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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 21, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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benos, as the far eastern or, as it is called, the amur leopard was dubbed on social networks, which was captured by a camera trap during the linking process, right now leopards are changing their winter fur to the summer red book cat that looks more like a shaggy snow leopard. thank you for watching 60 minutes, bye, bye, happily, thank you, friends. on the russia channel, time for the main news of the day, big news on air, igor kozhevin in the studio, hello. in response to the provocative statement of the west, russia begins practice the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. flights to designated patrol areas. rely.
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an accurate strike with a one and a half ton bomb on the ukrainian armed forces in volchansk. evgeniy podubny about the situation in the kharkov direction. and the head of the pentagon decided to warn kiev about moscow’s goals. create a buffer zone on the ukrainian border. everything is as putin said. we will be forced to create a safety zone, a sanitary zone.
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peregrine falcon. are the us and israel involved in the death of the iranian president? which version will the investigation choose? oh my god, some of the wreckage is here, come here. we are waiting for strange briefings at the state duma about the price of american condolences. the us expressed condolences on the death of huga chavis and when joseph stalin died, people with whom we had great differences. che was an ally of the united states throughout world war ii. the age of boris vasiliev. what kind of profession is this? to defend his homeland, a time that no one could care about like him. tomorrow, in front of the entire school , you will renounce your father. female military personnel are allowed to dry billon on all fronts precisely for the purpose of camouflage. amazing precision in everything. suddenly he says to me: “i realized what our mistake is with you.
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yashka, she’s afraid of them. ” so, in the southern military district today, in accordance with the instructions of vladimir putin , the first stage of exercises on the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons began . iskander complexes, russian aerospace forces will test the equipment. as the head of state previously emphasized, these exercises, in response to provocative statements of threats from western leaders, are aimed at ensuring territorial integrity and sovereignty. russia. andrey grigoriev will continue. on the roads of the southern military district kolodny iskanderov is a whole family of russian operational-tactical complexes, missiles for which they can be equipped with nuclear warheads. the main striking force of the russian
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army, the power of the charges can be from five to 50 kilotons, after a salvo the installation leaves the firing position even before the missile reaches the target, the destruction range is up to 500 km, it is difficult to track the movement of iskander even from a satellite, but with nuclear warheads carefully equipping two types of missiles, this is the first stage of the exercises with practical testing of the preparation and use of non-strategic... nuclear weapons, the supreme commander-in-chief signed a decree on this on may 6, and discussed the training itself with belarusian president lukashenko on the ninth on victory day immediately after the parade on red square. we conduct them regularly, this time they are carried out in three stages; at the second stage, belarusian colleagues will join our joint actions according to instructions from the ministry of defense and the general staffs in given to our country. and so
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the joint training of russian and belarusian tactical nuclear forces began. not long ago, russia transferred two components of the triad to belarus: aviation and ground. this is our third training session, well , there were probably dozens in russia, so we are synchronizing and the general staffs have already, as the russian defense minister told me, they have begun to implement these, a forced measure was emphasized in response to the statement of the french president macron, who is going to introduce everything on ukraine its troops and the head of the british cameron, who called for allowing the ukrainian armed forces to fire western long-range weapons on russian territory. this is the fourth generation mig-31 interceptor fighter. in the west it is called foxound, a breed of large hunting dog, hypersonic daggers are specially adapted for it, the fastest russian missile, which has no equal in the world. by the way, it has already been successfully used from a conventional warhead in
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the zone of a special military operation. a tu-22 m3 is being refueled on the runway. by nato classification backfiire, unpleasant consequences. russian. russian units in various sectors of the front line repelled a total of 17 attempts at counterattacks by ukrainian armed forces during the day. the central and eastern groupings of troops fought and managed not only to defend their positions, but to occupy new positions. the northern group continued to advance deeper into the kharkov region, suppressing the resistance of ukrainian militants and pushing them away from the border with the belgorod region. losses of kyiv formations
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force the enemy to concentrate reserves. footage from the village of pletenevka, liberated in mid-may. ukrainian nationalists have come from these outskirts more than once. below slavyansk and kramatorsk, our troops advanced in the area of ​​chasovyar and konstantinovka. in the counter-battery fight , two american howitzers were destroyed; in attempts to recapture the ukrainian militants liberated this week in ocheretino, four american bradleys lost a large number of manpower
