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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  May 27, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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when your girl turns 18 she will receive a tar. whoever loves a man will be lucky and rich. but as soon as he gets rich, he will leave her. what if the gypsy didn’t lie? “well, hit her, i only realized today how much i like you, how beautiful you are, max, what are you doing, i don’t believe a single word you say, just don’t push too hard, otherwise you’ll scare her away, she’ll run away, she won’t get away from me.” will run away, you hear how it beats, i will protect you, who offends you, a magical gift that has become a curse, i decided, “i will leave the city,
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don’t break my heart, premiere, on saturday. rtr, the floor is shaking, the haystacks are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones, ideas from this absolutely faceless room." they are going over the edge, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you look, let big changes into your home,
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every sunday on rtr, in the depths of your heart, purity like a baby’s dream, frequency in some hertz, silence, even if you don’t breathe... we leave defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to our depths hearts and to the depths of the soul. hello, this is our program. today we have an unusual release. the main character will not be in this studio, but about his battle path and feat.
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thoughts and dreams we learn from him himself, because the hero of russia, guard colonel vitaly sukuev, for many years led diary. in this video, forty-two-year-old guard colonel vitaly sukuev teaches his son the rules of firefighting; eight-month-old ardan does not yet understand that his dad is a legendary commander. i am a special commander. assignment, which means that the battalion personnel are engaged in accordance with the combat training program. sukuev commanded a special unit that greatly interfered with the ukrainian armed forces. he emerged from battles with virtually no casualties or wounded, and people surrendered to him. in order not to get lost, you need to work everything out until it becomes automatic, just work it out, bam-bam, every day. his mother lyubov sukueva remembers. he was a leader from early childhood. when he was born, his right hand was the first to be born. with the right hand, like this, yes.
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vitaly sukuev was born in the small village of buryad, and grew up with his grandmother in the village. here he is with me on a motorcycle, the river is nearby, the bird cherry tree is nearby, the woman said when we will come here again. vitaly’s relatives and friends could not even imagine then that their beloved grandson and son would grow into a hero of russia. for 24 years of military journey, colonel. from the first days of the north military district, the combat officer was on the front line, i didn’t see my wife and children for more than six months; i only occasionally got in touch; i was really looking forward to meeting them. daddy, i miss you, but on september 28, 2022, in the kherson direction, his car was blown up by an anti-tank mine, after all. you sleep, only then do you realize
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that after all he is not there, and so he is missing, and his voice, after vitaly’s death, his relatives learned that he kept a diary, what the hero of russia wrote about during the days of the special military operation, what messages he left for loved ones, and what his fellow countrymen learned. the two main women in the hero’s life came to us russia, vitalia sukueva, colonel’s wife yulia and... mother lyubov shirapovna, hello, hello, our condolences to you, thank you, lyubov shirapovna, how often did you see your son, well, he came once every 3 years or four, that’s how he he came,
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he didn’t come today, he didn’t have time at all, on business trips, on business trips, which commanders? how can we not know, yulechka, and you were on february 19 , 1922, did you see each other after that? no, we didn’t see each other after that, that was the last meeting, it so happened that he i was on training exercises and he arrived urgently for family reasons, sent us home to buryatia, he arrived... and i didn’t even expect it, my mother was sick, he arrived the same evening, he ordered tickets that same evening, that is, we didn’t even agree on this, and somehow i honestly didn’t expect it,
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but the next morning he already put us on a plane in gelendzhuk, we said goodbye, flew to ulanuda, and he... went back to the fields, which is special to you was remembered in this meeting, and was there some kind of premonition, maybe some kind of melancholy? no, i had a premonition, well , the only thing that confused me was that everything happened very quickly, so quickly and unexpectedly, yes, i was worried about my mother’s health, but i thought it would be within a few days, then he arrived all... 23 february at night, and there was a time difference and
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when i woke up in the morning, i saw that he was missed, and he wrote to us: i love you, i kiss you, there will be no connection with me. when we saw everything on tv, it was very difficult, he had no contact for five or six days, i don’t know, i can’t even describe it scary, let's now listen to what the colonel himself wrote about this, vitaly, he kept a diary, you know about it, i made a decision from...
