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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 25, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. on the russia channel big news in the studio evgeniy roshkov, hello, we have the whole information picture, this saturday. artillery production increased 22 times, ammunition production 14 times. you must stay ahead of the enemy all the time, then victory will be guaranteed. what did vladimir putin discuss with the heads of defense enterprises? the military
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liberated arkhangelskoye in the dpr. how are we progressing in kharkov and zaporozhye regions? areas? even the hail needs to be charged very quickly. pavel prokopenko about how the reactors of the southern group work. eduard punigov about the heroic attack aircraft in the urozhayny area. we came in in the morning through a postcard. they came here for a short time to replenish their ammunition. if they decide to encroach on a russian asset. we will act in the same way, we have assets, we also receive income, there will be a decision, we will do the same. the heads of the ministry of finance in the g7 did not make up their minds today. we have legal and technical problems. scholz states that they they did everything they could for kyiv. we really pushed it to the limit. but stoltenberg is calling for rates to be raised. this includes strikes against targets inside russia. what kind of wall of drones are the baltics planning to build on the border with russia? israel struck
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the hanyunisi refugee camp, despite the verdict of the international un court. israel must immediately stop its military offensive. sergey pashkov and alexander belibov about what is happening in the gas sector around him. a hurricane swept through streets of krasnodar. furs. either snow or hail has fallen asleep, and india is languishing in 50-degree heat, let's study the weather map of the planet. russia must always be one step ahead of the enemy, then victory is guaranteed. vladimir putin spoke about this today in
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korolev, moscow region, at a meeting with the leadership of the military-industrial complex during a visit to the tactical missile weapons corporation. the president of russia emphasized that defense industry enterprises, when fulfilling state defense orders, need to constantly increase supplies to the troops modern weapons and equipment. the majority of enterprises fulfill state defense order assignments on time, and for a number of positions , even ahead of schedule. it is important to continue to increase the rhythmic provision of the armed forces with modern high-tech weapons and equipment, these are unmanned aircraft and ground systems, high-precision weapons , countermeasures and counter-battery systems, these are various types of communications for stable and continuous control and other nomenclature, you know well, for the last time at...
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times, for cars seven times, for personal armor protection six times, for aviation equipment and unmanned aerial vehicles four times, for armored weapons almost 3 and a half times, this is a good pace, a large volume, i want to thank you and your teams for the fact that you are coping with such tasks, large-scale tasks, president... the supreme
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commander-in-chief demanded that decisions related to increasing the efficiency of weapons, restoring the combat effectiveness of military equipment, and keeping under control strict control over the use of funds that you... the process of planning the state defense order itself, are there any problematic issues that have not yet been resolved, i made a number of decisions that were supposed to increase efficiency, speed up the process of repairs, restore the combat effectiveness of weapons and equipment, in order for it
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to return to the combat zone as soon as possible, i would ask you to report today on how this work is organized; there was also an order to speed up the introduction of modern... technologies and innovative solutions for continuous improvement and improvement of the tactical and technical characteristics of weapons and equipment, taking into account experience and combat use. we must be one step ahead all the time, we must be ahead of the enemy all the time, then victory will be guaranteed. you yourself know, your specialists, and you yourself are always in contact with those of our guys who work and fight on the line of combat contact. without sparing themselves, they protect the interests of russia, so as soon as we are ahead, at least half a step, that’s it, the effectiveness is multiple increases, just by multiples. now to the situation in the special military operation zone. the village of arkhangelskoye in the dpr is the fifth
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settlement liberated from kiev forces in a week. its transfer under our control after ocheretina gives an operational advantage to our troops in the sector from where.
