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tv   Svet v okne  RUSSIA1  May 24, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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you will each go your own way, you are very lucky, you live in the best city in the country, which presents unprecedented opportunities for you. almost every school today sings songs and poems dedicated to school life for teachers, but these guys are luckier than others, because they will still remember today’s holiday and because of the beautiful date, for them the last bell rang on may 24, 1924. maxim aparin, ilya novikov, ilya popov and ilona agasieva, lead. the police are looking for the roller skater due to which an elderly muscovite was seriously injured and fell into a coma. the reckless driver ran into the pensioner at great speed when she fell and didn’t even think about helping. and he disappeared. the picture of the incident was restored by alexey knor. she and i came out from here, we got here, and i turn around and she falls. there is a man in front of her eyes. hit
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his friend, eighty-eight-year-old valentina skrobova in intensive care, apparently he was driving, i think so, okay, well, you can’t do that, if you ’re driving, you see people walking, well, at least stop or something, these are footage from cameras video surveillance, two muscovite women were walking with their dogs at the exit from tushinsky park , a man on roller skates flew out of their way, did not notice the tight leash, knocked down an elderly woman, falling, she hit her head on the paving slabs, the accident happened here when valentina fedorovna was already returning from a walk, going out from...
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somewhere in consciousness has not yet come, the operation was to remove the hematoma, the hematoma was between the brain and the skull, which is very bad, it was large. elena, daughter of valentina feodorovna, just from the hospital, says, so far, doctors are not making any predictions. i would really like to hope that the person will still bear some responsibility in this situation, he was driving at such great speed, there was such a moment, he had an impulse. mommy weighs more than 60 kg, you can see she’s just like a toy, i feel so sorry for her, she hit her so hard. they are now looking for the role of the man who broke up the pensioner. the prosecutor's office monitors the progress of the pre-investigation check, as well as the adoption of a procedural decision based on its result, including if there are grounds to initiate criminal case. if the culprit is found, he faces charges under the article of causing grievous harm by negligence. alexey knor, egor vozhletsov, daniil bobov, oleg dobin, news!
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the famous ballet donkey hot, performed by artists of the marinsky theater, is being performed at these moments on the historical stage of the bolshoi. for the moscow public, the event is truly long-awaited. one of the brightest and most temperamental classical productions. petersburgers brought it to the capital more than 25 years ago. report by polina iermalaeva. grand tours after a break of 2 decades, four performances, three best compositions of soloists. and while rinata shakir is thundering behind the scenes for the performance.
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and the technical team certainly arrived several days in advance in order to adapt and color the scenery on stage. you really need to tune in to agastrolnaya’s performance, because behind a closed screenplay the performer of basil’s role, kimin-kim, hugs her kitri. the tariadors are perfecting the movement of the cloak, and a large card de ballet is preparing to enter. about 150 costumes were brought from st. petersburg. how will they look, although i
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i hope with a kind look, but in fact the main task is for everyone to simply feel like they are in spain and enjoy the wonderful history. the applause does not cease from the first bars, just as at the beginning of may the mariinsky theater applauded the ballet of the bolshoi theater, spartacus and jewelry were sent to the northern capital, and now a sad-looking knight arrived in moscow for a return visit. donquixote, colorful, sparkling and technically complex in it and variations and the legendary 32 feet in the finale. for the soloists it is a test of strength, and for the audience. unforgettable holiday, symbol that golden ballet age that everyone loves, without exception. polina ermalaeva, irina penegovskaya, artur nurmakhametov and diana fitisova. news. atmospheric pressure, which has been rising all week, today set a record for this day, almost 762 mmhg
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. the thermometers are also creeping up. the weekend promises us real summer weather. it's too early to open the swimming season, so go sunbathe on the beach. doing sports outside is just right. daria okuneva will continue. in moscow, after the snowy may holidays, the first truly summer weekend, although the swimming season will only open on june 1, muscovites are already taking up space on the beaches. here, in a picturesque bay, the cage is ready, the garbage has been removed from the shore, umbrellas have been installed, and beauties are sunbathing in sun loungers. there is such diamond sand here, it makes your hands shine, like summer. what other mood could there be? when it’s already been a week of sunshine, i really want to swim, but not today, it’s really better to wait for swimming, this week rospotrebnadzor took water samples in the most popular recreation areas, it’s being carried out study of the water quality of reservoirs according to microbiological, parasitological and sanitary-chemical indicators. based on
