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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  May 22, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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well, thank you, it wouldn’t have occurred to me that it could be optimized like that, no problem, please contact me if anything happens, in any way i can, definitely, by the way, i offended your waitress here, i misrepresented it, i’m sorry, please pass it on as an apology, okay , bye-bye. oh, pasha, are you serious, or something, because of this nonsense, i just talked to the chef there, i gave him a couple of practical tips , everything, and i’ve never seen you like this. well
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, please forgive me, well, sometimes people lose their temper, well, i understand, but not out of nowhere place, well, this is professional, you know, when i see such mistakes in public catering, i can’t pass by, listen, ol, ol, i’ve been in the restaurant business for 30 years, i started as a waiter, you know, i know this whole kitchen from the inside , this is my life, when i see mistakes like this, well, i’m offended, i want to help, but i’ve already apologized to the girl, i’ve already booked a room for us here, well , i’m sorry, i have no appetite. what's the matter, ol? i want to return to moscow right now, i went to yaroslavl with this vadim, eavesdropping, it’s not good. you don't need it
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there’s no need to take pictures, well, there’s no need to take pictures, i say, why did you all suddenly stumble, maybe you can explain why? well, that’s the point, not a single argument, and by the way, it’s cool. vadim, this is grandma musya. i hope you remember our agreement. hello, vera vladimirovna, of course, i remember. you don't have to worry, i won't tell her anything.
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mom, hi, how was your trip, i had a good trip, how are you? i went, what news should i start with, good, bad, let’s go with good, i found nina, she lives in yaroslavl, she’s bad then, she doesn’t want to come back to dad, you don’t seem surprised, you know, if i believed in mysticism, i would think that dad and i were under some kind of spell, honestly, you should go see him now, yeah, of course i would say hello to him, but i'm afraid... he
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doesn't need him, okay, run, it's starting to rain, come on! hello, hello, it’s okay, i’m with my keys, i need to pick up some things, actually, this is my apartment too, i ’m paying the mortgage for it for a second, so you’ll be silent, but what do you want to hear from me? yes, this is also your apartment, you also have right. to live, actually, i came here not only
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to collect my things, but i was hoping to see you and talk, i have a flight in 3 hours, sorry never, flight, right? i'm flying to portugal, with whom, it matters, i'm staying for a long time, so live here, the apartment is available.
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hi, how did it go? “i thought you didn’t want to see me anymore, sasha and mina broke up, i sympathize, you came to tell me this, i just realized that i don’t want
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to repeat sashka’s mistake, yours, i understand, at our age, well, it’s very difficult for someone meet and it’s even more difficult to get used to it later. to a stranger, your offer is still valid, ashka, forgive me, please,
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i jammed again, but no, here it is. mikhail vartanovich asked me to give it to you. in terms of? where is he himself? the owner left for a long time. sorry, but i was ordered not to let anyone out in his absence. nobody, is it me? he asked me to tell you.
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tomorrow, you will forgive me, you turned out to be braver than me and more honest, i confessed
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my love for you, you sent me, we have been connected for a long time not only by a child, if you could rewind everything back, you don’t understand, what? there is light in the window, we are watching the final episodes tomorrow on rtr. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinanbele. where life turns into a fairy tale. rixas premium segate.
11:41 pm
family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in the world unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium siegate. vladimir putin today visited the technological sovereignty exhibition, dedicated to the main activities and projects of the agency for strategic initiatives.
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if we continue to expand opportunities for our research and production teams. for engineering, entrepreneurial, creative teams, for volunteers and representatives of non-profit organizations, the non-profit sector, i think you yourself understand this, the more effective we are, the more difficult it will be for our ill-intentioned something is limiting us in some way, on the contrary, if effective solutions are offered, they will be taken regardless of any restrictions, 100%, the market will arrange everything, but of course we have to fight for the market, for information, in general it seems to me that
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the market needs to be fought, when i was preparing for the broadcast today, a lot of scattered information appears, so much and so much information noise that we begin to miss some lines, but look, completely unexpectedly, suddenly the veil falls from our eyes, all that we were told. turns out, politely speaking, it does not correspond to reality, such a skeleton emerges, but we were told that americans are just like this, just like our fathers, an american is just like americans, they are like oh, don’t put your finger in your mouth, as our friends would say pique vests, then you look and suddenly it becomes clear that not only are they lying brutes. if we are talking about political exhaustion, they are also stupid. well, look, a tragedy is undeniably happening, prominent figures
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of iranian statehood are dying, a sea of ​​people in tehran, the farewell ceremony for the deceased president resi, his comrades-in-arms, well, a sea of ​​​​people, just look, well , you and i cannot understand the attitude of people towards resi, because well, russia is in a different information flow and... and we, well let’s speak objectively, we don’t know well what ’s happening in iran, what iran is like, there are several specialists who understand this, but we don’t know broadly, we lived for a long time in such an american propaganda capsule, which, well, the facts, well, what can i say dressed, well, of course, well, obscurantists, suddenly the truth gradually begins to emerge, here is an iranian-american professor, seid... your reaction is the death
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of the president of iran? obviously everyone i know is grieving, he was a very popular figure, he was a very humble man, not at all like the description you gave, he worked very hard for the disadvantaged working class. he traveled from city to city, from village to village, he constantly visited various provinces, which is why he was so popular among iranians. especially, as i said, among the disenfranchised middle class, below middle class. obviously, what you are saying is inaccurate, to say the least. i would say that the butchers are in london, washington, the people who destroyed iraq, afghanistan, yemen, during the shameful genocide there, the dirty wars in syria, the destruction of
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libya, sanctions against venezuela and cuba. i think it's real. said strongly, a minute of silence at the un, everyone stood up, everyone stood up at the un, this is a council meeting, as i understand it, at the proposal of a number of countries, including us and the chinese a minute of silence passes, the americans do not understand what to do, but they stand up. after this, a question is asked to a certain blinkin, hearings in the senate. the state department released a statement expressing condolences over rice's death. but mr. secretary, isn't the world a better place now that racey is dead? given the terrible acts he was involved in both as a judge and as president, and that he can no longer be
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involved in them, then yes, the iranian people are probably better off, but in your statement you are talking about they didn't say that, right? i think we talked about this. today the un flag was lowered to half-mast as a sign of mourning. you agree that it is a complete disgrace for the un to mourn the death of the tehran butcher. we, of course, do not mourn his death, as i said. do you agree that this is disgraceful for the un? i 'll see what they did. we definitely wouldn't do that. what they did was lower the flag. it's a shame. we wouldn't do that.
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and yes, this is normal, before our eyes , an american pig in uniform is arguing that no matter how many civilians die, we but he says they killed and dropped nuclear bombs, it is important that it was quickly politically expedient, and these people still have the audacity to talk about something, moreover, their fear comes through, that’s what linzdi graham says, explaining the hearing on the budget in
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the us department of state, why it is necessary to conduct sanctions against musa. i hope that together we can find a way to express our dissatisfaction with the muus, because if this is what they do to israel, then we are next. this group tried to attack our soldiers. yes, you can clap all you want, they tried to attack our soldiers in afghanistan, but reason prevailed. so at the end of the day, i hope this happens and we impose sanctions on muus for this outrage, to not only help our friends in israel, but to protect ourselves over time. mr. minister, your statement yesterday was...
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recognized by a number of countries, netanyahu, well, he just has a nervous breakdown on this topic, and he just screams, that is, what are you doing, what are you allowing yourself, the intention of a number of european countries to recognize a palestinian state is a reward for terrorism. 80% of palestinians in judea and samaria support the terrible massacre of october 7th, the country cannot be given over to this evil, it will be... a state that is trying to repeat the massacre of october 7th, we will not agree to this, rewards for terrorism will not bring peace and will not prevent us from defeating hamas. they take it and admit it, there the scandinavians, the irish, they take it and admit it, donbass
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has been fighting alone for 10 years, 10 years, eight already, they haven’t committed a single terrorist attack, they haven’t killed civilians in ukraine. they did not invade someone else's land, they did not commit the most terrible terrorist attack, they did not cut off the heads of women, did not rape children, did not take hostages, they were killed, they were taken hostage, their women were raped by ukrainian nazis, and 8 years, 15 thousand killed russian people, no one recognized them except us after 8 years .
