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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  May 23, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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presidential candidate jorge maines had the back wall of the stage collapse. a powerful gust of wind caused a metal structure with a huge poster to fly over the speakers and fall onto the crowd of spectators. nine people were killed and more than sixty were injured. today on our channel is the final episode of the melodrama light in the window. watch the denouement of this family saga immediately after the evening news. well, we will continue to monitor the development of main events in russia from abroad. stay with us, hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your live favorite program 60 minutes hot on the heels, starting the day with a bang. russian iskanders,
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in these footage from a reconnaissance drone, the arrival of a ballistic missile at the ukrainian aviatorskaya airbase in the dnepropetrovsk region, as a result of the strike, at least one mig-29 in the ssu will never take off again, this is the sumy region, the exact arrival of two iskanders at the position of ukrainian radar st-68 and mr18 vsu stations. the armed forces of ukraine and russian lancets are practicing on air defense and electronic warfare targets. these shots show the destruction of the station rap bukaveli american rls in-tpq36. this is already the work of our artillerymen. minus two german leopards. the first is near avdeevka, the second is in the marinka area. in the artyomovsk direction, the russian army was able to move the ukrainian defense on the eastern outskirts of chasoy yar. russian units crossed the seversky donetsk-donbass canal in the south of the city and created a bridgehead south of the new area. now there are fierce battles there, south
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of chas yar, a serious victory for our soldiers was the capture of kleshcheevka and the surrounding village of vysot. there is more to gain a foothold in the ssu absolutely nowhere. in the kharkov direction , attacks continue on the defenses of the ukrainian armed forces, in the center of volchanskaya on the northern outskirts of leptsy. in addition to the onslaught of the russian army, there is now another problem in the ukrainian armed forces. the new brigades created from mobilized ukrainians do not have sufficient numbers. equipment, this shortage is so acute that the recently formed 153rd brigade has actually turned from a mechanized formation into an infantry formation, that at the fronts, we see, you only run to positions, hiding either in the bushes or in a forest plantation, otherwise you won’t get there, cars are visible from a quadcopter, the front line is dotted with drones, so far the entire hour and...
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does not feel that we have little, they feel that we have little ammunition, that we cannot pour them normally, and if once we 20 threw ammunition at some target, now there is much less, since there is very little and we are saving, artillery installations on the streets of leptsov were destroyed, houses are burning from airstrikes, ukrainian armed forces fighters can only move at night, turn off the fire. this is a dangerous
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foray that must be carried out precisely now. if ukraine surrenders this area, the country's second most populous city, kharkov , will be within range of russian artillery. we still feel. prepared, absolutely nothing, all positions are equipped by the infantry with their own hands, the russians are a professionally trained army, this can be seen from their equipment, from their tactics, in the last hour we heard the arrival of eight airstrikes, so we are leaving,
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the drones are buzzing very close to us, find out whose it is possible only when the drone attacks you, the battles are going on. this artillery crew shows us the gun, a soviet installation made in the forties, it can still fire modern polish shells, used to be almost 100 at a time, now only 10, it's unusual to see something three times older than either of these two guys holding back new russian offensive in 2024. the metal is so old that...
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we are here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, their infantry continues to advance. before we were transferred here, everything was much easier than here. head of the kharkov administration region said that kremlin troops now control about 40% of the territory since they launched a cross-border offensive in the kharkov area on may 10. in just a few days , russian troops advanced 150 km into the club and took more than ten. towns and villages, which gives kiev's allies reason to believe that the russians are following a new strategy aimed at opening another front in the north of the country, for target 720218, what we see here is the so-called odab 1500,
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which is an incendiary aerosol mixture. they went to the russians from soviet stocks. odub 1500 is this monster that represents. a one and a half ton ex-bomb of free fall, that is, before you had to fly almost 10 km to the target and hope that it would hit where it needed to be, now russian engineers have designed a system for it that allows it to plan to aim at the target. this is a well-known module for the ipc. here we see the main wings on the sides and the tail fins at the back. they give this monster the appearance of an airplane and a flying bomb at the same time. its peculiarity is that it is controlled by satellite navigation, at the same time. can be fired from a distance of 70 km from the target. as for volchansk itself, its northern part, with high-rise buildings and a hospital, is already under russian control, and the western part, where industrial
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buildings are located, is still under the control of the ukrainian armed forces. this bomb struck almost in the geographical center of the city, and the heaviest fighting is now in the countryside south of the small volchye river, which divides the city into... zelensky, it seems, began to understand that he was losing, trying to drag him into war with russia, the entire nato bloc, at night he asked nato to shoot down russian missiles, as the usa and great britain did during iran’s attack on israel, politico writes. the west responded with ukraine - not israel, so the only thing they can help with is to erase another red line. speaker of congress johnson first announced his readiness to rise to the next level of escalation. in response to a question from
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secretary of state blinken for banning the white house from striking deep into our country, he did it like he was doing an exam, look, he brought a hearing to congress map of russia and ukraine and began to explain in great detail to blinkin about the quote “the protected area that moscow created.” we are talking about the belgorod, kursk and bryansk regions, from where... the russian army is striking at the ukrainian armed forces. mccall proposes removing all restrictions for ukraine and allowing strikes on russian cities. moreover, congressman russof even made a special amendment regarding long-range atacama missiles, the radio range of which, let me remind you, is 300 km. blinken responded by saying that neither he nor biden would encourage strikes against russia, but he said that kiev can make its own decisions in order to effectively defend itself. at the same time, blinken tactfully kept silent about the fact that american missiles are guided by american
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satellites, in general, the word is up to the pentagon and biden. and finally, ukraine. we really have a very bad situation there, as you know, the russians have created a sanitary zone, they line up their artillery and missiles right along the ukrainian border, and then they hit the ukrainians. and at the same time, your administration and jake salevan have limited the use of weapons so that ukrainians were unable to defend themselves and fired back at russian territory. that is why i would agree to the use of long-range systems of short-range systems, as well as haimons. and your administration is tying their hands. what it does not do in the case of israel, will you change this policy so that ukraine can fight without
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its hands tied behind its back? they will not be able to achieve victory with the restrictions you have placed on them. the country will not be able to defend itself and respond to attacks. as you know, we paid 50 countries to stand up for ukraine and provide it with weapons so that it could defend itself and repel russian aggression. as for permission to use weapons outside of ukraine, we did not give it, but ukraine itself can accept it. decision on what it's going to do, i just want to make sure they have the right equipment to do it. the weapons were given to them by congress. thank you for making this a reality, but congress did not restrict their use of guns. jake did it sullivan and your administration. i spoke to the ukrainians, they cannot achieve victory with the restrictions that you, not congress, have placed on them. i hope you will return to the national security advisor and sofbes will change this very dangerous and harmful decision for ukraine. on the initiative. state department in the presidential administration there are active debates about allowing ukraine to launch missile and
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artillery strikes directly on russian territory, on targets thanks to which, according to mr. zelensky, moscow achieved its recent territorial gains, a proposal put forward by secretary of state antony blinken after a sobering trip to kiev, is still in the formative stages, and it is unclear how many of his colleagues in biden's inner circle will support it. the proposals have not yet been formally presented, officials said. to the third world war, he wants us to start shooting down their planes, if they want to fight, let them fight, do we need
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to simplify the situation, create conditions that could drag us into a war with russia, namely this is what zelensky wants, and he not only cannot win, our military experts know this, his military experts know this, they are slowly retreating, losing territory, their army is barely dragging along, the soldiers are demoralized, this is not a viable situation in which it is impossible to win, so you need... the right allows you to hit the territory of the aggressor, if you are attacked, at the
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moment this is the fastest way to help the ukrainians, tell them, yes, you can use all long-range weapons to hit russian territory, british prime minister ri shunok dissolved the government and parliament, and also officially announced that elections will be held on july 4, early elections are perhaps the only opportunity for shunok and the conservatives to retain at least some remnants of power, their current ratings... fluctuate in the area 15%, which is a historical disaster for the party. southern polls will read a landslide victory for labour, if elections were held right now they would get 47% of the vote if elections were held in january next year, as this was planned initially, they would have ended in a total defeat of the conservatives with the transformation of toria from the ruling party into the third or even fourth political force in the country. even the weather was against rishi, when the british prime minister announced early elections in london, heavy rain poured down.
