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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 21, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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see you, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. you are watching the news on the russia channel. hello, andrey shevtsov is in the studio. our paratroopers stormed several strong points in the andreevka and kurdyumovka areas. the frog ground drone destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold. our troops are advancing in the avdeevsky direction. today
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a farewell ceremony will take place for iranian president reisi in the country of mourning; a date has been set outside the regular elections. the un security council did not accept russia's draft resolution on the space arms race. flooding is at risk in yakutia kabyaisky district. and vladivostok was covered with severe fog, the airport was closed. and incredible views, fresh air, as well as a ski season until almost mid-summer in the khibiny of paper-based tourism. and we start with the situation in the special operation zone, usuri paratroopers stormed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the donbass. work! this is footage of a real battle in the andreevka and kurdyumovka area. the group commander decided to gain a foothold in positions during the day and launch an assault after dark. they beat the enemy. small sniper weapons,
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breaking resistance, captured enemy strengthening some militants fled, leaving behind the dead and wounded, while others surrendered. and in the southern donetsk direction, the infantry is advancing under the cover of sniper brigades. even one shooter with good optics can pin down an entire unit. gun, shot! and this is the job of an artilleryman in the west group. on another sector of the front. the crew of the d-30 howitzer eliminated 15 militants; they all tried to hide in the dugout, but were destroyed by accurate fire. our military was helped by drones that corrected the aiming and recorded the defeat of the target. soldiers of russian units continue to actively destroy the enemy using new technologies. so, with the help of a ground-based frog drone, they blew up a stronghold of the kiev formations, what else is a frog capable of, military correspondent pavel prokopenko learned. along the pitted from the rupture. shells
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, a frog runs towards the field, skirting the craters, everything happens in the midst of a battle, in a forest belt our positions are disturbed by an enemy machine gun, after a few seconds the frog finds itself at the dugout, the operator presses the start button. the first combat use of a ground-based drone was successful, the frog was controlled by a fighter with the call sign bullet, drove up directly to the dugout itself, almost rolled into it, and then made an explosion, the target was hit, home... with a sense of accomplishment, this is how you can see a frog in all its details, a small cart, similar to food delivery robots, delivers to the enemy what he did not order, our mine shells, load capacity 30 kg, the first combat use showed that the enemy simply does not notice the approaching danger, in in the turmoil of the battle, the little frog goes unnoticed, there is no way back for it, this is a kamis drone, effective due to its mobility. that is, you can quickly
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drive up to a position, turn around and quickly roll it over and carry out a detonation. a speed of 20 km/h is not fast by automobile standards, but in the dynamics the sensations change, this is how you can feel the movement of a frog from the first person. confident ride, good stability, the frog is ideal for field conditions, rough terrain is not a problem. the frog is very fast, its speed is 20. we tested it at the training ground, thanks to its small size, it can drive up to any object, roll under equipment, just such maneuvers were practiced during testing, we are preparing, it is important to watch for the moment.
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being in the right place at the right time, then literally a matter of technology. such platforms are multifunctional; their most obvious application is cargo delivery. but it was the fighters of the center group of troops who found combat use for the frog, the camera on it transmits a signal to the operator, who during work remains in the shelter, in special wearing glasses, he drives the car to the target, the retrotranslator increases the signal range. this antenna is called a comb by the common people, it is designed to control a drone, up to 4 km, in training ground conditions in combat operations a little less, of course, because of the work of the rap. for this calculation, we direct the antenna towards the drone, they catch a connection with the antenna on which it is located on the drone. the fighters have big plans for the frog, it replaces aerial drones and is in many ways superior to them, the design is being improved, they need to increase the signal range, think about camouflage and
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safety, but the main thing is that the device works, proven by the first combat use. pavel prikopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, vesti, donetsk people's republic. iranian media are publishing new footage from the crash site of president ebrahim reisi's helicopter. they were removed by rescuers in the first minutes after the wreckage was discovered. the recording shows that the helicopter burned to the ground, only the tail section survived. fragments of the aircraft were scattered over a radius of several tens of meters. a farewell ceremony will begin today in iran. ibrahim reisie and other government officials. the bodies of the disaster victims were delivered to tabris. tomorrow they will say goodbye to the president. will take place on may 23 in his hometown of mashhad in the northeast of the country. report by alexander belibov. iran is mourning. black mourning flags filled the streets of the cities of the islamic republic, prayers are heard in mosques in memory of
