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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  May 27, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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no, it turns out that in your life you are not, in fact, the most important thing, in trying to understand herself and improve relations with her husband, vika is getting ready to go on vacation, but at the last moment it turns out that she will have to fly to the sea alone, sorry, i just don’t i can understand, should i go to the airport, shouldn’t i go, girl, well, you decide somehow, let’s go, on this journey, one after another, those same accidents that don’t seem to her happy yet begin to haunt her, you put two people in the same room strangers, in your opinion, this is normal, but fate does not back down and constantly pits vika against a mysterious stranger who seems to deliberately confuse all her plans. by the way, i think our bus is leaving, let's go, no, i'm not going anywhere, i didn't plan any excursions today, why are you so boring , waiting for your husband, who is not in a hurry to see his wife, vika is discovering a new herself, is that really true? is her exemplary marriage ideal? can she be? i just now realized that i
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haven’t really lived yet, i haven’t dreamed. melody for two is touching and an incredibly beautiful love story that suddenly burst into the lives of two completely different people without permission. filming of the series took place on the turquoise coast in the turkish city of fethiye. sesto, i don’t know why i decided on this whole adventure, the film is with hope. a film about love and a film about the fact that everyone, even perhaps the most wrong, most unhappy person in a relationship, has the right to a second chance, has the right to happiness in love. a melody for two will sound tonight. premiere on tv channel russia. ekaterina frolova and andrey prikhodko. news. at 23:20, watch nikita mikhalkov’s author’s program bsagon tv on our channel. well, all the news can always be found on the “watch” media platform. app or website. we continue to monitor developments
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, stay tuned. good afternoon everyone, today in our studio we continue the loud sensational investigation of the former perm crane operator nadezhda frati. which sent 1,260 children from our country to italy in the late nineties and the fate of only five after interpol investigation is known. the first results of the check and exclusive footage from italian spilamberte, in the same office of the sensational nadya-service, where a quarter of a century ago signora personally offered to take the child to the correspondent of the russia tv channel. story.
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in fact, she sent one child every 2 days for export to italy. such an express service for identification amazed foreigners, because in italy the procedure dragged on for years. bureaucratically, the establishment procedure in italy is much more complicated. and italian families may never see their dream come true, since in italy there are really very few round gray children. fratya herself assures that she saved the children from immoral relatives who preferred a glass to parental responsibilities. the volgogradskys also confirm this. neighbors who
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didn’t even suspect that their quiet neighbor nadya was printing batches of adoption fakes right in her apartment. we didn’t even go to college, she was a very intelligent lady, no one knew what she was doing, there was absolutely no reception here. true, in italian earth, it was hardly possible to recognize fratti as a shy woman from the volgograd khrushchevka. in any case, she loved good real estate, where she often invited especially important wealthy clients to business meetings. someone close.
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committee and they came to see me via video conference , took my testimony, and then now the guys are being tested, they are taking dna from everyone, then this lagutina gave her last interview to you, confession, and they said that she died during the may holidays. indeed, indeed, midwife lyubov lagutina, who at the last program decided to pour out her soul and tell what was happening in the maternity hospital and how these children were doing. was broadcast, she died on the may holidays and let's, let 's look at it, this last confession to our correspondent sasha kozyamin, and you are the only one left, the obstetrician-gynecologist,
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of those who worked there, i am the only one left, you are the only one left, yes, yeah, i'll help you soon, what did i say, abortions were performed in the eighth month, in the seventh month of pregnancy? yes, no, no, because if she once and not he was needed, we don’t do anything with him, a child, everything, we process it, we put everything in, we send him, this is in ninety-four, yes, you remember the woman who came with her husband, who couldn’t have children, that’s right, they told us we wanted i would like to take away some child if there is a refusenik, right, thank you, thank you, of course, lyubov lagutina, that she found the strength in herself, like this before her death, to tell the truth that was happening within the walls of the lenin maternity ward, condolences to her relatives . there is another story
