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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  May 23, 2024 4:35am-5:01am MSK

4:35 am
are the numbers from st. petersburg? alexander wrote me a power of attorney, under this power of attorney i am renting out an apartment, everything is legal. wait a minute, but the power of attorney was issued six months ago. did you say that kartashov did not come to russia? he didn’t come, he never came, as he was on his way, he sends me a power of attorney, signed by mail, as soon as the deadline.
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how long have you been renting out his apartment? well, almost 10 years ago, that’s how he left for america. so, that means kortashov was 1947, which means he left for america when he was 53, so it turns out, well, he was over 50, he went to his daughter, his daughter had already lived there for a long time, and his grandchildren. she dragged him there, and here he no longer had anyone, and his wife died, and there was no work, he was already retired by that time, vera sergeevna, it was a little early for him to retire at the age of 53, well, that’s right , it’s too early, he’s a military pensioner, but he’s a former military man, well, i don’t know for sure, but i think he served in the fsb, this house, the third
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departmental one, was built by the kgb, i helped a lot of people there with apartments, alexander georgievich got in touch with me through his colleagues, he’s definitely a kge officer, i wonder , i wonder how he was released to the states, and vera sergeevna, how do you even contact him, but no way, i ’m transferring money to the account, he has an account in our bank, if something goes wrong, he calls me, that is, you never call him. no, vera sergeevna, my dear, i, for example, am not an fsb officer, but i can easily take a printout of all your telephone conversations for 10 years, i can arrange a search of your house, i can detain you as a suspect of complicity in murder, in what murder? kartashov is suspected of murder, so he is here in st. petersburg, but i think, what do you think? i... i saw him,
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i thought, i identified myself, where? at the state bureau of investigation, at the city registration office. i wonder what he was doing there? i can't imagine. i was standing in line, and he passed by me. i thought, this is how much the man looks like kortashov. but he can’t do anything with the apartment without me. he would definitely call me. yeah, vera sergeevna, can’t you give me his phone number?
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it means two guys from the states came so that one could kill the other, no, well, apparently one. then kartashov wouldn’t have found him right away, but he knew when and where baum would go, so everything is correct, he was on his tail a long time ago, back in america, and if we assume that they flew in together, by the way, you need to go to the airport, they flew in together, but here they didn’t
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share something, they didn’t share something, for example, the bathhouse, for example, the extreme manuscripts, note that both are from law enforcement agencies. kartashov, a former fsb officer, yes, i think he continued to work in america by profession in the cia? yes, abaum. and on baummu it came, here’s the examination. our suspicion is that he got the tattoo removed, confirmed. and he got the tattoo removed, most likely, in a clinic located outside the cis. well, it’s unlikely, it’s unlikely that he came to russia just to remove the tattoo. “you never know how many people stupidly get tattoos and then remove them, but the fact that it’s on the edge of the palm, well, so what, it doesn’t explain anything, long-standing traces of gunshot wounds and a characteristic mark from shrapnel wound, which means commandos,
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of course, that is, there were no cigarettes in the car, but..." there was nothing in the car at all, why did he leave the lighter in the car if he smoked, and if he didn’t smoke, why did he need a lighter at all, oops, what’s there, look, right with the camera, hmm, yes, typical spy crap, wow, show me, please, a memory card, of course . ok,
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ok, let's see now. it means it’s kartashov, you think it’s him, he ’s similar in description, you know, how you can check, you need to show the photo to the realtor, so, and what kind of fighter is with him, it’s not clear, the palmira hotel, it’s on petrogradka, on kronvarsky. yeah, that means one to the airport, the other to hotel, and i’ll call the states, try to find out where this kortashov worked, so i’ll go to the hotel, uh-huh, contact your superiors, without
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an order i can’t help, your boss isn’t there, “i already called him, they told me, that he will only be there tomorrow, well that means tomorrow, lieutenant, i’m investigating a murder, and i’ll find your boss today, no matter what the cost, and call him on his cell phone, it won’t be me, an investigator from the committee, to the surprised question why his worries about trifles when he is in family circle or in a doctor's office or in a bathhouse, the investigator will answer that the lieutenant on duty is not.