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her, or even earlier, all over again, back into battle, this is my life. lyubov shirapovna, vitaly was such a brave man from childhood, he was such a calm boy from childhood, but he always made decisions himself, in the third grade he began to get involved in wrestling, went to mongolia, so he has strength, will, character. probably the sport appeared, stabbing , well, he ran to the library more and sections at school, between this and running, and so he didn’t have much time to walk. julia, what was he like in the family at home? you know, he knew how
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to find an approach to people, this is the talent of a leader, probably sometimes we had some quarrels, i said, you command like a commander, he says, no, in general i never command, what are you saying? that is, he didn’t even automatically notice this matter, but somehow automatically, well, not that he somehow gave orders in a commanding voice, but he gave them. orders, in fact, yes, well, yes, he is everything that’s how it is, yes, he was in charge in the family, of course, he was the one who made the decision, well, you understood that you couldn’t change him, yes, you had to somehow find the same approach, yes, you know, we both worked a lot on the relationship, for which i i’m very grateful to him, so together we somehow found such, i don’t know, harmony in the relationship, or something, and i agreed, of course, that he was a leader, i liked it. well, somewhere he gave me freedom of action, and to
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tell about what vitaly sukuev was like, his sister, svetlana, flew in, come in, please, hello, we have svetlana tsirenova in our studio, hello, svetlana, well , tell us what he was like as a child, cheerful, mischievous, soft, kind, gentle, we did n’t have any secrets from the adults. definitely wasn’t, or just don’t go tell more, it was n’t, it wasn’t, it usually happens, it wasn’t, because my brother and i always shared everything together, something he always told me, told me, or i told him i told you that we didn’t have a secret, we lived in perfect harmony, yes never fought, no, why? i told him since childhood that sveta always stood at
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the goal, and you play football, they played with the boys, and sveta is 5 years younger, well, she always stood at the goal and endured it, as her brother said, that’s it, you’ll be at the goal, that’s it stand, don’t be afraid, stop, that’s it, yes, i stood like that, and what he loved to play as a child, he loved to play, in our village... there was such a stadium, he loved to play this hockey, he always me i took some clubs with me, yes, but what did i play at home? at home, that at home here - here at his mother once bought him a hockey game like this one like this, he plays like this himself and this is what he liked to play , wait, he ever played a war game, maybe he played there with the boys, but he never took me to a war game, yes, only at the gate. i did, when you’ve already grown up, somehow this connection of yours didn’t disappear? well, that’s
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how my brother started serving in the army, that’s how he started working, we didn’t communicate much, saw each other, that’s when he came on his next leave, 3 years, maybe 4 years, now i’ll read what’s about my he writes as a child, vitaly, i was in the fifth grade then, it seems that on the way home from school there was a hardware store where my mother worked as a salesperson to my classmate, i always greeted my classmate at the entrance, as befits a real man, i pretended to look school fittings, in fact, at that time i was interested in the construction set, a crane, for which i was ready to do a lot, even to close the chest embrasure of an enemy tank, the main thing was to hold the construction set in my hands, what a surprise it was when i woke up on the morning of january 1, 1989 from surprised and happy... the squeal of my little sister, who found a doll under the pillow
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whose eyes closed when tilted, i was like a real soldier with complete calm on my face, in fact my heart was pounding with terrible force, i imagined that same construction set, stuck it hand under the pillow, but there was nothing there, i also, without a single note of upset, surprise on my face, told my sister that santa claus was crawling through the chimney. to children who have behaved well throughout the year and put gifts under their pillows, she responds by saying that my gift didn’t fit under the pillow, that’s why santa claus put it under the crib, and then i jumped out of bed like a scalded one, forgetting that i’m an older brother and should behave like an adult, but instead like the child crawled under the bed, what a joy it was to discover that same designer, how he screamed throughout the whole house, hurray, i don’t know how to convey the feeling that i experienced
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then, i was very grateful to my parents, i have never experienced this again in my life feelings, but then the designer was no longer there, this is the first designer that was brought to our village, and he was the only one, probably, yes, but for a year he really had approximately the behavior of, yes, yes, yes, he deserved it, yes, this one, lyubov shirapovna, where are you from? they knew that... he dreams of a designer, so he - i forced him to write a letter for the new year, he wrote a letter to santa claus, and that he asked for a designer, yes, of course, but i kept saying, i want dolls. what else do you remember from this new year? i remember how - brother, in one share for a second, he was so upset, he tried to hide, yes, he tried to hide, but still i saw that he was a little upset, then, as his eyes lit up, he wrote that
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he had never experienced such a feeling in his life , yes, this is what i see in my eyes right now. lyubov shirapovna, at what age did he begin to show interest in military affairs? we always watched films about the military together, i myself like to read military books and watch films, but he ran to the library to read books, like this one the librarian who works, she said, that during breaks, my brother would come and read a book there, he would choose a book about the military, such thick books. and read the changes like a bell, he ran, the second break, he ran again the same book, leafed through and read, sat in the corner so that no one could see him, that he was reading this military book, but he told me that he was going to the library ran around secretly, because so that the boys would not laugh at their friends, then it seemed shameful to them, vitaly, when he grew up, became a military man, let's see a story about how he served,
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groups perform tasks on the front line, perform military tasks. such special reconnaissance is quite good. vitaly sukuev is a talented military leader and experienced instructor. the combat commander was always close to his soldiers, often personally touring positions. i go around the entire front line, organizing interaction with the unit commanders. they terrified the ukrainian military, not scary with good combat and physical training. during training, commander sukuev taught lay out.
