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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria siktal. hello. vladimir putin is in minsk on a two-day visit. all the most important announcements and details of the trip live in just a minute. 49 high-precision group strikes in a week, total enemy losses of over 1,100 people, the ministry of defense with a weekly report. which will only reopen old
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wounds and lead to complete political chaos. the resolution on the genocide in srebrryanytsya is clearly politicized and anti-serbian character. today, on the day of slavic literature and culture, his holiness patriarch kirill celebrates the day of theesis. today there are good, truly partnership relations between the government of the russian federation and the russian orthodox church. more than 70% of program participants are before gasification in the vologda region. connected to gas, until the last house is connected to gas, this program will continue, and today on our channel the show catch me if you can, we will try to guess, this is very it’s unprofessional to hold the microphone like that, but on the other hand, they can confuse us.
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negotiations between the presidents of russia and belarus are taking place in minsk at these hours: vladimir putin arrived in the republic the day before, and today, starting his official visit, the russian leader laid a wreath at the victory monument in the center of minsk, almost in memory of the heroes of the great patriotic war. as previously reported, the main topics of discussion will be security issues, joint exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, and integration within the union state. report by evgeny reshitnev. the first stop he makes. the presidential motorcade today, by the way, vladimir putin is traveling on aurus, the center of minsk, independence avenue, the victory monument. vladimir putin walked up to the base of the monument, where the honor guard placed a wreath, then straightened the ribbons on it, bowing his head as a sign of respect. victory day to celebrate.
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alexander lukashenko was in moscow, but in belarus they also celebrate the liberation of the republic from the german nazis. july 3 is independence day, putin is in minsk with the official visit to the courtyard of the palace of independence, a solemn meeting with a guard of honor, delegations of both countries lined up on the porch. the leaders then enter the palace for a group photo ceremony. this is already the fifth. speeches of the presidents of russia and belarus only this year, and the previous four took place in russia, well, this is already the first this year in belarus. conventionally, the range of issues that are being discussed today can be divided into two blocks: security in conditions when western countries do not reduce the degree of escalation and issues of the economy of the union state, which is why there is an impressive delegation of the russian government. i welcome you to belarusian soil, i am pleased. that you
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liked minsk and liked the people, you have already noticed some things with an experienced eye, this is pleasant, especially in relation to the military, as we agreed yesterday, we always have two parts, security and economic issues , we always put off economic issues for consideration by ours... but today is just an occasion to hear what has already been done in connection with our instructions, of course, we are in constant contact, we meet regularly in constant communication, well , what milestones always exist , we have the opportunity now to evaluate what has been done, what is happening now and what should be done.
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partner of russia, today, more than ever, we need close cooperation in order to promptly respond to changes in the military-political situation in the world, to take additional measures to ensure the security of the union state, of course
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i am ready to discuss with you the most pressing issues of military and military-technical cooperation. putin’s visit to minsk was two days, the russian leader arrived on... in the evening alexander lukashenko met him at the airport, after which the first negotiations took place immediately in the format, the tradition has developed that we always don’t have time to start negotiations during the day, we always, until midnight, the belarusian people will be very glad to know that you have come to us, after the elections, this is one of the first visits from the people's republic of china, our friends, we will discuss our relations in the context of the people's republic of china. that we are discussing these issues, i have very interesting proposals for our region and further there in the caucasus , we discussed this very seriously recently
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during a visit to azerbaijan, after negotiations with our arab friends i had such a big meeting with members of the government, they said how speaking of my... visit to you , we covered almost all areas of industrial cooperation, energy, agriculture, security issues, well, probably there was a semi-government, everything is stable with us, everything is going well, and here we will, of course, talk about training, the second phase of training, this is connected with direct participation in...
