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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  May 24, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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to involve an outsider in some kind of conspiratorial games. skype, surveillance, secret deals. well, yes, secret deals, but very frivolous only for close friends. and he owed money to everyone he knew. certainly. what do you say? ah, fet. did you even get printouts from your phones? received. well, all the creditors must be there. they probably called him nonstop. chief, do you even know how many rooms there were? i don’t understand how you can talk so much on the phone. according to the printout, he had seven phones, i just didn’t i tell him how much he talked a day, well , great, we need to check all these subscribers, boss, yes, this is a month of work, and then don’t forget that nikonurov talked with some customers on skype, yes, we’re approaching, yeah, and she knows, he'll find out now that we're going, hello?
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what do you want from me, i’m telling you, oleg died, you have some ruble with me, after all , 100.
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lyubavin, well, it turns out that i, listen, dear, if from the point of view of this law of yours, i have is there at least some chance of getting the money back, from the point of view our investigator looks at it from the point of view of the law, but i look at it from the point of view of common sense, so what can be seen from this point of yours, but i don’t want to upset you, of course. that you don't need me anymore? but no, that’s it, that’s it, thank you, goodbye, you, thank you, my dears, you... you’re all so different, i really
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want this difference to be the strength of our family, and not a reason for quarrels, wow, in general you two cups, what do you have, guests, i won’t allow you to deceive my daughter, everything is not at all as it seems to you, i was framed irina razanova, don’t give in to competitors, we have to find. what exactly, what if they don’t limit themselves to blackmail? anastasia vedenskaya, you all knew everything about this, i don’t want to see you all. anatoly lobotsky, one very important person for me has disappeared, life teaches you nothing, they were silent about vasya, and now continue to lie about your mother, adult daughters, the premiere, on saturday on rtr. indulge yourself in a first-class
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holiday with leorets, elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. we invite you to swiss hotel sharmelsheikh, the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. the billionaire survives
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the nun, formerly the famous soviet actress olga gobzeva, from an apartment in the center of moscow. he is the culprit of the accident, the person was hurt, he will be judged, you want to ruin a child’s life, i warned him, do you need anything from him, yes, health. i don’t want to see anyone, as i understand it, he has a generally difficult character, yes, i want to try to sit down, you promised to help me, it seems to me that at heart he is a completely different person, margoy, listen, you can make sure
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that he doesn’t yell, but i propose to get rid of him, how to get rid of him, kill him or something, he was abandoned like a dog on the street, that’s how long it takes... i’ll work with him for as long as i can, i always want to be with you, sunday on rtr, you’ll have tea, no, we not for long, so what, a lot of creditors bother you, this it’s already impossible, i didn’t even think that he had so many debts, you said that oleg was called, threatened, said, so maybe it was them, of course, maybe, let’s try to remember who he owes large sums to, yeah, so , well, lyosha lyubavin, this is first, uh-huh, now, excuse me, uh-huh, yes, hello, they killed tolya here, what tolya, who
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’s calling, what, tolya the watchman, in the rest home, you were there, right? you will come, yes, what a case it was. there were a lot of different cases, let's work, where do you shoot, and here you are participation, that it’s the same story, well, it looks like they turned around, a strong guy, why wave right away , here’s a guy, well, okay, okay, strong, strong, and most likely a professional, where are you going, i’ll come now, i’ve been here for a long time zagora, no, i don’t know, i came 2 hours ago, i’m looking. he's lying there, where have you been? well, i, well, i was a hack, i had a hack, what kind of hack? well, they suggested not to guard, so in more detail, who suggested what to guard,
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or something like that asked, well, yes, i think i heard, the car drove up, stopped at the far gate, right here... the car was honking, so it was buzzing, well, i went out like a watchman, well, like when they disappeared, uh-huh, no, i ’m telling you, i went up to the gate, it kept buzzing, and come on, yes, it was standing in the place of this nikonorov’s mercedes, well, yes, nikonorov , there was a little guy standing next to him, he didn’t even see the driver, the windows were tinted, well...
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“of course, he gave me a thousand, and then he’s somehow the owner, and this jeep, and i think, if you were me, you would go too, no, you really did.” old-timers stop, but no, of course, i went to the store, it’s clear that no one needed this stop, so what for she was there, and tolya, as he said, and so he said, go watch the stop, but no, well, his character speaks, well, like, cheerfully, at ease, and he somehow spoke as if he had a stake in his ass, they sat down, yes... yeah , and you returned, returned 2 hours ago, as
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agreed with a little, can you, look, what did the district police officer find in the building, so what, do you think he will leave the villain behind, well, the criminologist thinks that yes, judging by the nature of the dirt, probably , a piece of paper stuck to my shoe, was lying in the corridor, but what was there in the building anyway, everything was rummaged through. weird, that everything is strange, well, in general , it means that we suddenly have a lot of traces, this once again confirms that our leadership has chosen the right strategy, so what do we have, car numbers? an approximate model, there is the first half of the name of the company that is related to
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the criminal, and most importantly, we have a list of the most likely suspected creditors of nikonorov, which means we need to go through this list, if there are matches, cars or company name, that’s it, you can close the person , marya sergeevna, we have there are also transcripts of phone calls, yes, yes, exactly, well, actually, i already checked the one that the icon was talking about. and this ogorev, who exactly is a certain lyubavin, the company is called veritas, by the way, nissan murana, a777 km is registered to him, so, so, so what are we sitting, waiting for instructions, yes, that’s it, let’s go.
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alexey lyubavin? yes, major vinokurov, zanevskoye rovd. what's the matter? could we talk? let's go. where were you the day before yesterday evening? the day before yesterday evening? 12 and ten late in the evening and at night. i was at home with my wife, you can ask him. how did it happen that your car was seen the day before yesterday at a holiday home in the lensavetovsky area. where? state farm lensavetovsky, this is along the talinskaya highway. hello. when was she seen there? day before yesterday? yes. there is a witness, but she couldn’t have been there, she was standing near the house, in the parking lot,
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why, near the front door, you knew oleg nikonor, you knew, unfortunately, rest in peace, he owed you money, yes, very big, mind you, not completely mine, and you have often called him on the phone lately, called each other. “i called him 10 times, and he kept saying that the money would be available any minute. minute, creature, yes, there were calls, a lot of them, wait, you ’re talking about the twelfth, well, yes, so i was visiting with my wife, there is a witness, about 10 people, okay, excuse me, you’re free, goodbye, marya sergeevna, i would check, but it’s useless.” the criminal did not call nikonorov, they
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communicated on skype, well, maybe on skype, but whatever, so wait, which of the creditors did not call nikonorov, and so, lyubavin called, and broylis, yes, semenchuk, yes, it turns out, everyone called. yes, really, everyone called, maybe there was one of the creditors about whom... nikonorova and this agarev didn’t know, maybe so, wait, yes, there’s not one here, who, ogorev, ogorev, oh, how simple it is, so that’s why,
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tell me grief from nikonorova, what did he leave in, a taxi, yeah, i see, what? go. we need to inform the transport, he’s probably already at the airport, boss, but where will he go, he still needs to take possession of the land, 6 hectares of land within the city, this is not bullshit, there was no deal, so glukhov lied, but no, it was simply not a task to buy land from nikonorova, agarev had the task of killing him and passing him off as an accident, so what’s the point,
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agarev wouldn’t have gotten his money back, there is a point there, so where are we going, does anyone know? the address of this pretzel, baby, look at the printout, we're going to nikonorova, to nikonorova, yes, you think he's still bothering her, let's see, um, um, yes, now, what happened, yeah, but we can't call her by phone, a? yes, of course, good. igor, what? the cops are coming now. will the cops come? what about right now? yes. damn it, what should i do? dress what? hurry up. yeah. so, here are the infections. stand! igor, stop!
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but he didn’t kill, unfortunately, no, which means that it wasn’t by chance that unikonov’s burnt up turned out to be, well, of course, he lived there, when he realized that he wouldn’t leave us, they played a scene, the creditor is the debtor’s widow, that is, it’s because of the land, well yes, nikonorova realized that she would soon stay.
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how beautiful have you seen? well, that's enough, be careful, he has a gun, so what? a big musical premiere, a show in which 18 people from different regions of russia are trying to deceive a team of stars into convincing them that... they sing. the ability to sing is a gift. the main thing is that the soul sings. the ability to deceive is an art. in general, imitation is a very difficult matter. suddenly he deliberately makes a fool of himself by not singing. what is more difficult, revealing talent or deception? with our experience with musical ear. or you can
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come up and look him in the eyes. the stars are ready to check. we must notice everything, every stroke. wow, great. sings, my opinion is developing, so far we are praising everyone very well, brotherly, migins, please, so what next, mad intrigue, catch me if you can, we can’t wait to start, on friday on rtr, well, maybe you can kiss, the plot is up... worthy of a novel, she, he and his muse. anton, you have talent, but inspiration. and it’s so easy to lose, i’ll leave when you finish the novel, i can’t live without you, i heard here, you
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seem to be getting married, with a clean slate on friday on rtr. the main character played the role that made him a superstar, and then he lives under the weight of this image, that’s what to ignore, cut the umbilical cord that connected you to this hype, well, it’s necessary, because otherwise you will become a hostage, what is the boy’s word, this is a certain principle, it’s like you are the law, if you start believing in this instead of god’s law, then that’s the mistake, that’s what else is scary, that... this is their way mistakes, he sucks not only them, but also close people, they all fall into this abyss, in the chaliapin series, you managed
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to convey this stubbornness in a good sense, which rachmaninov had, because he defends the composer, you, when you defend plan and theme in which god lives, then you larger, of course, a thousand times, this is what i wanted to convey... there is this kind of light, you are trying to save a spark of light that evil winds are trying to blow out, the lion zul kartnaev in a white studio, the author’s program of daria zlatopolskaya on friday on rtr, my dears, you are all so different, i really want this difference to be the strength of our family, and not a reason for quarrels, wow, do you even have two cups?
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one very important person for me was sleeping, life teaches you nothing, they were silent about vasya, and now continue to lie about your mother, adults daughters, premiere, on saturday on rtr, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy... has a downside with the most necessary knowledge of health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand.
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what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients which will benefit the entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so get examined. the whole family needs it. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. i, like probably anyone, especially
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a curious person, is interested in how our world works. an integral part of this world of our civilization is faith and religion. father kirill, hello, tell me, please, how is the church organized? the church, uh, as is obvious to anyone who comes into contact with it, is a hierarchical society, just as a person must have a hierarchy of values ​​in order to achieve the good of the individual, just as in society this hierarchy is necessary in order to achieve the common good, in this is a good thing for the church, this is actually the mission that the church has, this is to testify to the kingdom of god about the love of god, and in order for this to be possible, which ensures this, there are different models for to describe this structure, i would just like to show how it might look,
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the structures are depicted in the form of a triangle, where do we start from the top or the bottom? from below, this is where parishioners probably start? yes, absolutely right, yes, it is obvious that the majority of people who are in the church are laity, in the catholic church there are approximately 1 billion 350 million people, well, these are laity. these are the people who are present, hopefully, go to church regularly, pray, donate to the church, i am now talking about that model, which most people imagine when they think about the church, in fact, the hierarchy begins somewhat higher, although there are already appointed ministers among the laity, for example, in the catholic church, these are the readers and acolytes, those who help the priests, but strictly speaking they belong to the hierarchy , do not yet belong, the hierarchy
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begins: from the next level, which is called deacons, there are about 50 thousand of them in the church, in the whole world there are only 5000, in total there are only about 50,000 in the catholic church, i must say that this is the degree itself, yes this the sandacon in the catholic church for a very long time was somewhat neglected, because it was considered only such an intermediate step between the laity and the priests themselves, then come the priests. i won’t write here priests, yes, because it will take a lot of time, holy, yes, please, yes, priests, yes, this is, in fact, the main part, naturally, of those people who are associated with of us from the church hierarchy, those with whom we come into contact when we come to church, there are about 400,000 of them, and in the catholic church, therefore, we can already more or less guess how unusual the pyramid is.
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an unusual pyramid, yes, because this ministry turns out to be somewhat rarer, yes, this, this is an assistant to the priest, yes, the priest is the one who, in general, plays, one might say, the main role in the management of church communities, and what follows, in fact, the highest level of the church hierarchy is bishops, yeah. means that this particular person is the presence of christ himself in the church that he leads, then who possess the fullness of the priesthood of that what is called authority in the church, that is , the fullness of the priesthood, what does this mean? this is not just some kind of power that he himself has by virtue of his merits, but by virtue of his appointment, but this is precisely the one who is in
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his local church. what we call a diocese, yes, is a person who symbolizes, in the deepest and most spiritual sense of the word, the presence of the lord christ himself, who is the head of the church. and i must say that all these subsections also have their own hierarchy, there are different, say, degrees dignity among priests, among bishops there are auxiliary bishops, there are ruling bishops, there are...
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priests, yes, because among priests there are also certain hierarchies and there are abbots, then this is the majority of priests, yes, and there are priests who help them, like since they are parochial vicars, well, there are also some other orders, monsignors, prilates, not orders, but such degrees of dignity among the priesthood, and of course, what many people know is cardinals, yes, i will not separate them, because what is this really too bishops. 4,000 priests and 5,500 bishops in the whole world, only 220, i think, at present, bishops are cardinals, a cardinal is a bishop, a cardinal - you can say that this is with some very rare exceptions, a cardinal is a bishop to whom is given a certain task in the church, it is
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the college of cardinals that is responsible for electing a new... pope, a very important role, and also helps the current pope in managing the church, in that they lead certain services or organizations intra-catholic. church or if he wants to gather them together and address them with some question, and of these 220, only 120 are under 80 years old, they can participate in the elections of the pope, and there are also monastics, i won’t, they have nothing to do with this at all no direct relationship is very very well noted , yes, because monastics are such a specific group that is not part of the church hierarchy, because you can be a monk...
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and at the same time a monk can be either a simple merin, or a deacon, or a priest, so he is not, but precisely part of the church hierarchy, of course, yes, what we have forgotten is that here, of course, at the very top, of course, is god, yes, the lord christ, who is the head of of the present church, the pope is only the visible head of the church, but of course he is the real head. but one way or another, this is not the image of the church that corresponds to how it sees itself, because that model is more consistent with how the church sees itself, it is just completely the opposite, in fact, this is a model that is familiar to many
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people who are involved in management today, the model of the reverse hierarchy, the inverted pyramid, how benign power is actually structured, the fact that these worldly... who were in that pyramid at the very bottom, they are, in fact, the church, they are those people who fulfill the main mission of this church, they pray, they live christianly and with this life they testify to christ about the church to the world, and of course, if we remember the numbers, yes, this billion is 350 million, this is completely incommensurate with the number. ordained ministers of the church, and of course, what is the basis, what christ himself spoke about in the gospel many times, whoever wants to be first will be the servant of all, this is he, and is, of course, the only foundation that
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the church has, and the pope , who is the head of the church, it is very appropriate to remember here, one of the most ancient titles of the bishop of rome is the servant of the servants of god, yes, the one who actually takes charge in the world or in the church, let him use this to rise above others people, but this is the very essence of what we we call it a church, but this is again how we see ourselves, and how god sees us is
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a completely separate question, he sees us first of all as a people who are walking towards the heavenly jerusalem, some must go ahead, others follow them, people walk at different speeds. may be at different paces, sometimes even along different paths, and yet they undoubtedly go in the same direction. father kirill, thank you very much, having drawn exactly this picture, having seen it, i somehow felt calm and joyful in my soul again, because when we see in front of me, it’s probably already genetically laid down in us that such pyramids, which are headed by one person and we are all subordinate, are a little frightening, but when i saw this, i still understood, it seems to me that what’s happening ... with god’s help with your help, this is exactly how it will be, and it should be, thank you very much for coming, for telling us, all the best, until we meet again, since childhood i
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have been drawn to industrial zones, to factories, to all industrial facilities, i don’t know why , but recently such objects have begun to be opened for visiting, moreover, to be done in they are such creative art spaces. maria, hello, you are a producer of just such projects. well, more like one thing, i am the producer of the all-russian festival night of factories, tell us a little about the festival, how it started, why is it some kind of order or did you come up with it yourself and are developing it, how did it happen in general? the fact is that the night of factories has a prehistory, in 2020 the team of the ural industrial banal of contemporary art did an online event, because the twentieth year, a difficult time, offline formats were impossible, it was possible to broadcast only the event was online, so they worked accordingly.
