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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  May 27, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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news. to the nasha program studio. today the relatives and friends of colonel vitaly sukuev will come. the hero of russia died in a special operation zone in september twenty-two. what was he like in life in the service? about this today at 15:00. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the app or on the website, but the news continues to follow developments, so stay with us. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes in hot pursuit. so, the hybrid third world war is gradually becoming hot phase. nato general secretary. called on the alliance countries
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to lift all restrictions on strikes by western weapons on the territory of our country, we are not talking about new territories, we mean our borders, the borders of russia in 1991, while staltenberg outlined red lines that he would not cross under any circumstances. according to him, about shooting down targets over ukraine and bringing alliance troops into the territory. country is out of the question, that is, the nato secretary general seemed to have closed the months-long epic with macron’s initiative, however, the norwegian’s red lines were immediately erased balts and poles. spiegel writes that the baltic trio and warsaw will send their troops into ukraine if moscow achieves serious strategic successes. we are probably talking about the capture of kharkov. well, in the meantime, for a strike from... britain, poland, sweden, congress and
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the us state debt, secretary of state blinke and speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson insisted on such a step, the latter is clearly lobbying for the interests of the lockhit martin company, which produces atacoms missiles, which are already strikes at crimea and donbass, that is, part of the republicans, as they say along. biden, while remaining silent, provides moral support to the ukrainians, the elderly self-propelled grandfather called putin a cruel tyrant, against whom he has been standing for a very long time and will not retreat. the main thing here, as they say, is not to fall in the case of biden, while the american president himself was also called a terran, trump did this. and at the same time , donald called ukraine a foreign country and called for stopping the outbreak of the third world war, which will become. unprecedented in
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scale and nature due to the use of weapons of mass destruction, i.e. nuclear weapons, to tone down the tone, including the americans, the italian foreign minister antonio taiane called on the secretary general, he spoke out against attacks on russia, the historical fear of moscow is still preserved by german chancellor scholz, he rejected calls to give permission for ukraine to attack russia, but as is known, german liverwurst.
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attack russian territory, fearing it could escalate into a wider war, but has faced pressure and calls to change this policy, some nato countries, including france and estonia, have not ruled out the possibility of sending troops to ukraine. biden says this is an issue on which he will not make concessions. there is not a single american soldier in ukraine. we strongly support ukraine, and we will continue to do so. we are up against a man i have known for many years, a cruel tyrant, we cannot retreat, and we will not. putin was sure that nato would collapse. do you think such
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a resolution will be announced very soon, or will it be a surprise to the russians, what can we expect from the biden administration? i i think that if such a resolution were announced, then we could see those rare moments when ukrainian armed forces fighters strike important targets of russian forces, for example, the location of missile systems, we also know that the russians have already adapted to massive attacks, so this window of opportunity for the ukrainian armed forces will close in the very near future; to approve such strikes or not, by and large, there is no difference anymore; the biden administration has long wanted to make some adjustments to the strategy of the ukrainian forces, trying to adapt the ukrainian armed forces. if the russians are shooting at the ukrainians from a safe distance, which is what they are doing now, then the ukrainians should be able to shoot back. this is basic self-defense. some russian missiles are launched from close range, literally across the border, and some are launched from
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military airfields. russian planes are based there and launch glide bombs and attack kharkov, so yes, i think the ukrainians should be able to shoot back. we must consider the issue of striking in the context of other steps, what the us and western allies have done is increase the number of weapons systems they send, as well as expanding the ways in which ukraine can fight back against russia. and only then should we talk about how american advisers will react to this. everything is moving in a consistent upward cycle of escalation, at some point it is quite possible that we will cross some of russia's red lines. nato needs to understand that if ukraine is allowed to strike with us or other western weapons, there is a risk that the russians they can launch an offensive that
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ukraine will definitely not be able to repel, and thousands of lives of ukrainian armed forces soldiers will be wasted, then russia will be able to win in 2025. ukraine also wants nato aircraft to find. everything in alliance airspace was shot down by russian missiles over the western part of the country so that the ukrainian armed forces could transfer their own air defense systems to the east. bundestag member rodorich kisiveter advocates for western states to take the air defense of western ukraine into their own hands. a coalition of the willing could would place its own air defense in a corridor of 70 to 100 km to cover the west of the country. this would relieve the burden on the ukrainian armed forces in this area, allowing them to '. i am also responsible for ensuring that ukraine hits targets during its defensive campaign and by doing so we will prevent war between russia and
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nato. just imagine what this would do not only to all of europe, but to the entire world if it actually happened. i personally don't want my children to grow up in fear of a third world war. i do not think that... these weapons should be used outside the conflict zone, italy is not at war with anyone, my position is unchanged, and i will always be against sending italian soldiers to the war in ukraine. in general, everything is as always, as it was, for example, with tanks, the americans will allow everything and immediately take it under their belt. another thing is clear: for the west, strikes on the border territories of russia are a step of desperation, because only strikes on russian logistics hubs can. at least somehow slow down our successful offensive, all other methods do not work, and the western military technology has shown its helplessness, again. the day before, the russian flag was raised in the center of krasnogorovka, and there was little time left before the final cleansing of the city. in
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the avdeevsky direction, nitailovo was liberated, and the russian flag was also hoisted over the village. in the kharkov direction, ivanovskaya has been completely taken, these are the kupinsky sections. front video from russian attack aircraft on your screens, in the volchansk area, our army took the quiet last height in the city area, which was still under the control of the vso. that is, for ukrainian forces this is complete a disaster, especially considering that the ukrainian armed forces are trying to counter-offensive here, but of course, unsuccessfully. to the southeast of the village of tikhoy, fighters from the north group approached a destroyed bridge over the volchie river. the front line now mainly runs along this river. zelensky said that near kharkov , everything is just beginning for ukraine and its independence. they say russia is assembling another one right now. demchenko. according to him,
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russian drgs have become more active in the sumy region, crossing the border to study the ukrainian defense and begin to attack it strikes from heavy weapons. at the same time, the blows are already being delivered. in these frames, artillery strikes of the russian army on the positions of militants of the zelensky regime in... it turns out that they are hunting for a drone that is hunting for them, danger threatens from
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all sides at any time, it is so loud, they hit everything, they hit everything , why only possible. oleg is a rookie, but already exhausted, like a veteran. everything is very complicated, very difficult. lots of missiles, lots of drones. drones are like bees, they are everywhere, you can only hear the buzzing. what's also scary is that that they are like rain, like rain, did you rest? suddenly his units are called into battle again, these people are tense to the limit, the battlefield is empty urban areas, the battles are going on street after street, this is the sound of firing artillery, the russians have already won the war once.
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the russians have made a deep hole in ukraine's defenses, and these people are doing everything they can to plug it. but they have been fighting without a break for almost 2 years, and the russians are now bringing in fresh forces. they know that further along the border there are russian troops ahead, ready to be deployed. long a summer full of combat, combat training
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is a big responsibility, a fighter is shown how to hold an anti-tank missile and is corrected when he makes a mistake. the other recruits watch it carefully, then take turns trying it themselves. the instructor conducts the classes carefully. first transferred to ukraine by the uk, it was in high demand, but supplies were limited.
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the situation is tense, we don’t know what to expect from the enemy, we’re trying to hold it back, the soldiers we’re talking to here say that this is one of the most important weapons, which are in their arsenal, the problem is...
