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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 24, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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that’s all for today, it’s time to say goodbye to you, all that remains is to wish you a good friday, remind you, stop by and subscribe to our telegram channel, that’s true, see you tomorrow. you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in the andrey shevtsov studio. vladimir putin arrived in minsk, the presidents of russia and belarus will discuss the military security of the region, joint exercises and the development of bilateral relations. fighting in the belogorovka area, attack aircraft are moving forward.
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a platoon of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed by rocket artillery in the hour ravine. the united states completed preparations first groups of ukrainian f-16 fighter pilots. and today washington intends to allocate another $275 million in military assistance to kiev. a state of emergency has been introduced in transbaikalia due to forest fires covering 50,000 hectares. but in the belgorod region the elements are different. in one night, frosts destroyed the entire crop. and in most russian schools the last bell will ring today. this year there are 609,000 graduates. security issues, the second phase of joint exercises integration within the framework of the union state. these and other topics will be discussed today by vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko. the russian president arrived in belarus on a two-day visit. this is putin's second trip abroad since the start of his new term.
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from the people's republic of china, chairmanship, i have very interesting proposals for our region and further there in the caucasus, as usual, we put security issues at the forefront, and tomorrow we will discuss economic issues, and now about the situation in the special operation zone, russian pilots struck against ukrainian militants in the kharkov region. the crews of the mi-35 and k-52 helicopters fired missiles. strong points camouflaged technology. the enemy lost several vehicles and also suffered heavy losses of personnel. our troops are pushing back kiev formations in the chas yar area. a platoon of militants was eliminated there and their defensive structures were destroyed. the targets were hit by rszzo grad crews. drone operators helped correct the shooting. the accumulation of military equipment and the ukrainian command post were also hit by complexes. der
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grouping west. needle 4. target 23-221 launch. over the past 24 hours, the russian military has occupied more advantageous positions on ovdeevsky direction. tanks, artillery and motorized rifles are working. the militants, according to our soldiers, are demoralized due to constant fire. from the line of combat contact. report by alexey boranov. that's it, we're working, we're working! our film crew in the vicinity of belogorovka. the pace of combat work shows reality. these brigades of the central military district are demonstrating confident success. here is the story of a combat participant, the same one with the call sign artie. demoralizes the enemy, his moral and psychological state declines. i just don’t want to go further. or
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however, to defend one or another defensive player, it is often easier to give up and leave this defensive player to go to his place. the artillery and tank crews of the central military district cope with the enemy's retaliatory strikes, in counter-battery combat, in fire damage to nato equipment - these are heavy tanks, artillery, we are also working on strongholds, the last kilometer is on the erzhina road, in a few minutes you will have to make your way through forest clearings, so combat work of the infantry, the avdeevka direction remains one of the most.
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decided to purchase another batch of weapons for kyiv london will also be sent, as the head of the british ministry of defense said, ukrainian militants will be supplied with radars for air defense systems, electronic warfare equipment, airborne drones, as well as small boats and drones, all of which will cost 150 million pounds. the general staff of the iranian armed forces announced the preliminary results of the investigation into the crash of president ibrahim raisi's helicopter. the report states that the aircraft caught fire after.
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a state of emergency has been introduced in the trans-baikal territory due to wildfires raging in the region; their area has increased by one and a half times in one day. today, more than 50 thousand hectares of forest are engulfed in flames. paratroopers and paratroopers of the security aviation forest from buryatia arrived in the region to help local rescuers extinguish the fire. specialists will be sent to the most difficult areas. however, in buryatia itself , the fire situation is also getting worse every day. three large outbreaks are now burning in the barguzinsky and muisky districts. aviation has been deployed, but so far they have not been able to control the fire; the rescuers’ work is hampered by strong winds. and in the khabarovsk territory and sakhalin, snow fell today in several areas the air temperature dropped to zero.
