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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  May 23, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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i am fit for you, you had the courage to persevere to defend your happiness with the woman you loved all your life. for you, dad, grandfather, for you, turn on the slow, for love, for all of us in general, yes, hurray, hurray, i announce, white dance, let's go, let's go, allow, invite,
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yours, mom, remember, you promised me bowling ? yeah, i remember, a long time ago, maybe we can go today? you
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don’t know how to play, but you play great, you’ll teach me today, well, yes, why not, i’ve done all the work, i can do it right now, well, you ’ll go in this, well, at least change your clothes, what? like this, i have sports leisure, although you’re right, i’ll change clothes. so dima, look, learn, take aim, carefully throw, but not weakly, so as not to roll to the side, so, like that, cool, come on, now it’s your turn, so, yeah, i’ll take it, put your legs wider right away, so, yes, so that the support was good, you swing, yes, well done! cool, let's do it again, yeah, right,
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this one, come on, come on, i didn't know that your whole family is athletic, i scared you, i'm sorry, why are you here, rit, i wanted to say, i want to be next to you always. yes, i understand that i'm not ideal and that you doubt me, but i promise, i won’t let you down, for your sake i’m ready to do anything, well, kiss already.
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oh sorry. you can’t even imagine, baby, how happy i am, i have you, tim, mom and dad are together again, like in childhood, you will have the same happy childhood as me, even better. i promise, of course,
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you can’t do without bumps and gardens, just like you can’t do without tears, it’s easier to survive any trouble when... close people are nearby, here they are, look, egor.
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on monday, then this is what it is, these are tickets , you are settled in one room of two strangers, you’ve never seen the sunrise on the beach, you’re settling down, look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness, like your roman, were you following me, am i filing for divorce? melody for two, watch it on monday on rtr. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant
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details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rizards, we are here for you! we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all-inclusive system. give yourself a rest where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will last... always in your heart. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city.
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today , vladimir putin held talks in the kremlin with the king of bahrain, hamad benuousa al-khalifa, who arrived in russia. on an official visit, your majesty, we haven’t seen you since 2016, although we were in contact all this time, just recently in march we talked on the phone again, next year we are celebrating 35 years of establishing diplomatic relations between our countries, but over these years a lot has been done in building relations between our states. we have good contacts very much through the foreign ministry on many issues on the international agenda, our positions are close, just recently a week ago there was a meeting of the league of arab states, where
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bahrain now chairs and of course i would be very interested to know your opinion on the situation in the middle east and how there was a discussion of these problems, i... think that this day is one of the happiest in my life, and i am meeting with you on this day, thank you very much for your invitation, for the warm welcome, and we really were in moscow a very long time ago, in this beautiful city, and we miss you very much, therefore, we are glad to be on a visit to meet with our friends.
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and russia will be the first country that... switzerland, where they are trying to lure the countries of the global south. bahrain is one of them, it is very
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symbolic that the leader chose to fly to moscow first, and then to beijing. today, vladimir putin, by a special decree, authorized the confiscation of american property and assets as compensation for damage from the united states. all the latest events are infuriating the west. elections are inexorably approaching in the united states and europe. the promised victory over russia never happened. and this forces.
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“i consider blinken the most unprofessional person and a phenomenally stupid person, because the way blinken answered warren davidson’s questions, but i can’t imagine any of all the people who were there, and there were people of different levels intelligence, in the chair in which blinkin is located, so that such, well, i would say even indecent answers would be given. due to their weakness, nato is at the forefront of the war in ukraine. back in february 2008, cia director
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burns said, i quote: introduction ukraine in nato is the brightest of red lines for the russian elite, and not just for putin. i have not yet met anyone who would view ukraine and nato as anything other than a direct challenge to russia's interests. today's russia will answer: do you think? what is mr. burns was accurate? sorry, what year was this? in 2008. maybe that was true at the time. i think that since then we have seen everything from russia’s side and mr. putin, of course, claims the opposite. no, it shows that this is really important to them, they have literally been invaded. i mean, if you look, we left afghanistan on august 31, 2021, and on september 1 , you entered into a strategic partnership with ukraine to support its membership in nato. and then you continued to escalate. this obviously red. damn, you didn’t even understand what they were talking about with him, you know, when i was preparing for
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the transfer, i was planning there, that is, now in the general assembly, by and large , a crime has occurred, that is, in terms of the level of vileness of the voting that has now occurred in the general assembly un assembly, it’s hard for me to even compare it with anything, and i perfectly understand and share the feelings of the leaders.
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scholz, who declared that the genocide of russian people in the donbass is ridiculous, has the impudence, these pathetic heirs of the nazis, who have not redeemed themselves to humanity. they have the audacity to talk about genocide, and no one in the general assembly said a word, why? no, well, i mean, of course, we and china, it’s clear there, but of those countries that have tarnished their reputation with this indelible stain of shame, they at least understand something, ah, well,
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of course, the initiator of the resolution is from the federal republic.
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and of course the western countries, this is an absolute disgrace, an attempt to put pressure on the fraternal serbian people, to wring their hands, we now have something to say to everyone, i will give such an opportunity, you know, i’m also watching how the world is being divided, scholz, another article wrote, uh-huh, of course, not the first, by the way,
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not only the american ones, who, the whole, the entire european business, decided to play with us, decided to steal people's property, who invested billions here, everyone will be punished, so that they know, so that they go, you need your money, go to scholz, take it from him, take the money from tags, to the italian authorities, who took revenge on russia for what russia did at the time of covid.
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sweden and finland, which really extended our line, everything is true, the population of sweden is 10 million people, the army is 24,400 400 we must not forget, the mobilization resource is 4.2 million. finland, 5.6 million people, 24,000
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army, 2.3 million, mobilization resource, as they generally consider it, with a population of 5, while what you did, you pushed north korea and russia to a very close union? let me remind you that we have common things. 26 million, not 10.5, but 26, army 1.3 million, mobresource 9-odd million, well
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, yes, instead of 48 thousand soldiers who speak slowly, but drive very quickly, since the brake pedal was invented by cowards, i don’t remember why , 3000, iran, which had. "you made it so that today china is holding teaching, and already the entire western press is shouting that the final decision will begin in june,
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that is, fear will come in the eyes of the europeans, for them it will be such a day of judgment when it will be said to taiwan, welcome home, i’m not sure if this is true or not , but you pushed russia and china to an unprecedented level of partnership." kissinger’s main idea was a triangle, in which never allow russia and china to unite, never, under any circumstances, do everything possible,
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fight with china with the hands of russia, tear off russia from china. biden, you have fulfilled the worst , most terrible, apocalyptic premonitions of truly not stupid people. thank you for that, old fool. dmitriy. well, i’ll tell you this, but we have a person at the very top of the washington hierarchy, who may not be in power now, but maybe there is a person in power, because to imagine that they did it all themselves, by the way, this is not trump, no, that’s it . it’s just not, he’s a useful idiot, sorry, dmitry alegievich, but trump is a useful idiot, and this man is useless.
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brought me a lot of good, i hope someday, i hope in my lifetime, we will recognize this last name, or maybe we won’t, so he will be an unknown hero, wait, you want to say that every february 23, biden takes out a faded cap, puts it in front of him, in front of himself, pours it and picks it up for two potatoes, and even two potatoes, first of all, i wouldn’t say no. i think that this is really not biden, the biography is too transparent, but someone put potatoes in the fireplace of the federal district of a mansion in virginia.
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on the twenty-third - well, because to imagine that, in general , the american deep state, which showed miracles of sanity and resourcefulness, did this to its country, it itself led to power, this is not just biden, is this?
