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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  May 23, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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alexander sanzheev, ilya popov, yulia antipova and ilya korchuganov. news. and while that's all the news for this hour, i'm maria sittal, thank you for your attention, be healthy, have a nice day, see you at 16:00 in an hour. then what is this? these tickets are gone. premiere on rtr. you put two strangers in the same room. have you ever seen the sunrise on the beach? settle down. look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness? how's your novel? were you following me? i'm filing for divorce, a melody for yours. from monday on rtr.
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i realized that i’m not ready to break anything in my life, mom, he left me, oh well, i don’t have a swimsuit, watch me, can i explain to you? well, who is he, man,
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well, introduce him to the man, i love him, you know, you’re just my stupid girl, but some kind of love, he will leave you at the first opportunity, as soon as he gets tired of you, well, i beg you , please, stop, don’t touch me, leave me alone, what are you doing, and girl, hug me, please, feel me, can i... can i hug you on saturday on rtr, in in the depths of your heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, the frequency is in some hertz, the silence doesn’t even breathe, we are leaving not returnees.
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be surprised by the love of the sun to the depths of your heart and to the depths of your soul, hello, this is our program. for 10 long years avdeevka was one of the hottest spots in donbass, 10 years of suffering, separation and pain, but since the liberation of the city by russian troops. hundreds of families received hope for reunification, here it is, here it is, here it is, again, here it is, here it is, here is the house, letnikov, here it is, like the relatives of the wall granny, how do i know, everything, even the color of the fence, remained right there, this is a video. esagnak and her mother are ready to watch
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again again. just for a second , my beloved grandmother, lyudmila petrovna rudenko, appears there. the war in donbass separated them 10 years ago. we went on vacation to crimea in 2014, well, with my mother and child. well, we couldn’t get back through the ukrainian border, so we wanted to go through the mainland, but when we arrived here in saratov, in kiev, it was already donetsk. bombed with all his might, and at a trolleybus stop, then they hit a lot people died, in short, we decided to stay to sleep, eat, where to eat, that there is work, everyone is alive, everyone is healthy, they are not shooting, what else is needed, yulia and olga started a new life in saratov, but my grandmother did not want to leave her native avdeevka, we they tried for another fourteen or fifteen years, they called my grandmother, it was possible to get her out, but she didn’t.
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that's it, papas, dad has come, grandma has come, come to me, in the last 2 years the connection with lyudmila petrovna was completely interrupted, only after her release from the girlhood did yulia have hope of finding her grandmother, i her i saw videos of the popular front on one, this is just recently, and i’m very happy.
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to actually be left without a home. in 1414, hostilities began, kiev began bombing the donbass. we lived in an area where there wasn’t much air pollution, let’s just say we didn’t really feel it then. so we calmly gathered for rest. i, my mother, and my son went. and how much was it then? 7.5 , it turns out, he finished first grade, and we left for crimea to rest. and it so happened that we could not return back, for some reason the reason why they couldn't? well, because just in crimea, this russian spring happened, you got to exactly this time, yes, yes, we got to exactly this time, when we
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moved there, everything was fine, he was already russian, the referendum had already passed, but at that time the borders were not yet, so to speak, closed, while we were there... were resting, at that time the russian border, the ukrainian border and back had already been formed, that is, we could not return through crimea, we could only return through mainland russia, we had a little to stay in crimea, well, we ended up in a refugee camp, well, at the same time we settled there, went on vacation, and ended up in a refugee camp, yes, yes, from there we ended up in saratov, quite by accident, we tried to return home to... well, at first we wanted to, but while all this was happening, while we arrived in russia in saratov, things had already begun there that there was simply no point in returning there, because hostilities had already begun , specifically, they told your grandmother that you were