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the test results , a list of places where you can swim will be published at the end of next week. the water in moscow and the region has warmed up to 16°c, which is usually the swimming season. happen when the temperature is at least 18, but now you can try yourself in water sports, for example, stand on a wake, wake stations started working as soon as the ice melted on the river, a wetsuit is a great help, so it’s warm, there are gloves if for the most frosty days, without a wetsuit it’s better to go to the pool, this week an open-air complex opened in luzhnyaka, on the first day it was only. 111 people, the next day three times more, tomorrow we are waiting for muscovites, guests of the city, the water in the pools is heated, it’s comfortable for adults and children, the weather is beautiful, we are absolutely delighted, it’s generally great, we waited, waited for it to open, the capital’s parks started working
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boat stations, you can rent subs and catamarans, there is a red one to our right beeches, which we don’t swim for, parks rely on sports, beach soccer, tennis, and also training, functional, strength and... this is definitely a charge of vitamin d, oxygen saturation, improved sleep quality. even meteorologists are inviting muscovites to go outside this weekend. the ultraviolet component, which is usually dangerous, is now in the range of two to three, two to three conventional units, when you can sunbathe, there will be no negative effects from this. on saturday and sunday 24-26, as at the end of june, after a long winter, this is significant a reason to leave the house. serious difficulties arose today on the enthusiast highway, where a truck hit an elk. reports of road accidents involving animals come almost every day in the tver region. in order to warn drivers about the danger, they decided to install plastic models of moose. the experience may
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be useful in other regions. report by murat zaripov. a passerby with bags in his hands froze in amazement when a moose quickly rushed past him. he ran across the yard. playground and even tried to get into the entrance when a frightened a small dog stood up and rushed into the gap, knocking the dog’s owner off her feet. fortunately , there were no serious injuries, but the elk calf hurried to leave the scene. the yard is located closer to the outskirts of the city of solovat, literally across the road from here is a private sector, further from the forest and fields, however, despite such closeness to nature, according to local residents. wild animals did not make their way into their yard, to my left there are bushes, swampy terrain, it is impossible to enter, most likely the elk entered these bushes, a kilometer and a half from here there are already forested areas, most likely the elk went there. a real invasion of hoofed animals in moscow, according to
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eyewitnesses, a trio of fugitives from the losiny ostrov national park spent several hours exploring the immediate surroundings, and then, in front of the surprised eyes of the townspeople, one of them decided to swim in the pond, enjoying the fresh water. doesn’t want to go out anywhere, it must have gotten him so carried away, one moose was swimming, uh, the second moose went further, didn’t stop, he was swimming, well, quite calmly. for several hours the police tried to catch the fugitive in order to return him to his usual habitat. one of the porno-ungulates could not be saved; he jumped onto the highway, where he was hit by a car. compensation for a moose killed on the road is 80,000 rubles. a collision with an animal can be fatal for the driver, which is why special biological crossings are created on modern highways in places where wild animals migrate, and cattle tunnels are created on federal roads. they have already... helped reduce the accident rate on the m3 ukraine highway, there are 56 such ecoducts, 116 crossings operate on
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the m-11 neva highway 51 on the m12 east. by the end of the year, their total number in the country will reach 327, the moose population in russia has been growing steadily in recent years. the food supply is sufficient in these regions; accordingly , there are young pine trees and undergrowth of other plants, so the elk feels at ease here. people love him, they don’t bother the animals, so the number of moose has increased significantly. one-year-old individuals are now beginning to get used to independent living and may mistakenly enter populated areas. animals can also run away from forests to escape blood-sucking insects. the gadflies hammered into the throat just during this period in boats for moose and deer, which also leads to discomfort and pain, which affects the behavior of animals by nature. the elk is a herbivore and non-aggressive animal, but when it finds itself in an unfamiliar environment, it gets scared
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and rather defends itself, as happened in bashkiria. the woman was with a dog, that is , it is clear that the elk was trying to jump over to protect itself from a predator, that is , a person is a danger to an elk, a dog is a predator to an elk. the most common way to protect yourself when meeting a moose is to simply get away from it. way, and if you want to get closer to the sahats, it’s better to do it at a special elk farm. murat zaripov, elena bedyak, maria dimentyeva, sergey shelepin and zemfir abzalov. news. this concludes our episode, all news is always available on the media platform , watch in the app or on the website, right now there is a big premiere on the channel, a new music show. catch me if you can.
