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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  May 21, 2024 11:30am-2:00pm MSK

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melodrama light in the window, watch the family saga immediately after the evening news. we will continue to monitor the development of major events in russia and abroad. stay with us. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program 60 minutes is live , hot on the heels, starting with delayed news from the front. the russian army advanced southeast and south, south of rabotino near verbovoy, in proskoveevka, vnitailovo, near yasnobrodovka, novopokrovsky and... ceramics.
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the most stalemate situation for the ukrainian armed forces is in poroskovievka, there is the seventy-ninth a separate air assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces requires evacuation. ukrainian militants report that due to the fact that a significant part of the reserves from this direction have been transferred to volchansk, it is now impossible to defend the settlement due to the numerical superiority of russian troops. the ratio of the figure is unprecedented in the ratio of 20: one. after the liberation of paraskovievka , konstantinovka, the most important bandera outpost, will be under attack, the loss of which will create another threat of a collapse of the front. enemy resources continue to sound the alarm on kharkov direction, where the russian army launched a new offensive. we are talking about the offensive of a group of troops to the north from the direction of the village of zelenoe, which is located right at the border between two current directions: the offensive of libtsy and volchansky. ukrainian.
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the portal deepstate writes that moscow’s goal is to close the flanks of two directions and reach the village of vesyoloye, in order to align the line along the front of leptsy vesyoloye. the day before, in the leptsov area, russian units advanced almost 2 km in depth. in volchansk there are heavy battles for every street. general staff of the ssu they report that the intensity of the fighting has dropped by half, but the advance of the russian army on the maps - the magic continues, well, we are starting to get used to the everyday life of the sanitary zone, now in the sumy region, as the ukrainians are writing there, a new, very combat-ready group of troops is being deployed in kursk. these shots show the work of the artillery of the kursk group at the khutor mikhailovsky railway station, which the ukrainian armed forces used for their logistics. ukrainian...
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attack in the direction of leptsy. volchansk is located much further, on the northeast of the regional center is hidden behind the hills, but even on the western bank of the seversky donets it becomes clear that the ukrainian border city itself and its surroundings are shrouded in toxic smoke. the center is on fire. it's like this every day, it's like this every day. and they shoot cabs there. in addition to the continuous artillery shelling of air strikes, there is an intense street war.
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near volchansk firing position when, at dawn on may 10, the russians crossed the border under the cover of a wave of fire. starts a race with the darkness, you need to be in time hide, it's our drone unit's first night in a new location, it's getting dark, a tiny window when maybe you can unpack your things and
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spread out without the russian drones that are constantly above you, constantly seeing the brush, seeing you clearly, like so much else in this fast-changing war as moscow invaded ukraine. the task of these guys was unimaginable, their goal is on the horizon, this is russia itself, where they fly to drop mines on key roads, they wait for darkness. these lights flashing on the horizon, belgorod, russia, that's how close to russian territory they operate. they didn’t know at all that i was in a combat brigade, that i was fighting there under fire.
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the battles raging nearby may help them remain undetected, they continue. any strike could also cause the two mines they are planting to explode, but they hear another drone.
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iranian media publishes new footage from the crash site of iranian president risia's helicopter;
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the footage was taken by rescuers in the very first minutes after the discovery of the wreckage american helicopter in the recording of a helicopter burned to the ground. only the tail section survived; the day before, at the crash site, they found a ring that was given to lynx, the supreme leader of the country of khaminia. in iranian tabriz, at these very minutes, a farewell ceremony is taking place for the deceased president of lynx. on the main square, look, there is no room, hundreds of thousands of people, people filled the entire square. local media reports that...
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was unable to provide this assistance due to logistical problems. an official representative personally spoke about this at a briefing state department miller. the usa, whose military bases are scattered. all over the world, especially in the middle east, they couldn’t help in the search for the helicopter, they couldn’t help or didn’t want to help, given russia’s unshakable anti-western position, given the conflict between iran and pro-american israel, this looks at least suspicious, miller said a day later. in connection with the death of raisi, but only after expressing support for, i quote,
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the iranian people and their struggle for human rights, an obvious stone in the regime's garden tehran, miller’s colleague in the white house , kirby, decided that the very fact of condolences in such a situation requires explanation, saying why, in principle, we are sorry that such a... by american standards , a bad person died, he said that this, excuse me, is a generally accepted practice , remembered at the same time about ug charvis, joseph stalin, and then separately said that washington, despite condolences, remembers that the iranian president was a tyrant and supported hamas. in general, the most cynical condolences. after reports that tehran itself guilty of using it. that iran
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can blame israel for the death of the russian president from the united states. according to sources of this newspaper, american officials closely monitored the progress of the search operation, after the report of a helicopter crash, they monitored, but did not help. for some time. i quote the publication. the question no longer seems crazy: will world war iii start because of this plane crash or not? let's see. the pentagon is still awaiting details from iran about what led to the helicopter crash, in which resulted in the death of president ibrahim raisi. search teams found the bodies of raisi, as well as the country's foreign minister.
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our attitude towards the regime, indeed, well , i would just point out to you that when one of the former presidents of cuba, fidel castro, died, none of your predecessors expressed any condolences, in fact they said, that’s where he belongs, if you really think that ricey was so bad, i'm just a little curious why you made a statement, as short as it was, but with the line official condolences, i don't understand this, so as we address...
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despite the unexpected death of the president. u.s. officials spent sunday anxiously awaiting news of the search for the missing helicopter and wondering for hours how the crash might change the dynamics of the situation in the middle east. as the search dragged on for nearly half a day, u.s. officials also waited to see who iran might blame for the crash, according to three senior administration officials not publicly identified. discuss internal conversations. there were fears that tehran could quickly claim israel and the us were involved in the helicopter crash, although there was no initial intelligence to suggest anything other than a crash in bad weather. as one of the officials said, for a while the question: is this really how world war iii begins no longer seems crazy? this is not a hollywood
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film, i think it is extremely unlikely that there was any malicious intent here, and even if there was, it... would have come from outside, but i don't see it, the fog was very thick, the president travels around the country very often, he regularly visits poor villages and small towns because he is trying to expand the social welfare network, he often flies helicopters around the country. he was traveling, discussing the situation in the helicopter. we have a constitution, the constitution has all the answers. in the early eighties, our president was killed by terrorists. among others, they killed our president , prime minister, and the iranians forced the elections, and we elected a new president. iran fast received condolences from sympathetic regimes. the prc announced that the chinese people have lost a good friend. the kremlin mourns the loss of a reliable partner. and hungarian prime minister orban, whose state has maintained deep
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trade ties with tehran despite western sanctions, said he was praying for him. i would. also wanted to express my condolences to the iranian people for their long suffering under the brutal theocratic rule of the islamic republic. regardless of who was the president of iran, his regime continued unchecked produce ballistic and coral missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, constantly making progress in creating the capacity to produce nuclear weapons. i would also like to express my condolences to iran's neighbors who constantly live under the threat of the regime.