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was used to produce propaganda videos that were supposed to tell the ukrainian military and civilians about the colossal losses of russian troops, probably before the arrival of non-film, real russian units. film production had to be hastily curtailed. a picture of the day on different sectors of the front, in the materials of our war correspondents, pavel prokopenko and eduard punigov. fire-battery is a familiar command
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for the jet fighters of the southern group of forces; several vehicles operate simultaneously, in their case quantity always turns into quality. there were up to 200 shells. we’ve never shot 350-400 in a day, that is , there’s a lot of work, we don’t give the enemy any rest. hail covers an area the size of several football fields, the scale is visible from the air, here are the missiles lay down one by one, drawing even rectangles. there were enemy firing points hidden in the field in the building, there were, but no longer are. you have to keep a cool head, work with a cool head, but not be careless, take a responsible approach to yourself, and you are responsible for the calculation, of course. only a few to recharge. minutes in this pencil case there are 40 pencils, each weighing 80 kg. there is a constant danger from the air, even the hail needs to be charged very quickly, now the last pencil is going into the pencil case. the battery commander has a tablet in his hands, paper maps for a long time in the past, now all the information is in one
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device, which is why we cannot show it. the target designation has arrived, the target, the platoon strong point, the crew for battle. the hail crew again hurries to position, slava steers the process until the mobilization of mechanics at the auto company. i didn’t have to change my specialization at the front; in more than a year and a half since i’ve been here, i’ve started to feel the car, what’s the mileage, how much have i driven? oh, honestly i won’t even say, it’s a lot, we started with flint and slowly got here, they’re complementing this symphony of fire in the avdeevka direction artillerymen of the troop grouping center, lead by howitzer d-30 and mine sled. our attack aircraft are supported by heavy fire on the enemy, two guns from behind fired at
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90 degrees, that is, figuratively, the kamaz arrived, brought a hundred, everything flew away within a day. massive fire from all guns does not give those on the other side of the front the opportunity to raise their heads; the enemy lost their old ones at the craprine, and simply did not have time to equip new ones. pavel prokapenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bandarenko, news: donetsk people's republic. these shots were taken in urozhainy district in the south of the donetsk people's republic. our reconnaissance drone is monitoring how the marines of the 40th brigade of the pacific fleet are storming the positions in the ssu. the settlement was razed to the ground by ukrainian artillery; there is not a single intact house. we came in, it turns out, in the morning, through the postcard, we came to this fence, we walked along it. a couple of meters, well, for now we were just waiting, waiting for the command. the fighters tell how they took the opornik in a group of five in
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the area of ​​industrial hangars. our task was to throw a grenade, the second group had to an order to do in order to suppress the enemy. as soon as they threw grenades, they started firing at it. the marines captured several soldiers of the ukrainian national guard, and immediately before the battle they were asked to surrender to save their lives. i started yelling, so they gave up and went out. one prisoner immediately raised his hands, he began to say that don’t shoot, there are five of us. according to the prisoners, the attack by the marines came as a complete surprise to the ukrainian armed forces units. they came from our right side, where there was no one, and we couldn’t see that area, suddenly everything happened. we decided that it was better to give up. in occupied by stormtroopers. cluster shells immediately flew from the position, a tank and mortars were fired from the eastern flank. the enemy’s plan was
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to blow our roof away and then finish us off with birds, but fortunately they didn’t succeed, after which the enemy rolled back from the eastern hangars. now the attack aircraft are in a relatively safe place in the rear area; they came here for a short time to replenish their ammunition, but very soon they will go to the front line again. for today industrial area in a productive area under full control. in our army, fierce battles for the village continue. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. urgent message from the belgorod region: kiev militants attacked the village of oktyabrsky. the shelling was carried out from multiple launch rocket systems. there are casualties and numerous casualties among the civilian population. our correspondent alexander rivunov is now in the area where the ukrainian armed forces are hitting almost non-stop, he has all the latest information. right now we are at the place where belgorod rescuers are eliminating the consequences of ukrainian shelling of peaceful