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about a girl, lyuba varopakhi, who was taken to italy. let me remind you that this five-year-old baby was adopted from the kirov orphanage through mediation. madame frattya, this is how her own mother remembers it, this is frattya, she was sitting at the end of the corner on a bench, i already had a photo ready, i show her, i say, this is my child, i say, this is my daughter, i say, she was in the kirov orphanage, i say, they took her to italy, as soon as she saw lyuba, she said, she instantly said, anfisa and sonya are not there, but this the girl is alive, she’s in the family, i say, she’s personally supervised... but you, he says, will never see her again, you won’t find her, you’re the bastard, well, i’m ready to kneel in front of you , i say, please, tell me specifically about my daughter, tell me for god’s sake, i ’m saying, that’s how it is in your spirit, tell me, she’s alive, she’s not alive, she says she lays down the cross
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and says she’s alive, olga herself couldn’t come today, but at the program her daughter daria shumilina, who is also searching for lyuba’s sister, let’s meet dasha! hello everyone, hello, how are you mom? feeling? well, he’s getting better, but still only slightly. they told me that yes, because of all these experiences, she has problems with her legs. what about the verification? investigators also came to you. yes, uh, the kirov investigative committee took over our case, they called me first, took testimony, told the whole story. then my grandmother went and they called her too. and mom too, tell me, you were also in an orphanage, yes, for good measure, but it was such a happy coincidence that your grandmother took you, you stayed in russia with relatives, do you remember something about this director tatyana chaplina, who was an accomplice, yes,
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of course, when my grandmother took us and my sister from the orphanage, from the first days of the club we started going to the orphanage and we know each other with all the staff, that is... that is, we were there twice a month, we communicated with lyubasha constantly, we celebrated her birthday there, new year, for new year lyubasha was taken home, with the permission of the same chaplina, that is, everything is fine they knew that there was a family, there were relatives, there was warmth, the whole orphanage i was aware that all my relatives were with her, and the agreement really was with chaplin, that well , my grandmother simply did not allow the living space to take lyubasha, what else.
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so, our colleague arkady mamontov also began his own investigation after contacting a woman who was concerned about the mass disappearance of children in italy, come on. let's listen to what he said in an interview with our program, what was happening in the volgograd region, and how nadezhda fratya was connected with this, well, it was 24 years ago, almost a quarter of a century, we received a letter, in my opinion, from a woman who wrote that child trafficking was happening in the volgograd region, we took up this topic, and we found out such a thing that... since the nineties, not only in volgograd, but throughout russia, such a thing as
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trafficking has flourished children, of course - everyone said that this was happiness for the children, that this was a search for new parents, that it would be better for them in the west than here in dirty, unwashed russia, and so on and so forth, the nineties, the beginning of the two thousandth, hungry, cold children , parents, alcoholics and so on and so forth. then, thank god, after 2000 the russian authorities managed to pass dima yakovlev’s law; after all, many children were saved from death in the literal sense of the word. i am not against foreigners adopting children, but unfortunately, at that time in russia there was no system of control over adopted children, there was very terrible corruption, so, let’s say, there were no children.
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with all sorts of scum and perverts who also fell into children, and you understand, it’s like finding out, guessing, finding out that a child got caught by some kind of monster, it’s very difficult, because these monsters they mimic, they are outwardly very decent people, respectable, whole stories are made up there and it’s very difficult to find; it’s very difficult to carry out a very serious investigation, but this is so...
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you can’t find it, but you can simply end up under the distribution of the opposite side, because that a journalist does not have any legal or forceful capabilities to respond to the enemy who attacks you. and at that moment when we were filming this episode with this woman, i mean, who is depicted on the screen behind me, yes, that means we realized that she organized a whole system of sonship, and this system worked smoothly, thanks to the fact that she was married to italians, i formed connections, they would
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n’t have had it, people either don’t want it, but that doesn’t mean that it’s necessary from families to remove a child by these social workers, when the child cries, screams, the mother takes him away from the mother, this is not good, it was a business, what was the problem, that our adoptive parents, russian people, citizens who also wanted to adopt children suffered, but in the priority was foreigners, not us, let’s say, the child is healthy in all respects, but he’s like... proceedings and we discovered
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that not everything was fine with the control over the adopted children, where they ended up, in what families, families or in general they ended up with these children, and, of course, regulatory authorities went there to italy. but they came from there with gifts, tanned, shiny, happy, telling how they tried pizza, pasta, how they walked around rome, swam in the middle of the sea, checking it out...