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the former head of military intelligence of the czech republic, general shandr, said that the current situation at the front suggests that if the war continues and a peaceful solution is not found, ukraine. risks ending tragically, tragedies continue to end the attempts of ukrainian boys to escape from the young ukrainian democracy, the thirty-second body of a man has already been found in the tisza river, so that the border guards do not kill in the back, making them the next drowned, ukrainian fugitives take away their weapons, the first battle is with the hilyants
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happened the day before with border guards on the romanian border, several draft dodgers attacked. against a military man, took his pistol and fled the country. by the time reinforcements arrived , the uhilians had already crossed the border from romania. at the same time, the west does not react at all to the violation of the rights of ukrainian citizens who die while trying to escape from a free country, which the expired zelensky regime has closed for travel. some eu countries do not want to tighten the rules for colonists from ukraine to stay with them.
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i propose a new model of military service for eighteen-year-olds, they will be given the choice of spending 12 months on full-time military service, or one weekend a month as a volunteer to work for the benefit of their local community. mr. sunok says
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that he is looking forward to his daughters performing similar service, it is possible.” then they will choose a khaki uniform. conscription for military service began. 30 thousand of the best and brightest young people will serve in the army, according to conservatives, the rest will volunteer to work 25 days a year. this program will cost £2,500 million per year. the pilot project is due to launch in september next year. sanctions will be applied to those who evade, but not of a criminal nature. lately, we have seen that our society is becoming atomized, this mainly affects young people, but not only, they live in their own bubbles, isolated and communicate only with people from the same circles as them. we want to find a way to unite people, this should help unite us as a nation, as a society. we must work with young people to combat such
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worrying trends as atomization. maybe james cleverly and the government should get out of their bubble so they can understand what's going on here in the real world? interestingly, 3 days ago the government's policy was completely different; in his written response to a question about conscription on may 23, defense minister andrew morrison stated that the government had no plans for a return to military conscription. in it's the same time. the labor leader, walking along the midlanza football field, said that young people should be guided in a different way by lowering the voting age. yes, i want sixteen and seventeen year olds to be able to vote.
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what are we going to do about it? we must
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prepare today and significantly strengthen our defense, it is impossible to have an army in constant combat readiness, the whole society must join in to help maintain these skills, that’s what the prime minister’s proposal is about. i say this every now and again. whether there will be anything left from ukraine or, say, from nato by 2054 is completely unknown. the same will probably happen with the endless
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negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu. there will always be an insufficient fight against corruption or a need for reform of something. in general, there is an eternal carrot in front of one’s nose to die for the interests of the west for at least some purpose. after an unsuccessful pacification. the visit to germany is historic for paris; the last official visit to germany was jacques chérac back in 2000. emmanuel will visit immediately three cities, berlin, dresden and münstr. the goal is to convince the germans and chancellor scholz of the correctness of their european course. what is this course about? macron explained the day before: there are enemies all around. in macron's worldview, europe has many external internal ones. the space is filled with the ultra-right with their, as he put it, seductive enemies, she may die, political ideas, democracy in crisis, ukraine
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definitely needs help, however, it is the ukrainian crisis that is the biggest point of contact in the franco-german relationships. macron sleeps and dreams of sending nato troops to ukrainian soil, expanding the conflict, and the cautious germans are trying.
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we have never had so many enemies inside and outside, we are experiencing an existential moment when our europe may die. i talked about this a few weeks ago, and it's not just because war has returned to europe. i'm talking about russian aggression in ukraine. i also think that our democracy is in something of a crisis, and we see it ourselves. visiting bellevue palace for the first time and german-french relations will deepen. previously, macron attended the festival of democracy dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the constitution, where the president received a lot of applause. i consider it my special responsibility to participate in the european debate, even as president, to expose, so to speak, the idea of ​​the far right. in our countries , it is that there are extremes, in particular the far right
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and nationalist. one of the main points attracting attention is the change in attitude towards support for ukrainians in the war against russia. emmanuel macron floated this idea only recently, apparently without consulting his european counterparts about sending
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nato troops. to places in ukraine, olaf scholz did not like it, the germans were very slow in transferring weapons to the ukrainians, they refused to supply taurus missiles, which could have allowed the ukrainians to attack russian territory. on the other hand, the germans note that they have allocated about 17 billion euros to help ukraine, including military, and the french have spent about 630 million. emmanuel macron and olaf scholz meet quite often at various summits or. sat down where their countries invited them, so as not to bother themselves with state visits to their neighbors. the last such visit dates back to 2000. 24 years ago, jacques chirac met angela merkel in berlin. since then , franco-german relations have deteriorated. they were aggravated by the war in ukraine, in which paris did not rule out sending troops, a strategy that berlin did not like because of the escalation, this conflict increased the distance regarding issues of defense of the european union. this
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just one illustration of disagreements between countries, of which there are actually a lot, from energy to the economic policy of the european union, in the field of imports and exports. both countries want to help ukraine, but there was criticism, and not only from germany, that france promised a lot of things, but never offered anything significant. this is very much the case when it comes to financial and military aid. in general, friends of germany, first of all , macron himself should be carefully studied. history, especially the june events, i will remind you that in the historical calendar of france there is a tragic date: june 22, 1940. on that day, in the campiène forest, 70 km northeast of paris , an armistice was signed, signifying the surrender of france to nazi germany. well, history, as we know, is cyclical.
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something new has taken over the german charts this spring. which translates to germany for germans, foreigners out. all german youth are now rocking and dancing to this song in discos, and not just youth, but golden aryan youth with bright faces. look, someone is zigging, imitating a mustache, you can see an austrian artist. this particular footage was filmed near the pony nightclub on the island of selt, a favorite vacation spot of the german elite millionaires in the north-west of germany, that is, this is not the backward east of germany, usually associated with the far right, these are boys and girls from wealthy families, the song goes viral, while the police, at this time in full riot gear, brutally disperse.
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protests by farmers, pro-russian and pro-palestinian peaceful demonstrations, even beating human rights activists who advocate for the immediate end of western support for ukraine and... the torrential massacre in gas, while no one touches their fascist children, dangerous trends, with the slogan germany for the germans, all when -it was beginning. beautiful weather with glasses of wine in hand, jumpers thrown over your shoulders.
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time sounded last year, you can say that this is a right-wing extremist meme, here in fact, this song is for the first time in a long time such is the slogan, it is known from neo-nazi demonstrations since the 1980s, it
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was shouted by hitler’s followers even during mass russian riots. you can see and read about this in reports from the time, there were several cases where people with murky immigration histories were beaten to death by neo-nazis while screaming. later, it was repeatedly used by adolf hitler, the national socialists, they said, so to speak, down with the jews, down with the alien germans, which is exactly what hitler said in 1920, the year the nsd was founded. this was his great goal parties.
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well, as you know, if you are paranoid, this does not mean that you are really not being watched. so, the south korean agency ronhab , citing a source from the ministry of defense, reports that moscow is helping the dprk develop the spy satellite. allegedly, pyongyang already launched its first one into orbit in november last year.
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october surprise from russia and the dprk exactly a month before the american presidential election, the white house is concerned that russia and the north.
