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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  May 23, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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hello, dear friends, comrades , live on your favorite program 60 minutes, about the most important thing, let's start from the front, where the ukrainian defense continues to crumble in the artyomovsk direction, after the klescheevka, the russian army liberated andreevka and was able to move the ukrainian one. but on the eastern outskirts
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of chasovo yar. russian units crossed the seversky donetsk-donbass canal in the south of the city and created a bridgehead south of the new district. there are very heavy battles going on there now. russian units have entered high-rise buildings in the east of the city, where they are trying to gain a foothold. at least ten explosions were heard in kharkov over the past hour. the arrivals went through the objects of the ukrainian armed forces, which the militants even tried to do. hide, as well as critical infrastructure, including the destruction of a train with ukrainian armed forces tanks and railway junctions. in this footage from a reconnaissance drone, a ballistic missile arrives at a ukrainian air base, the air force is in the dnepropetrovsk region, and as a result of the strike, at least one instant-29 will never take off again. and this is the sumy region and the exact flights of two iskanders to the ukrainian positions radar stations st-60.
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formation into infantry, that on the fronts, look, the destroyed artillery has turned from a mechanized installation on the streets of liptsy, houses are burning from airstrikes, ukrainian armed forces fighters can only move at night. turn off the headlights, this is a dangerous
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foray that needs to be carried out now, if ukraine surrenders this area, the country's second most populous city kharkov will be within range of russian artillery, we can still smell the smoke from the recent airstrike that was carried out literally an hour ago one block from us. this is what the war looks like through the eyes of the first reporters in the very center of the village of livtsy.
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modern polish shells. previously this artillery crew shows us a gun, a soviet installation made in the forties, it can still fire almost 100 at a time, now only 10. it's unusual to see how something three times older than either of these two guys is holding back the new russian offensive in 2024. the metal is very old, which limits the number of shots. and again the beep warns us of an approaching drone. the fighters show us a device they bought on the internet for $30. this is the best warning system. this is what
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the unit looks like: they have reached the point of exhaustion, elderly people, young guys, among them there are many wounded infantrymen. in the vicinity of volchansk, day and night, a military man from the ninety- second brigade. fills the gaps formed in the ukrainian defense line. we are here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. their infantry continues to advance. before we were transferred here, everything was much easier than here. and in vchonsk, the head of the administration of the kharkov region said that kremlin troops now control about 40% of the territory since they began an offensive across the border in the kharkov region on may 10. in just a few days, russian troops entered...
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odap 1500, which represents what we see here is the so-called incendiary aerosol mixture. the russians got them from soviet reserves. odub 1.500 - this monster, which is a one and a half ton ex-bomb of free fall, that is, before you need i had to fly almost 10 km to the target and hope that it would hit the right place. and now russian engineers have designed a system for it that allows it to plan to aim at a target. this is a well-known umpc module. here we see the main wings on the sides and the tail fins at the back. they give this monster the appearance of an airplane and a flying bomb at the same time. its peculiarity is that it... controlled by satellite navigation, and can be fired from a distance of 70 km from the target. as for volchansk itself, then its northern part, with high-rise buildings and a hospital, is already under russian control, and the western part, where
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industrial buildings are located, is still under the control of the ukrainian armed forces. this bomb struck almost in the geographic center of the city, and the heaviest fighting is now in the countryside, south of the small... the next red lines, the readiness to rise to the next level of escalation, was first announced by speaker of congress johnson. in response to a question about attacks on russia with western weapons, he called for allowing ukraine to conduct ukraine considers it necessary to fight the way it does. and
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he called it bad practice when america tries to interfere with its management. a little later, the head of the committee. foreign affairs michael mccaul literally read secretary of state blinken like a child at the hearings for the white house’s ban on strikes deep into our country, and did it like he was taking an exam. look, mccall brought the hearing to the russian congress card. ukraine began to explain in great detail to blinkin about the so -called protected zone that moscow created. at least 300 km,
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with a radius of action, which i’ll just remind you of, maximum 550. blinken responded by saying that he would encourage strikes against russia. he and biden will not, but at the same time he said that kiev can make its own decisions in order to effectively defend itself. at the same time, blinken tactfully kept silent about the fact that american missiles are already being guided by american satellites. in general, the word is up to the pentagon and biden. so far there seems to be no official permission, but the white house administration now faces a very difficult choice: give the go-ahead to the third world war or... still stop, well, just to understand: speaker of congress mike johnson and chairman of the committee makol are republicans, and not just representatives of the same republican party, but of the same wing of the party, close to trump, they are for attacks
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on russia. and finally, ukraine. we have a really, really bad situation there, as you know, here's a protected area that the russians have created and what they're doing, they're placing all their artillery and missiles right along the ukrainian border, they're using that to attack the ukrainians, but your administration and jake salevar have limited the use of american weapons, so that ukraine cannot defend itself and hit back at russia, so i made an amendment about long-range attacks for...
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just like what you are trying to do with tying ukraine's hands behind its back, also with israel , will you change this policy so that ukraine can fight without having its hands tied behind its back. as you know, we have united 50 countries over the past two years that have come to the aid of ukraine to provide it with the necessary weapons for protection, to repel russian aggression.
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this administration will allow ukraine to openly attack russian territory in its airspace using american weapons. congressman, i was there literally 10 days ago, spent a lot of time with the president. and other leaders of ukraine, and i intend to do everything to ensure that they have everything they need to effectively defend themselves, and we are having discussions about what is needed for this. at the moment, we do not encourage or allow carry out strikes outside ukrainian territory. we are always open to discussing what they need and how we can support them in certain decisions. russia has been fighting this war without gloves since day one, and we cannot continue to tie our hands. ukrainians. at the initiative of the state department , there is an active debate in the presidential administration about
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allowing ukraine to launch missile and artillery strikes directly on russian territory, targets that, according to mr. zelensky, moscow and has achieved recent territorial gains. the proposal, put forward by secretary of state antony blinken after a sobering trip to kiev, is still in the formative stages, and it is unclear how many of his colleagues in biden's inner circle will support it. according to officials.
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russia already has us, this is exactly what zelensky wants, and he not only cannot win, our military experts know this, his military experts know this, they are slowly retreating, losing territory, their army is barely dragging along, the soldiers are demoralized, this is not a viable situation that cannot be won, so diplomacy must be resorted to, otherwise we will get to the point where all of ukraine will be swallowed up. the united states allowed ukraine to use its weapons against targets on russian territory, for example, to violate.
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america, what does this mean? now it will be possible to use american property in russia to compensate for damage from the confiscation of russian property in... the states from now on, the right holder from our country can sue under our laws, a decision on compensation for damage our russian court will also decide against us actions at the expense of the property of american persons in russia. the american white house is still silent, apparently digesting it, but in britain today they finally
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realized what zelensky’s support could lead to.
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from the very beginning, as soon as the west formulated its strategy towards ukraine, it was more about red lines for ourselves, we sent putin messages like we are not going to do this, we are not
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going to do that, and you know all these messages about that we are not part of this conflict, and it seems to me that this prevented acceptance.
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ordered his military to deploy tactical nuclear weapons during the next exercise, which, by the way, will take place near the ukrainian border, when he does this, your message to the western allies, oh, don’t pay attention, this is a bluff, forget that russia is the most powerful nuclear power in the world, they are not going to use it, this is your message, let's count how many times he talked about this, namely...