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when they left, came to the hotel, looked, what we recorded, we didn’t have a recording, that is, she turned on this device, a suppressor of all signals, that is, she was afraid that we would record it, we don’t know many things with you, you know, but about this, this is such, only this woman knows this, and only god knows what she did, what she did and what was not on her conscience, she never admits to some things, i don’t think everything is perfect. it was great, but her accomplices, who helped her, who covered for her, who brought things to her, they, too, will never admit to the things they did, there the whole process took place, uh, so to speak - everything had to be decided through the court , so she went there, solved all these problems, we caught her there, asked her questions, to which she told them that i was right,
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i i’m doing everything right, the impression is that it’s good,
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she herself probably doesn’t even know what’s wrong with these children, because for her it’s a one- way road, she gave it and she doesn’t care anymore, this is scary, now we can guess as much as we want , i don’t know if we will find any of these 1,200, yes, but because it’s quite perhaps then all sorts of perversions and all sorts of horrors with children really flourished, including killing for the sake of organs, but this is scary, you don’t understand where and you’re giving something away. people worry about puppies, dogs, animals, yes, when they are sold to someone, there are children here, and we can’t understand this, and i don’t understand how in our country this is still possible, i can’t understand how we can't stop it. len, what, a call center, let’s give the floor to lena gorbachev. i want to say that our history really shook up the whole country,
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especially those regions where nadezhda frattya made her mark, and many of our viewers now, let’s remind you that this is volgograd, yes this. after they sent orphans from an orphanage to italy, and i’m just sure that the driver’s wife did it illegally and received substantial money for it. here, and one more message, i also want to read it out, it has already arrived from moscow, a woman named lyudmila wrote us this letter, my friend at
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90 rented out an apartment to italians, who brought children from russia. yeah she's on it i was making money, i sincerely believed. is selling his penthouse, all the details are only with us, the kilometre. trust your own intuition or your neighbor? after masha, i’m no longer scared. they haven't decided yet. maxim isaakovich,
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it’s time, it’s time, it’s time to make a decision. catch me if you can, great music show. overall, i'm confused. on friday, on rtr. mancacher whiskey, a product of the steller group. they say that perfect shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite. introducing palermo genuine leather sandals that perfectly combine style, comfort care for your feet. this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season. palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit on the foot. and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable
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velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. high polyurethane sole creates the right roll foot, which provides a soft landing of the heel and reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call quickly and you will receive stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals. for only 29.95. palermo sandals are your step to beauty and comfort. cognac, monte shococa, product of steller group. say goodbye to painful and unsightly calluses forever with pedia. the first motorized callus remover with built-in vacuum cleaner. remove calluses anywhere at any time because the shavings are sucked straight into collection chamber, which is convenient to clean. on a trip or on... you can always be sure that your feet will always be in perfect condition, even unsightly calluses on your hands are carefully but thoroughly removed with
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the help of a peka. you'll get a complete set of peeddivas for silky soft, smooth legs at a sensational value price of just 49.95. but wait, if you place an order right now, you will receive a second set of peddy wack as a gift, that's a care you can share with'. your loved ones, and the price will remain the same, only 49,995, and you save almost 50 euros, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. pechora vodka, a product of stellar group. i love you. i love you too. let's see on the weekend. leave her alone, you're gone. prospects in life, oleg, we don’t need to meet again, sometimes parting is just the beginning of great love, it’s not easy to be the wife of a prosecutor, but
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it’s not easy, they’re watching you, this is your husband’s man, let him go, lis, be careful, tell me, are you still since you love him, first love, everything, yes, don’t touch me, what are you doing, let me go, but... “listen to me carefully, something needs to be decided with them, fox, yes, run away from him, you are in danger, he has already betrayed you once, i will do anything so that we can be together again, romance with the past, on saturday on rtr, we have a drama unfolding right now in this studio, because during advertising our editors saw that one of the women who is now present in the hall, literally..." thoughts are not good, she gave birth girl on august 8, and let's listen to what happened then, it's you, yes, andrey, hello, in eighty-nine i