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the president. the death of ibrahim risi was a personal loss for every resident of a country in which the president was little more than just. head of state. martyrdom of ibrahim rasi, the servant of the nation of the popular president has truly melted our hearts. we still can't believe it. he devoted all his time to serving people. for us, of course, this is a huge loss, a great, great personality and a great scientist. this pain with iran is shared by the entire muslim world. funeral ceremonies are being held in karach and islamabad, where the iranian president's contribution to the cause. the islamic resistance movement is highly regarded. this is a great loss and we cannot express this pain in words. he was a great leader who always supported oppressed people. he was a leader who stood against evil, against the plans of america and israel. this is a huge loss of time of mourning for
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the entire muslim nation. may allah bless their souls and give us the strength to overcome this loss. and in turkey, president erdogan, as a sign of solidarity with iran, announced to the country. at the cabinet meeting, we decided to declare one day of national mourning in our country to share the deep pain felt by the iranian people. but outside the islamic world there is destruction raisi was a heavy loss, so the chinese foreign ministry said that the celestial empire had lost a good friend. since taking office as president of russia, he has made important contributions to maintaining the security and stability of iran. his tragic death is huge. a loss for the iranian people, the chinese people have lost a good friend, but still , most of all, president iran will be missed by the citizens of the islamic republic, who , however, have no doubt in the future of their country that it will not deviate from the intended path. our society has reached the level
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maturity and stability that will undoubtedly overcome these difficult times. we will be in the right situation. although the society is stable, i urge the iranian people to be on alert. for this. great martyr, i ask god for extended mercy and forgiveness for him. it is already known that iranian presidential elections will take place on june 28. until this time , first vice-president muhammad mahber will act as head of state, as prescribed by the country’s constitution, but if everything is clear in the internal affairs of iran, stable, then the death of the president could have a very significant impact on the situation outside the islamic republic. what happened will certainly not have the best impact on stability and security. a region where in just the last few months more hotbeds of tension have appeared than there have been in the last few decades. we are talking, first of all, of course, about the palestinian-israeli conflict. it is no secret that iran, in fact, stands behind the lebanese hezbollah movement, and also in one way or another provides support to the houthis in yemen, except
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in addition, it is the core of the so-called resistance axis. at the same time, during resi's presidency, the islamic republic, unlike its ideological opponents, maintained its restraint from... the islamic republic in his hometown of mishhadhi this thursday.
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evacuation from flood zones continues, in yakutia, due to ice drift on the river , another kabyaisky district is under the threat of flooding, it is located downstream from namsky, where almost 500 houses in 16 settlements were flooded, now the water is receding, according to preliminary estimates, damage from the flood already exceeded 100 million rubles. details : the situation in yakutia still remains tense, now the active phase of ice drift on the lena river is taking place in the kabyaisky region, the water level near the village of sangar is approximately 200 cm below the dangerous mark, and there is also a wave of the velyuy river emerging onto the lena. the jam that formed below the city of velyuysk has collapsed, and there is a thick ice drift. in the central regions there is a drop in water level from 2 to 10 cm/h. many settlements of the namsky district are gradually being destroyed.
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in an emergency by decree that i signed today, so, of course, all assistance to people will be provided in full, our main task is that all restoration work will be carried out in the near future, the opening of the lena river near the village of dzhigansk is expected in the next two or three days by the operational group of the ministry of emergency situations of the rescue service distributed across areas where the likelihood of flooding and congestion is highest, hydrologists continue to monitor the situation around the clock. news yakutia. today is an important date in the history of the pacific
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fleet. 293 years since its founding. despite holiday, some sailors celebrate it during military service. in particular , the flagship, guards missile cruiser varyak and frigate marshal shaposhnikov perform special tasks in the mediterranean sea. and the elite of the fleet, the marines of the 155th separate guards brigade, are now beating the enemy in the special operation zone. report by andrey kolesnikov. surface, underwater, as well as hydrographic ship communications, supplies and even memorial museums on all ships of the pacific fleet, without exception, today the st. andrew's flag was raised and flags were illuminated on the decks in coastal parts, a solemn formation, the best today receives honor and gratitude from the command. 293 years ago, it was a coastal outpost in okhotsk, now the area of ​​responsibility of the pacific fleet is the largest in russia. the protection of the country's vast borders is constantly being improved. here is a patrol boat with sailors-machine gunners going out into the sea area of ​​the golden horn bay to check information about saboteurs. while
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the patrol is underway, all ships of the base are already in state of readiness number one; if the threat is confirmed, the crew proceeds to operational actions. in addition to dshk machine guns used the latest detection systems, anti-drone weapons and ship-based automatic gun mounts. new methods were being developed to combat... crew boats and unmanned aerial vehicles. the ship completed all assigned tasks, the personnel destroyed all the drones. these sudden interdepartmental exercises to protect vladivostok from attacks by sabotage groups took place right off the coast. the pacific fleet actively interacted with the coast guard through the grand service of the fsb of russia. maneuvers with so many participants have not been held in peter the great bay for a long time. more than 15 ships of various types.
