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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 25, 2024 11:00am-11:51am MSK

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news is broadcast on a russian tv channel. i greet you, maria sittel. hello. marines of the fortieth brigade of the pacific fleet on the approaches to urozhaynoye. one player came out, immediately raising his hands. he started saying, don’t shoot, there are five of us. more than 3.00 veterans of the northern military district. thanks to the joint work of business and the foundation, defenders of the fatherland were employed. justice, care, respect. at
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a school in krasnodar, a strong wind blew off part of the roof. the incident occurred before the start of the ceremony, but there were casualties. mass protests have resumed in georgia demanding the repeal of the law on foreign agents. in general, these cases are extremely rare. rostov cardiac surgeons perform extremely complex operations on newborns. mother and child will be home after more than a month, my gold medalist is an exhibition of breeding sheep and small cattle in dagestan, and here too there are stars. lamborghini and ferrari at a local exhibition, this handsome goat for 500,000 rubles, or this ram for 700. and in the novosibirsk academic town they are preparing. for delivery
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a world-class campus, at every educational place, sockets, exhaust hood, ventilation, a supply of process gases, a classroom, scientific and laboratory buildings, a leisure center and a complex of dormitories, this is a whole campus. well, we begin the episode with the situation in the special operation zone. a unit of the southern group of russian troops was defeated by three brigades of the ukrainian armed forces at once, more than 400 militants were killed, and the fighters of the west group inflicted comparable losses in manpower from the kiev formation. let's aim, shot! fire support artillerymen provide assistance to assault groups. in the vdeevsky direction , the crews of the d-30 howitzers worked accurately. destroy the fortification and command post of the ukrainian armed forces.
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mortar crews from the sanya motorized rifle formation could also do so. at extremely low altitudes , su-25 attack aircraft are approaching the positions of ukrainian militants. our pilots carried out a strike with unguided aircraft missiles on strong points and manpower. but this is footage of the work of our paratroopers, who shot down another baba attack drone, widely promoted by the ukrainian armed forces, in the sky over the kherson region yaga. they destroyed it with a kamikaze drone. wounded from above, as a result, the enemy drone exploded and crashed without causing harm to anyone. the fighting continues in the urozhainy area, in the southern donetsk direction, where marines from the 40th brigade of the pacific fleet are working from the front line. report by eduard punigov. these shots were taken in the urozhainy area, in the south of the donetsk people's republic. our reconnaissance drone is monitoring how the positions of the ukrainian armed forces are stormed by the marines of the 40th pacific brigade.
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where there was no one, and we don’t have that zone was being looked at, suddenly everything happened, we decided that it was better yes... cluster shells immediately flew into the positions occupied by attack aircraft, and a tank and mortars were working from the eastern flank. the enemy’s plan was to blow our roof away and then finish us off with birds, but fortunately they didn’t succeed, after which the enemy rolled back from the eastern hangars. now the attack aircraft are in a relatively safe place in the rear area; they came here for a short time to replenish their ammunition, but very soon they will return will go to the front line. today it is industrial. it is in full harvest under the full control of our army, fierce battles for the village continue. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. more than 3,000 veterans of special military operations have already been employed thanks to the joint work of our business and the defenders of the fatherland foundation. and from the beginning of june
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, soldiers with serious injuries will be given cars with manual controls. the head of the fund, anna tseveleva, spoke about this at a meeting of entrepreneurs providing assistance. member of the svo. when the guys return home and see injustice, they see disrespect for their history, for the history of those people who gave their lives on the battlefield, of course, this causes a feeling of injustice. and the foundation works according to the basic principles: fairness, care, respect. and we are very pleased that people like you, those who support these guys, are valued. contribution to the defense of the state, to the protection of the interests of the state, is very much. belgorod, we are with you. people's action under this name opens today at the exhibition forum russia. it was organized by the federal agency for youth affairs.