4:45 am
robert baum and alexander georgievich kortashov, they both arrived from america a week ago, perhaps at the same time. what about american citizens? most likely kortashov has dual citizenship. kartashov arrived on the 17th on a kal flight via amsterdam. how is it spelled? yes, yeah. baum arrived on the same day, but
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earlier, on a flight through prague, from the russian company, yeah, and now i need to watch the footage from the cameras in the arrivals hall, the footage from the cameras, yes, took away? we will do everything, we will do everything as i promised, yes, yes, thank you, you helped me a lot, all the best, goodbye, goodbye, hello, good afternoon, please, i would like to see mr. kartashov,
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kartashov, just a minute, so , so, so, so, so, kartashov is not there, well, it’s starting, what do you mean, no, well, no, look, here’s kartashov at your hotel, so this is a flake, he stopped at the seventeenth, flake? well, yes, here he is, tell me, is he in the room now? no, it is not in the room, in that case, please give me the keys from the room, room keys? i hope you understand, this is, this is a foreign citizen, and i hope, you understand, a foreign citizen will not find out anything, well, well, if he doesn’t find out, well, we’ll take it. let's go, how can we not find out, what are you doing? listen, do you need problems? yes, no, there is no need for problems,
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just a minute, i’ll talk to the administrator, talk to me, hello, the luhansk suspect , on your orders, has appeared freely at the prosecutor’s office, no one has given me an appointment yet, get used to it, i don’t want to get used to it, what happened, i miss you, i miss you, and you would i came home after work, i ’m there sometimes, i’m at home, yes, but are you sleeping or pretending at this time? no, well, i pretend, as a rule, from one to four, and after four i sleep, i’m alone, okay, sit down, sit down, sit down, wait, so why do you need me, businessman, you know english well , well, mashul, this is all learned in comparison, you know, in comparison with you, good, but worse than barack obama, you need to call america, who? i don’t know, but go ahead and call me, no, seriously,
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i have the phone number of an american, i i don’t know if he’s at home or working, this american is now in st. petersburg, we need to call america to find out where he works, in general, you can introduce yourself as his realtor, who rents out an apartment here, and he has an apartment here, yes, yes, he’s actually russian , i left 10 years ago, why did i leave, listen, in general? it will take a long time to explain, let’s then, in short, you, a realtor, are renting out an apartment on vaska, let’s say some problems have arisen with the tenants, in fact the realtor doesn’t know that kartashov, kortashov is an american, yes, that kartashov came to st. petersburg on some secret matter, espionage, i don’t know, maybe in espionage, oh, interesting, so, can you help, little girl, i’ll help, but i don’t do anything...
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he really works there and of course he’s not there west laboratorius , yes, listen to west laboratory, some name is familiar, i heard something somewhere, but just type it on the internet, but how to write it? well, write in russian: vest laboratories, yeah. the largest american pharmaceutical corporation is definitely a pharmaceutical corporation, i thought it was spinning in my head, i heard on the news, this one here pharmaceutical corporation, it is waging a war with another pharmaceutical corporation for the right to produce artificial blood, remember, so yeah, here is one of these companies
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west laboratories, and can you imagine, they accuse each other of industrial espionage, this company and... brener and west laboratorius, that's absolutely right, brenner, so, yes, that means artificial blood, well, yes, m, artificial blood, yeah, mishov, of course, filmed the era, you had to deal with shouts in the back, and well, everything is clear, he is his wife he films all the time, he told me the phrase, i’m bored filming without you, vera alenta. after all, volodya and i separated and lived for almost 4 years in rosa, if it weren’t for this story that i began to re-read the letters, our family would not have been restored. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant! a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you.
4:54 am
i beg you very much, just come quickly, he it can... come at any moment, of course, 562, i beg you very much, don’t touch anything with your hands, of course, please, oh! so, and now i beg you, don’t touch anything, i understand,
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but stop, stop, stop, here he is, ah... can i go back a little, uh-huh, where’s the image from the other camera, where did he go next? he will sit like this for a long time, let’s rewind to 3 hours when. the next flight arrives from kartashovo, uh-huh, why did he
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sit there for 3 hours? yeah, these are our handsome guys, these are the guys that interest us. who was killed, this one, yes, where, i understand, i’ll be there in an hour, not earlier. come on and this too, bye, uh-huh,
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marya sergeevna, listen, i’m not a boy for you to run around with, i’ve already been listed as a suspect at the institute. i can calm down, thank you, i’ll sit down, i told you everything that interested you, you didn’t tell me everything, unfortunately, that krainov was working on the problem of artificial blood, and how did you know about this? i found out , i found out, in general, few people knew about this, yes, petya shared his thoughts on this matter with me, i must say, he had been worried about this issue for a long time, but... in soviet biochemistry there was a such an unspoken stereotype that the problem of artificial blood is unsolvable, that is , hemoglobin blood substitutes have been developed and are now being developed, but
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these are always drugs with a narrow range of applications, limited duration of action with a bunch of contradictions, a real blood substitute, equivalent to donor blood, has always been considered something from the realm of weak science fiction, something something like a perpetual motion machine, well, yes, absolutely true and... the management did not support such work, no one gave money for it, and the scientists who tried about it just to talk seriously, they were labeled as visionaries, at best, that is, krainov turns out, he worked underground, well, not exactly underground, he was still a respected scientist, he had his own laboratory, where he could , in parallel with... planned research , also doing work for the soul, as they say, and artificial blood - yes, it was one of those jobs in recent years, as i think, the only,
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you know, this is his hobby, well, okay, you’re like a colleague, you can say he succeeded it’s unlikely to move in this direction, petya shared his ideas with me, but these were all private considerations that did not add up to the overall picture, some kind of systemic ideas, i didn’t see behind these particulars, uh-huh, i don’t know, maybe he was just so immersed in the topic that he could not convey his thoughts to people who did not have such preparation, that is, he did not manage to get a result, no, i can say this unequivocally, no, and no one succeeded, but nothing, that two american companies are already planning to launch the drug on the market, stop, i’ve been hearing about this readiness for several years now, back in 2003 a japanese laboratory... revealed everything, artificial blood was obtained in 2003, and today, where is this drug? the question is, where? didn't get a license, why? you ask? because
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probably after all the tests it turned out that side effects nullify all revolutionary achievements. yes, that's how things are. no, but how did you find out that krainov was involved in artificial blood? following the bloody trail, we have an artashov pipe, kartashov, i will half an hour later, you see, another corpse, this is somehow connected with the work of extreme, yes, and apparently he managed to get the result, excuse me, i have to go, why are you leaving, unfortunately. well then, i’ll go too, please!


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