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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  May 24, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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“yes, you’re just my stupid girl, but some kind of love, he will leave you at the first opportunity, as soon as he gets tired of you, i beg you, please, stop, don’t touch me, leave me alone, what are you you’re doing, and girl, hug me, please, feel me, can i hug you, on saturday, nart, please, introduction and roll call, can i do it without formation?
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how much more is there yet to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything, with joy, let's all wave hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, my dears, you are all so different, i so want this difference to be the strength of our family, and not...
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olds barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is nothing to think about. when you are calm.
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completely turned off, rest is rest, we know everything about rest. anexc. сnop gin, a product of stellor group. good morning, says the doctor of months, we are starting a program about the most important thing, that is, about our health. look you won’t regret us. we begin. today the program is about the most important thing. little-known causes of stroke. check it out, come in.
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stroke, what provokes this dangerous vascular catastrophe? untreated hypertension, excess weight, smoking, alcohol, everyone knows about this, but scientists constantly. they conduct research and assure that there are other risk factors that are important to know about for everyone who wants to avoid a stroke. we have collected several such studies to figure out what else can trigger a stroke. i would like to hear the opinion of dr. myasnikov. so, let's start: scientists from south korea monitored the health of 163 thousand women for almost 20 years. and they found that those who were infected with the human papillomavirus had a higher risk of dying from a stroke.
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the first place of death is cardiovascular diseases, stroke, vascular diseases, and we say that there is atherosclerosis, which leads to the appearance of plaques, either in the heart, then a heart attack, or in the vessels of the brain in the carotid, carotid arteries, and leads to consultation, and we are well aware of these risk factors: smoking, increased blood pressure, high cholesterol, high sugar. physical inactivity , heredity, excess weight, and so on and so on, that is, we know this well, but here i see something a little different, now we will go, because that’s all, and what scientists will say next, we will say a little about other things, we will not talk
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about therosclerotic vascular lesions, as the most common cause of strokes, but we will talk about increased thrombosis, thrombus formation. and for this it is absolutely not necessarily to be old and fat, it can happen to any girl, god forbid, sitting down, it can happen to each of us, there is an innate tendency to blood clots, let’s say we have a certain number of zero there, 3% of the population has a factor there leiden, these are people who are six times more likely to have a tendency to boron formation, other congenital factors, you need to know about them, this is a separate thing, and it’s good that we remembered this. but now let's talk about specifics, so hpv, yes, of course, and not only, and not only, we we also know a number of viral diseases, they cause severe anemia, they actually cause changes in blood vessels, they cause inflammation, followed by thrombosis, well, you
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even cut your finger, yes, first it will become inflamed, then it will stick together, so yes, it’s so, it’s worth it should everyone be afraid of microwaves, well, listen , firstly, there is a vaccination, but when... it’s still not thrombosis, but more often, for some more often, for others less often, but these are games of statistics, but without statistics hpv causes 600,000 cases of cervical cancer per year, 250,000 women die from cervical cancer every year, this is what you need to be afraid of, so against the sixteenth, eighteenth and other varieties of the human papillomavirus, there is a vaccination, do it, give it to your children, plus, of course, some protection from this too, so... we live, don’t bend over, there’s also hpv some kind of effect on thorbosis, so the more protection, the better, let's move on, the next study from american scientists, they analyzed 30 million pregnancies, it turned out that young mothers who did ivf were twice as likely to experience a stroke within a year after
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childbirth, all because during this process the level of estrogen in the body artificially increases, and this provokes the formation of blood clots, doctor, what do you think about this ? but what can i think, this is a well-known fact, it really is estrogen that increases the tendency to form thrombosis, and therefore what is the tendency to thrombosis? birth control hormonal pills, hormone replacement therapy, today birth control pills contain a minimal amount of estrogen and are considered safe, but 20 years ago we said, a woman who smokes and takes birth control pills is at high risk of thrombosis and stroke.
