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tv   Doktor Myasnikov  RUSSIA1  May 25, 2024 12:50pm-2:01pm MSK

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cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places, all this is in the past, now you can. clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper sweeper. dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head. even the smallest
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debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front reaches into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned with just one click of a button. it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. rotary the head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach, only today the unique, ingenious wireless electronics livington dipper swipper with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and anti-scratch walls can be yours for just 89.95, but if you call and place your order right now, you will receive an incredible 20 euro discount and the living dipper
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swipper will be yours for an incredible 6995, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. are you bored with your old fence, do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. the fence, terrace, gazebo will be renewed in an instant. from expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is fix the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, photo facade bright life is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if dirt appears, just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call order a universal photo facade for the bright life fence at a special price, only... from 9.95. just
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choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. plastic. cookware, when does it become dangerous? a hot topic today is plastic. is there really a problem with plastic? do you know what can purify water from microplastic particles. are you ready to go back to the stone age here? it's not the plastic that's to blame, it's your fault. you don't want to move, you don't want to live. this plastic, it doesn’t get any microparticles from it. chest pain, when you need to urgently consult a doctor, when it is enough to take nitroglycerin. how to act correctly? if
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you experience chest pain, or your chest is compressed, this indicates that this is real angina, real, you need to urgently seek medical help, we must understand who is in pain, here is the first aid for a person who has developed pain, harmful foods with high sodium content, check if they are in your refrigerator, foods that are dangerous for many and not only hypertensive patients, what do these foods all have in common, will we die instantly?
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oh, plastic, a fashionable topic, plastic is everywhere, let's talk about how plastic really affects our health, is the devil as scary as he is painted. so tell me the light of my mirror, but we will talk about the aging of the body, soul, and, by the way, a very important, relevant topic, how to behave correctly when pain occurs in breasts, there are nuances here, so here it is, it will be interesting, informative, we begin, the section, how to correctly, how correctly to place ...
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behind the sternum, i said, or your chest is squeezing, pressing, if you say, here i have it burns or presses, and i put my hand here like this, this suggests that this is real angina, real, you need to urgently seek medical help, and if you can point with your finger, it hurts here, it’s not the heart that hurts, but rather just neuralgia. many years passed, i realized that this was not so. with this approach, we lose up to 40% of patients, because we do not lose, but delay
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diagnosis. for women, everything is atypical; they may have pain here, stabbing pain, and so on. it turns out that this is angina, she may simply not have it. he is sweating, so we cannot rely on these criteria, we must understand who is in pain, this is important, if a person is over-nourished, if he smokes, if he has high cholesterol, sugar, if he is detrained, then of course, such a patient has any chest pain, any bad malaise, perhaps - as a manifestation of a heart attack, it should be treated as unstable angina until it turns out that this is not so, i had it just the other day, by the way, today this person is undergoing a stent, this is last weekend,
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uh we we were driving, we weren’t in moscow, well, he’s smoking, he has a belly, he has...
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stopped at a pharmacy, bought nitroglycerin, aspirin, gave it to him, we got there, watched the night, decided to stay until moscow, today he arrives, we’ll do it for him . obscenities, that is, why is this such a long story, who is in pain is important, therefore, if you have a person with many of the risk factors that i have listed, he has any pain, typical, atypical, so cutting, suspicious for
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a developing heart attack, for such a patient you should urgently inform the doctor within a few minutes, call ambulance here is the first aid for a person who has developed pain, this, this, no, this, this, you have. my husband woke up in the middle of the night and said: listen, he says, somehow i feel a little unwell, some kind of shortness of breath, something is hurting my shoulder, what should you do, oh, dear, now i’ll give you some water, i’ll open the window, you can open the window, you first take the phone and call an ambulance, why, you have 120 minutes for the ambulance to come, pick him up, take him to the place where they can urgently help if you need to put up stands, thereby preventing the development of a heart attack. that is why, when an ambulance arrives at the hospital emergency room, they don’t ask him his name,
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they don’t start a story, they take him straight to the operating room, and on the way she asks whether the operating room is free or not, because there’s no point in coming to a hospital where the x-ray surgery room is busy. so, you called, first, you did, you started the process, countdown, 120 minutes went by, second, you give him an aspirin tablet, it seems that this is stupid, and so on and so forth, as it seemed to me, in america many years ago , a patient with a heart attack is admitted, he has a drip, there is blood, he puts something in, and the nurse is pushing aspirin into his delivery, i say, why, in fact, aspirin is a preventive measure, platelet aggregation acts quite quickly already after a very short period of time, he does not allow them to go blind further; at the hospital he will also be given four tablets of clapidogrel, according to the standards, that is, this is also a similar active substance.
