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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:51pm MSK

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the international court of justice ordered israel to stop the offensive in rafah and immediately stop its military offensive, but israel did not stop the tanks. this blow to the refugee camp came after the court verdict. whoever wins the elections in britain will face high debts and problems filling the state budget. bloomberg on the financial crisis in britain. my medalist is gold. there is an exhibition of breeding sheep in dagestan, and it also has its own stars. lamborghini and ferrari local exhibition. polar bear, owner
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arctic, our navigators, our navigators generously admit this, they give way to a clubfoot, a giant traffic jam on everest, climbers who have conquered the highest point in the world are standing in line, but do not leave, we will tell you everything in detail. progress in supplies of the most popular weapons. this topic was outlined by vladimir putin, opening a meeting with heads of enterprises of the military-industrial complex. it is taking place at this moment in korolev, moscow region, at the site of the head plant of the tactical missile weapons corporation. among the meeting participants are defense minister andrei belousov, first deputy prime minister and the head of the state corporation. most enterprises
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efficiently fulfill state defense procurement tasks on time, and for a number of positions even ahead of schedule. it is important to continue to increase the rhythmic provision of the armed forces with modern, high-tech weapons and equipment, such as unmanned aircraft and ground systems, and high-precision weapons . means of rap and counter-battery systems, these are various types of communications for sustainable and continuous management and other nomenclature, you know well, recently our volumes have increased over the last one and a half to 2 years during a special military operation, from 2021 to 23, these numbers are constantly changing, they are growing, the increase was in
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missile and artillery weapons by more than 22 times, through electronic warfare and reconnaissance by 15 times, and by ammunition by means of destruction by 14 times. i want to thank you and your teams for coping with such tasks, large-scale tasks. vladimir putin also asked to report on work to increase the efficiency of repair of military equipment. the president. recalled that he had made a number of decisions that should have been made to increase efficiency and speed up the process of restoring the combat effectiveness of weapons. we all understand that with such expenses, the economy of the armed forces, which is part of the economy of the entire country , must be built accordingly so that every state ruble works effectively, i would definitely like to hear today how the conclusion goes contracts with enterprises.
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increase efficiency, speed up the process of repairs, restore the combat effectiveness of weapons and equipment so that they return to the combat zone as soon as possible , i would like to ask you to report today on how this work is organized. there was also an instruction to accelerate the introduction of modern technologies and innovative solutions for the constant improvement and improvement of the tactical and technical characteristics of weapons and equipment, taking into account experience and combat use, we must always be one step ahead ahead, you need to stay ahead of the enemy all the time, then victory will be guaranteed. another settlement has been liberated in the donetsk republic , according to the ministry of defense. the village
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of arkhangelskoye, north of ocheretin, came under the full control of the center group. over the past 24 hours, 1,500 ukrainian militants have been killed. our military carried out powerful attacks on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the area. artillerymen provide fire support to the assault groups. in the avdeevsky direction , the crews of the d-30 howitzers worked accurately. destroy the fortification and the enemy command post was helped by mine-sled crews from a motorized rifle formation. at extremely low altitudes, attack aircraft are approaching ukrainian positions. carry out strikes with unguided aircraft missiles on enemy strongholds and manpower. and here is footage of the work of our paratroopers, who shot down another widely publicized attack drone, baba yaga, in the sky over the kherson region. they destroyed it with a
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kamikaze drone and rammed it from above. the fighting does not subside in the urozhainy area in the southern donetsk direction. the marines of the 1940s work there pacific brigade. fleet with an advanced report by military correspondent eduard punigov. these shots were taken in the urozhainy area in the south of the donetsk people's republic. our reconnaissance drone is monitoring how the positions of the ukrainian armed forces are stormed by the marines of the fortieth brigade of the pacific fleet. the settlement was razed to the ground by ukrainian artillery. there is not a single whole house. we came in through the postcard in the morning, came to this fence, walked around. him a couple of meters, well for now we were just waiting, waiting for the command. the soldiers tell how they took support worker for five in the area of ​​industrial hangars. our task was to throw a grenade, the second group had to do the order to kill the enemy. as soon as they threw grenades,
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they started firing at it. marines captured several ukrainian national guard soldiers. immediately before the battle, they were offered to surrender and save their lives. i started yelling for them to give up.