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160th reception, hundreds of top-class fighters who went through the school of vitaly sukuev are now serving in various units of the russian army and day after day they are bringing victory closer. already in the army, i realized that my family really is here, here is friendship, mutual assistance, brotherhood, these are not catchphrases and not for the sake of selfishness and
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profit, but reality, a military officer wrote about his colleagues. by the way, two of them will now come into our studio, alexander and vladimir, alexander, vladimir, please come in, hello, i wish you good health, hello, here we are, hello, very nice, this is for you, thank you very much, this is one of the best gardeners, i am proud to be your son’s friend, thank you, hello, light, hello, hello, very nice, hello, hello, you are a former subordinate vitaly
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sukuev, yes, we are real friends, friends. what kind of commander was he? he was strict, demanding, but if he trusted, he was an equal, he was nearby, next to jogging, next to doing push-ups, next to completing a combat mission, a commander with a capital c, for the time, which i lived, a rare case, by and large, there is no such thing that he... the commander was just like friends, he always sat near the fire with the soldiers, i often had to play chess with him and also... we competed on the sports ground in knife throwing, so the homeland lost one
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of the best commanders, he surrounded himself with worthy people, worthy comrades-in-arms, friends, his deputy, egor gorshkov, call sign volga, they have been for many years... the younger generation, one of his students, a hero of the donetsk folk republic, denis dzhumurad, call sign jama,
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with his fire took over the entire battle, all the fire of the enemy. taking advantage of the confusion, the group was able to retreat and carry out the wounded, but denis was found only a month later and dug up. under the bricks, these are people who, with their whole lives, are accomplishing a real feat, real comrades of our friend and battalion commander, vitaly sukuev, i know that his eldest son also took the path of a warrior. let's see what the younger generation says about their commander. for me he was a unique person, he knew. absolutely everything is in plan weapons, in terms of physical training, tactical training, shooting, he always shot perfectly, he always sat perfectly, we arrived in the north caucasus in
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the mountains there, he tells me: so a fighter, you go with me everywhere, you never deviate from me, i say, i understood everything, in case something happened, i’ll give you a hint, i wanted to follow him and there until the end, i remember an incident when i was walking around a military unit, soldiers met me and asked who i was, i replied that i am the son of vitaly vladimirovich, you should have seen their... face when they found out that their battalion commander has his own family, they then asked how he manages to spend time with his family if he is constantly with us, this fact confirms that my father gave himself completely to protect our state, yulia, this is the son from his first marriage, yes, we have a very good relationship, he comes to us, he didn’t end up with the children, he helped me with the little ones. sasha, you said that your son followed in his father’s footsteps, yes. "yulia and i corresponded, so i know something, about his family, but if we talk about his military family, then combat
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always always relied on two rules, first, better death than dishonor, second - do as i do, that’s your question, the answer was trusted to him, because first he himself. did, showed, already showed in training, in a combat situation, that is, he was always there, he is not one of those commanders who sends his subordinates forward, he is one of those who leads, you know, his whole life, in fact, a feat, a feat is not always something bright, immediate, often it is hard combat work. even in the russian language, a feat is something what moves, moves those around us, comrades, relatives, descendants, moves us to become
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better, stronger, wiser, in the east this is called the path of the warrior, yeah, and vitaly sukuev is still following this path, actually moving us. vladimir, this is what you think, is it necessary to be born such a commander or... this is still the result of upbringing, this is the result of upbringing, this is what our hero wrote about this, from a young age he declared terror against smoking and alcohol in his circle, oh yes, in my youth i didn’t dream of all this, i lived according to my own beliefs, jogging in the morning, school, training, homework, in high school, of course, i saw how hard it was for my mother, so i wasn’t eager to compete, i trained for myself, i already devoted more time to the humanities, since they were hard, the goal was to fight back.