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nuclear submarines, ballistic missiles, the establishment of a military alliance between russia and the dprk, the american authorities are almost more concerned than a new war on the korean peninsula. let's see. now let's move on to the news coming from the pentagon, where senior american officials told our tv channel that the biden administration. increasingly dissatisfied with the alliance between russia and north korea. the united states is preparing for
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the potential for hostilities between these two powers ahead of america's november presidential election. what do your sources say about this threat? officials are preparing for the possibility that pyongyang may begin to carry out even more provocative military actions than those that were previously and those that came to the attention of the united states throughout the rest of the world. these provocations can be anything from missile tests. with the demonstration of new advanced technologies before another nuclear test, which, by the way, if carried out, will be the seventh in a row under this regime, aggressive actions against south korea are also being considered, which they are preparing for, after all, this is an election year, because at such times north korea usually behaves more provocatively. kim chin-eun threatens the world with endless missile tests, you may ask, well, yes, what’s new here, because we are already accustomed to the fact that the leaders of north korea, the people... are presented as a supervillain, or ridicule his dictatorial regime, but
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those who watching north korea are sounding the alarm, they claim that kim may actually be preparing for war, how big, when, i don't know, it seems kemchongin is tired of trying make peace, now his affairs are better than ever, this is a big threat, especially for south korea, which is supported by the united states. kim jinneung looks at the cards very enthusiastically, and it is worth noting that when dictators begin to pay.
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a little more about the time cycle of the presidential elections, because i
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actually at least heard about this precedent that pyongyang is becoming more active on the eve of the us elections, but i think that for many of our tv viewers it is not entirely clear why this is happening, are they really so how they want to help trump, why they are inclined to do this, why the election is so important to them. historically, this has happened for several reasons: the first is chaos, the second is that they just want attention, so they resort to the possibility of escalation and the emergence of what...
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smelly and dirty, this is in the truest sense of the word. remember, emmanuel announced that on june 23 he would swim through the autumn with the mayor of paris , anne dalgot, to prove that the river was suitable for hosting the olympic triathlon competitions. the water in it is clean,
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no garbage, no crust over it, no microbes, no parasites, one or two e. coli in sight. the french disagree. from the position of its president. the seno is officially considered the dirtiest river in europe. this is confirmed by the environmental organization sorfrider foundation. well, residents of the capital call hay not only dangerous, but also smelly. theirs is the french formulation. so that the president of the fifth republic understands this, the parisians are preparing a rather strange action of nationwide protest. it is called 23. artificial intelligence, there is an embankment on them the hay, filled with, excuse me, toilets, littered with rolls of toilet paper in
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countless variations, went to macron, the neural network showed what he would look like if he decided to take the plunge, his skin would be ... not white at all, parisians are offered to carry out a strange action directly at the foot of the town hall of pont-marie, and for residents of other regions they launched a countdown calculating the exact time and place of dumping of feces, so that the current would deliver them to paris exactly at the time of macron’s swim. the official slogan of the action, please note, the official slogan promotions ahead of the olympics. they poured shit on us, now we will drown them in shit. in this absurd situation, of course, i would like to hear the opinion of the athletes who will have to fight for their medals in the dirty waters of paris after this action.
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there are still a lot of naysayers, but you know the people who tell baby all day long, so when they say "beat, beat, beat," i say that actually, yes, we're going to have a hay bath, because we've done everything we need to do to make hay. swimmable and it will truly be historic event. emmanuel macron is planning to dive into hay during the olympics to convince people that hay is a clean river, emman macron. repeatedly stated that it was in it that he made his best swim. i will do it. the double backflip from the elysee palace is not yet 100% confirmed. but what is certain is that on june 23 , olympic and paralympic day, the mayor of paris, anne hidalgo, will dive into the hay. she must be accompanied by the paris police chief and
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the district commander to prove to everyone that the water is not as dirty as they think. let me remind you that the opening ceremony of the olympic games, as well as the marathon competition. fast food, you should explode on june 23, bam-bam-bam, i'm not joking, i hope you are all healthy, but this is not a joke, this is a reflection of france, this is a collective. who represents french politics and has been doing this, unfortunately, for many years, the participants of the flash mob i'll shit in the hay are called to gather
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on june 23, this is the date chosen by anne hidalga, the mayor of paris, in order to open the hay for swimming, to show and prove, that the hay is clean, it’s tough, when these politicians get in out of the water, they will have scabies, and something unknown will grow under their armpits, this is crazy, they make us think that the hay is clean, i personally don’t believe in it, but we’ll see, you ’ll be bathing in hay on june 23rd, and more moreover, the current mayor of paris did not invite me, what she wanted to do, but i take it as a tribute to my voters, this is a historical moment, in any case i will swim, of course, swim, but no one counted on the reaction of french internet users who are on social networks are using which now has more than 2000 messages, i'll spoil everything 23.
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at the olympics, which i don't want to miss, then this is definitely it, it's still free, i feel like a child, this will happen for the truth, ann will never be as happy as before plunging into seine, can you imagine how many cyclists she will see there at the bottom, it’s amazing, i can already imagine how all the parisians from their balconies will cheer for her, and then all of mary’s employees, oh yes. emmael macron, who also decided to take the plunge, also said that she would change the hay
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your appearance in the near future, take a swim and we will see how your face changes, i can’t wait for it, i’m very glad that they have a bath in the hay, i expect that when macron gets out of the water, he will look like his wife , now urgent news, stoltenberg comes and continues to stir things up, we have already told you that he... proposed lifting all restrictions on ukraine regarding strikes on russian territory, repeated this thesis again just a couple of minutes ago, the head of the north atlantic alliance said that ukraine’s self-defense includes v ukraine has the inalienable right to carry out attacks on the historical territory of russia; this is self-defense for ukraine. at the same time, this same stoltenberg stated that nato military personnel should not be on the ground or in the skies of ukraine, if nato forces are directly involved in
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the conflict, if they attack russian targets in the skies or on the ground in ukraine, then we will be in a situation in which it will be impossible to keep nato out of the conflict. we proceed from the fact that nato is already maximally involved in the conflict right now. we're going to the front we are transported, our legendary one is in direct contact.
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a puncture in the enemy’s defense system, when we break through the defenses and enter the operational space, this operational space is not protected by either defense lines, minefields, or anti-tank ditches, this is the task, if the puncture is made, then the next step is the desire to occupy as much space as possible, well, moves the initiators of these.
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of course they shoot in the direction of kurakhov, but today it’s quieter, which means the sanitary corridor is working, but the enemy is busy fighting with us, for example, in kharkov, where we have a weak the commander of the kharkov defense, he is also arguing with syrsky, syrsky gives instructions
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to shoot at belgorod, which is safe. also, and dropaty demands to transfer the firepower of the ukrainian armed forces to the front line, that is, dropaty talks about defense and strengthening his combat positions, and sirsky fulfills the order of kiev and the firepower of ukraine, here near kharkov they are involved in shooting at civilian targets, we see what kind of raids.
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strike, approaching the border, the border of the russian border, that is, this is it nato's advance to the east, they also planned to accumulate force with conventional weapons, to strike our entire system, early warning of a missile attack, just the other day they made such an attempt, they hit our early
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warning missile attack facility, which... is located in kuban , wow, our nuclear deterrent forces are already receiving blows from ukraine, so everything is complicated here, like a corridor. the corridor is needed because people need to take a break from all these dangers that ukraine brings, russia did, by the way, all these last 10 years, and then we need to protect ourselves completely, and this is control of ukraine from, well, that side of the world community that has nothing to do with nato. sasha, what is the state of the ukrainian army now in terms of all these endless escalatory actions?