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the terrorist attack on the seventh, after which the no less disgusting actions of the israeli military, when they killed tens of thousands of palestinian civilians, then the world shuddered and said: no, we must recognize the state of palestine, and 15 thousand killed russians, these people also take and confiscate our money, our money taxpayers, let me remind you, this is... our money, while europe is supposedly not at war with us, then on what basis do they confiscate our funds? this is an act of war, and
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if it is an act of war, then the masks are dropped, then not a single fat-assed european bastard should feel cozy and comfortable, by the way, there is no need to use democrats in relation to these high-ranking scumbags. theocratic democracy, where the people directly elect the president, secular power, russia is a democracy, where the people directly elect president, there is no such thing in britain, there is no such thing in germany, france is a colonial state, which is now showing its bestial ascal, mocking the unfortunate people...
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no need to wait 10, 15, 20, 30 years, everything passes literally within a year - two, including because of the events that we are now seeing happening in ukraine in israel, and i want to say a few words in continuation of your topic about the british, today the british minister of defense gave a keynote speech, and the city of sheps, yes or crazy sheps, whatever his name is they call it so-so tipok, in 4 years he managed to be a minister five times, he became a defense minister five times in 4 years, i don’t even know in which... country in which government these portfolios changed so quickly, which apparently speaks of those just ugly phenomena that are currently going on among the conservatives, who , by the way, today announced early
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elections, where should he go, they lost everywhere and in everything, they even lost to the liberal democrats in municipal representative bodies of government, while let me remind you that the liberal democrats have 15 seats in parliament, the conservatives have 345, and the ushiborists took 10 out of 11 seats, well, bauxite. and not the enemy, he also made an interesting statement that we have moved from the post-war era to the war era, although it must be said that the whole
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story. somehow, before these events, we somehow delved into the problems and questions that existed, there is a conflict between jews and arabs, well , it seemed to be believed that it existed all the time, but at the origins of the root cause of this conflict are the british, namely they were entrusted after the first world war and a mandate was given, they had to achieve, as promised, an arab state of self-government, in the seventeenth year, foreign minister balfre wrote
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a letter to one of the leaders: in palestine, they say: no, stop, good, that means the jews came here, and now 75,000 in 5 years, no more than 25 a year, we forbid jews to buy land, and after 10 years they successfully got out of there, that’s what they gave birth to in those 20 years, led to the fact that we are now we observe, netanyaho declares this there will be a terrorist state, let's see who is at the head of the current israeli government, here is the well-known minister
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of national security, bengvird. they have already spoken about him several times, who today climbed the temple mount as a symbol to declare that we will never recognize the recognition of the palestinian state by a number of countries, he also says so directly word for word, and one more thing, we will go in raffah to end. bengvir was convicted in court in 2007 of anti-arab racism. at ninety'. states, europe and israel. in in the year ninety-five, i gave an example, he became known to the public, which means he showed the cadillac emblem, torn off from the car, killed there two or three weeks later and said: “we got to the car, we ’ll get to you.” after some time
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he was killed. and until recently, before the parliamentary elections, in his main office in his office there hung a huge portrait of a certain barach goldstein, known for the fact that in ninety years he committed one of such high-profile terrorist acts, he was an american-born doctor killed, in my opinion, 29 palestinians and wounded 150, for 30 years he hung behind his back, so i want to say. who is the terrorist in power at the moment? in general, in the israeli press, bengwer is not called anything other than a fascist by the nazis, they are now completely discrediting the entire jewish idea, the jewish idea, it is surprising how, in fact, the israeli people still react calmly this way, because what will happen in the future is generally difficult to predict, but that’s all it comes from the british, and now they teach everyone, i recently gave as an example, even
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in modern times, when the mauritius succeeded... independence, the british, they, therefore, took away the chagos archipelago island, i forgot the name of the island of dis, somehow rodriguez, where together with the americans they founded a naval base, the americans they were told, we will rent you on the condition that you evict all the people living there, they gathered 400 there , about 3-400 aborigines, took them all out and scattered them all over africa, here you go, the british, even in 2000. the english court recognized that in general it is necessary give independence to this chagaus archipelago, look how cynically the british said: we are for sovereignty, and we will give it to you, but after we ourselves abandon it, here is their whole policy, and double standards, and cynicism, lying, of course, they now they are freaking out, nervous and making statements that the whole world is now calmly watching, not over the course of twenty, thirty, forty years, but over the course
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of a year, two, three. that is, this lie is exposed to everyone, it becomes clear to them who is behind all this it’s worth it, today very interesting information came, that the weather was normal, there was no... fog, well, there were clouds, i heard something for the first time that the helicopter crashed after colliding with a cloud, but we, this means that after i gave the information, when the french joked, it was fun, referring to hamas, that the pilot was an israeli agent of the helicopter, it is clear that this is an allusion to the helicopter, and israeli citizen sobchak is happy, by the way, without experiencing any.
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and if you are an israeli citizen, why do you now you are not with your people, the passport you took is not with your state, why are you not there, why don’t you wipe away the tears of the israeli soldiers under the blood, what have you forgotten here? a good idea was submitted for a legislative initiative regarding the ownership of people with dual citizenship, the media, we need to figure it out, but they own, you know, a proxy of ownership through a gasket, but still understand that this is me, of course, the beneficiary, who is, who? let's wait for the official investigation, but these
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apparently in an american helicopter, well, stuffing is always not accidental, at least the weather is now obviously no longer a risk factor. dmitry, well, in general, this is a feature of today’s information situation. that many jokes, memes, photoshopped, then it turns out that these are not memes and not jokes and not photoshopped, but these are hints, or a cover-up operation, or a cover-up operation, nevertheless, the amount of turbidity in connection with the helicopter crash, of course, narrows the field for speculation about the natural causes of this disaster, but i... about this i won’t say, indeed, vladimir rudolfovich very correctly began with the question of the peacelessness of the world in relation to the killings of people in the donbass, and i would like to remind you
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that around the same time, but 10 years ago, in these may days on the twentieth, the first such real battles began in the donbass, around the twenties. numbers, and indeed, now, taking into account after knowledge, it was clear that a very big story was being kindled, and it was kindled in many ways, naturally, and in many ways artificially, but this did not particularly affect anyone was interested, everyone was interested in the fin pie section in kiev at that time, because...
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the americans are trying to stop themselves from sliding into a war with russia, now they are coming up with all sorts of ways to avoid doing this, but the europeans... yes... they are not trying to think about it , and we must understand that sooner or later, not immediately, but in a historically short time, as one politician said, the european locomotive will fly into a direct big war with russia, we must start preparing for this direct big war with eurofascism now, here to a question:
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street, some in moscow, some in other cities, well, let's remember, we all went through it , we understand that the patient exists only to... rob him, this is in moscow, on my volgina street, this is on ligovka, in leningrad, this is in sverdlovsk, this is a single rule, so why are we playing the role of terpris, whose wallet can be taken away with impunity. and this patient will wipe himself out, it
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’s us who provoke them with our so much inability to stop them by force, but we explain to them that it’s been a year, that we won’t do anything to do in response to them, to their actions, well , why are we offended by them, well, yes, they fucked us, they’ll fuck us again, but what are we... they’ve already taken your wallet, or rather, you
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took it and gave it to them , this is now their wallet, not yours, well, i’ll still say one thing about iran, but i watched blinken, i have two reactions, well, or rather three, the first thing is still. what an idiot he is, and sometimes , well, this is such a completely natural, well, i would say, almost a biological reaction towards blinkin, yes, uh, such, you know, an unconditioned reflex, yes, but still it’s necessary be able to remain silent in some places, yes, but if you kept silent, you wouldn’t come, you would get sick, you would buy a certificate at the clinic, yes, but you don’t need to go to the senate hearing now. yes, but nevertheless, but i will say two things, but
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these are the people, exactly with the same president of russia, exactly with the same minister of foreign affairs who died with him, exactly less than a month ago they were negotiating about returning to nuclear deal, were negotiating scalations, these are these people, these... blinken and his state department colleagues were negotiating with a man whom they obviously considered a butcher, oh, how interesting, really, and we all understand, including supporters of the fact that...
