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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  May 21, 2024 2:55pm-3:55pm MSK

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well, when i assessed the situation, i saw what had happened, there was no one nearby, my subordinates were nearby, alive, one, unfortunately, died, then i immediately understood that the rest were alive, yes, that is, when everyone came to their senses, he gave instructions, apply a tourniquet, bandages, anesthetize each other, that is, they began to help themselves, at the same time , scouts came out of the battle, the guys saw the situation we were in, they ran up, gave us help, and well... they already evacuated us, and you i immediately understood what happened to you, yes, well, i visually assessed my condition, i saw a large wound on my left leg, i realized that everything was very serious there, on the right leg, i hoped that it would not be like that, but when i was already taken to the hospital, they carried out all the necessary examinations and a decision was made about amplantation. seryozha, that pain is physical,
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can it even be compared to anything? i didn’t feel pain then, that is, at the moment i was wounded, i didn’t feel pain anymore, it’s such a shock, right? yes, this is a traumatic shock, but did you lose consciousness? no, i had to control both my condition and the conditions his comrades, was also wounded, they quickly took us to the hospital - to a special medical detachment, during the evacuation they even joked, as they said, now we’ll catch up. let's come back, everything will be fine, seryozha, in general, this is your whole life, this is some kind of standard of heroism, because you were going to quit, you had your own reasons for this, but you could not stay away, knowing that a special military war had begun operation, your experience may come in handy, and you went to save people, abandoning your plans, yes, how many you saved, i don’t know, not i thought somewhere in the forties, something went wrong,
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in the forties we got lost, yes, you will then have many meetings with schoolchildren, with students, they will ask you, tell me some story, please tell us some... some story, what kind of story, well, for example, once a battle caught me in an unequipped state, that is, i had no body armor, no helmet, only a medical backpack, i walked around the territory, well, looked, generally asked the guys about their health, who's feeling how it started battle, that is, the enemy launched an assault, i understand that i have a long way to get to my positions, but i have to work now, because the wounded appeared, i went without hesitation, and there was such a moment that two guys, one machine gunner, one machine gunner, they said, doctor, we say, we’ll go with you, we’ll cover you, it’s just that when... i was
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already providing assistance in the trenches, in the trenches, well , bullets were just flying over my head, it was somewhat uncomfortable to feel in this state, when there was no body armor , no helmet, tell me honestly, this is scary, what were you thinking at that moment, when they provided help , you realized that your life, right now, is in the balance, well, it’s scary, of course, it’s very scary, and fear is so multifaceted, that is, scary for itself. scared for the wounded, scared that you won’t be able to provide full assistance, save the person, such fear is difficult to describe in words, that is , fear sometimes reached such a level when you can’t even run, you know, there is such a term as animal fear , yes, when a person is completely paralyzed, apparently you are talking about this, yes speak, and at the same time a real hero will always say, i was a little uncomfortable, but a little uncomfortable, well, at that moment it was just uncomfortable, we have a video from yours... i would like to say
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a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart that at that it was you personally who provided me with first aid, you are an example of the fact that human capabilities, the human spirit cannot be bent under any difficulties, take care of yourself, recover, i hope to see you soon, thank you very much. so we gathered with alexander belukhin, with alexander azarevich, with your subordinates, we often think about you, we are proud of you, there are only a few officers like you, there have been cases when you, even risking your lives, saved our lives, commander, you are often remembered by the guys you pulled out, to this day since i meet them, they all say hello to you, as a team. i was remembered as a person,