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this is exactly the armored vehicle, the main official car of putin himself russian prime minister mishustina. the limousine weighs 6.5 tons and is equipped with a hybrid engine producing almost 600 horsepower . the king of bahrain, who right now chairs the league of arab states, congratulated putin on his victory in the elections and invited russia to a peace conference on... a middle east settlement; in response, putin invited the guest to come to the october brix summit in the city of kazan. the invitation was accepted,
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the kremlin said. by the way, the king of bahrain arrived in the kremlin itself on a new russian car.
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we talked on the phone, next year , just recently in march, once again we celebrate 35 years of establishing diplomatic relations between our countries, over these years a lot has been done in construction. approximately 30 large projects are being implemented, the total volume of the package is about 500 million dollars, in general, we are very glad to see you, welcome, i believe that this day is one of
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the happiest in my life, and i am meeting you on this day, thank you very much for your invitation, for your warm welcome, and we we really were in moscow for a very long time in this beautiful city, and we missed you very much, so we are glad to be on a visit to meet with our friends, and of course... your friends, arab friends, send you their best wishes and highly appreciate russia’s role in concerns the fair resolution of arab problems, and there is complete understanding and agreement regarding the need for peace to be held at an international conference, and russia will be the first country to which i will address.
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it also has a positive effect not only on the situation in your country, but to the arab world. well , today is a remarkable date for the united states, exactly 75 years ago, it should be noted that on may 22, 1949 , the first us secretary of defense, james forestel, committed suicide. due to paranoia and russophobia, which led to mental breakdown, forrestel was placed in the national military medical center named after.
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other fox news hosts advise trump at the debate not to get into a skirmish with biden at all, but to simply let his grandfather speak. the more joe says, the more nonsense he will say, and the more he will discredit himself. in the eyes of voters. so, the democratic candidate for the most powerful.
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phos on earth last night gave a speech to the naacp, the national association for the advancement of colored people, and he couldn't even pronounce the name of the organization, to be fair, that's five letters, but he made no less than nine mistakes in the speech, which were then corrected by the white house staff , nine mistakes in one speech, hell, senator paterman hasn't made that many in the year since his brain exploded. so, what do we know about... all the mistakes, they were corrected in plain sight, otherwise we most likely would not have noticed anything, it got me thinking, when someone does something you didn't ask for, like fixing these errors, you have to ask yourself what is really going on, maybe we are seeing a shift towards awareness that something is wrong, and maybe it's joe, let's look at the evidence america, you laughed at this, in in case you missed his speech, in case you missed his
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speech, we're cracking down on corporate landlords who cut rents. the spirit of naac lives on. why the hell does he mention that spirit.
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patriots, erectionists, maybe he was thinking about his son, remember guys, if you are an erectionist, beyond 4 hours, see a doctor, the debate in june is an admission that joe biden and his company know they are losing, they need it now to shake themselves up, they know that there is a narrative that joe biden is old, weak and uncontrollable, if you put it. stage next to trump, he has there is some chance to refute it, but this is also a risk, because he has a chance to confirm it. that's right, the stakes are high. i don't think that biden will be the democratic nominee , given that the debate will take place on
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june 27, it seems to me that this is both an opportunity and a danger for joe biden to prove that he meets the highest standard of the position he holds. this seems like a final exam of sorts for biden. he coped with the appeal. he really got a little criticism for it, but if it comes out the debate stage will collapse, and he can literally do this; the trump team deliberately demanded that the debate be held standing, all 90 minutes, and that biden walk to the stage himself. you could once believe that we would have such a physically weak president that someone would expect to win the election simply because he would stumble and fall while walking to the podium. so i think that he cannot be president based on his mental and physical state, so i think that they will find a replacement for him, i think that trump should just let biden talk, the more biden talks, the more he will lie and the less competent he will
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look. you've seen the new rules for the first presidential debate, and they're deliberately designed to thwart trump. see, rule one, a candidate's microphone will be muted after their time is up. how the hell can trump speak succinctly if he isn't allowed to ramble on and on? the second rule is no spectators in the hall. trump is fueled by his audience, drains their vitality, they waste away and die, all so that trump can achieve immortality. first you take the microphone away from trump, then the audience, what next? will you cut his life into pieces? this is his last hope, the debate will be on cnn and abc. these are two anti-trump propaganda platforms.
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it turns out that for all the failures of boris johnson, his party members, the prime ministers of the tank crew, in fact, sunuk, vladimir putin and ya are again to blame. without exception, the british tabloid pages today chose the second option - to surrender vladimir putin. the mirror writes that sunak has no chance in the early elections. the spectator displays
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a cartoon on the cover of the british prime minister drowning in the rain with the title flow. the guardian draws attention to the fact that the last time extraordinary elections took place was in the distant forty-fifth year , then for churchill. they ended in an unexpected and resounding defeat for the conservatives. churchel was already accompanied to the poddam conference by the winner.
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earlier today i spoke to his majesty the king asking for the dissolution of parliament, the king granted this request, and we will have a general election on july 4th. finally, a balanced solution. the prime minister chooses a summer company, trying to find bright spots, even standing under a gray sky, wet from rain. what's sure to grab the headlines are the photos of sunah, whose suit is more than just a little wet. he was soaked to the skin. i promise
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to give you the strongest protection i can. that's what i promise you. for many of you, it is easy to forget the scale of what we went through when we first recovered from covid. the war returned to russia. putin's invasion of ukraine has sent your energy bills spiraling upward. i came to the cabinet to restore the economic... he asked voters to give him another chance. i cannot and will not claim that we did everything right. the libarist party soon gave its response, presenting its leader as the future prime minister, surrounded by flags and ready to race. if you vote for the laborites, this vote is for stability, economic and political. politics that affects all of our lives is voting. an end to the chaos, look at
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our country, sewage in our rivers, crime going virtually unpunished, mortgages and food prices through the roof, all of this is in every way a direct result of the tory chaos in westminster. this will be a historic election, no matter how it ends. if keir starmer wins and gains an overall majority, it will be the largest party swing in electoral history.
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life with him became better only for some people, but people want the migrant situation to improve because migration has cost this country so much. july 4th is independence day in america, and for this country it is the day of liberation from the charlatans who call themselves conservatives. just look at these photos, the level of unprofessionalism is incredible, standing in the rain and reading from a piece of paper like a robot with no passion. without faith, without energy. i asked one conservative mp why sunok called the election and he said he had given up. i look at things like this from strategic point of view. if you look at elections around the world, the two biggest electoral races are in britain and the united states. we can't go to the polls at the same time. this will free up the hands of the opposition to our rivals, our opponents, who will want to take advantage of the fact that we are distracted. now to the gossip news
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, everyone's favorite gerard debardier got into a fight again. this time with a famous one. get flogged in the center of rome because of the photographs that the birdman took while the actor was having lunch in the company friends of a very beautiful, unknown woman. no sooner had the artist been released from custody on charges of sexual harassment, and this happened at the end of april, than there was another scandal. depordieu's opponent turned out to be barilari, a photographer, a terrorist who has been catching people for decades. he has already contacted the police about 170 times because of dracrity, but reno’s philosophy is simple, first the photo, and then everything else. bari lari said that he was filming a rally of taxi drivers when an informant called him and said that he had seen
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depordieu himself in a film popular among filmmakers. in the bar. the photographer rushed in there and was already taking pictures of the actor when his companion.