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moreover, both institutional and private individuals, must be convertible into russian government securities, all income from which goes to support our troops in the social military, and every investor, institutional, individual, every grandmother who has invested in american the pension fund, which invested something here, is also here. there is, you just need to look, or an investment fund, yes, accordingly, on february 23, or on december 20, or on may 9, you should receive a receipt from us electronically indicating the interest on your securities that you through thoughtlessness or vice versa, due to strategic thinking they invested, they are now in russia, they amounted
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to so much... it was spent, yes, if you want, we can call the armored personnel carrier after your name, dear ruzika, there is someone from the state there, excuse the rude russian word oklahoma, otherwise your money is intact, yes, but if anything happens, you can call the white house and ask how things are going there, well, now, by the way, a very good idea, thank you very much, very good idea, what does this have to do with it, there ’s a huge amount there. this is a huge number of pension funds and we all know the traditions bought with your money, burned, 34 abrams, 26 leopards, destroyed, three sevens in total, the problem, dmitry alegievich, is that american society does not even know how much it needs exactly it costs to support ukraine, because these billions and trillions are an abstract thing, and we have to turn them into
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specifics, that’s what i like. will collapse or not, and we must be as specific as possible, we will not confiscate assets at all, in particular, yes, tom jones is there, yes, you had 100 dollars, they are all together, but you understand, 9 dollars went somewhere there, where necessary, now to serious things, although this is also not such a joke in general, but i ’ll tell you this, i have a very, deep...
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well, he himself is not going to die, so push the one who is falling, that’s what we’re talking about, but we must understand that this hegemon, after all, is not only the idiots of the current american administration, and this hegemon, being smart, will at some point decide that he can take a step back , when he decides this, and very, this, this, this is absolutely clear to me, at that moment when it’s in
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the furnace. they will go to a big european war, it will be the europeans who will go there, while the representatives of, yes, the former soviet ukraine are going there. the hegemon will not be ready to take a step back at the moment when they go into a stampede actually military personnel of european nato countries, then they will be ready to take a step back, why? because this hegemon will fight for survival, this hegemon has matured to the idea that a war to destroy us is not a sprint, it is a marathon, they really did not want to run this marathon. and he is not yet ready to run this marathon, but he will try to do it, in this sense, it is quite difficult to hear any praise from me regarding the management of various things, i can tell you that
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sometimes it is still very nice to hear your bosses who say things that are inside you, that's the boss. institute of media-national research university, higher school of economics, ernst gedorovich matskayachus spoke the other day in novosibirsk, said a very profound phrase there, which is absolutely consonant with what i think, that as success accumulates in a special military operation and as the west realizes our success, she.
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these are people with very often soviet education, and there are many young people there, but the significant severity of this war is remembered by those who saw living veterans, many living veterans, they gathered at the same large theater, i remember this, the next generation, it is not so immersed in understanding the brutal nature of the confrontation with the west, so they will build on it.
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principles of scientometrics, here of course the question arises, is it not time to correct the situation in the scientific and educational sphere with a political decision, this question
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does not leave me. dmitry, yes, by the way, i can’t help but wonder, today i’ll still have to talk about america, but excuse me dim, that’s not leaves the question... how is it? a year and a half ago, trump said that they were pushing into the third world war, and that his main task was to prevent a third world war. by the way, i haven’t heard this slogan for a long time, i just haven’t heard, well, well, it disappeared somewhere, this slogan, but how i shouted, all of twenty-two, most of the twenty- third year, well, in twenty-three i shouted, and the twenty-second was screaming all over. that's what crazy biden is leading the world to the third world war, his task is trump to prevent this, where did it all go, by the way, together with the problem of the border, well, the southern border with mexico, both theses disappeared somewhere,
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that’s also interesting, but well, they often discuss it, they only care about the election campaign, i wonder what was more worried then than the election campaign, because what? and what happened, what happened, why did trump have to call speaker johnson to his estate for a conversation, and after that, well, the magic loretz opened, it opened for 60 billion, so it’s interesting how speaker johnson suddenly spoke, by the way, at the chefest, trump in i mean, he said that he doesn’t understand at all. what kind of nonsense is this, why, who limited the possibility of striking the russians,
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who is this bastard, tell me, let's see, let's see how it sounded, i think we need to let ukraine wage the war as they themselves see fit, they need to be answered to attacks, and i believe that trying to control ukraine's actions at the micro level is not a good strategy for us, but this person. travels with trump and consults, yes, well, at least it was definitely shown that he consulted the most important last decision, or what in general, by the way, well, there i understand that there is marzhari taylor greene, she is basically alone, she will cover up all the mistakes of the damn republican party, trump of everything else, if necessary, she will tear this one down on herself she will go to the barricades in the image of freedom, i understand everything, she has such a function, that’s the question...
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the plant director, that’s so cool! leave everyone! i don't want to see anyone! i understand that he has a generally difficult character, right? i want to try to sit up, did you promise to help me? it seems to me that at heart he is a completely different person! margoy! listen, can you make sure he doesn't yell? a? i suggest we get rid of it? how get rid of? kill him or what? he was abandoned like a dog on the street, that’s how long it takes, and i’ll work with him for as long as possible. i want to be with you always, sunday. on rtr: the main character played the role that made him a superstar, and then he lives under the weight of yes, this image, that’s what to ignore, cut off the umbilical cord that connected you to this hype, well, it’s necessary, because otherwise you will become a hostage, what is
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the boy’s word, this is a certain principle, it’s like you are the law, and if you start to believe in this instead of god’s law, then here she is. error, what’s also scary is that this path of their mistakes, it sucks not only them, but also their loved ones, they all fall into this abyss, in the chaliapin series, you managed to convey this stubbornness in a good sense that rachmaninov had, because that he defends the composer, you, when you defend the idea and theme in which god lives, then you are larger, of course, by a thousand. once, this is what i wanted to convey, every hero has this kind of light, you are trying to save the spark of light that the evil winds are trying to blow out. a lion zulkarnaev in a white studio, author’s program to daria zlatopolskaya on friday on rtr. i'm absolutely alone,
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i don't understand what's wrong with me. melody for two. premiere on monday on rtr. donetsk republic, the embassy of the united states of america in moscow, for example, but there is some kind of touching unity between blinken and johnson, but trump is silent for some reason, but he is understandable, he is busy with the courts, by the way, you know, and maybe being busy with courts is somehow connected, well, with some
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incredible flexibility, limitless flexibility of position, no, here you are, i exchanged with dima in... this is a parliamentary newspaper, now it’s serious, because it’s sick - this is a parliamentary newspaper, here’s a parliamentary newspaper, an american one published an article a couple of days ago, so ours probably eavesdropped discussions on the program of vladimir rudolfovich solav, they said that america is forced
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to fight on three fronts, by the way, without disagreeing with us, they said the ukrainian front, the middle eastern front and the southeastern front. asia is the front, we’re still somehow holding on to two of them, the third is inevitable, how will we hold on when the third comes, we don’t know yet, we need to come up with something, it’s interesting, even if the parliamentary newspaper, well, describes it as some kind of reality, well, of course, the word is not said directly, we are waging a war, but that’s just the british minister of defense could say that we are waging a war in order to... rule the world, so, uh, but, but at the same time ikhil writes, yes, we have a war, we are forced to participate in it, and we will be forced now on three directions, there is a question of how we will cope, well, that is, it’s not such a thing as, you know, something like that
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, well, someone fantasized, some kind of conspiracy theory, but no, it’s normal, everything is discussed, everyone understands everything, that’s why in relation to... that’s the thrill the nineties and the first half of the two thousand, which they lived in the role of masters of the world, by the way, notice how interesting, but in...
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for many years they wrote dissertations, knew nothing about the deep state, until trump said, how interesting, i not free research like you, i mean researchers like you, but look, name, name deep state. who holds power in america, well , mr. trump widely voiced it, it ’s just like that, as it sat down, and in place,
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imprinted, no one doubts that it exists, but in fact, it was said that it only exists 10 years ago, right? well , to be honest, in the years of my soviet youth, when i was a graduate student at the institute of world economy, international relations, academy of sciences of the ussr, this already existed, just a deep state.
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the clever head did not answer the question of how the theory of democracy, which america is going to fight for, no matter what it costs, is correlated with the presence of a deep state, that’s how, how generally, yes, how these two values ​​are correlated, i would say so, yes in this whole matter, well , probably, one more thing, here’s what rishisuna did, from my point of view, well, reshisuna washed his hands, because there’s still six months left.