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if he gets up suddenly, tries to get up, he will get dizzy, he will fall, he may lose consciousness, he loses pressure very sharply, so in a sitting, half-sitting, half-lying or lying state... under the tongue and say: now you have a headache, because that she will really get very sick, then if this stenocardia starts slowly let go of your heart. in fact, this is a diagnostic sign. we always ask whether they took nitroglycerin , whether it helped, and if it helped, then after how long, because with real angina, it relieves all these sensations that i described to you within a few minutes. if half an hour or 40 minutes has passed, it is no longer nitroglycerin. here the diagnosis of angina pectoris may be in doubt. so, don’t try
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to deal with the heart, it’s not the heart, it’s none of your business. this is how the emergency department works, it worked, and now we have these they showed up, right at the department, this is called the department for chest pain, everyone with suspicious pain is there, it doesn’t matter what kind of pain, it doesn’t matter, you just have risk factors, you have quite severe pain, they bring you there in an ambulance, without understanding it. there they put everyone on monitoring, monitor for 24 hours, record the rhythm for 24 hours, watch because her cardiogram is normal, but what is she normal now, in 2 minutes it’s not, you say, get out of here, her rhythm will begin to be deadly and the person will die, so they leave day for observation and take hormones, so called tropanin, when the heart collapses, dies, the enzyme izru enters the blood.
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so it turns out that for a day we take trapanine sequentially so as not to miss it, because the tactics are different, is there a heart attack or something else? no, within a day they decide what to do with it, either we are a person, he is not getting better, some things appear, we send us geographies, we decide with the stands, or everything is fine with him, we plan for him we send him a stress test, when he runs on a track or on a bicycle ergometer, we check his tolerance to physical activity, or we routinely send you for cardiography, so it’s not your business to determine whether angina is present or not, it’s your business to understand that a person...
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suffers from joint disease, she takes drugs to restore cartilage tissue, including collagen. i would like to ask if the reception has an effect? collagen on the symptoms of gout, it may turn out that you are treating one thing and treating another, i would like to hear your professional opinion, thank you, well, first of all, what does it mean to treat one thing, you can take collagen, eat jellied meat in large quantities, products containing no cartilage, you will not restore it, this is a mistake,
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this is a myth, widespread, very useful. manufacturer of similar products, and think for yourself, but you eat jellied meat, you suggest that it will disintegrate into molecules and then gather back in the baptism, the bitter truth is that if, as a result of long-term osteoarthritis, you have worn out the cartilage of the articular surfaces, you you can’t restore it with anything, not with the cartilage you eat. neither uh jellied nor chondroprotectors, neither enriched plasma, nor platelets, nor stem cells, nothing, you can reduce your suffering temporarily, and often for a lot of money, there is hyaluronic acid, we inject something else into the joint, we do, yes, they have a certain analgesic effect, but you only
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anesthetize, in fact you can’t do anything, no that... decoctions and so on and so on, there’s bone broth, but you can get an exacerbation of gout, hello, doctor, my name is valentina bereznyak, i’m from saratova, i have a question i’m talking about blood vessels, and i lost a loved one because a blood clot broke loose and they couldn’t save him, now i take statins, but
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nevertheless, my lumen is still darkened by 35-40. here’s the question: can they be dissolved in a complex throughout the body, how safe is it? thanks a lot. you know, again you have the idea that these are vessels - these are tubes that are clogged with debris and so on and so forth, plaques and so on, different things, a blood clot has come off in someone close to you, as you say, most likely it was a thromboembolism, when from the leg of the deep... golin - a blood clot got into the lungs and this is one situation, you are talking about a narrowing of 30%, i can assume that this is an ultrasound of the carotid arteries, because what else can you do so easily through ultrasound, but 30% is minimal, it does not affect hemodynamics in any way, this is hemodynamically insignificant stenosis, but you were correctly prescribed