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. this is footage from the avdeevsky site, an attempt to break through with two bradleys. one of them is ours the fighters were knocked out, and the surviving militants simply abandoned the wounded and disappeared on... the second, this is the work of the heavy flamethrower systems of the sun and multiple launch rocket systems at enemy positions. this is what artillery preparation looks like before the entry of assault groups that complete the cleanup. we expect to learn about the situation in the kharkov direction from the military correspondent evgeniy poddubny. evgeniy got in touch directly. we welcome you. so, what is the situation now? yes, igor, hello, indeed. now the militants of the kiev regime are doing everything possible to in order to slow down the advance of our units and subunits in the kharkov direction, for this purpose, not only additional reserve units and units of the ukrainian armed forces are being transferred here to slobozhanshchina, but also the most modern
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western-made equipment, which is at the disposal of the militants of the kiev regime, primarily speech we are talking about reconnaissance and fire weapons, in the last 24 hours alone more than... a dozen different western weapons systems were destroyed by our fighters in the kharkov direction, this counter-battery stations, self-propelled artillery installations, multiple launch rocket systems, and ground reconnaissance equipment. the most fierce fighting is now taking place in the city of volchansk, as well as in the area of ​​​​the village of libtsy. here in volchansk, half of the city is controlled by units of the russian army.
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bomb in order to reduce the resistance of the militants of the kiev regime and facilitate the advance of the assault units of the northern group of the russian army, but it’s worth it. note that heavy fighting continues in other directions, the enemy is transferring additional forces, this process continues, igor, thank you, our military correspondent evgeniy poddubny was in direct communication, well, the advance of russian troops in the kharkov region has seriously worried the pentagon. that in the foreseeable future only bad things will come from this direction to washington. the news was personally announced by us secretary of defense austin at a meeting
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of the contact group on military assistance to ukraine. our meeting is taking place at a difficult moment. russian armed forces will try to make progress in the coming weeks in an attempt to create a buffer zone along the ukrainian border. this is a tough, dangerous fight. anxiety that suddenly gripped the american generals, surprised that moscow decided to push back. the front line away from its borders suggests that the pentagon, for some reason, turned a deaf ear to numerous russian signals. back on march 18, when the armed forces of ukraine, trying to intimidate russians voting in the presidential elections , subjected belgorod to massive terrorist attacks, vladimir putin made it very clear. i do not rule out that, given the tragic events taking place today, we are forced to. at some point, when we consider it appropriate, to create a certain sanitary zone, in today’s territories
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subordinate to the kiev regime, this means creating a security zone to overcome, which will be quite difficult, using the weapons that the enemy uses, first of all, of course , foreign production. kiev needs to understand the seriousness of moscow’s intentions. his there were western sponsors for more than a month, but neither the united states nor europe ever responded to the demonstrative killings of civilians, our army began to create a security zone, the president explained once again that the attack was provoked by ukrainian militants and their command. as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, it is their fault, because they fired and , unfortunately, continue to shell residential areas. border areas, including belgorod, well, civilians are dying there,
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it’s still obvious they’re shooting right in the center city, in residential areas, and i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone, so we are doing this, trying to convince the world that the russian army entered the kharkov region unexpectedly for everyone. the united states, apparently, is trying to absolve itself of responsibility for the failures of ukrainian troops in this direction, so they are dramatically surprised when they announce a difficult battle. ukrainian militants today carried out a number of terrorist attacks against civilians belgorod region. a kamika drone attacked a moving civilian car near the village of oktyabrsky, killing one of the passengers. there were three more people. during the shelling of the village, she was taken to the hospital in belgorod. report from rzhevka, a local resident was injured, she is
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alexandra revunova. everyone is alive, no one was hurt. two ukrainian rockets fell near the entrance of a five-story building in the center of shibekin. before the ambulance arrived, the neighbors themselves tried to help the wounded. the wounded woman heard a bang, quickly went to the bath, ran to the toilet, sat down, heard more once bang. everyday life, the number of killed and wounded residents of the region is measured in the hundreds, the siren is heard again, two
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enemy drones are shot down in the sky over belgorod. unified duty dispatch service 112 for the city of belgorod, all information about emergency incidents, including shelling and their consequences, flows here, these operators launch a missile danger signal. missiles, drones, mines of the dispatcher coordinate the work of the rescuers of the ambulance brigade, knowing that their children, parents. at this moment they are also sitting in shelters, information comes in, people start calling, everyone is in tragedy, everyone is in grief, well , as far as possible we reassure, support, record the data, pass it on, after... rescuers and doctors , utility services go to the place of arrival, repairmen close the thermal circuit , they are restoring gas and electricity supplies, they work even during a missile threat, it’s not scary, this is our job, we have to do the work, we feel sorry for the people, we have to close the windows, people are sitting with film, of course there is fear, but we are working, belgorod and the border region have long lived