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the enemy’s pain, and his weaknesses, weakness is a temporary phenomenon, but they don’t have ammunition today, but they have a lot of beer, but today they are replenishing personnel, so we ourselves
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are adding our firepower little by little, not i know if we can win on points, using boxing terminology, and not by knockout? perhaps we don’t understand at all what the general staff knows and what it assumes, but the result is there, the result is obvious, it’s difficult to analyze, and thank god, now a new minister has arrived, a new turn, i’m not doing anything right now some kind of revanchism, no, no, no, under no circumstances, but we are waiting for some economic changes associated with activation. the military-industrial complex with the activation of the state defense order for the fulfillment of this order, that is, in other words, the enemy is definitely not exhausted, you watch videos on the internet when the public is caught, forced to fight, but they
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don’t want to, but that means these are no longer our convinced enemies, but people forced to fight with us, and in this regard the ukrainian army is not weakening, well it’s just primitive, the people there are not over yet, the battle with... a capable people is not a people not over, combat-ready, there are fewer people willing, but what difference does it make to us, who we are, who stabs us in the body, but a person on drugs, a purposeful person, motivated, drugged, deceived, what difference does it make to us, we need to destroy everyone who poses a danger to us, everyone, if the enemy does not surrender, he is... a rock, no, stormtroopers are not children at all, but i want to tell you that
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a person, who finds himself on the front line with a weapon in his hands, he begins to fight for his own safety, while there is hope to shoot back to complete the task, he... in kharkov we have a daily norm of 7-10 prisoners in the kharkov direction, here in donetsk there is also a direction in kherson and zaporozhye, that is, they give up, they give up, wanting to save their own lives. thank you very much, sasha, thank you very much, war correspondent. alexander sladkov on direct line: front line. another noteworthy message: the european union, it turns out, wanted to organize a peace conference for ukraine and
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russia in the fall. bloomberg reports this with reference to its sources. the big question for europe, officials say, is how to move from next month's conference to a possible meeting with saudi arabia in the fall. with russian participation. federation, i remind you that the day before zelensky personally appealed to biden, who is not going to the so-called peace conference in switzerland, with a request to still come in person. appealed to shijin ping with a request to come, today the office of the leader of the dprk responds to zelensky with a message that we welcome peace efforts in every possible way, but only in the status that is recognized by both ukraine and russia, in this capacity, to switzerland russia, as is known , doesn’t go, well, that is, in this way china is in once again delicately, but refused. ukraine,
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the very statement of the ukrainian expired president, look. i appeal to the leaders of the world, which is still on the sidelines of global efforts to prepare for the peace summit, to president biden, the leader of the united states , president xi, and the leader of china. we do not want the un charter to burn down just like these books. i hope you don’t want to, please show your leadership in bringing peace. russian language, it looked as funny as possible in the sense that every time on the weekend he gave an interview for the first time on the ukrainian leader forgot russian words, although they were known for certain; he himself told us that his native language was russian, and he first began speaking ukrainian 3 years ago, when he got hired.
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well, that is, he forgets the russian language, but apparently he is trying to explain why he is a legitimate president after all, as it seems to him, the version looks unconvincing, well, ukrainians know their constitution, they know the law, we understand that these statements are...
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another one on the face capitalist crisis, well, the favorite pastime of westerners imperialist states to get out of this crisis and the method of exit is to unleash the next major war or global or many conflicts, well, the west came out of any crisis like this, if you remember the second world war, then on the eve of this war the great depression took place, the west encouraged the creation of fascist regimes in germany, in italy, well, we see we remember
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what all this led to, tens of millions of lives, yes, a tragedy, a colossal tragedy, but in fact it is obvious, this growth of nationalist sentiments, it is understandable, because the west, while promoting nazism and these right-wing ideas, actually does not fully realize that it is almost impossible to control the nazis, remember the famous words of the french prime minister heriot, who said: that the dog got off the leash while talking about hitler and bit their masters, nazism also bites its masters, the history of modern ukraine, when the regionalists , the same yanukovych, tried to flirt with the nationalists, sides, freedom, and so on and so forth, also ended with the maidan and the blood that is now being shed, but in fact, when we see footage in the same germany, you show, because what is the big problem, for up to...
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in the baltic states these are fascist regimes, these marching people, that means ss veterans, or the nazis in ukraine who captured power, well, listen, if you are european.
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islamists, that is, or nationalists, yes, but in fact the main destroyer of europe is the current ruling regimes of europe. the first who allowed the deindustrialization of their states, they are in france, if you look at the index of industrial production, swim steel, equipment production and so on. it fell 2-4 times compared to the eighties, everything was deduced where there is cheap labor, further uncontrolled migration, they are not...
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connected with their elections, but we fundamentally need to clearly say: the center of the anti-fascist struggle, it has clearly shifted to side of the russian federation and our allies, asia, latin america and so on, and we, for example, the communists , believe that really only we can lead this struggle to successfully complete it, because no statements from western politicians will not solve these problems, we are now fighting fascism and nazism in ukraine in the west, but a provocation. they are constantly continuing, today this is the story that the baltic countries or poland can send their soldiers there, regular forces, listen, of course, from the point of view of real help, especially if we take the baltic countries, this is funny, i looked at the reference book, everything the armed forces
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of these three non-states are 20,000 soldiers, yes, that is, at the rate of death of dry soldiers during the conflict, this is... for 2 weeks and that’s it, and there won’t be these armies, there won’t be personnel, there won’t be weapons, and so on, but this is again testing the situation, and how they perceive it, they use provocations, and possible strikes on the territory of the russian federation, escalation is underway, this escalation can only encounter opposition healthy forces, we are building this system , including the visits of the president of the russian federation to china, the visit to belarus, now the visit is very important... important meetings are taking place in central asia in uzbekistan, this is precisely the building of an anti-fascist, not imperialist, aggressive counterweight to the west, namely the anti-fascist one, we believe that this is very important and correct, well, blinkin’s statement, this is the second statement by blinkin, stoltenberg regarding permission
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to strike the territory of the russian federation over the past 3 days, the head of nato, it is clear that the person in general, not solving anything, the person in general has... the time has come to think about the fact that it is worth lifting some restrictions, because now we see, especially in kharkov, that the front line and borders are moving away if they cannot to attack military targets on russian territory, it is more difficult for them to defend themselves because they are attacked from russian territory, by missiles, by planes, and it is difficult for them to respond, because
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there are restrictions on the weapons that they could use, we must remember that this is, this is self-defense , the russian invasion of ukraine is military aggression. it is obvious that ukraine has the right to self-defense. law, it includes the right to attack legitimate military targets on territory enshrined in the un charter and the international russian federation. i also think that when we we send weapons to ukraine, they are no longer ours, they are ukrainian. they have the right to self-defense, which includes striking military targets outside of ukraine. expanding the boundaries of the possible actually look at our reaction; if we don’t respond, then they will try. this is generally the case.
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someone will consider it illegitimate, but the fact that no documents cannot be signed with this person is absolutely obvious to me, because the next day after signing the document, any citizen of ukraine will be able to sue and bring his case to justice regarding the unlawful actions of this man who calls himself the president of the country. regarding stoltenberg and the desire to attack the historical territories of the russian federation, the idea is not new, and it would seem, yes, well, it’s clear whose interests he represents in europe. well, since he is the secretary general of nato, yes, of course, whoever, as they say,
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dines a girl, dances her, the americans pay, controls nato, he works for them without any doubt, and it would seem, but if you want to attack historical territories russian federation, well, let the americans give their long-range missiles for this attack, but they don’t, the idea is this: stoltenberg’s task is to carry out attacks on the historical territories of the russian federation. these are our leopards, leopards, these are our european weapons, now
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stoldeng’s task is to do the same, to do the same, to convince european politicians that they and, above all, mr. scholz, that they give, these are long-range weapons, and why is this needed at all, it would seem yes, well, if you want to develop success in some direction, you need these missiles to achieve some military goal, no, zelensky’s task is to...
