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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 26, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet all viewers, i’m maria sittal, hello, here’s the arrival, look along the alley, missile attacks one after another, strikes on belgorod and shibekin, we jumped out all the vestibule, then cat bang sprinkled everything.
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four people were killed, 18 were injured, several people were in serious condition in intensive care. in uzbekistan in anticipation of the visit of vladimir putin, the state visit begins today. moscow and tashkent have centuries-old relations and common approaches to global security issues. it is being created in bashkiria eurasian museum of nomadic civilizations. this building is over 700 years old in turahan bay. in the port of sochi, more and more foreign yachts are registered under the russian flag, i like the infrastructure and prospects, it’s safe, so as not to be taken away, it’s becoming more comfortable here, it’s very tasty, i really like it. khabarovsk is setting a record for the number of tourists from china; at the local university, at the request of tour operators, they began to train guides and sinologists. four residents of the belgorod
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region became victims of ukrainian shelling, another 18 were injured, two of them children. four people are currently in intensive care, reports the regional governor, vyacheslav glodkov. at about one o'clock in the morning , shibekina was also brought in by rocket artillery. once again, isa was targeted exclusively at citizens. on civilian targets, about the consequences of ukrainian strikes, alexander levunov. the ukrainian shell pierced the roof, the technical floor and two more upper ones, this is a children's room, the ammunition did not explode, it saved everyone. the children were in the bedroom in the hall there, yeah, i was in my room, reading prayers, i screamed everything, ira shouts, my daughter, we jump out as quickly as possible, we jumped out all the vestibule, bang-bang, and then , like-bang, everything fell apart. missile attacks from
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ukraine follow one after another. ukrainian armed forces militants fire volleys into a residential area of ​​belgorod. there was a flash in the sky and then thunder from an explosion. air defense works, but some of the charges fall into residential yards. i looked out the window and saw that the same thing was burning above the school, it was burning here. it just happened, it was something like that, well , it happened, but for it to shake the house like that, it just shook the wrong word, they thought that was all jumps out, i'm still there... shrapnel has been interrupted by a leak, police officers and territorial defense personnel have electrical wires and gas supply pipes, there are signal tapes leading people out of the perimeter, the siren sounds again, a message comes about a missile danger, people are rushing to cover, terror tactics: bombs of the armed forces of ukraine they fall near schools, pharmacies, shopping centers, where there are always crowds of people, one of the ukrainian ammunition detonated next to the network...
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the center to go, uh-huh, i saw, i heard, very loudly, i got scared, i just screamed and decided, i took some things there for the children, i wanted to go in , well, i think now maybe some kind of taxi... along the route and i get out here, there’s already a crowd of people near the car, everything is already broken, our air defense system managed to shoot down 29 air targets on approach to the city, judging by the fragments found, these were shells from the vampire missile system. houses burned down, commercial real estate was seriously damaged, and two shell craters near a local community center and a temple. broke through the roof, covered the roof, entered the changing room, yeah, locker room, there detonated, right? yes. it most likely detonated
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at the top, and then by inertia it moved on. the villages of oktyabrsky and dubovoe were shelled with the same ammunition. the ukrainian armed forces again deliberately attacked peaceful houses. there are no military personnel nearby. died.