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a professional, a person in his field with great experience, with great courage, that is, i would like to wish you good health. walk with confidence, i hope we will all get together soon too, see you, let's talk, well, that's probably all, sergey, tell us who these people are, what connects you, these are my subordinates, they served together for a long time, my servicemen, my military friends, we haven't seen them for a long time, but here we're somehow really touched , i beg your pardon, yes, they served. for a very long time together , my real comrades in arms went through a lot, we would like to meet them, yes, of course, oh, can i shake your hand, my grandfather was a military felcher, can i hug you, oh,
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together with them we did our tasks were saving people, i saw them now, it’s just a long time ago i didn’t see him, i missed him, i remembered what we went through and somehow got emotional, how much time has passed, more than a year, and we’re just always in touch, we keep in touch, i’m just worried about the guys, unfortunately i can’t go back to those conditions, but my heart is always with them, one of them came to us today straight from the front line in order to meet with you, please come in, evgeniy, i wish you the same captain, alive and well, hello, evgeniy, hello, how are you? there is a situation, change, success, moving forward, we are moving, but with success, we are not standing still, we are moving, we are moving,
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well done, guys, of our brigade, we are moving little by little, slowly but surely, we are moving, we are crushing the enemy, the enemy... is lying, abandoning his positions, feeling our already strength, power, victory will be soon, sergei was your commander, tell us about him, what kind of commander he is, how he differs from others, why he is the best for you, the best, even the word, well, commander - this is for me, when i did military service served, that is, there was some kind of image, well, of a commander, i created, here he is, he is like this here it is, that is, tova captain - for me this is the image of the commander, who should be an officer, maestro, maestro, yes, that’s right, and i trust him, because when we arrived our way, he did not abandon us, he returned to he helped us with everything there, told us
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what it means he didn’t quit, how he didn’t quit, could he quit or what? no, the fact is that the captain wanted to... he did everything so that he could come to us, he went through many authorities there, they talked to the command and the highest commander so that exactly came to his platoon, that is, well, he was confident in us, on march 29 you arrived to us, i remember this day, we all perked up as a whole platoon, that is, our dear commander returned, we were ready to work with him, listen to him , orders to help him in everything, for me the captain is a real officer, may 6 is that fateful day, as we say for everyone,
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and before that day we sat in the evening talking, i say, captain, i say, i want, scary, very scary it happened, he helped me overcome this fear, i tell him, touch captain, i say, well, i want to live, he said so he says, why are you nikolaevich, you will live, you will live, he says to live, well, i said it as a joke, well, you will give the officer’s word, he says, without even thinking, he said, yes, i give the officer’s word, nikolaevich, you will live to this day, as you can see, i’m alive, probably thanks to this, these words, support. i continue to carry out my tasks, confidently, we are moving towards victory, something like this, well, god grant that life continues of course, the right attitude, we will live, tell us some battle story about sergei, were
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cases when he, risking himself, saved us, that is, we approached, say, in the red zone, he never threw us straight to the front line. for us to drive there, he left the car somewhere in a forest plantation, he himself jumped off the car, leaving me or alexandra in charge of the older people. station and on his then still healthy legs he walked forward, everything will come - he will help the wounded man, that’s all, only when he is already convinced and that he is sure of it that we can move forward, he gives the command there atom forward, there everything came they collected everything, took it to the yellow zone, atom is your call sign, yes, yes, we can say that, that was the call sign of the platoon. that is, well , we are all atoms for the commanders, or for example, if
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it’s hard - 300 for example, we need to evacuate it urgently, the commander never thought of something there, some kind of diagram there, how to get through once everything, mechanics, start everything, jump on the metal on the armor, let’s go once there the radio station is held, that is, his ear is there , the senior boss reports there the way out, he just gives a short one, damn that's it. what is a short one? well, that is a short stop, to see where the arrival will be, that is , the commander looks there, yeah, the regiment is not in tula , let’s say, it’s flying towards the fortieth, that’s it, forward, forward, that’s it, we were already approaching, we jumped off the metal, he gives the command for the car was already ready, that is, for loading, we were running there with the commander, there with the orderly , it happened that we didn’t even get there, that is , well, the enemy didn’t even let us pick up the wounded, this often happened, yes, yes, that is. .. well, there’s always a bird hanging there or something else, well, he didn’t let us approach, it even happened to the wounded man, well, the commander somehow managed
