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tv   Besogon TV  RUSSIA1  May 27, 2024 11:20pm-12:16am MSK

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i'm done, yeah, i'm off to the printing house, go. here you are, where the infection is, and hello to tourists from the working class, hello, san, contact the it specialist, there is an error in the code on the website in the information department, the link leads to a non-existent page, for some reason, vikul, are you overheated or something? well, what a system error, what are you doing on the bureau’s website while on vacation?
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tomorrow, you are very beautiful, who are you spending time with anyway? kostya, i’m alone, i fell in love, nikitos is like a boy, she’s married, she loves her husband, i don’t know what to do, the administrator said that he’s so open holiday romance, she actually saw it for the first time in her life, come on, marin, what is this, where did you get it from, you don’t deny that you know this man, a melody for two, continuation, let’s look at rtr tomorrow. rixas premium sea gate family fun starts here, every detail is created for your pleasure, enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens, the beauty of coral reefs and the sea, immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at riksus premium segate. premium segate.
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i welcome you, dear friends, to our the next release of the author's program besagon tv, it will be called, there are no atheists in the trenches, i think you will understand why we called our program that, but... according to
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tradition, first i want to report that our previous program on the russia 24 channel, on russia-1 channel, on youtube, on the telegram channel and on other platforms, was watched by more than 11 million people, almost 12 million people, for which we are very grateful to you, but i want to warn you, maybe even please you, that now our channel is besagon on vkontakte, zen, odnoklassniki. so come, look, i will be very grateful to you for this, what we’ll talk about today, well, you yourself understand perfectly well that this may, two of the most important events that happened were the gray victory in the great patriotic war, the official inauguration of our president vladimir vladimirovich putin, his inauguration, i don’t want to say that our program will be dedicated to these... but
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in any case, indirectly, of course, they will concern them. during the great patriotic war in forty-third stalin had the opportunity to eliminate hitler. and there were people ready for this, but stalin did not do this. stalin understood that , of course, the top of the reich, in the absence of hitler and bypassing the soviet union, would naturally begin to negotiate with our allies. there are many documents on this, that is, the west was ready to move closer to the nazis. a lot of the highest ranks of the reich. smoothly flowed into nato, and we also know this very well, we remember that hitler’s rise was facilitated by ford and gene motors, anglo-saxon politicians and bankers, and the dulles brothers, we understand perfectly well that the victory
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over hitler’s germany, which fell mainly on the shoulders of the soviet union, our losses were almost 27 million lives. of course, they didn’t bring us closer to the anglo-saxons, and what’s more, there was even an absolutely inhuman idea of ​​churchill, a plan called the unthinkable, to arm captured military officers, captured soldiers, fermacht officers, throw an atomic bomb on the soviet union, take an already exhausted, bloodless country literally naked with your hands, fortunately. this didn't happen because that by that time the soviet union already possessed an atomic bomb, the west did not agree to do this, did not take the risk. if we talk about the west, then it’s not a sin to remember that in general the ideology of nazism was taken by hitler from
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the anglo-saxons, remember? here, for example, are the words of pulitzar prize-winning writer john tollend. who wrote that hitler's concept of the camps, as well as the practicality of genocide, owed much to his research into the history of england and the united states. by the way, this was said directly at the neorunberg trial, when alfred rosenberg was accused of authoring the racial theory, he said there at the nega trial that... this theory was not developed by him, it arose in the depths of the anglo-saxon world, but didn’t this lead our world today to the so-called new world order, it may not be called fascism, but digital control over a person,
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about the idea of ​​the golden billion, about the possibility and necessity of reducing humanity quantitatively. in order to leave those necessary to service this golden billion, doesn’t this echo ideas of nazism, directly, directly, you don’t need to look far for examples, look at eurovision, where, as they say, god ordered us not to take part in this, look what it has become?