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come to kharkov, but the insidious russians made adjustments with their offensive. it is not reported which hotels in kiev, what gifts berbock brought to kiev, but it is already reliably known that german burgers will have to fork out. right before the mystery trip, german defense minister pestoria requested an additional 4 billion military aid per year for ukraine. plus the 7 billion already allocated earlier. the german ministry of finance approved the request again. that is, the germans are increasing aid by 50% exactly twice. tanks. there will be no leopard in the package. they are now being transferred to kiev by spain. the country's minister of defense margarita roblis, during the next
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meeting in the romstein format, said that in june madrid will transfer more to kiev. one batch of german tanks. at the same meeting, which is now taking place online, pentagon chief austin said that washington will soon send ukraine a new aid package, which will also include armored vehicles. austin did not specify what kind of vehicles he was talking about; judging by the way our soldiers are burning the abrams, american tanks will not be transferred to kiev. the main emphasis now is on air defense. prohibited kiev from using american missiles to strike deep into russia, however, in the pentagon geography textbooks, we know the crimea, donbass, zaporozhye,
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kherson region are still listed as territories ukraine, that is , washington must be honest about striking russia, still allowed it. moreover, the head of the american general staff, brown , said at a joint press conference: “america has supplied new weapons to the ssu for...” attacks on the russian peninsula in order to rock a new offensive. as ukrainian forces face an uphill battle with russia, they are steadfastly supported by the united states and other partners. that was defense secretary lloyd austin's key message after nearly 50 countries met in ukrainian contact group. received information directly from the ukrainian military leadership, including minister umerov. they provided valuable information about ukraine's defensive operations along the entire front line, including the new russian
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offensive in the kharkov area. we met today at a difficult moment for ukraine. putin's forces have opened a new front to seize the sovereign territory of ukraine. today we spent a lot of time on the vital air defense systems that help ukraine fend off waves of russian ones. ammunition, and we will continue to push for missiles, iranian drones and north korean ones so that ukraine owns its skies and can protect civilian infrastructure far from the front line. the united states, our allies and partners around the world, remains focused on ukraine's short-term needs in kharkov and elsewhere, and we will continue to strive to find quick solutions to meet ukraine's most pressing needs. putin is betting that ukraine will eventually surrender, and he does. we will we will continue to work with nations around the world to support ukraine's fight for
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survival, and we will continue to prove why ukraine matters. the outcome of events in ukraine is critical to european security, global security, and american security. ukraine received this support at a time when russian troops opened a new front in the kharkov region and want to create a buffer. russia expects this to divert ukraine's attention and capabilities from other critical important areas. the ukrainians have made a concerted effort to build fortified defensive lines that are exposed to russian attacks. as ukraine tries to defend itself against a new russian offensive in kharkov, do you think ukraine should be able to use american weapons to attack russian forces that are there just across the border. would you make such a recommendation?
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our focus in supporting ukraine is to exploit capabilities, especially those that impact close combat different areas, and we pay attention to what is happening around kharkov. i won't say publicly what i would advise them, but we must continue to support them. really the key is to seize the opportunity.
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zelensky shouts at his generals who are hiding from him what seems to him to be the truth about the real state of affairs in the ssu during the war. they are hiding from zelensky not only the progress of the russian army, but also, as the american newspaper daily beast writes, citing sources in apu. they are discovering total drug addiction and alcoholism in the ukrainian so-called harness forces. the american publication unexpectedly saw the light in the tenth year of the war
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and published an article on the mountain that... that the susushniks are under the influence of alcohol, drugs, kill civilians, kill colleagues, and even kill animals for some reason. according to the publication’s interlocutors, many soldiers in the ssu drink while on combat duty, and then in an inadequate state, in a drunken stupor, shoot civilians for their separatist views. in europe, in particular, in britain right now they are preparing the next batch of ukrainian drug addicts. thugs to be sent to the front, however, officially the process of training the armed forces of ukraine is called raising motivation and morale for the successful completion of combat missions. in addition to the infantry, the british train ukrainian pilots to fly the f-16. the american fighters themselves will not be in ukraine until the end of this summer. we are talking about several dozen pieces that they promise to give to dana. and
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the netherlands newswix, citing military analysts, writes that the delayed f-16s are not will help the armed forces of ukraine to contain the russian offensive, but in london they don’t think so; they continue the training process, teaching ukrainian pilots the basics of piloting, meteorology, and most importantly the english language, with which the ukrainian boys have big problems. zelensky himself said that he needs at least 150-200 planes, because the russians have 300 of them right now. i was appointed commander, i will be responsible for the training of ukrainian pilots, including the study of fighter aircraft. so, this is where
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the students will have to come. we will arrange them at the base so that they will have an understanding of what exactly is going on here. here they will also receive basic information. and based on this, every morning, at approximately 8-8:30, they will announce a meteorological report so that we know what the weather will be like. this will really inform what kind of piloting we will be doing today because the course covers different aspects. we'll start with the very basics of aerobatics training once they 've mastered the course, right. we can move further, moving on to more advanced lessons. our goals also include improving their english and preparing them for their next flight training, followed by f-16 training. you look at the students when they first arrive here and you think they are just young pilots, just like those guys from the uk or any other country, but the main difference i noticed with them is their focus. we need to get them home quickly so they
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can fly. fought and ultimately won, and if they don’t do this, then europe will be mired in war. i showed them a photo of my daughter, my family, one of them called me a crazy lucky guy. i asked him why did you decide that? and he said that i didn't think i would have a family, and i realized that he was seriously aware of his proximity to death. and the fact that he understands that it is quite possible that he could die in the coming years, and you know, these thoughts come to the mind of a twenty-two-year-old guy, and these are very serious questions, i’m from the northern part of ukraine, i’m 22 years old, guys who are older i'm only a few years old, right now i'm at the front. they will return, within a year they will be on the front line, fighting in
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the air with f-16s. in the ukrainian skies, in my opinion, having control in the skies, as is also confirmed by many years of practice, you have the key to winning battles on the ground, and if you do not have immunity to air attacks, then you have a lot of problems, that's why. ..
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well, now a world sensation: the prosecutor of the international criminal court demanded to issue an arrest warrant for netanyahu, whom accused of war crimes in
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the gas sector. in addition, muus wants to arrest the israeli defense minister, gallant. israeli officials accuse them of illegal persecution in an attempt to starve the people to death. the word genocide naturally does not sound , yet tel aviv, how to put it mildly, threw a public hysteria and started an eternal and so convenient song about a new manifestation of anti-semitism. the head of the state department, blinken, called the issuance of an arrest warrant for netanyahu shameful, followed by biden, who called moose’s decision outrageous and said that... he himself denounced the order against netanyahu and gallant, adding that the united states will always gas, there is no genocide happening at all, support israel to protect friends, washington is ready to use its most powerful
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weapon against musa, i am, of course, talking about sanctions. a bill on retaliatory measures to the decision of the prosecutor of the international criminal court against the israeli leadership may be considered by... representatives of the us congress this week at the initiative of the leaders of the republican party. house speaker johnson said congress is considering the possibility of taking any measures, including the termination of funding, if the icc approves the issuance of an arrest warrant for prime minister nitanyahu and minister of defense gallant. the state debt thus believes that.
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and no civilian leader can act with impunity, the charges largely stem from the october 7 hamas attack and subsequent israeli response. the charges brought against the israeli leadership are also related to the humanitarian crisis in gaza. israel is accused of intending to refuse.
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netanyahu vowed to continue fighting until hamas will not be destroyed, it may also decide to double down, despite the court decision, but at the same time it will be aware that this will put it in the same small row along with vladimir putin and slobodan milosevic, and this is a stigma that will remain with it until end of life. some elected leaders of countries directly told me that this court was created only for africa and for putin's thugs, that's what one of the big leaders told me, but we look at it differently. president biden decided not
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to hold back and criticized mousse's request for issuing an arrest warrant for israeli prime minister netanyahu. to be clear, we reject mus's request for an arrest warrant against the leader of israel. whatever this order implies, an equal sign cannot be drawn between israel and hamas. what is clear is that israel is doing everything to protect. the united states fundamentally rejects
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the international criminal court prosecutor's decision to apply for arrest warrants against senior israeli officials. that's shameful. moreover, long before the current conflict, the united states made it clear that the icc has no jurisdiction in this matter. the moose was created by the participating states as a court of limited jurisdiction. these restrictions are based on principles of complementarity, which do not appear to have been applied in this case, given the prosecutor's desire to quickly obtain arrest warrants rather than allowing the israeli legal system full and timely opportunity to act on its own. international criminal court prosecutor says he will seek arrest warrant prime minister netanyahu and your colleague yoav gallant. does your administration support this cause and will you assist moose in this matter? yes, i saw a report that moose wants an arrest warrant, but i have nothing to say about it . i want to emphasize once again that our main goal is to give israel everything
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it needs so that it can defend itself. it is obvious that the administration is not satisfied with the actions taken by israel after october 7, who will be responsible for this, and where the palestinians will turn. it seems to us that mus has no jurisdiction over either side because the palestinians do not represent any state. muses are a kind of last resort when the state itself is not responsible. does not hold its citizens accountable, then the mus comes into play, and not in the middle of the process, as they did in this case, we ourselves have accountability mechanisms and processes that monitor whether israel complies with international humanitarian law, in general, there is places where such issues can be considered, and it seems to us that muus is not one of those places. i would say that we have a conflict of jurisdiction here; it seems to us that musk does not have the necessary jurisdiction. there is another musk case.
