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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  May 23, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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“you’re guarding, i can hug you, well, who is he, man, well , introduce him to the man, i love him, you know, but you’re just being silly!” girl, well, some kind of love, he will leave you at the first opportunity, as soon as he gets tired of you, well, i beg you, please, stop, don’t touch me, leave me alone, what are you doing, and gerochka, hug me, please, feel me, can i hug you, on saturday, nerter, please, introduction and roll call, no need to leave, i’m very glad you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many
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stories he told, i was impudent in a white tuxedo, then mark anatoyvich zakharov goes into the ore and it was for me, probably, akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, like a man, am a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how many more... ideas, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i give up everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, in sunday on rtr, you always have to beg him for something, something needs to be done, what’s wrong with him, he has... stroke, here we have a procedural
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nurse, you need money, i won’t give it to him if he is declared incompetent, guardian will become, she is a strong tranquilizer, you want to challenge the decision of the attending physician, a good person, you can’t leave good people in trouble, i want to be with you always, on sunday on rtr. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suts & villas in hurghada. where are the luxury rooms and villas combined with a golden sandy beach, 1 km long. impeccable service, exquisite cuisine. make your vacation
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unforgettable rixas premium magavish suits & villas the vacation you dreamed of romcastra product of stellar group. today the program includes hot cabbage soup, how a weed from the garden can enrich your body with essential microelements and vitamins, who has more benefits from sorrel or nettle? passes along the right edge past the center, everyone can, marina sergeevna, nettles with chavel, tasteless without salt, with salt. harmful as
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eat hypertensive? the vessels no longer dilate, but narrow, the kidneys begin to work worse, sodium contributes to fluid retention. i bought glasses for the occasion, as incorrectly chosen glasses lead to problems with your vision. the image stops until the retina and the eye does not see, double vision, it happens, double vision, yes, it happens a little, can old age? deprive you of your mind, how to cancel the sentence of time and prolong the flexibility of thinking, it’s hard, the activity of the brain, which is responsible for memory and cognitive functions, increases. good morning, hello, mikhail, do you know that the well-being of citizens has been measured more than once in history with the help of soup, that is, soup - is it rich people or poor people, what?
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the better a person's well-being, the more ingredients he uses for soups. today, by the way, you and i have a unique opportunity to become very rich thanks to weeds, that is, we will make soup with weeds. sounds intriguing, here we have a typical front garden in a typical country house, where there are typical weeds, but in reality these weeds are nettles and sorrel, i won’t argue with you, but i ate chavel soup from nettles, and many people don’t even realize that it can be made, what do you think is healthier, nettle or sorrel, let’s vote, vote, vote, chavel, sorrel, nettle, nettle. a duel of weeds for our health, and i’m a little more, but this is just real , you know, by the way, i’m also on the side of those who are with nettles, since you are for nettles, i’ll take the side of chavel, which is the best way to cook cabbage soup with this in the spring, let's find out from
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our expert. marina sergeevna makisha, nutritionist, member of the national association of dietetics and nutritionists of russia. good morning, good morning, let's go. let's start with a weed competition, in the bed of each plant there is a benefit hidden in the form of vitamins, your task is to find it faster than your opponent, who will be a volunteer from the sorrel and nettle teams, let you be the nettle, and you will be the sorrel for the sisters, ready, 1, 2 , 3, let's go, somewhere there is a root buried there, my god, look, we have the first nettle, iron in nettles, wow, yes, this, by the way, is a little- known fact, but nettles contain two daily norm of iron in 100 g. we remind you that plant iron is absorbed worse than iron from animal products
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, somewhere around 10-15% is absorbed, but due to such a high concentration from 100 grams of grapes we actually get, well, approximately as much as. from a piece of one-hundred-gram meat, how are you with nettles, naty? yes, i actually use nettle in salads, first thing, and even wash my hair very well, that’s exactly the nettle infusion, which means it protects against anemia, nettle 1:0, yes, thank you big, have a seat, we need the next two - opponents from the nettle team, from the sorrel team, please, let's you and you, please, so, ready, let's go, looking, looking, looking, looking, so, changing the tool in shavel's team instead of a shovel , hoe, nettle runs along the right edge, pass the center, goal, and what do we have, vitamin (c) for many, i
