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tv   S toboi khochu ya bit vsegda  RUSSIA1  May 26, 2024 1:00pm-5:01pm MSK

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you are ready? yes, then come in, not me, can i close my eyes first, for me it was all wow, look, i don’t even have direct words, i don’t want the purchases, the purchases, i also noticed, purchases, by the way. i came here, maybe, maybe they didn’t see, i closed my eyes a little, and then once i opened it, i think i’m going to fall, the word is aerobatics, really consider, how to say, another, another dimension, oh, we have a huge closet, there are a lot of emotions , dasha liked the closet most of all, because she has a lot of things, of course, it’s women’s, it’s even divided here. you have your own place now, well me
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there’s enough space, i’ll move there too, it seems to me that’s how i wanted to get this adrenaline, i got it, i really like that all the colors are very bright, i didn’t expect that there would be so much of the same backlight, maybe the wall was moved apart, in fact, by the way, it feels more, i don’t know, well, the room has become completely different, as if from some expensive hotel in dubai, oh, sorry, they cost dogs. well, i mean it’s transparent, this is a table, this is this, this is crazy cool, i’m already thinking where i’ll put what, where everything will be , i really liked the blue wall, and look, i came in, i thought that the curtains were just complicated, there was something hidden inside, no, i thought they were fabric, in fact, they were made by great craftsmen, they are gold. golden hands, golden head,
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thank you very much, anyway, this is just amazing, can i, thank you very much, this is super, woman in labor, thank you very much, i didn’t expect it, i’m really, i’m very glad that you like it, just honey, honey flows , the ball gave me goosebumps that i didn't expect from this room.
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it’s good that there are eccentrics in the world, thanks to them this world is much brighter, but we eccentrics need remember, it is important to create harmony not only outside of yourself, but inside, that’s when we understand this, big changes burst into our lives.
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poster on the tv channel culture, theater, music, fine arts on may 26. in the tchaikovsky concert hall, a concert in honor of the eightieth anniversary of boris frumkin. among the participants are sergey zhilin, valery grokhovsky, mariam mirabova, anya chipovskaya, anna buturlina, a jazz chamber orchestra. the transparent sun of autumn is played at the sphere theater, staged by alexander korshinov based on the stories of yuri trifonov, yuri kazakov and yuri dombrovsky. the festival of classic pieces opens in the halls of the estate museum, with a program of works by mozart performed by alexandra gindin, yulia pokrovskaya and the moscow camerata orchestra. until june 2
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, the exhibition project group 13 in the alleys of the era is open at the museum of russian impressionism, dedicated to the artistic association that existed from 1929 to 1900 and chose the image of city landscapes as its theme. the exhibition includes more than 300 works of painting, graphics and decorative and applied arts from museum and private collections. the krasnoyarsk pushkin drama theater is performing oleg rybkin's play based on friedrich schiller's drama, treachery and love. the premiere performance of aivazovsky three elements about the life and work of pushkin and aivazovsky is shown at the veroslavl drama theater by ivan volkov. artist-animator alexander petrov. directed by alexander sazonov. multimedia action film aivazovsky three elements, what is it? on the one hand, these are paintings by aivazovsky, which we revived using the neural network, on the other hand, these are the return of composer vladimir martynov to the territory of the drama theater, from the third - these are pushkin's poems, choreography,
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a cool story of father and son, the end of everything, this is a judicial procedure where the viewer really decides what fate the artist deserves. until july 7, the exhibition “deineka’s time” is open to mark the 125th anniversary of the artist’s birth. the exhibition includes works by the master created from the twenties to the sixties of the last century, dedicated to the main themes of his work: sports, labor, aviation and heroes. festival youth theater the festival continues with the performance of the nizhny novgorod theater for young spectators mitel overcoat in a briefcase based on the works of pushkin and gogol , directed by maxim milomedov. the belarusian theater brought young spectators to... the festival was a play by tatiana sambuk based on the novel by mikhail bulgakov, the master and margarita, and the kazan tyus presented in st. petersburg radion bukaev's play happy charlotte, based on chekhov's play the cherry orchard. canadian theater company ex makinac concludes the thirtieth international shakespeare festival in krajove shows the play "hamlet the prince
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of denmark" directed by roberlipage. the german southwestern radio symphony orchestra performs works by dmitry shestakovich and igor strovinsky at the fischpilhaus in baden-baden. for the conductor. the pontipidou center presents a large-scale retrospective of constantin broncusi. art is just beginning. the center of the exhibition was the carefully restored studio of brancusi, where the artist’s archive was carefully preserved, as well as more than 200 sculptural works, photographs, paintings, drawings and video recordings from museum and private collections. tired of boring waffles and ugly toast? forget about it, because with the new power excel woffle star you'll discover a new world of belgian waffles and your kids will be begging you to make them again!
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here's the secret: the non-stick waffle iron plates have a deeper , larger design that allows you to add toppings to suit your tastes. cherry jam for preparation. cherry pie or fill the middle with scrambled eggs, ham and cheese to got himself years. in just three steps you will get your perfect puff waffle that everyone will love. your children will also be happy to join this exciting process. cooking with power xl is easy and simple, the light indicator will always tell you when the waffles are ready. breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, with the incredible new power xl waffle maker you will surprise everyone. why torture yourself old. waffle irons and toasts that cannot be topped with. with the power excel woffle star waffle iron you can always prepare waffles 5 cm high in in record time with extreme ease. waffles with apples, cinnamon and caramel, cherry. waffle pizza, cheese toast,
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french toast or hearty beef waffles. forget about the piles of dishes left behind after cooking. breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert. power xl is simply a pleasure to use. waffles for the whole family. call and get your unique power xl woffle star for your perfect waffles and more. the manufacturer's recommended price for the waffle iron is 79.95. but you will receive your original power xl woffle star at unique price, only 59.95. your savings will be 20 euros, but that's not all. if you order now, you will receive a brilliant power xl recipe booklet as a gift. from the famous chef, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, sometimes i’m quiet, i’ll go out on the threshold,
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i’ll breathe in the cold of the night, you and i have become, every wine, there’s so much winter in my soul, ice or no ice, it’s slippery, which of us will understand, how long we are still given to live together in the cold... but maybe summer will come, the winds will blow with it, there will be answers everywhere on how to love, the lights in the city disappear, they burn out like coal, they warm the thoughts that they were able to protect each other’s feelings. ice or no ice, it’s slippery, which of us will understand how long, we still
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have the opportunity to live together in the cold, but maybe summer will come and the meters will blow with it, you’re already up, yes, why, mom, i would have prepared everything myself. well, i don’t care what to feed my beloved son-in-law at work, thank you, oh, good morning, darling, good morning, good morning, dear, good morning, antonina ivanovna, so sit down, everything is ready, sit down, so, so, so, mom, maybe you can sit with us, no, no, no, i’ve eaten, there’s no time, the patients are waiting, we can’t be late, well, at least have some tea, otherwise that’s it. i didn’t eat anything, i ate, i ate, that’s it, i ran, while, well, we’ll have
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breakfast, yes, my love. with waking up, why did you get up so early? mom is coming, we need to prepare for the meeting.
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my deepest bow to sofia eduardovna. yeah thanks. zhenya, what about breakfast? hmm, are you asking me? usually the wife cooks for her husband tomorrow, and not vice versa. zhen, well, you understand, cooking is not my thing. in this case i. i prefer to trust the professionals, don’t help yourself, if we had a cook, we wouldn’t even think about breakfast, well , we discussed everything with you, we don’t need servants, you and i are not oligarchs, and in general i don’t ask for many things, on breakfast i'll have some kind of fried egg, there are cheesecakes with sour cream, okay, you'll have some fried egg with sour cream. good morning, son,
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firstly, hello, secondly , there is a glass for juice, i... “hello, i’ve been trying to raise you for 5 years, there’s very little sense, so what’s wrong, i said hello, thank you, i need money, i want a new car, but what about the old one, you haven’t driven it for a year, so that’s exactly the whole year, it’s not solid, it’s really not solid, i ’ve been driving the same car for 5 years,
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uh-huh, then meeting with suppliers, in short, i 'll be late, ma'. what the heck? you 've lost your shit, little one, don't worry, you'll get your car when the time is right, just please don't irritate your father, he's not my father, yes, he's not your real father, but you live in his apartment, you spend his money at his expense, please so be more respectful, you understand me,
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okay, okay, i'll try. yes, it’s one thing, then another, one way or another, by the way, so what will we do, the patients are already waiting there, let’s do this, you are the patients, let’s accept them, but just be careful, he’ll come for the entrance and see what can be done here. but that’s not all, the electropheresis machine is broken, we need to buy a new one, we can do something about it, but we can’t do anything about it, we have no money, we can’t buy a new one, good afternoon, gentlemen, as i
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understand it, today’s unscheduled meeting shareholders, initiated by the development director... roman, that’s right, that ’s right, evgeniy vasilyevich, what do you have, let’s not be tormented, yes, thank you, evgeniy vasilyevich, that means, look, this is my business plan, pass it on, please, the goal of any commercial enterprise is first and foremost profit, times are hard now, raw materials are becoming more expensive, profits are falling, well , yes, we cannot change the terms of the contract before the expiration date, we will have to pay.
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roma, you and i have already discussed this, you suggest diluting cheap chemicals and organic fertilizers. wait, yes, listen, i agree, there will be twice as much fertilizer, this is true, but then we will sell this fertilizer to people, they will approve of potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes with this poison, which you, by the way, roma, will eat, not so you, our children, our grandchildren, rum, why are you proposing to poison people? evgeniy vasilyevich, i propose, first of all , to increase profits. you have a great understanding of finances, but in everything else, i think, not very well, your proposal is no good, we need to look for other ways to increase profits. sorry, evgeniy vasilyevich, but i am primarily guided by the interests of shareholders, you understand, people have invested a lot of money
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in our production and want to receive appropriate dividends. so, now i’ll explain it differently, i’ll translate from chinese into russian, as long as i hold the position of director of an enterprise for the production of organic fertilizers, i’m of sound mind, good memory, by the right of the main shareholder, i will block any decisions regarding using cheap surrogates, is this clear? then i consider our meeting of shareholders closed, kirill, you will draw up a protocol and enter all my words verbatim for everyone to sign, thank you all,
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well, work, dear. hello, hello, can i come to you, yes, yes, here is a referral from the local therapist, please come, 10 sessions of phoresis, yeah, oh, unfortunately, we won’t be able to do electrophoresis procedures today, the device is faulty, so try to sign up. in a week, how can it be, daughter, i without this phoresis, i might die in a week, i went to the doctor, i felt better. so, and he prescribes me free analgin tablets, and i tell him, you prescribed these tablets to me last time, they don’t help me, so, and he
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tells me, then i’ll send you to fares, he’ll definitely help, yeah, what are you complaining about, after gardening, my back hurts, i don’t have any water, okay, let’s get to bed, i’ll take a look. nat, have you seen my phone number? let me dial you from mine. it's pointless, my sound is turned off. hiding from your lovers? what kind of mistresses? clients, you know, clients can call, wake everyone up, for them there is no non-working time. they think that i have to break away all night and run to repair their computer. come on. don’t invent how many of these clients you have, listen, maybe you should return to the fertilizer plant, that’s not
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why they fired me, to take me back, maybe you’ll still ask someone who ’s not there, nati, i need specialists with modern technologies, i'm not allowed to see the general, i he suggested to his deputy that we create a unified accounting computer database, so that everything would be in one system, where it came from, where it went, price, income, expenses, but he told me there was a violation. the dearest, the best in the world, why didn’t you tell primama in the morning, why don’t you guess, why are you looking at me like that, and in the same way? it’s like in a cage, there’s nowhere to put your foot, there’s also a child here, well, how will mom react to this, mom will react wonderfully, don’t you know antonina ivanovna, nadenka, don’t worry about it,
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we’ll figure out something about housing, maybe we’ll even we’ll soon get rich, what a joy it is, how can it be, have you forgotten, i ’m developing a power unit, an arm for an exoskeleton, a very necessary and useful thing, it’s needed for, i know, i know, it’s hard to lift. loads for strength work, rehabilitation of the disabled, and so on and so forth, i know everything, but how long will you continue to develop it, it’s only been with me for 3 years, i’ll finish it soon, patent it, give it to the launch, here it is, a stable income, it’s not harmful to dream , uh, hold your phone, oh, thank you,
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spasms are different, they occur when certain structures of the nervous system are excited, dysfunction of individual neurons, under the influence of toxic, endocrine, electrolyte and metabolic substances, as well as when certain... psychogenic factors are disrupted, well, in your case we are dealing with tonic spasms, provoked by prolonged tension of the muscle fiber, which contracts and causes long-term and lingering pain, but what do you understand about this, or what? now i’m a nurse, but i studied to be a doctor. i wanted to be a rheumatologist become, and what, expelled? no, i didn’t finish my studies myself, i got married, and what should i
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do with these spasms, how to treat them, i can do a massage, it will be easier, how much, what, how much? how much will you charge for a massage? and i beg you, it’s okay, is this free, or what? well, of course, you came for the procedures, the device is not working, i’ll give you a massage until the device is repaired, a handle here, a second one here, some miracles, no miracles, relax, relax,
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“roman, we agreed with you that everything will go as it should, that we will make a profit, we we have already contacted the right people, we are ready to supply raw materials, don’t worry, all the agreements are in force, in the end i am also interested in this, you remember about my dividends, if we get additional profit, evgeniy has a blocking stake, while he is against it, you won’t get anything, don’t worry, i’ll come to an agreement with him.” “i assure you, i hope you understand that you don’t have much time, we have already started the process of supplying raw materials, in which case you will have to answer not only to me. lerochka, you’ve been gone for 5 years, please forgive me yes, i live with another woman, but you yourself said, life, it’s a complicated thing, just don’t
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stop, go, don’t give up.” be happy, i’m trying to be happy, my beloved girl, forgive me for god’s sake, yes , can you come in, gene, zhenya, what’s wrong with you, you’re not feeling well, but nothing, a little bit of a headache, blood pressure, apparently, yes, everything’s fine, i took the pills, it should go away now, maybe a doctor, no, no, no, you just came in, there’s an affair, something’s going on with the shareholders, i don’t like it, yeah okay, leave them alone, the roma are my concern, the main thing is, please look after the equipment, follow our technology
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strictly, for this... so let’s do it this way, first to the hospital for the opening, then i’ll go to the cemetery, that’s it, let’s meet downstairs , uh-huh, everything is definitely fine with you, it’s simple and you usually never stay late, the premiere is on rtr, you’ll leave me without a morning kiss, i have a husband,
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a job. and stability, i’m already unhappy, and you brazenly write travel, happiness, luck into your schedule, anna taratorkina, who are you, how you got here, this is my number, dmitry miller, you have to admit that you like me, when we moved, alexey fatiev, who is there with you, i’m alone, it’s just an accident, what an idiot, you can plan a vacation. i am love, i don’t understand anything myself, i need to figure it all out, melody for yours, from monday on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting
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cleaning on all fours, that's enough! use a broom dustpan, use a thunderous vacuum cleaner, which is not able to clean the most inaccessible places, all this is in the past. now you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass, quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper sweeper. the dipper swieper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. tri-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest the garbage will be swept into the container. what's more, the durable corner brush at the front gets into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners can't, when the cleaning is done, it can also be easily cleaned with just one touch of a button, ideal
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for hard surfaces. all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture, where... it is very difficult to reach, only today unique, ingenious the livington dipper swiper cordless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for just 89.95, but if you call to order now, you will receive an incredible 20 euro discount, and livington dipper sweeper will get you for. probable 6995, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, we even see what is hidden, and what everyone sees is always new for us,
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the journey of a special suitcase, around the kremlin and others, here are my interesting moments. o how when big politics is being done, daily fill out a special interview about relations with the west, there will be a russian bear, when we answer in such a way that it won’t seem a little, we will see, we will show more than others, all the time one step ahead, moscow, the kremlin, putin, look at rtr today, daughter. i don’t understand something, your husband refuses to buy gleb a new car? yes, mom, he says that the one he has is almost new. hmm, what kind of husband did you get? another would be happy that he has such a young, beautiful wife, he would do everything for
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for her, for her family and friends, but you don’t ask him to buy a plane, just some unfortunate car, you have to beg him for something all the time, you know what, and you tell him? let him open your name wonderfully, put down a normal amount right away, demand, after all, you are the wife, you think he will agree, but you married the wrong one, the wrong one, mom, you might think i had options at my age , and even with a child, it’s good, although he got caught, in the end, he moved us here, bought you an apartment, everything anyway, he’s greedy, something needs to be done about it, yes, mom, only in his understanding it’s not greed, but a greedy use of money, i don’t care how he understands it, i have a cruise in a month, i hope you do you remember, i need to pay for
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the ticket, yes, mom, i remember, i remember, pour me another drink and i’ll go, i somehow... don’t want to meet with your boss, i can’t restrain myself, i need to leave while he’s home didn’t come back, one joy is that your husband is not at home, don’t tell me, zhen, forgive me for asking you about this, but i i consider myself your friend, therefore i am obliged, a frightening long foreplay, let’s ask, lately i have noticed that you are constantly walking around in a bad mood, you have become irritable, again.
