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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 25, 2024 8:00am-8:21am MSK

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you are watching the news on the russia channel, good morning, in the studio andrey shevtsov, marines are advancing in the southern donetsk direction, there are many prisoners, we made a decision, it is better to surrender, a shot is fired, artillery supports the offensive of the center troops. a large wildfire in buryaati, the fire area is 500 hectares, several outbreaks are located near populated areas. we walked through the city center with flashlights on. a protest rally of many thousands took place in belilis. at the beginning of the release about the progress of a special military operation, fire support russian offensive. groups in the avdeevsky
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direction are provided by the artillerymen of the group of forces in the center, let's aim a shot. crews of d-30 howitzers and 2s-12 sled mortars are firing high-explosive fragmentation shells from closed firing positions at enemy fortifications and command posts. as a result of one of the attacks, fortifications and a command post of the ukrainian military were destroyed. sometimes two addresses arrive at once, so it flies, it has a viewing area.
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sappers try to move close to trees to avoid being hit by drones. all dangerous items found are destroyed on the spot or taken away and disposed of at a special landfill. in the southern donetsk direction , the marines of the pacific fleet are developing a successful offensive. they destroy the defensive fortifications of the nationalists, who, as a result of the attacks , prefer to surrender. from the front line reporting.
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were waiting for the command. the fighters tell how they took the opornik in a group of five in the area of ​​industrial hangars. our task was to throw grenades, the second group had to do the order in order to suppress the enemy. how they threw grenades they started shooting at it. marines captured several ukrainian national guard soldiers. immediately before the battle they were asked to surrender to save their lives. i started yelling for them to give up. one prisoner came out immediately with his hands raised. began to say that don’t shoot, there are five of us, according to the prisoners, the attack by the marines came as a complete surprise to the ukrainian armed forces units, they came from our right side, where there was no one, and we couldn’t see that zone, suddenly everything happened, we accepted the decision that it was better to surrender to the positions occupied by attack aircraft immediately cluster shells flew.
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a tank and mortars were working on the exact flank. the enemy’s plan was to blow our roof away and then finish us off with birds, but fortunately they didn’t succeed, after which the enemy rolled back from the eastern hangars. now the attack aircraft are in a relatively safe place in the rear area; they arrived for a short time to replenish their ammunition, but very soon they will go to the front line again. today , the industrial area in harvest is under the full control of our army, fierce battles for village. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the international court of justice has ruled that israel must stop its offensive in rafah. the court also ordered the israeli side to take the necessary measures to ensure access to gaza for the mission to investigate allegations of genocide. meanwhile , israel's military operation in gaza continues, almost 36 people have died there. israel's actions have led to the forced exodus of almost 2 million people from the gaza strip. part. near the border with egypt, and
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now they have to look for a new refuge, israel also ordered evacuation from rafah, it is planned there. a demonstration of many thousands against the law on foreign agents took place in tbilisi. protesters walked through the city center with flashlights and flags of georgia, the eu and the usa. the protest reportedly ended without incident. earlier, the united states threatened the georgian authorities to reconsider relations with sanctions if they did not repeal the law. parliamentarians adopted the bill. on foreign influence by a majority vote, after which georgian president zurabashvili vetoed it. to the nearest on monday, the country's parliament intends to launch a procedure to overcome this ban. a large forest fire has been extinguished in buryatia for the second day; the fire quickly spread across
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the territory of two regions of the republic due to strong winds. in total, the fire area is almost 500 hectares; several outbreaks are located near populated areas, but there is no threat to houses. the rescuer controls the situation. 180 people were involved in the fight against the disaster, these are teams of the ministry of emergency situations, air forest protection, employees of the nearest reskhozes and local residents. they have dozens of units at their disposal equipment, people also arrange a counter fire to interrupt the spread of fire. flooding in different regions of the planet, in turkey, large waters came to the southern and northwestern regions, flooded the streets of the city of odan, in some places large flows were added to the rapids. in indonesia, severe floods do not stop in calimontan and sumatra, there is so much water that in some areas houses are flooded to the very roof; in brazil, the disaster does not leave alone the state of rio grande sul, which suffered from unprecedented floods; powerful flows even carried away
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temporary bridges built by the brazilian military. despite the fact that the water began to recede a few days ago, bad weather is still making it difficult to restore. work, our news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the app or on the website, have a nice weekend! they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but... you need to go where the sun and sea are, on the first coastal one, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, here people of different professions are waiting for you and
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animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere strong friendship, to fall in love with white and fluffy ones. i said, i want a white cat, here he comes, oh, you’re good, to caress the obstinate one, he likes to grab there with his claws like that, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, on my shoulder, with a parrot flies into the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets. where are you flying after the performance , you're in a hurry guys, i need to feed the hamster, you're among friends, among friends, program for the whole family, today on rtr, that's what it is, these are
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tickets away, the premiere on rtr, you put two... strangers in one room, you 've never seen the sunrise on the beach, you're settling in, look, maybe you shouldn't interfere with her happiness , how’s your romance, why were you following me, i’m filing for divorce, melody for two from monday on rtr. hello, good saturday morning, today is may 25th, the weekend, and we welcome denis teikov and vera krasova with you. extraterrestrial overloads on earth are not about our companies, our astronauts, thanks to special simulators, now they know what they will experience in the descent module when
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returning from space. they worked out emergency situations when, if the system fails , it is necessary to switch to manual control mode. during such training, ship crew members are faced with a task. to plant the device as close as possible to the calculated point with minimal overloads, and they are simulated using a centrifuge in motion and in static conditions, in the end we completed the task, but how to cope with... in the cervical spine , which is called the cervical lumbago, most often jams in the morning, why such a nuisance occurs, why it is dangerous, and how to avoid it, sergei egorov knows. alina has been making music professionally for more than 3 years, so now the dj console can safely be considered her workplace. despite the fact that such work can hardly be called physically difficult, individual muscles experience enormous overload. the dj plays a set, he has two hands working, and accordingly. you press the earphone to your shoulder ; your set can last from 6 dashes to 8 hours and
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more. prolonged stay in an unnatural position certainly leads to overstrain of the muscles surrounding the fragile cervical vertebrae. during activity, the muscle spasm that occurs in this area usually does not manifest itself in any way, making itself known only after a night’s sleep. when you wake up in the morning, you feel a tension in your neck. even every turn of the body, neck, naturally, it gives discomfort. a jammed neck is not a professional prerogative of the dj community; everyone whose neck is affected by it during the day is forced to remain in uncomfortable positions for a long time or does not receive the proper range of movements. the cervical region, by nature, should move a lot. when we have an insufficient range of movements, over time this accumulates and blood stagnates in this place. and around all this swelling arises, this same swelling gets worse overnight and the same effect occurs. jamming. of course, in the popular imagination, morning neck pain and impaired mobility hardly seem like a dangerous illness.