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blood type, out of 700 people it happened 16% more often in them, and up to 60 years of age. scientists believe that people with the second blood group are more susceptible. thrombosis. doctor, please comment on this fact. what should i comment on? everything is correct, because a blood type is a set of certain genes that are transmitted in a population and we know diseases very well. we know that the second group has a higher incidence of stomach cancer, and the first group has a higher incidence of ulcers stomach. we know that the first group is more often bitten by mosquitoes, we know that pancreatic cancer is the third and fourth group. we know very well that even some medications for people, for people with different blood groups
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, are supported, because the blood type is once again a specific, it is a genetically determined thing, so now all patients with the second blood group get stomach cancer from thrombosis, so how does this knowledge help you, you can quit smoking, you can reduce weight, you can increase the load, the second blood group is not change that now we will all sit and wait for a stroke, but what about the scientists? sweden is assured that depression leads to stroke; they surveyed several thousand people who had had a stroke and found that the year before almost half had depression or chronic stress. scientists explain it this way: during depression , the level of the hormone cortisol increases, which is very harmful to our blood vessels, especially in the brain area. doctor, do you agree with them? again, a very well-known fact, depression, mental illness, and...
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about diabetes we know well diabetes you can keep sugar away, you have hope that the risks will decrease about inflammation, we know, or now they will tell us the following fact, and another unexpected cause of stroke in women, the early onset of menstruation or menopause. scientists from oxford university analyzed the health of 250 thousand women aged 40 to 69 years. observations have shown that... those who began menstruation at 11 or 12 years of age or menopause began before 46 years of age were three
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times more likely to suffer from strokes, doctor, this is really interconnected, why else early menstruation is a significant factor in 12-13 years of age breast cancer, breast cancer, those who have never given birth, nun's disease, on the contrary, there is a later onset of menopause, it is believed that the longer estrogen acts, the more... this is because that an estrogen-dependent tumor, just as we are talking about the action of estrogens, i have already said, the action of estrogens is a provoking factor for thrombosis, this is also a well -known fact for decades, early loss of function is not early, it is premature, most likely , this is probably rather, we are talking about because 40-something years old, this is not an early place, this is not an early menopause, this is ovarian failure, probably there are also hormonal factors there. well, the thing is that these statistics,
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there are lies, yes, there are big lies, there are statistics, today i see how all this is turned upside down, because then they look at these statistics, they calculated it incorrectly, they didn’t put it here, in fact this, this is today statistics can prove any, any thing, but scientists need to do something, so they do this, it must result in some benefit, sometimes it doesn’t result, well , early menstruation, but the second blood type, but it was... there was hpv and let’s still move, because a stroke is again, it won’t happen, just if you have thrombosis, arms, legs, unprovoked, thrombosis from the fact that you sat there for a long time, rode in a car, on an airplane, it is provoked, there are 3 months of treatment, that’s all, but if you don’t know the cause, look for it, maybe it’s congenital tendency to thrombosis, then you need to take prophylactic blood thinners drugs. the whole issue of identifying thrombosis, what we are talking about predisposition, this
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is a question of just one thing: should i take blood-blooding drugs prophylactically, or not, if i take it, i will die from bleeding from the stomach or hemorrhage in the brain, there are huge chances, we see this every day , if you don’t take it, i can get thrombosis and have a stroke, that’s the question, so how serious is it, that’s all i said, not how much it’s a share, the share is individual... it doesn’t, that’s what it has, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high sugar, a fat belly, smoking, this is what it is, we need to fight it, okay, let’s be careful about our health. we will have good, then, rheumatoid arthritis, why does it occur more often in women, what diseases cause it, how does it destroy not only the joints, but also the heart, what are the signs to suspect its development? for a doctor, rheumatoid arthritis is a gift; for a patient, it’s a grief, crack and
