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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  May 24, 2024 4:35am-5:01am MSK

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not successful enough to leave, you understand me, is that he was a manager, well, yeah, yeah, well, let's when, yeah, i see, thank you, goodbye. well, nikonurov became the owner of all the land exactly 3 months ago, on march 3. yes, a top manager gets paid well. you're laughing? the land is worth millions. in our country , not a single employee receives so much. listen, you don’t know how much they bought it for? maybe he stands like a football player? imagine how much money he brought to companies, considering that along with him, they found out all the ins and outs. competitors, well
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, maybe, but this really doesn’t explain in any way that nikonor’s business is in his possessions at 10:00 pm, with a briefcase full of counterfeit dollars, given that the watchman didn’t recognize him, he wasn’t there often, the watchman is lying about why, but he would have stolen all this money, and he would be happy if he just stole it, and if he killed him, he stole it, the watchman, yes, well, okay, let’s assume that nikonorov came to his domain on some business. for which a briefcase of counterfeit dollars is required. oh, listen, maybe this is connected with the purchase of land? maybe he's still owed it to the previous owner, or decided to buy another plot? well, maybe wait, let 's stick to one version, so he arrives with this briefcase, with money, and the watchman finds out about this, kills him, fakes it, an accident, right? well, um, it’s a bit complicated, why? and the car, nikonorov’s car, nikonorov’s mercedes drove up there after the murder. yes, yes, this is confirmed by
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a local homeless person, that is, the car was driven after the murder in order to complete the picture of the accident, and the watchman does not fit into this cunning production, well, it’s cunning, and don't forget, by the way, about the big jeep, the big black jeep, how do you know it's black? well, in such fairy tales he is always black. listen, we have nikonor's corpse. there is a runaway watchman who was found with money belonging to nikonorov, well, it doesn’t matter that they are fake, the watchman stole them, he himself killed nikonorov or took advantage of the situation - that’s another question, we need to find this guy , enter into a dialogue, that’s it, we need to find the guy, i agree, but it’s unlikely that he will explain to us what the jeep was doing there, and most importantly, why the mercedes nikonorova appeared there after the very, damn it, i ’ll bring you five more homeless people who will screw you up with such versions. “hello,
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hello, hello, well, everyone sit, and fyodor mikhailovich, meanwhile, uh, on his fragile shoulders bears the burden of operational activities, wow, they brought me my salary, okay, listen, but don’t touch the evidence, especially since they fake, sit down and drink tea, fake, in outlinks, scarbet, especially the secretary, they say he was a most valuable employee, yeah, how many?” "received? i don't know, boss, but i'm sure there are a lot. why? because the deceased showed a penchant for philanthropy. in what field? in what field? he patronized one octrisulka. i know such philanthropists. well, i invested money in a theatrical production. in the theater, he is considered, among other things, a billionaire, the owner of half of the city's real estate. well, yes, i won’t lie to achieve my goal as an actress. pretty,
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well, marya sergeevna is better, thank you, fyodor, but what difference does it make to you, so what? did he invest a lot in the theater? well, i think a lot, so this is it his money? yes. so maybe you've already caught the killer? as many as two, one suspected rest home guard, yeah. and the second is a big black jeep. chevrolet. why chevrolet? yes, i saw it here. today there is one jeep, suspicious, hmm, that’s all, how many came out, 21 bags, my dear zlata, the answer is 19, it can’t be, so, wait, let’s do
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it again, that means, how many bags were in the warehouse? 248, 248, how many bags were brought to the warehouse? 4020? some bags 21 in answer 19 he's been fooling his head all day long some bags in the warehouse dim, yes, do you want me to ask you a problem? yes, as about the bags, i know, i know, so give me one,
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the conditions of the problem, someone x, works as a top manager in a large corporation, in six months he managed. to own a few hectares of land near the city, and become a sponsor of a theatrical performance, the question is how much does a top manager in a corporation earn, but i don’t know, well, seriously, how much can a top manager earn, what kind of corporation, outlink, they are involved, and i i know, i know, what position does this mr. x, development director, hold, huh? well, okay, what? well, no matter how much he gets, he steals 100%. yes, yeah, he was killed, but how did you guess? well, it’s clear, there’s so much to steal.
