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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  May 24, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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goodbye, big musical premiere, a show in which 18 people from different regions of russia try to deceive a team of stars into convincing them that they sing. the ability to sing is a gift. what is more difficult to reveal : talent or deception? with our experience with an ear for music, can we come up and look into your eyes? the stars are ready to check, we must notice everything, every stroke! wow, they sing beautifully, my opinion is divided, and it’s good!
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he praises everyone very well, like a brother, blink, please, well and further, that the intrigue is crazy, catch me if you can, we can’t wait started, today on rtr, he is the culprit of the accident, the person was injured, judge! they will, you want to ruin the child’s life, i warned him, you need him for something, yes, health, a nurse for the director of the plant, that’s so cool, leave everyone, i don’t want to see anyone, as i understand it, he has a generally difficult character , yes, i want to try to sit up, you promised to help me, it seems to me that in his soul he is a completely different person, morgue, listen, can you make sure he doesn’t yell, huh? i suggest
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getting rid of him, how to get rid of him, kill him or what? he was abandoned like a dog on the street, so i will work with him as long as necessary. i want to be with you always. on sunday on rtr. one of the main miracles in my life is that i met volodya mishov and married him, the famous actress vera alentova once admitted, they were together until his death, their meeting was as if predetermined by fate, like the most famous heroine vera alentova from the legendary. how long have i
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been looking for you, 8 days, how long have i been looking for you, prestigious oscar for the best foreign language film, world film distribution, kilometer-long queue at the box office. on at creative evenings, the spectators later confessed to vera allentova that this story seemed to be about me. vera valentinovna also once came to enter the theater and conquer moscow. the first beauty on the course is from an acting family. many did not understand what she found in menshov. he wasn’t one of the favorites of the course back then and didn’t seem like an eligible bachelor. believing alentova and vladimir mishov had to go through a lot. life in different hostels. money, when all thoughts were
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only about how to feed the daughter they had, there was a moment when they even separated, but after 4 years they realized that it was impossible for them without each other, together they experienced an incredible triumph, the envy of their colleagues and conversations behind their backs that penshov was ready to give the main roles only to his wife, together they rejoiced at the success of their daughter, whom today we all know as talented actress.
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trace, but not only this became the reason for our meeting with svervalentina, this is her first television interview after the death of her husband, how she copes with this loss and... kim remembers him, because they lived together for 58 years, the fate of a person, the fate of faith alentov, hello, thank you, thank you, thank you, after he passed away, a book of his memoirs was published, its title is so consonant,
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the burden was that when the film was shot, it was very difficult, the film was very difficult, because the script , which was offered to the actors, it was written by a black man, it was one episode, and since three women’s destinies are involved, and gosha’s fate, it
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didn’t fit well into one episode, so it was a little over the top, volodya corrected everything, but corrected it up to two series of paintings. certainly, when there were two episodes, what volodya corrected, it became much better, but reading the script for the first time put pressure on the psyche, and no one was delighted with it, neither the actors, nor the cameraman igor slabnevich, nor the director of the film , even, that’s why it was all very difficult, the filming itself was very difficult, here are some more phrases from the book, about the main character of this film, now i understand, you must agree, kupshchenko and... terikhova, i would not have chosen faith , despite any screen tests and family ties. rita and ira were such fashionable artists that it was not possible to compete with them, but they refused and i began to take a closer look at the faith. there are two
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questions here, first, weren’t you offended by reading this, second, they refused too, because they also didn’t like the script, didn’t like it, yes, but i didn’t like it either, that’s the whole point. did we agree to help out, or did he somehow captivate you? what words did you find, what? well, first of all, how can i tell you, he is a very talented person, to be next to a talented person is always interesting, so it wasn’t the script that captivated me, but volodya once again, you know? put on my
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favorite scene from this film, fist violence is not a method, you can hit with a word, it sometimes hurts more, and if you don’t understand the words, then you didn’t explain it well, yeah. that means it gave reason to think that it could be different, but how could you, an adult man, now these boys will think that the one who is stronger is right, now these boys will know that against force there can always be another force, in anyway for the future, i will i beg you, kindly, not to take such actions without my permission, i obey, but then you too... keep in mind for the future that if ever again you allow yourself to even speak to me in this tone, then i’m here i won’t appear again, but at the same time remember that i will always decide everything
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myself, on the simple basis that i am a man, i, to be honest, all my life i wanted to be like gosha in this scene, so many times to different girls... in my life i said this phrase, apparently that’s why i’m not married to this day for now, well, because it’s not enough to just say it, you also have to be a nerd, apparently, to pronounce it like that. why were all the women of the soviet union in love with him after this film? you know, just when the film came out, i traveled a lot abroad with this film, so when i arrived in italy, it means that i was surrounded by women, well, who interviewed me, in fact, this was also on television somewhere , they asked me the following question, what kind of basis is this, man, what does it mean on the simple basis that i...
