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tv   Taini sledstviya-10  RUSSIA1  May 22, 2024 2:05am-3:45am MSK

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so, if you look, they still have no other achievements in their country, they have some kind of vaccine, maybe they made some new one or raised the standard of living of their citizens, that is, if it weren’t for these statements, we wouldn’t even know the existence this woman, well, it’s clear that she’s pretty nice here, she’s leading her political part, it’s clear that she’s trying to be a badass, but if we’re already used to the balts, then the behavior of the americans... today you showed not pretty, stupid, but you're not cute, aren't you? today they showed lloyd austin at the next ramstein conference, look how his theses have changed, if before this it was a well-thought-out, relatively speaking, structured speech, now it is replete with some kind of clichés, i don’t know the films of the hollywood sixties, the kremlin army , something else, you look at this, i always remember when you watch it there is red heat, it means this is an exaggerated perception of russians, well... smile we understand that this is the american
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mentality, but they are starting it now give in from the screens, these myths that they are starting to replay are starting to hit back a little, firstly, i will remind you that zelensky’s excuse, this is his extension, which is now underway, this is the pilgrimage of bärbock, everyone else, look at the western german press, they are conducting polls of the population that this president would have remained anyway, but there was no need to hold elections, or else... something, but how did they get themselves confused with the international criminal court regarding israel, they are asked direct questions, as if, why not, well, you know, there ifvich, you are a spy, do you see jurassic, everything, everything is according to the soviet classics, in some part there is actually constant confusion and a world that, well, i’ll be honest, is not right, we see the general level, in fact there is a decrease in the level education of everything else, is not degrading as much or... in general
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is developing differently relative to the western countries of america, because for them, apparently, it is profitable, people consume better when they are less educated, they sit very carefully and study this behavior, what will the americans say and how will they will sit in the box again. well, today they already said - the swiss conference that is planned, we have dmitry anatolyevich medvedev very clearly formulated that guys, keep in mind, this is a family photo in which you will be photographed, it’s not just like that, it’s...
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but in fact we understand that the world is beginning to act from a position of strength, we understand that the commander of the american general staff, they call it differently, which means the joint chiefs of staff, mr. brown says, we urgently need to train 150 thousand ukrainians in a short time, that is, they are still going to really fight , they are trying to project this force, as they say: we want to talk to the russians from a position of strength, it is not clear what this is, but it is perceived differently, but... they remember there are also fighters like the houthis, who someone says, they look like those in star wars, there were little black men running around, no one understands how, well, just in a second there is already the sixth american strategic drone, maybe we should launch the houthis into crimea for a while, here you are right off the top of my head, they quietly shot down the sixth drone, which the americans sell around the world for from 100 to 150 million dollars apiece, the americans there say they are quietly asking for them, they say maybe it’s not necessary, then the whole world is watching, we
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announced so pompously this terrible operation, how will we punish you, guardian of prosperity, everyone says: yes, good, no question, how, continue your prosperity, and we are already starting to beat and work, in fact, for us, i think that this , this is very serious, in that among other things, there may be an argument that the americans really understand force, the raids on crimea, which have been and will continue, we understand that zelensky was given a large number of missiles, and in cassette form, and even if you shot it down... from the upper hemisphere, then some of the 900 submunitions still fall and detonate, which is why the drones flying along the crimea literally a day are always illuminated, but they probably need some kind of manifestation of our will from a position of strength, as they like to say, i agree, i would just knocked everything down and he politely said and, well, what next, you need to knock everything down and not suffer, please, yes, for nefs it seems...
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how, well, how, how, excuse me, i solve conceptual issues, i’m not a tactician, i’m a strategist, i’m a strategist , i’m a strategist, yes, but i solve conceptual issues, and here it turns out that what needs to be done, yes, we need to expand production to ukraine, we need what kind of production, we need to provide ukraine with long-range weapons, we need to attack
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russian territory, we need to not be afraid that russia will use nuclear weapons, how many times will we once they crossed the red lines, because it worked , they didn’t get hit in the head, now the europeans are definitely ahead, that is, in this regard.
