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tv   Ya yego slepila  RUSSIA1  May 26, 2024 4:00am-5:50am MSK

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right on the way to work, your car is moving, yeah, i’m blowing at the end of the tova, the pens are out, there’s, uh, on a business trip again, valeria lvovna, your dad, lev andreevich asked you to come in urgently, now, uh, hello, grisha, hello, valeria lvovna, well listen, what kind of valeria do you like, so come on, come with me, let's go, let's go, let's go, she said, sit down, let me stand, sit down, sit down, grisha, remember, you were alone before i left taught the program, until when i left, i wasn’t there for a whole week, by the way, i’m in monaco i represented our typhoon, by the way, i have a little souvenir for you, oh, why are you inconvenient, well, take it and look, and let’s get on with it, okay, yeah. but it’s clear, it’s great,
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my lessons weren’t in vain, cool photoshop, what a photoshop, it’s through smith, you look the same as him, didn’t you know, really, uh-huh, good, yes, really, only it’s a mustache if you shave it off, i saw him in monaco, he’s so cool, yeah, listen, maybe i’ll let you grow a mustache, oh well, it’s itchy, when are you going on vacation? where do you want to go? well what vacation? i’ve been a week without a year, i’m saving up for a trailer, i want to build a motorhome and then i’ll dip it in mstera. msteru? river, and one? well , there alone, back, how will it work out, will they visit their ancestors? do you know what i think, you should get a business trip, let’s go to the seaside , work and relax? and how are you? yes, what business trip? i’m not a manager, i’m this one...
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if i said, in a decent society you shouldn’t pick your teeth, spit, chew with your mouth open, stuff your mouth, well done, oh what a good job, just hammer in, hammer in they need this in their brains, i would launch this program throughout the country, especially instead of chemistry, instead of physics, instead of chemistry and physics, instead of these pestles with little owls, what our katya likes, the plague, look.
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what does it mean to break the sail? i'll tear you apart and take you away! you’re a herring, not a captain, but i said herring, maybe i shouldn’t? hello, my little fish, can you imagine? ivasi broke the sail in the typhoon. how? i told you that you shouldn’t hire a person with that last name, especially a captain. dad, i wanted you, no, well, can you imagine, yes, a man, a herring. i told him i say, but he still offends me. okay, if only there was
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a normal surname, that’s your surname, moth, okay, motherfucker, fly, work, clearly, who else is it, what did he need , dad, this is grisha, he’s one of our programmers, he has just a great business plan,
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girls, oh, by the way, about this, sit down, daughter, i have very secret, serious information for you. shlyapin's son, albert, a future stock exchange magnate, comes to us from england, european manners, brilliant appearance, a real dandy. how does he conduct a conversation? i want you to have exactly such a groom. i'll think about it, dad. she tormented me with her courier orders, and i was at the boss’s, oh well, at the boss’s, yes, lera took me, quite nicely, the boss’s daughter took her to her dad, but
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no, she wants me to present them with a business plan, yes, a business plan, well, well, i bought it, why are you sitting, go to work, yeah, you're in bloom. creativity, uh-huh, more, ba, that’s it, diet, lera, hello, i urgently need your help, okay, well, come to the orphanage tomorrow
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, again, i haven’t eaten all day and diet, margarita lvovna from the fifth entrance: why can’t this be done, what did your mother write to you, even the natives eat little by little, but often each other, well, maybe you should wear brighter lipstick, otherwise you’ll never get married, so ba, they don’t wear lipstick, lipstick by the way, poochie, i gave birth to two in your age, leaders in africa, women in yours age, they think with their ears, well, baa, what is this, oh, i completely forgot, from mom and dad, the package, i didn’t open it without you, from africa,
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marry me, marry me, i’m a young, beautiful woman, i... 25 , but i’m not an old woman, oh, katyusha, stop it, what a horror, bah, well, this is how they seduce their leaders, do you want me to do the same, no, but with us letter, yes, now, my dear mothers and katyusha, we miss you very much, just imagine, as soon as he said it, i immediately fell away, i remembered this son, hat, he doesn’t have a brilliant manner, but a bald head, and he
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wants, so that in the evenings i can count the blue chips with him, which chips, well, chips, are on the stock exchange, and where up, down, well, chips, in short, save them. the grishas love each other so much. so, wait, lerka, who is grisha? grish is my fiancé, we work together, he is a brilliant programmer, you look like jerry smith. well, formula racer, i told you so. a smith is my idol, but he doesn’t know how to hold you at all, you know? who is smith? yes, not a smy, but a grisha, and i need you to make a man out of him, do you understand? well, you make princesses out of children, make them out of adults. can you hear me? kat? i want to present him to my father in the best possible way, in a suit.