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and at the opening of the olympic games in paris in 2024, a unique spectacle awaits us: the olympic flame will be carried not by an athlete, not by a scientist, not by an outstanding figure, but by a transvestite, look at this phenomenon, and he will carry it in heels 25 cm long, here we laugh, but it makes me laugh, but you know, this laughter borders on i'm terrified, i can't. to say from the screen, but you will understand me, you know, ask such a question, you guys haven’t eaten fish soup, you understand me, you don’t understand that it is impossible for a man who declared himself a woman to go to the women’s restroom
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and compete in swimming or discus throwing together with women, that it is indecent, simply, simply indecent, no, it has become the norm, moreover, it has not just become the norm, it has become an obligation, interestingly, back in 1934, he said the following phrase: destroy homosexuality and fascism will disappear. what does it mean? this means that it was not homosexuality itself that was meant by the concept of the sin of shame. by the way, i recalled this phrase said by my great-uncle dmitry petrovich konchalovsky, a historian, he said: “in a state where the concept of the sin of shame is lost.” order can only be maintained by a police regime and violence, which
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is why when we bow our heads, when we treat with great respect and gratitude all those who won this terrible great patriotic war, and what a temple rises about this, listen, we’re not talking about the history of the day of victory over... today , but if we’re talking about it, then about how many victims there were, how many unjustified victims there were, about the cruelty of the commanders who absolutely disregarded the interests of the soldiers, about the horrific things that happened during the war, and how later after the war the front-line soldiers were not allowed to express the truth, they created tame veterans who constantly talk about what is happening, having long forgotten how it was ... no longer a holiday with tears in their eyes,
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this is different, it simply cannot be washed away, unfortunately, it is simple, simply cannot be washed away, just adding another once day of sorrow, namely a day of sorrow, a day of repentance for ukraine, please note, veterans day is celebrated quite calmly in the united states or ...
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by the way, the legacy of hitler's reich. look, i will read you a document. this is an order, it is called, on the use of military jurisdiction and on special measures of troops. it sounds like this: for actions committed by personnel and service personnel in in relation to enemy civilians, there will be no mandatory persecution, even in those cases when...
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this huge victory of the anglo-saxon world is that the russians are killing russians, that is, they managed to push under our...
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in order to cultivate hatred to the russian we all know how volunteers are recruited, all to the person, to our country, and what is the result? we know how many people are surrendering, how many people are trying to escape from the war, swim across the tisa, there have already been about 30 corpses taken from this river, those people who they fled from the war, they fled from being a participant in a meat... assault, to become cannon fodder, to be an uncleaned corpse decomposing on the ukrainian black soil, and this is really so, because with all the propaganda it is very difficult to understand what they are fighting for , why should they die? listen to a russian soldier who speaks a language understandable to all sides, listen,
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a question for russian-speaking ukrainians: what are you fighting for, for freedom? i bet you can’t leave the country for free anymore, demobilization has also been cancelled, that is, it’s a one-way trip go, is this really freedom? for land, so your president sold your land, the land market, what is this? you can google who is the main beneficiary of the purchase of your land. for your faith, they took away your faith, there are now rock concerts in your churches, all sorts of sectarians are organizing, they took away your language a long time ago, you call us occupiers, so look at mariupol, at crimea, do occupiers do that, have you seen such construction there in
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libya , in iraq, somewhere, in my opinion, many countries want russia to occupy them. open your mind, in my opinion, you are fighting with the wrong people, you are lying with the enemy, of course we will bury them, we will collect tokens, we will do everything humanely, we respect the enemy, even if it is, look how and with what the ukrainians are paying for every dollar the saxons invested in this country, listen. we came across some rather interesting documents, which indicate that organ transplantation in ukraine was put on stream; the very first donors were soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine. every vssushnik, when he passed the medical examination, supposedly filled out something like this the document is a document of consent for organ transplantation, a completely personal file was created on it, so that if
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this person was dropped, it would be possible to understand which organ could be removed and which recipient it would be suitable for. the date here is worth one year, here... all the people are essentially from the same unit, in fact the soldiers didn’t even know that they had given consent, because, uh, as we see, on all the documents there’s this stamp, it’s not even a signature, it’s just like a seal, it served as a certain signal that yes, you can take something from this person, he is healthy and can fit many organ criteria, according to prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces, in armored vehicles like these... the medical staff, specifically foreign ones, were moving, these were germans and poles; at the sight of such a car, it immediately caused a feeling of panic among the soldiers , because in these cars the very people who were engaged in disassembling seriously wounded soldiers for organs arrived. listen, well, there are things that are called by their proper names,
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isn’t this international terrorism and done and paid for. and finally , such a process was launched in our country. on march 27 of this year, a group of deputies of the state duma of the russian federation, nikolai kharitonov, andrei krasov, yana lantratova, alexander dugin and andrei dergach, sent an appeal to the prosecutor general's office, the investigative committee of the russian federation. in addition, this appeal was sent to the united states department of justice, to the federal. germany and the ministry of justice and public order of the republic of cyprus, the ministry justice of the french republic. the statement is based on...
