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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  May 27, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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the ideology of nazism, it was taken by hitler from the anglo-saxons, look how and with what the ukrainians pay for every dollar invested by the anglo-saxons in this country, the trouble is that we ourselves, with our own hands and actions , give rise to the distortion of real history, this is a subtle and long-term game, it all works here in this piggy bank, humiliation, they don’t want us.
9:56 am
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why does it slow down for some and speed up for others, and who needs pacemakers to restore their heart rhythm? this story about the pacemaker scares me. if it is violated impulse generation, then it will be like this. how often can you eat semolina porridge without harm to your health, and what most often provokes a chronic runny nose? questions from the doctor, alexander myasnikov asks, you answer, answer first, then we’ll think. wounds and scratches, why do they take so long to heal when diabetes is to blame, huh?
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hello, well, an introductory word for you, then here we have two patients who want your attention, hello, dear viewers, today we will talk about such a topic as brady arthritis, yes, because if we are talking about implantation of a pacemaker, then these are patients who suffer from such a heart rhythm disorder as bradyarrhythmia, that is, this is a rare pulse, our heart is able to generate impulses independently in the sinus node and conduct them through... the heart to the ventricle, that’s what you said, in the sinus node node, we are talking about the sinus node, this seems to be clear, i am amazed at how many questions they ask me, doctor, i have sinus arrhythmia, i will live when they hear sinus, and also arrhythmia, yes, which is, in principle, a variant of the norm, mostly when you
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you are written sinus rhythm, this is normal, because this rhythm is formed like a dock right in the sinus, so the sinuses, when you read, you do not write in panic, i have sinus rhythm, how long will i live, normal, well, enough yes, a lot deals with diagnoses of sinus arrhythmia, but in this case no, here it is precisely the problems in generating a sinus node impulse that will occur when the sinus node is not able to reproduce the rhythm, accordingly, everything that should happen here is cut off and happens here, but this is a very rare rhythm, which a person cannot tolerate, or there will be a violation of adduction, when the impulse has formed here, passes on the ventricle, but in this nodal place it is not carried out, thereby a... the ventricles suffer, they reduce the frequency of their contraction, if we assume yes let's start the metronome in one mode, yes, you see how evenly the heart beats well, if the generation of an impulse is disrupted, then it will be like this, if we -
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let's say that the heart has generated an impulse and then it is carried out on the ventricle, but it can be done every other time. or three times, which leads to clinical manifestations in the patient in the form of dizziness, loss of consciousness, and fainting. by the way, i want to remind you right away that fainting never happens in a lying position, it’s always lightheadedness, dizziness, and you understand, i ’m about to fall, if you fell like that, you just passed out, or you experienced it. lie down or so on, this is always the reason for you, go to this doctor, this is the heart, let's talk about risk factors, this is alcohol, smoking, diseases such as coronary artery disease heart disease, thyroid disease, hypertension, all this can lead precisely to disruption of tissue trophism and
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thus the emergence of problems in these structures that we talked about, we have two patients, let's see what they have risk factor, what kind of... yes, hello, my name is elena, i suffer from hypertension, as part of the clinical examination i underwent an acg study, and for the first time they wrote to me about arrhythmia and changes in the left ventricle. please tell me, should this be treated separately for hypertension, should the regimen be changed? treatment. well, hypertonic, we talked to you, yes, how is this the same, no one thought that it would happen, look what is written, the sinus says, we already talked to you about this, who said that he is on time... you just we read it ourselves, we were scared, but i was wary, there was no such diagnosis before, this is not a diagnosis, this is beauty from the norm, live in peace, i almost said according to bulgakov, don’t dream of any apartments in moscow, okay, let’s come to you, thank you, good morning, good, a couple of years ago i
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was diagnosed with arrhythmia, i have a syndrome there tachy brady is questionable, sick sinus syndrome is questionable, and well, uh. they offered me the installation of a pacemaker, yes, my name is olga, i’m 37 years old, and this story about the pacemaker really scares me, and maybe there are some options to solve this issue with medication, i used to go in for sports, i was given enough cardio exercises easy, now my pulse instantly skyrockets from the slightest exertion, and of course i feel very bad, well, lately, to be honest, better, but there are moments. when it’s not very good, that’s what you can advise me, even if the minimum is 43, there are no pauses of more than 2 seconds, what do you say doctor, here is the main thing that we turn to the clinic, yes, which the patient presents, you seem to have complaints, in cases, if, for example, the patient has