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shoes, suit, hairstyle, everything will be new, of the highest class. grisha is very modest, but i need you to turn him into a prince, you understand, i take it upon myself, as soon as i return, i’ll pay for everything, we’re just short on time, i’m flying to the center today for the presentation on sedona, wait, ler, well , in order to please your father, you need to know what he likes, as it were, well , he doesn’t like anything, he likes to eat, that’s all, he believes that every man should have his own signature dish, but his fried seaweed makes me sick, well, if he is a sailor, then it must be a nautical theme, a nautical theme, right? there’s a sea of ​​fish, fishing, yeah, hunting, so,
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okay, good, what else did he torment you with, and he tormented me with everyone, just think, he taught me how to navigate by moss as a child, by the way, he also loves tango, he just invited my mother to tango, 9 months later i was born, okay, bring your grisha, i’ll watch him, make a program, where to practice reshim? well, tell me, does he agree to this? well, of course, you know how much he loves me, he ’s ready for anything for me, well, it’s great, it’s great that this is there, i’ll help in any way i can, thank you katya, hello grisha, your plan will be like putting the gas pedal to the floor, your father will be on fire, this event is just a great moment to present your business plan, everyone will be pumped, grisha, maybe i’d rather print it out on a printer, but of course.
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you need to use your appearance, you know, the idea is a reason to chat, uh-huh, okay,
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i have to miss the airport, today we agreed on it, well, we agreed, we agreed, after all, it would be worth growing a mustache. abramovich, i’ll go change my clothes, and you’ll close everything, i’ll close everything that’s closed here, thank you, hello, hello, oh, good evening, are you so sure that he’s good? you know what i 'll tell you. "if you really wanted to get married so badly, you wouldn't have come just before
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closing, it means you didn’t really want it, but in general you need it, no, i don’t need it, i need katya, as i understand you, everyone needs her, but she’s not there, well, okay, then i ’ll go, katya, they came to you, you seemed to want to say hello, but you wanted, well, i’m listening to you, hello, that’s how it is, i can disappoint you, this is very familiar, we haven’t met you yet. so first you need to imagine, for example, gregory, you can politely tilt your head forward, are you sure
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that i am gregory, hmm, okay, um, so, well, gregory, well, you see, i was not mistaken, but maybe i’m different, gregory, i really hope that soon you will become a truly different gregory. sorry, i'm somewhat pressed for time today. let's take it, yes, first a little test, please tie your tie, i'll be right there, okay, yes. there is no end to work, oh, the groom seems to be from the provinces, and where is the bride, the bride flew off to the center, relax, but not rest, work, represent a yacht, her father is the general director of a company who builds yachts, that’s how the young man has such good taste, no
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you worry so much, and there’s no need to spoil the tie, i’m not worried, maybe i won’t need to wear this tie at all? will you go to a presentation without a tie? well, actually, i have seen ties like this, they are already sold tied. such ties are sold in funeral parlors. do you want to bury yourself and your business plan without saying a word? well , okay, teach me how to tie a tie, and i ’ll go, okay, or do i still have some shortcomings? well, for starters, you don’t know how to introduce yourself, you’re so uptight, and i’m talking about clothes i’m generally silent, but my gait is a separate case.
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yes, your shirt and jeans are, of course, just a song. so, you know, clothes are a matter of taste, but you taught me to introduce myself, not yet, for the first acquaintance you need a business card, you don’t have one, you’re wrong, dear teacher, now, look for now, look, now, now. oh, please, do they bow so low except in japan? grigory, tell me, would you be pleased to receive such a business card at your first meeting? for example, from me, you don’t need
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to take it out of your back pocket, given appearance, it looks very... you, you know that in general you are nitpicking over trifles, here is the main information, unfortunately, a corner is torn off and the phone number, or rather its end, is irretrievably lost. grigory, the business card is your face, now it looks wrinkled and unwashed, and besides, your ear is torn off. why an ear, because you don’t want and don’t know how to hear. clearly, that means i’m also deaf, you know that, ekaterina, actually, you’re not entirely objective in assessing my personality, wow, that’s the best the phrase that i heard from you today,
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well, in order to be objective towards you, please remember this simple test, answer a series of questions, and this will be our starting point, uh-huh, okay, thank you, tie, gregory, sorry, thank you, all the best. sky, i don’t want it, what are you saying, katyusha, yes, you know , it seems to me that i offended the client, i simply overestimated my capabilities, because working with children is one thing, but with an established personality it’s completely different, although what kind of person he is, we we'll check it out again, of course,
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but why do you need to work with him, i asked, this her fiancé, he will... his business plan in front of her father, in order to gain his trust , ask for lyra’s hand in marriage. lord, when someone asks for your hand in marriage, i will probably cry. well, if i don’t help prepare it, then lerin’s father will cry, because well, this is not fish, not meat. listen, you need to teach him to eat fish and meat, then he will definitely goof up at this banquet. you are my good soul. i’m ready to help everyone, maybe we can go somewhere, you kind soul, you’re ready to help everyone, but what can we fix? let's go to the cinema or yes, i asked for a joke, the house is gone, but i see how you help everyone, you are intelligent, well-mannered, well, let’s say, not everyone thinks so, who offended? no, it’s just
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that some people have too high demands on other people, woman, don’t believe it, drive it away, then it will get worse, but it won’t work out, this is my teacher, they teach the rules of good manners, so i would teach her, this... for my money more to endure bullying, that’s the point, it ’s out of friendship, so i don’t need it for nothing, she’s also your friend, no, but i mean, oh, i don’t know, aunt mash, how i ended up in this it’s a rigmarole, it’s inconvenient to refuse, it’s some kind of nonsense, okay, we’ll figure it out, hold on, well , be strict with her, be stricter, otherwise you won’t be able to drive her down, okay, is it difficult?