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gosha, nikolai, how is the weather there, it was raining in the morning, but what is going on in the world in general, there is no stability, terrorists hijacked the plane again, did you and vladimir valentinovich find out?
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every day, we had to separate literally immediately, after we, in fact,
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got married, he went to his family for the summer holidays, i went to mine, so he said: we will write letters to each other right away, give me your word. i gave my word, but i thought that i wouldn’t get news every day, but it turned out that i did get it every day news, and i was waiting for news from him, and it was wonderful. did you ever recalculate it years later? you know, volodya and i separated and
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lived for almost 4 years in rosa, so he needed it, since the letters were kept with me, he studied with mikhailovich roma, he needed to write something about roma, some article, and he told me that look in the letters, i wrote to you about roma, and thus, since i was looking, i plunged into that story. maybe our family would not have been restored, precisely because i plunged into that wonderful time when it there was some kind of amazing, very young, childish, youthful kind of love, but it was kind of very open, very honest, so i plunged into this situation and realized that it was unlikely
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that this could happen in life.
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a test for a relationship when it doesn’t work out in the profession, it didn’t work out right away for him, in this sense, of course, a lot depends on the woman, she sews wings on a man, have you ever done this with him? well, probably because they really wanted to expel him all the time, because you know, i come from an acting family, therefore, all these things were generally familiar to me to some extent. i grew up in an acting family, my mother, my father and my stepfather were actors. volodya had nothing to do with the theater, it was all new to him, it was very difficult to understand, for a long time he could not understand how he could exist on stage, but you know, he was a very interesting person, here is a talented person, he manifests himself in
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some amazing things, for example, he made excerpts that he yes...
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well, very laconic, she could see, but it really was her the only one who saw my future and so on, i was not the first number, just not the last, but at the second to last one, perhaps, i went to courses, but it didn’t work out for me, i was squeezed, i was terribly worried about it, although i was the person was like, “well , really, i had something there, i, but that’s how talent is born, then, of course, after a while i realized that my profession, i still mixed up the doors, and not acting, but director's, then storm the geek four times, you tried the fourth four times, that's not entirely true, because i
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i realized that there is no other way, you have to be stubborn, on the one hand, that there is such strength. today i entered next year to enter next year, but i knew every time that i don’t know what i will do, how i will live, if i, i don’t do it, if i don’t do it, oh, nazastrakhansky, you are from arkhangelskaya, both of you are coming to moscow, now i understand, yes, again, this is the name moscow, it doesn’t believe in slimes, i understand why he, he took up this material, moscow, how he and you were received, of course, how...
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to me what, lord, why did i take this picture, you see, yes, well, because it was bullying, it’s not even criticism, it was bullying, because there were colossal queues to buy a ticket, someone leaving the cinema went to watch the film for the second time, it continued, it angered very film directors, there was even a meeting at musfilm to decide that something should be done with the film, it’s a shame.
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but the enemy voices didn’t say something intelligibly, well, as always , it was very hard to hear there, but i didn’t follow any further,
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i went to bed, and in the morning i was on some business, i i really forgot, i went to the union of cinematographers, arrived and so i walk along the corridor, alone, and the oscar is coming. but it should be noted that things happened on april 1, so i a little, well, appreciated the joke, so to speak, but everyone who congratulated did not congratulate, but somehow looked warily and fearfully in my direction and said, yes, they seem to be saying that somewhere someone heard something and so on, i must say, there was no official information, only in the evening i was summoned to... the cinematographers' union, not a union, they were summoned to this the very, the ministry, the minister is sitting, the editor-in-chief of the ministry is sitting, the director of the studio is sitting,
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says: well, congratulations on the oscar, indeed, the topic was closed, all criticism stopped instantly, yes, they of course fell silent, but nevertheless, you know, they don’t know how to do us. to admit mistakes when it was so powerful, from all over, in fact, the picture was scolded, so they kept quiet, i would say so, well then, you know, how can i tell you, society was divided, many considered themselves a white bone, so well yes, well, they gave us an oscar, but we are white bones.
