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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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having jumped over a two-meter fence, whether they were able to catch him is still unknown, and this is solovat, a city in bashkiria, a young elk calf jumped on a woman who was walking her dog and confused her words. overall, take care, thanks for watching, bye. the russia tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i am maria sittal. hello. negotiations between vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko in minsk. the defense ministers have already held the first round. this is something that will only reopen old wounds and lead to complete political chaos. he votes for the scandalous and unjust resolution on genocide in srebrenica. fsb director bortnikov about the tragedy. corkus,
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ukrainian military intelligence is directly related to this attack, this is power, look what ’s going on, it’s the third day they’ve been extinguishing fires in buryatia, the most difficult situation is in our transbaikalia region. today is the day of slavic writing and culture, the day of memory of cyril and methodius, the creators of the alphabet. and today , his holiness patriarch kirill celebrates his namesake day. holiday lineup, last calls today in schools across the country, i would like to be an engineer, i’m going to become a translator, linguist, and today on our channel the show catch me if you can, we’ll try to guess, it’s very unprofessional to hold the microphone like that, and although on the other hand , they can confuse us. and we begin
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the episode with the situation in the special operation zone. the ministry of defense is publishing footage of the liberation of krescheevka today. let me remind you that the ukrainian armed forces units were driven out of the village 2 days ago. the approach to the assault groups was preceded by large-scale artillery preparation. used in including krasnopol guided missiles. the camera also recorded moments of close combat, the capture of the enemy dugout by our fighters and the raising of the river. ik52 fired missiles at strongholds of camouflaged vehicles. the enemy also suffered losses in personnel . on the approaches to chasko yar, our grads eliminated a platoon of ukrainian militants in well-fortified positions. operators corrected the shooting using the rszz calculations.
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drones, accumulations of military equipment and ukrainian command posts were also hit by iskander complexes and western groups. needle 4, target 23-221 launch. the missile launcher itself was located far from the contact line. firing range - 500 km. this is a high-precision weapon that can hit almost any object. russian troops over the past.
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or to defend this or that opornik, it falls, you don’t want to go further forward there , it’s often easier to give up, leave this opornik to go to your own blind alley, the artillery and tank crews of the central military district cope with the enemy’s retaliatory strikes, in counter-battery combat, in fire damage to equipment on ... these are heavy tanks, artillery, we are also working on strong points, the last kilometer is on the erzhena road, in a few minutes we will have to make our way through forest clearings, here is the combat work of the infantry, the avdeevka direction remains one of the hottest today. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, news, line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, security questions.
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the middle east, from north africa and international terrorist organizations from afghanistan. some of them are used for further terrorist expansion in community space. according to bortnikov, ukrainian military intelligence is behind the tragedy in crocus. and one of the goals of the terrorist attack is to damage russia’s relations with the cis countries. according to the director of the fsb, more than two dozen suspects have been detained in the case of the march terrorist attack, which killed 144 people.
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special services and law enforcement agencies of kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan are assisting in the investigation. the head of the russian fsb thanked his colleagues for their active participation. we are currently establishing the entire circle of those involved in crime. more than twenty persons have already been detained, including the direct perpetrators and accomplices. the investigation is ongoing, but it is already possible. it is safe to say that ukrainian military intelligence is directly related to this attack. i want to assure that all the circumstances of the crime will be established, and everyone involved will not escape punishment. we are grateful to our colleagues who are providing worldwide cooperation and assistance in the investigation. others involved in the terrorist attack in crocus may be hiding abroad; they are now being sought, including abroad. according to the director of the service. russian intelligence service sergei naryshkin is conducting an investigation to identify all the culprits and
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accomplices of the militants; according to the head of the department, the terrorist attack in the moscow region is an attempt to destabilize the situation in the country, but russia’s opponents will not succeed. this is one of the links in the chain of our opponents’ aspirations to destabilize the situation in the russian federation in some way. violate interethnic harmony throughout the commonwealth of independent states. to other topics: third day in several large fires are being extinguished in buryatia, and aviation has been brought in. the main task is to protect residential buildings. the situation is complicated by strong winds and the fire has not yet been controlled. this is power. look what 's going on. one of which, mounted, spread over an area of ​​500 hectares. over
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the past 24 hours, several new outbreaks have flared up. in all cases, the cause of the fire is careless handling of fire. the fire covered more than a thousand hectares in one day in the trans-baikal region. the extinguishing efforts are again hampered by stormy winds, as well as inaccessible and almost impassable terrain. fires are being fought in three areas at once. the situation with forest fires has become one of the main topics today. discussion in roshydromet, it is this service that monitors all weather phenomena in the country, monitors the environment, its pollution and makes the most accurate forecasts. the meeting was held within the walls of roshydromet by the deputy chairman of the government. the number of forest fires, the area covered by fire , is now lower than on the same date last year, but we proceed from the fact that the forecast for forests. our fire situation for the coming months is negative, and it carries very
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significant risks, so i think it is necessary in the most problematic regions to evaluate the effectiveness of decisions and measures taken directly on the ground. today is the day of slavic literature and culture, the day of remembrance of equal-to-the-apostles cyril and methodius, slavic teachers.