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some nato allies have already lifted restrictions on such use of weapons, and i am sure that it is time for other allies to think about this too. to this statement responded the official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova. according to her ,
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it will be useful for those invited to the peace conference in switzerland to learn about these non-peaceful calls by the head of nato. the day before , minister sergei lavrov called the claim that the west was limiting attacks from ukraine a ploy. as minister love emphasized, american weapons are already striking russian civilian targets. meanwhile, washington announced another package of military assistance to kiev worth $275 million. included himmers missiles, shells for large-caliber artillery, jevelin grenade launchers, precision weapons for aviation and anti-tank mines. belgorod, our hearts are with you. an action with this name was opened at the russian exhibition at vdnkh. visitors can provide assistance to residents of the region affected by shelling by ukrainian militants. all funds will be used for treatment and rehabilitation of the wounded. all the details are at the region’s stand, there is also a map of the region, an exhibition of photographs and
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other evidence of the cynical attacks of the ukrainian armed forces, including shell fragments that almost every day they fly to peaceful neighborhoods, but in spite of everything, belgorod residents are persistently and courageously resisting all attempts of the kiev regime to disrupt the peace, and therefore they need the support of the entire country. thematic events and a telethon will be held as part of the event. a clothes, shoes, gloves, medicines and other necessary things. all this is sent to our guys in the northern military district zone and to the residents of new regions by united russia. in the pendensky region alone, more than 100 kits were created for military personnel. they will be transferred to a selection point for military service under a contract. many other regions of our country also joined this action. in the coming days , humanitarian aid will be sent to the front line from the tambov region, the republic of adegea and moscow. the northern fleet exercises took place in the barints sea. their goal is to work out
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the interaction between aircraft of surface and submarine forces. the maneuvers were important not only for the siler sailors, but also for the guests, students of the general staff military academy, who observed the progress of the exercises. report by oleg posobin. on the deck of an anti-submarine ship, vice admiral kulakov, sailors look in different directions through the sights of machine guns, the crew repels the attack of conditional saboteurs. admiral levchenko follows the kulak almost in line, with several other ships nearby, this is a major exercise to deploy the forces of the northern fleet. by creating interference by launching missiles, the ships form a reliable shield that protects strategic missile submarines. 11 support ships are participating in the maneuvers. in the depths there are submarines, plus helicopters, planes, all this resembles one big orchestra in which
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every instrument plays without falsehood. behind the exercises are observed by the future elite of the army , students of the general staff academy: the officers had previously studied weapons and the movement of ships in theory, now in practice they see the coherence of the crews, then an il-38 anti-submarine aircraft appears in the air, and a few minutes later a helicopter... k-27 in hydroacoustic buoys submerge the water. a few minutes later, the enemy’s submarine is found at the bottom. there is bachidva. i authorize shooting. it's hot and loud at vice admiral kulakov's station. the next commands sound. the sailors open fire. after once the targets were destroyed, the final operation to rescue personnel from the burning ship began. the helicopter hovered above the deck. the sailors were lifted on a rope with help. a special vessel quickly put out the fire, apparent simplicity in the northern fleet is achieved through grueling
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training, such combat readiness checks ensure the defense of the country. oleg pasubin, pavel tretyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk, news from severomorsk. and now about the situation with natural fires: rescuers have control over almost 25,000 settlements where there are threat of fire moving from forest areas. almost 50 regions have a special fire regime. most fires are caused by careless handling of fire or burning of grass. therefore, rescuers clear areas of supervegetation, renew mineralized strips, and remove spontaneous landfills. the situation is aggravated by hot weather. a storm warning is in effect for the second day in kuban; wind gusts can reach 35 m/s. dozens of trees were knocked down in krasnodar and several cars were damaged. in a number of areas torn. power lines,
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part of the roof of one of the schools was torn off, debris fell on children who had gathered for a festive assembly in honor of the last bell, 11 people were injured, they had various injuries, and this is footage from the yekaterinburg-almaty highway: a few days before the start in the summer, a blizzard covers the road, a powerful storm covers kazakhstan, and snow falls. throughout the okmola region, in neighboring regions, squally winds, hail, thunderstorms. a joint plenum of the central committee and the control and audit took place today in the bullfinches near moscow.