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this is the table where actor gérard debardier dined at 2:00 p.m. with five other diners in the famous restaurant navio veneto. rino barilari, a very famous photographer who published photographs of celebrities in the magazine la dolce vita, it was no coincidence that he ended up here, here his photo is posted together with the great film director federico filini. bari lari , while walking, saw the deparde and decided not to miss the opportunity to take a few pictures. all this happened right here where i am standing, meanwhile, girard de pardieu and his friends, with whom he had lunch at the restaurant, left by car and headed towards villa barghesa. the incident occurred in front
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of eyewitnesses, because, as you know, at 14:00 it’s rush hour and it’s crowded, therefore there were a lot of people in the restaurant, no one could have expected such a sharp reaction about... this is important, what was to be done? i went on foot, i walk and aim the object, because i shoot first and then ask, if i ask, they will immediately tell me no, it’s better first take pictures, i saw how they were sitting,
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hugging a little, he was wearing glasses in the company of other people, so i was hiding behind the machine, expecting that she and he would end up in a vertical photo, why? what if she's pregnant? i don’t know, here they are, the tricks of the trade, she noticed me, comes up, i try to hide behind the car, and after 4 seconds he comes and hits me four times, and after that she runs into the car and so does he, i was just taking photos, and she stood in front of the car and swore at the italians, nothing further, i i went to the hospital, that's all, by the way, on the window of the bar where deparde was sitting there is yours. such scenes have not happened for 15 years, the restaurant owner said. we used to treat this as normal, but today it
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feels like we've gone back in time. we did not expect this at all; the woman who attacked him most likely also expressed obscene language towards the victim. the actor and his partners outlined their version of events in a statement issued by their lawyer to the paris bar. the photographer pushed me touching my chest with his hand. it still hurts, he was very rude. this isn't the first time this guy has gotten into fights. for example, during his long career, he once photographed an actor with his mistress. they did not want this relationship to become known and in the same way this actor spanked him. according to paparazzi, it is quite common, be it bodyguards or celebrities themselves, who take out their anger on others, because these celebrities have the impression that their privacy is being stolen or someone is invading this life, even if... we are talking about public space. it was a surreal scene that writer gianni riotta witnessed. i saw with my own eyes how
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depordie beat boril until the police arrived and questioned the witnesses. an ambulance then arrived to take bari lari away. at that moment, depardieu left in his car. it looked like a scene from a sixties movie. well, china will invade taiwan in early june, writes global press, publishing a photograph of xiding. in uniform on board the flagship of the people's army china, let's leave the sensational headline, probably on the conscience of the publication itself, but something is really happening on the chinese fronts: the chinese army today announced the start of large-scale military exercises around taiwan, all types of armed forces are involved in the maneuvers: ground forces, navy, air force and missile forces. in these... 33 chinese aircraft and 31 ships are approaching taiwan, including aircraft carriers. and this is what the tactical
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map of the exercises looks like: red dots indicate possible landing sites for the chinese military, mainly in the northern direction, this is where the capital taibay is located. it is noteworthy that the exercises started just 3 days after the new one took office. the forces of taiwanese independence will be left with broken heads and shed blood, so to speak. the pentagon has also begun moving warships closer to
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taiwan's presidency for less than a week, but chinese leaders have already assessed it as a threat to beijing, which aims to one day seize control of the self-ruled island. in response to this they began two days of intensive military exercises in the taiwan area. the people's liberation army of china says the joint naval and air exercises are aimed at ensuring combat readiness, control of the battlefield
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and conducting targeted strikes on key targets. this is a severe punishment for the separatist actions of the taiwanese independence forces. he also thanked the united states , the island's most important ally, for its security support. chinese officials were furious. foreign secretary china and he called the leader’s speech a hostile and provocative disgrace and said that the taiwanese separatists would be nailed to the pillory. the military exercise was accompanied by the release of a series of posters depicting weapons called sacred weapons to destroy taiwan's independence. says it wants peace and stability in the taiwan strait and maintaining the status quo, but according to beijing , these statements are nothing more than dust in the eyes. refusal. chinese leaders also believe that
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china colluded with washington. speaking in australia, an american general said there was nothing new in beijing's preparations for a possible offensive and warned of the devastating consequences of such a conflict for china. countless lives, trillions of dollars in global economic damage, and the international order that has been preserved for the past eight decades will be at stake. one thing is clear: china is ready for war if it starts.
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in parliament, where there is a bitter split and chaos, a fight broke out last week over legislative reforms, as a result , political opponents and supporters of more china-friendly policies will gain more power. at a closed briefing in taipei, a senior official said new president taiwanek is preparing for a turbulent time in power as taiwan spends billions to bolster its military defense.
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counter attack. it is so obvious that people are more committed to the liberal agenda than to protecting our country. it is not surprising that our enemies are gaining strength, because while china and russia are building up their militaries our resources are dwindling. the budget is growing, but capabilities and manpower are shrinking in america. is it a joke? last night i was watching the show and an ad for the us army popped up. then i understood why we could not replenish our ranks. my name is specialist william henrichs, i am from the 42nd romeo army group. well, about mother nature, which never ceases to amaze, the residents of japan were frightened by these nine pillars of light in the sky over the japanese prefecture of tatori. some have suggested
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that these are traces of aliens. others what are we talking about missile attack by the dprk, but everything turned out to be much more prosaic: the pillars appeared from special fires that local fishermen make right in their boats, thus attracting fish, crystals formed due to low temperatures, the rays of reflection were seen by the frightened japanese, but this is not the only misfortune , there is a full scale army invasion going on in japan right now. raccoons there are so many stripers that animals are breaking into houses. raccoons rush by as if out of nowhere, eat everything they see, and at the same time damage property. the japanese authorities are fighting as best they can, using a huge number of workers to catch them and placing traps everywhere, but the raccoons continue their advance. and this is
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turkey, where there is an invasion of starlings for several hours. established air service to istanbul airport. birds completely blocked the runway. in this regard , dispatchers could not allow planes that were forced to circle in the air to land. some planes had a critical amount of fuel, so they had to be sent to an alternate airfield. nature went wild and a destructive tornado swept across the state of iowa in the united states. local authorities report that... that four people have already been killed, more than ten injured, this number is inconclusive, a destructive tornado has destroyed most of the city of greenful. in the first photo, a photo of the city before the tornado, in the second photo after the tornado. admittedly, this happens every year, but americans still won’t learn how to build.