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this whole mythology, it’s bursting at the seams and , by and large, there’s nothing to hide behind, because well, guys, excuse me, this is generally such pragmatics, by the way, i don’t know what democracy is, except for the classic definition that democracy is not something you want to eat , but i’m afraid that this definition doesn’t help much, yes, that is, it cuts off a number
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of possibilities, we understand exactly what democracy is not, not if we just let's look at it, then there is a basic engine, this is what it's about, it's about decision making, we can make a decision. a large group, a small group, strictly speaking, the introduction of the basic mechanism, everything else can be hung on it, there are wheels, there is an interior and so on, well then there is no democracy in the world at all, yes, yes, this is the original, this is the original mythology, to divide, because if the decision-making mechanism is governed by law, more than a certain number of people cannot make a decision, of course, therefore with from the very beginning it was mythology, well , strictly speaking, maybe the definition is just inaccurate, maybe it’s still naive to think that it’s democracy. of the people, no, democracy, if we take the original definition, as the salon came up with, it’s still the power of the people, what is it, the power of the people, it’s not power, okay, i’m not against the power of the people, but i prefer the power of siberia, but the power, two , the power of the people, that is
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, force can be, force can be soulless, ferocious, that is, the greeks were very precise in metaphors, in fact, not, well, democracy is force of the people, well, as a state structure , what did aristotle describe democracy without coming from the assembly. the power of the people, no, he proceeded from the fact that this is a format of degradation, yes, of course, this is like one of the expressed forms of government, but here it was precisely the form of government of the majority, that is, if you don’t deceive yourself there, then democracy is the current one, this is, first of all, one person, one vote, a situation where the ability to elect is there, the situation there was a little more complicated, there the majority legitimized that order of things, who put the malt in his will not to change for 100 years, no, but there is something that...
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this is a theoretical space, because in fact, when we deal with this, it turns out that there are no clothes, the king is naked, a democratic king , yes, yes, the power of three-year-olds, and yes. and the last one, yes, that is , come to the deserted ukrainian streets of ukrainian cities, yes, that is, that is, you didn’t like the idea of ​​africa on the deserted cities, and they didn’t like it either, i remembered, this is what is called foucault’s paradox, when he i discovered that, in general, when people talk about freedom, freedom will disappear, when they talk about humanization, humanization will disappear, that is, not words about ukraine without ukraine, for ukraine to disappear, in essence it turns out that there was a revolution of dignity, and dignity, dignity disappeared.
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what kind of ukrainian fool is this? at the funeral they do push-ups, a ceremony, this is theirs , in order to absorb the energy of the deceased, nationalism, this is a pagan cult, that is, ukraine plunged into paganism, so i’ll start eating soon , yes, it plunged into paganism much deeper than we imagine from the outside, but how push-ups contributes, this is probably already possible, to burn at the airfield after the deceased pilot, this is kargaku. don’t argue
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about democracy, there are many types of democracy, from socialist to robo-owning, choose whichever you want, everything else is tactics and strategy, the one you talked about, you know, today throughout the day i keep finding myself like- either so, or... by chance or so , this information turns out to be about how zelensky, in this psychosis , shouts at the generals who do not give him reliable information, when i read this, i thought how subtly they all work, well done, the administration of president zelensky works very subtly, that’s how the average person should perceive this information, the tsar is good, he’s sitting there, he doesn’t know anything what ’s going on at the front, doesn’t know anything, that...
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he learned to live with war, he can’t, it’s fear, it’s horror, the end of the war for him is a disaster, what to do with this country, can you even imagine, 90% of thermal energy is lost, industrial the potential is lost, that's it this is what he can offer to people in peace, this is what he can offer, he has plans, he has no plan, he has
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no plan to end this war, the west is actually of little interest in zelensky’s legitimacy, they can...
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here merkel, well, scholz practically didn’t find him there, but yes, with his forms, schanmeier, but no western guarantees helped, that is, therefore, what is there to negotiate, there can only be one agreement, capitulation, well , someone has to sign the capitulation too,
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dmitry anatolichno didn't say, at least the pig is in by the way, keitel’s yarmulke subscription was helped by the fact that he signed the surrender.
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for literally a few days, for everything, that's all for the viewers, what has happened now , people who live in the current territory of ukraine cannot sleep peacefully, moreover, i will say, they cannot sleep at all, in all big cities, companies, who manage. either personally or as part of a commission 24x7, 24x7, that is, come to any apartment around the clock
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and check: first, whether the person who is registered there has updated their data in at the military registration and enlistment office, if you haven’t updated it, a report is drawn up there for the court, the court makes a decision. 7 days there can be no appeal, it doesn’t matter whether the person lived there, didn’t live there, didn’t update it.
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then the court, then this, and people, you understand, a lot of people who are hiding, now what’s wrong with them, they are hiding, the building managers come to them, as they used to say, or the housing managers there, they begin to pick them out, pick them out, through the court, through this, first the fines, first the fines, then it’s all the same to the war, from here, wherever you go, from here came the number of numbers, starts there as a military commissar of kiev, a military commissar of dnepropetrovsk, starting... he says: we caught so many hilyants, we caught so many hilyants, of course, if a person went to bed, they came to you in the commission, you’re going to go to war by the hands, you understand ,
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vladimirovich, to what extent, this is just the beginning, it’s only two days, three days, how this new norm of the cabinet of ministers works, and i told myself, that’s right, i said that guys, look out, look out into the woods, listen , here is the information, a policeman caught a man in the lviv region. well who had been hiding in the forest since volyn, caught him, found him and wanted to arrest him, a fight started, well, the policeman called for apparition, which means his colleagues, they caught this guy, and now he is in prison, they even catch him in the forests, because someone is knocking , you see, this is the most terrible thing that i want to talk about, but which one, which i want, which i want to talk about, in this fear, in this fear, i don’t know how to say it correctly, right?