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i suddenly became so lonely once margarita, well , just the queen of the beach, we met her at a resort, we were relaxing, and her son is a lively, energetic guy, you know how i wanted a son, to teach him, to teach him, to pass on everything that i have , and as soon as he returned, he immediately proposed, yes, i remember you told her, and what happened now, you i fell out of love, yes, love, it’s such a tricky thing, it doesn’t always work out what you expected, we fucking sleep even in different bedrooms, sometimes it seems to me that she is absolutely indifferent, no, when it comes to...
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come on, listen, let’s go , because people were waiting for us, let’s go, well, great, yes. somehow there are no dear guests in sight, konstantinina is all exhausted, nothing, i ’ll wait, i need to talk to the sponsor about new devices for the office, listen, antonina, yes, i’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time, what are you doing in your office? in the evenings you sit there, don’t go home, but what do you care? actually, i clean the offices after the appointment, i’ll put everything away and wait, i’ll sit until... you leave, your office is the last one, well, do
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n’t wait until the appointment of patients ends, come and get out, i’m sitting and won’t bother you, well, you don’t bother me, but you don’t want to go home, but it’s a bit dark there, you know, i have a young daughter and son-in-law, i want to give them time to be alone, but i don’t want to interfere, you know, i understand, what are they they’re sitting at home, like my daughter is going to work now holidays, my son-in-law was fired from the factory, but for now he’s sitting without work, but for what? fired, that's the point, it's unclear why, he worked as a programmer at a fertilizer plant, uh-huh, smart guy, well, so unexpectedly, antonina, yes, and at the wrong time, that 's not what i'm talking about, you know , who are our sponsors, who gave money for this board, the director of the very plant that produces fertilizers, for sure... it’s him, he unfairly
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fired your son-in-law, you should come when he arrives and figure it out, understand what’s there, how, talk to him, tet, tet, think, so it’s possible, of course, it’s possible, of course, well, okay, i’ll try, oh, i’ll take it, evgeniy vasilyevich, forgive me, hello, how glad we are, how glad we are to see you, please excuse me. the employees of our hospital are very grateful to you for the support you provided, a respectable guest came, well , i think that’s great, come on, antonina, don’t miss your chance, i don’t even know what’s more important to me now, to talk about my son-in-law’s dismissal or about new devices, and about this, and about that, in turn, it’s possible, yes it’s possible, if you’re careful, let’s try, come on. "hello,
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hello, excuse me, i have a request for you, you are the sponsor of our hospital, no, not really a sponsor, palnikolaich and i studied at school, i would like people to just remember about him, but i don’t care, well, sorry, i don’t i wanted to say this, could you, well, maybe in memory of academician belsky, allocate us money for a physiotherapy room?" "it’s very, very necessary, here’s the prospectus, i’ll look at everything, then i’ll answer you, yeah, don’t bother me, please , antonivna, evgeniy vasilyevich, he’s already tired, he’s had a very hard day, which means no, yes, antonina, be quiet, wait, wait, i didn’t say, no, i meant that i’ll come to the factory, sit in the office, see what’s what, i’ll definitely answer you, yes, yes, yes , here you are sitting there in your offices, and because of you some people are left without work as a result, and they have to feed their families, wait,
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your daughter loves your smartphone, but what do you want?
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well, so that you can make long-distance calls for free, well, the pictures are all there, so, you need a navigator, come on, so, because young people understand such technologies, it’s just that everyone should mind their own business, you do auto repair, and i do programming, and not only, i told you about my power unit, listen, come on later, while i change the oil, and you set up the phone for me, yeah, go ahead, thank you. yes, yes, yes, now we will be ready, now we are waiting for you, thank you, we are waiting, who did she mean, who is artyom bobrov, yes, we had such a young specialist after college, his roman. we don’t agree on goals and objectives, but i recognize my friend roma, so bring me her personal file tomorrow, i want it myself figure it out, okay, but why, i want to understand what is unfair, only a director can either hire or stink of work, hush, see you, daughter, don’t forget about the money, i remember, mom, i remember, and be
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with his gentler, otherwise he’ll run away, or to be more precise, he’ll kick him out, mom, like, on your tongue, we’ll live a while longer, and to gleb, hello, gleb, he’s so cool, well, girls, let’s go for a ride, i have a wonderful place outside the city, picnic, cognac, music, oh well, how will you take us, you’re drunk, and why, come on, wait, what is this, well, it’s somehow weird, we ’ll kill ourselves, what are you talking about, i’m an ace, i’m not a class car, but i’m driving blindly.
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there your borka is rowdy again, here at the store he’s got his sandals on like a shoemaker, and he’s rocking, he’s not mine, he’s been divorced for 5 years, how long can you connect me with him, drown, well, only you can pacify him, well, go to the store, talk to him, because they will take the guy to the kutuska, but you don’t really feel sorry for him, okay, i’ll go, thank you, love, that’s it. okay, oh, trouble, well, let him go, borya, if you make trouble, i ’ll call the local police officer, paradise, that you are not like my own, borenka, well, go home, well, in an amicable way, well , give me a white bottle, i’ll go , hello, come in, yeah, i won’t lend you any more, you owe me for two more bottles from last month, you’re already you can barely
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stand on your feet, go home, what two bottles, i ’m telling you, please sell me the little white one, but what do i need? what to do, what not to do, i ’m telling you, give me a bubble, and i’ll give you the money, i told you, i won’t give you anything, here’s your wife, ask her, let’s go, come here, borya, tonya, tonya , tone, hear, tell this we're hoping that she sells me a bottle, please, go away, go home for god's sake, and i'm asking you, why are you also in agreement or something, why are you making a scandal, aren't you ashamed?
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there's your home, let's go, hold on to me, i 'll see you off, let's go, let's go, hold on to me, heaven, give me some boots, let's go, i'm telling you, you're so good, hold on to me, let's go, fighting, look at who you are i started to look like someone, it ’s not me, it’s vodka, uh-huh, yes, i understand everything, great, drown, but if you understand why you’re drinking, it’s melancholy, you know, hopelessness, complete, i’m already a downed pilot, i can’t get a job, you know, everyone thinks i’m a drunk, oh, money is happiness, so, if there’s no work, all i
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can do is drink, and before you know, i what kind of person he was, yes, yes, borya, drown, i... borya, you know, maybe it’s better, that on uh-huh, today, tomorrow you’ll stay on the street, i’ll stay on the street. you're a fool, that's all. she is
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jushka, as i remembered my daughter. yes. she's doing well. i graduated from teaching and go to work in school in september. but you never never came in. i wanted. yeah, i wanted to, but i couldn’t. well, that’s right, if you stop drinking, then you’ll come. understood? thank you. tony, this is for you, go to sleep, borya, you are kind, tony, thank you, go to sleep, i beg you, please,
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today on rtf. rest is leaving yourself
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alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest. this is a vacation. we know everything about holidays. anex. rum. castro. product of stellar group. welcome to the newest rixos hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday. where is everything created for the happiness and comfort of their parents' children. escape from everyday life into the world. endless entertainment! enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday!
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rixsas radomis sharmel sheikh! mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and atmosphere. complete relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and incendiary entertainment, welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. do you remember what you promised me? i remember, what did i promise? did you promise to marry me? well, that’s where you are going, i almost knocked you down, why are you silent, i hurt you, no, i didn’t, this is my brother vanya,
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it’s very nice, but i’m not very pleased, our kiryusha is marrying his daughter merav, alyon, i don’t have no bride, these are all my brother’s requests, i’m not interested, you believe me too, don’t you think that he should decide for himself, should he marry or not, and what should we do now? maybe you are there? if you insist, i'll try. a simple girl, on friday on rtr. i'm tired, mamun. there is a little bit, mom, how i love to sit with you in silence. mom,
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you know, i wanted to tell you this morning, in general, something happened, but nothing happened, everything is fine, just, well, talk, don’t be tormented, you will soon become a grandmother, god, my dear, i’ve been waiting for so long, lord, i’m so glad, i’m so glad, tyoma knows, she told him, he’s home, home, tinkering with his invention, but about child, i told him this morning how happy i am, that’s all. mom came, i
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told her everything, and how did she react? well , everything is as you said, let's go, antonina ivanovna, congratulations, so let 's think about what to do, the newborn needs an extra place, where can we get it? “i see one way out, i need to move, mom, where will you move, we have nothing but this house, on the veranda, it’s cold there, so what, let’s see first, and then we’ll decide, great idea, let’s go see, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
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that’s great, the windows are big, there’d be a lot of light, we can put up second frames, we’ll put up some wallpaper, it’ll be a great room, why didn’t we think of that before, well, that’s an option, we just need to insulate the floors, otherwise it’ll get frosty in winter, not enough it won’t seem so, that’s why we’ll start now before the frosts, yes, listen, this is of course a good idea, but where will we get the money for repairs, we’ll decide with the money, my salary is small, but stable, i’ll save up, and from september i’ll just get my salary in school will be on... oh, i beg you, a teacher's salary, i would generally in your situation, i was thinking whether to go to school or not, but what do you mean, well, you ’re about to have maternity leave, then look for a replacement for the director, yes, maybe you’re right, however, i’m more worried about the children, it even turns out that i’m their i’ll take it now, but i won’t be able to finish it until the end of the school year, that’s it, now i need
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to write a statement to the director, but you completely forgot about me, by the way, i also earn money. so are you up? come on, come on, drink some tea, quickly! oh, margot, oh, zhenya, i didn’t notice you, what’s on today? dinner? listen, forgive me, but i forgot, now i ’ll quickly order something at the restaurant, don’t, don’t, i don’t want to leave the restaurant, wife, don’t be angry, i told you, mom
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came in, we chatted, i didn’t have time . by the way, about mom, remember, i told you about a trip to a sanatorium, what kind of trip, mom wants to improve her health, your mom will outlive you and me, hmm, that is, you refuse, no, of course, i don’t refuse, i’ll pay for everything , just please, don’t do me any favors, okay, you’re always like that first you promise, and then you act as if i’m robbing you, margot, “don’t get excited, i’m just very tired, i want to eat, i’ll be at my place, good evening, captain of the manor house, are you
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in charge”? car at the time of the accident. so what? present documents for vehicles and licenses. for an examination, then to our department for temporary detention, get over it, we’ll talk, i didn’t understand something, cop, are you kidding me or something, i’ll call you now and i’ll have you examined, i’ll handcuff you now , let’s go, put your paws away , rubbish.