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conflict, he recalled that this had already happened on the eve of the second world war, when the british and american monopolists sponsored hitler and supplied ammunition to the aviation and navy of the third reich; according to zyuganov, a direct similarity with modern supplies of western weapons to neo-nazis in ukraine suggests itself. the last bells are ringing all over the country; the boys have the most
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difficult tests ahead - the admissions exams. this is a shot from mariupol. in the donetsk republic this year more than 10,000 were released eleventh graders, and 15 thousand ninth graders still have the opportunity to choose a further path, go to high school or receive secondary vocational education. goodbye school. in the lugansk republic, educational institutions were allowed to independently determine the date of the last calls. they will be performed for 7,000 eleventh grade graduates. for many border areas, in particular the belgorod region , due to the operational situation, they chose the online format of events, however, there are also those schools where they still held festive line, there are additional security measures in place. about how the eleventh graders of primorye went farewell to school,
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report by ksenia kolchina. this is no longer the same ageless waltz, but white bows and aprons, formal suits are unchanged, they are still children, but almost adults, eleventh graders are saying goodbye to school. there is still time for exams ahead, but they will no longer meet in class with their native teachers, and will never come out to answer the board. this is truly the last bell, one of the most touching school traditions. on this moment. usually those who held on to the whole line give up, what was the last call without tears, parents, teachers and schoolchildren, everyone has something to remember, teachers, how i sat with my classmates, laughed at my desk, how we skipped some classes, this is all very it’s touching to understand that this won’t happen anymore, each of them has grandiose
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plans, but they are connected with self-development, career, family, not with moving. these guys want to stay in their homeland. since childhood , i have settled on choosing a government employee, well, nothing has changed, i want to work for the good of the country. here. i love vladivostok so much, you know, right in the heart of the sea, all these embankments, i really adore the city, i think i ’ll stay here without any questions. they are truly golden youth; in only one of the graduating classes of the vladivostok gymnasium there are 13 excellent students, potential medalists. sixth grade with them, and i’m very pleased, of course, it’s been a pleasure to work with the kids all these years, to see how they grow up, how they get smarter, what kind of people they are gain life experience. all that remains is to confirm your knowledge at the unified state exam, but this will not scare them either. many have already begun to undergo certification, behind the unified state examination in geography, literature and chemistry. i am absolutely confident in myself and am not afraid of exams.
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profile mathematics, society, knowledge and russian. in the morning they celebrated. in the evening, their schools gathered at the vladivostok stadium, they organized a citywide concert for graduates, the incredibly warm and almost summer weather allowed them to walk until dark. today they dance and sing. day carelessness and fun is a real holiday, but tomorrow you will need to sit down with your textbooks. on may 28, the whole country takes the unified state examination in the russian language. ksenia kolshina, denis yunakov odin telegin, far eastern news bureau, vladivostok. and these are the topics we will have next. new. the british government faces its worst financial problems in 70 years. extremely complex and unique operations on newborns are performed by rostov heart surgeons on everest by climbers. stuck in a traffic jam, all the details in a couple of minutes, this is what this, these are the tickets, the premiere on rtr, you
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put two strangers in the same room, you have never seen the sunrise on the beach, settle down, look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness, like your roman, were you following me, i am i filing for divorce? melody for yours, from monday on rtr. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. at rixsas golf villas and suites sharma shei. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern design rooms and luxury. ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. a hotel
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for unforgettable experiences rix sharma. only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. riksos sharmelsheikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired.