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images from greenfield war, destroyed houses and ruined lives! literally collecting the remains of their lives after powerful deadly tornado, according to officials, it led to numerous casualties, the footage of the consequences is painful to watch, today in iowa there are images of large-scale destruction after a deadly tornado, this is a tornado, guys, more than two dozen tornadoes that swept through the midwest, mainly in iowa , one of them leveled the city of greenfield; according to initial data , the wind reached speeds of up to 265 km. john newell lay under the rubble of her home for 45 minutes until her smartwatch called emergency services. at some point they they thought that i wasn’t there, and i continued to scream, i’m here. the entire area was
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completely leveled, with pieces of houses scattered everywhere, and one woman whose house is on that block said she has no idea how someone's cars ended up on her lawn, she has no idea where they came from. . i've never seen a tornado like this. i gathered my courage and took refuge in the basement. when i heard the crash, i lay down on the floor. this sound , like a passing freight train, lasted about 15 seconds. it was pretty scary, and i just pressed against the wall. fear is a feeling
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that jane and many other iowans have experienced more than once in their lives. when i was 15 years old, the day before easter, my home was destroyed by a tornado in eastern iowa. it turns out i survived two tornadoes. the wind destroyed houses, swept away cars and trees, sending debris 6 miles into the air. zigcha says one of his daughters was home alone when the tornado hit. she survived because she hid in the basement. i don't know how we would live without her. everything else can be replaced. including him twenty year old house, these things are all yours, i don't think any of this is mine, there 's a refrigerator here from something in the house, my refrigerator is over there, at least eighteen
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tornadoes have been reported across the state, including this one near a nevada city , a roadside camera caught the moment when a tornado swept along the highway , overturning a truck, several wind generators are broken, one is still on fire, one there just collapsed, there’s more... one can assume, looking at their polystyrene foam houses, that the americans have not yet invented bricks, but everything is more prosaic, insurance companies are just making money. we are transported to the front, the war correspondent, vladimir razin, is in direct communication. volodya, hello, good news again, another settlement near kleshcheevka. a small tiny village of andreevko, but it is also ours now, what is happening in this direction, please tell us.
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olga, good evening, yes, today the ministry of defense announced that andreevka was liberated, yesterday kleshcheevka and two heights that were dominant in the kleshcheevka trap were also liberated, this is very important, even in comparison with two settlements, of which virtually nothing remains. and the height gives us the opportunity to control a certain territory in front of us, and beyond kleshcheevka, beyond andreevka , we continue to push the enemy beyond the seversky-donetsk canal, these are actually the positions from which the enemy tried to advance into our territory last year and actually got stuck here in kleshcheevka in andreevka, a large part of the time these settlements were in the gray zone, yes, because there was nowhere to gain a foothold, but ours... by chance, we managed, firstly, to knock out, and secondly, to advance further, occupy the heights, gain a foothold on them, this is the southern flank, artyomovskaya and chasovyara, on our side this gives us an expansion of the bridgehead on precisely
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the southern flank of chasovyar, on the one hand on the other hand, on the other hand, this is an improvement in the position towards toretsk or dzerzhinsk, as it was previously called from the northern side of the approach to this settlement, in the very... sovea , fighting continues in the northern part of the kanal microdistrict, there is progress in residential development, in the south- eastern part of the microdistrict the channel is also an advance, there is an advance and...
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of our army, what in reality, is there an advance, what is there on the enemy’s side, in terms of reserves, in terms of the number of battalions transferred, they report that they are transferring units there, yes, the transfer of reserves is not continuing, both towards volchansk and towards the settlement of leptsy, in volchansk itself work continues in order to push the enemy across... the river that divides this settlement into two parts, the enemy into this settlement volchansk it also transfers quite large reserves, but in kharkov itself, but today several strikes were made on the railway, on the road to the accumulation of equipment, equipment and personnel, and also on places where equipment was accumulated, and this movement of ours in the kharkov direction gives us the opportunity.. to open and strike those points of concentration
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of military personnel and equipment that were located in kharkov near kharkov, on the one hand, on the other hand, constant work is going on with the reserves that are being transferred, well, actually around the clock, but without. there is some kind of special secrecy and camouflage, which our intelligence officers and military personnel also use to carry out attacks, to say that we were directly slowed down by the ukrainian troops. uh, it will probably be said loudly, yes, why? because it was mainly the urban development of the city of volchansk, a fairly large city, that slowed down, yes, compared to those settlements that are located on the border with the belgorod region, which we liberated, which are already under our control, and this is in in principle, the tactics on the ukrainian side have long been known to us, yes, they are gaining a foothold in large cities, and they are holding defense there not at the expense of their own defensive fortifications and...
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uh, something like that, but directly at the expense of property, at the expense of houses, at the expense of the enterprises of their citizens, so there is movement on our side, but it has slowed down a little , but again this is justified by the fact that we are in a fairly large settlement, plus, which is also divided by the river into two parts. voloti, upon our advance we we talk about it so casually, although at some point it was so alarming. that we no longer hoped, but we are advancing, yes, this is already obvious to everyone, are there any directions left where the enemy is trying to attack, counterattack, advance, counterattack, where he is active precisely in terms of trying to seize territory, in terms of trying to seize territory on today, at no point along the line of combat contact in the northern military district zone there are such... such cases, mostly
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these are counterattacks on positions on strong points, which we just recently liberated and attacked them, that is, yes, such counterattacks are happening everywhere in absolutely all directions, but the enemy’s reserves of forces are possible in order to try to slow down our pace and, even more so, put us, let’s say, on the defensive in one of the directions like this. not observed today, thank you very much, vladimir razen, our war correspondent, in direct communication, front line, comprehensive and excellent as always, thank you, please! olga, if you and i hadn’t they knew how bad things were with the kiev regime; it would have been easy to guess this from the convulsive movements of their western partners. unfortunately, due to these convulsive movements , they began to make a spade. dangerous for
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the whole world, at least two steps have already been made: one in the economic sphere, this is the decision of the us congress to adopt the name of the bill on the confiscation of russian assets, however, the law has not yet been signed by biden, the second is a discussion in the parliament of the united states of america, in congress attacks on the sovereign, seven-recognized territory of the russian federations, and even in terms of goals...
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provoke, propose, we ’ll talk about this now, so it’s important that the president always chooses the moment, the exact moment, that today the president signed a decree on response measures: we will apply the same in the economic sphere steps, we will confiscate the assets of the united states of america, this goes beyond economic war. the president makes it clear that not a single blow against russia will go unanswered. right now it is very important that this was said, here we saw how the minister foreign affairs of lithuania, lansbergis called for erasing the red lines. let's explain to the brainless lithuanian minister why the big and still brainy
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adults in the west drew these red lines and until now, in any case , understood why they should not be crossed. ukraine, as you know, is not legally at war with russia; it endlessly talks about the fact that it is at war with russia, a war with russia, but it has not declared this war. why? because if ukraine officially declared war russia, then any supply of weapons to ukraine on the battlefield by a third party would mean entry.
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did not develop into a direct war with russia, they drew two red lines: first: troops, regular troops of the united states and allies should not engage in direct combat clashes with the russian army, second, attacks by american weapons should not be carried out on a universally recognized sovereign. russian territory, because both the first and second are belli incidents, the official reason for declaring war, and the president today, pointing out that we will definitely respond to every strike, he is bringing back
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strikes on russian territory, such as lansberges, those who argue in the us congress in the field of reality. who will be inflicted with the consent of the united states by american weapons will receive a response. by the way, this is not the first warning. i want to remind you how our foreign minister called the ambassadors of france and great britain, he said almost the same thing. why france and great britain? in the usa, discussions are still being held within parliament, well there some said fellow congressmen were overheating. they have, so to speak, a hot election campaign, in great britain, the prime minister made a statement about the possibility of strikes with british weapons on russian territory, while the prime minister, in france, the current president spoke about the possibility of sending french troops to
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the territory of ukraine and their possible clash with russia. an answer was immediately given, and it was very clear to the british that if this was... done, there would be retaliatory strikes on british military targets, like located on the territory of ukraine and beyond its borders. after all these warnings, we have not heard from macron for a long time that he was going to send troops somewhere. therefore, now, let’s say again that i gathered for caledonia, well, to caledonia, yes, perhaps to caledonia. no to ukraine yet, so let’s explain again, that means, if with american weapons. us consent to the intended targets, strikes will be carried out on russian territory, there is no need to doubt that the response will be not from ukraine, but from the united states.