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i did it, but it won’t happen there, we can’t wait,
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in fact, i was going to drain the washington stuff. and i i want i want to tell us that about that right now is very important, listen, but we need to take a break, a turning point in the sense that the generation with whom we communicated has just passed away, well, the generation of fathers, grandfathers who fought, here are today’s youth, students, for example, they no longer communicated with these people, they communicated through us, so to speak, yes they honor, yes they
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treat this, well, let’s say, with reverence, yes, but it still wasn’t, the living connection has already been broken , for them this is already history, but for us this is life, yes, that’s it i was walking with my grandfather, he told me, yes, now it has already been torn apart, so the politics of memory is a very important thing, and we must not forget about it, in this regard, what is being done recently is an important direction, but it has really been missed here's a whole generation, here's a whole 30 years, 30 years, this is a generation.
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what the americans did and the westerners in general did with this resolution is a big indicator, even the immediate history, otherwise they will reconsider, i am sure, in 25 years they are already writing that the main front of the second world war there was a western front, the united states fought, and the soviet union helped somewhere there, it will soon be very possible that it will be reduced to zero, but indeed they already write there that ukraine fought, here is the ukrainian front, which means ukrainians fought, and...
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about whether it is possible or not, well, in fact , what is possible 2 weeks or a week and a half ago, nuland said about this that it is necessary, insofar as - well, austin said only
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aviation, since russian aviation, supposedly with russian territory, from the indigenous the territory of russia launches these glide bombs, so it can be shot down, and nulan spoke about long-range missiles in general, so what... they already used such and such a patriot when they shot down a plane on our territory carrying ukrainian prisoners, what kind of fool are they turning on? here, volodya, i think that the conversation is going differently, here the conversation is simple, we must destroy, damn it, all the us intelligence structures in the sky in space, which are located and work in the interests of the armed forces of ukraine, that’s all, well, the point is, what what works,
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reassured, yes, the point is, in general we have to come to terms with it, the only promise that life holds is death, that’s why a person wins when they stop being afraid of death, well listen, they take us weakly all the time, they tell us all the time , but you can’t, and why nuclear, you still can’t, so our people say, you see, that ’s right, why then did the grandfathers invest crazy amounts of money in creating a nuclear account so that they were afraid to raise it? i think, what are you going to defend? and you, and you start to blow less, of course, you saw how in ancient times they worked, hit him over the head with a shield, then achieved nothing, and you knew what he would say when he created it, but how to work here, in any
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case, the fact that the policy is being pursued now, in my opinion look, quite flexible, because i don’t believe, and many of us don’t believe, that they are ready to do this, of course they are ready, they speak very simply. well, of course, look, the russians have smart people sitting in the studio all the time who say, don’t use nuclear weapons, so first we installed the javelin, nothing happened except the sect of the holy javelin, we fired three sevens each, nothing happened, hymers nothing happened, they didn’t answer, we’ll supply them with everything, the tanks went, they didn’t respond, now we’ll supply them with long-range missiles from the cassette part , this is how the bastards are hitting the donbass now, well , with the cassette part they are already on duty, no, they went long-range, they are of the same type. now then, let’s continue hammering on the indigenous territory, and in belgrade there are continuous military installations, women, children, old people they’re dying, and the russians will say, no, why, what’s the point of using nuclear weapons out of such nonsense? no
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, no, when a powerful american bomb hits the mausoleum, then a russian man will come out, press the button, so what? yes , then a nuclear bomb won’t arrive, absolutely right, so they will terrorize rostov, they will... who left us for china, went, but they fucked up, the houthis fucked up an american drone, for god’s sake, but first, this is eternal, this here are you americanists taught, what about, they talk about what
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needs to be scored, but they gave it to the ship, and you also know, if if you say houthis, someone fucked up, the houthis took a long time about everything, so we’re not stupid and in vain, here’s the houthis -they shot down how many drones, and how did they get worse? that the states won’t, they don’t want to get involved in several conflicts, that’s why isenhaur left there, and that’s why we don’t create any conflict for them, we don’t create tension, because we still have a peace party within the country, because we don’t want , you don’t need to escalate in no case, quietly between the streams, i didn’t say, by the way, that they don’t want, you ’re nodding at me in vain, those who still have the remnants of reason there know that this is inevitable for them.
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so you say, so you say about the fact that we are constantly secondary, yes on december 15 we announced that we did it, now there 2 weeks ago, the exercises began, they are being carried out now, well, the simple fact is that our arsenals are really less than the westerners, they can shoot 14, 14 packages of sanctions, we can have one answer, that you suggest giving up, not giving up, i suggest, i suggest calmly and completely wait. it’s
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absolutely calm to do something, just one concrete step, call the ambassador, as if we’re calling the ambassador, she comes and says: ay-ayy he’s leaving, and what’s next? now the westerners think, what are they waiting for, they think that we and our pkk have now reached their peak, what’s next, actually, okay, what do you propose? here is the policy that, what specific step, here it is possible, what specific step do you propose, i propose to shoot down their drones, shoot down, if necessary. nothing, but i propose to shoot with hypersonics , yeah, okay, that is, you are not suggesting through the continental united states, but not into the united states, let it fly by, but shoot it down. torch
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of tired freedom, well, go overboard, but if you shoot from the atlantic to the pacific as a test and see what happens, the chinese launched a ball, they have already tested it, not even hypersound, they go through japan, but japan is too small for us, here is the usa just right for us, you know how north korea always takes a sniper from japan for scaring them, so they launched it, and the flight, i'm not smart enough, i'm sorry, your offer is a good idea. develop, you know, where is our testing ground? on saccharine, in kamchatka, that’s right, chicken, where we usually come from from west to east, and somehow through the north.
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who is trump or biden, democrat or republican, this is already an axiom, in my opinion, and it is not surprising that blinken says the same thing that johnson says, because there are deep-seated trends and these trends, even if the biden administration has the desire to overcome these trends, well, it doesn’t work out, the middle east again there is evidence of this.
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and to this court, and personally to judge karim khan, a briton of pakistani origin, a member, by the way, of the muslim sect, ahmadi, you see how interesting everything is twisted there, but sanctions against the international criminal
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court and its representatives were already in effect under trump, only instead of karim hana, the post of prosecutor general was bensoda, a representative of africa. when biden won the election, the first thing that one of the first decisions that the biden administration made was to remove that prosecutor general, that is, fotubin sudov, from blacklists, allow her to receive visas and so on, that is, the sanctions were lifted, to which we are now again coming to the same thing, they propose to introduce sanctions, or take iran, which the americans destroyed under trump. qasim sulaymaniyah, and during his official visit to iraq, when he was met by iraqi officials who also died during that attack. what we have now under the biden administration, he imposed sanctions, condemned the american aggressors, no, no,
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of course, he died there, not the ambassador too called, not only the iranian general died, iraqi officials died, what are we now - iranian generals are being killed, we see a very suspicious helicopter crash, here, by the way, this is the proof salevan spoke very interestingly on this topic, we have nothing to do with it , if iran at some point tries to blame us, we will very decisively, directly and persistently fight back. and that at least once they said for this, yes we have a relationship, well, in any case, all this looks very suspicious, all this proves that don’t you know that helicopters catch fire when they collide with a cloud, it turned out that the weather was normal, the pilot was very experienced, it was just suddenly
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a cloud, and then it caught fire, about the fact that this all looks very suspicious, despite what the results of the iranian official investigation will be, they are now saying... everyone who knew resi, abdalahian, and the commanders, leaders of the same houthis, hezbollah, representatives of the islamic movement came there. representatives of hamas, they held a meeting,
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held a meeting with several iranian generals, including the head of iran's islamic revolutionary guard corps and the elite quds force, jerusalem. so at this meeting, as far as i know, there were very strong calls to stop this strategy of patience, with which...