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it can’t be, you know, he doesn’t even believe it, a new generation has grown up that looks at it all completely differently, but nevertheless still looks at it, and that’s happiness.
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the greatest happiness for a person is to be useful to his people, you know, because he watches and they still write to me that you know, here we are, my grandson is 17 years old, and he sat down and watched the whole film to the end , this is the greatest happiness, the greatest happiness, you know, just like i now understand that no matter how high times change vladimiramovich always remained people of his country. of his fatherland, i even understand this, for some reason now we are talking about this oscar, god bless him, i just remembered, this was already in the 2000s, then, when you stood next to him on stage, remember, you presented this there was one of those fashionable one-day awards, and he didn’t help the bastard’s film, it seems, or some film, because this film, a film, slandered ours, our
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history. we opened it and saw what movie it was for, he said: i won’t give it to you, i was scared to death, not because i wanted him to hand over, but i wanted him to quickly figure out how to get out of this situation, he said: no, i won’t come up with anything so quickly, i just won’t hand over, well, that’s the case for for the simple reason that i...
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the feeling that i received a second oscar, you know, for throwing this letter, so menchov everything, he said, lord, so many people were happy that he did it, at the very beginning your relationships, everything, big stories, there were actions that struck you that you remember all his life, he, he is generally a lump in himself, all his actions are there, you know, but he is a lump at home, he is not a lump at home, i assure you, too, but yes, yes, he is such a person, i loved him for that , that’s why i married him, but here he writes, i recognize in these lines, well, not a block, here, well, human, something that is familiar to everyone, and we also often quarreled, it’s
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about you and him. now it’s even awkward to remember all these nonsense from the life of newlyweds, when you flare up out of nowhere, and i flare up, she knows how to control herself, we could sleep in bed for three nights, with their backs turned to each other, and without saying a word, drive silently to the studio in the morning, or even leave the house at different times, meet there in silence, then, as if without meaning, with thrown words, timid touches , stopping... a quarrel, reconciling , greedily rushing to each other, this is in general getting used to each other, we are so different from him, it was difficult, precisely because we are different, to find this something in common, here vladimir valentinovich, as he recalled , one of the elements, important elements also of this grinding, put it on, vera told me quite authoritarianly that i need to cook borscht, i need to buy some kind of saucepan
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, liters. at five she bought a healthy pan and said 200 g of meat was needed, so i was wary, would it be 200 g ? then it’s normal, i threw the cabbage there, in short, i...
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on the floor, so we then joked for a long, long, long time, and if you lie on the floor, then of course, then you will see the fat layer, this is also grinding in, you know, when he realized that he would not survive, he took it on himself, i was happy, because i understood that yes, i would not survive with him in my cooking, well, completely different people, it’s even surprising that we were, in principle, surprising to everyone when we got married, to everyone. and for students, fellow students, and for teachers, it was just some kind of shock, because it is impossible to imagine more different people, and what was it like then that student wedding of yours, it it was wonderful, you see, here is a photograph, wonderful, which means it was
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wonderful because we gave all the money to the guys, so that they could buy us some food in the hostel, some... something so that we could have noted, and that means they got stuck, they were taking pictures there all the time, and the photographer asked, do you need photographs, we say, of course, he says which ones, volodya says everything, the photographer named the amount, then volodya said no, perhaps not all it turns out, in short, we have two photos from the wedding, well, because it was all very expensive for a student’s pocket, we had a very...