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indeed, the city of volzhsky, city region, city maternity hospital gave birth to a girl, gave birth, and i heard that she was alive, there was really a baby crying, but well, i was 18 years old and this was also the first situation, i saw that she was somehow on the side of the window sill carried. at the child, she was crying, someone took her away while they were holding me, that is, i didn’t see how they carried out the girl when
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they moved the whole ward, i... looked for and where, what did they tell me, the girl died when i demanded the documents of the body, that i want to bury her, i they gave me documents, you just throw me away, it’s also not stillborn, absolutely nothing, well, at that time, of course, i was in a state of shock, i was discharged, there was a tragedy in the family, i got married 2 years later, gave birth to a son, everything is fine, all the years i tried, of course, to find her, but i understand that they immediately changed the data and their last name, when i gave birth, such a child no longer exists, so i couldn’t find anything, now that i’ve heard about this story, especially the city of volzhsky, i i’m really shocked, i think that now i’ll need all this resume and also contact the investigative committee who is leading this case and try to find the girl, we really sympathize with your
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grief and these... it seems to me that everything is not accidental in this life, yes, what, i really came across this for the first time program, the viewer got into that topic, it’s really some kind of god’s guidance that maybe i can overcome this pain, the long-term, decades-long pain that i’ve been carrying, maybe something will become clearer, in general, a modest translator from volgograd, according to colleagues, was very immodest lifestyle in italy, vera matveets was an eyewitness of something completely different. yes, how did you two meet? nadezhda fedorovna had an office in perm, on lenin street, i needed to translate documents, and that’s how we
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met... we met and she was recommended to me, and as a person who would do everything quickly, but expensively, yeah, she did, she did, expensive, she did it expensively, but she didn’t do everything right, but how she got married, after all, let’s say, yes, looking at her, but not the first beauty to hook an italian like that, i just remember, we studied together with zhannay agalakova , such there was a correspondent, yes, she waited 7 years before this... italian proposed to her , and so many italians, they are afraid to get married, because you have to give practically everything there, if you get a divorce, how could she seduce an italian and so quickly him marry yourself? i think, a cheerful character, and an italian, they met in perm or in italy, they met, as far as i remember, from the stories of nadezhda fedorovna, they met when he arrived to set up equipment, something, well, something there, well v
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in general, they met in russia, and in russia, of course. yeah, and how they lived, tell me, their apartment was luxurious, i can’t tell you about the apartment, we visited her in an apartment in italy, it was around 2003-2004, but the apartment was three-level, well, pretty- it’s not cheap, you said it’s fast, it’s expensive, but it’s wrong, and what exactly is wrong, and i needed to translate the diploma of education i received in italy, it’s called nastrification , it’s called, yes, but in order to do it, you need to pay, well quite a large amount plus the agency’s services, it turned out that my diploma was translated, well , firstly, it was simply incorrect, and secondly, it absolutely did not correspond to what was written in it, did you immediately discover these errors or what? no, this is a very long procedure, it took several months, when the answer from the ministry had already arrived, well, it was clear that
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this was wrong. but she at least compensated you for the losses from the wrong, and you knew what she was doing, then at that time no, we haven’t communicated for many years, i’m already in perm i haven’t lived for a long time, then no, the entire business that she ran, no, they didn’t know, they knew that she was selling agricultural equipment, also a translation agency, i know that many people contacted her, the services were carried out very quickly. well, translation of documents, registration, visas, everything was done quickly, and her daughter, whom she sent to italy, you crossed paths with your daughter, not with your daughter, not with your daughter, they know that her name is alla, that she has a granddaughter, they personally i didn’t see, well, where did the money come from, we never wondered, after all, but agree, translations are translations, but not every translator lives in a three-level apartment, but just show the photo, we, our
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viewers, will leave soon. hastily, after the broadcasts began on the russia tv channel, it put it up for sale, yes, you were in it, no, i think so, yeah, well, where does the money come from, well, how can i say, how would you ask a person where the money came from, especially her my husband was installing equipment, they earn good money, no, to be honest, i didn’t ask myself this question, where did a person get that kind of money, but do you think she did a good deed, because there is a part - in the audience, who believes that she helped, saved, placed children in good families, i think that after all, if there are no proven facts that some kind of person was really present crime, i think it was good, gave children the opportunity to live in
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another country, maybe receive treatment, which we didn’t have then, okay, why did you stop communicating with her if, well, i don’t know, i have my own life,