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according to some reports, the warehouse where american missiles were stored in starokonstantinov, khmelnitsky region, hit the airfield that kiev is preparing to receive f-16 fighters. as a rule, ukrainian militants attack belgorod from the kharkov region, where fighters of the north group are now they are doing everything possible to move deeper into the enemy’s defenses and thereby reduce the number of attacks on our civilians. just the band tonight. army aviation of the russian aerospace forces successfully hit a unit of the ukrainian armed forces that was trying to carry out a rotation in the border areas. the k-52 aligator, mi-35 and mi-8 helicopters performed successfully. they fired unguided s-8 aircraft missiles at the coordinates of the aircraft gunner. and in the donetsk sector. russian
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artillerymen attacked detachments of the kiev formations of the ukrainian armed forces with an ammunition depot. goals spotted by drone reconnaissance. having received the coordinates, our fighters deployed multiple launch rocket systems and destroyed the militants with a firestorm of hail. almost 30 ukrainian drones were shot down in the special operation zone over the past 24 hours. like nato missiles, they are successfully destroyed by buk m1 crews, which cover and control our troops. sappers have a special mission, their main task is to clear the way for equipment, the military correspondent's report of news, we walk on a ledge, the distance is 15 steps, everything is forward, combat work requires speed, but in their case there is a rush to no avail, sappers from the center grouping of troops
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are inspecting this forest road, there are mostly anti-tank mines on the roads, anti-tank traps can be placed on the roadsides. used, very often, constantly, yes, these are the most common mines. the mine is non-removable, installed according to all the rules of demolition. our sappers know how to deal with such things. we set the charge and set it on fire. that's it, let's open the shelter. an overhead charge is the most
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effective method of destruction in this situation, but there are no people nearby who could be harmed by the explosion. sappers are clearing the way for our equipment, the road is clear, a convoy of trucks went along it unhindered, followed by anti-aircraft gunners, buk is sent on combat duty. the anti-aircraft missile system is the basis of our air defense, hitting targets at various ranges, altitudes, and speeds. the anti-aircraft gunners of the center group of forces have learned to shoot down even enemy drones. such trophies are valued as... we see the calculation work from the first person, there are a lot of buttons in the cockpit, there is very
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little space for equipment, but everyone is in their place. at first glance it seems that the window is very small, you fly in as if freely, the most important thing is to remember. train your legs the moment you get into the car and sit down, basically it’s a square, meter by meter is enough. buk not only covers our advancing unit, but also protects. cities, peaceful skies over liberated settlements are literally the work of our anti-aircraft gunners. pavel prikopenko, vitalika idanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news: donetsk people's republic. they are called artillery eyes. the main task is to find a target and help destroy it. experienced operators drones carry out 60 sorties a day, scorching the ground under the enemy’s feet. our correspondent, dmitry ermakov, talked to those behind his back. more than a thousand such operations, a mortal threat to both infantry and armored vehicles, modern eyes
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of war, drones, for example, this pivicopter of theirs, aka hamikaze, aka loitering ammunition, or, if we draw an analogy, then a bee, fly it’s a pity, just once, you simply can’t count such bees along the entire front line, from kherson to the northern kharkov direction, these workers frontline perform their service, in such a good way... the result of the skill of twenty-year-old oleg. technicians, turned inside-out props, colleagues, either jokingly or seriously, called the guy an operator from god; few managed to get away from the bird under his control. a red-haired girl with blue eyes has been on the front line for 3 years now, a symbol of femininity and valor.
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specifically in terms of driving, only you have to maneuver not between cones, but between reb action zones, especially with the advent of night fpv, that is, if before it was possible to calmly how to move at night, now even at night you cannot feel completely safe, our fighters manage to overcome the domes of interference, as a result of the burning equipment and positions of the armed forces of ukraine, we have a lot of prepared crews, well trained, there are now many training courses for engineers, that is accordingly, regarding the training of ours... let's say, the level is much higher than that of the enemy, it is precisely such military men who are moving
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the front line to the west, liberating the original russian lands. it should never happen that crosses are drawn on cars fascist and so on, we must win because of this, because we have already fought against this and we will win. dmitry ermakov, roman forolov and viktor voloshin, lead donetsk. on other topics, a powerful pacific storm hit kamchatka. in some areas gust speeds exceed 35 m/s. literally knocks people off their feet. dozens of trees have been knocked down in petropavsk-kamchatsky. the wind overturns stops, demolishes fences and gazebos. no casualties were reported. according to forecasters, the cyclone will rage in the region until tomorrow. meanwhile in armenia. eliminate the consequences of severe floods. this
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dibeda river overflowed its banks, bridges and roads were destroyed, and the m6 ​​interstate highway, which leads to the georgian border, was flooded. due to a landslide on the railway tracks, the subsidiary company russian railways canceled train service on the route yerevan, tbilisi yerevan. the evacuation of local residents in the disaster zone has been announced, at least one is known. russian president vladimir putin is leaving today for a two-day state visit to uzbekistan, where he will hold talks with president shavkat mirziyoyev. the leaders intend to discuss the state and prospects for the development of bilateral relations, as well as compare notes on the most pressing international and regional problems. the heads of state will also take part in the first meeting of the council of regions of russia and uzbekistan from tashkent, alexey golovko. one of the oldest civilizations in the world, uzbekistan is a country combining thousand-year-old antiquity and
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innovative production. minorets, mid-century madrasahs, modern universities for russia, this the central asian republic is at the same time an eastern mystery and a reliable partner in the region. tashkent is already preparing for the upcoming visit of vladimir putin. the road from the airport is covered in russian and uzbek flags. the capital of uzbekistan, the city of thousands of fountains, welcomes guests from russia. moscow and tashkent have a centuries-old relationship, but exactly. over the past decade , russian-uzbek relations have reached a fundamentally new level. the leaders of the two countries talk about an alliance and a comprehensive strategic partnership. which means two states general view.
