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tv   Taini sledstviya-10  RUSSIA1  May 28, 2024 2:30am-4:11am MSK

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today we have with us an absolutely wonderful composer, conductor, musician, ivan fischer, and today we will talk at his home in berlin about the opera about his company, which is called fisher operany. ivan, well, for starters, i would like to remind you that you play the...
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non but the further, the more i felt discomfort from this activity, because as a conductor, i was responsible exclusively for the musical component, while the director was responsible for the visual component, for this is a problem for me, it lies in the fact that opera is being intensively modernized these days, but they do it exclusively on a visual level, acoustically.
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musically, everything remains the same, but it just smacks of madness to me. the harmony between the music and what is happening on stage is completely destroyed. at some point i realized that i couldn’t stand it any longer and decided to intervene. i worked as a conductor in theaters for about 30 years. now i wanted to balance what the audience hears and what they see. gradually i began to study opera directing. at the moment, i, as a director, have already released nine or 10 performances. i do not agree that, as is believed today, a conductor and a director are different professions.
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in the first home edition of this opera, my good friend sang, but no public performance was planned. not at all seriously, but everyone liked it so much that eventually several public performances took place.
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you could say these were the first steps, and then a serious opera appeared, the red heifer or in english? yes, this is already serious.
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this was in the twenties, when art was thoroughly saturated with politics, it was assumed that these would be a kind of operas for workers, for the proletariat, and for the proletariat, lush productions and professional voices were considered unnecessary, everything should have been simple and...
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the gruffalo, who doesn’t know, is such an incredibly popular children’s book written by julia donaldson. little children aged from three to about 8 years old adore her. i
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wanted to compose the opera specifically for this age audience, so that it would become the first acquaintance with opera for three- and four-year-olds. reckoning that it's small the viewer, coming to the theater, will encounter a work that he knows very well, because parents sometimes read such books to their child 100 or more times, as a result the text is learned practically by heart, this is an ideal option for visiting the opera for the first time. well, now we have reached your main creative achievement of recent years, this is the opera festival in the beautiful city of vecenza. why
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did you choose vecenza? this is probably because of the famous theater built by palladio. the fact is that most opera houses in world built. but in any case, their aesthetics were borrowed from the 19th century. but the teatro olimpico vicenza appeared in 1585, that is, in the 15th century. and this is exactly the time when opera first emerged. then, at the end of the renaissance, in italy, the idea of ​​reviving the ancient greek theater as... a combination of vocals and dramatic art took shape. at that time, it
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was an absolutely revolutionary idea. and the grandiose monteverdi followed the lead of such composers as peri and cacini. the first truly great name in history world opera. in that it is impossible to change the decorative
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theater in the world from all the others, it is different from the backdrop of the stage, it is part of the ingenious architecture of the paladio. by the way, this is the era of shakespeare. shakespeare also staged his plays in the theater, where the backdrop was unchanged, and full-fledged scenery in the modern sense was impossible.
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separation of two most important components - the music of the action itself. i don't try in all operas, but when possible, i try to combine the orchestra and vocalists in a single stage space. luckily my musicians agree for such experiments. sometimes they even sing something or play together with the artists. it's always beautiful. and the music sounds better this way because they can hear each other better.
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“i agree that this is a slightly provocative choice, but if you think about it, everything is extremely logical. yes, falstaff’s music is typical music of the 19th century, but the story itself takes place in the time of shakespeare, that is, during the construction of the olympic theater. and the main character, falstaff, this is a typical man of the renaissance, we are playing out scene xv.
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century history from the 15th century, everything is organic. and the fact that this is an opera of the 19th century, it seems to me, only adds semantic volume. i have a clear feeling that you continue to maintain this connection of times in
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all your subsequent productions. look, in terms of architecture, the paladium theater is a reference to ancient greek.
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it is incorrect to understand popea as a victim of hell. yes, she is driven by instincts, but she does not crave power, it is not for this that she uses her all-conquering beauty, but for the sake of love. i think she's really falling in love with neuron. nero is truly an infernal character, a mad tyrant who destroys people just on a whim, he is terrible, but at the same time he is a real poet, he knows what inspiration is, the power of this story... is that
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the neuron popei truly fall in love with each other friend, although from the outside it seems that this is nothing more than a combination of lust, lust for power and ambition. no, i think that these two got into a whirlpool of feelings that carried them away. hence the paradoxical happy ending with which this opera ends; it is incredible, but you believe him.