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in saratov. , of course, we had a connection, we there was a phone number, we called each other, and you offered her to also leave, we offered, but she’s with us... farm, house, chickens, she has a goat, i remember she said, she was, i don’t know how she is now, no, what did she tell you when she realized that you would not return, she told us to live in peace, so that we wouldn’t worry about her, that everything was fine with her, she calmed her down, yes, we hoped, that is, it was possible to drive through, possible it was possible to go through, but not through donetsk, it was possible to go through ukraine, i didn’t want to go back, i was scared to go back, at that moment i was already when we had the opportunity, well , financially, yes, it’s also not cheap to go there through ukraine, and the journey takes a lot of time, i was already married at that time, i was already pregnant, and i
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couldn’t go, then a small child can’t go either, but wait, it was when you got married, in 1914 we came to sarat,
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russia, and the first nearest flight that was offered to us, we boarded and flew to where, we didn’t know, we didn't know where, we just wanted to return. home, but then, as i said earlier, we arrived and realized that there was no point, wait, you flew to an unknown place, it turned out that it was saratov, you have a small child in your arms, well, 7 years old after all, yes, mother, in in saratov there was someone, no, of course you are, but how did you stop there, where did you stop, why did you decide to stay, at first we were identified as we were refugees, we were assigned to a social center. there were good conditions there, yes , there were good conditions, as if everything was fine, they were fed, in what
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moment you, being in saratov and expecting to return home, realized that you would not return, probably when we had already received documents, found work, and it became clear that we could still somehow survive here, somehow settle down , and how to take a child back there, is there a war there? was in full swing, so we decided that it was better not to risk our lives to stay in saratov, well, in general , we decided correctly, what is your mother’s name? olga anatolyevna, olga anatolyevna, let's call her to the studio. olga anatolyevna, please come in. hello, here you are how does it feel that you can’t get back together now, 10 years have passed, but then she was younger. she was thinking more about the child, that’s all, but i was thinking about the future, that is , seeing what was happening there on the news, communicating
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with people in crimea, that is, i understood that this would be for a long time, that is, yes, i assumed that this it won’t happen in six months, not in a year, because in crimea it so happened that i even had to earn extra money, work, and it was the person who directly participated in the crimean spring who gave me the job, that’s when passed, that is, he... was in the center of the thick of these events, his mother was sick, and he asked his wife to rest, i looked after my mother, and i had to work with him for a long time, so he told me how in the crimea all this happened, then this man told me that it won’t end so quickly, but now you understand that you made the absolutely right decision, and you don’t regret anything, i don’t think that i left and left the house, right? there is nostalgia for home, i want to, but what do you have left in avdeevka, mother, and the property is a house, but i think, i think
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that my mother is left, yes, a private house, a private house, yes, but here i already, as they say, have housing, everything is there, that is, over the years we have settled down, listen , it was not a pity to take everything i had acquired like that, no, at that moment i didn’t think about it, when we lived, the first planes flew on my birthday, may 27, when i from... we could talk not by video, only there was audio communication, there was communication until the twenty-
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second year, before the start of hostilities, because avdeevka, apparently, was not electricity, there was nothing to charge, perhaps the phone was broken, the connection was interrupted, but in general how did she react to the fact that you were gone, that you could not return, the last time i went to see her was in the fourteenth year, when the road was still more or less clear, how the roadblocks were on our side. dpr and checkpoints from ukrainskaya, in order to enter the territory of avdeevka, it was enough to show your passport, here is avdeevka, here i was born, here i am avdeevskaya, you didn’t need anything else, they checked you, but they let you through when i the last time i saw her, i came to her and said: mom, maybe i should either stay with you, or you will move to donetsk, that is , the conversation went on later, so that somehow somewhere in one place, but ... she is in my house, i have a household, that’s it, she didn’t want to, but she felt fine then, 10 years ago,
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she was a young woman, if you take photographs, where there is a photograph in our album, where is roma, she escorted her to first grade; she was a healthy, beautiful, young, blooming woman, but she was already retired then or was still working, here is a photo, a very beautiful woman, yes, she was retired, but she was full of energy, full of some plans, and in fact.