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the check is ready, you’re definitely fine, you just never usually stick around. premiere at rtr: will you leave me without a morning kiss? i have a husband, a job, stability, i’m unhappy, and you just blatantly write travel, happiness, and good luck into your schedule. anna taratorkina. who are you, how did you get here? this is my number. vacation can be planned, but love, i myself i’m alone, it’s just an accident, what an idiot, i don’t understand anything, i need to figure it all out, melody for yours, from monday on rtr. immerse yourself in a world
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of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites , the world's most magnificent golf resort class surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. hotel for an unforgettable experience rixsas sharma sheikh only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. riksas sharmelshey is not just a vacation, it is
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a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created for admiration. discover a true gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic luxery collection bodrum. 300th episode of the program hello andrey, we decided to make a disco of the eighties, they gave us konorara with refrigerators and washing machines, on songs of the year stuck out, rubber sundress, black opaque stockings, they cut me out,
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hello andrey, andrey malakov's anniversary show on saturday on rtr. well, maybe you can kiss me? the plot is worthy of a novel: she, he and his muse. anton, you have talent, but it’s so easy to lose inspiration. i'll leave when you finish the novel. i can’t live without you, i heard here, you seem to have decided to get married, from scratch, today on rtr, repatoid
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arthritis, the topic of this section, is a systemic inflammatory disease, for us. arthritis is just one word, arthritis, the most what is the most common arthritis in the world, this is osteoarthritis, these are people over 40 who begin to wear out their articular surfaces, they become deformed, well, it all ends in pain, arthrosis and ultimately surgery, rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease, it’s not like cartridges are being worn out , and this is inflammation, it is not always limited only to the joints, enough... there were american indians that it never existed in europe, and if we look at the skeletons of people before the discovery of columbus, before
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canquista, there were no those signs on the bones rheumatoid arthritis, which we began to find after the carquistadors began to return to europe, and among the otseks, among the indians, these... and some environmental factors, what? well, we can say purely statistically, we just discussed that this is age, rheumatoid arthritis can occur at any
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age, from childhood to what, but at 50 plus its risks increase, women get rheumatoid arthritis three times more often than men, smoking is known a risk factor, by the way, infection, especially infections.
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as the swan neck is called, all this can be like this, so, pain, symmetrical pain
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in the joints is the second, that the important symptom is stiffness, morning stiffness, with any inflammatory arthritis, with the same psoriosis, and so on, with osteoarthritis there will be stiffness, but we used to use the criteria half an hour, 40 minutes , that's stiffness. pain in large joints, so to speak, here it can last up to an hour, although knees can, any joint can be affected, but right up to this joint, often rheumatoid arthritis can manifest itself as pain, pain in the living and so on, headache, pain in the ear, and often there is a joint. the head is attached, why is it important to know if the first joint, that’s where we have, roughly speaking,
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whether the patient has rheumatoid arthritis or not, during intubation, the person’s heart is bad, he needs to be intubated, you tilt his head back, insert a tube, and he has rheumatoid arthritis, crack and the person is ready, so yes, there are known cases, i myself have encountered in america that all this is not a joke, so any joint can suffer, but the joint is okay, this is a common disease, we understand what we see in the clinic , we do x-rays, we see certain deformations, and then, of course, we take blood, because there are very, very accurate ones, this is not just rheumatoid factor, i won’t list them now, there are a number of certain markers, certain antibodies that we determine, according to their level, we... “yes, everything is like that here, although sometimes it happens, as we say, gray negative, well, that’s a different story, that is, when you don’t have
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the same elevated level.” factor, and rheumatoid arthritis is present, or vice versa, increased there are no rheumatoid factors in rheumatoid arthritis, because in approximately 20% of cases of increased rheumatoid factor we do not find arthritis, in children this occurs according to one version, in adults according to another, which is generally typical, of course, the appearance of heart symptoms, it could be pericarditis, it could be various types of arrhythmias, it could be...