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work, if you want, let 's do something, and i myself have long had a really endless love for industrial spaces, which in my opinion are really beautiful, this is its own aesthetics, this is the heart of cities, this is the heart for many generations of people who live in these cities, and accordingly, i decided that we should choose the format of the festival, as a format that is accessible to a wide audience, as large as possible, so that this audience...
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is also an industrial facility, initially the festival was preceded by opencoll, that is, we talked about the fact that any industrial facility can come to us as a participant, but there is an important point that we conducted direct interviews with the teams and asked: why do you want to artists have come to your territory, what do you want to get out of this from this synergy? this is an important point, because it seems to me that art must have a certain reason if it comes into the public field, where the game... is not only a critic,
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an art historian or cultural specialist, but also just a resident of this city, or again some other interested people, i don’t know, the team of the object itself, from someone we received directly pronounced feedback that, for example, we have always looked closely at art, artists are great they work with industrial objects, we also want this, we don’t know what will happen in the end, but teach us this, we just worked with these objects. with the curatorial group dreamlaser from nizhny novgorod, and for them we developed a concept events, so they actually produced its implementation in the industrial facility itself, drawing attention to this facility of the professional community, saying: look, there is a cool point of attraction, they want to work with you, you can come to them and offer your project after the festival, and it seems to me , for us, as a team, such a post-effect will be very important, if this is a synergy, this... will happen between an industrial object and an artist, but there was another request, this is the
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energomash plant in chekhov, which is just from production is partially moving into the creative cluster, so it needs the creative power of new blood, so to speak, this is the raketa watch factory, which is also thinking about a specialized art space on the territory of the factory, where they would work professionally with artists, but this is an operating enterprise entirely, and this is a big ivanovskaya... but before we designated it as a participant, we already knew that the future awaited this ruin, repair work would begin next year, it would be an educational cluster, and in an artistic statement we they just wanted to indicate that a new life awaits her, well, this is important, opening their production to the viewer, saying that they are safe, and you can look at this process, get inspired and then come to work with us, i wanted to ask what you think me ? who believes that we need more
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engineers, specialists, technologists, industrialists, rather than it specialists, does this help people see production from some new country? it is possible to decide that yes, he wants to be an engineer, or yes, he wants to be someone who will build such enterprises? to me it seems, yes, a very good question and a very cool indirect effect for the enterprise, and so, for example, on the territory of chakhovsky energomash. in one of the installations, an installation just from the dreamlaser studio, it involved a real employee of the plant who operated a huge crane beam under the ceiling, well... for me this is a super-scale story, on this crane beam there were mirrors, depending on the positions of which, you actually you saw a certain picture under the ceiling, under the ceiling you saw an endless blue sky, and that’s all was managed by an ordinary employee, he spent 4 hours, excuse me, walking from corner to corner in order
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to create this new visual reality for the viewer, he was absolutely captivated by the process, he didn’t say that guys, my working time... is very worth it it’s expensive or i ’m not ready to go out on saturday, it’s saturday on top of everything else, it’s night, and what’s more important, he didn’t say that you came up with some bullshit here, we’re working here, and you’re here with your creativity, no, he’s right i sat with the guys, he looked at the remote control, he walked around with the installers, he said how cool you are lasers, controllers were made here, that is, he was fully fascinated by the process, and of course, he will broadcast this to his colleagues that this is not some kind of garbage happening at the factory, this is something interesting.
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yes, thank you very much, good luck to you, goodbye, see you, thank you, last time pavel and i talked about paleontology about all sorts of saurians in general, this time i want to talk about their extinction, unfortunately, pavel, hello, good afternoon, we learned that... there were not only dinosaurs, but also ipterosaurs, but both of them were more parts became extinct as a result of a cataclysm, yes, in fact, pterosaurs died out completely, and of the dinosaurs only birds survived, this is a huge variety of herbivorous, giant, small, predatory, it disappeared, but
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along with dinosaurs and pterosaurs, not birds, dinosaurs and pterosaurs, and... and lizards disappeared, so this extinction affected everyone, plants, animals, and even single-celled organisms, in general, a sign of mass extinction is that it affects different groups, when someone dies out, well, one, it can't be called a mass extinction, here all over the planet, this is a monstrous situation, according to modern ideas, these were not volcanoes, although there were volcanoes too, but an asteroid, that’s how...
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a cosmic body arrives, gets into hydrocarbons, fires, aerosol, such a peculiar screen appeared all over planet, and accordingly, many ecosystems were suppressed, if you remove the first stage of all these ecosystems, the vegetation suppresses photosynthesis, then there is less production, less food and those who are at the top of the pyramid, they fly up instantly, that is, they become extinct, or maybe even bigger?
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those who sat in the water, not even in the ocean, in lakes and rivers, because in addition to the so -called grassland ecosystems, this is what begins with plants, there are detritus, this is what begins with rotting organic matter, please, in the lake there , let’s say, there are rotting leaves, there are bacteria, then, further on, this entire chain begins, small invertebrates right up to vertebrates, crocodiles, their relatives survived, aquatic turtles survived, fish are not going anywhere either... all this productivity has died out , she it held out for some time, on the other hand, those who could fly away survived well, such as birds, flying dinosaurs, they seem to have survived, but where did they fly away? where it was better, it was still there, yes, undoubtedly, although traces of this extinction are found in north america, in antarctica in
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the antarctic region, but there aquatic ecosystems suffered, who entered the evolutionary arena, yeah, little by little we are a mammal , but there was a moment when these large dinosaurs, including carnivores, disappeared, mammals still didn’t become big, this niche was occupied by birds, and these are also dinosaurs. large flightless birds appeared that ran like microtyrannosaurs, ate everyone, crocodiles, these are some of the most gigantic crocodiles - this is the beginning of the extreme zoic era, but mammals very quickly, by evolutionary standards, became large, dominant, and the world in which we live now - this is a world in which birds dominate, mammals dominate, you and i, well, for some reason everyone forgets that those who survived the boundary and the poleogene cretaceous, this is... when this asteroid fell temporary lizard paleogene, what is paleo? paleo is ancient, and paleogene is the name
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of the period, here is the cretaceous period, then comes the poleogene, then comes the niagen, and then comes the quaternary period, this is the period when we live, here we live in the quaternary period, now some supercomputers and artificial intelligence are working on creating models that would explain extinction and evolution, that is, someday... identifying such vulnerable groups, who initially had some special features , is there a calcite skeleton or something else?
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lived in a certain place on the bottom of the sea, that ’s who was simply doomed, who survived, these kinds of things are already being done, in fact, one of the key points is still to show that dinosaur diversity in species, it did not fall in front of this asteroid , now the majority still believes that if... there was a reduction, it was small and the disappearance of non-avian dinosaurs was like a click, this is just the main evidence that there was a catastrophe, here is an asteroid scale or its own asteroid, but now they're constantly trying count, after all, we are not mistaken, maybe the dinosaurs themselves slowly died, died, died, only the birds evaporated above everyone else, paela, thank you very much, i now remembered those days and evenings when i sat for hours in books, and it seems to me that my eyes are just as swollen now as they were then, thank you very much, please come again, i think you
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know exactly what topics can be raised, since i am not a scientist, so suggest, i think that marine , of course, lizards cannot be ignored, i support you, that’s it, see you soon, see you soon, goodbye. my planet tv channel presents. due to the low speed of the flow, it really seems quiet, this is how this river has been carrying its waters measuredly for 23 million years, throughout
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its entire flow, in different eras caves, underground tunnels and galleries, hidden from view buildings and even cities, they exist today, and there in the rocks, under water and underground, the long-gone past remains the present, a living reality, on the don, time is... established, then turns back, and this is not a metaphor. we begin our journey through the big water, the labyrinth of the great river. we go in search of the hidden don, the real river of time. so, we start, right on course to the x century, literally, a turning point for the don. in 1953, its channel was blocked for the first time in 23 million years. a huge dam to form the tsimlyansk reservoir, which is sometimes even called the tsimlyansk sea. this
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sea reduced the strength of the bottom by almost a third, and under the thickness. 1952 in total more than 50 kazakh ships were sunk khutars and villages, people were resettled there, on the right bank of the don.
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moved from the bottom of the current sea, she is one of the few who remembers all the details of the resettlement, remembers the villages and cities that stood on the site of the great water, but it is still difficult for me to imagine that only 60 years ago this sea did not exist, but there were streets, houses, people and the beds of the quiet don, he was right here, right there, well, well, maybe 15-20 meters in total, they went to the don to get water across the water. no, we’ve been talking about this for a long time, i’m invading. it was not by chance that vera petrovna added about the urals; in 1929 she grandmother and grandfather, a wealthy cossack, were dispossessed and driven into exile in the urals. their father, mother and nine faithful brothers and sisters were sent after them. and then after this place came under water, and we loaded onto a cart, and this cart lowered us along the way
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onto barges on a barge and... we arrived in exile, that’s how it was, that’s it, he came into our house that same day chairman of the stansovet mikhin pavel matveevich, and their little hut was bad, bad, and as soon as we were deported, they went straight to our house, here is pael matveevich, masha, we came in, everything was ready, a cellar with barrels of wine, my father made a lot of wine, including furniture. the situation, well, everything remains. i want to tell you about the love story that passed through the life of prince felix iusupov and his wife, especially of the imperial family, irina romanova. and this building is not simple, it is the hunting lodge of prince yusupov. it is curious that it was in crimea that yusupov first saw his future wife. look what he wrote about this, i couldn’t forget the young stranger i met while
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walking on the crimean road. among these beech forests, the prince, walking with his wife, one day discovered a river that once ran wildly here, it flowed here, now everything was overgrown with moss, and he ordered his workers to immediately build a dam here to breed trout to serve at yusupov’s table. it must be said that the prince was an amateur, a fan of fish, he loved fish, this trout was served to the table. not only yusupov, but also nicholas ii, when he visited yusupov in the hunting lodge. it’s worth saying here that the lake doesn’t look very good right now, love comes and goes, apparently this is to take into account what has befallen the lake, but it remembers the love of felix and irina yusupov.
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felix yusupov and irina romanova loved to walk along this very path along the cascades of the auzun-uzen river and discuss their own things. the future, and it was foggy, after the murder of rasputin the prince fell out of favor, despite all the hardships, they lived until the very end, they lived in exile after the revolution, here is an interesting episode i want to tell from their life, when the gollivchiki made a film about that yusupov allegedly killed rasputin because his wife was unfaithful yusupov and rasputin, the prince proved that this was not so, he won a claim for 25 thousand dollars, but from then on... all filmmakers began to write such a title in their films: all similarities with real events are accidental, all characters are fictitious, this just after that very story with the yusupov lawsuit, and when we introduce groups of tourists to these places, we always bring them to this lake, where the yusupovs probably loved to sit at one time, this lake is called the blue lake, it is interesting
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because the water it's always +4, it's cold, invigorates, but this place is very romantic, recently they even began to call it that, the lake of love, the most important thing is that our people here find each other, i can boast that of those who were with me on hikes y... two happy married couples have already formed.
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you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in the andrey shevtsov studio. vladimir putin arrived in minsk, the presidents of russia and belarus will discuss the military security of the region, joint exercises and the development of bilateral relations. that's it, yare. we work, we work! fighting in the belogorovka area, attack aircraft are moving forward. two platoons in su
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destroyed by rocket artillery in chasovoy in most russian schools , the last bell will ring today. this year there are 609,000 graduates. vladimir putin arrived in belarus on a two-day official visit, the plane landed at minsk airport, where the russian president was met by alexander lukashenko. as the kremlin press service reported, the visit is taking place at the invitation of the head of the belarusian state. trip to minsk - vladimir putin’s second foreign visit after the start of a new term of office. the head of state will discuss security issues, the further development of bilateral relations, the progress and prospects of integration. interaction within the framework of the union state, as well as key international topics, a lot has been done by our colleagues recently with your direct participation and support, but we
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will discuss all this today, tomorrow, including security issues, to which you constantly pay great attention, we will talk of course about training, about the second flank of training, this is related to direct with the participation of our belarusian friends and colleagues in the military sphere. we have a very big agenda, and i’m very glad that i managed to come today, so that peace of mind and using this, as it were, informal time to talk about all these issues, i... welcome you to your native belarusian land, the belarusian people will be very happy know that you came to us after the elections, this is one of the first visits from the people's republic of china, our friends, we will discuss our relations in the context of the people's republic of china, i have very interesting proposals for our region and beyond, then for now...
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for now, as usual, we put security issues at the forefront, and tomorrow we will discuss economic issues, now moving on to a special military operation, the calculation of the iskander operational-tactical missile system of the west group of forces attacked the command post and accumulation of military equipment of the ukrainian army. the crews are located many kilometers from the line of combat contact, but are capable of inflicting enormous damage on the enemy. missile divisions iskanders are on round-the-clock combat duty. ready to attack on the first command, only a few minutes pass from receiving the target coordinates to launch. the russian armed forces are also developing successes in the avdeevka direction from the bou contact line, a report by vesti military correspondent alexey baranov. that's it, we're working, we're working. our film crew in the vicinity of belogorovka. the pace of combat work shows reality. here is the story of a combat participant
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with the call sign artie: demoralizes the enemy, moral and psychological his condition is falling, he doesn’t want to go further forward, or defend this or that supporter, it is often easier to give up, leave this supporter to go to his own place. the artillery and tank crews of the central military district are coping with the enemy's retaliatory strikes, in counter-battery fire fighting , defeating nato equipment - these are heavy tanks, artillery, we are also working on strong points, the last kilometer is on the abandoned road, in a few minutes you will have to make your way through the forest clearings, here is the combat infantry work, avdeevsky direction remains one of the most. the helicopter
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of iranian president ibrahim raisi caught fire after a collision with a mountain while gaining altitude , no traces of firearms were found on the body, follows from the preliminary report of the general staff of the iranian armed forces on the causes of the plane crash. it also says that the pilot who crashed the car a minute and a half before the crash was able to contact the other one.