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when i staged orpheus, in contrast to the coronation of popeye, i could not bring myself to believe in the happy ending. we all know how this opera ends. orpheus couldn’t bring her back, he suffers, then apollo descends from heaven, takes him with him, well, kind of like a happy ending, in the ancient theater it was called a colossus, literally god ex machina, because god is lowered on stage by a machine, at the moment when
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another there is no possibility for a happy ending. but in the first version of this opera, from which the libretta has been preserved, the end completely different, no apollos, on the contrary, the bacchantes appear on the scene to tear orpheus to pieces, they are furious with him because he refuses to lead a normal hydonistic life, they keep whining about his wife, who died a long time ago, they, the bacchantes, are for all the other women . the original myth actually ends with this; such a ending is logical. i wondered why monteverdi replaced it with a banal one. i am sure that it was not of
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his own free will, either the theatrical tradition required it, or one of the aristocratic customers wished it so. all in all, i had to, but i wanted to put on the original version, but there was no music for the original ending, it was not preserved. all the archives have long been rummaged through, lost forever, there is a libretto about an orgy, but it’s as if the score never existed, so what to do? i decided to finish it myself, but to do it in the style of monteverdi, and so a light was born, an old, new opera, sounded.
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what britton composed has a timeless meaning, will always be relevant. and vint’s turn, in my opinion, is one of the main peaks
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of his work. i think this is absolute a masterpiece that is already inscribed in the annals of music history. we want to cover all the styles that exist.
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then we will spend the summer in budapest, where we will also give several performances, only then we will move to vecenza, where our small festival takes place every october. the timing is not accidental. a full-fledged museum and lives according to museum laws, this is a perfectly preserved theater of the 15th century, and it should remain that way, therefore the city authorities prohibit the use of heating or air conditioning in this building, only the natural environment, changing depending on the weather. as a result, this theater is too hot in summer and too cold in winter. the only time he is
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suitable for performing. this is either spring or september-october. yes, it’s october, the weather is beautiful there, it’s like coming to st. petersburg during the white nights. each year the festival program includes three opera performances and one symphony concert, which gives the vocalists a day of respite. but you don’t spare yourself. thanks to this day of rest, their voices sound the same at their last performance beautifully fresh, just like the first one. in addition, viewers are given the opportunity to listen to an additional concert and see the theater in all its glory. the fact is that only during a symphony concert can you truly appreciate this amazing thing.
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interior, during the opera the lights are dimmed, and sometimes there is complete darkness, which does not allow one to fully see the brilliant creation of the paladers. plus, the acoustics in this room are fantastic. i would call it ideal, well, we were lucky. the budapest festival orchestra works with us, fully deserving of this hall. and this theater, listening to it in such an environment is a gift of fate for any music lover, so a concert plus a performance is the best option for visiting the festival. the concert is always between performances.
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tell me, when you stage an opera as a director, do you use any modern technologies, like video installation or some kind of special lighting. of course, i use, for example, in orpheus the action takes place both on earth and in the underworld . and there are also scenes on the river, serving the border between the world of the dead and the world of the living. the idea came to my mind to depict something like a surface of water on the stage.
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in the scenes that took place on the ground, we laid out something like a lawn with grass. the result was an interesting contrast between the depiction of the world of the dead and the world of the living. pelias and melisantha, i came up with a forest setting, and an unchanged architecture.
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the trees were playing, the musicians were dressed in special green-brown robes, the viewer should have had the feeling that he was hearing the voice of the forest itself. i was sure, that it would turn out beautifully, but this was only the lower tier: you look up and see the incomparable and unchanged decoration of the paladio for more than 400 years. blessure qu'elle peut
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mourir, un oiseau n'en serait pas mort, ce n'est donc pas... star status, why did i invite nicola alaima to sing falstaff, because in my opinion, this is the best falstaff in the world.
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well, the role of popeye. absolutely, no one can perform better than zhanina moron. moreover, for me these artists are the real world stars. and the fact that their personal life doesn't attract tabloid attention , doesn't say anything. they are the real stars, their fame will only grow. ivan, what is your opinion about the current state of opera art? i think that it is necessary to compose new operas. for me this is a fundamental point. now we are at an impasse.
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theaters endlessly offer the same old titles, interpreted by different new directors. there is something abnormal in this, we listen to the same old melancholy or the magic flute, with the sole purpose of finding out what new thing the next one will pull out of them a new director, but this is not modern theater. it's time to end the obsession with new direction and shift focus. for new works, while there is an endless modernization of the visual component in isolation from the musical one, but new operas are needed,
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as soon as they begin to appear in sufficient quantities, the public will become interested in them, and nothing. not the other way around, about attracting new audiences, you somehow came up with a brilliant idea to organize midnight concerts. in general, i think that the younger generation loves classical music not at all less than the older ones, there is simply no adequate form of concerts for them, my solution to this problem was midnight concerts. we laid out feathers on the floor instead of chairs; you could watch while reclining, comfortably; we started after midnight, based on the fact that young people usually go to bed late.
