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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  May 23, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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which cannot be broken, what secrets the bogdanovs’ house keeps, what will happen to the main characters of this family saga, all the answers very soon, the denouement of the series almost immediately after the evening news at 21:20. vesti monitors the development of major events in russia and abroad, stay with us. we continue to conduct the investigation and are monitoring the progress of the criminal case against former deputy, businessman from the city of simferopol, oleg cherbakov. let us remind you that on september 7, he was sitting behind the wheel of his car and caused a massive accident with fatal. his suv flew into the oncoming lane at high speed and rammed two cars. we found out that on the eve of the accident shcherbakov drank alcohol. on september 9
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, pyotr lesik, a victim of cherbakova, dies from numerous fractures and rupture of internal organs in intensive care. his daughter anastasia lesik told us that neither oleg sherbakov, nor his mother, no one apologized or helped the family. why can’t he call me, he should have come and helped, at least there father is lying in the intensive care unit, help with something, say something. which i didn't do. the court sent the ex-deputy under house arrest due to deteriorating health. sherbakov's neighbors told us that he constantly violated house arrest, left the house and walked along the street, covering his face with a hood. after the trial, our correspondent sergei semeisko managed to talk with the ex-deputy, this is what he said. do you want to apologize to the victims? i partially admit my guilt, with the victim, i think that we will, we will.
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we'll communicate somehow. on april 17, sergei decided to check whether shcherbakov complied with the restrictions. he found shcherbakov walking on the street with the poodle of his new beloved anastasia. oleg, wait a second. oleg, why are you running so fast? i'm in the hospital. but we will guide you. it was very much in vain. after... the program with shcherbakov's race went on air, checks began. lawyers and the mother of the ex-deputy immediately contacted us. the victim, anastasia lesik, was offered a substantial amount of money through a third party. today exclusive video and new details of the case, as well as oleg shcherbakov’s mother and his lawyers are ready to tell their truth. anastasia lesik, whose father died in an accident, is again in our studio today. hello. hello, andrey, hello, studio. well, how
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are the court hearings going, tell me, i want to say a huge thank you, thank you, thank you to your program, to all your guys, because if it weren’t for you, nothing would have happened at all, it’s going on, there was a hearing on the thirteenth, oleg sherbakov how didn't show up again he is in the hospital, because he realized that guys and correspondents would come again, like russia comes alone, he is always hiding in hospitals, there were 15 minutes of the meeting, it was postponed all the way to may 30, because they said that... it would be 2 weeks lie in the hospital, he feels very bad, he underwent surgery again, that is , the appearance of our correspondent sergei semeisko immediately introduces him to him immediately feeling bad, he immediately ends up constantly in the hospital, as soon as we heard that the last time he left courthouse showed sergei his radio and scars to everyone after the accident, now we see it, yes, how hard it is for him, how bad he feels, he promised to contact you and... so make some kind of
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apology, was it? oleg sherbakov did not contact me, but after the release of the program his lawyers contacted my lawyer and offered me compensation of 5.5 million, but they said they give this money, at the trial i say that after the judge’s consideration, i have claims against him i don’t have, i forgive him, i don’t seem to be following your program anymore, or how to put it correctly, that is, they appreciated your silence.