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then how did you accept it, why after so, after a whole life, how it was, in a couple of minutes. next in the program: did vladimir menshov fulfill vera alentova’s cherished dream? man is mortal, his death is sudden, in order to meet you there, you have to get married, because otherwise we will not meet. and the last confession of vladimir menshov. he told me an absolutely wonderful phrase. already so towards the end of life. cleaning floors is tedious and messy
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a process that turns into torture for you, your back and arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours. stop using a broom and dustpan and using a clunky vacuum cleaner that can’t clean. after all, the most inaccessible places are all a thing of the past, now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the help of the brand new livington dipper swiper electric broom. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three individual high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep. everything goes in, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. what's more, the durable corner brush located at the front reaches into every corner, even
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where vacuum cleaners can't, when the cleaning is done, it can also be easily cleaned with just one touch of a button, ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. rotary head without avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach, only today the unique, ingenious wireless electronics limington dipper swiper with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches, can be yours for just 89.95, but if you call and place your order directly... you'll get an incredible 20 euro discount and the livington dipper swiper will be yours for an incredible 6995, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. food prices
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are rising all the time, and we still allow food to go to waste. how many times has this happened to you? you're about to cook, you go to get a loaf of bread and find that it's either not fresh or moldy. we. we know how to help you save money, just look at this bread and you can’t tell that it’s already 2 weeks old, it looks as if you just brought it from the store yesterday, how can this be? introducing bret smart by taper vr. an easy, convenient way to keep your baked goods fresh, soft and ready to serve. bret smart's innovative condens control membrane lid with micro-fine precision venting is designed to regulate air and humidity levels inside the container to create the perfect atmosphere and keep your bread fresher longer. so, instead of spoiling and molding, your bread stays. soft, fresh and delicious until you're ready to eat it. bret smart
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is large enough to hold several loaves. look at these croissants, just imagine, they were bought at the same time. one was in regular packaging, and this one was in the brad smart system. the difference is obvious. just think for a moment how much money you throw away every year because of spoiled bread and baked goods. 100 euros, 200 or much more. today. the sensational "tapor" bread smart system can be yours from only 39.95. put an end to food waste because throwing away bread and baked goods is like throwing money in the trash. rave smart will keep your baked goods deliciously fresh, save you money and pay for itself in just a few weeks. don't wait any longer, call us now. the three-hundredth episode of the program
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, hello andrey, we decided to make a disco of the eighties, we were given conorars with refrigerators and siral machines, on the song of the year it stuck out, a rubber sundress, black opaque stockings, i was cut out, hello, andrey, andrey malakov’s anniversary show on saturday. on rtr: the fate of a person, the fate of vera alentova, i am now sitting shocked by this story, that you only had enough money for two photos. at one time, when you got married, but most importantly,
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i have the feeling that the main photograph at that moment, at the moment of your wedding, was taken, taken by the lord, if i may say so, he took it, he recorded it, as if he knew and saw , that this is forever, and waited for the fact that after 50 years, half a century later, you came to the wine table with vladimir valentinovich, and decided to get married, why, how so, why... you decided to do it, which means, you know, man is mortal, mortal suddenly, when we began to grow up, yulia and i basically began to put pressure on volodya, that you know, precisely because a person is mortal, mortal suddenly, in order for us to meet you there, we need to get married, because otherwise we would not meet, finally he said that well girls, okay, come on, so it happened like this, under our pressure, and yulia and i
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were happy, and he accepted it calmly, who was at the wedding, i only recognized yulia and her husband, and some completely such a narrow circle, yes, of course, these are our grandchildren, this yulia, her husband, grandson, granddaughter, and volnika and i, thank you, god, that everything we have, that we have come to this and that it happened. then just be grateful to fate that it still happened and that we managed to do it on time, because if we hadn’t had time, put it, i remembered that day, everything was there together, i was also baptized almost in the same day, or maybe the day before, obviously, and then, because? vera was always worried that, uh, in the next
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world we would end up in different departments, for believers and non-believers, and she wanted us to be together, so this was an argument for you, or what words did she find for you, a person not even baptized then, that you need to do this? i know that faith is happy here, in this photograph, love and hunger, another film... another one, by the way , there is still an anniversary, he turns 40 this year, and by the way, when i say this, for me 40 years is my whole life, i’m 41 years old and... for you it’s like yesterday, it was all love and the pigeon doesn’t believe in moscow or what? also no, just like yesterday, of course i understand that time has passed, a lot of time has passed, but everything is dear to me, everything that is dear to me is naturally dear, it is always with me, no matter how much time has passed, or
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maybe this film was it would be even more expensive for you if you played there, because you had to play, why aren’t you in love and dove? with pleasure, i would love to play it, it happened that way, but this film, how it was received, love and love, we all love it now, like a devout believer, then what kind of criticism was there and so on, we have to persecute they know how, they started once, then don’t stop for a long time, they accepted the film and loved it, again,
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again, this is what in his films there is always some kind of homespun, you know?
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interesting, he told me an absolutely wonderful phrase, already towards the end of his life, constantly, but no, he even told me, you know, how boring it is for me to film without you, this is very important, for me these were some very dear words, you see, that’s why he always chose not because, but he even looked for...
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they asked why he always takes off his wife in the film, he said, because i love her, put it on, put on the envy of the gods, remember this film, put on, how could you, how could you do this, why didn’t you ask me, why didn’t you ask me, here.