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brodycardia, then well, it is pronounced, there are large clinical pauses or sharp brodycardia, then the doctor is definitely inclined to implant a pacemaker, why, because it is unsafe for your life, right? rare rhythm unsafe, there are additional research methods that are carried out on the patient, and there are electrophysiological studies of the heart, and also tests for the individual. as i understand it, we can
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receive pacemakers free of charge under compulsory medical insurance. today, a unique situation has developed in moscow, the health department, the moscow government allocates funding as part of compulsory health insurance, it is free for patients, in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, it will increase by a third in the twenty-fourth year funding for this. these are high-tech methods of treating coronary heart disease, strokes, and separately as a pool of patients with heart rhythm disturbances, where in an emergency you can receive this type of treatment by ambulance, here in our hospital, for example, the entire cycle of treatment is at the veresaev hospital heart rhythm disturbances, for this we have high-tech equipment, specialists, we have an appointment in an outpatient clinic in the form of a cdc, where the patient can come as planned, consult.
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attention to your elderly relatives, because there is a conduction disorder in patients who have suffered a heart attack with cardiosclerosis, the conductivity is somehow impaired, and if you yourself feel rare pulses, or he says, you know, i just can’t, i’m switching off, this is where i need to identify these pauses, because then, except for installing a cardiac simulator, nothing will prolong their life or improve their quality. life, well, here we have some popular questions, how
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it is established, how long it lasts a pacemaker is a metal box like this, which is stitched either into the left subclavian region or into the right subclavian region, depending on whether it is a savoy or a right-hander, accordingly , a small 4 cm pocket is made, a pacemaker is placed there, and the electrodes go along the subclavian vein into the heart into the ventricle into the atrium. the operation does not last long, about 40 minutes, an hour, and this is a minimally invasive procedure, well, it’s just a puncture, but with you and me, yes, the patient goes to the ward, he does not lie in any intensive care unit after that, and after he is discharged home for a few days, under outpatient observation by cardiologists, in fact, he lives with him, so we have mrict with a cardiac simulator and through metal detectors, at the moment there are two types. stimulators - this is an ordinary stimulator, which has metallized parts, in no case should you do an mri with it, and there are
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other stimulators that are made of alloys, titanium, which does not have metal parts, with them it is possible to do an mri, in each individual case with the patient is specified if he has disease of the musculoskeletal system, oncology, brain disease, and if he is shown repeated subsequent mri diagnostics, then he is implanted. compatible device, as for the frames, all modern devices, they are sort of protected, yes, it is not recommended to stand in this metal detector frame, if possible you need to bypass it, but if suddenly you come there is no such opportunity, the most important thing is not to stop in it, we passed that's it, there won't be any problems with it, how to care for it, change the battery, test it, and this device undergoes annual mandatory testing, in some cases twice a year, the devices work for about 6-8 years, then their subsequent
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replacement is required, that is, this device is removed, disconnected from the electrodes and a new one is stitched back together. what physical activities can you do and what not? well, there are no contraindications to physical activity with a pacemaker, there are restrictions such as contact sports, such as wrestling, karate, and then there is weightlifting, well, not. recommended for patients to engage in professional swimming, and you can swim in the pool, you can do any kind of sports, walk, walk, run, play tennis, well, in general, a completely normal life. further, how often can you eat semolina porridge without harm to your health, and what most often
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provokes a chronic runny nose? questions from the doctor, friday on rtr, indulge in a first-class holiday with leo reorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes,
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a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio- rezarts, we are here for you. titanic delluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules! titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation.