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residents share pictures of snow online and jokingly congratulate each other on the new year. at the same time, many have already managed to sow vegetable gardens. the may cold causes damage not only to private owners, but also to the agro-industrial sector. from the country as a whole, the territory of the belgorod region fell under frost, where crops in the fields and gardens suffered from low temperatures. arina melnikova learned how local farmers cope with the consequences of a natural disaster. the envy was good, they were already centimeter-sized, everything was crumbling. farmer-gardener alexander mamontov looks dejectedly at how, with a light touch of his hands, the ovaries of apples already the size of a pea crumble to the ground. one night in may destroyed the entire fruit harvest and... on the eve of may 10 it was -9° here, at such a temperature the imported plants had no chance of surviving; traditional methods of fumigation with smoke or sprinkling would not have helped. there is no hope of getting at least a small harvest of apples and other crops this year. the berries of cherries, sweet cherries, plums and other
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stone fruits died. walnut shoots, tree which can withstand thirty-degree frost in winter, they could not resist the return cold, but the foliage of apple trees is pleasing to the eye, the leaves are all good, the trees are alive, the trees. healthy, but the only thing we still can’t predict is what will happen next year, that is , this frost could affect next year’s embryos, which are now being laid, some ornamental trees were also damaged, frost partially destroyed crops in the fields, a decision was made to introduce emergency situation in the region's agro-industrial complex, representatives of the commission together with the owner they conduct an examination and the commission decides what to do next with these crops, or leave them, which is possible. the state will help the affected farms, but for this it is necessary to accurately determine the extent of the damage caused by the return frosts. now this work is progressing intensively, while at the same time, in the struggle for the harvest, farmers have already begun
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to replant the damaged areas. arina melnikova, tatyana iermolenko, andrey kazakov, vesti belgrade. the first case of death from a tick bite was recorded in the urals, as reported in the region. report from primorye andrey kolesnikov. white flags do not mean capitulation to the enemy; collecting data about his location, the enemy is dangerous and insidious. as a rule, he hunts on a trail, a trail where animals run, but also where people pass. today experts are studying the situation on the paths of the botanical garden in the suburbs of vladivostok. after the first couple of tens of meters there is already a catch, and the task for today is to cover about 3 km of the path. this year is the season. tick ​​activity began a little later than usual due to the long cold spring, dangerous parasites are not walking
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came out of hibernation, but in recent days the number of requests has increased sharply. since the beginning of the season, over 2,700 cases of tick bites have been registered in primorye; there are no serious illnesses yet, but the peak of the dangerous period has not yet passed. did you find them already attached to you or were they crawling? this one was not attached to the body, this one was attached, and when i got dressed i felt it painfully. to conduct a full analysis, the individual must be alive or at least without damage. places and attractions that have become tourist attractions exposed. clothing should be as
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light as possible, this makes it easier to detect a crawling parasite, treatment with an anti-tick spray is highly desirable, all this will help to avoid troubles in nature, but the most important protection is still vaccination. participants of the zemsky teacher program. the goal of the project is to solve the problem of personnel shortage in rural areas and small towns. over 200 people have already submitted their applications to participate in the program. most teachers are needed in physics, mathematics, russian language, history and literature. we have pro...
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rub. and will have to work in the new place for at least 5 years. a touching and exciting moment for thousands of students across the country. today, schools will ring the final bells for graduates. in the ceremonial line in the schoolyard, congratulations to first-graders, parting words from teachers, hugs from parents. in chukotka, the festive graduation ceremony took place at the anadal house of folk art. this year, 93 schoolchildren completed their studies and all of them were admitted to the state total. certifications. the graduates of the amur region are also overwhelmed with emotions.
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more than 3.01 20th graders and almost 10,000 9th graders from the region gathered at this year’s ceremony. and across the country this year , more than 600 thousand graduates will step into a new adult life. now see a small advertisement below. today is the day of slavic writing and culture. patriarch kirill will perform a festive service. washington introduces visa restrictions with georgia due to the '. agents and extreme sports enthusiasts from all over russia are catching a wave in the polar teriberka, not switch. cognac, monte shoca, product of stellar group. welcome to rixsas premium mogavish suits & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas meet a touch of gold. rixas premium
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magavish suits and villas the vacation you've been dreaming about. old barrel cognac, a product of the steller group. a hotel for unforgettable rix experiences. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world.
