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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  May 27, 2024 9:30am-9:55am MSK

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it can be combined with almost anything, fresh frozen pacific mentai today is also being snapped up like hot cakes or straws for home recipes. the production of frozen piece fillets is running out, and we are afraid that there may not be enough until the end of the festival, in the end there was enough for everyone, so the street trade had to be curtailed the next day, a cyclone prevented it, however, the gastrofestival dedicated to mentai continued under the roofs of cafes and.. .
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oldbar cognac is a product of the steller group. kalinan bellek - a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. kalinonbek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, pechora vodka, a product of the stellar group, a hotel for unforgettable impressions rix sharma sheikh, only for adults 18 plus, here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs. around the world and comfortable rooms.
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rixos sharma is not just a vacation, it’s a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. cnop gin is a product of steller group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic, luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces. and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic lakshery collection bodrum. steersman bourbon is a product of stellar group. let me invite you to dance. your wife is having an affair with this. musician,
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i don’t believe that vika could cheat on me, the melody is for yours, the premiere today on rtr, in front of my own intuition or a neighbor, after masha, i’m no longer scared, they haven’t decided yet. it's time, it's time, it's time to decide, catch me if you can, a big music show, in general, i'm confused, on friday on rtr, do you remember what you promised me? i remember, what did i promise? you promised to marry me, well, that's where you're going, i almost ran you over. why
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are you keeping silent? did i offend you? no, it didn't hurt. this is my brother vanya. very nice. but i'm not very pleased. our kiryusha marries the daughter of the mers. alen, i don’t have any fiancée, these are all my brother’s requests. i am not interested. do you believe me too? don’t you think that he should decide for himself whether to marry or not? and what should we do now? maybe you are there? if you insist, i'll try. simple girl, mrtp on friday. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, today on...
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when eldar rezanov once again admired my talent, oleg baiselashili i immediately asked him: if she is so wonderful that you won’t give her roles, the famous actress olga volkova once recalled, the very beginning of her work with the legendary director. just 2 days later, eldar rezanov offered olga volkova a small role in his now famous film.
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but 10 long years then passed before he was invited to audition. today , olga volkova’s acting repertoire already includes several hundred different roles, but it was her work in rezanov’s films that brought her nationwide fame in her time. why not just how did the relationship between the director and actress develop and what role did eltar rezanov play during her difficult move? to moscow, this is life and destiny to olga volkova, good morning, dear olga vladimirovna, you are amazing, simply beautiful, thank you, we have been dating for 40 years, since the film cruel romance was released, in
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eighty-four it was named the film of the year, the most successful the soviet viewer is shocked by the fact that i’m in it in your small role, i’m not the only one there. from a cruel romance, and in general, from there are a huge number of you, well, such small roles in films, each of which you do, spending a huge amount of time, effort, attention, observation, for each there is some kind of story of your huge work, it was the same with this madist, you practically they also came up with, yes, yes, then the madists were french. first question to kalyadanovich: can she be french? he says: well , please, and then, of course, i’m obsessed with perfection, i found a natural french woman who studied russian language, studied children's literature, and
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i have a huge library, and at the cost of five books i found some kind of huge tape recorder to record her accent. was ready, let's see how it turned out, put it on, please, thank you, oh, 60 rubles, please, my dear, breathe
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some air while i cry, you have 60, you said 50, brussels lace turned up and then larisa dmitrievna fantasy is manifested. “and it’s more expensive, o-la-la, marry such a young lady and work hard, you need to pound, you’ll get it, get it, okay, okay, tie it with silk ribbons, yes, yes, of course, it’s necessary , well, it’s really amazing, well , the audience doesn’t even understand this, i received this as a gift, because - when the director gives the opportunity to try and improvise, and rizanov gave the opportunity, he ’s like that in general, i’ve heard about him, you can’t argue with him, if he decides something, he won’t budge, you’ve had to argue with him, persuaded him, it’s happened, there was a victory, because that eldar sanovich could
