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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  May 23, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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in two weeks of pogroms, six people died, and material damage could amount to about a billion euros. the unrest in the french transmurai territory was caused by the metropolitan's plans to reform the electoral system there, allowing those who had lived in new caledonia for more than 10 years to vote in local elections. thus, representatives of the indigenous population could remain in the minority. our news is always available on the media platform, watch and by this time we have everything, andrey shevtsov was with you, see you good luck.
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cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. at rixsas golf villas and seúds sharmaesh them. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern designed rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. rest. with comfort and style rixos golf villas and suits sharma old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group.
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titanic luxury collection gin сnop product of stellar group. hotel for unforgettable impressions of rixsas sharma. only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round. performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixas sharmelsheikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellor group. the main character played a role that made him a superstar. and then he lives under the weight of this image, so what should he ignore?
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it’s a pity that they didn’t kill you, the famous actor alexey shevchenkov heard addressed to him. numerous threats and curses from independent ukraine began to be heard after his trips to donbass. among the dozens of film roles of alexey shevchenkov, most are images of men with a strong character with their own strong convictions. his most popular works are in such films as "boroshilov's shooter, turkish march, taiga and the painting judas." this spring , alexey shevchenkov appeared on the country’s screens
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in the new domestic film “call sign passenger” about military operations in the donbass. if he is not there in auroli, then there is hope for captivity. and the artillery leaves almost no chance. “meaning there is still hope, there is always hope, where would we be without it, for an actor this is not just a movie, the people of donbass have long become family to him, he himself almost died during one of his trips, and recently alexey said that he is no longer will be filmed with those who do not share the position of our country, this is the life and fate of alexei shevchankov, good morning, dear, hello, we met, very glad, very glad, thank you, but now. such an event brought you to our studio, this is, of course, the premiere of the call sign passenger, i congratulate you on this film, you, all of us, we were so sad, from the very beginning of our special operation, why doesn’t cinema react,
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why doesn’t such a thing appear in cinema? a tectonic shift in the history of our country is reflected in beautiful cinema. which has already been watched by millions of people, i congratulate you on it, thank you very much, you know, boris, you just raised a very good question, why don’t they film it, me too i asked myself this question, yes, and i won’t deceive you if i say, it was somehow pushed back a little, but no, this is a very similar topic, now i also hear such words, this is such a topic, well, why not, but it seems to me , it is necessary, it is necessary that they know, because... i believe that i believe that if those people who do not agree with the position that we take, if they were there, at least once they arrived, i think they would
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change their minds, and i say this absolutely responsibly, because when i, for example, the first time i was there, well, i was turned upside down, another thing, it bothered me, i was... sincerely worried about what was going on there, a lot of fakes, they said a lot when it all just started, put on a fragment of the film call sign passenger, where is this the face does not appear in the frame, this is the face of a person who has the right to talk about this war, because these people have been in this war since 1914, from the very beginning, either with your heart or like you with your body, you yourself came there personally how many times, put it? 2015 second place signatures for rent come on, brother, empty, accept, become commander , the replenishment for duty has arrived, yes, i see that a great guy has arrived, that how we got there is fine, well, there’s already a war here, a war
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, it’s scary, but don’t be afraid, be afraid, be afraid, don’t be afraid, okay, i’ll listen . we have nona at our disposal, a worker, although not on the move, they were recently repulsed, so we are holding on, reconnaissance is passing through us, well, at least some kind of supply support, so in the village, the villages are empty, people are running, well, someone supports us, someone will not support us, it’s clear, but i’m the main thing, for what i’m saying all this, don’t take anything, especially food and drink, why is that, everything is clear? we've all had training, that's it, we're accepting service, disperse, settle down, thank you, yes, in fact i 'm very grateful that we met, that fate brought me together with ilya kazankov, and
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when you first arrived there, how it was, remember, yes , it was such a bright enough visit, it so happened, a lot of people tried to dissuade me, why are you going, i still... this first time i came, we spent the night, we were taken the next day to
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kiev district, the airport in donetsk, well, it was, of course, an absolute stalingrad, there were these terminals, they were all broken, in the terminals we just arrived by car, there were guys, which means they were in such a semi-semi -relaxed mode, because there was a truce. they were still ready, suddenly somewhere we went out, got out of the car, went into this terminal and a bang, a powerful bang, after about 20 seconds, boom, i hear the car was hit, and this is exactly that car, to which we arrived, well, a decision was made, we looked, tanks came with on the other side, two tanks appeared, one hooted, this is a terrible thing, of course, when he hooted, i realized that he was just going to kill you with a brick, that’s where a brick would fly off and just kill you. well, of course, the situation had already become acute, they started giving me a machine gun and we
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were already running, this open space, the runway, and it was creepy that you were absolutely open, and there, somewhere to the left, these two tanks were coming to the side, this it was like that too, a little bit like that for me, the first one like that, you know, the first smell of war, a feeling this clot of such air density, such... suddenly for a few seconds you forgot that you are at war, you are acting, you somehow already, and what struck you most on these trips? and there was such a case, it was my trip in the eighteenth year to the village of komenternoy, there is such a village, i have my friend, my brother from my city, call sign, bond, bandurov, he was there and i also took some kind of humanitarian aid there , well, there to support the guys with the guitar, i came just to this village, and we just went to the village