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to find some paths there, that is, he looked for a route for himself, laid out there, that is , then there to report to me on the radio, so atoms move forward, you saw what road there was on which side there are forest plantations, for example, i’m saying there was a heavy forty, we collected with you, remember the captain, he installed the system, we that is... well, probably about 300 or 400 meters it was necessary, that is, to drag the wounded man to the car, but from the infantry the guys helped us, commander installed a system, an iv, he ’s holding everything, we’re evacuating 300 of the heavy ones, the exit, that is, that’s it, the commander shouts, everyone lay down, they lay down, that is , they all lay down there, the arrival, the gap was there, that’s it, it’s somewhere in the distance, maybe there have even been similar cases nearby. that's it, we got up, run, run, run, that's it, that's it, well, he urges us on, someone is tired, he immediately changes the same
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person who is tired, there, there was no such thing there, let's say you're an officer there and everything, and as if we had one family there, that is, we are all, everyone did everything together, that is , one organism does one job, yes, one healthy organism, i would say so, that is, sergei, how did your family react to the fact that you first left the army, resigned, and then still went to svo, when i left for svo, i didn’t tell. ok, i was at a training exercise in the murmansk region, of course i was in contact, i wrote that everything had to happen, of course, when i was wounded, i already had to find out, say about it, but what did you say when the hospital called and how did you report it, well i honestly admit that i when i called my mother, i didn’t say that i was injured, but what they said, i said that i...
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he answered me: “mom, how could i not go? i’m an officer, i took the oath, and i had to to be there with his comrades. the son did not tell me anything about his injury. at the same time, he said that he was in the hospital. i asked why he was there? and he told me that he just twisted his leg. . about this, this is how i found out, he admitted to me that
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it was very difficult for him to see me, my eyes, although i didn’t cry at all in front of him, i tried to control myself, it was difficult, i saw him for the first time on prosthetics, that’s just... a year ago, the first thought was: my son got on his feet, survive this and not fall into despondency, into depression. he’s great, miss your mother, yes, of course, you want to see her, let’s call, evdakia radionovna, please come in, hello, hello,
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hello, evdakia radionovna, evdakia radionovna. hello, hello, i went to the svo, didn’t tell you anything, got wounded, didn’t tell you anything, this is with childhood, such a character, probably since childhood, because he was only 5 years old when his father died, and the three of us were left, his sister here we are, my sister has always been from an early age, she very strictly demanded of him that he be in everything . independent, his older sister is 8 years older, so she took great care of him, built him, built him, and always instilled in him that no matter what decision he made, he was responsible for all his decisions, and since then my son has been independent, he always took you, yes, yes, he said that
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i twisted my leg, yes, i twisted it, you said that... you had enough courage, i think it was still another motive, just not to upset your mother, well, of course, it was more important for you then, yes, yes, but how did you feel when you found out the truth? of course, it immediately hurt me, just to imagine the state he could be in at that moment, what kind of depression that state could attack him, and his moral state, after the operation, after the amputation of both, it’s a lot... it’s hard, well in general it’s easy to imagine my son, that’s when i already flew to st. petersburg, well, i came to support my son, and my son then tells me, mom, on the contrary, it was hard for me when you were around, in st. petersburg his friends and comrades were very supportive, but he somehow
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changed after that , how i got these injuries, but i wouldn’t say, my son, no matter what...