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natural beauty merge into perfect harmony, create memories that will remain forever in the heart. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. stirsman bourbon is a product of stellor group. catch me if you can. at him, at him. our show is a real musical detective story. see, but don’t rush to believe everything you see today on rtr, then that’s what it is, these are tickets, the premiere on rtr, you put two strangers in the same room, you’ve never seen the sunrise on the beach, you’re settling in, just
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look , maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness, like your roman, what were you watching? follow me, i i'm filing for divorce. melody for yours, from monday on rtr. the main character played the role that made him a superstar, and then he lives under the weight of this image, yes, that’s what, ignoring the umbilical cord that connected you with this hype, well, it’s necessary, because otherwise you will become a hostage, what is slo? guys, this is a certain principle, yes, it’s like you, this is the law, and if you start to believe in this instead of the law of god, then that’s the mistake, that’s what’s also scary, that this path of their mistakes, it sucks in not only them, but loved ones, they all fall into this abyss, in the chaliapin series, you managed
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to convey this stubbornness in a good sense that rachmaninov had, because... he defends the composer, you, when you defend the idea and theme in which god lives , then you are, of course, a thousand times larger, this is what i wanted to convey, every hero has this kind of light, you are trying to save the spark of light that the evil winds are trying to blow out. lev zulkarnaev in the white studio, author’s program to daria zlatopolskaya, today on rtr, how tired i am of your... teachings, i because i’m trying, i want it to be better, before your arrival it was great, to be honest, adults, daughters, premiere, on saturday on rtr, news, we continue the release. before flying to minsk, vladimir putin met with patriarch
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kirill of moscow and all russia in the patriarchal chambers of the kremlin. the head of state congratulated him on his church name day and presented him with a bouquet. and in an hour, patriarch kirill will perform a festive service in the cathedral of christ the savior in honor of the day of slavic literature and culture. russian orthodox church today honors the memory of saints cyril and methodius, creators of the first alphabet. at the end of the 9th century, greek letters became the basis of the alphabet, and some had to be invented in order to more accurately convey
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the sounds of slavic speech. to the tragedy in the crocus. ukrainian military intelligence is private, fsb director alexander bortnikov stated. at these moments in bishkek, he is taking part in a meeting of the council of heads of security agencies and intelligence services of the cis countries. according to him , those who ordered the terrorist attack wanted to damage the relations of the commonwealth countries. already more than twenty people were detained. the head of the fsb thanked his colleagues from the cis for their assistance in the investigation of the bloody crime. we are currently establishing the entire circle of those involved in the crime. more than twenty persons have already been detained, including the direct perpetrators of the accomplices. we are confident that one of the goals of those who ordered this terrorist attack is to cause damage to the attitude of the commonwealth countries using. religious national factors, our geopolitical opponents expect to destroy the unique interethnic and interreligious balance, formed over a long period
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of coexistence of our peoples. the fsb declassified archival documents about the crimes of the us and french military in berlin in may 1945; in particular, special reports from representatives of the soviet military administration were published. they describe facts of looting, humiliation, and rape. as well as attacks by allied soldiers on civilians in the german capital. in addition, according to historians, documents from that period indicate an increase in intelligence activity. former allies recruited as spies released from prisoner of war camps or young people from among the members of the hitler jugent organization. the president of serbia thanked russia, as well as other countries that voted against the genocide resolution at the un general assembly. in srebrenica. the document , widely supported by the west, blames the bosnian deaths on the serbs. the russian permanent representative called the resolution a shame. as for berlin, which was one of its
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initiators, vasily nebendze noted: germany has the right to use the word genocide only when talking about its crimes. report by daria grigorova. we now begin the voting process. there were more people who opposed and abstained than voted. put forward for consideration by representatives of germany and rwanda. according to the resolution, july 11 is proclaimed an international day of reflection in remembrance of the genocide, which will be
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celebrated annually. the text of the document unconditionally condemns any denial of the genocide in srebrrenica. among the countries that voted against are russia, china and hungary. although this resolution is not mandatory for execution, its adoption threatens peace in the region, pushing the balkans towards confrontation. this was stated by the permanent representative of russia vasily nebenzya. we warned the co-authors before the vote, even at the time when they were just starting out, starting to promote their project, that things could end badly for them. it will not be unproblematic acceptance, it will not be consensus acceptance, it will expose the wounds of genocides that have not been mentioned in many countries where such events have occurred, and it will open a pandora's box. after voting in response to the scandalous resolution on the main belgrade'. the following inscription has already appeared: “we are not a genocidal people.” according to belgrade and bani luka, the adopted resolution calls the serbs a people responsible for genocide. this first of all