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think this will be the same surprise as the iron content, because we are used to vitamin c being contained, well, in other products, for example, citrus fruits or aronia. rowan, currant, sea buckthorn, but nettle contains almost 300% vitamin c, even a little more than the daily requirement of 100 g, eight times more than, for example, lemon. meanwhile, vitamin c is a wonderful vitamin that protects our body, including from premature aging. why? because vitamin c is one of the antioxidants, it counteracts oxidative stress, it affects collagen in the skin, it affects... collagen in the walls of blood vessels, for this reason it can be called a vitamin, including the vitamin of longevity. it turns out 2:0 in favor nettle, thank you very much, participants in the third battle, who are they, please, come to us, as they say, 1 2 3, sorrel, win,
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let's go, what's the legend? so, come on, come on, come on, who, who, who will be faster, who will hurry up, but it’s a draw, shavel evens out the score, what do we have there, vitamin k, it is this that helps the normal distribution of calcium, that is
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, vitamin k is involved in the process in such a way that the calcium that we get from food is distributed in the body where it is needed, that is, in the bones, in the teeth, then is where it is supposed to be. if there is not enough vitamin k, then calcium may begin to be deposited in the walls of blood vessels, this will already be, well, not at all good for our body. vascular calcification, yes, this is already pathologically definite, this is already a disease, that’s why for... the normal distribution of calcium in the body, vitamin k is very important, its content in sorrel is quite high, also about 40% of the daily norm, in total in 100 it’s great, but we have a fighting draw, thank you very much, well, the decisive round, now, what a useful weed today it will be more useful, yes, so, proso, let's go, no... i assure you that the crappie will win again, and i said, i said, i said,
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manganese, yes, manganese is a microelement that is important for the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, that is for metabolism in which glucose is involved, and as studies have shown, on the one hand, people who are deficient in dietary manganese and more often suffer from diabetes, on the other hand, people who consumed manganese for a certain time in the experiment had better indicators from the point of view of insulin production, fluctuations in blood glucose levels, that is, manganese is a trace element that helps regulate blood glucose levels. i agree that nettle is more diseased than sorrel, but they will not stop loving sorrel, thank you very much, that is, doctor, it turns out that we, maureen sergeevna, yes, that the first place goes to nettle, well, the second honorary silver goes to it. sorrel, well, actually, here i must say that sorrel
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also has enough useful substances, in fact, it contains vitamin c, although of course there is less than in nettle, there is also magnesium, a small amount, there is potassium, of course, manganese, we have already said, well, that is, in fact, this is also a useful weed, which is why i suggest not really choosing between them, i suggest combining them, oh, this is great in general, i thought about it too, we have a dish here called imperial cabbage soup, yes, this is cabbage soup that is not made from cabbage, it is made from nettle and chavel, that’s what we actually have they are already ready, and the recipe for making you can now see on the screen, and we will serve and pour. well, while the doctor serves us in large plates, i will treat our little spectators, our dear
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participants, everyone can, marina sergeevna, nettle with chavel, well, in the quantities in which we use in soup, these products definitely do not have there are no contraindications, and you can eat this cabbage soup as much as you want, yes magin, well, in principle, the calorie content of such a soup will be very low, because we mainly used greens, onions, carrots, yes, but potatoes too in moderation. quantity, so you can even prepare such a soup for fasting days and eat it throughout the day, seriously, oh, spring, oh, spring in every spoon, very tasty, yes, thank you very much, marina sergeevna, today we talked about how weeds, plants familiar to us, can be beneficial to our health, we continue to dispel right now academician belinkov. all the myths about the dangers of salt for the heart and will tell you how you can lower your blood pressure without medications,
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my dears, you are all so different, i really want you to this difference was the strength of our family, and not the reason for salt, wow, you actually have two cups, what do you have, i won’t allow you to deceive my daughter. adult daughters premiered on saturday on rtr.