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it was a russian child that was offered to us by the adoption center, that is, we, like parents had no preferences, either based on the child’s nationality or gender. we did not see any photographs of the child in advance; we saw him for the first time only upon his arrival in russia, that is, this is according to the law, this is how it is according to the law, yes he comes. let's listen to adaptation and immigration specialist natalie martini talk about the rules in italy. attention. if we
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talk about two procedures for establishment within italy itself and international establishment, then bureaucratically the establishment procedures in italy are much more complicated. despite the fact that it is free for italians by law, there are still procedures for establishing it. the first place among the children of the country from which italian families adopted children was colombia, russia was in second place, then came bulgaria, romania and the czech republic. in italy, of course, there are orphans who are due to some tragic situations, perhaps the death of both parents. orphans, and, of course, immediate relatives have priority right to adoption; in italy, this is basically what happens, so italian families who want to adopt a child can stand in line, submit an application and even have a certificate that they are suitable for adoption, but at the same time they will never wait for
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their dream to come true, since in italy there are really very few of them, as such, of all kinds of children , therefore , the only solution is to resort to the practice of international recovery, that is, they contact the centers and begin the practice. we continue our investigation, trying to figure out how madame frat managed to hide it for 7 years. activity, let's let's listen to what the neighbors said, signior and frati, who were present in the city of volzhsky, volgograd region during the search of her apartment, maybe you remember the story, here in your house she lived in frati, you know, yes, she lived in my entrance on the third floor, well you know, we never knew what they were doing, she was the most intelligent lady, she communicated with us so well, but... she was here very rarely, she would either come with her husband or
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leave, there was always perfect order, she was always respectful to us i was i was really touched when i found out about all this, about what? well, about the fact that she seemed to be taking care of children, we already found out on public television, we didn’t know anything local, although i’ve lived here for 37 years, only positive reviews, i can’t say anything bad, it was her office or she lived here, no, she lived here, yes, so no one knew what... she was doing, she just lived here, the same food bags were usually brought with everything, there was absolutely no reception here, i’m not the eldest i think i’ll answer this question for you 100%, there has never been an office here, but do you want to be rich or what? well, you know, the foreign car was an ordinary one, then many people were already starting to drive foreign cars and were driving them, we didn’t pay attention to it, but none of the residents thought at all or knew what she was doing, i can definitely tell from the entrance.
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she was no longer here, i don’t remember what year it was already, did you see her after that at all, i’m not , i’m not, that’s how this problematic matter was advertised on television, we’re not here anymore saw no uh huh. well, she cleaned everything up after herself. nikolai bichekhvost, a former employee of the volgograd prosecutor’s office, who was also quoted by foreign media when talking about the investigation into where the children disappeared, told us in an interview that the investigation even involved interpol to find out the true scale of the activity and were able to establish and trace the fate of only five children. our colleague arkady mamontov confirms that there were enormous difficulties in the investigation and... this is what he had to face in italy
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when he arrived there to find madame frati and her traces. in italy i can tell you the following: it was the year 2000, spring, we had an assistant there, an italian, the italians helped us, they were not indifferent, so our then vgtrk correspondent helped us, we cheerfully, started working vigorously, reached several families where our children, russian children were found, nothing suspicious, everything was fine, but then, when we started hanging around, the town of modona is called, and feeling connections there, frati, she is there, my husband is from there, in my opinion, there she lived, you know, worked very delicately there conversations and so on, apparently we were on to something. got close to sanrema, sanrema at one time was considered there not only the center
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of a music festival, but also the center of pedophilia, in general, and we began to probe these directions, so we began to understand, we found some italian who was doing something somewhere - i saw it, said, then they went to unwind and unwind another one in the chain, then we were supposed to have a trip to this same sanremo, at 5 o’clock in the morning our italian assistant calls me and says that: i broke my arm bavaria, we jump out, that is, from the hotel, we run to the intersection, our assistant is standing with a broken arm, we have a shoulder and two cars, our car with the left side is beaten up, yes, and the car is standing with the carabinieri, the national guard there, or whatever they call it , and these two carabinieri, here they are shouting something loudly in italian at each other, we understand that this is an accident, we...