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uzbekistan and russia, the two countries really have something to discuss; trade turnover between russia and uzbekistan is growing at an unprecedented pace , increasing by a quarter every year. russia supplies its partners with metals, machinery, equipment, and wood products for the chemical industry. the return flow of goods consists of textiles and, of course, the entire wealth of fruits, vegetables and spices for which uzbekistan's agriculture is so famous. the economies of the two countries are not limited to direct supplies. in uzbekistan now more than 150 joint projects are being implemented. the flagship area of ​​cooperation will be the construction of rosatom’s first nuclear power plant in central asia near lake tuskan in the jizzakh region. this project is currently at the approval stage. and the lukoil company has already built a real industrial oasis in the desert, this is
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the kandym gas processing complex, the most modern enterprise, which is also the largest in the world. to payers. another joint project is technopolis in uzbek cherchik, an industrial park where russian companies launch their innovative production facilities. it unites dozens of enterprises and provides jobs for almost 2,000 people. last october , presidents vladimir putin, shavkat mirziyoyev and kasym zhamar-takayev launched a unique project. the three leaders launched a new branch of the gas pipeline, through which fuel now flows for the first time from russia to uzbekistan through the territory of kazakhstan. the pumping volume is almost. 3 billion cubic meters of gas per year, and, of course, this mutually beneficial project strengthens the energy security of the region. all systems are working properly. russia and uzbekistan are increasing cultural ties. today in the republic there are schools teaching in russian. 14 branches of leading russian universities have been opened. in turn, more than 30 thousand
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uzbek students receive higher education at universities in moscow, st. petersburg and kazan. rediscovered. admire the cities of the great silk road. more than half a million russians fly in every year, and this is a journey that will never be forgotten. tombs of the great commanders of antiquity and mosques, sands the kozylkum desert and the waters of the great amu darya river. architectural treasures of samarkand, bukhara-khiva and, of course, the famous uzbek cuisine with its pilaf, samsa, lagman, flatbreads, watermelons and the sweetest melons. uzbekistan, like... thousands of years ago , remains a place of attraction for any traveler. alexey golovko, sofia petrosyan, konstantin morozov and andrey greshnev. news from tashkent, uzbekistan. the israel defense forces are carrying out new strikes on rafah in the south of the gaza strip, despite the demand of the international un court to suspend the military operation. according to al jazeera,
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six people were killed as a result of the israeli air force raid. about a million internally displaced people have already left rafah. hundreds of refugees are leaving. and the jibaliya camp in northern gaza, due to a new operation the idf is conducting in the area. during this operation, the military discovered the bodies of three hostages who had been kidnapped by hamas in an attack on israel. meanwhile, hamas stated that they captured three israeli soldiers, but the israeli authorities deny this information. this is already tel aviv. police dispersed. another anti-government rally with water cannons. people took to the streets calling on the authorities to do everything possible to free the hostages. the protesters also demanded netanya's resignation and early elections. three sections of highways included in the russian support network will be repaired this year in the samara region, as part of the safe
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roads national project. neighboring cities in tatarstan will also be connected with the new asphalt surface. a high-quality road network is... first of all, reducing logistics costs is jobs and additional support for the economy. report by artyom morin. all motorists in the south volga region know the samar novokubishevsk highway. resort route to the black sea coast. from the beginning of may to, i would even say the end of october, since our people... go to sochi, crimea, well, the southern direction for this, it becomes very intense. 25,000 cars pass along this road per day. the route was considered dangerous due to many dangerous sections. now project. the asphalt is being changed, lighting will be installed along the entire section of the route, the road will become safer and wider. major highway repairs are underway throughout the region.