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united as one, ordinary residents, doctors, employees of the ministry of emergency situations, guys from territorial defense and... in fact, you record the heinous crimes that are committed daily by the ukrainian regime, you support people, and you are, maybe to be one of the most important points of support, moral support, information support for thousands and thousands of people, the building of the state television and radio broadcasting company in belgorod itself was damaged during the new year’s attack on the city, among
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the company’s employees there were deaths, nowadays cameramen and journalists often go to kaska for filming. wearing body armor, talking about the life of people in the border area. i am very grateful to your team, because - as quickly as possible, as professionally as possible, absolutely fearlessly, they rush straight to the front line in order to show the truth, in our conditions this is actually very important, the main thing is that today it seems to me , we do, that is, we did not deceive anyone, so... everything is as it is, despite the difficult operational situation in the region, without pauses, the restoration of civilian infrastructure destroyed by shelling is underway; work will begin in the near future to repair a partially collapsed house on shchorsa street ; rescuers are helping to remove things and furniture from the surviving entrances. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum, conduct the belgorod
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region. iran is currently saying goodbye to president ibrahim reisi, who died in a plane crash. private processions continue at dusk in tibriz and qom. it is difficult to capture the entire flow of mourners even with a photocopter. in the front row is the head of the ministry of internal affairs of iran, the last the route point will be meshkhet, the president’s hometown. today, billboards with the signature “true friend” in memory of reisi appeared on the streets of damascus. both the israeli and turkish media, despite their different attitudes towards iran , agreed that the investigation should begin with those who allowed nine people to be put on one helicopter. with two rather than four bladed propellers. details of the investigation are from alexander khristenko. rivers of people streamed onto the streets of tabriz, the capital of the iranian province of east azerbaijan and the largest city closest to the crash site, where the bodies of president ibrahim rysi, the minister of foreign affairs of the islamic republic and all those killed in
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the helicopter crash were delivered. the farewell ceremony takes place in several stages in several cities, this is how they greeted their president. in the ancient city of qom, it is the religious center of iranian shiites. the funeral truck slowly moved through a crowd of thousands who wanted to say goodbye and touch the coffins of martyrs, as the victims of the plane crash in iran had already been called. today they were delivered to tehran, on board number one, on which the president always flew, the cabinet members could not hold back their tears. red carpet, honor guard in green and white uniforms. among those meeting. funeral procession, acting president mahamad mahber in tears. today, the meeting was held by iran's council of experts, which usually meets only twice a year. 88 representatives of the clergy are authorized to elect the country's highest spiritual leader and can remove him from office at any time, but today they spoke exclusively about the deceased president resi. we
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they lost, first of all, a great and precious scholar of islam, a popular president. our country, i am sure he did everything possible to save the state from all adversity. tomorrow representatives of foreign countries will also arrive in the iranian capital; the russian delegation at the farewell ceremony for the president will be led by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. on may 23, raisi’s body will be sent to his hometown of mishkhet, where the funeral will take place. we were worried about what would happen to him, to us, to our country, we followed the news until dawn, we shocked. the footage was published today. phone number of the rescuers who were the first to discover the crashed helicopter, oh my god, some of the wreckage is here, come here, the wreckage is here, sir, where are you, sir, oh my god, at the site of the plane crash, they found the president’s ring, given to him by the spiritual leader ali khaminiya. also, in 1920, the ring immediately identified iranian general
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suleymaniye, who was killed by an american airstrike in iraq. today, previously unknown details of the iranian president's helicopter crash have emerged. according to the turkish the turkish newspaper, the head of the iranian foreign ministry and the governor of the province were supposed to fly on a different helicopter, but for some reason the seating arrangement was changed at the last moment, writes in the media about other oddities. reisi flew usually , but during the trip to tabris, preference was given to a thirty-year-old russian-made helicopter, they are in the service of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, american-made. another important detail: before this, the pilots were from the ksir, but on this trip the flight crew was assigned from the army. another turkish newspaper in the headline poses the question: did racey's helicopter crash or was it shot down, and lists all the possible versions of what happened. suspicious death of the president...
