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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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jellyfish washed up on the shore because of the rain, tourists are not advised to swim with them, jellyfish can leave burns, well, in moscow and central russia, it’s too early to swim, the water temperature in the rivers and lakes is now around p13 and is warm enough for comfortable swimming, it it won't be until the second half of june, so we'll wait, thanks for watching, bye. the russian tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, maria sittal. hello. russian troops completely liberated kleshcheevka in the artyomovsk direction. fights for this village has been under construction since the spring of twenty-three . today in tehran they say goodbye to president risi to all those killed in the plane crash. state duma speaker vyacheslav
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volodin is already in iran, on behalf of russia. three more european countries - norway, iceland, spain - recognized palestine as an independent state. israel responds by threatening consequences and recalling its ambassadors. a group of us congressmen demanded that the pentagon lift the ban on the use of american weapons in russia. about 25 thousand russian children received unique medicine last year. from the circle of good foundation. thousands of tehran residents are at these moments on the streets of the city and in the central square in prayers for the deceased president risi. today is the farewell, and the funeral will take place tomorrow. russia is represented at the funeral ceremony by the chairman of the state duma, vyacheslav volodin. he arrived in the capital of iran on behalf of vladimir.
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racey's death brought me as much pain as my father's death. many people came here to pay tribute to say that our people, that is, the tyrants, experienced a lot, but we will never forget what he did for the country. at the farewell ceremony for president roisii, the entire military-political leadership of iran, the spiritual leaders of the islamic republic, and the military commanders of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh, also arrived in tehran. palestinian independence. the deceased leader of iran and the support of her people in the fight against israel were one of the priorities in foreign policy. representatives of many other friendly states are also expected in tehran today. russian the delegation at the mourning events is headed by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. but who definitely won’t be there are envoys from overseas, but the united states again couldn’t even tactfully remain silent. and the deceased are either well or not at all, unwritten rules of good manners unfamiliar to the american people.
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lack of us leadership. in the meantime , the flags were lowered, it’s a shame, but we would n’t have done that, i want to note that this means we definitely wouldn’t have done that, what they did, new details are emerging about the crash of the presidential helicopter last year sunday. the head of the presidential administration, galam hassein ismaili, who was flying in another helicopter accompanying air force one, said that weather conditions during the flight were favorable and there was only slight cloud cover. the pilot
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of the helicopter, on board of which the president was, as commander, gave us instructions to gain altitude and continue moving above the clouds. the helicopters increased their altitude and after about 30 seconds our pilot realized that... the president's helicopter was missing, our pilot turned around and returned to look for the helicopter, i they said that the helicopter could have crashed because we had no contact for a minute and a half. our helicopter circled several times and was unable to establish radio contact. i don't know what the weather conditions are for a helicopter flight, but from what i saw with my own eyes, the conditions during the flight were normal. if earlier most aviation experts and even officials, albeit informally , considered weather conditions to be the main cause of the disaster, then after the words of the head. will be as scrupulous as possible, to the truth in in any case, they will get there, if it turns out that it is clear that the investigation of this disaster was an assassination attempt, then the answer to it, without
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a doubt, will not be long in coming. alexander bilibov and dmitry cherbakov, lead the middle east. our delegation's trip to iran for the farewell ceremony was discussed at... at the farewell ceremony for the president of iran raisi, you authorized to represent our country, the president of iran, who died in a plane crash, did a lot for the development of
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relations between our countries, the death of president risi is a great loss , before in total, of course, for iran and the iranian people, please convey this.