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the whole country is worried about the residents of the belgorod region, who are shelled by ukrainian militants almost every day. words of support come from everywhere. guests and visitors of the exhibition will be able to. to put wishes to the residents of belgorod on a special stand with envelopes, the upcoming ones, with volunteers will provide comprehensive assistance to belgorod residents. now krasnodar. this morning , strong winds tore off part of the roof. this the incident occurred before the ceremonial assembly on the occasion of the last bell. 11 children were reportedly injured. they have various injuries, concussions, bruises, abrasions of several guys in the hospital. initial medical assistance was provided, those children who were suspected of moderate or severe severity were taken to the regional hospital by emergency medical care, an examination is currently being carried out, some of the children are already
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being sent home, because the degree of severity has already been clarified, that is, they didn’t get severe injuries, the remaining children are still undergoing examination. now at the place of work. the rescuer and the police have opened a criminal case on the fact; i note that since yesterday there has been a storm warning in effect in the region; according to forecasts, wind gusts can reach 35 m/second. the last bells are ringing all over the country; the boys have difficult tests and entrance exams ahead. here are the shots from mariupol. in the donetsk republic this year , more than 1,000 eleventh-graders graduated, and 1,500 ninth-graders graduated. there is also the opportunity to choose a further path, go to high school or get a secondary vocational education. in many border areas, in particular in the belgorod region, due to the operational situation, they chose the online format of events, however, there are also those schools where they decided to still hold holiday assemblies;
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additional security measures are in place there. about how farewell to school went among eleventh-graders in primorye and the urals, in the reports of ksenia kolchina and... this is no longer the same ageless waltz, but white bows and aprons, formal suits are unchanged, they are still children, almost adults, eleventh graders are saying goodbye to school, it’s still time for exams, but they will no longer meet in class with their own teachers and will never come out to answer the board, this is really the last call from...
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to study and work for the good of their country, each of them has grandiose plans, they want only one of the eleventh grades of the second gymnasium in vladivostok to have 13 excellent students, potential medalists. i'm in sixth grade with them and... and i'm very pleased, of course, with the kids had to work all these years to see how they grew up, how smart they became, what life experience they gained, all that remained was to confirm their knowledge in exams, many had already begun to pass certification, behind the unified state examination in geography, literature and chemistry. i am absolutely confident in myself and am not afraid of exams. profile mathematics of society, knowledge and russian. the holiday in vladivostok today consists of two acts: the first has already been completed, assemblies were held in every school. on may 28, the entire
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country is taking a mandatory exam in russian. language. ksenia kolchino, denis yunak, vadim telegin, ivan kireev, far eastern news bureau, vladivostok. with maternal parting words, we worry, we worry, we wait and... march. graduates in full dress uniform line up on the parade ground. the last bell at the yekaterinburg suvorov military school rings today for almost 70 future officers of the russian army. it’s sad, but at the same time , happy that this is all over, gone. but it’s difficult to part with your team. somehow, somehow, 7 years side by side. in 7 years, suurovites mastered the entire school curriculum and the basics of military training. shooting, physical training, tactics and technical subtleties of combat vehicles,
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innovative unmanned systems that are additionally in demand among the troops, everything that will be useful to them when they subsequently enroll in military universities across the country, where graduates plan to continue their military career. will i continue my studies at a military educational institution and become a pilot? yes, a naval aviation pilot. pride in our son, that we were able to, that we, that he overcame, but we naturally supported him, from the ranks of...