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the zhiguli village is connected to the federal highway m5 ural by this road, the only route to significant tourist spots in the region. devya gora is the most famous peak of the zhiguli, the moloden kurgan and the zhigulevsky artek health center, where children from all over the country come for treatment and recreation. another pride of the village is the equestrian sports club. tourism, where the all-russian competitions are held, due to the broken road not everyone could get to the place, people come who love active recreation, who love horses, who love to travel through our wonderful zhiguli mountains, in any case, the start of the gathering is in the village of zhiguli, to go on horseback riding routes and get to this club, i want on a good road. there were 130 children in class at a local school; they walked along the roadway; there were no sidewalks. we are waiting with... with patience for that illuminated sidewalk that was promised to us will ensure safety for the children when they going to school. the length of the road is 12 km,
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major repairs will be completed next year, on this road in talyat, floodlights illuminate the area being repaired, signal lights are installed on special equipment, this is the main exit from the city, the highway connects several districts, the busiest street here is repaired at night, so that not to cause...convenience to citizens, we carry out work at night. the new asphalt pavement will connect povorsky cities with a population of over a million. from the samara region to the republic of tatarstan, bus passengers now they get there much more comfortably. the ural and sokly shantala highway, more than 20 km, has been repaired. thanks to the national project for safe and high-quality roads, this year in the samara region four sections of highways included in the russian backbone network will be repaired. artyom morin, dmitry cherkasov, alexander bozhenov, host samara. large-scale. road work is now in primorye, near the village of kiparisovo, bridge workers have begun the final stage of construction of a new overpass on the usuri federal highway. the work is progressing ahead of schedule, and sooner
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in just 2 months traffic will be open. in 2 years, they will begin to build a new highway near the new residential areas of vladivostok. it will be six-lane, on a section of 18 km and will run parallel to the existing ussuri highway. federal. the road agency has summed up the results of the auction for its construction, the task of the new road is to relieve the traffic load at the borders of artyom vladivostok and the nearest suburbs. in khabarovsk they began to train chinese guides; there is a need for guides who speak in chinese, is associated with a sharply increased flow of tourists from the middle kingdom. about why they are going and what they expect from getting to know khabarovsk, anna kolchuk. with laughter they... have already chosen russian names for themselves, ira and kolya, literally at every step they themselves try to find entertainment in khabarovsk, and therefore the meeting with our film crew is an event, they talk about their native
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qingdau, they really want to compare its life history with the far east . we often do business here and every time we want not only to work, but also to relax, we are looking for first-hand information. but for now they are limited to gastronomy and hiking in the style of being your own guide and translator, which is very tasty, i really like it. the tourist flow is returning to the same level, which is why there are more and more greetings like this on camera on the city streets. 2023 is ahead of 2022 in terms of tourist flow ; this year they promise another jump, but if we talk exclusively about tourists from china, the ministry of tourism predicts that this year the khabarovsk territory will receive more than 20,000 people, more than half of them will pass through this border. meet, a chinese teacher is also ready to accompany you and literally imbue you with the spirit of the khabarovsk territory, but in the future. tour guide irina shirokova is still on her list of must-visit main attractions, but is already thinking about unusual routes. ote, samur is generally a business card, i think
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the cities, shopping, they really love perfumes. this is the first exclusive course of guides to accompany chinese tourists, 25 people, all confirmed knowledge of the language and expressed a desire to bring russian culture to the masses china. the chinese who come here, if they go on a cruise on amor, then they do not treat it as normal. will gain a foothold in the tourism market, after training, which after just a few lessons will be transferred to the streets of the city, they will receive a certificate and will be recommended by the employer. anna kalchuk, alim berkinov,