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to see some cultural center there to perform there, although there was no one in the village anymore, a man appeared, as i understand it, he was the director of this cultural center, about 50-70 years old there, of an indeterminate age, very strong, such a man, tall, and later in the conversation i decided to take him to talk to him with one. not with a fighter, i say, well , listen, well, maybe, well, if they lived in ukraine, well, they would live, that too, maybe they would live out their lives, when, well, suddenly , a big strong man begins to sob , yes sobbing, here he is, you, it’s good that you came, you... these are not incredible things, what i saw there, what i encountered, of course, this pandora’s box, ukraine opened,
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let’s face it, that’s it, you everything is possible, everything started, i also saw the moment when they were driving us into the basement, this bombing began, they were laying these mines, i saw a woman walking with this stroller, a bag on wheels, dragging her behind her, i said where she went, and so she went to mariupol to get her pension, that is, she takes this pension, comes to mariupol... they start bombing her here, so there are a lot of different things there were such cases and stories there, put it, many of these stories were even included in the film, call sign passenger, a week ago only your brother was sitting here in this place, a smart fighter, smart, yes, he went through two chechen wars, that’s where they went on reconnaissance. there were them, and then, then i don’t know, but take it, they told me
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that you are in the know, listen, i don’t take it to the horror, if it’s not him in the aurora, that is, the hope of capture or artillery leaves almost no chance, which means there is still hope, there is always hope, where would we be without it, listen, but how name? nikolai, sack, go get some water in the village here. give me a hand, let’s go, take the machine gun, where is seryoga, kolya, he left! in the film anton's brother goes to war, in real life anton's brother also went to fight, he talked about it, no, there was
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a filming, no, well, yes, anton told something like that, we talk about it a lot... his attitude to this situation in every actor, and this is very important, because subconsciously this energy is felt, wonderful actors, an amazing ensemble, actors of enormous scale gathered in this movie, and there is not a single traitor in life, or am i talking too loudly about those
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colleagues of yours who at the beginning of our special operation began to denigrate their country, or or just... be quietly silent, or rather, be silent loudly, and this is betrayal or or no, well, this , you know, is a betrayal, i treat it like it’s cheap, well, really, you know, when in the yard i want, i don’t want, when at one time we had fights between courtyards, districts, but i don’t want this, but if you don’t go, you don’t live here, what’s wrong? well that's it there was an upbringing, you probably can’t leave your loved ones, you can’t leave your friends, you must always help the weak, you must respect your elders, it was all about upbringing, i don’t know where they were, where it went for them, probably, you know , and a rich fortune, it probably lulls the soul and conscience, but for me it’s cheap, you
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once said very definitely that you won’t even go into the picture anymore with people who... in this situation, have renounced their homeland? no, no, no, i won’t go in, and this is not just a flash, it’s just an absolute logical thing, they’re fighting there my friends, they recently came, there i gave them my loaf, this one, it’s a uaz loaf, recently they also wrote off, i say how alive and well, he says, the only one left, well, she’s so lucky, like that, too, i think many of them, most of them.
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how many 26-27 years old, and he risked filming such complex and difficult material, and of course i took on this character, with everything i have, nature, body, thoughts, everything, so, of course, i still and as an actor, as a creative person. and even more so to a person who very often played associative, so to speak, characters, type, type, characters, i probably already had this under my crust, you know, how to understand, justify for myself, somehow accept with my soul, the devil only knows , but the betrayal of the theme,
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of course, is very fragile and subtle, by the way, they talk about this a little: but i have read more than one story of the so-called relocants who left, who ended up, like judas, in a noose, who committed suicide, i don’t believe in this, i don't think that of all those who left, they will go in the end life, it means they will be in turmoil, not all of them, but in reality there are stories, there are stories, names of people who.
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i took some wrong steps , i worry and suffer myself, but i will never leave, they don’t abandon their own. thank you, dear alexey, for being with those who need you most, now i’m not only talking about your children, that goes without saying, but with those people, the people of donbass, the people of novorossiya, all these years, all almost 10 years of war, you with them, this is very important, both for them and for us, i’m sure, and for you too, boris, i confess to you, i really, i i think that this is the business of every person and... there is no need to thank for this, and for me, i repeat, the homeland is those people who are there now at the border, this is a sharp feeling,
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life is the fate of alexei shevchenkov, you are definitely doing well , you just never usually stay late, premiere on rtr. will you leave me without a morning kiss? i have a husband, a job, stability, i’m already unhappy, and you can brazenly write travel, happiness, luck into your schedule, anna taratorkina, who are you, how did you get here, this is my number, dmitry miller, will you have to admit that you like me when we move on? alexey fatiev, who is there with you, i’m alone, it’s just an accident, what an idiot, you can plan a vacation, but love, i don’t
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understand anything myself, i need to figure it all out, a melody for yours, from monday on rtr, mishov, of course, photographed the era, did it bother you? cope with shouts in the back, well, everything is clear, he films his wife all the time, he told me the phrase: i’m bored filming without you. vera alentova. after all, volodya and i separated and lived in rosa for almost 4 years. if if this story had not happened, that i began to re-read the letters, our family would not have been restored. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. fox, i thought, i thought, i realized that i’m not ready to break anything in... dad, he left me, oh well, i don’t have a swimsuit, watch me,
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i can promise you, who is he? man, well , introduce me to a man, i love him, you know, you’re just my stupid girl, but some kind of love, he’ll leave you at the first opportunity, as soon as he gets tired of you, i’m begging you, please, well stop, don't touch me, leave me alone, what are you doing, hug me, please, feel me, can i hug you? on saturday at rtr, please, introduction and roll call, without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me.


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