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debris has filled the basement of the building, rescue work is continuing there, as there is a fear that people may still remain under the rubble. three people died in as a result of the shooting in the asian part of istanbul, five more were injured and were hospitalized. local authorities report that an argument began between two groups of people in a cafe, which escalated into an armed conflict. turkish publications write that we are talking about two local families, while, according to israeli media, israeli citizens could be among the victims. today, tomorrow , the last bell will ring in most schools in russia. in the far east, the celebration of farewell to school has already begun, just this year in the country. there are 609,000 graduates,
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an obligatory part of the celebration is a solemn line-up with speeches from guests, the director and parents, and we also welcome first-graders with parting words from graduates, this symbolizes the continuity of generations, little schoolchildren lead their older comrades to their last lesson. further, regional news, do not switch. now there is news from the capital region, warm sunny weather continues in moscow and the region, today the thermometer will rise to +21°. no precipitation is expected, while the metropolitan region has high atmospheric pressure is 761 mmhg, it will be even warmer at the weekend up to 25°. this summer weather will stick around the metropolitan area into next week. in the center of moscow today restrictions are being introduced for motorists; from 9 am
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, travel along ilyinka street will be closed. in connection with the day of slavic literature and culture. the street will be closed until 10:00 pm. also prohibited in this area. more than 200 beaches will open from june 1 in the moscow region, sixty of them will have changing cabins and rescue posts. another 92 there will be retail outlets, volleyball courts and parking lots, and on some beaches it will be possible to rent sun loungers, bed mattresses and catamarans. all news is available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website stay with us. they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is
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sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is inclusive. we know everything about holidays except our heads, relax, annex, a big musical premiere, a show in which 18 people from different regions of russia are trying to deceive a team of stars into convincing them that they are singing. the ability to sing is a gift, the main thing is that the soul sings. the ability to deceive is an art. generally an imitation. what doesn’t sing, what is more difficult, to reveal talent or deception, with our experience with an ear for music, or you can come up and look in the eyes, the stars are ready to check, you have to notice everything, every stroke, wow,
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they sing beautifully, my opinion is divided, so far we we praise everyone very well, brotherly, wink, please, and then what about the mad intrigue? catch me if you can, we can't wait to start, tonight on rtr. good morning, hello, it’s friday morning, vera krasovaya and denis stoykov meet you , let’s check the calendar, it’s still may , the twenty-fourth. let's talk about earnings. almost half of russians start earning their first money between the ages of 18 and 23; by the age of 25, they are already fully self-sufficient. the boomer generation was the first to become financially independent. more than half were living on their own money by age 23. among gen xers and millennials, this
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the figure is slightly lower. by the age of 25, so-called zoomers more often than others earn more than 100 thousand rubles per month. at the same time, from the financial assistance of parents. they don’t refuse, well , parents are now thinking more about where to place their child for the summer, how much such a trip will cost, yes, yes, you can save money if you go to your vacation spot by train, the conditions of the special promotion were studied by dalia tiunova, my son and i we always travel somewhere, we love it very much, to different cities, any trip is always expensive, this is such a nice bonus, very nice amount, nice. elena kameneva managed to get it for her child thanks to a special promotion from the railway for schoolchildren. together with her son, the woman plans to visit kazan in early june; the money saved on tickets, the mother of a fourth-grader calculates, can be spent on visiting museums and exhibitions. now i have learned
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that from june 1 there is a discount for a child from 10 to 17 years old. if for me as an adult, well, let’s say i’m planning to go to kazan, from moscow to... the period from june 1 to august 31 is valid for us promotion, thanks to which children aged 10 to 17 years have the opportunity to travel with a 50% discount. ticket prices, this discount is only available in the summer. you can purchase a ticket for half the price for
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long-distance trains in reserved seats and general carriages, as well as in carriages of second and third class electric trains. in addition, you can pay for travel in compartments of double-decker trains with a 50% discount on the reserved seat fare. for example, if a ticket to a reserved seat in the direction moscow-krasnodar costs 4,650 rubles. then when payment for travel for dates from june 1 to august 31, the cost of travel for a child will be about 2,000 rubles. you can save the same amount. by the way, issuing a ticket is quite simple. documents are provided, the following is only a passport, if you are over 14 years old, or a birth certificate. you can already purchase these tickets; sales are already open. tickets are on sale, sales open 90 days in advance, for some trains 60, but mostly 90 days in advance, and you can already purchase these tickets. special preferential the tariff will be valid throughout the holiday period, which will allow hundreds. russian families can save significantly on organizing summer holidays for their children. the main thing is that
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there are tickets. russians complained about the lack of trains in the direction of the russian south, including in our telegram channel. demand is growing, but there are no more places. the government intends to correct the situation on the eve of the hot holiday season. it is proposed to reduce the travel time from moscow to the resorts of the russian south to 16 hours and work out the redistribution of part of the cargo flow to water transport, thereby. having freed up the railway infrastructure for tourists, we will discuss these and other proposals with the president of the national research center for transportation and infrastructure, pavel ivankin. good morning, good morning, hello, and today the travel time from moscow there to the resorts of the black sea coast is at least a day, or even 30 and 40 hours, and how can this distance be up to 16, the travel time is up to the recommended 16 hours to build a teleport? well, the main factor is naturally increase speeds, and here, indeed, the allocation of separate lines for passenger freight
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traffic is one of the technological solutions that allows us, specifically for the passenger part, to increase the speed to about 180 km, and accordingly it takes time to prepare the already freed infrastructure for these speeds , and this is, in principle, a distance of about a thousand km, which requires a certain amount of time and expense, that is, the condition of the road surface does not allow it everywhere, but today we can say that we are traveling somewhere around 12. it is limited, that is, relatively speaking, there are 50 trains a day, of which, relatively speaking, half are passenger, half
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are freight, if we manage to put freight somewhere , redistribute, switch to other lines, then 50 will be added to passenger trains, so the number of trains that we will travel to the south will increase, well, not twice, of course, but by some percentage the number of cars will not increase from this, people will not travel in freight cars, but look, after all, the first ones we have, as it were, year-round, but here are the threads there are only 53 trains running. every day to the south, in the summer we add another 83 trains, well, that is , it’s like an additional number, it is clear that today russian railways has these cars, another thing is that yes, we are updating somewhere around 500 cars annually, accordingly, here yes, with a fleet of 24,000, we need a year or two to renew this fleet, but we can add these cars to existing trains, well, yes, the train will be longer, well, just like in sopsa there is no exit from the first second car.
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the paths open, then close this one length, that is, it is necessary to carry out not just a reconstruction of the platform itself, but a reconstruction of the entire neck of the station, and again these are measures that are taken point by point, where it is necessary and where it can be done with minimal, so to speak, costs, but i repeat, any work on the infrastructure, unfortunately this is not a day or two, yes, that is , on average it is about 2-3 years. perhaps someone would agree with the inconvenience that you will not be able to get out of your carriage at your station, but will simply walk along the train and get off where the platform, unfortunately, you see, the question is that someone can really agree to everything, but we have security conditions that no one has canceled, every year we have issues of transport security, issues of passenger safety in general, they are only getting tougher here, in what a security violation if the exit is not from your car, but from the next one, and for this the passenger may not... have time, that is, it’s clear that yes, we’ve had such cases, but
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it’s like a force... major, for some this is unimportant, others will write later complaints to rospotrebnadzor, thank you, we understood you, thank you, we answered our question. president of the national research center for transportation and infrastructure pavel ivankin, have a nice day, when i was building the dacha, the foreman told me so, we won’t let you down, we didn’t let you down, we didn’t let you down with gas, we didn’t let you down with water supply, now it will be, now it will be, the roof powdered, pipes covered with nail polish, normal cosmetic repairs, let's repeat it again, a parade of humor. premiere tomorrow at 14:50 on the russia channel. particularly sensitive next video, better don't look, close your eyes. an international startup presented the concept of a head transplant system. the idea is to give people with serious illnesses the opportunity to move into the healthy donor body of a brain dead person. they plan
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to use high-precision robots in the operation, and the best minds are now working on how... to make sure everything works out. the project manager believes that the first procedure can be carried out in the next 8 years. however, skeptics are sure that connecting the nervous system and spinal cord of two different people impossible. we'll wait and see, i don't know. let's wait and see. in the meantime , individual medicines can help patients; our scientists create them using cellular artificial intelligence technologies. in the future, select and even synthesize.
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this person’s specific response to this type of therapy, specifically, how effective, for example, this or that drug will be on his particular cells. for analysis, the clinic will need to take a tumor biopsy from the patient, isolate specific pathogenic cells from it, then create three-dimensional ones from them spheroids, the finished cellular construct can only be placed in a special medium, their reaction to the active agents is looked at according to various parameters, and then a verdict is made, that is, a recommendation is sent to the point in the hospital, it is very important that the technique can be used not only for testing effectiveness of medications in treating a particular patient. technology in the future will also allow testing new types of drugs, and if we look even further into the future, then the development of drugs, experts are sure, artificial intelligence based on neural networks will be involved. if we train our
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neural network so that it knows like a small one. the molecule binds to the protein, then in general some of the goals will be achieved. the computer pharmacist himself will be able to assess the harm and benefit of chemicals in the medicine. the patient will only need to come to the clinic, select an item in the menu of a special device, enter the name of the disease and receive a ready-made prescription. we are moving in this direction, judging by the progress that is happening here in the last 10 years, i think that sooner or later, of course, we will come to this. according to scientists, this technology. will make it possible to increase the effectiveness of therapy by an order of magnitude, and most importantly, make it more accessible, although we will have to wait at least a couple of decades. and then, more heat from the sun. our weather forecaster will soon tell you about the weather that will happen throughout the country on these last spring weekends. you're definitely doing well,
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it's simple and you usually never linger. premiere on rtr. "you'll leave me without morning kiss? i have a husband, a job, stability, i’m no longer happy, and you can brazenly write it into your schedule, travel, happiness, luck, anna taratorkina, who are you, how did you get here, this is my number, dmitry miller, i have to admit, that you like me when you and i switched to fatherhood?"
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we are still together. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov. today on rtr. fox, i
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thought, thought, realized that i am not ready to break anything in my life. dad , he left me. oh, well, i don’t have a swimsuit. “you ’re watching, i can hug you, well, who is he, a man, well, introduce him to a man, i love him, you know, it’s just my stupid girl! "well , some kind of love, he will leave you at the first opportunity, as soon as he gets tired of you, well, i’ll i beg you, please, stop , don’t touch me, leave me alone,
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what are you doing, little girl, hug me, please, feel me, can i hug you, on saturday on rtr, please, introduction and roll call, maybe without construction, i am very glad that you came to visit me with... how much tea was drunk, how much stories were told, i was bold in a white smoking suit, here mark antonevich zakharov goes into ore, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, am a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i will have a completely different husband, but how much more is ahead? i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true, i surrender everything with joy. let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov. on
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sunday on rtr. gone with the wind. wedding photo of the langenfeld family, finally returned home. the tornado that swept through the us state of iowa last month. significantly damaged the couple’s property, and at the same time took away a valuable relic. the photo was found by kind people 150 km from home. they uploaded it to a special group where victims of natural disasters are looking for their belongings, and after quite a long period of time, george langefelt came across his own touching photograph. now the rarity is in the same place. only the wife shouted: “go away.” and in order to be in the seat of a sports car pilot, not necessary. to be a professional racer about how almost half a century ago one company changed the world of motorsport, ivan zenkevich. for a long time, motorsport was an expensive
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pleasure, accessible only to a select few, and european and american manufacturers were the leaders in it. but in the seventies , the japanese company nissan decided to change the situation by releasing an affordable sports model, so to speak, to bring sports to the masses. and here she is - nissan silvia. frankly. speaking, a car with that name appeared back in 1964, but then it was an expensive sports car manual assembly did not gain popularity. in seventy-four, they worked on the bugs, so well that the car immediately became very popular. the japanese appreciated its sporty appearance, and most importantly, its affordable price. our test vehicle is a two-door, rear-wheel drive coupe with frameless windows. this is the fifth generation of 1989 in... under the hood is an atmospheric four-cylinder gasoline engine with injection injection, 2 liters in volume, with a power of 140 horsepower. this is one of the most popular
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nissan units, it was produced at the age of 18 and installed on more than 20 models of the brand. it's all about its reliability and unpretentiousness; half a million mileage is far from the limit. the interior trim is not rich, but we also have one of the most budget-friendly trim levels. the second row is cramped, it’s not easy to even get there. the list of equipment contains only the most necessary: ​​comfortable seats with lateral support, climate control, a standard instrument panel, but there is also an unusual solution: two air ducts behind the steering wheel blow your hands, in winter... hot air, cool in summer, a trifle, and it’s nice, sylvia rezva starts, the traffic light will bypass many, up to a hundred and it takes about 8 seconds, the car is low, as if it’s spread out on the road, the grip holds on to the road, but it’s rigid, you feel the bumps literally with your whole body, but it’s a sports car, a five-speed manual gearbox switches clearly, the sylvie was produced until 2002 and can rightfully be called one of
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the most successful creations of nissan, the main thing... the reason for its popularity is accessibility, and drift fans quickly realized that this model is perfect for sports feasts and is easy to tune. it was with this car that five pilots won seven d1 grand prix championships, and this is a kind of formula 1 in the world of drifting. what can we say if silvia is still highly prized among tuning enthusiasts and rightfully bears the title of a cult sports model. and then it’s burning, but useful. the neighbor got all the benefits, look, she doesn’t leave a single sprout, it’s her own fault, she’s been shouting all over the street about the benefits of nettles, we won’t see her now, but we’ll go to see my mother, she’s near the forest there are thickets of this nettle, i know, we’ll go get some nettles, and we’ll help with the repairs at the same time, thank you, no, she’ll cook you cabbage soup with nettles, we’ll tell you in detail about the benefits of nettles very soon, well, i actually don’t like cabbage soup, yeah, but
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i won’t do any repairs i can, well... and if i don’t want to, then you know, they continue to work live, in the studio andrey shevtsov, hello, vladimir putin arrived in belarus on a two-day official visit, the plane landed at minsk airport, where the russian president was met by alexander lukashenko, as the kremlin press service reported, the visit takes place at the invitation of the head of the belarusian state, a trip to minsk, vladimir putin’s foreign visit after the start of his new term of office, the heads of state will discuss security issues, the further development of bilateral relations, the progress and prospects of integration interaction within the union state, as well as key international topics. our colleagues have done a lot recently with your direct participation and support, but we will discuss all this today, including security issues,
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which you...
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now about the progress of the special military operation , the crews of the d-30 gaub of the north group of troops continue to carry out window tasks to destroy the positions of the ukrainian nationalists. target 344, level 301, protractor 5380, fragmentation shell, full charge, gun! artillerymen hit command posts, camouflaged combat armored vehicles of ukrainian sabotage groups, and also conduct counter-battery combat with mortar crews around the clock. destroy targets from a distance of up to 15 km. the crews of the mi-35 and k-52m helicopters successfully hit the unit ukrainian army in the kharkov region. the pilots carried out an attack with unguided aircraft missiles on enemy strongholds and camouflaged equipment in the area of ​​responsibility of the north group of troops. after the aircraft had been destroyed, the crews performed an anti-cancer maneuver and released heat traps. returned
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to the departure airfield. the united states is beginning to review relations with georgia due to the law on foreign agents. washington has already announced a policy of visa restrictions against georgian authorities and members of their families. such a statement made by secretary of state antony blinken. threats to suspend georgia's integration into the european union were also made from brussels. and representatives of estonia, the netherlands, the czech republic and sweden even called for the abolition of the visa-free regime for residents of the country. deputies intend to overcome it. at least 14 people were killed in a fire in a residential building in the vietnamese capital of hanoi, where a 150 m2 building caught fire. the fire quickly spread throughout the entire area.
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several explosions occurred during the fire. the owner's family lived in one part of the building, next door there were 12 rooms for rent. it is reported that the owner of the house also repaired motorcycles and electric bicycles. the fire started exactly in the place where they were stored. the first 13 teachers, participants in the zemsky teacher program, will soon begin working in schools of the lugansk people's republic. the goal of the project is to solve the problem of shortage of teaching staff in rural areas and small towns. more than 200 teachers have already submitted their applications to participate in the program. there is a special need for teachers in physics, mathematics, russian. language, literature, history, teachers who meet all the criteria will go to a new place of work in august, each teacher will receive a million rubles and will have to work in the new place for at least 5 years. next, news from your
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region, residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region: warm sunny weather continues in moscow and the region. today the thermometer will rise to +21°, no precipitation is expected, while in the capital region the atmospheric pressure 761 mmhg. it will be even warmer on the weekend. on saturday afternoon, in dairy weather, the temperature will already rise, it will reach 22-24°. real summer weather, the temperature will even rise to 26° in the south of the moscow region, but sunday is simply july weather, such summer weather will linger in the capital region next week.