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areas of belgorod. there were several missile attacks today, the air raid warning signal sounded several times in the sky, cannonade sounded in the sky, the air defense system worked, but there were consequences on the ground, this is just one of these consequences, the missile was presumably from a jet system volley fire. got into the second floor of this private house, carried out smoking, the ceilings collapsed, a fire broke out and right now the rescuers are trying to localize the fire, but by a lucky coincidence there was no one inside, the owner of this house literally left the building a few minutes ago, a direct hit directly into the house, thank god no one was home, everyone left , it saved, yes, it saved our lives, they are constantly shooting, constantly, we just don’t have any forces anymore, they are scattered everywhere here on the site. pieces of brick, metal fragments, that is, well, the explosion was quite powerful, unfortunately, this is not
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the only place where trouble happened today, that is, several more places of arrival were recorded in the belgorod region, in addition to the village of dubovoe, this is the suburb of belgorod, where we are now, explosions were heard in the village of oktyabrsky, and there are more serious consequences there, according to a message in telegram- channel of the regional governor vyacheslav golodkov, two people died, a man and a woman, about ten people. suffered, including an eight-year-old child, they were already taken to hospitals in belgorod, the victims are receiving all the necessary assistance, they are under under the supervision of doctors, it is clear that the publications were defeated, including... facades were cut by shrapnel, windows were broken, well, in shops, social facilities, seriously , in general, such traditional damage from missile danger, for now, this is all information from the direct places where the ukrainian missiles arrived. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum, conduct the belgorod region. it was in such difficult conditions that the last
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call took place today in the territories bordering with ukraine. region. for safety reasons, the celebration had to be moved online. the format in other regions was traditional. victoria koluzhnaya attended school celebrations. the ultimate school! for 82 students of the stary osolsk school, the festive assembly was held in the traditional format and let the graduates gather in the gym for safety reasons, most importantly, together. all good traditions were observed, dozens of couples swirled in the whirlwind of the waltz. their parents came to support the graduates on this day, joy, excitement, worries, and well, a little relief, after all, 11 years were difficult, i’m very glad that it was in my school that the full-time format happened, there were parents, friends, so i’m very glad and happy, while in some schools the last bell is held in a full-time format, in other institutions they are forced to its
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remotely in a difficult operational situation, the online format is provided in seven border municipalities of the region in... graduates of the success algorithm gather in front of monitor screens to also hear their last call. we wrote very an interesting scenario, and today a holiday will be held all day on our website, in our vkontakte group, which we have divided into several parts. the first is a remote ceremonial line-up, the second is a festive broadcast on the electronic platforms of institutions. it’s sad that we are not in the assembly hall with you, it’s very sad that it wasn’t held in the company of classmates, i really hoped that in the end everything would work out, that in the end we would all meet, the teachers, despite everything, managed to create festive atmosphere at school. latest for several months, schoolchildren studied
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remotely due to constant shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. classes were periodically interrupted by missile warning signals, but that was all. after the governor’s appeal, rossobornadzor set additional dates: may 29 and june 1, another safety measure to avoid large crowds of children. victoria, denis podzolkov, vyacheslav podzolkov, vesti belgorod. the all-russian campaign belgorod, we started today at the international exhibition russia. movement, which is organized by the rosmolodezh agency, support the residents of the belgorod region, provide comprehensive assistance to those affected by ukrainian shelling. visitors write words of support for belgorod residents, patriotic songs and poems are heard, and a map of the border region is presented, which heroically resists attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. photos and evidence of almost daily shelling, shell fragments that
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destroyed peaceful neighborhoods have been collected. as part of this event, there will also be a telethon, that’s all. the roof of the school building, parts of it collapsed on the heads of the students, several people were injured minor injuries and refused hospitalization, two victims still remain in hospitals, the fragments of the collapsed roof are being dismantled by units of special equipment and 30 rescuers have filed a criminal case. storm winds tore off roofs, bent and felled trees throughout the city. expensive repairs await the owners of dozens of broken cars. on one of the streets, fallen tree trunks blocked the movement of trams, and wires sparked in the slavyansky microdistrict. the hurricane knocked passersby off their feet.