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he remained bedridden, he preferred to suffer, get sick, but move around, and medications appeared, which, as they say, medicine disease-modifying, well, it’s like the good old methotrixate, which we inject, by the way, whoever uses it should only do it with folic acid, you understand that it can have a very strong effect on the liver, uh, we even previously recommended doing a puncture once a year liver, by the way, of... these
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drugs, the good old chloroquine, which we used to treat malaria in africa, is still used as a means of reducing the disease, changing its course, stopping it, there are various monoconal antibodies, there are factors that inhibit the factor tumor necrosis, and there are other things to do, because the tumor necrosis factor, it causes severe inflammation, a medicine that... blocks this necrosis factor, relieves inflammation, but their risk of developing cancer immediately increases, because the tumor necrosis factor decreases - this is, so to speak, a provoking factor for oncology, that is, there are no simple solutions here, people end up with surgery, i once had a patient from america, a tourist, they called him robocop, why? because he was, he was 90 years old, yes, or 90 years old when he
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ended up in... in a clinic, he is a former policeman, he had either four or five joints replaced, an elbow, both knees, a hip joint, they called him robocop, so i remember him because he was 90 years old, when he poisoned himself, then it was very fashionable to travel from st. petersburg through moscow, the rybenskoye reservoir along the volga, here he was at the age of 90, when he was pumped out, he came to his senses, he... flirted with the nurses with great interest, tried to hug them there and said, listen, and you marry me, i in america, i have everything in chocolate, let's go, i think, what a guy, what a great guy, well, in general, yes, what are we talking about, and we are repatty on mortitis, propaty remartritis, maybe pleurisy, and sometimes it’s interesting
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diagnostic task, you do a puncture when you look at immobilized people, it’s a pity, well, what can i say, that in general heart disease is an inflammatory condition, which, of course, increases thrombosis, and the risks of oncology with rheumatoid arthritis increase the risks of oncology many times over , cardiovascular diseases, there’s nowhere to go, there’s no escape, that ’s it, i think that... that’s all i wanted
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to tell you about repatoid arthritis, again, just take it, for you it’s all arthritis, you say arthrosis, arthrosis, no such thing the words arthrosis, arthrosis is the outcome of arthritis, for you it’s all osteoarthritis, but there is inflammatory arthritis. therefore, you pay attention to the symmetry, to the stiffness of the joints, because here, the sooner you start treatment with disease-modifying drugs, the better the course will be and the easier the prognosis. we will be careful about your health, everything will be fine. further, in whom high cholesterol can cause type 2 diabetes mellitus and how strength loads affect the development of osteoporosis. questions from the doctor, alexander myasnikov asks, you answer, you should go to toby, uh, write, but i don’t envy you, it’s a big musical premiere, but i have a question, please tell me how many singing non-bodies will be there,
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virtuoso singing or virtuoso facial expressions, i can’t imagine at all, this could be your trick and deception, you are capable of anything, master vocalist or master of deception?
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indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. this is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is
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a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic, deluxe, golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable vacation. he is the culprit of the accident, the person was injured, judge him they will, you want to ruin the child’s life, i warned him, you need him for something, yes, health, a nurse for the director of the plant, this is so cool, leave everyone, i don’t want to see anyone, i understand that he has a generally difficult character , yes, i want to try to sit down. you promised to help me, it seems to me that in his soul he is a completely different person, morgue, listen, he can make sure he doesn’t yell, but i suggest getting rid of him, how to get rid of him, kill him or something, he was abandoned like a dog on the street, here
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i will work with him as long as necessary, with i always want to be you, sunday on rtr. when i was building the dacha, the construction manager told me this, we won’t let you down, we didn’t let you down, we didn’t let you down with gas, we didn’t let you down with water supply, now it will be, now it will be, the roof has been powdered, the pipes have been coated with nail polish, normal cosmetic repairs, let’s do it again this is once again a parade of humor, a premiere. on saturday on rtr. the section “questions from the doctor” is on air. we ask you questions based on previous