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vesti khabarovsk. the first 13 teachers participating in the zemsky teacher program will soon begin working in schools of the lugansk people's republic. the goal of the project is to solve the problem of shortage of teaching staff in rural areas. localities and small towns. more than 200 teachers have already submitted their applications to participate in the program. applicants who meet all the criteria will begin their new job in august. the sverdlovsk region alone has suffered from tick bites since the beginning of the year. people, the number is large, although the weather in the urals this year is not at all like may. specialists carry out treatment in the most visited holiday destinations, doctors advise vaccination. our correspondent, kirill bortnikov, has already done this. when people in such protective suits appear in the park, regular visitors are prohibited from entering, this flag is used to search for dangerous bloodsuckers so that
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the burden does not spread to... people, specialists have their own methods. the acreage agent deals a merciless blow to the ticks. such treatment in yekaterinburg is carried out in all parks, squares, and forest belts within the city. in total , more than 11,000 hectares are sprayed. acaricidal treatment takes place at the sverdlovsk training center. on june 1, combat training for military personnel of the central military district will begin at the training ground. processing is two-stage. we spend at the beginning epitome of the season and in the second stage of processing we finish off those who remain. this year , ticks have already ruined the spring of 800 murals in the region. we caught a tick, removed it from my daughter, and bit her. the laboratory of the center for hygiene and epidemiology brings such a catch every day. the child is feeling well, today, just in case, we came here to have the tick tested to determine if it is infectious or not. experts examined 400 ticks and found a tick-borne pathogen in 40% of the samples.
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lyosis with suspected encephalitis in hospitals for almost two dozen people, clinical symptoms of the disease appear after 2-3 weeks of weakness, malaise, and fever. alexandra khudikov was taken away by ambulance with a high fever and weakness; only a week later his encephalitis was confirmed, although he had never seen a tick. the temperature began to rise, i tried to reset it, but it didn’t work. that's it, they said that i had encephalitis. my eyes are like, where , where, and when i was in the garden, they checked them twice every day, no one saw anything, but the fact is that the bite remained unnoticed, there is nothing surprising, shoulders falling on us, it is not obliged to attach tightly, it can bite somewhere in one place, unhook, go to another, at that moment you find it, while you think that you were not bitten, but in fact, the bite
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could already have taken place. therefore, in case of any contact with the key, you must seek medical help, and it is best to generally play it safe in advance. the most effective protection against the serious consequences of tick-borne encephalitis is, of course, vaccination, a series of vaccinations, the first, a month later, the second, after a year, the third and revaccination every 3 years. children and pensioners are vaccinated free of charge; if there is no allergy, the vaccine is tolerated without complications. the injection wets in one 2 days, today tomorrow. it is better to get vaccinated at the beginning of spring, so that immunity has already formed by the summer, but emergency vaccination is also possible with an interval of 14 days, an immune response will be formed, and even if he is bitten by a tick, he either will not get sick at all, or will get a fairly mild form of illness without any severe fatal complications. one has already been recorded in the svertlovsk region fatal case after a tick bite; a sixty-six-year-old woman had no vaccination. kirill bortnikov, makssa pargeldeev,
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gennady lugunov and lengaleev. lead yekaterinburg. russian doctors shared with colleagues from china and cuba their successful experience in treating sepsis during combat operations. the conference was held at the vishnevsky central military clinical hospital. military doctors from belarus, nicaragua, laos, and vietnam also took part in it. sepsis, especially burn sepsis, is a very serious disease, when the damage to the body is usually combined. but thanks to joint efforts. all domestic medicine, our doctors have achieved a very high degree of recovery for patients. in just a few hours, the names of the winners of the international competition of koran recitations will be announced in ingushetia. it is dedicated to the memory of the first mufti of the republic, sulambek evloev. participants from all over the world came to compete for the title of the best, from india, turkey, bahrain, kuwait, and the united arab emirates. among those
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who know. the aces got ready in advance a whole stadium, and the seating arrangement was chosen according to the event: men have their own section, women have theirs. there is almost complete silence in the stands; they begin the international competition, like any business in islam, with a prayer, of course, but they dedicate it to the suffering and dead residents of palestine. in the next one, the sacred lines are pronounced by the first participant, the rules are extremely simple.