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rish sunak's arguments for voting for him again sound polite, to put it unconvincingly. and... he refuses , putin is to blame for all the failures of the course of boris johnson, his fellow prime ministers, the tanker of the highway and sunok, this is not a joke, the all-powerful russian president, according to sunak, has tripled the british electricity tariffs, and in general, right now is the moment of truth for britain: continue to suffer by participating in sunak’s fight with putin or risk surrendering to russia and admitting defeat of the project. such arguments do not work on the british; all the front pages of british tabloids today chose the second option. mirror writes that sunak has no chance at the next election. the spectator displays a cartoon on the cover of the british prime minister drowning in the rain with the title flood. the guardian points out that the last time a snap election took place was in
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1945. then for churchill the rest of the conservatives they ended. unexpected and resounding defeat. churchill was already accompanied to the subsdan conference by the victorious atlee. well, if we talk about russian-british relations, the elections will not change anything. whether boristocha and the leaders come to power, the future prime minister starmer will probably adhere to a 100% anti-russian, pro-western, pro-ukrainian line. perhaps there is only one pleasant thing, a labor government will clearly borrow more. islamization and the pushing of the gender agenda will intensify, exacerbating the already serious contradictions in the kingdom. in addition, it is possible that future prime minister starman cannot stand donald trump and
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the republicans as such, which will naturally add spice to american-british relations if he wins. after weeks of discussions in downing street, rumors that spread throughout westminster have now been revealed. earlier today i spoke to his majesty the king asking for the dissolution of parliament, the king granted this request, and we will have a general election on july 4th. for a balanced solution. we are ahead of germany, france and the united states than anyone predicted. what will clearly grab the front pages of the newspapers are the photographs of sunah, whose suit is not just a little wet, he is soaking wet. yes. i
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promise to give you the strongest protection i can, this is what i promise you: for many of you it is easy to forget the scale of what we have been through when we were just recovering from covid, the war returned to russia, the invasion putin's attack on ukraine caused your electricity bills to spiral upward, so i came to the cabinet to restore economic stability. he asked voters to give him another chance. i cannot and will not claim that we did everything right, not a single government. i shouldn't say that, but i'm proud of what we 've accomplished together. the libarist party soon gave its answer, presenting its leader as the future prime minister, surrounded by flags and ready to race. if you vote for the laborites, this vote is for stability, economic and political. politics that affects all of our lives -
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voting to end the chaos. look at our country, waste water. the labor party immediately showed this pre -recorded election video, it was released while the prime minister was still standing at the podium, and in the evening the son dried up, rolled up his sleeves and gave his election
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speech. labor would have you think this election was over before it even started, but we will fight, we each day we will fight for our values ​​and our visions. not everyone shares his optimism about the economy. life became better with him. for some people, but people want the migrant situation to improve because migration has cost this country so much. 4th of july, what do you think? us independence day, i don't know why he chose july 4th. i don't know how this system works, but the sooner the better. why? because i'm swimming in the sea and it's beautiful, lately the sea has turned brown. there is a lot of garbage floating in our sea. this the government has been in power for 13 or 14 years, not a single thing has improved on...
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sort it out, and you said we need it don't you, so you know, we need a general election, i think they we need it, yes, why? because there is complete chaos going on. that's the main question, it's about household disposable income, our question was: are you better off now than when this parliament began its work, dating back to the work of parliament in the fifties, the answer to that question was yes. regarding income households, the situation got better, the situation got better in the fifties or sixties, during this period. she also improved under tone blairy and improved slightly in tore's previous terms. but now look where this column is when it comes to the latest government. i 'll sit down to show you, that's where it is, under the current government, household disposable income will fall for the first time, according to our forecasts, the first time we 've seen this in any parliament since
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the fifties. 4th of july - day independence in america, and for this country it is a day of liberation from the charlatans who call themselves conservatives. just look at these photos, the level of unprofessionalism is incredible. stand in the rain and read from a piece of paper. robot, no passion, no faith, no energy. i asked one conservative mp why sunok called the election and he said he had given up. i look at things like this from a strategic point of view. if you look at elections around the world, the two biggest races will occur in britain and the united states. we can't go to the polls at the same time. this will free the hands of the opposition to our rivals. to our opponents who will want to take advantage of the fact that we are distracted. look, americans bury latvians and estonians in closed coffins
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in ukraine. this just sounds like post-irony, but for obvious reasons, it’s not funny to anyone around. let the west see more photos like this. foreigners arriving in ukraine are quickly becoming a priority target for our army. the fate of modern lovers play dranna. no better than the belokurytsev from vaf, the brutal polish lords, swedes and other adversaries, and there are many times fewer mercenaries in ukraine, but in the west they came up with a plan on how to fight with russia at its own expense. france supported the us project to use russian frozen assets to finance kiev for another $50 billion. bloomberg believes that germany is not against supporting the us plan. from my side. the russian foreign ministry and the ministry of finance warned that any actions with russian assets would be regarded as theft will result in retaliation. this is already
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happening, since last friday the st. petersburg court seized and froze the accounts and assets of two european banks: deutsche bank and uni credit. as for the germans, this is another shot in the foot for them. already, german industry is losing its competitiveness. their goods in the domestic and foreign markets, foreign agent deutscheveli reports, citing the munich institute for economic research. at the same time , even dochveli recently wrote about how successfully germany got rid of its dependence on gas from russia by switching to expensive american lng, and they say that everything is fine with the germans. now associations of german entrepreneurs note that the country is becoming an increasingly unsuitable place for doing business due to... high costs. the guardian writes that britain and finland are discussing further efforts to curb russia's shadow oil fleet, allegedly from
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third parties. may require greater efforts to block tanker traffic in the baltic sea and the lomanche. the news sounds it’s funny, especially considering that the lion’s share of russian oil goes to europe through third countries. moreover, the new york times writes that the west is failing in its desire to deprive russia of oil revenues by imposing sanctions on the russian tanker. the reason is the main burden of exporting huge volumes of oil.
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yes, but for decades russia has relied on western shipping to transport oil. so, in a very significant way, russian oil transported by sea is financed by the west, so russia can use registered tankers with insurance, not only if it sells its oil for less than $60 a barrel, but if someone is caught transporting russian oil that exceeds this value, they can be punished, but russia has found it.
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russia has spent months and billions creating a so-called shadow fleet of tankers. think of it as a kind of parallel network of maritime shipping, in which neither the owners, nor the operators, nor the registration, nor the insurance, nor even the location, are known. at any given time its actions are shrouded in mystery, and the architects of the price ceiling don't like it. we know about the existence of the parallel fleet, it cannot be denied, and we know that it has grown a lot, which we do not welcome. we are in the laconian gulf, we spent more than two hours getting here by boat, and we are here to look at the center of russian oil trading. in this excerpt, the bloomberg documentary team recounts how they witnessed two ships
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found in international waters. there for a couple of days, pumping oil from one tanker to another, and the most interesting thing here is that if you look at the gps tracker and try to track the ship that pumps oil, it turns out that it is located 7 km from the place where it is located in fact, that is , it is not at all where it should be, someone is doing something to make this ship appear in another place, well, here it is, the shadow fleet before your eyes, there are two tankers, their owner is unknown, also is anything unclear about their insurance?
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are able to avoid even the most stringent sanctions and supply the markets they want simply because these are now their own ships. that is, oil leaves russia at a declared price of no more than $60 per barrel, i use.
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his lawyer claims that the paparatsky pushed
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vrusova only after that he was hit on the head. the actors left the scene in a car, the photographer in an ambulance, and now the police will have to figure out what happened. one thing is undeniable, holder of the order honorary legion actually beat up a photographer, and this does not at all fit with the image of god’s dandelion that his friends attributed to him when they denied accusations of sexual harassment. rina barilari, a king among roman photojournalists, famous for her photo publications about famous personalities in the magazine la dolce vita. actor gerararo depordieu was attacked in rome this afternoon. at that time. the woman who was dining with him tried to stop the photographer and grabbed his hand. according to the preliminary version, depard
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threw ice at him, then attacked barilari, hit him in the face three times and knocked him to the ground. the restaurant administration intervened in the incident and later called an ambulance for barilari. after which he was taken to the hospital, as as a result of a scuffle with depardieu his eyebrow was cut. girard depardieu fled the scene of the incident in a car, and the investigation is looking into the incident. the applicant in this case is the king of poparatsi, as he was attacked. “i have never seen anything like this,” said the victim. victim also stated that a woman attacked him when he came closer and tried to take some pictures. such scenes have not happened for 15 years, the restaurant owner said. previously, we treated this as normal, but today it feels like we have returned to the past, we did not expect this at all, the woman who attacked him most likely also expressed obscene language towards the victim.
