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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  May 22, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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who is at work, talks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i chop oaks, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one. every saturday and sunday on rtr,
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my dears, you are all so different, i so want this difference to be the strength of our family, and not a reason for litter. wow, why do you have two cups, did you have guests? i won't allow my daughter to be deceived, it's not like that at all. it seems to you. i was framed by irina razanova, let's go to the competitors, we need to find out who exactly, in case they don't stop at blackmail, anastasia vedenskaya, you all knew everything about this, i don't want to see you all, anatoly lobotsky, one very important person for me has disappeared, life doesn’t teach you anything, you were silent about vasya, and now you continue to lie about your mother, adult daughters, and the prime minister. on saturday on
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rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes. today on rtl. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. kalinan bellek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true.
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hotel calinan bellec turns into reality, where life turns into a fairy tale. old barrel cognac is a product of stellor group. today on the program is the first greenery in the garden beds: how will our body respond if we eat a bunch of fresh herbs a day? 258% of the daily value in just 100 g, and 100 g is essentially a bunch, it works, it works, fatty liver hepatosis and alcohol have nothing to do with it what, how does ours react? the liver to
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lack of sleep, obesity and hypertension, and how to actually treat it? means that the amount of fat in liver cells is more than 66%. what is the treatment in this case? i constantly want to eat and can’t stop, an effective rule for combating overeating. against this background, a person does not control the amount of food he eats. by the end of the year this will lead to several extra pounds. healthy spine, effective exercises from dr. agabkin, good morning, hello, friends, everyone is familiar with this condition, i woke up in the morning and didn’t you can stand up, you stretched here, it hurts, you stretched there, it hurts, you want to stretch somehow and fly, but it doesn’t work out, it’s a disgrace, we urgently need to do an exercise in order...
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to fly, who’s with us, come out, let’s assume that we we are lying in bed, we woke up, opened our eyes, this is the same feeling that we want to stretch, which means, look what we are doing, we bend one knee, push off with our foot and shift the weight to our side, as soon as we feel that the shoulder blade begins to come off floor, we're coming back back and change legs, push off, shift the weight, twist, oh, come back, change legs, once, twice, can it hurt with this? maybe, but then we just do it with a slightly smaller amplitude, and then we turn on our side, drink, no, no, mikhail, and now with our left hand we swing back like this, reaching for the alarm clock, yes,
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reaching forward, backward, towards the bottle , mineral glasses, after all, in essence, what is stiffness in the morning, does this mean what? joints that were in a stationary position for a long time reduced production joint fluid, when we begin these movements, the joint capsule stretches, under the influence of this stretching, it begins to secrete more synvial fluid, it lubricates the surface of the joint, they begin to slide relative to each other more easily, literally after 10-20 repetitions we feel how - joints we’ve become more flexible, and we’re more cheerful, thanks , doctor, so now we can do some patching? it’s even a pity that today’s product of the day has no calories at all, but is very healthy, what will happen to the body if you eat a bunch of greens regularly, now we find out how much i love
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greens, you know, and many people like to buy greens, they forget to buy them, put them in the refrigerator... and then the greens wither, and how much benefit could you get from eating these greens in a salad for boiled meat and in general just as a snack, but i don’t like these greens, you know, it’s not true, it’s true, this is the absolute truth, unfortunately, to my great regret, as a child i was not accustomed to greens, i sincerely manage people who, when they see an onion, some kind of parsley and so on, they reach out to pick it eat me for this. i have to make a mental effort, i have to remind myself how useful it is, let's discuss all the issues related to greens with our expert. mikhail moiseevich ginsburg, nutritionist, doctor of medical sciences. i'm sure you love
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greens. and this is obvious, mikhail mysevich is a little tanned, he apparently now spends time in the garden beds, growing dill, parsley, there are things that... you have to, you have to, you like it, you don’t like it, you have to, you ’re forcing yourself too, yes, well i always have to to remember, i’m just talking about this, as a rule, i introduced greens to every meal, if you get used to it, if it works for you, you will really get a permanent, healing, rejuvenating factor, let’s start with cilantro, oh, there’s a special one there is a reason to eat cilantro, it is very rich in vitamin 250.8% of the daily value in just 100 g, and 100 g is essentially a bunch, this is a vitamin to which we have recently been paying more and more attention, because it turned out that this is not only a vitamin that helps normalizes blood clotting, we have always known this, but