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glasses, some manage not to hear him throughout the entire performance, there are multiple winners of similar competitions, but among them there is also a newcomer, a twelve-year-old timur alasheyev from kazan, a student of the madras at the apanaevskaya mosque. hopes that he will come across his favorite passage from the koran. this translates as if someone does a good deed, allah will give him 10 times
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more. together with timur allasheev , several other readers represent russia at the competition. the strongest hafiz from the cis countries, as well as the united arab emirates, india, turkey, qatar, kuwait, and bahrain came to fight them. even bosnia and herzegovina. most participants have a very high level pronunciation, articulation, beauty of reading, as you heard yourself. today we met with many of our brothers and sisters from aman, kuwait, egypt, as well as chechnya, ingushetia and many regions of russia, thanks to our love for the koran. love that unites entire generations, the international competition is dedicated to the first imam of ingushetia, sulambek evloev, all three of his sons are the organizers. we can be proud of our country before the whole world, including the arab world, why? because such rights of believers, muslims, and non-muslims alike, any believer,
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there are no such rights as in the russian federation in other countries, as well as the richest religious traditions of theological schools, which teach no worse, and sometimes even better, however, this will already be decided by the judge, the all-seeing omnipotent, what happened that night under the foundry bridge of the northern capital, the motor ship solaris, for unknown reasons, rammed the pleasure excursion ship chaika lng. there were no casualties, but the ships will have to stop for repairs.
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a new cultural project will appear in bashkiri very soon. eurasian is being built there museum of nomadic civilizations. visitors will be able to immerse themselves in the middle ages and learn about the history of the peoples of the country. well, and also see the oldest ones. murat zaripov's report about what else will surprise tourists in the new museum. the small room of the medieval stone tomb inside is still defaced with multi-colored inscriptions. vandals have been operating here for decades, now scientists are working in the mausales of turakhan. these are the very same ground burials that we have here. here are the archaeological excavations themselves. discovered after studying the burials, archaeologists restored them to their original form, now. specialists are restoring the historical landscape and surroundings of the mausoleum. about 700 years ago there was a necropolis on this site. the tombstones were preserved until the beginning of the 20th century, and during archaeological research , experts laid this path, including in order to protect the cultural
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layer from destruction. the medieval tomb, preserved almost in its original form, is one of the most famous historical attractions in the region. she's the one will become the center of the future eurasian museum of nomadic civilizations. this building. more than 700 years old, this is the oldest architectural monument - on the territory of our republic, the mausoleum of turakhan, and the place itself is very sacred, very interesting, we spent time here... an object that should merge with the environment and
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not interrupt just flew up. the historical monument, located 100 km from ottufva, is now visited by about 700 people a year; with the advent of the museum, this number of guests will increase several times. they will tell tourists not only about the history of the region, but about what happened in the middle ages on the territory of modern russia and other countries. this is a museum of the historical heritage of the eurasian steppe, it will tell about all the peoples who inhabited this region, which is most important. we are working here a little bit within the framework of the concept of eurasianism, it will allow us all, representatives of different nations, to see the common ground that brings us closer. the museum building itself, with an area of ​​up to 20 thousand square meters, is planned to be built within the next several years, but its funds are already being formed , in addition, a museum of the bashkir horse and a sanatorium will be built nearby. murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, timfir abzalov, conduct the republic of bashkartystan. italy. our vinkor evgeniy poddubnoy will broadcast news from the
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hottest direction in the north of the kharkov region. see you in a few minutes. you're definitely doing well, it's simple and you usually never linger. premiere on rtr. will you leave me without a morning kiss? i have a husband, a job, stability. how come unhappy, but you have the impudence to write travel, happiness, and good luck into your schedule. anna taratorkina, who are you, how did you get here? this is my number, dmitry miller. i'll have to admit that you like me. and when we switched to here. alexey fatiev. who is there with you? i'm alone, these are just coincidences. what idiot? you can plan a vacation, but what about love? "i don’t understand anything myself, i need
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to figure it all out, melody for yours, from monday on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection. allow yourself a first-class holiday with leo reorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rizards, we are here for you. when your girl turns 18 she will receive a gift. whoever loves a man will be lucky and rich. but as soon as he gets rich, he will leave her. what if the gypsy didn’t
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lie? well, hit her. i just realized today how much i like you, how beautiful you are. max, yes, what are you doing? i don't believe a single word you say. just don’t push too hard, otherwise you’ll scare me away, he’ll run away, he won’t run away from me. do you hear how it beats? i will get you protect. who is offending? a magical gift that became a curse, i made up my mind, i will leave the city, don’t break my heart, premiere on saturday. on rtr, the goal is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we
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are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and there is a lot of work, plans are turning into a project before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes soon real stone flowers will bloom, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, today on rtr. you watch the news, we continue the release.