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the newlyweds didn’t just have to do it today, the bride almost carried away. the wedding dress turned into a parachute. i was lucky that the groom was nearby. storm warnings have been in effect in crimea for several days. the waves rise up to 3 m in some places. and on the azov coast, the raging sea captured the genic beach and partially flooded the road to the arabat spit. and this is footage from the nizhny novgorod region, where, at the height of the fire season, hot and dry weather settled in the region. local residents are asked not to light fires at their dachas in the forests. human carelessness leads to the following consequences: a large-scale fire in buryat destroyed tens of hectares of forest, the fire was caused by human fault. missiles, fighting saboteurs, rescuing people from a ship. the northern fleet worked out various combat deployment scenarios in the barents sea. the naval exercises became a great test for
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the crew, a clear demonstration of the capabilities of future naval commanders and students of the general staff academy. report by oleg pasobin. on the deck of the anti-submarine ship vice admiral kulakov, the sailors look in different directions through the sights of their machine guns. the crew repels the attack of conditional saboteurs-scouts. admiral levchenko follows the kulak almost in line, with several other ships nearby, these are major exercises to deploy the forces of the northern fleet. by creating interference by launching missiles, ships form a reliable shield that protects strategic missile submarines. these exercises are only a small part of the capabilities of the northern fleet, 11 tanon ships of support vessels at depth participate in the maneuvers. there are submarines, plus helicopters, planes, all this resembles one big orchestra, in which it plays without falsehood every instrument. the exercises are observed
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by the future elite of the army, students of the general staff academy: weapons and the movement of ships, the officers had previously studied in theory, now in practice they see the coherence of the crews, then the il-38 anti-submarine aircraft appears in the air, and a few minutes later the k-2 helicopters are in the water sonar buoys are immersed, and within a few minutes the enemy’s submarine is found at the bottom. there are bachi2, i authorize shooting, it’s hot and loud at vice admiral kulakov’s navigation post, regular commands are heard, sailors open fire, after destroying the targets , the final operation to rescue personnel from the burning ship began, the helicopter hovered above the deck, the sailors were lifted on a cable, with the help of a special... the ship quickly put out the fire, apparent simplicity in the northern fleet is achieved through grueling training, such checks of combat readiness and provide protection for the country. oleg pasobin, pavel trettyakov,
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dmitry kvastnyuk, news from severomorsk. the international court of justice ordered israel to immediately stop its military operation in rafah on the border between the gaza strip and egypt. that, that the court's decision should be implemented unquestioningly, noted the head of european diplomacy, barel. as well as representatives of foreign countries. israel was outraged and continued bombing residential areas of the enclave. over the months of the military operation in the gaza strip , 36,000 civilians have already been killed. this is the latest data from the ministry of health. at the same time , tel aviv has not achieved any of its goals and undermines the current efforts of international mediators to free the hostages. this was stated by the first deputy. russia's representative to the un, dmitry polyansky, as a new round of negotiations is expected to begin next week, and the current situation in the middle east, sergei pashkov and alexander
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bilibov. at the hour when the president of the international court in the hague read out the verdict, the israeli military continued to advance on hamas positions near the city of rafah in the south of the gaza strip, and the actions of armored vehicles did not stop after the chairman. the court considers that, in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention, israel must immediately cease its military offensive and any other actions in areas of rafah, which could create living conditions for the palestinians in the gaza strip that could lead to their physical destruction in whole or... in part, a member of the uzbek cabinet, the so -called war cabinet, former minister of defense chief of general staff bennigans said that the armored brigade
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the idf will not stop in rafahi. we will continue to act in accordance with international law in rafah and wherever we operate, and make efforts to avoid civilian casualties, not because haak tribunal, and above all because of who we are. representing israel in the gaak. former supreme court chairman amir barak believes that the verdict does not directly prohibit israel from acting in rafah, but requires strict adherence to humanitarian standards. and hostilities continue. already the night before, three idf divisions were fighting in the north of the gaza strip in the south in rafah. the main burden of combat missions falls on the armored units of the israeli army. reliable, heavy. protected and stuffed with modern electronics, the vehicles are practically invulnerable to rpg fighters. the army says special forces from the givati ​​and nahal brigades. destroyed
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a number of hamas military infrastructure facilities in rafah. we find missiles, we find launchers, we find weapons in schools, we find tunnels. apparently, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu took a break for shabbat. in consultation with colleagues and partners, he has not yet commented on the decisions of the un international court. he threatens the shiite lebanese group hezbollah, promising surprises for militants on the northern borders.