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vitamin k helps vitamin d retain calcium in the bones, that is, simply put, vitamin k protects us from osteoporosis, and an extremely important property, vitamin k prevents calcium from settling in the walls vessels, that is, it does not allow this very malignant course of atherosclerosis to progress. vitamin k is now necessary at the age of 50 plus, there is a direct recommendation for regular daily intake of vitamin kanu or at least cilantro for every meal. while i i haven’t eaten the whole garden bed, let’s move on to the dill. yes, dill is also good for its benefits, especially for vision, thanks to carotenoids. which it contains in huge quantities, there is such a very unpleasant age-related disease called mocular degeneration, this is a lesion of the macula where the optic nerve exits the retina, and a person gradually loses
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vision, here is a loss of vision of 60-70 plus, when it seems it would still be possible to live, but the person can no longer see anything, this is exactly what has been proven: mocular degeneration. that ethers contained in dill and the carotenoids contained in dill protect against the development of this very macular degeneration, do not forget about dill, it is... friend: well, as they say, onions are a good thing, they are especially good, they boost immunity, they really contain ascorbic acid , vitamin c, phytancides, which have antibacterial, antiviral effects and flavonoids, which protect the surface of immunocompetent cells from destruction, damage, all these factors, of course, add up to... onions are said to be refreshing
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breath and can kill the smell of onions, i wanted to do it right now, take a lot of it, well, there are three or four branches, i want to check if this is so, well, it works, it works. everything is based on beneficial properties, if we talk about beneficial properties, then the prevention of cancer, oh, a very interesting property, it has been demonstrated in a number of studies, and we are less and less surprised that some food products, well, cruciferous vegetables, in particular cabbage, broccoli, well-known to everyone, and parsley and other greens reduces the likelihood of developing tumors, and... very, very common ones, well, for example, colon cancer, and postmenopausal breast cancer in
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women, cancer and prostate cancer in men, i have just named three localizations that fall into the top five frequent localizations, that is, if we can influence them, we reduce the overall incidence of cancer, great, microgreens, now, by the way, are very popular, i have friends who grow and eat food. what's interesting here, that uh, those plants that technically do not belong to greens at all can be sprouted, well, for example, peas, or, for example, pakchoy, yes, this is a kind of cabbage, yes, that is, again, we do not grow whole large cabbage, yes, at the initial stage, when the concentration of biologically active substances is as high as possible, at this moment of germination, they are actually eaten, well, for comparison, if, for example, we talk about broccoli. then the content of nutrients in 70 grams of these sprouts is the same as almost
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half a kilogram of already ripe broccoli, but how did we live without all this before, now it’s so popular and fashionable, mikhail misilevich? well, they’ve found a way to make the use of greens, firstly, not seasonal, but year-round, and secondly, it’s really more concentrated, more healthy, so you also need to get used to it . premiere on rtr, you will leave me without a morning
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kiss, i have a husband, a job, stability, i’m unhappy, and you can brazenly write into your schedule, travel, happiness, luck, anna taratorkina, who are you, how you got here, this is my number, dmitry miller, admit it. you like me, when you and i switched to from alexey fatiev, who is there with you, i’m alone, it’s just an accident, what an idiot, vacation can be planned, but love, i don’t understand anything myself, i need to figure it out, melody for yours from may 27 on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for
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you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of clean the most difficult to reach places. all this is in the past. now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the help of the perfect cleaner. the rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. what's more, the durable corner brush located at the front gets into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners fail when cleaning is done. it can also be easily cleaned with just
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one click of a button. it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors (whether). either tile or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture where it is usually very difficult to reach. and only today, the unique, ingenious livington dipper swiper cordless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture. skirting boards and walls from scratches can be yours for only 89.95. but if you call and place an order right now, you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros. and you can get the livington dipper swipper for an incredible 6995. but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. tired of boring waffles and ugly toast? forget about it, because with the new power excel woffle star, you
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'll discover a new world of belgian waffles and have your kids begging you to make them. them again and again, that's the secret: the plates of a non-stick waffle iron have a deeper, larger design that allows you to add a filling to suit any taste, cherry jam to make a cherry pie or fill the middle of a scrambled egg with ham and cheese to make an amlet, in just three steps you will get your perfect puff waffle that will please everyone, your children will also enjoy it join this exciting process, cooking with power xl is easy and simple, light... the indicator will always tell you when the waffles are ready, breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert with the incredible new power xl waffle iron, you will surprise everyone. for what torment yourself with old waffle irons and toast that you can’t add toppings to? with the power excel waffle star, you can always prepare waffles 5 cm high in record time with extreme ease.