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good evening, this is a show, catch me if you can, on the russia tv channel, a show in which 18 people from different regions of russia will fight for a cash prize, one million rubles. it doesn't matter how you sing, what matters is can you sing? great start to the weekend and we're off to a good start.
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today we have a real four stars, unlike the beatles, abba and other fly-by-night groups. our star team. she often tells me, yes, volodya, what larisa alexandrovna is. just call me people's artist. russian federation, larisa dolina aleksandrovna. if only you knew how this rapper reads lullabies, because just recently he became a father for the second time, in a dairy kitchen, now he can be seen no less often than at the music awards of st. cheers, nadezhda georgievna babkina. by the way, she is also a people's artist, a people's artist, well , of course, of course, this person is friends with
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honored artists and with skinny trousers, alexander buinov, oh, maestro, what a uniform, hello, we adore you, thank you very much to our four for being with us, you, friends, also thank you very much, nadezhda georgievna, one member of the jury, i won’t say, precisely because i love intrigue, but a little hint, he reads rap, wonders how in general, to understand whether a person sings or not, each person sings to the best of his abilities, the main thing is... to sing, and now the most interesting thing, the rule of our show: 18 participants from all over the country, over the course of three rounds, try to deceive a team of stars to convince, what they sing. our stars must guess which of the participants does not sing, with 1 million rubles at stake. are our stars ready? yes, great, in
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that case we start first. round, in this round three soloists will take the stage, who love, but not everyone knows how to sing. to the team of stars you need to guess which of the participants is not singing. for each correct answer, the star team receives one point. if the stars are wrong, the participating team gets a point. in total , you can earn three points in the first round. let's go! our first participant, ekaterina kirisheva. ekaterina kirisheva from the city of sosnovy bor can be called a queen, because she is a candidate master of sports in chess. it is difficult to think of a less musical sport than chess. the fans in the stands don’t sing, and
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catchy music doesn’t sound after a successful move, but what to do when the soul demands to sing, to at least make a horse and... towards your desires. where are you, my light, wandering around with your head bowed, give me an answer that you haven’t forgotten me, there are no letters, it’s been 4 days now, dear, don’t sin, write, i live without you, as if i’m not chasing you, without
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you saying you i'm not asking. write a message to me, even just a line, you write, my clear light, you write to me, like a tear of rain on a wet fire, my clear message, you write to me, strong one, i’m filming. katya is the only chess player in the world who
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can sing a song about the gambit. alexander, alexander, really? on a chessboard it is impossible to distinguish a queen from a fadiez, what do you think, is she singing or not singing? i'm at a loss, it seems to me that on the one hand she seems to be singing, at the beginning she almost got there with the music, the movements did not have that rhythmicity that happens in chess, when they play for time, for time, for time, for time, this is where my opinion splits, it seems to me that he is singing, but i don’t understand from the movement, are you singing in a carauke, no, or? you can ask anything you want, but the participants will not answer you anything. larisa alexandrovna, please, we know that you are equally good, you can put your voice in place. what can you say about katya? doesn't he sing? doesn't sing. doesn't sing. sorry, i just read katya’s thoughts, why not? - she asks. well, i believe in chess, which
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is super duper, i don’t play chess, teach me, and i’ll teach you to sing. when it just started. i saw that the song had no rhythm, that is, a person does not feel the rhythm, which means that it is impossible to sing, because singing is the most important thing to hear him to feel the rhythm, and who did it bother, without rhythm, no one, you see, no one, so, nadezhda georgievna, katya sang well or she plays with marked chess, let me say that she sings, the question is how - this is the second story of...