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programs, you answer, well, if you watched our programs, then i probably don’t need to say the conditions further, because come out, it will be interesting, raise your hands, who's ready? come here. what is your name? my name is ann. what is anya doing? i work at the vdnh exhibition. it's clear. well, spin it. so, well, it’s written, an elevated cholesterol level can provoke the development of diabetes, you should go to the cabinet, uh, write, but i don’t envy you, well, it baffles me , i’ll explain why, an elevated sugar level undoubtedly can. .. lead to the development of atherosclerosis and high
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cholesterol levels. high cholesterol itself has nothing to do with sugar; it does not increase. another question is that cholesterol increases in whom? in people with excess nutrition, overweight, as a rule, and so on. and, overweight, and so on, this is the basis of this, insulin insensitivity, only then insulin insensitivity develops, and sugar is formed. but can simply elevated cholesterol levels cause diabetes, pure cholesterol? the answer is no, okay, you’ll answer the next question correctly, we chicory is good for digestion, do you know what it is? yes, that sykorie is the root, ground, its... instead of coffee, many people drink it from the root, yes from the root, well done, well,
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is it useful or harmful, well, write, write, well, yes, yes it is useful, because it would seem, yes, so you say, they drink coffee instead , you can drink it not instead of coffee, but with coffee, by the way, i really do this too, but i’ve been drinking it since childhood. then i forgot for many years, but now i’m back again, because inullin, which is based on it, is fiber, which in general, any type of fiber is good for digestion, in general a lot, let’s say the prevention of diabetes, and by the way, chicory as a prevention of diabetes is a very effective thing, and chicory contains inulin, and this is if scientifically it is some kind of polyviructosan, which, in principle, slows down the absorption of sugar, accordingly, regulates the insulin response to
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a jump in sugar and thus, by the way, is very good for people who want to lose weight, for people who want not to gain weight, and of course for people it reduces the risk of diabetes, this, by the way, is 100%, then it works, as it already protects, if we fight resistance, with insulin, if we reduce the risks of diabetes , the risks of heart disease and oncology are correspondingly reduced, so... the drink is really useful in all respects, and for digestion, this is not the first time i’ve i’m talking about chicory, i always recommend it, because there are different technologies, they are easy to distinguish by sight, and there is hot drying, when they simply evaporate the hot stuff, this produces not so shapeless lumps, but in general there are few active ingredients, and here's where they freeze then dry the already frozen product, remove the water then in a vacuum, and then there is another... another technology like this is also
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easy to distinguish from all the others, i was at this production when gentle vacuum drying was already done, why am i saying it, because you you can easily see it, you know, these are like pieces of ice, these are multi-faceted granules, these are of such different shapes, here we have them, you see what they are, they are very easy to distinguish, so this is how you will see, take this, it’s delicious , by the way, there are additives, they are making them now, this only happens with cinnamon is very tasty, by the way, okay, let's move on, strength exercises with dumbbells, weights, barbells increases the risk of developing osteoporosis, don't rush, no, no, then write, well, yes, on the contrary, on the contrary, they reduce, that is, we, we we always say that physical activity should be exactly... aerobic, such as running, swimming, cycling, aerobic for
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the heart, but for the bones it is the load that is needed, even for a woman, because it is mainly a woman’s disease, namely loads with weights, with dumbbells, strengthen bones, prevent osteoporosis, i think about the first answer, but the thing is that the question was posed in such a way that even i thought, yes, yeah, you’re working at an exhibition, but what is your profession, and i’m a pastry chef, are you a pastry chef? how i love, how i love, you would immediately say, i would immediately count you in, how i love cooks, these are people who love life. people who cook, they can’t be bad, because it won’t taste anything , you can’t be a cook in the woods, 100%, he will mix poison in there, the most important thing is to cook with soul, that’s right, let’s go, that's it, wait, we'll put the key in, that's it, three keys, no frieze, the cook, the pastry chef can't leave me, let's open it, well... the root
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talks about chicory right from the first time and i opened it, i remember, more than once revealed the secret, that’s who constantly watches the program, knows that if a person comes out here in a red dress, skirt, jacket, he usually reveals it the first time, 90% probability, i don’t know why, she came out, i immediately realized that with the first time it opens, choose, thank you very much, thank you, and we move on.