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an increase in the volume of humanitarian aid was declared and the interrupted negotiations on the return of israeli hostages and a temporary ceasefire with the participation of international mediators moved forward again. sergey poshkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. high-precision aircraft munitions explode where just a second ago the tents of palestinian refugees stood. this blow. the camp in khanyunyunisi was attacked by the israeli air force after the un international court of justice ruled that tel aviv must stop its military operation in rafah. we suffer not so much from hunger as from war. we suffer from murders and executions using american weapons. we are killed daily by western and european weapons. we don't want help from you, we want you to stop supporting the israeli occupation and military equipment. a conditionally safe zone
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where israel called for evacuation. it says usa, american weapons behind me are being used to destroy the buildings around. over the past few days, in the south of the gaza strip, in the rafah area, the israeli military has only increased its force. at the moment, there are already five sahal armored and infantry brigades operating in this area. at the same time, there are already 10 ground forces in the enclave, a record number since the beginning of january. according to palestinian sources, the enemy is now fighting for the central regions of rafah, but the actions
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of local units. a checkpoint on the border with egypt, through which humanitarian aid no longer flows. we need 500 liters of fuel to keep the hospital running, including equipment and lighting, however we only received 300l from the israeli army and un agencies, this is not enough as it... over the past few decades , clay ovens have become popular, in which people use wood, like their ancestors a lot years ago they bake bread, but those who don’t even have this collect what remained from the troops’ stay, ammunition tubes and rocket fragments, and from them they build, albeit temporary, but at least some kind of housing. i benefited. from leftovers
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ammunition from our enemies, i built columns from them that support my tent, and from iron plates from rockets i made an oven for baking bread. the actions of the israeli army in rafah, in particular, and all three gases in general , can lead to the physical destruction of the people of palestine. this is an excerpt from the decision of the un international court, obliging israel to stop the operation in rafah, but in any case, tel aviv does not seem to be going to comply with it. the countries of the collective west have repeatedly warned. israel from full-scale invasion of rafah, some even threatened tel aviv with sanctions; whether those who uttered them so loudly will now remember their words or will prefer to pretend that nothing happened is a question that still remains open. alexandrov, dmitrievich sherbakov, lead the middle east. us sanctions will not force georgia to deviate from the path of development; the country will not be anyone’s colony. this statement was made by the secretary general of the ruling georgian dream party, mert
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bilisi, against the backdrop of the protest. opponents of the new law are mainly students staged a so-called freedom march, and it takes place under the flags of the united states and the european union, whose authorities are being blackmailed by the local government. parliament adopted the law on transparency of foreign influence on may 14; it provides for registration in a separate register of non-profit media organizations that receive more than 20% from abroad. income, the pro-western president has already vetoed it, but deputies can override it with a majority vote. by the way, in the states, such a law has been in effect for a long time, and in more strict form. well, in georgia, according to the american authorities, he allegedly undermines democracy. from the approved document
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, washington has already announced a review of relations with belicia. in addition, he threatens sanctions, but, for example, visa restrictions. despite this, the vote to override the veto is scheduled for may 27. today, the leadership of the communist party gathered in snowmen near moscow for a joint plenum of the central committee of the communist party of the russian federation and the control and audit commission. gennady zyuganov, according to tradition, presented party cards to new party members, they discussed countering modern threats to the security of our country by uniting all anti-fascist forces. answering questions from journalists, zyuganov emphasized that now the task of every russian is to make his contribution.