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a new minister comes and says: listen, what did he tell you, what did you do, what, what instructions did that previous one give you? the minister, well, as he gave, he said to develop a concept, and after the concept a strategy,
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so make a concept, just not the one that was, redo something, because the new government, there are no questions, each of us who had five concepts, who have six, because ministers changed quickly, nine ministers, then 11, they took it out, remade it, reprinted it, they came, they said, it’s on you, mr. minister, he just says, well done, that’s it, we accept the concept, goes on television, a couple once shuster spoke, they accepted the concept, then they invited him, that’s all, the concept is clear, accepted by society, the strategy, experiment with him, make a strategy, while you make a strategy, he’s already left, so, a new mini-minister, that’s why he’s a zagorodnyuk, they revered this fucking minister of defense, well, he’s a pure woodpecker, these are concepts and strategies in ukraine, but cut the bucket as much as you want, you know what... i remember one, one good guy came, a new minister and said: no, no, you say, don’t be stupid, do something normal , what a normal job, what a normal job, so
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nothing. there were strategies, but now that’s it, and now they knock on everyone’s house and say: off to war, that’s all, see you tomorrow, good evening, broadcast news from st. petersburg, in the news studio igor strakhov, briefly about
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the main thing: a four-year-old boy died under the wheels truck, the driver was detained, a criminal case was initiated. toxic neighbors in gardening near the red village, the owners of the site organized a smelly business. they changed their sports uniforms to military uniforms, and conscripted athletes were admitted to the army. ruben, snyders and others in armitage opened exhibition of flemish still life from the 16th century. the driver of the truck under whose wheels a four-year-old boy died became a defendant in a criminal case. the tragedy occurred the day before in the primorsky district. everything was recorded by a
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surveillance camera. gazelle lets a woman and children pass at a pedestrian crossing, but does not notice them when turning into the yard. a child on a scooter gets hit by the front wheel. the mother rushes to her son, even letting go of the stroller with the baby. the child received injuries incompatible with life and died in the hospital. according to the police, the driver of the car was a forty-six-year-old public utility employee . he is detained. an inspection of the truck showed that the vehicle was in good working order, but changes had been made to the brake system, which is strictly prohibited. for violating traffic rules and operating a vehicle that results in the death of a person, the driver faces up to 5 years in prison. residents of one of the gardening districts were convinced that sometimes money still smells. according to them, the owner of one of the plots decided to start a business related to industrial waste. ilya karelin was at place. summer residents of gardening nadezhda vma named after
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kirov gathered for this gathering. they grow a mountain of industrial waste, there is a strong smell, there is a sore throat, i have an asmatic child, i am scared for the child, because we could have edema due to wine, and an attack of asma, i now have a child in the hospital with a serious illness, we consulted. with the doctor about a possible visit to the house on weekends with the condition that such a situation with garbage storage had occurred here, the doctor categorically forbade it. one of the episodes of unloading a dump truck with industrial waste was caught on cctv camera. this happens regularly, gardeners complain. according to them, the owners of the site are engaged in some kind of artisanal processing or disposal of huge plastic bags from industrial chemicals. summer residents found a stencil on one.