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the last bells have begun in schools in moscow and the moscow region; in most educational institutions they will take place today and tomorrow. in total, more than 100 thousand graduate from ninth to eleventh grades in the region schoolchildren. on the day of the last bell, students will attend special events. after the festive assembly, many classes will go on excursions. graduation ceremonies for schoolchildren will be held next week on may 28 and 29. police officers on motorcycles began patrolling the capital's streets; the equipment of the special forces officers is the same as that of their colleagues in cars, only everything fits in a small trunk, everything they need is there. for recording violations and radio communication in the helmet in case reinforcements are needed. in the main violation of traffic rules among motorcyclists is the location of the vehicle on the roadway, driving along a dedicated lane and violating the marking line. road traffic
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accidents do not occur on highways, but on the urban street network, where car drivers do not see motor vehicles. before the start of the season. the unit's employees underwent emergency training, practiced and improved their motorcycle control skills. with the onset of warmer weather , many new venues for holding events have opened in moscow. leisure in tsaritsina park you can take part in the first eco-sports festival, where you will learn how to make paintings from threads. yoga is offered at various points in the capital, and you can walk along the ornithological trail that goes right over the water and... climb the observation tower in the losiny ostrov national park. igor yaroslavtsev will talk about how interesting it is to spend the weekend. this weekend, weather forecasters promise warm weather in the capital, so saturday and sunday are worth spending in the fresh air, especially since
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this is not the first time that the queen has started an eco-festival in luga. here they will teach you how to create pictures of birds from threads, and also tell you about the inhabitants of the park and flowers. there are about 50 free activities in total, including walks with scientists , etc. we will study nature, go on excursions, strengthen our powers of observation, about love, about family, about how great it is to be in the city and see what surrounds us, this is a twelve-meter observation tower, part of the new eco-route in losiny ostrov national park, an ornithological trail has opened here, which goes directly above the water, nowhere is there a pantone, ecological, or, moreover, specialized... netological trail, that is, this structure is absolutely unique, and this ecotrail allows you to observe one of the largest in the moscow region, a colony of black-headed gulls. and this weekend you can do yoga, and it’s completely free,
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all you need is your own mat. also, of course, pre-register on the sports weekend project website, everyone is welcome to yoga, regardless of whether you often play sports or not. igor roslavtsev, yuri zhiksimbaev and ada adamova. news. all news is available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website see you. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel
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kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale, my dears, you are all so different, i so want this difference to be the strength of our family, and not a reason for quarrels, wow, but in general you have two cups, i won’t let you when i’m visiting? now continue to lie about your mother, adult
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daughters, the premiere, on saturday on rtr, good morning, hello, the calendar shows us may 24, friday morning, the last working day of this week, with you, we, verokrasov, are starting it. not stable, by the way, only a week until summer, and the butterfly season has already opened, there are almost 100 million of them, they literally filled the entire yunnan province in china, at the same time they opened their wings and took to the air, this is a completely unforgettable sight, they say tourists who specially come here at this time, well, not in the same quantities, of course, but there are also a lot of them. this period even has its own special term - butterfly explosion days. about 320 species of these live in this area. winged insects, queen
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balaholma, which in shape and color resemble the autumn leaves of trees, but we don’t miss autumn leaves yet, we would like some summer warmth, so whether it will be on the last spring weekend of this year, we’ll find out from the leading specialist of the weather center phobos vladim zavodchenko , vladim, hello, what please, well, there really is something to please, although not all russians, this applies to a greater extent. european territory of russia, because it’s may beyond the urals, it’s capricious, just as it started, it continues to organize arctic invasions, but in our country nature has come to its senses, i’ll go tell you, systems of frontal divisions on weekends will destabilize the atmosphere over southern russia, so massifs will develop here a lot of rain clouds, bringing with them local showers and thunderstorms, in such a situation the heat will subside in the afternoon
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hours up to +21-26, here in the middle volga, thanks to the sunny weather, by the weekend the thermometers will reach +22-27, although on sunday fields of frontal clouds will appear in the north of the region, it will rain and it will immediately get colder by an average of 5-6°, at in the north-west of russia , abnormally warm weather will prevail, daytime temperatures in the north and east of the region will be +12-17°, in the south-western part up to +21.26. the highest chance of rain here is on sunday. in central russia it is sunny, warming up to +22-27°. true, on sunday local showers and thunderstorms cannot be ruled out in some places. a short-term surge in heat is expected in the urals on saturday. thermometer in the region. will rise to +18:23, however, already on
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sunday the sky will be covered with clouds again, it will rain and the temperature will drop to +12-17°, in southern siberia. on the contrary, on saturday it is cloudy, there is light rain, and the temperature is like in april, at midday no higher than +7-12, however, on sunday the weather will improve, the sun will be able to warm the air to +13-18°. in the southern part of the far east the weather is unstable, in some places there will be rain, daytime temperatures in the amur region and continental coastal areas will be +17-22, on the coast of the sea of ​​japan. thank you vadim, well, according to the tradition of our program, i can’t help but ask, especially since summer is just around the corner, what’s going on with our swimming season, so the swimming season, like in china in the provinces, has started here, the fact is that in the black sea on the caucasus coast the water has already warmed
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up to the required 17-19, in the azov sea on the beaches 18:20 only the crimea is still a little behind, but even there... what will the weather be like in the coming the weekend was told to us by the leading specialist of the weather center in the region, vadim zavochenko , episode 300 of the program, hello andrey, we decided to make a disco of the eighties, they gave us konorara with refrigerators and washing machines, so here we go. on the song of the year i stuck out, rubber sundress, black opaque stockings, they cut me out, hello andrey, andrey malakhov's anniversary show, tomorrow at 17:50. a smart spoon that makes food salty without salt will go on sale in japan. professor humei and
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mayashito came up with the idea of ​​​​building into cutlery plates that give out weak discharge of electric current and changes the taste of food. a spoon helps. reduce sodium consumption, so many are ready to buy it until they release a limited batch, only 200 pieces at a price of 127 dollars or almost 12,000 rubles, but in 5 years they expect to sell a million devices around the world for electric discharge, and you will eat less, yes as they say, a good spoon for lunch, this is not bad without lunch, i would buy it, but you don’t need to buy nettles, it grows literally everywhere, in the netherlands this herb is added to gouda cheese, in the tula region a whole festival was dedicated to it, well, by the way, nettle. it’s full of useful substances and it’s also great, i recently cooked it, it’s very tasty, our correspondent went to collect the first leaves, this kind of nettle, the younger we collect the small leaves, for some it’s a weed, for muscovite dinara makhmudova the main ingredient in cooking, her grandmother did it, and now she does it herself. in
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the villages, people used what grew close and nearby, well, this gives it a tasty piquancy, it’s not just cabbage soup there, exactly. this soup is prepared like regular cabbage soup, that is, quickly. and at the end we add nettle so that it retains all its beneficial properties. this green is a record holder for vitamin c content; there is more of it than in lemons and currants. and it is in young leaves that the concentration of antioxidant is maximum. as the plant grows, it decreases, for this reason it is recommended to eat young crab. it is still soft, juicy, and not very hot. and a little later, when the inflorescence appears, it will bloom, it is collected for medicinal purposes, because there are a lot of useful substances in it, nettle is rich in potassium and magnesium, and they are extremely important for the functioning of our heart, there are a lot of polyphenols here, they protect our cells from aging and free radicals, and in terms of the content of beta-carotenoids, nettle can compete for leadership even with carrots, iron beta-carotene, because there is more of it
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than in carrots, and not only is there a lot of beto-carotene and chlorophyll, a very useful substance that just has... an effect, maybe that’s why, knowing its uniqueness, nettles grow close to people, but does not allow them close to itself, and the nettle burns because of formic acid and histamine, this is how the plant protects itself from external enemies, these substances are found in small hairs, upon contact they are destroyed and a stinging effect occurs. in small doses, if we are burned, it is even useful, it speeds up the blood, but of course you cannot eat nettles like ordinary lettuce leaves. the most important thing in order not to... get mucous burns is to treat it correctly, just scald it with boiling water or dry it leaves, but this, of course, will reduce the concentration of vitamin c. you can leave nettles fresh in one case if you crush these leaves. due to this action, friction, yes, we thereby reduce the burning sensation. from
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such a mass you can make pesta sauce; to make it, just add a couple of basil leaves, pine nuts, instead of cheese, nut butter and olive oil. mix. ingredients in a blender, the consistency should not be too thin when we prepare the pesta sauce, because we add it to the pasta anyway products. to taste, nettle is more reminiscent of spinach or cabbage. but it has its own unique notes, so it’s time to pamper your taste buds with new impressions, and your body with useful substances after a long winter, however, for those who suffer from thrombophlybitis , it is better to abstain from dishes with nettle, it thickens the blood. large-scale work on the repair and construction of regional roads, city street networks, and federal highways has started throughout the country; a number of bridges, overpasses and other artificial structures will also be updated. thanks to the national project for safe and high-quality roads will bring more than 5,000 road facilities into compliance with standards this year. the smooth surface of fresh
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asphalt is still without markings in some places, but these are minor things, the builders assure. the renovation of one of the longest streets in blagoveshchensk, lenin, has already been completed by 95%. for residents of the amur capital andrei ivanov, this is a familiar route, the house is nearby. he admits that now he is calm about the suspension of his car. the difference is colossal. previously there were cracks, potholes, holes, ditches, now everything is fine, beyond the surface the gloss hides a lot of work, a rather impressive section of the road had to be completely rebuilt, for this part of the traffic was temporarily blocked, a 5-year guarantee for all work is a kind of standard for road workers in the amur region, if cracks or holes suddenly appear on the asphalt, the builders will restore everything at their own cost account, the plans for this year are to repair more than 105,000 km of road surface, a large program is envisaged for the regional road network, great emphasis is placed on... this year we are focusing on the supporting road network, in this supporting network we include regional roads blagoveshchenets bibikovo, blagoveshchenets svobodny,
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blagoveshchenets-gomevka. amur builders are ahead of schedule, trying to accomplish as much as possible in a short road season, without sacrificing quality. not always favorable weather conditions also make their contribution; for example, due to annual floods, it is necessary to restore what was already handed over earlier. to date, work has been completed to remove plant soil, and work has been completed - installation of barrier fencing for stops bus workers began work on cutting ledges. one of the most important transport arteries in the region, the free route to the city will be expanded to three lanes, which will increase its capacity. large road construction within the framework of the national project for safe and high-quality roads is now in full swing in 84 regions of the country. for example, in the ryazan region this year they plan to put in order more than 116 km of roads of regional and intermunicipal importance. currently also locked up. contract for the installation of artificial electric lighting in 19 settlements with a length of 40.8 km in the amount of 133.8 million rubles. and
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this event is carried out under a national project. particular attention to the southern direction of the work is promised to be completed by september of this year, reaching the borders of the lipetsk region. local road workers use innovative asphalt laying technology in this area. the cold regeneration method is used, this is the use. existing road pavement as a component of new road pavement by introducing complex additives in the form of bitumen emulsion, cement and granulated slag, and thus, new high-quality road clothing with improved characteristics is created. essentially a waste-free scheme, fewer new materials are needed, and the used coating is put back into use. at the same time, experts note, with this approach, the strength of the roadway increases noticeably. over the past year , 237 kilometers of roads were repaired in the region; in total, under the national project for safe and high-quality roads
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, more than 88,000 km of the road network were put in order in the period from 2019 to 2023, this year in the country will be repaired, reconstructed and built almost 15.00 km. a big musical premiere, a show in which there are 18 people and...
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he is the culprit of an accident, the person was injured, he will be judged, do you want to ruin a child’s life? he was waiting for you, he needs something, yes, health, a nurse for the director of the plant, this is so cool, leave everyone, i don’t want to see anyone, as i understand it, he doesn’t have a simple character at all, yes, i want to try to sit down, you tell me they promised to help, it seems to me that at heart he is a completely different person, morgue, listen, you can do this,
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so that he doesn’t yell, but i suggest getting rid of him, how to get rid of him? he was abandoned like a dog on the street, that’s how long it takes, and i’ll work with him for as long as possible. i want to be with you always. on sunday on rtr. we go to the doctor, take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go. forewarned is forearmed. anyone. we dispel myths, help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand, what to pay attention to, each risk factor there must be a pill where to look for help, you only need five ingredients that will benefit the whole body,
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two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, therefore. local tribes considered it sacred. the starting price of the unusual lot was 165,000 rubles. in the end, it sold for 2.5 million. the weight of the pen is 9 g, which makes it several tens of times more expensive than gold. the high price was influenced by two factors: first - the excellent condition of the pen; second - guia is still considered one of the symbols of new zealand. yes, what not
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line, just a new fact. here are a lot of interesting facts we will highlight from. interesting books, our columnist yegor sirov talks about them. good morning, we start it right away with a miracle, and a miracle is this book that i hold in my hand: the silver age, selected lyrics. look at the authors here. aninsky, balmont, blok, bryusov, gipius, salagub, okhmatova, mandelstam, khlebnikov, placed poems in the world of illustrations, which i would call more spiritual.
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he’s a very controversial figure, of course, but he did a lot, but he also destroyed a lot, but he did disproportionately more, it seems to me, remember at least the elimination of illiteracy or the fact that how lunocharsky helped the formation of music in young soviet russia, and of course, of course, he has a lot of merit, in this book, about him, about his life , and of course against the background... everything happened against the background of the history of the young soviet country, there is such a rubricator even for pages of soviet russian history. sergey dmitriev, book about anatoly lunacharsky. i 'm lying in the sun, i'm looking at the sun. the author of these words is sergei kozlov. he's somehow magical he was able to arrange very simple words
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in such an order that they acquired some kind of airy and extraordinary meaning. and here is a series of books called soyuz cartoon by sergei kozlov, how a lion cub and a turtle sang a song. and the second book in this series is sergei mikhalkov, uncle styopa, a policeman, well, everyone also remembers by the last name stepanov, named stepan from the regional giants, the most important giant. very good books, wonderfully illustrated, i highly recommend them. and with that , i say goodbye to you, all the best to you. read and be happy, further, whoever doesn’t work, rests, whoever doesn’t work, doesn’t eat, why are you messing around, you know, i ’m not going to break the law, so is there some kind of law?
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you are watching the news on the russia channel, good morning, in the andrey shevtsov studio. vladimir putin arrived in minsk, the presidents of russia and belarus will discuss the military security of the region, joint exercises and the development of bilateral relations. fighting in the belogorovka area, attack aircraft are moving forward. two platoons in esu were destroyed. rocket artillery in the hour yard. in the majority russian schools will ring the last bell today. this year there are 609,000 graduates.
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vladimir putin arrived in belarus on a two-day official visit. the plane landed at minsk airport. there , the russian president was met by alexander lukashenko. as the press service reported. today tomorrow we will discuss all this, including security issues, which you constantly pay great attention to, we will of course talk about training, second flight training, this is due to the direct participation of our belarusian
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friends, colleagues in the military sphere, we have very it’s a big trip, and i’m very glad that i managed to come today, so that peace of mind and using this informal time to talk about all these issues, i welcome you to... now about the progress of the special military operation , the crew of the iskander operational-tactical missile system groupings of troops the west struck at the command post and the accumulation of
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military equipment of the ukrainian army. the crews are located many kilometers from the line of combat contact, but are capable of causing enormous damage to the enemy. missile divisions iskanders are on round-the-clock combat duty and are ready to attack at the first command.