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uh-huh, sometimes you are so attracted to other people's things that you want to steal them, although i need them, yes, hi, krish, and hi, ler, how is italy, italy, great, you were at katya's, yes, you were, was, and, well, how can i tell you, you have everything. oh, i don’t even know, so you promised, well, you promised, you promised, yes, that’s great, go ahead, okay, okay, we’ll call you, okay,
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ciao, bye, you prefer to be at home in jacket, in a colorful robe, sportswear, naked, naked, further, words, you associate the leg with the concept of sleeping, walking, seducing, please. what to do, what does the leg have to do with it? so, well, in general it begs to be seduced, pronto, hi, ler, hi, katyukha, listen, this is the thing, in general, i carried out tests and he is somehow, very strange, right? he said something like that, in general, well, according to one test, it turns out that he is an emotionally labile cycloet with obvious signs of neurasthenia, you know, this is very
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strange, because now everyone is so nervous, it’s time for him to go on vacation, no, look, but in other words, he’s a pure schizoid, a schizo or something crazy, no, i don’t want to say that he’s anything like that, schizoids are often treated like tramps, there are sophisticated steets, brilliant revolutionaries in science, well, ler, keep in mind that there are still emotionally stupid schizoids, they are indifferent to the suffering of others , i’m sure he’s a normal schizoid, but this brilliant scientist, he’s an ordinary genius, they’re all strange, i beg you, sculpt, okay, i’ll sculpt. katyusha, we have already finished everything. thank you. gregory, tell me, are you have you completed this test yourself? yes, myself. and what? you
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know, the point here is who compiled this test. well, this questionnaire is used by most psychiatrists around the world. what ? is this a branch of a psychiatric clinic, or what? grisha, are you still wearing these clothes? yes, but what about my clothes? oh, you don’t like my clothes, so let me throw them out, what? let me throw away my jeans, let me throw away my shirt. calm down, not now, later. ok, we will see. so, in an excited state, you have poor control over your children. what is this, is this modem? i... don’t recommend using
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such a modem, it’s the last century, you know, it’s the same as my jeans and shirt for you, you understand, it’s just complete computer illiteracy, not a modem, you know what’s going on around, there is skolkova, there is silicon valley, this doesn’t mean anything to you, but you have this, this is the modem grigory says, we’ll put the modem on the table carefully, we’ll go out ourselves, please, okay, carefully, and then come with me to the children's art house, okay, why? i should go to the children's art house, because there are large, quiet classes there, you will feel good, cozy and comfortable there, you know, i don't have time to hang out in all sorts of houses until my business plan is completed, all the best to you, better throw it away your modem.
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family etiquette, no, it’s too early, the rules of engagement, nasta, anastasia, every time i’m with you, i’m just dancing in yours.
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but at least you like her, well , hypothetically, you could, but you know, she’s kind of strange, her modem is antediluvian, she goes to a princess club, on these tests completely turned around, in general there is a mess in the head, so you need to check your head, invite it to the park, feed the ducks and treat it to ice cream, and then squeeze it somewhere on a bench, immediately the brains will fall into place, but no, it’s just a pity for the person. “she’s probably worked too hard, then i don’t know, maybe she has someone, it doesn’t matter at all, well, if he’s the right one, well, try this topic, there’s a ring, no, oh, that’s already good, then try her on a guy and children, okay, let’s go, nastya, anastasia, right?”
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let me invite you to dance, at your wife roman with this musician, i don’t believe that vika could cheat on me, melody for yours, premiere from monday on rtr. titanic luxury collection, we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all-
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inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. are you ready for our musical investigation? ready, ready. sweet gourmand. four experienced experts guessed, guessed, i can say that nothing is clear to us, 100%, i absolutely do not dare to say for sure, they guessed, guessed, in general, i am confused, my ninth, tenth, sixteenth sense of my intuition will turn on, sings , this is what
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came out of it: from your smiles i see that you like how we deceive you, well, what can we do, i’m glad to be deceived, catch me if you can, great music show! why did you eat, eat, eat, on friday on rtr. so, what is the most important thing in a family? husband wife, first of all, we must trust each other. then they will live together happily. no matter what happens? hello, i did it,
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oh, this is a completely different matter, listen, i can’t get this test out of my head, yes, leave it, you need to somehow relax and generally immerse yourself in society, let’s go to the park, we’ll work out there. okay, going to the park is exactly what i wanted. yes. tell us about yourself. do you have a dream? don't be afraid, it could be something completely simple, and it will mean that you are a normal person, for example, a yacht or a car. how are you you guessed it right away, both a yacht and a car, only all together, on wheels, you know, well , there’s just one of these in the park, on wheels, yeah, what’s that, an attraction,
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interesting, yes, my girls ride on them all the time , what girls, sisters, masha and dasha, and how old are they, masha is eight, dasha is 10, how old are you? grisha, is it really possible to ask a lady her age? yes, you will also have to cover this topic. so, about age, i understood that way. well, about etiquette too. oh wait.