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statins and should have been given small doses of aspirin, because we can only talk about some kind of intervention... when this reaches 75%, well now they really do a little earlier, sometimes they can consider, as for general prevention, you can no longer clear the clot, you can take a statin and aspirin, preventing the scenosis from increasing, and so to speak, the fight against atherosclerosis, it is simple, there will be no atherosclerosis or it will not be so threatening in a person who has a normal body mass index, normal cholesterol, normal sugar, normal blood pressure. and at the same time he doesn’t smoke, this is such a simple but extremely difficult formula to implement, let’s move on, hello doctor, my name is olga akimova, novosibirs, my aunt is 89 years old, she suffers from diabetes, she was recently in the hospital with a sugar level of 24,
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she managed to bring it down to 10, doctors advise switching to insulin, but she is... very afraid of it, doctor, advise us , what to do, switch to insulin, period, grandma, 90 years old, what pills can we give, metoformin is not allowed, at that age it’s already very difficult, something else, normal insulin 24, will die from a diabetic coma if she doesn’t take it, her the drug of choice is insulin, which is she is afraid that she might even be afraid at 90 years old. interesting, hello, doctor, my name is liana, i’m 37 years old, i’m from the city of orenburg, i’ve been tormented by a short cough for about 3 years, it all starts with...
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you clear your throat, this is asthma, these are pills, especially for hypertension, well, these are the main four components , could it be the stomach, yes, of course, the reflex is a very common cause, drugs that reduce... density such as ameprazole, in general all drugs, in my opinion there are five of them that end in prozole, there is something prozole, tata prozole, here this will most likely solve your problem,
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if it’s from the stomach, no, then you need to look at it in detail and so on, porridge receptors are everywhere, they are in the pericardium, that is, the sac of the heart, they are in the diaphragm, in the esophagus, in the ears, for example , a case when a coarse thick hair irritated a person - a receptor was cut through and he ran around with doctors like this until i pulled out this hair for him, his porridge went away, that’s all with questions, we’re going to catch up, but today it’s not easy, because today i missed morning exercises for objective reasons, but i have morning exercises for two, or even 2.5 hours of quite serious training, but it so happened that yesterday i came very late and today i just barely got up and crawled to...
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tr will you leave me without a morning kiss? i have a husband, a job and stability, but i’m already unhappy. and just brazenly write travel, happiness, and good luck into your schedule. anna taratorkina. who are you, how did you get here? this is my number. dmitry miller. i'll have to admit that you like me. and when you and i switched to... alexey fatiev, who is there with you, i’m alone, it’s just an accident, what idiot, you can plan a vacation, but love, i
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don’t understand anything myself, i need to figure it all out, a melody for yours, from monday on rtr, rest! it's leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. kalinan belek is a place. where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover:
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true excellence, making dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life is turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes.
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nothing is 100% clear to us. i'm completely hesitant to say for sure. they guessed, they guessed. overall, i'm confused. i will turn on the ninth, tenth, sixteenth sense of my intuition. and this is what came of it. from your smiles, i see that you like how we deceive you. well, what can you do, are you happy to be deceived?