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for a long time there has been no existence for them, in some moment, well, this is an understanding of the situation in
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which we find ourselves, it can lead to very tragic consequences, and the last thing i would like to say is that i absolutely agree with sasha sladkov, but you know that russia , which claims to be a superpower, cannot win this war by glasses, because we understand that there will be sympathy with the judges and judges completely on the opposite side, there is only one chance to win, this is an absolutely clear, understandable to everyone, not requiring additional explanation, victory, success, well , just a knockout, there cannot be another option for the zelensky regime, you cannot deal with this regime, he must be sent to knockout will not return to this topic anymore. zelensky himself argues that putin, without waiting for the end of this war, is ready to enter a new war, so he is inviting all states in every possible way. russian federation to enter the war on side of ukraine, but he clearly has
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nothing to lose, he just wants to inflame all this even more, look. we believe that the baltic countries are the ones under attack first of all, because they are estonia, lithuania, latvia, and we told all of our partners about this, they are standing because you can try nato’s reaction to an invasion or crossing, illegal crossing . the borders of these countries are from russia, you can check them, yesterday, by the way, yesterday, the day before yesterday, it seems to me that this has already happened, here they are...
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when your girl turns 18, will she receive a tar? whichever man he loves will be lucky and rich, but as soon as he gets rich, he will leave her, what if the gypsy wasn’t lying? well , hit her, i just realized today how much i like you, how beautiful you are, what are you doing, i don’t believe a single word you say, just don’t push too hard, otherwise you’ll scare her away, she’ll run away, she won’t run away from me, you hear? , how it beats, i will protect you,
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that you like how we deceive you, well , what to do, happy to be deceived? catch me if you can, big music show, eaten? why, you ate, ate, ate, on friday on rtr, but do you remember what you promised me? i remember, what did i promise? did you promise to marry me? well, that's where you're going, i almost hit you, why are you silent, i hurt you, no, i didn't to the point, this is my brother vanya, it’s very nice, but i’m not very pleased, our kiryusha is marrying the mayor’s daughter, alyon, i don’t have any
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bride, these are all my brother’s requests, i’m not interested, you believe me too, don’t you think that should he decide for himself? everything or not, and what should we do now, maybe you are there, if you insist, i’ll try, simple girl. on friday on rtr. we declare the international rhythmic gymnastics festival open. alina kabaeva gathers friends from all over the world. we will introduce you to the culture of different peoples. young stars - future champions. an unforgettable journey into the world of sports, music and beauty.
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thank you to everyone who is with us, thank you to everyone who believes in our future, i love you, international holiday, children's art festival. agenda, why don’t you care, the continuation of this is conditionally some kind of parallel conversation, in the new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, substation, the first podcasts that we watch,
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please get acquainted and roll call, maybe without constructing, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, he tells stories, i was impudent in a white tuxedo, and i begin, then markolievich zakharov disappears into a heap, and for me it was probably akin to a phenomenon christ to the people, how many secrets have been told, i, as a man, am a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more is ahead, i foresaw my fate, now that’s all. fulfilled, i surrender everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home, with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr. hungarian
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prime minister orban said that the world is on the threshold of the third world war, and our descendants will speak of these times as the forerunner of a great war. let's listen. europe is so drawn into the war that it does not even have an estimate of the magnitude and expenditure of funds necessary to achieve the military goal set for it. i have never seen anything more irresponsible in my life. the north atlantic alliance wants to become a participant in the ukrainian conflict. and the chances that nato will be able to keep it from happening are small. it cannot be ruled out that if if things go badly and we cannot control the war psychosis that has developed in brussels, then the history of these years will also be
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an episode of the first years of the great world war. ask! mr. orban talks about the so-called danenko-kruger effect, when decision-makers do not realize the depth, the actual incompetence, and are therefore unable to make a decision and realize that they are wrong. this is typical for many, many politicians today, the same zelensky, a classic example, when he reflects on his own legitimacy, he doesn’t even understand that legitimacy, like ositrina, has only one freshness, it is determined only by elections and nothing else, but this applies only to real political leaders, and from the very beginning he was a parody, we must not forget about this either, from the very beginning he he was a comedian who was pulled out on a stick and told he was now the president. we are pulling his strings, and this is the president, that is, from the very beginning there was a conversation about his legitimacy, well, there may have been legitimacy, but with authenticity there were immediately huge problems regarding stoltenberg’s statements
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, it is very important when he says that it is necessary to hit the territory of russia, and he, as within the framework of any postmodernist policy , means that this idea will sell well, in postmodernity only those ideas are good that are sold, she will be able to earn money, indeed, moreover, not even directly, this is not about the americans supplying missiles to ukraine, conditional, yes, the americans will first force the europeans to hand over their weapons, and only then will sell the europeans other weapons. very briefly about the scandal in germany, these yawning people who jump there, representing quite the german middle class, and mr. scholz, when he is indignant at all these manifestations, he forgot his own words
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that there is no history. .. coming out right now in germany, he said that, well, he abdicated responsibility, this is firstly, secondly, he said that there is no genocide in the donbass, just recently he said that it is also time to abandon history textbooks what he meant to one god is known, but here is the refusal of history textbooks in full length in germany right now. look what we are fighting against in ukraine. the shooting
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begins as soon as we arrive in the forest belt, it turns out that they are hunting for a drone that is hunting for them, danger comes from all sides at any moment, they hit with everything, with everything they can, they hit, oleg is a rookie, and he already an exhausted veteran, everything is very complicated, very difficult, the armed forces brigade reports that russian drones, like bees, are circling over the front line in huge numbers. in these frames our pividon is knocked out near krasnohorivka by another american abrams tank. and here the uav hits an armored vehicle of the ukrainian armed forces already in the vicinity of volchansk. the russian aerospace forces are supporting the assault on this city. aviation destroys panton bridges across the volchya river in order to disrupt logistics, and also destroys temporary deployment points. to
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defend. near kharkov, ukrainians have to withdraw troops from other places, and now there is a shortage of troops there, and a glaring one at that. first of all, this concerns donbass. the city of chasov yar is located there, and a little to the south from it there are small villages, kleshcheevka and andreevka, heavy fighting around which has been going on for months. now the russians appear to have conquered them, and this success is probably also due to the fact that the ukrainians are short of the troops currently deployed near kharkov. that the kiev regime has nothing to do with it. the newspaper reports that the ukrainian armed forces group in the city is catastrophically short of human artillery. against this backdrop , ukrainian militants are increasingly relying on drones. in these frames, the positions of bandera's yari watches are burning out heavy sencipiok flamethrower systems. this is already a video from the enemy. a nazi from azov showed how he unsuccessfully tried to hold back the advance of the russian army in the pokrovsk direction and was eventually wounded. i don't know
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if i'll get out. a russian aerospace forces helicopter hits an american international max pro armored vehicle, missiles from the vikhr complex in the chasov yar area, and this is the work of our tank crews in the kupinsky direction. the crew of the combat vehicle shoots almost point-blank the ukrainian armed forces' supporter, destroying bandera's supporters. consulting research bainen campany shows that russia produces more than three times more shells than nato countries. 4.5 million versus 1,300,000, while the cost of domestic ammunition is four times lower than that of western ones. ukraine suffers from
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a shortage of weapons and ammunition. all along the front lines, soldiers say that for every five artillery shells fired by the russians, they can respond with only one shot. at a base in the kharkov region, a commander says his unit is trying to make every shot count. we have to contain the russians. sometimes artillery shells are needed simply to protect our infantry on the front line of defense. i wish there was more ammunition, more shells, more guys. the more shells, the fewer guys die on the front line. in the kupinsky direction, our units, following the rolling and kislovka, established control over the village of ivanovka. the soldiers of the twenty-sixth tank regiment wrote down. raises the flags of russia and the dpr over the completely liberated nitailov. the russian flag is already flying over the center
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krasnogorovka, although heavy fighting is still ongoing in the city. against the backdrop of the successes of the russian army, zelensky records a panicky video from kharkov, afraid that the russians will stretch the front further, starting a new one.
