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tv   Moskva  RUSSIA1  May 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:41pm MSK

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one of those who supported the decision of mus to issue an arrest warrant for the president of russia and the ombudsman for children's rights for saving children from shelling in the donbass, but 16 thousand dead palestinian children are something completely different. at congressional hearings, secretary of state blinken puts his head down, fearing retaliation from anti-israel activists. yes, deputy, 16 thousand children are dead, 16,000 children. dead, you're a butcher. request for the arrest of israeli officials, another blow to western unity. so the european union admitted that they would arrest netanyahu and holland if they will arrive to any eu country. but britain will ignore the court order. president biden, prosecutor khan's decision is leading to a dead end. the final discredit of the international criminal court on the one hand, and the furious anger of the defenders of palestine on the other. it's graduation season. rallies at american universities
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turned into one big pro-palestinian demonstration. two-thirds of americans now call biden’s foreign policy a failure. conflicts in europe and the middle east are the direct responsibility of the current administration. another one at the end of the week the international court, the highest court of the un, ordered israel to immediately stop the military operation. the court considers that , in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention, israel must immediately cease its military offensive and any other actions in the rafah area that could create living conditions for the palestinians in the gaza strip that could lead to their physical destruction completely or partially. israel's credibility with the united states has ended. washington is not able to resolve conflicts, and a world order based on...
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rules, as the situation with the international court seemed to be, and for america itself, nothing more than an empty phrase. and, of course, this festival of double standards is being closely watched in the global south, where they have long had no illusions about the moral and diplomatic authority of the collective west. moreover, the former third world countries have accumulated enough claims against it over their long history, and many of the west’s crimes against these countries have no statute of limitations. dmitry melnikov, pavel kostrikov and denis lisitsin, lead the week from washington. a new round of tension around taiwan. taiwan's new president, light qingde, took office on monday. in his inauguration speech, he called on beijing to recognize the rebel island's independence. the chinese foreign ministry reacted sharply. no matter how the situation in taiwan changes, it cannot change the irrefutable fact that taiwan is part of china.
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nothing can stop the historical trend towards the inevitable reunification of china, and to make matters even more convincing, on thursday china began a joint sword exercise in the taiwan area 2024a, actually taking the island ring. with the latest information from china, our correspondent alexander baletsky. this could be taken as the beginning of a full-scale operation, when more than three dozen ships were sent on an alarm signal.
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to the statement of the new head of the taiwanese administration at the inauguration ceremony , he publicly crossed out the one- china principle. his entire speech was devoted to the so -called independence. it is patently absurd when he said that the two sides across the taiwan strait do not obey each other. he was clearly testing the strength of the mainland. the chinese ships came close to taiwan; at one point the island was less than 40 km away. the taiwanese military heard it clearly on the radio. an attempt to forcefully
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refuse the reunification of the homeland is the path to death. if you oppose, we will take strong measures to resolutely protect the security of the taiwan strait. oppose the taiwanese military. did not dare, but for observation they scrambled their f-16 fighters and deployed mobile complexes with anti-ship missiles, having brought them into combat position, light himself also went to the military base, felt the american stingers and assessed the situation. i will stand on the front line with my brothers and sisters in the national army. it seemed that just a little more and the strait would seethe, and not even like it did after the visit to taiwan, pilosi, all of menia, from where it was controlled.
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it was used to literally reach the neighboring islands and the kuominan with a proposal to lay down arms and follow the path of peaceful union of both sides strait. the coast guard has already encircled the small islands adjacent to the mainland. daden island in china has the official status of one of the three islands of heroes; it was here that the fiftieth front line of the armed forces was located. which were supported by the united states. well, now there is a park for patriotic education, and what is curious is that the coastline is no longer visible there, instead there is a sand pit. the chinese seem to emphasize that they do not look at the other side of the strait through the gun sights.