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and they told me that during the time we didn’t see each other, and after this scandalous broadcast with the race, where he tried to beat up sergei, you had an interesting meeting - with a resident of the city named... antonina, that’s right, yes, i was upset because they offered me this money, i said, i’ll think about it, i’ll discuss it with my relatives, well, many friends and acquaintances say: take the money, you won’t achieve anything, he’s such a person, you see, everything has been moving for more than six months , as if there were no promotions, nothing for him it won’t, but some amount, i say, i don’t need this money, i went to my mom and dad’s grave in upset feelings, talk to them so that they support me, i realized that i don’t need to take any money, i’m walking in upset feelings, crying, then a girl comes up, i... knew her visually in absentia, she lives next to us, she says what happened, i shared my emotions with her, so and so, she says, i didn’t know anything about this, i say, well, i’m telling you, he says, show me, let’s come to me, i’m nearby i live, let's drink coffee, you show me, i show all the programs, i tell everything, i share my soul, i lay everything out, she regrets, she says everything, okay, i understand,
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you are doing everything right, after a couple of days she invites me again to visit, to get acquainted with a young man via the internet under the name evgeniy, he invites her to visit, sends her voicemails: on the voice, this is shcherbakov, i say, this is shcherbakov, that you are corresponding with him, she says, no, i say, and maybe i already have i'm going crazy, i'm going crazy, then she goes to visit him, sends me photographs from his apartment, i say what are you doing with him, she says, i ’ll tell you everything tomorrow, she comes the next day and says, yes, i was with him, he is a very good person, take the money, forgive me, why does he need you you’re taking revenge, why are you taking revenge on the whole family, i say, i’m not taking revenge, i just want justice, just, well, you understand that this is not a random meeting, that we are not children, that you were walking from the cemetery. suddenly met, you know, but the main correspondence, and you provided correspondence with antonina, look how tricky everything is arranged, she now it will hit the patient that supposedly dad is coming from the other world toni, who met us on the street and tells her, look,
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i’ll come, i’ll tell you, yes, i really want everyone to feel good, i’m now very, worse than it was, dammit , take all the money, he will repent in public, daughter... they won’t beat us, we’ll end this war, and why are you defending him, i don’t understand, it’s so offensive to the depths of my soul, i just don’t know this, waking up at night from voices, i don’t know, i told you, your parents are leading me, i can’t understand one thing, it’s a setup or a coincidence? i don’t know, i can freeze, but i can’t, then me, circumstances, there are no substitutes, you ’re helping him, not me, i want to scream, you told me that you’ll see... you won’t communicate with him, i don’t i know, i saw two medals, i also have a mutual friend, we studied together, his classmates speak very highly of him, sometimes you have to forgive, give a person a chance, which means we shouldn’t communicate, i don’t want problems for myself and for you, it was bad, dammit , let's forgive him, let him give a house to your
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child, repent in public, let's calm down, i i will always be by your side and support you in any situation, maniacs kill on purpose, and he is just a fool. i don’t understand why you defend him so much, why? because because of you, yours are asking me this, and we’ll finish the room that dad didn’t finish, i can’t even work, it’s all gnawing at me, we have to finish it, build a house and plant a tree, the one that yours always wanted, grandparents, just trust me, annette, well, look at what they’re doing, and it’s scary, it’s monstrous, because here there’s a person on one side with she talks to you from the role of a kind parent, she constantly. says: we must finish, we will do it, we will put you in prison, this is absolute hypnosis, and you and i, and thus , as if removing resistance, removing defenses, when she sees that she cannot break through you, you are very strong, you are so smart , you just praise yourself, because
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a person who is in trauma, he himself is vulnerable and suggestible, you understand, you praise yourself, she cannot break through you, then she begins to strengthen, she begins to put pressure on you with some kind of supernatural , that's why what when...
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the arrest has still not changed his preventive measure, but we managed to find out that he still continues to violate these conditions, even despite the fact that ours with him was shown on the federal channel. race, nastya, please tell us what you found out after the last program? and i met a girl who told me that she met a young man on the internet whose name is evgeniy krylov, she went on a date with him. on may 5, she went to visit him, not yet knowing that this was not yet knowing, that oleg, yes, she thought it was evgenia, she sort of went to visit him, and on may 6 she came to me and told me that she had been with oleg sherbakov, she recognized him, told him that she knew him, knew me , she was at his house, they were drinking, talking, he,
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of course, seemed scared, asked, you’re not from malakhov, she’s no, no, i’m generally independent, i just know anastasia, he says, well, now i know you, well then now i just suggest going to this girl, her name is tonya, antonina, yes, tonya tonya, and just try to talk to her and find out some details, of course, yes, let's go, hello, hello, hello, we need to talk, we need your help, let's go, fee, hello, hello, hello, can we talk to you? we can talk, of course, we can, yes, well, probably a little later, i arrived hungry, cold, i didn’t have a whole 10 hours, come on, 5 minutes of time, please tell me about your meeting with oleg cherbakov, well, i i kind of know him, a classmate, here’s a classmate, everything else we met, we just talked everything, your classmate, classmate, yes, well, we studied together at the university, but just the department of law, as i understand it, when you came to him, you didn’t even know that you were going.