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hello, mom, hi, i'm at the police, at the police, what happened, right? everything is fine, just come take me away from here, zhenya, zhenya, wake up, what’s wrong, gleb called, he’s at the police, we need to go there urgently, i don’t
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understand what happened, i don’t know, he didn’t tell me anything, please get dressed i need to go there quickly, now, that’s it, now i’m getting dressed, well, well, in general, i can’t do anything here. a thorough renovation is needed here, you can’t get away with just cosmetics, but what about the office, you can see patients, what kind of appointment, we are closing the office for renovations, as we are closing, and my patients, i have an appointment for a month in advance, well, you’ll go on an indefinite leave, but this is still better than dismissal, well, we’ll do the renovations. we'll reinstate you, come on, okay, well, as you understand, unpaid leave,
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where is gleb, what happened to him, you saw him, saw him, saw him, he had an accident, he lost control, he was drunk, but... he is ok? yes, it’s time for scratches, here’s the passenger, she’s in the hospital, she has a traumatic brain injury, that’s it. and he will be released soon. can you hear me? he is the culprit of the accident, the person was injured. who will just let him go? how much are they asking? not at all. gleb committed a crime, he will answer according to the law, he will be judged. what? you promised, you want to ruin the child’s life. it was he who broke everything for himself, i warned him, what is he?
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oh, zina, if you knew how much i need a job, i’m ready for any option, you’ll keep it in mind, okay, yes, of course, thank you, you’re like a little child, what are you talking about, but it’s all about the same thing, well, that’s where you take it to the garage, where i’ll work on it. no, here you are you’re wrong, you remember, i was into this stuff back in college, a power suit is the future, yeah, and you, of course, think that
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you can create this future in our garage, yes, why not, of course, it would be nice i’d like to bribe something so that i can start experimenting now, but now i can’t afford it, if the college guys hadn’t shot themselves, there would have been a result now, now they’re all over the place, some are programmers, some are admins, that’s right you've done that you've merged, you're wasting your time on all sorts of nonsense, you don't understand, hope? it’s a pity, they were smart guys, but they gave up, the everyday life broke them, and now they could have helped bring the invention to completion , they would have helped science, but nothing, i can handle it alone, something tells me that they weren’t very upset there , that your sciences didn’t help, they’re probably paid decently, and their families don’t need anything, nadyush, well, it’s not about the money, but no, my dear, it’s about the money, what about them, but you still can’t do that you can’t understand, all day long,
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like a bliss, i’m ready to do something unknown, and even for nothing. nadyush, this is brilliant idea, you just need to bring it to the end, and you will see that i was right, but it won’t lead to anything. artyom, while you are working on your invention, i will already become a grandmother. when you become a grandmother, i will become a grandfather. very funny. by the way, i ’m serious, but you were even invited to such a famous company in the states, and you? i'm a patriot, i'm needed here. yes, they invited me, and by the way, it was for work.
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there may just be problems with coordinating the meeting, so what to do now? while he is here, he needs professional care, but the rehabilitation period usually takes place at home, tell me, this rehabilitation period, can’t it be done here with you, we have money, we can pay, we don’t practice this, but then at home it’s still better, at home walls help, well you can hire a rehabilitation specialist. well, yes, of course,
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but where can i find such a specialist? but we have such a database of employees in this profile. and can you help me? yes. thank you. i will be very grateful to you. tell me, can i see my husband now? you can but only for a short time. shanya, it's me. how are you, okay, call the factory, tell me about me, they took my phone, renya, i understand it’s hard for you now, you need to get some sleep.
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rest, but gleb, he can’t wait, he needs to be pulled out of prison, urgently, zhenya, no, let him answer himself, but how can that be, zhenya, i said, no, go away, go away. romochka, we need to meet urgently, not a telephone conversation, come to me, yes, to my house, i’m waiting, antonina. why
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did you come to ask for money again? tonya, it’s really necessary, well, you’re a person, that’s why i won’t give it to you. borya, you need to stop drinking and get a job. yes, take your head in the end. well, tony, just don’t start, what are you teaching me all my life? i ask you to give me the money, i will pay it back later. i told you, there is no money. yes, the work is not very good, i came to the wrong address. yes, even if they were, borya, i wouldn’t owe you the favor, oh, tonya, you don’t understand me.
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hello children, hello mom, hello! why are you so worried? boris came, will he talk about money again? nadezh, he is a sick man, one can only feel sorry for him. mom, you all these years you felt sorry for him, and he took advantage of you. don't get lost. by the way, i have more serious problems. they closed my physical therapy office, so i'm out of work. bye. closed, why? the building is in disrepair , we were all sent on indefinite leave, how could it be at such a bad time? okay, okay, don’t worry, you can’t do it now, everything will be fine, i’ll find a job, i will, of course you will, specialists in your profile
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are always needed, so don’t talk nonsense, we have one hospital in the city, where should she go, so what? you 're such a pessimist, but smile, smile, that’s another thing, everything will be fine, okay, i’ll go cook dinner, i’m hungry, do n’t worry, i’ll help you now, i’ll sit for a second, okay, sit, sit, i’ll do everything myself, thank you, hello, evgenya, at home, no, you’re i didn’t explain anything to the phone, what happened? he's in the hospital having a stroke. stroke? well, a stroke is not fatal. it’s unpleasant, of course, because people recover from more serious illnesses. roma, there is something else similar. what else? gleb
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at the police. he is accused of an accident, and zhenya refused to help him. lately he simply unbearable. what should i do? i have no one to turn to. margo, with a scraper, i will help you. i have one lawyer who solves any problems. is it true? certainly. for the wife of a beloved boss, and just for a beautiful woman, all the best. rom, you know, i was thinking, the whole house is ours, no one is there. maybe you can stay the night? margot, mine. “queen, i only dreamed about this, everything is definitely fine with you, you just never usually stay late, the premiere is on rtr, you will leave
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me without a morning kiss, i have a husband, work and stability, i'm unhappy, and you take the impudence in '. we're glad. a melody for yours. from monday on rtr. stearsman bourbon is a product of stellor group.
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food prices are rising all the time, and we still allow food to go to waste. how many times has this happened to you? you are going to cook, you go for a loaf of bread and... discover that it is either not fresh or moldy. we know how to help you save. just look at this bread and you can’t tell that it’s already 2 weeks old, it looks like you just yesterday we brought it from the store. how can this be? introducing bret smart from taper vr. an easy, convenient way to keep your baked goods fresh, soft and ready to serve. innovative condens control membrane cap from brad smart. with micro-fine precision ventilation is designed to regulate the air humidity level inside the container to create the perfect atmosphere and keep your bread fresher for longer. so instead of spoiling and becoming moldy, your bread stays soft, fresh and delicious as long as
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you won't be ready to eat it. the brad smart is large enough to hold several loaves. look at these croissants, just imagine, they were bought at the same time, one was in a regular package, and this one was in the bread smart system. the difference is obvious. just think for a moment how much money you throw away every year because of spoiled bread and drink. 100 euros, 200 or much more. today the sensational tapor vred smart system can be yours from just 39.95. put an end to food waste because throwing away bread and pastries is like throwing money in the trash. brad smart will keep your baked goods deliciously fresh, save you money and pay for itself in just a few weeks. don't wait any longer. call us now. veda vodka, a product of stellor
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group. continuation of the sensational investigation of the volgograd adoptive mother signora fratti, who in the nineties was able to illegally bring over 1,260 russian children to italy. we went to italy to personally check out her company nadya service, in to whom nadezhda fratti offered to take the child. against the backdrop of all the information noise. hastily sells off his property, how hope fratti managed to leave the country now, only we have all the details. malakhov, on monday on rtr. what do you mean i didn’t return from vacation, but i don’t care that it’s a family circumstance, it doesn’t matter that it’s at my own expense. so, where, where will i find a replacement, who will work for me? hello, what irresponsibility, garina konstantinovna, hello,
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hello, antonia, what do you want? i, this, mine the office is being renovated, i wanted to ask if it’s possible to get a payment for last month, i started renovating the house, i need money, you say money, you need it, i have a business proposal for you, so i have one here. the procedural nurse didn’t show up from vacation, yeah, you can replace her, become a procedural nurse, but actually, it’s not really my qualifications, she said it herself, i need money, the job is temporary, you work, and then you look, they’ll open your office, okay, okay, according to, well, let’s go, i’ll now introduce you as a patient, there’s one special one there, you’re more polite with him, well here we are, let's go, they are already waiting for us. yes,
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well, meet margarita olegovna, this is lawyer arkady, well, because the case that i outlined to you yesterday, yes, margarita olegovna, i will do everything in my power, sit down, the case, of course, is not easy and requires something special. year, but as they say, the right strategy helps solve any, even the most insoluble problems, i really hope so, and as for your question directly, i think additional investments may be required here, i hope you understand what kind of investments i mean i say, but there is no other way, i told you. at the moment, that's all i have. well, let's see, maybe
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this will be quite enough. don't worry, don't worry, we will definitely solve all your problems. well, i'm a professional. evgeny vasilyevich, how are you feeling today? hello, it’s lousy, but it’s temporary, be patient, lie down, you’ll still keep me in bed, yes, yes, for some time, definitely, we’ll do some procedures, here we have a treatment sister, antonina ivanovna, it’s very nice, and i i saw you somewhere, yes, we saw each other recently, at... the opening of a memorial plaque, yes, i remembered, electroforce, yes, but
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i haven’t had time to look at the new device yet, but i didn’t even get to the office, about your relative, i understand, i understand, i see the contact has been found, but i won’t interfere, antonina, you will receive all the official instructions for appointments for patients at the post, i understand, you are in good hands, but look out. do you need anything? yes, health. well, health will come if you really, really want it. and if i can’t, but with this attitude there’s definitely nothing
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will come out. okay, without you. okay, that's all, all we have to do is wait. rom, you ’re sure of me, but this lawyer seemed somehow undignified to me, or what? margot, i knew him at the age of 20, he is a man of his word, he said he’ll do it, so we’ll do it. rom, i am very grateful to you. thank you. margot, my queen is everything for you, sit down and don’t worry, palych, hello, great, you cleaned up something for me, subject, but there’s one thing, palych, you can look at the hydraulics in my car, but why not look,
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drive your car into a pit, but not this one cars.
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wait, dude, i can help you, seriously, but as soon as you write a receipt, you took so much and gave it back then, i’ll give you the sticks, i’ll give you 100%, i’m working, well, i wanted to change the car, well, since this is the case, i’ll suffer for old man, i don’t even know how to thank you, come on, my people, let’s get out of here, roman! you probably forgot why we appointed you to the position of deputy director of the enterprise, but i remember everything, my purpose here is to control the funds of shareholders and investors, well, not only, i hope you understand that the task of shareholders is not only to preserve
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the funds invested in the enterprise, but also to increase them, in this case we are also counting on... you, right, after all, i’m trying, but evgeniy vasilyevich, he, he here is the boss, literally beating the hand, a conservative and a tyrant, you informed me that he is now in the hospital with some disappointing diagnosis, yes, so why don’t you take leadership into your own hands and, so to speak, set a good example to achieve an effective result, and... how the shareholders will support you in everything, well, that’s good, i’ll give the corresponding order right now, i’ll show them, so to speak, an example, well, great, then i wish you good luck , remember, we’re counting on you, all the best.
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and here i am again, evgeniy vasilyevich, let’s start the procedures, i don’t want to. well then you won’t recover, it hurts, pain is good, it means that the nervous system is normal, there is contact with the brain, you hear me, i don’t want anything anymore, you don’t need anything, go away, you have been prescribed ivs and procedures, but i don’t want it, then... please, inform your personal doctor about this yourself, that’s all, that’s it, leave, when the solution runs out, give a signal to
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the post, i’ll come over, what are you doing here, this is evgeny vasilyevich’s office, evgeny vasilyevich is in the hospital with a stroke. i am his first deputy, temporarily acting as head of the enterprise. i see you're not wasting your time. gennady, what are you talking about? that's about it. have you given the order to purchase synthetic raw materials for fertilizers? yes, i gave such an order. are you crazy? we are not we work with artificial fertilizers, who gave you the right to manage here? in the absence of a manager, i have the right to do this. not certainly in that way. i dare to remind you, roman arkadyevich, that it’s on the last one.