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did, he was a man of his word. they graduated from school almost 30 years ago, but today they sat down at their desks again. they remember that vitaly’s favorite lesson was geography. we had a globe, you twist it and show it, it said the country and the capital. now, many years later, they admit, they ran away from lessons to the picturesque bank of the dzhida river, where vitaly tested the strength of not only himself, but also his
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comrades. for a bet. we swam across, there were good times, we fried the fish we caught over a fire, on a rod, it turns out, remember, he started a challenge, he said, let’s do it, and we also started sending one after another, who is in the pool, who is there, and i was running, yes, someone sat down and said, what about in the pool, well, you swim, let someone take a video, even then in his youth vitaly sukuev set himself... the highest goals, he i wanted to accomplish real feats, for some reason he said words that i will never forget, he said that i would be a hero of the soviet union, he had some kind of unique dream, vitaly’s dream came true, he became a hero of his country. vitaly's school friends came to his grave to perform a special ceremony. while the lama reads a prayer, classmates generously water the ground with milk,
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as... who can tell better about vitaly’s youth than his classmates? let's call them. gulnar bazaar, please come in hello, hello, hello! and...
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then what is this? these tickets are gone. premiere on rtr. you put two strangers in the same room. have you ever seen the sunrise on the beach? settle down. look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness? how's your roman? why were you following me? i'm filing for divorce, melody for yours. today. on rtr.
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indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you! rixсas premium segate! family fun starts here, every detail is designed for your enjoyment! enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens, and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea! immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos
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premium sea gate! rixas premium seagate. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suite & villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable. rixas premium magavish suds and villas - the vacation you've been dreaming of.
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titanic luxury collection bodrum look at how the events of today overlap. events of bygone days, at the global level there is chaos, lies, fraud, isn’t this international terrorism and paid for, in general , the ideology of nazism, it was taken by hitler from the anglo-saxons, look how and with what the ukrainians pay for every dollar invested by the anglo-saxons in this country, the problem is ... that we ourselves with our own hands and by our actions we give reason to distort the real story, this is a subtle and long-term game, it all works in this piggy bank, humiliation, they don’t want to see us as winners,
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besacon tv is on rtr today, and do you remember what you promised me? i remember, what did i promise? did you promise to marry me? well, where are you going? did i almost hit you? why are you keeping silent? did i offend you? no, i didn't. this is my brother vanya. very nice. and i'm not very pleased. our kiryusha is marrying the mayor's daughter. alyon, i don’t have any fiancée, this is all at my request brother “you believe me too, don’t you think that he himself should decide whether to marry him or not, and what should we do now, maybe you’re there, if you insist, i’ll try, simple girl, on friday, earlier in the program under
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the leadership colonel."