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she delivered the speech very well, most likely a psychologist, she puts pressure on nastya very cleverly. nikolai korenev, another one definitely, is a psychologist by training, a victim and miraculously survived this accident in our studio, i want to remind our tv viewers that on the last program you... here with other witnesses said that everyone was called, for a long time they held me, then they said: no, no, there’s no time, come back next time
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once again, they have repeatedly wanted to make you accused of this crime, that’s true, yes, yes, because shcherbakov says that we collided on a double solid road, although there is a video recorder, recording from the video recorder, obvious, there was a technical examination, i’ll say it again, a collision happened on my lane about 10 meters away, from a double solid lane, let's see, let's see these terrible footage from your dvr, it's just that oleg also probably thinks that this dvr doesn't exist, attention, after a few months of programming. nikolai, here is 10 meters, you say, this is that 10, there was a solid blow from the double, he
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drove out a meter, he drove into my lane and oleg shcherbakov’s speed from the case materials is 111 km/h, nikolai’s speed is 57 km/h . by the way, we have a fragment of the interrogation of oleg cherbakov by a traffic police officer at night, look at how he talks and what is he saying? sit down, where did you go, sit down here. sit down here, on a chair, here, we don’t know where your phone is, you agree to undergo a medical examination for alcohol and drugs, oleg nikolaevich, oleg nikolaevich, they are asking you, where is my phone, i don’t know where your phone is, they have contacted you, oleg nikolaevich, do you agree to undergo a medical examination, give me your phone, but we don’t have your phone, where it hurts, my chest hurts , nikolaevich, will you undergo an examination? yes, yes, we'll do it now, go
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to the hospital. ay, no need to shout, you were examined, no need, now go to the hospital, they will take you. oleg nikolaevich, take a deep breath and blow into the tube. oleg nikolaevich, let's blow. oleg nikolaevich, let's we blow. oleg nikolaevich, hey, are you going to undergo a medical examination? hey, he's sick. oleg nikolaevich, the ambulance was there, examining you, let's not play, oleg nikolaevich, let's blow, blow, blow, you didn't blow, give us mineral water, we don't have mineral water. there is no store here, this is a medical facility, go to the toilet and drink water from the tap, you will undergo a medical examination. i agree, let's blow into the tube, take in some air, and blow. you stop exhaling until it clicks, you don’t hear me. oleg nikolaevich, we are now like this we’ll sit for an hour or two. oleg
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nikolaevich, did you drink alcohol? oleg nikolaevich, they drank alcohol, they drank alcohol, that was the case. it was the case that they drank vermouth, he admitted it himself, that is, attention, there was a medical ambulance, they examined him, they found nothing, what we see, then broken ribs, all this drama that he told us about, on april 15 a meeting was held, oleg was transferred for house arrest, let us recall the footage, november 30, 17:03, oleg is walking in the yard. and then the same anastasia, his mistress with with your child and with your poodle. next, the sixteenth of february, time 16:52. oleg comes out of the entrance with his mother anna vanna, pulling his hood over his forehead, hiding from the cameras. march 17, someone gives cherbakov a lift, he gets out of the car with a package and enters the entrance. 4 days before here, olyak
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returns home from there again with a package, apparently having bought something tasty. let's remember, april 15, yes it shows. how bad he feels, so he has to sit under house arrest, from where, as we understand, he cannot walk so freely, or only can go to the hospital when, after the trial , sergei comes to him, this famous race took place, which we cannot but repeat for everyone who missed this show, attention. oleg, oleg, wait a second, oleg, oleg, why are you running so fast, you barely made it to court, oleg, you are
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getting further and further from home, it was very in vain, oleg, why did you hit me? in your face, i won’t beat you up, we’ve got everything on camera, we’re doing a good sprint with you, i haven’t run with disabled people yet, but it’s hard for you, ah. well, here a person violates the conditions of the home arrest. oleg, i’ll tell you that i go in
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for sports, but i’ve never had a run like this before, how did you run away from me, so would you like to comment? i’m going to the hospital, what kind of dog are you walking on the lawn, what dog, you were walking the dog, i’m going to the hospital, where is your bracelet, by the way, i wanted to ask, for some reason i don’t see any bracelet on your leg , and where else can he be on his leg, please show him, he’s looking at you, and who are you , a journalist, to whom you told to his face that... you said to his face that how could you see somewhere? oleg, well, you got caught in all the cameras here, there are a lot of cameras above you, above your heads, why get caught like that, i have the right to go to the hospital, no, you can go out, of course, but tell me, anastasia lives with you, you on the phone, who is anastasia, your girlfriend, oleg, what are you
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doing, we just had a sprint. this is everyone who is watching him, supervising him, i will naturally send parliamentary inquiries literally tomorrow with a request to the department of my own security so that they check precisely the actions of these officials.