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where they are, there is, of course, victory. and it so happened that by the next anniversary, the marine corps of the legendary 155th brigade had successfully gained a foothold at a new milestone. the enemy retreated under the pressure of the elite of the pacific fleet. now from novomikhailovka. this operation of the primorye marines significantly improved the tactical position of russian troops in the donetsk direction. the strategic missions of pacific ocean sailors are constantly expanding. now, for example, the flagship missile cruiser marshal shapochnikov is in the mediterranean sea. constant renewal of the fleet allows russia to be present in almost any
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area of ​​the world's oceans, maintaining security and defending the state interests of the country. andrey kolesnikov. yunak dmitry popkov, head of the far eastern bureau. now see a small advertisement below. our troops are advancing in the vdeevsky direction. sambes un rejected russia's resolution on preventing an arms race in space and france and the netherlands were hit by a powerful liv. don't switch. whiskey mencacher. product of steller group. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. at rixsus golf villas and sutes sharma shee. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern designed rooms and luxury villas, ideal
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medications correctly, will always support, a bowl of pasta with... this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% . you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr. happy you, galina fedorovna, children, grandchildren. are you alone? one. you are an amazing woman. nice to hear. mark yakovich, you are also a very interesting person. we fell in love, and what should we do? we
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move away, she chooses. wow, decide with whom? one is good, the other is worthy. our people don’t leave their own people at rtr from monday to thursday. there's news on the air. we continue production: 10 drones of the enemy armed forces, including foreign ones, were destroyed by fighters from the center group.
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the calculations of the strela anti-aircraft missile system worked out exactly. they hit aircraft-type drones, which the ukrainian formations planned to use to detect attacks on our assault groups. the stronghold of ukrainian militants was destroyed by our aerospace forces, alligators, and k-52 helicopters were hit by unguided aircraft missiles. after successfully hitting all targets, the crews released heat traps and returned safely to base. the positions of the ukrainian formation are also hit by crews of self-propelled mortars tulip, depending on the task and type of mine, a tulip can hit 20 km, or maybe 800 m. assault groups work in the ovdeevsky direction before the soldiers go into battle, enemy positions are attacked by artillery crews akatsiya systems and bmp crews. from the line of combat contact, report by alexey baranov. in
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dust and sand, this armored vehicle is approaching the front line in the avdeevsky direction. the footage of the work of the assault groups of the central military district is truly impressive. first, of course, is artillery preparation, in which tankers also participate. then, the actual advance of troops in the vicinity of avdeevka. it is the avdeevsky direction that today is the key formation of the central military district. provided cover and is now returning to its home base. call signs often correspond to the position that military personnel
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actually occupy. the young man will get ready for work. akatsiya artillery systems also operate in the avdeevsky direction. the crew commander tells us about the details of his combat work. goals come at night, we always work on them during the day when ours come. offensive they start the bird, they see where our guys can’t get through, that’s it, and we practice a 100% hit there, it is the artillery of the central military district that supports the infantry offensive, the gunner with the call sign taper has been on the front line for several months now, as our infantry advances into the forest regiment, then into a house, then into some kind of equipment, we are going, it’s already pleasing that we are advancing, driving them away from here, and that we are helping our infantry , powerful blows. long-range guns always precede the work of assault troops, everywhere, including near kharkov, in the avdeevsky direction. alexey baranov, alexander
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malyshev, khaled tankiev, mikhail taperov, lead: line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, avdeevskoe direction. the pentagon chief opposed geographic expansion. the use of weapons supplied by the united states to the zelensky regime. lloyd austen stressed at the press conference that he expects ukraine to use american weapons within its borders, which are recognized by washington. chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the us army, charles brown explained that we are also talking about attacks on russian crimea, which the united states considers part of ukraine. let me remind you that last week the wall street journal wrote that kiev asked biden administration. allow it to attack russian territory with american weapons. in addition, ukraine demanded that the united states help it select targets for strikes. meanwhile, the netherlands announced that