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to kill with american weapons on the territory of russia, warsaw has nothing against this, the head of the polish foreign ministry, sekorsky, called on the banderaites to bomb rostov on dana, secretary general nato stoltenberg also believes that it is time to lift restrictions on the use of western weapons. i
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believe that the time has come for nato members to consider lifting some of the restrictions which they imposed on the use of weapons supplied to ukraine, because especially now, when a lot of fighting is going on in kharkov next to...
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china is preparing an armada of ferries, tankers and container ships for the invasion of taiwan, reports the british taligraph. the publication , citing an american report, claims that beijing 10 years ago issued a certain technical recommendation for gardeners, which allows the use of civilian vessels for military purposes. and use for landing troops will allow for a few days to land up to 300,000 chinese soldiers along with equipment on taiwan. in the meantime , ships of the people's liberation army of china and the chinese police are approaching the island. in total, the separatists
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counted 15 ships and 21 aircraft, and the taiwanese ministry of defense counted the same number. this is a very clear signal to the americans, who continue to engage in provocations in asia. in taiwan, another delegation of the us congress is headed by yar russophobe, chairman of the house committee on foreign affairs mccall. makol promised that washington will continue arm the separatists, and unlike kiev, taipei will receive new weapons systems. a clear demonstration of the attitude of the american owners towards ukraine. samokol noted attacks against mainland china, saying that china's recent exercises in the taiwan strait indicate beijing's lack of intentions to act. way, but no amount of intimidation will stop the visit of american
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legislators to taibek. the new head of the administration of the island of leitsent is also going to escalate, emphasizing that he will continue to strengthen friendship with america. at the same time, on the islands, less than 200 km south of taiwan , joint exercises were held between american and philippine marines; the filipinos are preparing a guerrilla army that will have to hold back. the offensive of the people's republic of china, in general, is another conflict in taiwan. on the nose. in taiwan, the fragile peace looks even more fragile. the self-governing island has a new leader whom china views as irresponsible separatists. over the past two days, beijing has been trying to show the world how it will fight the war here and win in it. is this one of the naval bases in
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china real? china is a huge country. taiwan is a tiny island, one lake in china is 10 times larger than taiwan. do you think they will benefit from our land? for beijing, reunification with taiwan is the most important task, and it is inevitable. the latest exercise is a punishment to taiwan for its rhetoric that china and taiwan are two different countries, and this is not just a sarcastic exchange. there is an opinion that chinese military action against taiwan would be a disaster. will be ready for attack taiwan by 2027, do you
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think beijing is preparing for war? definitely yes, china is preparing for war based on the number of warships and the recruitment of new recruits, and this is all done for the defense of taiwan. now for beijing, such a conflict looks like a very costly and risky undertaking; it will probably try to put pressure on the island through non-military means. rather than to capture it, but zelensky from kharkov called on the leaders of the united states and china, biden and, drop everything, come to the summit on his behalf, so the so-called peace formula in the chinese foreign ministry, they have already said, and today they said again, that negotiations without russia’s participation are considered pointless. biden, the place of the arosophobic shabby zelensky is planning to ask for a day in california in the company of hollywood stars.
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joe urged future officers not to forget that america is strongest, not by example of strength, by force of example, what? after this ambiguous phrase, there was an awkward pause, but...
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who was treated for prostate cancer in the hospital again 5 months ago. the us department of defense assured that this is not related to oncology, the procedure supposedly planned, minimally invasive. however, austin was temporarily replaced in his post by his deputies. secretary of defense lloyd austin is again hospitalized at the medical center. walter irida, he will undergo a minimally invasive non-surgical operation, this is a planned hospitalization. the non-surgical procedure, however, remains a serious medical procedure, and he is forced to hand over the duties of defense minister to his deputy for the time being. he will be incapacitated, by my count, this is the fourth time since december that he has been admitted to walter hospital reed. first, he underwent surgery to remove a prostate cancer tumor, then he experienced complications and returned to the hospital in quite serious condition. to be admitted to the intensive care unit,
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he went back to the hospital in february due to complications from bladder surgery, it seems he is going back to the hospital due to the same complications. austin came under scrutiny for failing to tell congress and the public that he was in the hospital or that his bladder problems were related to prostate cancer removal. he seems to be doing things differently now, how is the process different this time? i think he learned the hard way that trying to keep your medical problems secret when you're secretary of defense just doesn't work, in december he tried to hide it not only from the public but also from the president. now we are notified that he will undergo a procedure before he even enters the doctor's office. well, some more urgent news: the russian ministry of defense reports that the settlement of nitailovo has been liberated, this is the dpr, about we knew nitailov, everything was
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obvious there for a long time, but there is one more freed point in the new menodefense report, this is ivanovka, this is kharkov. region, this is an important circumstance, bearing in mind that the enemy reported that the russian offensive has already been stopped, well, apparently, not stopped, since new settlements are being liberated, our army is liberating new settlements every day on a daily basis, please, we must congratulate our guys, well, i’ll join in the discussion about how to win by points or knockouts, the whole point is that... you need understand who we are fighting with, in general, if you think that we are fighting with ukraine, then winning on points would probably be shameful, somehow wrong, and so on, but we are not fighting with ukraine, ukraine is a red rag in front of us, which is in front of us, like a toraador waves in front of a bull and thinks
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that we will grab onto this red rag and then stick a sword in our neck, that’s what ’s happening, so to be distracted by this way... stick to ukraine and think that victory here at any cost is not worth it to us, we are at war, here it is no longer a special military operation, it is a war with nato altogether, and this is a hybrid, multilateral war, we see in the economy it is taking place in the information sphere, in culture, and anywhere, here, as they say, according to there will be no shame in winning with glasses, the main thing is to win, the question is by how much... the conversation was slightly off topic, when the enemy strikes at early warning means of a nuclear threat, and we do not respond, the enemy may think that anything is possible that we won’t answer, let him think, we always have vladimir vladimirovich was distinguished by very unexpected and unpredictable decisions, thank god that
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this is so, that no one can predict him, and accordingly he will not react there in a mirror-like way. there will be some kind - at a moment when he is not expected to have a reaction, and maybe not even a reaction, just an action, these are those who have some kind of, some remnants of reason in the european union now, such as salvini or orban , who essentially agreed to a formula that puts him, well , essentially, as...
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and scholz somehow again wants to remain not a party to the conflict, namely, if the appropriate powers are granted to carry out deep strikes, which are powers in themselves, this does not mean the implementation of powers; if they begin to be implemented, this also does not mean that these missiles will break through, because we have some kind of air defense, generally speaking, but if some kind of breakthrough takes place.