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it’s hard like this, here you are on the mainland and your mother is there, how does it feel to live psychologically with such a burden? it’s very hard to live like this, at our meetings, every time my daughter and i see each other, start dating, communicate, with us, first of all, she tells me what she found on the internet, some videos, some news, through some acquaintances, most likely this through second, tens. hands, how did you find your mother? i monitored it every day, i watched every video, every video posted by volunteers, on one of the videos of the popular front i saw my grandmother for a second, i naturally recognized her immediately, i saw our house, i recognized her, one second was enough for me , that’s it, i immediately
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called my mom, sent her a video, i said, here’s mom, grandma is here, she’s alive, everything is fine, the people’s front showed her, and naturally i ... we talked to your mom and grandma for 10 years, let’s see , yulechka, can you hear me, yes, yes, we are for you, there are three of us here on our street, only zhelka without, how were you there, lit the stove,
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didn’t heat it, how was it for you, and we were so worried about you, we watched all the news, we didn’t miss anything anywhere. this is very dangerous, mom, we will definitely come as soon as possible, but you don’t want to come to us, mom, no, i don’t want to, i have chickens, i’m starting to lay eggs, but what about you, at least tell me for yourself, how are you all alive, yes, everything is fine with us, little robot, where, where is my grandson, oh, look, what are you already, yes you are already...
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so they robbed the grandmother, the grandmother will be happy for 3 days, yul, and how many children do you have, three, three, that is, you, you only talk about two, that is, you are a mother of many children, yes, very good, you are in saratov we arrived, and in our studio we have the coordinator of the popular front in the saratov region, anna kvas, hello, anna, hello, hello, anna, tell us how you organized all this, my colleague and i were on... away, well, workers moments, and a message comes from yulia, with a big text , with screenshots, with a link that she i saw my grandmother at 37 seconds, and here we go, asking for help, can we
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find her, because the video was directly from our colleagues from donetsk, i immediately... started sending messages to our common work chats with questions, can we find it, can we somehow reach it, but in general the popular front is distinguished by its very serious attention to people and such a quick reaction, this is of course amazing. olya, what it’s like to see your mother on the phone, 10 years later, i just can’t put it into words, it’s exciting, firstly, you see some features. here they are relatives, your mother, these familiar features, eyes, first of all, eyes, you see your eyes, but the person seems to be not the one you know, whom you saw, with whom you... in general , i feel sorry for her, that’s it face, her eyes and all of them i understood that this was my mother, but there were so many
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wrinkles, everything, it showed how much she had suffered during this all the time, these were just tears, no words, just tears, she cried a lot, of course, i reviewed the videos that were sent to us, we reviewed them without end. anna, for you, is this for the popular front, is this an ordinary situation, or is it really special? and, we, this particular situation is special, it has a happy ending, let’s say, but in general the popular front provides, of course , great assistance to refugees, from providing medical care to education for children, refugees, there are already three children here, but what about the children? they saw grandma, well , wait, great-grandmother, great-grandmother, yes, she turns out, she remembers roma when he was
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7.5 years old, the middle daughter, i’m younger, if oh the middle one, she at least knows that she exists, because we called each other, she knows that yes, there is nastyusha, then the youngest, she doesn’t even know, she’s only 2 years old now, will we have a connection, no, she even i didn't know she had another one. great-granddaughter, she found out only from the video, she was delighted, of course, of course, she was delighted, of course, this amazing video meeting could only take place with the support of the popular front employees who are located directly in avdeevka, let's see the plot, the city of sovdeevka, there is nothing... left, there are peaceful people here, few people come out of the basements one by one , but they are there, and we came to help
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them, there are people, oh-oh, a lot of them, and even here, here they still live here, and they now two little people, husband and wife, have left there, did they bring it to you today?