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a big musical premiere, a show in which 18 people from different regions of russia are trying to deceive a team of stars into convincing them that they sing. the ability to sing is a gift, the main thing is that the soul sings. the ability to wrap one's finger around one's finger is art. in general, it’s very difficult to imitate the case,
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what if he deliberately makes a fool of himself by not singing. what is more difficult is to reveal talent. or deception, with our experience with an ear for music, or you can come up and look into the eyes, the stars are ready to check, you have to notice everything, every stroke, wow, they sing beautifully, my opinion is developing, and it’s good, so far we praise everyone very well, according to -brotherly, blink, please, well, continue, what a mad intrigue, catch me if you can’t, we can’t wait for the start, on friday, on rtr. tired of boring waffles and ugly toast? forget about it, because with a new waffle iron. with power excel woffle star, you'll discover a new world of belgian waffles and have your kids begging you to make them again and again. here's the secret: the
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non-stick waffle iron plates have a deeper , larger design that allows you to add toppings to suit your tastes. cherry jam to make a cherry pie, or fill the middle of a scrambled egg with ham and cheese to make an amlet. in just three steps you will get your perfect puff waffle, which there will be something to everyone's taste. your children. also be happy to join this exciting process, cooking with power xl is easy and simple, the light indicator will always tell you when the waffles are ready, breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, with the incredible new power xl waffle iron you will surprise everyone, why torture yourself with old waffle irons and toasts that cannot be topped with? with the power excel woffle star waffle iron, you can always prepare waffles 5 cm high in record time with a special one. ease, waffles with apples, cinnamon and caramel, cherry, waffle pizza, toast with cheese, french toast or hearty beef waffles, forget about the mountains of dishes left after
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cooking, breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert, power xl is just the pleasure of waffles for the whole family, call and get your unique power xl waffle star for your perfect waffles and more, waffle iron manufacturer's recommended price is 79.90. but you will get your original power xl woffle star at an unbeatable price of only 59.95. yours the savings will be 20 euros, but that’s not all. if you order now, you'll receive an ingenious power xl recipe booklet from the celebrity chef as a gift. but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you. back and arms, forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not able to clean the most
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inaccessible places, all this is in the past, now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper swipper electric broom, diper swipper in... controls its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head. even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front penetrates into every corner, even where where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when the cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned. with just one touch of a button, it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tiles or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any
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obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture where it is usually very difficult to reach. and only today, the unique, ingenious livington dipper swipper wireless electronic device with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect. furniture, baseboards and anti-scratch walls can be yours for just 89.95, but if you call to order now, you'll get an incredible 20 euro discount. and you can get the livington dipper swiper for an incredible 6995. but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. my dears, you are all so different. i so want this difference to be our strength. family, and not a reason for quarrels, wow, in general, you have two cups, you have something, i won’t allow you to deceive
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my daughter, everything is not at all what it seems to you, i was set up irina razanova, don’t let me competitors, we need to find out who exactly, in case they don’t limit themselves to blackmail, anastasia vedensa. you all knew everything about this, i don’t want to see you all. anatoly lobotsky, one very important person for me has disappeared, life teaches you nothing, they were silent about vasya, and now you continue to lie about your mother, adult daughters, premiere, on saturday on rtr, continuation of the investigation of a high-profile criminal case in which a former deputy of simferopol is involved . oleg sherbakov. let us remind you that on september 7 he was involved in a massive traffic accident with a fatal outcome. in an hour before the accident, cherbakov was drinking sleeping pills. he is now under house arrest and periodically violates it. after the program was
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aired they began. after the inspection, lawyers and the mother of the ex-deputy immediately contacted us, a new video and new details of this high-profile case. malakhov, soon on rtr. you're definitely doing well, you just never usually stick around. premiere on rtr. will you leave me without a morning kiss? i have a husband, a job, stability. unhappy, and you brazenly write a trip into your schedule, happiness, good luck. anna taratorkina, who are you, how did you get here? this is my number, dmitry miller. i'll have to admit that you like me. alexey fatiev, who is there with you? i'm alone, it's just an accident. what idiot? you can plan a vacation, but what about love? “i