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waffles with apples, cinnamon and caramel, cherry, waffle pizza, toast with cheese, french. toast or hearty beef waffles, forget about the mountains of dishes left after preparing a meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert, power xl is just the pleasure of waffles for the whole family, call and get your unique power xl waffle star for your perfect waffles and more, the manufacturer's recommended price of the waffle iron is 79.95, but you will get your original power xl waffle star at an unbeatable price, for only 59. your savings will be 20 euros, but that's not all, if you place an order right now, you will receive a brilliant booklet with power xl recipes from the famous chef as a gift, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, good evening, hello, comrades, student of the legendary levitan, announcer yuri kavelyanov,
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for more than 30 years he told from tv screens what was happening in the world after his death in november 2008.
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we live, we walked into a store, so much delicious, varied food, take what you want, yeah, and eat as much as you want. it's hard to say whether this is good news? on the one hand, once upon a time there were centuries when people had nothing to eat at all, yes, now, unfortunately, the problem is different, people have too much available food, unfortunately, this leads to obesity, but it’s one thing, subcutaneous obesity, yes, which in itself, in general... too it’s not a joy at all, but obesity of internal organs is doubly worse, especially if it’s fatty liver. how dangerous is fatty liver, what consequences can it lead to? let's discuss. this together with our expert. pavel olegovich bogomolov, hepatologist, gastroenterologist, chief freelance hepatologist of the ministry of health of the moscow region, candidate
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of medical sciences. good morning, good morning, why should the liver become fat? she works all day, she’s just poor, she eats well, everything is as you said, but all this the fantastic energy received cannot... be spent, genetically, almost all existing organisms on earth know how to accumulate energy, in humans the most effective way of accumulating energy is, oddly enough, storing it in the form of fat in the liver, 1 g of fat - 9 kilocalories instead of four carbohydrates, yes this is a serious argument, that is, you can accumulate a lot, right now our viewers in the studio, if desired, do elastography with steatametry of the liver, while the examination is underway, let's move on to the reasons, yes fat hepatosis, obesity. actually, as i
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understand it, based on what we talked about, this is the first main reason for the development of fatty hepatosis, that is, the discrepancy between the rate of intake of nutrients into the human body and the rate of energy expenditure in the process of life, excessively. drinking alcohol, absolutely true, this directly corresponds to the modern classification of fatty liver disease, taking medications, yeah, yes, we know very well, there is a certain list of medications, a class of drugs, when used, fatty liver disease develops, which, by the way, like other liver diseases, can slowly but upwardly... progress to the stage of cirrhosis and even liver cancer and lack of sleep, well, actually lack of sleep, here you can probably do this
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put an arrow here, why? because there are studies that say that on average, one hour of sleep deprivation increases the number of calories consumed by about 10-15%. look, we have symptoms, how can you suspect that you have fatty hepatosis? this is the first thing in our script. found symptoms of liver disease in a search engine, you need to understand how these symptoms relate to fatty hepatosis? from the point of view of the connection of one or another symptom, specifically with fatty liver disease, there are no such symptoms, but we understand that some of the symptoms may be associated with liver disease, and some, well, it is extremely unlikely, it is clear that bitterness. in the mouth this is definitely not a manifestation of liver disease, but it is also possible the manifestation of dyskinesias, refluxes, and so on and so forth, has nothing to do with the liver
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has, then nausea, no, well, let’s not delude ourselves either, morning sickness can be associated with a wide range of problems, but not liver diseases, so let’s move on, intestinal bloating, yes with cirrhosis it’s possible, this is already with cirrhosis, but certainly.. there are many questions regarding the specificity of this symptom, and regarding the feeling of heaviness, indeed, with a significant increase
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in the size of the liver, constant discomfort and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium are possible, but as you understand, this can also be a manifestation of cirrhosis as a result of hepatitis. c, yeah, or autoimmune hepatitis, so definitely not with fatty hepatosis, but quite possibly with liver disease. go to a specialist to understand what is happening to you, rather than read various internet resources, let's find out the results of our examination in the elastography studio, as you said, you see, i learned this word, who among the patients made you nervous? elena, elena. come here, mikhail, you see the numerical value 5.7, 6 k in density, this is the density. it corresponds to the absence of pronounced liver fibrosis, thank god, the second indicator is the so-called controlled attenuation parameter captest.