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the famous astrakhan roach is under threat of complete extinction; in order to restore the population, the ministry of agriculture has banned the fishing of this fish in the lower reaches of the volga in the caspian sea until
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the end of this year; our correspondent maxim akhmetov checked whether this ban is being observed. our boat is on a glider. the volga is now full of water and this makes it seem even more powerful. we are entering the astrakhan region, a real paradise for every fishing lover, although not now. apart from our boat, there is not a single boat in the water area, and it ’s not even a strong wind, the fact is that in the lower volga there is now a so-called fishing ban, that is, you can’t fish from a boat, you can only from the shore and even under certain conditions. the tackle is no more than two hooks; it can only be used within populated areas. points of the astrakhan embankment, fishermen have been here since the morning, although the catch is not very large. if you get into trouble, let us go, well now nothing bites at all. endemic to the caspian sea and the calling card of astrakhan. vobla. today under the close attention of scientists. its
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population is rapidly declining. starting from april 6, when the roach entered the volga channels en masse to spawn, the ministry of agriculture banned its catching, although it gave a small window of 10 days for fishermen. and lovers. wobbles were allowed to be caught from april 20 to april 30. these days, the astrakhan region was literally occupied by amateur fishermen from all over russia. our film crew was just filming a story about this. how not to visit astrakhan and you can’t catch a roach yourself, but it took us about 2 hours to find a place. there were fishermen everywhere you could get to the shore, fat. dried astrakhan roach has long been a legendary snack for foam, village gardens - the famous astrakhan fish market, the treasured roach, caught back in march before the ban, is already on the shelves, sellers
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are inviting tourists, they say that only they have the most delicious fish, it is tasty, lightly salted, fatty , all with caviar, it’s all spring fish from march, this is already a market. several reasons for population decline in bad: poor hydrological regime, shallowing of the caspian sea and, of course, pressure from fishermen. today, the point is precisely that we can lose the population as a whole, and that is , only our children will remember the roach, this species is severely depleted, and in order to compensate for all this, i think it will take at least five years, it must be done in complex, if the outflow is reduced, then the water should be in the required volume. during the great patriotic war, valuable commercial fish saved many
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astrakhan residents from hunger, and today it is established monument: vobla kormillitsa. in the water area, the caspian sea and the volga there is now special control; the fishery inspectorate, border guards go out on constant raids. menselkhoz extended the ban on catching roach until the end of 2024. maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos, dmitry belyansky, anastasia rudenko, andrey zverev, saida aminova, maria slyaguzova and diana schastlivaya. news. this is big news, that’s what we’ll talk about next. why zelensky had to remember the russian language and where he saw a conspiracy in his environment, how evaders from total mobilization dress up as women and where now they organize raids. if they decide to encroach on russian assets, we will do the opposite. we have assets, we also receive income. there will be a decision to do the same. the heads of the ministry of finance in the g7 did not decide today. the nato secretary general called for raising the stakes and allowing
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the use of long-range weapons on russian territory, and the baltic states are planning to build a wall of drones on the border with our country. either snow or hail covered mexico, the landscapes in kazakhstan and italy are not at all like may, while in india they are languishing in fifty-degree heat. somewhere everywhere you catch gas stations, then in the corridor. go and what to do? in general, there is no need to ask, beg, humiliate or extend your hands to anyone, they will have to reckon with us. so, lifting off the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique, how much time you devote to the progress of a special military operation, for us this is fate, it is a matter of life and death. we will be the first to know about it. what do you like more, a herring under a fur coat or a deer? it depends on what's going wrong.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here. for you, we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city.
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just watch a movie, please, introductions and roll call can be done without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me. how many i drank tea, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white smokey, markolievich zakharov walks around and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets
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were told, how a man is a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, but how much in total? i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, my dears, you are all so different, i want it so much, so that this difference is the strength of our family, and not a reason for quarrels, wow, you actually have two cups, what do you have?