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from a legal point of view, this is not an argument, in the absence of the boss we do not have the right to make any decisions, okay, let's go to his hospital, we'll talk, that's a good idea, i'm just going to visit him, so let's go, zina, oh, tonka, hi, how are you here, got a job, temporary, great, we’re with you again we’ll be side by side with you, listen, did you hear the news, what, our sponsor
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suffered a blow, but i know, i’m doing procedures for him, so, finally our time has come, i mean, well , as they say, revenge is a dish, which should be eaten cold, are you crazy or something, shame on you, the man is sick, and you want to take revenge. and i would take revenge on him, i would take revenge on him like this, that you are with me or with him, please try to remain silent, okay, well, whatever you say, of course, if you need to clean up, just call me, i’ll clean up. what are you doing i'm out of my mind, in your situation, let me do it, why are you worried, nothing will happen to me, i could handle it, you can't
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strain yourself, you're pregnant, you need to think about the child, by the way, i found money for repairs, from where i borrowed it , said , you will return it when you can, your golden man, palych, my children, i got news from me, and from us too, i’m the first, i got a job as a procedural nurse in our hospital, i’ll put in ivs, give injections temporarily, but better than nothing, congratulations, mom, i told you, we’ll cope, this is not all, you know who one of my patients, who is a famous actor or actress, no, i didn’t guess, the director of a plant, what other plant, mom, what are you talking about, not about anything, but about whom, the director who fired artyom. evgeniy vasilyevich, yeah, it’s a pity, i hope he gets better. why is it a pity? it is because of him that now he is no longer a plant system administrator, but a simple taxi driver. this is not because of him, it was his deputy who tried. what difference does it make, they are all
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capitalists. big difference. evgeniy vasilyevich is a good person, and his deputy is the cunning praidoha. and how then such a good person had such a praidokha in his swing? so, my children, don’t quarrel. i propose to celebrate my new work. and a chick with a cake. let's go, guys, excuse me, i can't speak quickly, it's difficult. yes , everything is clear, the main thing is don’t worry, we understand everything, well, how are things at the plant, that’s why we came, then roman, taking advantage of your absence, took over the management of the enterprise and is transferring it to synthetic raw materials, i forbid it, i am the boss at factory, i did not appoint anyone in my place. listen,
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evgeniy vasilyevich, i’m already tired of explaining to our comrades, this is the market, competition, the chinese, and finally, if this is not done, nothing can be done without me, gena, you are a technologist, all production at the plant is on you, nothing can be changed without me, nothing, i understand, evgeniy vasilyevich, i understand, the main thing is, don’t worry, the main thing is... to recover and fully recover, roma, yes, forget it, forget about synthetics, of course, you are the boss, evgeniy vasilyevich, it’s up to you to decide, yes, i boss, and you, apparently, are starting to forget about it, it’s okay, i’ll get back on my feet, big changes await us all, yes, we will go, we will not bore you with our presence, i will keep you informed of
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the matter, the main thing is that i am getting better, yes, get better, evgeniy vasilyevich, you know how tired i am of him, these are endless reproaches, and now that he was in the hospital, he became generally unbearable, my daughter, he was always so boring and stuffy, you always had to squeeze something of your own from him, don’t tell me, he never... never offered, you have to beg all the time, but now how -it’s kind of inconvenient, which means it’s inconvenient, he’s a husband, that means should, oh, mom, otherwise you don’t know him, now there’s also a problem with gleb, that is , my glebushka can, yes, mom, i ’m telling you about this, but he doesn’t blow it in his mouth, he says, it’s not his problems, let him answer himself, you need to put pressure on him, why are you
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embarrassed, if i were you, oh, mom, that’s it, dear, i’m sorry, i have a very important meeting now, just about gleb, so, okay, i i’m leaving, try to resolve the issue with the ticket depending on the situation, i wouldn’t want to give up my vacation, mom, well, now i have absolutely no time to think about it, ok, ok, i'll try. that's it, mommy, bye, so, thank you, here you go, thank you, what news do you have, artyom found money for repairs, which means we can call a craftsman to make us a veranda, great, anyone have any thoughts, why a craftsman, i i can do it myself, no thanks, i’m also a builder, where from? you
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know how to do it right, you’ll set it up, who knows what, and then rebuild it, no, well, my job is to offer, you need to offer practical advice, so my children, don’t swear, i’ll take on this question myself, i’ll find it myself masters, margosh, dear, as soon as i’m free, i’ll come to you right away, come on, kiss me, your client called, margarita, well, whose son got into an accident, but yeah, she wants to meet, she’ll probably ask how you’re doing, what should i tell her answer, tell me that everything is fine, the matter turned out to be much simpler than i expected, this, what’s his name, gleba, yes, glyaba, in short, the boy can be sent home tomorrow, the victim only has...
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and a slight concussion, with relatives i agreed with the victim that they will not file a complaint, although he told the police he was rude when he was detained, for this he was locked up for a couple of days, so as not to say so, the maximum that he faces is a decision on the rights of driving while intoxicated, wait, no need to let anyone go anywhere. let him sit a little longer, it’s not time, i don’t understand you, bring your mother first. you say, you need to help, now you say, let him sit, you’re being dark, roma, what’s the point in this, look, gleb is a golden boy, and the more problems this boy has, the more money you can
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shake hands with his rich mother, it will be for you a real gesheft, i would have said right away, i don’t mind, you know me, let me invite you to taris, your wife is having an affair with this musician, i don’t believe that vika could cheat on me, a melody for yours, premiere from monday on rtr , vodka pichora. product of stellar group: not enough pressure in the garden hose, tired of endlessly cleaning everything with your own hands, introduce hammer smith's hydroblast, a fast, simple, very convenient pressure washer gun,
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cordless, rechargeable and absolutely revolutionary. wash your car, motorcycle or bike, wash your home, garden paths, driveway and more. hydrablast uses the same techno. like heavy-duty professional washers and condenses it to accommodate this small but highly efficient 150w copper motor to create an incredible 50 bar of pressure. the powerful lithium battery is enough for any task. the hammer smith hydroblast is extremely lightweight, extremely comfortable and incredibly versatile, with virtually unlimited applications. wherever you are from did you take water? hydroblast at. turns it into a high pressure jet. a bucket of water is all you need and you are ready to go. or simply connect it to a garden hose and the hydroblast will instantly increase water pressure up to ten times. no matter what kind of water
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you use, the nanofilter purifies and filters it. hammersmith hydroblast is high performance pressure cleaning without compromise. and just call today and order a revolutionary hummer. with its highly efficient 150 w, a powerful lithium battery, a five-meter high-pressure hose and a high-quality nanofilter, you will get all this for an incredible 5995, and if you place an order right now, you will receive a shampoo container and a special spray nozzle for a larger coverage area as a gift, all this is absolutely free, but...
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what's wrong with gleb? i just got news from arkady about gleb, it’s not very good. what's wrong with my boy? what did they do to him? yes, wait, everything is fine with him, well, relatively speaking. kept in a temporary detention center. wait, the conditions there are not very good, but tolerable.
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that's not the problem, margot. what's the problem, tell me. the fact is that a criminal case has been opened against gleb and there will be a trial. god! yes, he is not to blame for anything, yes, it was just an accident, it can happen to anyone, i completely agree with you, everything would be so, but the girl, you know, who was in the car with gleb, is now in critical condition, doctors they are fighting for her life, and the girl’s parents turned out to be difficult people, they wrote a statement to the police, gleba is now accused of unintentionally causing bodily harm. this is still under aggravated circumstances, margot, gleb got behind the wheel drunk, i hope the girl will survive, but she will definitely be disabled then. there will be a question about compensation for damage, health, i’m
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about to go crazy, no, of course, i feel sorry for the girl, yes, well, what will happen to the rivet, well, well, calm down, all is not lost, arkady, he is an experienced lawyer, and i trust him margor, so, something can be avoided, but everything can be avoided, regulates the issue from all sides, with these police officers, victims, even the case may not come to court, roma, you’re telling the truth, i’m so glad that you have such a friend, how can i thank you, margot, you know, i do everything for you absolutely selflessly, you my queen, but arkady will need money to settle the claims, and a lot of it, i’m ready for anything for gleb, i’ll talk to zhenya as quickly as possible,
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he’s not a monster, really, i think he’ll find someone, he’s always going , the whole amount, well , well, if so, let's hope so it will be, okay, i, well, remember, i need money as soon as possible, otherwise the problem may worsen and become even more expensive, i’ll run, i still have things to do, come on, i won’t stay today, hang in there, thank you, i’m waiting for news from you. thank you, well, where are you going, the drip over there has long since ended, don’t worry, the valve closes on its own, so nothing dangerous can happen, that’s all, adjust the pillow, the blanket, maybe you can lie down more comfortably, if you want, but leave me alone, well, i just want you ... help, no, don’t touch me, i can’t,
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you can’t, lie down more comfortably, i can’t, i have your arm and leg don’t obey you, now it’s difficult for you, then it will definitely become easier, you ’ll have classes with a rheumatologist, he’ll show you what and how to do, give you exercises, i’m not a baby so i need to learn to walk, but it happened, you you had a stroke, your brain forgot what and how to do, it needs to learn again, so it will be like a baby. are you a nurse? yes, go mind your own business and leave me alone. well, what do you want? antonina, you understood what i said, no ivs, no more procedures, you understood, why did it turn off? leave everyone, i don’t want to see anyone, no one. “hello, you are the wife, yes, what happened,
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it’s okay, an attack of irritability, it happens in his condition, it will pass, well, yes, it’s not surprising at all, as i understand it, he doesn’t have a simple character at all, yes, well, actually yes , well, now we’re all going to be exhausted, well , let’s hope that all functions will be restored and he’ll become calmer, let’s hope.” that's it, i don't want to see anyone, zhenya, it's me, what do you want, zhenya, you understand, i paid the lawyer, who deals with gleb, in general, i gave him all my money... but a married man is not enough, he
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is just another, you need money, yes, money, you don’t need me, of course you do, zhenya, i love you, and gleb you very much loves him a lot, really, i won’t give it to him, let him answer for everything himself, zhenya, you understand that they will put him in prison, let him go to jail, it’s his own fault, i won’t give him money, go away, i feel bad. leave, don’t ever ask again, the conversation is over, hello, roma, yes, i’m listening to you, speak quickly at the meeting, can we meet, well, let’s do it in an hour, okay, i’ll be waiting for you, listen, i did everything as agreed, i’ve already given orders for the purchase of synthetic raw materials. i was spinning around, but they all pounced on me, started poking me in the face with protocols,
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some orders, they didn’t bite me to death, but i can’t work in such conditions, listen, you can’t work, then get out of here, there will be others , but just remember, you will go back to where i pulled you out from, and there are a lot of people there whom you robbed and deceived, they have claims and questions for you, which you will have to answer and will have to answer yourself, don’t go there, okay, i’ll work, i have one plan to resolve the situation in our favor, act as you see fit, the result is important to me, hello, here again, yes, here, and where else should i be, sit down, you came, well
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, our daughter is waiting for a baby, oh well, yeah. the good news is that you ’re going to become a grandmother or something, yes, and you’re a grandfather, and i’m a grandfather, so i decided to give you a chance, in the sense of getting together or something to have a grandson, no, no, as they say, one never steps into the same river and i would entered, well, i mean, what’s the chance then? a chance, yes, to become human again, but you always said that you need support in order to get back on your feet, so i want to support you, what do you want me to do, in the sense
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of giving me money or something? i need to insulate the veranda, for young people you understand, separately. there will never be a chance, look, you will help me, then you see other orders will come, well, you can well, i don’t know, i don’t know, borya, you should try something like that, well, look, borya, if you drink again, what are you doing, i’ll tell you. tony, i'm still i won’t finish the work, i’m a flint, you know me, i know you well, well, what kind of person you can be, i also know, yes, but first you need to look at everything on site, take measurements, calculate materials, well, let ’s go let's see what happens now, well
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, why wait, listen, well, thank you for your trust, please, yeah, is this your veranda? “you’re going to insulate it in clapboard, i just want this top part, change all the windows, make double ones, i just don’t know what to do, he says he won’t give me the money, that the law is above all, calm down, that calm down, roma, he will be tried, you understand, gleb will be tried, calm down, margo, you hired a lawyer, he takes care of business, yes, only the lawyer needs more money." but he doesn’t give his wife money, well, if someone doesn’t give us something, we need to take it ourselves, take it ourselves, money from evgeniy, it’s possible, margot, nothing is impossible, well, what do you need to do for this, you need to become an opicun, evgeniya, thereby get access to his
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accounts, yes, everything is so simple, i myself, yes, but nothing just happens like that, i am your accounts my husband doesn’t have much money, because he invests all the profits in his factory, but it’s not that big because of his stubborn character, god, how greedy he is, well, where will we get the money, and we’ll earn it, margot, honestly, at your husband’s factory, i’ll transfer the profit to you and you can use the money as you want, if only you knew how long i ’ve been dreaming about this. yes, but you will need to issue me a power of attorney for the right to manage your husband’s shares, this will give me the right to manage the technological process at the factory, then hear, profits will flow like a river, and we’ll get gleb out of trouble, enough for gingerbread. wait, how will we arrange guardianship if zhenya is against it? firstly,
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no one will ask him, and secondly, of course, i ’ll take this question myself. have you forgotten who my friend is, arkady? questions, he is a real wizard, by the way, proof of his competence, he will release gleb tomorrow, you are telling the truth, of course, you are my prince, thank you. thank you, rom, are you ready for our musical investigation, ready, ready, four experienced experts, guessed, guessed, i can say that nothing is clear to us, 100%. i’m completely hesitant to say exactly, they guessed, they guessed, in general, i’m confused, my ninth will turn on.
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on rtr. cognac, monte shoca, product of stellar group.
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welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hurga, where luxury rooms and villas combine with 1 km of golden sandy beach. impeccable service, exquisite cuisine. will make your vacation unforgettable rixas premium magavish suits & villas the vacation you dreamed of cognac old barrel is a product of stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for
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you. titanic delux hotel, golf belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy exquisite cuisine. the best restaurants, here every room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable rest, then that's what it is, these are tickets to dolman, the premiere on rtr, you put two strangers in the same room, have you ever met? dawn on the beach, settle down, look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness, like your romance, have you been following
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me, i’m filing for divorce, a melody for yours, from monday on rtr, uh-huh, well, that means we need to insert second frames, uh-huh , insulate the ceiling, floors, well, that’s it, we’ll cover it with a clapboard. what do you think? well, can you see? well, it will just be warmer and inexpensive, so i took all the measurements here, wrote everything down, ton, it’s necessary to go to the construction base, buy materials, i have work here, well, for a maximum of five days, you are, well , grandpas, come on, maybe you and artyom will go and do some shopping, don’t you trust me, or what? i told you, i'm flint. now i’ll bring you
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what you’re looking for, mom, money for repairs, boris has drawn up an estimate. i don’t like this idea, you have to believe in people, at least don’t give everything away right away. here there should be enough for everything, okay, don’t drink it all at once, leave something for repairs, and you’ll be fine, nadyuzh, just don’t need all this, we are we’ve already been through this, this time everything will be different, we’ll see, nadyusha, here you go!