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these facts are described in our statement: biden’s son and biden himself is, in fact , a business partner of a company in ukraine, which transferred a fairly impressive amount of money, including for an army of drones, and which are used to bomb our border territories, and the bombing of donbass. we are talking about the well-known feeder of the biden family, the ukrainian company burisma, it was founded by a former minister. natural resources of ukraine nikolay zlachevsky. in 2 months after the maidan, the board of directors of burisma included the son of us vice president joseph biden hunter, a close family friend
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of secretary of state john kerry deven archer, the former head of the cia anti-terrorism center, joseph coferblack and ex-president of poland alexander kwasniewski. by that time , a corruption case was already being investigated against burisma, and soon the country’s new prosecutor general , viktor shokin, took over the matter. i have no doubt that. urisma was engaged in illegal activities, and in order to hide from the investigation, zlocheevsky began to bring people who could protect him. among them was hunter biden. at the personal request of joseph biden, shokin was quickly fired, and burisma's managers began handing out fabulous cash bribes to close the remaining criminal cases. we tracked almost all the movements of funds through the burizma campaign and the transfers of funds through morgan stanley to the rosemon seneca company, this is a company that...
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was seized and was an eternal document until a certain period of time, closed by a court decision, a secret court decision, which we provided, this money was transferred to the disposal of the gur military unit for carrying out terrorist activities, after that the northern streams began to explode there, after that dugin’s terrorist attack was carried out, a series of terrorist attacks began, so as if the whole chain was traced here , there is no doubt about it. the biden family, or rather, the partners of the biden family, sponsored terrorism, evading responsibility for corruption and money laundering on the territory of ukraine. that is, at that
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time, in 2014, joe biden's son, who at that moment he was obama’s vice president, and is on the board of directors of the ukrainian gas production company burizma. you yourself understand perfectly well that this is already a violation when... politics and business, taking into account the ability of a high-ranking politician to influence the business of his son. and that’s when it turns out that burisma, in fact, is engaged in money laundering and withdrawal of funds in an offshore company, and the then prosecutor general of ukraine, viktor shokin , initiates a criminal case against burisma. well, everything seems to be legal. but it doesn't work, it doesn't it works because you can, just like that, with one click, to a person who has
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nothing to do with ukraine, remove the prosecutor general, and he also boasts about this, look, i received a promise from poroshenko and yatsenyuk that they would take action against the prosecutor, they did not do this, here they come in. to a press conference, and i’m like: no, we won’t give you a billion dollars, they say: you don’t have such powers, you’re not the president, the president promised us, and i say, call him, i’m telling you, you won’t get a billion dollars, i said, you won't get a billion, i'm already leaving in 6 hours, i looked at my watch, if the prosecutor is not fired in 6 hours, you won't get the money, you sons of bitches, and he was fired, isn't this proof of that? vselensky is aware of everything, all the frauds that were carried out in the name of the bidens, has the opportunity to blackmail them
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with this knowledge of his, why not... in april, following the results of checking the application, the investigative committee of the russian federation opened a criminal case under the fourth part of article 205, paragraph one of the criminal code russian federation, financing of terrorism. they say that terrorism has no nationality, well, you know, by the way, with this... they even argued, remember, one of the issues of our bisagon, but still, on the other hand, terrorism has a nationality, for example, this could be , or an african american, for example, or it could be an indian, or a european or an american, in principle, this is the real international diaspora terrorism, which is amazing, that this is impunity. she’s
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blatant, she’s, she’s not even hiding anything, and many probably, so to speak, treat this document, which our deputies signed, with a sufficient amount of irony and sarcasm, even, well, who will consider it, nothing, nothing, nothing, anyway sooner or later, it has to happen, remember the words lincoln, you can deceive... part of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time, but you cannot deceive all the people all the time, in this case we mean humanity as such, it is impossible to deceive it all the time, i think, i hope, and how not amazing, look how how intertwined, as the events of today echo, with the events of long ago
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. look, compare the logic of another quote from adolf hitler. when assessing such actions, it must be taken into account that the defeats in 1918, the subsequent period of suffering of the german people, as well as the struggle against national socialism, which required countless bloody victims, were the result of bolshevik influence.