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spare parts for american equipment, including aviation, are not arriving. this statement was made in astana at a ministerial meeting of the sco, in which
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the head of the iranian foreign ministry was supposed to participate. instead of hassein amir abdalahian, the islamic republic was represented by a deputy minister. all participants honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence. and in the usa the accusation against you is immediate white house spokesman kirby commented off-camera. as for the claim that this is related to us sanctions, such statements are completely unfounded: iranian officials were on the spot citing poor flight conditions, in particular fog. each country is responsible for ensuring the safety and reliability of its equipment, including civil aviation. all the ambiguity of the american position was highlighted by a briefing at the state department, where they first listed it in detail.
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people who have families in the past the us government expressed condolences when large numbers of foreign leaders with whom we had bitter differences died. true, i will remind you that when cuban leader fidel castro died, one of your predecessors did not express any condolences, in general he said: “that’s the way to go.” the united states expressed condolences over the death. joseph stalin was actually an ally of the united states throughout
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world war ii. in connection with the death of reisiya , a number of countries declared days of mourning. turkey, syria, lebanon, tajikistan, iraq, india, pakistan and sri lanka. condolences, although formal, were expressed in addition to the united states by the eu and even nato. chancellor scholz also decided to do this, only from ukraine, not words, but... israel completely protests against any mention of the deceased iranian president. and yet, in magata, where there were so many heated discussions about the iranian nuclear program, at the proposal of the head of the agency grossi, the meetings began with a minute of silence, also in the security council. moreover, the un headquarters decided to lower the flag at half-mast in memory of the deceased iranian president. alexander khristenko, anna lvova, vesti. the death of the iranian president today affected the price of gold, which is now breaking records. as bloomberg writes, the key factor was uncertainty in the middle east, along with the weakening of the us currency and the expectation of a reduction in interest rates by the us federal reserve. at the time of the peak, the price per unsu
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precious metal. reached almost $2,500, and the agency notes that the rush demand against the backdrop of geopolitical risks in the region may indicate a possible the approach of a major war, when money is transferred to historically the most stable assets. the upcoming state visit of the russian president to uzbekistan became one of the main topics of today’s telephone conversations between vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyoyev. in addition, the leaders discussed the development of bilateral cooperation, including in the trade and economic sphere, as reported. beijing with chinese leadership. the industry of kalmykia has tripled over the past 5 years, and this has largely affected the gross regional product, which increased by almost 40%. its head, batu khasikov, reported to vladimir putin today that the once purely agricultural republic was rapidly industrializing. economic growth , in turn, allows us to solve social
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batukhasikov himself visited the fighters several times in the special operation zone. my fellow countrymen, our guys from kalmykia, shoulder to shoulder with representatives of all the peoples of russia, are fighting for the future of our homeland. during meetings, they tell us the following words: “we are here on the front line fighting for russia, and you are at home work and try to do it with diligence, and of course, they give it to us to take care of their families, we carry out this responsible work within the framework of the activities of our branch of the state fund, defenders of the fatherland, how they work, how you evaluate them of this fund? no one is left unattended. the republic helps the new sponsored regions of kalmyki and the antratsitovsky district, in the lpr, they are rebuilding roads, schools , hospitals, and helping those returning from the northern military district, military veterans are participating.