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an exception - the chinese military emphasizes experts, namely taiwan's political leadership. we conducted a maneuver during which a joint strike is carried out on a key target. here we are blocking the escape routes of the separatist forces if they want to hide abroad, as well as blocking the logistics routes for supplying the island from the us to their allies. this is what worries the us. congress demanded that the pentagon present its plan for a blockade of china, as bloomberg writes, taiwanese chip manufacturers do not rule out the evacuation of production to japan, the states and are ready to turn off everything chip machines. china has launched what is believed to be the world's first dedicated unmanned aircraft carrier, and the communist country already has the
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world's largest navy. military experts have already outlined the scenario of a likely armed conflict between beijing and washington, identifying five fields for these battles: the battle for space, the missile war, and small islands. just last month , the united states passed legislation to provide additional security funding for the indo-pacific region. 2024 in relation to american military-industrial corporations, beijing has announced sanctions on the blacklist of 12 companies, but washington is looking for new ways to arm on friday. american senators presented a bill to speed up the supply of nato weapons from europe, as guests from kiev are now doing for ukraine, and activist and former rada deputy gabko also showed up at the taipei maidan. we ukrainians are fighting and will definitely win, so we are here to
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support taiwan too. with kiev politicians, the taiwan democratic party in general a lot in common, having lost the majority in the local parliament, the other day they staged a mass fight in it. with acrobatic performances and theft of documents, and now they are taking supporters out onto the streets right opposite, protests from political opponents, the main complaint against the current authorities is that not one of the previous promises for improvements in the social sphere has not been fulfilled. the global press publication, citing a certain source, reports beijing’s plans to take taiwan in early june, although it looks like an outright fabrication. now it all depends on endurance, china has it it seems that the head of the people's republic of china was meeting with the military in the eastern province of shang-dong on the day of the exercises. there were no public statements about taiwan and the maneuvers, but everyone understood everything; next week in singapore
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, a meeting between the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, and the minister of defense of the people's republic of china, dongjun, is not ruled out, after the demonstrative encirclement of taiwan in the ring of beijing's negotiating position, which requires the americans to stop supporting the separatists. presumably they will be stronger. alexander balsky, gleb napara, nikolai petrov, news of the week, china. afghanistan, according to to whom the correspondent continues his journey. world drug trafficking center. during the 20 years of the americans' stay, the production of apiates there increased more than 40 times. having come to power in afghanistan, the taliban decisively took the groundwork. according to the un , in the twenty-third year alone, the volume of opium poppy cultivation in afghanistan fell by 95%. sergei zenin, together with the taliban, took part in the fight against drugs. and alcohol, it is also prohibited by the taliban.
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let's see how it happened right now. afghanistan was changing before my eyes. i saw how here the war between the americans and the taliban began, and how after 20 years of this war the taliban took power into their own hands. i can say one thing: the last 2.5 years have been the calmest time. the fighting has stopped on the streets. became much safer. take my word for it, this is not a staged story. patrols on the streets of kabulul, one of which we have seen just now , is an absolutely normal thing. thanks to these guys who inspire partial fear. the city is quite calm. under such protection, people feel more confident and they have hope that warriors the taliban will defeat their worst enemy. this. the police visit here regularly,
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that nothing will change here under the bridge for drug addicts, this is the hottest place in kabul, the first taliban raids gave only temporary results, they were caught, treated and released, but drug addicts again returned to their backwater holes, well, as you can see, garbage heaps , of course, not going anywhere. and the terrible stench also hasn’t gone away, but the main problem has been solved, there is no longer a drug camp here, they were all taken out of here, the taliban destroyed more than a thousand underground factories drug production, thousands of hectares of afghan land were cleared of opium poppy plantations when we met several years ago... you told me that we would achieve the complete eradication
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of drugs in afghanistan. to be honest, i didn’t believe it then, but now i’m just amazed how you managed to achieve such amazing success? if we promise, we deliver. we explained to the people through the media and through the clergy that we would punish drugs, and after that we began destruction operations. according to. for the rest, those who are now also being held in custody, undergoing compulsory treatment, we are in
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one of the most closed prison hospitals in kabulul. well, we are actually entering the territory where the wards are located, several thousand people, there are those who will not survive, there are those who are gradually emerging from this hell, there are practically healthy people, specialists. in absolutely all areas, from computer programming to aircraft control. formerly a pilot, name is faraj, name translates as happiness, he is now forever happy, heroin killed his mind, every time he shouts something unrelated and greets the planes flying in the sky. the sun is out, they are basking in the sun. many present here