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rixas premium seagate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsus
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premium sea gate. rixas premium seagate. discover a real gem at bodrum coastline, titanic luxery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection. for me the film moscow slza doesn’t believe in many ways this is my destiny, i was completely nervous to play this role, i was captivated not by the script, but by volodevo, a man who goes his own way, it’s always hard for him, this is not even criticism, this there was persecution, he was worried to such an extent that he once told me that god, why did i take this picture, vera alentova, her life with vladimir minshov, it was
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surprising for everyone, when we got married, it was just some kind of shock , because more different people... it’s impossible to imagine, without him, when he got sick with covid, he didn’t want to go to the hospital, but he got worse, the next day they finally arrived and since 2 days later i got sick, then me they took me to another hospital, but they released me the day before the funeral, i don’t remember everything well, but i can tell you only that for me he has not left, we are still together, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday at... a big musical premiere, a show in which 18 people from different regions of russia are trying to deceive a team of stars into convincing them that they sing. the ability to sing is a gift, the main thing is that the soul sings. the ability to deceive is an art. in general, it’s very difficult to imitate the case,
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what if he deliberately makes a fool of himself by not singing. what is more difficult, revealing talent or? good morning. today we will talk about salt. those interested in history can say: yunikich, there were even salt riots, they paid with salt instead of gold, is that good? yes, now we call salt white
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poison. is this bad? let's try to figure it out. is salt good or bad? let's listen to one of my patients. hello, my name is alexandra, i am 53 years old. and i have high blood pressure, hypertension. of course, i went to the doctor. the doctor prescribed me medications that i take regularly. one drug in the morning, another drug in the evening. but the thing is that i am very i love salty food, it’s very difficult for me to give it up. for example, i love eating sauerkraut. i like, well, sausage, for example, bacon, then i like pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, i would like to ask if it is possible to combine taking these medications that lower blood pressure with this salty food, because well, yes, refuse, like me i already said, it’s not very difficult from her, well, who is with alexander,
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please come out, why is it so salty all the time. eat, well, i really like, well, i like, for example, potatoes, with cabbage sauerkraut, we ferment cabbage ourselves, in the summer we also add a little salt to the potatoes, well , i cook boiled cabbage, when i cook it, then of course i add salt too, well, well, we have our own vegetable garden at the dacha, so we do it, we do it, after all, you add salt to everything, it happens, well i love salty food, i really like it to be salty, i have this kind of taste, i understood, okay, then let’s do it like this, here... hello, my name is svetlana, i’m 40 years old, i already have incipient hypertension , but i don’t take pills yet, my blood pressure
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is fluctuating somewhere around 140 to 100, i’m trying to change your lifestyle, drinking some herbs, well, all this doesn’t really help so far, so i ’m afraid that this could develop into some kind of serious disease, how can this be prevented, what advice would there be? recommendations thank you, svetlana, come out, please, hello, hello, you add salt to your food, well, sometimes, yes, i add salt, often, i love smoked meats, to the table, please, we are talking now, let’s say, salt is harmful, well, supposedly, yes, so is this true or not, so let's figure it out, it's all about quantity, here are the products that to one degree or another contain... sodium chloride initially in the cooking process itself, for example, in 100 g of feta cheese there is only 1 g
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of salt, in white bread the same thing is one and a half g of salt per 100 g, for example in soy sauce in 100 g 6 g. residents of korea and china say: you need to salt the product they use. its sauce, yeah, but there are products with a lot of salt, for example, raw smoked sausage, 8 g, as you can calculate, if you want to meet this standard, don’t add salt, let’s move on, sodium is needed in the body, exactly that’s why there were salt riots, because without salt it’s bad, why do we still say that too much salt isn’t good? because sodium is involved in many processes, useful processes, but if there is a lot of it, then the other extreme goes, the vessels no longer dilate,
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but narrow, the kidneys begin to work worse, moreover, sodium contributes to fluid retention, so what begins, dryness in mouth, thirst, swelling, increased blood pressure, headache, frequent urination and even the effect of sodium on intestinal function, why what can lead, of course, is not the salt itself, but the arterial hypertension that is stimulated or caused, or let’s say, aggravated by increased salt consumption, of course, these are strokes, alzheimer’s disease, this is also a process, well, it’s delayed.