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she made us, she sings, it turns out, i immediately want to ask larisa alexandrovna, what’s wrong with the rhythm, what’s wrong with the rhythm here, it seems to be everywhere. not only with the rhythm of the problem, she’s great, forgive me, please, ekaterina, but - okay, let’s start with what
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20 points need to be changed, there’s nothing else here change, unfortunately, that’s why you chose your path and may god grant you good luck in it, conquer the whole world, i wish you every success with the world champion, the champion of everyone in general... but here it’s passing by, but from the heart, look how she rushed right away, even if it passed by, even if something happened, there was fire, there was, well, in general, good luck , that’s right, every person should do what he can do professionally , successfully and joyfully, so, my dear, good luck to you, congratulations , you already have one point, katya, brilliant, thank you, but you are still fighting for 1 million
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for ball gowns. sofia is generally a very creative girl. what grace, who comes winds this clock,
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as if the sun is rising on ours, there the microphone immediately singing brings it to the court, after all, no, she started like this. loving can break, it’s like losing your soul, living without you, you are my pain, my love, i will give everything to you, my love, all of myself, oceans can spread, loving can.
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well, i am the sun for you, sofia has a dream to win in our show and spend the money won on her day the birth was sung by a confident, bright, professional star, that is, herself, like that, but we don’t know whether it’s true or not, because it... was a section: unverified facts about our participants. did this creative, bright, beautiful girl manage to convince you that she doesn’t sing? now i’m having a hard time answering, but maybe we arranged everything this way so that it wouldn’t be easy. pause for one minute, let others speak. i 'll think again now. okay, think, think. you did this show on purpose, yes, we did it on purpose for you it's confusing, we don't want to give you the money.
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1 million is at stake, but you, es, what do you think, sings or doesn’t sing, i think that sofia sings, i think that the voice that we heard is very suitable for sofia, the voice is very suitable for sofia, look further, and there were, and it seemed to me that there were high notes where she couldn’t reach, apparently because she couldn’t hit them, but she managed the song where it was needed, i think that this indicates that she knows -
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for for them, this is the idea itself, this is happiness, this is the peak, go on screen, on television, now that’s it are rushing to appear on the screen, but now she came out, especially since we know her story, she did it absolutely correctly, what if a second incident does not happen, she’s great, she’s a bull right away, but there’s one nuance, in general, singers who go on stage never do that they don’t hold the microphone far away, you know what kind of voice there is, it doesn’t matter. it doesn’t matter, i had a story where i had to sing to a soundtrack that i had recorded, yes, imagine, i had to spin around like that, i turn around, suddenly i hear my voice, and i’m holding the microphone here so, everyone in the hall is mine, they all gasped, and i do this carefully, neatly and slowly, slowly i bring him in, at the end i put
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my sound on top... and you know, when i came to the loudspeaker room, and he said to me: you what, how could you allow this to happen? i say, i don’t know what crossed me, i thought that there were four more bars of the introduction, and there was a short one, i said, but in general, if it happened, i will cover this whole stadium, this whole field, square, i have something , they say, well done, the square covers the stadium, he doesn’t sing absolutely 100%, i think that the jury also noticed that the girl... performed this song very manneredly, i saw the movement with overkill, and she did not at all monitor the position of the microphone, but this is what catches your eye, larisa aleksandrovna, you asked for a pause, a minute, please, there were even five, well, now i’m watching, it’s very unprofessional to hold the microphone like that, yeah, singers who have a pause, let’s say, on stage, they always hold the microphone like that, here you go, please, no, sorry, okay,