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i will be a hero of the soviet union, that is , the prerequisites already existed, there was already such an attitude, yes, we knew about it, and did you take these words seriously, or well, a joke, a joke, but no, there to joke, vitaly, he never used words does not scatter if he spoke, yes, set goals, achieved them, yes, yes, because now i ’m reading these memoirs, yes, i see a direct connection everywhere, the man said, maybe work on yourself, yes, he always achieved his goals, he was also a romantic, he loved very much. songs specifically for the guitar, and even when he served in the army, he wrote in a letter: please send a cassette, then remember we had such cassettes, a ribbon, and so that there were songs specifically
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for the guitar, we had our own ensemble at school , and vitaly was a drummer there, that is, he loved to play the drums, and he played the guitar very well, and there was also a pioneer detachment when he was there, we had a bugler. yes, i was very proud, by the way, of this, he talked about. gelnara, maybe you have a story that you remember most. if we talk about school. he was not an excellent student, he was so average, he read a lot, hiding from us, he ran, it turns out, to the library, and from history, that place that was shown in the plot, yes, we too somehow, i remember, it was in the summer, our boys they arrive on a motorcycle, we all went to our favorite place, it turns out they had a game there, they tested themselves, yes, they swam across, let’s go, he says, so do i, and what’s weak, i say, i don’t know how to swim at all, for some reason i... followed him there was a current and that’s what we are for some reason
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we swam across, you know, it wasn’t scary, my classmates were sitting there waving, okay, let’s go back, we got ready to go back, vitaly said: oh, wait, i ran back to the forest, picked flowers, such flowers, forest flowers in their teeth, we return to the shore , he gave flowers to the girls, oh, to his main love, yulia, he still met in 2014, right? yes, yul, what kind of love story was it? tell us, how did you two meet? and we met, he wrote to me on social networks, i bribed him, some kind of intelligent communication, well, i don’t know, we probably corresponded for a week, we just talked about something, well, then we met, the first impression, well, it turned out very pleasant, so i liked him to myself, i was doing networking then. marketing, these are household goods, powders, there is something, well, different, but
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he apparently found out about it, so he somehow, what is it, well, there really is money are earning money, well, tell me, show me, there , come on, i’ll come, i say, okay, come there, here, well, tomorrow, so he began to come to literally every meeting, he seemed to like everything, he was so interested, his eyes were burning, you didn’t realize that his eyes were burning because he saw you, no, i was talking about the business plan
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of this company, i said what products, and you didn’t guess? no, so i went on vacation later, when his vacation was already over and he left for maykop, in august i was on my vacation, it’s already funny to me, i had such a huge pile of books, some educational cds, in general, i went to tell, show, all this to people, there were a lot of people, every day, every day i spent. he took sveta to a seminar in irkutsk, as i understand it, sveta was simply told, you’ll go everything, yes, we went together and stopped at some store, he tells me, here, roll up the cart, roll up the cart, he puts it there, puts it ,
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some pots and pans, lays, lays, there are also such small products there, there are these pots, sets, sets of knives, well , quite expensive, in general, he bought it all, bought it then brought it and sent it to his mother, yes, and then, when we were already married, there are all these sets of pots, a set of knives, we have everything at home we use, wait, what was the final point, after which you told him: yes, well, it was all smooth, that is, this, well, how many pots did he buy from you, well, before the year, let’s hear what vitali himself wrote about it: i saw her for the first time in a group photograph friends, asked what kind of wonderful creature this was, they said that this beautiful girl’s name was yulia, she was not married, and immediately set himself a combat mission, to get to know each other in a short period of time. due to the fact that there were only a couple of weeks left before the end of the vacation, showing the talent
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of a real strategist, i developed a dating plan code-named angel of love, so you knew about it, julia, no, i didn’t know about it, it was he who sent the message to my family little sister for congratulations on our wedding in the eighteenth year, well, you are an angel, love him, and what syllable? yes, he was very literary, he was actually a gifted writer, let’s post... video, what was your wedding like?
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a very beautiful wedding, you are very beautiful, he wanted to have a non-traditional one, or rather we had a traditional wedding, in general he agreed, this is in dotsan. svetlana, were you also at this wedding? yes, i was, i congratulated my brother and his wife, on the same day i went to the maternity hospital, wow, it was like straight from the wedding. yes, now another elder of your clan, your family, you know who will come to the studio? didn't you guess? natalya, her name is natalya, please come in, ted natasha, wow, everyone , okay, okay, hello,
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hello, hello, our treat, oh, oh, what a beauty, sunshine! mine, not my mother’s, simanovo, well, yes, further in the program, what was passed on to the hero of russia after his death and how the fate of vitaly sukuev is connected with elbrus, they said that you need to keep this deity at home and then pass it on to children, well, we have the most hidden.