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they would soon supply kiev with another batch of infantry fighting vehicles. previously, the kingdom had already supplied more than 200 infantry fighting vehicles to ukrainian militants. at the same time , western countries do not have any weapons capable of reversing the extremely negative trends for vysu on the battlefield. he stated this at a meeting of the council of ministers postpret russia vasily nebendya. he noted that it is still possible to resolve the conflict through diplomacy, and for this, it is also necessary to stop arming the kiev regime. however, according to the diplomat, this is not happening, because ukrainians are only consumables for the west in the confrontation with russia. washington and its allies have created a guinea pig in ukraine. and we set ourselves the task of growing something out of it. which would annoy russia, ideally would hinder our development, but the main element of the transformation of this pig was the pumping of weapons into ukraine under the guise of
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the minsk agreements and... brainwashing in a russophobic, nationalist and neo-nazi spirit. also at the meeting , a draft russian resolution on preventing an arms race in space was considered, but not adopted. the document was not supported by the usa, britain, france, south korea, japan and malta. thus, washington and its allies finally dropped their masks and confirmed their intention to expand their space programs, the russian permanent representative concluded. the situation on zaporozhye. several attacks were recorded at once. he recalled that last month they were using drones. one of the reactors was then under threat. previously, grocia said that magatea would announce who carried out the attacks on the nuclear power plant as soon as it received convincing evidence. at the same time , moscow has repeatedly emphasized that
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ukraine’s involvement... is obvious, and magathe is engaged in whitewashing the criminal crimes of the kiev regime. heavy rains with hail hit europe, for example, the central part of france, where streams of mud poured down the road. and this is footage from germany in the city of walbeck. a real river of ice formed in the streets. in the netherlands, in the province of friestandia , more than a hundred millimeters of rain fell in just one hour. the hail entered houses through. roofs and sewers, however, there were brave souls who tried to overcome the flooded streets on bicycles. the situation in western poland is no better, first it snowed, then rained, and eventually the water flooded dozens of parked cars. incredible views, fresh air, as well as the ski season until almost mid- summer. there is a boom in active tourism in the khibiny region. every year the number of vacationers is only increasing, they come from all over the country and
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businesses have become more willing to invest. into local infrastructure. a report from oleg posobin from the murmon region. massive shoes, voluminous clothes designed for -40, there was a keyboard and, of course, a helmet. before you set off, receive detailed instructions. the passenger sits first, the driver second. this is all done for convenience. the first few minutes are spent getting used to the controls, then the view of the mountains is so breathtaking. the mountain air in the khibiny is very clean, you can breathe in such a way that you can’t describe it. and then he feels it. beauty, however, when you drive a snowmobile you can’t do it. the name of the tour for the arctic is an unusual pohibin safari, here around every sharp turn there are new landscapes. in the mountains, nature and the architect are sculptors, frozen ice geysers are like monuments. geologists drilled two wells here, they were looking for drinking water for the city of kirovsk, but they found it closer, and in the end it was all mothballed, but the strength of the water is such that constantly in full swing 24x7. to khibina.
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tourism boom in hotels it is difficult to find a free room, there are a third more guests compared to last year, they come from all over the country, many tourists from st. petersburg and moscow. there is good service, good food, that's why i think it's a very good resort, all the people are life-loving, joyful, positive, inexpensive, the infrastructure is developed, kirovsk has the longest season in the country - snow, the ski slopes leave only in june, there are slopes for... . experienced riders and for beginners. first we need to dial a little speed, then start braking. all instructors here with certificates are highly qualified. olga lyubimskaya, for example, is a european freestyle champion. professional athletes are not bored on these tracks either. the slope is not wide enough, which allows you to practice long, medium arcs. groups are also brought here, and instructors are trained and improve their skills, that is, the resort is quite in demand for the quality of the tracks, their quantity,
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about 30 km. we currently have nine lifts, the tenth is currently in progress. khibiny is a new mecca of active tourism, there are 9 billion private investments, snow cannons, ski lifts, a restaurant 850 m above sea level, this is how tourists are greeted in the mountains. the high season in the khibiny is usually the new year's may holidays, but the local resorts are not empty even in the summer, there is fishing, fresh air, a guarantee of a good holiday at any time of the year. oleg pasubin. that's all for now, good luck.


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