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that is, you ignore and mock, but no, in your opinion, i’m working, and you ’re distracting me, an extremely resourceful and self-confident woman answered our contact number, which according to the board belongs to the owner of the site, galina usturkhanova, hello, galina sergeevna, no, no, who is her sister, we want to communicate with galina sergeevna. la tonight, of course, we will talk about what is happening here, well, if there is one photograph, the son of the person brought to court. courts in this gardening are indeed not uncommon, the summer residents note, they complained about the problems to the district administration, where, due to the lack of
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authority to conduct environmental inspections, they forwarded the appeal to the ministry of emergency situations. the inspector, during the on-site inspection, established the fact of a violation of the storage of burning materials at plot of land. research, but we will give an assessment, of course, about the soil with all the ensuing consequences, with the calculation of damage and its presentation in court. by the way, the amount of environmental damage in such cases can amount to millions or even
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tens of millions of rubles, so the owners of the site and the piles of waste on it, apparently, really face trials, so gardeners are advised to be patient and not lose hope. ilya karelin, alexander popovtsev, sergey skripkin, sergey vasiliev, lead! accordingly, daily training, the daily routine of a serviceman is known to everyone, so the guys will only get stronger during this time and their results will improve. thank you. the conscripts were wished good service in sporting achievements; they will compete under the csk flag. the second trail of the search teams
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of the investigative committee of russia was opened in gatchina as part of the all-russian patriotic relay race, together to victory. the symbol of which , a copy of the sculpture, the motherland calls the mother, began its journey across the country. he was handed over. participants in the ceremony laid flowers at the monument to the komsomol heroes of gaccina. by the way, the investigative department of the leningrad region, together with the iskra search team, began search work in silvia park 2 years ago. as a result, they discovered the storage of more than two hundred civilians shot by the germans during the great
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patriotic war. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast, in the studio. leonid petrov, the weather pattern on wednesday in the st. petersburg region will not change, but everyone is so stable i'll like it. according to the hydroelectric center of st. petersburg, on may 22 in the leningrad region it will be clear without precipitation, 17-19° above zero, the thermometer will show the property field during the day. about +20, weather forecasters promise in tikhyuna bakvetogorsk, in volga +16-18 to 21° the air can warm up in kirishi, gatchina and iborg. rain and cloudiness will remain behind the doors of the weather feast in st. petersburg. the heroes of the day will still be the bright sun, moderate wind and temperature above +20.
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no precipitation is expected on thursday night either and it will become twice as cool. have a good day mood in any weather. in st. petersburg they are deciding what the future memorial dedicated to the battle of leningrad will look like. today the names of five finalists of the competition were announced, among them the authors of the alley park project, which will lead visitors to the triumphal arch. the jury was also interested in the concept of a city of an impregnable fortress with observation platforms. another contender for victory is a memorial in the form of a huge time funnel. there are several routes in maketa with complex terrain consisting of labyrinths and ravines. many teams got carried away just one monument, or they tried to reduce everything to just a monument. but we are talking about the fact that this should still be a memorial park, and somewhere in which people could relax, and at the same time learn about that history, the heroic history of our city, our country. our leningrad battle. by the end of july, authors must submit
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revised material, then the winner will be determined. the complex will be created at the regimental line. the fiercest battles took place there. for 2 and a half years the soldiers held the line. the future memorial on an area of ​​17 hectares will be a place of worship for the heroic deeds of soldiers. bird concert, fish shop still life with a swan. varmetage exhibition of flemish art of the 16th century. the exhibition is based on the work of frans snyders and his co...
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franz snyder and his teacher peter paul rubins. it conveys the creative relationships of renaissance artists. “rubinsk paints his house, the way he builds it in amsterdam, such an italian tent, and franz sneijder completes it with two magnificent, very carefully painted garlands. having lived for 2 years in italy, snyders absorbed the vitality and hedonism of southern europe. he names his paintings simply by listing the objects, for example, fruit in a bowl and a cut melon, a cook tired of game or a fish shop." at this time, the era of religious wars ended and the artists of the rubins
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school found themselves, like no one else, attuned to the new time. peace came, prosperity came , an era of prosperity has arrived, the golden age of flomantic painting begins. it continues throughout this entire 16th century. the exhibition in the armitage shows the historical background. the art of that time developed. the era of the great geographical ones. hid an allegorical meaning, the genre itself,
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which in translation means dead nature, gives rise to many philosophical associations at once. still life is this death that gives others the joy of life, this is the joy of life, all this together, a reminder of the death of memento the sea, all this will disappear forever, this is luxury in flanders, opposing the pseudo-modesty of holland, this is protestantism and catholicism, and on and on and further. older audience the abundance of stills refers to childhood memories; publicist yuri svetov says that he considered snyders’ subjects to be the author’s imagination. given the meagerness of our counters, all this that was there, dead poultry, fruits, well, fish, oysters, i thought that he probably came up with all this, that this does not happen in life, gastronomic associations do not interfere with the perception of today. the viewer is amazed not so much by the abundance of nature's gifts
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as by the skill of the renaissance artists . dmitry skovsky, alexander loginov, konstantin nikitin, vesti petersburg. in st. petersburg there is a premiere, a film version of hades of the helikon opera play, directed by dmitry bertman, a complete immersion into the mysterious world of ancient egypt and the dramatic love story of the ethiopian princess slave and the egyptian commander. multi-camera shooting, advanced lighting technologies from. the film, the opera aida, will be shown in cinemas as part of the large-scale cultural project theater in cinema, created with the participation of the russia tv channel. this was the news from st. petersburg. all the best.
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we invite you to the swiss hotel charmel sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on system, all inclusive. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. harmony, create memories that will remain forever in the heart, visotel sharmelshaih, your ideal place in the heart of the city!