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united states of america, and we can help orient by targets so that these strikes are as accurate as possible. and effective, today in the united states of america in the world the united states of america is loved so much that i think that we will have no end to those who want to do this. in any case, congressmen need to return, colleagues, deputies need to return to the fold of common sense. you are playing with fire. i repeat once again, striking at russian territory with american weapons. with the participation of americans, these are actually military actions, it’s just that the congressmen have the most logic
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simple, than the americans are worse, for example, than the czechs, but czech weapons are used to attack the historical territory of the russian federation, in particular the belgorod region, these attacks have already been recorded, the response has not arrived, the congressmen suggest, let’s try , as for london. here, too , there is a miscalculation, let’s say we are considering the kha-101 missile, british general behrens, that if a strike is delivered, and a decision, this is naturally an extreme decision on the part of official moscow, is made, then the air defense system will not work, not will be able to repel this blow, just keep in mind, look, even the rather outdated russian one.
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the hypothetical conflict that this gentleman is talking about is truly capable
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of guaranteeing the destruction of any military facility on british territory. in general , britain needs to think seriously, because a nuclear clash with russia, given its geographical location, could simply lead to the united kingdom disappearing into the waters of the north atlantic, it will not happen. corresponding islands, i am in this in any case, i’m not scaring, and i don’t want to, so to speak, send any signals, we, you know, need not to scare anyone, but to prepare the russian armed forces, including for the scenario of a nuclear war, well, life is like that, live with wolves , come out like a wolf, therefore they must be prepared for any scenarios for the development of the situation and the goals on the territory of great britain must be determined in advance according to the rating of... importance so that if, god forbid, britain enters into a war with russia, it will be its
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the last war in history, after this war there will be no britain, there will be radioactive hares running around there, this is not a figure of speech, these are real things, although he doesn’t know partly for sure, but he knows the consequences that could happen for britain, but regarding the speech of lansberges jr., gabrielius, in my opinion, name. lansbergis, but there is only one definition, malbbug, yes stinky, of course, it is a bug, he was given to understand what lithuania is on the political map of the world, he can be covered with one little finger when he makes some threats, he says that putin is bluffing, we are not we are afraid of a nuclear war, listen, but this is not a speech by the minister of foreign affairs, sorry, but by a moron who should not be allowed to practically lead lithuanian foreign policy, because... there was
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a famous vytautos, well, there is still, as they say, an old one, but as before, the old horse will not spoil the american furrow, vitaatos lansberges, the main ideologist of lithuania’s secession from the ussr, he launched these processes, also a first-class, you know, russophist. in general, at one time i was involved in lithuania as a journalist at the end nineties, at the beginning of 2000, from the entire lithuanian establishment of that time. i knew only one, well, rational person, this was the then director of the state security department of lithuania, mjaches laurinkus, a completely adequate person, the new generation is clinical russophobes, and of course i would like to say something about these cards that are shown in congress in the usa , they threaten us, you know, i
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still believe that in the state department and most importantly in... and the us department of defense perfectly consider the chance, you know, this this irresponsible person who is proposing to carry out strikes there, he is proposing to start the third world war again, well, there should be at least an elementary idea of ​​how a theoretically possible exchange of nuclear strikes ends at the present time, this is a global catastrophe, i say again, don’t sending signals to the americans is the very readiness of russia. nuclear triad, if war is imposed on us, to put an end to the existence of american civilization, preparation, constant combat duty with readiness to carry out the received order of the supreme commander-in-chief of the russian armed forces, these are the best things that we can oppose to these aggressive american plans. americans
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for the sake of justice, they are expanding the boundaries of the possible and acceptable, they are testing the russian one. supporter of donald trump, this is for all those who love the republicans, these are the republicans who are forcing biden right now to allow strikes on the territory of our country, well , mike johnson, the speaker, already gave the day before good, also a republican. let's go back, what
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is this? is this a ticket? premiere on rtr, you put two strangers in the same room, you ’ve never seen the sunrise on the beach, you’re settling down, look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness, like your romance, were you following me, i’m filing for divorce, melody for yours, from monday on rtr. food prices are rising all the time, and we still allow food to go to waste. how many times has this happened to you, you are about to cook a meal, you go for a puff of bread and you discover that it is either not fresh or moldy. we know how to help you save. just look at this bread and you can’t tell that it’s already 2 weeks old, but
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at the exhibition russia. my dears. everyone is so different, i so want this difference to be the strength of our family, and not a reason for litter, wow, in general you have two cups, what kind of loves do you have, i will not allow you to deceive my daughter, everything is not at all like it seems to you that i was framed by irina razanova, let’s have competitors. who exactly, what if they don’t limit themselves to blackmail, anastasia vedenskaya, you all are everything knew about it, i don’t want to see you all.
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anatoly lobotsky, one very important person for me has disappeared, life teaches you nothing, they were silent about vasya, and now you continue to lie about your mother, adult daughters, the premiere, on saturday on rtr, news of the week. without the noise of dust we put it on the shelves, broadcast the week with dmitry kiselyov on sunday on rtr. russian units are increasing the intensity of their assaults on chasovo yar. it is reported that our fighters managed to cling to high-rise buildings in the east of this city. in the vremev direction, the army after the most powerful artillery processing, again.
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section of the front, an assault pair of the russian army captures a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in a forest plantation; the footage shows how our soldiers boldly walk towards the target across the field, despite attempts against it.
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only move at night, turn off headlights, it's a dangerous position they hold, but here they are losing, and russian artillery will soon be within range of ukraine's second most populous city, kharkov. you yourself saw how everything is on fire here, and this happens every night. do you think there were fortifications here? good enough, there was nothing prepared here, nothing at all. russian artillery hits ukrainian positions. volchansky uses heavy flamethrowers with sanitary protection and special-power mortars called tulips. temperature at the epicenter.
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my window, be careful, a grenade came from there, put them aside, another german leopard was shot down under the marinka, clouds of acrid smoke rose above the destroyed armored vehicle. russian units carried out over a hundred attacks along the entire front per day, the ukrainian news agency reported in its report. general staff at the same time, the list does not mention the kleshcheevka, which our military completely liberated from the ukrainian armed forces militants. in these footage , scouts destroy ukrainian tanks; the vehicle was driven from the air to the location. dislocations, then launched a precision strike. militarily, the invasion appears aimed at stretching ukraine's already small and underequipped forces by diverting troops from the donbass, which remains seen as a likely target for a russian offensive this summer. after more than a week of fierce fighting the ukrainian army retreated to more fortified positions, approximately 8 km from the border. russia advanced more than 80
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km and captured about a dozen villages. ahead of the generals is a guessing game about how far russia will advance. for ukraine, this calculation means moving defenders from other potential attack sites. the iskander operational-tactical complex hit a mig-29 aircraft and an ammunition depot at the aviatorskaya airfield, dnepropetrovsk region. 90 km from the front. in this footage , an eagle drone is circling over the target. zelensky holds a meeting of the so-called headquarters for the development of electronic warfare. according to him , the key and unresolved problem of countering russian aerial bombs. in this footage, five-hundred-kilogram favas are flying toward ukrainian positions. what we see here is the so-called odap 1500, which is an incendiary aerosol mixture. the russians got them from soviet reserves. that is, before you had to
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fly almost 10 km to the target and hope that it would hit the right place, now the russian engineers designed a system for it that allows it to plan to aim at a target. this is a well-known umpc module. here we see the main wings on the sides and the tail fins at the back. they give this monster the appearance of an airplane and a flying bomb at the same time. its peculiarity is that it... controlled by satellite navigation, and can be fired from a distance of 70 km from the target. and here the aerospace forces pilots are destroying a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries. this is the moment of a high-precision strike on a bridge across river wet yawls near the village of vremevka. it was used to supply the ukrainian group. in the avdeevsky direction, the target of our fighters was the american bradley infantry fighting vehicle. samara artillerymen knocked out another kabromsk tank.