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over the past 24 hours, more than 200 ukrainian militants, three vehicles , were destroyed by fighters from the north group in the kharkov region. according to the ministry of defense , two were rejected. counterattacks in the volchanskaya and glubokoe regions, and today messages appeared online about the liberation of ivanovka, also in the kharkov region. your appeal our soldiers came from the village with a flag in their hands. on the night of may 24-25 , 2024, the forces of the assault units of the twenty-sixth tank regiment knocked out ukronazi formations from... the village of ivanovka, kharkov region, where nazification continues according to plan, we are working, bradya. now our units are moving further to the steppe novoselovka. in addition, so far, according to unofficial data, umanskoy
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and part of berestovoy have come under the control of the russian military. intense battles are unfolding for yasnaya brodovka. according to military experts, transferring additional forces. to the kharkov section in the isu, they weakened their positions west of avdeevka in the svatovo-kupinsky direction. ukrainian militants are gradually being squeezed out of krasnohorivka and poroskovievka in the donetsk republic, where fierce fighting is also taking place. in the north of the kharkov region, kiev formations are desperately trying to hold back the advance of russian troops. from there. report by military correspondent evgeniy poddubny. this is what the battle for volchansk looks like: the soldiers of our assault units knock out the enemy from buildings that have been turned into strongholds, even in the most inconspicuous house, the enemy’s machine gun crew, every ten meters must be passed with heavy fighting,
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the enemy behaves the same way, they defend themselves, well, maneuverable defense, we call it, they retreat to the lines, which are chosen the most.
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our fighters have not been deprived of the initiative; russian army units continue to push back the enemy. evgeny poddubny, alexander pushin, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. kharkov direction. the full version of evgeny poddubny's special report on battles in the kharkov region, watch tonight in news of the week at 20:00. olaf scholz said that western countries have reached the limit of what is possible in helping ukraine. in an interview with a local publication, the german chancellor also noted that germany will avoid situations that could lead to an expansion of the ukrainian conflict in order to prevent a direct clash between nato and russia. the same is feared in italy. the minister of foreign affairs of the republic did not support nato secretary general jens stoltenberg, who called on the alliance countries
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allow kiev to strike russia with western weapons. time stated that military aid supplied from italy should be used exclusively on the territory of ukraine. cnn admits in its reports that the main problem for kiev is the acute shortage of trained soldiers. armed forces officers fear that because of... joe biden is marching towards world war iii. donald trump said this at a rally in washington. trump, in turn , promised that if he wins the us presidential election, washington will stop spending billions to support conflicts abroad. at the same time, biden's rating. who this week broke another anti-record, tried to attract voters with the help of new verbal attacks against russia. denis
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davidov will continue the topic. west point us army elite. competition for the academy is more than 10 people per place. at graduations, where the supreme commanders are frequent guests, everything is polished to the smallest detail. and only for the elderly. the prompter already suggests what needs to be said. the meaning of the texts has not changed for years, they continue to repeat the mantra about american exceptionalism. an indispensable nation, the world's only superpower and leading democracy. never forget that america is strong when we lead not only by the example of our strength, but by the power of our example. you can applaud this. applause begged for, biden further raises morale, stooping to insults. we
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are up against a man, a cruel tyrant, whom i have known for many years, we cannot retreat, and we will not retreat. putin wants to see nato split. antonov called the statement unacceptable, according to diplomat, ruling circles. trump, but hinted to westpoint graduates that the army must be prepared to defend democracy at home. our rights and freedoms have never been more in danger than they are now, which is why i ask for your support to defeat communism, defeat marxism, and defeat the corrupt joe biden who is destroying us.
