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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 23, 2024 9:05pm-9:21pm MSK

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to no avail. i would like to tell the young people to take decisive action if the visit does not help them calm down, and for the politicians to get off their asses and do something for our youth. so far, the french authorities have cut off the social network for local residents. tiktok and are thinking
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about completely turning off mobile internet on the island. the decision to block the internet in new caledonia has not been made, although we raised this issue in the senate in the report on the riots, but now we continue to work to introduce restrictions. while the internet was working and the president was getting to the zamursky territory, a cyber attack was launched on new caledonia. the first information we have is that many of the ip addresses from which the attack on new caledonia was carried out were from russia. the investigation is ongoing. the defense of ports, air harbors and strategic facilities is carried out by the military, and during the visit, the island froze in anticipation. macron's tactics, as they believe in new caledonia, are in manual mode, come up with a solution on the fly that is beneficial to paris, since it will allow the continued exploitation of the resource-rich land and will create an illusion for the local population.
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among the protesters are not only doctors, but also teachers who demand higher salaries, protesters with flags and torches have been taking to the streets for several days in the evenings, and set up tents on the highways for round-the-clock performances. it is noteworthy that the police sent to disperse them sided with the demonstrators. the situation has worsened sharply due to colossal inflation and shock economic measures of president meley. but the government decided to distance itself from the unrest it said was a problem.
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to the presentation of his new book, which the organizers of the decorous buenos aires book fair, opposed to him, did not allow him to host. the main idea of ​​meley's new book is this. there is no such thing as market failure. what are the readers of his new book? some listen as if they were the messiah. but for those on the metro, metro travel in buenos aires in may went up four times more expensive.
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state treasury of the argentine state miley got it in really poor condition. neighboring uruguay became a branch of argentina, where the money that was there went. the uruguayan resort of punta de leste appears to rise out of the sand. it stands on the dunes, but it would be even more accurate to say that it stands on a rock, on the rock of argentine money, which was historically laundered here. but turning at the beginning of the week to those very rich.
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in the book of exodus you will find that in that era abortion was the mechanism of destruction that the egyptians used to destroy jews. but, firstly, after some 10 minutes meley is no longer a puritan; he compared his first acquaintance with the book of the french-american economist with the first.
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filmed a flying object with an orange tail. this phenomenon was seen not only in karacheev-cherkessia, but in the stavropol, krasnodar territories, kalmykia and the rostov region. today our correspondents found out from specialists at the optical observation station in arkhiz that this is not a meteorite, a burnt satellite, presumably elon musk’s satellite, starling. yes, thank you, elena, we'll let you go get ready for the broadcast, we’ll use the remaining minute before the regional part to turn on the state television and radio broadcasting company ryazan, elizaveta dorokhina is already in the studio. hello igor, a horde of insects attacked the residents. midges have filled everything, there are many of them both in the regional center and beyond. scientists see the reason as a large-scale spring flood and sharp
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warming after the may frosts. all this created a favorable environment for reproduction. in the meantime, it is not recommended to go for a walk without repellents. the greatest. early june, then its quantity will decrease significantly. i wish all my colleagues a good broadcast, residents of moscow and the moscow region, see you in a few seconds. the organizer of an illegal hostel in the istra district, where today as a result. uzbekistan rented a house on a summer cottage and settled migrants in it. as it turned out, neighbors have repeatedly complained about the tenant ignoring fire safety rules from the site of the anastasia makhina tragedy. investigators, emergency services workers and
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doctors worked here all day today, charred debris, that's all that remains of a three-story house in snt snegir, isrensky urban district. the fire started around 4 a.m., and neighbors called rescuers. when they arrived at the place, everything was already in flames, i called the fire department, there is a gas cylinder in the house, it’s a nightmare, they just explode, the firefighters managed to cope with the open fire quickly enough, at the time of the fire inside. there were nine people, eight died. the only survivor is a thirty-three-year-old citizen of tajikistan. and a fracture, concussions, but the girl leaves. by according to neighbors, the woman had to jump from the third floor to escape. all other windows had bars. now she ’s completely broken in the krasnogorsk hospital, everything burned down. the owner of the house is now being interrogated by the investigative committee, as we managed to find out, she rented out the premises to a citizen of uzbekistan, mir tazaev. it was he who organized the house.
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knew what her house had become, she said that she wouldn’t come, and that you’d have to be patient, guys, get used to it, you’re used to it, it turns out, it turns out, you’re used to it, according to preliminary according to the data, the cause of the fire was an unattended heater. by the way, the neighbors reported to the ministry of emergency situations that the illegal hostel most likely did not comply with fire safety rules, but they never received a clear answer to their complaints, we pointed out that our electrical networks, they simply... cannot withstand such tension, they are old networks, they called the police here several times,
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checked, yes, then they said that it would be, but according to the law, in principle, we cannot attract them, they have all the documents , how would she give it has the right, has the right, as it were, so they don’t make a fuss, like, if they kill you, or some barogos starts coming there, or like now, or like now, yes, the members of the board of snt snegir were already planning to go to court , but they didn’t have time, there was a criminal case against the tenant domazaev, he was accused of causing death by negligence. the progress of the investigation is also monitored by the regional prosecutor's office. a criminal case has been opened regarding the organization of illegal migration. the progress of his investigation and the identification of other persons involved in the crime the istra city prosecutor's office took control of this crime. illegal hotels often become the cause of emergency situations, because private houses are most often not suitable for housing a large number of people. anastasia makhina, andrey yurchuk, ada adamova and oleg dobin. news. a center for the development of electric transport and unmanned
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technologies was opened in kuntsevo. in a single space they decided to gather developers who would work on innovative projects for ground transport metro. already today it started working in the capital troika virtual map and tested the first unmanned tram in moscow. report by yaroslav krosienko. an empty, completely empty tram, there is no one in the cabin either, but at the same time it is going somewhere, confidently turning on a bend. the sight is not only unusual, even alarming, but every movement is under control. for example, we approach a tram stop sign. in the new center for the development of electric transport, unmanned technologies, there are only young people, they taught a multi-ton car to see the road and react to changing situations. machine vision greatly benefits a person in terms of the reliability of detecting an object, that is, machine vision looks in all directions at once, the machine does not get tired, unlike... a person’s all-seeing eye of a tram is cameras and laser locators. the human eye sees
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only a picture, for example, with the help of lidars we can estimate the exact distance to each object with an accuracy of 2-3 cm, with the help of a radar we can find out the speed with an accuracy of 10. optical devices see equally well in snow, rain and fog. here's a typical situation which may occur on the road. a pedestrian or cyclist appears on the tram's path, electronic systems. they see this obstacle for about 200 and if it does not disappear from the roadway, the program decides to stop smoothly, so that all this becomes possible, they worked for almost a year. we created this wonderful center specifically for the further development of innovative solutions in the field of transport, and today we are launching several projects at once. the first project is an unmanned tram, which you are now saw. this is the first stage of its launch, at the end of the year the tram will already travel with passengers, well, at
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the end of twenty-five, and even without a backup, but a driver. other new products that make traveling on moscow transport more convenient are also being born here; today the virtual troika is operational, the card itself is no longer needed, and in a second you can create a one-time qr code in the application. to enter the metro, mcd and mcc you need to present a qr code. this is done as follows. come up and present the qr code to the reader and go through. today these yellow ones have become unnecessary terminals, they used to be used to activate the troika after online.


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