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about your place, well, you should eat faster, otherwise your yachts on wheels will close soon, that ’s okay, i only need one yacht, i don’t quite understand now, are you talking about carousels or attractions, but no, i want to buy a trailer like this. i call it a yacht on wheels, the sea is far away, so i’ll sail on it,
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lord, i thought you were already dreaming of going on rides for preschoolers. grigory, you want to please lera’s father? i want people to like my business plan. well, all you need to do is believe in yourself and stop doubting. let's talk to you on abstract topics, for example, about fishing. well, talking about abstract topics is a very important thing. if, for example, lerin’s dad decides to talk to you after the presentation. fish, or about orientation in the area, you remember, gregory, that moss grows on the north side, i remember that, but in reality i would
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talk to you about family relationships, but why talk about them, these are not fish, everything is clear here, so what is clear to you, what about people? must trust each other, and that if the love is true, they will be happy i always wonder if in the test you say the opposite? grigory, it seems to me that i have already explained to you how you need to look at an unfamiliar woman, forgive me, i just remembered how my trailer was reflected in your eyes there by the pond, that is, of course not mine, but the eyes, the eyes were yours. a very dubious compliment, it’s not a compliment, well, that is
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, a compliment, it just happened. it’s not worth it, thank you for suggesting it in the context of good manners, but it’s not necessary, one person might see us at the entrance and take it inadequately, but i don’t want that, so see you tomorrow at 7 in the salon, goodbye, goodbye. hello, hello,
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back from the date, yes and no, okay, let’s get to the table quickly, otherwise everything has already cooled down, i don’t want to, thank you very much, again, tell me, it’s amazing, what? well, what are you doing, bye, bye,
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bye, are you on course, yes, yes, well, let me give you a ride, no, don’t worry, i’m worried, and you’re silent all day, what’s going on with him, listen, we went to the park, ate ice cream, well, everything is as you said, well... but she’s kind of strange, she always talks about some fish, she always talks about how the north can identify moss on trees, she also asked me about my dream, you know, no one asked me about that, but you’re in a frenzy, brother, stop it, i’m telling you, stop it, eh you found out that on his personal front, well, yes, two daughters 8-10 years old, and some person who doesn’t want to be seen off, everything is clear, that’s why she loaded you with mistakes, yes, yes. she wants to be with you, but she’s afraid,
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so go ahead, she’s a divorcee, grisha, and the guy is a neighbor, he’s looking at her from the window, he has a crush on her, who accompanies her home, well, two girls, in principle, is not a problem, how old is she, well , 25, 25 years old, that means the first one, i congratulate you, old man, she learned about sex early, or what? okay, action, take the bull by the horns, hug her. clap where necessary, and compliments, compliments - that's all, you understand, she doesn't like my compliments, which ones, i told her that my trailer is reflected in her eyes, well , here in the park, remember, dear, in your eyes the truck is reflected, you, think about what you said, you should have told her, honey, you're dead, your eyes are ripe cherries, well... i'm dead, i'm dead, let me give you a ride, no
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need, dear, you have a truck reflected in your eyes, just think about it, the choice is difficult, then come, thank you, all the best, goodbye, let's go, it's beautiful, you liked it, yes, good, gregory, i'm sorry for keeping you waiting, but it's nonsense, katya, here's the new modem, this, this is another matter, this. this is honey, but not made, honey, well, yes, you will drag yourself, tell me how much i owe for it, but kindly, no, i don’t need to install madame for your beautiful eyes, i ask again, how much do i owe you? katya, are
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n’t your ripe cherries worthy of new ones? new equipment, i really want to believe that you are joking now, yes, i’m joking, of course, it’s such a joke, here you go, don’t be too serious, by the way, we have a very serious matter now, we need to choose a model, style, color, fabric for... come on, well, choose, well, these are all wedding things, of course, first you will present your
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business plan, and then it will be useful for the wedding, and well then, here... this one or this one this fabric is a thousand bucks per meter, and this is one and a half, but then these definitely won’t suit you, but what will suit you then, oh, sorry, excuse me, hello, yes, ler, how are you, nothing, everything’s fine , that’s just fabrics, and as for fabrics, take the best one. the prices here are crazy, i can’t afford it. grisha, understand, this is like a uniform. i talked to dad, he wants you to present your business plan at the party. he will pay for the suit, and then other promising managers like you will make their presentations in it, but not like you, of course. lehr, what if the size doesn't fit? grisha, these are
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daddy’s problems, don’t worry about him. your job is to buy the most expensive thing - it's your dad's order. bring me the check. if it’s cheaper than $3.0 per meter, there will be a scandal, understand? ok, excuse me, but do you have fabric for $3.00 per meter, yes. in the warehouse, it’s for me, and what, you won’t even look, but lera said, take the most expensive one, okay, we’ll arrange where you want to celebrate your wedding,
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somewhere in monaco, on a yacht, that would be nice, but you don’t have your girls motion sickness, but what does it have to do with it my girls? well, it’s just that children love to ride on yachts, in general it’s certainly an expensive pleasure, i personally can’t afford it, but i can offer a yacht on wheels, i think your beloved boss can afford one with or without wheels, yes, my favorite boss, all the seas furrowed, yeah, well, we decided on the fabric, right? yes, thank you, yeah, so, here's your score, yeah, read a book about fishing for now, it just describes how to catch a big fish, meet at the house of creativity, i'll be there soon, okay, all the best,
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alas, another marriage of convenience. witty they brought it up about fish, but no, what do you mean, that’s not what i meant at all, it’s just that her dad loves fishing, and what do you think, he could have misunderstood my words, well, if he’s not a complete idiot, and he’s not a complete one idiot, believe me, yes, it turned out awkward, a shark from santrope will be eaten by... what a piranha, what are you saying, joseph abramovich, it seems to me that he sincerely loves her, he said so tenderly, my beloved boss, i beg you , santrope's yacht, like... a suit for 9 thousand dollars, this is his business plan,
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well, like a grisha, interesting, oh, yes, interesting. hello sisters, your mother is good, good, and she loves ice cream just like you, no, mom doesn’t like it, our dad loves ice cream, dad gets out of the ice cream, and mom scolds him, okay, run, i’ll go, let’s go, yes, yes, come here! hello, ekaterina andreevna. hello, this is my first boy. andryush, how should you say hello to uncle grisha? good boy, here you go. both the girl and
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verochka. hello. hello. well, guys, run, i'll be there soon. fine. andrey, wait. named otsu. this is education. what did you want? well, let's go make shark fin soup? soup, of course, i think our dad will be very pleased, and the children too, go ahead, uh-huh, but wait, wait, tell me, does your dad really want me to make him soup from the fins? of course, he believes that every man should have his own signature dish, and this will have an indelible effect on him.