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you live, you can get around you, well, who is he, a man, well, introduce him to a man, i love him, you know, yes this is i just have a stupid girl, but some kind of love, he would...
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thank you for watching russia-1, and now we have dangerous products, harmful to many and not only hypertensive people. well, let’s not intrigue you, this is what all of these products have in common, this, this, these are all products with a huge amount. table salt, what is salt? do you remember school? sodium chlorine, right? here is the formula for table salt, and table salt contains 50% sodium and 50% chlorine, okay, chlorine, this is the thing without which
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we will instantly die in terrible convulsions, the symptom is a decrease in sodium, severe cramps, and then death, by the way, if sodium is increased in the region, this is also severe cramps and death, but this chronic consumption of excess amounts of sodium table salt leads to hypertension, kidney disease, and heart disease. to oncology, in particular gastric oncology. yes, table salt, the same sodium chlorine, has been officially a carcinogen for stomach cancer for more than 10 years. now we take these caps, and we’ll eat them at the same time. by the way, why is sodium important? here
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look. here is tomato juice, it contains a certain amount of salt, it is obviously tasty, but here we understand about salt. here are sweet carbonated drinks, they have no salt, but they do have sodium, they are artificially softened, calcium is removed from there, sodium is introduced, well , the worst thing, probably of all products, is sweet carbonated drinks, it’s just a solution of sugar, sodium and a lot of other things , phosphates, which have a bad effect. so, in parallel... to the conversation, let's make ourselves something healthy to eat, well , first of all, you just need to throw it away, immediately everyone has become sick, it’s just why you, and what do you eat, here is 1 g of salt, 1 g
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of sodium chlorine, that is, you ate two pieces of bread, you got 2 g of sodium from those, not sodium, sodium chlorine, well, the sodium there is 50/50, out of those 5 g that you are supposed to have per day. but we consume much more, 10-12, by the way, the japanese are ahead of the rest, in some areas of japan they consume up to 20-23 g of sodium chloride, that is, salt, what happens, well, a terrible amount of salt, of course, this is understandable, that’s it sausage products, that's it just salt, sugar, sweeteners that cause... trans fats and something mystical that they put here, mystical, some kind of drug, so i calmly watched, i say, how you hold it, well,
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it’s even disgusting, but when you you smell it and take a bite, but they tell you you can’t, don’t come. i ate, i don’t know what they put on it, it’s so delicious, and what do we have, well, it’s clear here, everything is canned, all canned things, they are incredibly salty, so if you are hypertensive, and any hypertensive person loves salty, any hypertensive, this is so to speak, i’ve known for a long time, but i’m silent about chips, that’s all about it here, well, the salt is probably just prohibitive, that is, what happens if we... just like that, we threw out the salt shaker, we threw it there, where -it’s lying there, but at the same time we eat bread, drink juice, a piece of cheese, eat sausages, frozen foods, which also contain
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an increased amount of sodium, then we overeat sodium, which is the basis, the harmful basis of salt, already higher than that the norm that we are entitled to, that is, yes... giving up the salt shaker, or salt in general, does not lead to the desired result, so you need to choose the product that you eat, i’m wondering how i can make a sandwich without bread, the most delicious thing in the world after the doctor’s sausage is fresh, smelling bread, but many people really grow on it by leaps and bounds , and preferably, like i gave up bread, i eat only on holidays, but filming is always a holiday for me, but we won’t eat bread today, i don’t like this white cotton-wool bread... i don’t like it, it really has to be delicious bread so good i sinned, i sinned, yes, but what is this, so, this will be our base, if you want sausages, cook yourself a piece of meat, take beef, it will also be cheaper, yes, either
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bake it cut up or boil it, very tasty, really delicious, but we don’t just have a sandwich, we have a sandwich, oh, this is a baku tomato, by the way, i personally deceive my taste, there is no salt, it’s very convenient, i pepper it, and i add a little lemon, why? but because that’s it, the taste has already gone, we won’t notice the absence of salt, well, here it is with you. very tasty food, no sodium at all it's also not possible. we know some tribes in south africa that consume very little
