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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  May 21, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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it will match your description, well, are you ready, i ’ll go with you, yes, we are ready, let’s go, it’s not her.
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you'll be able to get up tomorrow, i don't think you need to move, this is to prevent complications, they took your temperature, it seems to me there is a slight temperature, korich, well, don't, here the doctors carefully know what to do, when to do it, you're on immunosuppressive therapy, that's the main thing ... constantly monitor your condition, tell me, how often do you measure your temperature? everything is as prescribed by the doctor, let’s give you at the same time, since you can’t sit in your room, you’re lucky with daughter.
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let’s sit down, thank you, sorry for bumping into you, everything just came at once, but nothing, i understand, since we can finally talk normally. i want you to know that for me , too, all this is very, very difficult, i can imagine, really, well, that means you don’t hold a grudge against me anymore, no, i’m angry at my father, but i just can’t call you brother yet, i’m sorry, but what , let's go, we still have to pick up your car at the dacha, yeah.
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and i keep thinking, thinking about what you told me, it’s even good that everything was revealed, of course, now everyone hates me, especially sasha, but from this moment we can finally move on, both of us. it’s good that you’re here,
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thank you, it would be more difficult alone, just give me a little time, okay, olechka, i’ll always be there, but i have one request for you, well, could you stop monitoring your phone and look at your other message or not, can i turn it off altogether? what is there? sasha is in the hospital. and he had a heart attack, his second. lord, yes, what is this? is there an address for the hospital, where should i go? now, lord, yes, what is this? 36.9,
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38.1, how do you feel, a little weak. those chills? is this normal after surgery? no, it’s not normal, but the chill is strong, but what could it be? anything from a rhinoceramic infection to kidney failure. what? please don’t give this person a nightmare, he’s already feeling bad. so that’s it, quickly to the room, i ’ll call the doctor now. tomorrow, maybe you are afraid to part with your past because you don’t see the future? i propose to spend this future with me. without surgery? another heart attack is waiting, as it will be, so be it, i decided find nina, the only woman he needs is yours, i was very scared, i was also scared, not that i could die, that i wouldn’t have time to tell you that there was light in the window,
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continuation, we’ll watch tomorrow on rtr, kalinon belek - a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true perfection, making dreams come true, kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. family fun starts here, every detail is created here for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixos
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premium seagate. rixos premium seagate. today in the southern military district, under the leadership of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation, the first stage of exercises began with practical testing of the preparation and use of non-strategic and nuclear weapons. as part of this stage , the missile formation works out the task.
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so that our enemy can see how it works tactical nuclear weapons, some hotheads propose a test site for this on the new land, i believe that there is no need to conduct any tests on our new land, there is a yavorsky test site for this, i’m a person with a low heart rate, so i’m not worried at all, you don’t mind ? you, as a true humanist, will, of course, support my proposal. by the way, i note that it is much more humane than the proposal of vladimir ilovich zhirinovsky, who proposed to burn some island in the north sea. in my opinion, yes, that's how it is
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it sounded. and if we are not joking at all, then this is all absolutely no coincidence, because the west still believes that our government is bluffing. that we are not using what we have, and that you can try to drag us into hostilities by gradually heating the water in the cauldron to boiling point, no, don’t hope, we see right through you, and the degree of your meanness and stupidity begins to cause we are openly irritated, but i, for example, have absolutely such reservations; she always sounds like freud, to me i liked the british minister.
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that is, he doesn’t even understand that when he talks about some kind of democracy, they say that this unfinished shar pei is in charge, but he will be shar pei from time to time, existentially. and essential, of course, that is, he fights for the continued existence of the colonial british world, that is, it ’s amazing such recognition, well, of course, absolutely, that is, he rules the world, that is, this british piece of crap controls us, that is it? who authorized him to rule us, why does this descendant think he is people without chins, that he can control us, where did that come from? besides, well , excuse me, but the history of the british isles shows that they were conquered by all
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and sundry, well, from the french to the vikings, everyone walked through them, well, that means it was a long time ago, but it was who stayed there, the people in whose languages i still feel this defeat, well, when the little pig is alive, i can’t even do it. share the game is called peak-pork, yes, the game is called ping-pong, yes, that is, it’s an amazing thing, you have to play with pig snouts, that is, it’s, well, well, just think about it, that is , this is what rules us, another person, a penguin with his companions, is trying to explain to us about the international criminal court, i actually have the feeling that at some point in time this, we everyone began to live in such a universe. that is, just some evil cartoonists and artists
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drew a crowd of freaks and brought them to life so that they controlled reality, all this in the united states, well, listen, well, a real person cannot look like matthew miller, well, he simply cannot, but look at him, and at the same time he is still trying to say something, the difference between russia and israel is that israel is a democracy with accountability mechanisms and investigations.
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aim at israel, we will aim at you, i just remember the nineties, who did you run into, well, well, you have to ask twelve respected citizens, is the gang authoritative or are the gangsters playing the fool, the ending is good, you were warned, you were warned, that is , in general, that is, well, you understand, yes, this is this is a bunch of vagabonds, yes, here we are, tramps gathered and here...
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adds fuel to the fire of anti-semitism, which is spreading throughout the world, because it is attacking the only jewish state, trying to handcuff us, preventing us from acting responsibly in accordance with the laws war, which...
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roosevelt and hitler, alas. but they differ, you can also compare them, let me remind you that, to our deep regret for democracy, hitler came to power in accordance with the laws in force at that time in germany, which to the vast majority of countries seemed absolutely democratic, so hitler was welcomed as the legitimate leader that volk chose for himself, so that volk enjoyed deutsche. i always thought that this was a democratic, absolutely free choice, wasn’t it? recall how joyfully the representatives of all delegations at the olympics greeted him, recall how joyfully the british football players yawned, recall how joyfully the nazis
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invaded the united states of america, then in new york , yes, there were these gigantic processions, there were, it was, it was. well, i don’t remember exactly who sent it, but it’s clear that ford’s portrait, in my opinion, was almost at fehr’s somewhere nearby, that is , they understood each other very well, what an anti-semite henry ford was, and what he published a brochure and was later forced to buy it back, so well, he is a well-educated person and
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understands perfectly well that, of course , hitler is constantly remembered everywhere now, by the way, but the only russian state. israel is a secular state with representatives of different religions, so here's this one, we see russophobia all over the world, we see the abolition of russian culture, and the abolition, do we see judaism or jewish culture,
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we see the persecution of the russian orthodox church, and we see somewhere the persecution of judaism, tell me, where in iran may be? so in iran, whole quotas are allocated in the legislative bodies for representatives of judaism, so be careful with these comparisons, be careful, and speaking about civilization, what is where and how, well, the tragedy in iran, and what is happening in canada, what is the reaction, please show me, is the crowd having fun, rejoicing? why do these people expect sympathy for themselves when they show such an attitude towards others, well, i’m just wondering, that’s why they think that in america, where presidents are not directly elected by democracy, in iran,
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where the president is elected by popular vote, no, why do they ? iran, for example, has refused this, and in principle does not use it, israel, which has nuclear weapons, and iran, which has issued a fatwa prohibiting the development of nuclear weapons in its country. and wherein the source of hell is iran, and israel is a model. by the way, it was an interesting phrase, i ’m stopping tovic, about what turns out to be.