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so great, that means we’ll measure out the children, so what’s left is the neighbor, yes, but we ’ll deal with the neighbor, oh, the neighbor will disappear by itself as soon as you move on from the minata, start touch, i told you how important touch is, well, the woman likes it, so take her, you will wait a long time for his journey along the golden ring, by the way, you will go with them, you also know how to dance, no, we will teach you, so where i will dance with her, anywhere, in a bar, in a cafe, in a restaurant? you must invite her today, the neighbor is not waiting, but she will not go, well, go ahead, download a program for learning
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some kind of dance, tango is better, tango is a passionate dance, you must surprise her, invite her to tango, she will delights, what if she doesn’t know how, it’s not enough for her to teach you, and you can at least teach her something, no, listen, well, where am i going to study, i have an idea. oh, look how many places there are, dance as much as you can , so remember, in tango, the main passion is, yeah, and don’t waste time, do it today, and buy her flowers, just like that, well, you say, thank you for that's it, practice, practice, that's it, i'm off, okay, look, we've got everything prepared for the presentation, we've done everything, everything will be fine, and... look, according to the daily schedule, here's shlyatin's son, he'll speak first , oh, sorry, i’m taking this opportunity, i want
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to thank you, thank you for everything, i promise to justify your trust, i’ll reimburse all expenses, thank you very much for what this man wanted from me, well, he’s probably grateful to you for allowing fresh air going out during working hours means... warning him, he is the culprit of the accident, the person was hurt, he will be judged, you want to ruin the child’s life, i warned him, you need him for something, yes. nurse to the director of the plant, this is so cool, leave everyone, i don’t want to see anyone, i
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i understand that he has a generally difficult character, but i want to try to sit down. you promised to help me, it seems to me that in his soul he is a completely different person, morgue, listen, he can make sure he doesn’t yell, but i suggest getting rid of him, how to get rid of him, convince him or something, he was abandoned like a dog on the street, that’s how much necessary, i will work with him as much as possible, i want to be with you always, sunday on rtr. immerse yourself in the world of luxury and comfort at vixas golf villas and suyut sharma. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by... lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal
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for couples and families. relax in comfort and style. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic luxery collection bodrum partner's voice, yes, you just transported us to the sanmom festival , the snow was falling quietly, i found myself visiting you , i cried, i laughed, here such energy was gained by the bird cherry in my garden.
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songs from the bottom of my heart, evening show by andrei malakhov, resurrection on rtr. hello, uh-huh, i'm off, uh-huh. why did she come yesterday, didn’t eat, was naughty, i tell her, eat, and she’s already eaten, and i ask, what about shark fin soup, and i’m not ashamed of her, how you talk to grandma, and she locked herself in in my room, the light was on for half the night, that’s all
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clearly, she's fallen in love.
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well, grisha, you still have a long time to go, but we... we will be with you all the time, you grigory, you need to unlearn familiarity, this is part of my program, well, oh, so, turn around, like it, allow me, the main thing is that you like him, that’s wonderful,
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a couple more touches, and you can go to the king’s reception. england. hurry to the prince. grisher is going to monac. okay, you give the suit to joseph abramovich, and i ran, i have something to do. katya, i'll install the modem, okay, i won't turn off the computer, goodbye, goodbye goodbye, please ?
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i’m telling you, she’s there in the photo on the computer in a wedding dress, in all her glory, you understand, and what should i do now, and i told you, i need to act, you bought these, no, no, what a fool, buy a huge one now . roz, what about it, come on, come on, i have no time.