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we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters come running, they carried me away, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we have . there was something hungry, here comes a grandmother, she is hungry, but she carries this kurba to the drive and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across people like that, caring, support in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help, you would not have survived, only ours can, and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr.
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you catch something everywhere, either at a gas station, or in the corridor, where to go and what to do, you don’t have to ask anyone, beg, humiliate yourself or extend your hands, they will have to reckon with us. so, lift off the ground, take off. such a beautiful technique, how much time you devote to the progress of a special military operation, for us this is fate, it is a matter of life and death, we will be the first to know about it. that you are more love, a herring under a fur coat, or look at what ’s on sale, alexandrievich, well , hello, let him in, there are no forces that could hold him back, this is impressive , hello, after your interview, many new questions have arisen, it’s good that they are watching listening. what i ’m saying is in the first person, volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i should always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you
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very much, come again. on sunday on rtr. you watch the news and we continue the release. our military was able to improve the situation and occupy more advantageous positions in all main areas of the special operation. according to the ministry of defense, units of the north group in the kharkov region have advanced into the depths of the enemy’s defense. on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region, our artillerymen destroyed. scope 378, protractor 42-34. the crews of the d-30 howitzers of the black sea fleet marine corps opened fire from a distance of 15 kilometers. unmanned aircraft crews and enemy air targets neutralize the calculations of the torus complexes. as soon as
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any object that does not respond to an alien’s request falls into thor’s area of ​​responsibility, the units take its escort, thor can handle absolutely everything, airplanes, helicopters, drones and even ballistic missiles. in the case of the engineering and sapper unit of the north group in the kharkov region, sappers work clearly and accurately, their main task is to clear the territories of liberated settlements from explosive objects. near kyiv, a young guy cut his wrists right in the shopping center building. before that, he was severely beaten, his phone was taken away, his personal belongings were taken away , and they tried to send him to the front. and in the chernivtsi region, a volunteer who was bringing food to displaced people was kidnapped. it later turned out that the tsk employees, without explanation , took him to the acquisition center, and then immediately sent him to the training ground. and this is already a massive fight between civilians and military
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in odessa arcadia. the military came for the young people to the summer veranda. protests against the law on foreign agents have resumed in tbilis. hundreds of opposition supporters most of whom were young people, students , walked through the city center, proceeded to the ministry of internal affairs, the demonstrators held flashlights in their hands, waving the flags of georgia, the european union, and the usa. anticipating possible provocations, the police cordoned off the building. the ministry of internal affairs reported that the action took place without incident. let me remind you that the day before the united states threatened the georgian authorities with sanctions if they did not repeal the law on foreign agents. secretary of state blinken said he would deny members of their families the opportunity to obtain american visas. in the ruling party georgia responded to this that the country’s independence is not for sale for any visas. the next composition of the british government
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will have to decide for itself. serious financial problems over the past 70 years, as bloomberg writes; there has not been such a crisis in the country since the fifties of the last century. according to experts, the volume of british public debt is approaching one hundred percent , and economic growth rates are record low. these problems will fall on the shoulders of new officials, who will have to choose from three evils: either raise taxes to eighty-year high, either reduce spending or increase debt further. i note that according to polls, the opposition librarian party is almost twice as ahead of the ruling tory party, and this is only a month and a half before the elections, they are scheduled for july 4th. the international court of justice has ruled that israel must stop its offensive in rafah and provide access to gas to a mission investigating allegations of genocide. tel arif is in no hurry to implement this decision. strikes continue against hamas targets on civilian