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they are completely split, obviously, that blinken is not exactly acting like that himself, and part of this deep state . because the actions are very different, but both parts of this deep state understand one very simple thing, that everything,
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american hegemony is over by default, there is no more soft power, maybe... the prospect of absolutely unpredictable behavior of the united states is becoming real, we are not we can assume with a high degree of probability that they will throw out the following, advertising.
12:13 am
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listen, watch on the media platform, watch, the first podcasts, which... we watch, he is the culprit of the accident, the person was injured , they will judge him, you want to ruin a child’s life, i warned him, you need him for something, yes, health, a nurse for the director of the plant, that’s so cool, leave everyone, i don’t want to see anyone, as i understand it, he has not at all simple character, right? i want to try to sit up, you promised to help me, it seems to me that in his soul he is a completely different person, margot, listen, you can make sure he doesn’t yell, but i suggest getting rid of him, how to get rid of him, kill him or something, he was abandoned like a dog on the street, that’s how long it takes, that’s how long i’ll
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work with him, i always want to be with you on sundays on... rtr: there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. conquer! the order is ready! explore! nature, mother, dear, just incredible beauty! you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is. here, here! millions of moped drivers, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing. this world is worth seeing. snake charmers are the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly
12:17 am
made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on sunday on rtr. this is it. what is this? this is the ticket to hell. premiere on rtr. you put two strangers in the same room, you’ve never seen the sunrise on the beach, settle down, look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness, like your romance, you were following me, i’m filing for divorce, a melody for yours from may 27 on rtr, arkaevich, thank you. this means that with regard to the recognition of the palestinian state, these countries, ireland, spain, which means ireland, yes, with these
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three countries, 146 countries have already recognized the palestinian state, and many have diplomatic relations as with the state, and not as with the palestinian national autonomy, and 193 countries uh, means members of the un, but the point is that you can recognize 192 countries, but recognize them. the united states and a full-blooded member of the world community, the palestinian state will not be why because the security council is needed , where naturally the americans will always mean veto yes to the last correct word, the last time when algeria led the question of recognizing a palestinian state was put on the agenda of the security council , even england and france abstained and the united states vetoed when the un general assembly means 143 votes.
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who lived before the creation of the state of israel, and now imagine how much it will take for not only the immigrants, settlers on the west bank and the jordan river or the east
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urcel to leave, but the bulk there are those who arrived much later, you can imagine that this will happen, and in this regard, not to mention that yes, that’s right, 80% say that they support, but it’s not only hamas, hamas 2.3 months ago, i said last time over 60% supported, against 18 small percent before the start, which means... the conflict, the rest support the palestinian islamic, popular front from palestine and a number of other marsist groups, which in fact are now consolidating among themselves, but now it means mahmoud abbas recently appointed a new prime minister -the palestinian minister, well, i don’t know , the state doesn’t consider him, he is considered the president, the man will be 89 years old in november, but now the question of replacing him will also arise, but he appointed mahmoud mustafa from fatah, without coordinating this with anyone, now and palestinian islamic jihad, and hamas. and the left, these marxist groups, which also include the palestinians , were indignant, that is, they are consolidating, in other words, if tomorrow someone decides
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to hold some kind of elections in a palestinian state, they will win. that’s it, it will be radicalism, hamas, and well, conditionally - well, let’s put it this way, hamas, palestinian islam and so on, well, the main ones, of course, hamas, yes, which has acquired enormous authority, yes, that is, radicalization is taking place not only in israel, but it goes into palestinian, and what to do, it means war, war, war, yes, and indeed, in this case, the palestinian state will be able to create a fairly decent army, and now the jews and the palestinians have the same slogan of the state. of course , there are others, but radical views prevail in both places, that is, this is a war with all the ensuing, meaning consequences, with this, let’s ask a question, because in the middle east the situation has changed dramatically, why are the americans now trying to... then flirt with iran by negotiating through oman, here and there, this and that, yes, because
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they really don’t know how to behave, tell me, well... the united states could start a war against iran, 10 years ago, if not more, it was calculated , in order to occupy iran, yes, you need from 500,000 to 1 million troops, concentrate them, where they will concentrate them, on what bridgehead, who will represent them, even those persian countries for the territory where the us armed forces are located, they openly tell us this is not necessary, because they are full of this war, they are afraid of this war, not to mention that if you fantasize, if god forbid this happens, listen, but after afghanistan and especially after iraq, guerrilla warfare. previously guaranteed, i will even say that they are preparing everything for this, they have a base that numbers either 9 or 10 million people, of which there are up to 200,000 people who are specially trained to fight a guerrilla war, in the states they know this, there, there, not only this thunder or whatever, he’s a narrow-minded person, chatting, the devil knows what, so on, there’s colonel smith there, another john who writes, it’s impossible, we’ll just lose, we’ll suffer serious losses, you look, iran over the
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years has created these proxies that we talked about, let’s imagine that these proxies didn’t exist. would it be such a difficult situation for israel of course not, look, we are talking about hamas and in sektorgaz, we are already accustomed to the fact that on the northern border of lebanon with lebanon in israel no one pays any attention at all, there is a constant war going on there, shelling, shelling, shelling and so on, yes, and israel is forced to keep half of its special forces, more than half of the entire army, a significant part of the air force, because hezbollah is much more serious than hamas, and... speaking of the fact that it is a sarala, it again strikes and strikes in such a normal mode and it is useless to tell everyone , when the americans are like, they personally don’t like american drones very much, they shoot down something and shoot it down one after another, i once again propose to let the ansarala delegation into the crimea, which means that they shoot down with our old missiles, this is an excused missile system с200 vega
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- this is what the soviet union once installed, you can imagine, they are accomplishing something there, they shoot down these drones, which should not be shot down at all, as it seems to the americans, but they shoot down again today, which means strikes were carried out simultaneously on haifa, on the northern dutch heights and at the same time in elat, only the blocking of ilat 3 months ago israel lost 22 billion dollars, you can imagine what it generally lost during these times, its rating was lowered twice, yes, that is, the situation is different, has completely arrived, the americans understand this, they are forced... to play tricks, they can insult in the us congress, which means the deceased, which means the president of iran, there is something else, but they cannot ignore it, this is the paradox of the modern situation in in the middle east, that shiite iran, which is shiites in the world 10 at most 15%, that's all, if you put them all together, they are quite different, from allawites to twelve-decades and so on, has become the dominant force not only in the middle east, throughout
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the muslim world, it has proven itself... having significantly less economic potential, the war is incomparably smaller, because what is iran’s military doctrine based on? drones, missiles means as of the last lesson, unfortunately, they have piloted aircraft, they have it weaker than others, hypersound has already appeared, well, this is hypersound, i ’m talking about missiles, which means this means a very interesting factor, but they managed to do it in no time two decades to create a situation in which the united states, its main soviet israel, was... in a dead end, now excuse me, just like since interesting news has arrived: erdogan, while the western powers support netanyahu, it is impossible to stop the massacre in palestine, i openly say that our world will face new conflicts if zionist expansionism in gaza continues. erdogan, poor man, who said 100 times, hamas, this says, we, we, we, hamas, hamas, we, we, we,
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israel say, no, this is iran. erdogan says: no, no, it’s us, we, we, we, he says, bibi netaneho said, support hamas, give money to hamas, then the organization of palestinian liberation will be bad, europeans, come on. so i’m quoting you, yes, like the palestinian islamic jihad - this too, these are muslim brothers, they came from there, and the pro-development party in turkey, the ruling artagan party, are muslim brothers, yes, i ’ll tell you more about this, like this, maybe someone didn’t
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pay attention, always in istanbul, almost every year there is a certain conference of a certain structure, i won’t name it, which unites to take muslims, only in istanbul, then blinken says, don’t listen to erdogan, this is a country , he is wrong, this is iran, this is definitely iran.