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when he just started this work, when he showed you the script, the material, do you remember how they responded to you, did you want to do this, or how from moscow, the deputy doesn’t believe it right away? no, no, of course, the script is very interesting, and of course i wanted to, it just confused me, today’s actors are brought up in such a way that girls are easily able to take off everything goal, but... the film included scenes for which i was not ready for actresses of our
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generation, well, it was not customary, you know, it was very scary, and if i had come across this script, and i would have been offered to play in it , and the director was not my husband, i would not have agreed to him, i understood that he would do everything, and he told me: it’s said like this, frank, this is not the story of two tenth graders who, holding hands, walk and a little
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kissing, these are adults who suddenly learned what love is, already at the end of their the second half of their life, they suddenly realized that they had lived a life without love, that’s what i wanted to tell you, when you want to tell it, it becomes secondary, everything secondary is that this is your wife? that this is my wife, yes, i would like to, so let’s have this, so that it is, yes, so that the cameraman catches everything, so that, oh, the scene comes out, as you persuaded her to do, you know, she is also a real actress, on the set , on stage, she can afford herself very, very much. it’s surprising, because this film, and almost every film. menshov, of course, filmed
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time, era, something most important was captured about us, about everyone. shirley, in fact, this is also a film about time. to this day, the nineties are still being comprehended, we are still trying to understand what happened to us then, he did it then, he already gave this understanding in shirley myrna. you played there, of course, something incredible, three heroines. and you immediately fell in love with this material or thought that somehow it was going somewhere wrong, there’s no need for a comedy, shirlin, you know, he was actually just going to help young scriptwriters write scripts, then they wrote to him, wrote, wrote, yes, he wasn’t going to film, what are you doing, yes, he was just helping them, time came here, that’s all, that’s all, he thought, oh my god, this is happening there, that it probably needs to be removed. and if you noticed, the film was shot in an unusual manner for menshov, he’s somehow all the same as time, he’s also all
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shirley-myrley, and we immediately, i didn’t really accept him, i thought that it was me alone, i i think that he was ahead of his time, this film, because the public did not immediately accept it, because he had a completely different style, he generally loved to approach each and every work in a new way. differently, because it’s a different time, a different story, well, in general, again, not according to plan, not the way it should have been, i think i understand why, then they didn’t immediately understand this film, because the great yeseninskoye is seen from a distance , he showed such a difficult era of the breakdown of the country in this film that we are still comprehending it, we are trying to figure out what happened to us, but he already did it then, this is already... just a genius maybe he was always looking for scripts for a long time, new ones , and until he finds the script in which he
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falls in love, he must definitely fall in love with it. in order to film, and this , in fact, this is probably what gives this film the right to live for so long, because it is his love for the original material, it fills, it fills the material with this love of his, so he films last so long, you lived with vladimir valentinovich for almost 60 years, how are you learning to live without him? in a few minutes, see further, vera alentova about the illness that did not allow me to say goodbye to my husband, when volodya left, i was afraid that they would not let me go to the funeral, because i was still in bed and being treated, about my eternal love, well, i can only tell you that for me, he has not left, we are still together, and we talk, i
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tell him everything. watch right after the advertisement: a big musical premiere, a show in which 18 people from different regions of russia are trying to deceive a team of stars into convincing them that they sing. the ability to sing is a gift, the main thing is that the soul sang. the ability to deceive is an art. in general, simulating a case is very difficult. what if he's deliberately being a jerk by not singing? what is more difficult, revealing talent or deception? with our experience with musical ear. or you can come up and look him in the eyes. the stars are ready to check. we must notice everything, every stroke. wow, they sing beautifully. my opinion is evolving. so far we have been very complimentary to everyone. brotherly, blink, please. so what next? intrigue, mad. catch me if
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you can. we can't wait to start. today on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours. stop using a broom and dustpan, stop using a clunky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places. all this is in the past. now. you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper sweeper. dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward,
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no matter which direction you point the brush. head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. what's more, the durable corner brush located at the front gets into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners can't, when the cleaning is done, it can also be easily cleaned with just one touch of a button, ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. the swivel head avoids any obstacle without any problems, thanks to its ultra-flat design. you can easily clean under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach, only today the unique, ingenious cordless electric broom limington dipper swipper with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for only 89.95, but if if you call and place an order right now, you will receive