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in... dozens of guys have now applied to participate in the project time of heroes, thank you also for this initiative, the sampling here cannot be massive, but this is only the first step, then we will increase the number of people who will get into this joint work when the conversation turned to socio-economic indicators, the gross regional product increased by almost 40% in 5 years, industrial production tripled, a phone call rang in the president’s office, but the conversation was not...
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only batukhasikov leads the region. the next elections, in general, the trend is good, they are obvious, so i wish you success. thank you very much, well, the main thing here is the support of the people of kalmykia. this is the most important, basic thing. vladimir vladimovich, thank you for your trust, we will not let you down. good luck. elections for the head of kalmykia will be held on a single voting day, in september. olga armikova, yulia brileva and kirill malikov. news. at
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the moscow region ministry of agriculture today. made all strawberry lovers happy. may frosts this year will not affect the future harvest of these berries. influenced. but if warm weather has already established itself in moscow, then in the regions of siberia and the far east it is not. ice appeared in kemerovo today, after heavy rain and hail hit the region, thick fog descended on vladivostok, dozens of planes went to alternate airfields, these are in a heap, but it was squeezed out on a stone and not bad, in yakutia ice drifted on the lena unexpectedly tore from their places three tugboats, one tanker and six empty ones. and they were preparing for navigation after the winter, but heavy boulders were squeezed out into the shallows here, damaging the casing. people on board managed to evacuate before the transport began to sink to the bottom. well, that's it, screw the ship. at the same time, flood control is underway;
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more than 400 houses remain flooded. in the namsky district, employees of the ministry of emergency situations provide assistance to the population around the clock. and in the morning , seven hunters were rescued, whose path home was cut off by high water. and this is footage from the amur region, which shows a rare phenomenon - a smoke tornado from natural fires. however, the most difficult situation is in transbaikalia. according to air forest protection data, fires in the region have already occurred in two times more than last year, additional forces are being deployed to hard-to-reach places. the greatest shrine of the orthodox world, the tikhvin icon of the mother of god, painted, according to legend, by the evangelist himself. luka is in moscow at this moment. she, returned from america 20 years ago, was solemnly brought today from the monastery near st. petersburg to the cathedral of christ the savior. the meeting of the tikhminskaya icon today was led by patriarch kirill. believers will be able to venerate
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the shrine tomorrow until may 27. polina irmalaeva will continue. historical moment under the chimes of the bells bring the holy image into the main cathedral of the country. an icon. including through the prayers of the church before the miraculous tikhvan icon, it will extend over our country over our people, protecting our fatherland from every enemy and adversary. dozens of parishioners were waiting for the meeting; the intercessor and defender of tikhrenskaya, of course, is more than a miraculous icon, its fate is intertwined with the history of russia. according to legend , the apostle luke himself painted the image during the earthly life of the virgin mary in jerusalem; in 1383 this icon was taken from constantinople by manie god and was transported to rus'. when the turks attacked constantinople, it miraculously disappeared, it
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appeared on ladoga, and there a monastery was founded in this place. since then, the mother of god has been in the tikhvin region, they fought with the swedes and defeated the french, but she was not destroyed during the revolution. but in 1941 the nazis entered tikhvin, the city was destroyed, only the monastery survived the bombing, the icon was taken first to pskov, from there to riga and through europe to america. the icon itself is so heavy, all 25 kg, they sewed it and made such a special backpack for her, and dad, being the youngest and strongest in this group, he began to wear this icon everywhere, the guardian’s daughter. then, in chicago, he never left the mother of god at home alone; he always remembered the oath given to his adoptive father, vladyka john.