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ekaterinburg. the new school year in novosibirsk will be special. a world-class campus will open there, which is currently being built in akademgorodok. well, strictly speaking, it will be an entire student city, educational and laboratory buildings. installed, communications are provided at each teaching place, sockets, exhaust hood, ventilation,
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a supply of process gases is provided so that schoolchildren can conduct experiments, a special cabinet where they will grow, for example, bacteria, combine theory and practice in physics laboratories, biology, chemistry, assembling robots in the engineering class, all classrooms are equipped with the latest equipment, multifunctional magnets... marker boards on which you can not only write, with the help of a projector they become interactive, acoustic wall coverings so that the teacher’s voice can be clearly heard in the background desks, even the ventilation here is smart, special sensors record the concentration of carbon dioxide. communications are connected to each educational table, this is directional light, this is electricity, low-voltage normal voltage, which allow you to connect devices, already this. in the fall, the new educational complex will open its doors; it was built as part of the national project science and universities
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in less than 3 years. academy town is a cultural heritage site of regional significance, and here, in this area, there are certain restrictions. we designed the building at the design stage, taking into account height restrictions, for example, that is, we kept it to a height of 21 m, counted by millimeters, calculating everything. next door, the new nsu dormitory is also ready, the rooms are like rooms in a good hotel, each has beds, showers, wardrobes, there are even refrigerators and microwaves, several on the floor. it will be able to accommodate almost 700 students. at the final stage of construction, a building of continuous classrooms on an area of ​​more than 16 thousand square meters will house not only lecture halls, multifunctional smart spaces, and a scientific library. the university has grown in scale there from 3,000, for example, at
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the time when i studied almost to the 9th modern stage, although it is one of the smallest... small classical universities in russia, and of course there was a need for new classrooms in new dormitories. the new campus of nsu will help take a big step forward in training personnel for the whole country. by the way, the project is financed not only from the budget, almost 40% of investments come from former graduates. ksenia klimina, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva, news from novosibirs. in countering threats to the security of russia and rallying anti-fascist forces in the fight against imperialism, these are the topics being discussed today in the moscow region bullfinches, a joint plenum of the central committee and the central control and audit commission of the communist party of the russian federation is taking place there at this moment. at the beginning, communist leader gennady zyuganov held a solemn ceremony for presenting party tickets, and already speaking at
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the plenum, zyuganov laid responsibility for supporting modern followers. to show this monster, which today is fueling a big war, the exercises of the northern fleet took place in the barents sea, their goal was to work out the interaction of aircraft of surface and submarine forces. maneuvers were important not only for the severomorsk sailors, but also for the guests, students of the general staff military academy, who observed the progress of the exercises. report by oleg
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posobin. on the deck of an anti-submarine ship, vice admiral kulakov, the sailors are looking in different directions. from the sight of machine guns, the crew repels the attack of conditional saboteurs-reconnaissance officers. admiral levchenko follows the kulak almost in line, with several more ships nearby. this is a major exercise to deploy the forces of the northern fleet. by creating interference by launching missiles and ships, they form a reliable shield that protects strategic missile submarines. these exercises are only a small part of the capabilities of the north. of the general staff, weapons and the movement
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of ships, officers previously studied in theory, now in practice they see the coherence of the crews, here in the air... a helicopter hovered above the deck, the sailors were lifted on a cable, with the help of a special vessel they quickly put out the fire, apparent simplicity in the northern the fleet is achieved through grueling training, such combat readiness checks ensure the defense of the country. oleg pasoben, pavel tretyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk, news from severomorsk. in krasnoyarsk they held
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a day without networks. this is a kind of cleanup, but the garbage was not removed from the streets, from the equator of the yenisei. eventually. almost a thousand meters of woven nets, illegal traps in which fish simply die, were taken out of the river. experts say that fishermen often simply forget about them. report by alexander usatenko. give it to you better. only government inspectors are happy about bezulov’s networks. the fish did not have time to enter this five-meter trap, but this means it was installed quite recently. having put these poaching gear into the boat, the specialists of the federal fisheries agency go in search of the next one. a few minutes later, a new find. migrating fish accumulate in shallow water and in pits, precisely in such places, most often unscrupulous fishermen. and set up nets, according to statistics, each fish caught during the spawning period is approximately -10 individuals next year. to later find a deadly trap with a catch, poachers