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yes, today i listened to the dialogue between andrew napolitan and george maschmeier, well, they say the same thing, they criticize, of course, current america and its power, but they are just talking about the fact that americans could be the next to be accused, and they separately went over blinkin, blinkin, of course, not only in russia. and ukraine made many absurdities, what he
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said about israel and palestine at the hearings in the senate at a meeting with congressmen and others is out of the ordinary, starting from the fact that he cynically said this stupid phrase that the iranian people can should be happy that his leaders died, and ending with the fact that he sealed the gas pipeline, he... said that america continues to push for a deal between saudi arabia and israel, and part of this deal is discussion of the future, our common gas - he said, our common gas sector, and this caused such a bold question mark for me, as a specialist, that is, it turns out that when the americans talk about the creation of the state of palestine, and not... somehow they are not talking about the gas sector, but what about the gas sector , why is it common between saudi arabia,
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israel and america, and is it because a year ago biden proposed this transport corridor, which, in defiance of iran and in defiance of china, should pass from the ports of india , through the territory of saudi arabia, through the territory of the emirates, through the territory of israel to reach the gas sector in order to create an equipped port there, isn’t that what we’re talking about, but then it’s even more cynicism, advertising, those who want to be in the know, watch the program for the week, the program for advanced people, the week with dmitry kiselyov , on sunday on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest
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means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo reorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. leo reorts, we are here for you. hotel for an unforgettable experience rix sharma is only for adults 18+. here you
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will find entertainment throughout the day. year-long performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharmelsheikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy the exquisite. dishes from the best restaurants, here each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your holiday is your rules. titanic delluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, it's finally come, spring, warm,
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sunny. bright, the exhibition of russia has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the exhibition russia, please, acquaintance and roll call, without further ado, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea have you drunk, how much he tells stories, i was bold in the white parade.
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when everyone is at home with timur kizikov on sunday on rtr. my dears, you are all so different. i so want this difference to be the strength of our family, and not a reason for litter. wow, do you even have two cups? what do you have? i will not allow my daughter to be deceived. everything is completely different from what you think. it seems to me that i was set up by irina razanova, well, let’s go to the competitors, we need to find out who exactly, in case they don’t limit themselves to blackmail, anastasia vedenskaya, you all knew everything about this, i don’t want to see you all, anatoly lobotsky, one very important person for me has disappeared, life teaches you nothing,
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they were silent about vasya, and now you continue to lie about your mother, your adult daughters. premiere on saturday on rtr. dmitry, yes, let's start with deepstate and democracy. anyway, let’s look at some of these theses. well, first of all, let’s even reveal the world behind the scenes. yes, but no, once again, let's reveal it. there is nobody there. you can open as many as you like. there is no one behind this very curtain of yours. main. here he is in every way case is no longer tempting, well, compatibility is not there for you and me, but for many, and even i would say, the mutual assistance of the deepstate democracy has been revealed, revealed, revealed, so to speak,
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by fareed zakari, he really threw out this part in the article, as you know, but on his blog it was written in the program. in my opinion , this is gps, his program is called on cnn, he yes, yes, so to speak, he wrote, and that in general, yes, as if sometimes nadipst, he just says, trump condemns, trumpists condemn, that supposedly we didn't get it, so well, as it were, this is how it always happens, the republic is saved by deep state, what they call, i think that they are roughly counting on this now, but it seems that it’s not working out very well yet, and one more small moment, i’ll add to the sentence, here is dmitry gennadyvech. here’s what to do with german and other businesses here, well, actually, as if all this was said correctly, it’s just that we need to do something small like this, a waiver, as they call it in america, and an exception, mitigation, what if they move here and receive money in rubles, of course, then everything seems to be removed, so it seems to me that this will be the right decision, brainstorming, yes, well, now, well, now, in essence, strictly
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speaking, that’s exactly the same how to say, there is someone trying to convince that there is no devil, so - in fact, it also seems to me very, well , at least not a strategic position that everything is controlled in america, yes, that america is controlled by the republican democratic. and something up to their own and that they will not sag never, in fact, in my opinion, so to speak, i will try to stand in some way on the sidelines, soon, but what
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exactly needs to be proposed, what to do, in my opinion, and a significant part of the leadership of our country, it seems to me that and our president also believes that despite the fact that the situation is difficult and we need to work, so to speak, tirelessly and not relax, nevertheless, everything is more or less working out in our favor, although they thought, this is it... no no personal opinion on anything about, he has a program laid down in wood, later, as if by his curators, when he was climbing the career ladder, he does not
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understand at all that it’s a pity that he turned out to be an insufficiently talented guitarist, well, who knows, maybe if he had trained hard enough, as if that’s right, then he would now be working as a lab worker somewhere in a restaurant, ruining the lives of so many people, but by the way, i would actually still have him for now. you can even invite him here, i’ve already found a warm place for him here, you mean to play, yes, of course, well, it’s not like teaching students, i just don’t know what kind, i don’t know, i think no, come to blinkin to see and hand out tomatoes, are you sure he ’ll make so much money here in rubles, in ours, yes, for him the song calls, you hear, you don’t remember the name, let’s have a song about a horse, yes, yes, yes, about a horse, about a horse, with the horses of the kantars, you know, learning language, yes, this one about a horse, yes, about a horse, yes?
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one of the generally really important features of what is happening right now is that this administration is formally composed of the best people who could... deliver the liberal clans of america is the sa, well , i don’t know, maybe one of the most precisely the most unqualified incompetent administration in the xx xx century, because it just has, well.
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what will happen with the party conference, how to get around the problem of agai, which demanded either biden or someone else to register right now, this is a lie with him, and a much more interesting thing, so to speak, of course, is happening now not even in america, in my opinion this ... the situation is that rishi sunah decided to cheat his party comrades and call general elections. listen, well, it’s one of three things, well , either real estate in california really attracts him so much that he’s gone crazy, which is unlikely, because what’s stopping his wife from doing the same thing, while he’s finishing up his business here, because that they hate him there now, probably everyone in the party, or he knows something about the state of the markets of the so -called global economy, that he decided that he definitely doesn’t expect this at all, and so
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to speak, until november, until january, that’s it or this whole matter was strongly advised to him, because not only in the economic theatre, but in some other theater such serious things will happen that in general it would be nice to have a coalition government, and a government that will be appointed by the reigning house, yes , how, well, by the royal house, and in such a way that it was, well, from the very beginning, here it is, so that there is a royal, and maybe finally a monarchical coup?
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no, first of all, he formally has the right, but he will simply install a lord, he was given a lord it’s not that he’s there, not that he comes out and speaks, comes out, gathers them all the lords, feathers, shmers and says: comrades, lords of the feathers, constitutional monarchs have not coped with the function assigned for centuries, we return to the absolutist, all power comes to me , absolutism, so to speak, has never existed in britain at all, especially now is the time to start.
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nothing, where he’s all in red, that’s what i mean, i think that it’s not in vain, it’s not in vain, so to speak, that the island has stirred, oh-oh, not in vain, that means, well, about that, that means , scholz said a few words, which means that everything about the genocide has been said correctly, this is really necessary, by the way, we must insist every day that it is not only leningrad. well, in general, it’s as if germany’s actions towards the soviet people bore clear signs of genocide, that it was simply genocide, it doesn’t matter who put forward this original idea, it’s just a fact, we must insist on it, and the fact that whoever will accept it is not stop looking in this direction at all, here was the voting map, this is a dead vote, this is the death of international institutions, why because they are global and therefore there is no global south. there are
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countries that do not want to live in a global world built, so to speak, by america after the second world war, and these are countries that make sense to deal with, by the way, bahrain abstained from voting on this resolution, so i looked and here arrived, i need to take a look, and by the way, i paid attention to bakhray, well, scholz, by the way, is also quite a curious thing, because he is his own this is the term that was invented for it, right.