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und außerdem ist der... we even had a slogan: the concert begins when you are still awake and your parents are already asleep, you can’t help but buy into this, every normal young guy or girl will think: yeah, this is for me, they
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they came, the hall was packed, young people with musical taste, who are usually underestimated, listened with pleasure to mozart, tchaikovsky, bruckner. i think this is just a brilliant idea. well, ivan, all i can do is wish you and your wonderful festival new extraordinary productions. the only pity is that the vecenze hall is designed for too few spectators for such a large-scale project, because it is unique. thanks for these words. that 's right, the hall is small, but this turns a trip to our festival in vecenza into a completely exclusive event. there are advantages. we film all performances and post them to
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the public, but as always, this is your worthy decision. ivan, thank you so much, i was very glad to see you, and thank you very much, bavanni. artecos, mi invito, e son venuts, avrei giammai creduto, ma farò quel che potrò, se pure un'altra cena ma che...
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hello, time for news on our channel, in the studio of lodar starkhov, briefly about some of the topics of the issue. waiting for a miracle, i wanted to fake my fantasies and throw them out on canvas. exhibition journey dedicated to mark shagau. opened in the jewish museum.
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unexpected joys, this is absolutely not my movie in every sense of the word. materials from rustam khamdamov’s unfinished film were shown for the director’s anniversary. space pure sound. blues teaches us to look positively at bad events in our lives. the arkhangelsk blues festival is taking place for the nineteenth time in the capital of pomorie. the vivarta chamber music festival opened at the tretyakov gallery. this year, its participants are inspired by the exhibition “contemporary heroes of the silver age, an era that was embodied not only in fine art, but also in.” janet art will talk about the program on the first evening. in vrubel's hall, under the close attention of the demon, portraits of sava mamontov, princess dreams, are already the vivarte festival opens for the ninth time. its musical content sounds in unison with the art of painting. this year the festival's tuning fork was the silver age.
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the opening concert is dedicated to the works of early romanticism, from the harmony of which an amazing era was born, which received its name from the light hand of anna akhmatova. the pearls of chamber music, the quartets and quintets of beethovin, brahms, and frank, are performed by the david oistrakh quartet and laureates of the tchaikovsky competition. the silver age is the time which becomes a watershed between the nineteenth and the insane. in the 20th century, when it comes to music, we also turn to the origins, starting with beethoven and ending with scriabin and the music of our contemporaries.
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the symbol of the opening concert is a sketch of unfinished paintings at the fountain of petrov votkin, one of the heroes of the silver age. in this job. avant-garde solutions. this theme is played out in the concert, because the concert includes primarily those composers who thought about the theme of classical music, who could reconstruct classical music and their new language were created based on the clear structures of classical works. vivarty pays tribute to chamber music, bringing to the fore not only its fragile beauty, but also moments of intimate confidential conversation and meditative immersion within oneself. the space of the tretyakov gallery adds visual support to the listening experience. over the
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9 years that the festival has existed, our world has gone through many trials, and they continue. in the context of our surrounding anxiety , our credo is to put the soul in order by developing and complementing the exhibition with heroes of the contemporaries of the silver age, the next concerts of the festival will show the stylistic diversity of the music of the turning point of eras, in which contemporary composers found creative impulse. culture news. according to the book by marc chagall, my life opens a jewish museum and a tolerance center. the exhibition reflects the most important fragments of the artist’s early biography, from his parents’ home in vitebsk to his paris workshop. yulia strukova walked around the exhibition. the trough was the first thing my eyes saw, writes mark shagal in the novel “my life.”