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use different methods. discover networks inspectors are helped by experience and observation skills. you just need to take a close look at each suspicious area. it happens that the rope to the shore is empty, well, they tie it somewhere. where there is shallow water, you can look like this, about a meter. it is necessary, let everything be visible, however, poachers often do not use visible landmarks when entering the coordinates of death traps into the navigator, therefore, in addition to a visual inspection, fisheries inspectors check the bottom with special hooks. on all-russian day without nets, fisheries protection staff together with volunteers went out on a raid to clear the river of poacher’s nets, which harm spawning fish, but inspectors and fishermen on land are on the hook, checking their fishing lines. and they issue memos, this is the standard size, we have it written here, violating fishermen are invisible during the day, but active at night, this lover of meditation by the water was caught red-handed, with this
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net the citizen was trying to catch aquatic biological resources, so the net is confiscated , we agree with the protocols, yes, yes , yes, yes, the catch of the night raid is 30 nets, poachers always have answers prepared at the time of arrest and there is not a hint of remorse, they explain their actions, well... to catch oneself on the fish soup, to eat this kind of food, a little on the fish soup, i think it’s a bit much, i think that these are not ordinary poachers, professional ones, as we see, nets - these are professional, fish lovers will not be able to escape punishment, even if they were caught with empty nets, such poachers will face a fine of up to 5,000 rubles or criminal liability, and dangerous traps after a court decision will be burned or transferred to the russian federation, alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, goleeva, lead the krasnoyarsk region. vintorogs are hairless and even colored. these days an exhibition of breeding sheep and small cattle is taking place in kaspiysk
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. more than sixty livestock farms and agricultural producers from all over the country participate in it. in addition to sheep, visitors can see buffaloes, camels and graceful blue-eyed akhal-teke horses. report by sarkar magomedov. no matter how bright the opening of the exhibition may be, its main beauty, of course, lies in the pavilions, my handsome men, my medalist golden, well, look, look, look, let everyone see you, how beautiful you are, there really is something to look at, not an exhibition, a real fashion show, sheephorns, woolen, hairless and even dyed, everyone is reaching out to stroke them, sheep therapy is new. lamborghini and ferrari, local exhibition, this handsome goat for 5000 rubles, or
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this ram for 700, this is a south african breed, marbled goat meat is tasty, without a specific smell, there is no this sharpness, which, let’s say, repels people from this meat , russian breeds, however there is no giving in... and they feed on selected herbs that grow in alpine onions, so their meat is not so tasty, and the wool is also important, what it should be, delegates from
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the rostov region show, this is the length of the wool, the tannin is very good, almost 15 cm for a one-year-old, such a beautiful white coat, what it can be useful for, they will show you here at a master class on making cloaks to interest him. and so that our dagestan, first of all, can see that this process of making buroks is still has retained its value, which it still does for us, because many do not know that we still do it, how to improve the quality of wool, improve the taste of meat and, most importantly , its quantity, all this is being discussed these days. dagestan, although a leader in sheep breeding, continues to develop. it is precisely on the example of these exhibitions that selection and breeding have been revived in our republic in recent years. breed, our dagestan mountain breed was improved by using russian meat merino rams, which was bred by our family stavorsky region. not
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only did i like the exhibition. guests, but also the organizers, so much so that dagestan will gladly host the next anniversary, because here it is not just an exhibition, a real holiday. sarkar magomedov, salekh salekhov and abdulla magomedov, vesti dagestan. this is the news, these are the topics that follow. the international court of justice ordered israel to stop its offensive in rafah. protests against the law on foreign agents have resumed in tbilis; there is unprecedented heat in india, with temperatures above 45° in the shade during the day. about this and more. in a few minutes, this is what it is? this tickets away, the premiere on rtr, you put two strangers in the same room, you have never seen the sunrise on the beach, settle down, look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness, like your romance, were you following me, i’m filing for divorce tune
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for... yours from monday on rtr, and... immerse yourself in a world of luxurious coziness at rixsas golf villas and seúds sharma sheikh, a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons, enjoy contemporary design of rooms and luxurious pitchfork,
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perfect. suitable for couples and families, relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharmelsha.
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why did you eat, eat, eat, on friday on rtr, my dears, you are all so different, i so want this difference to be the strength of our family, and not a reason for salt, wow, in general you have two cups, you so that i will not allow you
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to deceive.