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things are coming to the point where the court either needs to be dissolved or trump imprisoned, that is , everything needs to start, so to speak, a little earlier than the appointed date, on january 20, 2025 , to begin a kind of internal conflict, i seriously doubt it, i understand that there is a huge number, who says, listen, nothing will happen there, it seems to me that it very well will, i’m interested, they are very close to this, and now i don’t know, the civil war now looks like a practical war, you know what’s the matter, it really looks almost inevitable now. and what’s more , what form it will take, what kind of form it will take, that’s another question, well, they definitely won’t get by without conflict there, and now as for where everything is going, yes, it really turned out that it’s like
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, by the way, many people are talking about this in the west, primarily in the anglo-saxon west, that they managed to provoke russia into waging a kenetic conflict there, so to speak, right next to them, so to speak, and the slavs, in fact russians, are fighting each other fighting with each other, this is unpleasant and not good. at the same time, well, what was the main calculation of the americans, precisely those people who designed all this, who designed the west’s reaction, including to putin’s ultimatum, to everything else, more precisely to putin’s proposals, all the following proposals , as you know, were worse, but they counted on the fact that our economy would collapse, our society would fall apart, that’s all, yes, we were drawn into a political conflict, this is not good, but they were drawn into an economic conflict.
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the little bit of conspiracy theory is over, well, maybe he knows that something will really start in june, and if china starts, well, if china starts, then yes, then yes, by the way, well, purely formally and logically, it will be very profitable, because america doesn’t have enough, well, let’s put it this way, nato’s military-industrial complex cannot improve, no, there is money, there is no materiel, but what about money, what about money, about money, about, i ask for a second, it’s interesting that with the same bullshit, i started with the same demarche. cameron at one time, he also suddenly took it in the summer the sixteenth year appointed a referendum, the fifteenth, the fifteenth for the sixteenth year, so to speak, a little less here, but it’s interesting that the elections in britain will be held right after the independence day of the united states, well
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, it’s really interesting, well, as for china, i still suggest not getting ahead of ourselves, because i remember how many experts here also told us that there would be elections in taiwan in january, there would be a severe escalation, there would be a third front and so on, well, the elections were over, and before that... there were several months a meeting even between joe biden and siizen pina, in general, they agreed, yes, no escalation happened then, well, now the inauguration of a new president, this william lay, here again they promise us some kind of large-scale escalation, although, by the way, the exercises that china is conducting now are still smaller in scale than what happened in august 22 with nancy pilosi’s visit, but then again, maybe we’ll see something there, but i would be there of course, i didn’t flatter myself and hope that that well, now china will definitely enter, as for britain, well, mine is completely different, of course, and even more, so the conservatives are simply left with a minimal faction, probably there for 200 years of the existence of their history, they will be in the next few years to carry out a state
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of simply internal civil war, so richa sunok made a decision, yes, a funny date - july 4th, us independence day, well, in fact , it’s quite logical, considering that sunok himself still has a green card there, like his wives, by the way, may even already have american citizenship. well , at least there was some talk about this, and there, after the 4th of july, he happily went to california, to develop, as it has already become known, well , at least there is information about it there, and his head fund in the field of development of it projects and artificial intelligence, so it connects finance and it, fintech, this is sort of his favorite topic, for this reason he even held two summits on artificial intelligence in britain, it’s obvious that he’s in this the topic will develop, well, by the way, a funny fact, why is it the 4th of july, in august on... is easily explained even without a certain conspiracy theory, of course, many
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conservative deputies are outraged that he did not intend to hold elections at the end of the year , because they still planned to sit there for another six months in their warm positions, but they decided that such a terrible end is now better than this endless horror, and in principle, it’s as if the outcome of everything is already a foregone conclusion, well now, by the way, there many people are saying that risha sunok is trying to somehow pull the rug out from under the feet of the laborites, well, it’s obvious that this won’t work, of course, but he really pulled it out... communicating interaction with various republican donors, trump, earns a lot money, there are oligarchs, right now at the moment he will not participate in this campaign, accordingly the reform party will gain, well, not such a large percentage, there 10-11%, most likely, that is, it will become a spoiler for the conservatives. well, this game is finally there will not destroy, at least some
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positive news for the remaining conservative deputies who will retain their positions there after these elections, that they will not have some 6-8 people left in their faction, and like some they assumed, well, maybe they would have 70-80 seats there, which concerns david cameron, by the way, well , he really had certain ambitions there, but to lead this small conservative faction after their total defeat, well, i don’t. .. sure that it will work out, given that, of course, a person has a colossal anti-rating, and in fact, those people who will vote in the primaries simply hate him, that’s as much as you can hate your politician there, they hate david cameron, by the way, being a lord , he most likely won’t be able to do it there simply with a poetic question, of course, he will be able to do all this, that is, they will look for some safe constituency for him in early elections somewhere in 2025, but this is just such a life for the lords, you already know, why and participate in the primary because it is unethical and undemocratic, what? well , being in an unelected position in the parliament
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of the lords, yes, this is formally possible by law, but again, listen, well, he won’t get 5% in these primaries of the conservative party and will calmly merge, in the twenty-fifth year, david cameron will engage in lobbying, help for the same china to circumvent the sanctions that it also accepted during these one and a half years or a year of being in the post of head, but let’s see, let’s not argue, time will soon judge us, well, by the way, it’s quite i admit the return of some leafy one. for example, a person will remain, yes, she has a safe district, she is not in danger of defeat in her own district, some grandshaps will most likely merge, so there we will of course observe such a funny life of insects, but it was correctly noted , which of course is worth following this, because well, there are indeed certain processes of transformation there , yes in the usa in britain, well, from the change of one party to another, especially in the united states kingdom, nothing monumental will change for us, but unfortunately, there is complete consensus between the liberists and the conservatives regarding the continuation
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of all this militarism against russia there, yes, of course, the labor party will have some nuances in their foreign policy, there are relations with asia , with china they will change slightly, they are more europhiles, so i think that, of course , israel will not have to work in these conditions as easily as it is now happening in britain, and so on, so, of course the main question is how these same laborites get together. here tony blair is actually turning into
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the most influential lobbying office in britain, by the way, it’s quite interesting to see, but here’s how the collection of donations increased, this very organization poured in almost 250 million pounds last year, and it ’s clear what countries are pouring in, including some monarchies of the gulf , well, our beloved countries of central asia, well then the boujbler didn’t just get drunk , they worked together during the war in iraq in 2003 started, of course, yes, well, i say yes, that is there. and bush blair, then with gordon brown, they also worked quite calmly together. well, this is what concerns britain. as for the united states, i generally agree, yes, with the assessment that was mentioned today regarding blinken. now , of course, we also need to remember all his corrupt connections with the biden family, that is, how he, together with the bidens, headed this very center named after diplomacy, how they accepted donations from all over the world, that is, here, of course, that’s how he is immersed in this corruption component, that these 3 years have not changed him, although of course he could... it would have changed, but in fact i think that after all this character is most
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likely a downed pilot, it’s clear that if they come to republican authorities, and trump has his own candidates for post-secretary of state, some grenou or... or some other guys, but even i fully admit that if joe biden gets re-elected, they will put some kind of secretary of state in the place of the secretary of state beat burns, well, relatively speaking, that’s why we can tolerate blinkin there is not much left, another one again, little will change from changing these very terms, but nevertheless, nevertheless, we should also keep this in mind, and well, as for this decision and the possibility of long-range strikes weapons against the old indigenous regions of russia, i fully admit that this decision was made a long time ago, but the fact that we are now seeing a certain circus in washington is an attempt by the biden administration itself to show that we are supposedly not the most radical here, then what do you see, we have republican hawks there, like ted cruz, yes, who are calling or michael macaul, the head of the committee on foreign relations, who are calling for all this to be resolved, but we resisted for a long time, but
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now under the pressure of all this pro-ukrainian or even completely ukrainian lobby , we have to go for it, well, about the same ones , these... question, this is a good question, we need to think and this is how we will answer, well, this is a good last point related to the discussion, i proposed an answer, my answers yes, it is connected. with speaker mike johnson, well, in fact, mike johnson actually received a certain safe-conduct from trump when he decided to push through all these tranches, yes, because this whole story with an attempt to declare no confidence in him, it did not end with anything, but again for us still, you shouldn’t exaggerate the importance of one figure, we ’ve been talking about this since january, yes, the majority of democrats were in favor of allocating a tranche,
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about half of the republicans were also in favor, that is, there was a very solid majority in support of this whole story, and the fact that they have been there for 8-9 months, as it were. everyone was patient with this and didn’t give out a tranche, but this is really like a miracle by the standards of washington, and since january it was clear that sooner or later this money would be allocated, the question was when it would be allocated, well, they kind of beat in the end, a certain theatrical production was also agreed upon only by april, and as for johnson himself, he is often called such an ardent trumpist, which i still do not agree with completely, because there is marjarie taylor greene, who is an ardent trumpist, really, and he is an ardent baptist, yes , of course he is. baptist, evangelical - this is a separate cohort of american politicians, especially southerners, yes, who still has in their heads that pattern of waging a crusade, a crusade against communism, even though it was there 50 years ago and there is no communism there a long time ago , but the crusade continues, so these guys are trying to somehow adapt to
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trump’s agenda, and then use him for some of their own specific purposes, for example, there is 100% support for israel or a complete restriction of abortion, and the latest story from...