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salt, and we know that the lower limit of table salt, which we cannot go beyond, is 2 g, or 1 g of sodium, yes, divide by two. but we didn’t dream of this, because we take the meat, here’s the meat... i didn’t salt it, but there’s salt there, why? and many unscrupulous people, when selling it on the market, syringe it with a weak salt solution, because the meat becomes fresh, juicy, heavy, but they are selling a canopy, without sodium the water will come back out, in general the water goes for sodium always. you’re taking a diuretic, do you think
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the diuretic takes water out of you? no, the diuretic removes sodium, so it swells, water follows sodium, now in order to stay with the same water, water is needed, and accordingly, water follows sodium. from here we understand why sodium itself leads not only to, but also to an increase in hypertension, because sodium accumulates in the vascular wall, it seems to swell, accordingly the lumen of the vessel narrows, the pressure rises, the load on the heart increases, and so on and so forth, the heart is already pumping under the increased volume, so you just need to have a head for everyone, you know what’s the matter, it’s very simple, take a piece of white bread, take a piece of sausage,
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put it in, eat it, then you have to worry about something, think, throw a salon, cook the meat , tomato, lemon, why from the fact that we don’t think, from the fact that we are walking along the line of least resistance, from the fact that everyone has already thought for us, everything is on the side... a wild amount of salt, when i talk about - healthy lifestyle, about what a doctor can do if you decide to kill yourself, overweight, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet, at the same time i think that we are making efforts to provide medicine, hospitals, clinics, medical examinations, but until we do something about this, nothing will happen... it’s killing us a lot faster and more reliably than we are trying to oppose
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these weak barriers to doctors, here we need to change everything more thoroughly, okay, we ate, let’s move on, the hot topic today is plastic, it was all born from this question, you send all the questions there, but from this we decided to make a whole topic, my name is lina krylova, i’m from krasnodar. i recently read the news that norwegian scientists have found that chemical compounds contained in plastic enhance the synthesis of adipose tissue in the human body, that is , excess weight can be associated with plastic dishes, we have everything in plastic, food in plastic, containers made of plastic, i’d really like to hear your comment, thank you, you know, how good, here the body mass index is under 35, loves cakes, cake... and so on and so forth next, it's just plastic
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it’s not my fault, it’s not me who wants to eat, with us there’s always someone to blame, either the microbiome forces me to eat cakes with dumplings, or it’s plastic, otherwise it works, it’s another virus infection, i’m just sick, sick, that’s why there’s a plastic problem in general , yes it exists, the fact is that we began to find microparticles of plastic in food, in animals, chickens, in water, in the body... “we live in a world created by us, it is clear that
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human progress probably has some then there are side effects, well, let’s say we all know about the dangers of microwave radiation around us, the internet, radio waves, and so on and so forth, and what, let's go into the stone age, turn it off, don't watch tv, turn off the radio, give up the internet, we don't do this..." with plastic, approximately the same thing happens thing: we find a problem that we have not encountered before, or maybe we have encountered, but have not identified, and then we don’t really understand what it threatens us with and how we should deal with it, this whole problem with plastic is absolutely far-fetched ? , well, let's assume that all this really does harm our body, ecology and so on. is there anything you can do about it? do you understand where the plastic comes from? what do you think, it comes
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from dishes, syringes, plastic bottles, no, no, and again no. where does plastic come from? and these are our billions of tires , or let’s say clothes, well, here i have cotton and some synthetics in half, it ’s all plastic, synthetic clothes, it’s all plastic, you wash it, put it in the washing machine, that’s all, microparticles of plastic fall into the water, the water flows into nature, let's go, let's get dressed in skins, today... this is a given, but now let's really look at things, can we live without plastic or not, well , let's say we can live without plastic utensils, as it suits you, i i also like
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to drink not from a plastic cup, but from a glass one, but we can’t replace some things. let's take medicine, medicine without plastic is generally impossible today, i remember when i worked as a nurse in my first years at the institute, what a pain it was to sterilize syringes, we put them in, we they were boiled and so on, glass syringes, they burst, all the same, this sterilization was insufficient, all the same, this is hepatitis b, this is hepatitis c, these are all infections transmitted through syringes, when they appeared...