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somehow, on the one hand, it is necessary to demonstrate tactical nuclear weapons, so to speak, in all their dawn,
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somewhere, that is, such harsh realism, on the other hand, you are indignant at the fact that it is not so far removed from reality and exists only because we continue to play this game, a play is being staged, for the first time, by a wonderful director, a new play called democracy there, for example, by an actor they gave out the roles, the actors are talented, they believe in this play, it’s really new, the director is talented, brilliant, maybe the first performance, the second, the third, people are flocking, but the play has been running for 10 years, 40 years, 100 years, well, any... even shakespeare is said to be becoming outdated, because in it they begin to change these same ones for others with the color of everything else,
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i said that athelo became white, he already became black, yes, but at the same time he did not become white, who told you this, and you. have you seen white atello somewhere, i haven’t seen it, but that doesn’t mean that it’s already there is no such specter, he is bisexual, by the way, the main thing is that he does not become white. here - everything is becoming outdated, international organizations are falling asleep, but we continue to play this game, if we agreed to play this game, we recognized the rules and continue to recognize, since we play, when we are kicked out of there for being punished, then we are indignant, we say how no, you’re wrong, we need to be allowed in, we are equal players, even with this, with the olympic games, with anything. with something, it means we recognize the judging, because that in any game there is a referee, we don’t recognize, just as we don’t recognize refereeing, like the cape, we don’t recognize, but it’s not garbage, well,
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so many of these institutions have been created, everyone is led, led by the same people, they, they really , they are used to leading, as for us, whether we are good or bad, we are pursuing the right wrong policy, but during the period... construction, well, even before that, well , really, the nineties, we fully recognized all this, well, naturally she is surprised when we start get out, get out, as our grandparents said, there are two rules of power, well, the traitors who fully recognized this got kicked in the ass by history and flew out forever from the pantheon of the gods of democracy, so it’s time to understand everything. this is a shameful page in our history for society , a country, a political system, from the fact that you take one or two people or even a dozen people out of there or under your knee, it doesn’t
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change completely, it doesn’t change , you want to say that we are still going through this shameful way, i said that we have begun to refuse this, they are outraged by this, just as you are outraged that they will put them in their place when they are mature? politics is an art, a skill, a science, whatever, to gain power, to hold it for as long as possible, well, everything goes according to these rules, but i won’t remember all sorts of proletarian slogans that we need to break the chains of imperialism from the planet, we are under these chains stood up on their own, they thought that they were entwined with flowers, that this was it, that’s it... well, the one who holds the chains, why should he, because we jumped up here, he what should i do - repent, or what? of course, you have seen
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a politician who repents, at least one who repents, a lot of them, for example?
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the more active the better, another thing is that there are also political tactics, and so on, there is a lot that is connected there, so i am not at all surprised by their behavior, well, absolute power in the world, they are used to it, it is convenient for them to live, well, of course they they are surprised, they don’t want to leave it, i’m not saying that there is wealth, positions and all that stuff, yesterday, too, about democracy, well, in general , these political... the most political the system from which we took were indignant, there were arguments, i will say the same thing, but we, again, we admit, it means that russia adheres to conservative values, this is bad, yes, why? no, well, now i’m their thesis, yes, but we constantly, we recognize great britain as a democratic state, but they also support the conservative ones.
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so i propose nuclear weapons, well , get rid of them, so that with nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons you can destroy the country, but not the political system, it’s not a fact that it won’t be revived, but now they’ll take it - that’s it they'll go to the moon, but corruption will remain, or what? no, corruption exists where people exist, there are no people, there is no corruption, here too, there will be no one in small britain, and
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accordingly there will be no monarchy. the only experiment was carried out on this matter by heroshima nagasaki, no, japan is an empire or not an official empire, there is an emperor or not an emperor, the head of state, just as there was an emperor before nuclear slips, so in post-nuclear explosions, it has been proven that nuclear explosions do not destroy the political system, the population, if not, then there is no political system, if there are no people, then there is no political system, that’s the point.
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push you further along this inhumane path, i will return to complete what i wanted to say, neither macron nor scholz, i think, firstly, are georgians, this is one, secondly, i think that they are lisginku from circassians will not distinguish, and will not even be able to say, what is one thing and what is
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another, i can’t imagine what they wear and what they dance, yes, i can’t imagine them at the caucasian table, how long they can sit there, here we are russian people, we can sit at the transcaucasian table.
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and so on, we took - the corresponding formation of parliament, we prove that we have more democracy, we ridicule democracy as an institution, but at the same time we prove that we have more democracy than
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in the west, a tactless question, but how will we determine the class? yes, very simply, i said, estates - estates, scientific estate, military estate, spiritual estate, no need to be shy. and how we will weigh them by what number of votes from the classes there will be a majority, and of course from the academic environment this.
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forms, you pass off as innovation the fact that you have long been an elder, is every innovation good, this is another separate question, yes, but what kind of conservative? write new novels when there are such good old ones, i hear all these arguments, okay, you invite everyone to live according to the old and new testaments, but you are against it, i am against it, these books are outdated, i am not against much that is there, but - that is, i correctly understand that the commandments are outdated, we say commandments or these books, but in your opinion they are abstract, i’m new, then why are you holding them.
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the history of mankind does not begin 2024 ago, by the way, there were pagan gods, pagan religion, and you want to say that the pagan gods were not involved in politics, that the ministers of that cult were not involved in politics, i don’t know, i’m a christian, i’m somehow talking about them, and there are muslims there. and the other non-believer, you for yourself, i am in favor of - believers also have a place in the duma, openly, not hidden, in parliament, that is, and you say, they don’t come there, no, no, well, that’s not for you like it, why don't you like it, i ask, they don't come there, they are there no, well, peasants, that is, they should, i don’t know, now they should be elected like, for example, a military man, a christian.