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katya, this is for you, but the training is not finished yet, and this is for the suit, and for the suit you need to thank abramych, and i too, i too. just don’t give flowers, please, okay, well, well, maybe we can practice again, since we’ve already met, great, let’s go to restaurant, i’ll teach you how to eat, well, i kind of know how to eat, so let’s check it out, but listen, maybe you don’t need to go to a restaurant right away, maybe to a dumpling shop first, i ’m afraid that dumpling shops won’t teach us anything good, so fuck off, right? i'm sorry, i should have confessed to you right away, the fact is that i'm away for miles today, and excuse me, i didn't
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think, but tomorrow, i'm inviting you, honestly, no, you don't need to invite me, this is training, you and i will pay -european, in half, okay, now we are now, let me treat you. “no, that’s not so, there’s a very fine line here, i ’ll explain to you now, yeah, on the one hand it’s tactless, on the other hand, it’s also wrong to not be interested in your interlocutor at all,
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well, ask me something that’s really interesting to you, well tell me, for example, who looks after you in the evenings?” “ she watches the windows when you return home, grandma, that’s grandma, well, yes, she constantly makes some incredible conclusions when she sees me with someone, excuse me, but can i invite you, well, try it, but please, please, uh, now it’s like this... grigory, you’re doing well, you’ve danced
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before, no, today i’m dancing for the first time, believe me, it means you’re not as hopeless as i thought, and you thought, to be honest, yes. “sorry, nothing, sorry, well, that’s all for today, we’ve actually already come, yeah, five for the bouquet, thank you, it’s not roses.” to be honest, i don’t like them, but for the tango it’s five plus, for the first time, it’s just brilliant, really, for the conversation it’s four, yeah, i think it’s still worth working on your interest in the interlocutor, okay, okay, then i want correct this rating right now, no, it's too late, otherwise i'll give you a mark for perseverance, i just wanted to ask.
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why are you in that photo in a wedding dress, well, there on the computer, the dress is not mine, look at other people’s photographs, indecent, yes. hi, forgive me for yesterday’s ba, okay, you know, this lerkin’s groom turned out to be...
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a normal guy, at first he let himself in, it’s unknown that he liked him, yes, well, as a person, yeah, the normal one is busy again, don’t torture yourself, katya, stop this motherfucker once everything is over, i can’t, bah, i promised lerki, tomorrow last day, food, suit, i also wanted to give him an exam, he’ll get by without the exam, don’t fool around and deal with... so, take off your clothes, dinner is getting cold. i can't understand what's holding her. i'm free, she's free. a? well, neighbor? what neighbor is that her grandmother? well, maybe she has a congenital defect, fused fingers or... a birthmark
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all over her back, lord, what nonsense, listen, or maybe she teaches children something, well, during the day, and at night, something, well works part-time, zhora, excuse me, sometimes you talk like an idiot, and you yourself are an idiot, a week has already passed, but you can’t kill a woman, i’m not going to kill her, but what are you going to do with him, talk about fish from morning to evening, you know, it’s none of your business at all, what i’m going to do with her, not mine, who is everything to you arranged it? thank you, well, you liked it, right?
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hello, katya, hello, it’s me, let’s go to a cafe this evening, we have a short day today, first of all, we haven’t exchanged words with you. grigory, i’m not going anywhere with you, you me...
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at 6 i have classes with the girls in the dining room of the house of creativity, goodbye, goodbye, with this kind of work, we will all soon sit down. where are the new ideas? mm, i require new ideas every day, otherwise i rush everyone to the shore! the short day is abolished, from now on all days will be long for you.
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listen, grishan, help me come up with some idea for the bot, huh? what is there to think? do you remember my business plan? well, let's become authors? who am i? oh well, why did i practice it on you, your stupid head? thank you, quietly, what are you listening to, and jo, tell me for a ride, well, look, i touched her, danced like that, yeah, and she doesn’t have anyone, but she’s still with me it's a new time, but she fell in love with you, dumbass, that's all. well, everything is at its best. katya, that’s it, you can
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give the suit to grigory, it’s ready. by the way, you would make a wonderful couple. sorry!
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no, this is the elder bike, and this is the younger one, yes, which man? oh, hello, meet me, this is james shlyapin's son, albert, and this is my daughter. lerochka, leave us, we need to talk, yeah, you said something about
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a business proposal, i understood everything, thank you, i think that’s us, lera, oh, hello, sin, hello, welcome, thank you, how about tomorrow, yes, yes, write yourself, okay, thank you. tomorrow, well, well, they’ll be overpowering, i hope you won’t forget me, yes, of course, we agreed, here you go, yeah, thank you, well, all that’s left is to decide what we should do with your kate, thank you, go further on, well, as you know, thank you,
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yes, yes, but i can bet that no, i’m generally silent about the knife for cutting fish, okay, we bet, let’s go to the cafe. we'll check there, i invite you, and lera gave me the money, right? why,
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lera? i received my thirteenth salary. today is our thirteenth, and tomorrow fourteenth. you are simply afraid to argue. i'm afraid. yes, i'm not afraid of anything. until the evening. yeah. our fish, thank you.