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and i propose to do an independent examination, we will also send parliamentary requests, let them bring it to moscow, there to the central clinical hospital or iguish. so let us now make a small advertisement immediately after it, the mother of olyaga shcherbakova, who is ready to kneel before anastasia lesik, as well as his lawyers who are ready to tell their version of events, don’t switch, that’s what? these tickets are gone. premiere on rtr. you put two strangers in the same room. have you ever
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watched the sunrise on the beach? settle down. look at this. maybe we shouldn’t interfere with her happiness? how's your roman? were you following me? i'm filing for divorce. a melody for yours. from monday on rtr. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. i'm tired of your old fence. do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace? but will repair or replacement take a big hit on your budget? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence - bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs. and coloring, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is fix the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for
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you have talent, but it’s so easy to lose inspiration. i'll leave when you finish the novel. i i can not be without you. i heard it here, you. from scratch on friday on rtr , a billionaire survives a nun, the former famous soviet actress olga govzeva from an apartment in the center of moscow, the star of the soviet screen is afraid to end up on the street.
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once again, good afternoon, earlier in the program, today in these shots from our program correspondent sergei semeisk lies former deputy oleg sherbakov, who, i note, is under house arrest. let me remind you that a fatal accident occurred in simferopol on the night of september 7 at the kotsyubinsky intersection. his an suv flew into the oncoming lane at high speed and rammed two cars. we found out that on the eve of the accident , shcherbakov drank alcohol and walked around the entrance half naked. 9th of september. true, this condition did not prevent him, while under house arrest, from regularly going out and even leaving on his own business. the next trial on a possible review of the contents was supposed to take place on may 13, but
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oleg became ill. and he ended up in the hospital. after another high-profile program , the party began to contact us ex-deputy. let's meet: yulia dorofeeva and sergey kampaneytsev. notice how they give interviews, looking into each other's eyes, leading the way. attention. in our country, cherbakov’s preventive measure in the form of house arrest was chosen by the supreme court of the republic of crimea. and according to the court ruling, certain prohibitions and restrictions have been established. leave the house, except with the permission of the authority in which the criminal case is pending. all of sherbakov’s exits from the house were agreed with the investigation; they were either participation in procedural actions, or visits to medical institutions. i want to draw your attention to the fact that whether he goes with a dog to the investigator or without a dog does not matter if he has permission to leave the living quarters.
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maybe. my words were taken a little literally, i said: if you can’t get away from the conversation, run. i didn’t mean that he would physically take and run. perhaps he was scared, perhaps his state of health somehow influenced his actions, but i want to draw your attention once again to whether he ran, whether he walked, whether he crawled, it does not matter if at a given period of time he was outside the living quarters. with the permission of the regulatory authority, i want to draw your attention to the fact that any exit of cherbakov and the living quarters was authorized, mobile data is turned off on the smartphone, because he is prohibited from using the means, well , internet programs, he is allowed to make calls to certain persons, there are no problems for the inspection body to check whether they were carried out to whom...