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immerse yourself in a world of exhilarating adventures incendiary entertainment. elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas radomis sharmelsheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms. the largest children's town in the region and an unforgettable vacation. rixsas radomis charmel-sheikh. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. at rixsas golf villas and suites sharma shei. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy
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contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas. perfect fit. for couples and families, relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and sudes sharma. you were invited to fashion week. i can't pay for your collection to be shown in europe. but i didn’t become a famous musician either. or maybe we both made the wrong choice? they say that the past not return. excuse me, what is it now? year, but you can go back there, what’s wrong with you, and what’s wrong with me, you’re somehow not like that, soon there will be a competition for young designers, maybe we can take part together, there’s no such thing anymore, you’ll see him , you’ll run after him like a cute girl, hello , something is wrong, we met somewhere,
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you are avoiding me, i thought that... international holiday, children's rhythmic gymnastics festival alina. on saturday on rtr. time for our regular column questions from the doctor, we ask you questions based on previous programs, you answer correctly,
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which means you reach for the key, open the closet, get a prize, answer incorrectly, or do the exercises, or i feel sorry for you, and i forgive you, well, let's see how it goes, whoever is ready, raise your hands, there you go you, yes. let's get acquainted, hello, my name is marina, i'm an economist, well, it's a good start, spin it, marina, this is which of these two, it's in the middle, choose this one, well done, come on kids, you can eat semolina porridge every day, i heard that no, write, and you why don’t you use semolina porridge yourself? and the other one, i love barley, buckwheat, our man, i don’t use
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semolina either, but, oddly enough, i really like barley , buckwheat, and also corn, really, well, yes, actually, no, well, you can eat, you can eat everything , and every day, not every day, but it is clear that semolina porridge is the most wrong product, it contains mostly very fast carbohydrates. starch and special benefits, well , it will give the child energy, but it still lays the foundation for excess weight and subsequently problems in the form of diabetes, those porridges, about which we are talking about, which we love, pearl barley, buckwheat, millet, this is ideal, oatmeal, now think about it, frequent runny nose, private runny nose, is this a sign of weak immunity? i suppose that yes, it’s all the same, but think about it, you’re an economist, yes, yes, that is, you’re used to a certain logic, let’s do it, right here we have
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bulgakov, and what is truth, and what is runny nose, and what so private that it’s always an infection, okay, answer first, then we’ll think, i got caught smart, why are you laughing, immunity, if he really has a compromised immune system, he will be and so on, that is, the answer is no, the weak manifests itself in many other diseases, but naspart is far from being in first, second, or tenth place on this list, if this is real. reduced immunity, and now how have you even heard the word antihistamines ? no, she said honestly, remember,
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you say, do you understand what the song is about? no, what are we going to do? can i ask a question? i'm wondering if antihistamines can cause addiction? and i assume that the drugs, they cause addiction, like antihistamines. can’t cause it, it’s quite possible, well , let’s do it, antihistamines are what we treat allergies with, what we give for allergies, antiallergic drugs can be addictive, no, write, well done, now you have a question, i’m afraid, i have allergies, i'm afraid to take antihistamines... i'll get used to it, what will i do then. the only thing is that with things like hives, you need to understand that really small doses may not work, official doses, they need to be taken
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two, or even four times higher, this is a recommendation for allergists, but this must be done under the supervision of a doctor, well, you don’t have everything, well, well, well, everything worked, come on, get the key, but judging by this , that your dress is the wrong color, take out three, well, it’s clear, give me the second one, if the third one doesn’t suit, then don’t come to me in black, go ahead! well done, okay, hold the microphone with one hand, give it to me.