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industrial cooperation is on the agenda of the negotiations, as the head of rusatom emphasized, we are talking about creating joint enterprises in different fields. the conversation continued behind closed doors without cameras, there is still an expanded meeting ahead, and at the end of the day the leaders will make a statement on the results of the negotiations. evgen shitnev,
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magomed otsaev, andrey ganykin, news from minsk. thanks for the invitation. the kiev regime, under pressure from the west, is thwarting any peace initiatives, and nato countries are facilitating the transfer of mercenaries and terrorists to ukraine. this statement was made by fsb director alexander bortnikov. he is in bishkka today. there is a meeting of the council of heads of security agencies and intelligence services of the commonwealth of independent states. the ukrainian authorities, having no real opportunity to achieve their goals on the battlefield, switched to total terror. systematic shelling is underway civilian population and civilian infrastructure of russian regions. sabotage raids are being carried out in our border areas. the ukrainian intelligence services are actively recruiting to involve young people and teenagers in terrorist activities by promoting pro-ukrainian nationalist formations on social networks. we record the ongoing massive transfer
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of mercenaries and militants of international terrorist organizations from the middle east, north africa and afghanistan to ukraine with the assistance of nato countries. part of them. used for further terrorist expansion into the commonwealth space. according to bortnikov, ukrainian military intelligence is behind the tragedy in crocus, and one of the goals of the terrorist attack is to damage russia’s relations with the cis countries. as the director of the fsb said, more than two dozen suspects have been detained in the case of the march terrorist attack, which killed 144 people. special services and law enforcement agencies of kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, and uzbekistan are assisting in the investigation. the head of the russian fsb thanked colleagues for their active participation. we are currently establishing the entire circle of those involved in the crime. more than twenty people have already been detained, including: direct perpetrators and accomplices. the investigation continues, but it is already possible to say with confidence that
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ukrainian military intelligence is directly related to this attack. i want to assure that all the circumstances of the crime will be established, and everyone involved will not escape punishment. we are grateful to our colleagues who are providing worldwide cooperation and assistance in the investigation. those involved in the terrorist attack they may be hiding in crocus. the moscow region is an attempt to destabilize the situation in the country, but russia’s opponents will not succeed; this is one link in the chain of our opponents’ aspirations to destabilize the situation. in the russian federation, somehow violate interethnic harmony throughout the entire
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space of the commonwealth of independent states. russia remains a reliable partner and ally for its closest neighbors, especially in the current conditions of turbulence in the global economy and the formation of a new multipolar world. this statement was made today, prime minister mikhail mishustin after the meeting. at the end of last year, the domestic product of the cis participants increased by 3.8%,
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i will say right away; for example, in the european union this is approximately less than half a percent. it is important to continue coordinated work to build up the economic and industrial potential of the community, to form new mechanisms of interaction, and the main goal is to qualitatively improve the standard of living of our citizens. today. in an expanded composition of the heads of government of countries the cis approved a five-year concept of cooperation in the field of energy and the development of the chemical industry, as prime minister mishustin noted. russia also counts on the speedy ratification of an agreement on free trade, services and investments by all participants in the cooperation. on june 5 it comes into force for belarus, kyrgyzstan, and tajikistan. in russia, this process is already at the finish line. now let's return to moscow, to smolenskaya square. the russian foreign ministry summoned the russian ambassador to
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armenia to moscow for consultations. this is reported by official representative of the foreign ministry maria zakharova. no other details have been reported yet. today is the day of slavic writing and culture. memorial day of equal-to-the-apostles cyril and methodius, slavic teachers. i performed a festive service in the cathedral of christ the savior today. languages ​​developed individually, but if you listen to the speech and look closely at the writing, it is easy to notice the common roots of the language that all the slavs of the world spoke hundreds of years ago. times change, morals change, fashions change, are changing.
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in the novgorod kremlin, at the monument to the millennium of russia, a concert of choral music was held, opened by the chamber choir of the cathedral of christ the savior. this concert became the final point of the easter eye festival.
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thank you heartily, thank you, all the best to you, thank you very much for everything you do for the russian people, thank you for the level of cooperation that exists between the church and the state, as i already said, unprecedented when compared with all russian history, god bless you, congratulations. thank you, yeah, and today at the cathedral of christ the savior, deputy prime minister dmitry chernoshenko congratulated the patriarch on behalf of the government. today there are good, truly partnership relations between the government of the russian federation and the russian orthodox church. in many ways, this is your personal merit. together we do a lot to
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make people in our country live better. this also applies to the social sphere. and education, culture, work with youth, preservation of historical heritage. and then, after a short advertisement, we have comments on the scandalous un resolution on genocide in srebrenica. on the interim results of the additional gasification program for the country as a whole. and in the evening on the channel the show “catch me if you can”. see you in a couple of minutes. let me invite you to dance. your wife is having an affair with this musician, i don’t believe that vika could cheat on me, a melody for yours, premiere, from monday on rtr, rest means leaving yourself alone, rest means not thinking about anything
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when you... .calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. hotel for an unforgettable experience rixas sharmel. only for adults 18 plus. here you will find entertainment
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throughout the day. year-round. performances of the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharmaelshey is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. catch a fish, big or small? well, in general, i chose the right place. have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats and carbohydrates? this is where my question begins. can tasty foods be healthy? i'll try. inflammation levels are reduced and pain is reduced. can something useful be pleasant? fantastic. can science be intelligible? how about you make a wish? yes. yes. yes yes yes.
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once again, yes. every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and this lifts the mood. that's for sure. food formula. in sunday on rtr. happy you, galina fedorovna, children, grandchildren. and you are alone. one. here. amazing woman, nice to hear, mark yakovich, you are also a very interesting person, we fell in love, and what should we do, we move away, she chooses, wow, to decide with whom, one is good, the other is worthy.