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hello, it’s very nice to be in such a wonderful company, thank you, thank you for the invitation, for your attention, and as they say, let’s look at the line of my life, yes, we’ll find out, there’s a lot of laziness in general, but life. one, well, we’ll try to find one of the lines. hello, karen georgievich, in every person's life, something always happens for the first time, and this characterizes a person for the first time. what event, movie
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or person influenced you? well, i guess i don’t know, it seems to me that there’s nothing original here, parents, of course. but they had a very big influence on me, they laid down some important things for me in childhood, my dad was unusually educated, he knew eugene onegin by heart, he knew the whole block by heart, he loved the block very much, there was a portuguese poet of the 15th century, camoens, who wrote louisiad this is such an epic portuguese, it was translated into russian, such a book, he knew it by heart.
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sense, although she came from a very simple environment, well, very simple, here are russian peasants, and she also had some very natural, artistic gift, the storyteller was wonderful, wonderful, she told me a lot about her, about the village, about her life, she remembered everything very well, it was so interesting, she copied the speeches of ordinary people so well, they influenced me very positively, so i think it was the most important thing in my life,
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here i wanted. what film made you a director, which you watched and realized that this is your world, your future? i don’t remember one thing that just turned my life upside down, i grew up in a country where, at the time when it was cinema, it now, of course, remains the most important, anyway, it just has many forms now , there is the internet and, so to speak, television, at that time of course the cinema - it was the main entertainment for my generation, tickets were very cheap, i remember 10 kopecks, in my opinion it cost children's ticket, and i remember what we watched. well , literally everything that came out on the screen, i liked everything, everything, all the movies in general i really liked, but i can’t say that
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there was something that stood out to me, that now i remember one particular film, this had a great influence on me, i would say differently, probably in my youth the strongest influence on me was probably fedorik’s films, so i was very enthusiastic, i saw him quite early, because he... was shown in the soviet union , road, night kabiri, they, they were shown in the soviet union, perhaps felenin’s picture made the strongest impression on me, and i was absolutely in love with him, with his cinematography, this does not exclude the possibility that other great masters influenced me, but if you you ask, this is the one who most of all... let’s say, influenced me and somehow, then it’s probably films, yes, in phillin, by the way,
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then i was so lucky in life, i’m even alone with him met once, even sat on the same stage, it was 1987, my film courier participated in the moscow festival, his film interview, and he received the main prize, and i received the second prize, since we were sitting next to him on stage. when you work in cinema, especially in your youth, it naturally affects you, in general, you watch cinema, it influences
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you in one way or another. i was lucky, i had such a picture, ward number six, which i started in italy, and it was a joint project with the italians, i was supposed to play marcello mostroyanie there, well, the project then there for various reasons did not take place, but we the mustrayans somehow became very good friends, so we somehow coincided on many things, and by the way, he told me a lot about felléni, he was one of his main artists, in general , he told a lot of interesting details, from which i concluded that felleni was, in addition to being a great director , was very funny, very, very charming.
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money to revive the film studio and the film industry as a whole, oh, it was a great adventure, i must say, yes, it was a great adventure, to be honest, i still don’t know how it all worked out, because in any case in any case, i can tell you that everything that happened to me these 25 years, while i was now engaged in mass film, it was not...
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completely, i don’t blame my predecessor, by the way, it was just the nineties , but the fact remains a fact , she was , of course, in a very serious condition, plus , of course, there was a lot in her, there were car services where they changed the license plates of stolen cars, they smoked fish there, they bottled vodka. they baked bread, well, there was so much more, then the studio itself didn’t exist, because all the workshops became some kind of partnerships, one one of the first things i started doing was, in fact, i carried out, one might say, nationalization, that is, i began to return everything to a single organism, and there was absolutely no money, because massil had not received a
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nickname since the ninety-first year; gets, but somehow we managed to overcome.
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this is a huge achievement, not of me personally, but of all the people who have worked with me all these years. in 1993, that is, 6 years before i became director, i was on the jury of the shanghai festival, and there i was in juriesverstun, somehow we coincided with him, talked a lot on the jury , watched films together, discussed, had dinner, drank and somehow there was such a moment...