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and now, under the lullaby , lyulka’s trough sways. the artist’s paintings from private collections, his texts are here along with interactive installations that you can touch, you can play everything, and isn’t this a miracle, the birth of a person, thoughts, ideas is a great miracle, and we went from this miracle, the miracle of having a family, to be happy in the family, a wonderful place where you were born, you can find yourself on the roofs of the houses of vitebsk, chagall’s hometown, sad and cheerful, in the fish shop of the artist’s father on the streets and in courtyards with animals, of which there are many in his paintings, here they turn into shadow theater actors. this son, boxes of monsoon, eyes shining on a pale face, just open the window she is here, with
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her azure, love, flowers, this is abella, shagall’s wife, who hovers in his paintings, here she is in his parisian workshop, where he worked.. . almost without sleep, it was france that made chagall a world celebrity, into the noisy parisian world, with its cafe, theater and circus, we go through the door in the closet, try on circus costumes, juggle, try to understand chagall’s style, work. artists of the exhibition, amaze his work, of course, complexes in front of chagall, we did not use a single image of chagall, maintaining the style and looking at his images, we still drew our own graphics. chagall's paintings were supplemented with works by nathan altman and grigory inger. all spent their childhood in jewish shtetls. if we talk about baltman, maybe he is less with... some kind of nostalgia inger, it’s just that for him childhood remains the main point of attraction and such an object of memories as
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in fact, at chagall, and the fact that he was already over 60 years old, he begins a cycle , probably the most poignant cycle in his work: my childhood. it all started with childhood in vitebsk and ends in heavenly vitebsk. and if you look at yourself in the mirror under these skies, it seems... it's like paris is in the air. yulia strukova, victor lashkul, culture news. the lost film of rustam khamdamov. on the day of the director’s eightieth birthday, the cinematic arts library showed miraculously preserved fragments of the film. unexpected joys, about the star silent films by veri kholodnaya. about the history of the failed film, stanislav anisimov. rustam khamdamov has long been associated with his image as the genius of unmade films. the basis of the plan is unexpected.
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what was happening, he understood only one thing, that with yakovlev, who didn’t understand at all that he would have his head taken off, yes, for all this, what was going on, so every day he sent a denunciation to moscow, filming. stopped the materials of the unfinished film vladimir olennikov cameraman ilya menkovetsky saved from destruction, secretly removed the boxes with the film
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from mosfilm, later fragments of unexpected joys will become part of khamdamova's film anna karamazov, since this is working material, it is not voiced, this is absolutely not my movie in every sense of the word, fortunately , working soundtracks have been preserved, but without sound . in the historical center of rome, at a depth of 85 m , a retaining wall is being erected next to the station of the new metro lines.
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the only selection criterion is that cars cannot be produced later than 199. butterflies from the jungle in the alpine province. the trento science museum has recreated the tropical forest of the udzungwa mountain range in tanzania in a greenhouse. this is one of the most important areas. research and a branch was created in the alps, where more than 200 plant species are represented. the nineteenth festival of pure sound arkhangelsk-blues began work in the capital of pomorie. the organizers say their show is for people with good taste and an open heart. elena eurieva will continue.
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the arkhangelsk blues festival gathers an open-air audience for the first time in history. to as many northerners as possible could listen to the music, admission was free, the weather was sunny, the festival was the nineteenth in a row and there are no others like it in russia. alena kompanets from moscow breaks all stereotypes. in the blues there are not only experienced musicians, but also very young ones. moreover, this is not melancholy and melancholy. this is music about life, and life plays with bright colors. it's quite common in the blues. there are enough songs with sad lyrics, but they are cheerful in nature, that is, the blues teaches us to look positively at bad events in our life. musicians from vologda, moscow, st. petersburg, cherepovets, kirov and even cuba came to the north. the uniqueness of the festival is that it is copyrighted. tim dorofeev carefully prepares the script and invites only those he knows well. today there will be six different amazing bands
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performing and presenting blues music. all its colors, the organizers promise a lot of experiments, perhaps new projects will appear, but the residents of arkhangelsk, judging by their mood, have long been partial to the blues, this that’s it, mom, she turns me on, you’re just an avid blues woman, very much so, i always dance, we love everything that plays beautiful notes, how do you like the music, do you want it? with three more festival days ahead , the musicians have a lot of hot music in store. elena yuriva igorstomin, alexander prilutsky. news pomorie. this concludes our episode, all the best and see you soon.
