in the third, the third was destroyed in 1928, which means during the anti-religious repressions of the soviet regime, now,
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right now, what was destroyed was destroyed by mr. zelensky, and he destroyed it cynically, i destroyed it like this, what’s there with the icons, i’m saying... they just mixed it up into trash, but it seems to me that the historical parallels are completely obvious, in my opinion it’s absolutely clear, even the dates almost coincided, it intersects with the eurovision final, these are these people, here he is this spirit that rushes, this is this, this is about this, this is about this, you need to understand these things very clearly, it seems to me that this is very important, very illustrative, so to speak, a couple of words literally about callas, let’s give a few words right after the advertisement, maybe not. .. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsus golf villas and suites sharm elshe , their magnificent world-class golf resort
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he praises everyone well, in a brotherly way, wink, please, well and further, that the intrigue is mad, catch me if you can, we can’t give up, we can’t start, on friday on rtr, he is the culprit of the accident, the person was injured, judge. they will, you want to ruin the child’s life, i warned him, you need him for something, yes, health, a nurse for the director of the plant, that’s
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so cool, leave everyone, i don’t want to see anyone, as i understand it, he has a generally difficult character , yes, i want to try to sit down, you tell me they promised to help, it seems to me that in his soul he is a completely different person, margoy, listen, can you make sure he doesn’t yell, huh? “i propose to get rid of him, how to get rid of him, kill him or what? he was abandoned like a dog on the street, that’s how long it takes, i’ll work with him for as long as i can, i want to be with you always, sunday on rtr. hello, dear friends, on the air your favorite program 60 minutes. 60 minutes.
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in the simplest terms: they supply boeing's defense division with weapons to taiwan. i think that you know, not. i like to say this, handsome guys, you know, well done, well done, at a time when , so to speak, many people talk and think, well, well, is it necessary, let’s wait a little longer , let’s say so, let’s not do it, let’s do it at all let’s not worry about what the chinese are doing, after a whole series of pressure, after a whole series of visits from europeans, after threats or... bribery from the americans, they say: we will only play on equal terms, we are a world-class power, not only you have the right to impose sanctions, but we, including for political reasons, for political reasons, because this is a political motive, and not economically, this is important, they demonstrate that we must fight a unipolar world, so we say we must also fight, yes, we must fight, and directly with those
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who is in charge of this unipolar world, and not with their sixes, and not with their, so to speak, some... there is no such right, so to speak, yes, that others do not have, if you think that you can do this, then and we can also think so, and transferring, as it were, onto our soil once again what oh as we have said here many times, until these specific sponsors of the ukrainian regime have problems, until they specifically feel unsafe, until something specifically starts to burn for them, they don’t care about everything that happens
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on the territory ukraine, they didn’t care about losses...
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calmly and greyhound, i would say, they gather in the center of moscow, just like that, this couldn’t happen without someone’s permission, and they behave absolutely brazenly, this supports their feeling, understand i want to say this maintains their feeling of complete security, yes, you can shoot at ukrainians, but we say they are a superior race, we are first -class people and these russians will not shoot at us, they will not do anything bad to us, we will go to kiev, drink beer there . they won’t do anything to us, worse than that, not only in kiev, we will gather in the center of moscow and we will discuss our, so to speak, stinking conversations there, why is this, i don’t understand, maybe, of course, it has some operational purposes, maybe we overheard someone there, identified someone, yes, but honestly word, it looks offensive, so here it seems to me, after all, so to speak, the position should be some kind of more principled, in the end, in the end, if we want principledness from our people, then the same
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principledness is necessary show it to everyone, otherwise... a question of mistrust arises, and this is worse, so to speak, than the lack of any material resources there. when we were talking about yesterday's tragedy, and today, unexpectedly, a french channel issued this: the hamas group, speaking out in telegram, claims that the helicopter pilot was an agent of masada, he even mentions the name elikopt. is this true or not? but of course, this is all part of the rumors that are circulating. this is political analyst daniel haik from the french channel 24 news. there is a book that was written by one of the israeli historians, well, israeli history, so to speak, it’s difficult to define, probably military history, it’s called rise up and kill
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first, the history of political assassinations. he... wrote his book, despite the large number of protests there, they tried, they tried prevent him, and he describes how the practice and explains why for israel political murder is a completely acceptable form.
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israel, which believes that it has the right to do whatever it wants, and america, which simply gives the green light to any crime, why do they say you can kill daria dugina, and why in russia, and why can’t you kill the leader, one of the leaders of iran what is the problem, that is , for the americans what is the problem, do they want us to believe them, or what? just like now the international criminal court, the prosecutor demanded that we issue arrest warrants for both the leaders of hamas, the israeli prime minister and the israeli minister of war, and biden says: prosecutor moose's demand to issue
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an arrest warrant for the leaders of israel is outrageous, wait a minute, when these idiots have an arrest warrant for putin or vova belova, it wasn’t outrageous, it’s different, are you even what?