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princes melek shakhnazaryan, tell me, what do you know about your family and what, what mark did they leave in history? yes, but they were melik shahnazar? i have this combination, although
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it may be common for that period of the soviet union, when my parents were born and grew up, since my father is from such an old armenian-karabakh family. then karabakh was part of the persian empire and nadirshah granted these territories to my great-great-great-grandfather veranda, shusha, by the way, is now a well-known city, but my other great-grandfather, well, when karabakh became part of russia, he was already a staff captain of the russian army, and he was already shakhnazarov, melik shakhnazarov. russified, and he wrote, therefore, a petition to emperor nicholas i, so that he would recognize these territories as his, well, as his possession, so
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they translated a letter to dershakh to foreign colleagues, this paper from persian or arabic, i don’t i know, even i can see, there’s a translation, there’s a seal, we have these documents. they are kept at home passed down the line, well, boys, as they say, so here’s the story, and my, and my great-grandfather, my father’s grandfather, was, by the way, worked for nobel as a manager, and nobel had two nobels, alfred nobel, who won the nobel prize, his brother, ludvik nobel, he owned a concession, an oil concession in baku, here. his oil rigs are all in baku before the revolution they belonged to him and my great-grandfather, which means he had managers, that is, the people were quite like that, apparently wealthy,
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my mother is russian, and the very same heart russia, the village of solgan, this is the nizhny novgorod province, between novostok, beyond the volga, my grandfather was a baltic sailor. apparently he fought the civil war on the side of the bolsheviks, like most of the baltic people, but nevertheless, they still dispossessed him there, they went to moscow as a guest worker, as they call it now, then russian peasants came to moscow to build, so they settled in work, in general they lived there in barracks. well, then dad, despite his aristocratic family, was soviet
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absolutely human, he was from bokin, he left baku for the front, fought for 3 years, had military awards, then returned after the front to baku. i graduated from the baku university of law as an external student in 2 years, and then went to moscow for graduate school, well, there i met my mother at a dance or something, i don’t know, so they got married, they lived in these barracks, i also lived there, i remember their years there until five or six, until dad got his first apartment, it was communal, but still an apartment, not a barracks, by the way, i must say that despite...
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father, well, yes, when he reached a certain status, she had a certain level of well-being, but i must say, still no comparison with the current one...
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the life of an official is necessarily a complete idiot, and if he is a party member, then this in general, well, there is doubly an idiot and an absolute stupid, but this is not true, of course, there were all sorts, but there were a huge number of party bureaucrats and soviet officials who were generally worthy people, they worked sincerely, in fact, if they had not done this, they they wouldn't build a country like this the ussr. “it seems to me that we need to have great respect for the history of our people and for those people who generally built everything that we use today, i repeat, it is so, it is important to remember, well, in short, returning to your question, why i didn’t go right, well, no, somehow the thing is that here are my parents again, they were very people like that...”
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they had no direct relation to art, but they were very, as they say, interested, they loved theater, loved the museum, gallery, i had a bunch of them at home books, a bunch of albums, paintings, something like that, then they somehow developed a circle of acquaintances, there were a lot of such interesting people who came to our home, my mother was very hospitable, so to speak, that’s all i spent time preparing and...
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well, in general, this is such an artistic environment, i naturally also went to theaters, i loved this business very much and i have some kind of sense in this sense , uh, by the way, i’m vysotsky, i remember, i took cigarettes to the hospital , that means my father, and he was smoking a cigarette, these american kents, they, they were on sale, sometimes they weren’t, my father had them we were at the buffet at work, but... he was a very charming person, you know, children, they really feel adults, children, in general, i was to some extent still a child, about 15 years old, 16 there, that, and you can’t fool , he feels very much, this is what adults are like, i still have this feeling towards vysotsky , he was a very good person, he later found out that i went to ovgik, then when he me, and then i i already worked as an assistant on massstream, he told me...
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in principle, my parents didn’t mind against this too, they also liked it, then like me, they, frankly, did not understand that the world of cinema... is generally a rather tough world, when you watch your films, rewatch them, please tell me, do you remember any events that happened on the set with you, the actors, perhaps some events from your personal life, and
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you know, i don’t watch my films,
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well, the second point, the thing is that you can’t change anything in the cinema, by the way, in the theater you can after a while there is something change, not in the cinema, here it is made, the picture is made the way it was made, and of course, you may have the feeling that you
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should have done it this way, it’s better to do it this way everywhere, on the other hand, this is also very deceptive, because you you make this or that film at that age, at that... this is the result of the desire to get away from censorship, i ’ll explain to you now, the whole point is that with all due respect to the soviet past, there was censorship and sometimes it was quite, quite
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stupid, she most of all seemed young, i was a young director, i made one then a little-known painting, but for me it was important.
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every censorship supervisor, and why? because, firstly, the genre was very popular, but it did not exist, that is, very few such films were made, to a certain extent, directors who worked in this genre were encouraged, in this sense there were some concessions, that is as if they turned a blind eye to some things that you allowed yourself, it cannot be said that only because of this we began to shoot the picture, mayzha herself... the topic was interesting, then i also on a winter evening at gagrokh’s, he also made a musical film, although it was more of a tragicomedy, but the main reason was that he was simply...