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serves in the chemical forces, what quota should he be included in, or does he have three munders at once, well , firstly, you expressed these arguments to me that time, you asked me to say in more detail, i said, the same arguments are heard again, but this the topic is that you want this scheme, propose a new one, but for now what you criticize. constantly every day in every program the constitution of the russian federation, i have been criticizing it since the ninety-third year, more besides, i voted against it, i just voted and never hid it and explained then why i did it, so i propose, this is the scheme that you are afraid to abandon, i criticize, well, what is now a multi-party system and what you decided that i ’m afraid to give it up, you don’t ask, no, you don’t ask what type of form is there, what other option, i have
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a lot, well, at least name one, i need it right now, i’m ready to tell a separate program your idea, it’s called, it ’s called very simply, this form exists, it’s called democracy, if you ’re interested, then dmitry and i have discussed this in great detail, one with the other, and we have prescribed and explained how it should be built, it’s based on principles, i’ll explain it to you so that it’s clear, it’s built on the principles of meritocracy. people's democracy, people's power, meritocracy, undoubtedly meritocracy, no, meritocracy, not elitocracy, is being built.
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your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. hello dear! friends on the air your favorite program 60 minutes vladimir vladimirovich we’ll talk about all the issues in a hurry to deploy nuclear weapons, i have already demanded, return nuclear weapons to me, like at the front, the weather is cloudy and hail in places, the guys are acting confidently, the commanders are acting confidently, the soldiers are reliably, and we have one olyosa there. the second tank flew in from skaucrop, hero russia will be on the tour, we are all with you, including we will go to the end, what an image of victory it is for you, destroy the gang in the head with zelensky, yana is a rag, there are big
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dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day , see you , are you happy?
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that i will have a completely different husband, and how much more is ahead? i foresaw my fate, now i’m just fulfilling everything, i give up everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, please, of course i would like to go to another topic to talk about.
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today, at the local level, we finally came to the representation of various socially most respected people in local authorities, did people or social groups still come? people representing certain social groups, professions, let’s say, at the local level it is necessary, it’s possible, i won’t go any further, blogger, who are you, a streamer, a blogger, listen, well, new professions, everything is clear, i have no...
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no doubt that the united states of america will definitely take advantage of this situation in order to try to shake up the situation in in iran, and even now, when elections have been announced, we will see more youth on the streets of iranian cities, and women will be taken out again, there are already signs of this, we know how recently the same ahmadi nejab, who almost did not go out for a year, has become more active from his... kind of underground, so to speak, now he has again entered the political arena, by the way, yesterday he was present there, the council meeting was in
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a white shirt, everyone was in black, because it was mourning, and he was in a white one, well, you know, what the person is remembered for, he didn’t call russia otherwise than a little satan, and also blamed the soviet union for the holodomor of '41, that supposedly after our troops entered together with the british, because they were afraid of a german... german hitler's coup there, it means that we allegedly organized another famine there , that is, these kinds of people are now coming to the surface, well, for us , the loss of iran is fraught with very serious consequences, so of course today every possible effort is being made to prevent this from happening, and of course we will need colossal diplomatic and only diplomatic steps and actions now, well, first of all, listen, we understand today that we have there the crown prince of the khaminei headquarters, who stands today after
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the death of reisi, after the tragic death of reisi, becomes the only, practically heir to the supreme leader, but etola is still 85 years old, and of course we need to do everything possible so that we always often rely on one clan, we need to be able to diversify ours. people are not anti-russian, they are, say, not pro-american, these are national interests iran in the first place, so we have a very good example of working with the inherited principle in the part of the kingdom of saudi arabia, i think that we must definitely do today at the level of our foreign ministry, at the level of our diplomacy, of course, to pursue a slightly different policy in relations iran, that is, we want to lose iran completely, we do not want to lose iran, but we must take it into account. today there is a day of mourning, a funeral day, and we are in full, well, how can
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we play today and not on the day of the funeral, but we are discussing this now, they are in mourning, they are now in days of mourning, and we are now seriously discussing how we will now support whom there, in contrast to their legitimate power, we are discussing why, well, this is the power of the future, we must plan for several moves for many years. authorities in iran, pro-russian people came to work in such a way that they would still be directed, especially since we invested a lot of money there in a gas hub, in construction, to understand how we should do this, that is, we should intervene in the internal affairs of iran, also no, not why right?
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well, this is just a very dangerous topic, i imagine, today i had on the air the ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary of iran to the russian federation, now there now, well , it’s really a tragedy there, very significant people, outstanding statesmen died there, we are expressing our deepest , that is, well, it just seems to me that now it is so possible, perhaps, yes, i will say, perhaps a year. iran, we must take into account different options, losing iran to us practically, well, this is
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a disaster, we cannot allow this, we let's not interfere. into the internal affairs of iran, but the fact that today our diplomacy should intensify is clear here, well, i look at how our diplomacy behaved now, and at the time of the tragedy, almost all communication channels were involved, and the representative of the presidential administration, mr. levitina, whose close connections directly with the poet leni, was instantly with his colleagues on the call, the presidency.
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about russia, so we need to expand this cooperation, i’m talking about this, now it’s especially active, because the united the states of america will not take advantage of returning iran to its orbit, which it was during the shakh regime, and we know how much oil money they pumped out of there, and what other strategic political benefits they had, well, it should be noted that at the same time, the akhmenijat is not
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about the american a politician, to put it politely, it’s hard to be wounded. this is a globalist institution, which was created, like many globalist ones, a few words according to the musa, that’s what the musa says, that means institutions, as a supranational authority, so that the americans can the anglo-saxons, let’s say, are still not exactly americans, britain, the usa, but to pursue their line, suddenly, you know, they get that this very moose begins to work against them. this is generally the fate of all globalist institutions for the future. this is a golem waiting for its creator, so to speak. today , not yet, this prosecutor general musa, he looks somehow ridiculous, but tomorrow all
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these institutions will be there. support in the countries of the global south, because we know how, through various funds, through various other globalist institutions, climate control and so on, the system of national governance, the nation state is being destroyed, so i think that this is the end of the musa, so natural, well , literally the last word, there was also information today that our assets, finally, the european union made such decisions, the profit that they earned there will not confiscate assets yet, but will use it for support.