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yes, do what you want, just don’t say later that i didn’t warn you, you, of course, cleverly figured out how to pinch the unfortunate mother, that’s why we appreciate you, yes, but that’s not all, yesterday i only had a desire to pinch the mother , both in the literal and figurative sense, and today, due to the current circumstances, i had an irresistible desire to delve. in the pockets of my husband’s dick, i didn’t understand anything, but it’s very interesting, can i explain it more simply, i’ll explain, her husband is my boss and director of the plant, he is now in the hospital with a stroke, you understand, if he is declared incompetent, she will become my guardian, and if she is in my debt, she will do everything i tell her, you will get into trouble,
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roma, they will put you in prison, well you do it so that they don’t go to jail, well, since you will help with the registration of guardianship, urgently, it will cost a lot, well, not more than money, you know, i won’t offend you, it’s a pleasure to do business with you, partner.
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why aren't you sleeping? i think about my patient, what’s wrong with him? he's a strange character, of course, god forbid, but it seems to me that in his soul he is a completely different person, probably it was painful that made him this way, you see, you are ready to understand anyone, mom. i feel sorry for my father again, you justify this manufacturer of yours, you will live, for my part, you will understand how you treat people, so they treat you, the main thing is to be close, you are the kindest person in the world.
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listen, in general, the nurse you are replacing comes back to work tomorrow, eh, as they say, i’m just getting the hang of it, what’s coming? the end means the time has come, where should i go now? well, well bye home while your office is being renovated, and then something will turn up. well, okay, i hope so.
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did you want something? yes, i want to try to sit down, did you promise to help me? of course, give me your right hand on the back and once, ah, what, my leg is cramping, well, why didn’t you say it before, so what would you do? like what? massage for starters, oh, it hurts, more! this is normal, it means everything works, so, listen, it’s easier, really, you have golden hands, yes. golden, it’s a pity, it won’t be possible to continue, soon i won’t be here, and i won’t be either, i’m
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temporarily, my replacement is leaving tomorrow, but where did we come from, there was the last meeting, the last one, run, hand over your work, i won’t respond to you, well, get better, remember that movement is life, thank you, don’t give up, okay, now i’ll try to lie down, no, no, no, okay, myself, myself, myself, so, so, so, almost, great, before... danya, all the best, i’m here, hello, mom, hello,
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dear, hello, one okay, hello, onochka, now i’ll warm up dinner for you, sit, sit, sit, let me catch my breath, oh, i’m tired, there’s a little something to eat, besides there’s no way to rest... now it’s going to take a long time, but what happened again? my career ended , how did it end? you just got back to work? but i’m temporary, my replacement has left, what disgusting, you can’t do this with people, what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong with the veranda? did boris bring the materials and start working? no, he wasn’t there today at all, how do you understand he wasn’t there? well, i definitely didn’t see him. what did you see of our repairman today? no, well, it seems that my premonitions did not deceive me. nadyush, why are you doing this? maybe something happened? yeah,
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i know what happened. mom, where are you going? glebushka, my little son! are you okay, mada, everything is fine, i want to go home, i want to take a shower, of course, now, thank you, thank you, margarita olegovna, for a moment, excuse me, you must understand that this is far from the end, gleb has been released pending trial, but the charge against him has not been dropped, yes, yes, of course, i understand, what should we do now, don’t you worry, i have everything under control, but i’m afraid, unfortunately, it will require... additional investments, the novel warned you, i hope, yes, of course, there will be money, that’s wonderful, mom, well, i’m tired of you soon, hang around here, let’s go, why don’t you go, hug your son, and hello, roman
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anatolyevich, thank you, let’s go, you didn’t have time to leave the phone, you already took the phone. borya, borya, boris, yes, what kind of person are you, tonya, beauty. the money came, bastard, where, somewhere here, here they washed it, well , it surfaced, my soul ached, you know, you
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promised, don’t worry, i’ll give everything, everything, you promised me, imirando, i’ll do the best for you you see, i have hands, hands, then... but your head is made of iron, forgive me, and your conscience shitty, traitor, you don’t have to come to me anymore, understand? that's it, son, undress, go to the shower, now i'll cook something tasty.
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do you know what it cost me to get you out of there? well , what’s wrong, it’s all normal, normal, normal, you’ll sit as quiet as water, lower than the grass, and you’ll take the car, and you’ll take the car, when the time comes, go to your room, sit there, i’m like a mother’s boy, or what? my buddies will laugh at me, no buddies, you understand me, what a tough deal with the cops, and it was better, snort at me some more until the lawyer says what’s wrong with you everything is closed, you will stay at home, okay? clear,
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clear, clear, well, boris drank our money, we’ll have to start all over again, i knew it would be like this, it’s always like this with my father, first a mountain of promise, and then vodka, you’ll see, he’ll sleep it off, forgiveness will come ask, you will fall at your feet. he’s a bastard nadyuzh, well, don’t talk about it like that, by and large it’s not his fault, mom, that’s enough, don’t you dare forgive him, we have problems without him, oh, calm down, you can’t be nervous, yeah, you can’t be nervous, what will happen, when duty requires a wand, it will demand it for me, well, or in parts we’ll give it back, i’m still making money, but what about the veranda , no construction, so, the issue with the veranda is resolved, we’ll rebuild the veranda, well , i’ll get a job, in the end, mom, you’re
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such an optimist, sometimes i really envy you, daughter, don’t worry, everything will pass, everything will change, there will be flour, maybe i should still go to school, there will be some kind of salary, you made a decision, i absolutely agree with it, well, besides, a teacher’s salary, the cat cried, you might think that a nurse’s salary is higher, but my bonuses are different. well to besides, my office will be opened soon after renovation, so what are we going to do now? now we won’t do anything, we’ll go to bed, and tomorrow morning we’ll see how it all turns out, the golden words of antonina ivanovna.
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sick, we wake up, it’s time to get an iv, good morning, so give me your hand, it’s you instead of antonina, i don’t know, no antonina, nothing, be patient, something is cramping my leg, tell the doctor on rounds, here’s antonina for me, by the way, a massage i did, go to your antonina, and i still have a corridor full of sick people. extract soon, all the questions to the doctor, we see even what is hidden, and what everyone sees, we always have a new way, the journey of a special suitcase, i’ll get sick and others. interesting moments about
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how when big politics is being done, fill out a special interview every day about relations with the west, there will be a russian bear, when we answer in such a way that it doesn’t seem a little, we will see we will show more than others, all the time one step ahead, moscow , kremlin, putin, look at rtr today. not enough pressure in your garden hose? tired of endlessly cleaning everything with your own hands. introducing hammer smith's hydroblast. fast, simple and very convenient high pressure washer gun. wireless, rechargeable and absolutely revolutionary. wash your car, motorcycle or bicycle. wash your home, garden paths, driveway and more. hydro. blas
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takes the same technology found in bulky professional washers and condenses it to house this small but highly efficient 150w copper motor. create an incredible pressure of 50 bar. powerful the lithium battery is enough for any task. the hammer smith hydroblast is extremely lightweight, extremely comfortable and extremely versatile. the scope of its application is practically unlimited. where would you get your water from? hydroblast will turn it into a high pressure jet. a bucket of water is all you need and you're ready to go, or simply connect it to a garden hose and the hydroblast. foam will increase water pressure up to 10 times. no matter what kind of water you use, the nanofilter purifies and filters it. hammersmith hydroblast is high-performance pressure cleaning without compromise. today only call order the revolutionary hammersmith hydrablast
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with its highly efficient 150 watt motor, powerful lithium battery, five meter high pressure hose and high quality. and if you place an order right now, you will receive a shampoo container and a special spray nozzle for a larger coverage area as a gift, all this is absolutely free, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited. are you bored with your old fence and want to update it? bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit the budget hard, we offer your... manyu universal photo facade for a fence - a bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. a fence, terrace, gazebo will be instantly updated without expensive painting repairs. four bright beautiful colors to choose from. all you need
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to do is secure the photo façade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. photo facade bright life is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone, etc. metal, when it gets dirty , just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call, order a universal photo facade for a fence bright life at a special price from only 9.95, just choose the appropriate design create a unique look for your suburban area, i love you, i love you too, look at the weekend, leave her alone, nope.
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“listen to me carefully, something needs to be decided with them, fox, yes, run away from him, you are in danger, he has already betrayed you once, i will do everything so that we are together again, romance with the past, on saturday at rtr, hello, are you still here, do you need something, gennady, well, since you are still acting director, you came." to read about the work done, let's report, here i am reporting, yeah , there are no incidents in the production of organic fertilizers, the enterprise works like clockwork using a pre -approved technology, continue, yes, here
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’s another thing, a truck with chemical raw materials just arrived, so i sent it back, and so it will be with everyone else that suddenly arrives, i missed you... i don’t understand you, gennady, explain to me how you can live and work like this, we all have a chance to get rich, and you don’t have happiness in money, roma, yes, in quantity, i understand you, you can go, yes, i’ll go do technology, don’t be bored here, why did you decide that i’m bored, it’s probably boring to deal with other people’s responsibilities, especially when nothing depends on you, go, hello, arkach, hello, what are you doing, how did you clarify our question? yeah, when can i come? fine.
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mom, that’s why, it was clean anyway, it’s necessary prepare everything for repairs, yeah, of course, you need to put everything away in order to... then get it dirty, well , admit it, you’re just not used to sitting at home during working hours, to be honest, i don’t know what to do anymore, i washed everything, went through everything, well that’s why you’re pushing yourself too hard, you should sit and read a book, you know what i thought, people are always needed in the market, i won’t have any problems with a medical book, but... well, what a market, why do you need this? well,
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our town is small, we have a choice of either the market or the cleaners, no, i’d rather be at clean yourself up, you know, maybe you should go to the hospital, find out how your office is, but there’s nothing to do, anyway, i’ll go, i’ll go, well, “you’ll be treated at home, your condition is quite satisfactory, your healing functions have been restored , almost, everything is fine, of course, only now the most important thing for you is fresh air, good nutrition, lack of stress, then we won’t see you very soon, i really hope so too, yes, only the main thing is that you do all my appointments, mandatory": taking pills for pressure daily, well, stretch your arms,
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stretch your legs, and our rehabilitologist margarita olegovna will call you, and thank you, but tell me, are you absolutely sure that he doesn’t need to stay here longer, the walls at home are helping, get well, evgeniy vasilyevich. great, hello, come in, sit down, tea, coffee or something stronger, let's get straight to the point, time is short, that's right, time is money, so, i brought up the topic of recognizing incapacity, in principle, everything is possible, but there is always some kind of... then, but nothing on my part, but... a judge i know is ready to issue a court decision, but on the condition that we
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comply with all the formalities, in short, how much, this is the second question, i repeat, they are ready to give me the necessary court decision, but we must provide a guardian, a medical certificate, a conclusion confirming the diagnosis, well, wait, everything is clear , yes, margarta olegovna is my wife, so... there is no problem with the certificate either, our diagnosis is real, stroke, it remains a conclusion, okay, i’ll take this decision myself, it will work out cheaper, just don’t, roma, you have to pay for quality, this is the wording preferably in conclusion, i was told that the ideal would be an asthenic or hyposthenic type of mental disorder, characterized by little interest in the outside world, increased sensitivity to external factors...
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well, you understand that after a stroke , evgeniy vasilyevich will not be able to work as productively as this was before the illness, he will need rest, rehabilitation, you know, time is passing, you think that yes, i don’t see any other way out of this situation, and why are you so worried, this is just a formality, understand.
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his full recovery is just a matter of time. tell me, how long will the recovery process last? is it difficult to say? so, you see, but we can’t.
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be careful, maybe be more careful, the road,
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well, here are my houses. uh-huh, so, hello, what are you doing here, why aren’t you in the cell, so they let me out, zhenya, zhenya, zhenya, zhenya, don’t worry, don’t worry, i just didn’t have time to tell you, i’ll explain everything that... what , help me, what else should i take off his shoes, at least help him roll the stroller into his room, no, i urgently need to go to my room, to my a new cell, i have house arrest, you live,
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so move on on your own, zhen, i didn’t want to bother you, i know how you feel about this, in general, gleb was released pending trial. so they took me and released me, no, i hired a lawyer, don’t look at me like that, you have to understand me, i’m a mother, he’s my son, if he’s guilty, then he’s guilty, let the court decide, i don’t want him to be punished before court, okay, okay, okay,
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everything is fine, help me lie down. i'm afraid of harm, i'm not a specialist then, you know, i have so much to do with this hospital has accumulated, so go ahead... try it yourself, zin, hello, antonina, i heard you back home from football, oh, what kind of people, how is this possible, my temporary
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vacancy is over, okay, i knew what were you going for, now why are you coming to us to visit places of great glory, right? no, i want to look into my office, see how things are going there, but don’t, don’t, don’t, come here, don’t, you’ll be upset that everything is so bad, in general, the equipment was taken to a warehouse, the plaster was knocked off walls from the ceiling and generally one wall they want to break, that’s good, that means the process is going on, and will probably end soon, oh, how naive you are, here’s to me, your optimism, by golly, talking doesn’t mean doing, we’re in charge doctor, there’s not even money for the salaries of the employees, and you’re talking about repairs, i heard them arguing behind the house, maybe...