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you still have a lot of material on psychiatry after working on the film ward no. 6, you and the screenwriter borodyansky and cinema , well, in general, we came up with our own form, we wanted to do it this way, there was such a plan, and
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we, naturally, in order to understand the essence of the issue in general, we began to travel to, well, to psychiatric hospitals, in common people it is called a madhouse, it was , certainly, i must say, one of the most powerful impressions in my life in general, no one has ever been to a mental hospital. this is a very strong impression of such a concentration of human misfortune and at the same time some kind of combination of this tragedy, humor, this is nowhere like in mental hospitals you will not find, i must say, psychiatrists and doctors - this is also a separate story, this is a very interesting public, very interesting, firstly, for the most part they are really... dedicated to this cause, and you can’t be undevoted there, because well, just imagine the measure
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human fall, sometimes a fall, well , it’s difficult for people who haven’t seen it, that is, you have to be very strong, very dedicated to this person in order to somehow, that means, look after these people, treat them, this is a difficult matter , but at the same time there is a lot of this... here's the coma, in short, there was one doctor there, he is the chief doctor, he and i had something to say, well, he showed us the patients, by the way, there, well, he says, he is completely harmless, he, he works for us here as a janitor, we would let him go, but he has no there are no relatives, everyone there abandoned him, and i say, what does he have, what kind of products does he have, he says, he imagines himself as jesus christ, he says, i’m with him. i play chess, he plays chess very well, i often win, but he is harmless,
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he imagines that he went down to earth, returned to earth, christ and this... suddenly he says to me in full voice: who is his knows? in short, why were we asking? yes, and the regicide, the project of chambers number 6 did not work out, that is, in different ways with the italians there, we did it, first they accepted this modern option, then no, we want the classics, let's go back to the classic chekhov, i can't do it anymore... make a body, we separated, and then, when the saricide appeared, and we couldn't find a form for a long time, that's where all these came in handy, then there is, to a certain extent, the plot of the regicide, somewhere similar to ward number 6, here, but all this material was included, i filmed, by the way, in noginsk, in that same psychiatrist in the monastery here, in which
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this one, who talks about, who knows him, maybe he really is christ? a then, after 20 years, i finally rented ward number 6 as it was planned already in 2009, but with volodya, who i think was wonderfully played by dr. ragin. that ’s the story, don’t believe it, it’s a hoax, my only illness is that for 20 years i’ve found only one smart person in the whole city, and he’s crazy, there’s no illness.
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there is a lot of this, they put a lot of gasoline, kerosene, something in these, it gives more flame, by the way, i myself served in an armored division, i didn’t know this, but modern tanks don’t have this, it’s addictive the fire was in the cracks, and they started to light up there, fortunately, not all of our tanks had full crews, and that’s where the seats in the turret began to light up, in general there were such very unpleasant moments, one time...
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we arrived, oh yeah, now let’s dance .
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here are the films the courier, the regicide, this is all a look at the reality of the cameraman nemalyaev, but how did you meet him, why did you choose this particular approach? yes, kolya nemalyaev, nikolai vladimirovich and i shot three films, i was looking for a cameraman, i had worked before, so what...
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i once invited him, asked him to work with me, and we worked wonderfully, he is generally an outstanding cameraman and a wonderful person, a real artist, in cinema people come together in a picture and become very close to each other, because you are actually almost , if you count everything together, prepare... almost a year together, they become like you, if you match with them, if you don’t
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match, in the cinema they are very tough, we all part, goodbye, goodbye, this film shooter, you are actually you live with people they ran away, but if you coincide, you become very, very close, it is he who becomes like your relative, a person, but on the other hand, in the movies, something like this happens... the movie ends and now everyone has fled. i recently read your interview in the newspaper culture. and did i understand correctly that your attitude towards kanya karenina is as an unbalanced woman? she's in love. women in love can be unbalanced, you will agree.
