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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 24, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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so far, we are praising everyone very well, brotherly, blink, please, well and further, that the intrigue is crazy, catch me if you can, we can’t wait to start, today on rtr. news is broadcast on the russia tv channel. i greet you, maria sittel. hello. high-level negotiations in minsk. vladimir putin is in belarus on a two-day official visit. i welcome you to your native belarusian land. ukrainian military intelligence was involved in the tragedy in krokuta - statement by fsb director bortnikov. our.
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the soldiers deployed in the liberated klescheevka a copy of the victory banner and the flag of russia. today we celebrate the day of slavic literature and culture. memorial day of equal-to-the-apostles cyril and methodius, creators of the alphabet. and today, his holiness patriarch kirill celebrates the day of the same. new generation glucometer, innovations in the treatment of diabetes. results of the congress of endocrinologists in moscow. festive lines and last calls today in all schools.
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security issues, joint exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, integration within the framework of a union state, here these are the main topics that vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko will discuss today. the russian president arrived in belarus last night for a two-day official visit, this is vladimir putin's second foreign visit in his new term as head of state. the leaders had a brief conversation at the minsk airport. did a lot. our colleagues recently with your direct participation, with support, but we will discuss all this today, tomorrow, including security issues, to which you constantly pay great attention, let's talk, of course, about training, the second meeting, this is due to the direct participation of our belarusian friends, colleagues in the military sphere, we have a very big agenda, and i am very glad that i was able to come today, so that peace of mind... using this
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, as it were, informal time to talk about all these issues, i welcome you to your native belarusian land, the belarusian people will be very glad to know that you came to us after the elections, this is one of the first visits of the people's republic of china, our friends, we will discuss and our relations in the context of the people's republic of china, very interesting proposals for our region and further there in the caucasus, as usual, security issues are at the forefront, and tomorrow we will discuss economic issues, now a special operation, the ministry of defense is publishing footage of combat missions of our aviation in the kharkov region . the crews of the mi-35 and k-52 helicopters fired missiles at strong points from camouflaged equipment, causing enemy casualties in personnel.
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the d-30 crews from the crew do not allow the militants to relax north groupings. due to the accuracy of the shot, these weapons are called sniper weapons. they hit the target at a distance of over 15 km. this time the support one was destroyed by a high-explosive fragmentation shell. the rada eliminated a platoon of ukrainian militants in well-fortified positions, corrected the shooting by rszz crews and drone operators. over the past 24 hours, russian troops have occupied more advantageous positions in the navdeevsky direction; tanks, artillery, and motorized rifles are working. the militants, according to our military, are demoralized due to constant fire. to the military correspondent's report, alexey boranov. our film crew in
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the vicinity of belogorovka, the pace of combat work shows reality, these brigades of central...
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kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan. the head of the russian fsb thanked his colleagues for their active participation.
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we are currently establishing the entire circle of those involved in the crime. more than 20 persons have already been detained, including the direct perpetrators and accomplices. continues, but we can already say with confidence that the military intelligence of ukraine is directly related to this attack, i want to assure that everything the circumstances of the crime will be established, everyone involved in it will not escape punishment, we are grateful to our colleagues who are providing worldwide assistance and assistance in the investigation, also, according to bortnikov, the kiev regime, under pressure from the west, is disrupting any peaceful ones.
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the third day in buryatia several large fires are being extinguished; aviation has been brought in. the main task is to protect residential buildings. the situation is complicated by strong winds; the fire has not yet been controlled. this is power, look what ’s happening. fires, one of which is high,
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spread over an area of ​​almost 1,500 hectares, and several new outbreaks have broken out over the past 24 hours. in all cases, the cause of fire is careless handling of fire. more than a thousand hectares were burned in one day in the trans-baikal territory. again, the firefighting efforts are hampered by stormy winds, as well as difficult-to-reach, almost impassable terrain. fires are being fought in three areas at once. the fight against diabetes mellitus became the central theme of the fifth national congress of endocrinologists. it ends today in moscow. leading scientists, specialized specialists, doctors, therapists, pediatricians, rheumatologists from russia and other countries shared their accumulated experience and discussed innovative ones. solutions, many of which are now being successfully implemented into clinical practice. with details, olesya bulgakova. it looks like a super agent attribute, a new generation glucometer. unscrew, install, works autonomously for 2 weeks. continuously monitors blood sugar levels without
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pricking a finger, which is especially important for children. for patients, for diabetics and for the first and second type, doctors via mobile the app can even see your patient's sugar levels in real time.
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sent to the regions, we are among the top ten in the world in terms of organization and results of preventive and therapeutic work. everything that is discussed at the congress primarily concerns specialists, but the main topic is prevention. few people know that diabetes is different, the first type begins in childhood and requires constant insulin therapy, the second develops at an older age and is associated with poor nutrition, low mobility and obesity. it can be prevented.