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so, oleg, according to you, lives in this apartment with a girl anastasia from ukraine, with a dog, and a faithful family man who loves children
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who live together. with them, that’s right, i say, these are his children, anastasia is his common-law wife, anastasia is now caring for him, is with him, and his children also visit him. then how do you explain the story of tony's girlfriend, who met him on the internet, and came to him and drank with him, drank drinks, here's the footage, she comes in the evening, and has a great time, and says that she loves him, at the time, when there is nastya, children, and this... mega-romance that you are describing here, well, i’m saying what i saw, i came to visit before this terrible tragedy, we often met, and i saw this relationship, how it would be well , really sincere human relations, tell us, you said that he is an excellent person who in 2010 helped build playgrounds and generally proved himself to be a good deputy, in
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fact. so it was, this is a young guy, a young deputy, he made such a good impression on me, people followed him, he united people, united young people, then oleg came to the site, where he accepted... scrap metal in every possible way for his own money, they looked for corners with the guys, with athletes, and they built these sports grounds on their own and, as it were, they installed a children’s playground in these courtyards , which was the first to be installed in the city of dzhanko, it was installed again on the initiative of the deputy at that time, yes, oleg shcherbakov. it is true that many stopped communicating with oleg after the accident and many were angry at him. well, they weren’t so angry, you know, this is, well , really, this is a terrible tragedy, this is a terrible accident, here, especially after the tv show, many are even afraid to comment on anything, i apologize, oleg, the fact is that if he were not guilty , but
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here his guilt has been proven 100%, we have a presumption of innocence, the verdict has not yet entered into force, please tell me, your friend, he actually admits that he is truly guilty as a human being before here. and i communicate with him through my mother, he has no opportunity not to communicate, not to go out, not move around, he has money to pay compensation for moral damage, he will look for it, he doesn’t have it, yes, no, no, he’s in a difficult financial
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situation now, a person just when, well , we’re not talking about difficult things now, but once they offered money, it already means that the most expensive lawyers there cost an hour - 10 thousand for one second, the lawyers are scamming him, the longer the process goes on. after the verdict, you have the right to recover the amount of moral damage in civil proceedings, they are delaying the process, but you know that you compensation, but you have already consulted, you are aware that compensation for moral damage in our country, well...
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this is his, this is his business, this is some kind of his , listen, well, i can’t comment on this, it’s personal, he’s a businessman, an entrepreneur, that is, he is not poor, as he says, he doesn’t have a penny, he thinks he has a store of thousands of little things, he has stores
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selling shoes, this is his mother’s store, this is his family, this is one and the same, he has , do you think they pulled him out of the detention center, i apologize, they pulled him out of the detention center for what, in my opinion, somewhere around a dozen land plots in the dzhankoy district. that is, he is a rich man, but people are afraid, therefore, to express their attitude, although in private conversations they remember that there were charges against him, and he is still accused of being involved in the trade in rewards for his participation in the crimean spring. anna ivanovna shcherbakova, oleg’s mother, with tears in her eyes , says that her son is now dying and asking for mercy, well, they called us. from the hospital that there was an accident, yes, when we arrived, he was lying on this gurney and said: take it, from his legs were broken, both legs were broken, but when
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we arrived home, this is in dzhankoy, we brought him to our home, he lost consciousness, he felt bad, well, i just want to say one thing now, the consequences that happened to him, yes , he was simply kicked out of the hospital. they basically pushed him out to die when he lost consciousness, we take him to our regional hospital, it turns out that his entire... intestines are broken, eight of his ribs are broken, and these ribs are embedded in the intestines, that’s it, it’s already possible there, just they saved him miraculously, connected the device, he didn’t breathe at all, for the first 12 days, well, everything was on the brink, everything was on the brink, between life and death, this is generally, well, a person dies, well, why, what did he do, he did so many good deeds in his life, he well, he worked for free, he did not receive a salary.
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that he is your friend, when you saw that your friend, taking advantage of such opportunities, running
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a business, carrying out activities there on a voluntary basis, began to simply become a banal drunkard, when he began to sing, when you began to encounter the fact that this person was intoxicated starts to get behind the wheel, because you are like a friend, this is not the first time, you know this, he did this regularly, he has never driven, well , like never, here we see it quite obviously, even if we look at him, we see a person. with addiction, this addiction, he has already had it for a certain time, now i remember the incident, we talked, here is efremov, people's artist, you know, when it happened, in general, all his regalia remained somewhere on the sidelines, yes, and he repented very strongly, i remember that too, it seems to me that this man, his main problem is that he correctly expressed it, he behaves like a little boy, he is used to being with his mother, that his mother always decides everything.