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this is to welcome immigrants who are coming for the american dream, we must help them, our goal is to provide american citizenship to millions who want it. rumors about the hospitality of the democrats has long been dispersed throughout the world. 8.00 illegal immigrants from all over the world sneak into the states through the southern border every day. the ruling party does not particularly hide the fact that they want to give all of them american passports along with them and voting rights; they will vote with gratitude to the democrats. purpose of granting citizenship. on all illegal immigrants was very clearly formulated by the leader of the senate, for some reason many people still believe that this is some kind of crazy conspiracy theory. democrats welcome all new
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americans. california provides protection even. i propose suspending the rules, suspending the state's sanctuary status for convicted, illegal immigrant pedophiles. well, a california state legislator had his microphone cut off while he was proposing to end california's protections for illegal immigrants convicted of crimes. sexually motivated against children, that is, for pedophiles. looking at the antics of the democrats, big business among moderate conservatives is less and less in doubt about whom to support in the upcoming presidential elections. elections. one of the leading us investors, stephen schwarzman, announced his support for trump. denis davidov and aleftina sorokina, news! the british authorities will reintroduce compulsory conscription if
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the conservative party wins the upcoming parliamentary elections. russia, china and iran. a powerful storm hit china.
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decided to return home, russia literally for those who, in the whirlpool of the sanctions wave , blurred the boundaries of the possible, under a foreign flag they were allowed to sail on the internal waters of the country, which was previously prohibited, yachtsmen appreciated the support, even such superyachts were defenseless against the evil winds from europe, and here in the shipowner’s native harbor under reliable protection
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, they are no longer with the maltese flag, as they used to develop on deck. now many people have realized that in order to go on a cruise to the distant horizon it is not necessary to buy a yacht; you can rent one and receive the highest level of service. all the water activities you can dream of: jet skiing, skiing, backboarding, flying on a flyboard, they will teach you all this. in season 2024 sochi marina again expects an unprecedented influx of yachtsmen, there are almost 300 mooring places, and occupancy is predicted to be one hundred percent. vielnik, nikita kalchenko and olga olenkina. news from sochi. delightful, truly resort weather has settled in moscow. almost the entire week the daytime temperature is above 25°. and the heat will not subside in the coming days. as weather forecasters say, now the weather in megalopolis is a month ahead of the calendar. it's all about a powerful anticyclone, which brought with it a lot of sun. swimming season is approaching. according to forecasts,
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already next week, the capital's water bodies will warm up to about the main events of the last seven days in news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, watch tonight at 20:00. this is news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday. the start of exercises of non -strategic nuclear forces, in response to nato’s plans to fight with russia, how are strikes from the south being practiced? we cannot allow any failures or mistakes; they will not hide there overseas. for those who do not believe the words clearly. we are moving deep into the enemy’s defense, our military correspondent evgeniy poddubny the hottest, kharkov direction, what on other fronts, and what should the sanitary zone look like due to shelling in our
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border area? markbar amriko, the tragic death of president raisi, iran mourns. but why is blinken happy and what a coincidence for the series of alarming events in may, the shooting of fico, the move against vucic, the conspiracy in turkey and threats to the prime minister of georgia, while the west is imposing its depravity on the east, china is threatening taiwan with severe punishment. and why do beijing sanctions washington? why is there neither the moldovan language for the prime minister of romania, nor the moldovans themselves, alone
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only the rooms, wherever they went, they began to pursue this policy of rabid humanization. how the attempt of great romania to abolish moldova already ended centuries ago. while sandu is silent. alexey denisov will remind you that it all begins with this potion for drug addicts, and how our sergei zenin, together with the taliban, fights drug addiction by drinking. a unique report from afghanistan. you can even become intoxicated. the smoke is very acrid. news of the week, sunday, 20:00. about the development of the event. we'll tell you in the next news release, i say goodbye to you until 17:00, good sunday . cleaning floors is a tedious and
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