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all options, including sanctions, to punish moose and ensure his leadership
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faces consequences if they choose to act, johnson said. an important clarification regarding the investigation into the russians, the americans, even despite this scandal, will continue to finance the international criminal court, why? because it's different. well, what about britain, which is pushing the ukrainians to war with russia, shaken by a huge internal scandal, the investigation into the infection of several thousand patients with hiv hepatitis c in the period from the seventies to the ninety-first year was completed. the results were presented officially and the scale of the crime affected 30,000 people, possibly more, who were deliberately infected with blood obtained from the american.
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including children, hepatitis aids. some doctors literally took part in experiments, wrote their doctoral dissertations by infecting children, then observing when these.
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thousands of other britons have always known, finally it happened on an official level, how they failed, a collective and individual failure. mel was 5 years old when she received an infected blood transfusion during surgery, which resulted in her contracting hiv, a disease that changed her life. hiv will greatly impact my
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life. i was unable to achieve my dreams and aspirations. i became a nurse in pediatrics, but i also could not be fulfilled in relationships, i could not start a family. i very... angry about those so-called failures that happened where they never should have happened, but i'm glad we finally got answers. brian langstaff's report confirms that this was not an accident, but a direct deception by the nhs and government. 33,000 people died; deaths continue to occur week after week. i found out that this disaster did not happen by chance, people trusted doctors, including the government, they believed that they would be provided with safety, but this trust deceived. the final report into the infected blood investigation has been published - a day of shame for the british state. this
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report revealed a decades-long moral decline at the very heart of our social life. hepatitis c. during this time , new treatments for diseases such as hemophilia were developed in the uk using donated blood, but the blood was imported from the united states to meet the demand for new drugs. although the government was warned about the risks of imported blood, britain could not produce the required amount of blood, so it continued to import it from abroad. this scandal affected two main groups:
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the first were people with hemophilia, 1250 people were infected with hiv and hepatitis c, 2/3 of them. soon died from aids-related illnesses and an unknown number passed hiv on to their partners. neil king was infected with hiv, but was not told about it until several years after his positive test. he died a few days before his daughter's tenth birthday. this is not it must have bothered me for many years. this is just crazy. i believe the government knew, they knew what was going on, but they just decided to suppress the story. i think they should have talked about it. the second group suffered. according to the charity the haemophilia society, between the start of the investigation and the publication today, they estimate another 650 people have died that were not previously reported. the investigation began in
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2018, after the year before in 2017, then prime minister theresa may announced the start of the proceedings. their families have suffered pain and deprivation, they deserve answers and the investigation i announced today will give them those answers so they know why this happened and how it happened, it is a horrific tragedy and it should never have happened. the investigation heard testimony from hundreds of witnesses and reviewed thousands of documents. politicians featured in the investigation include former prime minister john major, and former health minister jeremy hunt and andy b... now about life in europe, where, following the united states, the zombie apocalypse continues to gain momentum. fintanila, the xylazine epidemic has covered the old world, selozin. moreover, these are sedative injections for cattle. the streets of european cities, like the united states, were filled with twisted, hovering
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characters covered in sores. against this backdrop, the spanish newspaper elpais is alarmed by the reduction in poppy cultivation in afghanistan. europeans are unhappy that the taliban is fighting production of poppy-based drugs, since in their opinion this will cause an even greater increase in use in europe.
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as well as her colleagues from the netherlands, sweden, belgium, france, spain, even convened an emergency summit, but they didn’t figure out how to solve the drug problem, that is, they will most likely do exactly the same thing as they already did with marijuana, you can’t win , just take charge of drug addiction, there will be more revenue to the budget. people can simply give up on overdose deaths by citing, for example, demographics and rights drug addicts. drug addicts have rights, for example, the right to die, so let them die. there is a batch of heroin that kills people instantly, when it flows out of me, all i want is to quit. here's how europe could face its own deadly opioid crisis, and how it 's caused by bad policies. the relationship between drugs at home and soldiers thousands of miles away. experts fear europe could be
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facing its own version of an opioid crisis that has killed hundreds thousands of people in the usa and canada. at the end of 23 in the uk there was a surge in overdose deaths from nitosin, a synthetic opioid that can be 300 times stronger than heroin; these deaths have continued since 24, with nitosin increasingly finding its way into the british drug supply. a however, in just a few days in the summer of 2023 , there were seven fatal overdoses and more than 80 emergency calls in bristol due to the fact that one of the local drug dealers was selling heroin containing nitosin. i don’t understand what people are addicted to now, they smoke this crap, it looks like heroin, smells like heroin, and then you go take a urine test, it says: no, dude, you didn’t use anything, but before that i did all week, you know, you want to know the quality of heroin in bristol, right? now there is a gray batch of heroin on sale that kills people instantly. we lost
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six friends in about 2 weeks. i bought it from one guy, he knew perfectly well what kind of drug it was and didn’t tell me anything. so, the first time i took it, i completely blacked out. it looks like it's a matter of time until it comes to europe, and if it does come there, it will be an epidemic. whatever, they need maximum withdrawal from afghanistan,
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they don’t smoke it, they don’t care, they will sell everything, profit. several of my friends died last month. in 2021, us troops were in order to win the favor of the international community, the taliban have reduced opium poppy production, limiting the supply of afghan heroin will never stop. this scares me, we are now in a situation where things are getting very dark.
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okay, heroin has been around for years, people don't want it, but they use it. but this is not as scary as what will happen soon, and i am stating a fact, this will happen, there are people who are looking for netosin or fentanyl, and there are people who are afraid of them, this needs to be stopped, i almost cry, if anyone if someone doesn't do something, everything will end very badly, the problem is that synthetic drugs are much stronger than heroin, this is a new threat, we must accept measures to... right now there is urgent news from europe, but of a completely different order, from a prosperous and adequate part of europe, it still exists, the prime minister of slovakia, who was assassinated on may 15, is conscious right now, he is communicating with
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those around him , reports. hospital and tells the details of the attack, he remembers everything, he was in creation until the moment when, in fact, he was given anesthesia, the operation began, the operation lasted 5 hours, just for reference, keeping in mind the nightmare that is now happened with the president of iran , it was boring and cheesy, the cuban authorities have just announced that they are declaring mourning in their country in connection with the death of the president of iran, there are already seven such states that have declared mourning on their territory. mishustin just said at the meeting that risi’s death is also a great tragedy for us, he was a great friend of russia, and did a lot to strengthen relations. now for some important news from the front. the northern part of volchansk has been completely liberated, progress is going slowly but
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surely, this tells us.