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oleg, we don’t need to meet anymore, sometimes separation is only the beginning of great love, it’s not easy to be the wife of a prosecutor, but it’s not easy, they’re watching you, this man is your husband, let him go, fox, be careful, tell me, do you still love him? “first love, all things, yes, don’t touch me, what are you doing, let me go, listen to me, something needs to be decided with them, sheet, run from him, you’re in danger, he’s already betrayed you once, i ’ll do it everything so that we can be together again, a romance with the past, on saturday on rtr, earlier in the program, colonel vitaly sukuev received the title of hero of russia posthumously. the soldiers remember their
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commander with pride. he is not one of those commanders who sends his subordinates forward, he is one of those who leads. vitaly was a strategist in everything, he didn’t just charm his future wife yulia, but came up with a whole plan, showed experiments, wait, wait, but people were not interested at all. i now understand that no one was interested in this, i put together such a strategist, vitaly sukuev knew from childhood that he would do something incredible in his life, he always repeated many times when he was successful in competitions performed, sometimes lost, he always said: “i will still be a hero of the soviet union.” in our studio, vitaly sukueva’s aunt, natalya balzhivnaya. hello, natalya, what is this, some kind of national dish, right? yes, buryat cuisine is based on three meters, it’s meat, flour, milk, but we
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make buzas from meat, you probably all taste better, and this is called bolvy, like bolvy, bovy, uh-huh, it’s sweet, yes, yes, sweet , dessert, dessert, there’s honey with honey, well, some eat with honey, some with condensed milk, small kids love it, some with jam. someone just like that, what did you give into yulia’s hands? so, this is the national white khadak, in general khadaks are given to teachers, mentors, dear guests, it is like a symbol of purity, a symbol of mother’s milk, and the khadak is given with the open side, that with pure thoughts, from the heart, from the heart, yes, somehow. so briefly, vitaly was your nephew, and how do you remember him, what kind of person he was? we had a large library, but
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there were a lot of military books, so he kept telling me how he had done it many, many times i re-read maresiev, stories about a real person, and stories about a real person, then i had this big book, the history of the great patriotic war, he had such pleasure and all the time... i was dragging on, one day we came home from work and my grandmother said so : vital guidloroevich, well, i’m just saying my grandmother’s words like this, he came here, and this college was in the oktyabrsky district, and we lived in the railway district and so he ran through the whole city, or something far, far away, on a tram, for example, it was necessary to go about 45 minutes, it seemed to my grandmother that he apparently didn’t have... money for a tram, for transport, so he ran with his own feet, but in fact, in fact, he
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ran a lot, i ran a lot. it seemed like his daily, probably not even a full workout, but some part of the daily workout, for vitalia there were practically no tasks that were not solvable, so the person wanted, but he still achieved his goal, it’s interesting to ask right away, but what kind of father was he, yul? you know how immersed you were in his... completely, yes, alex said in the story that his subordinates simply did not even suspect that he had a family, the feeling that he was on duty 24 hours, and we in the family simply forgot that he was a military man, yes, of course, there were few days off together, but he , too, would immerse himself in education, for him family seemed to come first
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, service. family is the most important thing for him, let's listen to what he himself wrote about it: i am the father of three children, but what kind of father? every morning i get up, have breakfast alone, i go to work when the children are sleeping, i come late in the evening, if the children are not sleeping, i’ll play a little, because i don’t have the strength to do more, work takes a lot of energy, and i’m not the same age anymore, when you don’t sleep for two days, you go on the attack, and then on a picnic with friends. unfortunately, when i am with children, i often reproach them that everything must be according to the rules, what the hell are the rules? i spend 6 days at work from morning to evening, on sunday i sleep off, it’s hard to get me out for a walk and i also express dissatisfaction, what kind of father i am, i don’t know, as a rule, all good fathers think that they are not very good fathers, but he was a good father, right? the father was wonderful,
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let's see the plot, what kind of father was he? dad, tell me, dad, well done, my beauty in general, vitaly saw his long-awaited wife only 3 months after birth, but this meeting forever melted the heart of the stern commander. and then it did n’t matter what the distances were. between them, dad always spoiled his little princess, thanks for the bouquet, dad, we are very united, now the score is evened, for two girls, two guys, on december 26, 2020, in the sukuev family , son ardan, ardan, strengthened his masculine position , happy birthday, happy birthday, we love you, by the age of 40, vitaly planted a tree,