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one big thing, he’s holding a fish knife in his right hand, and i’m left-handed, really, really, i’m stupid, i ’ll show you now, look, i’m left-handed right from school, they didn’t even retrain me, so, you see, once, moscow , two, borislavl, huh? and this is all on the left, here, then this is
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the route that i dream of taking on my trailer, here is the left, now. what a delight, thank you, grigori, let’s drink to your dream. for a business plan, so that everything comes true for you, thank you, thank you
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for everything, for the fish, for the sea fish, for talking about nothing and for getting your bearings on the ground, and maybe i’ll invite you. invite.
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what are you doing, i thought we were with you, i ’m with you, no, you’re not with me, you’re actually lerin’s groom, what kind of groom are you, i ’m getting ready for the presentation, ah, that’s what they call it now, right katya? grisha, this is mean, this is simply mean, katya, you didn’t pay, you didn’t pay,
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i beg you. let's go, katya, katya, hello!
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hello, please come in, thank you, thank you, please, everything is fine, everything is fine, come in, yeah, thank you, hello, guys, you didn’t mix anything up, huh?
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once again i introduce georgy and grigory, our official part is over, and
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now the buffet?
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and on monday you will receive your thirteenth salary and rest, you know, i have already received the thirteenth, then you will receive the fourteenth, great, congratulations, listen, lera, you!
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urgently for sale, help me out! i don’t understand, he’ll quit after such success, no, that ’s enough, i didn’t finish all the technical stuff
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so that i could charge the cartridges, it’s time for real i’ll get busy, now i’ll have a month’s rest in skolkovo, what were the guys’ names, and what about the business plan? well, take it and supervise it, the lion clearly wants to implement it, if you have a question, call, yes, i had to save for a year and a half, you see how it happens, a dream has come true, happiness has not come, thank you, by the way. well, i hope you won’t sell ice cream for another year and a half so that i can get my 15% back. as for happiness,
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come to her, right now, i won’t go, she doesn’t love me. you should have seen with what hatred she looked at me there in the cafe, she said straight out, this is our last lesson, i won’t go, what a fool.
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mom, ekaterina andreevna, i’m here now, hello, ekaterina, hello, and uncle grisha, will you cook some soup for us? no, my dears,
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“forgive me, please, i lied to you a little, but i was wrong, krisha, he, he is very good, but you don’t love him, what? okay, i really have to go, thank you for everything, again, i’m sorry , i have to run,
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where are you? i’m afraid, no, he quit. who are you, katya? why can i find him? going. he's there in the park. will you still have time? thank you! listen, teach me, okay?
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excuse me, here, here there was a van, they were selling ice cream, i wanted ice cream, and so it’s time for you to go to the attractions, there’s a kiosk, a cafe , they sold it, listen, and this is our kalon, katya. do you remember us? they knew, well, yes, sit down, something happened to you, i really, i really need it, what? i know where
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to find him, i need to go there, well, let’s go, we ’ll take you. this is shark fin soup, how did you find me? knock me down, which doesn’t matter, i
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really wanted to apologize for the stupid peck, i just i didn't know and i didn't know that you didn't know i i love you. i'm absolutely alone, what's wrong with me, i'm not... melody for two, premiere from monday on rtr.
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i declare the international rhythmic gymnastics festival open. alina kabaeva gathers friends from all over the world. thanks to everyone who is with us! thank you to everyone who believes in our future, i love you! international holiday: children's rhythmic gymnastics festival, alina. on children's day on rtr. poster on the tv channel culture, theater, music, fine arts art may 26. a concert in honor of the eightieth anniversary of boris frumkin in the tchaikovsky concert hall. among the participants. sergey zhilin, valery grokhovsky, mariam mirabova, anya chipovskaya, anna buturlina, the oleg lunstrom jazz chamber orchestra, maestro frumkin himself. on the new stage mkhatym chekhov is my sight for sore eyes. premiere of the play based on the play by alexei arbuzov, directed by philip
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gurevvich. the premiere performance "transparent sun of autumn" is performed at the sfera theater. directed by alexander korshinov based on stories yuri trifonov, yuri kazakov and yuri dombrovsky. the festival of classic pieces opens in the halls of the estate museum, programs. from works by mozart performed by alexander gindin, yulia pokrovskaya and the moscow comerata orchestra. until june 2, the museum of russian impressionism has opened an exhibition project “group 13” in the alleys of the era, dedicated to the artistic association that existed from 1929 to 1931 and chose its themes of depicting city landscapes. the exhibition includes more than 300 works of painting, graphics and decorative arts. art from museum and private collections. the krasnoyarsk pushkin drama theater is performing oleg rybkin's play based on friedrich schiller's drama intrigue and love. the premiere performance of aivazovsky three elements about the life and work of pushkin and aivazovsky is shown at the yaroslavl drama theater named after volkov. artist-animator alexander petrov.
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directed by alexander sazonov. multimedia action film aivazovsky three elements. what is this? on the one hand, these are paintings by aivazovsky, which we revived using the neural network. on the other hand, this is a comeback. composer vladimir martynov on the territory of the drama theater. stretya is pushkin's poems, choreography, a cool story of father and son, the end of everything, this is a judicial procedure where the viewer really decides what fate the artist deserves. the exhibition “deineka’s time” is open at the kursk art gallery until july 7, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the artist’s birth. the exhibition includes works by the master created from the twenties to the sixties of the past.