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hear, that used to be a very expensive film was there, they filmed it, then everyone who was filming went, as he says, to watch the videocon. and if someone suggested something, here, if it were so, he said, let’s film it like this, despite the fact that he was a very stubborn person, but a great screenwriter and director, but he always heard, heard. still, but, but there were moments when he got irritated, when he could argue with you, say, no, that’s it, he really loved liechka khidzhakova, if she forgot the text, it’s okay, but if i do, go learn the text , i forgot the word, so he was with me strict, but in my favorite role of an ophthalmologist, he was against me wearing glasses, because the actress also had glasses, but it was, this is what i call the role. yes, i met with such an ophthalmologist, i needed revenge,
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my son and i, who was 7 years old, went to all the doctors before school, the ophthalmologist, there were no people, we rejoiced, we knocked on the door, come in, low voice, here we go it’s like this office, dark, there’s a screen like this, there’s a woman standing with a bust like that, with a whisker on which... some broken lines are painted scooters, and we both open our mouths, i still have, he has, what does this mean, in his voice, mom, is he underdeveloped, i wanted to say that i am underdeveloped, i don’t understand what this is, come to me, sit down, hold the child tightly between your knees, i sit down, stroke vanka so that he doesn’t get nervous, a ray of light falls on his eyes, an innate braid. mother's eyes, i say, doctor, i look at him, doctors, we never in my life, i don't have time
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to answer, the best light falls on my eyes, and you mother is askew, well, we are happy that we have my son and i have a heightened sense of humor, we laughed, but i think i ’ll play you like a brute, only if god sends me such an opportunity, this is what gave me the impetus to act this way and behave this way. and say such words, put it, put it, let’s remember this film, seven, wonderful, sorry, again, it seems wonderful, wonderful, you are facing complete blindness, diagnosed with high degree myapia with clouding of the lens, one, two, and besides, you have destruction . prominent body, nerves, yes, and
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an irregular sexual life in the past, yes, how do you know, everything is written down in your house, took revenge, took revenge, took revenge, how it started, remember how your relationship with eldar aleksandrovich even began, how did you, how... did you recognize him, how did you meet, i worked in leningrad at the comedy theater and staged a play based on the script by brodinsky and ryazanov, colleagues, then it was an office romance, and vadim sergeevich golikov, a wonderful director, but i was always very thin, small and looked much younger than my age, and vadim sergeevich the director says: olga, i would give you a damn, but... how can you be so fragile and lead such a powerful team, well
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, in my opinion, i would be happy to, but in my opinion, you, well, in general, come to the reading, i took my mother ’s suit, which was much too big for me, i put on my hair, put on glasses, washed off my makeup, came, sat down, they handed out the text to everyone, golikov said, where is volkova, i think he’s pinning me, why don’t you take it off? he says: i don’t have it, but you look, suddenly the phone rings right away, i
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find myself in an appeal for two, this is your small role as waitress violetta, she’s standing many leading roles, but how was it born, how did you make it? well, first of all i went to look for the former tsarsko-selo station, then vitebsk, there was a restaurant there. in the evening, and during the day there are canteens, i arrived at the shift change, i sit with the waiters, the restaurant hall begins to fill. suddenly appears, swaying her hips, carrying a tray, but there was a tray on the tray, it was not a dish, it was she herself, i say who it is, oh, this is our actress, i say that she is an artist, she entered the theater institute, but did not enter , that's it, she was
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already captured by my behavior, by presentation, then women walked around, my grandmother kept saying: well... how can you go to college and put everything on yourself, well, because hope will suddenly turn on me or an assistant engineer, women have always had hope, it’s from loneliness and that’s why i found a suit, i was in a suit myself, it was a day off, now it’s hard to understand, so that everything would be, i came up with a gray strand, dye my hair, this is a woman’s cry. you starred in this film in a train station for two, did you already live in moscow at that time or not yet? i came from st. petersburg when will you move to moscow permanently? it was in 1993, in my opinion, listen, well, you were already then, you were over 50, you were already an absolutely accomplished
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person olga vladimirovna, you lived your life in the city on the neva, but in general already at that age, what.. i rented an apartment, although i had been wanting to go to moscow for many years, but everything didn’t work out right, because if i had gotten to moscow then, efremov called me, someone else would have broken me, i wasn’t ready then, but why did they break that i am unambitious, but i grew up in