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our opinion here, we can probably speak as engaged people, but also the opinion of the international community as a whole , take at least an economist, this magazine is written today by a british magazine, that zelensky is really in a real panic, he is screaming at military meetings , when conducting a supreme bid, he raises his voice at his subordinates, suspecting them that they are not everything. they are talking about the situation in the war, look. zelensky feels that he is not being told the whole truth about the situation near kharkov yells at his generals,” a ukrainian government source said. the ukrainian military directly speaks about this. zelensky is kept in the dark. “we believe that the president should be guided by the situation on the ground,” said ukrainian armed forces officer denis yaroslavsky. many soldiers
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in kharkov are outraged that russia was able to advance so far and so quickly, some. they have been criticized by delays in western aid, others suspect that incompetence or even betrayal played a larger role, and conspiracy theories have emerged that that politicians in kiev or washington are selling kharkov on the eve of a shameful peace agreement. official ukrainian narratives presenting a rosy picture do not help calm nerves. you and i are transported to the front via direct communication. apte aldinov, hero of the russian federation.
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assess the situation in the war, is the enemy’s front really crumbling, is the enemy really short of people, are you really recording? we'll see each other, we'll see the enemy's positions completely crumble. here - in fact you and i, in general, probably need to understand the totality of those events that are taking place on the territory of ukraine, in the world as
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a whole, it turns out that, as in principle, i have always been sure, no matter what weapons the west gives to ukraine today, this the weapons are not being sent there so they can stop russia. in principle, everyone has already said with one voice, they already understand that it is impossible to stop russia today, that is, today we have moved at a really good pace, a unit of the ministry of defense of the russian federation is moving in the direction in kharkov, they have really made very good progress and continue to advance further, the very essence of what is happening is this: the west is trying until completion.
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is happening, until now they could not take these teapots off with their heads, all the time they were in such a state, convinced that the west would help them defeat russia, today i think that we should
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also expect a split within the ukrainian elites, this has already happened, which means we should expect a split among the ukrainian military, well, at the same time, i think that the people can also he will be patient for a little while longer, but... in the end he will go out into the street, and i think that he will sweep away the already overdue zelensky, and this will also play into our hands, because this is the totality of all those moments that will play that russia will complete the svo this year. regarding zelensky’s overdue status, as putin recently said, of course, the ukrainian legal system will answer this question, but from the point of view of the ukrainian constitution from today. since may 21 , zelensky has truly lost his status as a legitimate head of state. obtyaranich, no i may not ask you a question regarding drug addiction and alcohol, but everyone seems to know all
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these endless jokes, or not jokes about zelensky cocaine, but they always came more likely from us. today, the americans and the daily bees report that in drugs and alcohol... the ukrainian public, paramilitary, goes on the attack, killing themselves, others and civilians, there is confirmation of this information, have you seen? this is not new for us, we controlled this situation from the beginning, all this time we had information that all the fighters in so, they in fact, they go to the front line directly under some very serious doping, because we were constantly analyzing... the behavior
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of ukrainian fighters, and what’s interesting is that a certain time after they were captured, they all returned to normal, were already adequate, so we know that the americans and europeans in the ukrainian formations were constantly testing some of their new pills, some new injections, they somewhere gave their results for a certain amount of time, that is, for a certain time. period time, i think that we shouldn’t be surprised by this, we shouldn’t, because ukraine, it has completely become a springboard for a huge number of laboratories to be deployed on its territory, which produced different types of, as they say, viruses, etc. something else, and this ultimately led to the fact that the state of the population of ukraine, it really went to some point, i don’t know. they are probably all in
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a certain trance, only now, at present, the population of ukraine is slowly is already starting to sober up, because they were all driven home, it was with the help of the new laws, uh, with the help of the tsk employees, that they were all driven home and began to look at the world from a different perspective. by the way, a very interesting idea was voiced here, if vladimir vladimirovich really decided that he... was ready to give citizenship to ukrainians who want to receive this citizenship directly in an abbreviated form, i can confidently say that millions of ukrainians today i would be happy to receive russian citizenship and russian passports in my hands just to completely get out of the power of the ukrainian terrorist group, you can’t call it a state, it would already be a victory, probably, which would end without any battles at all, that is, we could also...
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to say that the ukrainian population, today i already see that most of it is ready for this, is probably also another factor that will lead the internal state of the ukrainian population to a social explosion. regarding hysteria in management ukrainian state, but again, petskov just said that zelensky is quite strange and nervous. the need to supply a new batch of weapons is expressed by the economist, he writes to us that he shouts at his subordinates, you document the chaotic nature of military decision-making, can you admit that the economist writes the truth that zelensky is underreported by his military subordinates about the real state of affairs on the fronts ? olga, well, you know how...
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the rapidity of changes in things on the line of combat contact, she is physically not in able to have time to report to zelensky, because between the moment of his sobering up and the next sobering up, well, our troops actually take already populated areas, huge territories, move on, then again, it’s just how much he cares about this, so if he demands that they urgently give him in... here he is screaming there, stomping his feet, there the question is not that he needs weapons in order to defeat russia, he understands perfectly well that he cannot defeat russia, he must cut it up as quickly as possible the next tranche, you see, there are very serious economic schemes there, these are very serious corrupt criminal schemes that are tied to the military-industrial complex of the american directly as...
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american military-industrial complexes are exactly the same as european ones, that is, there are undercover games that essentially do this, that billions supposedly go to ukraine, the calculation is in the lives of ukrainian fighters, well, in the end, these comrades who are not our comrades at all, they become richer and richer with each new tranche, these are billions in their piggy bank go, thank you very much, thank you very much. as always, interesting, most competent from the scene, friend, comrade of our program, hero of the russian federation, apti alaudinov, commander. thank you guys, hello, please, thank you, of course, beautiful, these are the kind of people that were missing in the highest echelons of the ministry of defense, now he is there , listen, you understand that we have many
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opportunities to beat the enemy, but as for the general situation on ukraine, then there's a lot of chaos there, that's it, zelensky has turned into beer. that the most important thing there is no sign of anything, so to speak, in general, nothing, you just need to come to the military registration and enlistment office and update your data, but everyone understands this very well that you came to the military registration and enlistment office, but will you leave there or not after the update data,
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this is a big question, so i think they won’t leave, but he released someone, you and i know that the church members were freed. this makes it very important that bookmakers, that is, clowns and swindlers, employees of american companies, so that american investors do not suffered losses in ukraine, well, in general, of course, there’s probably a queue there, people are ready to work for free, i don’t even doubt it, it’s a mockery that financial times reports that the largest ukrainian metallurgical enterprise is on the verge of bankruptcy and is closing due to lack of availability. metallurgical engineer, and i well understand that metallurgy is nothing like that, i actually do this work myself, just in case, i worked myself, it’s a strange approach in general, but what’s there to be surprised about, they
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generally do whatever they want, but here's some information there is a moment that they are going to do. general mobilization in those cities that they understand that they will be surrendered anyway. kharkov, slavyansk, kramatorsk, zaporozhye there, even, well, that is , it doesn’t matter what you have there anyway, if they leave, someone remains there, they don’t need this, these are no longer their cities and we see that this is true, that is, the attacks there on these cities that are crossing there are a completely different story, but obviously they are doing exactly the same as reikh did in her time. german, when he left, he blew up, destroyed, undermined everything, just so that the soviet union could not get enough, well, these are doing the same thing, this is not their land, this is absolutely understandable, in my opinion, but look what they are going to, i don’t know,
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as far as this is accurate, but most likely it is so, some of them are all acting, there are acting ministers of sports, so they are supposed to be there for the olympics. go, he says, well, there is a high probability that no one will return from there, which is generally natural, we saw how it was there athletes run away, some, in my opinion, a basketball player ran away there and so on, and of course they do the same thing, but what should they return, so they came up with it, he says, let’s make sure it’s notarized there , he brings a man of military age there, we sign a paper that if he doesn’t return, he will be immediately op...