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yeah, it recalculates the amount of fat in the liver, yes 320 decib, and the norm is up to 216 db, this means that the amount of fat in the liver cells is more than 66%, that is, 2/3 of the liver is fat, yes, that’s right, wow , yes, and this is a very important parameter in combination with fibrosis, what we... are talking about this, with fibrosis of more than two points, the risk of adverse consequences of fatty liver disease sharply increases, these are primarily cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, strokes. well, we realized that we definitely need to undergo diagnostics, especially for the reasons that we talked about today, after all, if such an indicator is 320, this can somehow be changed for
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the better, definitely yes, liver disease it is reversible, this is one of its most inspiring features, the possibility of reversing liver disease, including fatty disease, and here are all the principles of treating obesity, including, and well, from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine, treatment of liver disease. the first point that we are with you we always discuss, yes, the absolute inadmissibility of taking hepatoprotectors, this class of drugs. there is no evidence base for those drugs that are taken to treat supposedly the liver, supposedly for the treatment of supposedly the liver, supposedly the liver, and all liver diseases, such miracle drugs that help, well, with everything, from hepatitis b to fatty liver disease , well, the question arises, what to treat in this case, the fda approved the world's first
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drug for treatment in march. the disease is generally not so actively discussed only because it leads to cirrhosis, but it leads to an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, just imagine, with obesity, 82% of people... have fatty liver disease, and if the patient has a combination of these factors, fatty liver disease with high cholesterol, hypertension obesity will most likely be detected with 100% probability; it increases the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases and cancer, so yes, treat it, thank you
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very much. today we talked about fatty hepatosis, an extremely common disease, extremely insidious, but fortunately, this is a disease that can and should be treated. the conversation about the most important things continues. it's time for our regular minute of health column. here our viewers answer questions and can win. useful prizes. so, today our heroine is valeria. let's get to know her. hello, my name is valeria lebedeva. i am 44 years old. i come from siberia, from the city of krasnoyarsk. i have been living in moscow for the last few years. i really like to play sports, i like to play hockey and football. i love ice skating, regular ice skating, ice skating
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roller i also really like to ride a bike and i also just really like to run, i’ve been watching a program about the most important thing for a long time and i dream of getting there, seeing wonderful, the best presenters, talking to them about the most important thing, dreams come true and valeria is in our studio,
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good physical preparation, because children have the ability to run away in different directions, and also psychologically, yes, so, our quiz conditions mean that we are not at risk... yes. does red meat cause gout? yes. an electric toothbrush cleans your teeth better ordinary? yes. do braces change the shape of your face? yes. is drinking cold water with fatty foods bad for digestion? yes. can a manicure
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cause nail fungus? yes. do you always need to have your tonsils removed for tansilitis? no. can the human papilloma virus lead to cancer? yes. korets can lead to gastritis. yes. hot bath. relieves muscle pain? yes, green apples contain less sugar than red ones? no, do antidepressants treat chronic pain? no, great, i had time, i had time, just great, valeria, but you chose tactics keep saying yes, we will find out if your trick worked? so, the first question was: carrot juice helps with...
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face shape, you said yes, and this is also a fact, and you wore braces, no, drinking fatty foods with cold water is bad for digestion, we said yes, and this is indeed true so, because fats, yes, especially refractory, due to cold water, they can create a traffic jam that will even interfere with the evacuation of food from the stomach for some time, nail fungus can be introduced during a manicure, you said yes. indeed, if the tools are not sterile, that might be the case. with tanzilitis , you always need to remove the tonsils, you said, no, indeed, in most cases this is not necessary, the therapy works.