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finally the final decision not to take any, but we see that disagreements within this very nato are maturing, and we remember yes, what they wanted to do for us from ukraine and afghanistan, and we are completely turning this situation into vietnam for nato and for america, and i think that our tactics are succeeding so far and... victory will be ours. zelensky has just arrived in madrid, although it was previously reported that due to failures in the kharkov
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direction, he is canceling all foreign trips, but apparently the village of ivanovka, which was liberated by the russian army today, is not important for president zelensky, so he decided i'll go to madrid. we'll be back. then that's what it is , these are tickets, the premiere on rtr, you they put two strangers in one room, you’ve never seen the sunrise on the beach, you’re settling down, look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness, like your roman, were you following me, i’m filing for divorce, a melody for yours, today on rtr . rest is
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holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, agreement sign, we sign at the same time one, two, three, subscribe let's look. let's look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there's no
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need to think about it, here it's all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that's it, there are two opinions it can’t, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here, how is everything running? wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i meant it, of course, a bear, when he said, such a stinking little one, a direct hint... the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, which many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five- on-one program, i oops, but five for one, on saturdays on rtr, i love you, i love you too, we watch on weekends, leave her alone,
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well... you have no prospects in life, oleg, we don’t need to meet again. sometimes a breakup is just the beginning of a great love. it's not easy being the wife of a prosecutor, right? not easy. you are being watched, this man is your husband. let me go. fox, be careful. tell me, do you still love him? first love, that's all, right? don't touch me, what are you doing, take a bite! “listen to me carefully, something needs to be decided with them, fox, but run away from him, you are in danger, he has already betrayed you once, i will do everything so that we are together again, a romance with the past, on saturday on rtr, look how the events of today intersect with the events of days long past; at the global
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level there is chaos and lies." fraud, isn't this international terrorism, committed and paid for? in general , the ideology of nazism, it was taken by hitler from the anglo-saxons. look how and with what do ukrainians pay for every dollar invested by the anlasaks in this country? the trouble is that we ourselves, with our own hands and actions, give rise to a distortion of the real.
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ukrainian state security officers were involved in preparing the assassination attempt, and one of them, a colonel, in the first days of the war called on zelensky’s bodyguards to lay down their arms when the russians came to the city of kiev, but then you won’t believe it, no one suspected anything. in general, an idiotic fairy tale for those not too discerning.
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on may 4, 5 days before russia was supposed to celebrate its national holiday, victory day, the killer went down to the drone control center in the basement in the kiev region, as soon as you see a column with a black toyota land cruiser and a black minibus, report their coordinates, read the order. according to the description, it was the column of lieutenant general kiril budanov, commander of the military intelligence of ukraine gur. the plan was to kill him in a coordinated missile and drone attack. russians. launch a ballistic missile at these coordinates while the uav operator was in his hideout, after which he was supposed to launch a drone, film the consequences of the attack and finish off all those who survived, said a senior ukrainian counterintelligence officer. one of the detainees was a colonel of the presidential guard. his colleagues said that in the first days of the war, colonel budanov ordered state security officers to lay down their arms if the russians broke into
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kyiv. according to them, he said the following: we are not armed forces, we have. there is no specific task to defend ukraine and i am not paid enough to organize the brest fortress here. stoltenberg said that nato countries did not supply ukraine with the promised amount of artillery ammunition for patriot air defense systems, so the ukrainians lost part of the territory. at the same time, stoltenberg said that he personally is against the use of nato air defense systems to protect the western regions of ukraine. claim that stoltenberg is lying, and several countries have already they have developed a scheme for creating a no-fly zone over ukraine and these countries will not escalate. boyates are against two countries: berlin and washington. some nato countries are ready to expand support for kiev and act directly on ukrainian territory.
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estonia and great britain, poland, canada, lithuania, france are in favor of expanding assistance, while germany and the united states are against it. there are no final decisions yet, but negotiations are ongoing on several areas at once. the first is training. the training of ukrainian armed forces soldiers and instructors in the territory is being discussed ukraine. thoughts on whether it's worth hundreds. ukrainians flying around europe for the sake of training or it is better to send several instructors to western ukraine should not be discounted; it is wiser and more economical to send instructors to ukraine, said the former head of the operational headquarters of the german defense ministry, nico lange. the second is logistics. a number of nato countries, including great britain, canada and estonia, are ready in the future to deliver weapons and ammunition not only to the borders of ukraine, but also further to the front line. the concept is currently being developed in several western countries advanced logistics and third -
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he said that it is difficult to consider zelensky legitimate, please, you know, these debates about whether to allow or not to allow the armed forces of ukraine, the kiev regime, to use western weapons in the regions of russia, remind me of their discussion about whether to give tanks, a leopard and the abramskys give, and the same thing, berlin-washington, we must understand for ourselves, the decision has practically been made, senator makol, whom you showed, arrived in taiwan, by the way, it’s good that the hawks.
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became smaller, moreover, there was a leak that at the upcoming anniversary nato summit in july it may even be written that nato forces will not send their troops, but they do not mean that they are abandoning the attempt to defeat russia, by knockout on points they don’t care what this card means, they are preparing for a massive terrorist attack on the interior of russia with the use of long-range weapons, i would not be at all surprised if by the fall the question arises that...
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they were so concerned in the west and in ukraine, by the way, by the appointment of andrei belousov as minister of defense, they realized that a clear signal, russia is ready to play the long game, it is ready for this, for this long confrontation, as they said here with nato, not with any kiev regime, whether it is legitimate or illegitimate, in this case it does not play any role at all, because that there is a confrontation with nato, they realized that they are not ready for this, for this fight for a long time, look, sekorsky returned from weimore. triangle, let me remind you, these are france, germany, poland, they met in berlin with the minister of foreign affairs, he is hysterical, he is in the guardian states that russia allegedly spends 40% on defense, just think about the figure,
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40%, he seriously believes, and 40%, i don’t know, there would be defense factories in the center of moscow , one on top of the other, but he says: we are ready to spend 4%, he actually calls for the mobilization of the whole. european economy, politics with only one goal: defeating russia, he talks about the motivation of ukrainian citizens on the territory of the european union, in order to recruit them into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. what is motivation? this means creating power tools for in order to grab ukrainians on the streets of polish towns and villages and expel them to the territory of ukraine. the fact that while germany is against, i say again, germany said in february 22 that it would supply 5. and medical equipment, that now germany is supplying cheetahs, leopards and is becoming one of the leaders in financing the kiev regime, these are all these discussions, as a rule, they precede a new one. escalation, if
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you look at sekorsky’s position, and this is certainly a hawk of hawks, if there is one implemented at least 80%, this is an almost inevitable nuclear war. the measures that they are now, with which they are trying to threaten russia, will force russia to use unconventional weapons to protect its national interests and its security, that’s what they are doing, they are trying to destroy the black sea fleet, the first strikes on the forces...
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which they repeated day after day elections five years ago, there are the same candidates, giton snuseda won, the prime minister lost to shimonita, that’s not the point, we see really, what worries lithuanian society is the economy, this is unemployment, this is inflation, in lithuanian politics there is only one topic: war, confrontation with russia and belarus, why is this being done, they are preparing society for an inevitable direct armed conflict, we see this , look at vladimir putin’s visit to...
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there can be no interpretation, because it is not clear that the law and no other were appealed to the constitutional court, but the political crisis within the kiev regime is growing, russia’s kharkov offensive in regardless of its scale, it caused almost an earthquake in the command of the armed forces in the political elite, they opened a criminal case, they are actually preparing the entire 125 lviv territorial defense brigade for disbandment, there is an attack on the commander of the joint forces, this is actually the one who is responsible: for the defense of kharkov general yuri sodol and his proteges are already openly accusing syrsky, through syrsky they are accusing zelensky of being incompetent, they say: you have not prepared defenses and fortifications, you have not mined, who is responsible for this? tsyrsky and zelensky? this attack comes from within ukrainian society, including from anti-russian radical forces that are close to azov, to the right sector, and so on. this crisis suggests that the kiev regime... yes, it
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will fulfill its function, they will stand, they will, especially the nationalists, especially the convinced fascist elements, they will hold the front, of course, but to inflict strategic russia's defeat is no longer enough for the west. so they are preparing for a new one mobilization not in ukraine, but at home, i mean the mobilization of the economy, they are preparing to expand the theater of military operations, they are preparing for further political steps, not everything has been worked out, of course... the preparation of the swiss conference is a clear failure of the west in this regard direction, but i assure you, they will look for new keys, they will continue to act, they are still far from demoralization and defeat, therefore we must prepare ourselves for this long confrontation with the west, why we believe that sekorsky’s idea, specifically his proposal , will lead to nuclear war, a strange statement.