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republic. helicopter of iranian president alexander malyshev! news: the line of combat contact in lugansk people's ibrahima resi caught fire after a collision with a mountain, gaining altitude.
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no traces of firearms were found on the body, as follows from the preliminary report of the general staff of the iranian armed forces on the causes of the plane crash. it also says that the pilot who crashed the car was able to contact others a minute and a half before the crash. two helicopters that followed him from azerbaijan. the investigation established that the presidential plane flew along the route and did not deviate from it. ibrahim raisi was buried yesterday in his hometown of tabriz.
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three people were killed in a shootout in the asian part of istanbul, five were injured and were hospitalized. local authorities report that an argument began between two groups of people in a cafe, which escalated into an armed conflict. turkish publications write that we are talking about two local families, with in this case, according to israeli media, israeli citizens could be among the victims. today , tomorrow, the last bell will ring in most schools in russia. in the far east, the celebration of farewell to school has already begun. there are a total of 609.00 graduates in the country this year. an obligatory part of the celebration is a solemn assembly with speeches by guests, the director and parents, as well as greeting first-graders with parting words from graduates. this symbolizes the continuity of generations, small.
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schoolchildren lead their older friends on their last lesson. more regional news, stay tuned! now news from the capital region: warm sunny weather continues in moscow and the region. today the thermometer will rise to +21°. no precipitation is expected, but this summer weather will linger in the capital region next week. restrictions for motorists are being introduced in the center of moscow today. from 9 am, travel along ilyinka street will be closed in connection with the day of slavic literature and culture. the street will be closed until 10 pm. also in this parking is prohibited in the area. beaches will open
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on june 1 in the moscow region, sixty of them will have changing cabins and rescue posts, another 92 will have retail outlets, volleyball courts and parking lots, and on some beaches it will be possible to rent sun loungers, dull mattresses and catamarans. all news is available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, don’t switch. immerse yourself in a world of luxurious coziness at rixsas golf villas and suit sharma shei, a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern designed rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and
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style at riks golf villas and suite sharma. you're definitely fine, it's simple and you usually never linger. premiere on rtr. you will leave me without a morning kiss. i have a husband, a job, stability. you are already miserable. and just brazenly write it into your schedule.
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melody for yours from monday on rtr. hello, good morning, it's friday may 24th on the calendar, getting ready for work, recharging your energy, we will help you with this today, denis toikov, vera krasova , by the way, about work, dream vacancy, land of the leopard national park is looking for a guardian of popov island, an employee is needed in the far eastern marine reserve to protect its territory . the main requirement for an applicant is stress resistance and response. the island is located 20 km from vladivostok, there are excellent beaches, many rare plants, a rich underwater world, in the coastal waters you can find seals, dolphins and whales, i’m ready to hire a student, it’s a great
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opportunity to see the beauty of the seaside, summer residents on their own plots not only plant, but remove old or simply disturbing plants, you don’t suspect that the sound of an ax can be costly than the threat of cutting down trees that you, most likely, yourself planted, ilya davidov recognized. kolya, i’m shocked, not only our colleagues are shocked, everyone who heard this story, a mother of many children from kislovodsk, she asked not to show her face, received seven acres of land, in the wilds, which you need to look for, years passed, the site was empty, and a couple of years ago i decided to build it and cut down the old chestnut fruit trees. according to the documents, not a single tree was transferred to me.
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and decide her fate, she has the right to cut down a willow, but why is the owner of the dacha asking for a goat ? no, you need to submit an application to the administration, attach documents to the land, pictures of the tree and wait for a felling ticket, i can’t even imagine how grandparents can do this there, which...
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there are no boundaries, but in general the forest is a dark matter, even in terms of sanitary pruning, i'm calling, i ask, i say, because it is written that it is possible, but here it is not possible, confusion, according to experts, is caused by side shoots of legislation in the form of local laws on landscaping and landscaping, it turns out that somewhere at the dacha you cannot cut down a branch, but somewhere you can cut from the shoulder, when it’s like this for a neighbor, and like this for me, this of course raises questions; regional legislation also needs to be regulated in an amicable way. and federally, otherwise the owner’s right to use his site will constantly rest on the law on environmental protection, and officials will see summer residents as violators. it turns out that we are not protecting nature from black loggers, but it turns out that we are punishing those people who, in fact, did not even
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mean that they were breaking the law. these people, at their own expense, are developing lands that no one cared about just yesterday; we need to say thank you to such enthusiasts and support them with the right laws about... putting spokes in the wheels. about dacha restrictions, let's continue the conversation with our guest, in the morning studio, lawyer, popular front expert ruslan avdiev. ruslan, good morning. so, draconian fines, suspended sentences, court proceedings, all because of a felled tree on the site. isn’t it true that when a person receives a plot of land, what grows on it is not his property? you know, if i, if i own property, that means i own, use and dispose of it.
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when a person is punished for cutting down one tree, he is punished as if he were harvesting wood there on an industrial scale, this is clearly unfair, firstly, it should be simple one document, this will already get rid of... from a bunch of problems, secondly, categories are needed so that black lumberjacks and summer residents are not equated, thirdly, damage, this size, it should also be divided from small to serious, when you cut down one tree, you must agree, there is not such a damage, if you cut down a tree, perhaps the solution is to give the opportunity to yourself, if this is a garden partnership, like the charter of a house, yes, for example, if in cities, then the charter is also a partnership , where all these rules are written down, you can dig, you can’t dig, you can. chop you can’t cut down, if people organize themselves, then this is the best thing that can happen in this territory, and this is
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the responsibility of just you and me as participants in some kind of dacha partnerships there, we met and decided that we can have a barbecue where we want , we don’t need to roll back - with a tape measure 5 m from the building, this will have legal force, or we can still be fined, because they will say you are violating fire safety, but what if we roll back 6 m, then... that’s it there is no fire in sight, we cannot go against our decisions, these are decisions of civil society, some decisions of the assembly, they cannot contradict the laws, they can supplement them, clarify them, but do not contradict them, in general these fire requirements, they are dictated by what, the majority of fires in the residential sector are due to careless handling with fire, am i carelessly handling fire at five meters, or am i careless at 7 meters, it seems to me that the word itself is careless? handling fire, it generally crosses out the distance here, even the deputies came up with a proposal to conduct it like this
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the so-called barbecue amnesty and abolish fines for cooking on closed portable barbecues, they are not proven, it turns out delicious, it turns out delicious, no, but they are safer, really, if there was a fire, everything was answered according to the law, the culprit, that's it, that's it , that's it, and what's this for, well, well, he fried this meat there, well, that's it, no, this, this is excellent, this is excellent. initiative, and if it is worked out by the state duma and such measures are taken, then it will, well, of course, benefit all people, it’s just make rules that will be rational, so that it is not necessary, sometimes the site simply does not allow you to move 5 m from the building, that is, make, for example, 2 m, 3 m there and make sure that there is no open fire, so no one burned garbage there. please, for these requirements, let the quadcopters fly, don’t you think that the life of our summer residents is too regulated,
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maybe we should still give them a little more freedom, no one will radically change their lives, as they have lived for 20 years , so live, for this it is necessary that a working group in the state duma be assembled, so that this is analyzed and this principle of regulatory heletin is applied, it is called when everything that regulates at different levels is canceled and accepted. one legal act that establishes rules that are understandable to everyone. i see, thank you, we spoke with lawyer and popular front expert ruslan amdeev about how to make dacha life more comfortable and less regulated. have a nice day, thank you, thank you, so it’s nice to start the day with a cup of black tea with bergamot, exquisite taste, unique aroma, pleasure in every sip. morning. time to brew azer tea. have you seen how much
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delivery costs in your store, i no longer have money left for a taxi. stories of a big country, premiere. today at 23:35. let me invite you to dance. your wife is having an affair with this musician. i don't believe that vika could measure it for me. rub. the plus is that it comes with a lifetime supply of sweets, or that’s the minus:
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you definitely won’t be able to lose weight. well, but this can definitely be done at the may regatta in st. petersburg. due to the changeable spring wind, keeping a pair with even experienced yachtsmen is not easy. what can we say about beginners? about sports not for weaklings? our story. entering cold water in the morning is not the most pleasant experience, but only for the land inhabitants of the city. pupils of sailing clubs and sections. we have been waiting for this day for a long time, the opening of the season promises to be not very difficult, a strong wind will help, the hereditary ekhtmen hopes for good results, eleven-year-old sonya, she is a sea wolf already in her third year.
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this is what they call chess on the water; to make your move here, you really need to take into account a lot of factors, this is not only the strength, direction of the wind, but also the current and the actions of your opponents, but here, unlike chess, luck plays a huge role, because the participants you not only need to correctly go around all the buoys, sailing against the wind for an hour, but also overtake the enemy, not just even start on time, the participants only have 3 minutes to do this, the judges directly monitor each yacht from the scene of events, from his board... he determines the best by time, but it is also important to avoid mistakes, however, one cannot do without them either, every yachtsman is ready for the fact that the swimming season will have to be opened ahead of time, a matter of honor, although i say, it’s not a simple matter, because it’s always very cold at this time now, even northern yachting is an interesting thing, but incomprehensible and completely
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inexplicable, here are the vikings, thieves, well, now we see... protective suits, dryers, this sport really not for the weak, though what’s more surprising is that the majority of modern yachtsmen, girls and women, who are not afraid of either rain or piercing wind, but the may regatta is just a warm-up, the wave conquerors still have a whole season ahead of them. and then, the medicine of the future. russian scientists have come up with a device that will help select individual medications for each patient. we’ll tell you soon what artificial intelligence and cellular technologies have to do with it. catch me if you can, but it seems to me that they are singing, maybe so, or maybe so, stunned, so in this is the essence of this show, today on prt, my dears, you are all so different, i so want this difference to be the strength of our family, and
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not a reason for quarrels, wow? in general, you have two cups, you have something to say, i won’t allow you to deceive my daughter, everything is not at all what you think, i was set up by irina razanova, these are not competitors vasya, we need to find out who exactly, in case they weren’t using blackmail they will restrict you, anastasia vedenskaya, you all knew everything about this, i don’t want to see you all, anatoli. lobodsky, someone very important to me, has disappeared man, life doesn’t teach you anything, they were silent about vasya, and now continue to lie about your mother, adult daughters, premiere on saturday on rtr, when i was building a dacha, the foreman
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told me so, we won’t let you down, i didn’t let you down. neither the gas failed, nor the water supply failed, now everything will be, now everything will be, the roof was powdered, the pipes were covered with nail polish, normal cosmetic repairs, let's repeat it again, parade of humor, premiere on saturday on rtr, well, maybe will you kiss? the plot is worthy of a novel, she, he and his muse. anton, you have talent, but inspiration is so easy to lose. i 'll leave when you finish the novel. i can not live without
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you. “i just heard that you were about to get married, from scratch, today on rtr, the main character played the role that made him a superstar, and then he lives under the weight of this image, so what to ignore?” “cutting off the umbilical cord that connected you to this hype is necessary, because otherwise you will become a hostage, what is the boy’s word, this is a certain principle, yes, it ’s like that. what’s even worse, that this is their path mistakes, it sucks not only them, but also close
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people, they all fall into this abyss, in the chaliapin series, you managed to convey this stubbornness in a good sense, which rachmaninov had, because he defends the composer, when you defend. from loneliness. american scientists have proposed a simple but effective way - to buy impressions, not things. large-scale studies have shown that going to
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concerts, restaurants or traveling brings people much more satisfaction. moreover, it helps to acquire social capital. experiences, especially diverse ones, enhance the feeling of connection not only with a narrow circle of close friends, but with other people, one might say, with the whole world. yep, new impressions.
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they can confuse us, and so it will be, the players will try to mislead the opposing team as much as possible, because there is a big money jackpot at stake - a million rubles will be taken
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by the one who wins the show. well, okay, if anything happens, i’ll give you a million. a chance to win back and radically turn the tide of the game, one of the teams will be helped by the most difficult the final round, when a dark horse, a certain secret person, whose name no one knows before the broadcast, will sing or just... pretend to be a secret star, the leading team must decide, the most exciting, funny and musical tv game begins today, and what i told you, and what did i say, we will try to guess, we will try to win, but the main thing is the audience and you, the audience who are now on the screens, have fun, catch me if you can, the premiere is tonight at 21:30, then... there would be enough space in the carriage. russians complain that there are few trains going south. we will find out what to do so that everyone who wants to can spend their vacation at sea will find out after the news. the news continues to work live
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. in the studio andrey shevtsov. hello. vladimir putin arrived in belarus on a two-day official visit. the plane landed at minsk airport. there , the russian president was met by alexander lukashenko. as reported.
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the crews of the mi-35 and k-52m helicopters successfully hit a ukrainian army unit in the kharkov region. the pilots carried out the strike unguided aircraft missiles at strong points and camouflaged enemy equipment in the zone of responsibility of the north group of troops. after using airborne weapons, the crews performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps and returned to the departure airfield. the us
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begins to reconsider relations with '. also, threats to suspend georgia’s integration into the european union were made from brussels, and representatives of estonia, the netherlands, the czech republic and sweden even called for the abolition of the visa-free regime for residents of the country and the introduction of sanctions against them. earlier, the georgian parliament adopted a law on foreign transparency. the influence of the president of the republic zurabeshvili vetoed the document, but the deputies intend to overcome it. at least 14 people have died in a fire in a residential building in the vietnamese capital of hanoi. there , a building with an area of ​​150 m2 caught fire, and the fire quickly spread throughout the entire territory. several explosions occurred during the fire. the owner’s family lived in one part of the building, and in the adjacent part there were 12 rooms for rent.
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reported. that the owner of the house was also engaged repairing motorcycles and electric bicycles, the fire started exactly in the place where they were stored. today, tomorrow , the last bell will ring in most schools in russia. in the far east, the celebration of farewell to the school has already begun; in total , there are 609 thousand graduates in the country this year. an obligatory part of the celebration is a ceremonial line with... little schoolchildren lead their older friends to their last lesson. next, news from your region by residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now to the news
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metropolitan region: warm sunny weather continues in moscow and the region. today the thermometer will rise to +21°. no precipitation is expected. at the same time, in the capital region the increased atmospheric pressure is 761 mmhg. the weekend will be even warmer, reaching 25°. this summer weather will linger in the capital region into next week. the office of rospotrebnadzor for the moscow region announced the list. requirements necessary for a body of water to be considered suitable for recreation and swimming. the department reminds that the adjacent the area, including beaches, must be landscaped. it is necessary to carry out treatment against insects and peepers. experts will definitely check the water quality before the start of the swimming season. police officers on motorcycles began patrolling the capital's streets; the equipment of
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the special forces officers is the same as that of the collective. in cars, only everything fits in a small trunk, everything necessary to record a violation is there, and radio communication is in the helmet in case reinforcements are needed. last calls for most of the training establishments, they will be held today tomorrow. in total , more than 100 thousand schoolchildren graduate from ninth to eleventh grades in the region. on the day of the last bell, students will have special events; after the festive
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assembly, many classes will go on excursions. graduation ceremonies for schoolchildren will be held next week on may 28 and 29. with the onset of warmer weather , many opened in moscow. create paintings from threads, do yoga at various points in the capital, walk along an ornithological trail that goes right over the water, climb an observation deck the tower can be found in losiny ostrov national park. igor yaroslavtsev will talk about how interesting it is to spend the weekend. this weekend, weather forecasters promise warm weather in the capital, so saturday. it’s worth spending time in the fresh air, especially since this is not the first time that the eco-festival on luga has started in tsarina. here they will teach you how to create pictures of birds from threads, and also tell you about the inhabitants of the park and flowers, about 50 free activities in total, including
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walks with scientists and an eco-run. we will study nature, go on excursions, and strengthen your powers of observation, about love, about family, about how great it is to be in the city. to see what surrounds us, this is a twelve-meter observation tower, part of the new eco-route in the losiny ostrov national park. an ornithological trail has opened here, which goes directly above the water. there is no pantone, ecological, or, moreover, specialized ornithological trail anywhere, that is, this structure is absolutely unique, and this eco-trail allows you to observe one of the largest colonies in the moscow region black-headed gulls.