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they couldn’t save the man, they got him already dead, and the ukrainian former friends , comrades, now probably still subordinates from block 95 on the theme of tisa, they write an endless number of jokes, there from the last one, if my memory serves me right , love confession, i’m drowning in your eyes, like the uhilants drowning in the yew tree, laughter in the hall, of course, of course, well, for them it’s already there, you know, someone there 30 people drowned in the yew tree - this is for them , listen, every day they die more on the front line in any village, that ’s why for them it’s... it’s a laugh, that’s absolutely true, but they won, you know, they got closer to
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europe, holland raised the flag there today lgbt are at home on this, but they have such an institute of national memory, they can come up with this you also need such a national memory, the rest of the memory is different, there is a special national memory, here is a certain drobovich who heads it, he suggested repainting the arch of friendship of peoples. they have one in the soviet union, they built it so as not to demolish it, let's repaint it with the lgbt flag, it will be like a rainbow, lgbt, it will bring us closer to europe, well, go ahead, no one is against it, paint it guys, the project is on your screens , yes, we’ve drawn everything, we’ve even already drawn it, it’s amazing, well, this is it, well, you know, but but europe, oh, beauty, it’s simple, now it’s clear that what’s left, all that’s left is...
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anton drabovich proposed to rethink the monument and turn it into a symbol of the country’s openness to tolerance, he voiced three scenarios for the development of events around the sculptural composition. the first scenario is complete dismantling, the second scenario is to leave everything as it is, then there will be forced dismantling, because sooner or later the citizens themselves will do it, as they did with... lenin. the third option is to leave the arch and make a rainbow out of it as a symbol of lgbt people, said the head of the ukrainian
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institute of national remembrance. according to drobovich, the third option is optimal because it really rethinks the object. moreover, a new context and discussion is emerging around it. the arch was completed. the arch was built 42 years ago in honor of the sixtieth anniversary of the creation of the ussr and the next anniversary of the october revolution. the arch connected two sculptures - a composition of russian and ukrainian workers.
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the monument was renamed the arch of freedom of the ukrainian people, but should it be rethought? further, dismantle it or give it new meanings. the food has become uncooked. it’s hard to imagine the mockery of ukrainians and deliberately. regarding mobilization. ukromensport just now. he himself published a list of 293 athletes who did not return from abroad. 293 people went to the competition, received summonses and decided not to die for zelensky, but to live in the european union. we 'll be back in a minute. "we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve
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complete victory. for this reason, we go on air every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. kalinan belek - a place where time stops." immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence, making dreams come true. hotel kalinan belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. a hotel for unforgettable experiences. sharmelsheikh is only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment all
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day long with performances from the best. djs from all over the world. and comfortable rooms. rixos sharma is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. well, maybe you can kiss me? the plot is worthy of
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roman, she, he and his muse. anton, you have talent, but it’s so easy to lose inspiration, i ’ll leave when you finish the novel, i can’t beat you, i heard it, you seem to be getting married, with a clean slate on friday. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere strong friendship, to fall in love with a white fluffy, i she said, i want a white cat, so she comes and
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you’re good at petting the obstinate one, he likes to grab there. tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies to my key from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you hurry everything, guys, to feed me hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, my dears, you are all so different, i so want this difference to be our strength family, not a reason for litter. wow, you actually have two cups, what do you have? i will not allow
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my daughter to be deceived. “everything is not at all what it seems to you, i was set up by irina razanova, there are competitors, we need to find who exactly, in case they don’t limit themselves to blackmail, anastasia vedenskaya, you all knew everything about this, i don’t want to see you all, anatoly lobotsky, one very important person for me has disappeared, life teaches you nothing, you were silent about vasya, and now continue to lie about your mother?” " grown daughters, premiere, on saturday on rtr. a big musical premiere, a show in which
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18 people from different regions of russia are trying to deceive a team of stars into convincing them that they are singing. the ability to sing is a gift. the main thing is that the soul sings. the ability to trick people is an art. in general, imitation is a very difficult matter. suddenly he deliberately makes a fool of himself by not singing. what's more difficult? reveal talent or deception? with our experience with musical ear. or you can come up and look him in the eyes. the stars are ready to check. we must notice everything, every stroke. wow, they sing beautifully. mine is developing opinion, so far we are praising everyone very well, brotherly, wink, please, well and further, that the intrigue is mad, catch me if you can, we can’t wait to start, on friday on rtr, our silence dragged on for 13 years and no one didn’t make us happy,
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the premiere, i had to tell sashka everything, everything secret becomes clear, and the later... the worse, well, i’m glad that everything came out, that’s all, well, since you started talking, i’ll say s... so, moscow does not rule out that the united states is trying to provoke a transition to hot phase of the conflict, russian foreign minister lavrov has just said. in confirmation of this, zelensky once again proposed to the west, which he gives to ukraine. critically few weapons shoot down russian missiles from nato territory, although moscow has explained more than once:
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if you start shooting them down from nato territory, they will immediately fly, in fact, at nato itself. let's listen. we are very grateful to our partners for helping us, but this is happening extremely slowly. every decision takes time. "we come to everyone decision, as if a year later than necessary. i am confident that we can enter into a proper dialogue, and we can reach a consensus on long- range missile strikes against russian weapons located on russian territory. i believe that we will come to this decision, because the same thing happened with the provision of tanks , armored vehicles, patriots. and you know, we 're still years late. but we have what we have. this is still a huge step forward, but unfortunately it was also two steps back. there is a huge deficit and shortage of defensive lines. give us more f-16s. we've all seen them and we all know they exist. 300 aircraft
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are used by the russians against ukrainian territory. we need at least 120-130 to counter their attacks in the sky. if you can't give us those, you can't give us air defense, let's get back to talking about whatever fighters you have. use them, shoot down targets, protect our country. everyone says this word, it sounds the same in all languages, everyone is afraid of escalation, ukrainians are dying, everyone is used to it, this is not an escalation, because ukrainians here, in ukraine, ukrainians are not people, there is a separate world - this is a separate story, there is ukraine, this is also a separate story, this is the attitude, right, laughs, please, yes, it’s surprising that zelensky, who is overdue, is quite expired zelensky, but surprises. western cynicism, he himself just quoted lenin with the same cynicism, i don’t understand why he hasn’t been subjected to decommunization yet, one step forward, two steps back, in general
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it should be, but by the way, he apparently didn’t read the work, he would then it was not surprising that the work was about opportunism, opportunism, as you know, is a policy of adapting to circumstances, deceitfully following one ’s own interests, which is what the west has been doing in ukraine from the very beginning, not even since ’22, but since... let’s get a little historical let's go back to when there were a lot of apis in europe? and, probably, when the americans controlled afghanistan, then there were a lot of apioids in europe, the americans left afghanistan,
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now synthetics went to europe directly from the united states, so that you don’t have to get up twice, why do you need these long, complex logistics chains, you can do it directly. again, poor knowledge of history, let the europeans study the history of the opium wars in china and what the same anglo-saxons did with... the americans and europe are doing exactly the same thing, but now with the help of synthetics. regarding the cynicism regarding the tragic death of racey on the american side, but if the state deb still somehow controls itself and tries, then mitch mccon does not hold back at all. he clearly said that yes, he is a sabol. to the iranian people, and further down the list, respectively, for the fact that they have tyranny there, they do not have democracy, all this, absolutely, is not
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restrained by the american media, which at the moment when the tragedy happened, when nothing was clear yet, and already in iran, people began to take to the streets, the american media began to talk about how people were going out to rejoice in relation to the fact that raisi may have died, perhaps he is going out to overthrow the regime, about this... uh, the american press, several agencies, including number of bodies stations, they said quite openly, there was also such an exorbitant level of cynicism, well, from the point of view of the supply of weapons... to ukraine new ones, which osten promises based on the results of romstein, well, all this was also stipulated there, it was, as they say, before the comma, before but everything is not important, what matters is what comes after but, as usual, yes, but but - this is that the coming months will decide the fate of ukraine, then maybe there will be no need to supply anything, but why - it will be possible to train ukrainian pilots, and leave them for themselves
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further war with russia, like the british. they do it because it’s impossible to train a pilot in a year, it’s possible to train a kamikaz in a year , it’s probably impossible to train a normal ukrainian pilot, so they’re most likely making a brochure for future pilots, well , because if something happens, i feel sorry for british pilots, they’re a very expensive product, but ukrainian komikazes can be launched, that at the front , at the same time, look, russia launched an offensive in the kharkov region, which significantly increased pressure on the ukrainian troops, the delay in the supply... of much-needed weapons and ammunition from the west was a serious blow for ukraine. the russian ministry of defense said they were developing an offensive. yesterday there were very heavy battles in the city and our guys are still in this area, there are shooting battles and the russians are trying to move forward to take new positions. we are doing everything we can to stop them. we are working. we work, we work, we work.