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russian ministry of defense. shows unique footage of the combat work of the crew of the modernized t-90a tank. the artillery strike immediately began on us, plus the fipv dronmi immediately began to strike us. i got into this car right away. three drones, but she did not receive any particular damage, she delayed the blow, we continued the whole movement was practiced against the enemy, that’s it. while moving, i saw a flash of an rp shot at us, fortunately he missed the enemy, i gave the command to my gunner and directed him to shoot to kill,
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ukrainian militants on social networks complain that the command is sending drone operators straight to the front line, russian rap is controlling drones in the distance from the front. triple the mobilization, said former us national intelligence committee official chermela. populated areas are already littered
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with the bodies of militants. it completely burned out. introduce yourself, policeman, this is how mobilization takes place in the territory of zaporozhye temporarily controlled by kiev, conscription events end with hand-to-hand combat, new footage of the beating of draft dodgers in kharkov has appeared, child, child. take it away, the kharkov military registration and enlistment office accused the residents of provocations, i don’t know if it’s right or wrong, but if the shopping center pulls me out of the car, then we
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’ll go with the car or with the steering wheel in our hands. macron today flew to the region of france farthest from paris, he spent more than a day in the air and... flew 16,000 km to reach noumea, the capital of new calidonia. there he was greeted with these posters. translation: “macron, the blood of kanakhs is on your hands.” the kanakas, the indigenous population of the archipelago, have been protesting and demanding independence for the last week. about a third of new caledonians are armed. people here traditionally enjoy hunting. during the street protests, a billion dollars in damage was caused. 200 enterprises were completely destroyed, six people were already killed. it was against this backdrop that macron landed. the overseas territory is important for paris, this is the base french pacific fleet. in addition, new caledonia is one of the largest
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suppliers of nickel. macron said 3,000 french troops would remain in the archipelagos as long as needed to quell the protest. including. during the olympics, that is, about the olympic truce, which macron so wanted to see in ukraine, he suddenly attacked. another very restless night.
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everyone sees in this difficult moment, only dialogue will allow us to achieve the goal that we have set for ourselves. my desire, like that of the entire government, is to be together with the people and return to peace, tranquility and security as soon as possible is the top priority. along with a return to peaceful life, a return
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to normal conditions, supplies and food is obviously necessary. of course, we will look at issues such as economic recovery, support and rapid response, as well as the most sensitive political issues, to discuss the future of new caledonia. i want to be very clear, units will be here as long as necessary, even during olympic and paralympic games. the arrival of emmanuel macron at the height of the crisis did not surprise anyone.
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another reason for the konak to seek independence from france. the first assistant to the mayor of paris, emmanuel grigoire, published a photo of a creepy-looking creature that will carry the flame of the olympic games in paris. tattooed, made-up transvestite minimaszte. in general, which one? the olympics turns out to be such a pokemon-bearer. inclusivity
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is also thriving in french football, where the last round of the national championship was dedicated to protecting gay rights. one of the players monaco malian mahamed hamara refused to be photographed in front of an lgbt banner, and covered the rainbow emblem on his uniform with leukoplaster. after this, the speaker was zanant mostafa mahamed in general. refused to take part in the match and thus avoided shame. monaco defeated his club with a score of 4:0, and komara, who refused to honor gay trans people, scored a goal and gave an assist. the heads of sports in france, amelie castero, immediately demanded that the most severe sanctions be imposed on the insufficiently tolerant team, it’s even scary to imagine the hysteria in paris. glue it up the rainbow emblem on the uniform was not the malian hamara, but
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his teammate, the russian alexander golovin, but he did not participate in the match due to injuries. the scandal in spain, and in the royal family, is not connected with lgbt people, but the story is downright piquant. the german bilt claims that queen letizia of spain leads an extremely intense sex life, spending the night with a bunch.
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during their rare public appearances together, there is nothing to indicate tension between them. according to spanish media reports, the queen has been sharing her bed with many other men. among them is her son-in-law. apparently, the cuckold king is simply too boring in bed for the beautiful queen. also loves threesomes. royal relationships.
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well, breaking news, i can’t say anything, just a few words about the hegemon. new york city mayor eric adams announced a national all-american conference on thunderstorm control will be held in september. according to the mayor, rats and other pests have proliferated in new york due to garbage on the street. where he finds food for himself, and this the issue needs to be discussed immediately, and this is the same hegemon who is seeking the strategic, yes, exactly strategic defeat of our country, let’s deal with the rats, dear friends, although of course you are not our friends, this is the map our
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editors are showing again, the map in the american congress , the american republican makol, guides the ukrainians to targets on the historical territory of the russian federation, i propose to finally strike the belgorod, kursk and bryansk regions with american weapons. here are these three for them like it the most. ask. well, yes, indeed, they would not have to fight the russians, but rather solve the issue, for example, of bedbugs and rats before the next olympics, which, let me remind you, will be held in paris, which is suffering. it kind of symbolizes today’s great britain, and it’s such a visible image, and i’ll use the numbers as always, why does he say that putin
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created such huge electricity bills for us, he’s partly right, yes, putin really did it, no by building a russian power plant. atomic in in the uk, let me remind you, there was an option in 2009, rosatom offered to build such a power plant, in the end it was built, but in bangladesh, this two-reactor station will be launched in bangladesh this year, it costs only 13 billion dollars, and bangladesh already this year pays us all of this in chinese yuan, also like a touch of the new world that is coming to the world of the dollar. in 2024 this year the station will be launched, what is happening in the uk at this time? uk is closing its old 10 nuclear power plants, built, as they say, before margaret thatcher existed, and says: we will build a station with the americans, it will cost a little more, 16 billion pounds, well,
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after all, not dollars, but pounds . and what do you think the final bill for this station is now being rolled out, exactly the same as in bangladesh, which we built exactly.