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targets, one of. the latter became a camp refugees, in total, 36,000 people have died in gas since the beginning of israeli bombing. with details sergey pashkov and alexander belipov. at the hour when the president of the international court in the hague read out the verdict, the israeli military continued to attack hamas positions near the city of rafah in the south of the gaza strip. and the actions of armored vehicles did not stop after the chairman of the court, nawav salams. said that the decision of the panel, adopted by an overwhelming majority of 13 to two votes, must be implemented immediately. the court believes that in in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention, israel must immediately cease its military offensive and any other actions in the rafah area that could create living conditions for palestinians in the gaza strip that could lead to their physical destruction in whole or
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in part. after the end of the sabbath. israel has not carried out and will not carry out military operations in the rafah area that would create living conditions that could lead to the destruction of the palestinian civilian population completely or partially. representing israel in the hague, former supreme court president amir barak believes that the verdict does not directly prohibit israel from acting in ropakha, but requires strict adherence to humanitarian standards. the main burden of performing combat. tasks fall on the armored units of the israeli army, reliable, heavy, protected and stuffed with modern electronics, vehicles are practically invulnerable to militants’ missile defense. the army reports that special forces
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from the givati ​​and nahal brigades destroyed a number of military infrastructure facilities in rafah hamass. we find missiles, we find launchers, we find weapons in schools. it is obvious that the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu, took a break for shabbat, conferring with colleagues and partners; he has not yet commented on the decisions of the un international court. he threatens the shiite lebanese group hezbollah, promising the militants surprises on the northern borders of israel. the situation there has become tense again in recent days. at the moment, we have destroyed hundreds of hezbollah militants and are still even in readiness. today. we have detailed, important and even unexpected plans. but i will not share these plans, which are intended to do two things: first, restore security in the north, and second, return residents to their homes. military operations in the north and south of israel
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continue, the court decision did not stop the movement of tanks, but an increase in the volume of humanitarian aid was declared and negotiations on the return of israeli hostages were interrupted and a temporary ceasefire was held. international mediators have moved forward again. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. high-precision aircraft munitions explode where just a second ago the tents of palestinian refugees stood. the israeli air force carried out this attack on the hanyunis camp after the un international court of justice ruled that tel aviv must stop the military operation in rafah, but carry it out. israel is in no hurry yet. we suffer not so much from hunger as from war. we suffer from murders and executions using american weapons. us are killed daily by western european weapons. we don't want any help from you. we want
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you to stop your military support for israel. we want you to put pressure on israel to stop its aggression and stop killing our children and women. over the past few days, in the south of the gaza strip, in the rafah area, the israeli military has only increased its force. at the moment, there are already five sahal armored and infantry brigades operating in this area. at the same time, there are already 10 ground forces in the enclave, a record since the beginning january quantity. according to palestinian sources, the enemy is now fighting for the central areas of rafah, but the actions of local resistance units are significantly complicating the advance of israeli troops. due to the israeli operation in rafah , the border checkpoint of the same name remains closed. egypt, through which humanitarian aid no longer flows, and this is becoming a growing problem every day. one of the largest hospitals in the sector and the alex hospital, which serves over a million people, risks stopping its work already in the next few hours. we need 5.000 liters of fuel to
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keep the hospital running, including equipment and lighting, however we only received 3.00 liters from the israeli army and un agencies, this is not enough as it... the hospital serves field hospitals, so we need at least 5.000 liters per day , among local residents, due to a total shortage of fuel, the closure of many bakeries , exorbitant prices for bread, clay ovens are gaining popularity unprecedented in the last few decades. we built this stove, because we lack electricity and water, we heat it with wood that we were able to get to meet the needs of 100 people. the actions of the israeli army in rafah, in particular and in the sector. gas in general can lead to the physical destruction of the people of palestine, this is an excerpt from the decision of the international un court obliging israel to stop the operation in rafah, but to carry it out in any case, while tel aviv does not seem to be going to, pressure could be