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he always spoke about the return of the icon to its monastery at a time when there would be no threat to orthodoxy. the icon returned to russia exactly 20 years ago, in 2004. the day before , the miraculous image was accompanied by the brothers and flock on a new planned journey from the banks of the tikhvinka river from their native assumption monastery. with the blessing of his holiness patriarch kirill of moscow and all russia, the tehlin icon will travel to the capital city of moscow. the icon was carefully removed from kyoto. prepared for transportation and, accompanied by the sound of bells, sent by car to st. petersburg, and from there by rail to moscow. 4 hours on the road, sapsan from
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st. petersburg arrives at the leningradsky station, one of the most revered shrines in russia, in the last carriage. the icon was transported accompanied by a solid guard, and then solemnly carried out onto the platform. isos of resurrection! this event is not went unnoticed in the everyday bustle of the station: in a procession of the cross, the icon was carried in their hands along the train while the easter traparian was chanted. christ is risen and measured. okuneva and diana fitisova. news. a guarantee
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of uninterrupted operation of enterprises and their protection from outside interference can only be provided by the use of domestic computer programs. prime minister mishustin said today at the digital industry of industrial russia conference that already this year more than half of all companies in the country will use our software. state will continue to stimulate the transition to engineering and industrial software, especially since it is quite competitive.
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from china, india, cuba, egypt and a dozen more states from iran, mikhail mishustin expressed condolences over the death of president ibrahim raisi. he was a great friend of russia, and did a lot to strengthen our trade, economic, and simply friendly relations. in chinese. businessmen turn to mikhail mishustin in russian, learn the language with an eye to the future. we would like create a joint venture on russian territory. thank you for coming to us, i am sure that you will find partners here. over the past 4 years, sales of domestic software have doubled, and ready-made package solutions have grown fivefold. now the most important task is to transfer russian companies to a current digital product; the financial capabilities of all companies are different, and such a transition can be very expensive. we will launch a new support tool for organizations that will begin
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to use such russian solutions, we we constantly thought about this, both those already existing on the market and those emerging thanks to industrial centers of competence. this is a completely new structure that has united business, science and education in the search for fast and most effective digital solutions. they already helped when western companies began to leave the russian market en masse. there has been a tectonic shift in the industry. from butivuk internal developments or maintenance of industrial systems of foreign production, we switched to russian platforms in a very short time in almost all areas related to industry and production. tsypr is a unique platform; after speaking from the podium, mikhail mishustin sits in the front row and a public discussion begins, in which the moderator is the prime minister. what is the scale of reuse of, let’s say, ready-made solutions in the industry.
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expecting an honest answer, there is a microphone, danilovich, no, pass it on, we’ll give it to you now,
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let me give you mine, the dialogue with industrialists continues at the norilsk nickel stand. now you’re asking the question, isn’t it a pity to share data there out of competition, but in in digital technologies, feedback is very important , to receive data that allows you to subsequently improve the algorithm. the state will help as best it can, but still this is all a market decision. this is the basic principle of the it industry; specialists who went abroad were able to feel the difference. do people come back or not? yes, a lot of people are returning, according to our estimates, more than 50% have already returned, the transition from foreign solutions to russian ones creates additional demand for developers, salaries are growing, well, secondly, certainly. living conditions, sometimes we win even in terms of comfort, in everything. special requirements for digital developments of the military-industrial complex, which operates in the most stringent conditions. if someone undertakes the development of digital products in the interests of a defense industry enterprise, he must live by separate rules, he must accurately fulfill his obligations on time, and understand
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that there is no reserve in the cost of production of these enterprises, there is no fat that will allow.