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open, choose, okay, come on, here you go, marina, thank you very much, it’s very nice, sit down, please, if you want to review us, we look at this platform, the application or website, we move on. abrasions, scratches, wounds. in the summer, they constantly appear in adults during dacha work in children due to outdoor games, they usually heal quickly, but what to do if the wound does not go away for a long time? it turns out that this is an alarming symptom; it signals, for example, the development of diabetes mellitus or heart failure. what else causes wounds to take a long time to heal and what first aid rules
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will help? in fact, the topic is so interesting, not only summer, why summer, not summer? well yes, in the summer we are more at the dacha, in the forest, poking around somewhere, hurting ourselves. let's immediately, so as not to return to this, we all must be vaccinated against the weakling. it’s stupid for a weakened person to die in our time, so if you have never had a vaccination other than against flu and covid for the last 10 years, then it means you haven’t received
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an update from... from a slubberry, so do it, especially before the summer season, it may maybe it will save your life, because all these wounds, they are all potentially dangerous, you know, well, yes, that’s how it was announced, indeed, a poorly healing wound is due to diabetes mellitus, heart failure, venous insufficiency, decreased immunity, this is all 100%, it is clear and understandable what to do, you received this or that wound, or you fell, you got stuck, either it’s a deep wound, or it’s a puncture wound, everything is generally different everywhere. the first thing you should do is rinse the wound with ordinary primitive water, the water should be clean, but by the way, sometimes you need to stitch it up, very often i fell, hit my chin, my hand, and we see what if the wound is really deep, yes, it needs to be stitched up, the important thing here is time.
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an ordinary wound should be stitched up for up to 12 hours, well, in extreme cases, 18, that is, you can’t sit, tied it up, wait, went there the next day in the evening, that’s it, they won’t stitch it up, it will be primary intention, and if on the face , face-neck, there up to 24 hours, there is more, well, that is, what i mean is that if you see that a wound, slammed skin, a deep wound requires, usually it is visible, requires... uh, stitches, you should not put off, because that then you will just have a big one a scar on the face, well, because by primary intention, it all goes completely differently, they will already choose what kind of suture, it can be simple, it can be absorbable, paper clips and so on and so on, well, we don’t put paper clips on the face, let’s say, considering that the lip, tongue are self-absorbing sutures, for example, an arm, a leg, with this, these cute
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animals, give them back to the animals? give the animal, give the animal, come here, my paw, come here, my paw, this one will scratch, okay, but bites, bites of dogs, cats, other animals, we we never stitch it up, but only if it’s not the face, well, because cosmetically, because in general, puncture wounds and wounds and so on, they can contain infection, so it’s tetanus, and you think a cat can’t bite, how can it, yes i to you... i’m returning it to this sweet creature, maybe this won’t bite, but my mikun, today he wasn’t in the mood, when he’s not in the mood, and i have these shepherd dogs, they would kill him with just one breath, well not by breathing, he still weighs 15 kg there now, but they are poor, he hisses at them, he hits them, and what do they do, moreover, they lower their tail, they have ears...
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neck and so on half-bent away from him, both of them, and why did you come with him, hm? what did you bring it? it so happened that the marquise became the main culprit today. after her scratch it doesn’t heal, well, in principle , not only it’s early, the bruises take a very long time to go away, and nothing helps, not heparin, i even put leeches on these in these places, and somehow it doesn’t go away, it’s clear, well there other, cat scratches and so on, they are usually infected, generally if the wound does not heal, then it is an infection, contamination. the addition of an infection, or some kind of general, general condition, i don’t think that you have some kind of severe diabetes and so on, this is a separate story, now let’s talk a little about broader things, further, when the wound needs to be kept open,
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when make a bandage, how useful is plantain honey for healing scratches, the wound is purulent, it’s scary to look at, and these worms are put there, it becomes pink, clean. then that's what it's like, it's down to earth, the premiere on rtr, you're staying in one room two strangers, you have never seen the sunrise on the beach, settle down, look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness, like your romance, have you been following me, i’m filing for divorce, a melody for yours, today on the mouth
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titanic luxury collection boudrum . rest is leaving yourself alone, rest
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is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh. the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a vacation where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel sharmel sheikh is your ideal one. place in the heart of the city hotel for an unforgettable experience rixas sharmaelshey only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day.