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raises the question of the legitimacy of the existence of the republika srpska within bosnia and herzegovina and may even lead to its abolition. the serbs do not agree with this. the authorities of the republika srpska will propose to the official sarajevo within a month a draft agreement on the peaceful delimitation of bosnia and herzegovina. the adopted resolution is based on. for a decision international court for the former yugoslavia, according to the version of events promoted by the gaga tribunal in srebrjanica in july 95, 8,000 bosnian muslims were allegedly killed, most of whom were said to be civilians. however, some experts consider these data to be overestimated. the serbian side claims that the number of deaths is lower, most of them were military personnel, while official belgrade and baneluka admit the fact of the executions, but... categorically oppose the term genocide. international commission under the leadership of the famous israeli historian gideon greif also came to the conclusion that the events in srebrrenica
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cannot be called genocide. you can't throw around terms. genocide has a rule that was defined by jewish lawyer raphael lemkin in 1948. sorry, but what happened in srebrrenica is not genocide. in addition, greif's team also investigated the fact that the hague tribunal ignored the massacres. serbs, which took place in the vicinity of srebryanica from ninety-two to ninety-five during attacks on according to the most conservative estimates, more than 3.00 local residents were killed; the current resolution on srebrenica also contains nothing about the killed serbs; such a document clearly does not contribute to reconciliation in the region. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, balkan news bureau. the us democratic party led by joe biden is destroying the country. this statement was made by donald trump. former american leader, held his first election rally in new york in 8 years, despite the fact that residents of the city are considered supporters of the democrats, trump decided to attract
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side of latinos and african americans. may be crossed out from vagai’s ballots, due to bureaucratic corrections. state law requires political parties to register their candidates no later than 90 days before the election, but the democratic national convention is not scheduled to be held until aug. 22, 75 days before the election. in the end, everything will depend on the readiness of the agai authorities to make a concession. the united states has begun to review relations with georgia
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due to the law on foreign agents. washington has already announced a policy of visa restrictions in attitude of the georgian authorities and members of their families. this statement was made by secretary of state antony blinken. earlier, threats to suspend georgia's integration into the european union were made from brussels. and representatives of estonia and the netherlands, the czech republic and sweden called for the abolition of the visa-free regime for residents of the country and the introduction of sanctions against them. let me remind you that the law on foreigners, which was adopted by the parliament in tbilisi, is designed to limit the manipulation of public opinion from abroad. washington and its allies claim that the georgian authorities are allegedly posing a threat to democracy and freedom of speech. it is noteworthy that the law on aliens operates in a much stricter form in the united states itself. four people died after the glass terrace of a cocktail bar in palma de mallorca, spain, collapsed. more than twenty more were wounded, seven victims are in extremely serious condition. most of the dead and injured were foreign tourists. the terrace on which
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people were dancing will collapse. the basement of the building has been filled with debris on the first floor, rescue work is continuing there, as there is a fear that under the rubble there may still be stay people. extreme sports enthusiasts from st. petersburg, murmansk and other cities of the country catch waves on the barents sea. surfing competitions were held for the first time in polar teriberka. according to the athletes, the climate is not important for them, even the arctic ocean is suitable, the main thing is a warm wetsuit and a good mood. severe arctic gray. this is the temperature of not only the air, but also the water, a strong wind blows, but surfers happily jump into the barents sea to catch a huge wave, athletes wear special wetsuits that help keep them warm, but in icy water people are still seized with yeast and, nevertheless, they perform complex elements on the wave, and when they go ashore, they begin to smile, like the weather and like the sea?
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surfing of the murmansk region for the polar this is the first official competition of the federation of athletes, comrades from st. petersburg and other cities of the country came to support, but on the first day of the competition the guests themselves had to help, whom teriberka met with heavy snowfall and heavy winds. it seems that in order to prevent athletes from hypothermia, they went to all. surfing in the arctic circle is when athletes spend half an hour in icy water, then get out to the beach and very quickly head to this building where the bathhouse is located, and this procedure in arctic conditions is more pleasant than ever. the discipline in which surfers compete is called longboard . it seems that the waves were first curbed in this way on the govai; the inhabitants of the equator
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have always been considered favorites of the like. appeared among arctic athletes. very good competition, but now serious ambitions are developing now in the far east, for the first time championships will be held in the far eastern federal district, the krasnodar region is developing, this is sochi. of course, this is the leningrad region and st. petersburg. despite the fact that the winners stood on the podium in down jackets, the award ceremony itself turned out to be hot and joyful against the backdrop of the northern sky, meaning surfers on the waves of the barin sea. that's all for now, andrey shevtsov was with you, good luck.


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