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we say, he is completely fixated on himself, if even for one minute he thought, here she is still in grief, she cannot get through grief, so she cannot take the money, and you give good advice, she cannot use it, because she is in pain, she is stuck there, in this frame, when this car is beating, she hears the voice of her father, you see, i understand, that you are helping as a friend, i want to tell everyone, if you have been drinking, well, don’t take the car keys, well, don’t take the car keys.
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also that guy, that’s why, tell me,
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if he had two broken legs, the ambulance would let the police interrogate him, because of the shock of me, i tell you, he doesn’t know how to stand, he can’t, understand, he had a situation once, when he was given appendicitis, he needed it, 2 hours after the appeticide he wrapped himself in tape and went to perform, understand, this is a man, the doctors immediately identified it, i tell you responsibly, i heard the doctor immediately determined who had what kind of injury, she said: nasten’s father, not a jerk, his belly is full of blood, i ’m speaking frankly, that’s how it was, this one has a broken knee or a crushed one, that’s one of the two, that’s what she said , i, he says, i say, and i , too, have a blow to god. was strong, she says: everything is fine with you, if you had something, then we would already know, that is, the doctors have already determined who has what kind of injury and there is no need to tell the athlete here, i think in general we should gather all the defenders him in there is no prison cell for 12, thanks to my friends , in general, for the first time in four programs, someone came, they are great, they seem to be
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normal, on the other hand, but the matter is something else, the matter is, that is, all that, what you say is most likely true, great.
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quite clearly recreates the whole picture of the development of events, so you should not be embarrassed by the fact that, so to speak, an expensive, inexpensive lawyer, the price of a lawyer is not determined not by the cost of the fee, but by his legal capabilities, so to speak , to support the position, to find legal grounds in order to support your client’s position, speak in detail. guilty or not? the question of guilt arises only when there are legal forces, and now i explain, i explain further, i ask you, do not interrupt me, please, as for the dvr, it means that the dvr does not reflect, by and large, all that, that evidentiary base and that evidence which are available in the
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case materials. the recorder once again confirms that the oncoming car is entering the lane for oncoming traffic in a prohibited... place, and this is a line of solid double markings, a 1:1 line, as they say, of traffic rules, it is clearly visible and clearly confirms the position of the injured man, who was the first in this situation, traces and evidence were left by the investigative task force, which recorded traces that indicate that there is really oncoming traffic, well, there is a clear ban on the rules of the road, what with...
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the billionaire survives the nun, the former famous soviet actress olga gobzeva from apartment in the center of moscow, the star of the soviet screen is afraid to end up on the street, she is sure that all this is the work of the black realts, the camera was broken by the live broadcast on friday at 16:30 of the program.
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with our experience with an ear for music, or you can come up and look in the eyes, the stars are ready to check, you have to notice everything, every stroke, wow, they sing beautifully , my opinion is divided, so far we are praising everyone very well, brotherly, blink, please, and then, that the intrigue is crazy. catch me if you can, we can’t wait to start, on friday on rtr. once again, good afternoon, i’m andrey malykhov, we continue to monitor a high-profile criminal case in which ex-detacht from simphepol, oleg cherbakov, is involved. let us remind you that having committed a fatal accident while under house arrest, after the next court hearing, our correspondent. went to oleg’s house and found the ex-deputy walking in the yard with his new lover’s poodle, not wanting to answer sergei’s questions about why
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shcherbakov was violating house arrest, the ex-deputy started running. the most expensive lawyer in crimea, yulia dorofeeva, gets in touch with us. julia, hello, good evening. hello, studio, hello andrey, indeed, i am the lawyer of sherbakov, oleg, thank you for the compliment about the cost of my services. i want to tell you that i now have the opportunity on behalf of myself personally, from my colleague sergei, first of all from my client oleg, to convey condolences to the victim, this is a huge tragedy, but first of all we are people and humanity comes first everything, but we are lawyers, that is, me and sergei, we primarily do advocacy work.