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year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixos sharma is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul. where every detail is created to be admired. continuation of the sensational investigations of the volgograd adoptive mother signora fratti, who in the nineties was able to illegally bring over 1,260 russian children to italy. we went to italy to personally check her company nadya service, where nadezhda fratti offered to take the child. against the backdrop of all the information noise , he hastily sells off his property. how nadezhda fraite managed to leave the country now. all the details are only with us malakhov today on rtr, but do you remember what you promised me? i remember, what did i promise? you promised to should i marry? well, where are you going? i almost
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hit you, why are you silent? did i offend you? no, it didn't hurt. this is my brother vanya. it’s very nice, but i’m not very pleased, our kiryusha is marrying the mayor’s daughter, alen, i don’t have any bride, these are all my brother’s requests, i ’m not interested, do you believe me too? don’t you think that he himself should decide whether to marry him or not, and what should we do now, maybe you’re there, if you insist, i’ll try, simple girl, on friday, i thought that here, more seriously, you’re sitting and you think it’s not here about thinking, this is all here, to play or not to play, yes, yes,
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if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people enjoy is the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, i oops, five on one saturdays on rtr, the program about the most important thing continues, we talk about wounds and scratches, that’s not why it’s all, you know?
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for healing, and there are, by the way, even these artificial factors, a mixture with these
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growth factors that do, it is believed that closing the wound will heal faster, by the way, when the wound is chronic, it will not healing, now it already has harmful discharge, these growth factors are not there, they, on the contrary , slow down the healing of the wound, there you need to clean the wound by the way, how to clean it, there are possible solutions, these are either enzymes, there are special enzymes, they are sold, poured into the wound, the wound is purulent , with uneven edges, inflammatory, we fill it with enzymes, they adsorb very quickly, it forms this white coating, then it’s just pink, or if it’s a large, completely contaminated wound, it’s worms, this motherapy, it’s very widespread in america, in africa, you can’t imagine how it all works, it ’s purulent, it’s scary to look at, and these are put there... they live and after that, when they eat this nicrotic
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tissue, they secrete a special healing film, the wound becomes pink, clean, just simply amazing, a well-known method is still used for thousands of years, what has also been used for thousands of years on a non-healing wound, on an acute wound, on any wound, not plantain, well, remember, no, don’t pee like... i’m here they suggest early, no, this will not help, but maybe only in the desert you need to wash your wounds early, honey, and today there are many honey-based preparations for the fastest healing of wounds. diabetes, a diabetic actually seems naive, but a person has diabetes, has high sugar, has a wound, or has a trophic ulcer, we know from diabetic foot, but if a diabetic’s wound does not heal, the advice is this: early diabetic, insulin, intensively ,
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lower the sugar, then it’s too early, at least you can’t control it, control it, here in at the moment, already with insulin, keep the sugar low there for at least two or three weeks, then it will heal faster in a diabetic, it is very important to also understand the pro-national body, the child often sits somewhere, sits with his butt on a chair, on glasses, everything if you cut yourself, don’t stitch it up and don’t do anything until you’ve done an x-ray. because you have to remove it, my grandfather laughed, i’m not gray-haired, i sat on a jar as a child, i have a piece of glass in my butt, it stands there, and then i just read the memoirs of his brother, but... very he spoke in detail, his older brother, alec, by the way, my grandfather offended his younger brother, so he wrote with malice that alec sat on the bank, he finally left me behind, he now has other problems. alek is my grandfather, i too, by the way, in my childhood i was alik, that’s what we were called, big alek, little olik, we are complete, complete mates. so, i washed it, bandaged it, changed the bandage once
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a day, once every 2 days. a non-healing wound is the basis that you are treating it incorrectly, there is either an infection, or... the cat scratched, it healed, there is a pocket, there the infection is smoldering, smoldering, smoldering, smoldering, so open it, clean it, or there was a pocket there, yes, it is very important to treat the wound properly, but we are talking about wounds that are all so serious, there is just a scratch, well, a scratch, but it will heal, why isn’t it healing now, well, because we put on clothes, it rubs, we get it wet, it irritates, we give it with some kind of cream, something else, again, uh, we re-injure it, okay, let’s talk about plantain, 50/50, exactly, 23 by 23, okay, let's do this, whoever the plantain helped, raise your hands, who didn't help, that means