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and nutmeg, and, of course, as i said, there is an antagonist, sodium, potassium, here you go, foods high in potassium, let's do an experiment, i 'll make a date with you in a month, you promise me to limit the amount of salt, let's start with moreover, do not add more salt, and if there is an option, then add some, these are these food additives that will replace salt for you, that means i ’m giving you a diary, thank you, so that means
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here is red, here is blue, thank you, come back in a month, measure your blood pressure, body weight, preferably also measure, and then we’ll talk, so, see you in a month, goodbye, that’s the conversation about. answers questions from russian residents, pay attention to the screen. hello, my name is dmitry, moscow, 53 years old, i am very interested in the question. what is palm oil for the body? how harmful it is, how beneficial it is, whether it dissolves in the body, and how to live with it, and the answer to this question is not so simple,
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because firstly, you need to understand that palm oil... there is not just one oil, there is palm oil nuclear oil, which is made from the kernels of this oil palm, there is fruit palm oil, which is made directly from the pulp, they are different in their composition, secondly, these oils may not be refined, they may be refined, and this is often the case this is why confusion arises, because they take for example, oil from the fruits of the oil palm, unrefined, it is so red in appearance, bright, beautiful, because it contains very... and they say: it is an excellent source of carotenoids, that is, it is true, but the palm oil that is usually transported, transported, used everywhere, including for the falsification of some dairy products, this is oil, it is refined, these carotenoids are no longer there, they have already been removed from there and sold to pharmacies in the form of vitamin a, so transferring these effects is positive with unrefined oil, it is usually not worth it, in fact, what are the claims to this
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oil, firstly, palm tree. oil, it contains a fatty acid in its composition, which is called polymethic acid. it has one unpleasant effect, yes, when we, for example, consume some foods rich in calcium, for example, dairy products, and there is polymethic acid, it binds calcium and turns it into an insoluble compound, that is, in essence it turns out that , for example, adding palm oil to some dairy products products, leads to the fact that calcium from these dairy products begins to be absorbed much worse. a person drinks kefir, there is, i don’t know, milk, eats cottage cheese, that is, he believes that it gives the body calcium, but in fact all this calcium passes through in transit, yes, well, plus, naturally, cardiologists have complaints about palmetic acid , because it is precisely this that increases the level of triglycerides in the blood, this is an indicator that has an extremely bad effect on the vascular wall, therefore, let’s be honest, with all the naturalness of this oil, the name, yes, there are very, very many complaints about it.
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well, anyone who has questions in the studio, please. good morning, i am very concerned about ticks. at our dacha we take pictures of dogs; that year i had three ticks. do i need to get vaccinated? if we are talking about vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis, to a large extent, this of course depends on the region, because in different regions the endemicity of encephalitis is different, in some it occurs. quite often and they actually do it there, but in some regions it is less common, and this is kind of a matter of personal choice, i , for example, as a person who travels a lot, is often outdoors in all sorts of different conditions, i not only hi, i regularly get revaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis, because i know how to unfortunately, the case where people did not do this ended up dying, so i am a supporter of the fact that it is better to avoid this, but here i must warn
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that - ticks, in addition to the fact that they carry encephalitis, for which we can vaccinate, they can be also carriers of baraliosis, a disease such infectious, which, in principle, can be treated with antibiotics, but it must be recognized at an early stage, so if you have been bitten by a tick and you are a vaccinated person, that is, you may not really be afraid of encephalitis, but this does not negate the fact that you need to get the tick tested and find out if he is a carrier of barley, but please tell me, they do it in our clinics, they do it, so what should you do? thank you very much, we will return to this studio in a few minutes, advertising on the russia channel, you are definitely doing well, it’s just that you never usually stay late, the premiere is on rtr, you’ll leave me without a morning kiss, i have a husband, a job, stability, i’m unhappy, and take it. and
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brazenly write travel, happiness, and good luck into your schedule. anna taratorkina. who are you, how did you get here? this is my number, dmitry miller. i'll have to admit that you like me. alexey fatiev, who is there with you? i'm alone, it's just an accident. what idiot? you can plan a vacation, but what about love? i don't understand anything myself. i need to figure this out. a melody for yours. from monday on rtr. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover the truth.