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a male voice said in russian that the road to sanreva is bad, slippery, and we bam, i don’t recommend going there, it’s work here, you see, how we just had to feverishly think about how to try to protect ourselves to do the work, well, we had few options, it was at the end of the business trip, in general, well, for a day we generally thought about how we could take on this matter, how there, there, but then they still flew away. because they would have framed this local translator guy 100%. then we returned by the way to this topic on frati, but everything was already so cleaned up, the horizontal ones were not very good, thick, like rope sea connections with all the structures, horizontal and
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vertical, so when we returned from italy after the kursk eyeliner, we returned to this topic, everything why we succeeded in 2000...
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how about the system that was then 25 years ago for the adoption of children, don’t worry if this is revealed at least someday, but a friend was lucky, yes, then this is generally scary, because children are angels, a question, a question of faith, so we just said that children are angels, about the gospel, but in general madame fratya is a believer, right? well, yes, and you know, her task was actually to ensure delivery child exactly to the border, well, as far as i understand, forge documents here, ensure delivery, and there people with, well, completely different, well, including criminal experience entered, that’s why she can’t
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find the ends and, well, these kids who yes she doesn’t know, they just took it from her, gave her money, that’s all. with the catholic church, therefore, let us now make another short advertisement, immediately after this, the two lives of signora fratti, after the sensational programs, mrs. fratti urgently flew to italy, where she is quickly selling her penhouse, what plans does senora fratti have for life and what... plans to do next, it’s incredible, but i’m walking, walking around moscow, but i can still walk, in georgy danel’s favorite painting, i’ve been walking around moscow for 60 years, unique stories from on the set of the film,
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which was called the main film of the thaw mystery of the last sixty years, we found the same girl in the rain with whom it began. cult tape, who is it? malakhov, soon on the russia channel. so, what is this? this is the ticket to hell. premiere on rtr. have you checked in? two strangers in the same room. have you ever watched the sunrise on the beach? make yourself comfortable. here, look. maybe we shouldn’t interfere with her happiness? how's your novel? were you following me? i'm filing for divorce. melody for yours. today on rtr. сnop gin is a product
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almost 50 euros, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, romcastra a product of the stellar group, catch me if you can, big music show, can you understand, without looking at a person, a deceiver, a non-deceiver, at five, on rtr, we continue our international investigation into the high-profile case of the adoptive mother nadezhda fratti, who in the nineties took 1,260 orphans to joy. european adoptive parents. signorafrate promised italians who decided to adopt to save time and nerves. from her all-inclusive, the italians were
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delighted for the express installation and generously thanked her in foreign currency. it’s just that in volgograd fratti’s financial well-being no one suspected. two lives, one signora. what else is the adoptive mother hiding in italy? how much real estate does she have on the sea, in the mountains in the center of the country. and how it turned out. her fate after a confrontation with the mother of the smuggled child, but in our previous programs we already showed nadezhda frattya’s office in perm in the city center, where at first there was a sign hanging, then when she realized that the journalists had found out her location, the sign immediately disappeared, but the office continued to work, so you see the meeting with the lawyer whom she called and he promised an interview with her, to which she did not come, and the company operates under the same name, which was on the seal about the adoption documents, nadiya service, we went to italy to this address, where
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we saw everything with our own eyes. nadia-service is a company that acted as a likely intermediary for arcobalen, an italian church organization that worked in the field of adoption. through her, in the nineties , shchelgacheva frati drew up documents for orphans, some of which turned out to be fictitious. the adoption took place quickly and the translator became literally hope for italian families, when they met a person who helped with everything, naturally they prayed for her, yes, she is very much, very much in italian spilamberta, just like in volgograd, nadezhda frattya had an office where for 25 years ago she said something that hardly relates to the activities of a translator: i have a 12-year-old girl, it’s better to take a girl, a quarter of a century later on the maps we saw a friend of nadya’s service in the same place, and in the same spilamberta. we decided to personally see how things are now where adoptive parents asked for help. we wanted
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to talk to the neighbors, but the offices nearby were put up for sale, we also couldn’t get into nadya’s service, the door was covered with a thick layer of dust, cobwebs were everywhere , the windows were tightly blacked out, the threshold was also overgrown with grass, apparently the owner hadn’t been here for a long time and had left it in the past, nadya, service, but what does it have to do with... russian documents have stamps, you know, everything here is covered with centuries-old dust, but our correspondents saw an advertisement for the sale of a penthouse in italy, which nadezhda fratte put up for sale, and let's let's go there to this apartment, which is located 6 km from the office, where nadezhda personally made appointments for potential adoptive parents,
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let's see how the modest crown holder nadya lives, hello, and i hear the russian translator, yoshka-pasta, they say in russian, well, let's go, i can take a picture, of course, of course, of course, here is the kitchen, it’s very nice here, why me?