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oh, you’re late, comrade shvetsova, the corpse is already cold, well, i just might warm it up for you especially, okay, i’m downstairs, and you go to the left, bye, further, further, tablecloth, tablecloth, running colors with a characteristic pattern in the form of a checkered pattern, and in the middle of the table, a vase in the shape of a flower, a vase, oh, hello, red, hello, i’m from ruvda, hello, and i’m from the investigative committee, i’ll explain everything now, comrade, i came for a robbery, we were actually
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called for a robbery, who, well, who, here... the deceased, well, yes, the woman just called, said that she was being robbed, we arrived, then, well, in short, she didn’t wait, she didn’t wait. she was alone, yes, the front door was open, it was clear that there was something heavy on the back of her head, the murder weapon, of course, no, they didn’t find it, we ’re on a different issue, it’s just that we ’re dealing with a robbery, what are we going to do, the two of us catch one, why just one? although, probably, yes, i think that the same person robbed and killed. so, what is next? well, one head is good, two are better. excuse me, i understand, you
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want to take the robbery for yourself? so i don’t need a second head. well, then, maybe she managed to describe the robber? no, i didn't have time. the connection there was bad. she managed to say the address. that she was being robbed, we have the records in our department, if you are interested, we can provide, they will be interested, let's then formalize the seizure, we will formalize, formalize, well, there are films, then, then, okay, yeah, in short, you understand, well, then i 'll leave the protocol, leave, yes, four plastic figures, goodbye, see goodbye, bye, what is this, what kind of betrayal, i mean, where is the opera, where are the polling stations? what is this? the district police officer interviews the neighbors, and kurochkin went to the rvd and interrogates the housekeeper. it turns out that the deceased had a housekeeper who came, but
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the housekeeper, yes, but she, it seems to me, was not there business, not business, because the neighbors saw her an hour before the incident, leaving the house, and she lived alone, relatives, the local police officer will come. they’ll tell you everything, but for now we’ll continue, but for now, let’s start over, yeah, yeah, you’re free tonight, let’s change things a little more, hello, hello, you’re julia, yes, you’ve been waiting for a long time, no, recently, no, i don’t know , by mail, about the evening, everything. maybe, yes, everyone, come on, come in, sit down, you'll have some tea, oh, no, no, what are you, so, it's still good that you
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we were not far away, i was already planning to go to you for dear life, but i just recently left maya nikolaevna, so, that’s where it started. let's be more specific: what time did you leave the apartment? at half past five. tell me, maya nikolaevna, weren’t you expecting anyone today? no. yul, how long have you been working for her? yes, almost a year. almost a year. well, have you seen any of her friends? or maybe you know something about them? you know, i saw relatives, yeah. by the way, she has a twin sister, elvira nikolaevna, so she came during the day, twin sister, yes, yeah, lives separately, yes, yeah, they just don’t
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get along very well, maya nikolaevna, you know, had a complex character, well, of course, so, my sister, as i understand it, has her own family, yes, children, son, son, as i understand it, already quite grown up, yes, yes, he has... his own family, in my opinion, to be honest, i don’t know, i haven’t even seen him, yulechka, nikolaevna got this apartment, as i understand it, from her parents, i i don’t know, but i know that they have an apartment over this, they usually quarreled a lot, i heard this on the phone, yeah, even once maya nikolaevna invited agent, yeah, well, here they are with this agent. there they discussed what to do with this apartment, well, maybe sell it, maybe, you know, exchange it, that’s when they quarreled with elvira nikolaevna, didn’t
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communicate for a very long time, yeah, but today maya nikolaevna wasn’t expecting her sister, no, uh-huh, i see, july, there were some valuables in the house, yes, yes, only... i don’t know where they were, at home or not, so, i don’t understand, maya nikolaevna had a collection from her father, a collection of coins. and my father was a collector, yes, well, no, my father he was an artist, well, he illustrated books, yes, yeah, and coins were his hobby, so, well, maya nikolaevna also collected coins, like her father, so her father bequeathed a collection to her, julia, there was a collection in the house, no
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i know, maya nikolaevna hid it all the time, said that she kept it in a bank, you know, in a safe deposit box, and then maybe she just said how do i know where this collection is, i don’t know, i understand, that is, you do not know. “that means they didn’t find any collection in the apartment, maybe we should look for the housekeepers, she probably knows her favorite little girls, it’s interesting, the neighbors saw something, they didn’t see anything, but they heard, marya sergeevna, i assure you, this is someone from the inner circle, she most likely wouldn’t let strangers in.