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it's easier to fly a real helicopter because that's all, but today we will talk about insects, insect bites, how to prevent and so on and so forth, today we have my favorite expert, where is katya baranova?
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well, but if we look at domestic insects, you know that there are domestic insects, here we have beautiful representatives of insects that were domesticated many thousands of years ago, butterflies, of course, were not domesticated at that time, because they didn’t bring food, but the rest i’ll tell you about butterflies, what is this sore called, which butterfly crawls, then everything dries up,
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here we see bees that used to gather somewhere in approximately different places, if you remember how mowgli hunted for honey, bears regularly eat this food, but unfortunately for humans, all these insects can be dangerous, every insect has means of defense, except that here, for example, there is not an insect at all, but a spider, beautiful, yes, here is one of the largest... spiders that can even eat a mouse, here he also calls them tarantulas, when i arrived to africa, i went into the house, went into the yard, and there was a web, and there were exactly two of these tarantulas, so i took a stick and threw it, what do you think, it got caught in the web, all 5 years of my business trip it hung like that, because more
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i didn’t go into this yard, i was very afraid of them, and rightly so, many people are afraid of spiders, they are afraid of them for good reason, there are poisonous spiders, but... unfortunately, the topic of our program is not about spiders, because spiders are not, no, they are not insects because we divide them simply, well, i mean we are biologists who, what difference does it make if a spider bites me or is there a big difference, okay, but these ticks, he’s also a tick, also a spider, yes, yes, we don’t understand ticks either, no, where do you see ticks here, no, we see different insects here, insects are surrounded by ... so that’s it, count by your legs, six legs, which means this is our topic, eight legs are not ours, no, not ours, at least not today, uh-huh, that’s it. what we want to say, many people think that ants, for example, are completely safe, oh, what nonsense, this is such a trifle in general, some don’t pay attention
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pay attention to a bunch of domestic insects, they are crawling there, you know, you can look, it’s very quiet, at night you need to go to the toilet and you will see beautiful insects, very small from ants, all these insects are capable of eating anything, which means that they can eat a small corpse of a mouse or a rat or anything else they will spread, which would not even occur to you,
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we also have them, but fortunately not at home or in an apartment, and even rarely in the country, ants in the south and in many places can actually cause damage and poison and the fact that they don’t wash it, after all, we ’ll finish with ourselves, and i’ll pick him up now, but okay, then, why alone. “i will not allow my daughter to be deceived, everything is not at all what it seems to you, i was framed by
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irina razanova, my competitors are on top, we need to find who exactly, in case they are using blackmail, you can’t limit it, anastasia vedenskaya, you all knew everything about this, i don’t want to see you all, anatoly lobotsky, one very important person for me has disappeared, life teaches you nothing.” they were silent about you, and now continue to lie about your mother? adult daughters, premiere. in saturday on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan. that's all a thing of the past; now you can
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clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper sweeper. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. tripartite high speed. rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front reaches into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned with just one click of a button. it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it... or laminate. swivel head it easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you
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can easily get under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach. and only today, the unique, ingenious livington dipper swiper wireless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for only 89.95. but... if you call and place an order right now, you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros. and you can get the livington dipper swieper for an incredible 69.95. but hurry up, offer is strictly limited. are you bored with your old fence, do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life. with his help. you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, a terrace, a gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive
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repairs and painting, four bright, beautiful ones. colors to choose from. all you need to do is secure the photo façade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. photo facade bright life is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. if contamination appears, just rinse it with water. beautiful, fast, convenient and easy. call to order a universal photo facade for the fence bright life at a special price from only 9.95. just choose a suitable design and create it. the repeatable appearance of your suburban area, for me the film moscow sliza does not believe, in many ways this is my destiny. i was not at all eager to play this role. i was captivated not by the script, but by volodevo, the man who walks in his own way, it’s always hard for him. this wasn't even criticism, it was bullying. he was so worried that he once told me that, lord, why did i take this picture? vera alentova, her life with vladimir minshov.