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the moments of today's decree of the russian president: yes, it is necessary, at the expense of american assets located here, to compensate for everything
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that they stole from us, because it is one thing to compensate, it's another thing to be the first to steal. by the way, there is a big difference between confiscation and nationalization, because nationalization most often implies some kind of compensation, but confiscation is what they did with our assets, they naturally, well, like...
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a fund , but how to withdraw these interests, well, at the very least they came up with, yes, this is such cynicism, they couldn’t call it, even if they were unfrozen for us, peace, 90% of them are for the needs of the ssu, 10 % yourself, you ’re sitting on the stream, you also need to somehow warm your hands, it’s not just like that. here we need to support our own institutions, well , this is also for the benefit of ukraine, for restoration, but this is also not just like that, but at the same time
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the europeans have a serious problem: what will the arab-chinese actually say, and how is it possible in the current conditions to preserve europe as this very financial center? well, it’s still a financial center and a technological center too, so this money will go away over time, this is already a leap into the abyss, which, by the way, the british are... they do, they really counted on london somehow will be able to get part of that european that is already leaving the european economy, this is happening, what are we doing, to be honest, i also thought that such decrees could have been signed earlier, but it turned out interesting, i to be honest, i didn’t expect it, just a few days ago our one business media, not so much pro-government, so to speak, well, i did a good job of analyzing the profits of 40 foreign banks located here, that is, these are russian subsidiaries with...
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at 0%, allows further place interest on the money market at 15, that ’s what they call it, it supports the liquidity of the banking sector, of course, this is not russian industry, which needs to be strangled for sure, well, that’s kind of the story, but as if there would be no happiness or misfortune it helped, there’s something to take now, you ’ve earned it, let’s do a good job , well done, now we can do it all little by little... as compensation for what they can now take there, we showed them, now we also have a decree , well, we can now
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compensate in this way, regarding business, i agree with dmitry gennagivich and i agree with respected colleagues who say, well, yes, foreign business is here, qualified foreigners must be hired, i would generally create some kind of register of specialists in professions who are we here for? we call you, and with zero taxes, they don’t even have to pay high salaries for taxes, they will do anything for taxes. many foreigners working here, they don’t want to return there, they received, so to speak, these assets from companies leaving russia, they feel great here, they love russia, they love russia very much. but there is, however, as they say, well, in the family there is a black sheep, recently this same rus shimalyans is a daughter of gazprom, well, according to her lawsuit, the assets of uni credit, deutsche bank were arrested, but there is still several banks, what’s the point, linda’s german construction company took money for 1.5 billion dollars, this is what european business is, we also always think that it is somehow honest, this agreement
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is sacred for them, and so on and so on. so on, they took money for construction. so that all this, using their assets, finances certain of our needs for the restoration, for example, of that part of russia, which is these new regions of russia, to restore them, let them, let them hang themselves from the fact that they can’t do anything about it, the profits they grow up, they can’t get them out just like we can, this of course is the main nuance, so to speak, of the ambush for them, i would say so, in this
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sense, of course, here’s the old, so to speak, russian proverb, so to speak, don’t rush in a hurry, she approaches the structure of the moment, because well, i also agree that we need to continue the strategy that we continued, i also want us to do something faster, but in economics here the winner is the one who knows how to endure, so if we can endure just through money, and if we also help them in this, push them into this abyss, we will of course be able to put the american and european economies in check too, and not on purpose, they will drive themselves into this...
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place is their needle in this very egg, well, in general it it’s clear, but soon we’ll be spoiled, we ’ll weaken it with a nuclear strike, well, that would be ideal, of course, but the main thing here is not to overdo it, now we’ll continue advertising after it with a new line-up, you’re definitely doing well, it’s just that you usually never stay late, the premiere is on rtr, will you leave me without a morning kiss? i have a husband, work, stability, i’m unhappy, and you can brazenly write into your schedule, travel, happiness, luck, anna taratorkina, who are you, how did you get here, this is my number, dmitry miller, you have to admit that you like me when you and i switched
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to trumpets, alexey fatiev, who is with you, me... and this is just an accident, what an idiot, a vacation can be planned, but love, i don’t understand anything myself, i need to figure it out, a melody for yours monday on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir, vladimirich, let's talk about all the issues, in a hurry, to place nuclear weapons, i already demanded. give me back the nuclear weapons. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, 8 is coming, from the equipment, and we have homework. the second tank flew off in kropsky. the hero of russia will be on the tour. all
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of us, including me, will go to the end. and what is his image of victory for you? destroy the gang in the head with zelensky? damn it, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact: look twice at day, see you, provocation is treacherous. behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat, the most intelligent creature in our family, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, what ’s wrong with you, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and so as not
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to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, substation , the first podcasts we watch, fox, i thought, i thought, i realized that i’m not ready to break anything in my life, mom... he left me, and well ok, i have a swimsuit for me, watch me, can i hug you, who is he, man? “ well, i know a person, i love him, you know, you’re just my stupid girl, but some kind of love, he’ll leave you at the first opportunity, as soon as he
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gets tired of you, i’m begging you, please, stop , don’t touch me, leave me alone, what are you doing, hug me, please, feel me, can i hug you?” on saturday nrtr. i kept thinking where to start, there is normandy, france, which i suddenly noticed that ukronazis were walking around there. i liked the joke here, they say that in 30 years it will be written that the eu, together with america, with a small participation of russia , defeated the revived nazism in ukraine. well, that is, somehow it often happens, but now they ’ll wake up there and fuck off, some other ukrainian fool said that everything in kharkov has stabilized normally, well,
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of course, they’ve screwed up a wild number of kilometers of villages, they’re now within artillery reach kharkov, we lost fundamentally important junctions and yes everything is still going on and they say that it has stopped, well, not a wave. made a statement that everyone who believes as the constitution writes, that president zelensky lost his powers and legitimacy on may 21, they are all enemies of ukraine, and
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cited a quote from symon petlyura that we are not as afraid of moscow lice as ukrainian nits, he distorted said that this is actually a quote from vinichenko, well, that he confused venichenko with... and the fact that he calls those who propose to adhere to the constitution enemies, i said and i will repeat, stefanchuk - the second after zelensky himself, who will sit in the dock in the case of usurpation of power, and he should go nowhere, no matter who he declares as enemies, but the rope is already close, and soon it will be screwed. well, what happened, you need to see it in general, sometimes it seems to me that in ukraine there is really some kind of revived theater of karabas-barabas, some characters
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are absolutely amazing, well, could anyone really believe that stefanchuk has parents, the feeling that stefanchuk i just went out to some furniture workshop with someone who was singing a lot, or karl’s dad, who was doing something. so, i really don’t want the political nits that are influencing the situation in the country to undermine the issue of the legitimacy of power in ukraine.