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which allow you to keep a person in intensive care for a long time , that is, in essence, medical plastic saves lives. and by the way, by the way, i even double-checked it on the internet, i heard and didn’t believe it, you know, boiling can clean water from microparticles of plastic, i calculated that 90% of plastic settles into sediment when boiling, so the water you can boil it. so, for some reason i stagnated. so , physical education break, if you want to review us, look at the subform in the application or website next, which plastic containers can be used to heat food in microwaves without harm to health. in the section for soul and body, we’ll talk about
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whether our soul can grow old. unclean water kills millions of people. are you ready to come back here to?
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elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will remain in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh - your ideal place in the very heart of the city. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxer collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in a world-exciting adventure of exciting entertainment, welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic, luxury collection bodrum. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a same.
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podcasts, and so as not to miss anything, continuation of the conversation in our new episodes , subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch, the first podcasts we watch, my dears, you are all so different, i so want this difference. “anastasia vedenskaya, you all knew everything about this, i don’t want to see you all, anatoly
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lobotsky, one very important person for me has disappeared, life teaches you nothing, you were silent about vasya, and now you continue to lie about your mother, adult daughters, the premiere , today on rtr, when i was building a dacha, the foreman told me this: “normal cosmetic repairs, let's repeat it again, parade of humor, premiere today on rtr. thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia-1, we move on, we continue the conversation
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about plastic, plastic bottles, plastic pipes, look, even plastic pipes through which water flows, because unclean water kills millions of people, unclean water is the cause of infectious diarrhea all over the world, and the world is not only moscow and some developed countries there, because 2/3 of the world lives in asia, africa, undeveloped countries, 2 millions of children a year die from infectious diarrhea caused by contaminated water, they are dying and will continue to die, because the problem has not yet been solved, it can be solved as best as possible, only by packaging clean bottled water and proper organization of water supply, let's approach it sensibly, i don’t understand all these groans about plastic, because come on...
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then we’ll just go into the stone age, or we live as we live and enjoy the benefits of civilization, you know, like the law of medicine, if a medicine has positive aspects, but it has side effects, everything has its side effect, are you ready to return here to the stone age, throw away the phone, tv, go back to candles, and there are your own problems, by the way, you have to start from reality, then there will be something else, there will be some new connections, there will be some new technologies, look at what has been happening over the last 50 years, okay, 50, over the last 30 years, which are now 50, 20 years ago, what happened 30 years ago, but there was no such thing number of smartphones and mobile phones.
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the health that the lord god gave you, and your parents, that all these things are not even a drop in the bucket compared to how we destroy ourselves, so don’t blame everything on plastic, you just need to live, move wisely , eat and be glad that we have all this, well, i’m just reassuring you, relax, drink, there’s a microwave oven, you can use plastic, but it’s already marked, there ’s marked plastic, you put... uh , plastic dishes or bottles there, any certified plastic that is produced in russia has all this, for example, special marking, by which you can determine what the plastic is for , how safe it is in a given situation, for example, sometimes we heat food in the microwave in a plastic container or in plastic dishes, but is it safe?