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the second round is a normal phenomenon for them, yes, it determines who should be in parliament, who will be the minister, and there are very wise people sitting there who say: this approach is not suitable, so there will be elections in iran, they will choose the right one, it means to be there, yes, but iran cannot abandon the strategy that it has chosen in the middle east, a lot of money, resources and the authorities of iran spent on this, yes, i’m finishing it, it means that when they talk, for example, about that iran, when the raid took place, that means, without... pilots, well, this is a well-known thing, by the way, now in the israeli press there are a lot of reproaches against the americans, that it turns out that the americans, for the sector they were responsible for, intercepted only 25% of the missiles, the rest flew, yes, but you you know,
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when he says, let zelensky succeed, as usual, everything is shot down, what damage has been achieved, it means that at the airbase one, the other, at the nuclear center there is a non-hephemon, you know all this, it turns pale when this shooting, which, when it’s night. .. iranian drones over they fly over the temple mountain, you know, it ’s worth more than getting hit, which means at the base, this is a fantastic thing that in the middle east many people perceive the eastern mentality, it won’t let you collect it, there is a tendency towards some such things, symbolic, yes , it turns out that a little less than one and a half years later, the iranians are again in jerusalem. but apparently , over time
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, jews were least likely to be in jerusalem, well, at least the statehood of jerusalem was least of all under the jewish state, well, how many centuries did the ottomans rule in jerusalem? well how much centuries, about 400 years, it turns out, well, what am i saying, that is, so later. the romans, the babylonians, so if we take a historical basis, then a lot of empires will line up shouting: let me steer, well, yes, this is such a very difficult moment, a really difficult moment, and such a very difficult one, but if we take a religious basis , then there are different religious texts, and not everything is so simple, not everything is unambiguous, karen gerrivich. you once very beautifully said at the beginning that we were both in an ideological and propaganda american capsule, yes, yes, but it should
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be added that we ourselves came there, of our own free will, then we were there with pleasure for some time, i remember: roman, a wonderful novel by hemengue, there are such words there , if you hear the bell the bell, don’t ask for whom it rings, it rings for you, that’s all of us. listened to the bell ringing, and thought that it was ringing for someone else, so it was ringing for us, now we are fully observing this, i think that - the united states occupies a modern in the world the same place as the ancient roman empire occupied in the ancient world, and the ancient roman empire claimed to own the whole world. but at that time
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the whole world was in their understanding, well, the united states lays claim to ownership of the whole world. history shows that they will not stop on their own, it’s just impossible, they, this, they cannot sign their own death warrant, any empire of this scale cannot accept the fact that somewhere someone does not agree with it opinion.
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they continue to rule this world in many ways and everyone listens to them one way or another, in general they do what they want, they still do what they want, well, yes, not counting us, we are like, we are like spartacus of the ancient world, we rebelled against this world, but we were never their slaves, so we weren’t slaves after all, but it’s difficult for us to find. also was not essentially a slave, he was a gladiator, so let’s put it another way, the gladiators rebelled, by the way, he was never a slave, he was immediately a gladiator, so to speak, so to speak, here, well, what am i saying, to besides that one should not delude oneself, that is, i have often said that i am sure that any empire of this scale. she must collapse and this is inevitable,
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but she will fight until after, i just don’t like the ending in the story of spartak, in the story with spartak i don’t like the ending, we are just winners, but yes, we must prevent this ending, absolutely true, but for this you need to really look at things, because i repeat when we say that they are not a hegemon, that everything is already a multipolar world, but it seems to me that we are somewhat -
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or the whole world, this power is confirmed by powerful armed forces, perfectly equipped, no matter how much we say that they are like this, yes, but nevertheless this is a fact, and by the network of bases with which they have entangled the whole world, which they actually control anywhere in the world, so you have to really look at these things, but why am i saying this, i’m not saying to... be like spartak, but to the fact that if you evaluate this situation, you can from this draw the necessary conclusions, the first conclusion that i for myself i do, this is a long war, the ukrainian war, which they, of course, provoked, there is no doubt, they provoked it, it is beneficial to them today, they are exhausting us in this way, this is only an episode in this big struggle,
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some kind of plan now for the near future time, but i don’t have the feeling that such a plan exists in the long term, this is a ten-year perspective, this... we need to prepare for a decade for this confrontation, which, in my opinion, i think they are ready for, in any case, i have a feeling that they have such a plan, they, they, they are counting on it for a long time, they understand that the ukrainian conflict may
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end in some way, say, one way or another, but they, of course, will be about sanctions, there will be everything, everything that comes with it.. . regarding the long-term struggle, we once discussed here that for the eg in russian literature and language they want to introduce links to
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anime, cartoons, computer games, as i understand it, they introduced it, as i understand it, they introduced it, it’s like.. . correlates with the general plan of the struggle, well, you understand what this means, this means. a schoolchild doesn’t even have to read turgenev, tolstoy there, he can refer to a computer game, which is usually from there, he can refer to anime, cartoons, that is, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this everything fits together, just like the desire of the ministry of education to introduce a game like golf into schools, into school education. golf is so important, the game of billionaires, you laugh, well, in general, well , there is, in fact, behind this there is a certain plan, you know, because those who understand what golf is,
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those understand what it means to introduce golf into the school curriculum, you know, i’d rather do practical shooting, you’re right, i mean, i gave examples that this is necessary. the state will continue, so it has come to the point that today, today, if we again take analogies with antiquity, for them we are carthage, remember, coton, yes, a senator who every speech, carthage must
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fall, and carthage, despite despite the fact that he had a gnebal, despite the fact that he had magnificent victories in eland, no less, the most the main thing is that they finished him off, they simply finished him off, now he was already there, now he was no longer there, so they finished him off, they even erased everything, they destroyed everything to the ground, the last one is all these death of raisi, so to speak, you know , you and i are supporters of conspiracy theories, which, in my opinion, this is not a theory, this is a practice, since all politics, in fact, all life consists of conspiracy.
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precisely with those people with those countries, well, with people who, in principle, one might say, are on our side, well, not literally, but in any case beneficial. us somehow cooperate, somehow, why nothing happens on that side, why
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no maniac appeared there either in london or in paris, why a helicopter didn’t crash there even once, how can it be that on the one hand everything happened in a row, on the other side, and there’s a lot more, my colleagues will probably add here, they might know better, there were assassinations, he’ll seem to say, well, well... you ’ve already gone too far, well, you’ve gone too far, then explain , it doesn’t happen, i don’t know how it happens, but every schoolchild in the world who watches hollywood cinema knows that this happens, because every second film is dedicated to the fact that some group destroys someone, somewhere, they are not ashamed, this is hollywood, yes, this is hollywood, well, strictly speaking, this is the reality that sits in them. it’s enough to open the history of america, how many presidents were killed, how many
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presidents were assassinated, presidential candidates, it’s just a colossal list, maria vladimirovna zakharova cited a post every time, where well straight chronology, just remember these amazing words of the guru, their policies, mr. churchill, who once said, the truth is that this is too important a thing, so you can fight for it... iran as a means of struggle, consider it legal, iran fundamentally does not use methods of terrorism, and we don't know of any.
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this bell will ring so seriously, advertising, you will forgive me, you turned out to be bolder than me and more honest, the light in the window, i confessed, i am in love, you sent it to me, we have been connected for a long time not only a child, when the secret becomes clear, if you could rewind everything back, you need to teach. live with this, no matter what happens, this is our day, ours with us, you are afraid that
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no one will come, you don’t understand what is happening, we had a family, the bridge disappeared, the light in the window, the final episodes, do you know where she's on rtr tomorrow. titanic luxury collection. boudrum.
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well, maybe you can kiss me? the plot is worthy!
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she, he and his muse. anton, you have talent, but it’s so easy to lose inspiration. i'll leave when you finish the novel. i can not live without you. i'm here i heard that you seem to be planning to get married. blank slate on friday on rtr, a big musical premiere, a show in which 18 people from different regions of russia are trying
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to deceive a team of stars into convincing them that they sing, the ability to sing - the soul sang, the ability to fool around one's finger is an art, in general, imitation of the matter is very difficult , suddenly he ’s deliberately making a fool of himself, that he doesn’t sing, what ’s more difficult, to reveal talent or deception, with our experience with an ear for music, but we can come up and look in the eyes, the stars are ready to check, we have to notice everything, every stroke, wow, they sing beautifully, my opinion is developing, and it’s good. we praise everyone very well, brotherly, blink, please, well, continue, what a mad intrigue, catch me if you can, we can’t wait to start, on friday on rtr, my dears, you are all so different, i
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want it so much, so that this difference is the strength of our family, and not with... you have two cups, what do you have, i won’t allow you to deceive my daughter, everything with you is the way it seems to you, i was set up by irina razanova, but there are competitors, we need to find , who exactly, suddenly they are not blackmailed will limit themselves, anastasia vedenskaya, all of you...