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discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service,
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incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to the world. formerly famous soviet actress olga gobzeva from an apartment in the center of moscow. the star of the soviet screen is afraid to be on the street. i'm sure that all these are the tricks of the black realts, i broke the camera, live broadcast today on rtr,
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good morning, hello, friday morning, s vera krasovaya and denis stoykov meet us, we check the calendar, it’s still may, the twenty-fourth. let's talk about earnings. almost half of russians start earning their first money between the ages of 18 and 23; by the age of 25, they are already fully self-sufficient. first financially independent place. rubles per month, while parents do not refuse financial assistance, well, parents now think more about where to place their child for the summer, how much such a trip will cost, yes, yes, save you can eat. to go to the vacation spot by train, the conditions of the special promotion were studied by darya
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tiunova. my son and i always travel somewhere, we love it very much, to different cities. any journey is always expensive. and here is such a nice bonus, a very nice amount. elena kameneva managed to get a nice bonus of a fifty percent discount on train tickets for her child thanks to a special promotion from the railway for schoolchildren. together with her son, the woman plans to visit kazan in early june, saving on tickets counting money. the mother of a fourth grader can spend it on visiting museums and exhibitions, now i found out that from june 1 there is a discount for a child from 10 to 17 years old, if for me for an adult, well, let’s say i’m planning to go to kazan, from moscow to kazan, distance distance it costs uh compartment 3 and half approximately, well, plus or minus 1.00 rubles, then naturally a child is 50%, it’s somewhere around 1.700, 1800, such a discount for a child is very
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convenient, and i think we’ll have some other we will definitely plan a trip within summer. other russian families can also save on purchasing train tickets for their children. an important condition is that the child’s age must be from 10 to 17 years, and the trip is planned in the summer. during the period from june 1 to august 31, we have a promotion, thanks to which children aged 10 to 17 years have the opportunity to travel with a 50% discount. from the ticket price, this discount is available only in the summer . you can buy a ticket for half the price for long-distance trains in reserved seats and in general carriages, as well as in carriages of second and third class electric trains. in addition, you can pay for travel in compartments of double-decker trains with a 50% discount on the reserved seat fare. for example, if a ticket to a reserved seat in the direction moscow-krasnodar costs 4,650 rubles, then if you pay for travel for dates from june 1 to august 31, the cost of travel for a child will be about 2,000 rubles. you can save the same amount. by the way, issuing
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a ticket is quite simple. the following documents are provided: only a passport, if you are over 14 years old, yes, or a certificate of birth. you can already purchase these tickets; sales are already open. tickets are on sale, sales open 90 days in advance, for some trains 60 days, but mostly 90 days in advance, you can already purchase these tickets. the special discounted rate will be valid throughout the holiday period, which will allow... russian families can save significantly on organizing summer holidays for their children. the main thing is that there are tickets. russians complained about the lack of trains in the direction of the russian south, including in our telegram channel. demand is growing, but there are no more places. the government intends to correct the situation on the eve of the hot holiday season. it is proposed to reduce the travel time from moscow to the resorts of the russian south to 16 hours and thereby work out the redistribution of part of the cargo flow to water transport. freeing up the railway infrastructure for tourists. we will discuss these and other proposals with
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the president of the national research center for transportation and infrastructure, pavel ivankin. good morning. good morning. hello. and today is the travel time, traveling from moscow there to the resorts black sea coast, at least a day, or even 30 or 40 hours. and how can this distance be built up to 16 hours before the travel time is up to the recommended 16 hours? no, well, the main factor, naturally, is an increase in speeds, and here, indeed, the allocation of separate lines for passenger freight traffic is one of the technological solutions that allows us, specifically for the passenger part, to increase the speed to about 180 km, and accordingly it takes time, to prepare the already freed infrastructure for these speeds, and this is in in principle, the distance is about a thousand km, which requires a certain time and expense, that is, the condition of the track does not allow it everywhere, but today we can say that we are going somewhere... and our trains and trains
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can develop all 180, and we today we have a fleet of modern passenger cars that can reach this speed; in addition, we have a fleet of swallows, which can also reach such speeds. please explain how this proposal can redistribute the tourist flow to water transport influence the increase in the number of tickets in railway transport, you and i have the number of trains that we let through... sold to passenger trains, thereby the number of trains that we will travel to the south will increase, well, not twice, of course, but on some, but the number of cars will not increase from this, people in freight cars don’t sing, but look, firstly, out of the seemingly year-round lines, we only have 53 trains running daily to the south, to summer we are adding 83 more
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trains, well, that is, it’s like that additional quantity, it is clear that today russian railways has these cars, another thing is that yes we... are updating somewhere around 500 cars annually, so with a fleet of 24,000 we need not a year or two to this fleet can be updated, but is it possible to add these cars to existing trains? well, yes, the train will be longer, well, like in sopsani the exit from the first second carriage, not everywhere, unfortunately there is such an opportunity, for this you need to have the appropriate length of the platform, the platform is short, then accordingly, it and there the paths open, then close, this length, that is, it is not easy to draw.
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agree, but we have security conditions that no one has canceled, every year we have issues of transport security, issues of passenger safety in general, they are only getting tougher for us, what is a security violation if the exit is not from your carriage, but from the neighboring one, and for this the passenger may not have time, that is , it is clear that we have had such cases, but this is like force majeure, for for some this is unprincipled, for others they will then write complaints to rospotrebnadzor, thank you, i understand, thank you, to our question from... president of the national research center for transportation and infrastructure pavel ivankin, have a nice day, how tired i am of your normative teachings , i’m trying, i want it to be better, before your arrival it was great, to be honest, adult daughters, premiere, tomorrow at 21:00, a billionaire survives
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a nun, the former famous soviet actress olga gobzeva from an apartment in the center of moscow, a star of the soviet screen . especially if you are sensitive, it is better not to watch the next video, close your eyes. an international startup presented the concept of a head transplant system, the idea is to give people with serious illnesses the opportunity to move into a healthy donor body of a brain-dead person. they plan to screw up the operation.
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in the future, a neural network will select and even synthesize a medication prescription for each patient. about the medicine of the future andrey aleksienko. in fact, this is where we drop the cells so that they collect here in our spheroid. on the computer screen shooting from a microscope. the cloud-like cloud changes shape. this is a spheroid - a structure made from human tissue. by the reaction of the cells, scientists can understand how effectively the chosen drug works on them. we can. immediately obtain information about predicting this particular person’s response to this type of therapy, specifically how effective, for example, this or that drug will be on his particular cells. for analysis, the clinic will need to take a tumor biopsy from the patient and isolate specific pathogens from it. cells, then create three-dimensional
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spheroids from them, a ready-made cellular structure, all that remains is to place it in a special environment. looks at different parameters of their reaction. on the active agents and then a verdict is made, that is, recommendations that are sent to the hospital. it is very important that the technique can be used not only to test the effectiveness of medications in the treatment of a particular patient, the technology in the future will also allow testing new types of medications, and if look even further into the future, then experts are sure that the development of drugs will be carried out by artificial intelligence based on neural networks if we train our neural network. so that she knows how small molecules bind to proteins, then in general some of the goals will be achieved, the computer pharmacist himself will be able to assess the harm and benefits of chemicals. as part of the medicine, the patient will only need to come to the clinic, select an item in the menu of a special device, enter the name of the disease and receive a ready-made prescription. we
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are moving in this direction, judging by with the progress that we have been making over the last 10 years, i think that sooner or later we will, of course, come to this. according to scientists, this technology will make it possible to increase the effectiveness of therapy by an order of magnitude, and most importantly , make it more accessible, although we will have to wait at least a couple of decades. and then there is more sun and warmth. our weather forecaster will soon tell you about the weather that will happen throughout the country on these last spring weekends. you're definitely doing well, it's simple and you usually never linger. premiere on rtr. you will leave me without a morning kiss. i have a husband and a job. stability, but i ’m unhappy, and you brazenly put travel, happiness, luck in your schedule, anna
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taratorkina, who are you, how did you get here, this is my number, dmitry miller, you’ll have to admit that you like me when we with you switched to from? alexey fatiev, who is there with you? i'm alone, it's just an accident, what an idiot, you can plan a vacation. and love, i don’t understand anything myself, i need to figure it all out, a melody for yours, with monday on rtr, you are a nanny, how could you bring a stranger into the house, well , first of all, not a stranger, my husband, look at the example he sets for your son, my son, kostya, he is always immersed in the phone, just for you you need to choose the right book, what a... valuable place for a date, i immediately said on the site that i was looking for a serious relationship, i understood where, history of a big country, premiere,
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today on rtr, happy you, galina fedorovna, children, grandchildren and you are alone, alone, you are an amazing woman, it’s nice to hear,
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the tornado that swept through the us state of iowa last month significantly damaged the couple's property, and at the same time took away
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a valuable heirloom. kind people found the photo 150 km from home, uploaded it to a special group where victims of natural disasters are looking for their belongings, and after quite a long period of time, george longefelt came across his own touching photograph, now the rarity is in the same place, only his wife shouted: "delete"! and in order to be in the seat of a sports car pilot, you don’t have to be professional racer about how almost half a century ago one company changed the world of motorsport, ivan zenkevich. for a long time , motorsport was an expensive pleasure, accessible only to a select few, and european and american manufacturers were the leaders in it. but in the seventies, the japanese company nissan decided to change the situation by releasing an affordable sports model, so to speak, to carry it. sports for the masses, here it is, nissan silvia. in truth, a car with that name appeared back in 1964, but then it was expensive
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hand-built sports car. he did not lose popularity. in seventy-four, they worked on the bugs, so well that the car immediately became very popular. the japanese appreciated its sporty appearance, and most importantly, its affordable price. we are testing a two-door, rear-wheel drive coupe with frameless windows. this is the fifth generation, produced in 1989. under the hood is a naturally aspirated four-cylinder gasoline engine with injection, 2 liters in volume, producing 140 horsepower. strength this is one of the most popular nissan units, it was produced at the age of 18 and installed on more than 20 models of the brand. it's all about its reliability and unpretentiousness; half a million mileage is far from the limit. the interior trim is not rich, but we also have one of the most budget-friendly trim levels. the second row is cramped, it’s not easy to even get there. the list of equipment includes only the most necessary things: comfortable seats with lateral support,
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climate control, and a standard instrument panel. but there is also an unusual solution. two air ducts behind the steering wheel blow your hands, hot air in winter, cool air in summer, a trifle, but nice. sylvia starts briskly, traffic light will go around many, up to a hundred and it takes about 8 seconds, the car is low, as if it is spread out on the road, the grip holds on to the road surface, but it is rigid, you feel the unevenness literally with your whole body, but it is a sports car, the five-speed manual gearbox shifts clearly. silvie was produced until 2002 and... can rightfully be called one of the most successful creations of nissan. the main reason for its popularity is its accessibility, and drift fans quickly realized that this model is perfect for sports feasts and is easy to tune. exactly on this car, five pilots won seven grand prix championships of the d-1 series, and this is a kind of formula 1 in the world of drifting. what can we say if sylvia is still highly prized among
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tuning enthusiasts and rightfully bears the title of cult. sports model, then burning, but useful, all the benefits went to the neighbor, look, she doesn’t leave a single sprout, it’s her own fault, she ranted all over the street about the benefits of nettles, you won’t see her now, but we ’ll go to mom’s, she’s near the forests of these nettles are overgrown, i know, we’ll go for nettles, together with we’ll help you with the repairs, thank you, no, she ’ll cook you cabbage soup with nettles, and we ’ll tell you in detail about the benefits of nettles. soon, well , actually i don’t like cabbage soup, yeah, but i don’t know how to do repairs, we’ll teach you, and if i don’t want to, then you know, you’re watching the news on the russia channel, good morning, in the studio andrey shevtsov, vladimir putin has arrived in minsk, president of russia and belarus, will discuss the military security of the region, joint exercises and the development
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of bilateral relations. fighting in the belogorovka area, attack aircraft are moving forward, two platoons are destroyed by rocket artillery in the hour yard. in most russian schools today the last bell will ring for this year's graduates 69. vladimir putin arrived in belarus on a two-day official visit, the plane landed at minsk airport, where the russian president was met by alexander lukashenko, as the kremlin press service reported, the visit is at the invitation of the head of the belarusian states. the trip to minsk is vladimir putin’s second foreign visit after the start of his new term in office. the heads of state will discuss security issues, further development of bilateral relations,
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the course and prospects of integration interaction within the union. and i am very glad that i was able to come today, so that peace of mind, using this, as if informal time, to talk about all these issues, i welcome you to your native belarusian land, the belarusian people will be very glad to know that you came to us, after the elections, this is one of the first visits after the people's republic of china, our friends, we will discuss our relations in
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the context of the people's republic of china. i have very interesting proposals for to our region and then in the caucasus , as usual, we have a question. security to the fore, and tomorrow we will discuss economic issues, now about the progress of a special military operation, the crew of the iskander operational-tactical missile system, groupings of troops the west launched attacks on the command post and accumulation of military equipment of the ukrainian army, the crews are many kilometers from the line of combat contact , but are capable of causing enormous damage to the enemy. iskander missile divisions carry out round-the-clock combat on duty and ready to attack on the first command. at the target, only a few minutes pass before launch. a hail of kostroma paratroopers hit the defensive fortifications of the nationalists
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and destroyed them before the infantry platoon. in the village of chasov yar, the crews are constantly in full combat readiness with the receipt of a combat mission, they leave the shelter for the firing position, quickly prepare the grads for firing at new heights... here is the story of the combatant of the same one with the call sign artie: demoralizes the enemy,
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his moral and psychological state is falling, he doesn’t want to continue to go forward like this, or to defend this or that supporter, it is often easier to give up, leave this supporter to go to his own place. the artillery and tank crews of the central military district cope with the enemy's retaliatory strikes, in counter-battery combat, in fire damage to nato equipment - these are heavy tanks, artillery, we are also working on strongholds, the last kilometer is on the erzhina road, in a few minutes you will have to make your way through forest clearings, so combat infantry work, the avdeevsky direction remains one of the most. the helicopter of iranian president ibrahim resi caught fire after a collision with a mountain while gaining altitude;
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no traces of firearms were found on the body, according to the preliminary report of the general staff of the iranian armed forces on the causes of the plane crash. it also says that the pilot who crashed the car a minute and a half before the crash was able to contact the other two helicopters, which. followed with him from azerbaijan. the investigation established that the presidential plane was flying along route and did not deviate from it. ibrahim raisi was buried the day before in his hometown of tabriz in the mausalee of imam riza. he asked for this long before his death. about 3 million people took part in the funeral procession. four people died after a glass terrace collapsed at a cocktail bar in the spanish palm before mallorca. more than twenty more were wounded, seven victims are in critical condition, most of the dead and wounded are foreign tourists. the terrace on which people were dancing collapsed to the first floor and covered it with debris basement of the building. rescue
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work continues there, as there is a fear that people may still remain under the rubble. three people were killed in a shooting in the asian part of istanbul, five more were injured and were hospitalized. local authorities report that first in a cafe. a dispute began between two groups of people, which escalated into an armed conflict. turkish publications write that we are talking about two local families, while, according to israeli media, israeli citizens could be among the victims. today tomorrow in most schools in russia the last bell will sound. in the far east, the school farewell celebration has already begun. in total , there are 609,000 graduates in the country this year. definitely a part. celebration ceremonial line with speeches by guests, director and parents, we also welcome first-graders and farewell graduates, this symbolizes the continuity of generations, little schoolchildren lead their older comrades to their
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last lesson. next, regional news, don’t switch. now. news from the capital region warm sunny weather continues in moscow and the region, today the thermometer will rise to +21°, no precipitation is expected, while in the capital region the increased atmospheric pressure is 700.61 mm hg, the weekend will be even warmer to 25°, this summer weather will linger in the capital region and next weeks. restrictions for motorists are being introduced in the center of moscow today. from 9 am , travel along ilyinka street will be closed in connection with the day of slavic literature and culture. the street will be closed until 10 pm. parking is also prohibited in this area. more 200 beaches will open from 1st. in the moscow region
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, sixty of them will have changing cabins and rescue posts, another 92 will have retail outlets, volleyball courts and parking lots, and on some beaches it will be possible to rent sun loungers and air mattresses. all news is available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, don’t switch. indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with leo reorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio resorts: we are here
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for you! hotel titanic deluxe golf bellec, where every moment is exclusive! wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the spa and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic. deluxe golf belet is the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, when i was building the dacha, the foreman told me so, we won’t let you down, we didn’t let you down, we didn’t let you down with gas, we didn’t let you down with water supply, now everything will be, now everything will be, the roof was powdered, the pipes were covered with nail polish, normal cosmetic repairs, let's do it again, parade of humor, premiere, saturday on rtr.