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mikhail mishustin asked industrialists invest more in investments. we need to take the best solutions that are on the market and make them national champions. let these decisions be born in the struggle, and then we will support them. by december, more than half of all russian companies will use russian digital data. for 9 years, cypr, the digital industry of industrial russia has become the flagship conference for russian it specialists and not only. here they outline the contours of the development of information technology, and also report on the results without which. impossible achieving technological sovereignty, and the development of the industry as a whole. anna semyonova natsaev, stanislav ponomarenko, alexander feaktistov, maxim pragin, and maria radimova, lead. nizhny novgorod enterprises that help achieve technological sovereignty were visited today by first deputy prime minister denis manturov, the head of the ministry of industry and trade anton alikhanov and the
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presidential representative in the voluga federal district igor komarov. the rumu plant produces engines for the oil and gas sector, and is also preparing for the start of serial production engines for ships. river-sea class, members of the government delegation also inspected an automated line at one of the defense industry enterprises. deputies intend to offer the government their own recommendations for changes to the tax system, thanks to which more funds will go to families with children. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin said today that parliamentarians intend to develop amendments together with representatives of the regions. on thursday to hold large parliamentary hearings on the tax issue legislation, its improvement, the government will make a report, we are waiting for their proposals. the shanghai
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cooperation organization is a driving force capable of transforming eurasia into a single space. this was stated by the head of the russian foreign ministry, sergei lavrov, following a meeting of the council of heads of the ministry of foreign affairs in astana. already. this organization, which currently includes russia, china, kazakhstan, tajikistan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, india, pakistan and iran, will be replenished with a tenth member, this will be belarus. the next candidate for accession is mongolia, also laos and algeria submitted applications. as lavrov noted today, nato and european union members are trying to introduce their structures everywhere, but they offer unequal conditions, which is why the sco format remains so viable and in demand. valentina matvienko, together with her colleague from amana, today signed a memorandum of understanding between the federation council and the state council of the sultanate. the parties held negotiations and noted that cooperation between our countries is now actively developing at all levels. at the end of last year, trade volume reached the highest level in the last 10 years. speaker safed expressed confidence that this
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pace will continue, in 2025 moscow and maskad will widely celebrate a landmark date: 40 years of the establishment of diplomatic relations. zelensky has to prove that he is a real president, the west plays along, but has doubts. in britain, blood was transfused from patients with hiv hepatitis, sunok apologizes. 100 years of boris. vasiliev, a reason to remember films and re-read books. violators of fire safety in forests near moscow will be searched using a mobile phone
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communications. pseudo-free procedures ended in credits, methods of the capital's cosmetology clinic. our silence lasted for 13 years and did not make any of us happy. premiere. sashka needed everything. to say, everything secret becomes clear, and the later, the worse, but i’m glad that everything came out, that’s all, well, since we started talking, i’ll say, light in the window, today on rtr,
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elegant details, a celebration of the exquisite tastes, variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. callinan belek is the place. where is the time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. a hotel for unforgettable moments. here you will find entertainment throughout the day.
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year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixas sharmelsheikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. discover the real a pearl on... a show in which 18 people from different regions of russia try to deceive a team of stars into convincing them that they sing. the ability to sing is a gift,
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the main thing is that the soul sings. the ability to deceive is an art. in general , simulating a case is very difficult. suddenly he deliberately makes a fool of himself by not singing. what is more difficult, revealing talent or deception? with our experience with musical ear. or you can come up and look into the eyes, the stars are ready to check, we must notice everything, every stroke, wow, he sings beautifully, my opinion is divided, so far we are praising everyone very well, brotherly, blink, please, so what next, mad intrigue, catch me if you can, we can’t wait for the start, on friday on rtr.
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european support for zelensky is necessary for banking against the background of flaring up questions inside ukraine about
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zelensky’s legitimacy. today, for example, poroshenko’s party demanded his impeachment. well, zelensky himself, in an interview with american journalists , said that according to his calculations, his 5 years are not over yet; he again called on the west to give permission to hit him with weapons on his territory russia. evgeniy reshatnev will continue. good morning, it is a great honor to meet you again. the head of the german ministry annalena berbak in kiev, which she once called the heart of europe, is always here for the seventh time in the last 2 years. she stated that the city urgently needs air defense systems and for...
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is nervous, begins to overreact to accusations of illegitimacy, after the dismissal of general zaluzhny, which shook public confidence in zelensky, the president began to use clichés and unconvincing rhetoric about certain attempts rock the boat. he warned that any attempt to question his legitimacy would be seen as part of an enemy plot to destabilize the country. the german press recalls these 5 years and zelensky’s election promise to end the war, fight corruption, and do nothing. no, these were populist slogans, not supported by any program, strategy, or person who could implement them. in the same interview , rector zelensky explained why he needed this so -called peace conference in switzerland, in order to exert political pressure on russia, that is, even he understands that this idea does not lead to any peace. russian mit has repeatedly emphasized that without moscow’s participation it is pointless to seriously discuss anything,
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but kiev’s peace plan is not about peace at all. we have it. from the opportunity to receive information that is usually not intended for publication, announcement, at the end of april, discussing with foreign ambassadors in kiev this idea with the swiss conference, according to some participants, zelensky is chaotic most of the time improvised at elevated, almost hysterical...tanks, demanding support for his peace formula as a means of forcing russia to kneel, here is a man, when he does not feel the need to control himself, he speaks the truth. meanwhile, in ukraine , after may 18, the flywheel of mobilization spins up, all punitive measures begin to take effect, the cities of ukraine seem to have died out, and there is no one to marvel at, kiev.