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you corrected it. someone holds it like that, yes, well they can confuse us, that if specifically excuse me, yes, but although on the other hand, she is people, maybe she intends to take the wrong microf with them for a month, sofia, no matter what we say, sing girl, sing, nadezhda georgievna, your verdict is for your entire star team, you need to answer whether sofia sings or doesn’t sing, the first impression is that she doesn’t sing, but everything is correct. heard, heard, that's it, the choice has been made, our celebrity guests think that sofia doesn't sing, let's find out right now whether the stars managed to catch sofia, now we'll screw it up, maybe, maybe, but now she must hold the right microphone, who comes winds this clock,
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as if our sun does not rise. in the spring, there in the universe, my heart suffers, loving can burst, it’s like my soul will melt away, living without you, you are my pain, my love, i am over you. for you, well done, well done, sofia, she deceived us,
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beautiful, smart, sofia, please, i just love kissing hands, future millionaire, sofia performed brilliantly, thank you very much, sofia, why did you set us all up like that? the score is 1:1. sofia, equalizes the score, brilliant, please, this is such an unpredictable game we have, our dear stars, our dear spectators, it is as unpredictable as the next performance of our participant, maxim popov, our third. participant, please, maxim popov from kotovsko, tambov region, 12 years, worked in the police and at the same time dreamed of domra. gradually, maxim realized that it was impossible
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to combine music and police work, because it was impossible to sing while chasing a criminal. the most musical thing the police have is the rank of senior lieutenant, to whom maxim has risen, but thoughts about a musical career still haunt maxim, and what if... it’s such a good day and the old women are crumbling bread crumbs for rock pigeons, they don’t sing, driving away the moshi
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, a rotten horse stands up, muzzles, bent over to his work, manu from the wax, screwed up again , take me, so the breeze is free today, let the hooves knock on the pavement, but don’t rush the horses, it hurts him, the horse is open, the hooves are juicing, the jasmine has made my head spin, throwing bones from the roof from cherries, very indecent citizen, nanu cab driver. take me, dear, i’m like the breeze, his mouth is made of stone, but don’t christen the horse, he’s in pain,
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maxim, once he hit such a high note that his scar from appendicitis opened up. after 4 years, well, everything is fine, nadezhda georgievna, as maxim sang, i remind you that our artists are dead, our artists, razenbam sings well and the phonogram is not his, but the dead one , it’s like, well, tell me the face, look, the police were working , don’t you have any feelings, yes, just tell me,
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maxim, non-singing, one second, why do you think so? instinct tells us, something tells us, although on the other hand we have already exchanged remarks here, they want to deceive us again, 100%, purely true, 1 million rubles have been spent, we are not going to give it away so easily, alexander, can maxim sing or his the performance will be included in the golden collection of unsuccessful moments of the show, you know, we already broke down on the previous occasion, as they say, with the girl who... sings with maxim, well, he looks fine, now
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it’s fine, his task was acting, for sure, and the director staged such a number, he was without emotions at all, in theory, as if he did not completely coincide with that performance, as a vocal one, yes, and we all unanimously decided that he does not sing, of course, yes, but if they gave him such task, here i am at a loss, because suddenly the guy sings, and so that his mouth does not open, we injected him with maxim, anesthesia, went to the dentist for...