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i just quoted a quote from churchel, which in essence, well, so as not to repeat it, means that you can fight the enemy, if you have appointed him as an enemy, you consider him an enemy, by any means, everything, everything, everything will do, everything is fine. i wanted to remember one more quote from churchel: history will be favorable to me, because i write it myself, - said churchel, well, in my opinion, it’s wonderful, this is what we are observing, in fact, yes, when we entered their cultural, historical , mental, interpretive field, we have everything like...
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sweden, but they do not have state sovereignty, this can be seen in the situation when they suddenly begin actions against us that are not beneficial to them at all, well, completely disadvantageous, let's see their lack of independence. therefore, when we say that today norway suddenly recognized the state of palestine, we of course agree with this, because russia also recognizes the state of palestine, but norway did this not because the norwegian leadership can no longer see pictures of white bags with murdered children and women, not because they have a heart bleeding, they decided to spit on all their european solidarity and do what their norwegian conscience calls on them.
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to force him not to bring this bloody, inhumane operation to rafah to the end, to make him extreme, to return to the question sooner or later: how did it happen on october 7 that the entire israeli security service with the army, all this is somewhere- then it went away so that there wouldn’t be these conversations that at the beginning said, you know, women soldiers in the israeli army warned about what was happening, but they weren’t they listened because they were women, but this is nonsense, they publish this. this is political expediency, from this point of view, let's look at everything that is happening, let's move on, iran, well, it is politically expedient
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for the united states of america to harm its opponents all the time, it is politically expedient to demonstrate to the entire spectrum, this is how the respected people stand here, comrades , to demonstrate to everyone that the united states still has long arms, please do not doubt that we are hegemons, we are before you let's reach out, and if you think... like a decent person, but he should behave like a decent leader of an indecent country in a difficult period, you will sympathize, but a normal person, in any
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case, the president of the country died, the united states likes this country, doesn’t like it, he stood up, expressed condolences, this is normal, this is human, but the devil explained everything to us, we don’t need anything human, they appointed us as an enemy, this frees you from morality, from ethics. but this is the same thing that hitler said to my soldiers, i am freeing you from chimeras of conscience, western politicians freed themselves from this chimera much earlier than members of the ss, which is actually surprising, we move on with this understanding that we have a mus, a warrant from the international criminal court, but i am sure that in studio there is hardly an expert who believes that he is brave, principled, and there is also some kind of conscience.
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africa, latin america and russia, period, that’s it, end of quote, everything else is impossible, so he suddenly takes such a step, but someone asked him and explained to him that he doesn’t care it won't, we live in the world.
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happened, i don’t want to justify it, under no circumstances, it’s impossible, but we have said many times before that when russia surrendered its sovereignty to the west, it actually turned out to be like, well, i don’t know, russia during the times of alexander nevsky in relation to carde, and that was tribute, just in accordance with all these new cunning ideas, alexander nevsky would take the tribute to the horde, and they
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would give him a receipt. the central bank, this law says where only these funds can be invested, i do not justify employees of the central bank, as they say, there are separate complaints against them, but it was all done according to the law, this law was adopted, and then all events were accepted, but what kind of law on the central bank is this, it is written down, i think that these are some internal instructions that define the standards, it says what kind of bonds, to what degree and other, i mean, this law was adopted by whom, that is, these are their regulations, this is their internal paper, in the sense of what authority, the law of the russian state on the central bank, which the russian does not obey the state, the system is extremely cunning and a separate program is needed about it.
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are being adopted by the state duma , the federation council, in this regard, i’m just interested in finding this law now, and that is , looking at it because it is necessary to make changes to of course what i’m saying, since we have a representative of the state duma here, we immediately have someone to turn to, the central bank should be subordinate to the state, of course , but returning to this money, what will they do with it, we again see political expediency and hypocrisy what is political expediency? try to put pressure on russia with this and demonstrate , again, to the entire community that if you do something wrong, we take away your assets, here they, of course, are not even shooting themselves in the foot, but in the head, but they are trying to shoot past their own heads, what are they doing, there was an inaccuracy, this is important, they are now stealing according to the law, passing a law on confiscation of interest, and not the money itself, why, according to the law, they are passing a law
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stating that there is a tax on this interest. 100% here they took it, this money was transferred, it was handed over to ukraine, which means theft, of course, but they always have all theft according to the law, what will they do next with this money, they are not going to give it to ukraine, i mean the resources themselves, they will continue to try with us to negotiate this, this is an asset that they believe can influence our decision after some time, this should not happen, they just have to give it to us, but they just don’t want to give it away.
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those countries in which our assets are located, that they did, they should receive a certain status, for example, one of the baltic emirates did something there, but why are the goods of these scumbags still sold here, why is it that almost all of our alcohol is still brought in through these thoughts, why they still haven’t felt the full wrath of the russian economic machine, there is no answer to this question, there is an answer to this question. everyone has a last name, first name, patronymic answer to this question, well in this sense this is the answer there is, of course, an answer to this question, please, yes, i would like to say here about how quickly our world is changing, look, just recently we were all convinced that the world had entered the era of globalization, that this national or, as it was called, westphalian sovereignty, it is dying out, soon
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it will not exist at all, because...
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this is the united states of america, it would seem that there is a kind of embarrassment, but it was explained to us by those same authors, mainly american, who we were told about globalization, that it is so necessary, yes, the usa is the hegemon, yes, but this is a benevolent hegemon, that’s it, and history is over, yes, history is generally over, yes, so to speak, uh, yes, everything, everything is in order, the main thing is that, so to speak, there is economic prosperity, so to speak, there is order in the world and stability and everything is generally fine. then it suddenly became clear that this hegemon, he is not such a benevolent hegemon, so to speak, when this hegemon suddenly somehow got involved in these endless wars, wars that were ultimately condemned even by the american establishment itself, so to speak, recognizing them as erroneous,
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wrong, and so on and so forth, but still, so to speak, they explained to us that, well , okay, but they really made mistakes there, but what is the alternative, there is no alternative?
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they call it economic growth, so i put it that way, i somehow trust it more than for benevolent democracies this is growth, in our wild - authoritarian structures this is overheating, yes, and the same can be said
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about the other international structure brix, where also there was a very large queue of people who wanted to join there, and so to speak, in we are suddenly seeing this line suddenly - as it turns out, the closest partners and allies of the united states, for example, in the middle east region, such as saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, egypt, now, everyone joined brix this year, for example, knowing full well , that this is an organization, let’s say, non-western, a structure, in the sense of an international one, and it pursues completely different goals than those pursued, so to speak, by our benevolent or not very benevolent hegemon, and this, in my opinion , is very important.