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complain about doctors, about the administration, and this is understandable, because people are forced to become people again. for many, it is not an easy task to realize that they are human again. another heroin addict, zahit, has been asking to be released for the ninth month now . a family that exists only in his fantasies, i have 40 sons, three daughters, for 2 years this man also used heroin, as a result of gangre... “look, my prosthesis is completely worn out, buy me a new prosthesis, do you want to try it, it’s just a mixture of tobacco with lime, instead of cigarettes, it’s allowed, it calms me down, but i want to tell you if you start use drugs, then you begin to destroy yourself very quickly and become part of another world, a parallel one, where there is only death. 25 years
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ago, hasan studied on the internet in russia in stavropol, after completing his studies he decided to return to afghanistan, right here. the war was in full swing, there was no work, the bad guys got me hooked on drugs, i didn’t have time to get into serious troubles, hassan is already recovering, you ’re talking to me now, and before that you talked 25 years ago, but your russian is brilliant, you haven’t forgotten him, haven’t we forgot, but let’s not forget , thank you, thank you, you too, thank you very much, you too, get well, never go on drugs, it’s very bad, you see what they’re doing here, now, no home, left his wife, no children, that’s it , there is nothing, these people, drugs are very bad, because who are on the verge of recovery, the administration allows them to work,
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improve the territory, prepare wards for new guests, furnish the entire camp. hard work is not paid for, the most responsible and stubborn ones are allowed to go to work outside the gates as an incentive, such happiness can smile no earlier than after a year of compulsory treatment. they are now escorting us to show the wards with seriously ill patients with open forms of various diseases, i don’t know which ones yet, but one of the wards is red. zone in our understanding - this is when you are dressed in a certain suit, which you then throw away, but you feel quite safe in it, there is a mask and gloves, everything, all forms of hepatitis, an open form of tuberculosis, sleeping, non-healing wounds, and
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doctors are fighting with all this, so people in white coats here just need a memory. i bet if these people had not been collected on the street and brought here, they would either have died or simply decomposed alive. in the red zone we were accompanied by oleg ivanovich gontsov, a veteran of combat operations in afghanistan. i won’t hide that without him we would not have been able to film this report with any help. he might not have gone to the most dangerous place in the camp. according to statistics , only 6% of drug addicts are completely cured of heroin use, but this is a big victory, at least several tens of thousands of afghans can be saved, although the battle is now going on for the lives of all
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4 million drug addicts, and this very often happens to drug addicts when the skin is affected covers. and quite deep open ulcers, there is not enough medicine, this is the main problem, first the west made it so that crippled these people, and now he is not responsible for this in any way, because with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan, the americans did not fight this at all, and now, when no responsibility has gone, they do not help us treat drug addicts, they continue to kill afghans. we have been trying to achieve this filming for a very long time, it was difficult for the afghan ministry of internal affairs to organize it, everything that was buried. in warehouses in kabul for a long time to the provinces, we can say that we will now see the last large fire with drugs already destroyed, we were collecting the remains of in afghanistan, this, this is hashish, it smells like a coniferous plant, this is what drug addicts in afghanistan begin with on their short
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path to death, then everything moves on to pills. create a new generation of afghans without drugs, without alcohol, with faith in god. to their country, if they succeed, the rest will just need to follow an example, the taliban destroy everything that can intoxicate
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a person, supplies from american bases are no exception, this vodka is made in ukraine, guys, it’s a waste of you supplying it to the americans. afghan hashish british american whiskey, everything is in the fire, all this is subject to total destruction in afghanistan, like this, we try not to deviate from traditions, only our group of ours burns drugs... colleagues from afghan television, ready, set it on fire,
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stand on the leeward side, it’s unsafe now , because the drugs produce very caustic, disgusting smoke, from which you can even get into a state,
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he is suspected of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale, part six of article 290 of the criminal code of the russian federation, up to 15 years in prison
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freedom. on may 17, the former commander of the 58th army of the russian armed forces, a participant in the special operation, major general ivan popov, was detained. the investigation suspects popov of stealing metal intended for the construction of a defense line in the northern military district zone. the damage is tentatively estimated at 100 million rubles. on may 23, the head of the main communications department of the russian armed forces, deputy chief of the general staff, lieutenant general vadim shamarin, was detained. he is also suspected of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale during procurement under government contracts. 36 million rubles from the general director of permsky telephone factory. on the same day , the head of the department was taken into custody.