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became a father and dreamed of his own home, a family nest and... they decided live in novorossiysk, closer to the sun and sea. a few years later , the wish came true. home today is our place of strength. but the owner didn’t have time to cross his threshold. julia and the children moved here without vitaly, but the presence of her husband and father is here in every room, in every object. this is our altar, it stands here deity of vitaly. we bought candy cookies, the first candy. definitely on the altar, here my husband has such a small collection of knives, he especially valued the name, now julia lives for the children, tries to please them and rejoice with them, how is your day, everything is fine, everything is fine, and vitaly, i’m sure, julia, always close, in thoughts, heart in the voices
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of their children. my dad was the best. dad, he was cheerful, courageous, because he is the most important military man. julia, what kind of altar do you have at home? excuse me, altar? well, traditional buddhist altar, in every buryat family at home there are deities in a place of honor: buddha,
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then this deity is passed on to children, well , we have this most sacred family heirloom. let's look at the story we filmed in dazzan, buddhism. he answered in monosyllables, so i understand perfectly well that he serves in intelligence; i didn’t ask him any special questions. before each business trip, vitaly came here for a blessing and a parting word; he
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followed the code of honor of a russian officer ; he believed that the spiritual world is the same for a person important, as are his actions. i dream that people like vitaly would not die prematurely, it would be good.
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mountains, kombata had one dream that he did not have time to fulfill, maybe someday i will climb the peak of victory, mountains are super, it’s one thing to fly over the clouds. it’s completely different when you yourself climb above the clouds, it’s simply beyond words. and vitaliy sukuev’s colleagues conquered elbrus in memory of him. let's see the plot. dear relatives, comrades, friends, you have completed your birth to the highest point of europe, western peak height 5642. in honor of the hero of the russian federation, guard colonel sukuev. vitaly vladimirovich,
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there is one more note that i really want to read, and especially since these lines became the last in vitaly’s diary, time flies at a speed that cannot be measured, it would seem that just recently we shared our successes at school and dreamed of achievements when let's enter the student era, please our parents with our successes, get married, congratulate each other on the birth of children, set ambitious goals, they worked for days in order to quickly occupy the chair of leaders, at this time life did not stand still, but ran, gaining everything every year. more speed, wise words, yuli, did you learn anything new today about vitaly, yes, i had
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interesting memories from my childhood from my classmates, aunt natasha told me that it turns out that you had a library, he was talking about this book, the story i often spoke very much about a real person, and somehow... somehow i was inspired, i think, by this literature in childhood, i tried to follow these life principle, he tried to show the children, they are probably still small, did not understand, well, maybe they will remember in the future. svetlana, did you learn anything new, well , what they said, that’s what he was like, his own business, you must always do your thing, go forward, i can’t help but ask a question, vladimir, are you a participant... word, yes, how old are you , more than seventy, and that it’s possible, it’s possible, i bow down, it’s a rare specialty, what
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a sapper, yes, and it’s necessary, allow me one more story, last august i was lucky enough to visit ulanud, it was literary festival, and it so happened that i talked about my friend, commander, vitali. or rather, i began to tell, and everyone there knows him, the minister of culture of the republic knows him, that is, he is there... there he is the very memory, the very traditions, or something of this people, remembering vitaly, his sincere, sincere wide smile, smile , yes, and these narrow eyes, i can’t talk about him in the past tense, but you know, he will live forever, because heroes don’t die, they live forever, and a low bow to you, lyubov shirapovna, for being raised such a courageous, strong hero.
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thus, he becomes the one on whom he was brought up, he is a hero, he is a hero of russia, he is our hero, blessed memory to him, low to you... for the fact that you keep this memory, and the fact that today you shared their memories, their relationships and vitaly is an example for everyone, for us, yes, of course, an example for our people, it was our program, a real story about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. you're definitely fine, it's just
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you never usually stay late. premiere on rtr. will you leave me without a morning kiss? i have a husband, a job, stability, i’m already unhappy. and just brazenly write travel, happiness, and good luck into your schedule. anna taratorkina. who are you, how did you get here? this is my number, dmitry miller.
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on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing for this hour: trade, industry, science and construction of nuclear power plants. more than two dozen agreements have already been signed following negotiations between vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyoyeva, latest news from tashkent.


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