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it was surprising to everyone when we got married. it was just some kind of shock, because the pain of different people cannot be imagined. without him, when he got sick with covid, he didn’t want to go to the hospital, but he got worse, the next day they finally arrived and since 2 days later i got sick, they took me to another hospital, but i he was released the day before the funeral, i don’t remember everything well, but i can only tell you that for me he didn’t leave, we are still together, the fate of a person is with boris korchevny. today on rtr love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, understands, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time on 1 2
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3, subscribe, look. let's see, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, the program about the most important thing continues, we are talking about dangerous insects, let's see why all insects are dangerous to us, they can cause a huge number of completely different symptoms, note that a person may not even notice that he has been bitten, for example, you sat down on a chair, someone bit you, you may think that you are hooked... and so on, edema develops in people instantly, in people with impaired perception, or distracted by something, you can just notice how they will swell before your eyes, i mean i personally saw that at this time you, as a person, who happened to be nearby, you can save a person’s life, let’s say it happened at the dacha, you don’t have much time to save a person’s life, the increase in volume will be colossal, especially if the bite
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is in the area of ​​the face, lips. or let’s say, a person or a child accidentally slaps on the head, driving away some kind of insect, so you need to do such things very carefully, you need to teach children so that they do not slap insects on themselves, not only because you won’t be able to later take the sting out, yeah yourself, and you don’t have to do it if you don’t know how, or watch the video, or it’s better to go to the doctor anyway, all wounds should be treated, if you crush an insect that doesn’t wash its paws, walks anywhere, very often lives on it various in...
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this is such a huge wasp, yes, it is completely harmless, but unless it has built a nest somewhere where you sleep, for example, or your child, then if you encounter this situation, you will have to clean up, but let's look at the beautiful diseases here that are carried by these insects, in addition to the fact that they are dangerous, we all know that mosquitoes can carry various diseases, but imagine, a certain person arrives who recently or... there are different options, but a number can carry them, so because of climate change, a number of diseases, not only those indicated here, have now shifted, i want
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to say two or two words now, insects do not bite everyone... the same way, in fact, 80% of bites of diseases that are transmitted through bites are falling for 20% of people, there are people more sweet for this, let's say, blood type, mosquitoes have been proven to bite people with blood type, the smell affects, very often, how animals feel weakened, brothers and gnaw, the same insects attack people with chronic diseases, with certain odors, a certain type of sweat , even with certain food preferences, for example, there is a well-known fact that a person who eats a lot of bananas is more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes and so on, that is, again, a healthy lifestyle prevents insect bites. most common in bites is the so-called blood group one, in fact this is not entirely true, because now there are already 56 and they even say 58 blood groups, which is why our
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usual 35, and there are already over 300 subspecies, but 35, well, in different systems it varies times, 35 from different systems, here, but now we'll look at this thing that you need to know in order to. to prevent people who are near you from suddenly seeing a cute, beautiful caterpillar, this is a caterpillar, many caterpillars in general can be picked up, there are children, who just take snakes, drag them around, you know, well, this is the future of botany, not entirely normal people, of course, but there are caterpillars that you definitely shouldn’t pick up, this is a wonderful caterpillar, and it’s not the only one, but in our area it’s the most common damage from it occurs very often.