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“it seems to me that the main problem that this very hegemon is faced with is that moral, so to speak, power, and soft power, i’m not afraid of this word, this hegemony is gradually beginning to fade away, because some kind of - this is an alternative, and for many, this alternative looks more favorable than what the united states and its closest allies offer, so to speak, this globalization without the destruction of national sovereignty, without regime change, without imposing a green transition
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on those civilizations that are not . this is built were once upon a time, suddenly they adopted all the worst that was in paganism, in such a dying rome, debauchery, homosexuality, endless forms of perversion, that is, somehow everything turned out to be completely different from what we thought, and you, forgive me, i i’ll say, to the end, i just haven’t been to this country yet, so while this is an internal thought, it doesn’t seem to you that the sparta of modernity is north
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korea, if we are considering analogies, then perhaps, well, well, this means that it can we have 1,300 spartans on the front line, well, to explain to the ukrainian nazis where crayfish hibernate, please, since i’m closing the circle, i’ll go through the theses that i remember most... a colleague mentioned brix, and i’ll remind you that the russian president who crashed in a helicopter actively pursued the idea of ​​a single currency brix, no conspiracy theory, just food for thought. further, i, like nikolai, do not believe in the sincerity of the europeans, the scandinavians, who suddenly became so suddenly concerned about the fate of the palestinians, that i see, and i see fear, i see panic, they are afraid. moral bankruptcy, yes, not even moral, there is no morality there, reputational
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bankruptcy, it would be more correct, because who now organized the genocite in palestine, not the russian barbarians, whom they have been demonizing all these years, not the bearded arab radicals, it was organized by white people from the democratic crowd, from that same garden of eden, surrounded by the jungle in bareilles, something needs to be done about this, this trickster needs to be calmed down somehow, and i absolutely agree. with the general idea, of course, you can argue with the details, but the general idea is that you need to push and push from different sides in order for it to stop, so that this stops, then we return to iran, semyon arkaevich has already talked about what i understand, you just came from there, yes, i arrived today, semyon arkaevich said that any iranian who wants to participate in big politics, and not in big politics, you need to pass a selection, this is really so, well, not democratic, some sobchak will say, then the death of the president is not capable of leading the country to
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collapse, i will explain what i mean, really, if you want to participate in iran political life of the country, you you have to compete, you have to climb, this is where democracy is built in, but they will look at you, they will study you, and there is also a kind of double power, there is a spiritual part, a religious part, there is a secular part, you will be studied not only as technocrats, as a professional , but they will... you see, i’ll say a kingly thing, but i
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prefer the power of the majority, which very often slides into alocracy, the power of the best, that’s where the power of the best is, and for the majority, it seems to me, i’m convinced of this, you already excuse me, but for the majority the best is in power - this is a good thing, no matter who is in power - this, well, this is doom, so far -right schizophrenics came to power in israel, in my opinion, well, absolutely crazy people, they lost their shit. and look what this led to, well, it’s obvious that they were provoked to do exactly this, just as the iranians were provoked to the same reaction, but the iranians did not succumb, and natanyahu succumbed, what did this lead to, today there is an arrest warrant, they are putting pressure on him, and i think his fate is unenviable, although i would not identify netanyahu with israel as a state, israel as a state for the west, for the united states of america, is a red line, here again i don’t expect any collapse, at least as long as the united states of america exists. we said tehran butcher several times here,
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let me tell you what it means, on june 28, 1981, an explosion occurred, it was a terrorist attack organized by terrorists from the mujahidin ehalalq group. seyyed, yes, a descendant of the prophet, muhammad bikhishti, died in this terrorist attack. he was the head of the judiciary , he was the head of the islamic republican party. this happened in the building of the irp, 70 people died along with him, there were even more than 70 high-ranking members of this party. so, mr. raisi, who also headed the judiciary in iran before he became president, he executed these terrorists, he fought against terror, yes, he signed death sentences for terrorists who, and how many of them there were, that the local named, there were many of them, there were many of them, there were really many of them, after the victory
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of the islamic revolution, they declared the islamic revolution, for which they voted the majority of the war, in this war they did not disdain anything. they blew up, they killed, they kidnapped, and mr. raisi signed death sentences for these people, who were no different from those who carried out the terrorist attack in crocus, but what’s wrong with that, who is against it? i personally don’t mind, yes, in our country there is a moratorium on the death penalty, i won’t get involved, i don’t decide anything here, but in iran there is no such moratorium, and they execute people there, why should we somehow comment on this?
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islamic republic of iran, and i completely disagree that blinkin is an idiot, there is a fool and yes, what he says sounds ridiculous, but it would seem. in general, what right do you have to say what is good for iranians and what is bad for iranians? you, butcher, are a representative of the bloodiest state, a terrorist state, but i understand why he is doing this, he is doing this in order to rock the boat, rock the boat as much as possible in the most vulnerable period in the political sense of the word before the elections, before june 28, already these are absolutely disgusting populist statements in the states, they really like this...
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we are talking about youth, i often meet young people, my age, even younger, who, for example, do not know about the explosion in which mr. beheshti died, which is nonsense for the older generation, because it happened before their eyes, and they say: his blood is the foundation, on which our state stands, and so they will constantly remind you about bloody butchers, about executions, about hijabs, and absolutely throw fakes in there. fakes and so on, use all possible tools, suppression, manipulation, yes, provocations, uh, i’ll try very hard to attend the elections on june 28, and, as was the case this time, to personally cover everything that is happening there, in order to simply prevent these bastards from once again unleashing
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a bloodbath there, as was recently the case against the backdrop of hijabs, they, by the way, in this since they also tried, saying that in... iran people let off fireworks in honor of the death of their leader, what kind of fireworks? i was there, i was in valiasar square, i filmed how people were crying, the next day, when death was confirmed, i went down to the hotel lobby and the employees' faces were swollen from sobbing, all night wept, and you correctly noted, i thank you with all my heart, more than 4 million people gathered in tehran today, the infrastructure there could not cope. the capital of the largest regional state, what is this? this means that he is an unloved leader, this is an illegitimate government, he is a butcher, this is how they greet him, this is how they cry for him, well , excuse me, if this is not recognition of the merits of mr. raisi, then what is it? thank you very much, now there is advertising, after it we will continue
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with a new composition, you are a nanny, how could you enter a stranger’s house... what a strange thing place for a date? i immediately said on the site that i was looking for a serious relationship, where? stories of a big country, premiering on friday on rtr, everything is definitely fine with you, you just never usually stay late. premiere on rtr. will you leave me without a morning kiss? i have a husband. work, stability, i’m unhappy, and you can brazenly write travel, happiness, good luck into your schedule. anna
1:20 am
taratorkina, who are you, how did you get here? this is my number, dmitry miller. i'll have to admit that you like me. when you and i crossed on from? alexey fatiev, who is there with you? i'm alone, it's just an accident. what idiot? rest! you can plan, but love, i don’t understand anything myself, i need to figure it all out, a melody for yours from may 27 on rtr. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you. nardinka, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also wishes. my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kans after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t understand, you borscht horseradish, what have you done, how
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could you, taxi, taxi, taxi, taxi, song turn on oleg gazmanov at full volume, stored through the rains. all the flowers still live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, here people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you, but they have one thing in common: sincere... strong friendship, falling in love white fluffy, i said, i want a white cat, so he comes up and oh, you’re good, pet
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the obstinate one, he likes to grab with his claws, that’s it, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, play with me wandering, a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder. the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. he is the culprit of the accident, the person was hurt, he will be judged, you want to ruin a child’s life, i warned him, do you need anything,
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yes, health, a nurse for the director of the plant, this is so cool, everyone leave, i don’t want to see anyone, i understand that he has a difficult time character, yes, i want to try to sit down, you promised to help me, it seems to me that in his soul he is a completely different person, margoy! listen, can you make sure he doesn’t yell, but i suggest getting rid of him, how to get rid of him, kill him, or what? he was abandoned like a dog on the street, that’s how long it takes, and i’ll work with him for as long as possible. i want to be with you always. on sunday on rtr. mishov, of course, photographed the era, you had to cope with shouts in the back, but everything is clear, he films his wife
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all the time. he told me the phrase: i'm bored film without you. vera alentova. after all, volodya and i separated and lived in ros for almost 4 years. if it weren’t for this story that i began to re-read the letters, our family would not have recovered. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. today i came across a video from kharkov, well, people film it themselves, moreover.
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decided that if there is martial law, then it’s like a pause, but he decided that, and of course, when some beerbok starts talking about this topic, it’s generally surprising, a beerbok talking about zelensky’s powers is not will interfere in the internal affairs of the country, that is , we now have the woman from the trampoline
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absolutely... a replacement for the constitutional court, but he gave her an order for this, he gave her an order for this, in the third degree, because she praised him poorly, but just think about it, that is, a trampoline woman without any education, let me remind you, she has no education, but a phenomenally illiterate person, she undertakes to talk about quite complex matters, which, according to the legislation of any side, only authorized authorities have the right to understand. we will be together to solve the problems that face us, we will also accompany the reform processes that are taking place in ukraine.
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what if they have a basic law in germany, they don’t have a constitution, it’s written, it applies to everyone, take the fool off the trampoline, well, it’s impossible, she’s bouncing all the time, well, germany can’t embarrass itself like that, well, at least find someone well, at least with some kind of education, well, you can’t show yourself to the whole world, well, such idiots, even bandera in his grave begins
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to speak german, while they say that these are ours agents, no, yes... we need elections, we need them, who needs them, well, bandera too, everyone really understands everything, everyone really understands everything, well, of course they can be idiots like the british ones. minister sheps, shveps, shmaps, shreps, well, well, well, really, that is, i use such bad words every time, idiot, but these, this is really, this, well, how did they manage, this, this it was necessary.