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good morning. hello. may 24 shows us the calendar, friday morning, the last working day of this week. we, vera krasova and denis stoykov, are starting it with you. by the way, it’s only a week until summer and the butterfly season is already open, there are... 100 million of them, they literally filled the entire yunnan province in china, at the same time they opened their wings and took to the air, this is absolutely an unforgettable sight, say tourists who specially come here at this time, but not in the same quantities, of course, but there are also a lot of them. this period even has its own special term: butterfly explosion days. about 320 species of these winged insects live in this area. queens have balakholmas that fit their shape. and the color is reminiscent of the autumn
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leaves of trees, but we don’t miss autumn leaves yet, we would like some summer warmth, we’ll find out from vadim, the leading specialist of the phobos weather center , whether it will be on the last weekend, spring of this year zavodchenko, vadim, hello, what is there to please, well, there really is something to please, although not all russians, this applies more to the european territory of russia, because beyond the urals in may it is like... butchering, just as it started, and continues to do so as before arctic invasions, and here nature has come to its senses, i’ll go tell you, systems of frontal divisions on the weekend will destabilize the atmosphere over southern russia, so masses of cumulonimbus clouds will develop here, bringing with them local showers and thunderstorms, in such a situation, the heat will subside in the midday hours to +21.6, here in the middle volga,
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thanks to the sunny weather, by the weekend the thermometers will reach +22.27, although on sunday fields of frontal clouds will appear in the north of the region, it will rain and it will immediately get colder on average by 5-6°. in the north-west of russia , abnormally warm weather will prevail, daytime temperatures in the north and east of the region will be +12-17° in the south-western part. the highest chance of rain here is on sunday in central russia, sunny warming up to +22-27. is it true on sunday, localized showers and thunderstorms cannot be ruled out. a short burst of heat is expected in the urals on saturday. the thermometer in the region will rise to +18:23, however, already on sunday the sky will be covered with
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clouds again, it will rain and the temperature will drop to +12-17°. in southern siberia, on the contrary, on saturday it will be cloudy, light rain, and the temperature will be. in april, at midday no higher than +7:12, however, on sunday the weather will improve, the sun will be able to warm the air to +13-18°. in the southern part of the far east , the weather is unstable, there will be rain in places, daytime temperature in the amur region and continental coastal areas is +17-22, on the coast of the sea of ​​japan up to +12:17. thank you, vadim, well, i’m ours according to tradition. program i can’t help but ask, especially since summer is just around the corner, what’s going on with the swimming season? so the swimming season, like in china in the province of yunan, has started here, the fact is that in the black sea, on the coast of the caucasus, the water has already warmed up to the required 17:19, in the sea of ​​azov
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on the beaches 18:20, only in crimea it’s still a little is lagging behind, but in the coming weeks the water will return to normal, everything will be great, well, we'll wait. here, the main thing is that there are no return frosts, it is not predicted what the weather will be like this coming weekend, we were told by the leading specialist of the weather center vadim zavochenko. mishov, of course, photographed the era, you had to cope with shouts in the back, but everything is clear, he films his wife all the time. he told me the phrase: i’m bored filming without you. vera alentova. after all, volodya and i separated and lived in rosa for almost 4 years. if this story didn't exist. that i began to re-read the letters, our family would not recovered. the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov today at 15:00. a smart spoon that makes food salty without salt will go on sale in japan. professor humeshito came up with the idea of ​​embedding
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plates into cutlery that emit a weak electric current and change the taste of food. luzhka helps reduce sodium intake, so many people are willing to buy it as long as they release a limited batch. only 200 pieces at a price of 127 dollars or almost 12,000 rubles, but in 5 years they expect to sell a million devices worldwide, but electric discharge, and you will eat less, but as they say, a spoon is good for lunch, this is not bad without lunch, i would buy it, but you don’t need to buy nettles, it grows literally everywhere, in the netherlands this herb is added to gouda cheese, in the tula region they dedicated it a whole festival, by the way, nettle is loaded with useful substances and cabbage soup made from it is also excellent, i recently made it, it’s very tasty. our correspondent went to collect the first leaves, like this kind of nettle, the younger the small leaves we collect, for some it is a weed, for muscovite dinara makhmudova’s main ingredient in cooking cabbage soup is what her grandmother did, and now she does it herself. in the villages, people
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used what grew close and nearby, well , this gives it a tasty piquancy, it’s not just cabbage soup, it’s from nettles that a soup like regular cabbage soup is prepared, that is, quickly. and at the end we add nettles. so that it retains all its beneficial properties, this greenery holds the record for the content of vitamin c, there is more of it than in currant lemons, it is in young leaves that the antioxidant concentration is maximum, as it grows plants, it decreases, for this reason it is recommended to eat young skorobiv, it is still soft, juicy, not very hot, and a little later, when the inflorescence appears, it will bloom, it is collected for medicinal purposes, because there are... a lot of useful substances, nettle is rich in potassium and magnesium, and they are extremely important for the functioning of our heart, there are a lot of polyphenols here, they protect our cells from aging free radicals, and in terms of the content of beta-carotenoids, nettle can compete for leadership even with carrots, get along with beta-carotene, because there is more of it than v carrots, and not only that beta-carotene
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also has a lot of chlorophyll, a very useful substance that has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, maybe that’s why, knowing its uniqueness, nettle... although it grows next to people, it’s not close to them lets you in. nettle burns due to formic acid and histamine, this is how the plant protects itself from external enemies. these substances are found in small hairs; upon contact they are destroyed and a stinging effect occurs. in small doses, if we get burned, it’s even useful, it speeds up blood. but of course you can’t eat nettles like regular lettuce leaves. the most important thing in order not to get mucous burns is to treat it correctly, just scald it with boiling water. or dry the leaves, but this, of course, will reduce the concentration of vitamin c. you can leave fresh nettles in one case if you crush the leaves. due to these actions, friction, right? we - thereby reducing the pungency, from such a mass you can make pesta sauce, to
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make it, just add a couple of basil leaves, pine nuts, instead of cheese nut butter and olive oil. mix the ingredients in a blender. the consistency should not be too thin when we prepare the pesta sauce, because we add it to the pasta anyway. to taste, nettle is more reminiscent of spinach or cabbage, but has its own unique notes, so it’s time to pamper your taste buds with new ones. impressions of the body with useful substances after a long winter, however, for those who suffer from thrombophlebitis , it is better to abstain from dishes with nettle, it thickens the blood. large-scale renovation work and the construction of regional roads, urban road networks, and federal highways have started throughout the country, and a number of bridges, overpasses and other artificial structures will be renewed. thanks to the national project, safe and high-quality roads will bring more than 5,000 road facilities into compliance with standards this year. the smooth surface of fresh
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asphalt is still without markings in some places, but these are trifles, the builders assure, the repair of one of the longest streets of blagoveshchensk, lenin , has already been completed by 95%. for residents of the amur capital andrei ivanov, this is a familiar route, a house nearby, he admits that now he is calm about the suspension of his car. the difference is colossal, before there were cracks, potholes, holes, ditches, now everything is fine. hidden behind the outer gloss. a lot of work, a rather impressive section of the road had to be completely rebuilt, for this part of the traffic was temporarily blocked, a 5-year guarantee for all work is a kind of standard for road workers in the amur region. if cracks or holes suddenly appear on the asphalt, the builders will restore everything at their own expense. plans for this year to repair more than 105,000 km of road surface. a large program is envisaged for the regional road network; this year we are placing great emphasis on the supporting road network. this backbone network includes roads. regional blagoveshchents bibikovo, blagoveshchents svobodny, blagoveshchents gomelevka. amur builders are
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behind schedule, trying to accomplish as much as possible in a short road season, without sacrificing quality. not always favorable weather conditions also contribute, for example, due to annual floods restore what was already handed over earlier. to date, work has been completed to remove plant soil, the dismantling of barrier fencing and bus stops has been completed, and work has begun. by cutting ledges , one of the most important transport arteries in the region, the free route to the city will be expanded to three lanes, which will increase its capacity. large road construction within the framework of the national project for safe and high-quality roads is now in full swing in 84 regions of the country. for example, in the ryazan region this year they plan to put in order more than 116 km of roads of regional and intermunicipal importance. currently , a contract has also been concluded for the installation of artificial electric lighting in nineteen settlements. ae with a length of 40.8 km, in the amount of 133.8 million rubles. and this event
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is being carried out according to a national project, special attention to the southern direction of the work is promised to be completed by september of this year, having reached the borders of the lipetsk region, local road workers are using innovative asphalt laying technology in this area. cold method is used regeneration is the use of existing road pavement as a component of new road... pavement by introducing complex additives in the form of bitumen emulsion, cement and granulated slag, and thereby creating new high-quality road pavement with improved characteristics, essentially a waste-free scheme, and new materials less is needed, and the used surface is put back into use, while, experts note, with this approach the strength of the roadway increases noticeably. over the past year , 237 km of roads were repaired in the region, in total, according to the national project for safe and high-quality roads, in the period from 2019 to 2023, more than 88 thousand km of the road network were put in order, this year the country
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will repair, reconstruct and build almost 15.00 km. you're definitely doing well, you just never usually stay late. premiere on rtr, will you leave me without the morning ones? it’s vain, i have a husband, a job, stability, i’m unhappy, and you can brazenly write travel, happiness, luck into your schedule, anna taratorkina, who are you, how did you get here, this is my number, dmitry miller, i’ll have to admit that you like me when we switched to, alexey fatiev, who’s there with you? i’m alone, it’s just an accident, what an idiot, vacation can be planned, but
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love, i don’t understand anything myself, i need to figure it out. melody for yours. from monday on rtr. for me, the film moscow does not believe, in many ways this is my destiny. i was not at all eager to play this role. i was fascinated not by the script, but by volodeva, a person who goes his own way, it’s always hard for him. this wasn't even criticism, it was bullying. to such an extent i was worried that he once told me that, lord, why did i take this picture. vera alentova, her life with vladimir minshov. everyone was surprised when we got married, it was just some kind of shock, because more different people cannot be imagined, without him, when he fell ill with covid, he didn’t want to go to the hospital, but he got worse, the next day everything was... they finally arrived and since i fell ill 2 days later, they took me to another hospital, but they released me the day before the funeral, i don’t remember everything well, but i can tell you
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only that for me he didn’t leave, we are still together... can i get around you? well, who is he? human? well, let me introduce you to the person? i love him,
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understand? yes, you’re just my stupid girl, but some kind of love, he’ll leave you at the first moment.
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is fulfilled, i give up everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home, with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, the feather is a canopy of gold, at one of the auctions in new zealand the feather of the guia bird, extinct 100 years ago, was put up for sale. local tribes considered it sacred, starting price there was an unusual lot. the feather weighs 9 g, which makes it several tens of times more expensive than gold. the high price was influenced by two factors: the first - the excellent condition of the pen; the second - it is still considered one of the symbols of new zealand. yes, it’s not just a line, it’s just a new fact. here are a lot of
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interesting facts from interesting books. our columnist egor serov talks about them. good morning, we start it right away with a miracle, and a miracle is this book that i hold in my hand: the silver age, selected lyrics, look at the authors here, aninsky, balmont, blok, bryusov, gipius, salagub, okhmatova, mondelshtam, khlebnikov, placed poems in a world of illustrations that i would call spiritual, moreover, i caught myself when i re-read these poems. they are even inside this book, in these illustrations, look how magnificent they are, they even sound and are perceived differently. silver age, selected lyrics, now i have it at home, and i'm happy. anatoly lunacharsky. quixote of revolution. this book was written by sergei dmitriev. a very curious
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figure, controversial, of course. he is very he did a lot, but also... he also destroyed a lot, but he did disproportionately more, it seems to me, remember at least the elimination of illiteracy or the fact that, like lunacharsky , he helped the formation of music in the youth. soviet russia, and of course, of course, there are a lot of his merits, in this book, about him, about his life, and of course, against the background it all happened, against the background of the history of the young soviet country, there is such a rubricator even for pages of soviet russian history , sergey dmitriev, book about anatoly lunacharsky, i am lying in the sun, i am in the sun. i see the author of these words is sergei kozlov, he somehow magically knew how to arrange very simple words in such an order that they acquired some kind of airy and
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extraordinary meaning. and here is a series of books called soyuz cartoon, sergei kozlov, like a lion cub and a turtle, sang a song. and the second book in this series, sergei mikhalkov, uncle styopa, a policeman, well, everyone also remembers him by his last name, stepanov. from the regional giants, the most important giant, very good books, wonderfully illustrated, i highly recommend them to you, on this i say goodbye to you, all the best to you, read and be happy, further, whoever doesn’t work, rests, whoever doesn’t work, doesn’t eat, why are you messing around, you know, i ’m not going to break the law, so some kind of law in the countryside can be to disturb, but there are not enough fingers to list the grill, not to light the fence, not to build wells, to dig, and a vegetable garden, you know, you can’t plant everything either, well, at least go and uproot the stump, are you quiet if you find out that we are putting our own christmas tree in last year they cut it down, you know what will happen, but we planted it ourselves, well, you can plant it, you can’t cut it down,
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the expert and i will talk about dacha restrictions very soon, we are giving up on these, not everything can be abandoned either, yeah, they continue to work live, andrey shevtsov is in the studio. hello. vladimir putin arrived in belarus on a two-day official visit. the plane landed at minsk airport. there , the russian president was met by alexander lukashenko. as the kremlin press service reported, the visit is taking place at the invitation of the head of the belarusian state. trip to minsk - vladimir putin’s second foreign visit after the start of a new term of office. the heads of state will discuss security issues, the further development of bilateral relations, the progress and prospects of integration interaction.
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a very big trip, and i am very glad that i managed to come today, so that peace of mind, and using this, as it were , informal time to talk about all these issues, i welcome you to your native belarusian land, the belarusian people will be very glad to know that you came to us after the elections, this is one of the first visits of the people's republic of china, our friends, we will also discuss our relationship in context.