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the choice is made, the cunning beetle maxim sings, this is what
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larisa aleksandrovna dolina the whole team thinks , let's find out right now, we succeeded can the stars catch maxim, please, right now, there are fireworks, but he stands correctly, well , yes, well, if he sings with such a voice, and maybe you don’t have one like that, we decided that we don’t... the blue pigeons, driving away the moshi, are sleeping, drooping lose your muzzle, bending over to your ass if you please, take me, dear, i’m like the breeze today, smile freely. from the hoof with shot on the pavement,
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but don’t drive whips, god it hurts, thank you, fantastic, rosenbaum drove an ambulance, maxim drove a police car, what a talent, what a talent, a magnificent performance, and what a non-magnificent it was now.
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and you supported, bravo, maxim, please, thank you, the overall score is 2:1 in our favor. stellar team, well done, bravo, talents, by the way, larisa aleksandrovna dolina can play one note the entire time you watch the advertisement, i’m not lying, larisa aleksandrovna, start, and we ’ll be back soon, you’re definitely fine, you just
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never usually you don't stay late. premiere on rtr: will you leave me without a morning kiss? i have a husband, a job, stability, i i’m unhappy, and you have the impudence to write travel, happiness, and good luck into your schedule. anna taratorkina. who are you, how did you get here? this is my number dmitry miller, you'll have to. admit that you like me when we switched to from? alexey fatiev, who is there with you? i’m alone, it’s just an accident, what an idiot, vacation can be planned, but love, i don’t understand anything myself, i need to figure it out. melody for yours, from
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monday on rtr. veda vodka, a product of the stellar group, they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, relax it needs to be beautiful, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is included, except for the head, we know. it's all about relaxation, relax. anexc. rum. castro, a product of stellor group. welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas radomis sharmel sheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday. where everything is created for the happiness and
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comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment.
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everything will be powdered, pipes covered with nail polish, normal cosmetic renovation, let's repeat this again, parade of humor, premiere on saturday on rtr, happy you, galina fedorovna, children, grandchildren, you are alone, alone, you are amazing?
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let's start the second round. we are making the game more difficult for the stars and making it even more interesting for the audience, that's why. in the second round , three duets will take the stage to perform their favorite hit. these people love their profession
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and songs, so they sing while working. right now they will appear in their work clothes or uniform. in each duet, one participant will sing in his own voice, the second to someone else’s phonogram. the team of stars needs to guess who is not singing in the duet. if only... so, the first duet, karina belkina and ekaterina dementseva, please, karina belkina from moscow. odessa, she knows for sure that chicken or fish is not an appeal to girls on the street, but food on board. muscovite ekaterina
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demintsova works in a construction company and learns to throw bricks accurately, dreaming of knocking down a prince on a white horse who has been galloping for something for a long time. right now karina and katya will perform the hit they always sing while working. are you, just you, nobody else but you, i want to be loved by you, around, i want to be
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kissed by you, just you, and nobody else but you, i want to be kissed by you, i alone, i couldn't aspire.