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it's complicated and delicate, i understand to some extent, but i don't understand how you can send kamala haris to the munich conference on security and tell zelensky on camera in front of the press: we want you to join nato. they only say this if they want war, they want the russians to invade, why do they need this? i, maybe, maybe they're just that stupid? i don't think so, i think they're dumb, i mean they're definitely dumb.
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they tried, but the biden administration believed that all these american weapons would save the situation, it didn’t, the situation
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is bad, and russian russian commanders are not idiots, they know history. kurdish battle, which took place north of where the fighting is now taking place, became the largest tank battle in history. this was the last offensive operation of the german army against the ussr. they tried to put pressure on this position from the north and south. it was a salient and the russians knew that reich troops were approaching. and so they built many lines of defense. they did the same thing last summer, resulting in the loss of all that equipment. and now the ukrainians have seriously overextended themselves. they have a lot of problems with corruption. all defensive structures which they were supposed to build turn out to be much smaller or non- existent. it creates. conditions for maneuvers, especially for tanks, when the fields dry out, it will be possible to maneuver. it will be a very ugly summer, very ugly. what do you think the russians want? i would say that now they want
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to absolutely humiliate the west and make sure that they never have problems with ukraine again. meanwhile, the overdue vova is begging everyone for some kind of weapon, and at the same time he comes up, well, come on, what a pity for you, that is it? well give it, give it, give it, give it, give it. well, give it to me, or shoot it down yourself? well listen. if you shoot down missiles that hit the energy sector, you can raise your planes, and you are already raising them. you should know that nato countries are already raising them, but the missiles are heading towards our western partners. our border neighbors fly their planes like this. so my question is, what's the problem, why can't we shoot them down? is this protection? yes, is this an attack on russia? no, you shoot down russian planes, you kill russian pilots, russian pilots. no, so what is the issue with the involvement of nato countries in the war? there is no such question, this is a defense. tomorrow all these missiles will arrive in these countries. don't doubt it, it's a matter of time. why not shoot down missiles? what is involved here
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? when we talk about nato countries discussing sending troops to the territory, these are real people. i'm simply answering you, let's move on to the first steps, very practical ones: shoot down what is in the skies over ukraine, and give us weapons to use against russian troops, which are on the borders. well, it’s really late, yes, it’s really late, he also says this, apparently he’s also delivering the dope that’s expired, somehow the delay leads to the delay, well, excuse me, i ’ll stop talking for a while after this, but that’s impossible, i haven’t heard anything funnier for a long time, this is a classic british version, but what are we for, british troops are conducting the so -called interflex operation to train ukrainian soldiers outside of ukraine. most ukrainians are trained in the uk. the reason why training is not carried out in ukraine in two ways. one of them is that britain cannot send troops to ukraine. this could be
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a trigger to invoke nato's article 5. what do i mean by this? if british soldiers are killed in military action by russia, this could be regarded as an act of war against great britain, as an attack on great britain on british assets, on british persons and employees. in theory, this would trigger article 5, where panatha's allies would come together to collectively protect yourself. a person who knows nothing at all, that is, british troops, if in ukraine they start fighting with us, we kill them, then this is the fifth article, in general, where did they find it, so you don’t worry, bald man, listen here, we already they killed so many of yours there, they took part in a lot of things , including in an attempt to take the kokhovskaya hydroelectric station, no
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, they didn’t try to go out to the station, we killed so many of yours there, so from the unionjack on the coffins, you already took them, so don’t worry, you want fifth article, would you like the fourth, you want the sixth, you want an article from the truth newspaper, you want from the gooddoc newspaper, activate whatever you want, just once you will be covered with a radioactive tsunami and you will learn to breathe under water in 30 seconds, it won’t last long and it won’t help, you know, i think that.. this wonderful initiative that burbock launched, it’s wonderful, i think that zelensky’s legitimacy and illegitimacy should be discussed on all platforms, just everywhere, by presenting arguments, to prove it, which means pitting the parties against each other, and preferably everyone will. measure there on the german constitution, the american one, other european ones, well, in general , any kind, yes, that is, well, in some kind, you’ll find it somewhere, but in the ukrainian one it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work out, because, well, it’s just .
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this is exactly what happened, the more they talk about how, how legitimate zelensky is, the better, i think, it will be for the entire community, what if they take everything there, study the ukrainian constitution, then find another section there in which all the questions that are not settled the constitution, that is, international law prevails, then bang head on with the provision that people have the right to regular fair elections, after a certain period of time, well, it’s just terrible, just terrible, well, there’s just nothing to do, but we need to talk about it. talk, we need to talk and talk
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constantly, and you know, when the issue of ukraine is raised on international platforms, they need to remember that there is not only ukraine in the world, and that when representatives of great britain, representatives of other states there, they suddenly they start saying, we are so concerned about the situation in kharkov, we are just suffering, we are all exhausted, we just don’t know what to tell you, you know, only a couple of states that were at the security council meeting, it is clear that not everyone is there , everything there is only... 15 states, but a couple of states, they didn’t remember, guys, wait, but there is belgorod, in this belgorod people have serious problems, and the russian troops started the movement to create this sanitary zone precisely because you for 2.5 months now, you have been ironing these areas just like you’re not myself, when last week i spent almost the entire week in the belgorod region, where grayvaron is, glotovo, in belgorod itself, it’s only 30 km from the border and from there. everything is there, so belgorod
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must be given credit, you know, after all , to the local authorities, they are so excited, they are so, they have gathered like a mainspring, because they are ready to respond to any challenge. now the whole of belgorod, yes, it is lined with these shelters, there are pharmacies everywhere, the authorities have created these evacuation centers everywhere brigades, when i arrive at the temporary detention center, and one of the grandmothers tells me, you know, she says, we took it in desperation, called the governor, and two hours later he arrived along with bronebeg in order to save us, yes, then there is, firstly, you can call the governor, and secondly, it means there is a clear reaction to the fact that the actions of people who need this help, they really need it there, because here it is...
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in less than 5 months , this is the real situation that now exists in belgorod, in in belgorod, every half hour now a siren goes off, which forces people to simply mobilize and literally retreat, because they are flying in that direction, czech vampires have been stationed, all sorts of rszzos are flying there with turkish,
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american, british fillings, and whatever you want, all this is flying in the direction when you discuss on your platforms about how much help ukraine needs, how everyone needs to get together. these ones that you sent, it flew to civilian objects, it flew to houses, here’s a house in belgorod, which took shape, it arrived on buses, yesterday in donetsk it arrived, just a drone flew into the windshield, which is just an ordinary city bus, this is what they should see, and after that, you know, when you listen to the people who are presenting, sitting at these tables at the negotiation platforms, i have...
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or it’s already being disposed of on the front line, i caught myself with a strange thought, well, i was with the guys at the paratroopers, we are standing near artyomovsky and decided to go where they have a forward control point , for zaitsevo, i say, how long will it take? well, before we would have gone an hour and a half, yeah. well, that is, when you already think that before this geography from a rugged line here and there you have to run around, you understand that now you need to re -learn the geography of donbass, because according to the map everything is close, but before it was close, you won’t get there, now it turns out you can get there
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it’s possible, what am i talking about, the kharyaks need to remember well that from belgorod to kharkov it’s 70 km, before there... many belgorod residents went on weekends, have a good time, shop, soon we’ll be back in our russian kharkiv. and what to do, they don’t know how to behave, they’ll have to teach, you mentioned here that we’ll free kharikov from the central committee, britain is radioactive dust, yes i saw, water is a radioactive tsunami, i just saw today the instructions that the british government is now distributing, advising residents to stock up, means stocking up on canned meat.