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lera, are you really a teacher? yes, human papillomavirus can lead to cancer? you said yes. indeed, there are a number of strains of the human papillomatosis virus that lead to cancer, in particular. cervical cancer. can potassium lead to gastritis? we said yes. actually no, because in most cases gastritis is caused by the bacteria heelicobacter pillary, it does not affect caries. you can basically afford the first wrong answer. does a hot bath relieve muscle pain? you said yes. in fact, if we are talking about delayed onset muscle pain syndrome, then, unfortunately, practically nothing helps, including. he is distracted by the temperature of the water, but as soon as he leaves, the pain returns, no, green apples contain less sugar than red apples, no, really, the sugar content in different apple varieties are approximately the same,
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antidepressants treat chronic pain, we said no, in fact yes, this is one of the prescribed classes of drugs for chronic pain, they work. better than a standard painkiller, but despite this wrong answer, you have nine correct, yes, that’s a lot, but there are only 12 letters, turn it over, yeah, yeah, yeah, seven attempts left, that’s it, the nebulizer is yours, we congratulations, you did great, you won our quiz today, if you want to know even more answers to questions about health, that's it you can find episodes of our program on the online media platform, watch the application on the website and the conversation about the most important thing continues. a big musical premiere,
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a show in which 18 people from different regions of russia try to deceive a team of stars into convincing them that they sing. the ability to sing is a gift, the main thing is that the soul sings. what doesn’t sing? what’s more difficult: revealing talent or deception? with our experience with an ear for music, or you can come up and look into the eyes, the stars are ready to check, they must notice everything, every stroke, wow, they sing beautifully, my opinion is developing, and it’s good, so far we are praising everyone very well, in a brotherly way, blink, please, and then, what a mad intrigue, catch me if you can, we can’t wait for the start, on friday on rtr. they say you need
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to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for your head, we know. it’s all about relaxation, relax, anex.
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treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony, create memories that will remain forever in your heart, swissotel sharmel sheikh is a great place in the heart of the city, maybe you are afraid to part with your past because you don’t see the future, i propose to spend this future with me, premiere on rtr, without surgery another heart attack awaits you, as it will be, so it will be, i decided to find nina, the only woman he needs is your mother, i was very scared, i was also scared, not that i might die, that i wouldn’t make it to you say what what? light in the window. today on rtr. friends,
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admit who overeats. good morning, i just can’t stop. every day i tell myself that i won’t eat anymore, but i sit down and can eat a whole frying pan. there's a little baby bird with onions, i'll fry it all and eat it. what else? well, uh, the turkey there is so good, well, the turkey is not so harmful, but mikhail, it’s a frying pan in one person, there’s not much good in it either, and the most important thing is that - in most cases , a person really can’t control himself in this situations, that's very often the steps that a person takes to cope with this become even counterproductive, that is, on the contrary, they worsen the condition. a person begins to eat even more, at the initial stage
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it is worth talking at least about how to avoid mistakes in this process, yes, all the problems that can arise with overeating and what is behind it will be discussed together with our expert. daria olegovna ladygina, endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences, chief endocrinologist of the central clinical hospital, department of affairs president of the russian federation. good morning, good morning. here, first of all, you need to understand where this overeating begins, why a person cannot stop? we often overeat, and i think that most people at some point in their lives overeat, let's be honest, and often we eat stress, some emotions, experiences, drawing positive energy from food, this is also normal, in principle to gain weight, we must understand that it is enough to overeat literally one sandwich a day, a piece of bread.
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balanced and such that you can adhere to it throughout your life, that is, when following any diet with caloric restriction, the basal metabolism slows down. the only way to keep your basal metabolic rate at the same level is to gradually increase
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physical activity. yeah, if a person follows a diet, it’s strict. then it doesn’t comply, this is the so-called yo-yo effect, that there is a swing, uh-huh, with each subsequent attempt it is much more difficult to lose weight, the brain, our hunger center satiety, remembers the maximum weight and will always strive to return to it, so choose one goal correctly, we all know where we overeat the most, make it a habit, then make a new one...