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those who he helped, those optimists... so i , as a doctor, am obliged to say that this is a myth, but as a practitioner i say that this is true, okay, let's move on, right now our traditional section is: doctors, raise your hands, good morning, alexander leonidovich, kind, and several years ago i was diagnosed with arthrosis of the knee joint of the third degree, at the clinic level i was prescribed injections and contraprotectors, there were also some pills, there was no improvement, then i
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tried to consult in commercial medical clinics, each the clinic, that means, refuted everything... the previous recommendations and offered something of its own, then i ended up in a rehabilitation center, i also tried to use injections as a kind of therapy, for a while there was an improvement, but then everything again and seemed to go back to square one yours, where could you recommend that i go for quality consultations so that i can determine, in my opinion, you have already applied everywhere you could, you have received everything, it’s just that the situation is very simple, there is no treatment for this, so do what you want and you always do. do you want some plasma? enriched platelets will make you feel better; fibroblast cells and adipose tissue are now making you want hyalurnic acid, you want one thing, you want another, you want a third; all of this has only a temporary , short-term effect; what’s interesting is the cure; that
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chondroprotectors no no no no no no no so you can go even to the carrot festivities for consultations like you are already yourself. you see, by the way, if he recommends arthroscopy, that is, inserting zones here, sewing something, sewing, degerative changes also don’t work, it’s erased, you’re on your own say, arthrosis of the third degree, all the surfaces have been erased, there was arthritis, only two things really help, this is weight loss and joint exercises, here we are talking about yoga, we are talking about taichina, this is seriously a huge job for this, but acupuncture doesn’t understand anything ,
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list my therapist prescribed a strong antibiotic just in case, after that the lymph node slowly dissolved, but as soon as i have a slight cold or drink a cold drink, the same thing...
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there is no place for antibiotics, that’s for sure, yeah, thank you very much, thank you, good morning , doctor, i have a question about the thyroid gland, my tsh is elevated 6.0, t3, t4, free is normal, ultrasound of the thyroid gland is slightly increased, but normal, they diagnosed clinical hypothyroidism and prescribed hormone replacement therapy on an ongoing basis. the question is: is it possible to restore the functioning of the thyroid gland without resorting to hormonal therapy ? were there any symptoms, no, or only prescribed based on tests? and i gained 15 kg in weight in 1 year and i
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discovered this problem, it’s just that usually, if normal hormones are elevated tdh, we don’t do anything we do it until he reaches 10 plus, if he is 10 plus, we give hormones, if he is like you are six, you can do nothing, or you can get your bearings, then we ask if there is already a clinic, you are gaining weight, here you need i also need to understand why the weight gain, maybe you , i don’t know, got married the other way around, left my husband, i don’t know, well, you also need to understand how much this is related to this, if it’s related to the thyroid gland, but it was given correctly, if after all there was something else, uh, i don’t know, they stopped smoking, they were pregnant, well, something else then, then you could have waited, so here’s the answer, thank you very much, that’s all for today with questions, i wish everyone good health, further, what is the danger of stress and what remedy will help get rid of insomnia? several
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years ago, a gypsy woman predicted to your mother that the one you love will get rich and then leave you. what should i do, oleg? don't break my heart, premieres on saturday on rtr. bored of your old fence? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life. with it you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from. all you need to do is secure the photo façade in a way convenient for you. it's ready. the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. when
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now you will receive a second set of peddy vack as a gift, this is a care you can share with your loved ones and the price will remain the same , only 49.95 and you save almost 50 euros, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, and by the kilo...