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the paparazzi king promises to report this to the police. this is the table where i had lunch actor gerard debrier at 14:00 along with five other visitors in the famous restaurant navio veneto. it was no coincidence that rino barilari, a very famous photographer who published photographs of celebrities in the magazine la dolce vita, ended up here. and here is a photo of him together with the great film director federico fellini. bari lari , while walking, saw dzheparde and decided not to miss the opportunity to take a few pictures, after which the woman who was next to the actor got nervous, went outside, approached the photographer and after that, as he said journalist, depordieu hit him three times. the photographer was given first aid, which was called by the restaurant administration. all this happened right here where i am standing. meanwhile, girante pardieu and his friends, with whom he had lunch at the restaurant,
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left by car and headed towards villa borghese. the incident occurred in front of eyewitnesses, because, as you know, at 14:00 it is rush hour and crowded, therefore, there were a lot of people in the restaurant, no one could have expected such a sharp reaction from the french actor. parte dell'attore francese, diabete collare i was on viavneto next to harry's bar, i stopped there and immediately noticed that a very beautiful girl who accompanied him came out from there, she came up to me and directly insulted me, depardieu immediately arrived and struck me three blows, one here, one from behind and one in the face, all in the middle of the street. rina barilari, nicknamed the king of the paparazzi, accused gerararo debardius of physically attacking him in vio veneta, in central rome on tuesday. the french actor, in turn, claims that... his companion, the actor and his partners presented their version
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events in a statement released by their lawyer at the paris bar. the photographer pushed me, touching my chest with his hand. it still hurts me, he was very rude - she told the rome police, to whom, according to her lawyer, she filed a report of physical violence. faced with the brutality of the situation, gerard debardet, caught between the paporation and his companion, fell and slipped on him. in turn, the couple, whom they tried to contact by phone, could not answer. "i can't talk, i'm in the hospital, first i'll go to hospital, and then i’ll take care of him, i’ll file a complaint against him with the police. when i photographed them at the table, obviously in half, i had no idea how it would end. mamma mia, he's so fat, he hit me in the face three times. this isn't the first time this guy has gotten into fights. for example, during his long career, he once photographed an actor with his mistress. they didn't want this relationship to become known, and in the same way this actor spanked him. according to poporatsi, this is quite common a phenomenon, be it bodyguards or
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celebrities themselves, who take out their anger on others, because these celebrities here have the impression that their privacy is being stolen or someone is invading this life, even if it is a matter of public space. it was a surreal scene that writer gianni riotta witnessed. i saw with my own eyes how depardieu beat boril until the police arrived and questioned the witnesses. then the ambulance arrived. drove away in his car, it was like a scene from a sixties movie, in russian embassy, ​​russian citizen gerard depardet has not yet applied for help and assistance, but for the united states today is a remarkable date: exactly 75 years ago, on may 22, 1949, the first us secretary of defense, james forrestel, committed suicide. let me remind you that because of paranoia and russophobia, which led to mental disorder. was admitted to
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walter reed national military medical center. during his illness, he repeated: the russians are coming, the russians are coming, they are everywhere. i saw russian soldiers, then jumped out the window. coincidence or not, but biden also undergoes all his examinations at the same walter reed center. the only difference is that joe's paranoid mental disorder may be caused by an imminent debate with trump. joe's paranoid today. may intensify, billionaire elon musk has announced his readiness to host pre-election debates between us presidential candidates. he wrote about this on the social network x. it is clear that the democrats will not allow musk to the microphone because of his sympathy for trump and passion for freedom of speech. biden doesn't need such hosts. he is more comfortable with cheat sheets and cnn propagandists. better yet, trump disappears. donald's trial circus. in new york doesn’t have a big impact on trump’s ratings,
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he can’t be imprisoned, so joe has only one option left, murder. such attempts have supposedly already taken place. the us department of justice and the fbi tried to kill trump, taylor greene told congresswoman the day before. this statement is based on trump’s own words about how special agents conducted a search of his maralaga residence 2 years ago. the only thing that saved donald was that he was not at home. trump claims that the use of deadly force was authorized, the former president and his allies absurdly accuse president biden of attempting to assassinate trump. the former president’s team sent out this newsletter to everyone, and a few minutes ago it arrived in my email. they nicknamed the operation the palm beach benefit.
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it is also all over the front page that the use of lethal force was authorized against trump during the fbi raid in maralaga, which may have been intended to kill the former president. this the newsletter went public an hour after donald trump gave an interview. newly released court records show the fbi was authorized to use what they called lethal force if necessary during the raid. private home in august 2020, this is absolutely amazing, you are the former president of the united states, tell us how you reacted to the fact that this was authorized by the biden department of justice, of course.
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like the assassination attempt on donald trump related him people. this kind of thing would make our founding fathers gag. this story would simply kill them. just think about it, if they knew that donald trump was being treated this way, that a federal agency had invaded his personal home, how... to frame the former president, and as you've already heard, they had permission and were just going to kill him. new details are emerging in the case of former president donald trump's secret documents. an analysis of recently published court records shows
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that four documents marked secret were found in trump's bedroom in maralaga. recent published reports indicate that the special council believes that former president trump wanted boxes of classified documents to be moved so that they would not be captured by security cameras so that they could not be seen, but yet a trump aide was caught on camera when transferred documents, and he, one might say, hid these documents when active fbi searches were taking place at maralag's house. the prosecutor believes that this was done at the direction of trump, and his assistant tried do it so that the video camera does not film him, but he has it. the documents were indeed hidden, this only once again shows that the former president tried to interfere with the investigation. the judge also wrote in the report that trump's use did not work, and you can see it. if your lawyer is used as a front man for your own criminal purposes. well,
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today it became clear to everyone why this case is moving so slowly and why it is so tedious. fires that local fishermen make right in their boats, so they attract fish or mainly squid, due to low temperatures crystals formed, their rays and reflections were seen by the japanese, but this is not the only misfortune. right now, japan is experiencing a full-scale invasion by an army of raccoons. there are
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so many stripers that the noglets are climbing into houses, farmland, buildings, raccoons are sweeping through the area like soroncha, devouring everything, everything. sees, and at the same time spoils property. the japanese authorities are fighting as best they can, using a huge number of workers to catch and placing traps everywhere, but the genotes continue to advance. this is turkey, where the invasion from the quartzes suspended air traffic at istanbul airport for several hours. the birds completely blocked the takeoff. in this regard, dispatchers could not allow the landing of planes that were forced to circle in the air. waiting for the runway to clear. some airliners had a critical amount of fuel and were sent to alternate airports. nature has also gone berserk in the united states. a devastating tornado swept through the state of iowa in america. media reports that four people were killed, more than ten were injured, and this is not final data.
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a devastating tornado destroyed much of the town of greenfield. the first photo is of the city before the tornado, the second is after the tornado, what it looks like right now, look at the footage from greenfield in woyovo, destroyed homes and ruined lives, people are literally scrounging up the remains of their lives after a powerful deadly tornado, according to officials, this led to the many... that swept across the midwest, mainly in iowa. one of them equaled land city of greenfield. according to initial data, the wind reached speeds of up to 265 km/h.
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john newell lay under the rubble of her home for 45 minutes until her smartwatch called emergency services. at some point they thought that i was not there, and i continued to scream, i am here. this entire area was completely leveled, pieces of houses were scattered everywhere, and one woman whose house was located. on that block, she said she had no idea how anyone's cars ended up on her lawn, she had no idea where they came from. i've never seen anything like this tornado, dana pruitt's house used to be across the street, in 30 seconds it just took off and flew away, and i said to myself: dana, if you were there, you wouldn't be here.
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more than once in my life. when i was 15 years old , the day before easter, my home was destroyed by a tornado in eastern iowa. it turns out i survived two tornadoes. the wind destroyed houses, swept away cars and trees, sending debris 6 miles into the air. zigcha says one of his daughters was home alone when the tornado hit. she survived because she hid in the basement. i don't know how we would live without her. all
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the rest can be replaced. including his twenty-year-old house, these things are all yours, i don't think any of this is mine, there's a refrigerator here from somewhere in the house, your refrigerator over there. at least eighteen tornadoes were reported across the state, including this one near nevada city. the traffic camera caught the moment when the tornado rushed along the highway, overturning a truck. we've covered many disasters, but that doesn't make it any easier. what we see here looks like a real shock. just imagine the power of the wind, which tore the city apart. we are now in grinda itself, where journalists were allowed in for a very short time. state police have the town under tight control to make sure only the right people get in, including residents who want to see what's left.