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fo, coordinator of the popular front in the dpr, david sokolov. probably, hello, hello, hello, at what point did you start traveling to avdeevka? on february 22, we
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prepared, transported humanitarian food and hygiene kits to donetsk and rick, we arrived early on the 23rd early in the morning, loaded up and set off for our insurance risk, then we saw a video sequence, this was exactly february 23rd, we were looking for the first people there, very... they came out of the basements smoking, well, people in the basements are warming themselves there, no information you are definitely not there, at most you could ask the military where each person, each family is, that is, there was no
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systematization then, there was no. then systematization appeared, we could turn to the elder on the street, find some person there and we were further away from people were moving, that is, we approached some person we already knew, asked where there was another nearby street, where they lived, tell me, and so people suggested hiding, hiding, yes, yes, because there are those who stood on distant centers, there i don’t know where, but the street was completely empty, alone... after it we were hit with an even bigger wave, we distributed sim cards so that we could communicate, they say that even russian passports have already been issued to everyone there,
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sim cards have already been issued cards for russian passports, that is last. departure, this is already complete, people are bragging, even one guy who also lives in avdeevka wrote to me that hurray, i’m russian, sent a photo with a passport, and regularly, officially, that is, you were russian, and now with a document, they are such a joke that they make the whole family take a passport photo, he sent it to us, we did it in a separate post, it’s nice how beautiful it looks on us, and we interact as much as possible with people, they open up to us, you’re the one who found grandma, yes, we found grandma. this is our team tell us how it was, how it was, we created a large team, a combined group of the popular front and the youth of the popular front, that is, these are many people performing different tasks, and the youth of the popular front, forgive me, for god’s sake, for the indiscreet question, how old are you? years old, i’m 20 years old, our colleagues from other regions contacted us that you most likely filmed a grandmother on video, who is not just some kind of avdeevka grandmother, but this is a specific grandmother who has relatives who are looking for her and.. .
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i don’t know how we would have been found, it’s very personal . we wrote a lot after the first trips, after the first publications that these were our relatives, and these are always touching stories, that is, you have already had such stories, and similar ones, on the very first day we found a group of residents in the basement, 17 people, there, grandma lida was in charge of everything, so you always record these moments on video, also so that you can identify one of the people, of course, yes,
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well, in fact, they wrote to me later. her relatives have a nephew in rostov, a cousin in donetsk, so they wrote to me, that ivan is our grandmother, we want to get in touch with them, in general, the next visit is the 27th, we arrived on february 27th, and we called on the phone, she was crying there, well , it was so touching, even we still have a little bit of professional deformation for 2 years of svo, in some moments it’s our job to save people, but here it just hit me, and i... i stood there, couldn’t find myself, in general, there was such a pleasant feeling that you had done something important, life, today i didn’t live in vain on this day, on this day we really not only the babylids called their relatives, but they made contact in this place and were given the opportunity to other people from this basement to call their relatives, when an older man there called his mother in donetsk,
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just there, that’s all. tore me to pieces. next in the program , a long-awaited family meeting will take place in the studio. after 10 years, relatives will see lyudmila petrovna rudenko. come and meet me. my little one, my parents. big. musical premiere, and i have a question, please tell me how much there will be singers, as many non-singers, virtuoso singing or virtuoso facial expressions, i can’t imagine at all, this could be your trick and deception, you are capable of anything, a master of vocals or a master of deception, they want to deceive us again, but this will not buy us, choose correctly or
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you will lose , you’re fine, yes, catch me if you can, what should i do, tell me, the creature is singing, on friday on rtr. tired of boring waffles and ugly toast? forget about it, because with the new power excel woffle star you will discover a new world. belgian waffles. and your kids will ask you to make them again and again. here's the secret: the non-stick waffle iron plates have a deeper, larger design that allows you to add toppings to suit your tastes. cherry jam for making cherry pie. or fill the middle of the scrambled egg, ham and cheese to make it yo. in just three steps you will get your perfect puff waffle that everyone will love. your children will also be happy to join this exciting process. cook with power
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and if you place an order right now, you will receive a container for shampoo and a special spray nozzle for a larger coverage area. it’s absolutely free, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, you’re a nanny, how could you bring a stranger into the debt, well, first of all, not a stranger, my husband, look, he sets some kind of example for your son, my son, bones, he i'm immersed in my phone all the time, you just need to choose the right book, what a strange place for a date, i immediately said on the site that i was looking for a serious relationship, do you understand where the stories go?