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and the first thing, that is, it is very important not to let strong feeling of hunger, yes, that is , snacks, snacks, well, healthy food, a great example is carrots, celery, yes, so that, because when we... really want to eat, we are really ready to eat much more, we will eat a lot more, yeah, second moment, try, of course, a huge burden, children, family, and i want from the bottom of my heart, but from somewhere to get these hormones of happiness, dopamine and serotonin, which indeed, eating food, especially sweets, increases the level of these hormones in the blood, therefore, but also physical activity, some kind of hobby increases them , yes? and walks in the fresh air, communication with loved ones, that is, find what is possible, let it be 10 minutes for you, it could be a hot bath, well, everyone knows for themselves what brings the greatest feeling of joy, happiness, yes, that’s all -it wasn’t a frying pan, let’s move on to our advice, we need to learn to relax, or rather
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enjoy life constantly, and not at one point, of course, to find those sources of serotonin and... i don’t know, i can’t do it, you know, in the evening, when everyone is already asleep , i want this as a relaxation, i want to eat something, this relaxes me, i eat celery with the children, for example, my mother sat down, the children are eating cookies, my mother is crying, so she eats celery, well, i eat with them too , but i don’t understand what i ate because they distract me. how old are they? well 9 5 4 yes, it is difficult. in fact, there are a lot of options that relax the body, you just need to find them. for example, there was a very interesting study on how people lost weight by doing yoga, despite the fact that yoga itself is most often not very strenuous,
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yes, it’s difficult to directly say that energy consumption increases many times over, however less, a study was conducted, but it lasted 3 months, a very interesting fact is that people started exercising, the first month they did not lose weight, the second month they did not lose weight, the third month suddenly they began to lose weight sharply, when they analyzed their food diaries, it was simply discovered that after about 2 months of exercise, people’s appetite sharply decreased, that is, this happened primarily due to the fact that exercise began to cause this relaxation response in a person, and the person, well i more or less learned to do it right from him. this outlet appeared to relieve his anxiety, to relieve his depression, he felt emotionally good, he doesn’t have to stick a piece of dry meat in there or a piece of liver in his mouth instead, no you have to wait for a quick effect, that you draw a picture there, for example, some kind of still life, then you will immediately begin to lose weight, but if you start doing this
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regularly, of course after a couple of months you will notice that you have started to eat less, very important , by the way, this is... a story, before as a child i didn’t pay attention to this, now i pay attention to the fact that you need to eat slowly, how important this is, this is very important, and i like this rule of twenty here, that is, we take a piece of food 20 mm in size, chew it 20 times, then 20 times we put the fork down for seconds, and this is guaranteed to lead to a complete feeling of fullness in 20 minutes. and many studies have shown that this measure alone is enough to significantly reduce weight, because as soon as we begin to live, a signal goes... to the stomach, to the intestines, motor skills change, automatically the signal goes to the brain, that eating has begun, the appetite is already decreasing, here
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you go, my friends, i beg you, it has long been known that against this background a person does not control the amount of food he eats, then she eats as if in the background, the brain at this moment is not focused on the process of eating, just if you take a person who is used to reading and eating at the same time, yes, take the book away from her, you just have to sit and eat, what is called consciously, yes, as a result he will eat one and a half times less than he ate before, it’s difficult to add anything here, sergei very correctly characterized this bad habit, its harmful effects, this is very important, and why is this important, doctor, please tell me if we miss eating, the feeling of hunger increases accordingly, and we said that we... eat more, what can save us here is to get into the habit of having water available, this leads to the fact that appetite
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still decreases, because the center of hunger and the center of thirst, they are located nearby, so we drank a glass of water, we sit less, and most often what happens is that we drive home from work, tired, wait until we get in, eat, yes, it is very important that in the bag i had it with me in the car.
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stories of a big country, premieres on friday at rtr. are you bored with your old fence, do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. fence, terrace, conversation! instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need
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may 27 on rtr.
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on friday on rtr. good morning, we continue our conversation about the most important things on the russia tv channel. hello. breast cancer in women is one of the most dangerous cancers in the world. and in terms of prevalence, it is included in the so -called top 5 oncology pathologies. there are cancers every year.
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all screening methods for detection by diagnosing breast cancer in women at the earliest stages, with almost any type of cancer at the first or second stages, it is possible to achieve stable remission and be cured of this dangerous disease. our tv viewer aleftina contacted us, let's find out her story. hello, my name is aleftina. my cousin was diagnosed at the age of fifty. after her death, i began to worry about my health, because we are blood relatives. i go for medical examinations, but i have never
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had a mammogram and never done an ultrasound mammary glands. i know that by some coincidence it turned out that i didn’t do it. i ’ll tell you this, this incident that happened in your family will probably make not only you, but all your close relatives wary, and maybe this will serve as some kind of trigger, some kind of signal for you to undergo a comprehensive medical examination, achieving this by any means. now, indeed, this is included in the mandatory medical examination; every woman
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must do this after a certain age. which? there are methods for early detection of breast cancer, and are there methods for preventing the development of cancer? we will talk about this today with an expert doctor. ekaterina nikolaevna zhumanova, gynecologist, doctor of medical sciences, head of the center for gynecology , reproductive and aesthetic medicine, professional experience, more than 20 years. ekaterina nikolaevna, good morning, good morning, good morning, ekaterina nikolaevna, an egregious case, everyone was talking about it, when one famous actress actually deleted completely breast tissue due to heredity and detection. gene, which is responsible for an increased risk of developing breast cancer, many then decided that this was really the right strategy, but is it so?