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no one had a voice, not the ukrainians, not the crimeans, but you can slow down here, please tell me, here’s how to translate into ukrainian what the surzhiks say zelensky, well, the question is not about nationality, this is how it should sound, no, he talks about nazism, no, you can translate, here you have the text in russian, you can translate it into ukrainian, what he says, no, well, here it is the question is not...
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well, we tried to make a program with you, well , not about the channel, ze, you begged putin to take ukraine away at least for the debts, well, stop it, you worked out all the corporate parties, well, just with everyone you could, well, well, stop it , why are you turning on the fool, everyone sees everything so badly, so it’s overdue, calm down, that’s what, of course they’ve gone crazy, so... now it has become known, yes, that the scumbag who shot the prime minister of slovakia, he is pro- ukrainian, yes, it was immediately clear, of course, it was immediately clear, they tried there russians, watch out, no, he spoke directly, they found everything there, he was against stopping the supply of weapons to ukraine, so when gur once again, budanov is the second scumbag, russia starts something.
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gifts and surprises are waiting for them, but they are terrorists, just now there was a gift in slovakia, look, yes, who promised us that there would be such gifts, no matter how little, victoria, who came to kiev, announced that then we understood , this is a crocus, that is, a vile, vile, terrorist, mired in the corruption of the american administrative...
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and are still on the ground and still threaten with further terrorist attacks, what else can they do, they can only terrorist attacks, like wars, they are crap, they are not military, they are terrorists, they are not on the front line, they are not in the trenches, they are terrorists, by the way, it’s interesting that in ukraine, pereddon pavlovich saw this in a telegram channel, he posted it, i even feel sorry for showing this girl, i can imagine what they will do to her, well, let her go to russia. they wrote me an interesting comment, they said, 2 years ago you applauded the ssso, now no one wants to help them and no one wants to change them. guys, you don’t see the difference in these 2 years, no, how it all started and what it all came to, you don’t see the true face of our government, you don’t see the true face of war, that this is a business, corruption is absolutely blooming , we still have it in kiev, they planted a flowerbed, it grew, it’s still beautiful, beautiful, they change it again, money washes it, sidewalks and roads are still being built. no, naturally,
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people saw everything perfectly, saw the light, took the pots off, understand that they don’t want to fight for this, the lands have been sold, zelensky usurped power, just steals everything godlessly, they got rich, everyone, poroshenko, akhmet, all these people with their grandmothers, everything is fine with them, but the common people just dug, you can’t argue, you know, i personally don’t care there, like zelensky, on what yak , surzhik, half-surzhik, his rhetoric lately has become more and more hysterical, more and more aggressive, his calls... to lift restrictions on attacks on russia, his calls to shoot down, there to join in the shooting down of russian missiles, that he is a madman, that is, that he is hysterical and crazy, i have no doubts, the question is how crazy its owners are, because their rhetoric, it seems
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to be escalating more and more, you know, there is such an expression among the people, a rat driven into a corner in the last jump rushes into the throat, here is zelensky everything is close to this state. i would like and that he will pour down ermak’s throat, no, he will try, you know, out of fear, out of fear he may try, i would not advise, he may not make it to the jump, as i understand it, the president’s order to conduct exercises on the use tactical nuclear weapons - this is the latest chinese non-strategic and not strategic nuclear weapon, well, no, well, it’s tactical, not strategic, just wording.
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words to say, the establishment of the tithe temple, this is a very close, close topic for me, because firstly, the rector of this temple is my close friend, bishop gideon, i knew him for more than 30 years, and i was one of those who took part in the revival of this temple, and you know , i caught myself thinking, uh, everything is fine with them country, yes, that they need to demolish the temple, everything is great at the front, everything is fine with their economy, their energy supply system, so to speak, everything is fine, with their people. everything, but nevertheless, this is the time, this is the right time to demolish the temple, but nevertheless they went for it, you know, this once again convinced me that one of the main goals of this conflict, which was provoked by ukraine, this is
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the destruction of orthodoxy, this is the destruction of orthodoxy, there are two, two themes that they apply and promote no matter how they the way things were, it was lgbt, the destruction of orthodoxy. but one will not work without the other, without the destruction of orthodoxy it is impossible, so to speak, to advance this story, the story with this lgbt, yesterday the ministry of defense reported losses, yes, 1,600 , in my opinion, something over a day, you generally understand, think about it, this is more than one ukrainian per minute, this is more than one ukrainian per minute, i am now just to say so, here on... the audience understood the depth of the catastrophe and the tragedy that is developing today in ukraine, i’ll tell you a specific example, yesterday: in one of the villages near the odessa region, in the odessa region, between odessa and nikolaev, a funeral was taking place, an elderly man died, he died a natural death, the meaning,
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the essence is different: the coffin was carried by women, a pit on women were digging the cemetery, a woman was driving the hearse, they came to the funeral, just like in the village, you know. here she is now in this tragedy, i understand that the situation will only get worse, unfortunately, well, of course, this is what we talked about, that according to the results yes, all of them, yes, there will be old widows, everything , of course, that is, this is a paraguayan tragedy,
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yes, what we often say, women carried the coffin, women dug a hole in the cemetery, so i even imagine this, but for us this is a story that was present directly. i’m really interested in just sitting down with the ukrainians, then a moment will pass when they cool down to the stage when they are able to speak, ask them a question: what are they fighting for? and you know, i wondered. this question, i lived in ukraine for 40 years, i’m asking myself, i i can’t understand, there are a lot of normal people there, but orthodox christmas was taken away from you, victory day, the memory of your ancestors was taken away from you, your language was taken away from you, your children were taken away from you, what else should these creatures do in order to for you to rebel against this, so to speak, i don’t understand, i don’t have an answer, i don’t know, or is this some kind of mass psycho, but here they are going to die for what, so that the donbass, which hates them,
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is repeated 50 times, no , no, these creatures, saving their loot, were fulfilling a political
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order of the west and laughed at us, well now let them laugh, who will join nato, but they no longer believed in it, just physically who will join, they all didn’t believe in it, the second point is very important, they say nato needs to be security, and now everyone is saying that russia will sort it out, ukraine will attack the nato countries, which means nato does not provide security, this is what i talked about with peredny palch - again, of course, and at the same time. okay, biden has dementia, everyone else needs to learn the stupidity that he carries it so as not to make a mistake, repeats her word, they understood all this, they saved their stolen money, that’s all, what money they saved, they won’t save anything, but they saved it, well, what kind of money was saved by the men who died in this, i’m not talking about i’m not talking about them, i’m talking about the political one, who brought in nada, who adopted the constitution, who told the people what was needed, the only thing that would save them, a nightmare, well, you asked, why terrorists? is still walking on this earth, i want to remind you that today is the anniversary of may 23, 1938 in the city
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rotterdam, comrade sudoplatov executed a ukrainian terrorist who organized through his fascist organization oun, which was naturally banned in russia, organized terrorist attacks against soviet diplomats more than once and... in fact , worked closely with avver, with the nazi intelligence services, that is , long-standing traditions in the way we are dealing with terrorists, and at the same time, well, if we listen to the west now, what a democratic ukraine is, zelensky is going, it means to the anniversary of the landing of the opening of the second front in normandy, yes, there is no nazism in ukraine, if you listen to these same ones.
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not criminals, well, really, in fact, this needs to be condemned, everything is true, everything is correct, they have made a whole political story out of this, it is killing them with terrible force in all european countries, well, wait, what’s wrong with you in ukraine the same thing happens, yes, when there is a whole ss unit there, galicia is elevated to heroes, monuments are erected, you don’t see it, no, you see, and where grandfather was from in canada, the ss galicia is from there, of course,
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they already remembered that trump from german roots. already, already, yes, they remembered everything there, that’s what i mean, here, in ukrainian, which means french, the media writes about what you see, among.