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i’ll have to admit that you like me, when we moved over, alexey fatiev, who’s there with you, me alone, it’s just an accident, what
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an idiot, vacation can be planned, but love, i don’t understand anything myself, i need everything figure it out, a melody for yours, from monday on rtr. food prices are rising all the time, and we still allow food to go to waste. how many times has this happened to you, you are about to cook a meal, you go to buy a loaf of bread and find that it is either not fresh or moldy. we know how to help you save money, just look at this bread and you can’t tell that it’s already 2 weeks old, it looks like you just brought it from the store yesterday. how can this be? a simple, convenient way to keep your baked goods fresh, soft and ready to be served to the table.
3:28 pm
bret smart's innovative condens control membrane lid with micro-fine precision venting is designed to regulate air humidity levels inside the container to create the perfect atmosphere and keep your bread fresher longer, so instead of going moldy, your bread stays soft. fresh and delicious until you're ready to eat it. the brad smart is large enough to hold several loaves. look at these croissants, just imagine they were purchased at the same time. one was in regular packaging, and this one was in the bret smart system. the difference is obvious. just think for a moment how much money you throw away every year because of spoiled bread and baked goods. 100 euros, 200 or much more. today. put an end to food waste because throwing away bread and baked goods
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is like throwing money in the trash. the smart brand will keep your baked goods deliciously fresh, save you money and pay for itself in just a few weeks. not wait any longer, call us now. we present to you the richest source of high-quality omega-3, omega marre forte+, produced in norway based on oil from the cod family. the beneficial properties of omega-3 have been confirmed by thousands of studies. it is omega-3 that has a positive effect on the prevention of heart disease and heart attacks, helps strengthen vision and improve brain function. omegaforte+ also contains vitamin d. this combination has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, heart, and vision. promotes joint health, bones, teeth immunity. show yourself and your loved ones some care. buy a large family jar of omegaamary forte now,
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as many as 720 capsules will be yours for not 120, not 100, or even 90 euros. call now and get your omegaforte course straight from norway for only 59.95.
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good morning, hello, i’m visiting a patient, regarding rehabilitation, the furniture will have to be moved, we will need space, wait, that means i won’t move the furniture for now, we need to first agree on the conditions of your work, it’s simple, course, 20 lessons, after them, our patient will be able to independently again. find, for example, the restoration of fine motor skills for some money, and i apologize, but my husband needs additional care, he needs to be walked with, he needs to be fed, well, do everything that is needed, i thought you would do this, my dear, you i need to hire a nanny or a nurse for these purposes, my job is to put the patient on his feet, teach him to live in a new body, everything else is not for me, excuse me, take him to
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the toilet or spoon feed him, this is not my profile, only classes. it's not for me arranges. well then i went. can i get paid for the first session? yes. now, you haven't done anything. other people will help me. fine. we will consider our meeting a free consultation. hm. i just want to warn you. it is unlikely that there will be a person in our city who wants to help you. our city is small. what about our next lesson? it will cost you much more, go away,
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margot, margot, damn it, how long can you scream, can anyone even hear me, margot, what is he yelling, the walls are shaking, go find out, margot, what am i doing? it's calling you, listen he raised you for 3 years, you can’t help, yeah, i had to stumble once and he didn’t help me, now let him get out of it himself, and i ’m under arrest, margot, listen, you can make sure that he doesn’t yell, but morgue, rit , well, where are you going, you can’t get enough, what ’s wrong, your leg is cramping, so what do you want
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me to... do, well, i don’t know, well, for me, i ’m not a doctor, yes, this is not a doctor, this i need a massage therapist, yeah, and also a cook, a nurse, a nurse, i’m looking for them all, so where is this rehabilitation therapist who came to me from the hospital, left, it’s like he left, refused, okay, let's invite someone else, everyone refuses, zhenya, well... something strange, oh, oops, ah, ah, let me go already, great, sleep then, no, no, no, i won't sleep, because it might happen again, uh i’ve already had this happen, remember, there was a nurse in the hospital, this one, antonina, she gave me a massage, she seemed to be getting ready to quit, it was her last day of work, find her somewhere, oh, how can i find her for you, i
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don’t i know, i don’t care how you find her, go to the hospital, find out where she went, maybe she stayed, okay, okay, i’ll do everything, whatever i can, just don’t shout, please, you’ll scare the neighbors, you write separately, you should have a separate report card for the orderlies, separately for the nurses, i need to talk to you, i’m listening to you, who did you give me, i don’t understand, you what are you talking about, you should have given me the phone number of a specialist? who would help my husband rehabilitate and do everything i ask. who is your husband? don't be a fool, my husband evgeniy bogdanov. lyusya, then let's go there to the ninth ward, i need a box of bix. stroke, i sent you an excellent specialist, a rehabilitation specialist. your excellent rehabilitation specialist does not want to do anything. yeah, the boys didn’t agree, we
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couldn’t do it at all. they say, i need another person, so, do you mean someone specific? yes, someone specific, when my husband was here with you, some nurse was looking after him, in general, he needed her, yeah, i understood. antonina, now i ’ll give her address, 28, here you go, thank you, gleb, gleb, come in. give me some water, hold it, thank you, no problem, wait, sit down,
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let's talk about what, what's the difference? you know how tired i am of lying around, if you want, i’ll turn on the tv, no, no, better bring something to read, just something interesting, well, for example, count mantecrista, i’ll look for it, thank you, mom, they came to you. and hello, hello, i remember you, you are evgeniy vasilyevich’s wife, how is he feeling, is he having a stroke, like another one, no, still the same, antonina, the fact
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is that my husband spoke very well of you when you looked after him in the hospital, the question is, could you look after him at our home, of course, it's not free when needed. whenever, as early as possible, even today, he really needs your help, if i come to you tomorrow morning, great, just keep in mind that in addition to classes, you will also need to walk with him, wash, prepare to play, well, all sorts of things out of necessity, i understood, i understood, great, then i’ll wait for you tomorrow at 9 am, just... don’t be late, please, it’s agreed, thank you, yeah, mom,
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that’s it, our bad streak is over, we’ll live now, nurse to the director of the plant, this is so cool, that’s it, we’ll pay off the debt, more for repairs the money will remain. yeah, daughter, you can’t build your own happiness on someone else’s misfortune, mom, well, we don’t do anything like that, you’ll look after a person, and they’ll pay you money for it, that’s normal, artyom will come back, we’ll definitely celebrate, we’ll celebrate. hello, hello, tem, tem, hello, will you eat? no, no, tired, uh-huh, and by the way, we have good news, my mother
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was hired, so again, we need to be happy, i’m glad, only we are sure that antonina ivanovna will not be sent on unpaid leave earlier deadline, yes, we are sure, by the way, they took my mother. to look after your director, well, the former director, really, yeah, tomorrow i’ll go to him, so, mom, i was thinking, we need to strike while the iron is hot, you’re still allowed to the body, say a word for artyom solovechko there, let the director send him back the factory will take it, then everything will be very good for us, well, on the first day it’s somehow inconvenient to ask right away, so you don’t immediately, you wait a little later, but there’s no need for my opinion, why ask you, you liked it at the factory, well yes, that means it’s possible try to come back, especially since you yourself said that it was not the director who fired you, but his deputy, which means that if the director brings you back, then everything will be fine, okay, i’ll try, the most
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important thing is that evgeniy vasilyevich recovers, well, mom, that’s it you will take care, we have no doubt, he will not only walk after a stroke, he will start jumping, running and singing like a barretoon, well, first of all, you overestimate me, not at all, i know it. i have some kind of responsibility, but secondly, i will help a person not because i something is needed from him because he is sick and he needs help, well, thirdly, this is your job, for which you are paid money, and you simply... must do it well, right? so, well, one thing doesn’t interfere with the other, no one forbids you to help your family at the same time, right? quietly, asleep, let it be, but we agreed.
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yeah, good morning, i'm here, why so late? “sorry, i was late the first time, i was looking, i hope this won’t happen again, yes, yes, well, let me show you the apartment, so this is my son’s room, there we have a toilet, a bathroom, there we have a washing machine, by the way, this is my bedroom, you don’t need to go there, this is the kitchen, as a matter of fact, here you will cook, right?” “and there is evgeniy vasilyevich’s kumanta wait, let's first agree on the conditions
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of your work, well, i mean payment for the duties, come on, here is everything you need, dan kishon, galina konstantinovna, that gratitude in german, as they say, from our table, to yours.
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i didn’t have to, it just so happened that i’m free now and can look after you with pleasure. it’s interesting how my wife told me completely
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differently, i actually thought that it was a different antonina, but i’m glad that you’re sitting here, well , it’s good that everything turned out to be clear, let me examine you, you’ll tell me how you feel, based on then we will decide what i should do with you, ma, who came, this is his new nurse, and this one will run away soon? you know, i don’t think he’ll run away, he asks for a lot of money, can you imagine, quite a bit, there are people who don’t value themselves or their work, ma, listen, when will i be able to leave here, and i’m in these four walls with crazy i’ll go, well, boring, in these four walls, as you put it, there are much more square meters than where you could be, let’s immediately end this useless conversation, okay, i understand, gleb, well, listen, mom, everything will change soon , i have a very
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good friend, he’s dealing with your question, soon everything will be as before, but i’d go to my room, do something that shows all sorts of nonsense on tv, you forbade anyone to be on social networks, i don’t know what to do , well, clean up, yes, read a book, book, you want my eyesight to deteriorate ahead of time, let hubby over there read your book, he definitely has nothing to lose, so he went to his room, whatever he does, what rubbish, measure your own intuition or your neighbor, after masha, me no longer scary.
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they say you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except your head, we know everything about relaxation, relax, anex, mancacher whiskey - a product of stellar group.
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titanic luxury collection. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. pixca with premium segate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium sea gate. rixas premium segate rom kastro product of stellor group, do you remember what you promised me? i remember, what did i promise? did you promise to marry me? well, that's where you're going, i almost
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hit you, why are you silent, did i hurt you? no, didn't hurt. this is my brother vanya, it’s very nice, but i’m not very pleased, our kiryusha is marrying the daughter of merav, alyon, i don’t have any bride, these are all my brother’s requests, i ’m not interested, you believe me too, don’t you think that he himself should decide whether to marry him or not, and what we should do now, maybe you are there, if you insist, i will try. a simple girl, on friday on rtr. you see, antonin tightens his leg, then lets go. yes. i generally liked me during the day, but at night i felt bad. well, we'll sort out the leg. but, judging by to your story, you have sensory hunger. it's
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true. how did you guess? do you know what's the matter? they feed me restaurant food. and i love normal, simple home-cooked food. i ’m talking about another hunger now, about sensory hunger. this is when a person lacks sensory stimulation, tastes, smells, and touches. there are no irritations, no emotions. a very accurate diagnosis, that's exactly what i feel. how can i get rid of this? well, it’s very easy; if you pay attention, everything will be fixed quickly. well besides. fool, gymnastics, massage, walks outside, of course, nature, fresh air, new sensations will do its job, and over time your sensory hunger will pass, and your attitude will become positive and life-affirming, what about this
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hunger, but for me food is also a big emotion, sorry , here you are lucky with me, because i am an expert in preparing... healthy delicious food, well, at least my family doesn’t complain, uh-huh, uh-huh, big family, but not very much, i’m a daughter and her husband, my beloved son-in-law, i told you about him, yes, i don’t remember something, remind me, it doesn’t matter what you read, but about love, about love, it’s interesting, no, not at all interesting, i, like in childhood , love adventures, secrets, treasures, for example, count montacrista, imagine, he was betrayed, he starts under someone else’s name. to take revenge on everyone, i wanted to re-read it, but there’s no house, can you imagine, a house full of books, but count
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montecrist isn’t there, so let me look, i’ll find it for you, thank you, be patient, this is sleeping, margot, margot, queen. “we are at the finish line, we already have all the necessary documents for the trial, the rest, as arkady says, is a matter of technology, wait until the issue with glib is resolved, as soon as, right away, you understand what i mean, vaguely, the start of the school year is soon, i don’t want us to miss classes, hurry up, margot, margot, here’s a pill from the doctor said, eugene needs something to drink, soothing, yes, it won’t hurt him"? and what’s bothering him? not to the point, he’s getting angry. margot, my queen, i’ll soon free you from the dragon’s lapo. oh,
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sorry, i seem to have interrupted, but no, why? well, this is a novel, colleague, evgenya, we’ve already finished, right olegovna, goodbye, goodbye? goodbye, i want to cook breakfast for evgeny vasilyevich, yes, cook it, what are we having for breakfast? i prepared oatmeal for evgeny vasilyevich with
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milk, he needs energy for his studies. antonina, i wanted to tell you that what you just saw and heard is not quite what you might think. it’s just that my colleague evgeniy vasilyevich and i discussed issues related to business while evgeniy was sick. we need to somehow deal with the problems at the enterprise, don’t worry, it didn’t seem like anything to me, yes, yes, okay, tell me, could you cook more, i’ll try to feed my son, yes, yes, of course, there is enough for everyone, thank you, so, for some reason you abandoned your invention, got tired of it, you know, as they say, reached the highest point your own competence, well, you
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turned down the professor, but simply, stood up, there is no progress, maybe the programmers are good, but the mechanics of my knowledge is apparently not enough, so now you’ve changed your mind about developing your discovery of the future, i decided to turn to palych, maybe he can tell me something , your stick is an ordinary auto mechanic, without education, what will he tell you? well, don’t tell me, kulibin, for example, is a great inventor, and also without education, a simple solution is needed here, and palych has a lot of experience in this, in what, how to make candy from one substance, hello, young, hello, here i am, by what's the point of having fun, but here artyom came up with a new technology for producing candy, and what 's good is that the main thing for candy is that it is sweet.