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estonia, estonia, i remember, here is hans christian andersen, the snow queen, when it was necessary to lay out the word happiness from four icy letters w, o, p, kai and gerda were also there, but kaya was a boy, why is kaya a girl, it was a long time ago, it was a long time ago, that is, this, that is , not only zina macron, not only all of this, how... it’s complicated for them, it’s complicated, i don’t understand it at all, i’m sorry, please, vladimirovich, i’ve been with you from the very beginning, forgive me, somehow i ’m drawn to black satire, so i ’ve been listening to you from the very beginning,
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a poem by konstantin simonov constantly comes to mind, which he wrote in 1942, kill him, how many times will you see him, kill him so many times, so only by force can we bring order to win, i would like to join. i would also like to express my sincerest words of condolences to the iranian people in connection with this great event. it should be noted that our government immediately responded at the diplomatic level , vladimir vladimirovich, they allocated planes and sent rescuers and equipment; today we sent a telegram of condolences to the iranian embassy and sent them to our partners to iran, we have a lot of friends there, there are a lot of conspiracy theories about what happened, let the investigation deal with this, but... knowing the iranians, i i can assume that we still won’t know the truth; the processes taking place inside iran itself are too complex. today there were a lot of
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questions from various publications: will anything change in relations between russia and iran? i think it won't change. the supreme power in iran is in the hands of supreme leader ali khamenei, he is the ruler for life, and in fact he determines the general line in the country. the president is the second person, he is the head of the executive branch, earlier in 1989 the post of prime minister was abolished, and the president is in charge of signing international... the state budget and the state plan, and the government is accountable to rahbar, the president does not control it, this is for the spiritual leader, yes, well, that’s what they also call him, that is, this is the title of the spiritual leader, now the acting first vice president is mohammed mahsen, he is alone of the real candidates who could become president, as first vice president, he was responsible for development. connections
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with russia, with china, arab and african countries, if he is elected president of iran, this course will continue, in the same way, i think it will continue harsh anti-iranian rhetoric. the second candidate who is being considered for the post of president in iran is the current speaker of parliament galibav, he is the former commander of the air force of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, he has long-standing ties with the corps, one and the other have often visited... russia, we know them, in principle, both advocate the development of relations with russia and china, as the main centers of the current multipolar world. as for the situation in north africa, from where i have just returned with a group of employees. sorry, can i ask a stupid question, if necessary, how many fighters can the xir give to the front line with the ukranazis? now the ukrainian nazis have insulted iran so much.
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i just returned from a group of north african employees, we met with many local experts, the mood was pessimistic, everyone expressed complaints, this is the whole event in ukraine, the gas sector, they forgot about us, the situation in north africa is really dire, libya is assessed as a failed state, a split in tribal society, if... gaddafi still succeeded
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support, then the current rulers do not, there are two governments, one in benghazi, the second in tripoli, each has its own external forces with their own interests, but the main interest is to pump out as much oil as possible from libya, what will happen to the country and the people there deeply i don’t care, the crisis continues in tunisia, there are many reasons, people are living worse and worse, in sudan, civil war, almost 9 million refugees, a lot of people have gone to chat, well... the neighboring state to egypt, brutal violence, the capital khartoum is destroyed, function as a capital center it is not able to fulfill, and as in egypt they described sudan to me, it is a destroyed state, there is a threat that darfur will now be divided after southern sudan, that is , in fact, the state of sudan as such will not have an outbreak of cholera, that is, the dream of kaikal is coming true is coming true, yes flashes... and i
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would like to warn russian tourists that more than 2000 sudanese refugees are already in egypt, ours are going there to resorts and can shorten anything, the borders there are difficult to control, in such an environment it is egypt lives, more or less such a prosperous country, but egypt has a lot of its own problems, due to the fact that shipping on the soviet canal has decreased somewhere... foreign exchange earnings to the treasury have fallen by 50% since they introduced high exchange rate of the pound, then labor migrants, about 12 million egyptians working abroad, stopped sending money to egypt, the treasury also does not receive additional money, in the country about 70% are either on the verge of poverty or already beyond poverty, they are forced to receive food by cards. i looked at cairo, dirt,
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that it’s hot, there are plastic bottles in the nile, and to be honest, i felt sorry for egypt, there are a lot of beggars, against this background, egypt ’s problems with ethiopia on the blue nile river have not been resolved, the dam has been built, the reservoir is filling. then i asked if there will be a war between you and ethiopia, we say, no, we will somehow solve it, that is, war is unlikely, now he is trying to solve water supply problems by building a large station in... the mediterranean sea for desalination of sea water and the authorities are working among local farmers to stop sowing moisture-loving crops, somehow replacement occurred. complex issues arise in the gas sector. well,
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there is a corruption component, and i think it’s not just that palestinian refugees end up in syria. as for oh egypt, as for the statement of this euro-idiot, mrs. kallos, today we discussed her statement with some employees in the morning, and young people say to me: isn’t it time for us to raise the question of correcting the historical injustice committed by vladimirovich lenin during the collapse of the russian we are looking for empires by stalin and... to demand the return of narva, dvinsk, which is now called pilsam, memel, which is now called klapidai, to russia, so i would simply advise all these balts, don’t make a fuss while it’s quiet, because surely someday it will get boring, our
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people will raise this question. now, regarding the recent massive raids on the krasnodar territory and crimea, again. 15 minutes is enough for me, i’m ready to knock everything down, jokes aside, we need to take measures, yes of course, that is, well, this is a disgrace, we we understand that if they are hanging, then there will be a blow, of course, why don’t we shoot down, we are afraid that something else might happen, that someone will appreciate ours
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, no one will appreciate this, they perceive it as weakness, hammering is generally wrong, so it’s impossible without it, well, today it was fulfilled, today mr. zelensky’s presidential term ended. the grave digger for ukraine began to be dug by bandera's accomplice krovchuk, and was completed by the gravedigger zelensky, so the ukraine that existed for 30 years no longer exists, well, the process is still not easy, for them and people there are enough weapons, they are delivering massive attacks on our territory, so the russian soldier and the russian gunsmith still have to work and work, it’s definitely too early to relax, we can’t relax. yes, please, your program, vladimir rudolfich, is watched by millions of people, including aviation specialists in the helicopter business, therefore, although i also strongly doubt that we will get any definite answer to the question of what happened - just yesterday, but
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nevertheless, as they begin to appear some facts of description, experts will make a completely reasonable assumption, i have an acquaintance, a pilot, who somehow convinced me that i have technical incidents that can have fatal consequences that occur in the first 5 minutes during takeoff and the last 5 minutes during landing, when the equipment is under stress, when the pilots make some decisions, after the plane or helicopter has taken the flight level, the probability that a technical incident will occur tends to zero, so he and i discussed this, when, unfortunately, airplane
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iran into the community of states of the planet, and in a very interesting way. quality, if you look at how closely events have been developing
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over the last few years, 23 iran becomes a member of brix, brix plus, yes, in an alliance with neighboring states, but nevertheless iran was simply the very first to apply to join brix after brix decided that this organization could expand, iran finally became complete in the same twenty-third year. member of shanghai organization of cooperation, he has been asking for this for many years, in the twenty-third year he entered, by the way, the first proposal that he made, it is very interesting, although it may be a little radical, he simply proposed that all sco member countries sign a non-aggression treaty with each other, well, it’s clear that we are not talking about an attack by india-pakistan or india-china, but nevertheless, if this happened, i hope diplomats will work on it, it will be a very serious step forward into the institution of nationalism. iran signs
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the free trade agreement with the eurasian economic union comes into force. if you look at the statistics, so far the statistics of trade between iran and the eu or russia are not very impressive, although we of course understand that the bulk of the transactions are in the shadows, as we looked at here on the program on orange.