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well, because that’s what butterflies are called, in general, in short, these are these caterpillars, but it’s better not to pick up any caterpillars, this is a very cunning caterpillar, it eats apple trees. distributed in very many regions, right in very, very many, it has a lot relatives who behave in the same disgusting way, and eat other pears and everything else there. how does she spend the winter? this is a very rare, rare variety of overwintering, it overwinters in the second or third instar, forming, you can see on your apple trees, there will be leaves stuck together in five to seven pieces, there will be a caterpillar inside them, it overwinters in the form of a caterpillar, why? because her whole body, well, like mine, is about fat. that is, it calmly does not freeze at all, so they sit there as soon as it starts to warm up, citizens crawl out of there, gnawing a hole, it’s very important
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to remove this bunch in time, because it’s a pest that does a lot of damage to trees, i saw what you’re saying, i didn’t know that a caterpillar lives there, so they’re sitting there, and you can sort of see them, after a while they begin to chew off everything from the leaves, only the veins remain, and that’s it. after this a butterfly appears, this happens around june, the butterfly is a white, very beautiful smallpox, about 4 cm, such a white or cream color, they are very we are widespread, after that, well, of course, love begins, sex and so on, it appears, but how do small caterpillars appear, and that means female citizens, naturally, but how do butterflies do this? with pleasure, just absolutely, i really love communicating with you, i’m learning so much about stamens, pistils, now about butterflies
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, but let’s move on to what we can do, well, first of all, we shouldn’t allow our beautiful insects crawled on our products, yes, where they crawled there before and where they washed their benches and what we don’t know, that’s why we cover all the fruits. special lids, which you have probably seen on sale, that is, so that flies do not crawl in there, and from small flies, so the mesh should be small enough, as for other insects, such as ants, such as cockroaches, you should prevent their appearance as much as possible in your life, as for ordinary remedies, that is, this plant, does anyone know what kind of plant this is, who knows, eucalyptus, that’s right, eucalyptus trees are narrow-leaved and there are round-leaved, this more... so strong, excellent essential oil is extracted from it, can be used in a bath, so many insects don’t like these smells, how does it work, they interfere with their breathing, they help us, but they are hindered, a very convenient
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property, so here it is geranium is the same, in fact, a geranium leaf for a person, of course, can be an allergen, this happens, but in general a geranium leaf, if you try it, firstly, it’s quite tasty, remember, listen, you fool, stop eating your neighbor’s geranium, right? here, respectively, is laurel and there are a huge number of fumigators that you can purchase, they all have an expiration date and there are special requirements for pregnant women and children . completely different from what it is, all the smells usually rise up, so if you put something on the cabinet, it doesn't work, which is what they do in a lot of asian countries, they just soak the bottom of the curtain with scented oils and they just get this trail it smells, but you can do a simple thing, it's quite cheap, effective, and invented quite a long time ago, it is also used in india and other countries, you take an ordinary lemon, in fact you can use something else... another, but lemon, it
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can maintain moisture for a long time, stick either pieces of bay leaf or cloves there , almost none of the insects like cloves, i don’t know why, they consist of buds, so when the legs are saturated with moisture, these buds begin to exude a very pleasant aroma for us, very unpleasant for insects, so you can use this recipe, it’s safe... you can place it basically anywhere, and a lemon is not such an expensive thing that it can’t be done, but i’m always interested in talking with katya, i learn a lot of new things that are useful, by the way, here’s a lemon i’ll definitely use cloves, let’s be attentive to our health, everything will be fine with you, our program has come to an end, doctor mesnyakov was with you, i wish everyone to live to see the next one in good health. our
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meeting with you, fortunately it is just around the corner, but if you want to reconsider us, this is a platform watch the app or website, goodbye, big musical premiere, a show in which 18 people from different regions of russia are trying to deceive a team of stars into convincing them that they sing. the ability to sing is a gift. the main thing is that the soul sings, the ability to fool around one’s finger is an art, in general it’s very difficult to imitate something, what if he deliberately makes a fool of himself by not singing, which is more difficult, to reveal talent or deception, with our experience with an ear for music, or you can come up and look him in the eye , the stars are ready to check, we have to notice everything, every stroke, wow, they sing beautifully, my opinion is developing, and it’s good. so far, we
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are praising everyone very well, brotherly, blink, please, well and further, that the intrigue is crazy, catch me if you can, we can’t wait to start, today on rtr. news is broadcast on a russian tv channel. i greet you, maria sittel. hello. high-level negotiations in minsk. vladimir putin is in belarus on a two-day official visit. i welcome you to your native belarusian land. ukrainian military intelligence was involved in the tragedy in crocus - statement by fsb director bortnikov. our.


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