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theater called tyusk, a theater of collective creativity, where everyone is equal, we are all equal. “we all get a remark, i have the right after the performance to go up to the people’s artist and say: “the stage didn’t work, let’s repeat, there is a right, in other theaters there is no this right, you sit - sit” and don’t open your mouth, only after so much years, leonid trushkin invited me to an enterprise, where i liked the director, the play, and the team, in the theater you can choose such a position, no, you enter where they put you, here i choose the play, the director and actors who are close to me, who else helped you here, nustanovich helped me when i was not allowed to buy an apartment because i am not a muscovite, and eldar sanovich turned to lushkov, and yuri mikhailovich and eldar sanovich
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helped me buy this apartment at the base price , i would never have moved over like that. if it weren’t for them, your husband then, how he supported you in this move, he resisted very much, he had his own workshop, he was an artist, but he won so many exhibitions, he had that, that is, he got what what would never happen received in st. petersburg, that is, and not only that, as the doctors confirm, i mean... his life for 25 years, because he had a heart condition, i really monitored his health, did everything on time, and he was thus, unthinkable, incredible in fact, he survived all the problems, if he had listened to me again, he would have lived even longer, but he didn’t listen, didn’t listen, well, he
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started working on his teeth and overdose... he shouldn’t have done it so hastily, an overdose of this painkiller, well, that thank god he died in his sleep, and then ryazanov's first leading role will happen, it will be inhabited heaven, put it on, let's watch this fragment of the film, put it on, and then vasily alekseevich, that is , i forget everything, ivan alekseevich has definitely arrived, and he and the cook with his maid, young maid. and i was already older, well, they transferred me to the kindergarten, let me help, but you weren’t married, why, i came across all the good people, ivan alekseevich’s thing is that...
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well, there was my disagreement with script version, as it was written in the script, we started arguing about this, and he decided, well, another actress will play, and i realized that i had lost the role, and then he returned, and i already had my own version, which he suggested, he went, it’s been 9 years since he’s gone uldar alexandrovich is with us, do you remember how you found out? his death, that, that he left, alas, i learned this on tour, being somewhere in siberia, you understand, people with such energy who have done so much good
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do not leave us, hierlind recently died , no, he is here, he is with us, eldar sanovich is with us, there are clean, kind people with positive energy. they never leave, how lucky i was that i worked with such colleagues: abdulov, sashenko, and shirvint, and gaft, etc., etc., here you go, there was only one left, of course, another thing that rezanov knew how to do was collect in one frame , such incredible actors, that’s why all these people. as you exactly said, they are alive, they will always be, and these films will always be with us. just recently, olga vladimirovna, you celebrated your anniversary. i
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wish you many more years of your creative life and the same legendary directors to your destiny, life destiny, olga volkova. please, acquaintance and roll call can be done without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea do you have? fate is now just fulfilling everything, i give up everything with joy, let's all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on
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sunday on rtr, there is such a girl with an amazing gift, whoever she loves will immediately become rich, you mean, already someone got rich, you first need to make her fall in love with you. and for this we’ll throw the girl into hell, and then the knight in white armor will lend her a helping hand. daughter, come urgently. i am very, very grateful to you. i hope dad comes home. we will find and return, believe me. don't break my heart, premieres on saturday on rtr. see how the events of today overlap with the events of days gone by. there is chaos happening at the global level. lies, fraud, isn’t this international terrorism and is carried out with payment, in general the ideology of nazism, it was taken by hitler from
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the anglo-saxons, look how and with what ukrainians pay for every dollar invested by the anglo-saxons in this country, the trouble is that we ourselves, with our own hands and actions , give rise to distortion. real history, this is a subtle and long-term game, it all works in this piggy bank, humiliation, they don’t want to see us as winners. besocon tv, today on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism - this is a parallel hanging. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. a so you don't miss anything, subscribe.


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