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one of the few remaining monuments in honor of the victory over hitler's germany was demolished, it called the monument of eternal glory. look, amid shouting and laughter, they are breaking this monument, they promise that the metal from which this monument was made will be used for the needs of the ussr, that is, in other words, from this monument, which was erected in honor of the victory of our common victory over germany
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, they could... take the katyn case, for example, i want to remind you: in 1943, the german ministry of propaganda, under the leadership of goebbels, reported that a mass grave of polish officers had been found in the katyn forest, smolinsk region, and it was to blame. this is the ussr, that is, the country with which germany waged a fierce war. by the way, all
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the documents. the germans took them to germany, when the red army began to approach, they simply burned them. by the end of 1943, smolensk was liberated... a commission led by academician nikolai burdenko got to work. while hiding these burials , german bullets were found. in addition, letters that were written after the arrival of the germans. the commission came to the conclusion that the dead were prisoners who did not have time to evacuate during the retreat. they found themselves in the territory occupied by the germans and were. shot by the nazis. the katyn massacre appears in the indictment of the international tribunal in nuremberg. section three. war crimes are exactly what it sounds like. in september 1941, in the katyn forest, near smolensk
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, the nazis carried out mass murders of polish captured officers. well, in principle, we could put an end to this. but here. come in the nineties and on april 13, 1990, the president of the soviet union, mikhail gorbachev, conveys to the president of poland, wojciech, who arrived in moscow eruzelsky nkvd transfer lists with captured poles from kazelsk, ostashky and starobelsk, which did not contain any information about the execution, which did not prove anything.
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the current criminal code of russia introduced article 354, paragraph 1. rehabilitation of nazism. in accordance with it, denial of the facts established by the verdict of an international military tribunal, for the court , punishment of the main war criminals of european countries is considered a crime and entails criminal prosecution, that is, when we are in the eighties, nineties... years, they declared that polish officers were killed by the nkvd, despite the facts and documents, the evidence of the burdenka commission, we ourselves become participants in the rehabilitation of nazism, it turns out, here is one of the most
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important documents, which seems to confirm and confirm our guilt, this note, it designated as beria's letter numbered: 794/2b dated march 5, 1940. interestingly, all four pages were typed on different typewriters, which alone casts doubt on the authenticity of this document. except moreover, on the title page there are signatures of stalin, voroshilov, molotov and mikayan. and these signatures were made with the pencil of one. council, it was this letter, along with other documents, that boris yeltsin handed over to the constitutional court, which also refused to accept them as genuine documents. listen to what
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deputy viktor ilyukhin says about this. on may 25 , 2010 , an unknown man called me on the phone and stated that he knew that a group of scientists, together with me... was conducting a study of the circumstances, related to the execution of polish officers, stated that he participated in a large group of specialists specializing in falsifying historical documents, including he stated that he and his team directly falsified, if his statements are to be believed, the so-called beria note from march 1940. he put the signature of beri on this note, at the same time on this note on behalf of stalin, on behalf of molotov, malenkov their other names were entered, in particular
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, he stated that he prepared this note according to the proposal that followed from the kremlin, here is the production of stalin’s signature, the production of beria, as he said enough. what does a member of the politburo of the cpsu central committee, alexander yakovlev, who organized this campaign of falsification say in the nineties, we had to partially lie, be hypocritical, dissemble, there was no other way, we had to break the totalitarian communist party, but this is precisely our behavior led to complete impunity of the world... towards us, towards our rights, towards our
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claims to our interests, we with our own hands confirmed this most talented operation of goebels, which we are still discussing, which created such discord between the poles and russians, and you look how it was thought out with jesuitical subtlety, even the forest in which we were. which biden used in his speech, we talked about this, remember