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hoval, because if we look at the footage of the wreckage, there is not a single stone or brick there, that is, houses are made of plywood,
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drywall, boards, nails, that’s all that these houses are made of, what they are built from, so, of course, no tornado it was difficult to destroy them. let's move to the front, alexey gavrish, the military correspondent is in direct contact with us, hello, the armed forces of ukraine, zelensky, the western press, writes that ukraine managed to stabilize the front in the kharkov direction, how true is this? yes, hello, in fact, i completely disagree with this, because there is progress on our side in almost all sectors of the front, and we are constantly stretching the front line, forcing ukraine to transfer more and more reserves to this direction. it is reported that the thirty-sixth marine brigade was recently deployed and was hastily staffed at the training ground. roughly speaking, new cannon fodder, since they simply plug their gaps in defense with people, they drive as many people there as possible, hoping to hold back our onslaught, but
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they fail, as of this morning they are reporting... that both in the volchansky direction and in the leptsovsky direction, on our part there is progress in almost all areas from 100 to 500 m, taking into account residential development, in fact this is quite a lot, because we know very well that ukraine turns any house, any building into a stronghold, turns into firing points, they need to be constantly destroyed, literally since yesterday it became known that in those houses , which are concrete, in which it is difficult... to knock out the enemy from their firing lines, our military personnel began to use heavy flamethrower systems of the sun and also began to use mortars, tulip, which also allows us to advance further. we see many messages that ukrainian the formation lacks acutely heavy equipment, although they look strange, because billion-dollar packages were approved, allocated
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quite a long time ago, is that so? i cannot agree with this, the only thing that is noticeable is the lack of qualified personnel now in the armed forces of ukraine, indeed, experienced fighters who are ideological nationalists are being destroyed quite quickly, now they are trying to keep them more in the role of instructors, and those people who are thrown into front, these are for the most part not yet prepared and mobilized, we all know about the fact that mobilization is now taking place in ukraine, especially after may 18, almost anyone is being grabbed on the streets and people are being greatly discriminated against in order to... not recruit, about the fact that they didn’t come to the territorial centers enough weapons, it is simply impossible to agree, even based on the fact that we see how many shellings are now being carried out on peaceful territories, on civilians, not to mention even on the front line, using drones, even expensive missiles, high-precision ones, such as, for the first time were used yesterday according to mospin, they are also
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used constantly, the first in weak areas, while zelensky, apparently, has enough reserves and equipment to prevent the front from collapsing. urgent messages from the kremlin: putin will meet with the king of bahrain in the daytime in the kremlin, in the evening in minsk with lukashenko, peskov said, the president’s two-day visit to belarus will begin today, and, of course,
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the president’s press secretary commented on the message that norway. we have already banned tourists from visiting their country; such decisions cannot remain without pesky's answer to the question about norway's ban on entry for russian tourists, the decision is extremely discriminatory, and it is being made against the backdrop of how the finns are reconsidering their decision to close border crossings, as already... a joke on telegram, they want to stock up on our feed, finally full tank. ask! evgeny, it’s high time for us, i think, to learn and internalize the psychology of our enemies. it's very simple for them. if they do something and we don't respond, they move on. why are they now talking about the possibility of striking territory of russia. and they checked us. that's
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10 days ago, may 14th. there was a message that the united states conducted a subcritical nuclear test, the question here is, yes, the question is what, it doesn’t matter whether they carried it out in reality or it was a press hoax, the important thing is that we have said several times that we will definitely do this let's answer, they watched for 10 days, there is no reaction, there is not even a real strong condemnation, well, we can move on, then russia is unlikely to launch... retaliatory strikes and we can discuss striking at russian territory, therefore, in my opinion, it is high time to answer them in such a way that they understand what this escalation will cost, and we have such an answer, it is very easy, very simple, very painful: first, denounce the 74-year-old treaty limiting the power of nuclear tests to 150 kiloton, let them think that we are
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using tactical nuclear weapons. we can supply warheads with much more power than they think, but let them always have the effect of uncertainty. second, we have a 1976 treaty on... limiting the power of peaceful nuclear explosions in 150 kilotons, you can demonstratively withdraw from this treaty, well, as a response to their test, well, then they will think three times that russia is reacting harshly, but if they really get impudent with blows, it’s high time, i think, to denance us the basic treaty sixty third year on the ban on nuclear tests in three areas: in the air and under water. in space, they shout about our nuclear weapons in space, great, we show them that our hands are free, we can strike your satellites at any moment. next, why was this signed?
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an agreement so that there would be no practice of combined arms exercises using nuclear weapons. we must show them that we have our hands free, we are ready, if necessary , to conduct exercises to practice its use as a combat weapon. then, when it is not just a shock of air that we are threatening washington and london, but real concrete steps, then they will think three times that russia is not joking, that there really is a real danger of nuclear escalation and it is better not to get involved here at all, but since we first we threaten, and then often, unfortunately , we don’t do it, then they think we can move on, which means all your... threats to strike somewhere are just threats and you can ignore them, we are now conducting tactical exercises nuclear forces, so they answered us with the next move , conducting a nuclear test, you are ready, now
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you have withdrawn, they say signature is taken, you are ready for a real step, but you are not ready for a real one, fine, let's move on, we will advance further, but it is not always necessary act symmetrically, for example, low-earth orbit, which we assess is most likely an anti-space weapon, presumably capable of attacking other satellites in low earth orbit. russia placed this new anti-space weapon in the same orbit as a us government satellite.
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thus, the estimates also indicate performance reminiscent of previously deployed anti-spacecraft that were launched into space in 2019 into 2022 . obviously we will continue to monitor this. of course we would say that we must be ready to defend space. they are already discussing why they are whipping up hysteria around our nuclear weapons in space, because they have, we have the whole world a basic agreement of 67, according to which space is neutral,
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the appropriation of celestial bodies is prohibited, the introduction of weapons of mass destruction into space is prohibited , it is forbidden to create obstacles to encroach on space objects; they have been whipping up hysteria around this treaty since january. to get out of it, to say, well, since the russians are so bad, they’re terrible for us too threaten, we have no choice but to withdraw from this treaty. i think it’s time for us to understand that the americans have the same handwriting, you talk about an asymmetrical response, but they don’t understand the asymmetrical response, they think symmetrically, remember how in mowgle kipling wrote the beast, which showed the slack trabits stronger, this is theirs philosophy, with them asymmetry is weakness, they always despised chinese and indian strategic culture, they considered it a culture of weakness, a culture of the weak, or yes, genghis khan broke in, defeated and, as
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they say, he doesn’t care what fate and stratagems think, this is anglo-saxon philosophy, so they will say at a certain moment, as with the anti-missile defense treaty, the russians are threatening us, we are not being threatened there i know, iran, north korea. anyone, even pakistan, but we are withdrawing from this treaty, that is , american public opinion is preparing to withdraw from the outer space treaty, so i think we need to strike at those treaties. which they value, which are important to them, how treaty banning nuclear tests in three areas. it seems to me that the agreements concluded with him are no longer worth anything, because we don’t trust their word, all the papers are signed, they trample on them and throw them in the trash, but you are right, of course, absolutely that they are simply not in danger, they can do whatever they want, and this was shown by the example with the international criminal court, this is...
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to answer harshly, because the americans, well, professors, in principle, don’t understand anything else in what is really needed, you need to agree with the opinion of the respected one , what needs to be said is what is happening now, well , in general, it means that poland and the united states intend to implement a project, a large-scale project for 15.5 billion about the creation
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because the ukrainian military is forced to transfer certain units that are already combat-ready, have already gained experience, there is an eighth half of the ssso, some other units from other sectors of the front, and the front is 1.00 km, and the kharkov sector is only 60, that is, here they find themselves in such a very tough operational dilemma, on the one hand, so that to evade massive russian strikes, you need to maintain a certain interval, there must be a detente in order not to... cluster people in one place,
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it turns out that they are forced to gather in order to resist the group, which also means communal attacks, which means europeans , you mentioned evgeny, it means about the confiscation of russian income from property or property, this year just yesterday in your program the figure was mentioned, which means first 3 billion, and then 21 billion, but let’s look at the volume of expenses of the same the united states, for practically... the united states has spent, has already spent 200 billion in the area there on this matter. what is 3 billion? 3 billion are contracts for weapons, equipment, and ammunition that the czech republic concluded this year. 3 billion, one tiny little czech republic. 21 billion, which they want to throw next year, relatively speaking, our money to confront us is 21, that’s 10% of american military spending, and we’ll take more.
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each economist has his own measures, again, here we see, and the correspondent said, yes, indeed, the germans are planting ammunition, tight, next month, literally in a week, armored vehicles will arrive, a significant supply from spain, from other countries, that is, the kharkov direction is also complicated by the terrain, here you need to understand, here you need to be clearly aware that this is not an easy direction, when there are 20 km to kharkov, relatively speaking, you can walk on foot, no, it’s not an easy walk, on the other hand...
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a sufficient number of systems so that he can work for them more efficiently, so they also have their own political plans here, they don’t give him . an armed conflict, that is, at first nato is not trying to declare to us directly they are trying to accept ukraine
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in order to implement, yes, impose on themselves the implementation of the fifth article, because then business, no matter how bad, yes, no matter how bad it is, for example, here of all these contracts in the direction of ukraine, this is... after all, a business, and otherwise it is a war, it is a war, of course, for some it is their mother, for others it is their stepmother, but then the business will end, they will have to, this is, as they say, if, as in that jewish joke, if problems can be solved money, then this is not a problem, these are costs, then these will already be costs, and if in 25 they do not convince their hegemon, that is, the united states, and well, in general, to get involved in general, yes, to authorize a war with russia, then then ... this opportunity will be, so to speak, temporary in time, it will be missed, then they will no longer agree to it, because their possibilities are also finite, but our possibilities are not unlimited, yes, but they are still wider than europe, but their possibilities are not endless, why are these ours?