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having driven through the dnieper, along the left birch, i want to show how many people there are in us, as we all sit in our houses. this is what we have garry law. and those who went outside immediately packed into buses. another video of the forceful seizure of draft dodgers in odessa. employers are required to serve subpoenas on their employees and inform the authorities if the employee refuses to accept the subpoena. the military commissars themselves can now freely enter any enterprise in order to identify draft dodgers. ukrainian journalist anna kovalchuk discusses this on her social network page. what did the state gain besides the lost taxes from the payment fund? labor, a mystery, someone rented an apartment next to work, so as not to drive on the streets, the ministry even stopped registering incoming letters with reservation requests. the ukrainian cabinet of ministers prohibited women and doctors from getting a job without
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registering with the trade center. in the nikolaev region, the governor says, there is already a shortage of personnel. people there are afraid. people are afraid to get formal employment; women are now being trained so that we can meet the demands of utility companies. you said that a draft dodger's role is to hide. stay at home and keep your head down after may 18, men has there been less on the streets of nikolaev region? you know less, but i don’t know why, we are undergoing a planned mobilization. while the governor was giving an interview, in one of the villages of the region, women blocked the road, stood in the way of the military commissars, they took away labor from the fields from the raktors every single day. in the sumy region , military commissars showed up at the oil and gas plant, and employees ran away through the fence. you shouldn't have voted for zelensky, no one... is from this circus, you have to watch the whole show to the end, open the door, i don't want to be here, the police, the police, but for it’s now safe to walk with bread only in roundabout ways through the swamp and reeds, and you
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said that no one would have a way out, you said that no one would go out, no one would go to the store, so i’m going to get some bread, everything ’s fine, but why bother? the car is wasting fuel, it’s better to walk for a breath of fresh air, at the checkpoint they gave a summons, at the checkpoint they gave a summons, it doesn’t matter to them what? will go towards military assistance to ukraine through a financial organization with the hypocritical name of the european peace fund, as well as the restoration of the defense of eu industry. 10% of income from russian money will be left as
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a tip to financial institutions by the depository with an explanation for managing possible risks. that is, european officials understand the precariousness of their position and are waiting for retaliatory measures and lawsuits. central depositories that own russian sovereign assets.
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thousands of pounds sterling in compensation at the end of the year and stripping the former health minister of his knighthood. london today is doing its best to atone for the british for the largest
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medical disaster in the history of the kingdom. 300.000 patients were infected with hiv and hepatitis c due to transfusions of contaminated blood half a century ago, but they learned the truth only now. report by alexander khabarov. of all the recent british scandals, probably. this is the most incredible and cruel, because we are talking about thousands of dead and tens of thousands of injured people, they were infected with aids and hepatitis c as a result of blood transfusions and taking drugs for... a protein secreted from the blood. the first infections occurred back in the seventies of the last century, when there were new drugs have been invented to combat hemophilia. to make them, britain purchased large volumes of us donor blood. donors were paid money there, which attracted drug addicts, prostitutes and prisoners. moreover, the blood was mixed, so that one carrier of the infection was enough to infect the entire batch. there were no checks, although by the early eighties it became known about hepatitis c infection and
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some valuable documents were destroyed about the infections, doctors knowing that their patients were infected with aids and hepatitis over the years, nothing they were not informed about this. all these circumstances were hidden as a result of a public investigation that lasted almost 6 years. the health service and government only prolonged the agony by refusing to admit mistakes. even the current prime minister, richa sunok, was among those who gave evidence as part of this investigation. he brought the official one.
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