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russian army. is developing an offensive in the kharkov region, expanding the sanitary zone, this is footage from the front-line volchansk, where street battles are taking place right now. ukrainian publications publish videos from liptsy with the consequences the use of so-called chandeliers, lighting projectiles for more accurate strikes. those lights flickering there on the horizon. this is belgrade and russia, how close they are to the russian border.
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kharkov region. according to the plan, our troops were supposed to surround kharkov and put pressure on the ukrainian armed forces from the pechenezh reservoir. the operation was supposed to begin on may 15, but for unknown reasons it started much earlier. what current information is there regarding the line of combat with the russians in the kharkov region, in particular in volchansk. now our military continues fighting for the city of volchansk itself, where the front line actually runs. the situation at the front is extremely difficult, said the secretary of the national security and defense council of ukraine. according to litvinenko, the ssu is waging grueling battles for small villages. russia is successfully implementing its plan to create a gray zone. ukrainian units are massively consuming alcohol and drugs, writes the american publication daily beast. many on the front lines believe their country is heading towards
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defeat. the enemy continues to carry out strike-assault operations, accumulate, regroup, if volchansky is captured, this is a fairly powerful and convenient springboard for the further development of offensive actions in the rear of the defense forces grouping. what happened is only the first attempt; the next 2 months are extremely decisive for the further development of events. in this footage, fighters from the north group destroy two -72 tanks at once at the exit from the village of shesterovka in the kharkov region, and this is the result of exchanging a high-precision tank. krasnopol ammunition at a strong point, in this video the lancet hits the t-64 tank, and here self-propelled artillery mounts become the target of loitering ammunition. well, this is the so -called trench that the ukrainian army dug, how to hide in it, if you only move in it in polish, no other way, you see for yourself, and it is not fully equipped, literally not equipped at all, i have
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several rusty ones behind me. the ukrainians have made efforts to build fortified defensive lines that are being tested by russian attacks. ukraine is expending air defense munitions to protect its skies from ongoing russian attacks on critical civilian infrastructure. ukrainian troops are fighting hard to hold off russian
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advances along the entire front line, with ukraine's reserves on the brink of depletion, underscoring the urgency of the coalition's work to support ukraine. leopard sent another batch of tanks to ukraine. from spain, said the country's defense minister arubles. the ukrainian armed forces will also receive artillery shells, missiles for patriot complexes and systems counter-drone. but only in july , send us everything and allow us to carry out strikes on russian territory. the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry, kuleba, seemed to lose his nerve amid the delay in western supplies. the west and ukraine were not ready to play for a long time, french tv channels claim. the main problem is the duration of the conflict, which ukraine was not prepared for, it still thought that it would be able to achieve its goals much earlier, so the fatigue of society is certainly felt, which is beginning to slowly influence the internal political
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game because the country remains open to negotiations, martial law is not easy. the ukrainian government allowed the military commissar to serve subpoenas at any time of the day. representatives of the shopping center blocked a plant in the sumy region, among men. there are fears that this will lead to the closure of businesses if most of their employees are mobilized, some are concerned that training new troops will take too long and that it is too little too late. a new president was inaugurated in taiwan. laitsinde, who previously served as vice president, joined. the victory of the laiz-nd in the elections was not very confident,
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it had 40% of the votes, the main rival from the gamindan party had 33.5. in parliament, the kuominden completely took away the previous majority from the democratic progressive party, gaining one more seat. but all this, of course, did not prevent the snd from barking in their speech during the inauguration from escalating with mainland china. the separatist called on beijing to recognize taiwan as a sovereign state and demanded that the people's republic of china stop to intimidate taipei with the help of political military means, beijing immediately responded harshly: the independence of taipei and peace in the taiwan strait are incompatible. stated in the office of taiwan affairs under the state council of the people's republic of china and emphasized that the lands on both sides of the strait belong to china alone. the will of the prc authorities to resolve the taiwan issue and complete national
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unification is as firm as a straight rock. china has imposed sanctions on three american companies that sold weapons to taiwan and are prohibited from doing business with china. trade and come. taiwan's new president just took office and began his term by calling on china to abandon military political intimidation. i would like to call on china to cease its military and political threats against taiwan and to share with taiwan the global responsibility for maintaining peace and stability in the taiwan strait and the wider region, and to ensure that the world is free from the fear of potential war.
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usa, japan and taiwan. in addition, beijing is imposing sanctions against three american defense companies due to arms sales to taiwan. we are talking about companies such as general atomics, general dynamics and boeing defense. similar measures are being taken.
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they call it protectionism for the sake of fair competition, but the purpose of this is to hold back china's energy sectors, prevent china's high-quality development, and also gain an advantage in elections, so they compete to see who will be more harsh towards china, well, in nizhny novgorod, the prime minister russian minister mishusti at... at the digital industry exhibition industrial russia got acquainted with the new line of volga cars, the so-called revived volga. the prime minister said that the car looks quite modern, but expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that some elements are not produced in russia, in particular, the steering wheel on the novaya volga is chinese. meshustin pointed this out to his first. deputy denis mantorov, who is responsible for
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industry and technological development in the government. the prime minister once again spoke about the need to localize production. according to official reports, the production of the revived volga cars will begin this year, next year it will go in the so-called full cycle mode, with a total of three models in the line, a sedan and two crossovers. on all models. a gasoline engine with a capacity of 188 horsepower and a seven-speed automatic transmission are used, look, we are glad to see you, good afternoon, good to see you, hello, yes, we are glad to introduce you to the new volga family of cars, accordingly, we now have three models in the brand, this is a business sedan class you can, yes let's.