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opportunities are wider than those of europe, you know, because we have such a really serious, powerful resource base, on... and these are only the losses of the poles in 5 months,
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this is only this year, and how many more will there be, then there are actually very deep, serious shocks waiting for them here, they are waiting for them, they are on the threshold. of course, but not the entire escalation ladder has yet been completed, here professor fenenko is absolutely right that it is necessary to answer so that they understand, because in their heads they are different, and the same poles you mentioned, for example, have already they are discussing the possibility of covering western ukrainian territories with their own anti-aircraft systems, they talk about it openly, and if they talk about it, then tomorrow they will probably start using them, but we understand that this is another step towards the third world war, which, of course, is already underway, but if russia starts a war with nato,
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it will not be conventional, it will be a nuclear war, there is nothing third here, not even a second, let’s see. in poland, from a technical and legal point of view , the issue of possible involving the country's air defense systems in shooting down russian missiles near the country's borders, but no decisions have been made on this matter. polish foreign minister pavel wronsky noted this in a commentary to an ukrinform correspondent. commenting on the words of ukrainian president vladimir zelensky and foreign minister dmitry kuleba about the possibility of using polish air defense to shoot down russian missiles on ukrainian territory. this issue is being considered from a legal and technical point of view, but there are no decisions on this case, he noted. adding that ukrainian the party approached poland with this kind of initiative. it is clear that she applied, but it is clear what will happen next, if polish air defense starts to shoot down russian missiles, russian missiles begin to destroy polish air defense, and then, that’s all, an uncontrolled reaction.
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we'll be back, big musical premiere. come up and look into the eyes, the stars are ready to check, we have to notice everything, every stroke, wow, they sing beautifully, my opinion is divided, so far we are very good. well , what's next, mad intrigue, catch me if
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you can, we can't wait for the start, on friday on rtr, cleaning floors is a tedious and dirty process that turns into torture for you, your back and hands, forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, using a broom and dustpan, using a thunderous vacuum cleaner that is not able to clean the most inaccessible places, all this is in the past . now you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper sweeper. dipper svipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribra technology. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no
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you will receive a shampoo container and a special spray nozzle for a larger coverage area as a gift, all this is absolutely free, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, you will forgive me, you turned out to be braver than me and more honest, light in the window, i confessed my love to you, you sent me, we ’ve been around for a long time now... it’s not just the child that binds us together, when the secret becomes clear, if we could rewind everything back, we need to learn to live with it, no matter what happens, it’s ours day, ours with you, are you afraid that no one will come, you don’t understand what ’s happening, our family has fallen apart, the power has disappeared, the light in the window, the final episodes, do you know where she is? today on rtr, we are working
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in the interests of our country, our work, the personnel that we have just received, the king of bahrain arrived in the kremlin, where negotiations with vladimir putin will take place, and french president macron flew to new... caledonia for maritime territory, still in france in the pacific ocean. against the backdrop of protests by supporters of independence, damage from pogroms, looting, arson accounts for hundreds of millions of euros. six people have already died.
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my desire, as the entire government, is to be with the people and return to peace, tranquility and security as soon as possible, this is the main priority. along with a return to peaceful life, a return to normal conditions, supplies and food is obviously necessary. i know that many people today are suffering from a huge crisis, some of our fellow citizens. are sick, others are experiencing great difficulties with food, this is the priority today's visit, of course, we will look at issues such as economic recovery, support and rapid response, as well as the most sensitive political issues, to discuss the future of new caledonia. i want to be very clear, units will be here as long as necessary, even during
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the olympic and paralympic games. the colonialist flew to his colony. elon musk ridiculed the legitimacy of zelensky, wrote that the term of office of the ukrainian president was may 20, but he introduced martial law, and we thought that came to defend democracy, musk noted. well, the speaker of the verkhovna rada of ukraine said that anyone who doubts zelensky’s powers considers zelensky a usurper and a political nit. any persons who today, during the period of martial law, raise questions about the legitimacy of the president of ukraine.
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yet another fascism, it’s interesting to say in a real democracy that those who doubt are enemies, what they do with enemies, especially in times of martial law, well, it’s completely obvious what needs to be done, that is, not just drag it to the tsk, this here you go something even cooler, in general, of course, we would like to talk more in our programs about raccoons, about the murmuration of starlings, about all this, but, unfortunately, we are forced to still discuss, including questions... colleague began, mm, strategic culture, ours, western, well, because this strategic culture largely affects how everything actually happens in politics, we, by the way, very often scold ourselves that ours is so rather clumsy and slow , we reflect a lot, whether we are west or east, so, by the way, the british do not reflect on the score, in any way, what is the soviet space like there,
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the post-soviet space, how should we act in it, what will be better for us, not better? what we can afford from an ethical point of view, and what we cannot afford, there are nuclear tests, withdrawing, not withdrawing from various international agreements, again, the same americans never strain themselves with such moral torment at all, yes, probably, in our approach has its drawbacks, but the western approach also has a huge number of drawbacks, this is complete the lack of self-reflection and largely situational behavior leads to the fact that... for example, when their plan doesn’t work right away, they most often don’t have any plan, remembering the history of the second world war, that’s how lenia majeno, that’s it, or she was bypassed, there is no plan b to resist france, no to the nazis, yes, just like the british failed, what plan b was to resist from
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great britain, c great britain is also interesting, because as soon as they failed, they had no plan. by the way, culture is also associated with some heritage it’s interesting, perhaps this strategic historical, they have a pirate mindset, landed. they hit you, if it didn’t work out right away, we grab everything that’s not pinned down and run away, then we’ll see, but this only works if the enemy is afraid of you and is actively doing what you tell him to do, let’s put it this way, that’s it again, the press and not only the press, the western one is indignant, we forbade the russians to trade oil, but they still trade, what to do with it, there is no plan, how to deal with it, we forbade them, but they doesn't matter trade, for too long, of course, western civilization as a whole, it enjoyed this priority and privilege, as they
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themselves say in many ways, and the lack of ideological resistance, including, that is, everything they said was correct, and so they did that's it, now the situation has changed dramatically, while they are integrating into the new system, they are completely unprepared, well, as for the american american drama... the only comment here is that you can have a plan? or not either? no, yes there, there you don’t even need any plans, there’s a plan b, the elections will still take place and they will elect one or the other, and he will represent the interests of third people, here it doesn’t matter who gets elected, here, by the way, a saying from a sports fan environment fits perfectly, the environment was equal, in general, on the one hand , there are democrats who accuse trump of all possible sins, on the other hand...
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i got nervous, not long ago i sent troops somewhere, i remember that, by the way, something had not been heard about this for a long time, he didn’t say anything and in general, troops might be needed in new caledonia, this cannot be ruled out at all, because there is still a population of 280 thousand people, quite a lot, and most importantly, there is something to lose there, the question is not whether it is a democracy or not, the question is that there are mines there , there’s nickel, there’s manganese, there’s gold, there’s copper, he’s not interested in konaki, the element base, which... is exported, let’s guess where, to south korea, to taiwan, to china, for the production of smartphones, this is a very good business, and lose, of course, your full
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a colony, and this is a full-fledged colony, france is not ready in the 21st century. putin and the king of bahrain began negotiations in the kremlin in a narrow format, on the part of our country, lavrov, novak, ushakov, the parties will discuss the exacerbation of the palestinian-israeli conflict, the kremlin reported, they noted that... moves by russia and bahrain towards a middle east settlement coincides, and this is good, there is indeed a massive and very serious aggravation in the middle east, and we see that even european countries, ireland, spain have recognized palestine as a state, which of course irritates both tel aviv and the united states, and as for plan b, it seems to me that we are also now in a situation where it is necessary to follow the only possible plan a - this is to win at the front, there
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is no other way, what is happening there right now, let's see, they can only move at night, turn off the headlights, it's a dangerous position they hold, but here they are losing and russian artillery will soon be within range of ukraine's second most populous city, kharkov. you saw for yourself how everything is here is burning, and this happens every night, do you think, the fortifications here were quite good, nothing was prepared here, nothing at all, russian artillery is hitting ukrainian positions, heavy flamethrowers with sanitary protection are used in volchansky, mortars of special power tulip, temperature at the epicenter explosions reach 400°, even armor melts, the intensity of attacks increases with each day of the offensive, in parallel , assault troops...