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yeah, him! wait, are you arresting me? do you have any documents, resolutions? we are not arresting yet, we are detaining. for a long time, for 48 hours, as we are entitled to do. well , okay, i can at least go up to the office and warn them that i won’t be there. no,
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let's pass the car. lyosha, warn glukhoy that i have been detained, let him call a lawyer. okay, just a minute. can i have your documents? are you in do you work for security? yes. yeah. who is your security chief? glukhov pavel sergeevich. yeah, everything is clear. thank you. shall we go to the office? let's. fit, where are you? yes, that’s it, chief, here already, uh, please come in, have a seat, major vinokurov, now explain, major vinokurov, for what reason i was detained,
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the circumstances are such, evgeniy nikolaevich, that you are the only suspect in organizing the murder your employee nikonorov? “i will be happy to discuss this witty version with you only when the lawyer arrives. no problems, let's wait for a lawyer. the only caveat is that in our discussion we will touch on things that you may not want to make public. any lawyer, as you understand, is a living person. thank you, i 'll manage somehow on my own. perhaps the lawyer will be surprised. that nikonorov regularly stole money from the company, and that you installed surveillance on him by placing a beacon in his car, which is a violation of human rights, a private structure has no right to such surveillance, these are your fantasies, no, these are fantasies
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your employee, whom, who told you this, glukhov, glukhov, pavel. yes, wait, when you are with him, literally this morning. “listen, a very experienced person, but here he sat down and immediately laid it all out, now he’s just telling the investigator on record, and so, from his words, you organized the surveillance, and he just carried out your order, well, that’s not entirely true, i would like find out more specifically, do you have water?
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i fired him, nikonorov , a month ago, yes, yes, he continued to work, a month ago. the audit revealed inconsistencies in the reports, of course, they began to dig, it turned out that nikonor stole about half a million dollars from the company, we know, as you understand, i could not kick him out. he would immediately run to the east and excuse me, he would shit there to
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such an extent that these half a million would seem like nothing, and what did you do? nothing, i talked with glukhov, we talked with nikonorov, i explained to him that i can’t forgive him this half a million just like that, there are two options, either he sits down, or i officially i fire him, and he... continues to work until he gives all the money. yes, of course, he will be monitored. by the way, it was glukhov who suggested it. and if i see even one move towards the east, i will report it to the police. and he accepted the terms, unconditionally. so. and you, of course, immediately stopped paying him. i mean salary. you didn't pay him for the last month, did you? of course not. he earned 15 thousand dollars, and stole 500, so
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count how many months he had to work for me for free, well, almost 3 years, what he had to live on, i don’t know, he had another option, go to government support, or return the money, or return the money, that’s what it is? these tickets are gone. premiere on rtr. you put two strangers in the same room. have you ever watched the sunrise on the beach? make yourself comfortable. look at this. maybe you shouldn't interfere with her happiness. how's your novel? were you following me? i'm filing for divorce. a melody for yours. from monday on rtr.
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rixas premium seagate: family fun starts here, every detail is created here for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium seagate. rixos premium seagate. this means that the cervical spine was damaged before
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nikonororov ended up in the pond. well, most likely, you see, there are hematomas on the elbow on the forearm, this is a blow from falling into a pond, there are no traces of the blow on the head. yes. what about the signs of a struggle? also no. this means that his neck was broken by a man whom he knew well, close friend. either professional or professional. so, so, i ’m now on my way to pick up gluchov, gluchov is the head of the outlink security service, yes, i have a suspicion that they were herding neconor, possibly right up until the very last minute, so that means, you ’re not leaving anywhere, i’ll give him a ride to you, here now the director of outlink has given such a report, your task is to scare this deaf man, perhaps even with quotes from the scientist, but everything is as you know how,
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you think he is connected with the murder, i think he knows who killed, and what do you need director did he lie? marya sergeevna, i ’ll tell you everything later, my task now is to problematize this deaf man before he gets his bearings, avdeev, wait, that’s it, i’m in touch, okay, okay, come on, i’m not leaving, yes, fed, fed, fedya, that, with the black jeep, it was confirmed, everything was confirmed, marya sergeevna, these are the glukhov guys, yeah, well, take him here, bye, bye, well, i found a close friend, so far only a professional, no money, really not at all, not at all, well, what about a car? what a car? well, there is a car, otherwise you don’t know. avdiev, listen, you have to help me out as always, again? of course i will be grateful. well, let's all go, bye, where? let's go, let's go, will you like it? where did you go? let's go, i say. lisa, i'm sorry, i'm not getting enough now. evgeny nikolaevich, uh? did you