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there, under the influence of the first state duma , they received some kind of parliamentary form, in in general, there is a range of options for how exactly in our states, if we talk about the cis , parliamentarism arose and the understanding
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that now this form is located there , the proportional other representation of the party party organization is in motion, is present now, we have created a new team and are writing a book. just about non-parliamentary forms of expression of people’s power, for example, in belarus there is a people’s assembly, similarly in kazakhstan there are bodies that do not express through parliamentary means, nevertheless, at the national level, help to express and respond more quickly to the interests or changes in the interests of the people, although of course parliament always remains the most important instrument for developing legislation and representing the people in power, and now... i still wanted to talk about ukraine, joseph brodsky is credited with the phrase that we know, the truth is from the words of sergei davlatov, that for a long time i did not believe that something stupid could be said in english, so it seems to me that in recent years
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western politicians have been arguing very actively are working to prove the opposite, and when i read it, i thought that he probably meant foreigners, yes, for whom english is like a means of communication, but it looks like... he meant in general, his life in america, the understanding that, so to speak, a politician is dressed in a frock coat or studied or he is dressed, does not in any way guarantee that he says only smart things, so we started today’s broadcast or in today’s program with these thoughts that sometimes you just throw up your hands, don’t you see, this is how you can analyze this and whether it is necessary to analyze it at all, just the other day, just yesterday a ftatya was published, it could be...
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yes, now on average a thousand ukrainians are dying a day, yes, yes, hold out for a year, that’s still minus 360,000 dead, so it will be, that means that’s a million more wounded, yes, yes, that is, he proposes to return to the conversation with them after 1.5 million ukrainians, that’s exactly how it really is, but that is, with whom in a year will break his fast, but it doesn’t matter anymore, apparently, that is, hold on, so that later there will be who, well... are american companies, so the candidate for the sale of ukraine is new, but it is clear that it is not, not the americans, who decide what will happen here, but what will happen to ukraine, given the current dynamics
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of the conflict, just a few words about this this international criminal court, and if you look at the map, it turns out like this: the entire western hemisphere is a member of the international criminal court with the exception of the united states, the european union, the most loyal colonies of the european union in africa, and some states in asia, which is quickly reconsidering its position, for example, the philippines refused by signing this agreement a couple of years ago. most likely , our lawyers are funded by european grants or american ones, we have excellent lawyers, criminals like them.
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they call themselves, that is, according to criminal law, but in the end, the russian federation nevertheless signed the charter in 2002 and thought about it for quite a long time before abandoning it in 2016, so in the sixteenth year we wrote about what we were withdrawing your signature and in general this story ends, but it's very interesting to watch them fight each other, because this is the moment of truth, when they start each other, i mean israel, the united states, europe...
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here, because, honestly, i'll tell you, well even in the west, well, a few have gone further, so to speak, but i, for example, believe that i am deeply convinced that the very idea of ​​representation in power is deeply flawed, as representation, because it implies limited capacity of the person represented, obviously, in the very assumption , so...
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no parliamentarism, the movement organs were treated, i understand that yes, but right away it’s the same thing, we don’t have any parliamentarism, these are monkey glasses, well, parliamentarism was in britain after the glorious revolution and before it, this is parliamentarism, we have there is a federal assembly, in which there is a state duma and a federation council and... yes, they call themselves parliament, wait, vitali, vitalitorevich, first of all, look, attention, here you are, after all, you kind of want you into politics, i don’t, i don’t forbid them to call themselves that, who is it in
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i don’t want to be a politician, well, i don’t need to say it personally, i want to talk about it personally now, too, if you want to say it. so what’s wrong, okay, i ’ll remember, so you’re interrupting a lot of people here during the program, well, vitalitovich, i didn’t interrupt you, that’s why we’ll sort it out, so i don’t know, maybe you want to protect someone separately, but that same vitalich came up to me, let me tell dmitry, well, there’s no need to discuss me, i didn’t discuss anyone.
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i never said what you said was bad, you say, i don’t agree with you, here i am i will praise, these are different things, firstly, firstly, these are different things, this is a lack of appreciation i speak, i ask you to a- calm down and b- forget about my existence, after what you said, i usually don’t allow people
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talk to me, you can work, you can talk, you can be, just please forget my existence, because accusing me of lying, sorry, is not permissible for anyone, why is this?
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well, it’s clear to me, for example, yes, but not, wait, in theory, but some, in which we discussed, but, but in life not so, you are 18 years old, you have received a passport and have all political rights, well, no one knows in connection with what responsibility they arose, well , it is unknown, you see, this is generally the case everywhere, that’s why the second fundamental thing, along with the fact that from the idea ...representation will have to be abandoned in the future, this is the emergence of rights and, above all , political ones due to the voluntary acceptance of certain responsibilities, well, let me explain, in the ancient in the ancient, when there was democracy there for a short time, in the ancient world, then this
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there was an obligation to stand in the ranks of a legion or phalanx to die for athens or for rome in athens, in rome it was also like that, yes, well... in connection with this, the political rights of a citizen arose, so you could come to the forum only when you have a place in the legion, well, in a simple way, if yes, it is clear that now everything is more complicated, but this principle cannot be avoided, that’s probably all i wanted to say about this discussion, these are the two things i think, if we will start thinking about the future, we will not get around, well, i’m not saying that we will i have a ready-made solution right away, but i state the following in...
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this article should directly correlate with the thesis of the british secretary of defense, well , actually this is a serious thesis, we have an existential war over the way we govern the world, well, actually, if you take this seriously, it follows directly from this thesis that they... will stop at nothing, and this is so, including the use of
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nuclear weapons, absolutely, because if you don’t take this text seriously, then to hell with it, yes, but if at least for a second, to say that he said what he thinks and what is the controlling attitude of the anglo-saxon elite, yes, well, just imagine, a person comes out and says: here:
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and this gives rise to situations in which you need to be frank , in this sense, he has to
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say it, they will all say it, who will they have...
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titanic luxury collection boudrum.
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a big musical premiere, and i have a question, please tell me, how many will sing, how many will not sing? tell me, tell me he sings, on friday on rtr, lis, i thought, thought, realized that i’m not ready to break anything in your life, dad, he
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left me, and oh well, i don’t have a swimsuit. you are a guard, can i hug you? well, who is he, man, well, introduce him to the man, i love him, you know, it’s just me.
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likes to grab the voice there, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, hurry everything up, says: guys, should i feed the hamster, you are in the circle of friends, in the circle of friends, program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, how tired i am of your normative teachings, i’m trying, i want to be better before your arrival, it was great, to be honest, adult daughters.
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i believe that in reality a person is responsible to god and when he answers to god at the last moment... he is responsible for the entire path he has lived, and he is responsible not as a representative of this or that group, this or
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that class, here he is with everything that he has created in this life on these scales, when a person goes to power, when he is elected, he is chosen as a person who has reached this moment, they look at him and they say: we trust you. we analyze what kind of person you are, we look at your life path and we want you to protect us, it’s always a question of personality, that’s why meritocracy, yes absolutely true, that’s why people vote for a personality, it can absorb itself, they can present themselves in very different ways, but this always a personality, and that’s why it always seemed strange to me when they say representation of women, men, young, old, blond, blue-eyed, here’s a personality, people for you...