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excellence, making dreams come true. hotel kalinon belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. we invite you to the charmel sheikh swiss hotel, the world's first all-inclusive swiss hotel. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. whistling sharmel sheikh is yours an ideal location in the heart of the city. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best
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restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic delluc golf bellet - i 've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you've been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you at the exhibition! everything fox, i thought, i thought, i realized that i’m not ready to break anything in my life, dad, he left me, and well, good, i don’t have a swimsuit,
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you’ll stern, “can i hug you? well, who is he? a man? well, then.” introduce him to a person? i love him, you understand? yes, you ’re just a stupid girl, well , he’ll leave you at the first opportunity, as soon as he gets tired of you, i beg you, please, stop, no. touch me, leave me alone, what are you doing, hug me, please join me me, can i hug you on saturday, nart: continuation of the investigation into a high-profile criminal case in which the former deputy of simferopol, oleg sherbakov, is involved. let us remind you that
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on september 7, he caused a massive traffic accident with a fatal outcome; an hour before the accident , cherbakov drank alcohol; now he is under house arrest, periodically violating it. after the program aired, checks began and we were immediately contacted. and the mother of the ex-deputy, a new video and new details of this high-profile case. malakhov, today on rtr. we continue section ask the doctor. so, question, attention to the screen. good afternoon, my name is ekaterina shalygina, i am from the city of saransk. and i am interested in healthy eating, since i have three children, so that they also instill these habits. how much? it would be useful to replace regular sugar with fructose, i heard the opinion that fructose is also a sugar substitute, it is for ordinary people, that is, not for diabetics, but is not entirely
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useful, is this true? in fact , we can say that fructose is half a sugar, a sucrose molecule, which is in any the sugar bowl lies, it consists of one molecule of glucose, one molecule of fructose, which are soldered together. together, so half of any sugar is fructose, so as for using it as a useful sweetener, epidemiological studies have shown that the idea is bad, because fructose, unfortunately, is almost never used by our body in its pure form, so the liver begins to work hard to process it almost immediately it into fats, yeah, and this quickly leads to the appearance of so-called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which now this disease is rapidly... progressing, many nutritionists attribute it to the fact that sweet carbonated drinks, yes, they are most often, yes, enriched with glucose-fructose syrup, and this has a negative effect, so replacing sugar with fructose is a bad idea, although the idea itself in general
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, reducing the amount of sugar is not bad, someone, maybe from the audience in the studio, has questions for the doctor, please, i ask you, hello, doctor, my name is alena, i have a question, my husband and i have a lot of... edema: indeed such a problem exists when traveling, sometimes it’s even enough to stand in traffic jams for an hour after another, swelling appears. this may be due to the fact that the blood stagnates during a long period of inactivity, so for prevention, during frequent trips, you can take venotonics, there are many of them now, but escin in the form of drops helps especially well with edema; escin is contained in horse extract. .. pants it has a very important property: it
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normalizes capillary permeability , which is why it can prevent the development of edema, after all, what is swelling with varicose veins? this is when more fluid enters through small vessels, capillaries than necessary, and escin normalizes this process. a study was even conducted, and where the effect of using iscin against edema was comparable to the effect of using ... compression hosiery, so for those who have varicose veins and often swollen legs, escin drops are a good option. can i ask another additional question, please tell me why iscin is better choose exactly in drops? the fact is that the solutions have higher bioavailability, they are absorbed faster, so their effect occurs faster. thanks a lot. we give the floor to ophthalmologist dmitry dementiev, who will tell you how incorrectly selected glasses can lead to
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vision loss. stay with us! good morning, many of us live at a frantic pace, postponing important things until later, and caring store owners at gas stations. build such large stands when selling glasses, and many people, in order to to get rid of a vision defect, instead of going to an optician or a doctor to prescribe the right glasses for themselves, they buy glasses at gas stations, try them on themselves, walk around in them, some are lucky, some see well, others are less lucky, some people are completely unlucky, and serious vision problems may occur. the topic of our conversation is