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it is impossible to answer 100%, it is clear that the presence of a genetic predisposition to breast cancer, of course, in a person in whom it is detected, increases this probability, well, tens of times, but not 100%, this is firstly, secondly , these are surgical. the operation is also not very good in general intact, so we don’t need to agitate here either for or against, we probably don’t need it, it’s everyone’s personal choice, take a genetic test, get its results, be sure to go to a doctor, oncologist, momologist, in order to discuss all the possible pros and cons risks, and continue to make such radical decisions. ekaterina nikolaevna, who needs to do a genetic analysis for predisposition, for those who have it in the family.
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breast, what should you pay attention to? long-term use let's talk about risk factors for cancer development hormonal drugs? the use of hormonal drugs does not lead to breast cancer, this is the biggest, of course, our phobia, yes, that is, the use of drugs can be potentiated if we have certain risks, and development. subsequently breast cancer, therefore, when prescribing hormonal drugs , a mandatory examination always includes an examination of the mammary gland, consultations with mommologists, with the collection of anamnesis, just with
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a genetic risk assessment about the possibility of prescribing such drugs. and obligatory in order, this is indicated for women who decide on hormone replacement therapy for severe climacteric syndrome. well, trans fats, in principle, are a factor in the development of cancer pathology, so any trans fats, of course, should be used minimally, consumed minimally, or better yet , eliminated completely. of course, these are highly refined oils, especially if certain foods are fried in large quantities of this oil. palm oil contains trans fats, so when you buy certain product, you definitely need to pay attention to the composition to see if it contains those same trans fats that are dangerous to our health. overweight, overweight
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always plays a role, in particular in the occurrence of serious menopausal syndrome, yes, because when you and i have a disturbance in the metabolism of adipose tissue, we know that adipose tissue also synthesizes our... genitals, therefore thus, we hit the target organs , including the mammary gland, and this is comparable to some kind of constant hyperhormonal load, therefore of course, excess weight is always our enemy. reproductive factors, but there really is a certain correlation, if a girl experiences early minarchy, that is, menstruation begins very early, this is always one of the risk factors if the woman does not leave for a long time.
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this is exactly one of those aspects when i say that the internet helps us here; there are quite a lot of visualizations on self-diagnosis of the breast on social networks and streaming platforms. once a month, each woman should choose a specific day and conduct a self-examination breast, how to conduct it, what do we generally look for during self-diagnosis? well, we have exactly the same changes on the screen that need to be paid attention to, because self-diagnosis begins with the woman standing in front of the mirror and, first of all, carefully examining the condition of her breasts, naturally, first of all, this is a change in skin color, for example, or suddenly... some kind of
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asymmetry arises or the breast changes shape, we can see it, and of course we need to pay attention to the presence of discharge from nipples for chest pain, although breast cancer , as a rule, pain syndrome is not characterized by enlarged axillary lymph nodes. there are methods for certain self-palpation of the mammary glands, which allows you to identify certain lumps, which of course need to be urgently consulted with a doctor and may be about... what from what age? we definitely recommend that all women always undergo an ultrasound of the mammary glands, and then, after 40 years, at least once every 2 years we must undergo mammography, and we must remember that if a woman is menstruating, then we do all this in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, just like an ultrasound of the pelvic organs . the fifth and seventh days of the cycle are
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ideal days for research. yuri viktorovich, how are our results? come to us, you're done. what are the results? no pathological changes were identified; predominantly adipose tissue was present. no space-occupying formations were identified, with the exception of old reactive lymph nodes in the left axillary cavity, which may indicate any previous infectious diseases of the jaw or ent organs. who had a history, nothing more, no pathologically changed lymph nodes were identified, exhaled, yes, thank you very much, olive, you can calm down for a year, but then don’t forget to get an ultrasound of the mammary glands and mammography along with medical examination, thank you, yuri viktorovich, ekaterina nikolaevna, thank you very much, doctors, for being with us today, today we talked about such an important topic as early diagnosis of breast cancer , detection of a dangerous disease in
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early stages are the key to successful treatment and a successful outcome. we wish you a good day and a great mood. be healthy. you had a program about the most important things. on tv. the speaker of the state duma in iran will represent russia at the farewell ceremony for risey. for our part, we will do everything to ensure that russian-iranian relations continue in this vein. please pass these on.


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