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tv   Versiya  RUSSIA1  May 28, 2024 4:10am-4:30am MSK

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come in, sit down, you think i killed maya, i didn’t say that, i didn’t kill her, great. who doesn’t know, i have no idea, well, maybe there are some suspicions, but no, where were you on the day of nikolaevna’s murder, this was yesterday, yes, i’m interested in from 4 to 6, from 4 to 6, you work, yes, i work as a sales representative, i travel all the time, as usual, to retail outlets, and specifically...
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more specifically, i need my diary, but if you had asked me at home, i would have told you everything right away, but you will remember try, i go to fifteen places in a day, calmly, i cover hundreds of kilometers in a week, so yesterday, and what happened yesterday, wednesday, and i didn’t work at all, mm? so i went to the meadow, killed the whole day, why? well, for this, for the tools, i have a tool at the dacha and a machine shop, you know, i know, so, i think, i started repairs, and you went alone, alone, uh, gardening, of course. no one saw you,
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no, everything is clear, pass the protocol, mara sergeevna, everything is clean here, i ’ll take a look at the kitchen, yeah, let’s go. that means on wednesday leonid was at the dacha, yes, he went to get tools alone, yes, alone. marya sergeevna, can i ask you a question? of course, let's say for a second that lenya killed his sister, yes, let's say, well, he killed her, as you think, in order to receive an inheritance, an apartment and... the like, right?
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yes, then please tell me why he had to steal this collection if after death everything would have gone to him anyway, but it’s a good question, but i have an answer. marya sergeevna, everything is clean in the kitchen, but belov called me, i need to meet with him. let me i’m releasing the witnesses, uh-huh, uh-huh. thank you, you are free, goodbye. is that in the event of the theft of coins, leonid receives not only the collection, but also insurance for it, but was the collection insured, yes, are you ready for our musical investigation, ready, ready, sweet gourmet, four experienced experts, guessed, they guessed that
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nothing is 100% clear to us, i absolutely do not dare say for sure, they guessed, they guessed, in general, i’m confused, my ninth, tenth, sixteenth sense of my intuition will turn on and sing, that’s what came out of it, according to i see from your smiles that you like how we deceive you, well, what can we do, i’m glad to catch being deceived. if you can, a big music show, they ate me, why did you eat, sat down, ate, on friday on rtr.
4:15 am
we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel. malshaikh, your ideal place in the heart of the city.
4:16 am
i love you, i love you too, look at the weekend, leave her alone, well, you have no prospects in life, oleg, we don’t need to meet again, sometimes parting is just the beginning of great love, it’s not easy to be the wife of a prosecutor, right? they're watching you, this is your husband's man, let him go, fox, be careful, tell me, do you still love him, first love, everything, yes, don't touch me, what are you doing, let him go, listen to me carefully, you have to deal with them something to decide, fox,
4:17 am
yes, run away from him, you are in danger, he has already betrayed you once, i will do everything so that we can were together, romance in the past, on saturday, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, dear mother, simply incredible beauty, you we already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is; there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is! as my mother says: eat your mind! this world is worth seeing! snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say, right
4:18 am
a made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world! on sunday! on rtr we watch love - it’s when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let’s look, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time one, two, three, sign up, look, look, maybe we can go to my place? let's just watch a movie, what are you going to do, where have you gone? belov, but you've been here since morning i rummaged through everything, you’re not tired, yes, 100% of
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this, my nephew, yes, my nephew has everything dug up to the ground. tax, well, let's go already, and this is clever, guys, and we were looking for an album, so i was also looking for albums, i searched, if i hadn't come across the piggy bank, i wouldn't have realized, at least
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the insurance premium will not be awarded to florinskaya's relatives, tell me , the coins will be kept with you for now, yes, we will wait for the examination. and after the will is announced, the collection will pass to the new owner, yes, i have to take your fingerprints, from you, you touched it too coins. yeah, the point is that i have to be present when the coins are handed over, florinskaya has to sign a paper that she has no claims against the insurance company, of course, but hello, hello, hello, you found it, as you can see, no? no, what is not, there is no main thing, a coin of the novgorod voivode, without him the collection