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he allowed it, it is clear that it is not he who allows it, but nevertheless, he proposed to strike at rostov, but when they hit belgorod, we do not inflict a strategic, immediate defeat on ukraine, in this regard, we argue that on points it is very difficult, and there will be a lot of casualties, i would like a knockout, because once again a knockout is what, once again when they hit belgorod, it’s kind of normal, so sekorsky suggested rostov and we are excited, we are talking about possibly hundreds of missiles that will strike the territory of russia, what they are doing with the belgorod region for a long time deserves our massive response, i just wanted to say about this, we will come back, are you ready for our musical... investigation, ready,
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comfort. when your girl turns 18, she will receive onatar. whichever man he loves, good luck and wealth will come to him. but as soon as he gets rich, he leaves her, suddenly the gypsy didn’t steal, well, hit her, i just realized today how much i like you, how beautiful you are, max, what are you doing, i don’t believe a single word you say, you’re just don’t push too hard, otherwise you’ll scare him away and he’ll run away from me. will run away, hear? how it beats, i will protect you, who offends you? a magical gift that became a curse, i made up my mind, i will leave the city, don’t break my heart, premiere, on saturday on rtr, this little sun will destroy me,
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well, master, i’m ready, look, the eyes are evil, the hands are small, but name... vyazinka, my wife just left for a commuting trip, and i can’t sleep without her, it’s a very good sedative, we’re just passing our license today, let’s do it another time, history of a big country, premiere on friday on rtr. do you remember what you promised me? i remember, what did i promise? did you promise to marry me? well, that’s where you’re going, i almost hit you, why are you silent, did i hurt you? no, no problem, this is
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my brother vanya, it’s very nice, but i’m not very pleased, our kiryusha is marrying his daughter. alyon, i don’t have any bride, this is all the machinations of my brother, i’m not interested, you believe me too, don’t you think that he himself should decide whether to marry him or not, and what should we do now? maybe you are there? if you insist, i'll try. a simple girl, friday on rtr. please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea is drunk, how many stories are told. i was cocky in a white tuxedo. and i begin. zakharov, and for me it was probably
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akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i’m like a man who is a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more is still ahead, i i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov. on sunday on rtr. so, in the united states , a dispute is brewing between blink and half of the white house regarding the approval of strikes by western weapons on the russian deep rear. according to cnn, the secretary of state is not too concerned about the prospect of escalation while the national security adviser salvan and the us president are behaving here.
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i will achieve an end to the monstrous war between russia and ukraine, so that we stop spending hundreds of millions of dollars on strangers conflicts have saved thousands and thousands of lives. i want to stop biden's march towards world war iii. you know that we are moving towards world war iii. and this war is not like others because of weapons, weapons of mass destruction. washington is transported to... in connection with sobkor news igor naimushin, igor, hello, what does the situation look like in
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the dispute about whether to strike deep in the russian rear, who is for, who is against, how serious is the likelihood that they will agree in the near future? olga, hello, unfortunately, this is a possibility it cannot be completely ruled out now, because in the united states there are increasingly stronger calls for incitement to allow application. such strikes, the mainstream media are writing about it, congressmen are also talking about it, they are writing letters to the chief of the pentagon, moreover, the speaker of the house mike johnson, a republican, also recently came out in support of such an idea. officially, the policy and position of the white house remains unchanged, but according to american media, within the american administration there is a group of officials who are lobbying to reconsider the approach and still allow it. use such weapons, how long this will all continue and drag on is still
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difficult to say, but taking into account the fact that the american administration has more than once revised its own policies on providing kiev with various types of weapons, we also cannot exclude that such an approach will not revised. in the scenario of biden and trump, who has a better chance now according to the latest statistical reports? it all depends on whether there are twice or three of them, because if biden and trump is competing, as they say, with two people, yes, then trump has a slight advantage of around two percentage points, but if a third candidate is included in the list, let it be, for example, robert kennedy jr., provided that he manages to get on everyone’s ballots states, then the situation changes, biden comes to the fore, and trump is inferior to him by about 2% point.
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a problem for the election race in america, or are we rather wishful thinking , well, as if there is something to find fault with, are the americans themselves finding fault? olga, well, from here it seems that what concerns mental problems is the natural behavior of the current president, or at least signs of such mental problems, because - well, look for yourself, if biden does not read from the prompter, and often together with prompts that do not need to be voiced, then he either publicly
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swears and we hear all kinds of rudeness from him on his part, or election rhetoric, but you understand, trump at least opposes this, yes, he at least warns about the threat of world war iii war, and what are the mainstream media, various political scientists and politicians in different western countries doing now, yes, this is essentially such a trivialization of the idea of ​​the third world war, they say , yes, well, well, it will happen, but it’s already
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inevitable, well, of course it’s not very ok, it’s inconvenient, yes, but in principle - well, what can we do, we’ll survive, it’s not a big problem, that is, this idea, it’s becoming more and more embedded in the public consciousness, i see the numbers in public opinion polls are growing in the usa and britain , in a number of european countries, that in general yes, the third world war in the next 5-10 years, it will happen in any case, today, for example, for example, yes, last week we discussed the telegraph wrote the headline.
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for example, she called rish sunak’s idea of ​​returning universal civil service a stupid idea, that is, either everyone, mind you, eighteen-year-old britons, including girls, men and women, should definitely serve this military or civil service in the army, and richa sunok explained this brilliantly, he wrote an article about the fact that i will be proud. “if my daughters are both daughters, then they will serve their fatherland and serve britain, uh, you understand, considering that the eldest daughter is 13 years old, risha sunak, that is, in 5 years, who will remember, yes, what he said about civilians responsibilities of his daughters, it’s not at all a fact that he will remain in britain at all, but nevertheless, before the elections, here he is
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- he sandaled this idea, which is now everything, a crazy idea that all the british..." are now discussing, but again - after all, all this is being done for a reason, to whip up passions, he understands perfectly well that no one is interested in this idea will not carry it out, even many conservatives themselves, well, with the exception of madmen like shaps, take it with hostility, with laughter, there are a lot of caricatures on this topic, but he still needs to inflame passions, we need to scare them with these terrible russians, he justifies it like this, yes, but you know how the tymes newspaper today, for example, the conservative one, just compared and said what they looked like.
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introductions and roll call can be done without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea is drunk, how many stories are told. i was cocky in a white tuxedo. and i begin. zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i’m like a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad, we imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home... with timur kizyakov on sunday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that
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my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so that nothing skip, subscribe, listen, watch on the “watch” media platform. on saturday on rtr, the thermometer
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will reach 30° next friday, while below +27, the temperature will not drop at all this week, well, there is a new flare in the sun, allegedly of the highest class, the storm will again hit weather-dependent people. thanks for watching. bye, thank you, hello, on the russia tv channel, irina rossius is in the studio and the main topic for this hour. the second day of vladimir putin's state visit to uzbekistan is in full swing. leaders of two countries communicated in person, and negotiations were held in an expanded format. we have a major statement.
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aimed fire. according to the position of the mvsu.


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