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good morning, margarita olegovna, maybe good for someone, what happened, evgeny vasilyevich, is it bad? well, no, he’s just really good, he is looked after, fed, entertained, then who feels bad? it doesn’t matter, i can
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ask you to please prepare breakfast for him, i didn’t have time to do anything, of course, i ’ll prepare everything, yes. and here’s something else the doctor prescribed, is something wrong? these are very strong tranquilizers from the category of neuroleptics, so what? well, this drug is prescribed by psychiatrists for increased anxiety and various neurotic overstrains. you know, i don’t understand anything about this. doctors know better. but why are they needed at all? excuse me, antonina, do you want to challenge the doctor’s decision? doctor? but could the doctor have made a mistake? yes, why would this happen all of a sudden? you see, this drug has a strong side effect, it suppresses the central nervous system, it used to be used to treat violent patients in psychiatric hospitals. after a month of taking these pills, a person will become a vegetable.
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antonievna, i am very grateful to you. for such participation, but honestly, i don’t need your advice at all, the conversation with you is over, go fulfill your duties, oh, hello, hello, antonina, i catch myself thinking that i’m very glad to see you, me too. how was your night? great, slept like a baby after your massage. the dreams were good. in general, i will tell you that there is something in this lying at home . you can read in the morning. there’s no time to read at work anyway. well, okay, let's wash up, get ourselves in order, have breakfast and we'll go out for a walk. great.
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let's go. and stop, stop, stop, antonina, what’s wrong with our mood? the doctor prescribed you a new drug, well, that’s right, the doctor both treats and cripples, in the sense? the fact is that after taking this drug, your condition can change a lot, i told your wife about this, but... “she says, as the doctor ordered, but once he prescribed, then he prescribed, we will do everything as the doctor ordered, as they say , as the doctor ordered, you know, i would still talk to the doctor, what if he mixed something up, well, he mixed it up, he didn’t mix it up, we will live, we won’t die, let’s quickly
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get me in order, i have an excellent appetite, eat in accordance with article 29 of the civil code of the russian federation is recognized by the court as incompetent based on the above and guided by articles 281 and 198 of the code of civil procedure of the russian federation, the court decided to satisfy the stated demands and recognize evgeniy vasilyevich bogdanov , born in 1964, as incompetent. come on, yeah,
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the decision can be appealed. in court within a month, cool, i’m now calling margarita to draw up a notarized power of attorney for the right to manage a controlling stake, and this will allow me to appoint myself general director of the plant, you understand, then the real show will begin, hello!
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an accident happened at the moment unfortunately, he cannot act as the general director of our plant, old song, roma, closer to the point, okay. recently, evgeniy vasilyevich’s health has deteriorated greatly. here is the court's conclusion, according to which evgeniy vasilyevich was declared incompetent. and here is the power of attorney issued by margarita olegovna, on the basis of which from today i am his full representative. and taking advantage of this situation, i am nominating myself for the post of general director of our plant. meeting of shareholders, i ask you to vote for this decision. who agrees. well, taking into account my vote, the decision was made unanimously. well, now, as a newly elected ceo, i give orders
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to the chief technologist, introducing technologies that allow the use of synthetic and chemical additives as raw materials. do you understand? lawyer, i ask that the above be included in the protocol verbatim. but what about evgeny vasilyevich? does he even know what 's going on here? i already said. evgeniy vasilyevich doesn’t decide anything now, everything is here now i decide, but i think that you need to ask evgeniy vasilyevich personally, kiril, and you are persistent, it’s a pity that your enthusiasm, it’s a pity, is not aimed at the benefit of the plant, so you’re fired, i no longer need your services, please leave my office, should i repeat it or call security, i won’t leave it like that, gennady, i would advise you to change your rhetoric, otherwise it will be... the following: return to your direct responsibilities and orders of your immediate superior, that is, me, you understand, so
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what , gentlemen, congratulations, great things await us affairs. evgeny vasilyevich, good morning, how are you feeling? good morning, what's wrong with you? “nothing, i’m fine, did you take these pills, yes, wait, you can get up, no, no, no, no, but can you squeeze my hand? as i expected, yes, well, our classes are canceled for today, in in this state, nothing will work out, it won’t work out,
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good morning, son, good, breakfast is on the rack, there’s omelette, porridge, something else, mom, have you started preparing breakfast? if you haven’t noticed, a man has appeared in our house, well. i mean, i'm a nurse ordered that she prepare breakfast for everyone, and lunch, dinner too, that these are the tickets , the premiere on rtr, you put two strangers in one room, you have never seen the sunrise on the beach, you are settling down. look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness, like your romance, were you following me, i’m filing for divorce, a melody for yours, from monday on rtr, kalinon belek - a place
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where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, saving. mediterranean sea. open for yourself true perfection, making dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern designed rooms and luxury
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villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharmelsha. monteshoca cognac is a product of the steller group. let me enjoy a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you.
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we see even what is hidden, and what everyone sees is always new for us, travel.
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moscow, the kremlin, putin, look at rtr today. evgeny vasilyevich, just don’t worry, everything will be fine. i ’ll go away for a bit now, run to the doctor and come back. okay, no need to come again today. i myself, you are sure that you will not need my help. i want to sleep. i'm tired, i want to sleep, everything will be fine, margarita, i’m sorry, but as i expected, after taking these pills. evgeniy
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vasilvich’s condition has worsened, he doesn’t want to move, refuses breakfast, said that he will sleep and sent me home for today, well , he sent me, so go, well, you ’ll look after him, if anything happens, yes, of course, antonivna, don't worry, we're his family, yeah, the people closest to him, thank you, ma'. the actress in you has died, you heard, he refused breakfast, eat everything and don’t show off, ma, when will i be able to leave this dungeon already, and soon, just today i’m meeting with a person about your question, i think everything will be fine, what did you do, why did you prescribe vanquilizers to eugene, calm down, i won’t.
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well, yes, i would like to, so, think about it, margot, my queen, everything worked out for us, now everything will be different, he hears, by the way, and how he started taking pills, he started taking them yesterday, and well, what an effect, as it should, the nurse says, he is inactive. sleeps constantly, in a few days he will start drooling and throwing, by the way, the nurse is now at him, no, i let her go early today as unnecessary, it was somehow awkward with her last time. it worked out, yes, listen, when the money is already coming in, my boy is suffering, look, margon, i have already taken office, i have launched the technological process, now,
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you know, the production cycle must go through and a profit will be generated, which we will give to the lawyer, and he will begin to resolve issues, for a long time, well, for how long i can’t tell you. well, no one will waste time in vain, i suggest we don’t waste it, roma, well , well, go take a picture, he’s behind the wall, evgeny, he interferes everywhere, both you and me, i suggest getting rid of him, how to get rid of him, kill him or something, why kill him right away, but then how can i get a divorce, i’m the appointed guardian, honey, who’s talking? well then, how to get rid of it, he needs to move, where? i know one excellent boarding house for the disabled, like a private
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hospice, we will send him there for treatment, wait, if he recovers there, he will not recover there, these institutions are not opened for that, he will continue to take pills, he will enjoy life, smile and let him in. rum, somehow this is all disgusting, after all, he is my husband, margot, you have to choose, either it’s not clear how many diapers to change, or be with me and enjoy life, i choose you, hmm, you’re mine, listen, when he it will be possible to send there, even now, i’ll call, make an agreement, i’ll come tomorrow and pick it up, let’s do it early, otherwise antanina will come, i don’t want to deal with her, okay, you’ll arrange it early, just... you, margot, have to stay a little longer good wife, talk to him, prepare him for the move, yes, and then we will do whatever we want, i want you, girls, hi, hi, tem, antonina
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ivanovna, i found the books, as promised, count of monte christa, in two volumes, wow, they’re heavy, thank you, tem, tem. don't bother me, mom had a hard day. why did you get fired again? no, thank god, they told me not to go where i shouldn’t. what, they just said that? well, i told you the same thing. our business is small. if you download the rights, it will only get worse. thank you. well, you better think about your future grandson. you have a good job now, money. decent, what else do we need, yes, you’re right, we’ll do it that way, that’s it, there’s nowhere else to go i’m climbing, i’ll give you the books, uh-huh, just work, here, good morning, dear, good, how are you
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feeling, good. “zhen, you need to take pills, you will feel better right away, no, i won’t, zhen, i need to talk to you seriously, tell me, you started to feel worse, this is obvious, and i made a very serious decision, judging by your condition, you you need round-the-clock medical care, you need to move to a specialized one.” where there will be professional medical care, somewhere outside the city, this is a real sanatorium, there are professional, qualified specialists, modern equipment, they will take very good care of you, okay, really, i'm glad,
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now i'll pack your things, let's go, okay, yes, yes. we’re taking this one, yes, san, i’m coming, well, get up, grandfather, to the new house, we’ll go now, tell me, is this for you? no, we are only involved in transportation, so to speak, evacuation, have we paid an advance? i don’t know, i didn’t regulate this, who? none of your business, yeah, in short, here’s a business card, here’s
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the administrator’s phone number, call him, ask, negotiate reception, regarding the time of the visit, it’s my job to convey, i conveyed it, further, further as you wish, that’s it, roma, hello, yes, he was taken away. well, okay, see you, please excuse me, an important call, uh-huh, evgeniy vasilyevich, the former director, got worse, he was moved to a special institution, so we have to deal with this, well, what can we do, a serious illness, again age, it can happen to anyone happen, all that remains is to sympathize with his family, i hope you are helping his widow, excuse me, his wife, well, of course i am helping, i am helping. that's it, well you're great, now let's talk about business, look, the first batch of chemical raw materials has already
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been successfully sent to your enterprise, and payment has been received through the supplier's invoice, we are very pleased with you, well, i always do what i promise, it's very nice to deal with such a reliable and obligatory person, yeah, yes, by the way, your bonus has already been credited to the account you specified, so thank you very much . congratulations again, you did great, you made money, hello, i came, what are you doing here, and what, we have classes with evgey vasilvich, how... is he feeling today, and what it is? and this is count mantecristo, and
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evgeny vasilyevich asked, i found it, well, i’ll go through, he’s probably already waiting for me, but no, you know, we no longer need your services, but how did something happen? ah, no, it ’s just that your qualifications turned out to be insufficient for the rehabilitation of evgeniy vasilyevich and we... or a specialized medical institution where he will receive appropriate medical care, which means i’m no longer needed, but don’t worry, i’ll pay you for a month in advance, but what about books, you can give them to him, it’s better to keep them for yourself, so maybe i can do it myself, this is already superfluous, the key, please, thank you. i'll go get the money, and you please pack your things, if you have any.
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packed your things, yeah, take the money, you can be free, take it, take it, i hope we never see each other again, goodbye, and slam the door behind you, knock-knock, sorry for the mess.
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we didn’t agree on the concept of strategic development of our enterprise, but what kind of concept is it, what if it doesn’t suit me either? it will suit you, believe me, look, concept next: we need to somehow take away the controlling stake from the guardian, the former director of the plant, from margarita, and from her.
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well, do you have an idea on how to implement it? and roma, you’re offending me, have you forgotten, i’m, oh, a professional, then it’s a deal, partner, a deal, partner, well, tyoma, you gave me a task, it didn’t work out, why didn’t it work out, look, huh in general, i figured out the mechanism, although i had to strengthen all the components and hinges, how to check it so that it ’s like this, well, i’ll carry out tests, palovich, thank you very much, but but i’m talking about this i thought, well, this is how it works, in the future jacks will be unnecessary, this means you can lift the car with one hand, but in fact, this is the idea, oh, this is progress, this is the greatest achievement
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of mankind, yes i know, that’s just mine my wife doesn’t believe in it, she says that these are all toys, well... maybe toys at first, but they’re so useful, i haven’t had this much fun for 20 years, i even had to read a textbook on mechanics, it’s never too late to learn, so i think so, listen, well, when you do all this, don’t forget the old man, but don’t i’ll forget, i won’t forget, but if you want, i ’ll take you as a partner in the mechanical part, and why not, i still can’t sit here in fuel oil,
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songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov’s evening show, today on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most difficult ones. accessible places, all this is a thing of the past, now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, remove wet food scraps and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livingtan dipper swipper. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative
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tribrush technology. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inside. no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front reaches every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless when the cleaning is done, it can also be easily cleaned with just one click of a button, it is ideal for hard surfaces of all types of floors, be it tiles or laminate. the swivel head moves around without any problems. any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture where it is usually very difficult to reach, only today the unique, ingenious livington dipper swiper cordless electric vacuum cleaner with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, skirting boards and walls from scratches can be
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yours for only 8995, but if you call and place an order right now, then you... but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. you are bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget hard, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, a bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area without even knowing it. fence, terrace, gazebo, instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is fix the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if it becomes
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dirty, just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call and order from... universal photo facade for fence bright life at a special price from only 9.95. just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. "i love you, i love you i love you too, we watch on weekends, leave her alone, well, you have no prospects in life, oleg, we don’t need to meet anymore, sometimes parting is just the beginning of great love, it’s not easy to be the wife of a prosecutor, but it’s not easy, they’re watching you, that’s your husband's man, let him go, fox, be careful. tell me, do you still love him, first love, everything, yes, don’t touch me, what are you doing, let me go, listen to me carefully,
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something needs to be decided with them, sheet, run away from him, you’re in danger, he i've already betrayed you once, i i will do everything so that we can be together again, romance with the past, on saturday on rtr. this way, please, and here’s your patient, it’s blooming and smelling, thank you. evgeniy vasilievich, hello, evgeniy vasilyevich, here are the books, as you asked, evgeniy vasilyevich, how are you
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feeling, good, everything is fine, what did you do with him, and what did we do with him, he himself told you that everything is fine , but you understand that this is not good, so it is. i don’t know who you are related to the patient, but i will say, the patient is undergoing drug therapy, all his conditions and well-being absolutely adequately taken drug, and we are carefully monitoring all the changes, who is in charge here, i can talk to the chief doctor, remind who you are, the patient, you are a relative, opikun, who am i , evgeniy vasilyevich’s nurse, i looked after him in i observed the hospital, in general, i, yes, i understood, sash, so that’s what i’ll tell you, so that in exactly a minute you will no longer be here, don’t come here ever again, we won’t let you in anyway, yes, uh-huh, yes- yes,
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why are you like this, did something happen? can you imagine, i came to work today, and evgeniy vasilyovich was sent to a nursing home, an adult, strong man, and his wife, well, how could she, what kind of person is she, it doesn’t fit in my head, mom, well maybe there is no other way? how, well, i know that it’s possible, because they specially stuff him with these pills so that he quickly turns into a helpless dead man, the most offensive thing is that i understand everything,
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i can’t do anything, but just wait, you can always do something , the main thing is not to give up, i’m tired of fighting, maybe you will you’re right, you said it yourself... don’t mind your own business, let it go as it goes, well, forget what i said, if you want to help, then help, i see that you’re suffering, that means you’re supporting me , well, of course, we are one family, we stand up for each other, thank you, we can, of course, quarrel with artyom, but this is so, and if there is trouble, then we are always nearby. artyom has arrived. i know what to do. mom, where are you going? expect
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guests for dinner. tyuma, wait, i need to go somewhere. it can't wait for tomorrow. no, do you want to help evgeniy vasilyevich? well, yes, what to do, well then sit down on the road, i’ll tell you everything. okay, my dear, hurry up, please. so, what is next? that's it, stop here, wait, antonna, where are you going? quiet, wait! evgeny vasilyevich, thank
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god, you are here. sorry, of course, but... i can’t leave you here, i’m kidnapping you, theme, start quickly, antonina ivanovna, the stroller won’t go through, only through the gate, damn, that’s what i came up with, evgeniy vasilyevich, don’t worry, come on let's raise our hands, let's do it differently, theme, hurry up, they'll miss us now, everything will be fine, just the case is convenient, we’ll test the device, that’s it. now the peak has come, that you are digging, it’s working, it’s working, tyoma, quieter at home , you’ll be glad, let’s hurry, yeah, let’s, let’s, let’s, like that, you took it, and like that, like that, hand, hand, don’t forget, yeah, you took it .