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“maybe the housekeeper herself, but no, no, what are you talking about, she’s not in business, i checked everything, the fact is that when i called her, she was traveling on the train, i heard on the phone, they announced, ulyanovka station, this it’s an hour from st. petersburg, so what, we don’t know the exact time when the crime was committed, experts haven’t yet gave birth, so marya sergeevna, firstly, we have testimonies from neighbors, and secondly, the police called after 5, so i feel we need to contact the nomismatists, because if the collection is worthwhile, then sooner or later it will appear on market, well, not right away, of course, but we’ll come out without mats, and i think we need to take care of florinskaya’s sister, there’s a motif of weights, an apartment, marya sergeevna, well, you don’t know how much the collection cost, it was collected by two generations, here you are find out, you can change 100 rubles, but
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i don’t know, the boss is not the boss, but change it you need 100 rubles, boss, don’t show off your collection like that, here one nomismatist was killed for a much smaller amount, this is the old lady on the hook, she was collecting coins, uh-huh, volodya, wait, wait, you had some kind of expert in this region, mm, there was, on isakevskaya, there was an art institute, or something, what... it was called that or the history of art, and you can ask him about florinsky’s collection, he should know, florinsky’s, well , if someone worth the collection knows, 100 rubles exchange, but no, we have smaller ones, and i ’ll take care of my sister, and i’ll take care of the change, and i i’ll take care of the report, no, you’ll take care of the housekeeper, and together you’ll clean out the whole apartment, marya sergeevna, why else, what if the collection is still in the apartment, but of course. dad, is there any bread left? well, give
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it to me, i’ll submit, you should at least warn the distillers, call or something, otherwise i’m an elderly, impressionable person, my mother allows it, when i see an operative in my park, then i don’t sleep for a week, my heart is still pounding, a lot you carry it inside you, andrevich, you should come and tell me what’s oppressing you, you see your sleep has become calmer, but it’s not the oppression that’s the issue, a couple of months in if you spend time in a pre-trial detention center, you won’t react to operatives in the same way, especially at my age, oh-oh, well, let’s get down to business, okay, so nothing oppresses me, make a mistake, citizen-boss, you have some kind of concern, it looks like, well, there, over there, that this is florinsky’s collection, it tells you something, he says, no matter how he doesn’t say, he collected florinsky coins, that was the case, yeah. and the daughter
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too, yes, what’s the daughter, the father is between us, well, there was still mismatism here, that collection isn’t worthwhile, why isn’t it worthwhile, it’s something of course it’s worth it, but without any unique items, it’s a completely average gray collection, like there are hundreds of them, how much it can cost, well, my dear, it’s not like potatoes, how can you sell it, if it’s individually, it’s one thing all together. yeah, well, you can name the order, mom, let's go to the site, that's 200,000 dollars, that's the range. well, as far as i remember, this collection is sparse for a collection, but what was stolen? yes, it seems that they killed the owner, florinsky’s daughter, yes, what are you, yes, it will be difficult for you
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to find this collection, why? yes , because everything is unique, it will dissolve in the general mass, like sugar, remember how. please come in, yeah, yes, yul, so, you’ve never seen the collection, actually i saw it a couple of times, well, where was it, you know, when i was cleaning, i found it on... upstairs , here on the closet, i was just wiping off the dust and found two thick albums, yes, well, did you look in them? yes, there were old coins there, i didn’t know then that maya nikolaevna collected coins and completely without a single
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thought i told her one day that i liked them, well, they say the coins are beautiful, there was a scream, well, can i imagine? so that she would then be indignant all day, saying what right do i have, she closed, probably spent three hours counting the money, yes, but what do you think, she then hid it, yes, she said that she took it to the bank, put it in a safe deposit box, uh-huh , but i saw how a collector came to her, a collector, that is, in addition to her relatives, a collector also came to her. yes, such a collector, an elderly guy, maybe 60 years old, his name is georgiy, yeah, and how many times did he come, maybe three times, so, a collector came and what, so she took out these two albums, right there, in
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the corridor on antrisol, where, where, there ’s just a little place on antrisol, yul, let’s see, let’s. empty, uh-huh, she hid it, so that means she saw what you saw? no, i do not know. probably yours, hello, hello, hello,
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oleg belov, security service of the palmira insurance company, you are from the police, from the police, from the police. very good, polmira insurance company, we have an agreement with the owner of the collection, please, wow, deputy director, the case, let’s say, is not private, what is it that i should conduct an investigation, listen, what investigation, an investigation into the theft , a collection insured by our company for a tidy sum was stolen, the company must pay the money, i am the deputy head of the security service of the insurance company. our service verifies the authenticity of insurance claims. i have to investigate, it 's clearer this way. listen, who told you that the collection was stolen? what, did you find it? no, no, but can i have your documents? please, uh-huh. yes.