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why the city of bucha was chosen for all this provocation and fake. why not gastomel or irpen, why buche? because the president of the united states is in the next tide dementia, publicly called our president a butcher. in english, butcher. butcher. the meaning, how it can be played out, rhymed, butcher, butchers, murderers, and so on, that’s all, that’s such powerful jesuitism. of the entire propaganda machine that
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has fallen on us, world-class at that, very serious people work there. how does modern goebbels work today? look, this is the film 20 days in mariupol, shot by ukrainian director mstislav chernov. the film, by the way, won an oscar for best feature-length documentary. friends, after rummaging through the archives, we
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found the same shot, but it had nothing to do with the title of the documentary film 20 days in mariupol. in fact, the photo was taken by another journalist who captured the death of an entire family in the city of gorlovka in the dpr. they are destroying our children, look at the toys. from that side, from the ukrainian side, hail shells arrived and exploded in the apartment. the bulaev family lived on the eighth floor, it’s very difficult to talk now, because small children died, i also have children, that’s why. you remember this one
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moment, of course, this is sofia’s jacket, which was hanging on a tree, of course i remember, because when they were looking for her, then naturally everything, everything that was possible, well, everything, everything was naturally thrown down, because they didn’t find her right away, they looked for her , and here, in addition to children’s things, there were also children’s toys hanging, and... it’s absurd, people probably don’t fear god, we all walk under god, we’re not afraid of sin, how can you use such things for some selfish purposes? . that is, you understand, everything is for sale, everything is in the piggy bank, everything is in this a cauldron of lies, manipulation, the use of some shots with a completely opposite meaning, with the ability to falsify people’s words, re-voice
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them, and so on and so forth, this is the complete absence of the concept of the sin of shame, we... remember this time, the nineties, but only today this is not happening in just one country, this is happening at the global level: there is chaos, lies, manipulation, the ability to turn any fact in one’s favor, and there are different forms of crimes, there are obvious crimes, yes, but there are invisible ones, there are - not only are they invisible, they also go far. here, for example, is the story that has now flared up regarding the great russian philosopher ivan ilyin. at the beginning of april this year, a fairly powerful campaign was launched against the russian philosopher ivan ilyin, the higher
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political school named after him at the russian state humanitarian university. i think that for thinking people. it became absolutely clear that this is not a speech against ilyin, in fact, this is a speech against our president, who quite often quotes this great philosopher. it all started with the fact that students were allegedly outraged by the fact that the higher school was named after a fascist, ivan ilyan, a bit, no less, a fascist. science center. one of the leading universities in the country , the winner of fascism, cannot bear the name of a supporter of ultra-legal views, taking into account the socio-political situation in which the russian federation currently finds itself. we are convinced that ivan ilyin’s worldview has nothing to do with the values ​​of russia, and the fascist idea is for us an unnatural political construct.
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our demand is to cancel the resolution on the creation of an educational and scientific center under the leadership of alexander dugin. we stand for free education. from the idea of ​​fascism, no to fascism, no to fascism in russia, fascism in russia, look what we see, fiery fighters, patriots, young guys who are going to a rally under the general sign of down with fascism, well, how can you argue with that, of course, down fascism, only they call fascists... completely different people, one of the first who entered into this work of denigration image of ilyin, this is someone, veronika krosheninnikova, by the way, she even worked at one time at the russian state humanitarian university, from the age of 20 she lived abroad, studied, worked there,
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appeared in russia only about 10 years ago, she became a prominent political scientist, became a member public chamber of russia from 2012 to...