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the united states began to reconsider relations with georgia due to the law on foreign agents, the second international book fair kitab bayram opened in ufa, about this not only through a couple of minutes. you're definitely doing well, you just never usually stick around. premiere on rtr. you will leave me without a morning kiss, i have a husband, a job, stability, i’m already unhappy, and you can brazenly write travel, happiness, luck into your schedule, anna taratorkina, who are you, how did you get here, this is my number, dmitry miller , i have to admit that you
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like me when we switched to from? and fateev, who is there with you? i'm alone, it's just an accident, what an idiot, vacation can be planned, but love, i myself don't do anything i understand that i need to figure everything out. melody for yours, from monday on rtr. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into
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a fairy tale. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmalsheikh. radomis sharrmal sheikh, an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents, escape from everyday life in a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. pixos rodomis charmel sheikh. we invite you to the swiz hotel sharmel sheikh, the first in the world. a non-visotel operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. hotel titanic delux
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golf belk, where every moment is. this exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. please, acquaintance and roll call can be done without building. i am very glad that you came to me.
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still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything, with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, you are happy, dalena fedorovna, children, grandchildren, and you are alone, alone, you are an amazing woman, it’s nice to hear, mark yakovich, you are also a very interesting person, we fell in love, what should we do? we move away, she chooses. wow, decide with whom? one is good, the other is worthy, which of the two is it? adult daughters. premiere. on saturday on rtr. this is to lead. we continue the release. now
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back to minsk, where negotiations between vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko will take place today. present day. the russian president began his visit by laying wine at the victory monument in center of minsk. soldiers of the honor guard company set up a wine in front of the monument. vladimir putin straightened the ribbon to honor the memory of the heroes of the great patriotic war. after this, a military band performed the anthems of the two countries. the un general assembly adopted a scandalous resolution on the genocide in srebrrenica. in fact, this document places all responsibility for the conflict, for the deaths of bosnians, on only one serbian side. 19 countries voted against the resolution: russia, china, hungary, syria, north korea, cuba and others. the permanent representative of russia called the resolution a disgrace, under threat to the whole world in the balkans. we now
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begin the voting process. there were more voters than in favor, 87 versus 84, but this was still enough to pass the resolution. serbia at a meeting of the general assembly stated that the resolution but... this is something that will only open old wounds and lead to complete political chaos, not only in our region, but even here in this room. the document, which is formally called the international day of reflection on the 1995 genocide in serebrenica, was put forward for consideration by representatives of germany and rwanda, among the countries that voted against are russia, china and hungary, although this resolution is not binding, its adoption is threatened. peace in the region, pushing the balkans towards confrontation, this was stated by russia's permanent representative vasily nebenzya. we warned - from the authors before the vote, even at the time when
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they were just starting out, began to promote their project, that things could end badly for them, this would not be a smooth acceptance, this would not be a consensus acceptance, it would expose the wounds - of genocides that were not these are mentioned in many countries where such events took place, and that this will open a pandora's box? after voting in response to the scandalous resolution , the following inscription has already appeared on the main belgrade skyscraper: “we are not a genocidal people.” according to belgrade and baniluka, the adopted resolution calls the serbs a people responsible for genocide. this first of all raises the question of the legitimacy of the existence of the republika srpska within bosnia and herzegovina and may even lead to its abolition. the serbs do not agree with this. the authorities of republika srpska will offer official sarajevo will receive a draft peace agreement within a month.