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what if he's deliberately being a jerk by not singing? what's more difficult? reveal talent or deception? with our experience with musical ear. can you come up and look me in the eye? the stars are ready to check. we must notice everything, every stroke. wow, they sing beautifully. mine bifurcates opinion. so far, we have received very good praise from everyone. brotherly, blink, please. so what next? the intrigue is crazy. catch me! if you can, we can’t wait for the start, today on rtr, it’s broadcast and we continue
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to publish: fifty group strikes using drones and high-tech weapons were carried out in a week on the ukrainian military infrastructure, the result was announced in the military department, among the targets hit were airfields, missile arsenals, workshops for assembling drones on ... kah from the liberated mite, which are published by the department, artillery preparation before when assault groups entered the village, krasnopol guided missiles were also used. the camera also recorded moments of close combat: the capture of an enemy dugout by our fighters, the raising of the russian tricolor and a copy of the victory banner over the ruins. the resolution on the genocide in srebrenica, adopted on the eve of the un general assembly, has a “clearly anti-serbian character and can only aggravate the situation in the balkans, as stated in the russian foreign ministry. in fact, the document, botched by the west, places all responsibility for the conflict on
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the death of the bosnians on only one serbian side. 19 countries voted against the resolution, including russia, china, hungary, syria, north korea, and cuba. the russian permanent representative called the resolution a disgrace. report by daria grigorova. which is formally called the international day of reflection on the genocide of 1995 in serebryanitsa, was put forward for consideration by representatives of germany and rwanda, among the countries that voted against are russia,
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china and hungary, although this resolution is not binding and its adoption threatens peace in the region, pushing balkans to confrontation, this was stated by postpret russia vasily nebenzya. we warned the co-authors before the vote, even at a time when they... were just starting out, starting to promote their project, that things could end badly for them, this would not be a smooth acceptance, this would not be a consensus acceptance, it would expose the wounds of genocides, which were not mentioned is the case in many countries where such events took place, and that this will open a pandora's box. after the vote, in response to the scandalous resolution, the main belgrade skyscraper was already this inscription appeared: “we are not a genocidal people.” according to belgrade and banja luka, the adopted resolution calls the serbs... a people responsible for genocide, this first of all raises the question of the legitimacy of the existence of the republika srpska within bosnia and herzegovina and may even lead to its abolition, with which the serbs do not agree. the authorities
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of republika srpska will propose to the official musarajevo within a month a draft agreement on the peaceful delimitation of bosnia and herzegovina. after 30 days, the countdown will be presented to the federation of bosnia and herzegovina as a country signatory to the dayton peace agreement, which will set out our proposal. official belgrade and baneluka acknowledge the fact of the executions, but categorically oppose the term genocide. an international commission led by the famous israeli historian
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gideon greif also came to a conclusion. that the events in srebrrenica cannot be called genocide. you can't throw around terms. genocide has a rule, which was defined by jewish lawyer raphael lemkin in 1948. sorry, but what happened in srebrrenice is not genocide. in addition, greif's team also investigated the fact that the hague tribunal ignored the massacres of serbs that took place in the vicinity of srebrenica from 1992 to 1995. during the attacks, according to the most conservative estimates, more than three were killed. such a document clearly does not contribute to reconciliation in the region. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, balkan news bureau. across russia , more than 1,250 thousand people became participants in the presidential social gasification program. reported this today secretary of the general council of united russia andrey turchak at the gas connection ceremony in the city
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of kirillov, vologda region. here you can earn a million by outwitting reputable and very experienced performers. anton demidov will reveal the secrets of the show. show
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catch me if you can, a real musical detective, it doesn’t matter how you sing, it’s important whether you can fool the stars around your finger, we’ll try to guess, we’ll try to win, but the main thing is the audience and you, the audience who are now at the screens, have fun, team members tv viewers come here to the stage, in the very center they perform a musical number to the soundtrack, and the task of the star team is to take their places, to understand whether a person can really sing or... they are being blatantly deceived, at him, at him, i look, i understand, i’m lost, i’m lost, in a music game there are three rounds and a final, the number of vocalists will constantly increase, and the tricks to confuse the stars will become more and more sophisticated, now i see, it’s very unprofessional to hold the microphone like that, but on the other hand she they can confuse us, that if specifically people, maybe she deliberately took
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the wrong month with them. whether a person can sing, they are awarded points, and if not, the points go to the team of tv viewers, but everything will be decided in the final, where the result cannot be predicted by anyone, compliance with the rules is strictly monitored by the presenter, vladimir marconi, we took the best that has ever happened on television, this is music, quizzes and a host, all this was combined and... it turned out to be a show, catch me if you can, and this is a very cool and interesting product, you can too test your intuition, watch the performance carefully and figure out before the stars who really can sing, who just opens their mouth to the soundtrack, premiere of the music game show, catch me if you can, today at 21:30, anton demidov,
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andrey prikhodko, host. the news continues to monitor the development of major events. stay with us. the billionaire survives the nun, formerly the famous soviet actress olga gobzeva, from an apartment in the center of moscow. the star of the soviet screen is afraid to appear.


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