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don’t understand anything myself, i need to figure it all out. melody for yours, from may 27 on rtr. earlier in the program, the mother of svo participant evdakia nadmidon told how she found out about her son’s injury. of course, it immediately hurt me, just to imagine then in what..." he may be in this moment in his state, what kind of depression can attack him, and his moral state, after the operation, after the amputation of both, but it’s hard, now you live in st. petersburg, let’s see how you settled there, in general , nothing has changed in everyday life as before i managed this on my own, so now the only thing is that chairs have been added,
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it is necessary that... the chair should be standing, change shoes in the bathroom, the chair is next to the bathroom, i come, sit down, take off my dentures, take a bath, then everything is in reverse order, well, there are two stickers, these are misfits, times of stormy youth, i love rock, and this is a sticker, a friend, a warrior, gave it to me... at first it was hard to get used to life on prosthetics, in fact i had to learn to walk again, i think that quite quickly with i managed this, i’m a single person, i don’t need much, i washed, ironed, well,
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of course i would like to already... start a family, but i don’t have time for studies yet, everything is spent on studying, but we don’t lose hope, and where are you looking for? are you studying, sergey? i am currently studying at the military medical academy specialization in general medicine, qualification as a doctor, we continue to develop, study in medicine, then where do you plan to work, i plan , of course, to stay in the clinics of the military medical academy, having previously received the specialty of rehabilitologist, in fact , continue to do what you were doing, yes, save the wounded, well rehabilitation is already underway here, seriously wounded, having a medical education and already experience being in such a state, i believe that i can qualitatively help rehabilitate in terms of health, the guys who also received wound. we have a video surprise from your
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classmate. seryoga, hello my friend, how are you doing, how are your studies? unfortunately, i didn’t manage to come next to you in person, so i’m sending you this video message, you understand, well, because of the intensity of the work, i can’t stop flying in person, sometimes i remember when we were cadets, we were still young, as they say , remembering our acquaintance, our studies, service together. it was very fun, interesting, here - sergey, with all my heart i want to wish you further continuation of your career, you’re handsome, you continued to serve, especially since you became a doctor, and you’re improving your level of qualifications, i think that everything will be fine for you, and i also want to wish you to arrange your personal life, so you can finally find soul mate, here well,
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with graduation from college, that’s all, seryoga, hugged you, we’ll definitely see you. sergey, tell us about this man, who is he? this is my classmate, close one. friend - nurlan, he has already graduated from the military medical academy, received a specialty anesthesiologist-renematologist, when we were brought by a special-purpose medical unit to the hospital, he was there, he treated you, it turns out, helped, treatment, that is, he completely prepared me for the operation, and in the morning he actually woke me up, he was after the operation, when i saw him, i was very surprised, firstly, i asked, what are you doing here? and i saw the shock in his eyes, what are you talking about, what are you doing here, in this state, what city was it in, this is the city of belgorod, and we studied together where in tomsk in st. petersburg, in the military medical school academy, that is,
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vladivostok and belgorod studied in tomsk, yes, at that time he was still studying at the military medical academy in his last year of residency in the specialty of anesthesiology, resuscitation, so he was sent... to undergo an internship as a doctor an anesthesiologist here in the belgorod hospital, the belgorod special-purpose medical detachment, where we actually are, the village, but how? well , naturally, i asked him there to make every effort to save my lower extremities there, they did absolutely everything necessary examinations, did an x-ray, ultrasound of blood vessels, ultrasound. and nerves, yes, and of course, when i already saw the x-ray, i already realized that the situation was just like that, critical, yes, difficult, difficult, yes, well, well, you’re a professional, you are, yes, well, i already said , assessed the situation, i already said that they should do
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everything possible, whatever they deem necessary, based on their own knowledge of experience, yes, seryozha, and in the first story you said that there was some kind of anger, but now after realizing what happened? when did you realize that you didn't have a leg? to save, was there despair? there was no despair, at that moment there was probably some kind of desperate hope that maybe i myself was mistaken, well, having already seen the x-ray image in front of me, before my eyes, there was no time to despair either, because it was already necessary to prepare for the operation, it’s so difficult, well, there was despair, yes, when i already saw it, probably in... a moment after i woke up, after the operation, when i threw it back, i saw it all, right, well, yes, only then did this anger come myself, why did i fall apart, why did i give up, alive,
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we continue to live, but there was a moment, yes, that we gave up, there was a moment, how long did it last, well , it lasted, maybe half an hour, oh, just like that, and you know why, because there were friends? that’s fortunate, how things are at the moment, a classmate even wished you to find yours , everything is stable, all in your studies, the search continues, that is, you are in search, i am in search, well, god forbid, you will find each other, definitely, another one has come to us your colleague, let's invite him to the studio,