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improvement of relations with russia, it became final, and by the way, here in russia they say a friend is in need, and after the start of a special military operation, in general there was no doubt about what iran is precisely the position it takes in relation to russia, but it’s not like it expressed it very loudly, as well as the votes. on a visit to iran, and we remember that after the start of the pandemic, the russian president does not travel to very many states, only to those that are strategically important to us, the former soviet union, china, india, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, iran, and there , at a meeting with the supreme ruler of iran, alekh, it was said that
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they began to work with iran very closely, very closely, it was then that things began to take shape military-political ties, yes, we then, well , as they say, stood the test, then, by the way, our image throughout the arab world changed dramatically, because we didn’t just give our word, we kept this, to save face, what we did, lose face, what the americans did, it was such a very important moment of fork in the road, finally, at the beginning of twenty-four, the russian... federation sends to iran, sends to iran a draft of a large interstate agreement, our
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diplomats know how to keep secrets document, we nothing, maybe only very serious specialists know about this, we are specialists in diplomacy, we don’t know anything special, except that if we exclude all those issues that have already been resolved, trade, this is investment, this is interpersonal contact, the military sphere remains, now this the agreement lies somewhere on one of the tables in tehran... of course, the passing of a person who largely supported this trend is so hard to believe in an accident, yes, yes, well, in any case, i completely agree here, i'm in i don’t believe it’s an accident, what’s happening today is a dramatic event, and you see how the russian federation reacted instantly, today there was a call from our president, sergei ryabkov made a very important remark that we maintain all contacts and hope for their fulfillment. .. cooperation in the future, that is , yesterday’s tragic incident, it forced us,
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perhaps, even to take a new look at the importance that iran is gradually acquiring in our... iran, ultimately, in a military sense, is one of the truly superpowers, which is the entire line of missile equipment, artillery, it has excellent intelligence that works in different states of the region, and iran, on this, on this page of history, our ally, of course, maybe not in a strict sense, but most importantly, we are building this is the very new world where civilizations talk to each other and build relationships, not necessarily in form. integration associations or military alliances, but such relations or alliances that allow solving the whole range of economic, investment, technological and military. advertising and let's continue. our silence lasted for 13 years and did not make any of us happy.
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premiere. i had to tell sashka everything. everything secret becomes clear, and the later. so much the worse, well, since everything came out, that ’s it, well, since you started talking, i’ll say, there’s a light in the window, tomorrow on rtr. titanic luxury collection boudrum.
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every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house and sat down. skin on the floor, i didn’t say, i’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware of what was there animals are simply dying, the donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be evil in the wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon ours, from monday to thursday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out. that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a photoparallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts we watch. the main
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character played the role that made him a superstar, and then he lives under the weight of this image.
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this will be tolerated, i just want to understand, in the islamic world in general, it’s interesting, they allow this fagot monster to tour,
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this is normal, for the assassination attempt on the leader of slovakia, yes, the west was afraid that he survived, come to think of it, yes, he survived. therefore, his position in relation to nato towards russia and european sanctions will be destructive. financial times. the financial times writes about this. it is very interesting that iran requested us assistance. in connection with the crash of the presidential helicopter. the americans were unable to provide it for logistical reasons. but the gas department immediately told blinkin that no, no, you are not at all. he has musa with musa.