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man, life doesn’t teach you anything, they were silent about vasya, and now continue to lie about your mother, adult daughters, the premiere, today on rtr, there’s big news on the air, we continue our broadcast, in kiev they decided not to waste time on trifles, they plan to send more than half of the general staff to the front , in the central body it
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’s normal for women, in nightclubs at street parties it’s now like this, mass fights with employees of the shopping center. those who are scooped up are taken to improvised prisons based on military registration and enlistment offices. izmail central central committee, this is how they keep people, they don’t feed them, they don’t pass the commission.
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they are going to send even staff officers to the front; they will cut 60% of the general staff. general staff and some military command and control bodies. this is not a reduction, this is a wise use of personnel and resources. the personnel are used in such a way that one mobilized person cut his veins, another, declared fit, died right at the commission, the third was beaten to death within the walls of the shopping mall. those who can flee the country. in romanian-ukrainian uhiland border. they attacked the military, took away the pistol, opened fire, disappeared into the romanian forests, they are now mobilizing prisoners, they have already released 350 people, some of whom were immediately taken under the wing by kirill budanov, who was included in the list of terrorists. the main directorate of the rosvitka, there is the main directorate of intelligence, they were the first to say that they would work with this, they already have certain
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developments with people, so we will watch, i don’t know how this will be covered, but we’ll see, while zelensky is sticking now . not only to the west today i gave interviews to a number of media from the cis. at first he was immediately reminded that it was better to speak russian, although he periodically pretended that he had forgotten the language. yak, yak russian? drukarnya. and, despite the fact that journalists told him that their countries are members of the csto, the eurasian economic union and the cis together with russia on a partnership basis, he began to intimidate everyone with moscow. satellite and so on, i say, wait, how do you stop them? physical zelensky already sees conspiracies everywhere, something he has been using for a long time environment, when the generals explain why
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it failed and says, can you imagine, someone gave up their plans, someone gave up their plans, our president, he’s focused on all these conspiracy theories, how many times has he already announced that military coup, well , 15 times already, naturally he has this kind of state in which he begins to look for the guilty, there is no need to look for the guilty, he is to blame, they say, after the resignation of zaluzhny , he already fired 27.
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they never fully agreed on their scheme weaning, simelyanova will continue: let go italy did not succeed in bringing guests with gifts, as befits hospitable hosts; the minister of finance of ukraine flew to the seventh in vain; no one was able to decide on such a thing, to steal russian frozen assets. officially it sounded like technical difficulties. at the moment , some progress has been made in the issue of using the proceeds received from frozen russian assets. of course, we have legal and technical challenges to overcome, but there are some things that have been confirmed in press release: this is a strong political
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position on this issue among all g7 countries. financial times sources do not consider these technical problems to be minor. this is hungary again. the european union’s plan was ideal: to pinch off, steal from russian assets that are stored in accounts in the belgian depositary for 2 billion annually, sending them to the needs of the ukrainian army. but budapest voted against it. at the moment, they are blocking everything related to military support for ukraine, one of the sources said. in the same direction, whatever come up with a scheme, move overseas. according to the plan, they will try to get things done this way: a special financial structure will be created. western countries are allocating loans to it, which will go towards grants to kiev, and they will pay off creditors with profits from frozen russian assets. biden administration officials have proposed creating. a new financial instrument that in the short term will provide kiev with many years of expected profit from russian assets, while leaving the underlying
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russian assets, according to us treasury secretary janet yelin, everything is going, quote, without any hiccups, quite well. they will probably think about the consequences later, as usual. if even the g7 does not have the fortitude and will to achieve the confiscation of russian assets, then this will become a serious problem for...