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exerted on it by the international community, those or allies led by the united states, which supply weapons and other military assistance, if, of course, they themselves want it. the countries of the collective west have repeatedly warned israel against a full-scale invasion of rafah. some even threatened tel aviv with sanctions; whether those who uttered them so loudly will now remember their words or will prefer to pretend that nothing happened, a question that still remains open. alexander bel sherbakov, leading the middle east. the highest level of danger has been declared in several indian cities and in the capital in new delhi. the unprecedented heat is to blame. daytime temperatures are above 45, even in the shade. four people became victims. against this background , prices for air conditioners and fans have almost doubled. and there were huge queues at the water tankers that arrived in the areas most affected by the scorching heat. not everyone has enough. therefore, according to the residents. you have to fight for life-giving moisture. and these are
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shots from the highest point on the planet, mount everest. a real traffic jam formed at its top, in which almost 500 climbers. this flow of people wanting to climb the peak is associated with rare favorable weather, which extreme sports enthusiasts decided to take advantage of, because most of the time there is a strong wind blowing on the mountain, its gusts can exceed 80 m/s. but there was an emergency. on one of the sections of the path, the ice cornice in which the climbers were walking could not withstand the weight and broke off, several people fell down, two are still listed as missing. rostov cardiac surgeons perform extremely complex operations on newborns; they save babies with severe heart defects and lungs. many patients end up on the operating table straight from the maternity hospital, and specialists from different fields work together to, as they say, guide the baby from birth and even the prenatal period to
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recovery, reporting by veronica bogma. of all that vanya endured in a month of his life, this was an operation at the cardiocenter of the rostov regional clinical hospital; although the test was serious, it was not the most difficult. it was harder for him to breathe with such a rare congenital pathology of a cleft sternum, for his family to remain in the unknown whether they would find doctors who would risk helping him? ectopic heart.
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this child was born in our maternity hospital, city clinical hospital number 20, the child was born somewhat prematurely, weighing 2 kg, and even during the pregnancy stage the mother was diagnosed with a congenital cardiac threshold. after birth , the child was immediately transferred to the department for nursing premature babies, where he received treatment until his condition stabilized. for the baby. specialists from the regional clinical hospital, where he was taken for
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operation, they already know everything about him in the smallest detail. the operation will be carried out at the optimal time, when the child has grown and become stronger, in order to avoid possible risks. pediatric intensive care unit, even the size of a kvez bed. it is clear that children come here of all ages, from a day after birth to 18 years. this is where preparation for surgery and the equally important postoperative period take place. vanya has already gone through all this and... is preparing for discharge, the child is recovering, he is breathing normally, coughing, eating, finally mother and child later more than a month after the maternity hospital , you will be at home, and in general some kind of new life, yes, an ordinary, ordinary mother and son, time will pass on this wall of support in the children's cardiac surgery department of rokab , vanya's drawings with portraits of the doctors who gave them will appear. a chance for a normal, healthy life. veronica bogma, eduard ilin, evgenia
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mirashnichenko, vladimir shemakov and denis denisov. news: rostov-need. about the main events of the last seven days in news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. watch on sunday at 20:00. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. watch on sunday. start of exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces in response. on nato's plans to go to war with russia, how are attacks from the south being practiced? we cannot allow any failures or mistakes; they will not hide behind the ocean, for those who do not believe the word. it is clear how we are moving deeper into the enemy’s defense, our military correspondent evgeniy poddubny of the hottest, kharkov direction, what is on other fronts, and what the sanitary zone should become due to shelling
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in our border area, dying. iran is mourning, but why is blinken happy? and what a series disturbing events in may? the shooting of fico, the move against vucic, the conspiracy in turkey. and threats to the prime minister of georgia. coincidence. while the west imposes its depravity on the east. china threatens taiwan with severe punishment for separatism and why do beijing sanctions washington? why is there no moldovan language for the prime minister of romania, nor the moldovans themselves, only the romanians, wherever they