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on rtr, this is news, we continue to release: armored vehicles, fortified positions and boats of the ukrainian armed forces on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region were destroyed by our artillerymen. sight 378,
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protractor 42-34. crews of d-30 howitzers of the marine corps of the black sea fleet opened fire from a distance of over 15 km, identify. the crews of unmanned aircraft help to target and adjust the shooting; enemy air targets are neutralized by the crews of the torus complexes. as soon as any object that does not respond to a foreigner’s request falls into the area of ​​responsibility, the units take over its escort. thor can handle absolutely everything, airplanes, helicopters, drones and even ballistic missiles. the group's engineering and sapper unit is also involved. north in kharkov region, sappers work clearly and accurately, their main task is to clear the territory of liberated settlements from explosive objects. ukrainians share on social networks how they are living
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under the new mobilization law, which has been in force for more than a week. in the chernivtsi region, a volunteer who was bringing food to displaced people was kidnapped. later it turned out that the employees of the shopping center without explanation. ukraine must be able to strike military targets on russian territory. this was stated by the secretary general nato in a long interview with the economist publication. jens stoltenberg called on alliance allies to lift restrictions on use.
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the head of the ministry of foreign affairs emphasized the us weapons strikes and their assertion that the west is supposedly limiting attacks from ukraine. as the allies are already attacking russian civilian targets. meanwhile, washington announced another package of military assistance to kiev worth $275 million. it included hymers missiles, shells for large-caliber artillery, jevelin grenade launchers, and precision weapons for aviation. and anti-tank mines. protests against the law on foreign agents have resumed in tbilis. hundreds of opposition supporters, most of them
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young people. students walked through the city center. the crowd proceeded to the ministry of internal affairs. the demonstrators held flashlights in their hands and waved the flags of georgia, the eu and the united states. anticipating possible provocations, the police cordoned off the building. decided that israel must stop the offensive in rafah, and also take all necessary measures to ensure access to gaza for the mission to investigate the allegations of genocide. however, talyawiw is in no hurry to implement this decision; he is only building up his military group, simultaneously striking not
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only hamas targets, but also civilian targets. the target of one of the latter was a refugee camp. no casualties have been reported yet. in total , almost 36.00 people have already died in gas since the beginning of israeli bombing. which could create living conditions for palestinians in the gaza strip that
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could lead to their physical destruction in whole or in part. just before the sabbath begins, the decision the international court of justice of the united nations responded with a special statement from the national security council and the israeli foreign ministry. it is obvious that a series of public appearances will follow after the end of saturday. israel has not carried out and will not carry out military operations in the rafah area that will create living conditions. capable of leading to the destruction of the palestinian civilian population in whole or in part, representing israel in the hague, former supreme court chief justice amir barak believes that the verdict does not directly prohibit israel to act in a hurry, but requires strict adherence to humanitarian norms. the main burden of carrying out combat missions falls on the armored units of the israeli army, which are reliable and heavy. the army
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reports that special forces from the givati ​​and nahal brigades destroyed a number of hamas military infrastructure facilities in rafah. we find missiles, we find launchers, we find weapons in schools, we find tunnels. apparently, israeli prime minister netanyahu took a break for shabbat, conferring with a colleague.
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using american weapons, us are being killed daily by western european
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weapons, we don't want help from you, we want you to stop military support for israel, we want you to put pressure on israel to stop the aggression and stop killing our children and women. over the past few days, in the south of the gaza strip in the rafah area, the israeli military has only increased its force. at the moment , there are already five sahal armored and infantry brigades operating in this area. at the same time , there are already 10 dry people in the enclave. connections, a record number since early january. according to palestinian sources, the enemy is now fighting for the central regions, but the actions of local resistance units are significantly complicating the advance of israeli troops. due to the israeli operation in rafah , the checkpoint of the same name on the border with egypt remains closed, through which humanitarian aid no longer flows. and this is becoming a bigger problem every day. one of the largest hospitals. electrogases alexa hospital, which serves over a million
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a person risks stopping his work in the coming hours. we need 5.000 liters of fuel to keep the hospital running, including equipment and lighting, however we only received 3.00 liters from the israeli army and un agencies, this is not enough because this hospital serves field hospitals, so we need at least 500 liters per day. and among local residents due to a total shortage. fuel, the closure of many bakeries , exorbitant prices for bread, popularity unseen in the last few decades, buy clay ovens. we built this oven because we don't have enough. capable of leading to the physical destruction of the people of palestine, this is an excerpt from the decision of the un international court, obliging israel to stop the operation in rafah, but
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in any case, tel aviv does not seem to be going to comply with it. the international community, the same allies led by the united states, who supply it, could put pressure on him. cities, including the capital newdelhi. this is due to the unprecedented heat, daytime temperatures above 45 and even in the shade. victims became four people. against this background , prices for air conditioners and fans have almost doubled, and there are huge queues at water tankers that arrive in the areas most affected by the scorching heat. not
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everyone has enough, so according to residents, they have to fight for healing moisture. several important partnership agreements were signed at... a business forum in beijing, it is dedicated to the development of bilateral relations between the rostov region and the regions of the people's republic of china. the russian delegation is headed by governor vasily golubev. during the event he presented potential of the don region and named promising areas of cooperation. according to golubev, today trade relations between the rostov region and china have reached record levels. good dynamics, it is increasing based on the results of last year and the results of this year. an indicator...