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but we fit into it, we’re in ninety-six signed, in 2000 we ratified this law, no one forced us, it was our country, here is the russian federation,
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it did it itself, ratified it, and then we refused from there, the united states withdrew, whatever you want to say, yes, but they immediately said, this is good, you are creating this for yourself, americans are not american.
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a leader was found, they were found inside, not only the leader, there were forces inside society, which said: “well, what, in principle, does not suit us, although the same leader, and the same forces, in the 2000s, we also agreed that we were still participating, then, well, listen, guys, you don’t take our interests into account at all, well then why should we take yours into account, that’s where this split arose, this certainly surprises the west.'
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the use of strategic, and who we will strike at, the target is important, please, romania, in those regional areas that are sheltering, here , here, here, here, here we enter such a rather shaky ground of fortune-telling, because here you have confidence about
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that theirs... which is now going to defend with all its might the world order that is considered theirs, which it considers its own, it will not interfere, that is, thereby surrendering this petty order, insofar as all those structures that are disappearing are falling apart at once, that is, they have a simple option, yes, we don’t give up, but we disappear, no, that’s why they won’t do this, they will throw it at us, just like they’re throwing it at us now, let’s look at the seventy-mile stable zone. look, we're taking it now, we're shooting it down i think we beat up all their drones, for example, everything that flies over the crimea, we shoot down those drones, that’s what they’ll do.
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i’m finishing, the simple fact is that right now the united states really
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wants to shift this to the europeans in legal, political and diplomatic terms, and moreover, we can then use nuclear weapons, yes, when they shift it, when they shift it , please, that is, it is possible, well, thank god. no, ugh, okay, well, they have a little, but it doesn’t count, no, they don’t have it, they only have only the french have it, well, aren’t they europeans anymore, by the way, the french leave new caledonia alone, yes, that’s what i’m talking about about this international criminal court, i think it needs to be sharpened, so to speak, and strengthened , because the court itself is not unimportant, what kind of structure it is, whether it’s good or bad, and so on, what was said around it reveals a very important thing that needs to be said in my opinion, and... this is true racism , this is genuine racism, that’s what is said, absolutely refined, it freed from skin color, from nationality and even, so to speak, excuse me, from all sorts of gender things, this is racism, so to speak, of the elite in relation to everyone
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else, a self-appointed elite, i must say that it arose quite in a certain environment, in the american academic environment, the financial one, which fell in love with each other, at the beginning, so to speak, of the 20th century, and this became... netanyahu and hamas, between the americans and, well , those who pass by the iranians, you cannot judge those by the same standards and others.
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because counter-elite groups came to power, led by a man, i mean donald trump, who was not one of them, not one of them at all. the bushes, despite the fact that they say that they are conservatives, in a sense, yes, they were there and christians and all that stuff, in some issues the conservatives were still their own, tamed, gone are the people who say, no , it won’t be like this, we want it differently, we want real democracy, which is written in your constitution there, that’s what we want, he says, no, guys, this is hillary from here clinton. which no one was going to judge, when they asked her, well, do you think you will be convicted, she laughed live, just laughed with a cheerful laugh and then she said... no longer sponsors said who will vote for donald trump, she
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called this basket of deplorables, that is , a basket of garbage with worthless people, in fact, it’s even more offensive, so to speak, if in the american religious tradition, these are just, well, unsaveable people. 2017, events in charlottesville, united march clash right and left, listen, on both sides there were people with whom i would not like to stand next to, but some are exclusively ours... warriors of light, and others, of course, are nazis for trump, racists for trump there, and so on , although in fact, in such a division there was real racism and there was real anglo-saxon liberal racism, because you cannot judge trump supporters and these by the same criteria, when they said the same phrase, there can be no moral equivalence between our guys this is actually the same... by and large, this is worse than feudalism, it is
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much worse than old colonialism, because under feudalism, in theory, any feudal lord was recognized, but you have an allotment, you fight for your country, yes, you have a certain hierarchy built there, you admit, no, here is only the elite that has recognized itself, it’s from here that these terrible ones are here, that’s where to get a job then, i’ll say it again, it’s not even based on skin color, but they have it now...
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the headquarters opened its mouth, it’s us we will decide how we will clean it, what the procedure is, moreover, you are both hamas and these, you understand what you said, you said that the olympian god is equal to the christian, spit, you yourself actually understood that you understood that death is required for this in our society, then macru comes out , he says, but i liked that the funny thing is that it’s french, not a normal idea, normal, belgium too , and denmark.
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this is exactly how they acted, so when we saw it now, when our eyes have cleared up a little, so to speak, this must be perceived exactly so, that’s why they are now, so to speak, trying to imprison trump, they are really systemic racists, in the sense that they will not recognize anyone other than themselves, and they will never accept anyone for reason, which is why there are two conclusions from here, and he is like this general, there will be no reconciliation in this sense.
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they are building paradise for themselves, but these guys
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who consider themselves real americans have nowhere to go, they want to live in america, so there will be a civil war, oh, there will be a civil war, because... because that they will reconcile, that is, once again, maybe this is not a fact, maybe they will bomb it, both of them can win, i just want to say that this is an inevitable conflict, one of them, one someone must be trampled, and for the entire twenty-fifth year, they will walk along this edge, it is impossible to get rid of this in any way, well, you cannot, you know, in a situation where, relatively speaking, some are being tried, others are not being tried, and one of them was the president , the other one wouldn’t be there, but they still won’t agree with it, the elephant is scrapped, well, this is not even a scrapped elephant, they have a two-party system not in this sense, it turns out very differently every time, there are the whigs with these, then the north with the south, they always have a two-party system, by the way, a unique political system where indeed, there are always two internal policies, well now, of course, these are
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representatives of these national counter-litas and, so to speak, left-liberal globalists, well, in relation to their own, they are absolutely absolutely perfect.