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his wife to understand where it all comes from, and what anna is experiencing is, it’s terrible, the terrible drama that unfolds in her relationship with alexei, man. a fluid being, he is evil, and good, and kind, and unkind, and greedy, and this, this is anna, she cannot be perceived unambiguously, unfortunately, we still have a cliché, she is an aristocrat, as if anyone here knows how aristocrats generally behaved, in general russian aristocrats behaved very freely, i must say, this is the first, secondly, a woman who fell into this, this trap, this trap from. .. social and human, it is clear that her decisions sometimes seem like there is nothing inadequate in this, she is a suffering
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person caught in a situation from which there is no way out, i don’t know how much she aroused, by the way, the sympathy of lev nikolaevich himself, because what does he have in his epigraph? i am primarily interested in the story of anna vronsky. and her husband, i was not interested in levin’s story, i’m sorry, i don’t really believe in it, this is my personal opinion, but it’s all my fault. i'm irritable, i'm senseless jealous, but i will try to match him and we will go to the village, i will be calmer there, that’s good, good, but he could, should understand the whole severity of this life of mine here, do i live, i don’t live, i i’m waiting for the denouement, which keeps getting delayed and delayed, but again
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there is no answer. karan georgievich, how do ideas for future films come into your head? this is what , for example, became the trigger for the emergence of the film tricky, sign of four? firstly, i wanted to make, as they say, a genre picture, a light picture, that is, i think that we don’t make many such paintings, and i haven’t made such paintings for a long time, as if they were light, without pretense, without philosophy, without this, just a painting,
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this is all to combine all these desires of mine, to make gelerovsky, at the same time some kind of then a light, maybe an adventurous picture, but somehow it all didn’t connect for me, while re-reading it, i once came across the fact that he had an indian who lived on khitrovka, which, as he said, no one knew, where he came from, he had, as they say, a house like an antiquity shop and... in short, as usual in a tricky game, they killed him, they killed him and they didn’t find anything, it was just this information that gilerovsky had, and something connected, clicked for me, i remembered canandol, the sign of four, india, the anaman islands, here this is all i always liked, some kind of adventure story with some savages who shoot poisoned arrows, but i thought it would be nice to combine all this, then
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i remembered this... throws chakra, but misses, and what if if only they would bring you a script with a title right now courier, what would this film be about and would you even make such a story? yes, it seems to me that the courier could be removed, the thing is that it seems to me, i look, the courier is still generally watching and i see the young people
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are watching. fully accepts this picture, but it seems to me that the story there, the courier, is a story about a young man who enters life, a young man, when he enters life, he is always in some kind of confrontation with this world, simply due to biology, he needs to win his place, i think this is obviously, and it's always, it doesn't matter, it was 50, 100 years ago, 200, this, this is.
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i’m becoming more like agnes ivanovna there, you know, we have wonderful young people, i watch tv every day, we have excellent young people, but still, of course, i think that such films should be made by young directors, this is generally bread, i when i was filming, this was my age, this, now, now i’m like, here’s anna karenna to film, something like that. i think you 're exaggerating, i know your son, he's a great guy, you're just too strict that's it, stop, stop, semyon, i want to understand one thing, i want to understand what he wants, i want to know who i... raised, well, do i have the right to this or not, but i do, let him tell me, you're old donkey, you didn’t live like that, i’ll live differently, i’ll understand, let him say, he ’s silent, even if he leaves the house altogether, but he ’s silent, he takes advantage of everything, he’s silent, well, first of all, thank you very much for ,
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there were really very interesting questions, i don’t know how interesting you were with me, i tried to ask you such questions. which of course assume that this is possible say, you know, this, but i understand that i tried to somehow more briefly still give you some idea of ​​​​what i think, i hope that this was useful to you, for me it was very useful, and the most important thing is that i feel you, dear friends, as a very benevolent audience, believe me, this is felt, i don’t know if there are devices that can record this?
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thank you very much, yes, thank you, thank you, rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is not thinking about anything when you are calm. and completely turned off. rest is rest. we we know everything about vacation. anex. immerse yourself in a world
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of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites sharma shei. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green courses and endless... enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. news on the culture tv channel. in the studio of egor bedulya. hello. exclusive handmade. all this flows into such a very high art. publishing exhibition
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a rare book from st. petersburg was opened in the armitage. trigubov's method. the artists and i agreed that they are flowers that i will water. warsaw melody, theater premiere.
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printing houses of the gutenberg era, this idea infected me so much that i began to collect antique printed bookbindings. artists can work on the design for years, this tuvan epic by khanton
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aralchin with illustrations by dashin dokov, with a copper relief on the cover and drawings made during excavations of tuvan burial mounds. soldier's covered case cloth, binding from an officer's tablet of the forties, here we have vasily terkin of tvordovsky, published in nine copies, a real reality. such books are more for pleasure than for studying texts, says exhibition curator irina. gogulina. this apocalypse is more like an art object. leather binding, bronze relief of a seven-headed beast. engravings made using the mezza tinta technique, popular in the 17th century. artists are invited to provide illustrations, each of whom has his own vision of how this publication appears to him, or he follows the text, or fantasizes. artist dasha furse talks.
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their second value is that they were held in st. petersburg, their third value is that they are wonderful works of art. the largest circulation of such books is 30 copies, but there are also exclusive editions that are published in the singular. there is no such thing as too much art. elena voroshilova, alexander sadulsky, artyom senko. culture news, st. petersburg. may 21 marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of boris vasiliev. writers remembered the front-line soldier at the evening memory in a book club.


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