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tap nikonorov's phone? i didn’t bug anyone, all i did was give the go-ahead to surveillance, but how did they spy there? understand, i had no other choice, nikonorov’s one contact with the east was all, our shop could have been closed, yeah, he had such information, which means they were listening, well, i don’t know, you do you think the east would accept the help of a defector? well, nekonorov’s wife is generally sure that the death of her husband is the work of the vostok company. why did they take revenge for betrayal in this way? brad, what kind of betrayal? this is a business, especially since he left them six months ago, before that he leaked all the information, why kill him now? and his wife says that he
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was threatened, and i willingly believe that he owes half the city. you don't know who? no, i don’t know, i ’m saying, whoever the deceased was not distinguished for integrity in business matters, but our the accountant still can’t figure out his reports. you don't know who killed him? well, i said no. what if you found out that this was done on the orders of the head of your security service. deaf? deaf, in the name of company safety. would you be surprised? no, he couldn’t, after all, this is not his company, why kill? well, if nekanorov tried to convey some super secret information to the vostok company, his deaf guys had no other choice but, no, no, no, no, no, there’s a discrepancy,
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evgeniy nikolaevich, if your guys were constantly grazing. not konorova, then they should have known who killed him, if they didn’t do it themselves, there’s no inconsistency, he left them, left, well, broke away from the security service professionals, glukhov told you so, yeah. what did he say to you? will this last for a long time? i think no. hello, i
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'm from the police, i'll call you back, excuse me, yes, i know, but where is your boss, what kind of boss, well, what kind, glukhov, how do i know, he's reporting to me, or something, but this can be done so that he would come out here now, like i can’t understand what you want, one to take the rap for nikonorov, what does it mean to take the rap, i have nothing to do with it, right? well, in short, you can’t call a deaf person, no, well, look, i made you an excellent offer, you refused, well, let’s go, let’s go with us, where else, well , let’s go for a ride. let's go, let's go, come on, come on, come on, let's go, he's there in the office, he's not alone there, he's with a lawyer, now, come on, sit down, petrov, petrov,
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i say. your director skladovsky claims that this was your initiative. what initiative? establish surveillance of nikonorov. what kind of surveillance? outdoor surveillance, wiretapping of mobile calls, a beacon installed in nekonorov’s car. no, is this skladovsky? says, not only, your subordinates confirm, volochenkov, or what? listen, you served in the police before joining the security service, the fsb. moreover, you must
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understand that we have every right to obtain a warrant for your arrest. hmm, do you want to arrest me on suspicion of surveillance? no, on suspicion of organizing a murder. this, skladovsky and volochenko too confirm. no, there are witnesses who saw your car at the crime scene. my car? okay, your guards have the car. jeep in chevrolet, suburban. she wasn't there. um, of course, you didn’t follow nikonorov, did you? we followed nikonorov because he was a prostitute. so, they followed. this means that the car should have been able to see from the rest. how does nikonorov meet with representatives of a competing company? he did not meet with representatives of the competing company. yes, but
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what was he doing on the territory of the rest home? not i know what he was doing there, but he was going to sell the land, the very territory on which he was killed. when did you find out that he was selling the territory? a few days before, skladovsky talked to him in the sense of transferring the land to otlink in order to return the money, the company, it was bought with stolen money, he decided, as the smartest one, to sell it secretly, to whom i don’t know, i don’t know, they we communicated via skype, but i don’t know how to listen to skype, just like you, probably. how did you know that he was going to sell? did you find out, but she doesn’t know anything about
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this deal? do you think he laid it all out to her if he communicated with the buyer via skype? it may wait a little until the new owner registers this plot with the state bureau of investigation, and if he registers it in... six months, he’s a complicated person, he paid with counterfeit money, killed the buyer and is having a good time, then what are we supposed to do, make a request to the state bureau of investigation every day, has there been a new owner? mariterda, the boss is right, the wife doesn’t know anything, well, 100%, of course, but i would find out why, because, i’m sure that after nikonorov's death, creditors first of all began to get the wife, ha, well, the murderer? it’s unlikely that she gets it, and then marya sergeevna, where did you get the idea that nikonorov sold the land to the person to whom he owed money, because it seems to me that he sold the land to a friend, but it’s unlikely that he would
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involve a stranger in his own secret games: skype, surveillance, secret deals, well, yes, secret deals at night will only be made for close friends, he owed everyone who knew money, of course, whatever you say, but damn, you did you even receive printouts from your phones? got it, well, there should be... all the creditors, they probably called him without a break, boss, do you even know how many numbers there were, i don’t understand how you can talk so much on the phone, according to the printout, he has seven phones it was, i generally don’t say as much in a month as he talked in a day, well , great, we need to check all these subscribers, boss, yes, this is a month of work, and then don’t forget that nikonorov talked with some customers on skype, yes, we're approaching, uh-huh, on... do you know what we're going? now he'll find out. hello!


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