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the word comes from the hawaiian language, it's simple people, there are 26 different tribes there, and they speak different languages, but they united around one idea that this is their country and that they have a greater right to receive, so to speak, both from nickel and from everything
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that this country gives for france, everything that is exported to france, everything that the french use, because the situation in this country... here again we are talking about colonialism, classic colonialism, and without any, so to speak, reservations , you see, the konaki are the lowest stratum, they have practically no rights, after all, even in other countries, remember there , too, malaysia, but there is still a law on the putra boom, yes, that is, it says that the local population has certain rights, they are given certain quotas, they are given certain quotas in education, certain quotas in business,
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the konak faction, which was in the local legislative assembly, no, it is simply carried out by introducing armed forces, searching for these same konak people, arresting them, now according to some sources there are already 230, but in reality there are many more, those killed are generally few they say that the konak go to the mountains, that is , they literally made it so that the french walked this sixty-kilometer road, it is very important, because now there is a very difficult food situation there, a shortage of blood. by the way, which speaks of a large number of wounded and suffering people, so they passed, the konak went into the jungle, a french military column passed, and the kanak returned again and began to set up their roadblocks, that is, in fact, we can talk about a real guerrilla war beginning, when the konak people or, let’s say,
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the kanakh minority are actually left no opportunity either to participate in management or to participate in obtaining any... at the same time, it must be said that the french, after all, for a very long time, these konak people and the konak movement in general are very for a long time, well, they seemed to be constantly deceiving, because at one time
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the canadian socialist national liberation front was created, then it seemed like it was the eighties, there was this jean-marie dzhebao, he even wrote letters to us, and we kind of welcomed him, so to speak. -that, he was such a graduate of the catholic university of leon, such a local intellectual who, so to speak, in the traditions... gaining independence, it was decided that after 20 years it would be possible to hold a referendum on independence, and thus the kanaga
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dream, then kanaki, then were actually the majority then, but time passed, there were matenin agreements, nome agreements, they deceived everything, deceived everything, did not give anything to the kanakas, ultimately in 2018 they held one referendum, where against independence was 56%, in the twentieth year it was already 53%. 95% voted for the preservation of france and now, in fact, why the kanaki did not participate, but because they initially believed that this referendum was completely unprepared and this referendum was being carried out very quickly, that is, the eighteenth, twentieth, twenty-first, they believed that it was necessary so to speak, they will have to unite for some time, so to speak, and the konak people had an idea. so to speak, to enter into an agreement with some polynesian, so to speak, people, there is quite a lot there, there is now common
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the population of new caledonia is now about 275,000, the konaks are now about 111-112,000 people, everything else is the french and arabs, the vietnamese, all sorts of other people who all form this front for france, why? yes, because they all came there solely from a static point of view. all the riches that the kanaks lay claim to, it seems to me that today we talked a lot about colonialism, about bestiality, we need to help the brotherly kanakh people, about the generally correct essence, about the essence, who are of this modern political western order, who are now implementing this there, the french, where is this egalite, liberté, fraternet, none of this is there, they are just second-class people,
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they received voting rights, they put an end to any attempts to legally regain the konak country or at least occupy in this country. a worthy place, as people, for whom there is simply no other country, that’s all, that’s why there’s such bitterness, that’s why there’s such despair, because in fact, if this the law will not be repealed, by the way, the heads of this french polynesia, martinique, they met there, they proposed to macron, they said that, well, well, it should be repealed, because since 1998 everyone who came there, they all receive voting rights, 40 s more than a thousand, and there are only 100 of them... 15, and if we judge from 275, we see that the konak have no chance, hence such despair, hence such a tragedy, hence such a struggle, that’s when they
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leave 1,300 people to send ours, who support, and the last thing i want is to say, the last thing i want to say is that this is an example of what we were just talking about, this is just before our eyes, this is harsh western colonialism, here is racism and colonialism and absolutely no regard for the rights of the local population, its suppression, just the scale - it’s a small island, so to speak, far away, they don’t write much, so to speak, about what’s happening there now in general about this.
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“you’re definitely doing well, you just never usually stay late, the premiere is on rtr, you’ll leave me without a morning kiss, i have i have a husband, a job, stability, but i’m unhappy, and you can brazenly write travel, happiness, good luck into your schedule, anna taratorkina. who are you, how did you get here? this is my number, dmitry miller. i'll have to admit that you like me. when you and i crossed over. alexey fatiev, who is there with you? i'm alone, it's just an accident. what idiot? you can plan a vacation, but what about love? i don’t understand anything myself. i need to figure this out.
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a melody for yours. may 7 on rtr, for me the film moscow sliza doesn’t believe, in many ways it’s my destiny, i was completely nervous to play this role, i was carried away not by the script, but by volodeva, a person who goes his own way, it’s always hard for him, this is not even criticism, it was bullying, i was so worried that he once told me god, why did i take this picture, vera alentova... her life with vladimir minshov. it was surprising for everyone when we got married, it was just some kind of shock, because more different people cannot be imagined. and without him. when he got sick with covid, he didn't want to go to hospital. he got worse, they finally arrived the next day, and since i fell ill 2 days later, they took me to another hospital. but i was released the day before the funeral. i don’t
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remember everything well, but i can only tell you what it was for me. he didn’t leave, we’re still together, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, we always have to beg him for something, something needs to be done, what’s wrong with him, he’s having a stroke, here we have a procedural nurse, money you need it, i won’t give it to you, if he is declared incompetent, she will become a strong guardian tranquilizer, want to challenge? decision of the attending physician, good person, good people cannot be abandoned in trouble, i always want to be with you on sundays at rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, let’s talk about all the issues. slowly place nuclear weapons. i have already demanded that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front?