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procession, they are not an authority from above, they are not, well, well, they are nobody in the structure, that is, they chatted, even the league of sexual reforms, even blinkin, that is, it is not within their competence to determine the jurisdiction, the structure that we generally we despise them, well, we just don’t recognize them, you don’t have to recognize them, but when you start talking about whether something is or isn’t, that’s something else, so don’t expect reason from the absolute world terrorists that the americans are to perceive their words, as often in russia, as the ultimate truth, well
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, yes, i’ll probably start with this, they perceived themselves this way for a very long time, and blinkin is at least completely accurate in this administration, which , well, probably the first one so obvious an incompetent administration consisting of formally competent people, and blinken, of course, this is definitely even... it is in this administration that he stands out, he still thinks that everything is arranged in the old way, that the united states, yes, they are involved in every process in the world, these are actually these so-called liberal hawks or liberal interventionists, they also very often call themselves welsonians, referring to woodrow wilson, who was the first to formulate it on an ideological level, which means, accordingly, in princeton it’s still like that to say being, he formulated this idea that yes, the united states is so important... only the main country that it will interfere in any processes, later he, so to speak, talked about it that it’s theirs, it’s strictly speaking, it’s not just their task, it’s their calling, they must interfere in
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everything and the whole world must listen, hence, by the way, they completely turned the concept of this exceptional nation upside down, because an exceptional nation was understood mainly in a religious sense, as a nation who lives on their religious island, it was completely different, the other idea was conservative,
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so, well, they don’t seem to recognize anything at all, that is, they don’t recognize, let’s say , the sovereignty of the state, well in the sense, except for their own, yes, although their sovereignty is also very funny, but, by the way, they oppose their sovereignty, well, well, in the sense of their political opponents, the same trump, but the fact that they do not recognize any sovereignty is certain, it is based on this this is velsonianism, in fact then this is it seemed even more or less, so to speak, nice. design, but in fact even then it was clear to many what it was, and it is curious that now, i think, the military-industrial complex plays a smaller role in this union, and generally speaking in the issue of america’s entry into the first world war as once this bunch of military-industrial complex played and that means campus boys, those liberal professors, that is , some say: we will give you an ideology , finally we will be the power, otherwise something is wrong it is not clear that some people, so to speak,
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actually exercise power. and you will finally try out your hardware and get your money, now this is a slightly different design, but in general this is where everything comes from, that’s why they say so, moreover, i can say that even under clinton, for example, it’s all a little more honest it was in the sense that they said yes, we sort of answered the question there, what’s going on there , we don’t recognize it, they never said that it’s a problem, well, that is, we don’t recognize it , and that’s it, guys, it’s on us not valid in connection with this, that is, it was much more like this, but now it is like this, we do not recognize, but we welcome the decision. as for iran, i will also join in expressing condolences to the iranian people
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indeed. this social brain is starting to overheat a little, everyone, of course, is looking for a conspiracy everywhere, even where there is none, and the reasons are very different, so no one will believe it, this can only be stated one thing: i don’t know if it was who -was it provoked, was this murder purposeful, was it an accident, something else, but absolutely no one, if the official version is even iranian, that it was conditional weather conditions there, but the equipment failed, there will still be something wrong here, either these
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or these or this is all, well... against this background, i’ll just draw your attention, too , here’s the news, yes, mohammed bin salman, the crown prince of saudi arabia, says, i, unfortunately, have to cancel, and he has been preparing a visit to japan for a long time, some people there depend on him things, he says, well, my father is sick, well, yes, that’s how it is, this, by the way, is also everyone didn’t believe it either, they still didn’t believe it either, because they think that, so to speak, bensalman was afraid that there were problems with american equipment, that is, there could be bookmarks, since he is now moving away from the american position and in in general, he offended very well a couple of times this current administration, supposedly, although maybe he really had a priest, it’s like just the state of the world, and finally , what i said about these two people, the president of iran, already deceased deceased minister of foreign affairs, you see, the point is not that they were hawkish conservatives with something else, here i will not intrude into anyone’s sphere, so to speak, i
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just see on... the euro-atlantic raid, of course, that iran , the foundations of eurasian security, without any reason was under such sanctions, which probably only russia now understands, but iran, when... the sanctions against it were by no means in the same economic state as our economy was, yes, that’s it, but still not less he suffered it, he did it understanding the importance
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of developing this eurasian space without this euro-atlantic raid, without the american plan, that is, in fact, these people were not just anti-americans there or people who really loved that they had good relations with russia, not systemic ones about the chinese... some comrades, it seems to me... is responsible for the murder and massacre of many thousands of people in iran, israel and around the world. what will be the next step? a minute of silence in the council on the anniversary of hitler's death, the security council has become a threat to
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world peace. it's a shame. and after this, after this, now in iran it will be possible to convince someone that it is simple. this is real, after such statements. should there be a reaction? the us state debt, the death of russia, are the iranian authorities themselves to blame for using a forty-five-year-old helicopter in bad weather conditions, an american helicopter? well, an american, not an american, a forty-five-year-old, not a forty-five-year-old, here arises, here an important peculiarity arises in all these things, you know, and i, of course today i will definitely say, right now, that in this very eurasian process it is very important to have not a dollar currency, but another one, to finally abandon it. as if from a completely subordinate iran just proposed yes, yes, you see, too, as if yes, look for an accident here, not an accident, i hope there will be continuity here, well, you understand , maybe he got a criminal offense just when he was proposing similar things to move away from the dollar and
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immediately lost all opportunity to run for office in the president of france, in fact, which is also very strange, apparently something to them they intimidated me with something else, but i’m still talking about something else, there’s a polish guy here because they said about a helicopter, then i’ll have a slightly different finale, i’ll say the point is... well, you understand that there are other people’s bookmarks, at least , maybe you should understand this, but what you developed is, in theory, free from this matter, with airplanes, listen, well, we know now, after hearings in congress, how boeings are assembled, i now strongly doubt that
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conditions are better on the airbus, but even if this were not so, we understand that we are these new airplanes, which have problems with stealing doors, that we won’t get them anymore, we understand, yes, which means we must understand that in this case i don’t...