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we already have a production facility for composites ... which is simple forward, professor, but olga
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interested me very much, but at the same time it evoked sad thoughts, your remark about how ukrainians rejoice and laugh at the deaths of those killed in tisza, and you know, this is generally very typical for anyone, for all there were fascist regimes, but to laugh at the death of those whom they consider cowards, traitors,
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no one is protected, even if yesterday you were
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our loved one, friend, ally, god forbid, did something... that's not true, and it won't save you, even if... the third point, of course, is the hidden interests of the european union. the european union never liked israel in itself, as an alternative military potential in the mediterranean. they always said that the mediterranean sea is our sphere of influence, and it is desirable that there are no other strong countries here except the european union. that is why, by the way, they have always played
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such a not very pleasant game with israel. well, there is another interesting point here, you see, in israel they naively hoped that... that cancel culture is a culture of everything that is connected with the abolition of the results of the second world war, it will only affect our country, it will not affect them, they are very mistaken, if a new wave of anti-semitism gradually rises in europe, they will also become its victim, gradually step by step. well, the last thing, i just can’t help but say that this is a very good lesson for our country, we need to stop, as we did back in the seventies... in the nineties, supporting all the creations of all kinds of international organizations with supranational powers, they are very will easily be turned against us. i remember, that we ourselves supported the idea of ​​mus, in ninety- three, ninety-four, then we thought that it would be limited to yugoslavia, we were consoled that it would not spread to you,
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it would spread, and how? therefore, when we vote for the creation of some institution with... with supranational jurisdiction or with supranational powers, we should always think that this could easily be deployed by the same americans against ourselves, unless, of course, we have the right there veto, as in the un security council. the american congress, while an important clarification is already this week will consider sanctions against the international criminal court, the question of funding from washington, while the pentagon has already officially said. funding for the investigation of crimes of the russian army will continue, please do not investigate us, peskov said curiously, listen, we are not parties to the relevant statute, accordingly we do not recognize the jurisdiction of this court, this is the first thing, well, in
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general, the situation is really more than curious probably in terms of relationships united states of america, readiness. it is very interesting to use sanctions methods, even in relation to this musa, that is, on the one hand we do not support, but on the other hand, of course, we carefully observe and record the features of the position, please, i would like to talk about two main events in international politics that have been happening in recent days: the first is, of course, tragedies that have begun to happen very often to the leaders of countries who are pursuing policies in the interests of their countries and...
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coup, and we know who is a fan of coups in the world, when there is information that there seems to be an assassination attempt on the crown prince of saudi arabia, a person is arrested who is attempting to assassinate or is going to assassinate vutich, that is, well, as they say, the big question is what the main point here is, with all respect to iran and
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slovakia. slovakia is not the most important player in nato. of course we welcome that. slovakia has stopped supplying weapons to the kiev regime, but it cannot disrupt this process, so they shoot at the fitz for in order to send a signal to everyone else, but whom i can’t. series, you might not have watched it, we know it, like on television, we showed it to you
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in a very short period of time, it was repeated, the series is a purely english murder, for those who haven’t watched it, maybe you’ll see the repeat and you’ll understand the meaning we’re sending , now regarding the international criminal court of this arrest warrant, where netanyahu, the israeli defense minister and three hamas figures are included in one warrant, and here... in my opinion, we seem to have already agreed on i do not agree with my respected colleague in my assessment that all events in international politics should be looked at through the prism of american domestic politics, this is where this prism will help us. question: what is the international criminal court? this is an instrument of international politics, whose? well, globalists, americans, or part of the american elites or both parts, they are fighting among themselves. when...
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in my opinion, we are faced with the use of moose as an instrument of domestic american politics, when such an order is created,
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biden cannot help but react to it, and he outraged, but not outraged by the issuance of this warrant, he is outraged by the fact that he is being put in a terribly uncomfortable position, well, look, if he does what he is doing now, begins, roughly speaking, to scold israel, he destroys relations with many states of the world, destroys sympathy...
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you have no idea what we've been through, okay? listen, you won’t change anything,
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at least i’ll try, light in the window, premiere, today on rt. cleaning floors is a tedious and dirty process that turns into torture. for you, your back and arms, forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a thunderous vacuum cleaner, which is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places. all that is a thing of the past; now you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington deaper swiper electric broom. the dipper sweeper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three-separate high-speed rotating
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brushes on each side sweep everything inward. regardless. depending on the direction in which you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front reaches into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned with just one touch of a button, it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle. and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily clean under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach. and only today, the unique, ingenious livington dipper swipper cordless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for only 895, but if you call
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and order right now, you will get it. but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. there is not enough pressure in the garden hose, you are tired of endlessly cleaning everything with your own hands. introducing hydra blast from hammer smith, fast, simple, very convenient pressure washer gun, cordless, rechargeable and absolutely revolutionary. wash your car, motorcycle or bike, wash your house, garden paths, driveway and more. hydroblast uses the same technology found in bulky professional washers and condenses it to house this small but highly efficient 150w copper motor to create an incredible 50 bar of pressure. the powerful lithium battery is enough for any
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task. hammer smith hydrablast via. incredibly light, very convenient and unsurpassedly versatile, the scope of its application is almost unlimited, no matter where you get your water from, hydroblast will turn it into a high-pressure jet. a bucket of water is all you need and you're ready to go, or simply connect it to a garden hose and the hydroblast will instantly increase water pressure up to ten times. no matter what kind of water you use, the nanofilter purifies and filters it. hami. smith hydroblast is a high performance pressure cleaning solution no compromise, just call today and order the revolutionary hammer smith hydra blast with its highly efficient 150w motor, powerful lithium battery, five meter high pressure hose and high quality nano filter, all for an incredible 59.95,
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and if you order now, then as a gift you will receive a container for shampoo and a special spray nozzle for a larger coverage area, all this is absolutely free, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited: the main character played the role, which made him a superstar, and then he lives under the weight of this image, but ignoring the umbilical cord that connected you with this hype is necessary, because otherwise you will become a hostage, what is it?
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he defends the composer, when you defend the idea and theme in which god lives, then you are, of course, a thousand times larger, this is what i wanted to convey, in every hero there is this kind of light, you are trying to preserve the spark of light that evil winds are trying to blow out. lev zul kardnaev in a white studio, author's program to daria zlatopolskaya on friday on rtr. that's what this is, tickets are out, the premiere is on rtr. “you put two strangers in one room, you’ve never seen the sunrise on the beach, you’re settling down, look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness, like your roman, were you following
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me, i’m filing for divorce, a melody for yours, with may 27 on rtr, whoever renounces the past cancels the future, we do not betray our memory and do not renounce our words, we answer for every word evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr so, jacob’s task. buber summit in switzerland on the so -called ukrainian peace formula, put pressure on russia. zelensky stated this in an interview with reitor, the chief editor of the swiss publication. the ukrainian conference is pointless and not worth a damn. swiss diplomacy, according to him, exposes itself to ridicule by accusing everyone who refuses to participate in this gathering of supporting russia. zelensky is completely
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hysterical, said the head of the russian federation medlavrov, against the backdrop of failures in the ussr during the war. zelensky, with foam urta, tries to convince foreign diplomats to help, to bring russia to its knees. look.
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ukrainian sources report that at the headquarters of the supreme commander-in-chief, zelensky actually shouts more and more often, raises his weights and generally looks like a slightly balanced person, while today we learned about the detention of a shipment of cocaine in hamburg in the port of hamburg, maybe these things are also interconnected and it’s the truth about cocaine i didn’t come up with this, well, there’s actually a message on the news agency’s feeds today, please know, i honestly don’t know whether zelensky is a drug addict or no, but just 5 years of zelensky’s presidency.
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well, everyone understands that he doesn’t really have a real plan, and he can’t offer anything new, so he’s already rushing around with this, with his peace plan, in fact, a plan to continue the war, demanding more and more support from western countries, in relation to all these threats, assassination attempts, tragic incidents of everything else, you know, i have the impression that someone is actively looking for the ex-duke ferdinand all over the world, well, it’s simple.
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or vice versa, without giving the opportunity, so to say, to protect oneself in this bloodshed, i get exactly this impression, against the backdrop of everything that is happening, well, look, the only thing, of course, is an important story for zelensky, in all the events that are planned, this is a process, well, let’s put it this way , his legitimation, well , at least in the person of his allies, yes, well, that is, this strong handshake, you know , a cheerful speech there. slapping zelensky on the shoulder, where to say, look, i’m there, relatively speaking, in a circle there are 50 or 40 or 30 countries, it doesn’t matter, yes, but let me also remind you that blinken, well, at least presented the possibility of a meeting between zelensky and biden, this is also a hole in his legitimation, but you need to understand one simple thing: zelensky can go to his western partners as much as he wants, squeeze their hands, but the process, his legitimacy , it is directly behind...