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buy an apartment there, a small house, go there, this is st. pio, he was not canonized for a long time, and then, when he died, 10 years later, he was recognized as a saint, they say that he is still helps, but my husband believed in him, this is my husband, small, small, yes, yeah, what a husband i had, he knew how to do everything, we had a house in the mountains, which he made himself, i many, many years ago , this is...
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here the italians offered me this job , i got agricultural machinery from me, i recruited people , it sells, and that is, you are not doing translations now, just like i’m not doing this, this is one thing , then translation is another paperwork, a third company, well, what are you talking about? i’m telling you how it is because why should i sleep i ’ll be 71 years old so well someday i’ll have to go see my daughter nail it, what am i going to live here alone until i’m 80, i’m working and i’ll be 80 years old now , what’s 71, so you look gorgeous in general, then here’s the climate, so you still have 9 years until retirement, i’m working in russia and will be until i’m 80 , and then i’ll come here to retire, i got clients, well, about translation, translations are like that, well, yes, of course, everyone needs it, here you go, how many languages ​​do you know? no, i’m russian-italian, but
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russian italian, well, first of all, when i started doing this... i was already in my forties, well, excuse me, i understand, okay, as they say, i’m still friends with the computer and with all these things, i’m friends, well, how do we take it, he says, well, you understand me better than i do young, but what to do, we have to develop somehow, that is, she urgently needs to sell the apartment, you understand, yes, as she says, according to her version , to get close to her daughter, but she does business in yekaterinburg, that is, the money is here.
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who still can’t be found, i really hope, andrey, that thanks to you, we will still find these kids and see them here, meet their relatives, she’s not worried definitely nothing, but were you up in this apartment? i think so, but in your case you don’t have the desire for something like this, you know, purely human, something like this, the program is ending now, everyone is watching, go out and call, well, what happened, because what happened, tell me really , is this so, just ask in a purely human way, you don’t have such a desire, no, why, don’t you feel offended, no no, i think that a person will not answer this, i think that a person will not answer this question , you know, when you said about the fact that my heart skips a beat, no crap, i can... tell you that why it doesn’t crap, because she hates the parents of these children more than anything else in the world and she believes that she really
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gave these children into better hands than they were originally, in her my head is perplexed, why then they didn’t give it to russians, to russian parents, why does it need to be put abroad, and i’ll tell you, if she were sitting here now, she would say, this is not a question for me, my dear, for the system that built it so that i can make money on this, so why then are we still with you we are sending our children to unfriendly countries, we have been imposed sanctions, everything happens, what is happening, but we nevertheless methodically send our children to unfriendly countries, and this is also an unanswered question , and this too, thank you, because everyone has every town, you know, there is a madame frati who has a house in the mountains, we hear, yes, there is still a house on the shore.
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rigoni is closely following our investigation of the very first episode, because she, too, was taken from russia to italy as a child, ended up in a foster family, and participated in this is precisely frati's hope. this is how, please show me, the girl looked like then, this is how she looks now, she is now in direct contact with us. elena, hello, you are on air. bunaseira, good evening, lena, what do you remember about the times when you lived in russia?
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who knows what it will be like there in russia, hot, cold, or maybe it will snow, i’m a little scared, but i’m full of emotions.


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