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you see, when we talk about ukrainian nazism, we must immediately close our eyes and say: no, this is all russian propaganda, there is no nazism in ukraine. the most recent example, today, zelensky is a jew, well, yes, that’s it, that’s it. by the way, i have a question for the jew zelensky: can you prove it? well, no, no, i don’t require a sawn-off shotgun for the table, it’s much easier for me, well, for example, shema israel, to read, well... i bring breevik, yes, well, he’s a nazi, yes, but he because of this, he ceases to be a nazi and israel praised, well, that is, and that now he i just always say in this, i am always an example of a mass murderer, why today is an example in lviv, a court sentences seventy-four-year-old anti-fascist
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alexander kosturny to 15 years in prison yes, a pensioner, you understand. what is 15 years in prison for 74, that ’s all, yes, it’s him and he’ll rot there, for which i ’m reading the charges, yes, that is, the main thing is that he’s charged with no, well, it’s clear that it’s not in the sentence, but you’re imagining him guilty in his social networks he put photographs of landscapes of landscapes of russia, imagine he loves russia , he put beautiful photographs of russia, he put on the st. george's ribbon on may 9, 2015.
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for these scapegoats, scapegoats, that means, for the famous execution here, when many western mercenaries died there, yes, well, they found a man, the head of the society, co-chairman of the russian language society named after pushkin, in lvov, that’s it, he leaked the coordinates of the yavorevsky training ground, otherwise we didn’t know where the yavorevsky training ground was located, we had to find a seventy-something old man there so that he can send us these coordinates, only... somewhere there is blurred out in the trump video - this is all history is made of, and here, well, they sentenced a seventy-year-old anti-fascist, at this time
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the scoundrel podalyak from the president's office with scoundrels who fled from russia at one time to agent naagentz. no, well, there is, in particular, kokh, more russophobes than this scum, absolutely true, there are no thieves at all, the stupidest, most mediocre nonentities as state they say that this is a democratic state, when we say that we are fighting russophobia, that we are fighting those who want the collapse, victory, defeat of russia,
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then they tell us, no, no, what are you, this is russian propaganda, do not listen under any circumstances, in general, this whole team is freaking out. they wrote a book about their experience, yeah, it was such a thieves' scheme, i remember then they were kicked out there with a kick in the ass, i had a transfer, we talked about it, then i encountered kokh for the first time, which surprised me, this is
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complex, that is, crazy conceit, there is zero reason for this, well, empty as a drum, then he tried to manage television, now they are fighting against russia and iraq, of course, but why? they are still not recognized, it’s been a long time, here’s the whole list of who was there in their homeland and the confiscation of the property that they have here, vladimir, thank you very much, court payment, court payment in general, listen, okay, but i understand everything , well, there’s probably a shortage of personnel, everything else, i’m ready, vladimirevich, i’m ready, we need it, you know what we need to guard russian statehood among the common people, i will smersha. the box had to be in a certain position there
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, that is, he had already made it here, that is, of course, it’s generally interesting, i read, i read the memoir, the payment of the infusion, i recommend it was necessary to study the client and understand these specific ones, just studied the client , he entered there, trusted, it was a long time , yes, thank you, well, vladimirovich has already begun to talk about this. the feat of pavel anatolyevich sudplatov of my fellow countryman, and this is really very respected for us a man, the pride of the zaporozhye region, and regarding evgen kanovalets, we’ve already touched on this topic, pay attention, he’s one of all this cohort, yes, why, when he was liquidated, bandera and shukhevych and such little things, all the pranks, this one really felt, understood and built a serious program for the war, for terrorist attacks and... other things precisely on the territory of greater russia, like, well, the soviet union, yes, as we were called then, yes, our common homeland, and one of his main arguments was not to touch the russian language, yes, speaks, because if we
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do not touch the russian language, we will find much more allies, much more sympathizers and others, you see, one thing is good that our enemies , after 80 years, do not draw the right conclusions, and do not repeat all those the same problems and the same concerns, vladimir will continue literally in a second. it won't be true, well , soon there will be a big musical premiere, a show in which 18 people from different regions of russia are trying to deceive a team of stars into convincing them that they sing. the ability to sing is a gift, the main thing is so that the soul sings, the ability to wrap around one’s finger is an art. in general, it is very difficult to imitate a case, in case he did it on purpose.
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we can’t wait to start on friday on rtr. well , maybe you can kiss me? the plot is worthy of a novel. she, he and his muse. anton, you have talent, but inspiration. it’s so easy to lose, i’ll leave when you finish the novel, i can’t live without you,
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i heard here, you’re getting married, go as planned, a clean slate on friday on rtr, the main character played the role that made him a superstar, and then he lives by... the weight of this image, that's what it’s necessary to ignore the umbilical cord that connected you to this hype, because otherwise you will become a hostage, what is the boy’s word, this is a certain principle, yes, it’s like you, this is the law, and if you start to believe in this instead of god’s law, then this is that mistake, that’s what’s also scary, that this path of their mistakes, it sucks in not only them, but close people, they’re all here... because he
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protects the composer, you, when you defend the idea and theme in which god and lives, then you are , of course, a thousand times larger, so that’s i wanted to convey that every hero has this kind of light, you are trying to save the spark of light that the evil winds are trying to blow out. lev zulkarnaev in a white studio, author's program to daria zlatopolskaya on friday on rtr. everyone is different, i really want this difference to be the strength of our family, and not a reason for litter, wow, in general, you have two cups, what kind of love do you have, i will not allow you to deceive my daughter, everything is not at all like you it seems that i was framed by irina razanova, come on competitors, we need to find it. that
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suddenly they won’t limit themselves to blackmail anastasia vedenskaya, you all knew everything about this, i don’t want to see you all. anatoly lobotsky, one very important person for me has disappeared, life teaches you nothing, they were silent about vasya, and now you continue to lie about your mother, adult daughters, the premiere, on saturday on rtr. okay, so it’s very important for us to reduce the number of losses in these hostilities, because we understand perfectly well that the western formula of russians cutting down russians, it is being fully implemented today, and in order to reduce losses, we need to think to develop collectively, yes, at all levels, a solution to the issue of getting as many people as possible to go over to the peaceful
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side or surrender. well , depending on the situation in which they are, because now i know dozens of examples when residents of my hometown of zaporozhye, odessa, kiev, kharkov, members of the russian underground, people who helped coordinate strikes, yes , who showed a lot of things and so on, were captured by force and sent to the ukrainian armed forces on the front line, that is, like it or not, there’s no escape, we see all these footage, there’s no way to somehow avoid this... uh, to avoid this, if you’ve already been caught, their family and friends tell you that here’s vladimirovich, expect it soon anyway, yes there, dad, husband, son, depending on who will be there soon, we have the most effective mechanism today - this is 149-200 in all variations, but it may not always work due to the fact that - the proximity of the lbs, how to go , which commander is in place, well , there are many, if so, that play a role, here here it seems to me that we need to start a discussion, it’s precisely thanks to your
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platform that i want to do it in... a single field, today we held a hearing for the first time in the public chamber of the russian federation on this topic, people from different spheres were invited, ranging from tell me what is the discussion? the discussion is how to help people - to get an image of even the present, not to mention the image of the future, that is, we must have a gradation, for example, someone was captured, he shot back to the last bullet and grenade, yes, then he said, okay guys i give up, right? this is one option for surrender, a completely different one, when a person is consciously looking for how to cross, how to lay down arms and perhaps begin to liberate his native land as part of the russian army, yes, because ukrainians are russians, this is the second component, and the discussion is what, no, no discussion, make a decision, we don’t have a decision, yes, here’s a person, if he is captured, then he is captured, and it doesn’t matter whether he’s a banderaite or not, and no, i say, it doesn’t matter from the point of view of legislation because we have
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no prisoners. no, wait, now, now, now just a minute, first of all, how they are received, they immediately carry out activities with him, the military police are also working, the dvkr is also working, that is , counterintelligence is identifying, and there are many guys who are now fighting on our side, that is, no, we have there krivonosa, no, we have very competently laid out in this regard, what depends on the people on the ground, it is legislatively impossible. define it however you want, i mean, on that side, people, people other than 149,200, don’t understand that maybe come without weapons , come with weapons, give up your positions, well, we all know a story when a person there transported a truck with an important tool from the other side to us, and that is, there may be such cases.


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