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in fact, this is the first alarming a bell ringer, which, if not acted upon, can result in a whole bunch of unpleasant consequences. if a person does nothing in response to these morning symptoms, then over time the symptoms will gradually increase, first. secondly, the range of movements in the neck will gradually decrease, that is, it will seem to dry out the neck. so. i call the hood symptom, as if he cannot turn his head without turning his whole body, and this is fraught with impaired blood flow to the brain, progressive, this is the most important thing in the first place greatly increases the risk of what, stroke, then such things as dementia, alzheimer's disease, you can avoid such a scenario by regularly doing exercises for the neck, but even if you have already woken up with a lumbago in the neck, the exercises will help in this case, in the morning you woke up, you have a neck pinched, jammed, pain, you need to decompress and give a load, but in such a way as
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not to harm, here i have an original exercise, sage, very safe, very good, very simple, what we do, we bring the elbow forward, turn the arm here so, with the second hand we create a rigid structure under the elbow, it is necessary to hold the sage position for at least 5 seconds, this exercise can be used as first aid, jamming. if we talk about the general healing of the entire shoulder girdle, then as morning exercises it is better to use multi-joint movements that involve, in addition to the neck, the chest, back and deltoid muscles. our arms are completely straight, at an angle of 90° at the shoulder joint, our palms are facing the floor, our neck is facing, this is where we made ourselves. and when we start to make a movement, we bend our elbows, move our neck forward, turn our palms around, bring our shoulder blades together as much as possible. we strain the chest area, fix it so-so for about five seconds, then return to the starting position and return.
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if such physical practices seem too difficult to you, then pilates masters advise resorting to the help of a simulator, which can be an ordinary wall. you will need to stand with your back to the wall, press the back of your head and slowly point your chin to your chest, creating pressure with the back of your head occipital protuberances against the wall, you slide directly, lowering your chin down and... raise your head so that your chin is parallel to the floor, then, creating pressure with your occipital protuberances against the wall, you directly roll your head from left to right, feeling a pleasant pressure, at home data the exercise can be performed lying on the floor or in bed, as long as the surface is not too soft. interestingly, in some cases , even those who do not experience a lack of activity, for example, ardent swimmers, can experience a jammed neck one of the most seemingly useful sports. most non-professional swimmers, like...
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subsequent protrusions and hernias, which completely compensate for the benefits of such sports . to avoid pinching the cervical vertebra, now i will show you one exercise: we lie down on the water, placing our heads in one line.
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according to the hypothesis, highly developed civilizations can build giant structures around stars in order to use their energy for their further development; they can be detected by characteristic infrared radiation that the marked stars have? well, whether these traces were really left by our alien neighbors, researchers still have to find out, and you and i will find out right now what discoveries the stars promise us next week. our guest is astrologer lyudmila venetsianskaya. how does this explain, what astrological events will delight us in the last week of spring. yeah, that means one of our events will be so long-lasting, next week jupiter will move from the sign
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of taurus to the sign of gemini, it will be there, well almost a year, that is, it will be like this for a long, long time. therefore, those who were born under the sign of gemini will definitely experience this jupiterian state at one time or another. this is a good state, it gives a person, given that there will be a connection there, it gives a person healthy ambitions, and perhaps a person has never thought about what i am doing here in this particular place, and so such thoughts will begin to visit this state, i probably want something more, it will be just for...
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about you now, yes, so if you’re healthy then is this going to last for a year? well, approximately, you said that the next week should be easier, if we talk about areas of activity, then where is it better, where it may not be so easy, as you said, more about work, about our activity, will come to the fore, activity, social realization, well, everything that concerns personal relationships comes into the background, so if we take the twenty-sixth. may, that is , sunday and monday, then there will be a tense aspect from mars, which says: even if on sunday, then there is no need to lie on sofa, you need to be active, activity, in general, implement something, but laziness is not welcome on monday, no matter how much we really want to strain on monday and want to stretch out the weekend, but straight into battle, into battle, activity,
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so that straight into everything was burning in our hands and things were going wrong, so closer to... towards the end of the week, well, we take thursday, friday, there saturn will be a tense aspect of the sun with venus to act, so he will begin to freeze all our ambitions or all our endeavors, he will still be this sense of duty, that is, everything that we have to do thursday friday, but we haven’t finished the next monday, and as for your personal life, you talked about yes... not to the same extent as work issues, but still, what should be paid attention to and how to reschedule let’s divide these recommendations for the sphere of personal life, there are female planets in the horoscope, there are male planets in the horoscope, women’s ambitions will also rise a little, they will want more gifts to feel like a queen, well, what can
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you do to feel like a queen, well, here it will go up a little straight up.


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