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and russia has now found new markets, the same bangladesh, the same india, the same china, and simply redirected all these huge resources that had previously gone to europe, went to the usa, to third world countries. what is happening now in great britain itself? the latest news: chevron, an american company, is leaving the uk, it has been extracting oil and gas in the north sea of ​​great britain for 30 years, and now it says: “and there is no oil or gas left there anymore.” this is true. authorities, but from this this whole problem, which has been accumulating for decades, years, from another election and somehow leaving the tories with
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this, the station will not cost again 16 billion pounds sterling, or even more so dollars, it will still cost 47, huge... money will still be paid for electricity, the same thing will now happen in ukraine, which has taken this path, i will now give again one interesting figure: today gasoline in ukraine costs 80 hryvnia, that’s 180 rubles. this is the new european future, you wanted coffee at the jena opera, here 's coffee for this, all the adjectives, electricity will cost 6 hryvnia from today, that's 13 rubles per kilowatt-hour, this is the future, which is being prepared in ukraine, plus this is what we see now in zaporozhye, when the life of the city is simply paralyzed, and my friends from zaporozhye tell me that the city is simply divided into pieces on every small street. there is a checkpoint on the avenue, that is , the checkpoints are no longer against the russians, but in order to catch their own mobilized, this is the new future that
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the europeans, the ukrainians will now have, i must say, they deserve it, well, as they say, there is good news anyway ukraine will now be sent to war by lottery, well, that is, there is a chance to try to win the lottery to stay alive, it sounds like surrealism, but this is the new ukrainian... let's look at life, the head of the financial committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, daniil getmantsev , made a proposal to reserve from mobilization, proposing to use a lottery to select conscripts. getmansov, a representative of the servant of the people party, noted that such an approach would be fair to compare it with the practice that was used in the united states. i would use the example of the united states of america, when conscription is carried out on certain dates of birth, randomly determined in a lottery and those people who were born on that date were drafted , regardless of the type of profession and occupation, then this will be fair. getmontsev emphasized that then the 100% armor system for the profession will not be applied. in his opinion, the lottery will ensure a fair
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distribution of the mobilization burden among all men, regardless of their profession or other circumstances. it remains only to understand whether the monaco battalion will participate in the madness, the only chance to survive in ukraine is to win the ukrainian lottery. we'll be back. let me invite you to dance, your wife is having an affair with this musician, i don’t believe that vika could cheat on me, a melody for yours, premiere on monday on rtr. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and growth. forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true excellence, making
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a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable vacation.
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please, introduction and roll call, possible without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was impudent in a white tuxedo, and i begin, then mark anatolyevich zakharov leaves and... hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, i surrender to everything with joy, let's all wave
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sunday on rtr. he is the culprit of the accident, the person was hurt, he will be judged, you want to ruin a child’s life, i warned him, do you need anything from him, yes, health, a nurse for the director of the plant, that’s so cool, leave that’s it, i don’t want to see anyone, i understand that he has a generally difficult character, yes, i want to try to sit down. you promised to help me, it seems to me that in his soul he is a completely different person, morgue, listen, you can make sure that he doesn’t yell, but no, i suggest getting rid of him, how to get rid of him, kill him or something, he was abandoned like a dog on the street , that’s how long it takes, i’ll work with him for as long as i can, i always want to be with you, sunday on rtr, a big
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musical premiere, but i have a question, please tell me how many people will sing, i can’t even imagine how many non-singers there are, virtuoso singing or virtuoso facial expressions, this could be your trick and deception, you are capable of anything, a master of vocals or a master of deception, they want to deceive us again, but this will not buy us, choose correctly or lose. the united states, which will determine the architecture of european
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security for the next decade, said. orbán said that even after this he would not simply wear it. a week ago there was an attempted murder. slovak prime minister robert fica was shot dead. you wear body armor during your public appearances? i've never worn it, and i don't wear it now. however, the version is that one of the prime ministers who advocated peace almost became the victim of a murderer who advocated war. does this mean that the hungarian prime minister is also in danger? we don’t know yet whether we were dealing with a lone criminal or not?
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partners in europe, probably, they are actually satellites there, blackmail, bribery and murder, that ’s blackmail, there’s something there, bribery there, no, let’s shoot, oh well, generally strange, of course, democracy, there, as far as it concerns in general democracy, this is the news. about the queen of spain, they, i will say, generally look innocent compared to everything else, in general, well, what to do, such is life, you know? like this, but this is absolutely, i would say, innocent news compared to those who will carry the torch, which means the olympic torch in paris, well, this, this is news,
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this is news, i look and think, well , even it’s impossible to comment, just why, yes, it’s inexplicable, at least it’s understandable, there ’s something she wants, well, why here, guys, who are you? does anyone really think that this is the face of the west, well , if someone thinks so, well, for god’s sake, the main thing is that it doesn’t come to us, so fight rats, bedbugs, and so on, as this guy says the mayor of new york, you said that he would hold a conference on getting rid of rats, and he said that in order to defeat rats, you have to think like a rat, and that’s what you think all the time. if there was some news, you need to stop thinking like a rat, maybe then they will disappear from you, that’s the whole problem, you see, this little one, too, is also about
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democracy, it means it stands under this golden rain and explains, it means that i turned, it says to the king with a request to dissolve it, which means parliament, and he granted it to me, that’s all i need to know. here, for example, it’s impossible to dissolve the state duma like that, well, it’s simply impossible, there are only two reasons why the president can dissolve the duma, they are related to the approval of the government, if a crisis simply occurs in the government, well, it’s impossible further with the country they say to manage, then only maybe, there are two reasons for everything, according to the prime minister, it’s about the government, here he just said, hello, opana, goodbye, listen, what is this? well, it would be easier to say, my ratings have grown a little, let's try to re-elect me now, because later it will be, it would be fair, at least, but in essence he said that,
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well, in many ways he said that, well, i am a procedure in itself, that is, there is no procedure, but for us, as they say, as i said in the film there is one, for us americans, the idea of ​​​​having a queen is absurd, but we must treat with...
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dishonesty is not the right word, this is already some kind of absurdity, that is, this bastard is drawing where he will fire american missiles from the territory of ukraine, at the same time, their american missiles are already in our underbelly, our weapons are not in the american underbelly, if we strike, it will only be with intercontinental weapons, which will make it absolutely longer, but nevertheless they will get there. we would need to periodically remind them of this anyway well, the only thing is that our citizen turned out to be a normal guy there, by the way . this real guy
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flew to rome, someone ran up there, started taking pictures of his companion there, with whom he was, he took it, did it absolutely right, absolutely, he should have smashed the camera on his head, that is, normal man, i also kind of say there, well, come up, you can take a photo, you can take a photo, normal people. and not so that a man ran up, sitting in a restaurant, you know, with a girl, ran up, come on click, who are you anyway, well, depordieu is normal, anyone, our russian is exactly the same, a beautiful girl, and depordieu, an honorary citizen of saransk, just about the girl, look there, interesting, he hit me in the face three times, my head hurts, oh “i’m no longer 15, i’m 79,” said the famous photographer.
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human, and if you start this, as they say, as you showed, like this, i’ll do it now, you know, you’ll be here, you’ll be watching me photograph you, no question, it’s one of the beauty of depardieu’s shortcomings only one because of the start of the special operation, he declared his desire to renounce russian citizenship, but based on the results of what happened, i think we will return. you're definitely doing well, you just never usually stick around. premiere on rtr, will you leave me without a morning kiss? i have a husband, a job, stability, but i’m unhappy. and just brazenly write it into your schedule. travel,
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happiness, luck. anna taratorkina. who are you, how did you get here? this is my number. dmitry miller. i'll have to admit that you like me. and when did you and i cross over? alexei fatiev. who is there with you? i'm alone, it's just an accident. what idiot? vacations can be planned, but love. i don’t understand anything myself. i need to figure this out. melody for yours from monday on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a clunky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places. all this is in the past,
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lunch, dinner or dessert, power xl is simply the pleasure of waffles for the whole family, call and get your unique power xl waffle star for your ideal ones... your savings will be 20 euros, but that’s not all, if you place an order right now, you will receive a brilliant booklet with power xl recipes from the famous chef as a gift cooks, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited for me.