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happening, they will accelerate this process, time, just events that will be , relatively speaking, defeat at the front, there, the failure of the summit, the global summit of the world, where it will be impossible to do anything real, there is also the upcoming anniversary nato summit, when ukraine is simply refused admission to nato, and this process will go at such a pace that i think by the fall of this year it will finally finish this bee.
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you know, this is where his story really ends. regarding the search for the ex-duke, ferdinand, close to the text, probably by accident, maybe deliberately quoted the publication of the politician, in which it was written in black and white that as soon as the tragedy happened with reisi, in the province of eastern azerbaijan, the americans, refusing to help in the search, they were afraid of what would now definitely begin, as against...
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administration officials who were not authorized to publicly discuss internal conversations. there were fears that tehran could quickly claim israel and the us were involved in the helicopter crash, although there were no initial intelligence officers.
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on friday on rtr. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. vixas golf villas and suite sharmal sheikh. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas. perfect. suitable for couples and families, relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas rodomis sharmelsheikh, an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for
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the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable vacation. rixsas radomis sharmašikh. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome! a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum, allow yourself a first-class holiday with leorts, elegant
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details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reоrds, we are here for you, lis, i thought, i thought, i realized that i didn't i’m ready to break anything in my life, dad, he left me, and that’s fine, i don’t have a swimsuit, you’ll get strict. can i hug you? well, who is he? human? well, let me introduce you to the person? i love him,
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you know? yes, you’re just my stupid girl, well, some kind of love! he will leave you at the first opportunity, as soon as he gets tired of you, well, i beg you, please, stop it! touch me, leave me alone! what are you doing, huh? gerochka, hug me, please, feel me! can i hug you? on saturday, netr! ox, treasures, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones out of this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work,
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plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, infusions will soon bloom in our heroes’ living room. stone flowers, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let us in my house. big changes, every sunday on rtr, all the time you have to beg him for something, that something needs to be done with this, what’s wrong with him, he’s having a stroke, here we have a procedural nurse, you need money, i won’t give it if he admits it incapacitated, she will become the guardian, a strong tranquilizer, do you want to challenge the decision for...
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please, introduction and roll call, possible without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in white '.
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no matter what caused it disaster, no matter how the iranian government reacts to the death of president risi, their foreign ministers, and what their domestic political dynamics are, we will continue to hold iran accountable. for his destabilizing behavior, for his support of terrorist organizations such
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as hamas, hezbollah and the houthis, for attacks on shipping in the persian gulf, and for their support for mr. putin in ukraine. all this continues even now, as we speak, even after the death of president raisi, so we need to be able to continue to hold them accountable for all of these things. we bring the ram in direct contact with international journalist abbas juma. hello, today mourning events start in tabriz, what is happening there now, please tell us, apparently there are a lot of people on the street. yes, colleagues, thank you very much, i’m not in tabriz, unfortunately, in tehran, i’m monitoring everything remotely, but i have sources there who report an increased, increased concentration of security forces, a lot of people, unprecedented measures have been taken. dangers, anti-terrorism measures, today they say goodbye in tabriz, after which the bodies will be sent
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through mehrabat to the city of qom, this is a holy city for muslims, shiites, they will also say goodbye to the president, the minister and others who died in the plane crash, then again they will be transferred to tehran and say goodbye to the capitals of the country, after which the bodies will be transported to the cities where they died. iranian ayatolls, if not for conservative policies, if they were more accommodating and
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western-oriented, they would have new helicopters, if there was money and so on and no one would crash, there will be this cheap populism now, i’m afraid to disperse it, and especially on the eve of the elections, information is already appearing that reformists who have gone into deep degradation will try to take advantage of these elections, they reisi and his team lost to smithereens, now many of them perceive what happened as a kind of window of opportunity where they can jump back into the big political game. thank you very much for direct communication obbasy. juma, tigiran, iran. ask. it will not be possible to destabilize iran for one simple reason: the power structure of this state is the islamic revolutionary guard corps. this is a structure that goes far beyond purely paramilitary functions. this is primarily intelligence, foreign policy, finance, ideology, and,
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of course, media influence. and the body. the islamic revolution's kir is tied directly to the supreme leader, it is his support and his strength muscles, so any attempts to shake up the situation in iran, from the outside or from the inside, using agents, will not succeed. now, as for the investigation itself. i have already said that the commission of the general staff of the iranian armed forces to investigate the causes and circumstances of the crash of the presidential helicopter is headed by brigadier general ali. met several times in moscow, i want abdallahi, by the way, i know him, we personally say, the impression from this man is that he is a very competent and politically, technically educated person with a broad outlook, so this is a figure who will investigate all the circumstances of the disaster, it seems to me that it is extremely successful, it is
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a synthesis of what is called a general, a security officer, and simply a politician. an important circumstance is that the united states is trying, remember the well-known russian proverb , to deny the thief and the hat is on fire, but kirby literally disavows any accusations that we do not bear any responsibility, the united states bears direct political and legal responsibility for the death of the president of iran, for that simple reason the reason is that precisely because of the embargo on the supply of spare parts, maintenance, upgrades to...
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we don’t know yet, but in any case , the us responsibility for this tragic plane crash is direct and immediate, and a few words about the international criminal court, we see increased activity now, there’s literally an itch, these warrants are being issued, listen, well , the first body is illegitimate for those countries that have not joined the corresponding agreement, this is the first, second, if mus really wants to identify himself as a champion of...
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everything came out, so that’s it, well, since we they started talking, i’ll say, there’s a light in the window, today on rtr, food prices
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are getting more expensive all the time, and we still allow food to go to waste, how many times has this happened to you, you collect. cook a meal, you go to buy a loaf of bread and discover that it is either not fresh or moldy. we know how to help you save. just look at this bread and you can’t tell that it’s already 2 weeks old; it looks as if you just brought it from the store yesterday. how can this be? introducing bret smart by taper vr, a simple, convenient way to save your baked goods are fresh, soft and ready to be served. innovative. bret smart's condens control membrane lid with micro-fine precision ventilation is designed to regulate air humidity levels inside the container to create the ideal ambiance. and keep your bread fresher longer, so instead of going moldy, your bread stays soft, fresh, and delicious until you're ready to eat it. brad smart
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is big enough to hold several loaves, look at these croissants, only imagine, they were bought at the same time, one was in regular packaging, and this one was in the bread smart system, the difference is obvious, just think for a moment how much money you... throw away every year because of spoiled bread and pastries, 100 euros, 200 or a lot more. today is a sensational system. tappervea bread smart can be yours from just 39.95. put an end to food waste because throwing away bread and baked goods is like throwing money in the trash. brad smart will save your baked goods deliciously fresh, saves you money and pays for itself. in a few weeks, don't wait any longer, call us right now! cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that
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turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places, all this is in the past, now you can remove... dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily using absolutely new livington dipper sweeper. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head. even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front reaches into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when cleaning
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is finished, it can also be easily cleaned just one click of a button. it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach, only today the unique, ingenious livington dipper swipper cordless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture , anti-scratch baseboards and walls can be yours for just 89.95, but if you call they will order right now, you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros, and livington.
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be at a bad wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon theirs, from monday to thursday on rtr, zero visibility this morning in vladivostok, the city was enveloped, look, dense fog, several planes at once could not even land, the plane redirected to the city of khabarovsk, but... moscow will be covered in the next few hours by a heavy downpour of rain with squally winds that can reach 15 m/s; according to forecasters
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, it will continue until late in the evening. the ministry of emergency situations has already declared a yellow danger level, and recommends parking and walking away from trees and not approaching advertising accounts. thanks for watching, bye. the russian tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sitkan. hello. the silent robot kamikaze frog entered service with the troops and went into combat work near avdeevka. the frog is very fast, its speed is 20. there is an electric motor in each wheel. iranian orbit in tabriz.


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