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so. told you that the collection was stolen, the owner of the collection said, florinskaya may, the owner of the collection died when, i think so, that the person i talked to died, uh, she died, so that’s how it is, yeah, ah, the collection is in place, we’re looking, are you a relative, no, am i a housekeeper? do you know where the collection is? no, that’s right, but i don’t quite understand something, who are you even going to pay the money to, if it’s the owner. the collection was lost, we are not going to pay the money, but we will have to do this, if it is proven that the collection
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was stolen, the relatives will receive the money, and well, for example, sister, well, for example, sister, the company must pay the money, as you understand, who to pay, we don’t care, by the way, the company authorized me to announce a reward, anyone who finds the collection will receive 50,000 dollars, listen, how much will you pay? if the collection is not found at all , half a million, does anyone have any suggestions, ideas, yes no, well, great, then let's begin, yes, hello, please come in,
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yes, she had no environment, maya was a person very difficult, she had one friend, alla, but a year ago they categorically quarreled, and after that she only communicated with her own maniacs, what maniacs, well, with these, with nomismatists, but tell me, she was serious about her collection, but she could kill... for any ancient coin, well, i’m not joking
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literally, you know, we inherited this collection from our father, so it belongs to both of us, me and my sister in equal shares, when your father passed away? yes, 7 years ago, but at first i raised this question, that somehow we need to divide equally this collection, well, not literally not in coins, but to sell. and to divide the money, i understand everything, the passion for collecting and so on, but we are also not fed by the holy spirit alone, i have a son, he has a family, a child, and you live together, yes, well, then i found out, that i am a callous, self-centered person, while she protects and increases our father’s most precious creation, the passion of his life, this collection, and i am only interested in monetary equivalents. suggested that i go to court if i have enough conscience, and you, of course,
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hushed up this topic, no, we didn’t communicate with her for a year, and then i came to congratulate her on her birthday, she herself raised this question, herself, yes, and i told her that let’s forget, we lived without this money and will live , but then she said that she didn’t need any handouts from me, and that she was obligated. will pay off my share, she paid, but of course not, yeah, imagine, think about it for a minute, she lives in an apartment that belongs to both of us, what about the apartment, but nothing about the apartment, she has some kind of agent of her own yes, my aunt is completely hobalistic, but she didn’t trust my agents, her aunt couldn’t really offer anything, however, to be honest, may had... completely romantic requests, she wanted an apartment
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in the same area and with the same square footage , as before the exchange, of course, but these nomismatists, you know, these crazy ones, well, i mean by name, you know each other, yes, this is my father’s entourage, pokrovsky, mikhail fedorovich, he is generally a well-known person in these circles, and you know his phone number, i have it now... just about exchanging an apartment, we talked to her, well, we agreed on something, but nothing, she offered us, this is a hobalka, an absolutely terrible option, but do you have her phone number? who do you spend
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time with there anyway? kos, i’m alone, i’m in love, nikitos is like a boy, she’s married, she loves her husband, i don’t know what to do, the administrator said that it’s such an open holiday romance, it’s the first time she’s ever seen it in her life, that’s enough, marin, what is this, where did it come from? this is for you, you don’t deny that you know this man, a melody for yours, tomorrow on rtr, favorite songs sound in our studio, let's go!
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your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. do you remember what you promised me? i remember what i promised? did you promise to marry me? well, that’s where you’re going, i almost hit you, why are you silent, did i hurt you? no, it didn’t hurt, this is my brother vanya, it’s very nice, but i’m not very pleased. don’t you think that he himself should decide whether to marry him or not, and what should we do now, maybe you are there, if you insist, i’ll try, a simple girl on
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friday. here we go, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room, absolutely without faces, creating three different functional areas, ideas are overflowing, we we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i... in general, a proactive maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our heroes, after dismantling - a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every
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sunday on rtr, will your girl turn 18? she will receive a gift, whichever man she loves, good luck and wealth will come to him, but as soon as he gets rich, he will leave her. what if the gypsy doesn’t navrola? well, hit her. i just realized today how much i like you, how beautiful you are. max, yes, what are you doing? i don't believe a single word you say. just don’t push too hard, otherwise you’ll scare me away, he’ll run away, he won’t run away from me. do you hear how it beats? i will protect you. who is offending? magic gift? which became a curse, i made up my mind, i’ll leave the city, don’t break my heart, premiere, saturday on rtr, great, boss, hello, well,
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look, some information about florinskaya’s collection for the insurance company. for half a million, yes, it’s strange, the prohar told me, that it costs no more than 200 thousand, oh, boss, the prokhor may not know anything, in fact, everything depends not so much on the value of the collection, but on the amount that florinskaya contributed to the insurance company, but there are experts there, well... by the way , we need to find out which namismat carried out the examination, uh-huh, well, how is this insurance inspector, active, insurance inspector, and like an electrician,
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he rummaged through the whole apartment while he was looking for the collection, well, lucky you, oh, boss, i was really just giving him ideas , i say, suddenly she’s in her hid the ventilation, so in half an hour he dismantled all the ventilation grilles, stands knee-deep in dust and says, no, there’s none here, what other proposals, well, of course, he needs to prove that the collection... wasn’t stolen, they pay him money for it , money, and what kind of money, don’t you know, they’re ready to pay 50,000 to anyone who finds this collection, rubles, rubles, dollars, fucking hell, listen, you can go look for it, but go, of course, but it’s not there, boss, and so , you can call this employee, find out who conducted the examination, and why not? yes,
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yes, uh, oleg, who is this, great, dear, this is kurochkin, fedor, zanevskoy rvd, and hi, listen, can you tell me who did the examination for your insurance company, some kind of expert of yours, no, of course, this independent expert, nomismatist, yeah, well, how...