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i love you, i love you too, let's see. on the weekend, leave her alone, but you have no prospects in life, oleg, we don’t need more dating, sometimes parting is just the beginning of a great love, it’s not easy to be the wife of a prosecutor, yes it’s not easy, they’re watching you, this is your husband’s man, let him go, fox, be careful, tell him, do you still love him, first love, all that, yes, don't touch me. what are you doing, let me go, listen to me carefully, something needs to be decided with them, sheet, run from him, you are in danger, he has already betrayed you once, i will do everything so that we are together again, the romance is in the past, in saturday on rtr, see how the events overlap today, with the events of long ago
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, at the global level. there is chaos, lies, manipulation, isn’t this international terrorism both committed and paid for, in general the ideology of nazism, it was taken by hitler from the anglo-saxons, look how and with what the ukrainians pay for every dollar invested by the anglo-saxons in this country, the trouble is that we ourselves give with our own hands and actions... a reason for distorting real history, this is a subtle and long-term game, it all works there, in this piggy bank of humiliation, they don’t want to see us winners. besokontv, today on rtr,
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good morning, hello, stress is constant today. companion of our life. most people are in a state of chronic stress and there can be a huge number of reasons for this. these are problems at work, these are problems in the world, these are family problems, this is raising children, there are more than enough reasons. how to calm down in 30 minutes, how to get yourself in order, this is what we will talk about today. our tv viewer ekaterina contacted us. let's let's find out her story. good morning, a program about the most important thing: my name is ekaterina, i’m 36 years old, i’ve been working as a hr specialist for more than 10 years, there’s a lot of stress during the day, so i can’t sleep at night, i tried taking sedatives, but there was a feeling of addiction, as if without them it got even worse, i started taking natural medicines, which practically don’t help me, i want
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you to... tell me what modern, and most importantly safe, natural remedy will help me sleep peacefully, and also be active during the day. ekaterina, today we are in the studio, please come to us. good morning, good morning, ekaterina. good morning, how long have you been suffering from insomnia? i work with shift personnel, that is , there is a time difference, there are messages and calls around the clock, that is, i have been doing this for more than 10 years. how has your life changed with the onset of stress? as a habit, we cannot change many factors in our lives, for example, work, what should we do? the issue of dealing with stress, of course, needs to be approached comprehensively, what is an integrated approach, in what it is, we will talk about this today, and i want to invite an expert doctor to the studio. elena igorevna korshun, candidate of medical sciences, gerontologist,
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nutritionist, expert in the field. good morning, irina igoria, good morning, good morning, please tell me why stress is dangerous? stress is indeed extremely dangerous and the consequences can be unpredictable and affect all areas of life. let's take a closer look. we have taken the most common problems associated specifically with stress factors, i propose to address them with insomnia. it is important to follow a routine; you need to fall asleep and wake up at the same time, both on weekdays and weekends. days, this establishes a certain regime for the body and preserves our circadian rhythms. it is important to fall asleep before 23:00, because only then can you count on good melatonin production. what to do in order to fall asleep? give yourself a little physical activity, take a walk before bed, do not eat large amounts of food before bed, do not use gadgets and tv, take a book, read, believe me, you
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you will eventually work out that time. when you fall asleep. increased blood pressure. the stress hormone is cortisol. cortisol causes us, first of all, to have a spasm of peripheral vessels, an increase in heart rate, and accordingly. a reflex increase in blood pressure, while pressure surges, such irregular ones, lead to the risk of developing cardiovascular complications, heart attacks, strokes and other consequences. gastritis and ulcers: truly diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, they are this, you know, trigger of our psychological state, first of all , reacts to stress, to anxiety - this is our gastrointestinal tract, that is, gastritis, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome. dyspeptic disorders, such as constipation or loose stools, are all related to stress. weakened immunity. the fact is that the stress hormone cortisol causes a decrease in white blood cells. and we all know that
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a decrease in leukocytes also occurs during viral infections, which indicates a decrease in immunity. therefore, the body becomes more vulnerable to various viral and bacterial diseases. what needs to be done? the whole secret here lies in nutrition, there must be nutrition. balanced, filled with microelements, and this gives reserve strength to our body. pain in muscles and joints. you know a very interesting fact, how do we react to stress? we shrink, and this is also the influence of the stress hormone, cortisol. we shrink, we develop a muscle spasm. over time, this spastic state of the muscles becomes prolonged and does not go away completely. these muscle pains appear, and as a result appear. pain in the joints, because movement in the joints is also limited due to muscle spasm. problems with concentration and memory, stress provokes excitability, anxiety, and all this distracts us, accordingly we get a decrease