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organized group received a property benefit from contract work for the needs of the military department in the amount of a billion rubles. in general, the purification process attracts attention. the kremlin believes that there are no components here. after all, the fight against corruption is a consistent work, it is not a company, it is a constantly ongoing work. this is an integral part, in fact, of the activities of our law enforcement agencies, not about any company.
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st. petersburg zenit, russian football champion. this year the tournament was the most unpredictable, how did the city on the neva celebrate? and new horizons of chukotka, why it is no longer the end of the earth, what it means to get into the cover and how chukotka will definitely attract guests. we even see what is hidden, but what everyone sees is always in a new way, the journey of a special suitcase, around the kremlin and other interesting moments about how when.
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big politics is being done, every day it’s far into the heat and a special interview about relations with the west, there will be a russian bear when we we will answer in such a way that it will not seem like enough, we will see we will show more than others, all the time one step ahead, moscow, the kremlin, putin, look right after the news of the week, kalinon belek is a place where time... does not stop, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. welcome to
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the newest rixas hotel in sharmal. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas radomis sharmelshej. hotel titanic delluxe golf belek, where everyone. moment is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. we gathered about ten people into the first group,
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there were short calls. we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters come running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let's say, my trophy , we were hungry, here comes a grandmother, she is hungry, but she carries this kurbuda, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need the guys... to come to us, i have people they were caught, caring, support in word, hello, dear soldier and deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, then so what
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is this, are these tickets gone? premiere on rtr. you put two strangers in the same room. have you ever watched the sunrise on the beach? make yourself comfortable. look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness. how's your novel? were you following me? i'm filing for divorce. a melody for yours. from monday on rtr. i was waiting for you eternity, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
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i declare the international rhythmic gymnastics festival open. alina kabaeva gathers friends from all over the world. we will introduce you to the culture. victory, thank you to everyone who is with us, thank you to everyone who believes in our future, i love you, international holiday, children's rhythmic gymnastics festival, alina, in
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children's day on rtr. at the beginning of the week , a fresh survey was published by the institute of marketing and social polls of the republic of moldova. citizens were asked what nationality they consider themselves to be. almost 72% called themselves moldovans, and only 11% considered themselves romanians. for the current moldovan authorities, led by president mai sandu, with a romanian passport, this is a failure of their policy to romanianize moldovan society. the main goal is
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romania, which by and large is not great, not independent, has never been, and rooms sometimes lose their shores, like with hitler they went on a campaign against us, somehow frivolously, and, probably, it was not for nothing that they attributed to bismarck
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the catchphrase: romanian is not a nationality, but a profession. i understand that this is far from political correctness, but so is the desire to absorb moldova. a little history lesson from my fellow documentarian. versailles - 1919. the international conference sums up the results of the first world war. the victorious powers, france, great britain, the usa and italy are redrawing the map of old europe. new ones arise from the ruins of disappeared empires states with borders that never existed. one of the fattest pieces of the versailles pie goes to romania. entered the war on the side of the entente. in 1916, defeated by the germans and saved by tsarist russia, the romanian state managed to more than double its territory . first, taking advantage of the collapse of the russian empire, the romanians captured bessarabia. by force