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on reforming the highest executive body of power, how did this work go? for the first time, with such powers, we participated in the approval of the government, it was obvious
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that strong candidates were proposed, especially for the positions of deputy and chairman of the government, they were all familiar to us, we began to understand our responsibility for the decision being made. in the russian federation after the presidential elections, this is a very important stage in the work of the state duma, so i want you thank you all the deputies, as far as i saw, they were primarily guided by national interests, tasks, they supported people not for some group
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reasons or even party ones, but for personal and business qualities, this is very important, thank you very much, with words of sympathy and support for relatives relatives of the deceased iranian president began today. served his people, made a significant contribution to strengthening friendly relations between russia and iran, we are shocked by this tragic news, we convey our sincere words we wish the iranian people courage and fortitude. during the plenary session he spoke to the senators. ireland, norway and
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spain recognize palestine as an independent state. the leaders of three european countries announced their decision today. this will officially happen on may 28th. according to dublin, donkey and madrid, palestine has a fundamental right to its own state, just like israel, and this is the only real path to peace. israel called the intentions of ireland, norway and spain an attempt to undermine sovereignty and a threat to the country's security. the head of the palestinian national authority, mahmoud abbas, and representatives of the hamas movement welcomed the decision of the three european countries and called on other states to follow their example. recognition of palestine is required not only by international law, but also by international law. that is, these are the words from the commentary of the turkish foreign ministry. i would like to note that the independence of palestine was previously
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recognized by 146 of the 193 un member states, including our country. moscow went for this step back in eighty-eight. russia, being the legal successor of the ussr, maintains a transparent and consistent position on this issue and advocates a settlement between palestine and israel based on the two- state principle. the press secretary announced this today. president dmitry peskov. to other topics. the water level in the irtysh river near the tyumen city of tobolsk rose again within a day and now exceeds 7 m. due to the river flood, dozens of houses fell into the flood zone. there are about 300 of them in the region, but there are more flooded household plots in several times, more than 3,000. in the waters of the zhigansky district of yakutia , constant monitoring of the environmental situation is currently underway. the day before there. during the ice drift on the leni river, two ships sank. according to experts,
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no oil spills have been observed. now workers are pumping out the remaining fuel from the ships. but this is footage from the khantamansi autonomous okrug. winter has returned to several cities in ugra today. a white blanket of snow covered the streets of sovetsky, yugorsk and nyagan. the air temperature there approached zero. there were those companies that met russian standards, the criteria for small
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medium-sized enterprises, and of course, it was important to provide them with all the support tools that are available in the russian federation in any region. if we talk about financial instruments, there are several of them, this is the preferential lending program of the ministry of economic development, entrepreneurs from new regions can attract mutual money at 10% while simultaneously covering guarantees from the corporation. while communicating with entrepreneurs, we received a large request for information and... explaining the legal aspects of doing business there from registration to receiving support measures, for this we have created a special section on the msprf digital platform, a separate area is supporting smes in border regions. more than 145 billion rubles. was allocated last year to the circle of good foundation for the purchase of medicines and equipment to provide medical care to seriously ill children. this was announced today by the chairman of the board of the protea foundation, alexander tkachenko. he emphasized that support for children. life-threatening chronic and rare diseases is constantly expanding. the fund was created by
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decision of the president 3 years ago; assistance to seriously ill children became possible thanks to additional tax deductions. in order for the fund to operate , changes were made to tax legislation, which established an additional tax of 2% for people with incomes above 5 million rubles. it practically amounted to. people's budget. i want to say that this is probably the best example of how the introduction of such a progressive tax scale could decide. a colossal social problem, this is the news, here are the topics next, the village of klishcheevka is under the complete control of the russian army, washington is working behind the scenes to undermine brix and the results of the first stage of the competition for the best young composers of russia have been summed up, more about this not only in a few minutes,
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you are definitely doing well , simple and... you never usually stay late, the premiere is on rtr, you’ll leave me without a morning kiss, i have a husband, a job, stability, i’m not happy, and you just brazenly put it in your schedule travel, happiness, good luck, anna taratorkina, who are you, how did you get here, this is my number, dmitry miller.
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rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. we invite you to swissotel sharmel sheikh. the world's first swissotel, operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever.
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swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic del hatch golf bellet is the best choice. for an unforgettable vacation, you are a nanny, how could you bring a stranger into the house, well, first of all, not a stranger, my husband, look, sets some example for your son, my son, kostya, he is always immersed in his phone, you just need to choose the right book, what a strange place for a date, i immediately said on the site that i was looking for a serious
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relationship, i understood where, history of a big country, premiered on friday on rtr. fox, i thought, i thought, i realized that i was not ready to break anything in my life. dad, he left me. oh, that's good. i don't have a swimsuit. you'll build it. can i hug you? well, who is he? human? well, let's meet the person? i love him, you know? yes you are i just have a stupid girl, but some kind of
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love? he will leave you at the first opportunity, as soon as he gets tired of you, i beg you, please! well, stop it, don’t touch me, leave me alone, what are you doing, and gerochka, hug me, please, feel me, can i hug you, on saturday, we continue to do this, the village of kleshcheevka in the donetsk republic went under complete control of the russian military, about the liberation of this village, which is located... south of artyomovsk, an hour ago reported to the ministry of defense. according to the department, fighters of the south group in this direction destroyed 365 militants, the total losses of the ukrainian armed forces over the past day are almost one and a half.
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they fired with grenades and tried to knock it out with a drone, but the crew skillfully avoided the attacks, and in the end, with the support of the infantry, they managed to occupy another stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. in the southern donetsk direction, ground units are covered by effective osa anti-aircraft systems. they are capable of detecting and destroying even small enemy reconnaissance drones. from the front line reporting military correspondent eduard punigov. the ukrainian armed forces unit endures the melting blows of this combat vehicle extremely painfully. the asa anti-aircraft missile system covers our infantry, artillery and armored vehicles. this is one of the most
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common air defense systems on the front line. it is extremely difficult to fly past it unnoticed, and even more so to dodge missiles. the asa anti-aircraft missile system is capable of hitting targets at a distance of about 10 km at an altitude of about 5 km. the vehicle, as a rule, is located in close proximity to the line of combat contact, providing air cover p... this crew has just returned from the front line, the anti-aircraft gunners are carrying out maintenance, reloading ammunition, so that they can soon leave for the front line again. combat missions are crewed 24x7. the osa complex can destroy six missiles at the same time, but as a rule , crews use only two; more is not needed, because near the line of combat resistance it is necessary to launch as quickly as possible and immediately leave the danger zone so as not to receive a retaliatory strike. wasp'. development of soviet engineers, specifically this machine is already more than 40 years old, despite such a respectable age, the technology still shows its effectiveness, for example, recently a crew was shot down at night by a drone, took at
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a distance of eight, hit at a distance of 2 km, which i experienced at this moment, when you were successful, proud for the crew, they did a good job, pride in the car, the commander of this crew has been serving in the army under a contract since 2018, he came here from the first days. special operation and never regretted his decision, although he admits that, of course, he misses his family. at home, who is waiting, maybe a wife, children, yes, a wife, exactly as they were released, it’s normal, i’m a military man, i knew who i was marrying, why did you decide to sign the contract? protection, a shield for people, the anti-aircraft gunners of the eastern group counted hundreds of downed targets, the soldiers have long stopped counting the targets hit, there was once too many.