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the tank is on duty, planes are flying, and living with suitcase at the doorstep, it was very scary. david, you are 20 years old, you say, yes, how did you end up at svo in the first place? the easiest way is to come to the military registration and enlistment office and say, sign me up. you served in the army before, didn’t you? no, i didn’t serve, to be honest, i studied at the university, i didn’t think about the army, i just studied, i was excellent. political scientist, donetsk state university, ours, local, i studied political science, was the headman. mobilization began and i was offered to be
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a volunteer at the military registration and enlistment office, so i worked volunteer for several days, and they told me that now there is an opportunity, and people who are under twenty-seven can also sign up as volunteers, i told lydia, who was sitting with me, that lida, i will come tomorrow, the next day came, with a smile, i said, write me down, just on that day, very good news was that a huge base in mariupol, azov, was bombed by our aviation, with such pleasant emotions. that the enemy finally got what he deserved, i went, and just in the kharkov region, where my military service took place, i met this unit, with azov, with karakin, that is, i came across such national battalions at the front, and when you were brought into the popular front, i was demobilized, the time had come to choose what i wanted to do next, it’s clear that i was left with a feeling of guilt that i was leaving , and my co-workers, who are 50 years old, well, i left already by order of vladimirovich putin that well... to demobilize students, and i
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decided that it was necessary, if i was directly with them, then i would help them with my co-workers , that is, i will also be near the front to be there, but not with a machine gun in my hands, with a box of humanitarian aid, i will film it, because then i developed the skill of camerawork, and that’s how i joined the popular front. we have a story that talks about how you film, what you film as a volunteer of the people's front, let's take a look. yes, we will also finish writing, a large team of volunteers came to the scene of the shelling, helped the local hospital with the evacuation of the wounded, we are boarding up the windows right now, and so that local residents can survive this evening in warmth, with important spiritual nuns from the holy cross convent came to us on a mission to the donetsk people's republic, and we gave the youth of the donetsk people's republic an excursion as part of the donbass-180 program. it’s short for the neighbors that we didn’t get a call, but who? 86,
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yeah, what do they need? where is the extension cord? this is for a generator, yeah, then we were in the church, the priests gave something there, natya, then give it to people, okay, thank you, we’ll read it, so the residents of avdeevka came to us with this request. confirm that avdeevka is russian city, we came up with a very good idea, on the pillars of several streets, to draw the tricolor of our country and confirm that avdeevka is still a russian city, avdeevka is still a russian city, ol, yulia, you haven’t seen lyudmila petrovna, how many 10 years it turns out, yes , here is ivana david, we saw her just recently, tell us how grandma lives, there are chickens there. there are also chickens, you were treated to eggs, but we weren’t treated to eggs, we
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were treated to coffee, with a lot of condensed milk, i usually drink it without sugar, i had to drink it here, because i’m so lyudmila petrovna looked ominously that they were giving you a treat, that is, you won’t get sick there, no, of course, everything there is strictly a pattern, the dog must sit upright there, must listen to other people’s barks, that is, she is in good shape, of course, she is like that the general is at home, sashka go chop some wood and my guests are welcome. i see in the people with whom we interact, to whom we provide assistance, it
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is ambiguous, ambiguous in what, all these difficulties, all these hardships that they endure there, they, of course, leave an imprint on the soul, but joy and pride for what are they now at home in russia she overcomes all these hardships that they faced all these long years, until we liberated our city, she told you that she was glad, she literally shouted that she was russian. i’ve always been russian, now i’m definitely with russia, i have a passport, there was literally such a cry of joy from her. olya, yulia, do you know your boyfriend, sashka? no, by the way, we don’t know each other. appeared later, yes, most likely, this is some kind of common gravity, their common thing is this position in which they were, most likely they were brought closer, because there are no people left on the street, you need to hold on to each other, and people are most likely leaving, let’s look at the story about how they live now, young people, many have moved away,
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there are few young people left, but the old people, they just don’t want to leave their home, they have... yes, 10 years, 10 years, now there’s electricity, that’s all, we met elmina petrovna about a month ago, during the time we were helping this family , we have already become quite close friends, now she wants to constantly treat us with something, give the last thing she has, and so we brought her waffles, she constantly tries to give us half the pack,
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in general, you, we have waffles, we have gingerbread, in our hospitable home. she built with her parents, she doesn’t want to leave, especially since she has an elderly person, she’s lived in one place all her life, it probably seems to me that farming is just an excuse, i think so, most likely she just doesn’t want to, i know that when my grandfather returned from the war at 45, he and his grandmother got married, and here they are later they started, so they cut out a piece of land, they
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began to build a house and directly participated, he said, let’s go, my grandmother told me and my mother was little then, where are the bricks? where the stone is, they demolished it there, that is, they built and this whole house was built by the hands of grandmothers, grandfathers, no builders, no construction companies, but this is really a home, this is a nest. olya, yulia, you haven’t seen your mother and grandmother for 10 years, now we want you to finally meet, finally, lyudmila petrovna, come in, come, meet us.