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we are exhausted, we have really pushed everything possible to the limit, our responsibility is this: we support ukraine in its defensive struggle, but we will not allow the conflict to escalate into a war between russia and nato. something is coming from europe to ukraine. a train with infantry fighting vehicles was spotted in the netherlands, but kiev’s main hope, of course, is a new aid package from the states. the state debt department published a new list for $275 million. highmars ammunition, 150-caliber shells
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to targets on russian territory and is really waiting for more americans to strike the same targets. the americans told the russians that if you detonate a nuclear bomb, even if it doesn't kill anyone, we will hit all your positions in ukraine with conventional weapons, we will destroy them all, i think that's a convincing threat. to know where to hit, you need coordinates, and the ukrainians have serious problems with this. russian electronic warfare systems render many american weapons ineffective. the washington post is outraged. excalibur shells are no longer used, only 10 reach. highmars fly crookedly, russian interference can lead to deviations of 15 m. the commander of the attack drone squad, achilles , complained to reporters that by blocking communications and disrupting the navigation of the drones, the russians reached the terminals starlink satellite internet. these not random, but very regular failures greatly
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worry elon musk. exactly. this is a complex problem, they managed to shut down all communication systems except staring. one after another, abolishing their own laws and taboos, europe and the world are plunging into chaos, legalized lawlessness, forgetting that this is how precedents and new zones of tension are created with enormous, literally cosmic speed. asya emeryanova and anton chagaev, lead the south european bureau. after the elections in great britain, the new government we have to lead the country out of the deepest crisis in 70 years. this assessment and forecast is given by the bloomberg agency. let me remind you that rishi sunok has scheduled early elections to the house of commons for july 4th. the current parliament will be considered dissolved from may 30, by decree of king charles ii. the press notes that the prime minister specially selected the date of the elections and the publication of the financial report
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of the cabinet of ministers, according to which the country finally managed to emerge. economic recession, conservatives take credit for this fact, but it is not known whether they agree with them subjects of the united kingdom. in early may, the tories lost almost half of their seats in regional elections. there is a high probability that mass discontent with the ruling party will force people, only out of the spirit of protest, to vote for the laborites. and the inter-ruling conservative party is by no means graced by scandals; there have been enough of them over the past 3 years. this ruined boris johnson's career. inappropriate behavior of subordinates and parties in the midst of a pandemic, the people were bewildered by the fleeting premiership, which lasted 44 days, but managed to collapse the pound to a historical low. the entire palette of natural phenomena appeared simultaneously in different parts of our planet. it has been
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raining for several days in turin, italy. in radom, the amount of precipitation turned out to be so great that snowdrifts of ice grew on the streets. many cars are blocked, and streams of snow porridge flow down the roads, which looks more like foam from above. natural anomalies in mexico, in the state of mexico, where 2.5 million people live, a powerful tornado swept through. at least two residents died. trees felled power line supports, damaged and destroyed houses. gusts of wind lift debris and other debris into the sky. in the neighboring state, in the city of pueblo, included in the unesco heritage list, there was a snow flood, in addition to the downpour, there was such a powerful, heavy hail that the roads were filled with ice drifts up to a meter high, real streams were gushing along some streets, and in some places the landscape was truly wintery , people armed themselves with shovels, spring snowfall in kazakhstan.
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the north of the country was covered in snow; due to snow accumulations, the ministry of emergency situations limited traffic on several highways and urged motorists to refrain from traveling. meanwhile, in india, in six states at once, almost... iverest, just now a so-called weather window has formed, this is a very short period of time when climbing becomes possible: the wind died down, the sky of real pandemonium at the very peak of the mountain cleared up,
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hundreds of height conquerors immediately rushed to the top . at the final section of the most difficult route , the snow cornice could not withstand the weight of a large crowd, the collapse was triggered by an avalanche, several climbers fell into the abyss, four extreme sports enthusiasts were rescued. on safety ropes, two died, three more were missing. about the main events of the last 7 days in news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. so, tomorrow at 20:00. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday. the start of exercises of non- strategic nuclear forces, in response to nato plans to fight.
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