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incorrectly selected glasses, is this a threat to vision loss. our tv viewer elena contacted me, she bought glasses for herself, let's listen to her story. hello doctor, my name is elena, i’m 36 years old, recently my head and eyes began to hurt very badly, and my vision began to worsen, and pain appeared in my eyes, i... realized that i needed to buy glasses, because my vision had also worsened, i didn’t go to an ophthalmologist , i decided that this is not a serious problem, i can handle it myself, so i decided to start with glasses ready for deoptrim minus one and a half, but after a while they became useless to me, because in the distance i can’t see anything in them, then i decided to switch abruptly on minustree, although i feel bad in them too. because i only see in the distance, close up, i don’t see anything at all, pain
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in the eyes, headaches are also present, i don’t understand, then what is this connected with, please help me solve the problem, thank you, i’m very glad that you came to us, and as i understand it, there is some problems, yes, that we must solve together, we will examine the outer shell of the eye, the cornea, look straight ahead. in the picture, let's start with the right eye, lena, come here to me, good morning, good morning, you can see me with glasses, yes, i'm fine, elena was at my clinic today, we gave her an examination, at the end of our conversation, i’ll tell you how good or bad these glasses are, so, you know this stand where you bought these glasses, and well, these ones, to be honest , on the internet with ready-made glasses and ready-made glasses, and why did you decide? choose your own glasses without
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going to a doctor or optician? well, i decided to start with a small one, because at first i thought that the problem was not so serious, i could handle it myself, and why go to the doctor to waste extra time that i don’t have, well, that is, you didn’t check your eyesight i’ve never before decided for myself that this is a bit of a minus, well , i read the internet a little bit and decided that it’s true, and i understand that now the discomfort is a headache and... in general, life is not as wonderful as it could be maybe, yes, everything is correct, what symptoms can there be, and how can we understand that the glasses are chosen incorrectly, number one, let’s ask lena if she has a headache, it happens, yes, there is often a headache. number two: dizziness, it happens that you feel dizzy, sometimes, when it happens, when take off your glasses or when, on the contrary , wear them for a long time, yes, if i can
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look at them for a long time, there is a feeling of sand in the eyes, and not often, but it happens too, sometimes too, it’s increased. tearfulness of the eyes, tears are flowing, there is, it definitely is, yes, i was delighted, so right away, there is, well, the most alarming of all these symptoms that exist is high visual fatigue, and elena, as i understand it, the main complaints, high fatigue the eyes, the eyes get tired, a slight pain appears behind the eyes, yes, that is, the eyes are tired, one might say, the lips, most likely, incorrectly selected glasses lead to a condition called asthenopia. our lens is the lens that does this autofocus. if the correction is incorrect, then we strengthen the defect. the lens cannot cope, it freezes in a certain position, spasms of accommodation occur, which causes asthenopia to this condition. and all the symptoms that
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we found in elena indicate that elena has asthenopia and the glasses have been selected. most likely wrong, like a person with wrong, why did you take off your glasses, close, yes, elena picked up the glasses, because she puts them on, she doesn’t know what to do with them, yes, this is also one of the signs that the glasses were chosen incorrectly, if the glasses were chosen, the person does not want to take them off, he sees perfectly in them, and they suit him comfortable, so, an apple, we all see a beautiful fresh red apple, but people with stanopia or... with incorrectly chosen glasses can see the apple blurry, you see like an apple, but if you look, now with these glasses it’s clear, if it’s blurry oh well, some people with with the wrong glasses, this apple can be seen in a double image, double vision
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happens, doubling, yes, it happens a little, i noticed, not often, and also people. incorrectly selected glasses, which they chose for themselves, can see the same apple in a different format, that is, distorted, you see what kind of apple, it is not at all similar to the apple that is, the glasses are incorrectly selected, the image does not reach the retina correctly, and the eye is very difficult to compensate, this is an incorrect image, not only does it have its own defect, plus with the wrong glasses, this... the effect has been amplified and this is causing the problem, there was recently a large study done in malaysia, a group of children who were divided from 9 to 14 years old, with myopia, all these children, one group was given full vision correction , that is, they wore glasses in accordance with