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before the war we served together for 2 years before the northern military district, what can you say about him? sergey viktorovich put together such a team, there weren’t many of us there , but we lived like one big family, we knew, everyone carried out their tasks, that is , he could set tasks for people in such a way that we, a small platoon, carried out large tasks, as if for 90 people , that is, we each knew our... task, and he always worried about his own - like his subordinates , he did a lot for them, despite the fact that even at the moment when the svo began, i also did not go at the very beginning , i was on another
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business trip, it turned out that we phoned, and sergei viktorovich says, let's go, i say, commander, you're going, the rest of us are going, there are two of us left from the plant who didn't leave at that moment, sergei viktorovich... says let's go, let's go, that is, it's like here it wasn’t even discussed, the commander was going, we were going, and so we were recruited, and we arrived at the northern military district in march, but so... what happened was that our commander in the medical unit was taken out, and he was sent to them, and we stayed with those people who were recruiting, that is, of course, we were very worried that like this happened, and we all called on the phone, sergei viktorovich himself called all of our soldiers who were also wounded, he was always in touch, he supported me very much, after the injury he also called me, and that is, well, as a person and as the best commander... one might say, not to be found in terms of the fact that he was authoritative, yes, but
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again authoritative, but he never let anyone relax in terms of the fact that he kept everyone, let’s say, with a tight rein, but plus we have different ages in the team, and it never happened that he counted anyone out in front of everyone, he took it, no matter what age, there were from 20-40 years old, he took it, took it away, talked to it. a person explained where he made a mistake or something else, that’s it, we continue to serve further, this is what’s called ironclad gloves, but no, well, not ironclad gloves, i mean that he kept the team very well, that is, he he knew how to approach whom, in terms of what to talk to whom, and gave that experience so that we would stick together as a family, that is, there were n’t that many of us in the platoon, but we had very big tasks. a what is sergei viktorovich like when he’s angry?
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does anyone ever get angry? sometimes in anger, sometimes very much in anger, but we tried to try not to let it get worse, because well, how could we try to live together as a team, after all? well, in anger, there were still cases when people threw phones and objects. he cooled down quickly, he was easy-going, but he was very worried about his own people, that is, he was so worried about his own people that it seemed to me that he never worried about himself like that, he never sent people unless he knew that there in front, that is, he always walked first on his own, but we had a case with a platoon, and... the mechanic, it turns out, got blown up and
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lost his leg, the commander called everyone so much and then scolded everyone, how did it happen, how did you send him , not knowing what was there at all, why it happened, he really went to the big bosses for this soldier, that is , he tried right to the last and supported him, called, as it were, that is, in this regard, he is very worried about his own, further in... the program, what dream of captain sergei nadmedon will come true right in the studio? you are ready, thank you very much, thank you very much, we just be sure to ask you, send photos from there, be sure, our silence lasted for 13 years and did not make any of us happy, the premiere, we had to tell sasha everything, everything is becoming secret .
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introducing hammer smith's hydra blast, a fast, simple, very convenient high pressure washer gun, cordless, rechargeable and absolutely revolutionary, wash your car, motorcycle or bike, wash your home, garden paths, driveway track and much more. the hydra blast uses the same technology as the thunderbolt professional washer and condenses it to accommodate this small but highly... 150w copper motor to create an incredible
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50 bar pressure. the powerful lithium battery is enough for any task. the hammer smith hydroblast is extremely lightweight, extremely comfortable and extremely versatile. the scope of its application is practically unlimited. where would you get your water from? hydroblast will turn it into a high pressure jet. a bucket of water is everything you need and you're ready to go or just plug it in. it to the garden hose and the hydroblast will instantly increase the water pressure up to 10 times, no matter what kind of water you use, the nanofilter purifies and filters it. smith hydrablast is high performance pressure cleaning without compromise, call today to order the revolutionary hammer smith hydrablast with its highly efficient 150w motor, powerful lithium battery, five meter high pressure hose and high quality nanofilter,
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you will get all this for an incredible 5995, and if you place an order right now. then as a gift you will receive a container for shampoo and a special spray nozzle for a larger coverage area, all this is absolutely free, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a clunky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places. all this a thing of the past, you can now clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass, quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper sweeper. the dipper sweeper impresses with its original triangular design and
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yours for only 8995, but if you call and place an order right now, you will not get...