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carried out over a hundred attacks along the entire front in a day, the ukrainian reports in its report general staff at the same time, the list does not mention the mite grass, which our military completely liberated from militants in... so. in this footage, scouts destroy ukrainian tanks. the vehicle was driven from the air to its temporary location , then a high-precision strike was carried out. militarily, the invasion appears aimed at stretching ukraine's already small and underequipped forces by diverting troops from the donbass, which remains seen as a likely target for a russian offensive this summer. after more than a week of fierce after the fighting, the ukrainian army retreated to more
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fortified positions, about 8 km away. from the border, russia advanced more than 80 km and captured about a dozen villages. ahead of the generals is a guessing game: how far will russia advance? for ukraine, this calculation means moving defenders from other potential attack sites. the iskander operational-tactical complex hit a mig-29 aircraft and an ammunition depot at the aviatorskaya airfield - dnepropetrovsk region. 90 km from the front. in these frames it is circling over the target. zelensky holds a meeting the so-called rate for the development of electronic warfare, according to him, is the key and unresolved problem of countering russian aerial bombs. in these shots, five-hundred-kilogram favorites are flying towards ukrainian positions. what we see here is the so-called odap 1500, which is an incendiary aerozone
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mixture. the russians got them from soviet reserves. modap 1500 is this monster, which is a one and a half ton ex-bomb in free fall. that is, before you had to fly almost 10 km to the target hope it gets where it needs to go. and now russian engineers have designed a system for it that allows it to plan to aim at a target. this is a well-known umpc module. here we see the main wings on the sides and the tail fins at the back. they give this monster the appearance of an airplane and a flying bomb at the same time. its peculiarity is that it is controlled by satellite navigation and can be fired from a distance of 70 km from the target. and here the aerospace forces pilots are destroying a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries. this is the moment of a high-precision strike on the bridge over the mokrye yaly river near the village of vremevko. it was used to supply the ukrainian group. in the vdeevsky direction, the target of our fighters
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was the american one. russia shows unique footage of the combat work of the crew of the modernized t-90a tank. an artillery strike began on us immediately , plus immediately.
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with his gunner directing him to shoot and hit him, ukrainian militants on social networks complain that the command is sending drone operators straight to the front line, russian rap is doing the control drones far from the front are impossible, the war in ukraine has reached a dead end, said the commander in chief of the swedish armed forces, büden, while the country lost minister of defense umerov, where is the minister of defense, where is the minister of defense. i have a simple question, i just want to know where is it? he is not in the verkhovna rada, as far as i know, he is not at government meetings. i don't see him at briefings where he explains what's happening with mobilization. i don’t see it near volchansky, on fortifications that were supposedly built somewhere, where it is unknown, it shouldn’t be like that maybe that's a problem. the infusion of american aid should help ukraine stabilize the front and protect the skies, but the ukrainian army also urgently needs to triple its mobilization,
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said the ex. us national intelligence committee employee chermela. populated areas are already littered with the bodies of militants. it’s generally said that there are no teeth. put your hands away, major, do you hear, hands, introduce yourself, policeman, this is how mobilization takes place in the territory of zaporozhye temporarily under the control of kiev. recruitment events are ending. melee there are new ones footage of draft dodgers drinking in kharkov, child, take the child, the kharkov military registration and enlistment office accused the residents of provocations, i don’t know whether it’s correct or not, but if the tsk kicks me out of the car, then
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we’ll go with the car or with the steering wheel in our hands, eu council approved. a mechanism for transferring income from frozen assets of the bank of russia in favor of ukraine. the kiev regime will receive 90% of the net profit from the management of these assets. tranches are scheduled twice a year. europeans do not dare touch the assets themselves. at least for now. well and zelensky wants to get them. politico writes that we, which has lost its legitimacy, gathered in france for an event in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the normandy landings. there he is going to ask nato countries to shoot down. russian missiles over ukraine and confiscate russian assets. us treasury secretary elen believes that ukraine could receive a loan of $50 billion with the condition that they would be returned from our frozen money. the idea was supported by
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french minister of economy brineau alemer. according to him, the theft is allegedly carried out in within the framework of international law. the germans are skeptical about the idea. official representative of the cabinet of ministers of germany stefan. assets very soon. the european union has approved a mechanism for using income received from russian assets blocked in the european union. the first tranche could amount to 3 billion euros. about 90% of these profits will be used to purchase weapons and military
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equipment for ukrainian forces. the remaining 10% will go to infrastructure restoration. according to various estimates, the total value of the frozen assets of the russian central bank in the world is between 260 and 350 billion euros, approx. the us has advocated different methods for using these assets, but european countries have expressed skepticism due to concerns about the financial stability of the euro's role; potential legal risk, with most of the frozen assets held in europe, will be
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a key topic of discussion at the group's upcoming meeting of finance ministers seven in italy. in addition, elin called for tougher sanctions against russia, focusing on preventing supplies through third countries and control over goods. and will immediately destroy nato troops that appear in ukraine, warns responsible state craft. if the west takes such a step, moscow will perceive the first batch of nato instructors as a trial balloon to assess the russian reaction. therefore, the western
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military will be a priority target for the russian army, which will try to destroy them outright to prevent the prospect of a larger nato military intervention in the conflict. earlier, estonian prime minister kallos said that the west. kharkov, where supposedly retired wayaks from the usa and publishes a report from a secret base near britain engaged in retraining of the armed forces of ukraine. it's a top secret base run by former british american soldiers deep in the ukrainian forests, a team called the ence defense initiative.
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teachers, doctors, lawyers, farmers, they are trying to turn them into foot soldiers. right there, they are taking civilians, they are taking now putin is holding negotiations in the kremlin with the king of bahrain, hamad bin soi al-khalif. the president of russia announced good trends in the development of cooperation two countries, well, at the very beginning of the negotiations , putin helped the bahrain delegation figure out the translation earpiece. the king of bahrain said that the day of the meeting with ...
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vkontakte all this time, just recently in march we once again talked on the phone, next year we celebrate 35 years of establishing diplomatic relations between our countries, but over the years a lot has been done, done in building relations between our states, we have good contacts through the foreign ministry on many international issues.
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after the destruction of the soviet union, when this liberal-capitalist system was not built in, but now it becomes obvious that all the attempts of the west with the change in the country’s policy, the attitude of the inhabitants of our country to the ongoing processes are not working, so these statements are coming, the first, yes, already have become more and more, we have said more than once, to test
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the waters, perhaps it is indeed possible to use western weapons to strike inside the russian federation, although it is clear that there is an opportunity and presence there western military personnel in ukraine who will fight or are already fighting with our side, well, in fact, we understand that this is not a secret, since the maidan coup there have been more and more of them there, and the correct statement is that this is the primary goal, because those rulers who...
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say that it is inviolable, no one will use them yet, but 3 billion will go to help ukraine, that this is theft, obvious theft, yes, uh, this theft occurred, among other things, for mistakes, including including large russian businesses, who believed that money could be transferred to the west, and
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did not listen when the president of the russian federation said that the most reliable storage of money is in one’s own country, in one’s own economy, which is what we communists have always said, but ... on the other hand , we understand that, unfortunately, the current system of power in the west is such that it has little correlation with the aspirations of the inhabitants of the countries, here is another political farce happening in the united states, where to say, trump, biden, are fighting a very tough fight, democrats, republicans, we understand that political farces, in fact , nothing will fundamentally change in the imperialist policy of the united states. sunok announced holding... outside of the next elections, and indeed, according to all the polls over the past year and a half, they have been saying that labor is seriously outperforming the conservatives, although it is clear that he chose the moment, obviously unexpectedly, because there are at least some changes there within the framework, it means inflation has improved, he can hope that
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somehow it won’t work out, although i think that most likely, if the laborists win, but again, the horseradish of the river is not a slach for us for sure. visually different from the conservatives, but even if they come to power, having obviously formed a cabinet of ministers, they will pursue the same aggressive policy that the current circles are pursuing, so the western establishment rejects all common sense and all the bright political leaders who say: a u-turn is needed. there is only one conclusion: no matter what elections
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take place in the west, we must first of all hope for our strengths, to prevent the mistakes that were made related to the seizure of our assets and to modernize the industry. the key task of our country, and we are moving along this path, i really hope that additional funds will be poured into our industrial production and the gdp will increase, for now extremely. countries have implemented economic sanctions against russia, but their results have been mixed: russia has had varying degrees of success in adapting to the sanctions, and has largely succeeded
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in redirecting its oil exports. export, which could have gone to european countries, went to india, which imported about 40% of russian oil in 2023, while before the invasion of ukraine it bought practically nothing. china, which imported 45 to 50% of russian oil in 2023, also benefited. russia's coal industry has also generally adapted, with china and india expanding. russian coal, and in the first 9 months of 2023, the united arab emirates imported about 60% of previous russian coal exports to europe. economy of russia is doing reasonably well, its political system is not on a trajectory of short- or medium-term collapse. western sanctions were expected to increase costs and add inconvenience to the russian energy sector. but russia continues to find solutions to the current situation, and most of them turn out to be quite effective. after decades of worrying about political after. europe's energy dependence on russia, it's time for american policymakers to think about the political consequences strengthening russia and new energy
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relations with the rest of the world. we'll be back. you're definitely doing well, you just never usually stick around. premiere on rtr. will you leave me without a morning kiss? "what an idiot, vacation can be planned, but love, i don’t understand anything myself, i need
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to figure it all out, melody for yours, from monday on rtr. treat yourself to a first-class vacation with leorests.