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is inexpensive, what voivode, this coin, so without it, without it the collection costs three times less, and the cost of this coin is from 300,000 dollars, uh , my friend, don’t be sad, with your enthusiasm, i i think you'll find it quickly. how much do you get paid? what, do you want to get a job? well, for example, won't you like it? why? because we have to work, we definitely don’t have coins? exactly, and the rest are in place? let's check now, please check, so tell me, are you an investigator? yes, do you already have a suspect? i already have a suspect, yeah, uh, buddy, just ask me, ah! excuse me, excuse me,
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everything is in place except one. well, the fact that the coin is worn in boldochey’s apartment does not remove suspicion, of course it does not, who is the nephew? yes, he is on his father's side boldychev, well, maybe he just didn’t find the coins, i ’m worried about something else: why did florinskaya hide the coins on the eve of the murder? yes, maybe it’s not her at all, look. the nephew kills his aunt, finds a collection at the crime scene, realizing that he is the main
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suspect, he hid this collection right at the crime scene, but he kept one coin, the most valuable, for himself, one coin is easier to hide, yeah, nothing was found in his house, nope, nothing, but if it’s one coin, it’s generally impossible to find it, and what does the suspect himself say, he says that he doesn’t have an alebi, nothing else. “you can’t go to jail for this, it would be nice if his fingerprints were on the coins, so when they do it, today they promised, yes, they did everything , well, that’s it, okay, thank you, there are no fingerprints on boldychev’s coins, so what, well, that means he just didn’t found coins, and in general his main motive is..." apartment, maybe he didn’t find why florinskaya hid the coins, i don’t understand,
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it’s strange, she called the police about the robbery, that this novgorod coin was stolen from her, yes, well maybe. equal, equal, no, that’s understandable, here you are tell me, for example, to inspect the wheels, i’m primarily interested in the soil on the tread, well, the soil, you’ll have the soil, that ’s a coin, well this, well, that’s clear, that’s a coin, that’s clear, you’re thinking in the car, oh, where are you from? done, okay, meet me, this is a squirrel from the insurance company, i see,
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hello, what’s the car, i’m sure that ’s where he hid the coin, i think it’s not him, why did i find something here, what is it, look for yourself , think that it’s a murder weapon, wow, a pendant, uh-huh, mitya, come on look where it’s from, but it doesn’t matter, and no, well, if it doesn’t matter, then to shvetsova, it’s all to shvetsova, you know what? it doesn’t matter, let’s go to the investigator, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter,
4:26 am
good, hello, excuse me, please, fyodor mikhailovich, here today, he’s not here, but you wanted something, i, i would like to tell him, well, come on in , come in, thank you. have a seat, excuse me, i was talking with fyodor mikhalovich, and he asked me when i left, well then, when, at half past four you left, so yes, i left at half fifth, the thing is that you understand, i
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came back then, well, i forgot my shoes in the apartment, i and what time did you return? i returned, well, somewhere around five, maybe, well, maybe, but i managed to get to the metro, florinskaya was dead, yes, sit down, yul, you understand that now you are making a very important confession. yes, i mean not only that at 5 o’clock you saw the already dead owner, but also that you deceived us, i didn’t deceive, i didn’t deceive, i just didn’t say then, yul, you’re not 10 years old,
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you hid important information from the investigation. i it’s just, i was just afraid that they would fly me in, and why did they decide to tell me now, listen, i was scared, i thought that he would find me and kill me, or or tell me that i was there. who will kill? this, this is the number, pokrovsky, was he there? yes, right in the apartment? yes, no, no, he was coming down the stairs when i was going up, he still turned away and thought that i didn’t recognize him, but i recognized him, but i thought that he didn’t recognize me, that’s right, but
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yesterday he looked at me like that looked. what did i understand, what did i find out and was scared, where did you find this? company secret, i asked where did you find this? i traded with a homeless person and he found it in a trash can. the trash can stood at florinskaya’s entrance, why did you decide that it was the murder weapon? you know, i saw exactly the same one at florin’s house, and you know, in my opinion there is blood on it, in my opinion too, well, fyodor, you’ll go to the experts, naturally, marya sergeevna, i was just going there, let's...


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