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doctors’ recommendations on proper nutrition and physical activity, well, of course, it’s better not to let it come to this, but to monitor your health in a timely manner and consult a doctor. alesya bulgakova, ilya ponnomarenko, andrey vereshchagin, broadcast from moscow. today is the day of slavic writing and culture. at these moments, the festive service in the cathedral of christ the savior is being performed by his holiness patriarch kirill. the russian orthodox church honors the memory of saints equal-to-the-apostles cyril and methodius, the creators of the alphabet that became. basic written language for many slavic peoples. and today patriarch kirill
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celebrates the day of the tezaimmennitsa. the day before his trip to minsk, vladimir putin congratulated the head of the russian orthodox church on his name day. this is footage of the meeting in the patriarchal chambers of the kremlin. congratulations, thank you very much. thank you very much. all the best to you, thank you very much for everything you do for the russian people, thank you for the level of cooperation that exists between the church and the state, as i already said, unprecedented, when compared with all of russian history, god bless you, congratulations, thank you, yeah, ceremonial assembly in schools across the country, last bells are being held today, in the border areas, due to shelling, the holiday is being held... in an online format. word to alexander usatenko. satin ribbons, flowers, tear aprons. today
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, eleventh graders say goodbye to school, where they had their first a's and d's, their first love , true friendship. the biggest plus is that i met friends, the most good. there will be a general gathering below in the well, as usual, we line up in alphabetical order and go. this year , more than 2 million eleventh graders are leaving school, each with their own plans for the future. i would like to enter the faculty of mechanics and mathematics and be an engineer or mathematician, i am going to enroll as a translator, linguist, here in my city. special words of gratitude go to the second mothers of graduates, class teachers and teachers. i really want to wish them to be happy life, if a person is happy, everything will be fine for him, everything will work out for him, both work and family. and that’s it, that’s it. ceremonial lines across the country began with the russian anthem and the raising of the national flag.
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next was a concert program, where the children had their last opportunity to appear on the school stage. and after the long-awaited moment, the last school bell sounds for graduates in krasnoyarsk, in blagoveshchensk in chukotka, in kamchatka , a flash mob became a special congratulation for graduates and guests of the holiday, parents already
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former schoolchildren performed a song together. ahead of the guys. the unified state exam, the first one that takes everything, without exception, the russian language, will be held next week. alexander rusatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva. news. this is the news, these are the topics next. new footage from liberated kleshcheevka. the un general assembly adopted a scandalous resolution on genocide in srebrenica. and today is the premiere of the show "catch me if you can". details in a few minutes. hello, dear friends, yours is on the air favorite program 60 minutes. 60 minutes, today on rtl. kalinan beleg is a place where time
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stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. titanic luxury collection, rixas premium segate, family fun starts here,
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every detail is created for your pleasure.
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he is the culprit of the accident, the man was hurt, he will be judged, he will ruin a child’s life, i warned him, do you need anything from him, yes, health, nurse to the director of the plant, this is so cool, leave everyone, i don’t want to see anyone, as i understand it, he has a generally difficult character, yes, i want to try to sit down, you promised to help me, it seems to me that at heart he is a completely different person , morgue, listen, can you make sure he doesn’t yell, huh? for now to get rid of it, how to get rid of it, kill it or what? he was abandoned like a dog on the street, that’s how long it takes, and i’ll work with him for as long as possible. i always want to be with you, on sundays on rtr, you don’t need
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to make an appointment with him. just kidding, he will come to the house himself. we let's start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, he will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings, or a frying pan potatoes for lard, sleep, this is how a child sleeps? but i don’t advise you to do this: a doctor who can be trusted 100%. and you will be happy. your health will definitely improve, dr. misnikov on saturday on rtr.