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the doctor's prescription, and the other children were given glasses a little stronger than necessary, that is, their myopia was recorrected, after 2 years... uh, the group that had full correction, they continued to have that the same myopia, and the group with recorrected glasses received progressive myopia, that is, their myopia increased. this suggests that the eye is trying to compensate for the hypermetropia that these unfortunate children received due to the incorrect selection of glasses, and the eye grows even more in length. what is plesoricity? myopia is an increase in the axis. long eyes instead of 23 mm 24-25 larger and the image is not bad, not taking into account that the retina then the image stops before the retina and the eye does not see if you make a correction with with the help of glasses, which was done to the unfortunate children from the second group, the image went here,
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so to compensate, nature stretched the eyeball, thereby creating... even more myopia. elena visited me today. and with the same complaints that she voiced, we checked and did all the necessary tests. i'm telling you that the glasses you bought are thrown in the trash, they're no good. you really have nearsightedness, your eyeball is longer than it should be, but your real nearsightedness is two diapter glasses minus three, perekore. one and a half diaptres, that is, you can compare you with the second group of malaysian children who underwent re-correction, but if the children’s eyes grow compensatory. it cannot grow in you at your age, this is a good plus, but your lens has gone into spasm, so all
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the symptoms that we have listed are present in you, you need to change your glasses, i give you a prescription for glasses, go to the optical store, buy these glasses are prescribed according to this prescription, all your problems should go away, or... if you wish, you can have surgery, laser correction, you are a candidate, a good candidate for this procedure, after which you won’t need glasses at all, i will be able to see up close and far away, yes, how old are you, 36, yes, you can see up close, so we are waiting for you for the operation, dear friends, take care of your eyesight, eyesight is priceless, choose the right glasses, and i give the floor to my colleagues. thank you, doctor, it’s a big musical premiere, but i have a question,
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please tell me how many will sing, how many will not sing, virtuoso singing or virtuoso facial expressions, i can’t even imagine, this maybe your trick and deception, you are capable of anything, a master of vocals or a master of deception, they want to deceive us again, come on, choose correctly, or you will lose, okay, yes, catch me if you can, what should i do, tell me, speak, sings, on friday on rtr, cleaning floors is a tedious and dirty process that turns into torture for you. your back and hands, forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, using a thunderous vacuum cleaner
10:44 am
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transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo will be instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is secure the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, photo facade bright life suitable for anyone. type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if it becomes dirty, just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call order a universal photo facade for a fence bright life by special price from only 995, just choose the appropriate design, create a unique look for your suburban area, when i was building a dacha, the foreman told me so, we won’t let you down, we didn’t let you down. neither the gas failed, nor the water supply failed, now everything will be, now it will be, the roof was powdered, the pipes were covered with nail polish, normal
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cosmetic repairs. we need to learn to live with this, no matter what happens, this is our day, ours with us, you are afraid that no one will come, you don’t understand what is happening, our family has fallen apart, the night has disappeared, the light is in the window, final episodes, do you know where she is, today on rtr. doctor, there was such
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a famous actor, vladimir mikhailovich zeldin, people's artist of russia, he played on stage until he was 100 years old and was generally considered one of the oldest actors, here is bruce willis, yes, a hollywood star, wonderful films, a crowd of fans and bam, fronto-menopausal dementia . why is it that even actors who constantly train their brains, learn the text, adapt to different situations, don’t care. suffer from such diseases because with age the brain, unfortunately, loses part of the connection between nerve cells, this is due to changes in hormone levels and so on, the mass of a person’s brain decreases by about 15% by the age of 80, alas, in fact, despite this, not all people are susceptible
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to neurodegenerative diseases, because there are factors that influence...