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follow your client through the city streets, that he has the right to call certain people, but does not have the right to go online. today in the program we learned about his relationship with a girl tonya, who admitted that she met oleg, although he is on the internet under a different name, there is footage of how she came to his home, says that she drank wine with him, was inspired by the story and asked ours. how is it that oleg violates here too? actions allowed to him, i can say that
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by the supreme court of the republic of crimea. he was given certain restrictions on house arrest, calls to any outsiders were not given court permission, he cannot use the internet, no, i just wanted to draw your attention and that of the body that will check that all correspondence to this tone with oleg, and tonya stated that they met on the internet, this means that your client is spending time. did my client write any text messages, this can only be established not by the participants who are in the studio, only
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by the body that monitors the execution of the court, and why? we looked at what kind of operation was performed, the mother talks about broken legs, about ribs that were digging in, it’s just that many doctors who watched this race of sergei semeysky, oleg cherbakov, have a suspicion that the operation was possibly cosmetic in order to arouse pity, there’s just not a lot of trust in this person. i believe that if there is court permission to travel to
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clinical hospital of the city of moscow, or any other body, and... wards, how to give a correct interview, advice to you, kind, poor lawyer, thank you, yulia dorofeeva, the most expensive lawyer in crimea was in touch with us, oleg shcherbakov, let me remind you, there is no money, as his friends said, and another of his comrades, yuri platitsin, head of the foundation for sober crimea, came today to support oleg, i forgot, but
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good afternoon, for a sober friend, no, but for a sober crimea, please. don't be confused by the footage that was filmed in a few hours before the accident, where he breaks a bottle, walks half naked in the entrance, then we hear how he leaves the examination and says that he drank vermouth that evening, and you are together in the fund for sober crimea, and really it looks a little funny somehow , to be honest, i ’m looking at this whole program, and i felt such indignation after the first program, because when i saw it for the first time.
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you know what he told me, but i don’t believe them, because they give away my situation, distort it so much, i say: listen, you you’re going with alcohol, why did i immediately start provoking him like this to tell the truth, you’re going with alcohol, he says, yes, this is kvass, i took my truth to this bottle, in the documents in the investigation he says that he drank vermouth, that you don’t need yet he, his documents, that was all he admitted, he confessed, and you are justifying him, justifying a liar.
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which exists, i say, you need to give as much light as possible, tell it like it is, let the lawyer speak, i’ll tell you, he didn’t go to the hospital for 4 days, why, why was he in a state of shock, i’ll tell you why. no no, no, oleg, i’ll tell you why, because there was still alcohol in the blood, they dripped it, only after four, i called my mother, come on, if they started talking about mom, anna mikhailovna shcherkbakova turns to nastya and says that she is ready to personally stand in front of you on knees, attention, we really sympathize with the grief that happened to anastasia petrovna, we support her, we tried, how many times i called her, the first time she accepted. petrovna, well, allow us to support you, i beg you very much, i want to turn to you,
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anastasia petrovna, that as a mother, i really appreciate you i sympathize, i really sympathize with you, both our son and oleg, he always speaks for your support, we ask for your forgiveness, just on our knees, we ask for forgiveness, a great loss, you lost your father, i ask. i forgive you, this is all not true, that we are somehow trying to leave, i ask you, let's talk, let's meet, we are ready to provide you with any help, support, lend our shoulder, i just ask you very much, i hope that we still, that we’ll talk, oleg is the first one who wanted to talk to you, i’ll only support him all my life if they accept me... help, these are his words, i ’m telling you this as a mother, so forgive us for everything, just forgive us, i beg you, god bless everyone, that’s all i wish, so that there is no grief in families, i don’t want it, but for him
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any minute they will give a real sentence, we understand something with you, the question is, how much let's do this, all this is done so that he bears responsibility, so... we are all sitting here and andrey, thank you very much, but look, look , as far as andrey is fighting for you, he demands 50 million, nastyusha, that means it’s yours decision, well, no, i just became cynical during these programs, because you know, there wasn’t a penny, there were shops, land plots, apartments, shopping centers, you know, p
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hello dear friends comrades live your favorite program 60 minutes by itself.


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