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here you will find entertainment all day long. year-round performances the best djs from around the world and comfortable numbers. riksac sharmaelshey is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. he is the culprit of the accident, the person was hurt, he will be judged, you want to ruin a child’s life, i warned him, do you need anything, yes,
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health, a nurse for the director of the plant, this is so cool, everyone leave, i don’t want to see anyone, i understand that he has a generally difficult character, yes, i want to try to sit down, you promised to help me, it seems to me that in his soul he is a completely different person, a margoy. listen, you can stop him from yelling, but i suggest get rid of him, how to get rid of him, or something, he was abandoned like a dog on the street, that’s how long it takes, i’ll be with him for as long... i always want to be with you, sunday, on rtr, the main character played the role that made him a superstar, and then he lives under the weight of this image, yes, that’s what to ignore, cutting off the umbilical cord that connected you to this hype is necessary, because otherwise you will become a hostage, what
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is a boy’s word, this is a certain principle. if you start believing in this instead of god’s law, then that’s a mistake, that’s what else it’s scary that this path of their mistakes, it sucks not only them, but also close people, they all fall into this abyss. in the chaliapin series, you managed to convey this stubbornness in a good sense, which rachmaninov had, because he defends the composer, when you...
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“my dears, you are all so different, i so want this difference to be our strength family, and not the reason for salt, wow, that you have two cups, what do you have, i won’t allow you to deceive my daughter, everything is not at all what it seems to you, i was framed irina razanova, competitors, we need to find out who exactly, what if they don’t limit themselves to blackmail, anastasia vedenskaya, you all knew everything about this, i don’t want to see you all, anatoly lobotsky, one very important person for me has disappeared, life teaches you nothing, they were silent about vasya, and now you continue to lie about your mother, adult daughters, the premiere, on saturday on... ukrainian military
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intelligence fears an operation to overthrow the government in the country, gur representative andrey yusov admitted. earlier, the department announced that the russians were preparing maidan 3 in kiev, and now yusov has confirmed that the implementation of moscow’s insidious plan continues. according to him, as one of the arguments they will use the thesis that zelensky, who canceled the elections, is illegitimate, that is, terrible russian propaganda will speak.
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the armed forces of ukraine, therefore, intend to rebuild 10,000 km of fortifications , well, i’m reading the information, yes, the armed forces of ukraine, structures, or you can rebuild 20, or you can rebuild 50 thousand km, but so that everyone understands what we’re talking about, we’re simply talking about corruption in highest level regarding those financial resources that come to the territory of ukraine, but not all the money is spent, let’s say , like that, mediocrely, right? the west will never end, it can be anywhere in the world, in africa, in asia, in
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the middle east, anywhere, today they are preparing these people for this war, which will continue indefinitely, they can set fire to the caucasus, they can do anything, and these people will become... in demand, they will not need to send their people, why? because if ukraine is defeated, where will they go? these people? well, these are the criminals, there are warriors of light, yes, terrorists and so on, they will go there to the west and will be used as mercenaries, in private companies, in foreign regions, or or or in some other way. ukraine absolutely does not count on its rear, that is, if we are to be objective, then ukraine does not... believes that all the potential that still remains in ukraine is its rear, hence the mobilization, this is a chaotic mobilization that is happening, when people are grabbed on the street, because, by and large, this
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tetskashniks, well, firstly, people are not particularly gifted with intelligence, yes, and secondly, it makes absolutely no difference to them who they grab, they need to make a plan, they don’t count on the fact that, let’s say, this or that person , who is captured on the street, would be useful in the rear, because there is no ukrainian rear, they have a rear there in western countries, they must provide them with weapons, financial resources and so on, by and large their economy is within the country doesn’t really care, well, doesn’t care, well, the main idea that zelensky wants to implement in order to hide all his crimes and acts, of course, to try to drag him into a big war, a continental war between nato and the russian federation, this is his fix idea, this...
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cannot say that you promised and did not do , yes? well, these are the messages that constantly criticize western partners, which are heard from zelensky, the minister of foreign affairs and other political figures in ukraine, give me reason to believe that in fact they have some kind of agreement of this kind in fact, it was, it’s just that the situation followed a completely different scenario, but the idea was that ukraine was starting this military conflict with russia. federations, the united states of america, together with its allies, impose sanctions, collapse the economy of the russian federation, the whole world sees that the russian federation is losing, everyone wants to be a winner, and
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then everything goes according to the script, and zelensky goes down in history as, well, let’s say, such a winner, a man who challenged putin in russia, and became the driver of everyone here these world processes, but in reality everything turned out wrong, now actually...
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it turned out to be the ukrainian army, well, of course, there is absolutely no chance, yes, but nevertheless there are options to get out of this situation in some other non-military way, the west, due to its erroneous political decisions, also does not leave us, recognizing by default the legitimacy of zelensky, with this president, i can repeat a thousand times, you cannot even sign an act of unconditional surrender with this person, because any other person, who will replace... zelensky, he will protest this decision in court within ukraine and recognize the illegitimacy of the president after may 21. and this paper again will cost absolutely nothing. that's the whole story, here, here. everything is heading towards exactly this
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scenario. zelensky confirms your words, because he recently said that the west does not want to close the slightly open door with russia, does not want a severance of relations. let's listen to him. they talk about the risk of economic escalation with russia, this shows that our partners, in principle, they are afraid of a complete break in relations with the russian federation. everyone closed the embassy, ​​no, did they send everything away? there are no russian diplomats home from their countries, have they recalled their ambassadors from the terrorist state? no, so, diplomatic sanctions, they were applied 100%, no, so we cannot say that we put pressure on russia diplomatically or economically through sanctions, because there was no complete break, why are they afraid of being left without diplomatic relations with russia, there is no isolation, everyone is holding the door with russia slightly open, slightly open, not as open as it was after 2014, when there was a big mistake, but each of the leaders left two... slightly open, not
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all, but many, just a gap, what if ukraine loses, we shouldn’t completely close the doors with russia, of course, we’ll come back, i’m absolutely alone, what’s wrong with me, i don’t understand, melody for two, premiere from monday on rtr. tired of boring waffles and ugly toast? forget about it, because with the new waffle iron power excel woffle star, you you'll discover a new world of belgian waffles, and your kids will beg you to make them again. here's the secret: the non-stick waffle iron plates have a deeper, larger design that allows you to add toppings to suit your tastes. cherry jam to make a cherry pie, or fill the middle with scrambled eggs, ham and cheese to make. samlet:
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in just three steps you will have your perfect puff waffle that everyone will love. your children will also be happy to join this exciting process. cooking with power excel is easy and simple, the light indicator will always tell you when the waffles are ready. breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, with the incredible new power xl waffle maker you will surprise everyone. why torture yourself with old waffle irons and toast that you can’t add toppings to? from a power waffle iron. excel waffle star you can always prepare waffles 5 cm high in record time with extreme ease, waffles with apples, cinnamon and caramel, cherry, waffle pizza, toast with cheese, french toast or hearty beef waffles, forget about the mountains of dishes left after cooking, breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert, power xl is simply the pleasure of waffles for the whole family, call and get your unique power xl:
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wafflestar for your perfect waffles and more. the manufacturer's recommended price for the waffle iron is 79.95. but you will get your original power xl woffle star at an unbeatable price of just 59.95. your savings will be 20 euros. but that's not all. if you place an order right now, you will receive a gift you'll receive an ingenious power xl recipe booklet from the celebrity chef. but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places. all this is in the past. now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily. by using
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brand new livington dipper sweeper. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head. even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, a durable angled brush located at the front. reaches every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless; when cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned with just at the touch of a button, it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tiles or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture where it is usually very difficult to reach. and only today unique, brilliant.
1:40 pm
the corded limington dipper swipper with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for just 80. but if you call they will order right now, you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros, and the livington dipper swiper will get you for an incredible 6995, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited. continuation of the investigation into a high-profile criminal case in which former sinferopol deputy oleg sherbakov is involved. let us remind you that on september 7, he caused a massive traffic accident with a fatal outcome, an hour beforehand. cherbakov drank alcohol and is now under house arrest, occasionally violating it. after the program went on air, checks began, with us immediately lawyers and the mother of the ex-deputy contacted. new video and new details of this high-profile case. malakhov, today on rtr. fox, i
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thought and thought and realized that i am not ready to break anything in my life. paba, he left me. oh, that's good. i don’t have a swimsuit, you ’re looking after me, i can hug you, well, who is he, man, well, introduce me to the man, i love him, you know? yes, you are just my stupid girl, but some kind of love, he will leave you at the first opportunity, as soon as he gets tired of you, i beg you, please, stop, don’t touch me, leave me alone, what are you doing, and girl, hug me, please, feel me, can i hug you,
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on saturday, nart. a big musical premiere, a show in which 18 people from different regions of russia try to deceive a team of stars into convincing them that they sing. the ability to sing is a gift, the main thing is that the soul sings. the ability to deceive is an art. in general, simulating a case is very difficult, on purpose. he's being a fool because he doesn't sing, what's more difficult, revealing talent or deception, we're dividing, so far we're doing very well for everyone
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we praise, brotherly, wink, please, well and further, what an intrigue, mad, catch me if you can, we can’t wait to start. on friday on rtr. the french army is officially training ukrainian neo-nazis in modern combat tactics, writes mediapart. militants of the kiev regime, who undergo training in the fifth republic and do not even hide their convictions. many people have tattoos on their bodies with corresponding symbols. on social networks they post photographs with portraits of hitler in the background. according to the author of the article sebastian.