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what should i say here, the fact is that some cars, here which were previously brought to a condition of airworthiness, certified, but their production cannot be resumed for a number of indicators, for example, here is the same tut-334, it was equipped with engines that were produced in zaporozhye, for example, but there is no engine, there is no aircraft, as for, for example, tu-24,214 aircraft, then they are now produced in relatively small batches, it is accepted. airplanes not because they joined the party of boeing or airbus lovers there, but the fact is
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that many things, for example, especially of a service nature in these, the manufacturers of these airplanes had, well, an order of magnitude two better, there, if necessary, some - to replace a spare part, then this was carried out in an extremely short time, the same 204 214 here could stand for a significant period of time, and if we add fuel efficiency, then again, if we are talking about the revival domestic aviation, then of course it must be revived to... it must meet, well, be no worse than all established world standards, in terms of fuel efficiency, in terms of service, because this is sometimes connected with objective things, as for the accusations of the americans, here like, i got on... a summer helicopter, well , it’s still quite a stupid accusation, because
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in general there are no old or new aircraft, all aviation equipment, it only has, it only has two criteria: perfectly good, absolutely unusable, if the aircraft has undergone all the necessary routine maintenance, maintenance, everything on it meets the safety requirements, age does not matter much, among the same americans, they proudly beat themselves in the chest and with their feet and hands and say that ours is b50. .. will be the first aircraft in the world that will fly for 100 years, in this case the age of this aircraft does not bother you, why then are you making claims against the iranian side, again, speaking about this disaster, what should be noted, well certainly first we need to find a parometric voice recorder, here questions arise, maybe they weren’t on this bel device, and if they were, they weren’t damaged as a result of a fire, who will decipher them, if... they may belong to the bel company , so bel will decipher the readings of these speech
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parametric recorders, so we may never know any truth at all, well, in general, this is how things stand with this for now, now about more pressing things, the russian army still has the initiative, on most sectors of the front are moving forward, in this regard , the armed forces of ukraine face an acute problem, increasing combat strength and numbers, because reserves are being cut off, and, in fact, by and large they did not exist, such as operational operational ones . strategic, and the need for mobilization is obvious, it has, in general, already started in ukraine, and uh, here it is still necessary to recall that the combat and numerical strength, it can be increased in two ways , there are only two ways, or is it as part of the march replenishment, what is marching replenishment, citizens were called up for military service, sent to reserve regiments. the formations prepared there for a minimum period of 2 months, then as
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part of a marching unit to the front to replenish those units that are on the front line, which suffered losses during previous hostilities. this is one way. the second method is the formation of units of reserve formations and formations. sometimes it is called the reserve units of the supreme high command. with this it is already significant more difficult, because, well, even there it’s the same. if estonia helps, why are they going to take off their last shirt and send it to help ukraine, but at most we will equip one battalion with this shirt, we need an absolutely unthinkable amount of uniforms and medical equipment and food and lubricants, again that’s all somewhere it is necessary to carry out additional training and retraining of these personnel at some training centers, training grounds, reserve formations, the russian army for...
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and equipment, in general, this is enough a difficult task, so far there is no sign that the necessary property, military equipment from the west is arriving in the required volumes for mobilization. well , again, all this is still arithmetic, because even if some mobilization measures are carried out, then again we must ask the question, first of all , not so much us as the military-political leadership, but what, strictly speaking, are the strategic tasks we will decide after carrying out certain stages of mobilization. we will retake crimea, donbass, we will reach the borders 1991
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year, no one believes in this even in the west, so it is quite possible that even with the holding. move on to approaching negotiations on much worse terms than they could have been before, but such a strategic dilemma faces the leadership of the ukrainian armed forces, about some victories, victories, especially those victories that could turn the tide during there is no talk of armed struggle, even the most
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outspoken optimists there, so it’s just this or that or that, or new flows of blood and negotiations on much... worse terms or negotiations are now taking into account the realities that now exist at the forefront. mikhail mikhailovich, well, they see differently, they are filming as much as they can, there, probably, the 6th brigade is already driven into volchansk, they are trying to infiltrate the mtr there, all the specialists they can recruit, the barrier detachments are standing, they are not running, fpv sea, but they were given missiles that were blasting away. they ask that the americans also provide them with target designation and guidance, they want to strike deep into russia, they carry out massive strikes, including on the territory of crimea deep into russian territory, then yes, they still hold the front line, they have a lot of people, they are overwhelmed with people who are poorly prepared, yesterday they
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were captured, tomorrow they are at the front, but the root is slavic, that is, to say that now they ran, no. at the front, our guys show miracles of heroism, but in the sky there are swarms of drones flying everything that is possible today the attack on lugansk was carried out by western weapons, they are waiting for f6 in the coming weeks, and like platforms, they are dangerous, you know this better than anyone - it’s still hard, then the enemy is far from broken, completely obviously, completely obvious, but... nevertheless, nevertheless, here is some kind of strategic perspective for the armed forces of ukraine, for the military-political leadership, i personally don’t see, mikhail mikhailovich, and you and i because we are watching from the position of the northern military district, and the positions of the northern military district, in my opinion, are not perceived that way by nato, they see it as a war in the field, they see it as
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vanguard operations, after which the main forces will be drawn in, i do not rule out that if they consider... exactly that both for this and for solving this tasks on our part must be made with all possible forces and means of effort. i
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’m still waiting for tactical nuclear weapons, i want to see a full-scale test, well, so that some hotheads understand
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that it should be like this, copy exactly what, accept exactly what they once forced on our ears, so to speak, from there, so to speak, being confident in that the one who is the first and best to copy the western model, so to speak, will be successful, we found ourselves in this strange enough situation, by the way, in an even more difficult situation in this case ukraine got in because they were one of the main, so to speak, post-soviet idiots who bought into all these things, including the stories about how, as soon as you have such a system.