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there is nothing, the main thing is that the main thing is that you there is, we’ll give you money, there will be money, but grandma has a russian passport, i understand, yes, i understand, everyone was shooting, they’re starting to shoot, i understand, and my mother sandpapered and the pots, they were all shiny, whoever didn’t come in, everyone said, grandma,
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who cares? raised such a one, everything sparkles because it’s scary, well, everything, everything is glory, everything is alive and healthy, guests, dear ones, please come to us, sit down, sit down, sit down, oh, what a beauty you are, oh, beauty, i’m in house in my passport when i looked at mine, it’s absolutely terrible, i did your hair, finally with us visiting, mother and grandmother, and great-grandmother, even lyudmila petrovna, there are no 30 houses on our street, kitchen. where, oh, beautiful, good, scary, the main thing is that you are alive, healthy, you left your grandfather, i have eight cats, eight cats. everyone is off the street, how many dogs? there were four dogs, there were two to six, but i probably untied two of the kids, they threw one in, i heard something
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squeaking, and you know that the grandmother feeds everyone, i go back and forth, it’s like this, wow, whish , this little one under the fence, squeaks, squeaks, i hugged him to me, i say, until as long as i am alive, everyone who is in this yard will all live, but thank you, thanks to this people. thanks to the guys david in the military , my cats eat the canned food , i hang it up for them, it’s time they took me to look at this canned food, they don’t want to, they don’t want meat for them anymore. lyudmila petrovna olya has changed a lot, yes she has become so feminine, she was so thin and now oh what. what kind of person are you, maybe you can push a man away with one foot, like
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i got one man, he was nailed there, he came at me, well, i think the grandmother will clear up, okay, i think i’ll clear up, but he ’s like a bug, crawling here and there, i kicked him too, flew away, doesn’t try anymore, that’s it, my grandfather works for me. i planted corn in the garden, i planted corn, and the guys gave thanks from the popular front, i don’t know how many potatoes, there are potatoes, corn, carrots, in general, the garden shoots, and the grandfather does the same thing, walks around, waters it, whatever he needs , such shots, the house opposite, he speaks, and he is sleeping, i say, sashka, what am i saying, that’s what i told you guys, they started shooting, i’ll go into it myself...
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but you just have to stand next to him like a dog, he’s a former paratrooper, and he’ll hammer a nail, that’s right, i’m standing there watching. are you talking about sasha? yes, about my neighbor. his wife and i worked together, his wife died, and they bought a hut there as
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a dacha. he lived there alone, and then sasha, well, help me bring in the firewood, well, help me with this very thing, the coal. well, so i gave him a room there, here it is, where we lived, yulivich, yeah, she went, i think, i’ll go to the cemetery and tell him, because they said it was in the cemetery there.