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canadian theater company eksmakina completes its thirtieth international the craiova shakespeare festival is presenting the play "hamlet prince of denmark" directed by roberlipage. the german southwestern radio symphony orchestra performs works by dmitry shestakovich and igor strovinsky at the fischpilhaus baden-baden , conducted by teodor kurenzis. the pontipidou center presents a large-scale retrospective of constantin broncusi. art is just beginning. the center of the exhibition was a carefully restored workshop. brancusi, where the artist’s archive is carefully preserved, as well as more than 200 sculptural works, photographs, paintings, drawings and videos from museum and private collections.
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my planet tv channel presents. the first full-fledged census for... a year lasts a day, people live without the sadness of worries, hyperboreans, they do not know troubles and strife , they die only from an excess of happiness. something like this, the historian wrote. lines about the hyperboreans, and by the way, he meant
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exactly these places. beyond the northern borean means beyond the ural mountains, and the six-month cycle of day and night occurs only in the far north. for a long time the legend of hyperporea was considered speculation, but all the finds of recent years indicate that civilization in the north appeared much earlier than was commonly believed. hyperborea in ancient greek mythology was considered a distant northern country. inhabited by blessed people. according to legend, her patron was god apollo himself. the roman historian plini considered hyperporea to actually exist. however, for modern historical science, the myth of the hyperboreans is only a utopian idea of ​​the greeks about the life of distant peoples. such myths are found in a wide variety of cultures.
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the lack of roads awakens some resourcefulness in the local residents, here, for example, they even decided to domesticate the elk in order to use it as a means of transport, for which they even opened an elk farm, which we are heading to, yes, an elk, perhaps, would definitely come in handy here, here regular cars can't cope with local directions called roads. among the local peoples, the elk was something like a sacred cow; it was considered a symbol of beauty, nobility, strength, and even personified the performance ancient man about the harmony of the world. fina, let's go, let's go, fina, fina, fina, fina, let's go, my little one, let's go, let's go, my smart girl, let's go, my darling, the moose farm on pechora is the first in the world, it was founded in 1949, then clients of domesticated moose became soviet geologists. using harnessed animals, they made their way to
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mineral deposits. moose was comfortable. in its natural environment, it could feed under foot feed, could make its way through swamps and taiga windbreaks, in front of which even horses grazed. well, this, of course, is the highest degree of recognition, you see, what kind of caresses, don’t say, but they are so capricious, it’s very difficult to remove how you manage to find the way to the heart. losite did not speak. anything can happen. hi hi. so i’m deceiving everyone with candies, that you just lure them with candies and cookies, it seems to me that there’s some kind of affectionate relationship with you, affection, affection is needed, yes, when you go after the little vixen for several hours to milk it, vika recognized me, melted and gave us a whole liter of the most valuable product, please try the milk, it’s warm, fresh, help a little. try it, the milk
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is delicious, very tasty, you can feel the light notes of pechora meadows, the milk itself, as it turned out after numerous research experiments, has a unique composition, it contains a very high content of not only protein, not only fat, but in addition it also contains a large amount of lysozyme , and this, in general, allows it to be used as a means of healing, even in the treatment of radiation diseases. dominika yurievna talked about moose farm, and i couldn’t take my eyes off the stuffed moose hanging above us. i was interested in only one thing: why is the elk white? the fact is that in the seventy-first year a project was launched to turn the northern rivers to the south, and several underground nuclear explosions were carried out to change the course of our river.
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such when, then, let’s say, we would
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take, begin to treat a person and begin to reshape his circulatory system. the nuclear explosion at pechora became part of a huge project. along the turn of the northern rivers, it was developed for about 20 years more than 160 organizations of the ussr, 32 institutes of the academy of sciences. the goal of this fantastic and multi-billion dollar project was to direct part of the flow of siberian rivers to central asia. they were supposed to fill the drying oral sea and irrigate the fields of cotton, a strategic raw material for the production of gunpowder. pechora became the first link of the global. an experiment on nature, the consequences of which still remain completely unexplored. according to the commission created in those years at the academy of sciences, which included mikhail ilyevich zelikin, the turn of only one northern river would provoke a whole chain of irreversible consequences. permafrost specialists and
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permafrost experts told me that if in one place, make some kind of change, touch it. this very permafrost, then the consequences can affect many hundreds of kilometers?
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hold it, don’t drop it, what’s with the cake, did you forget that today is today, i’m on vacation, mom, you can’t go there, why, well, wait a minute, marinka. “hello, ekaterina platonovna, why aren’t you at the institute, you ran away, okay, start the new academic year, anyway with monday for potatoes, you see,
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ekaterina platonovna, we submitted an application, we wanted an evening for you." inform you in a solemn atmosphere, champagne, champagne in the refrigerator, yeah, you wrote to yours, but i’ll have time, registration. in another 3 months, what a size well, wait 3 months, no queue, only sailor officers, they are immediately registered, and i’m doing something else, mom, what are you, mom, mom, don’t worry, everything will be fine, we went to the vice-rector, he promised us a room, what kind of room, we could go to a hostel here, of course, but marinka, dima, what about me?
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mom, well, we will visit you every day.


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