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a plot worthy of a novel: she, he and his mosa. anton, you have talent, but it’s so easy to lose inspiration. i'll leave when you finish the novel. i can’t live without you, i heard
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you. it’s like getting married from scratch on friday on rtr hello, dear friends, your favorite program 60 minutes 60 minutes is on the air today on rrt. earlier in the program sergey nadmidon, personnel a medical officer, in the northern military district zone he saved the lives of soldiers, but one day he himself came under artillery fire and was seriously wounded. i just saw a flash before my eyes, instinctively closed my eyes when i opened my eyes, i already realized, well, that i was lying, visually assessed my condition, saw
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a large wound on my left leg, i realized that everything was very serious there, on my right i hoped that it wouldn’t be like that, when i was already taken to the hospital, they carried out all the necessary examinations, and a decision was made... another friend of yours, a classmate, came to us today, let's call him to the studio ivan, how cool, let's go, sergei got up today, listen, it's probably exercise, hello, hello, ivan, how many years have you known sergei ivanov, we have known sergei for about 17 years. we met him while studying at the tomsk military medical institute in 2007, when sergei entered there, i was studying then
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, i had already completed the first year, and sergei was just entering, then he came young, well, we were all young then, standing in the ranks and somehow it happened, they didn’t like each other friend, but somehow they looked at each other. so something like, how are you, where are you from, how is life, where did you study, that’s how we started communicating and making friends. ivan, were the makings of a commander already visible to sergei viktorovich then? well, sergei viktorovich came here after school, then we were just studying. eh, probably at that moment, they may have been sitting somewhere inside, but outwardly it didn’t seem to be particularly evident, because we were just learning, just getting on our feet, doing the first things. steps for your future profession, that’s what you were taught, no, is it possible to be commanders, yes, we were trained to be commanders there, they laid down the basics
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of this command, and accordingly, of course, and now you are studying together again, this is of course such an interesting story, after being wounded sergei decided to enter the military medical academy , it turned out that i didn’t even know about it, but sergei submitted the documents. and i also decided to improve my qualifications and also submitted documents, while still there in the area where ours was held, we didn’t know about each other that we were going to enter, yes, and it turns out that we met only when we entered the military medical academy in st. petersburg itself, and what did you say to each other, you’re a brother, as everyone usually says, what are you doing here? and said earlier, uh-huh, that you were here, we met right in the corridor, where did you meet there? no, we applied when we were on
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the credentials committee, on the credentials committee, it turned out that we lived there in houses, uh, i went outside, and sergei at that moment had almost approached the house, and that’s how we met with him looks like, what are you doing here, and what are you doing here, yes, they were so surprised at each other, they looked, but by that time i already knew that sergei was on... dentures, so it was a big surprise for me , as if there were two prostheses, but he behaved quite confidently on them bionically, well now, yes, at that time it didn’t exist yet, but they weren’t installed, so we rejoiced, hugged, of course, of course, talked, this meeting is indescribable, ivan, for which he received the order of courage, in the area of ​​the northern military district, execution repeated combat missions, evacuation of the wounded, to be honest, i didn’t even believe it,
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as if when they told me that i was nominated for an award, in the end i only believed it when it was presented, well, for me personally , i won’t say what i did some impossible tasks, i believe that i was just doing my job, just like sergey, your work involves a risk to your life. in general, all military service is associated with a risk to life, so when you fulfill your duties, do your job, it is very difficult to appreciate yourself, which is why such awards for combat merits, where do you plan to continue working after graduation, after graduation i plan to further improve my specialty, to become a doctor, urologist in a narrow specialty. you are now together in st. petersburg, undergoing training, let's see how you spend your leisure time there, hello, alena, yes,
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good afternoon, sergey, sergey, very nice, mutually, ivan, ivan, very nice. well, we are ready to enjoy the beauties of st. petersburg and take pictures and be photographed beautifully, well, you probably already see that we met at cathedral of the icon of the kazan mother of god, and this is a cathedral that was built in 800-13, and kutuzov is buried there, i think that in such a place of military glory you and i will definitely take a photo, but with pleasure, let’s do it. just to go for a walk for the first time, because
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it’s family matters. yeah, then study, well, of course, yes, then be that as it may, service, alena, thank you very much for the excursion, we really liked it, well, at least ivan and i will have common photos, you know, it was a pleasure to photograph you, i love you more i won't delay all the best, and we’ll go for a walk, goodbye, goodbye, this is really the first such walk together. how old, yes, such handsome officers, this question just begs to be asked, and how many hours can you walk on prosthetics a day, well, that day we walked for quite a long time, about three hours, and how, well, it’s hard to get tired, of course, but also a walk brings pleasure, the photos are good, great, i would say, but you can
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post them on social networks, do you allow that?