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head of our european bureau anastasia popova, nastya, hello, well, macron will release the unfortunate colony, give it independence, right now. you may not even expect this, and no one actually counts on it. we must understand that new caledonia for france is, firstly, a land rich in useful resources, there is only one nickel there - these are the fourth reserves in the world, and we have seen how the price of nickel has now soared against the backdrop of all these events. in addition, there is gold there, and a lot of other things there there is good stuff, the main thing for france is that this is a strategically important point - it has access to the pacific ocean, this is the actual presence of france. there, naturally, there can be no talk of any independence, indeed there were three attempts to hold
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a referendum, all this was done during covid, despite the fact that for the third time supporters of independence asked to postpone the referendum due to the pandemic, macron insisted paris insisted, realizing that every year the number of people wishing to secede was growing, so it was important for paris to carry out this a referendum, as soon as possible, to close the question of... rights, that is, they give more rights to those who come to the island, well, from the same, for example,
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paris, in fact, because of this, all the riots in the 12 hours that macron has been holding on the island, of course, it is impossible to solve anything, the visit itself, i must say, is such an improvisation by macron, everyone asked him what he was, he was ready to send troops to ukraine, but could not solve the problems in new caledonia, after which it was decided to send military there, well, when they already asked him point blank, when will you finally go to a new one... here he is literally on the spot and decided to go there right away, got there for a day and upon arriving there, meets with the loyalists, the so -called, those who are in favor of preserving the territory as part of france with those with those who is for independence, and has conversations with everyone, is trying to persuade everyone to some kind of negotiations, there is no turning back, let's negotiate, in general, he is trying to put out the fire with words, as he usually does, to use this
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territory in his own interests, but nevertheless, for now macron succeeds, he promises announce some measures, some proposals at the end of this visit, but as for the military presence that paris sent there, these are 300 soldiers, they will remain there for a long time. everyone is saying that the system cannot cope with such, one might say, influx, there is nowhere to keep people, nowhere. to plant them, in general, everything is not as organized as it should theoretically be, but this is understandable, this
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territory did not particularly enjoy the attention of the french authorities, this dossier was transferred from one to another, the prime minister used to do this, now actually the minister of the interior until recently, who sent the gendarmerie and additional police units there, so in general it is clear that paris will hold out to the last and delay in every possible way a solution to this conflict, and what is interesting: it is not ready, macron said, that there will be no refusal from this electoral reform, that, in fact, yes, there is no way back, so most likely, the electoral reform will come into force, despite the protests, as has actually been happening recently in france, despite the protests, macron sticks to his line and passes the laws he needs to reform, eugene. thank you very much, anastasia, anastasia popova, head of our european bureau, the situation in new caledonia is a wonderful metaphor. nastya puts out fires with words, his words are like gasoline.
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please, this is really true, but it is necessary to note the fact that the strategy of increasing escalation that the biden administration followed, waging a proxy war against russia with the help of ukraine, is now failing, and even changing advisers, removing those who were the main advisers on russia and ukraine, for example, victoria noland. it did not improve the situation, but aloof individuals, they are still adding fuel to the fire, have found a convenient mouthpiece for zelensky, who seems to be recognized, as if... well, but who is hysterically screaming about giving permission to strike on russian territory, direct more weapons, shoot down russian missiles and so on, some representatives of the political authorities of europe and the united states of america respond to his rhetoric, here are 13 congressmen came up with such an initiative, let's
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allow, let's allow to attack the territory of russia, as if this permission will change anything in the situation. or the polish ministry of defense decided to consider the question: is it worth shooting down missiles over western ukraine, which could hypothetically threaten the territory of poland, well , there were several precedents, although the missiles were not russian, but ukrainian, but all these things indicate that all this kind of rhetoric and decisions, discussions of these decisions, that the west has no say, strategies, tactics, what should they do next? ukraine is losing because they don’t give it, they steal money, they gave it for defense, they didn’t build anything, the equipment can’t cope, there are no trained people, but it’s losing in what sense, well, we won’t get to kiev now, that’s not the point, you know, here there’s always victory , as they say, signs, yes, which are noted, it is clear that we will win
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ukraine, despite the fact that there will be expenses until the last ukrainian, the question is how... at a price, because the price turns out to be such that the west has linked its fate with ukraine, at ukraine is undergoing demilitarization, and at the same time, if you look, the west is already undergoing demilitarization, because they are giving the last thing they can give so that ukraine can hold out in an incredible way, and at the same time they are already going to great lengths, that is, they are trying to turn a regional conflict into a continental one, because that all these kinds of statements, let's hit russian territory. as it is historically, as zelensky says, or we will shoot down missiles over western ukraine, russia will have to give a mirror or asymmetric response. mirror - this means they act in the same way, shoot down missiles over western ukraine, which should destroy the military aid that comes from europe, then it is necessary to destroy those points where this help comes,
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for example, the dzheshev airfield is well-known to everyone, if, as they say, they hit historical territory. and they should have forgotten about it, they also conducted an exercise in nivada, well, they conducted an exercise in nivada, they rushed there, it’s not that it’s connected with a special military operation, but the fact is that the los salamov laboratory has been since the ninety-first not a year it has not made a single new thermonuclear warhead, nor has it lost a single technology that would allow it to be produced without conducting nuclear tests, that is
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, the issue here is on the brink, and russia is demonstrating its non-strategic nuclear weapons. these are daggers, these are iskanders, but the west doesn’t seem to notice this, this is dangerous, because apparently they think that they didn’t hit you before, don’t hit them now, but what usually happens to ukraine can happen, they also often say that we didn’t do this, then i say, this is what we are for, let's come back, you will forgive me, you turned out to be braver than me... more honest is the light in the window, i confessed my love to you, you sent me, we have long been connected not only by a child, when the secret becomes clear , if you could rewind everything back, you need to learn to live with it, no matter what happens, this is our day, ours with us, you are afraid that no one will come, you do not
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understand what is happening, our family has fallen apart, the bridge has disappeared. light in the window, final episodes, do you know where she is, today on rtr, food prices all the time are getting more expensive and we still let food go to waste, how many times has this happened to you, you are about to cook a meal, you go to buy a loaf of bread and find that... it is either not fresh or moldy. we know how to help you save. just look at this bread and you can’t tell that it’s already 2 weeks old, it looks as if you just brought it from yesterday. store. how can this be? introducing bret smart from topperware. an easy, convenient way to keep your baked goods fresh, soft and
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ready to serve. innovative bret smart's condens control membrane lid with micro-fine precision ventilation is designed to regulate air humidity levels inside the container to create the perfect atmosphere and keep your bread fresher longer. so, instead of... going moldy, your bread stays soft, fresh and delicious until you're ready to eat it. the smart delirium is large enough to hold several loaves. look at these croissants, just imagine, they were bought at the same time, one was in a regular packaging, and this one is in the bread smart system. the difference is obvious, just think for a moment, how much money do you throw away every year because of spoiled bread and baked goods? 100 euro. 200 or much more. today the sensational taper ved smart system can be yours from just 39.95. put
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an end to food waste because throwing away bread and baked goods is like throwing money in the trash. the smart brand will keep your baked goods deliciously fresh, save you money and pay for itself in just a few weeks. don't wait any longer, call us directly now. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not able to clean the most inaccessible places, all this is in the past. now you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington deaper swiper. dipper swiper impresses with its
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original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. tri-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. what's more, the durable corner brush located on the front gets into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners can't, when cleaning is done, it can also be easily cleaned with just one touch of a button, ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. rotary the head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach. and and only today, the unique, ingenious livington dipper swipper cordless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture,
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baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for only 895, but if you call to place an order right now, you will receive an incredible discount at 20 euros. and the livington dipper sweeper will get you for incredible 69.95, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, catch me if you can, it seems to me that they are singing, maybe so, or maybe so, amazing, that’s the essence of this show, on friday on rtr, in continuation topics. an unidentified flying object was spotted, eyewitnesses were able to record the passage of a bright
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flash, leaving behind an orange light, similar to a meteorite or comet, while the base or head of the object had a bluish tint. the culprit of the celestial show has already been found, according to preliminary information, it was the starling 2650 satellite. it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye, the russian tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sittal, hello, the king of bahrain called today’s meeting with vladimir putin one of the happiest in his life.


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