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and honestly, i don’t even know how, whether there are such provisions in german laws
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that she talked about, i think she herself doesn’t know, well, that’s the point, but at the same time i like how new york times, which zelensky gave an interview, explains why elections cannot be held under martial law, but how will those people who are in the occupied territories vote for zelensky, how did zelensky get elected if they have crimea and donbass did not vote for him... , it turns out, it was possible, yes, but most of all i didn’t like it, but how will the millions of refugees living in europe vote, in my opinion, there are no problems with them at all, yes, well, that is, what’s difficult to organize there- where there is no problem with this, here please, it’s obviously some ukrainian refugees who held their vote at bandera’s grave, yes, that is, this is what’s stopping you, well, well, you still need to declare that he is legitimate, by the way, about bandera now.. the original scandal occurred in the canadian parliament, they held a day of embroidered shirts,
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as was the case with the large ukrainian diaspora, but then they did not allow the main speaker there from this same ukrainian community, because they found out that she was a year ago or 2 years ago. took part in the action embroidered shirt for bandera, you understand why the canadian parliament is now sensitive to this idea. including thanks to your program, when the speaker invited this very ss veteran to be honored before the canadian parliament, since then you see, all these ukrainians are carefully checked, all these embroidered shirts, life has taught them something, and as for these howls about that instructors are needed in ukraine, you just showed this, as you said, bald guy, yes, i don’t know who he is either one, to be honest, well, who himself... gave an exclusive interview, and he remembered that in britain they conduct briefings for ukrainians,
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training, and so on. you know, and now i’m caught thinking, and i haven’t seen a single british media report from this camp for a long time, where the ukrainians were trained a year ago, i remember, then there were a lot of all kinds of reports, photo reports, now there are none, for some reason they disappeared somewhere, you know, i have a suspicion that their ukrainians are already in the cemetery, yes, i understand, i have there is a suspicion that they are already afraid to take them out. they will sit there as illegal migrants, than they will know that they will be sent stuffed and carcasses for slaughter, so they actually started talking, very actively, and they started talking, i see, there are a lot of calls and estonian ones, a lot of figures are declaring what needs to be done. there on the territory of ukraine with the participation of nato instructors, precisely so that
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they really don’t run away, but what zelensky is doing now is simply with manic persistence, you know, this is really him is trying to push a nato country, some, or all nato countries, absolutely any, into a direct conflict with russia, he provokes a direct clash and declares that, of course, putin will not use nuclear bombs. you can shoot down planes, you can shoot down missiles, but excuse me, but by this logic we can also shoot down any planes, but if they fly, well, we think that they can make up.
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called for a quick, speedy peace conference, but not according to the zelensky formula, with the participation of russia and ukraine, but zelensky’s formula has changed a lot, that is, switzerland is no longer zelensky’s formula, that is , they offer some points that are about nothing at all, that is , it is unclear why the zelensky formula is also about nothing, no, naturally, it is there shouted 10 points, now three, which are simply about nothing, there are no boundaries anymore, you know, they don’t care, well, that is, yes they will.
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but what do i mean, in this collective appeal, yes, these professors, they are naive, are calling for the future european parliament, which will soon be elected, yes, to act as an initiator and platform as a mediator in these very negotiations between ukraine and russia, the european parliament, you can imagine such a mediator, but why do they justify this topic, the further this conflict develops, the closer we really are to a nuclear disaster, direct...
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hello, dears friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, tomorrow on рrt. happy you, galin ferina, children, grandchildren, and are you alone? one. you are an amazing woman. nice to hear. mark yakovich, you are also a very interesting person. we fell in love and what should we do? we move away, she chooses. wow, decide with whom? one is good, the other is worthy. which of the two is it? adult daughters. premiere. on saturday on rtr. the main character played a role that made him a superstar. and then he lives
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under the weight of this image. so what, ignore?
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i can hug you, who is he, man, so let me introduce you. man, i love him, you know, it’s just my stupid girl, but some kind of love, he will leave you at the first opportunity, as soon as you tell him
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you're tired, well, i'm begging you, please, stop, don't touch me, leave me alone, what are you doing, avochka, hug me, please, feel me, can i hug you on saturday. to lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys with us, i came across such caring people,
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support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you , what you do is simply amazing, monday through thursday. on rtr. michael mikhailovich. mobilization has been going on in ukraine for the fifth day, and if we speak mobilization language, it is called m5. but so far no such tangible results are visible. and in this regard , foreign media have already noted that the weapons and military equipment are being newly formed. parts of the connection are missing, on the other hand, if you ask the question, where should it come from in general? if, let’s say, this is the beginning of hostilities,
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the initial period of an armed conflict, then usually for newly formed units and reserves, weapons are taken either from troop reserves, or from storage bases for weapons and equipment, or from arsenals, but when the conflict has already been going on for some time, weapons, military equipment, other property from abroad, in general, the news is based only on the receipt of war with such conditions, this is a gamble, well , they will give it, they won’t, because in normal
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conditions, when a decision is made to form some reserve units or newly formed formations, then all these directive instructions are necessary somehow match with the capabilities of industry, which can supply a certain number of tanks, guns, supplies, medical equipment, food, and so on and so forth, it turns out that either they will supply it or they will not supply it, so they still have people in networks on the streets they can catch it, but even if you imagine, well, for example, well , they formed, for example, at least one division, well, even for one division you need a missile regiment, and a self-propelled artillery regiment, and a tank regiment, and this is still a considerable amount quantity units of weapons, but again, even if this was definitely possible, but... in this regard, but by the end of the year , only 12 f-16 multirole fighters will enter service with the ukrainian army. to fight without some kind of aviation
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component, to achieve some clear victories, is, well, impossible in a modern war, so even all these efforts to mobilize, to form, to replenish the staff, but in fact, this, by and large, is only a prolongation of suffering, because directive decrees have not created an air force... a month, not even six months, these are still years of work, years of work, without them you cannot advance, and you cannot even defend effectively, so somehow the effectiveness of the mobilization efforts being undertaken still raises great doubts in my mind that this will end, well, somehow, again , you always need to set some strategic goals for yourself and strive for their implementation, and not carry out this whole thing for the sake of the process, in these ways, they will not achieve any strategic goals... as for here are the proposals zelensky on the opening of anti-aircraft missile fire, fighter fire from
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nato airspace on... missiles of the aerospace forces of the russian federation, the navy, then i still probably think that, well, well, i probably called , he is in front of his own specialists, no, well, it can’t be, well , someone, apparently, came into the office, some kind of prominent specialist in organizing missile cover, fighter aviation ermak, ermak doesn’t let anyone in, in this the main problem is that zelensky doesn’t get any objective information and... does not have the necessary level of intelligence or level of knowledge, from a military-technical point of view this is more than an illusory undertaking, because we told you that it is known with missiles , but an extremely narrow strip along the border will be covered , but it is possible to drag poland, romania, and even moldova into this war, this is a technical point of view, from a military-political point of view, then with such proposals it is very easy to drag poland, romania, and even moldova into the war, through which these same missiles will fly, either
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anti-aircraft or... tions, but efficiency of this, well, it will be close to zero, because if there is a goal to cover some important object there on the territory of ukraine, then it must be covered with completely different solutions, methods, that is, create an all-round defense that is equally strong in effectiveness with solving all the problems in terms of fighter warfare, anti-missile cover, everyone to create all the necessary means of radio reconnaissance, but only then can this problem be solved, but what if he didn’t call specialists in your opinion. then i still have this impression, that sometimes a lot is done in one place, for example, they just said that on tucker carsen’s show that the defenseman played the violin, so i wouldn’t be surprised at anything, and the lines somewhere ended up in the wrong place, and in the wrong place length and so on, as one of the experts invited by tucker said, so again questions arise,
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are you there...
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an operational directive, if you have decided, then it only begins with signing , then all relevant leaders must be in place, check it all with your own eyes, touch it with your hands, measure it with your own feet, look at it all on the ground, otherwise it turns out that the money is stolen, the dragon’s teeth are dumped near the road, defensive... and no, no, who is responsible for this there, i just want to ask , but with such a mess, they still intend to achieve some kind of military victories , which raises my doubts, but again, my comments should not give rise to any, i repeat once again, a cap of casting moods towards to the combat capabilities of the armed forces of ukraine, they are still carrying out defensive actions, they are resisting, they are resisting fanatically at times, so to experience some kind of
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ease in... and we will respond terribly, so i spoke today with evgeniymovich, similar, we have already started launching one and a half tonners there, three thousandths will fly, westerners only they are happy, i think that we need to make serious decisions and clearly understand, this is how the americans act, yes, when they say that if we are threatened, we don’t care what territory the threat comes from, we have the right to protect our interests.


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