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who quotes a fascist, how is this, how can one come to terms with this, this is a subtle and long-term game, it all works in this piggy bank, the humiliation of great people, the humiliation of those who are truly sincere and to end loved russia, despite the fact that the trick of such information is that it is distributed not only in foreign agents. sources, it is also picked up by patriotic media. by the way, for the understanding of mrs. krosheninnikova, anyone who preaches is a fascist. conservative views, who is anti-lgbtq or who promotes christian morality, that's what she
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writes: gays, new jews. the persecution of lgbt people in the world belongs to the agenda of the extreme right forces, and so on. now pay attention to this subtle but important detail. all this the story revolves around a higher political school named after ilyin.
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i was absolutely speechless, just when i looked later, i looked at the period when this was written by me, when i saw that it was written in fifty, in my opinion, the first or second year, and when the country was on a huge upswing and won the war, yes, everything is repression, but still for the world it is a country of victors, suddenly this man writes about what awaits it when... bolshevism falls, what kind of fall of bolshevism can we talk about in general, when he predicted the future of the ussr after
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war, when, as he wrote, bolshevism would collapse, with such tragic precision that one gets the feeling that a person in the fifty-first year could not write such, say, a brochure about russia, in which we absolutely... back in 1948, over 40 years before these events, ilyin predicts with incredible accuracy everything that will happen to us in 1991, down to the smallest detail. this is what he writes then: the russian people will emerge from the revolution poor, not rich. there will be neither a wealthy, nor a middle class, nor even a healthy economic peasant at all, a beggar the peasantry, the poor worker in industry,
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the poor artisan, the poor city dwellers, these will be the people of a classless society, robbed, but not at all forgetting that they were robbed, nor what exactly was taken from them, nor those who subjected them to expropriation, all will be poor, overworked and embittered, the state center, which robbed everyone, will disappear, but the state coinage left as an inheritance by the heir will have minimal purchasing power on the international market, it projects everything that happens in russia in advance, then, when what happened to us will happen. i ask myself the question, why don’t we read this, why do people who... undertake to lead the country, its climate, power, new laws
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, approving a new constitution, why don’t they read this, why don’t they want to believe those who really saved russia in the idea of ​​it, saved its memory, saved its essence, its soul, why? don’t take this, don’t, don’t take it as an axiom, but this is written by a man for whom russia was everything, for which he, as he writes himself, and i am absolutely sure of this, he is ready to give his life, he is ready to give his life for it, listen, in order to understand the legal force of ilin, its scale, i want to give you one quote from... the article on the basis of the struggle for national russia, it was written, be careful, in 1938. listen
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carefully, ukrainian separatism... it is an artificial phenomenon, devoid of any real basis. it arose from the ambition of the leaders and international conquest. the little russians are a branch of the united slavic-russian people. this branch is not has reasons to quarrel with other branches of the same people and secede into a separate state. having separated, this state is betrayed.
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october 13, 1938, which ivan ilyin wrote from switzerland, to the writer ivan shmelev, also expelled from russia, the persecution of me in germany began back in 1933 because i dared to be a russian patriot in my own judgment, here is a list from april 1933 to ... my home, the political police are trying to expose me as a francophile or use me against the rest immigration, my refusal 1934, april, an offer to me, as a professor at a russian scientific institute, to engage in propaganda of anti-semitism throughout the emigration dispersion, my categorical refusal. 1934
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june i was denied the right to work thirty-fourth year july i was fired in no time from the russian institute. the attack on me will continue. the propaganda ministry declared me an exposed freemason and my public speeches were unacceptable for the lack of anti-semitism in them, for the christian point of view held in them. an attempt will be made to use my strength in preparation. march to russia 1938, beginning of july, i leave germany completely, i would suffocate from disgust at the black hundreds mobilized there, with the involvement of a number of notorious german agents who led the persecution against me. is this written by a fascist? well, honestly, guys, did he really support
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the black hundreds? no, was he happy about hitler's war with the soviet union? no, back in september 1941, ilyin wrote: germany lost this war. moreover, he quickly got rid of illusions and understood nazism even in the thirty-fourth year, unlike very many. yes, to be fair, he really didn’t accept bolshevism, but he didn’t cheat, he didn’t, he didn’t seem like anyone, he didn’t try to fit in, he was convinced. this is what he writes: according to the testimony of historian olga bonch osmalovskaya, out of several hundred students or others , practically no one read, with the exception of five or six people.


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