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look at the markings: are these icons? indicating that the plastic is heat-resistant and it is absolutely safe to heat food in it, but these are no longer heat-resistant types of plastic, they cannot be exposed to high temperatures, they are intended for other purposes, it is important that any types of plastic are safe if you use them strictly for their intended purpose, but the fact is that this plastic or medical plastic, it’s made completely differently, okay, i’m fine, i won’t say anything, that it’s certified and so on, it can’t help but be is not certified, all this passes according to certain state standards, strict testing, but in general this is completely different, here we are talking about microparticles, yes, this syringe will not decompose for 1.00 years, and this cap interests you, what will happen in 1.00 years, you i'm interested in the fact that today this plastic is
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they don’t get on microparticles from it, they get on again. when we talk about the problems of microplastics, if they exist at all, which we also, by the way, still don’t fully know, it doesn’t concern these things, well, the bottle is also plastic , not only is it safe, it’s also very convenient, and you say whatever you want, that i just drank microplastic, i will have something there, but we are not so naive
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people, it’s convenient, the water is clean, i will repeat once again that these... can be stored for up to a month, that is this keeps the products fresh and reduces their cost thus, in the end, this is also a method of fighting hunger, too, so today , everywhere you look, there is plastic, i gave you a few examples from my head, in fact there are thousands of times more of them, today our civilization cannot live without plastic maybe, period, it’s that simple, we move on. so, the section is for
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soul and body, and today i was offered this topic: will the soul grow old? we see the body getting old. oscar wide, the tragedy of old age is not that you feel old, that you feel young, yes, because you have as before, if you are a young soul, you want
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one thing, another, a third, sometimes you seem funny with your attempts, because in response he says to you: grandfather, you are about a year old, on the other hand, i myself begin to feel some... then things. i have to force myself to want, so in many things you begin to give up, you start to, well , somehow before i would have run around the corner, but what do you think, what’s behind this corner, that i will run there, why is it necessary, here i am i hate this about myself, but i understand that this happens to we have to fight with this, why am i with such pleasure, not pleasure, i won’t say pleasure, i then enjoy about... i get involved in everything, why i went to the mountains now and so to speak, and i went before, why don’t i i’m leaving the thought of walking to the south pole this winter, well, because i want to feel
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like a human being, that i’m still alive, that i can still do it, that i have a young soul, so they showed me an interesting exercise, i’ve never done it, this is the first time i made it, it’s just a man who drove the ball into... glass, now let's try, this is also a way to stay young at heart, not what i did or didn't do, but the fact that i wasn't lazy, took off my jacket, asked to do it, i need it, i don't need it at all, and if i’ll refuse here, there, you know, like a little jug, i retreated here, here i didn’t run, here i didn’t look at a beautiful woman, here i didn’t eat what i wanted, didn’t try, here... i’m something else , here i didn’t read the book, here i didn’t look, that’s how we get screwed, that’s how he got off so easily, so oh my god, well,
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we get into the plank position, it’s easy, we try, so, we try, where, so, everything turns out to be not so simple, now we are still... everything, so, well, he rolled here himself, you, you, you, so, well, the third time , so, where maybe it should be more, strange, why is it going there, well, but how much fun? i know, when i congratulate someone, now a person of happiness of my
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age, i write to you this, that and wishes, because when desire fades, this is the first symptom that yours is being suffocated. here everything is in our hands, the body is not always you can stop destruction from natural processes, here’s mom, how old is my mom, i can never imagine in my head that she was 92 years old, but because she was absolutely always young at heart, she didn’t understand my experiences there, something else. she sincerely lived like that, i enjoyed nature, people, she liked helping people, liked arguing with people, she did everything with great enthusiasm, i remember her, i think, how
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in general, how happy are people who have a young soul , on the one hand, it is a gift, on the other hand on the other hand, what am i leading to here, this is work, this is a certain kind of work, and in general... does the soul change at all? in theory , it shouldn’t change the soul, as soon as we received it, so to speak, we are releasing it back to the warehouse, that is, probably, when we say that... the soul ages and so on, this is still our emotional mood , probably so, the soul in its essence is not subject to aging, well, if we take that this is such a soul, this is the soul from the lord, how can it grow old, but we begin to paint it with black colors, depression, fear of old age, fear of illness, fear of death, laziness. yes,
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this is ours, this is not the soul, this is our emotional, this is our self, which is weakening, which is simply, this is just laziness, in formulated, what we call the aging of the soul, this is just banal, banal laziness that we had in i didn’t want it as a child, which was there throughout life, and which, together with the decrease, so to speak, of physical strength, physical capabilities, now acquires an official... cover, well, well, i’m old, my soul has aged, well, we’ve already seen so much, we can no longer be surprised, but why? we need this, that is, this is already an excuse, what happens when we allow our laziness and inertia to blame our soul for getting old, we steal an active life from ourselves, we steal from ourselves just years of an active life, then another soul suffers for... . become stale, it
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can not only grow old, it can become stale, again it’s not the soul that has become stale, but if you look at the mirror, you will pollute it and so on, this does not mean that it does not work, this does not mean that it has become stale, it just means that you have polluted it and that it needs to be cleaned, when you clean it, the soul will be as it was...