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remove the halves i want to say that i hugged this man, there is such a powerful force, the man is very beautiful, the mother is very beautiful, the genes are magnificent, the children will be beautiful, courage, honor, dignity and strength, with such heroes, girls, nothing is scary, even getting sick is not scary, it will cure you right away , because doctor, call us, girls, call, be smart, by the way, sergei still has a lot of... many hobbies, he is a very versatile person, let's see the plot, in my situation with prostheses, when there are restrictions on movement, a car very important to me, s with the help of a car i can get anywhere, to school, to the gym, to meet people, jump and drive. i already started going to the gym while still in the hospital, that is, i began to prepare my body for
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rehabilitation, that is, for adaptation to prostheses. sport teaches you. grip, which is very important within the framework of rehabilitation, so as not to start feeling sorry for yourself, not to let yourself go, to move forward from chain to teeth, i do sports primarily for health, of course, but i have a goal to climb elbros, and for this in order to achieve my plans, i need to be in good physical shape. sports have always been with me since childhood, but recently i have acquired a new passion - music. i started learning drums recently, just 2 months ago, there were fears that it wouldn’t work out on drums, since there are two pedals, and i didn’t know how to work with them, i came, looked, tried, everything worked out, yes,
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great, no wonder radions for me . knew, no, i didn’t know, drums are a completely separate story, not only are there two pedals, you need to sit, keep your balance, this physically it’s very difficult, but you knew about elbros, yes, you knew, yes, there is such a thing. what surprised you that you learned new about your son today? i met his comrades, what’s new is that he started playing the drums, i knew about elbrus for a long time, he’s already ridden there and not only elbrus, sheregersha, we have mount mamai on lake baikal, people do freeriding there, and he was constantly snowboarding there, where did you get such a dream, sergey, of elbruz? my friends and i came to go skiing to the city resort, zao glade, when we climbed the top station of gorabashi, which was located at a level of 3842 m, in my opinion, i could be wrong, and
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i was simply amazed by the landscapes that opened up, elbrus captivated me with its monumentality, probably then the desire to climb already appeared. climb to the highest point in europe, the only thing better than mountains are mountains that have never been climbed before, that’s right, and even despite the current state, i ’m not going to give up this goal, well, dreams must come true, just like the captain, allow me to address our program, this is a gift for you certificate for a trip to climb elbrus, you are already ready, thank you very much, thank you very much, but we really... ask you, send photos from there, be sure, i think that the highest point in europe has already been conquered, we have no doubt in this, thank you for you, for being such wonderful, wonderful
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people, ebdaki radeonovna, we wish you grandchildren, yes, thank you, i’ve been waiting for them for a long time, they will be, god bless you with health, rejoices, good luck to you, victory will be yours by us, it was our program, really. stories about our people. see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel. see you. see you. information services of the russia tv channel continue their work on the air. you look at the news, my name is maria sittal. hello. vladimir putin accepted the report
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of the head of kalmykia on the development of the republic, on the threefold growth of industry. for the first time in russia, chess is included in the compulsory school curriculum. transition to economics.


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