3:46 pm
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wireless electric appliance livington dipper swiper. with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for only 89.95, but if you call and place an order right now, you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros, and the livington dipper swipper will get you for an incredible 69.95, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, he always needs something - then you... something needs to be done about it, what about it? he has a stroke, we have a procedural nurse, you need money, i won’t give it to you if he is declared incompetent, she will become the guardian, strong tranquilizers, do you want to challenge the decision of the attending physician? good person, you can’t leave good people in trouble, i want to be with you always be on sunday on rtr,
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continuation of the investigation. a criminal case in which former simferopol deputy oleg sherbakov is involved. let us remind you that on september 7 he was involved in a massive traffic accident with a fatal outcome. an hour before the accident, cherbakov drank alcohol; now he is under house arrest, periodically violating it. after the program aired, checks began. lawyers and the mother of the ex-deputy immediately contacted us. new video and new details of this high-profile case. malakhov, today on rtr. previously in program, yulia sognak told how, 10 years later, she accidentally saw her grandmother from avdeevka in one of the videos. naturally, i immediately recognized her, i saw our house, i immediately called my mother, sent her a video, i said: here’s mom, here’s grandma, she’s alive, everything is fine, the popular front employees helped the family reunite. you have already arrived with the news
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that they are looking for her, waiting for her, right? we had the task of connecting them via video link. lyudmila petrovna, is life getting better now? just recently , some guys, also young, came for five or six days and. now i’ll remember, no, no, no, no,
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you’ll stay, don’t offend me, no, this is my land, and i’ll wait for the end of the war, well, i think it’ll all be over soon, and we’ll travel in peace, not so much far away, and you shot your hair, and i saw on the phone your hair was like that, well, it happened, we didn’t have to bring anything, we also brought gifts for you, how could it be that it’s not at all, lyudmila petrovna, and great-grandson roma, remember,
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romochka, roma was like this, this is who it is, who are your pranks, this is too much, start it up, come on, let's have great-grandchildren, come in, take me, oh, it's valyusenka, yes, let's go, i'm already a grown man, i'll wash my tail myself, understand, i remembered this, and i say, lyali romka is growing, she'll have a tail of her own, and i’ve already grown up, he’s already
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so big, you have to remember this, ponytails, that he’s already grown up for 18 years, and you look like your mother, we have gifts for the children, let’s give them to... you're six years old, you're going to go to school soon, do you want to go to school? yes, why is this so important to you, nastyush, this is great-grandmother, can you imagine, great-grandmother, she told me
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to bring your grandmother to you, grandma will already be waiting, lyudmila petrovna, you are happy, yes, of course, i will remember now, my little ones, yes, you are my little ones, yes, my... ivan, david , anya, you understand that this is all possible only thanks to your efforts, the shooting done in a timely manner, your courage that you were not afraid to go where it is unsafe, your open heart, the front is so cool with open hearts. say, romochka, well, tell me about your granddaughter, i don’t like you vzala, yes, you have completely changed, i don’t remember there at all, we saw each other 10 years ago, i remember her, in general, she was with a different color on the phone
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, you talked to you, you say grandma, you’re not the most beautiful grandma, you understand, you’re not my favorite, i still remember you , your pies, your dumplings and i remember everything, remember, and then rum? roma asks: where is roma, roma can’t speak, roma is crying, grandma is crying here, and roma is crying there, lyudmila petrovna, you are a very happy great-grandmother, and how did you do some hairstyles, that’s for sure looks like it. yes, my dears, i can’t imagine what you face every day, how many destinies are on your shoulders, in your hands, yes, thank you guys, take care of yourselves, please, low bow to you for what you do, because being a volunteer is an honor, it’s a mission, it’s happiness, it’s the meaning of life to some extent,
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thank you, they brought you hands, try to cut so much firewood and boil water, they installed the generator with a light, it’s on velcro, you want hang out with the woman, yes julia, your children are very beautiful, thank you, very beautiful, thank you, we are very glad that your family has been reunited and we want all the families who are still apart to find the opportunity to be together with you. thanks, of course, thank you so much, guys, for what you do and how you do it, this, in fact, is probably the result of your work, your mission, yes, when you see it with your own eyes, when people are like this dear ones, so close, so necessary to each other , reunite, so much happiness, so much joy, lyudmila petrovna, so much fuss she is for us today, you are simply a completely unique person, thank you lyudmila petrovna, sense of humor, such a folk sense of humor.
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they gave us a flag, well, we don’t have the willpower to take this flag and hang it up, because there are two houses on our street, while we are here, the only condition was, how we persuaded lyudmila to come, is that now the youth will go to them home to help feed the dogs, cats, they probably have already hung up the flag, because they are always there, lyudmila petrovna, give god bless you chickens. yours were running properly, and this, this is such care, to sweep up, tidy up, feed, she left, the sisters began to carry her, and this was what one hen planned, she shoots there, here it is, she decided to croak, can you imagine, she wanted to be a mother, well, i her planted, sat, she was there under my bed, good health to everyone, good health, this was our program, the real story. about our people, see you on
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the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you,


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