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the ski units held out in berlin until the last, until the last, trams were running, but the quality of the strategic command was constantly falling, and by the way, i think
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i am convinced that the west will decide on the intervention you are talking about or not, depending on the speed and quality and the strength of the victory of russian weapons, which they will see, if they see a truly high-class manifestation on the battlefield and not deciding to intervene, well, it’s like we’re going aside. this is in the field of the unknown, as for the actual events in iran, of course, we all express our condolences, it is very important, look at the reaction of our civil society, you gave negative examples of the west, the ukrainians, and minsk, moscow, and in many other countries people express condolences, they go to the embassy, ​​this is very important, we understand this civilizational community, these are fundamental things that are now are formed, and of course, about the political regime. indeed, in iran they managed to create, this is my favorite topic, an original political regime, which they constantly
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laughed at, but they still do this in the west, in our academic community, adopting western schemes, what are you talking about, how islamic democracy, although there are obvious things there, well , actually a two-party system, that’s what they ’re called there, but there are conservatives, principalists, there are reformers there, for example, yes, they are waging a certain struggle, there are some groups within this regime, there is a competitive struggle, yes, some are allowed to vote, others are not, so how does this differ in this regard from selection, for example, in the american political system, where americans were forced into , either trump, or biden, or biden, or trump, and if someone wants to choose a third something, no, here you go, either biden or trump. in this regard, even the iranian system looks more advantageous, it is more skennedy, but they found a worm in his brain.
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situations where he saw america as such some prototype of more justice, we still have everything, no, as a history of political
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thought, please, but we study all this as a certain given, well, what kind of democracy, what kind of totalitarianism, what kind of authoritarianism, in its pure form, here we take the western europe with their neoliberal dictatorship, if you come out and say something wrong regarding gender policy or something else, you will simply be deprived of your political... cuckoo, they will give you a political lobbotomy, you seem to be living, but you are a vegetable, political vegetable, here they are. they are trying to create an alternative for germany, with other parties, like this political political vegetable, the fact that they are now turning those who disagree into a lobotomy, not to kill, not to drive into a concentration camp, like that, very softly, like that soft totalitarianism, or, for example, jerzeviator, an amazing polish political scientist and public figure, he introduced the term “new authoritarianism in relation to the polish regime
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of the kaczynski period, duda moroveysky.” here they know something about it, they seem to broadcast it.
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knowledge, new political knowledge, as well as is happening in the military sphere, all the smart guys are advising how to fight, how to do military development, let's put things in order at home, at the department, at the faculty, at the university, in the academic journal, everyone was horrified, my god, our humanities journals are not listed in scopus, well, that’s good , maybe they won’t be listed if your article wasn’t accepted into some magazine where it says something like this...
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the statement that they dug up the black sea, older than ukraine, that’s what we we broadcast in political science, sometimes we repeat, now in about who should be afraid, i think not, god bless dodik for everyone else, and i think zelensky, but the west doesn’t need him, the westerners don’t need him, but this is true, but i ’ll tell you, look at what experience, ngo ,
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i'm sorry, there was such a thing, the president of south vietnam. the bunker where he sits, if i were zelensky, i would still look at ermak first, yes, i would look, and i’m absolutely not kidding, this is the trend of zelensky losing legitimacy and the way the western press raises this topic, because that’s where they talk about it, they talk about it, they talk about it, only now the tragic events have somewhat pushed this topic into the background, but it continues, it
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is gaining momentum, they reason: his real rating, they reason why there are discussions between the military political leadership, zelensky is not needed, that’s it, he’s tired, it interferes even at a certain stage, it causes serious irritation there, there is also an important question about how the west knows how to manipulate these special services into political structures, look, alexander vucic spent many years trying to establish control over your power bloc, what are they doing, you can be anything... robert fitz and viktor orban, but the power bloc, if your country is a member of nato, intelligence, counterintelligence, the military department will not be controlled by you, they will be controlled there, where it lies. robert fitz during this assassination attempt, and what generally stands behind it, these are the real
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levers that control this so -called democracy, and not what is often contained in our textbooks. now i’m advertising, after that i won’t continue with the new lineup. a big musical premiere, a show in which 18 people from different regions of russia try to deceive a team of stars into convincing them that they sing. the ability to sing is a gift, the main thing is that the soul sings. the ability to deceive is an art. in general, simulating a case is very difficult. suddenly he deliberately makes a fool of himself by not singing. what's more difficult? reveal talent or deception?
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he is the culprit of the accident, the person was injured, he will be judged, you want to ruin a child’s life, i warned him, do you need anything from him, yes, health, a nurse for the director of the plant, this it’s so cool, leave everyone, i don’t want to see anyone, i understand that he has a generally difficult character, yes, i want to try to sit down. you promised to help me, it seems to me that in his soul he is a completely different person, margoy, listen, you can do it so that he does not yell, but i suggest getting rid of him, how to get rid of him, kill him, or something, he
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was abandoned like a dog on the street, so i will work with him as long as necessary, i always want to be with you, sunday on rtr, please, i imagined that i would have a completely different husband, but how much more is ahead? i i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur
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kizikov on sunday on rtr, watching love. this is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, girl, look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, it doesn’t take it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for once, two, three, sign up, look, look, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, meshov, of course, filmed the era, have you ever? cope with shouts in the back, well, everything is clear, he films his wife all the time, he told me the phrase, i’m bored filming without you, vera alentova, after all, volodya and i separated and lived for almost 4 years in rosa, if
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this story had not happened that i began to re-read the letters, our family would not have been restored, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov, on friday on rtr. that’s why i propose one of the first laws, the law on impeachment, we argued a lot with the guys, but wait, what, what law about 5 years, a restriction, what are you talking about, suddenly it will work out, no. it is impossible in our country, while in
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ukraine, in our native country, in ukraine, you cannot give anyone the opportunity, during the first term, during the first term, to think what you will do next, in 5 years, work now, here now, create history, i’m doing everything i can as a beast, why not the sovereign’s language, then it was still possible, but now they would shout to him like that, yes, yes, he himself was quick, what are you doing?