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came, they began to pursue this policy. what already ended centuries ago. in krasnoyarsk they held a campaign called day without networks, it’s a kind of cleanup day, but only garbage they were cleaning up in the equator of the yenisei, almost a thousand meters of wicker nets and illegal traps in which fish were dying were taken out of the river. report by alexander usatenko. give it to you
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better. only government inspectors are happy about the nets without a catch. the fish did not have time to enter this five-meter trap, which means it was installed quite recently. having put these poaching gear into the boat, the specialists of the federal fisheries agency go in search of the next ones. migrating fish accumulate in shallow water in holes. it is in such places that most often unscrupulous fishermen and set nets. according to statistics, each fish caught during the spawning period is approximately -10 fish for the next year. to later find a deadly trap with a catch, poachers use different methods. you just have to look closely. in every suspicious area, it happens that the rope to the shore is empty, well , they tie it somewhere, but often poachers do not use visible landmarks, entering the coordinates of deadly traps into the navigator, therefore, in addition to a visual inspection, fishery inspectors check the bottom with special hooks. on all-russian day
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without nets, fisheries protection officers, together with volunteers, went out on a raid to clear the river of poacher’s nets that harm... fish, but inspectors and fishermen on land are on the hook, they check fishing lines and issue reminders, here is the fishing size here, fishermen , violators are invisible during the day, but active at night, this lover of meditation near the water was caught red-handed, with this net the citizen was trying to catch aquatic biological resources, so the net is confiscated, i agree with the protocols, the catch night raid 30 nets, poachers always have answers prepared at the time of arrest and there is not a hint of remorse, they explain their actions, well, catch it for yourself, eat with this kind, a little too much for the fish, i think it’s too much, fish lovers should leave punishment will not work, even if they were caught with empty nets, such poachers will face a fine of up to 5,000 rubles, or criminal liability, and dangerous traps after
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a court decision will be burned or the property will be transferred to the russian federation. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva, vesti, krasnoyarsk region. the polar bear, master of the arctic, was again spotted next to the nuclear icebreaker ural in the yenisei gulf. these interesting shots were taken by the crew of the ship. clubfoot clearly refuses to give way to the sailors; he is not frightened by the signals of the motor ship. the navigator had no choice but to slow down and give way to the wayward master of the arctic. as a result, the bear ran to the other side, and only after that the atomic giant, paving the way to... continued to make its way through the ice. these days an exhibition of breeding sheep and small animals is taking place in kaspiysk. cattle horned, hairless, dyed, you name it, more than sixty livestock farms from all over the country are participating, report by sarkar magomedov.
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no matter how bright the opening of the exhibition was, its main beauty, of course, lies in the pavilions. my beauties, my gold medalist. come on, look, look, look, let everyone see you, how beautiful you are. there really is something to see, not just an exhibition. a real fashion show, warhorns, woolen, hairless and even dyed, everyone is reaching out to stroke them, sheep therapy, a new term coined here, as at any exhibition, for example, an automobile exhibition, it also has its own stars. lamborghini and ferrari, local exhibition, this handsome guy, a goat for 500,000 rubles. or this ram for 700, this is a south african breed, marbled goat meat, tasty, without a specific smell, this is not. it’s this spiciness that, let’s say, repels people from this meat. russian breeds, however, are not going to give in. kalmyt
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fat-tailed sheep will produce not only marbled meat. many people misunderstood that fat tail is a very useful, very necessary properties for humans. and fat, and cook any dishes, add meat to make it juicy. dagestan livestock breeders promise a unique taste of lamb.
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to develop, it is precisely on the example of these exhibitions that in recent years in our republic the holding of selective breeding has been revived , our dagestan mountain breed has been improved by the use of russian meat mirino rams, which were bred nearby in the stavropol territory. the exhibition was liked not only by the guests, but also by the organizers, so much so that dagestan is happy to host the anniversary, because here it is not just an exhibition, a real... holiday. sarkar magomedov, salekh salekhov and abdulla magomedov. news: dagestan. vesti follows the development of major events in russia
5:50 pm
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