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of all that vanya endured in a month of his life, this operation at the cardiac center of the rostov regional clinical hospital, although a serious test, was not the most difficult, it was harder for him to breathe with such a rare congenital pathology, a cleft sternum, his relatives will be left in the dark; will there be doctors who will risk helping him? this is a very rare case, so no one has any experience, but you have to do your job well, know anatomy well in order to decide on this business, so we decided, everything worked out. according to world statistics, such a pathology occurs in
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five to six cases per million newborns. in russia, she is being operated on in federal centers, but due to the severity of vanya’s condition , it was impossible to leave rostov. the child suffered from pneumonia, could not cough up, depletion of the skin over sternum led to a wound. we found a specialist, we are very grateful to them, because we see the result. approximately 95% of heart defects in children are diagnosed prenatally, that is, while still in the womb. doctors prepare for the birth of such babies, using all the advantages of a well-functioning system of interaction between specialists from different clinics, who jointly manage the patient.
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the baby was also monitored by specialists from the regional clinical hospital, where he was taken for surgery; here they already know everything about him. the smallest details. the operation will be carried out at the optimal time, when the child has grown and become stronger, in order to avoid possible risks. the pediatric intensive care unit, even by the size of the kvez bed, it is clear that children come here from a wide range of ages, from a day after birth to 18 years. this is where preparation for surgery and the equally important postoperative period take place. vanya already has all this. passed and is preparing for discharge, the child is recovering, he is breathing normally, coughing, eating, finally the mother and child will be back from the maternity hospital after more than a month, will be home. and in general, some kind of new life,
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an ordinary mother and son, time will pass on this support wall in the children's cardiac surgery department, vanya's drawings will appear with portraits of doctors who gave him a chance for a normal, healthy life. veronica bogma, eduard ilin, evgenia mirashnichenko, vladimir shamakov and denis denisov, it is necessary to lead rostov. about the main events of the last seven days, news of the week. with dmitry kiselev, watch tomorrow sunday at 20:00, this is the news of the week and i’m dmitry kiselev, watch in sunday, the start of exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces, in response to nato’s plans to fight with russia, how strikes from the south are being practiced, no failures or mistakes can be allowed, they will not hide there overseas. the
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hottest kharkov direction, what is on other fronts and what should the sanitary zone look like due to shelling in our border area? markbar amriko! markbar amriko! the tragic death of president raisi, iran is mourning, but why is blinken happy, and what a series of alarming events in may, the shooting of fitso, the move against vucic, the conspiracy in turkey and threats to the prime minister of georgia, coincidence. while the west imposes its depravity on the east. china threatens taiwan with severe punishment for separatism and why are beijing's sanctions
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against washington? why for the prime minister of romania there is neither the moldovan language nor the moldovans themselves, only romanians. wherever they went, they began to pursue this policy of frenzied romanianization. how did it end centuries ago? the attempt of great romania. a unique report from afghanistan. you can even enter a state of drug intoxication. vesti
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follows the development of major events in russia abroad, stay with us. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting. cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places, all this is a thing of the past, now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the help of the brand new electric broom livington dipper swipper dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. tri-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything away.


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