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terms. genocide has rules, which were defined by jewish lawyer raphael lemkin in 1948. sorry, but what happened in srebrrenica is not genocide. in addition,
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greif's team also investigated the fact that the hague tribunal ignored the massacres of serbs that took place in the vicinity of srebrenica from 1992 to 1995. during the attacks, according to conservative estimates, more than three thousand local residents were killed. the current resolution on srebrenica also has nothing about the killed serbs. such a document clearly does not contribute to reconciliation in the region. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, balkan news bureau. prime minister mikhail mishustin today in the capital of turkmenistan has already held a meeting with the head of turkmenistan serdar berdomukhamedov. following the conversation, mishustin noted that he sees great prospects in the development of economic cooperation between moscow and ashgabat. the growth of our trade and economic cooperation continues steadily. in the first quarter of 2024 it was 22%, but this is approximately 18 billion rubles, which i think is not enough, we need to work more so that our relations in the investment sphere,
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in the trade and economic sphere, in the scientific, technological, cultural and humanitarian spheres develop, our regional cooperation directly develops very strongly, many regions cooperate with turkmenistan, the leaders are st. petersburg and the avstrakhan region. the russian prime minister took part in a meeting of the council of heads of government of the cis countries. mishustin conveyed to his colleagues greetings from vladimir putin. large-scale projects in the fields of ecology, transport, and energy were discussed at the negotiations. the second international book fair, kitab bayram, opened in ufa. the main square of ufa turned into a large interactive reading room for several days. in his book, for children. games and educational programs are presented by dozens of publishers from russia and foreign countries. the fair will feature theatrical performances, concerts, lectures and, of course, meetings with famous
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writers. today here in this square there will be writers, poets, book publishers, experts, and artists, everything is dedicated to getting people to read books, buy books for your children, because in reality there is nothing more important, probably there is no best friend in life, like a good, real, smart book, today after the big news, the premiere of the new grand show catch me if you can, the show catch me if you can, a real musical detective, it doesn’t matter how you sing, it’s important whether you can fool the stars around your finger, we’ll try to guess, we will try to win, but the main thing is the audience and you, the viewers who are now on the screens will enjoy it, the participants from
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the television viewing team come out here. in the very center performs a musical number to the soundtrack, and the task of the star team is to see where they are, to understand whether the person really knows how to sing or whether they are being blatantly deceived? at him, at him, i look, i understand, i’m lost, i’m lost, there are three rounds and a final in a music game, the number of vocalists will constantly increase, and the tricks to confuse the stars will become more and more sophisticated, now i see, this is very unprofessional hold the microphone. although on the other hand , they can confuse us on purpose people, maybe she deliberately took the month wrong with them, my clear light, you write to me, like a tear of rain on a wet fire, if the stars guess whether a person can sing, they are awarded points, and if not, the points go to the team of tv viewers, but everything will be decided in the final, where the result cannot be predicted by anyone, compliance with the rules is strictly monitored by the presenter,
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vladimir marconi, they took the best that has ever been on television, this is music, quizzes and the presenter, they combined it all it turned out to be a show, catch me if you can, and this is a very cool and interesting product, you can also test your intuition, watch the performances carefully and figure out before the stars who really can sing, who just opens their mouth to the soundtrack, the premiere of the music show game, catch me, if you can, today at 21:30. anton demidov, andrey prikhodko, lead. the federal part of the broadcast is over, let's move for a moment to yakutia, where summer has already arrived and the long-awaited ferry crossing across the lena has opened. in direct aired by vitaly prokopyev and state television and radio broadcasting company sakha. vitaly, hello, tell me, is there a rush at
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the crossing? hello, maria, yes, river workers start working from 63 am, already at this time cars, trucks and cars are parked in storage in order to be the first to get on the barge. on average, it can accommodate six large trucks or 40 cars. during this navigation period, a total of 14 ships will operate from 5:30 to midnight. let me remind you that to this day in yakutia, rafts are the only way to cross to the other side of the lena river. in summer time. vitali, thank you, have a good day. and in the ulyanovsk region the sowing season is ending. artyom petrov joins us from the volga state television and radio broadcasting studio. artyom, what difficulties did farmers face this season? hello sea. the fields are really busy now. spring sudden frosts make their own adjustments. this year there have been freezing temperatures at night for about 2 weeks. but despite all the difficulties,
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the ulyanovsk agrarian. counting on good results, sowing 23,000 hectares daily land. in general, sowing in the region is already 80% complete. i thank artyom, good broadcast to all my colleagues, and we, together with the residents of moscow and the moscow region, move on. rospotrebnadzor is taking water samples in recreation areas near moscow, more than 200 beaches are being prepared for opening, and the weather forecast promises rapid warming up of reservoirs. the renovation program in the filyovsky park area includes 35 houses, 6,500 people will move to new apartments, where are housewarmings already celebrated? people accuse each other of fraud, and horses suffer because of the scandal. between the owner of the stable and '.


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