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this independent expert was a friend of mai nikolaevna. wait, are you implying that out of purely friendly motives he undercut the price of the collection for the insurance company, or what? perhaps call pokrovsky. hello, i'm looking for captain kurochkin. it's me. my respect, you are investigating the death of florinskaya, well, yes, pokrovsky, mikhail fetrovich, personally knew
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the deceased, hello, olga, hello, hello, yes, once again, very nice, well , let’s get started, olga, when was the last time you saw florinskaya, whom i’m izma nikolaevna, we saw? two days ago, and on monday at 2:00 pm, elvira nikolovna was there too, yes, she said that you discussed some kind of exchange option, yeah.
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give a beggar a finger, he’ll bite your hand off, well, that’s it, uh, what, she said that she doesn’t see any point in these exchanges, and what if her nephew’s sister has some opinions about this, then let them go to court, on this we parted ways, uh-huh, my nephew promised that he would run to court tomorrow, there’s another cat there, but apparently he didn’t make it, let’s go.
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oh yeah, this is the entire florinskaya collection, in full, here i come, i think it will be useful for you to find out that the word is wrong, thank you very much, and these are all the results of the examination, documented by the insurance company, here is my contract...
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thoroughly, of course , this is a lot of money, there is so much fraud around this, and even murder, listen, here you are personally do you suspect anyone, yes, that’s what my nephew came with, lenya, but are there any grounds for such suspicions? the simplest, there is no one else, a serious argument, i also think so, but you talked to him, not yet, but you will talk, and look for the collection at his house, he will not sell it until the noise subsides, it is at his house , let's look, thanks for the advice, please,
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how can you explain? fact that, according to one competent person, florinskaya’s collection is worth no more than 200,000 dollars, and it is insured for 500,000, excuse me, who this competent person, if not a secret, a secret, prokhorov, probably, what kind of prokhorov, prokhorov, but he’s not that competent, do you think his information is outdated? this coin was issued in the 15th century by one novgorod governor, mitrofan zalessky, he issued them from scratch.
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in 2000 and this is the maximum without this coin, with this coin it costs 500 according to the most conservative estimates, consider 3000, from 300,000, well , this means this coin recently appeared in the collection, if our source did not know about it, the source did not know about it by virtue of its incompetence, and it really appeared not so long ago, two months ago. listen, florinskaya, where does the money come from to purchase such a coin? excuse me, do you know how much she bought it for? me too, you know, the beauty of our activity is
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that sometimes awareness is quite easily converted into very large sums. i know cases where black trackers are paid for pennies. bought coins of the 19th century, 13, and a knowledgeable person can easily distinguish not a standing circle of dark metal from a standing one, but a florin she understood this, superbly, she was a real master, she had been hanging around nosmatists since childhood, but she didn’t tell me where she got this coin from, but it’s not every day that a coin appears. she told me there for 3000, she said that she bought it from some village woman, you think it’s not true, i don’t know, i haven’t seen this woman, i only know that there were two coins, and now there are three, so that means
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this is an event in numismatics, still, it’s strange why our competent, supposedly source didn’t know this, well, because i’m not true. bila about this is on every corner, by the way, absolutely correct. that is, it turns out that suddenly, out of nowhere, a third unique coin appears, is it the third? one coin is kept in the kiev ethnographic museum, the other in a private collection. i won’t go into details, but you can believe me, all the coins are actually different from each other, so... the coin from florinskaya’s collection actually looks much better than its sisters. or maybe it's a fake? no, it's not
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fake. this is a unique coin of the novgorod governor of the 15th century. that is, it turns out that the collection was insured when this coin appeared in it. absolutely right. i was the one who insisted that it be insured; florinskaya’s nephew knew that the collection was insured, no doubt interesting.
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who is elvira nikolaevna, this is shvetsova from the investigative committee, i have a few questions for you, yes, yes. on what grounds, you have no right to detain me, which means i’m now calling this department of yours until you have the paperwork for a search, oh, marya sergeevna, hello, a search warrant, and you are leonid, yeah, yeah. so, here it is, please, okay, let's do the inspection. and you and your friend are in the rvd, and i don’t understand, do you
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suspect my son of something, of murder, i’m stunned, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, please. but how long will this last? no, let's go, you know, i'm stronger, because... and there already, well, like
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supersha, come in, sit down, you think i killed maya, i didn't say that, i didn't kill her, great, who doesn't know? i have no idea, but maybe there are some suspicions, but no, yeah, where were you that day the murder of maya nikolaevna, it was yesterday, yes, i ’m interested in from four to six, from four to six, you work, yes, i work as a sales representative, i’m on the road all the time, as usual, to retail outlets, and more specifically, more specifically’


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