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i felt so in my heart, it was not only my work, it was true, it was my mission, for the next 5 years i will do everything, ukrainians, to you didn’t cry, you didn’t even comment, it’s impossible to comment like that, even the whole country is in tears, blood in tears. every day there are funerals under 500,000 for what? in order to conquer lands where ukrainians are hated, zelensky ukrainians, not ukrainians as a people, in order to return to the border in ninety-one, yeah, crimea, donbass, terson region, zaporozhye, well, well, well, people no one asks why? so
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because people understand everything, who mainly explains zelensky’s legitimacy to westerners? only if in some periods of time there were questions about legislative nuances in the history of ukraine, but there was legitimacy that was given by the crowd, now even according to official polls , zelensky’s popularity is not at all encouraging, but there is a very simple popular question: legs. no one joins the army, this is the answer to political support for zelensky, my legs are running, why? a friend, vasily dmitrovich, and a recent employee of zelensky’s administration, monsieur, went back and forth 20 times, ran behind the front line for beer, arestovich explained it this way, we are ruled by moral ones and
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for some figuero, for them he is legitimate, because he fulfills the main task, the destruction of the slavic peoples and causing maximum harm to russia. i wonder if anyone in ukraine realizes that in two years such damage has been inflicted on the ukrainian people, which has probably never happened in history, and for what? the people don’t want to fight, it’s not national. during the national liberation
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struggle, several armies do not hide abroad, and the main efforts are not made to flee to something other than the front. and as far as possible from the front, by the way, aristovich explained why zelensky is not able to govern the country, kharkov residents told me how zelensky went to kharkov yesterday in the kharkov region, he came, listened to people who told him that the local administration, that everything is in order, that the fortification was the best in the world, and bad news about kharkov was being spread by enemies, he agreed, left, shook hands, distributed awards, and left. and for me there are serious people who are involved in all this, including the military, they begin to ask me questions, they say: listen, how is this even possible? why not drive around the region to see for yourself, or why not order photographs of the area, where you can see in black and white that there are no fortifications, and why doesn’t he listen to the sbu there,
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why doesn’t he listen to the dbr, doesn’t listen to the bp, which is there for him must report why he cannot demand a real report, why he cannot provide himself with real information. i say, guys, you don’t understand, he’s an actor.
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so far everything is leading to one thing, that it will be an absolutely destroyed land, strewn deadly metal, unexploded mines, this will be the territory of widows, and the west will not give a penny for mine clearance or restoration, what kind of economy, who needs it, the task of ukraine. war with russia, the other will not require any dissolution, there is no task for ukraine, and the ukrainian people will survive, of course, but only in russia, where german, french, british, no renunciation
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of language, no renunciation of culture, no, just like has always been, namely... in fraternal friendship, in the unity of the russian and ukrainian people, the empire was gaining strength, three great slavic peoples, russians, ukrainians, belarusians, were paving the way for the future, there is no other way, please, i don’t even know, as part of a single state, i don’t even know what after such a dramatic entry.
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you understand the scope of what happened in ukraine. well, of course, the obvious things are that promises about ending the war were not fulfilled, moreover, transferring it actually, so to speak, to another phase by one’s own policies, uh, a huge amount of grief for everything else, but - there are several facts, which for me simply clearly indicated what happened in the country, these are not even facts, images, well, one of them is the demolition... of the vladimir-ulginskaya church, it is next to the foundation of the tithe church in kiev, here we are with vasily dmitrievich on friday they talked about it, but it was a shock, because well, we visited often, it was built in 2007, yes, it was built, lit, and for a long time
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in its place they were there, just such a tent church, this is the church of the ukrainian orthodox church, as it used to be called moscow patriarchy, dedicating... she stood for 17 years, it would seem that nothing would happen in the country, like this famous campaign for obtaining a tomos, and poroshenko, so to speak, did everything, even then one could fear for her fate, everything in order to eradicate the ukrainian orthodox church, they demolished it only under zelensky, the military arrived, he arrived. the police cordoned off the area, and, of course, the majority of kiev residents, well, the association is simple, the last
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time a church was demolished on this site in 1238, the hordes of botei, who then during during the storming of kiev, they burned the tithe, and the tithe simply collapsed, which, and under the remains of this church , the last defenders of kiev died there, in this place, a few ... from the church in ukraine, like that, yes, and the authorities did this, the police, the military, according to
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a court decision, well, this is a wild story, absolutely for me, this is the first time, well, in my memory, maybe my colleagues will tell me, yes, but in my memory there has been nothing like this in modern ukraine, and this is such a, well, concrete image, you see, this is not a question of statistics, how many monks are not... everything, the church no longer exists, they somehow explained this, why? well, there is a court decision, well
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, as always, so to speak, the ensemble was spoiled there, it was in an area close to the cultural, national reserve sofia kievskaya, well, you know all this, as if the paper would of course endure everything, that’s not the point, the point is, but this is for me, i repeat, it’s just the fact itself, but i just remember her, i see her. such a symbol of spiritual degradation, but there is a symbol of the deep economic degradation of ukraine, which means that last week, the deputy head at...