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let's count three 1 2 three no need, but i want to help, i myself, he himself, that's all, thanks antonina, you can just tony tony, you can. just tonya, well, we came home, home, antonina ivanovna, oh, i don’t want to see him now, suddenly something important happened, he even shaved, okay, i’ll go and talk for the last time, well, what
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come, are you going to beg again, or ask for forgiveness? hello to you too, antonina. who is your guest? it's none of your business, what do you need? i came to say goodbye, i'm leaving. far away gathered. far north i got a job at a fish factory, i can’t live here, you know, everyone knows me, and there are new places, new people, new life, forgive me and don’t be offended if anything happens, but they don’t take offense to fools, i remember about debts, if they do, i'll send it to you. they will get along,
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remember their name, well, good luck to you, don’t give up, the main thing is don’t drink, but everything is clear, i'll go. a difficult conversation, your father is leaving, leaving, where is it, he said to the north, to earn money, and you believed, you’ll see, in a week he will show up again, and then again, again, again, mom,
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we’ve already been through this so many times, evgeniy vasilyevich , how do you like it with us, it’s good, just close together, a little, well, as they say, in close quarters but not offended, yeah, nadyuzh, you should see us all like in the movies. antonina is running, there is a gate, and i am with my village glove, it works, can you imagine, it works, the wand has adjusted everything, then you’ll tell me, let’s have dinner, come on, how delicious it smells. oh, that was really funny, evgeniy
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vasilyevich, you eat, all our food is homemade, just the way you like it, nadenka cooked it herself, maybe there were some extras, no, thank you, i did. i’ve already eaten, well, you see, and my hands have begun to move better, and my voice is restored, i told you, it’s all because of these pills, nothing, now all the grass will leave the body, you ’ll start dancing, no matter what i say, yes , i’ll ask now, you know, but if it’s because of the pills, then you should probably go to the police and tell them everything, but it’s poisoning, or sabotage at a minimum, yes, let me take you tomorrow, no need to go to the police, but what are you going to do now, are you going to go back to your wife again? so nadya, evgeny vasilyevich will now live with us, now this is his house too, but if his wife shows up, evgeny vasilyevich, we won’t give you up. mom, what? and
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where will he live with us? well, where, where? well, for now we’ll set up a veranda in my place, and then we’ll rebuild it, right? well, of course. it’s more spacious, it’s brighter, mom, where are you going to sleep? so i'm in the shed, i have there cot, fresh air, oh, how many times did i sleep on a sinew as a child, mom, but don’t worry, there’s enough room for everyone, mom, well, daughter, why did you tell me that we are one family and that we support each other, so? yes, mom, like that, like that. evgeniy vasilyevich, can i give you some vodka? no, thank you, thank you. nadezhda, don’t be afraid, i won’t embarrass you. yes, everything is fine, forgive me. you will forgive her. thank you. for
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a treat. everything was delicious. i want fresh air. now i'll try it myself. no, let me help you. temochka, help. certainly. hang in there. thank you. "my dears, are you ready for our musical investigation, ready, ready, gourmet sweet evening, four experienced experts, guessed, guessed, i can say that nothing is clear to us, 100%, i absolutely do not dare say exactly,
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ate, ate , ate, on friday on rtr. we present to you the richest source of high-quality omega-3, omega marre forte+, produced in norway based on the oil of the cod family. the beneficial properties of omega-3 are confirmed by thousands of studies. it is omega-3 that has a positive effect. preventing heart disease. and heart attacks helps strengthen vision and improve brain function. omegamara forte + also contains vitamin d. this combination has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, heart, vision, and helps strengthen the health of joints, bones, and teeth. show
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yourself and your loved ones some care. buy a large family jar of omega forte now. as many as 720 capsules will be yours not for 120 or 100 or even. not for 90 euros. call right now and get your omega forte course straight from norway for just 5995. cleaning floors is a tedious and dirty process that turns into torture for you, your back and arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a clunky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible areas. that's all a thing of the past; now you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with... the all-new livington
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dipper sweeper. dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. tri-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable angled brush located at the front penetrates into every. even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when the cleaning is done, it can also be easily cleaned with just one click of a button, ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tiles or laminate. rotary the head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach, only today the unique, ingenious wireless electric livington dipper swiper with smart built-in corner
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bumpers that protect your furniture, anti-scratch wall skirting boards can be yours for just 89.95, but if you call to order now, you will receive an incredible 20 euro discount. and the livington dipper swipper will get you for incredible 6995, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. this is news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday. start of exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces, in response to nato plans to fight with russia. how are strikes from the south handled? we cannot allow any failures or mistakes; they will not hide there overseas. for those who do not believe the word, clearly. how we are moving deeper into
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the enemy’s defense, our military correspondent evgeniy poddubny of the hottest kharkov direction, what is on other fronts and what the sanitary zone should be like due to shelling in our border region, the tragic death of president raisi, iran mourns.
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conduct weeks with dmitry kiselyov, today on rtr, mom, forgive me, of course, but this is also impossible, you brought a stranger into the house , and even a disabled person, we have no place to spit here, oh well, just think about him, he will feel uncomfortable with us, and what do you
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suggest, kick him out, well, of course there’s no need to kick him out, but something needs to be done about this, daughter, he’s a good person, you can’t leave good people in trouble, he was abandoned like a dog on the street , everyone betrayed him, except us there’s no one, and you’re talking about square meters. but it can’t go on like this for long either, but you yourself understand, i’ll do what i can, mom, but it’s not even known how long this rehabilitation will last for him, that’s how long it takes, i’ll work with him for as long as possible, everything ’s fine, mom, let it be so, we are a family, i’ll go and see how evgeny vasilyevich is doing and prepare a place in the shed for sleeping. tyom,
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isn’t evgeny vasilyevich with you? no, i thought he was with you. no, we were washing the dishes, he wasn’t there, maybe he went outside, i’ll go and have a look, evgeniy vasilievich, evgeniy vasil, evgeniy vasilievich. evgeniy vasilyevich, why are you without a stroller
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? i’ll give her this stroller, she doesn’t need it, i think she’ll never need a stroller again in her life. what do you mean to me? they told me that they had left, here, you know, antonina, this is the case, but the pure count of monticrest, in general , this is the game, my deputy director, roman arkadich, decided to chop off a controlling stake in the plant from me, i have no idea that he is there, oh what i agreed with margot, this is my wife, but only they took advantage of my diagnosis, they managed to complete the documents. about my incapacity and gain access to management, production, thank god, kirill, meet antonina, kirill, my lawyer, he warned me, so we decided to play along with them, it was important to gain time, but antonina, i still interfered with them, they put me in a private hospital, and so that i
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wouldn’t suddenly disrupt their plans, they decided to start putting me on strong drugs so that i would become a vegetable, so yes... “all this time you were pretending, and you didn’t take any pills, and walk they did, but i tried like a fool treat you, tony, i just wanted to figure out whether you are not at one with them, to understand who is my enemy, who is my friend, excuse me"? "i don’t play with the secrets of the burgundy court, i just wanted to help you, you are a wonderful woman, you are the only one who, who, what, who took care of the disabled, disabled person, thank you very much, well, now you are healthy, and you
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don’t need me anymore, antonin. “i really want to return everything that legally belongs to me, for real, remember, i once sent you away from home early, and so margoya and my son smacked me, i managed to escape, and my lawyer kirill ensured that we carried out a medical re-examination, official, through the court, in court, now i was recognized as legally competent again." thank you, kiryush. yeah. tonya, now i really need to leave, but after that, as soon as i finish my business, we will continue our conversation. now sign this. oh, as much as possible, i’m tired.
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come on, come on, i still don’t understand anything about this. let's do something else now? well, of course, margot, my queen. we have a future, and you probably too, but what, now we can fool around, let’s play, look, i’ll be a strict boss, and you’re a novice secretary, let’s better be an intern, come on, margarita angerovna, forgive me, please, i mixed up a few numbers in the report, but i will definitely correct myself, such behavior is unacceptable, i will have to punish you, oh, i’m sorry, please, “i didn’t interfere, although no, kiss, continue to your health, let’s, as they say, in the end . zhenya, what are you doing here, why aren’t you attractive woman, because your, your gentleman, a rare fool, concocted a fake medical certificate, sent it to his grandmother to the judge,
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thought that everything, he was in the kings, crowns for you, development director, a long road and a government house awaited you. i need a document, but what about without a lawyer, guys, come in, see the lawyer. already in the cell, arkady, it seems that it’s just me, take your hands away, he will drown you, like two spiders in a jar you will sit, come on, come on, zhenya, move your legs, it’s not my fault, i just really wanted the best, zhenya, i'm sorry, it’s roma, he deceived me, shut up, margon, that’s enough, i’ve already filed for divorce, and you have 2 days to collect your money and get out of my house with your gleb. offspring, zhenya, wait, where are we going, back to where you came from, well, at least for your mother, sofya
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eduardovna will be happy to communicate, she had enough time to be with her daughter, with her grandson, now there will be plenty of time, zhenya, please , listen, get out. well, that's it, september is coming, my class will go to school, but i won't go, don't worry, daughter, you she did the right thing, she didn’t let anyone down, well, to school, if not now, then you’ll have time with your own, that’s it, you’ve finished the veranda, you can move things, well, that’s what it means to have a man in the house, not only a bright head, but also...
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now, where, well, this is a surprise, not far from here, let’s go with me, not for long, please, well , yeah, well, something like this, what is this, this is a house, a beautiful house, how huge, i’ve always dreamed of something like this before. .. in my apartment now everything reminds me of the past, and of this unpleasant
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story, i decided to start everything from scratch on a new place, but this is not the most important thing, the main thing is that this house is not only mine, it is also yours, it’s like it’s yours, ours, it doesn’t happen, no, it happens, “i always dreamed of a big, normal, strong family, during the time that i spent with you, i received something that i have not received for the last 5 years, i don’t want to lose it, i invite you to my place, no, i ask you to take me into your family, and so that we don’t it was cramped, i offer you this house, yours is a bit cramped, but here there’s enough space for everyone, we need to consult”? okay, artyom, i'm still i made inquiries, well, indeed, you were unfairly fired by this roma, my former
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deputy, which means you can be restored to your previous place, but financial compensation is also mys, great, thank you, thank you, natya, this is exactly what you wanted, so, do you accept my offer? i agree, there is enough room for everyone, even for my laboratory to experiment with the exoskeleton. wait, it’s not you who decides here. mom, as you say, it will be so, but evgeny, this is all somehow unexpected, i’m an ordinary woman, an ordinary nurse, when i need a nurse, and i don’t need a nurse anymore, but we could try to become more... close people, i didn’t understand something, you want to propose to my mother now , yes, why not, antonina, tony, you
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will be my wife, your wife, well, yes, but if you don’t mind, of course, remember how the song says, i always want to be with you, do you mind? i don’t mind, it’s such a surprise, but it’s like in the novel count of montecrista, dantes was put in prison and they wanted to kill him, but... he survived, restored his good name, his enemies punished, and thanked his friends, and then married a mercedes, they went to live together at sea, yes, to the point, young man, but all 's well that ends well, let's go home, uh-huh, let's go, uh-huh, what a long time i've been deceived, i
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i congratulate you, thank you, dear, please, let’s wipe all our feet, information service of the russian tv channel. continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello, vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan, the oldest center of the world, will begin this evening, near moscow and tashkent, centuries-old relations and common approaches to global security issues, the sixth village in a week under the control of our military, huh?


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