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without him, when he got sick with covid, he didn’t want to go to the hospital, but he got worse, the next day they finally arrived and since i got sick 2 days later, they took me to another hospital, but they released me the day before funeral, i don’t remember everything well, but i can only tell you that for me he didn’t leave, we are still together, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. “my dears, you are all so different, i really want this difference to be the strength of our family, and not a reason for quarrels. wow, you actually have two
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cups, are you rude, i won’t allow you to deceive my daughter, everything is completely not the way you think, with me..." set up irina razanova, let's go to the competitors, we need to find out who exactly, what if they are blackmail, don't limit it, anastasia vedenskaya, you're all done knew about this, i don’t want to see you all, anatoly lobotsky, one very important person for me has disappeared, life teaches you nothing, they were silent about vasya, and now continue to lie about your mother, adult daughters, the premiere. on saturday on rtr. former republican presidential candidate nick haley said she will still vote for her rival price trump in november. us spokeswoman
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prion, who previously called donald toxic, said that trump, of course, is not perfect, but he is still better than that. on against this backdrop , the news that an fbi agent was allowed to use lethal weapons during a search of trump resident maralaga literally had the effect of a bomb exploding. they assume that biden wanted to kill his competitor in this way. newly released court filings show the fbi was authorized to use what they called lethal force if necessary during a raid on your private home in august 2020. it's just amazing, you're the former president of the united states. tell me how you reacted to that it was authorized by the biden department of justice. fastas, communists. let me take a closer
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look at this formulation. on his social networks, trump wrote that there are reports from the department of justice. quote. shout out to joe biden about their illegal and unconstitutional raid in maralaga. all restrictions were lifted, the fbi was authorized to use lethal force. they authorized the use of lethal force. a doctor took part in the raid with them. they had it. assassination attempt on donald trump related him people. so, we are transferred to new york via direct communication from the head of our american bureau, valentin bogdanov. valya, greetings. in the house of representatives, cards explain how to hit russia where... they even draw dots, how seriously to take this, how representative are the people who
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come up with this idea, biden seems to be against it, nevertheless, olga, greetings , well , we need to take this seriously, these are the same people who, as our wonderful poet robert rozhdestvensky wrote, are specialists in you, student miitta, according to your funny fellow student, is a so- called specialist. in russia, people who make war against our country, cold or hot, the meaning of their lives, for example, he points his finger at the map, this is makol, head of the house of representatives committee on foreign affairs, he resembles the businessman who gave out the money for the project, all this happened in the presence of blinkin, and now he demands an account, they gave 60 billion dollars, and now... we need results, this is what we talked about from the very beginning, these people will not stop, they need, them
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their plans need to be implemented, all these attempts by the biden administration to play on two boards, to play the good bad cop, these people are not satisfied, because these are hereditary hawks, these are the people who directly lobby for the interests of the american military-industrial complex, and i am once again since i urge everyone here... to be very careful about party affiliation, these are all people, they belong to the same party, this is the party of constant war with our country, so no differences are important here, republican-democrats, now we listened to nicky haley, nicky haley is actually a republican politician, she worked in the biden administration and was the permanent representative here in new york, but can anyone say that she is not a hawk, can anyone- then she might think that she... if trump returns to the white house and switches to some kind of peacekeeping positions, of course not,
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there is still one important point, this is the complete failure of anthony blinken’s personal career, it is clear that if biden remains in if biden stays in the white house for a second term, then blinken will the head of the state department will not, he used to have a bad policeman, as i already said, this bad policeman or a bad policewoman worked. she could always be sent to kiev, she had conversations with her wards, but now zelensky has become completely insolent, he is illegitimate, he can say anything, and he took them all hostage, in fact, this is how it always happens, the ukrainization of american politics has happened before our eyes, this is a two-way street, this is a game that can be played together, and it so happens that in this game in which they they play together, they put themselves in check, and now it seems like checkmate. thank you very much, valentin, valentin bogdanov, chief of our american bureau, please, you know,
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i would like to start with this picture, yes, in the american congress, when someone draws circles on the map of russia and suggests, even insists, that the kiev regime hit airfields, for some purposes, a lot of things are indicated, when our president was now visiting china, they asked a question about the events taking place in the kharkov region, and putin once again emphasized the logic, the logic events: russia establishes a security zone because belgrade is being shelled. this is happening in the kharkov region, here it is necessary to establish a security zone at the range of the weapons that they have actually already issued to the kiev regime. well, the arithmetic here is very simple: look, stormshadow missiles, and soms - this is about 450, maybe 500, maybe 600 km range, i looked at
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the reference book, the point of the russian-ukrainian border closest to moscow: 450 km, what does this mean? this means that it's not entirely border, deep enough in the territory that the current kiev regime controls, they can install missiles and fire at moscow, this is about the question of whether it is possible to negotiate with them, sign something, assume that they will then implement it, they will simply put it there these missiles at any moment, putting a person with any name in power. they will simply shoot not at belgorod, but at moscow, where these missiles will reach next, so there is no other choice, well, there is simply no choice, the logic of events speaks of that this security zone should be 500, 550 km wide, because the problem is not only in kilometers, because now they, these people are shooting at our cities,
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saying that it is not they who are doing this, that it is a mythical kiev... there should be no ukraine, so that in principle they cannot reach our land, our people, in principle there is no difference, i took moscow as an example, because well, the center of the country, and this is already clear to everyone, although everything is clear, when the border turns out that poland begins, that means polish-russian, then no one can
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fire a missile, because this is immediately a war, immediately a war with a nuclear power, with everyone... it seems as if they did not participate in all this, so it looks, well, in no other way. now i would like to say a few words about this one, you know, there is russian roulette, and now there is a ukrainian lottery, and the lottery, i would say, is a no-win one, you know, you can be ironic about those lotteries whose tickets are sold, there, well, there is a chance to win everything -it does exist, but
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it’s impossible to win here, well, because what is it, when will people be picked up on certain dates? birth, how it will be done, they will heat some balloons there so that their son, brother, matchmaker, whose date of birth will be on this balloon so that it never gets in, how they will then take them away, then in a week they will come up with new rules, they will not take away by uh date of birth, but simply who they caught, it’s easier for them, it’s easier for them, they don’t care about their population, they don’t feel any connection with it, look at this, in the same connection i just published margarita simonyan is on the list of those who do not want to change the kiev regime, although they could exchange captured prisoners of war, they do not change, why? and because they don’t care about all their prisoners, according to official information from the ministry of defense, there are 500 people on the list, the ukrainians want to exchange only the 38 most senior ones, well, the rest are unnecessary. we'll be back. i never have
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sudden warming, in the chelyabinsk region, sudden cold snap, right now -5 snowfall, such a big country. thanks for watching, bye. on the russia channel time for the main news of the day on the air big news in the studio igor kozhevin. hello. following kleshcheevka , neighboring andreevka was liberated. svo news. american politicians are looking at a map of russia.


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