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level 301, protractor 5380, fragmentation shell, full charge, gun! artillerymen hit command posts, camouflaged combat armored vehicles of ukrainian sabotage groups, and also conduct counter-battery combat with mortar crews around the clock . military high-explosive fragmentation shells destroy targets from a distance of up to 15 km. the crews of the mi-35 and k-52m helicopters successfully hit the target.
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the united states is beginning to review relations with georgia due to the law on foreign agents. washington has already announced a policy of visa restrictions. leaders of estonia, the netherlands, the czech republic and sweden even called for the abolition of the visa-free regime for residents of the country and the introduction of sanctions against them. earlier, the georgian parliament adopted a law on the transparency of foreign influence. president of the republic zurabeshvili vetoed the document , but deputies intend to overcome it. at least 14 people have died in a fire in a residential building in the vietnamese capital hanoi. there, a building with an area of ​​150 km caught fire. spread throughout
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the territory. during the fire there were several explosions. the owner’s family lived in one part of the building; in the adjacent part there were 12 rooms for rent. it is reported that the owner of the house also repaired motorcycles and electric bicycles. the fire started exactly in the place where they were buried. today, tomorrow , the last bell will ring in most schools in russia. in the far east, the celebration of farewell to the school has already begun; in total , there are 609,000 graduates in the country this year. an obligatory part of the celebration is a ceremonial line-up with speeches from guests, principal and parents, as well as greeting first-graders with parting words from graduates. this symbolizes the continuity of generations. little schoolchildren lead their older friends to their last lesson. next, news from your region, residents of moscow and
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the region, see you. in a few seconds, now to the news of the capital region: warm , sunny weather continues in moscow and the region, today the thermometer will rise to +21°, no precipitation is expected, while in the capital region the atmospheric pressure is increased 761 mm mercury, it will be even warmer up to 25°, such summer weather will linger in the capital region next week. the office of rospotrebnadzor for the moscow region announced a list of requirements necessary for a reservoir to be considered suitable for recreation and swimming. the department reminds that the surrounding area, including beaches, must be landscaped and treated against insects and mites. experts
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will definitely check the water quality before. the start of the swimming season. police officers on motorcycles began patrolling capital streets, the equipment of special forces employees is the same as that of colleagues in cars, only everything fits in a small trunk. there is everything necessary to record a violation, and there is radio communication in the helmet in case reinforcements are needed. today, on the day of slavic literature and culture, the museum of the word at vdnkh turns five. years, sergei sobyanin wrote about this in his telegram channel. in this unique space, everyone can learn how writing appeared and our language developed. the museum's exhibition is divided into several zones. among exhibits, a recreated orthodox church of the 20th century. cells of a medieval monk, copies of the first printed textbooks. in schools in moscow and the moscow region, the last bells have begun in most educational institutions; they will take place
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today tomorrow. total. more than 100,000 schoolchildren graduate from ninth to eleventh grades in the region. on the day of the last bell, students will attend special events. after the festive assembly, many classes will go on excursions. graduation ceremonies for schoolchildren will be held next week on may 28 and 29. with the onset of warmth in many new leisure facilities have opened in moscow. in tsaritsina park you can take part in the first eco-sports. festivals, where they will learn how to submit paintings made from threads, they offer to do yoga at various points in the capital, you can walk along the ornithological trail that goes right over the water , you can climb an observation tower in the losiny ostrov national park. igor roslavtsev will talk about how to spend the weekend interestingly. this weekend, weather forecasters promise warm weather in the capital, so saturday and sunday are spend time in the fresh air, especially since this is not the first time that an eco-festival in
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the meadow has started in tsarina. here they will teach you how to create pictures of birds from threads, and also tell you about the inhabitants of the park and flowers, in total there are about 50 free activities, including walks with scientists and an eco-run. we will study nature, go on excursions, and strengthen our powers of observation, about love, about family, about how great it is to be in the city and see what surrounds us, this is a twelve-meter observation tower, part of the new eco-route in the national... this building is absolutely unique, and this eco-trail allows you to observe one of the largest colonies in the moscow region, black-headed gulls, and this weekend you can do yoga, and it’s
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completely free, you just need your own mat. also, of course, pre -register on the sports weekend project website; everyone is welcome to attend yoga, regardless of whether you often play sports or not. igor. ru see you later.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. 300th episode of the program hello andrey, we decided to make a disco of the eighties,
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hello, good morning, it’s friday, may 24th on the calendar, we’re getting ready for work, recharging ourselves with energy, we will help you with this today, denis stoykov, vera krasov, by the way, about work, a dream vacancy, leopard land national park is looking for a guardian of popov island, an employee is needed in a far eastern marine reserve to protect its territory, the main requirements for the applicant are resistance to stress, responsibility, a driver’s license and, of course, a love of nature. the island is located 20 km from vladivostok, there are excellent beaches, there are many rare plants, a rich underwater world, in the coastal waters you can find seals, dolphins and whales, i am ready to hire a student, an excellent opportunity to see
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the beauty of the seaside. and summer residents on their own plots not only plant, but also remove old or simply interfering plants. i don’t suspect that the sound of an ax can be costly, what is the danger of cutting down trees that? you most likely planted it yourself, ilya davidov found out. kohl, i’m shocked, not only our colleagues are shocked, everyone who heard this story, a mother of many children from kislovodsk, she asked not to show my face, i received seven acres of land in the wilds, which i need to look for, years passed, the plot was empty, and a couple of years ago i decided to build, cut down the old chestnut fruit trees. according to the documents, not a single tree was transferred to me, the plot, there is nothing on my plot according to the documents, it turned out that this is a resort. you cannot cut down the area without permission from the administration. the court counted 700 thousand damages and equated the summer resident with black lumberjacks, and in a year and a half, relatively speaking, such cases are not uncommon. people are surprised when they have there legal cases begin for the cutting down
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of several trees, even the blue-leaved maple, there, too, 160,000 must compensate for damages for cutting down the weed, in fact, although it grows on private territory, like, for example, this willow, has grown, a fence cannot be erected, but the worst thing is.. there is fluff in my flower beds, all the thujas that are planted in my summer cottage are all covered with this fluff, apparently because of the fluff, willow is called goat, but why is the owner of the dacha asking to have a goat and decide its fate, she has the right. , cut down the willow, no, it is necessary submit an application to the administration, attach documents for the land, pictures of the tree and wait for a felling ticket, i can’t even imagine how a grandmother or grandfather, who is old and does not use the internet, can get this information, but then... emotions, and by law a citizen is obliged to compensate for damage in nature. this logic gave rise to green indulgences, reward tickets, the price of which depends on the thickness of the trunk and the condition of the tree species. it has a diameter. from 30 to 40 costs
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15,800 according to the method, plus the services of lumberjacks, of course, it’s good, even though a ticket for dead wood is given free of charge, you still need to get it, but there are no restrictions on cutting fruit, but in general the forest is a dark matter, even in terms of sanitary pruning, i call, ask, i say, because it’s written that it’s possible, but here we cannot, confusion, according to experts, is caused by side shoots of legislation in the form of local laws on landscaping and landscaping.
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we need to say thank you to such enthusiasts and support them with the right laws, and not put a spoke in their wheels. about dacha restrictions, let's continue the conversation with our guest, in the morning studio, lawyer, popular front expert ruslan avdiev, ruslan, good morning, hello, so, draconian fines, suspended sentences, trials, all because of.
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sorobs and summer residents, thirdly, the damage, this size, it should also be divided, from small to serious, when you cut down one tree, you must agree, the damage is not that much, if you cut down a plot, perhaps the solution is to give the opportunity themselves, and if this is a gardening partnership, like the charter of a house, yes, for example, if in cities, then the charter also a partnership where all these rules are written down, you can dig, you can’t dig, you can chop, you can’t chop, if people organize themselves, then this is the best... the best that can happen in this territory, and this is
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the responsibility of just you and me, like participants of some kind of dacha partnerships there, we got together at a meeting and decided, we can put up a barbecue where we want, we don’t need to roll away - with a tape measure 5 m from the building, this will have legal force, or we can still be fined because they will say you are violating fire regulations safety, but what if we roll back to 6 m, then there will be no fire, and we cannot go against our decision, this one... decisions of civil society, some, decisions of meetings, they cannot contradict the laws, they can complement them , to clarify, but there is no contradiction, in general, these are the fire requirements, they are dictated by what, uh, most fires in the residential sector are due to careless handling of fire, i’m at five meters - carelessly handling fire, or i’m at seven meters carelessly, i it seems that the very word itself is careless, handling fire, it completely crosses out the distance here. deputies came up with a proposal to hold a so-called barbecue
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amnesty and abolish fines for cooking on closed portable barbecues, they are proven to be delicious, yes, no, but they are safer, but really, if the fire burns out, that’s it, they answered according to the law, the culprit, that’s it - everything, everything, everything, and what’s this for, well, well, he fried this meat there, well, that’s it, not this, this is an excellent, this is an excellent initiative, and if it is the state duma... such measures will be taken in detail, then this it will, of course, benefit all people, just make rules that are rational, so that sometimes the site does not need to move 5 m from the building , the site simply does not allow it, that is, make it, for example, there are 2 m 3 m, make sure that well , there was no open fire, so that no one would burn garbage there, please follow these demands, let the quadcopters fly, don’t you think that the life of our summer residents is too regulated, maybe we should still
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give them a little more freedom, no one will not radically change his life, just like lived for 20 years, and they live like this, for this it is necessary that... a working group in the state duma be assembled, so that this is analyzed and this principle is applied, regulatory heletin, it is called, when everything is canceled that regulates at different levels, and one is adopted some kind of legal act that establishes rules that are understandable to everyone, understandable, thank you, about how to make dacha life more comfortable and less regulated, we spoke with lawyer, popular front expert ruslan angeev. have a nice day, thank you, thank you. it’s so nice to start the day with a cup of black tea with bergamot, exquisite taste, unique aroma, pleasure in every sip, morning, time to brew azercay, catch me if you can, sings a man on skates with a stick, i
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think so, because they are trying to deceive us again , i don’t know, today at 21:30, you played wonderfully, thank you, do you know this melody? i often listen to it at home, do you know who its author is? melody for two, premieres monday at 21:20. dive in and you'll get a treat. in the usa they figured out how lure adults into the pool. we installed an underwater vending machine with sweets. it is capable of working at a depth of up to 2.5 m, thanks to its waterproof design. designs, you will have to pay for candy with tricks, tricks, and tomfoolery. if the device likes it, it will also treat you to riska. anyone can buy such a machine for $7.00, which is 650,000 rubles. the plus is that it comes with a lifetime supply of sweets, or that’s the minus: you definitely won’t be able to lose weight. well, but you can definitely do this
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at the may regatta in st. petersburg. because of with the changeable spring wind, keeping a couple with even an experienced yachtsman is not easy. can talk about beginners, about sports not for weaklings, our story. entering the cold water of the neva in the morning is not the most pleasant experience, but only for the land inhabitants of the city. students of sailing clubs and sections have been waiting for this day for a long time. the opening of the season promises to be not very difficult, with a strong wind to help. eleven-year-old sonya, a hereditary yachtswoman, hopes for good results. she is a sea wolf already in the third generation. i'm interested in this because my dad, my mom and my grandfather. apparent simplicity, sail, tiller, sheet, managing all this without preparation is not easy, especially if the wind is weak, however, this is not the case of the may regatta, due to bad weather
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, including too strong a wind, the start had to be postponed several times, yachting it's not called chess on the water for nothing; you really need to learn to make your move here. there are a lot of factors, this is not only the strength and direction of the wind, but also the current and the actions of your opponents, but here, in unlike chess, luck plays a huge role. after all, participants need to not only correctly go around all the buoys, sailing against the wind for an hour, but also overtake the enemy. it’s not even easy to start on time, the participants only have 3 minutes to do this. the judges monitor each yacht directly from the scene from their board. the best ones are determined by time, but it is also important to avoid mistakes. however. none of them can be avoided either, every yachtsman is ready for the fact that the swimming season will have to open ahead of time, a matter of honor, although i say it’s not an easy matter, because it’s still very it’s always cold at this time now, even, yachting in the north is an interesting thing, but incomprehensible and completely inexplicable, here are
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the vikings, thieves, well, now we apparently, despite special protection and suits, dryers, this sport is really not for weaklings, the topic.. it’s more surprising that the majority of modern yachtsmen are girls and women who are not afraid of either rain or piercing wind, but the may regatta is just a warm-up, the wave conquerors still have a whole season ahead, let’s start, let’s go with a smile, russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, who in your opinion sings, who doesn’t sing, a big musical premiere, who hint, which of you doesn’t sing, i already realized that everything is confused,
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who’s lying, who’s not singing, who’s already with me, how nice it is for me. think, decide, say, listen, who doesn’t sing, eh! catch me if you can, amazing, today on rtr.
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he is the culprit of the accident, the person was hurt,
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he will be judged, you want to ruin a child’s life, i warned him, do you need anything from him, yes, health, a nurse for the director of the plant, this is so cool, leave everyone, i don’t want anyone see, i understand that he has a generally difficult character, yes, i want to try to sit down. you promised to help me, it seems to me that in his soul he is a completely different person, listen, he can make sure he doesn’t yell, but i suggest getting rid of him, how to get rid of him, or something, he was abandoned like a dog on the street, that’s how much is needed, that’s how much and i will study with him, i always want to be with you on sundays at rtr. rescue from loneliness. american scientists have proposed a simple but effective way
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- to buy impressions, not things. large-scale studies have shown that going to concerts, restaurants or traveling brings people much more satisfaction. moreover, it helps to acquire social capital. impressions, especially diverse ones, enhance the feeling of connection not only with a narrow circle of close friends, but also with uh, new impressions can be obtained this evening, four famous artists with other people, one might say, with the whole world, together with television viewers will test themselves in a new musical - gambling tv show, catch me if you can, they will be able to distinguish the real ones vocalists from false singers, i’ll soon find out who doesn’t sing, it’s not easy to answer this question even for such experienced musical detectives, i ’m just confused, a nightmare for four popular artists,
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this is adrenaline, these are also incredible talents who show their skills, and even if you just watch the numbers, you already get great pleasure, but here we also have such an intrigue woven in, and why are you always thinking about who sings, who doesn’t sing, the game has three rounds and a final, in each the artists need to figure out the deceivers, no hints or the help of the audience, the stars can only count on their experience, intuition, luck, it’s very... and professional to hold the microphone like that, and although on the other hand, they can confuse us, and so it will be, the players will try to
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mislead the opposing team as much as possible, after all , there is a big money jackpot at stake - a million rubles, the one who wins the show will take this money, well, okay, if i give away a million, a chance to win back and radically turn the tide of the game, one of the teams will be helped by the most difficult final round, when he takes the stage dark a horse, some kind of secret... whose name no one knows before the broadcast, whether the secret star is singing or just pretending, the leading team must decide. the most exciting, funny and musical tv game begins. already today, and what did i tell you, and what did i say, we will try to guess, we will try to win, but most importantly, the audience and you, the viewers who are now on the screens, will have fun, catch me if you can, the premiere is tonight at 21 :30, well, our program premieres every morning, almost except sunday, tomorrow morning is no exception,
9:00 am
that’s all for today, it’s time to say goodbye to you, all that remains is to wish you a good friday. remind you, look and subscribe to our telegram channel, it’s true, see you tomorrow, you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in the andrey shevtsov studio. vladimir putin arrived in minsk, the presidents of russia and belarus will discuss the military security of the region, joint exercises and the development of bilateral relations. fighting in the belogorovka area, attack aircraft are moving forward.


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