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of arms they forced the self-proclaimed bessarabian council of the country to vote for annexation to bucharest, after which it was dispersed. following this, the lands were seized the collapsed austro-hungarian empire, including transylvania. and bukovina, there is a saying: it’s happiness to be romanian. the romanians must give them their due, they always managed to end up with the winners and receive the profit that others would not have received under normal conditions. at the versailles conference they immediately position themselves as a future part of the cordon sanitaire. they look at them like this: yeah, the british and french who commanded there, you’ll be a cordon, but you have to pay something back, so to speak, to you. therefore, after the war they receive quite large territories. during the interwar period, ideas. the fix of the romanian elite was the creation of an ethnically pure state, greater romania. in this regard, a course was set for the accelerated humanization of new lands. in bessarabia, already in january 1919, moldovans were prohibited from using traditional
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cyrelic graphics. the language of the slavs, jews, hungarians and other peoples was harshly expelled from the public sphere of education. since 1938 , it has been prohibited under penalty of imprisonment. any public use of the russian language, which was spoken by almost 40% of the residents of bessarabia, all russian newspapers were closed, the romanian authorities reassigned the local one. glorious church, banned worship in the church slavonic language, introduced the gregorian calendar instead of the julian calendar, and expelled the russian archbishop from chisinau. the romanians behave very rudely, they, having received the multinational territory of bessarabia, not only begin to pursue a frenzied policy of romanianization, speaking non-romanian in public places is not encouraged, more moreover, you can get hit by a policeman, literally, there are examples when he came up and beat me with a whip because someone... asked something and told me in romanian . the response to forced romanianization
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was several popular uprisings: in khatin, bendery and tatarbunary, which were brutally suppressed by romanian troops. during the first 15 years of romanian occupation in bessarabia , 80,000 people were killed or died in custody. fleeing from poverty, lawlessness and terror, from bessarabia for 22 years of romanian rule, more than half a million people fled to other countries. after the drought of 1935, more than 180,000 bessarabians died of hunger. in the interwar period, no one invested money in bessarabia, no one invested money in chisinau, it is not needed, so therefore the local population, in general, was not very enthusiastic about the actions of the romanian administration and therefore the arrival of the soviet army, in general, well how he gave her relief from... this rather harsh romanian pressure. the arrival of the red army in
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june 1940, the majority of the inhabitants of bessarabia greeted with delight. the population immediately began to change romanian signs to russian ones and demolish monuments to great romanians. the soviet union never recognized the annexation of bessarabia. bessarabia has always been painted in such shaded colors on our maps as a temporarily occupied territory, and did not agree to any promises from the entente. the entente tried us. to masturbate and say: well, let’s agree, so to speak, no, we didn’t agree to this, we declared that this territory was unfairly taken away from us, especially since the support of the local population, she was very serious. at this time , romania itself set a course for a close alliance with nazi germany. in august 1940 , the romanian authorities passed a law restricting the civil political rights of jews and completely prohibiting marriages between citizens of romanian blood and jews. the romanians quite a long time ago , a legend developed that they are
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the descendants of the roman conquerors, they, the romanians, are that very fragment of the main civilization of the west, which preserved all this, unlike others, unlike the germans, unlike poles, bulgarians, everything is there and, accordingly, they stand higher than those very slavic orts, which can even be called a civilization in... in the fall of 1940 , the pro-fascist dictator ion antonescu came to power in romania. at his request, king carol abdicated the throne and left the country. formally, he passed to the eighteen-year-old mihai ii, but all the levers of power were in the hands of antonescu. in november 1940, romania joined the tripartite pact and became the main supplier of oil for hitler's war machine. antonescu was fully.
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2000 soviet citizens. the greater
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romania project will be buried by the red army in the summer.


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