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weather cloudy mist. there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, watch it twice a day, see you later, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most
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intelligent creatures in our family. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the first podcasts that we watch, sometimes it seems to me that those on the other side are idiots, moreover,
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as for what is happening in the kharkov direction, this is also their fault, because they fired and continue to unfortunately, they are shelling residential areas
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of the border areas, including belgorod, well , civilians are dying there, it is still obvious that they are shooting right at the city center, at residential areas, and i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone. for the sanitary zone, so we are doing this, and as for kharkov, there are no such plans today, well, at the time when they said, no, so for some reason today they took it again, kiev terrorists struck our territory, under fire of donetsk, belgorod region dronkad attacked a car with civilians, alas. in one or another case, the victim comes to kiev in berbock, but take the creature to kharkov, there she will suffer the fate of all the german invaders who are trying to trample our holy land, while zelensky
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tried to say that everything is fine, they say he is in he is hysterical all the time, yelling at the general, tell the truth, the truth, the truth is simple, the potion is kaput, he is in a warm bath, yes he is a cretin, a hysterical, disgusting cretin, but his owners are just as cretins, here loyd osin says, well, putin explained everything that was happening, loyd osin understood. we meet at a difficult moment. putin’s invaders have launched another offensive on the territory of sovereign ukraine. and in the coming weeks, kremlin troops will try to advance further and try to create a buffer zone along the ukrainian border. this is a hard, dangerous fight. who with whom, why should you fight, you are a descendant of the unfortunate, who were brought from nowhere, who are still oppressed, what are you doing with yourself, who do you serve, do you serve
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planter, scoundrel, scoundrel, colonialist, you went against your nature and your being, lloyd austin, what are you talking about, we are liberating our land, but what, they explained to you, don’t. belgorod, we’ll have a sanitary zone, they started making a sanitary zone, so they’re shelling, and zelensky is shouting, we’re not using fucking weapons, they ’ve already conquered the czech republic, they ’re killing them with vampires, these are czech weapons, of course, not only how many they used in including max pro there, bradley there, all the other bullshit when they tried to attack belgorod, there guys they can tell you fearlessly, they have smashed quite a lot of this equipment there, oh. but that’s how it all began, right? it began with the fact that zelensky told the whole truth, this was the eighteenth year, he told the pure truth, so you explain to me why the ukrainians didn’t hear him, zelensky
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told you the truth about himself from the first day, he did not hide anything, here you go, quarter 95, 2018, live, they want to live better, but just think about how you can survive when i live? have you ever thought about me, have you ever thought about me, they didn’t think about how to make my life better, but i thought and came up with an idea, i do everything for this, and you, people don’t fit into this scheme, but i fit in, i already fit in the way i want to fit in, but for some reason everyone thought he was joking, but yes, he was telling the truth all the time. now even the absolute parrots of the regime like kritina aristovich have come to an epiphany. this is what this pseudo-jesuit managed to blurt out on air to another cretin. in general, i don’t have enough
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medical definitions lately, because i really need to write a book political psychotherapy, psychology, in which such a classification of ukran-nazi idiots is not enough, it’s not enough, yes, it’s not enough, therefore, in order not to spoil the paper, let’s go electronically, yes, otherwise there won’t be enough carpathian forests to describe all the freaks psychiatric disorders.
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a month to change the country so that no one will know, will solve all the key issues, you know, but in 5 years it was possible to do i don’t know what, well, they have all this completeness, and the constitutional majority is able to change the constitution in ukraine under our internal tensions and discord, it can happen once in a millennium, the last time it was under vladimir manomakh and did not happen again, who, by the way, died on may 19, so we almost celebrate the date of death like this, so it was 1125, so he didn’t there is still agreement, he received a unique chance of biblical significance, everything was flushed down the toilet and, paradoxically, nothing was learned, by the end of the fifth year the management was worse than in the first, well, how is this possible, how is a negative increase in experience possible, tell me, they showed us how this is possible, i have a question, when we say that they are the bad greens, then my question is for the whole nation, but how did we allow that, firstly, they rule us, and secondly, that they imposed zusti on us , stupidity and irresponsibility, you know, in one of the key ministries?
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in the defense industry, one deputy recently quit , stayed in office for 3 months, quit, and didn’t put a single signature in 3 months, yes , you said, that is, a general flight from responsibility has become the general style of public administration in our country now, only corrupt decisions are signed, but they should not be signed, no one wants to bear responsibility, deputies run away and so on, this is all the result of the style of government of what is happening now, that’s all, i don’t understand at all how it’s possible to run a ram here, the ram will learn, the hare can you teach me to smoke in 2.5 years? how can one manage worse after 2.5 years of war than at the beginning ? you gain experience, but it gets worse, don’t you think that this can only be intentional, well, no, a fool is worse than a spy, kolya, believe me, look, spies, professional spies are people who spend a long time systematically preparing, they rationality, they act in certain directions there,
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they don’t meddle far and in general from him, as they are forced to disguise themselves as effective, otherwise they will drive you away, you know, but a spy can do more harm than harm in fact, it’s not so easy to do harm while being somewhere there in the depths, and the fool climbs everywhere, tries to fix everything, tries to interfere everywhere, then he doesn’t want to control anything and bring it to completion, here ’s the result, says the man who served this regime for many years, served it faithfully, stole in this regime,
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was between two english speakers, one scott bennett, the other british, and the future they paint for ukraine is terrifying. what is the plan for the future of ukraine? it is clearly not about saving the lives of young people so that they can rebuild the country after this everything will end. i think their parents understand this, so they kick them the hell out of ukraine. it will become empty there. and who do you think they will bring to ukraine to restore the country? if i can
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say so directly, ukraine will become the first african country in europe in the next 10-15 years, if everything continues like this, it will become the base for the most massive one.
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everything will start to go wrong, it’s already going wrong now, and if god forbid they stop helping ukraine, then this whole crazy experiment that was set up in country, will turn into a redistribution, a redistribution of everything, it will begin with throwing out expired canned food, i’m not saying that this is expired canned food, it’s not only overdue. what’s written on the can is not what’s inside, imagine the can, it says meat with the date may 20, the last date for consumption, and you bring it home on june 1, open it, and there’s cat food,
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we have only one cat food in power , we as a society, how are we protected in general? from this lawlessness, because today lawlessness is being carried out in relation to ukrainian society, but today it is obvious that there is a split in society, people hate people, the state attacks ordinary citizens, the state usually rules, the state worsens the lives of citizens, but there is no help, so today.
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ukraine, but i don’t know what needs to be done to force africans to go there, yes, that is, here we will still have to look for someone from africa or even from europe to take illegal migrants there, so that they agree to go there, it’s like a punishment will introduce yourself, here today british scientists posted reports that... they are watching eagles, they say that now eagles are flying around ukraine, when, that means, they are flying for the winter, returning, that is, even they, in this regard, i liked the editorial eagles are flying to wintering and back, i didn’t succeed as an ornithologist, i didn’t know anything about the migration
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of eagles, what do i mean, well, they’re there, they ’re studying with gps, how they fly around ukraine now , they’re flying an extra distance, but what ’s my point? they write... you know, he told everyone that he is not 5 he has been leading ukraine for years, but in an interview with the rector he said that no, i haven’t for 5 years, we are in martial law, so my 5 years have not expired, accordingly, that’s what he literally said, i yes, my 5 years have not expired,
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because we have a martial law, accordingly, it’s cool, in general it’s necessary to figure this out, by presidential decree, and his age also stopped accordingly, well , apparently yes, that is, the martial law is like that. nothing can come out at this moment, it’s still based, yes, yes, probably so, and, accordingly, that is, everything freezes, a naval figure, yes, men can be called up at any time, whatever, what am i talking about, at the same time, he really gave a series of panicked interviews in which he directly openly calls on the new york times, rators, yes, calls for permission to bomb russia with long-range american weapons. western weapons, but most importantly, for the first time he voiced this
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call, not even an idea, a call to shoot down russian missiles from nato territory, that is , in fact, he is directly trying to provoke the third world war, while convinces, no, no, putin will not use nuclear weapons, listen, well, in my opinion, well , this bluff, of course it is good, but very dangerous, that is, in the end, if someone there in the west is some kind of... .