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the united states demanded that the head of the pentagon allow kiev to use american weapons to strike russia. a group of congressmen led by the head of the house intelligence committee sent loyd. according to congressmen, the biden administration, with its restrictions, is constraining the actions of the armed forces of ukraine; politicians are calling for kiev to be allowed to use weapons supplied from
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the united states to strike strategic targets inside russian territory, under so-called certain circumstances. it was a quote. let me remind you that moscow has repeatedly noted that supplies of western weapons to kiev impede the settlement process and directly involve nato countries in the conflict. the united states doesn't like anything that is beyond its control, so washington is working behind the scenes to undermine brix. this was stated by the deputy head of our foreign ministry, sergei rebkov. today he took part in the opening of the academic community. at the same time, according to ribkov, in the context of western sanctions, brix continues to strengthen the role of member states in the international monetary system.
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the current situation in the global economy is generating waves of instability, provoking new crises, and delaying the prospect of achieving sustainable development goals. and now footage from the american the state of iowa, which was seriously damaged by a tornado, a powerful whirlwind razed entire cities to the ground, houses were smashed into pieces, everywhere, ruins, pieces of trees, mangled cars, numerous victims were reported for sure. the tornado even broke wind turbines, which were designed and built with possible tornadoes in mind. the results of the first stage of the all-russian score competition for young composers were summed up at the central house of writers. its main task is to discover new names in academic classical music, as well as support talented people in
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age. up to 35 years old, this year the organizing committee received a record thousand applications from 80 regions of russia and neighboring countries . today, an expert group has selected the authors of the five best works in each of the eight categories, and they will compete for victory in the competition this fall. i see how infected they are, how their eyes burn. for them, a competition is not a competition, it is an opportunity to show themselves. this. this is very cool, because a performing competition, for example, is a serious competition, has been for a long time, it’s a sport, i would say this, a creative competition, a purely creative competition, this is a show of oneself, this, this , by the way, amazed me in the attitude of young people towards the competition, the federal part of the broadcast is over, we have
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regional news ahead, we have arrived in chelyabinsk. new railway cars, including double-deckers, and this is the first time in the southern urals. ksenia sell contacts us. ksenia, tell us what are the main advantages of these new cars? hello, maria, of course, the main thing is the comfort of passengers. in the bedrooms in carriages, the width of the bed has increased from 60 to 90 cm. each compartment now has a sink and an electronic display. you can while away the journey, for example, by watching a movie; there is also a safe for storing valuables. another important detail: each compartment is locked with a key and card. for passengers with limited mobility, a lift is installed in double-decker carriages; this is a domestic development. the first train with such a composition will depart from chelyabinsk to moscow. thank you, ksenia, good news for you. and now we will be transported to astrakhan, on the air of state television and radio broadcasting company lotus. in a studio
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marina melnikova. marina. a rescue ship was launched in astrokhan, tell me, it is already the seventh in this class, what is its advantage? hello, maria, the vessels will be used to assist emergency ships and rescue personnel, as well as to extinguish fires on emergency ships and coastal structures. divers, from it , will be able to dive to depths of up to 60 m. in addition, the vessel can perform tasks of collecting oil products from the surface of the sea, as well. conduct search and survey work, built a ship commissioned by the russian ministry of defense. thank you, marina, good broadcast to you, colleagues, and we continue to move on as residents of moscow and the moscow region.
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antitandem figured it out. 3,000 violators of the rules for riding sims, as a new program makes it impossible for two people to ride on one scooter. in the capital, in the capital, they found a warehouse with wristwatches, which were passed off as goods of unknown brands, where they sold this counterfeit luxury. in lionozovo, hundreds of people run across the rails between trains. new safe passage under tracks were built, but many people do not want to use them. why? in losiny ostrov national park. violations of the rules for driving sims were revealed in a week by new computer programs of the capital's rental service. we are talking about those cases when one scooter is used by two people at once. using the laws of physics, the algorithm makes the impossible dangerous. trip.


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