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in concentration, performance, memory deterioration, and disruption of thought processes in general. depression, the diagnosis of situational depression, is now given quite often. this is a functional disorder, it is directly related to. chronic stress, but unfortunately, depression also leads to changes in behavior: constant depression, lack of facial expressions, slow speech, and this condition is getting worse and worse, there is no need to reach depression, but in addition to all the above factors, stress also leads to premature aging, and here swedish scientists helped us figure it out, they proved that a stress factor leads to a shortening of telomere length, and measures are our main indicators of longevity, so stress provokes premature aging, what should we do? what methods are there? very often, in fact, there are situations
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when you really need help urgently. you need to start with a healthy lifestyle: gentle physical activity, proper nutrition, all this adds up to making it easier for a person to cope with stress, but there is the so-called... so-called methods, emergency methods, well, ekaterina just started taking sedatives, but i’m not delighted with the consequences, it’s generally possible to calm down in 30 minutes, ordinary herbal sedatives really do not give a quick and proper effect, they act cumulatively, many people are afraid of synthetic drugs, they have very unpleasant consequences, addiction still develops to them, an allergic reaction may develop, and concentration of attention decreases. during the day , excessive drowsiness appears, movements slow down, nausea, vomiting, and headache may occur, after which it is not recommended to drive, that is , these drugs have quite a lot of undesirable reactions
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often, therefore, when choosing sedatives, it is better to give preference to 100% natural remedies, for example, based on lavender, mint, valerian and hops, but with fast and... in the form of liquid capsules with co2 extracts made using a special production technology. what is co2 extract and how do they differ from conventional herbal remedies? co2 is carbon dioxide. co2 extracts are new generation extracts that have the strongest biological activity, the greatest among all known extracts. they are obtained by processing conventional extracts with co2 and carbon dioxide. co2 extraction allows you to preserve without destruction the entire bouquet of processed substances from plants in their natural, undamaged form; it allows you to isolate a concentration from plants that is more than
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10 times stronger than when processed by the conventional method. these extracts are considered pure, sterile because the co2 is 100% evaporated. that is why these extracts are considered environmentally friendly, there are no... any traces of solvent, unlike other products, therefore these extracts are considered pure, do not go rancid and are most effective, this is what determines their quick effect... 30 minutes and once again i would like to draw your attention to the fact that you need to choose a product in the form of liquid capsules. what are liquid capsules? these are soft gelatin capsules with a liquid active ingredient inside, and as a rule, liquid substances are absorbed faster, which means they can have a much faster and more effective effect. in this case, only a soft gelatin capsule can be placed liquid substance. if it is still an active substance of a new generation.
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essential oils and co2 extracts, then the effect will be maximum, they will act extremely quickly without side effects, which distinguishes them from synthetic sedatives. let's compare how quickly phytocapsules with co2 extracts, essential oils and conventional products begin to act, we put the herbal remedy in the stomach , drop the phytocapsule, quickly enough in the stomach the liquid capsule dissolves into... phytoextracts are given that have the effect we need a sedative and relaxing effect. but for ordinary herbal remedies, as we see, it will take a long time of an hour or more. where can you buy such capsules with such extracts? ask at pharmacies in your city, but since capsules are just beginning to appear in pharmacies, we recommend that you order on the internet pharmacy website and pick up your order where it is convenient for you. you can also find out where to buy on the manufacturer’s website. but pay
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attention, the words must be written on the packaging: co2 extracts, also make sure the name of the manufacturer is well known; it is important that the manufacturer has many years of experience working with natural products, providing the consumer with unique products with maximum effectiveness, produced according to gmp standards. ekaterina, i hope that you will take our advice, reduce your stress levels, and start sleeping normally. and finally, you will enjoy your work. thank you very much for coming to us, elena igorevna, thank you for being with us today, my friends, today we they talked about how dangerous the consequences of stress are, and of course, they gave recommendations on how to effectively and quickly cope with this stress. and we wish you a good day and a great mood, be healthy, there was a program with you, about the most important thing. let me
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invite you to dance, your wife is having an affair with this musician, i don’t believe that vika could cheat on me. melody for yours, premiere today on rtr. on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyoyev. second day state visit of the russian president to uzbekistan. leaders and delegations discuss such areas. we are waiting for the direct participation of our correspondent from tashkent. attacks on ukrainian armed forces facilities.


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