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from the exhibition or, well, here’s a visual demonstration of a collapse or a setback, as they would say in ukraine in the economic sphere. and third, last. which is especially painful for me, my colleagues from the ukraine website collect statistics about those who are in prison under article 111, which at one time they charged me with, this is an article about high treason, and that’s what the sad statistics are, but that’s what
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they say, that’s what curious, there is nothing curious in this matter, from 13 to twenty- third. with something, and over the last 2 years approximately 11, which was modified and adopted after , in my opinion, in march 22.
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over the past 2 years and after that, listen to remember the joyful inauguration day for zelensky then, the happy guy who ran there kissed someone there, jumping up in his bald head like the marininsky palace, both are probably now on at the front, yes, in the first
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rows, well, the whole ninety-fifth quarter is there, so to speak. never, not memories there of the times of soviet godlessness, but today, i could never imagine that the largest taxpayer, he won’t have the money to open a free toilet, and i never, even sitting at one time in kherson on this 11, i never thought that the landings would be so massive, for me it’s wildly
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scary, well, actually speaking, i have nothing more to say, vladimir vladimirovich, but you showed...
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the logic is excellent about the fact that why hold elections if it is already clear that the one who wins them, of course, is already sitting in the presidential chair , listen, according to this logic, everything can be canceled, everything elections in general as such, let them try to say in britain that risha sunok suits us, let...
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yes, let the constitutional court decide, china said, in the end, we don’t decide, let the ukrainians themselves decide who is there authorized, who is not, but for us this will be important only in one case, if we actually sign something with someone, so... in this case, for us the question of the legitimacy of this government will really be important, this is the only option, further, let them determine there themselves, and how suddenly the approach of some western media changed, and, mind you, for a long time zelensky himself was patted on the shoulder by these westerners and said: “don’t worry, this is all really russian propaganda, sit down, no one will touch you, powers, like what kind of elections during the war and so on, here is a friend right here..." on the eve of the fifth anniversary, that is, the expiration of the term of office , the magazine "the economist" is published, excuse me, the mouthpiece of the liberals, international throughout the world,
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an ideological mouthpiece, with an article in which just a headline: and on may 20 , zelensky’s term of office expires, this is not even a question, this is a statement, in the end they are trying to somehow say that there are some norms, they, of course, did not read the constitution of ukraine, they themselves invented some norms, but... that is, there is a provision to which they all refer, that the president of ukraine resigns his powers only when the next president takes office, transfers these
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powers to him, but wait, but in any case , he has no constitutional right to cancel the elections right, nowhere of this, this is not it is spelled out, in any case, he becomes tomorrow's acting president, well, after all, mark rutto has been sitting for six months now...
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well, here's one catch: according to, according to this constitution, the text of the constitution cannot be changed during martial law, and in order to change it, martial law must be lifted at least for a day, but then a choice must be made, here as - you know, and it is not by chance, by the way, probably, financial times such a gift for the fifth anniversary of zelensky’s term of office was given directly by a report from his hometown, from krivoy rog, from krivorozhstal, yes, where they write that that’s it, there are practically no men left, they have to recruit women, they themselves admit that every week their large circulation prints obituaries of dead workers, every
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week someone dies at the front, and they admit that men they just don’t submit documents, because then you need to show that you are registered with the military registration and enlistment office, and people are just hiding anywhere, zelensky, probably yes. there’s just a big conflict there now, because they tell him, man, you’ve got a deadline presidential powers is a presidential term, that’s all, well, let’s quickly go to the front, by the way, we need tsekashniks, by the way, in the same article it’s very interesting, yes, they talk about how they interview a soldier, a military man who came from this plant to the front, says 70% of losses are like this for each unit, the daily telegram gave a report from the front line about:
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political technology strategists sir lynton crosby, yes, they have now published partially, however, fresh sociology, according to which only a quarter of the british believe in the possibility theoretical victory for ukraine, but almost 60%, 57% of the british believe that it is still necessary to give ukraine money, support it, why, and if you don’t believe that it will win, here is an editorial column from the sunday times, it directly answers this question: yes,
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we understand that ukraine. this is a tragic story, yes, there is bloodshed and so on, but we, let’s be honest, this is our proxy war against russia, that’s all, that’s the whole conversation, that’s why ukrainians should die in this sea of ​​blood, why these 65 million ukrainians should be driven into kutuski, to the front is on as cannon fodder, because they all have to die in order to weaken, well, at least from the point of view of britain , russia. advertising, our silence lasted for 13 years and didn’t make any of us happy, the premiere, we had to tell sashka everything, everything secret becomes clear, and the later, the worse, well, i’m glad that everything came out, that’s all, well since we started talking, i will say,
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the light in the window, tomorrow on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because in them power, beauty and history, conquer, squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simple. incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers, try it, oh, your eyes widen, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that
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a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, a secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr, you are happy, galen fedorna, children, grandchildren, and you are alone, alone, you are an amazing woman, it’s nice to hear, mark yakovich, you are also a very interesting person, we fell in love, and what should we do? we leave, she chooses, wow, decide with whom, one is good, the other is worthy, which of the two, adult daughters, premiere, on saturday on rtr, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, she chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question
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begins, can it be tasty?
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this is crazy joy in ukraine, animals, don’t you understand that this is not for you...


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