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an incredible discount of 20 euros. and livington dipper swiper will get you for incredible 6995, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. there is not enough pressure in the garden hose, tired of endlessly cleaning everything with your own hands? introducing hammer smith's hydra blast, a fast, simple, super convenient pressure washer gun that's cordless, rechargeable and absolutely revolutionary! wash your car, motorcycle or bike...your home, garden paths, driveway and more. hydroblast uses the same technology as bulky professional washing machines and condenses it to accommodate this a small but highly efficient copper motor with a power of 150 w creates an incredible pressure of 50 bar. the powerful lithium battery is enough for any task. the hammer smith hydroblast is extremely
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light, very comfortable and unbeatable. tenno is universal, its scope of application is almost unlimited. where would you get your water from? hydroblast will turn it into a high pressure jet. a bucket of water is all you need and you are ready. to work or simply connect it to a garden hose and hydroblast will instantly increase water pressure up to 10 times. no matter what kind of water you use, the nanofilter purifies and filters it. hammersmith hydroblast is high performance pressure cleaning without compromise, call today only to order the revolutionary hammersmith hydrablast with its highly efficient 150 watt motor. a powerful lithium battery, a five-meter high-pressure hose and a high-quality nanofilter, all this will get you for an incredible 59.95, and if
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you place an order right now, you will receive a shampoo container and a special a spray nozzle for a larger coverage area, all this is absolutely free, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, the billionaire survives a nun, in the past... the famous soviet actress olga gobzeva from an apartment in the center of moscow. the star of the soviet screen is afraid to be on the street and is sure that all this is the work of black realities. broke the camera. live broadcast today on rtr. the fate of man, the fate of vera alentova, you said, that’s right, man is mortal, mortal
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suddenly, june of the twenty-first year in a terrible time, when this covid came, and you we got sick together, how you accepted it then, how vladimir valentinovich did, what he said, how you supported each other. care very much, because it was very difficult to get him out, this tramp, well, you see, apparently the one who is there easy, who takes care of
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him, did not have enough strength for two times, therefore, it means that he really did not want volodya to go to the hospital, because he had just arrived from botkinskaya, it was the day before, so when he fell ill with covid, he did not want to go to the hospital. but nevertheless, he refused to go the first time, the disputes, but he felt worse, the next day they finally arrived and persuaded us to go to the hospital, since after 2 days i got sick, they took me to another hospital, so we kept in touch through yulia by phone, when volodya left, i was afraid that they would let me go... i’ll go to the funeral, because i’m still in bed and undergoing treatment, but i was released the day before the funeral, and i was at the funeral, i don’t
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remember everything well, but i can only tell you that for me he didn’t leave, we’re still together and talking, i i tell him everything. only i live now where i lived on the third tverskaya-romanskaya, and he moved to another apartment, something like this, but we are still together, like you and yulia, yulia also feels, like you, what he, as a doctor , told vladimir valentinovich when he first fell ill once, yes, it’s as if someone is from above, there is a feeling that now he is, as if from above, now he also cares about you, well , how can i tell you, i don’t think that... from above, it’s like - something happens differently, probably, he still hasn’t left our lives, neither mine nor yulina’s, he’s still with us, you see, it’s something like this, since this is the first time for us, when
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my mother left, many years ago, me too, she was with me for a very long time, she was with me for a very long time, only the last, probably three years , when volodya left, i somehow completely... let my mother go, only now, when vladimir vultinovich left, yes, i too for a very long time, i actually, you know, here... i have three people, whose mother volodya and yulia, whom i love immensely, you see, i am attached to many people, i have many friends, close friends whom i love very much, but these three people were in some other form for me, completely, you know, i can’t even describe these feelings, i can’t say what it is, you remember telling me about the letter ? these letters that you wrote
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to each other at the very beginning, then years later, when you separated, you read them, returned them again, now after vladimiravich left, you have never read these letters, no, not only have i never read them letters, i don’t go anywhere, i don’t watch theater premieres, i don’t watch new films, it’s still very difficult for me, because we always went together, so...
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you need to learn to perceive the world like this, and if you could, and why if you probably do this, you’re talking today with vladimir valentinovich, and if could they have written to him or told him, what would they have told him today, i don’t know what i would have told him, i don’t know, everything that i, everything that is needed, i tell him, you know, that’s why i don’t need to write to him, i have ... life continues as it was with him, everything he needs, i i speak and get some answers. thank you. kingdom of heaven, blessed memory, to vladimir valentianich. thank you, dear. thank you. wonderful color. thank you very much. thank you. this is the fate of man, destiny. vera alentova and.
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thank you, the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching. hello. vladimir putin is in minsk on a two-day visit. all the most important announcements and details of the trip live in just a minute. 49 high-precision group strikes per week, cumulative losses the enemy is over 11 thousand people, the ministry of defense with a weekly report.


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