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that is, these are the two demands, as if we were yours, you won’t accuse us now that we are russian agents, yes, since we demand a ban on the canonical orthodox church, but what do i mean, well, in any case, this is already the case. signal from the authorities, i see these publications that we talked about yesterday, in particular the magazine behind icons, was the first to start this wave about the expired zelensky, yes, here newsweek, an american magazine, also wrote on this topic, that after all, not, well, starting...
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they take him out of the car, that is, there is no one to work, no one to go to factories, to enterprises, many go to shadow, many are now renting apartments somewhere closer to work, illegally of course, in the dark, yes, so that later they can sneak into this work, quickly drop by, and now they demand from the employer, you are obliged to provide us with such and such a number of people, military registration and enlistment offices and so on further, and that they won’t overthrow their own government, well , well, it’s easier than boasting all the time, well, that’s really it. it’s high time, but here you have to understand that people, they deal with people very quickly, they simply
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lead them, shoot, kill, put them somewhere, people disappear, that’s when they get into the car of this shopping center, yes, no one doesn’t know where these people go later, people, their relatives are looking for them, calling, many don’t find where they are, where they went, you’ll never find out, you ended up on frontline or in general you were buried somewhere, thrown out, you will never know, so...
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now the situation, how do ukrainians assess? you know, for them it is not only legally stalemate, but also checkmate, and this expression has nothing to do with chess, just literally a barrage and a usurper, overdue, and obscenity and so on, why? before that, they basically said this: yes, he elected, yes, he thought that he would stop the war and
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so on, well, there was a mistake, now he says who it is, who gave him the authority to extend, so to speak, his... but what kind of power is this, does it have the right to make decisions that worsen our lives, so it will be much worse, why? because, in principle , he did not receive legitimacy from the ukrainian people to extend his powers, now the parliament...
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others there, who will call themselves more legal successors in this matter, we will talk with the west, led by the united states, this is the right conversation, this is where we should achieve all issues that relate to the operation and the goals of the northern military district, because it is possible to agree, but the only guarantor can act as a single country for russia, this is russia itself, but if it is economically powerful, militarily, it will be socially powerful, then it will force it to fulfill its obligations, i may live to see the time when the whole state will stand for a citizen of russia, you will not dare, if he didn’t commit a crime on the territory of another state, don’t dare act like that, as if he had no protection, here’s the full program, now the west, but the west
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doesn’t care, now, on the contrary, they got a plus, and you know why, because they admit...
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the task before the military registration and enlistment offices is not to touch such people there at the age of 40-50, these are not the ones we need, from 25 to 27, these are the people who remained in ukraine, i hope that that law works, and it would seem that it is the opposite, the strong should not have, why does he worsen the situation , those who studied in institutes and so on, today they gave the command to clean everything out, so i appeal to the ukrainians, ukrainians, i will not tell you in what way, you will decide there yourself. don’t leave the house, thank god, you find yourself in a situation somewhere, protect women son, father, because somewhere they will protect yours, and if you find yourself in a combat zone, don’t
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shoot, it’s better to surrender, you will be alive and you will be needed for your family and friends, advertising, a big musical premiere, a show in which 18 a person from different...
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well, okay, i don’t have a swimsuit, you’ll stern, i can hug you, well, who is he, man, so introduce me to the man? “i love him, you know, you ’re just my stupid little girl, but some kind of love, he’ll leave you at the first
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opportunity, as soon as he gets tired of you, i’ll i beg you, please, stop, don’t touch me, leave me alone, what are you doing, and girl, hug me, please, feel me, can i hug you on saturday? "ner. the main character played the role that made his superstar, and then he lives under the weight of this image, so it’s necessary to cut off the umbilical cord that connected you to this hype, because otherwise you will become a hostage. what
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is the boy’s word? people, they all fall into this abyss, in the series chaliapin, you managed to convey this stubbornness in a good way that rachmaninov had, because he defends the composer, when you defend the idea and theme in which god lives, then you are, of course, a thousand times larger, this is and i wanted to convey that every hero has this kind of light, you... are trying to save the spark of light that the evil winds are trying to blow out. lev zulkarnaev in a white studio, author's program to daria zlatopolskaya on friday on rtr. let's see, love is when you look in one direction. look, look, look, if you want to look, look, let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me,
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look carefully. look at the agreement , sign, we sign at the same time for 1 2 3, sign, look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, cesar ambrosa, italian psychoanalyst, founder of the theory of physiognomy in criminal matters, who said... in that it’s always you can see in his face a born criminal, now he would receive simply colossal sums if he had access to ukrainian politicians, to their faces, colossal materials, compare with zelensky 5 years ago, such a rosy-cheeked, smiling, bouncing young comedian, the president is now a man who has a huge number of crimes behind him, you can just see it in his face, you can look at danilov’s performance differently to the new one,
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by the way, where should the skatenyak do this, what are their psychological aspects, what is inside them, but in general, ukrainian statehood has recently been very seriously characterized by such mythologization, that is, there are a lot of myths, this is what is happening at the front now, they are simply digging a hole for themselves, they say: they sent elite brigades to stop the russians, then after some time, it turns out, after a couple of days this elite brigade flees, as was the case with azov, we sent elite brigades, russian volunteer corps, some other belarusians, stop the advance of the russians on the northern part of the volchie river in volchansk, all this ran, the question is, what will you say exactly the next day, how will you explain what you are within of your marathon just... in
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inspire the population, says that we will now receive a miracle weapon, such a holy grail, at first it was a javelina, icons, which means people, bayraktars, which were destroyed in the first month, f-16s, which are now being inflated, by the way, this is very interesting attitude the netherlands made such an interim report, we trained ukrainian pilots, that’s it, they have now completed the whole course to the maximum, we can now transfer them further on equipment and cleaning their helmet, no flights, nothing, that is , prepare them. serve yourself with equipment there something else 10 people, you learned to do this and clean your helmet separately, a separate kind of myth that is spreading - these are the baltic countries, we already said today, kaya kallas, which calls on the whole of europe to send, it means a miracle of instructors to train the ukrainian military on the battlefield, firstly, who is estonia going to send, what kind of instructors can they have and what can they teach
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and... but if we are already accustomed to the baltic states, then the behavior of the americans, today you are stupid, but not attractive, you showed today lloyd austin at the next ramstein conference, look how his theses have changed, if before this there was such a thoughtful, so to speak, structured speech, now it is replete with some kind of clichés, i don’t know the films of the hollywood sixties, the kremlin army, something else you look at
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this, i always remember co... what is that red heat there?


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