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you watch the news, and we continue the release. the ministry of defense publishes footage of the liberation of kleshcheevka. let me remind you that there were units of the ukrainian armed forces from the village. knocked out 2 days ago, the entry of the assault groups was preceded by a large-scale artillery barrage, krasnopol guided shells were also used, the camera also recorded moments of close combat, the capture of an enemy dugout by our fighters and the raising of a copy of the victory banner over the ruins of the russian tricolor. l2321 launch immediately, we are working on... in the zone of responsibility of the western group for the accumulation of military equipment and ukrainian command posts iskanders struck, the range of this complex
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was up to 500 km, missiles were launched from a position at a considerable distance from the front line, all targets were hit. united budapest is looking for ways, being in nato, not to participate in the hot conflict in ukraine. hungarian prime minister viktor orban spoke about this in a radio interview. according to him, the authorities of european countries began to actively prepare their public opinion for the idea of ​​a possible direct clash with russia. this scenario is unacceptable for hungary. among the alliance members, as orban said, hungary the nickname “non-participant” was unspoken. the hungarian prime minister would like his country to remain so in the future. the united states has completed training the first group of ukrainian pilots for combat use of f-16 fighters. the pentagon announced this. washington also intends to announce today a new package of military assistance to ukraine worth $275 million. according to the associated press, it
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will include haiers multiple launch rocket systems and shells for large-caliber artillery. another batch of weapons for kyiv decided to send london, as the head of the british ministry of defense said, ukrainian militants will be supplied with radars for air defense systems, electronic warfare equipment, as well as small boats and drones. it will cost £150 million for all this. let me remind you that among the countries of the old world , hungary, as well as slovakia, whose prime minister robert fitzel recently survived an assassination attempt, initially opposed the supplies. one of the last statements of the shooter during interrogation is curious. the 70-year-old oppositionist said that he considered the head of government a traitor relation to the european union. precisely because he blocked military aid to kiev. the un general assembly adopted a scandalous resolution on the genocide in srebrryanytsya in 1995. it was proposed by germany. 19 countries voted against the resolution: russia,
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china, hungary, syria, north korea, cuba and others. serbian president vucic thanked these countries. the adopted document places all the blame for the deaths of bosnians on the serbs. the russian permanent representative called this resolution a disgrace, and minister lavrov directly indicated that the resolution intends to break the serbs.
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put forward for consideration by representatives of germany and rwanda, according to the resolution, july 11 is proclaimed an international day of reflection in memory of the genocide, which will be celebrated annually. the text of the document unconditionally condemns any denial of the genocide in srebrenica. execution, its adoption threatens peace in the region, pushing the balkans towards confrontation, as stated by russian post-president vasily nebenzya. we warned the authors before voting, even at a time when they were just starting out, starting to promote their project, that this was for them it may end badly, it will not be unproblematic acceptance, it will not be consensual acceptance, it will expose wounds. genocides that were not mentioned are the same in many countries where such events took place, and that this will open a pandora's box, after voting in response, a scandalous resolution on the main belgrade skyscraper has already appeared
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... this first of all raises the question of the legitimacy of the existence of the republika srpska within bosnia and herzegovina and may even lead to its abolition, the serbs do not agree with this. authorities of republika srpska will propose to official sarajevo within a month a draft agreement on the peaceful delimitation of bosnia and herzegovina.
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the serbian side claims that the number of deaths is lower, most of them were military personnel, while official belgrade and baneluka admit the fact of the executions, but categorically oppose the term genocide. an international commission led by the famous israeli historian gideon greif also came to the conclusion that the events in srebrrenica cannot be called genocide. you can't waste your time terms. genocide has rules, which were defined by the jewish jurist raphael lemkin in... in 948. sorry, but what happened in srebrrenica is not genocide. in addition, greif's team also investigated the fact that the hague tribunal ignored the massacres of serbs that took place in the vicinity of srebryanica from 1992 to 1995. during the attacks, according to conservative estimates, more than 3.00 local residents were killed. the current resolution on srebrenica also contains nothing about the killed serbs. such the document clearly does not contribute to reconciliation in
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the region. we will try to guess, we will try to win, but most importantly, the audience and you, the audience who are now watching the screens, will enjoy it. participants from the team of television viewers come here, to the stage, to the very center and perform a musical number to the soundtrack, and the task of the star team is to take their places, to understand whether the person really knows how to sing or whether they are being blatantly deceived. i look at him, i understand, i’m disappearing,
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i’m disappearing. in the music game there are three rounds and a final, the number of vocalists will be constant increase, and the tricks to confuse the stars will become more and more sophisticated, now i see, it’s very unprofessional to hold the microphone like that, and although on the other hand, they can confuse us, maybe she did it on purpose, like a tear of rain on a wet fire, if the stars have. .. they guess whether a person can sing, they are awarded points, and if not, the points go to the team of tv viewers, but everything will be decided in the final, where the result cannot be predicted by anyone. the presenter, vladimir marconi, strictly monitors compliance with the rules. we took the best thing that has ever been on television, the music, the quiz and the host. and they put it all together to create the show “catch me if you can.” and this is a very cool and interesting product. you, too, can
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test your intuition, carefully watch the performances and figure out before the stars who really can sing, who just opens their mouth to the soundtrack, the premiere of the music game show, catch me if you can, today at 21:30. anton demidov, andrey prikhodko, lead. vesti, following the development of major events in russia over abroad, stay with us. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program 60 minutes is live , hot on the heels, first good news from the front.


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