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send to heaven, and whose voice will be covered with bricks? listen, well, first of all, about the fracture of the voice - a wonderful joke, just bravo, i
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can’t do it in five places, i’ll tell it, we know such people, let’s name at least 10 names, please, based on articulation, movements , ekaterina does everything clearly and correctly, and karina, yes, froze, does everything so that we we thought that it was definitely not her who was singing, but we know that she must be confused, so you know, i’m already confused. so we are confused, this is the point of the show, i think that katya sings, karina does not sing, but i include the logic of larisa alexan dolina, so i will say that karina sings, but katya does not, and so, katya does not sing, and what logic does larisa aleksandrovna use, please use st’s logic, if he took yours, it doesn’t exist, and answer in rap style, there are such cunning people working on this project, bravo, just bravo. we are confused, and, well, with our experience with an ear for music and they still confuse it, or
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karina is beautiful. the one who learned this skill, or a good flight attendant, well , i have no doubt that she is a good flight attendant, because they don’t take bad people into the sky, so maybe she, karina, is attending acting classes, because to pretend that she doesn’t you feel the rhythm, you don’t feel the music, it’s all fear in the eyes, that’s... the first feeling i have is this, because katya felt very free at the microphone, yes, first of all, she smiled very artistic, she moved her legs in the right place, because she is chasing a million, she is ready to do anything for this million, even to deceive her, karina too for sure, we all could use money, that’s it, that’s why of course i’m still at a loss, let me i need
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one more minute, please, honestly, karina, everyone has already answered, nadya hasn’t answered, nadezhda georgievna hasn’t answered yet, by the way, nadezhda georgievna, do you take tomato juice on the plane? where, on the plane? well, yes, as i asked, on the plane, i brought terrible news to my house, hope, i won’t be able to figure it out on my own , because everything is going on, listen, or it’s a cool task, an acting task has been set, an awesome task, in general, everyone who can come up with it. nadezhda georgievna, who doesn’t sing, a flight attendant or a builder? confusion to the end, katya, who is connected with construction, she definitely must have a strong and powerful voice and so on, in order to say swear words, why swear words, she works on construction sites, tough, tough, confident, motivating words, confident, she will say , so he says, brick, let’s take it and that’s it,
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like the character of alexander buynov, because alexander, you need to be. didn’t you hear nadezhda georgievna speaking quietly at rehearsals, good, good words, come on, come on, alexander, tell us this, but you know where it’s scorching, karina, karina, scorching when she looks at larisa aleksanna, like a student looks at a teacher , but it seems to me that this is a slightly different view, once karina did not let larisa alexandrovna with a large suitcase on the plane, so with lyokho, she looks, i don’t carry it with me on the plane. large suitcases, i usually check them out alexander, let’s go ahead and fuck the stewardess, she portrayed it so badly that she couldn’t sing, i couldn’t see with my lips what was at the end, but this suited her so well, this song, the hardened karina sings, that means she doesn’t sing, katya, do you think you, i understand that beautiful women can easily convince and confuse a man, confused or
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not, our flight attendant karina and... troitel katya, did the stars manage to catch our first duet, how interesting, by the way, come on, go ahead nod, help us. nobody else, i want to be left by you alone, i want to be kissed by you, just you, nobody else but you, i want to be kissed for you alone, i couldn't aspire to everything.
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i’m saying that i studied acting to prove to all of us that she ’s not a singer, but i said straight away that she’s a singer. and sashka supported me, well, they went too far, it turns out that a million is hanging by a thread, two points, i send it to the team of stars, please, and the overall score is 4:1, nothing, nothing, there are chances, girls, thank you very much, please go to our platform of participants, why did you decide that... that
10:17 pm
karina sings and katya doesn’t sing, only because the fact that as soon as they came out, it seemed to me that this song was more suitable for the girl's image, and then... what she is like, and the fact that they deliberately hunted her down and made her a silent doll, this became embarrassing, she hears you, and that, and we don’t hide it, we did it like an actor, we did it right, and it was clear that katyukha pulled the blanket tightly over herself, and come on, i think, well, now i ’ll come off to you here, and i would have guessed, after all, but with this you can’t buy us, okay, we’ve dealt with this duet, in that case, let’s move on to the next one, our next duet, vitaly selyutin and vitaly selyutin from moscow wants to be like kharlamov, but not garik, and valery,
10:18 pm
a great hockey player, loves only red cars, prefers to drink all drinks with ice, because ice is his element, vitaly hockey player, parachutist andrei semakov from zelenograd also likes sport. and more numbers. he made seven parachute jumps because seven is his mother's favorite number. right now vitaly and andrey will perform their favorite song. so, he will, he will sing opera. on skates.
10:19 pm
sole aria serena dopo una tempesta quell'aria fresca fare già una festa che bella cosaanato il sole -
10:20 pm
andrey and vitaly, i don’t know how they sing.


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