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the great russian actor, but there are also artists, there are also writers, well, for example, bernard shaw, yes, he lived quite a long life, he lived for 94 years, and until his last day he created, and was, as they say , in a bright mind and memory, but there are also people with age who have their creative abilities begin to manifest themselves, and such an interesting example
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is carmen erera, this... probably, you can say, an artist, although she first painted a picture when she was well over 80, but now she is 13 years old, she is alive, active, and is such a leading artist in cuba. what's the secret? and the fact is that the brain may not work so fast, but this is compensated by a huge number of neural connections that have been formed during life, that is, what we actually call life experience, that is, a person encounters... various situations, reading books, communicating with other people, all this is stored in our brain in the form of connections between neurons, but it is clear that the older a person is, the higher the number of these connections, so it turns out that this person’s associative fields are much more more active due to extensive experience, well, we are talking about a respected age, young people can have dementia, well
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, unfortunately, unfortunately for today.
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can accumulate more and more with age, so it is extremely important to engage in prevention, let's talk about it, let's start, of course, physical activity, when we do physical activity, i'm talking about
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average physical activity, then in our muscles then in the brain a so -called neurotrophic factor appears, this is a very important factor, which is a protector, a predictor of just these all nerve cells, and also. studies conducted by our colleagues from the university of cambridge, quite large-scale studies, prove that a person who walks only 30 minutes a day three times a week, then its concentration, that is , the activity of the brain, which is responsible for memory and cognitive functions, increases. friends, do not forget about this and maintain physical activity in your youth and adulthood. at any age, let's move on, mathematical examples, well , indeed, there are a large number of different variants of mathematical problems, these include the so-called tasks, that is
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, tasks for the development of working memory, which have an extremely positive effect on the functioning of the brain, well, these are simple tasks, by the way, and these are simple tasks, there are more complex options that can be used, there are now special computer programs, applications on... smartphones, that is, with the help of which, instead of reading some news or watching some - some videos are pointless, yes, you can exercise your brain instead, that is, if i decide everything here now, then no, if you do this every day for 5 minutes, at least 5 minutes, then the activity of your brain will be much higher , and the most important thing your memory will improve, great, friends, train your brain, so... well, count out loud, read books, to your children, grandchildren, yeah, to your friends, to yourself, yes, it’s very important here what exactly out loud, because when a person reads to himself , he very quickly
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becomes tempted to just go through the page diagonally, that is , to remember some basic things, to skip a lot, this is the first problem, the second problem is when a person reads, he essentially, well, you can say that he is like would listen with his brain, yes,
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in particular, it has been proven that one of the reasons the development of dementia is a deficiency of vitamin b-12, and therefore older people especially need to pay attention to foods that are rich in it, including offal products, such as liver, beef liver, chicken liver, and so on, necessarily it is necessary to include them in the diet to avoid a deficiency of this vitamin, and greens, various leafy greens, they are rich in folic acid, which also reduces the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases, well , probably, you don’t need to...
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we have the audience in the studio, that’s who continues work? look, one person, no, well , it’s very important here that when we say work, it simply means some kind of productive activity, that is, a person goes to his dacha, this is also work, yes, that is, he digs, he plants, he weeds, harvests, that is, he has, firstly, something to do, and secondly, he has the fruits of his labor, okay, but working with his grandchildren, isn’t that work, work? thus, if you maintain a healthy lifestyle and correctly distribute the intellectual load, then brain function will improve. can be preserved for many, many years. i remind you that you can find all episodes of our program on the online media platform , watch the application on the website thank you very much, thank you. today we learned how to protect your brain from aging. follow the recommendation. scientists geroantologists,
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stay young and healthy, thank you for spending this morning with us, we wish you a good day of good health, see you on the russia tv channel. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sittel. hello. belgorod is under fire again, a woman died due to the detonation of a ukrainian armed forces drone. it was as if she had turned it through a meat grinder, the fence of this house. there were traces of scattered fragments on the façade. parliamentary hearings on tax legislation in the state duma. it must meet the interests of the economy and society.


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