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i categorically disagree with this, we do a lot to make the soul grow old, so that the soul becomes ossified, calloused, but we always have a chance to clean it, enjoy life, leave it clean . doctor misnyakov was with you, who, well, if not with a pure soul, then with a light soul, says goodbye to you. until next time, goodbye, 155 years ago, on may 25, 1869 , a new edition of the benskaya opera theater was opened on this day. it is austria's leading opera house and
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the center of the country's musical culture. building the opera houses, built in the neo-renaissance style and at one time subjected to unreasonably harsh criticism, have long been considered one of the best beautiful theater buildings in the world. as a child, he read verne's novels and dreamed of flying through the air. he built it at the age of 12. his first helicopter with a rubber engine. after some time, it was followed by giant four-engine aircraft russian knight and ilya murmits, seaplanes that flew across the ocean for the first time, turbine helicopters, amphibious helicopters with retractable landing gear and flying screens. 135 years ago, 25 on may 1889, igor sekorsky was born, a russian scientist, engineer, pilot and entrepreneur, the inventor of the helicopter, one of the pioneers, aircraft industry - to invent
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a machine for flying - he argued - is almost nothing, to build a machine for flying is already something, to make a machine for flying - that's all. reality irritated him, frightened him, kept him in constant anxiety, perhaps in order to justify this timidity of his, his aversion to the present, he always praised the past and what never happened, and the ancient languages ​​that he taught, were for... 85 years ago, on may 25, 1939 , a film by isidor aninsky was released. to the case. film adaptation of the chekhov story of the same name. the main roles were played by nikolai khomilev, mikhail zharov, faina ranevskaya. by the end of world war ii, robert capa was one of the most famous photojournalists in the world. he visited all fronts, creating
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his legendary series of photographs about the lives of ordinary people caught up in the war. a war correspondent has only one stake - his own life, he said. the most ardent desire. war photographer become unemployed 70 years ago in indikita, during his fifth war , robert capa died when he was blown up by anti-personnel mines. he was 40 years old. i always saw capa in the luminous robe of the great tarer, but this torer did not kill anyone - recalled his friend henri cartia brison. he fought bravely for himself and others in the cycle of events. by the will of rock, he was struck down at the apogee of his glory. argued one of the largest soviet literary scholars , mikhail alekseev, that like no other science it serves to bring people closer together. it determines the physiognomy of national culture. today graduates and teachers of philological faculties, teachers of language and literature,
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library workers, translators and simply connoisseurs of literature celebrate their professional holiday. may 25 is philologist's day. today is may 25, 2024.
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the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sittal, hello, russian troops have taken full control of the village. and the village of urozhaynaya is stormed by the marines of the fortieth brigade of the pacific fleet. we decided that it was better to give up. at depth there are underwater ones.


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